Farming Scotland Magazine (September - October 2014)

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Evolution, not revolution!

In business, it is always a bad idea to stand still, to feel comfortable, to think that you had done it all, got it made. Well, I know that is a well-known mantra amongst business gurus, and to be honest, one that I hold close to my heart here at the magazine. I find standing still to be rather boring in fact, and that is why we will ‘evolve’ the look of Farming Scotland Magazine for our next edition in November. Like my heading says though, it will be an evolutionary process rather than a single issue revolution. I am talking about the ‘look & style’ of the magazine. We will be changing the front cover and front end of the magazine to give it a more stylish look, which, out there in the ‘retail battlefield’, we hope will enhance our marketing potential. “Image is everything” it is said. Well, yeah up to a point. We are proud of the range of contents that we bring our readership, but we are also aware that we need to stand out in the crowd. So, once again dear friends, we are moving forward here at Farming Scotland Magazine. Come November, I hope you like the evolved ‘look’ and I wish your own businesses continuing successful evolution through these current “interesting times”.



October 2014

Main Features Grain Dryers ............. 12-21

Country Woman .... 105-106

Agriscot Preview ........ 70-89

Finance ................. 115-117

Gadgets ........................107

Ploughs ................... 97-103

Machinery ............. 118-133

Muck Spreaders ..... 108-114

Lifestyle@Home ...... 134-135 Cars ...................... 136-137

Profiles Carrs Billington .......... 31-46 Wm. Armstrong ......... 59-65

Columns In My View ........................5

Beautiful Tractors Hart Parr & Waterloo Boy ..11

Scottish Government ...........7 Crofting .............................9

Let's Cook Scotland ..........22

Flavour of Scotland Featuring Drummuir Ice-Cream.................. 22-24

Whisky ............................23 Farmers Markets ..............24 Farming for the Climate ....27

Our Farm Shop Craigie Farm Deli & Cafe ...25

Quality Meat Scotland ......51 The Vet ............................55

NEWS SECTIONS Arable........................... 4-7

National Sheep Association ......................57

Potatoes ...................... 8-10

Conservation Matters .......90

Renewable Energy ..... 26-30

Scottish Land & Estates ....91

Livestock .................... 48-55

Equine Angle ...................95

Sheep........................ 57-58

Rural Style .....................105

PUBLISHER/EDITOR Athole Murray Fleming E-mail: Email:

Dairy ........................ 66-68

Southern Belle ................106

Estate ........................ 90-92

Online Savvy .................107

Forestry ..................... 93-94

Farm Watch...................133

ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Athole Murray Fleming Tel. 01738 639747

Horses ....................... 95-96

People on the Move........138

Future Farmer ................104

Book Review ..................138

Slàinte, Athole.

ADVERTISING MANAGERS Barry Tweed Tel. 01738 550157 Email: Trevor Knights Tel. 01738 447378 Email: PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Christina Fleming Email: PUBLISHER’S NOTES COPYRIGHT This publication has been produced and published by ATHOLE DESIGN & PUBLISHING LTD who are the copyright owners. No reproduction, copying, image scanning, storing or recording of any part of this publication without the permission of ATHOLE DESIGN & PUBLISHING LTD. SUPPLIED MATERIAL ATHOLE DESIGN & PUBLISHING LTD does not accept any liability for loss or damage to supplied photographs or other such promotional material. FARMING SCOTLAND MAGAZINE is designed, produced and published by Athole Design & Publishing Ltd.

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Grass Farmer of the Future 2014

The British Grassland Society has teamed up with the NFYFC to provide grassland training and an exciting competition for young farmers. Following the success of last year’s pilot training day we have organised the second event to be held on 17th September 2014 at Eastfield Farm, North Perrott, Somerset, kindly hosted by dairy farmer, Matthew Senior. Participants of the training day will have the chance to enter the Grass Farmer of the Future Competition by submitting a grassland

based business plan for a set livestock farm scenario. The prize available to the successful entrant is a scholarship for the BGS Summer Meeting 2015 in Cornwall. Winners will also be invited to attend the BGS Grassland Farmer of the Year Awards Evening in Cheshire in October. Believe it or not, GRASS is still the cheapest, most versatile, and profitable crop we grow and feed to our animals with in the UK today. This crop, which was domesticated over 12,000 years ago, accounts for 70% of UK farm land but is still largely underutilised despite being a profit driver in all systems. Young grassland farmer competition BGS have teamed up with the NFYFC to run a young grassland farmer competition which offers a training opportunity to build a skills

base for future grassland farming as well as the chance for the successful participant to win a sought after prize. The training will cover grassland management for sheep/beef/ dairy as well as considering environmental issues and business management skills. The training event will be held in Somerset, kindly hosted by Matthew Senior; dairy farmer and BGS Grassland Farmer of the Year Finalist 2012. Matthew farms organically on medium – heavy soils in the headwaters of the River Parrott. Key aspects that participants will see on his farm include the utilisation of fertility building grassland mixtures and successful farm infrastructure design and management. Matthew has also adopted a range of soil management practices to cope

with the prolonged wet weather experienced by the region in recent years. There will be a range of speakers organised by BGS who are experts in the various factors of grassland management. There will also be the opportunity to walk the farm and quiz Matthew and the other speakers on their techniques. The aims of the day are for participants to come away with improved knowledge and ideas to implement on their current or future farms to improve their grassland management and therefore increase profitability of their businesses. : {*) ]^ihlbm bl k^jnbk^]% mabl bl k^_ng]Z[e^ nihg Zmm^g]Zg\^' ;hhdbg` _hkfl \Zg [^ h[mZbg^] _khf ma^ G?R?< p^[lbm^3 ppp'g_r_\'hk`'nd( `kZlleZg]mkZbgbg`

Best Young Mycologist in Europe accolade for researcher A scientist from the James Hutton Institute has been named the best young mycologist in Europe and joined an elite group of only six researchers around the world to be awarded a similar accolade for their continent. Dr Alison Bennett, a rhizosphere microbiologist in the Ecological Sciences


group has been distinguished with the Elias Magnus Fries Medal for 2014, awarded by the International Mycological Association (IMA) to the best young mycologist in Europe. Professor John Taylor, IMA president during the nomination and election procedure, said the award is made just once every four years. “Although

the association represents more than 30,000 mycologists throughout the world, there are only six such awards bestowed each cycle, one for each continent,” he explained. On being awarded the Prize, 38-year-old Dr Bennett said: “I have to admit that I was stunned when I won the award. It’s a great honour.

Winning the award was only possible through my work with my many collaborators here at the James Hutton Institute as well as around the world. I am lucky to be able to work with such amazing scientists on such fascinating mycological questions.” Professor Colin Campbell, Director of Science Excellence



3URJUHVV DW ODVW at the James Hutton Institute, commented: “We are very pleased and proud of Alison’s success in winning this prestigious honour. She has not only been successful in her own

right as an innovative scientist but also gives a great deal back to her colleagues and supports students in our Postgraduate school through training and mentoring.�

New oilseed rape fungicide adds a new dimension to autumn disease control The introduction of the new non-plant growth regulating oilseed rape fungicide RefinzarŽ (penthiopyrad + picoxystrobin) this autumn adds a vital component to the product armoury, at a time when lack of product choice and limited mode of action could put pressure on achieving appropriate levels of phoma and light leaf spot control. In addition to its disease control benefits, trials have shown that RefinzarŽŽ significantly enhances oilseed rape rooting – a characteristic associated with crop establishment, better nutrient and water uptake and providing better anchorage of the plants. RefinzarŽ applied at a rate of 1l/ha is to be positioned as an early autumn fungicide for taking out phoma infection primarily – from two leaves to GS30 – and will also help ensure light leaf spot is

controlled when applied as part of a seasonal programme. “Until recently growers have principally had to rely on products with a triazole mode of action in the autumn so the arrival of RefinzarŽ adds more choice for growers who now have access to two excellent and proven non-triazole active ingredients,� says DuPont fungicide product manager Mike Ashworth. “With light leaf spot spreading out of its traditional area of the north and west and into the oilseed rape heartland of the south and east, there is an increasing need to address this disease. The control of light leaf spot relies on a programmed approach and RefinzarŽ breaks the reliance on triazole chemistry in this programme. With excellent yield responses as a result of treatment, RefinzarŽ offers a cost-effective autumn disease control strategy for oilseed rape.�

%\ -RKQ &DPHURQ %DOEXWKLH .LOFRQTXKDU )LIH The Beef Industry received some encouraging news recently when ABP of Perth announced that they are going to start the use of VIA to assess the confirmation of beef carcasses at their abattoir in Perth. VIA for those who are not familiar with technical jargon means Visual Imaging analysis and – as the title suggests uses a highly sophisticated form of X-ray photography to assess the characteristics of a carcass. The great advantage of this long overdue facility is that it will provide a uniform assessment from one end of the country to the other – whereas at the present moment classification – or grading as it is often called – is done manually by graders who although they are knowledgeable about their subject and have all received technical training – from the very nature of their task and having to deal with both carcasses from the beef sector and carcasses from the dairy sector coming from producers in Devon and Cornwall through to producers in Caithness, makes it difficult to be constant. To achieve uniformity under these circumstances with any system involving a manual appraisal is almost impossible. And yet with most wholesalers making payments according to

different levels of classification it is vital in the producers’ interest that the industry achieves that uniformity from one end of the country to the other for all carcasses. For me the critical question is why has it taken so long to come to Scotland. ABP is currently using this technique in its six meat plants in Ireland and two in Northern Ireland with installation of the new system underway in some of their plants down south. Apart from this obvious advantage of grading becoming uniform it will also have a more precise effect on the eventual monetary result for any particular carcass. In addition the system will be able to store images of the carcasses so that if any queries arise the evidence is there for all to see. There is also the possibility of many other technical advantages – truly a win - win situation. My question, as I have said, is why did it take so long to be introduced in Scotland? Some of us have been calling for it for some time now. After all a similar system is in use in many parts of Europe for some time now. Ah well – better late than never. Who knows, - we may even get VIA for lamb carcasses soon! Anyway compliments to ABP for getting there first! 5


