Welcome to our Y. Anchored in more than 10,000 neighborhoods around the country, the Y has the long standing relationship and physical presence not just to promise, but to deliver, lasting personal and social change. Strengthening Clarke and surrounding counties is our cause and we serve three crucial areas of focus to help individuals, families and communities learn, grow and thrive.
The Y is for Youth Development, because we believe all kids deserve opportunities to discover who they are and what they can achieve.
The Athens YMCA is unique in the area of Youth Development due to our ability to serve over 300 kids per day in our after school programs. We provide transportation for children to attend Y after school programs from 21 elementary and middle schools in 3 counties. We often find that our Y bridges the gap for childhood friendships.

Our “pride and joys” of youth offerings are swim lessons, day camp, and residential camp. We strongly believe that every child should have an opportunity to learn to swim, attend a day camp, and attend a sleep away camp. That strong belief is why we have worked tirelessly to ensure that our programs meet the physical, mental, and emotional needs of all kids.
The Y is for Healthy Living, improving the nation’s health and well-being. The Y brings families closer together, encourages good health and fosters connections through fitness, sports, fun and shared interests. The Athens YMCA has partnered with Piedmont Athens Regional to help design the best Healthy Living model possible. Through this partnership we have been able to offer a diabetes prevention program, a cancer survivor program, health fairs and screenings, Health Matters for families program, and assistance with health related questions from a registered nurse who is stationed in our building.
We have also redesigned our fitness schedule with highly demanded classes to help not only meet the needs of the community, but to encourage people to focus on their personal health. We pride ourselves on creating an environment that is welcoming and inclusive. A healthier community promotes well-being and offers a high quality of life.
The Y is for Social Responsibility, giving back and providing support to all our neighbors. The Y has been listening and responding to our communities’ most critical needs for 168 years. We are committed to collaborating with other community organizations that make social responsibility a priority, offering assistance to anyone in need, providing both paid and volunteer opportunities, and creating affordable programs for those with special needs. We provide roughly $200,000 for financial assistance and program improvements and have collaborated with organizations such as The Salvation Army, Hope Haven, Project Safe, and Northeast GA Foodbank. We currently supply our community with over 200 jobs, 600 hours worth of volunteer opportunities, and offer opportunities to obtain special certifications such as CPR, First Aid, Lifeguard, and Swim Instructor.
The Y is for the entire community, and is open to everyone. Donors enable the Athens YMCA, a charitable, non-profit organization in compliance with IRS code 501(C) 3, to offer a Financial Assistance Program for those individuals and families that qualify. We are here to serve you, your family and all of our communities while developing your spirit, mind and body. Welcome to our Y!
M. Shae Wilson-Gregg CEO

Monday - Friday 6 am - 9 pm
Saturday 8 am - 5 pm
Sunday Closed
Pleasenote:thetrack,fieldsandoutdoorfacilitiesclose30 minutespriortofacilityclosingtime.
¡Nuestra directora ejecutiva asociada, Jacqueline Shirley, se complace en ayudarlo en español! Se recomiendan citas para garantizar que ella estará disponible para ayudarlo. Para programar una cita con Jacqueline, llame al (706) 543-6596 o envíe un correo electrónico a jacqueline@athensymca.org.
The Athens YMCA uses a barcode scanner and photo for facility access. New members will receive their card and be asked to take a photo on their first visit to the Y.
Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 12:15 pm 3 pm - 7 pm
Saturday 9 am - 12 pm
Sunday Closed
Pleasenote:afamilymembershipisrequiredtousechild watch.Eachchildiseligibleforupto2hoursofcare.
Monday - Friday 6:15 am - 8:30 pm
Saturday 8:15 am - 4:30 pm
Sunday Closed
Pleasenote:laplanesareclosedfrom4pm-5pm MondaythroughThursdayduringtheschoolyear.
Outdoor pool dates: TBD
Monday - Friday 4 pm - 7:30 pm
Saturday 10 am - 4:30 pm
Sunday Closed
Memorial Day May 26
Independence Day July 4
Labor Day September 1
Thanksgiving Day November 27
Christmas Eve December 24
Christmas Day December 25
New Year’s Eve December 31
New Year’s Day January 1

