I graduated with Master Degree in Digital Design and Interactive Building Environment from University of Sheffield, which strengthened me from the perspective of technical. From the studying experience, I became a qualified architect, to be more specific, skillful in architecture design, digital design, sustainable design, design to fabric and BIM Application and Management. With a strong interest in digital technology applied in architectural design area, I started my study in Sheffield. During the whole study period, we built our design scenario in the digital design context. It gave me a deeper understanding of how to protect old historian elopements, how to combine new with old ones and how to develop new from old. This is where the real value of digital technology lies, to protect, to consolidate and to create. The master degree also extended my knowledge specifically in digital design area. The study trip to ETH and EPFL provided us with the knowledge in robotic design and data driven design method. I also went through a lot of events like this, which not only taught me how to apply an advance tool into design, but also freed my mind and broadened my horizon. Additionally, the intensive prototype process during the whole study year gave me first-hand information and feeling on cutting edge tools used in Design to Fabrication industry. Last but not least, Sheffield also helped develop my interpersonal skills and improve team consciousness. I have a strong ability in communication and team management. I was able to make friends with many cool guys, who are my life long treasure. Those soft skills maybe are more important than my technique skills in digital design area. My personal interest lies in variety of areas, such as LOMO photography, reading and writing. My portfolio displays the work I finished in the recent years. Hope you like it.
GRADUATE WORK i-Studio Project Part 1-Sheffield Masterplan ii-Studio Project Part 2-Media Facade iii-Msc.Dissertation-Automatic reconstruction of heritages in South Yorkshire: From 2D Image Processing to 3D Built Environment Modeling
WORKSHOP From Design to Fabrication-Knectic Component Design
UNDERGRADUATE WORK i-Crative Hub Design ii-High-rise Hotel Design
DDIBE STUDIO PROJECT Part 1-Sheffield Masterplan The University of Sheffield, SSoA, Sheffield
PROJECT TEAM Zixing Yang, Chunqi Zhang, Xiuyuan Wu TUTOR Dr. Chengzhi Peng, Dr. Tsung-heisn Wang, Dr. Mark Meagher
The project consists of two parts. The first part aims to evaluate the current master plan from varied perspectives, such as climate change, social connection, energy consuming and so on. The second part is trying to provide a group based resolution for the future master plan development. Tools Use: Sketchup, Rhino, Grasshopper, Processing, Creative suit
Solar Study The sun path has been simulated around the site at various times of the year. This is to determine if there are any existing issues with regards to over shadowing in the site. The autumn has not been analysed as it has almost exactly the same sun path as the spring.
winter In the spring, student union, Hicks building cast shadow along the southeast edge of the student union concourse and the area between su and hicks building. The declination angle of the sun is low in the winter, which causes the most area of the site covered by a long shadow, except the plaza in front of IC.
19 MAR
22 JUN
21 DEC
12:00 At 12:00, the majority of shading area occurs in the area between SU and Hicks building, and Hounsfield Road.
19 MAR
22 JUN
21 DEC
15:00 The effect of the shading from Hicks building becomes more prominent as the day progresses and by 3pm the Hounsfield Road is shaded. Most of the area between SU and Hicks building is shaded as well.
19 MAR
22 JUN
21 DEC
18:00 At 6pm, most of the site is covered in shade throughout the year. In the summer some area to the west and south of IC is still not shaded.
19 MAR
22 JUN
21 DEC
From the initial analysis of the site with regards to shading and sunlight penetration, it can be learnt that: the plaza in front of IC has a good receiving of sunlight in most of the daylight.
The area between SU and Hicks building would almost constantly be covered by shade which would not be a very nice experience, considering its enclosed space.
Due to the slope and the relatively high building to the west, Hounsfield Rd also has a shade issue.
This could be a possible site that would be partly covered by shade, since the 6m high bridge to the north is not taken into account in the simulation.
Wind Simulation 2014
11:00 / 24.07.2014
x/y cut at z=2
Envi-met Simulation
11:00 / 24.07.2020
x/y cut at z=2
Leonardo Visualization
11:00 / 24.07.2050
x/y cut at z=2
Wind Speed
The Wind Speed in 10m above the ground was set as 2.59m/s, and the wind direction is WSW. (0:N 90:E 180:S 270:W/ 240.58) The major wind speed in 1.2m above the ground in the site on the day is from under 0.55 to 1.15m/s, which can be labeled as light air. As can be seen, the wind flow pattern are similar in 2014 and 2020. The IC plaza and part of Westernbank to the north of Hicks building have more wind flows than other area. But in 2050 scheme, the placement of the proposed high rise building(60m) besides IC and the 9m building to the southhase a large effect on the wind flow patterns from the E and WSW directions. The wind is clearly funneled in front of IC and Westernbank. The highest wind speed in the areas is over 2.95m/s.