Two trailed sprayers make short work of large acreage

With 1500 acres of potatoes, 360 acres of carrots and 1700 acres of cereals to look after, there is a big reliance on the sprayer to treat a large number of acres in the minimum amount of time. Tasked with organising the spraying activities on Philip Benzies’ Gairnieston Farm based at Turriff, Aberdeenshire is Eddie Gauld who points out that it is not just the sheer volume of spraying required, it is also the distances that have to be travelled to reach the fields. “Like most other potato and carrot growers we need to rent clean land on an annual basis,” he explains. “And to achieve our required


ARABLE acreages means taking on land which can be as far away as Elgin in the west and Ellon in the east – a distance of 40 miles from the farm in one direction and only slightly less in the other.” The potato crop is aimed at the pre-pack market and includes 190 acres of organically grown potatoes which need special attention in the spray department, particularly when blight conditions are present. There is also a high degree of specialisation in the cereals grown - the bulk of the acreage is used for malting barley production which can call for some accurate timing of fungicide application to control yield sapping foliar diseases and, as most will know, attention to detail is always required for successful carrot crops to be produced. Until three years ago the whole spraying operation was performed by contractors but a couple of years ago a decision was taken to reduce the dependence on them by purchasing a self-propelled sprayer and hiring in a second one. “Having chosen to bring all the spraying in-house, the initial plan was to purchase a second self-propelled but we decided it would be a better and more sensible investment to buy two trailed sprayers – not least because two of our tractor drivers said they would prefer to be in their tractors rather than in the cab of a self-propelled sprayer,” says Mr Gauld. As a result, two Chafer Sentry sprayers were delivered to the farm – their key role is to help out with the control of blight when it is essential for potato crops to receive regular protection, although they are also kept working pretty much daily throughout the spring and autumn months. The new Sentrys are fitted with twin-fold 30m booms and

have 5000 litre tanks – clean water is provided by bowsers which can be rapidly refilled from strategically placed large volume water storage tanks. Mr Gauld pays particular tribute to the design of the steel boom which, he says, has a suspension system that despite the width of the boom, manages to dampen any tendency for it to yaw, bounce or tilt. “We also have Chafer’s Contour automatic boom levelling system that uses ultrasonic sensors to allow a set boom height to be maintained, but I have to say the suspension system is such that it seems to achieve this on its own.” He adds that when making headland turns the boom remains stable and does not tilt so the end nozzles dive into the crop – a feature which he recognises is enhanced through having a chassis with a load compensating air suspension system, and a steering axle rather than a steering drawbar, an arrangement that ensures the centre of balance is retained in the middle of machine and not out to one side. While being a simple, userfriendly sprayer to use – the controls are straight forward and logical to use, he says – there is also the high degree of sophistication present now expected of modern sprayers. “I particularly like the automatic boom section cut off system which uses information provided by the towing tractor’s GPS guidance system to avoid over spraying on headlands and also occasionally in the field when there are overlaps,” he says. “And the way the entire spray line is purged with chemical solution so that the whole boom starts spraying at the same time is impressive – not to forget that this system is also used to rinse the spray lines with clean water.”

The new CAP reform By Richard Lochhead Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment The Scottish Government

L\hmeZg] l fZbg ]^\blbhgl Z[hnm bfie^f^gmbg` ma^ g^p <hffhg :`kb\nemnkZe Iheb\r !<:I" aZo^ ghp [^^g _hkfZeer ln[fbmm^] mh >nkhi^% f^Zgbg` p^ \Zg ghp `bo^ L\hmmbla _Zkf^kl Zg] \kh_m^kl \eZkbmr Z[hnm paZm ma^ g^p <:I pbee f^Zg _hk ma^f' Mabl bg\en]^l bg_hkfZmbhg Z[hnm ahp <:I iZrf^gml fb`am \aZg`^ ng]^k ma^ g^p lrlm^f Zl p^ee Zl fhk^ ]^mZbe Z[hnm bfie^f^gmZmbhg kne^l _khf +)*. hgpZk]l' Lbg\^ fr Zgghng\^f^gm bg Cng^ Z[hnm ahp <:I k^_hkf pbee [^ bfie^f^gm^] bg L\hmeZg]% Z ehm h_ phkd aZl [^^g `hbg` hg [^abg] ma^ l\^g^l mh _bkf ni ma^ ]^mZbel Zg] \hfie^m^ ma^ g^\^llZkr iZi^kphkd bg mbf^ _hk >N ]^Z]ebg^l' P^ aZo^ ghp _hkfZeer ln[fbmm^] hnk knkZe ]^o^ehif^gm ikh`kZff^ !LK=I" mh >nkhi^ _hk ZiikhoZe% pab\a \Zg [^ jnbm^ Z e^g`mar ikh\^ll% Zg] f^m ma^ e^`Ze ]^Z]ebg^ h_ * :n`nlm _hk ghmb_rbg` >nkhi^ h_ hnk fZbg ]^\blbhgl hg ]bk^\m iZrf^gml' Mabl bg\en]^l ma^ gnf[^k h_ iZrf^gm k^`bhgl bg L\hmeZg]% ma^ mkZglbmbhg mh Zk^Z&[Zl^] iZrf^gml% Z]]bg` lihkmbg` ^lmZm^l mh ma^ g^`Zmbo^ eblm% Zg] \Ziibg` o^kr ab`a bg]bob]nZe [Zlb\ iZrf^gml Zee h_ pab\a B Zgghng\^] bg fr lmZm^f^gm mh IZkebZf^gm bg Cng^ Zl p^ee Zl ohengmZkr \hnie^] lniihkm Zg] `k^^gbg`' Bm bl ^ll^gmbZe p^ `^m ma^ ]^mZbel kb`am lh p^ Zk^ ghm

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Potato producer is chipper about packing-palletising automation

Following the installation of an automated sack packing and robotic palletising line from Pacepacker Services, awardwinning potato producer Foden & Abel is poised to launch a contract vegetable packing service. Lugging around sacks of spuds is back-breaking work, and no-one knows this better than Foden & Abel. Until very recently, the West Midlands based firm was packing and palletising 25kg sacks of potatoes on a manual line operated by four people. “Our old system was very labour intensive, slow and fraught with health and safety issues. We were packing six tonnes of potatoes per hour, which meant someone had to physically carry 40 sacks to each pallet,� says Chris Abel, one half of the motherson partnership that runs the 200-hectare century-old family farm near Lichfield, Staffordshire. The farm’s core business is growing ‘chipping’ varieties of potato, such as Challenger, Leonardo and Markies, for supply to fish and chip shops and wholesalers nationwide. To take the 100-year-old business forward, Foden & Abel is diversifying into packing root vegetables and onions for

other farms, as well as offering temperature controlled storage facilities that are conveniently located close to the motorway network. In order to realise these ambitions, and to eliminate health and safety challenges on the existing line, it was clear that Foden & Abel needed to invest in automated packing and palletising machinery.

After shopping around, the potato producer decided to go with Pacepacker Services, a designer and manufacturer of automatic bagging systems and integrator of FANUC robots. “We wanted something that was proven in the industry, and Pacepacker was able to take us to see their equipment in operation at other customers’ factories. This gave us the


' /7 4' 21 7, OG 6 $ 5 IILH *( KH , )5 G 6 5( RD ' < 5 /( DOH ),(/ ' G ) \ $ WITH OPTIONAL %5 EEH 6+( D[ $ HO ) ‘AUTO SWIVEL-HEAD AIR DISTRIBUTION 7 WILL FIT MOST EXISTING SYSTEMS Patent Application No 9320628.2


confidence to invest,� says Chris Abel. In August 2013, Pacepacker installed a turnkey line, comprising a C21 sack placer, a fall and turn kicker, a Total Bag Control (TBC) system and a Blu-Robot palletiser. Empty paper sacks are placed onto the sack clamp by the C21 sack placer, and the clamp holds the sack steady

POTATOES as it is filled with 25kg of potatoes. The TBC system then transfers the filled sack from the sack clamp to the stitcher in a controlled manner. “The TBC system controls bags all the way from filling clamp to sealer or stitcher. The second the sack is filled, a pair of motorised grip arms move around the bag and as it drops from the clamp, they close on the top of the bag, holding it in

its formed state. The bag is then held closed as it is transported to the sealing device, using the grip arms and a belt feeder that move in synchronisation with the conveyors sitting underneath,” explains Chris Francis, sales manager at Pacepacker. After stitching, the bags are gently laid flat by a fall and turn kicker for presentation to the robotic palletiser.

New statutory product label changes to Chlorpropham (CIPC) announced by the Potato Industry CIPC Stewardship Group Around 94% of UK postharvest treatments use CIPC, which is applied to around 3.5m tonnes of potatoes stored each year in c.2,500 stores by around 1,000 growers. New application rates for CIPC have been approved by the Chemicals Regulation Directorate (CRD). Changes were requested by the companies that hold the approvals for formulations as part of the CIPC stewardship process. Pamela Foster, from the Aceto Agricultural Chemicals Corporation Ltd, one of the CIPC approval holders, said “For 2014, the CIPC total dose applied may not exceed 30g/tonne and 58 g/tonne for fresh and processing potatoes (including fish & chip shop supplies) respectively,” said Pamela. “The maximum individual dose is now 18 g/ tonne and the latest time of application before the crop is removed from store for sale or processing is now 14 days. These are statutory changes which apply to crops grown and stored in the 2014/15 crop year.” In addition to these statutory changes, approval

holders continue to strongly recommend just one application is made in low temperature stores (5°C or less) and initial applications should always be made early. CIPC remains under continuing intense scrutiny, recently exacerbated by a further maximum residue level (MRL) exceedance in a box store containing crop intended for the fish and chip trade. “The regulatory situation with CIPC is now such that any MRL exceedance could trigger its withdrawal from use, which would have a profound impact on our industry,” said NFU’s Horticulture Adviser, Lee Abbey. “If you use CIPC, you must check and adhere to the statutory conditions of use and, now more than ever, it is critical that users adopt best practice. The easiest way of doing this is to use an NAAC applicator.” The ‘Be CIPC Compliant’ campaign (www.cipccompliant. promotes best practice and raises awareness of the issues surrounding CIPC use. The aim is to reduce the levels of residue found on crops, to safeguard its availability for future use.