To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
The Athens YMCA is guided by five core values:
To act in such a way that you are worthy of trust, to have integrity, to make sure your choices match up with your values.
To put others before yourself and be sensitive to their well-being.
To treat others as you would have them treat you, and to value the worth of every person including yourself.
To do what is right and be accountable for your behavior and obligations.
To develop your relationship with God and be a seeker of truth.
The Athens YMCA began on March 26, 1857 and has faithfully served our community for more than 168 years. As the nation’s third oldest YMCA, we are proud of our history serving Athens through youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.
Every day the Y supports kids, adults, seniors, and families with programs that protect, teach, connect, heal, nourish and encourage.
Across the U.S. there are more than 2,700 YMCAs in 10,000 communities.
Worldwide, the Y serves more than 45 million people in 124 countries.

TheFamilyandFamilyHealthClubmembershipsconsistofspousesandlegaldependentsuptotheageof23.HealthClub lockerroomsareforindividualsage18yearsoldandup.Anyone17andunderonaFamilyHealthClubmembershipwilluse themen’sorwomen’slockerroom.
The Joiner Fee is a one-time fee that is paid at the start of your membership. This fee is your investment in the YMCA and helps with facility repair in addition to equipment upgrades. The Joiner Fee will not be recharged as long as your membership is in good standing. If your membership is discontinued for more than one year, the Joiner Fee is charged again.
The monthly draft is an automatic, electronic, continuous debit from your checking account or credit card on the 15th of each month. The automatic draft is not a contract, but is perpetual. Drafts can be cancelled by the 10th of the month by filling out a cancellation form. Cancellations after the 10th of the month will go into effect the following month. Membership change and cancellation forms are available at athensymca.org/forms.
An annual membership is paid up front when joining. These memberships are non-refundable.