The Envi-met model is based on a plain ground, which does not match the site's sloping topography, thus a repeated simulation was carried out in Vasari. It can generate wind tunnel outcome in real time and specify the horizontal plane you want to research. In this simulation, we choose 100m and 115m as two base plane.
2014 / 100m
2020 / 100m
2050 / 100m
2014 / 115m
2020 / 115m
2050 / 115m
As shown in the above figures, the main difference between Envi-met is: 1. the highest windspeed range, the Varsari results show a higher wind speed in part of the site. 2. Hounsfield Rd has a wind tunnel in 2014 and 2020, but the condition gets improved in 2050 due to the proposed buildings to the east.
URBAN CONTEXT | Digital Analysis
DDIBE STUDIO PROJECT Part 2-MEDIA FACADE The University of Sheffield, SSoA, Sheffield
TUTOR Dr. Chengzhi Peng, Dr. Tsung-heisn Wang, Dr. Mark Meagher
Brief: This project aims to give a development of the group work. By selecting the interest questionable area personally, a creative solution could come out. The Media Facade project mainly focus on the digital library usage condition as well as the reflection of the natural environment changing. Meanwhile, the vibrant LED color changing provides interactive opportunities between the university campus and the outside social society. A try for compromise different data sets as a simple communication tool. Digital Tools Use: Rhino, Grasshopper, Processing, Raspberry Pi, Python, Revit, Creative suit
DATA DISTRIBUTION | Envi-met & Occupancy Data & Vasari A. Envi-met result help select facade location B. IC occupancy data help generate metrix C. Vasari results help create adaptive panels
A. Display Chatting, writing and having meals
More shading provides better indoor outdoor
envoironmrent C. Interactive Touching Screen to build a new connection
between people and city
STRATEGIES change shape in relation to micro climate (passive ventilation system) Changing color. Different color represent different ranges of occupancy. Illuminate at midnight when ocuupancy is low enough.
Rendering for Night
Rendering for Day
SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE CHOOSE LED PANEL I-SHADING SYSTEM Dynamo: Using Vasari to culculate the solar radiation and export a CSV spreadsheet which contain a rich information of solar radiation values for points on the specific facade. II-LIGHTING SYSTEM Fadecandy: Fadecandy is a tool for creating interactive light art using addressable LED lighting. The Fadecandy Controller is powerful open source hardware for controlling
WS2811 "NeoPixel" LEDs with a computer over USB. Here I use it to creat a people involved tech-art. Raspberry Pi: The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized singleboard computers. To illustrate the Information commons occupancy data. This is a tool chose to illuminate the different shades of pixels.
DIGITAL PROTOTYPE | Dynamo & Raspberry Pi & FadeCandy Dynamo Workflow A. B. C. D. E. F. G.
Read data from CSV file Import the result in dynamo Plot insolation points on surface Locate curtain panel family on surface Have the curtain panel absorb the insulation value Find out which insolation point is closest to the curtain panel Import occupancy data Environmental data retrieve To generate the target database, the site model was imported into Vasari for solar radiation analysis. By setting different period of the year, we can generate specific time solar radiation results. These will be finally exporting as different CSV files. In my case, I choose the hottest day and the coolest day of the year and input them into Dynamo at the following stages.
Adaptive Panels Design By using Revit adaptive template, we could generate our models by setting up several corner points as adaptive points. The theory of using this is that the surface node would also recognize the adaptive corner points and load the panel family successfully. For my own thinking, I proposed to create a kind of rotation panel that will response to the solar radiation change. The rotation angle would define as instance that Family ‘Panel’ could be changed in both ‘project’ condition and in Dynamo. Family ‘Panel’ – This family define the basic parameters for the rotate panel, such as thickness and rotation angel. Family ‘Panel add Frame’ – This family help to define the square frame, which will further applied to the four adaptive points on the façade. Family ‘Panel add Frame’
The performance of the adaptive facade – The picture above illustrates how the angel of the rotation changes through all the year. Visual Programing with Dynamo Selected Packages List: 1.Is Point Inside Polygon 2.Normalization 3.Parse Solar Radiation CSV 4.Simple Patterning 5.XYZ Grid From Face When the preparation finished at the above steps, the data now could be transformed into visual programming tool – Dynamo. The basic workflow in the Dynamo can be split into following steps: 1.Import CSV files 2.Select the target surface and create UV grid in Dynamo 3.Project analysis points on surface and get points’ placement as UV coordinates. 4.Find matching panel through UV coordinates. 5.Create filtered lists of radiation sample for each panel and find their respective average
6.Create a list of Booleans for filtering out panels that have returned no matches. 7.Import relevant family type 8.Normalize radiation values and write to specific family parameter Evaluation of performance The final results shown as below demonstrate the how the rotation angle changed during the specific period of the year. During the spring and autumn, the lower floors of Information Commons is lack of sunshine, which should allow more sunshine to penetrate into the building. So the adaptive panel rotates a relevant angle in responds. Similarly in the 6:00 and 12:00 of summer, the façade transforms into different forms in responds of the solar radiation changing in the specific areas. However, there is a quite sufficient solar gain in winter, which the panels nearly stay the same all through a day.