Winners and losers; wins and losses During the course of the CAP negotiations there is often reference to Winners and Losers; who will win from the changes, who will lose. The Scottish Government, understandably, tries to keep the peace by minimising losers, and, in the same vein, limiting winners. It doesn’t help the industry to create ‘wind-fall’ recipients any more than it benefits it by having too many losers dropping out of production. I have never really liked the terminology as it paints with too broad a brush. In the technical sense, for example, there may well be crofters who are classed as ‘winners’. But it has to be remembered that there will be great variance in the area cited and that the crofters who are ‘winning’ may well have started off with next to nothing anyway, so to increase by a small percentage, making them winners on paper, doesn’t really amount to very much. But there have been genuine wins in the process. Pillar 1, Basic Payments, tends to be dominated by the larger producers, and there will be many still receiving their very large cheques in years to come. But statistically this money has moved a bit from the South East to the North West, roughly speaking; under the direction of the European Commission, CAP support payments have to move to the smaller producer and to the more environmentally sensitive areas. Despite efforts by the industrial producers to thwart this it still looks like the crofting areas, as a whole, could benefit from the reforms. It is Pillar 2 that holds the real possibilities for positive change. It was a shame that there wasn’t more movement of support from Pillar 1 to Pillar 2, the rural development pillar, but there has been a

By Patrick Krause , Chief Executive, Scottish Crofting Federation genuine revamping of the schemes under the Scotland Rural Development Programme with the aim to target funds better and to make them more accessible to the smaller business. Under Pillar 2 there will be a new crofting support scheme, replacing the Crofting Counties Agricultural Grant Scheme (CCAGS). This is a major win for crofters and the SCF who lobbied hard to get it. It looks as though there will be coupled support, something that, for better or for worse, people understand - you keep livestock, you get support. Unfortunately the front loading that was enjoyed by smaller cattle producers, that is the increased payments on the first ten calves, will be lost. This is a major loss for crofters, something SCF fought hard for, and won, in the last round of reforms. The Less Favoured Area Support Scheme (LFASS), also under Pillar 2, will be reviewed with the intention that it will develop into the Areas of Natural Constraint scheme, the criteria of which will see the support going to where it should. So we won some points, we lost some. There is still much to be worked out in detail and the road to the next reform is now coming into focus.


POTATOES Desiccation timing to manage tuber size

Potato crops have enjoyed extremely good growing conditions across most of the UK this season – providing there has been ample irrigation available and they have been effectively protected from the extended periods of extremely high blight pressure. As a result, many crops have reached the optimum 80 to 85 mm market-sized tubers several weeks ahead of expected. Growers now face the challenge of stopping further tuber growth beneath a vigorous crop canopy, reports Shropshire-based Syngenta potato specialist, Rob Farrow. “With this season's big crops, an initial Reglone application can quickly burn off the tops to help manage tuber size more


effectively and reliably,” he advised. “It will also expose the stems for a second application to complete desiccation before harvest.” Mr Farrow advocated the initial treatment should be applied at a low rate of onelitre per hectare, which is fully supported by Syngenta, whatever the soil conditions. The followup treatment can be tailored at two to four litres per hectare, depending on the remaining stems and green haulm. “One of the most frequently asked questions is ‘when do I make the second spray in a sequential desiccation programme?’. “From experience the temptation is often to go in too quickly. You need to give time

for the leaf canopy to die back and stems begin to go over, especially with big crops,” he added. “In most instances, five to seven days will give better results and achieve a more complete kill of haulm with the two-spray Reglone programme.” For best results the initial treatment in vigorous crops should be applied at 400l/ha using the angled Syngenta Potato Nozzle to achieve good coverage and canopy penetration, highlighted Mr Farrow. The second spray water volume can be reduced to 200 l/ha, again using the angled

nozzles for enhanced all round coverage of stems. This year’s very high blight pressure and widespread reports of infection in unprotected crops, volunteer potatoes and gardens means growers must protect tubers right through to harvest, warned Rob Farrow. Fortuitously, the Reglone sequential desiccation programme interval also fits with the Shirlan blight spray timing at appropriate rates. That enables the inclusion of effective tuber blight protection in both desiccation sprays, to minimise the risk of blight spores moving through the soil to infect tubers, he added. Research has also shown that Reglone does have a direct effect on blight spores. Furthermore, the rapid defoliation and removal of leaf and haulm deprives blight of the green vegetative material on which it depends, reducing the risk of further development and spore production that threatens tuber infection.

BEAUTIFUL TRACTORS Specially for all our tractor enthusiasts HART PARR, MODEL 18-36 G USA, 1927


Hart Parr is believed to be the first company to have used the term ‘tractor’. In those days it was best known for its heavyweight prairie tractors, but the new Hart Parr of 1918 was the first in a long line of general-purpose machines. Amongst them was the 18-36 G, a mid-sized model that would see Hart Parr through to 1929, when it became part of Oliver.

The Waterloo Gasoline Engine Co. of Waterloo, Iowa, was purchased by John Deere in 1918. Waterloo’s tractor pedigree went back to John Froehlich’s experiments of 1892, although the Waterloo Boy series didn’t appear until 1912. The Model N was the first tractor tested in the famous University of Nebraska Tests and formed the basis of John Deere’s successful line that endures to this day.

Features The 18-36 G was powered by a two-cylinder horizontal motor matched with a two-speed transmission. It used traditional construction techniques with a heavy channel, steel frame supporting the motor and drive components, but was nonetheless a good-looking and well designed machine. Hart Parr’s dark green paint scheme with red wheels would last into the Oliver years.

Features The Model N had a two-cylinder horizontal motor and two forward speeds. The old-fashioned channel-frame construction included chaintype steering, although this was later changed to automotive-type steering (often called Ackerman steering). The standard colour was green with yellow wheels, although a variation added a dark red to just the motor.

Uses Although perfectly acceptable for field work, the 18-36 was intended to compete with the likes of the Rumely Oil Pull as a threshing tractor. It took some getting used to, as the Hart Parr’s drive pulley was on the opposite side of the tractor to most and was somewhat obscured by the sheet metal.

Uses The Model N was a good general-purpose machine and did yeoman’s service in the UK and North America, ploughing the land for the First World War. The belt pulley was well positioned for trouble-free connections to the threshing machine.

Related Models The 18-36 G was was replaced by the 18-36 H, with three forward speeds rather than two. The Hart Parr 12-24 and 28-50 had different outputs but were of the same design as the 18-36 G. Power & Size 18–36 hp; weight: 2812kg (6200lb) length: 335cm (132in) width: 185cm (73in) height: 155cm (61in) Manufacturing & Distribution Built in Charles City, Iowa, from 1926 to 1930 but not continued under Oliver. Very popular in the USA and Canada, the 18-36 G also sold in the UK, mainland Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

Related Models The single-speed Model R preceded the Model N. The successful John Deere-designed Model D continued the two-cylinder tradition of the Waterloo Boy tractors. Power & Size 12–25 hp; weight: 2767kg (6100lb) length: 335cm (132in) width: 183cm (72in) height: 160cm (63in) Manufacturing & Distribution Over 21,000 were built from 1917 to 1924 in Waterloo, Iowa, and distributed across North America. It was sold in the UK by the Overtime Tractor Co. under the Overtime brand name. The Model N was also sold across Europe, and in southern Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

Images from “Beautiful Tractors – Iconic Models” by Rick Mannen : [^Znmb_neer beenlmkZm^] k^\hk] h_ -) h_ ma^ phke] l fhlm fZ`gbÛ\^gm% \eZllb\ Z`kb\nemnkZe fZ\abg^l% ]Zmbg` _khf *2*0 mh *20/' Iahmh`kZiar [r <ebo^ Lmk^^m^k' In[ebla^] [r ?kZg\^l Ebg\heg Ebfbm^]' Available in paperback: £12.99. For further information :




Providing solutions, service and savings : ehhd Zm lhf^ h_ ma^ [kZg]l hnm ma^k^ Scottish customers benefit from Allmet expansion Allmet, one of the leading drier manufacturers, has expanded its reach into Scotland with a dedicated project design manager now based in Aberdeenshire. Adam Proud brings 17 years of experience within the agricultural industry to the Allmet team Over the past six decades Allmet has helped more than 5,000 customers get the most from their grain. The company pioneered and


patented one of the first continuous mixed flow grain driers and continues to invest in product development. Allmet offers a completely bespoke service including inhouse design, manufacture, mechanical and electrical installation and servicing of bulk handling, processing, storage and grain drying plants. Director Charles White said: "Existing and new clients are already benefiting from Adam's expertise. His presence in Aberdeenshire

along with the strong links he has forged, means we are better serving our Scottish customers." Adam said: "Allmet has a solid reputation within the agricultural industry thanks to their extensive experience manufacturing and installing grain drier and handling equipment. Charles, James and the team have helped countless agri-businesses future proof their farming enterprises. My aim is to enhance and expand that service across Scotland."