The Athens YMCA’s amenities include:
• Gymnasiums
• Indoor pool
• Seasonal outdoor pool
• Cardio & fitness center
• Group exercise classes
• Aerobics room
• Women’s wellness center
• Strength center (ages 16+)
• Racquetball courts
• Men’s & Women’s locker rooms
• Outdoor playground
• Outdoor pavilion
• Outdoor sports fields
• Soft surface outdoor track
• Outdoor running & walking trails
• Wellness coaching through Piedmont Athens
Regional RN April Dorsett Seepage8fordetailsonwellnesscoaching.
The Health Club is an upgraded locker room with a dry sauna and wet steam room. No one under the age of 18 is allowed in the Health Clubs.
Child Watch is a complimentary service offered to those with an Athens Y family membership. Children ages 6 weeks through 12 years are welcome in child watch up to two hours per day. Parents must remain on the YMCA’s premises. Children ages 11 and up are encouraged to stay with their parents and use the facility together. Children age 15 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Seepage8forwhatfitnessactivitiesyourchildcan participatein.
To ensure that all YMCA members and guests have an enjoyable and safe experience at the Athens YMCA, we have developed the following policies:
• Food and drinks are permitted in the front common and concession area only.
• Profanity and abusive language are not allowed.
• Tobacco, alcohol, and vapes are not permitted in the building or on the grounds.
• Pets are not permitted in the facility or on the grounds.
• Please report any damaged equipment or maintenance problems to office@athensymca.org.
• The YMCA may terminate membership without cause at any time determined by the YMCA’s CEO. The YMCA is a private non-profit corporation and reserves the right to refuse service at their discretion.
• Members must leave the facility and grounds by the posted closing times and may not enter the facility prior to opening times.
• The pool, field and outdoor facilities close 30 minutes before the building.
• Appropriate and family friendly workout attire is required. Shirts or tank tops covering the midriff must be worn at all times inside the facility. Closed toed athletic shoes must be worn in all fitness areas.
• Individuals are encouraged to use headphones or earbuds to listen to music or podcasts during workouts and in locker rooms to avoid disturbing others and maintain personal focus.
• Members are only allowed to use Athens YMCA trainers. No outside trainers are allowed.
We welcome guests in our facility. A guest pass is a great way to try the Athens YMCA out before joining.
• All guests are required to show ID and sign the guest waiver.
• All guests are required to adhere to the Athens YMCA code of conduct and all policies and procedures.
• Visiting with an Athens YMCA member: all guests visiting with a member receive one guest pass per year at no cost.
• Visiting without a member: each guest must purchase an Athens YMCA guest pass. If the guest decides to join the Athens YMCA on the same day, the guest pass cost will be credited towards the membership.
• Visiting from another YMCA: we welcome all guests visiting from other YMCAs. Guests will need to manually check in at the front desk.
Family (2 adults & up to 3 kids)
$15 per day
$10 per day
$20 per day
•TheAthensYMCAreservestherighttochangetheguestpass policyatanytime.
•TheYMCAwillnotofferfamilyguestpassesfromMay1stto September1st.
• Guestsareunabletousethehealthclubsandchildwatch.
To ensure the safety of our youth members and guests, all children 15 and under must follow our family fitness policies & guidelines. Seepage8forwhatfitnessactivitiesyour childcanparticipatein.
The Athens YMCA makes every effort to operate regular business hours. In the event of inclement weather, certain areas of the YMCA will open only if staff can arrive safely to the site. The YMCA reserves the right to close the entire facility depending on the severity of the inclement weather. Decisions are made in the best interest of our members, guests and staff. The decision to close the YMCA facility due to weather is that of the CEO or her designate. Please check your email and the Athens YMCA website for information regarding facility closings.
In the event of inclement weather, the Athens YMCA bases youth program decisions on school systems in our area.
• If school districts have a delayed opening: programs will resume as scheduled.
• If school districts are closed: programs will be cancelled.
• If school districts are dismissed during school hours: programs will be cancelled. Children will be sent home from school. Buses will not drop kids off at the Athens YMCA. Dismissal before 2:30 pm is considered early. Updates will be sent through email, text message and posted at athensymca.org/inclement-weather.
In the event of inclement weather, please check athensymca.org/inclement-weather for fitness class, evening swim lessons, and facility hour updates.
All new members are offered a Fitness Center orientation. The orientation is given by Fitness Center attendants and lasts 20 to 30 minutes. The orientation covers the use of machines, fitness center policies and YMCA programs. To set up an orientation, contact Wellness Director Elyse Gileselyse@athensymca.org.
Certified personal trainers can assist you with your fitness goals. A trainer can help you develop an individual fitness program, teach you about sports conditioning, stretching and more. Visit athensymca.org/personal-training to fill out an interest form and a member of our team will contact you.
We encourage your child to participate in wellness activities with you!
• Ages 11 & 12: Children ages 11 & 12 may use the Fitness Center with an adult present. The adult must be with the child at all times.
• Ages 13 - 15: Teens ages 13-15 may attend any of our group exercise classes with an adult. They may also be in the basketball gyms, pool, or fitness center alone as long as an adult is in the facility.
Pleasenote:theStrengthCenterandWomen’sOnly FitnessCenterareforages16+only

Piedmont Athens Regional and the Athens YMCA created a partnership in 2012 to promote wellness in our community.
April Dorsett, BSN, RN is a community educator and Safe Kids Coordinator. She offers members individual blood pressure screenings, nutrition consults, certified wellness coaching and car seat educational sessions. We observe National Health Awareness Days each month and April refers individuals as needed to other Piedmont Athens Regional services.
Our shared goal is to increase awareness and knowledge while providing health programs to members to reduce risk factors associated with chronic diseases. Together we are committed to empowering our YMCA members to improve and maintain their health.
To schedule a wellness coaching appointment or car seat educational session, please contact April DorsettApril.Dorsett@piedmong.org.
Piedmont Athens Regional and the Athens YMCA acknowledge almost everyone in our community has a connection with cancer. It is scary, but helpful when cancer patients know what to expect, where to get support, and how to stay healthy.
A cancer diagnosis introduces you to new vocabulary, new health plans, new goals and a new body. The Loran Smith Center at Piedmont Athens Regional has a team of health care professionals working together to assist cancer patients in improving their quality of life. They offer classes, support groups, counseling, nutrition and more for cancer patients at no cost. Visit their website or call (706) 475 - 4900 for more information.
Hundreds of studies report that exercise during and after cancer treatment is extremely beneficial. Cardio and strength training enhance your quality of life while helping you maintain muscle and fight fatigue. We offer a wide variety of classes at the Y. We recommend any of our low impact classes.
If you have any questions about resources offered please contact April Dorsett - April.Dorsett@piedmont.org.