Read data from CSV file
Plot insolation point on surface
Locate curtain panel families on the surface
Find out which point is closest to each panel
Raspbessy Pi Workflow|Python Scripting The picutre below show the pixels matrixs generated by online visulization tool: Manyeyes. These pixels would be use as a kind og image input in python, which is driven by raspberry pi. 01 RASP B
02 IMA G
Interactive Board | Processing & FadeCandy
Dissertation Project
TUTOR Dr. Tsung-heisn Wang DDIBE STUDIO PROJECT Msc dissertation – Automatic reconstruction heritage building The University of Sheffield, SSoA, Sheffield Brief: Heritage building conservation in the UK is highly developed in recent years and thousands of heritages were already numbered and shown online with fruitful academic achievements. With the advancements in digital technologies, end users can gain access to heritage information at ease. However, there is still a need to afford real-time referencing while visiting real buildings on site. For instance, end users, such as college students, visitors, and archaeology amateurs, cannot identify these heritages without solid professional knowledge. Digital Tools Use: 123D MAKE, Rhino, Grasshopper, Creative suit
1. The process of set the intersection planes. 2. The chosen building photos 3. The process of eliminating unnecessary outlines. 4. The procedure of eliminating the incorrect lines.
DIGITAL WORKFLOW ALGORITHM DEVEOPMENT 1. Evaluate meshes 2. Set intersection planes 3. Get cutting lines 4. Test the closed and building type
Georgian Architecture
Tudor architecture 1. A and B help to define the width of the window 2. C helps to check if the windows are in the same plane 3. D and E help to define the height of the window
Workshop From design to Fabrication
TUTOR Dr. Tsung-heisn Wang F r o m D e s i g n to F a b r i c a t i o n Knectic Component Design The University of Sheffield, SSoA, Sheffield Brief:This project is aim to facilitate a smooth Design- toFabrication workflow from computational strategies Construction taking into consideration geometry construction, material and fabrication constraints. For the parametric modelling based on Grasshopper, sections according to different proposed materials has been well managed to match together. 3D-printing and laser cutting as the two principal machinery processes adaptably used to support the fabrication. Certain power for 3D-printing and clear acrylic is the material respectively for each machinery method. In addition, some extra materials are also applied in the project for extra development. Digital Tools Use: Rhino, Grasshopper, Arduino, Creative suit
Structure The algorithmic principle of the panel parametric modelling is based on triangular girds. Then from the fundamental grids to grow up to four completed elements of the digital model which are structure, leaves, pipes and joints.
After finding the middle points of the triangle, we could generate the arcrylic strycture.
Leaf open Processing (close to open)
Adrudio Sensor Definition
The Corner Joints and Centre Joints The Corner Joints
Using arduino + firefly to let the leaf move
Creative Hub Design
TUTOR Dr. Angelique Edmonds Public Building Design,Adelaide,Australia UniSA, Architecture Design Syudio 6 Exchange Program, Independant Work
Brief:To increase the density of the Adelaide (South Australia) and re-structure the city fabric, there would be a new city hub to be built in the southwest of the city. The city hub designed to bring a new social learning and sharing platform for both professional artists and common people. By discovering the built environment, an idea of ‘city roof’ come out to mainly solve the confliction between earth using limitation and function diversity. Digital Tools Use: Sketchup, Revit, Creative suit
1 Glazing 2 firing 3 storage clean up 4 woodworking 5 artist rent studio 6 painting 7 sculpture 8 printmaking 9 jewellery 10 service areas 11 private office
5 18
Life Hub
17 16
12 6 6
5 5
15 13
11 21 11 11
Earth Work
4 14
1 3 2
12 private booth 13 co working space 14 individual workshop 15 sound separated meetinh room 16 printing area 17 dinaing area 18 lounge area 19 toilets 20 roof garden 21 exhibition area
Service Corn Circulation Corn
Detail Design