The Allmet range of driers offer a quality system that is easy to operate, reliable and highly efficient. Customer benefits include power savings, low fuel consumption and low noise emissions alongside a one-stop shop service that is second to none. James White added: Adam's appointment has enhanced and expanded the services we are able to deliver to our customers, whether that's a family run farm wanting to modernise facilities or a commercial

GRAIN DRYERS plant looking to upgrade existing systems. We pride ourselves on helping clients achieve the most practical, efficient and cost effective solutions." If you would like to find out more about Allmet or if you have a sales enquiry please call Adam in the Scotland Office on 01224 742232 or for further information visit

Allmet's new intake system grain dryer

BDC systems, the one stop shop for grain care solutions As a one stop shop for grain handling, BDC Systems offers a comprehensive range of products including the world leading Skandia ranges of conveyors and elevators as well as Svegma high performance continuous flow and batch driers. In addition, the company provides

ventilation and aeration products together with storage silos, bins and bulk loading hoppers. Cleaning, weighing, milling, mixing and processing equipment make up the full range on offer to customers in Scotland through our local dealers. BDC Systems is celebrating its twentieth anniversary and has moved this year into a new HQ near Marlborough in Wiltshire. It has a 17000 sq ft warehouse that allows the company to stock a much greater range of spares and so further improve its renowned levels of customer service. A new permanent showroom facility has also been created in order to exhibit products from the full BDC range. Skandia products include extractors, elevators, conveyors and ducting systems which are all designed for facilities with



BDC, Skandia Curved and Angled Conveyors

intensive operations throughout the year. New ranges of curved and angled conveyors in the H-Line range cover the 150-200 tonnes capacities and incorporate the high quality design and features associated with the Skandia brand. These models are suitable for larger farms and storage facilities with large amounts of grain to handle and are available with 15, 30 and 45 degree bends. They have the added advantages of avoiding pits when feeding elevators and offer the ability to create more efficient installations. Amongst the innovations from manufacturer Akron for its Svegma range of driers is a new machine that features RadiClean particle separation technology. This represents a major step forward in the drive to minimise energy consumption in grain drying operations. With the ability to recirculate drying and cooling air prior to the burner or other heat source, energy savings are achieved. The required amount of air that needs heating from ambient to operating temperature is decreased and the recirculated air needs less heat input to achieve 14

operating temperatures. The result is a calculated energy saving of more than 15% for the user. Other new additions to the BDC line-up are hoppers available in round, square, rectangular and bulk loading versions with sizes and capacities to suit all requirements. Customised solutions for both indoor and outside installation are available including galvanised models and accessories such as ladders and catwalks. All hoppers are fully supported by BDC Systems with its planning and design services. Chief Dryer production goes from strength to strength Chief Industries Ltd has doubled the floor area of its production facility at Maldon. Rod Watson, MD, explained that “increased sales over the last six months have resulted in 24/7 dryer manufacturing for the last 12 weeks. Recent orders include the largest dryers supplied to date, with a wheat drying capacity of 286t/h.� The dryer production at Maldon commenced in 2010 and was part of an overall


Chief Industries grain dryer

group restructuring and diversification. Since 2009 the company has increased its work force by over 100%. Chief UK is part of the Chief Inc. Group, which consists of eight diversified core companies with a number of manufacturing centres, of which three, in three separate countries, are dedicated to agro-industry. Chief Inc. employs almost 2000 people. The CD range of dryers has been developed to be exceptionally efficient and flexible, offering an extensive list of options to fulfil as many customer and legislative requirements as possible. These include multi-fuel options such as gas and steam, or solid fuel and oil, multi-fuel, direct or indirect firing, fire detection and suppression systems,

dust suppressions systems, additional silencing, heat recovery, indoor and outdoor, split columns, and stainless steel grain columns. The Chief standard range is from 10300t/h with a specification of fully galvanised bolted construction, pneumatic positive discharger, internal access, externally clad with thermal insulation, Weishaupt digital burners, Schneider PLC and touch screen control panels with remote internet access. Ninety percent of the production is being exported to over 50 countries. This compliments Chief’s vast range of silos and associated machinery. Chief UK also represents both Marot & Denis ranges of equipment from France and can supply sales or spares for any existing installations, employing


GRAIN DRYERS personnel with decades of experience. Kentra on the move to improved efficiency At the beginning of July Kentra Grain Systems Ltd moved to a new factory close to Boroughbridge in North Yorkshire. Located in the centre of the country and only moments away from the A1(M) motorway their new factory and offices enables them to improve efficiency and give them the extra production capacity needed for new products which are due for launch in early 2015. With dryers installed in all the major grain growing areas of Scotland, from the north of Aberdeen down to the Borders and Northumberland, Kentra’s new factory means they are well placed to continue their

Kentra's digital technology


Allmet is a division of JW Installation UK Ltd Scotland Office: Tel: 01224 742232 Email: Head Office: Atley Hill Road - North Cowton - Northallerton - North Yorkshire - DL7 0JB Tel: (01325) 378008 Fax: (01325) 378271 Web: 16

GRAIN DRYERS proud tradition of top quality after sales service. Kentra have been manufacturing grain dryers for almost 25 years and their products are well proven in the field. Rugged and reliable, the standard modular dryer lineup provides a wide-ranging choice of throughputs from 6 to over 60 tonnes per hour to suit most types of crop and all drying operations large or small. Kentra Grain Systems, who are also market leaders in the design and manufacture of high temperature grain dryers, have recently introduced their HPIV Moisture Sensor. First seen at the UK Grain Event in November 2011, this innovative device, when positioned in the path of the grain flow, will constantly monitor the real-time moisture content of the passing grain. Moisture data is shown on the dryer control panel and a simultaneous log of moisture levels is recorded to provide traceability of drying load parameters. When asked about the benefits of the HPIV Sensor, Managing Director Barry Higginbottom said “At Kentra we always look at product development from our customers’ perspective. This new sensing technology can improve the efficiency of crop drying, removing the chore of frequent manual sampling and saving energy by reducing the risk of over drying. This sensor is an option on all our new machines and in many cases can be retrofitted to existing dryers.” The introduction of this new microwave technology fits in well with the existing control system used by the dryer. Kentra introduced the use of the digital PLC controller nearly 25 years ago and followed this up with

the touch screen interface in 2002 and digital burner control in 2012 giving them a wealth of experience in all aspects of this modern and reliable technology. A sound investment in Kongskilde When the decision is taken to upgrade or create a new grain handling facility, much thought has to be given to likely increase in farm size and bigger combines delivering greater tons/hour. Unlike wheeled equipment, the grain store is a long term investment and it has to incorporate high capacity, quality equipment capable of dealing with upwards of 5,000 tons per season and for at least 20 years. The range of mechanical transport equipment available from Kongskilde today sits well in the specification demanded both in terms of capacity and build quality. Features such as 10mm PEHD wear plate at the base of all horizontal conveyors not only gives increased life expectancy, but makes for much quieter operation. All trench conveyors and inclined chain conveyors are fitted with deep pitch nylon flights on commercial duty chain. The range extends to 120tph for all bucket elevators, trench conveyors and chain conveyors and is of a commercial quality that will give at least a 20 year life expectancy. There are many examples of Kongskilde installations to be found in all the grain growing areas of Scotland, generally in conjunction with the GrainTek Tornado Dryer. New Generation of Master Driers The 2014 range of Master Driers that have been launched this year have many new


Kongskilde dryer ducts

features. The popular 12 Ton Model is fully Galvanised and the whole range introduces ‘New Age’ Technology which can be personalised to meet individual requirements, with capacities from 10 Ton - 45 Ton and flexibility in specification. The principle of drying remains the same, but, the emphasis has been to make Master Driers ‘user’ friendly. They offer efficient drying and simplified operation with manual or automatic programmes. The new operating systems are incorporated in both the Electric and PTO driven Driers. These operating systems include an Audible Alarm or Auto ‘Cut Off’ which will alert the Operator when the Drier is loaded, to avoid overflow of grain. Also included as an option is an internal Moisture Meter for monitoring temperature and moisture. The Master Eye Telephone 18

Masterfarm grain dryer

Combinator Messaging System will keep you in touch with your Drier, alerting the operator when drying is completed or if the Drier is in need of attention. One unique standard feature on most models is the “3 Stage Burner”. It is designed with three fuel nozzles which operate in any sequence to give a wide range of temperatures. The main advantage is that it is not necessary to change the fuel jet which simplifies the operation of the burner when drying different crops. This option is available at no extra charge! Electric Drive Models are becoming more popular as they can be fully automated and are operated by a small Siemens Computer Unit with ‘Touch screen’ controls. Incorporating a comprehensive menu control panel which gives the Operator many options

depending on the crop being handled, allowing for burner ‘operating control’ and ‘top up’ facilities to compensate for shrinkage. All programmes are offered with full Automatic Mastermatic ‘Touch’ Screen Control System with manual override, all of which allows the crop to be dried to meet individual circumstances. Again this option is available at no extra charge! Masters have also introduced a new range of square section fully galvanised wet grain bins to complement its range of grain driers. These are available from 3 – 30 Ton capacities and are supplied as a flat ‘self-assembly’ kit. Mecmar Focus on Reliability Harvest is a challenging time. More machinery is busy, more people working and more jobs being done simultaneously than any other

time of year. To pile it on, all this is activity is very weather dependent. The grain drier is a crucial part of harvest. It will add value to crops and this needs to be done with a minimum of fuss. McArthur Agriculture understands these requirements. Our business, distributing Mecmar mobile grain driers, is a result of a farm diversification project in the 1990s. Our farming background helps us understand the unique pressures on our customers during harvest. They need to be able to depend on their Mecmar grain drier and the advice and product support of McArthur Agriculture. Mecmar has manufactured mobile grain driers since the late 1970s. The first Mecmar arrived in the UK in 1983 and became particularly popular in north east Scotland. This resulted in the Mecmar grain drier being developed to serve the Scottish market

GRAIN DRYERS working in challenging conditions when it is needed most. These standard features include, variable pitch augers, overdesigned power transmissions and Riello industrial oil burners.

Mecmar grain dryer

in particular. In this area reliability over long working hours in some of the UK’s toughest conditions is critical.

Innovations that increase reliability can be seen all over the grain drier. These ensure the Mecmar keeps

Opico’s Gas-fired 21t mobile recirculating batch dryer gives 7.5t/ hr throughput Opico’s latest addition to its range of mobile recirculating batch dryers is the gas-fired GT 8000 Automatic. This has a 21t holding capacity, and is the biggest dryer in the GT range. Its large plenum means hourly drying rates are maximised and this model can achieve grain throughputs of up to 7.5t/hr. The GT 8000 is a multiple motor, 3-phase powered grain dryer which uses liquid propane gas to deliver heat for drying. The specially designed ring burner and onboard vaporiser provide controllable heat and a clean, efficient burn. It is an ideal choice for drying malting barleys or milling wheats.