• Aqua Arthritis: Slower paced movements with range of motion movements in the water.
• Aqua Cardio & Tone: 45-minute low-impact class is performed in deeper water and is designed to improve joint stability, coordination, heart health, and strength, using belts and water dumbbells.
• Aqua Flow: 45-minute lower impact moves designed to improve join stability, improve heart health and balance in the shallow end.
• Chair Yoga: All yoga poses are done seated in the chair and is accessible for most body types and abilities. The focus is on breath work and gentle postures for strength and mobility.
• Prime Time for Seniors: 45-minute cardiovascular workout focusing on strength training and flexibility moves, all completed using chairs for support while exercising using weights and bands.
• Aqua Tabata: 45-minute HITT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout in the water. Participants use maximal effort for 20 seconds and recover for 10 seconds. Dumbbells and mini bands are used.
• Dance HIIT: Learn choreographed dances with segments of weight training.
• Exhale Yoga: Yoga practice with a strength emphasis supporting stability & connection. Includes breathing techniques and simple mindfulness practices for your overall health and relaxation.
• Fast & Fabulous Cardio & Cardio Strength Step: 45-minute fast paced class that uses the step, free weights, bands, bars and mat for full body interval cardio and weight training.
• Flex & Flow: 45 minute class that incorporates mobility, flexibility and yoga postures to stretch the muscles and ligaments. Functional movements are important for being able to walk, run, sit and move the way the body is intended to, while improving your range of motion and decreasing the risk of injury.
• Flow Yoga: A more active series of poses known as vinyasa that links movement to breath. You can expect sun salutations, standing poses, and balancing work as well as deep relaxing stretches. All levels welcome.
• Gentle Yoga: This class features slow movement and breath work into a more active style of stretching and balancing known as vinyasa. You can expect Sun salutations, standing poses, as well as deep relaxing stretches on the mat.
• HIGH Fitness: Bigger, better, and HIGHer! Experience a modern twist on aerobics in a non-stop action-packed hour of cardio through easy to follow choreography and upbeat music you know and love. Adaptable to all levels of fitness, you can go high, you can go low.
• HIIT: 45-minute class high-intensity interval training, keeps your heart rate up and burns more fat in less time of interval training using your body weight, free weights, bands, bars, and mats.
• Indoor Cycle: 45-minute class in the cycle room of fun and sweat to music to keep you going.
• Low Impact Cardio Strength: 45-minute class with segments that increase your heart rate with cardio and weight training with focusing on balance and stretching at end. The class uses mini-bands, bands, weights and mats. You can modify for any level.
• Outdoor Boot Camp: 45-minute class on the field and track using a mixture of traditional calisthenics and bodyweight exercises, along with interval training, strength training, and other exercise training routines.
• Pilates Fusion: 45-minute class designed to improve physical strength, flexibility, posture, and enhance mental awareness. We use weights and balls in the beginning, then move to the floor for mat work.
• POUND®: Channel your inner rockstar with this 45-minute full-body cardio jam session inspired by the infectious, sweat-dripping fun of playing the drums with music.
• Turn and Burn: 20 minutes of fun fast paced cycle ride and 20 minutes of weight training and core. Starts in the cycle room and ends in the aerobic room.
• Unhitched Barre: 45-minute group exercise class that is a blend of body weight training using mini bands, weights, and core exercise with a mat to work your whole body.
• Yin Yoga: A series of long-held, relaxing floor poses that focus on the groupings of the body– the hips, legs, upper body and full body, strengthening connective tissues.
Allclassescanbemodifiedtofitmostexerciseneeds.Classesaresubjecttochange.Pleasevisitourwebsiteforthe mostcurrentclassesoffered.Allclassesare45to50minutesunlessotherwisenoted.
Below is some information about our indoor pool:
• Pool length: 25 yards
• One lap (down the length and back): 50 yards
• A swimming mile: 1650 yards or 33 laps
• Pool temperature: 85 degrees
• All lap lanes close from 3:55 pm to 4:55 pm Monday through Friday during the school year.
• Lap lanes are to be used by adults (ages 16+) for lap swimming. Please limit your swim time to 60 minutes if others are waiting. Circle swim is encouraged, but not required.
• If you are lap walking, please give up your lap lane to others who are waiting to lap swim.
• The skinny lane opens and closes throughout the day. Please check the schedule for times available.
The Athens YMCA periodically offers CPR and First Aid courses. Please visit athensymca.org/CPR for dates and times.

