HBO’s Succession, created by Jessie Armstrong (Executive Producer, Creator and Show Runner) is an American satirical comedy drama that looks at media from the vantage point of a family at the top of an international conglomerate empire. How do you maintain power and keep it in the family? The importance of dominance, edge, alliances, and acquisitions are key. Likewise is whom in the family is next to lead the empire, who can be sacrificed, and defining and keeping loyalty. These themes run throughout each episode as we learn more about Waystar Royco. In the series' second season, we continue to watch how Logan Roy (Brian Cox) is navigating his company as he fights off competing firms and the interests of his family who believe they are ready to take the reigns. Two siblings in particular are pitted against one another as they struggle to prove their ability to be their father’s number 2. The heir apparent, Logan’s eldest son Kendall Roy (Jeremy Strong) is unable to establish his takeover due to a badly designed plan. His sister Siobhan (Sarah Snook) is thrown into the mix, colluding with her father for the firm. Ultimately, we end the season with Kendall declaring his birthright, aiming directly at his father. You can watch both seasons of Succession which will go into production for the 3rd season on HBO as well as HBO Max. This month we’re focusing on the intersectionality between Logan, Siobhan and Kendall as they navigate 3 key areas - the depths to stay in favor with someone providing access; making alliances known; and when to take what’s rightfully theirs? Stills/Clips/BTS content courtesy of Succession/HBO