The dryer is fully automatic and uses ‘Grain Guard’, a digital controller which allows the machine to be programmed for round-theclock drying, thus providing large labour savings. Grain Guard incorporates preset drying temperatures for different crops, and the dryer sequence can be tailored to suit the farm setup. A diagnostic function also provides further support.High capacity intake and discharge augers reduce non-productive loading and unloading time. All Opico dryers have a high plenum to capacity ratio giving faster drying and throughputs. Even the smallest dryer in the GT range - the 355XL with a 9t holding capacity – has a 4.5t/hr drying capacity. The new 21t GT 8000 gas dryer costs £54,472+VAT, whilst the 355XL costs £27,208+VAT. For even faster throughputs, OPICO’s Magna range of diesel-fired batch dryers has models with holding capacities of up to 48t - the 4810QF has a drying capacity of 20t/hr, and costs £98,170+VAT. Recirculating mobile batch dryers have the advantage over on-floor stores or continuous flow systems in that hectolitre weights can be increased, simply by putting a batch of grain through the dryer. This is because the mode of action of these dryers removes chaff, weed seeds and broken grains; grain is also cleaned and polished. Growers really looking to capitalise on the cleaning capability of their dryer can opt for an additional dust extraction system – the Sky Vac. This removes trash, dust and fines from the grain as it is dried, leaving a cleaner, better-finished sample with an even higher hectolitre weight. All Opico dryers have 19


Oipico GT8000 grain dryer

the option of being electric or PTO-driven. Seeing Double with Perry K M Duncan secured the orders to install driers and handling equipment at 2 different farms near St Andrews, Scotland. Perry of Oakley Ltd manufactured and supplied all of the handling equipment and both driers. Both installations have had new mechanical intakes fitted which feed into aspirator cleaners to remove dust and chaff before feeding the driers, then via conveyors and elevators the product is moved into stores. One of the Perry driers has a capacity of 22tph, whilst the other has 25tph, both based on wheat at 750kg/mÂł, moisture reduction 5% from 20% to 15%. 20

Both driers have been fitted with Perry’s 12� touch screen PLC control panel which has been designed and programmed in house by Perry staff, meaning that full technical support is available from Perrys. The panel allows drying to be continuous or can be set to recirculating batch mode. You can also enter the crop type, intake moisture content & target moisture content. Once this data has been set, the panel will then set all the temperatures and start speeds for you. You can connect the PLC panel to the internet and this will allow status reports to be sent to your email or sent to you as a text message, giving you more freedom to leave the drier. Connecting your panel to the internet allows you to control your drier remotely

Perry grain dryer

from any PC that is connected to the internet. Both driers have been fitted with Perrys highly efficient shutter discharge. The length of the opening time and the frequency of the discharge is fully adjustable from the drier PLC. One of the driers has been fitted with vertically mounted fans. This is because this particular drier is in the middle of a yard, so to help prevent dispersed air from settling in the yard the decision was made to exhaust the air upwards. By mounting fans vertically it also further reduces the impact of noise levels of the drier in the immediate vicinity.

The Perry shutter discharge design of these driers is proving to be a popular design & works well with the Scottish crops and moisture levels. All Perry driers are manufactured from galvanised steel and have been designed to BS6399 for wind loading and BS5950 for structural strength. Sizes available are from 2m to 8m, capacities from 8tph to 150tph and are available as single or dual column. The tapered duct design and the ledge free grain column have been specifically designed to aid even air speed, promote even grain flow and reduce dust and straw residue.

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Drummuir Farm Ice cream

Where practice makes perfect! by Fiona Sloan





The original idea for Drummuir Farm ice cream, came from a visit by the owner Marion Kirkwood who, on a Young Farmers tour of the United States in the late 1980’s, noted the many different flavours and types of quality ice cream there were available, which weren’t on offer at that time in the UK. On her return, she looked into the possibility of utilising the surplus milk quota from their family dairy herd at Mouswald Grange, near Dumfries. As it happened, a change in the EU rules meant that it became impossible to do this but the project by then was well down the line and the decision was taken to continue. Marion together with her parents Bob and Gwen Kirkwood and brother Robert, found out all they could about ice cream making from research and she attended a short ice cream making course at SAC Auchincruive in Ayrshire, which proved to be a sound move as the college eventually helped her in the development of suitable ice cream recipes, with their support and advice. The next move was to look at producing

a quality and affordable ice cream and having developed an ice cream she liked, Marion then visited the Ice Cream Alliance show for more ideas. “It’s like the Highland Show for Ice Cream makers.� she smiles. “There I could look at all areas of the business including the equipment I would need to make it work.� The only thing left to do was design a suitable building to house the ice cream. “We were lucky enough to have an area available at Drummuir Farm, right next to the roadside between Dumfries and Annan, only two minutes from the main A75.� explains Marion. The only other consideration was to be an instruction from her father, the late Bob Kirkwood, a well-known breeder and judge of Clydesdale horses. “Make sure you make the building tall enough so that if the ice cream business doesn’t work out, I can still get a tractor into it!� With that in mind, Drummuir Farm Ice Cream opened its doors in 1991 and as Marion reflects on that day, she smiles at the panic that ensued at the unexpected number of people who turned up to taste the

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56:, new ice cream in its outdoor surroundings. “We could never have imagined the pull that the farm would have for people to come and relax in the outdoor area or tea room and enjoy the surroundings as well as our ice cream and home baking� The original plan to concentrate on a wholesale business had to be reconsidered under the pressure of the visitors numbers, which has continued to this day and while Marion still supplies a few select restaurants and independent grocers, the wholesale element remains a potential for any

future development of the business. It’s impossible to visit Drummuir and not be tempted by some new or exotic flavours, which are introduced periodically depending on the time of year. End of school summer holiday specials will include jammy dodger and bubble gum flavours, with several tasty alcohol infused flavours on sale at Christmas and New Year. The same original recipe is still used and remains the most popular‌ for me it has to be Melon and Ginger! Yum!









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Joint Winners of Food and Farming Journalism Bursary

(L-R) Winners of the Food and Farming Journalism Bursary, Jo Learmonth and Fiona Turnbull.

Two individuals have been announced as joint overall winners of a new Food and Farming Journalism Bursary, developed by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) in partnership with the British Guild of Agricultural Journalists (BGAJ). Fiona Turnbull of Fruix Farm, Kinross and Jo Learmonth of Greens of Savoch, Auchnagatt, near Ellon both impressed the judges with their applications for the bursary which aims to encourage people to consider a career in food and farming journalism. Fiona, who is married to Andrew and has three children, is a sheep farmer with an HND in Agriculture and a postgraduate Diploma in Agribusiness, both from SAC Aberdeen. Her interest in writing about agriculture was kindled at a very young age includes a farming column in the local Kinross-shire Newsletter. Jo is married to Iain and has two children and is Farm Data Manager at Auchmacoy Estate and has a BSc (Hons) in Agriculture and a MSc in Crop Protection. She is also a partner on a 440 ha mixed farm near Ellon and volunteers for the Royal Northern Countryside Initiative.

Both Jo and Fiona share an interest in communicating the quality of Scottish food as well as farming and both have had stories published in the press. The pair have recently completed the BGAJ/John Deer Journalism Training Award course and will also have the opportunity to take part in work experience with titles including The Press and Journal and The Courier. The launch of the new “Food and Farming Journalism Bursary” was timed to coincide with the World Congress of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) which is being held in early September this year. Jo and Fiona will take part in the IFAJ Congress in Aberdeenshire as part of their bursary award. The congress will see more than 200 farming and rural journalists from around the world travel to Britain to learn more about its agriculture, horticulture, food and drink production and the application of leading technologies in livestock and crop production. The main congress – which has the theme of “Innovations from a Small Island” will include visits to leading farms and food manufacturers in the north-east.







Cleanwind on expansion curve Cleanwind is a small but expanding company formed in 2009 to meet the demand for experienced technicians in the Wind industry. Their key figures have worked in the wind turbine industry for many years building a vast experience in operation and maintenance of Wind farms, from road repair and general management duties, to turbine inspection, servicing and main component retrofit and replacement. As a dynamically led business, Cleanwind is ideally placed to support this rapidly expanding market. Based at the heart of the low carbon region, Argyll, Cleanwind carry out work across the UK and Ireland and currently have technicians based in Campbeltown, Glasgow, Cumbria and Northern Ireland. The company is dedicated to providing its customers


RENEWABLEENERGY with superior services that will increase the productivity and profitability of their turbines in a diligent and professional manner whilst minimising any environmental impact. While their experience has been mainly on the onshore wind market in the UK and Ireland, Cleanwind are currently moving forward with plans to expand into the offshore wind market. Key personnel have also worked with main blade manufactures in the UK, Ireland, Spain and Denmark where they carried out initial and refresher blade repair training, including experience in polyester and epoxy repairs on stall regulated and variable pitched blades, blade tip removal, operational fault finding, blade tip cable replacement, and tip closure timing adjustments. Currently Cleanwind are extremely busy with all their

ongoing projects meaning that they are seeking to employ a further four personnel to enable us to cope with the current heavy workload. At present, Cleanwind are currently working all over Scotland on various maintenance tasks over a selection of different Wind Farms. Their team are also working on various blade cleaning and blade repair jobs throughout Scotland. Cleanwind are dedicated to providing a superior service which ensures minimal impact to the environment. In order for our operations to become as economically friendly as possible they have recently introduced two hybrid 4x4 vehicles which can be driven electronically meaning that they can achieve a remarkable 147mpg fuel economy and ultra-low emissions, especially on shorter journeys.