Minimum age 16 by the last day of the scheduled course and completion of the Physical Competency Requirements as listed below. This is conducted on the first day of class.
The following must be completed in succession:
• Tread water for 2 minutes (legs only)
• Swim 100 yards of front crawl
• Swim 50 yards of each: front crawl with head up, sidestroke, breaststroke, breaststroke with head up, elementary backstroke kick with hands on chest
• Perform a feet first surface dive in 8 feet of water and swim underwater for 15 feet
• Sprint for a distance of approx. 60 feet, and then perform an armover-arm surface dive in 8 feet of water
• Pick up an object from the bottom of the pool, surface, tread water for at least 1 minute with legs only, and replace the object back to the bottom of the pool where it was found
• Swim the remaining length to the end of the pool, hoist yourself out of the water
• Immediately begin compressions on an adult manikin for 1 minute or 100 compressions; stand and listen for directions from instructor
• Quickly walk over to an elevated lifeguard stand, climb onto the lifeguard stand, sit down, look near your feet for a colored shape, and find the matching colored shape while scanning the pool area
• Scan & identify an object located somewhere in the pool area
• Stand up and blow a whistle loud and clearly shout “the Y is great” and then exit the lifeguard stand
Requirements for lifeguard certification are:
• 100% participation and 100% attendance
• Must score 80% or higher on each section of the YMCA lifeguard tests
• Must score 80% or higher on the CPR Pro, Basic First Aid, and Emergency Oxygen written tests
• Successfully perform all practical skills
• Successfully demonstrate the ability to prevent, recognize, activate emergency action plan, rescue, provide emergency care, and complete reports
• Successfully demonstrate the strength and maturity to be a lifeguard to prevent accidents and also respond to emergencies through classroom and pool scenarios
A 30-minute class for children 6 months to 3 years and their parents. This class is held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The primary objective is to get a child and parent comfortable in the water. The child will become aware of the difference between moving through water and on dry land, while the parent will become aware of how to teach the child to be safer in and around the water. Classes are designed to allow the child to have fun in the water while the parent guides them to learn aquatic skills. Children are exposed to games that use basic movements such as kicking, arm strokes, and breath control. Parents must accompany infants and toddlers in the water. All children must wear rubber pants with tight fitting elastic legs - no diapers please.
This program is structured to accommodate developmental abilities of children while teaching fundamental swimming skills and water safety. Youth swim lessons further develop the four YMCA swim lesson levels covering all the strokes, diving fundamentals, and safety skills. Our instructors make it fun to develop a lifelong appreciation for aquatic activities, which not only include swimming but also lifesaving, lifeguarding and aquatic sports.
From a child’s first experience in the water to intermediate stroke and personal development, basic skills are taught using games that emphasize kicking, arm strokes and breath control. Classes meet four times per week for two weeks.
A step by step progression of swimming and water safety skills that enable a child to swim safely, enjoy the water and use swimming as a lifetime fitness sport. This program has five main components: personal growth, personal safety, stroke development, water sports and games and rescue. Each skill level builds upon the preceding level, covers all the strokes, diving fundamentals and safety skills. Throughout all levels, students are taught aquatic safety, boating safety and rescue skills.
It’s never too late to learn how to swim! If you fear the water, don’t worry - we’ll move slowly.
Recreational and instructional swimming for children ages 5 to 12 with special needs. Classes meet Mondays or Wednesdays with starting times at 5:15 PM. Lessons are 50 minutes in length and are one-on-one instruction. For more information on Adaptive Swim, please email adaptive@athensymca.org.
One-on-one instruction for 30 minutes. For more information, please email Ben Schultzben@athensymca.org

This program is designed to introduce children to ballet and tap while developing flexibility and coordination. Dancers will learn age appropriate movements and techniques. A recital will be held at the end of the quarter for dancers to show off their hard work!
Our program is designed to introduce beginners to the sport and improve experienced players while building self-esteem and incorporating sportsmanship, working as a team, and healthy living.
This program is designed to introduce the fundamentals of cheerleading. Participants will learn sideline cheers, jumps, basic stunts, and a halftime routine to perform throughout the season.
Children will be introduced to basic elements of choir and music including pitch, range and rhythm. A recital will be held at the end of the quarter to share their voices.
Our Cross Country program is designed to help your child create and reach goals, increase endurance, inspire sportsmanship and introduce the life-long sport of running.
This program is designed to teach kids the styles of modern, hip hop, lyrical, step and contemporary dance. Dancers will be encouraged to show their creativity through movement in an environment that promotes self-confidence, unity and leadership. Dancers will learn 2-3 dances to perform for family and friends at the end of the quarter.
This program is designed to develop players in the essential football fundamentals: blocking, tackling and ball skills while providing a safe, fun learning environment. Participants will gain an understanding of offensive and defensive schemes while working in noncontact, individualized drills for each football group. Weekly games will be organized in a 7v7 format.

This sport is fast paced and incorporates a more individualistic style of play. The program is intended to build self-esteem, sportsmanship, working as a team and healthy living.
Our program is designed to introduce beginners to the sport and improve experienced players while building selfesteem and incorporating sportsmanship, working as a team, and healthy living.
This program introduces kids to the fields of science, technology, engineering, art and math through an experiment-based curriculum.
This program is designed to teach teens appropriate ways to exercise and healthy eating habits. The program will consist of swim classes, spin classes, bootcamp classes and more. Teens will also learn how to care for our YMCA garden. They will plant seeds, pull weeds, spread soil, water plants and learn to cook with produce and herbs.
Our program is designed to introduce beginners to the sport and improve experienced players while building selfesteem and incorporating sportsmanship, working as a team, and healthy living. This program introduces kids to sprinting, middle- and long-distance, and all field events.
For 89 years, the Athens YMCA has offered children a unique summer camp experience with a long-standing tradition of building strong kids, strong families and strong communities.
Making friends, learning new skills, developing confidence and building self-esteem is what our day camp is all about.
Camp Kelley fosters personal growth through a wide variety of age appropriate group and individual activities. The children are cared for by well-trained, responsible and enthusiastic staff.
Cobern Kelley was a beloved teacher, mentor and spiritual leader to thousands of youth in the Athens community. Kelley began working at the Y while attending the University of Georgia in 1930. He was promoted to the Physical Director in 1942 and served the community in this capacity until his death in 1968. Kelley founded the Athens YMCA day camp, fondly known as Camp Kelley.
Kelley truly believed in being a positive role model for the children in his care. Below is a direct quote from Kelley.
“One hundred years from now, it will not matter what kind of car I drove, what kind of house I lived in, how much money was in my bank account, nor what my clothes looked like. But the world may be a better place because I was important in the life of a child.”
His legacy lives on in our after-school programs and summer day camp. Campers spend time in the chapel Kelley built, work through devotionals created by Kelley’s teachings, experience nature, sing, dance, play competitive sports, and simply live the life of a child every day at Camp Kelley.
Cubs Ages 5 & 6
Ages 7 & 8
Ages 9 & 10
Ages 11 to 13
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
May 27 - 30 No
June 2 - 6
June 9 - 13
June 16 - 20
June 23 - 27
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
July 7 - 11
July 14 - 18
July 21 - 25
July 28 - Aug 1
The Athens YMCA is excited to offer specialty camps during the summer. Specialty camps camps run Monday through Friday from 9 am to 12 pm.