Glasgow Based Absolute Solar & Wind In Partnership With Flogas Renewables Absolute Solar & Wind Ltd has agreed a partnership with one of the UK’s largest renewable energy solutions distributors, Flogas Renewables, giving them rights to turbines produced by acclaimed manufacturer Northern Power. The deal marks a significant move for the Glasgow based business, which has facilitated wind turbine instillations across Scotland and the North of England on industrial, agricultural and commercial land. The Absolute Solar & Wind Ltd team also hosted an advice clinic at the Royal Highland Show; offering members of the Scottish farming and business community insight into renewable solutions that could drive down rising energy costs and increase revenue streams. The team spoke about the benefits of generating your own

wind power and showcased the range of turbines that are now available to them through their partnership with Flogas Renewables. ASAW’s Managing Director, Mark Newall, said: “As experienced installers we know first-hand that many of our customers are looking to invest in wind, but finding the right product for their land, or their business use has, at times, been difficult. “At the Highland Show we were able to dispel these beliefs by showing people turbine models that suit a range of locations and needs and offer unique features including low wind functionality, the ability to shut off in dangerously high winds, as well as lower heights to overcome issues with planning permission.” Mark believes the partnership will enable the end-user to benefit

Farm hydro power Jim Campbell, Renewable Energy Team Leader, SAC Consulting

If you have a watercourse on your farm, it may be worth investigating the potential for micro-hydro, a technology well matched to Scotland’s relatively wet climate and rugged topography. The following points are important to consider: • The energy that can be generated is determined by two factors: the vertical distance that the water drops between the intake and the turbine site (the head), and the flow of water in the watercourse. Even a relatively small burn can produce an impressive amount of energy if the head is sufficiently high. • Catchments located above waterfalls are especially favourable because these can form barriers to fish migration and ease the process of gaining consents. • Is there a nearby grid connection point, ideally three-phase, or is there a local use for generated power? • Is there good road access to allow large vehicles to deliver materials and machinery to the site? • Do you own both banks of the watercourse, or will you need to seek permission from your neighbours and perhaps share the benefits of the scheme with them? Micro hydro schemes connected to the grid are eligible for Feed-in Tariff (FIT) payments for all power produced, whether it is used

locally or exported. If some of the power generated can be used for farm operations, savings on purchased power can be made, with these savings expected to increase as the cost of electricity rises. Surplus electricity can be sold to the grid, for which an export tariff is paid. Note that degressions to FIT rates now occur on the 1st of April each year; hydro rates are also due to experience a cut of 10% in October 2014. With ongoing degressions, it is important to progress any viable scheme without delay to maximise financial returns. The capital costs of hydro schemes tend to be high when compared to most other renewable energy technologies, but they can function effectively for much longer, with turbines able to operate efficiently for decades, while civil works can last for hundreds of years. Although paybacks on good schemes can easily be achieved in less than 10 years, due to the high capital investment costs involved it is important to get sound advice from an independent consultant before committing any funds. For more information on renewables or to subscribe to the Farming for a Better Climate newsletter, see www. You can also follow us on Twitter @SACfarm4climate. ?Zkfbg` _hk Z ;^mm^k <ebfZm^ bl _ng]^] [r ma^ L\hmmbla @ho^kgf^gm Zl iZkm h_ bml <ebfZm^ <aZg`^ :]oblhkr :\mbobmr' 27

RENEWABLEENERGY from products that have been assessed and chosen by Flogas Renewables (UFW Ltd), as well as the land assessment and installation expertise brought by the ASAW team.

David Taylor, Business Development Manager at Flogas Renewables (UFW Ltd), said: “Both the Bergey and the Northern Power Systems’ products open up a whole new

development of wind energy in the UK and Ireland. Now, like never before, people have more options and can pick the correct wind turbine to meet their needs.

“The design, appearance and efficiency of these products means buyers are less concerned about impact on landscape, as well as maintenance costs.”

Farmers First To Benefit From Vergnet’s O&M Service in the UK Vergnet, a global leader in the distributed wind energy industry and manufacturer of medium scale wind turbines, today announced that farmers are the first to benefit from its new UK wind turbine Operations and Maintenance (O&M) service. The company has announced its first three farming customers for its new UK wind turbine Operations and Maintenance (O&M) service. Those signed up so far include an arable and pig farm in Leicestershire, a dairy farm in Nottinghamshire and an arable farm in Cornwall. Park House Farm, Desford, Leicester, is one of the first to sign up for the new UK wind turbine service. The agreement announced at the UK’s largest outdoor country show will see Park House farmer Paul Hilyer benefit from Vergnet’s dedicated O&M service providing him with improved security for business planning as well as control of expenditure and performance for his two 250kW Vergnet GEV MP-C medium wind turbines. The farmer currently uses the medium scale wind turbines, which have been in operation

since 2012 to generate clean energy for the grid. In the future, the electricity from the Vergnet turbines will also be used to power Park House Farm’s pig and grain storage units, enabling the farmer to control his energy costs and make costs savings, with excess power being fed into the grid. Park House farmer Paul Hilyer commented: “With 400 acres and a growing herd of 300 sows, my hands are already pretty full. That’s why I’m delighted to be working with Vergnet whose new UK O&M service will help me manage costs going forward, reduce downtime of my turbine and also save time. In my view, O&M is an essential consideration for turbine owners as ultimately they can help get the best possible return and income from throughout its lifetime.” He continued: “I’ve been pleased with the support provided by Vergnet since installing my wind turbine in 2012 and the new O&M made total sense for me as what could be better than this being undertaken by the actual turbine designers and manufacturers.

Vergnet’s availability warranty is also very robust. I welcome their continued investment in

the UK and look forward to working with the team closer to home.”

Wind Turbine Installation Experts Search For Land To Host Development Project Expert renewable energy system’s installers, Absolute Solar & Wind Ltd are reaching out to landowners across the UK in a bid to find plots on which to install free wind turbines – providing an income stream for proprietors. 28

The offer is part of a project that could see landowners make up to £14,000 per year with no cost for planning grid connection, installation or maintenance. ASAW will facilitate the whole process, including assessing the

site for suitability and applying for planning permission and DNO grid connection. Although other companies may offer site hosting, uniquely ASAW will manage and complete the full project cycle from initial

introductory discussions, G59 grid connection applications and lease agreement to installation and annual maintenance. Mark Newall, Managing Director at ASAW, who have been installing turbines for the last


decade, said: “As the project will span over 20 years, landowners could make approximately £350,000.00- £400,000.00 for simply hosting our turbines. “Landowners will only have one point of contact to liaise

with and will be kept informed of the project’s development at all stages. “It is very rare to see a company take on all up front liabilities such as full cost of the project and full planning, but

this is what the scheme offers, at no cost what so ever to the site owner.” Working with leading renewable solution distributors Flogas Renewables, ASAW will be installing Northern Power

System wind turbines into the sites that gain approval. The turbines offer a range of bespoke features, including energy generation in wind speeds of only 2.5 m/s ,lower height models that allow for easier planning and simplified grid connection. The energy generated by the turbines will be returned to the national grid, although if the landowner would benefit from using a proportion of this themselves, then this can also be arranged. Mark added: “We are very pleased to be able to offer this opportunity to those who want to reap the benefits of wind power but don’t have the financial means or the time to submit planning permission or arrange the installation. “This project will also be of benefit to the environment as green energy, and its benefits become more accessible through its inception.”



WTN leads the way in UK 225-250kW market RM Energy has, this month, reached a milestone in installing its 15th WTN turbine in Scotland. This brings the total number of Wind Technik Nord (WTN) 225kW and 250kW turbines currently operating across the UK to 36. By the end of the year this number is set to increase to 60. This puts WTN in a class-leading position in the UK 225-250kW market. RM’s Director, Mark Jennison, comments “Our installers have been doing an excellent job around Scotland to get turbines installed and operational by the FiT deadlines. WTN turbines have got the pedigree and track record that clearly sets them apart in the 225-


250kW space. As you would expect from a German company, a commitment to quality and reliability is their top priority. That’s why the WTN is the only machine in its class to be independently certified to the latest GL 2010 standards. WTN is becoming the clear market leader at this scale and, with more turbines in the ground than anyone else, it means owners have peace of mind over long-term support.” Tobias Wippich, CEO of WTN, adds “We are ontrack for a record year in terms of production. Turbine delivery slots for 2014 are now fully booked and our UK Distributors are now taking reservations for deliveries in

2015. With many sites taking time to overcome planning and grid constraints, our predictions indicate that 2015 will be just as busy for the UK medium wind market.” Ofgem have recently confirmed a 10% drop in FiT rates on 1st October 2014 and a further drop is likely on 1st April 2015. The challenge for many companies like RM Energy is to deliver projects to fixed deadlines and look at ways to cut costs so the returns remain attractive.

“Obviously the current tariff drops are making landowners think they may have missed the boat when it comes to wind” comments Jennison. “But, as we’re seeing with solar PV, these incremental drops will get much smaller over time. We’re well aware landowners and developers are looking to keep returns high so we’re looking at innovative ways to ensure projects at this scale continue to be highly attractive, longterm investments.”


GOOD SERVICE, RELIABILITY AND FAIR TRADING Fiona Sloan discovers the diverse world of Carrs Billington

Company founder, Jonathan Dodgson Carr

Companies in agriculture like many industries come and go but those who remain and thrive are the ones who have built a business on their reputation for reliability, good customer service and fair dealing. One such company is Carrs Billington Agriculture, which is a joint-venture business, owned by Carrs Milling Industries PLC and Edward Billington & Sons of Liverpool. The local parent company Carrs Milling was founded by Jonathan Dodgson Carr in Carlisle in 1831 after he actually walked to the city from his Quaker home in Kendal, some 46 miles away. He planned to start a bakery business and this began in a very small way with a single brick oven. Jonathan was part of the Quaker order, which travelled all over the North West at that time and he wanted to start a business to benefit not only to the people of Carlisle but the whole nation. By 1834, this baker and flour

dealer had opened the first flour mill to supply baking businesses locally, as well as developing his own successful biscuit factory, which remains on the outskirts of the city to this day and is currently owned by United Biscuits. By 1846, the mill was producing 1000 tonnes of flour a year and Carrs had been awarded the first Royal Warrant from Queen Victoria in 1841. Carrs was inspired and guided by the family’s Quaker values and as a deeply religious man, was a believer in Quaker virtues of modesty, honest dealing and service. His initial goal was "to make good, cheap bread to feed the poor" and he devoted his life to alleviating poverty as well as making profits. In those days, the Carr family took the entire work force with their families into the country by train for a day-long outing every summer. Outside the business, Jonathan was gaining a reputation as a social reformer and he successfully campaigned for

the repeal of the Corn Laws, which were putting the price of bread beyond the reach of the poor by imposing tariffs on wheat imports. The biscuit factory established itself as a global brand in 1905, when it first produced its world-famous Carr’s Table Water biscuits and these can still to this day be found on supermarket shelves all over the world. They were produced as a refinement of biscuits made for ships and became popular because water was used instead of fat to blend the dry ingredients to keep the biscuits fresh on long voyages. Today the biscuits are still baked in a brick oven and under its current ownership, the company produces 6,000 tonnes of water biscuits every year, which is 1.1 billion individual biscuits, three-quarters of which are exported. Carr's became a public company in 1927, even though the controlling shares remained in family hands.