This is a music-based program for children with special needs. Sessions are offered during the Spring and Fall. The music therapy program facilitates relationships through music that benefits children emotionally, cognitively, socially and behaviorally. For more information on Music Therapy email Laura Osbornelaura@athensymca.org.
We offer adaptive swim for children with special needs. Seepage11formoreinformation.
Sunshine Studio is a day program for adults with special needs. To learn more about dates and times, email Jordan Osbornejordan@athensymca.org.
Pick up basketball is offered for members ages 16 and up. Please check in with the front desk about days and times.
Join our Garden Club! This club meets several times per year to share recipes, learn about various horticulture topics, and spend time in the Athens YMCA garden. For more details, email Elyse Giles - elyse@athensymca.org.
The Athens YMCA offers full day activities for schoolaged children during some holidays and school breaks. Please check the front office or your online account for availability. Please visit our web-site for additional information.

The Men’s Bible Study group meets on Thursday mornings at 7 am for fellowship, prayer and scriptures. The Bible Study is open to the community.
The Athens YMCA has been an indispensable part of the Athens-Clarke County and surrounding communities for more than 166 years. Each day, we open our doors to men, women, children and families who join us in a shared goal: to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
Generous contributions from people like you allow the Athens YMCA to thrive. Your gift to the Annual Campaign allows us to be a safe place for individuals to become healthy in every way. Because of you, we are able to provide meaningful programs and services to everyone in our community. Because of you, we welcome people of all ages, backgrounds, races, cultures, faiths and abilities - regardless of income.
Every gift the Y receives yields remarkable results. If you would like to make a contribution, please contact Jacqueline Shirley- jacqueline@athensymca.org.
70 $ 135 $ 270 $ 540 $ 750 $ 1200 $
provides a session of life-saving swim lessons for a child or adult provides one week of safe and fun summer day camp where a child makes life-long memories
provides six months for an individual to better their health with an adult membership provides connection and wellness to a senior couple for one year at the Y provides one family the opportunity to be healthy and active together with a Y membership for one year provides confidence-building youth programs for a child during the school year

We have several exciting opportunities to give back throughout the year! Some of our available opportunities are below. For the most updated information and volunteer options, visit our website at athensymca.org/volunteer.
•Kindermarket Consignment Sale: Volunteers are needed during our semi-annual kindermarket consignment sale! This event is held twice a year in the Spring and Fall. Volunteers shop first! Email kindermarket@athensymca.org to learn more and volunteer.
• Run Through the Woods 5k: Volunteer with us at our annual Run Through the Woods 5k! This event takes place in August each year. Email elyse@athensymca.org for more information and to sign up!
•Summer Day Camp Leader in Training: This summer program is for teens ages 14 & 15. Teens work in our summer day camp and participate in career development and leadership trainings in addition to several other activities. This position requires an interview and training process. Visit athensymca.org/day-camp to learn more!
•Sunshine Studio: Spend some time with the coolest people around! Sunshine Studio is a program for adults with special needs. Volunteers are needed throughout the year to assist with participants and their activities. Email jordan@athensymca.org to learn more!

Join a work environment that is invigorating, fun, diverse, and rewarding! We offer both seasonal and year-round opportunities. Below are examples of positions we offer. For our current list of available positions and to apply, visit athensymca.org/jobs!
• Athletic Coaches
• Child Watch Team Members
• Fitness Center Attendants
• Group Exercise Instructors
• Housekeeping & Janitorial
• Lifeguards
• Membership Team Members
• Summer Day Camp Staff
• Swim Lesson Instructors
• Youth Program Coaches
Date TBD • Time TBD
Join us for a dip in the outdoor pool! Best costume wins a prize. Are you gnome enough?
Feb 26 - March 1 • Time Varies
Join us for our semi-annual consignment sale. This is the best place to buy gently used baby items, household goods, furniture and clothes for the whole family.
Aug 2 • 8am
Join us for our annual cross country 5k in memory of Coach Mike Castronis!
Dates TBD • Time Varies
Join us for our semi-annual consignment sale. This is the best place to buy gently used baby items, household goods, furniture and clothes for the whole family.
Oct 23 • Time TBD
Trunk or Treat from trunk to trunk at the Athens YMCA! This event is fun for the whole family.
Dates TBD • Self-Paced
Join us for our annual Jingle Bell Mile Swim! Swim, aqua jog or aqua walk your mile.
Dates TBD • Self-Paced
Celebrate the holiday season with some fun fitness challenges between Thanksgiving and New Years! The more bingo squares you complete, the higher your chances of an awesome gift basket filled with local prizes.