When Jonathan’s grandson and successor, Theodore died suddenly on a business trip to London in 1931, fourthgeneration family member Ronald Carr took control of the biscuit works and Theodore's second son Ivan became head of the flour mills. Ivan Carr was a staunch defender of the service ethic. He believed passionately, like his father and grandfather before him, in the value of family ownership and, according to Margaret Forster's book, Rich Desserts and Captain's Thin, Ivan deplored what he saw as his cousin Ronald's ruthless pursuit of profit. "Carr's existed to serve the customer," he lectured his cousin. The customer service and fair dealing ethic on which the company was founded has been reinforced over the years, particularly under the current company regime, where it remains as a fundamental necessity of trading to this day. 31

The ultra-modern Lancaster Mill

A Time of Change Carrs Flour Mills Ltd changed its name in 1950 to Carrs


Milling Industries Ltd and was eventually listed on the stock market in 1972. Carrs Biscuits

was subsequently taken over by United Biscuits in the same year, later being branded

as a McVitie’s factory which is still known as in Carlisle today.

Carrs Flour Mills still supply food manufacturers and multiples across the UK, using the latest milling technologies and sourcing the best wheat from home and abroad. The company operates from three strategically located sites at Maldon in Essex, Silloth on the Solway coast in Cumbria and the recently commissioned ÂŁ17m site at Kirkcaldy in Fife which is the most advanced of its type in Europe. Carrs established its position as an agricultural supplier with the amalgamation of several small businesses which operated within agricultural in the north of the country, namely Thomas Edmondson of Penrith, Reeves of Moffat and Oliver and Snowden of Carlisle. These were all pulled together to form Carrs Farm Foods and in 1990 this became Carrs Agriculture, forming the foundation on which to embark on a number

Annan Store Manager Ian Powley with his retail team

of acquisitions that would ultimately take the business to where it is today, one of

the best known brands in agriculture in the North of England and Scotland.

Acquisitions and Mergers The company’s expansion relied on two main principals.


Firstly to become a “one stop shop” for farmers, standing the business apart from competitors who were principally feed merchants and secondly, to maintain the ethics with which the company began, these being good service, reliability and fair trading. The formation of a business venture with The Billington Group of Liverpool, another old family company founded in 1858 by Edward Billington, was to be the corner stone of the future of the company and this laid the way for future mergers and acquisitions. Edward Billington & Son Ltd was originally a coffee, tea and sugar importer, which moved into the agricultural supply business on a similar timescale to Carrs. The business has significant interests in the human food sector and owns a number of well-known brands such as The English Provender Company, Wholesome Sweeteners and more recently, Bar Foods. Prior to the formation of the joint venture, Billington Agriculture operated a number of feed mills throughout the country and these benefited from the expertise of sister company Criddle & Co, who were and still are a key player in the procurement of raw materials for a number of UK animal feed businesses. Since the formation of this venture, Carrs BIllington


From the archives - The Silloth Flour & Feed Mill, where today Carrs still make Crystalyx Blocks

Agriculture has become a leading supplier of agricultural products to stock farmers in the UK and its parent companies each bring a wealth of expertise and innovation to the company at Board level. Today, the business operates compound feed mills at Carlisle, Lancaster and Stone and has blend plants at Kirkbride in Cumbria, at Lancaster and in Wales. It

currently has 26 Country Stores throughout Northern England and Scotland, several of which have machinery sales and service departments and fuel distributions depots in addition to the standard agricultural retailing template adopted by them all. The company acquisitions over the years have always been founded not only on the commercial value that could be brought to a modern,

progressive company, but more importantly on the staff and experience, which could contribute to the organisation. This is borne out by the number of long serving experienced staff, which the group are proud to retain within its various divisions. “Our vision,” explains Rae Tomlinson, the company’s Managing Director, who himself has been with the group for 22 years, has always been

to be able to offer a one stop shop for farmers. With less people working in agriculture today, time is of the essence and if customers can come to our stores and pick up several items with maximum ease it is bound to be of benefit to them. We aim to be the pre-eminent agricultural supply company in our trading area, providing high quality products and services and building long term customer relationships.� It is clear when you speak to their customers, that Carrs Billington do exactly what it says on the tin. They have built their business on their relationship with customers and continuity of service. A well-trained sales team, with a wealth of experience not only in the company but also within the industry, is backed up by professional formulation, manufacturing, distribution and administration colleagues to ensure that products and services are always delivered to a high


Annan machinery sales team

standard. The overall diversity of the business has allowed them to become the biggest “one stop

shop� in their trading area. Carrs Billington lorries are easily recognisable and

seen often, wherever you travel in the North of England and Scotland, servicing the

Part of the fleet of Carrs Billington fuel wagons delivering to farmers and domestic users

26 Country Stores, farmers and agricultural business throughout a huge area of the

stock rearing countryside all displaying the company’s smart livery and signage.

Various acquisitions over the years have also allowed them to head towards this

goal, from a feed, fuel and machinery (both new and used) perspective, as well


Amino Max is providing proven benefits to dairy farmers

as animal health products, equine supplies, clothing, footwear and safety equipment.


Since joining the group in 1990 as an executive director of Carrs Agriculture, the current Chairman of

parent company Carrs Milling Industries PLC, Chris Holmes has led the company throughout a period of

significant expansion and it has become one of the largest of its kind in the UK. Other companies which have

come into the Group over the years have not only brought different and increased product lines but they have also allowed the company to diversify into other areas of agriculture, food and engineering, which has helped expand its customer base. An early acquisition for Chris Holmes after joining the company was to negotiate the purchase of the Crystalyx low moisture feed block business from Pfizer, moving the manufacture of the patented feed blocks to Silloth, prior to commissioning a further manufacturing plant in Germany a few years later. Today, Crystalyx blocks are distributed throughout Europe and are gradually expanding in many other parts of the world, with this recipe for success now

The newly developed Annan store

even commanding a good market share under the name of Smartlic throughout the United States. Whilst Crystalyx blocks are still

manufactured at the Silloth plant, the Silloth feed mill was closed in 1999 at which time compound feed manufacture relocated to Carlisle as part

of the joint venture agreement with Billingtons. Over the next twenty years, the companies which Chris brought into the


Carrs specialised service & maintenance team at Annan

Carrs Billington fold have complimented the business, helping it to expand into becoming the extremely successful company it is today, with the key aim of adding value to the many customers who have remained loyal to it over the years. Carrs operations around the Scottish border began with the acquisition of County Motors in Carlisle and Penrith in 1994, followed closely by Baird’s of Annan the following year, a success story which has just moved into a new chapter with the building of a £2.2 million state of the art Country Store on the outskirts of Annan in Dumfries and Galloway. Like so many businesses the Foot and Mouth Outbreak of 2001 forced all agricultural based suppliers and hauliers to look at their distribution operations and do risk assessment on all operations. Hindsight is always a wonderful thing but without the advantage of a crystal ball, 40

no one could have foreseen this dreadful disease coming, nor could they have predicted the devastation it would cause to a vulnerable industry, becoming the worst crisis to hit livestock farming since the previous outbreak in 1967. Carrs Billington had taken the decision to stop supplying major pig and poultry producers and to concentrate on ruminant livestock a couple of years before the outbreak and this eliminated their involvement on these farms, helping to minimise the risk of spreading the disease. Prior to this decision, their compound feed production had been 50% ruminant and 50% monogastric but moving to a total ruminant based production system has proved to be one of the best and most timely decisions ever taken by the company. Carrs Billington still sell small quantities of hen and pig food in their Country Stores, with the manufacturing of these being out-sourced, so their animal feed business

now almost totally relies on ruminant sales. Following the Foot and Mouth crisis, the Carrs Milling group began to both rationalise and expand its operations by firstly acquiring the Meneba UK flour milling business. This expanded the flour division by acquiring two mills, one in Kirkcaldy, Fife and the other in Maldon, Essex which together with the existing flour mill in Silloth gave the flour division production and distribution capabilities throughout northern and southern England and Scotland. Carrs Billington continued to expand, with the most significant and influential purchases by the company being AFplc and Pye Bibby Agriculture. Both were large, well established feed companies, with knowledgeable and experienced staff, many of whom remain in key positions within the business today. The Pye Bibby acquisition brought


A wealth of knowledge at the Annan parts department with Doug and Terry

with it a large new feed mill at Lancaster, which had only been built a few years earlier

and even today remains the most modern compound mill in the UK. This allowed other less

efficient feed mills to be closed and the company’s operations were centred at the 3 feed mills

and 4 blend plants previously mentioned, between them producing around half a million tonnes of feed per annum. The additions of Bowie and Aram and Central Farmers during the same period, allowed further expansion for Carrs Billington throughout central and western Scotland and in 2010, the acquisitions of Borthwick Burn and Forsyth’s of Wooler added four new Country Stores in the Borders and North Northumberland. At the same time, Carrs Milling Industries acquired Scotmin Nutrition of Ayr, which brought on stream own-manufacture minerals and supplements to compliment the agricultural business. As with previous acquisitions, these all brought significant experience to the business in the form of several talented members of staff. The acquisition of Wallace oils of Carlisle in 2005 had been the beginning

of the Carrs Billington fuel business, supplying to both commercial and domestic customers. “Moving into the oil business”, explains Rae Tomlinson, “allowed us to broaden supplies to our existing customers”. With the addition of Johnstone Fuels and Lubricants of Dumfries two years later, the fuel distribution side of the business has continued to expand in what is a highly competitive market. The business now trades as Wallace Oils in North Cumbria, Johnstone Wallace Fuels in South Scotland and as Carrs Billington Fuels in South Cumbria, Lancashire, West Yorkshire and North East England. With the acquisition of Laycocks Agricultural Chemists, came another three stores in Skipton, Settle and Malton as well as an animal health business.

“This acquisition represented a further significant step in the development of Carr Billington.” explains Rae Tomlinson. “The further inclusion of Raines of Spennymoor, Brock Farm Supplies and Borthwick Burn allowed the company to expand its customer base in the North East of England and the Scottish Borders. The rationalisation of all of these smaller but important supply companies meant that we not only acquired sound businesses and new premises but also, more importantly, the experienced staff which came with them.” This successful business plan has resulted in the current tally of 26 Country Stores, with a customer base stretching from Perth to Staffordshire, three oil divisions, eight oil depots, seven machinery branches and 375 employees, many of whom have come from the

acquisition over the years and all of whom are highly trained and experienced within the interconnected parts of the company. With increased safety awareness, Carrs Billington saw a gap in the market to supply suitable work wear and equipment and to this end in 2012, the company acquired Workware, the UK's leading importers and distributors of specialised protective clothing and safety equipment. Their product range includes trousers, jackets, gloves and footwear for the Arboricultural, (tree surgery) Forestry, Horticulture and Agricultural industries. Workware are the exclusive importers of Haix chainsaw and protective footwear, SIP Protection chainsaw clothing, Towa high performance gloves and Quazar safety road signs. Workware are also one of the UK's leading 3 legged


ladder specialists. Tripod ladders are the most practical access solution for gardeners, landscapers and tree surgeons as well as painters, window cleaners and many other industrial trades. Their 3 legs, broad base and telescopic legs make them suitable for use on uneven ground, slopes and steps and they also provide a safer option than the tractor bucket for cleaning gutters! With such a diverse range of products and services, Carrs Billington is getting increasingly closer to its “one stop shop” objective. With the assistance of its various sister companies throughout the group, it is becoming increasingly self-sufficient in doing so. Backing this up the business has long and established relationships with a multitude of key suppliers across all sectors of the business. Recent Developments 2013 was an all-round busy year for Carrs Billington, not only with the grand opening of the AminoMax plant in Lancaster but also the commissioning of new Country Stores at Kendal, Berwick, Perth and Bakewell and the completion of the redevelopment of the one at Rosehill, Carlisle. In addition, the extension of the Country Store at Skipton completed a very busy year for development and expansion.

Manufacturers of trailers, rota snack sheep feeders, bale carriers etc

Perhaps the most exciting development to-date, however is the new build Country Store at Annan in Dumfries and Galloway. One of the oldest branches, it became a Carrs Billington Asset in 1993 when they took over the long standing family business, Baird’s of Annan. It has been a long drawn out process purchasing the land, agreeing design plans with local government and planning and in particular trying to get the utilities companies to work together to supply water, electricity and phone. When the new Country Store opened at the end of June, none of the utilities were complete, despite assurances from all companies that they would be. “It’s very difficult trying to run any business with no utilities.” says Ian Powley, the Annan Store Manager, who also manages Cockermouth Country Store. “We have a generator for electricity, little or no mobile phone reception, no internet and a temporary water supply! It’s currently a project that Blue Peter would be proud of!” He laughs. The ethos of the founder Jonathan Dodgson Carr continues to this day, over 180 years after the company was founded on the virtues of honesty, fair dealing, service and a benefit to the community in which it trades. From mechanics to engineering - a seemless

Bale lifters also suitable for wrapped silage bales

The ultimate lambing trailer for safe transportation of sheep & lambs 3, 4, 5 & 6 sheep with various wheel options Rotasnack Drop Feeder 300kg & 500kg hoppers 15” trac grip tyres available as shown drops feed 8’ apart with good ground clearance

Road legal sheep and calf trailer Swaledale ATV Ltd are pleased to be associated with Carrs Billington and wish them every success at their new premises at Annan • Tel: 01282 614321 • Mobile: 07836 315254


addition While the company’s repair business for farm machinery and small engines is well known to customers, there is another side to the engineering part of the business, which is not as well known to the agricultural industry. The Carrs Milling Group established an engineering arm when the company brought one of the small firms, which provided parts for the mill. A twist of fate, which continued them on a route which was to lead to top end technical engineering interest in the oil, petrochemical and nuclear industries. In 1996 Bendalls Engineering joined the group and was the first engineering business to be added to the operation. This Carlisle based company was a specialised fabrication operation which worked in the nuclear, gas and oil petrochemicals industries. There specialisation was to create “glove boxes” (boxes in which unstable or radioactive materials can be handled safely) for the nuclear industry. Acquiring Bendalls led onto the acquisition of the trade and assets of the German Engineering company Hans Wälischmiller GmbH. Wälischmiller designs and manufactures highly specialised robotic arms for the nuclear, oil, gas and petrochemical industries worldwide, extending the expertise and geographical reach of the engineering division. Another engineering firm from Carlisle, this time Clive Walton Engineering was the latest engineering enterprise to be added to the Carrs Group in 2012. Cutting edge nnutrition from Carrs Billington Carrs Billington have recognised the importance of nutrition within the dairy industry, and have invested heavily in the next generation of amino acid bypass proteins, resulting in increased milk production and

reduced manure nitrogen. Carrs Billington is leading the way in bringing the benefits of the latest research and development from around the world to Scottish farmers. Last year AminoMax-Pro was introduced to the market, the first breakthrough in protein nutrition for 20 years. This provides a tremendous opportunity for farmers to improve cattle and sheep performance, whilst reducing the quantity and cost of protein they need to feed to balance forage, benefitting the cow, the environment and the farmer. AminoMax proteins are produced using a unique process which combines sugar with soya and rapeseed enabling the proteins to bypass the rumen. This protein is more efficiently digested in the hindgut leading to higher milk yields in dairy cows and sheep plus better growth rates in youngstock. Using rumen protected proteins means you can feed less total protein in the diet. Duncan Rose, Carrs Billington’s Chief Technical Officer, says “Dairy cows waste around 75% of the protein they consume. This is very expensive for farmers and there is increasing pressure from government to reduce our carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions. Potentially, improved nutrition using AminoMax can reduce this loss and have no adverse effect on production.” The product was initially launched in the United States by Carrs Billington’s parent company Carrs Milling Industries and, following great success over two years, a new manufacturing facility was opened at the Lancaster Mill in 2013. Last winter many customers throughout our trading area replaced expensive soya with AminoMax Pro and saw an increase in milk yield, feed costs savings and improvements in cow health. Commercial trials suggest high yielding cows could

produce 1.2 litres more milk per day. Carrs Billington are continually innovating and will launch their new Dairy Solutions Ration Plan later this summer. Research and development from around the world has produced new, improved nutritional parameters which are being added to the existing rationing programme. The main benefits are that it will help achieve a better balance of energy and protein sources to the rumen and cow leading to higher performance, improved feed efficiency and better cow health and fertility. In addition to these new developments looking at the energy and protein requirements of the cow, Carrs Billington have updated the vitamin, mineral and trace element part of the programme. Duncan Rose

says “The update will allow us to evaluate the overall intake of these essential nutrients from various sources including feed, boluses, feed blocks and water. This is in part recognition of the concerns about the increasing incidence of copper toxicity in dairy cows but also optimises animal performance and minimise expensive waste and potential pollution into the environment. Too often nutritionists focus only on energy and protein supply, the new ration programme encompasses the complete nutrition of the dairy cow. Full circle - Bairds of Annan Baird’s of Annan epitomises the ethos of Carrs BIllington and is a great example of a company which has survived in a competitive industry for well over 100 years. The Baird company was founded

in 1888 by Alec Baird, a tenant farmer who farmed at Hoddamtown, Ecclefechan near Annan in Dumfriesshire. He wanted to sell machinery and obtained the agency for Ramsomes, Sims and Jeffrey of Ipswich and in his first year of trading, he sold 26 implements. With success came expansion and he opened a blacksmith shop on Dumfries Whitesands and an electrical shop in premises on Annan High Street. The company also took on the agency for Ford Cars until they changed to Austin just after the First World War. It was the farming side of things which developed quickly and with their reputation for maintenance and after sale care they were the obvious choice for local farmers. As farming became more mechanised, the firm took on David Brown tractors and in 1954 obtained the coveted

Massey Harris (now Massey Ferguson) agency which they retain to this day. The Annan premises on the High Street housed all of the company’s retail electrical and ironmongery side while Dumfries branch became a successful Peugeot dealership until it was taken over by Bain & Co of Coatbridge in 1979. While the Annan premises looked relatively small from the outside, they were bought for expansion and extended well back from the main street, like Dr Who’s Tardis! Being set on a corner, with no other premises to their right, sheds were added on and remain to this day. The locals got used to tractors sitting on the main street and recently when asked if they were glad that all the bustle and tractors had gone from the street one resident said “We are going to miss them here. It made the High Street come alive


For more information please contact: Main Contact - Paul McUrich: 07810 040100 email: or Paddy Flynn: 07887 894828 email:


even if the tractors did get in the way occasionally.” The listed building had served the company well over the years but with serious repairs needed to the tin roofs, entrances which could no longer accommodate the size of the tractors of this day and general disrepair, the decision was taken to look for suitable premises, which would allow the business to expand once again. This was going to be easier said than done and it took ten years of searching and planning to find and procure the best spot for the new Country Store, agency and servicing department. Walking through the old premises was like walking back in time. Everything was meticulously filed in little drawers marking their contents and there was the usual display of papers and spare parts on the counter. Even the black-out blinds from the Second World War still hung on some of the windows. Mechanics worked to the best of their ability, in a shed which leaked and had to wear waterproofs on wet days but all of them from apprentice to Manager were dedicated Carrs Billington (Baird’s of Annan) staff, several of whom had joined the company from school and one in particular who had been with the company for 50 years! David Douglas joined the company in 1964 straight


David Little and David Douglas at Bairds in the early 80's

from school at the age of 15 with another apprentice, David Little. “When I started at Bairds,” says David, we were already a one stop shop. We had plumbers, electricians, and mechanics and sold tractors, household electricals and did spray painting. The whole operation was run from an office on the landing half way up the stairs! I worked under the late Jim Black, who owned the business and then his son Norman and they trained us all well.” Selling both farm machinery and household goods proved to be a great piece of

marketing for the company and every Friday on market day, the shop demonstrated the new technology to the wives of the farmers who were at the market or the bar, while they waited on their husbands! “Tractors were often sold with a new television or washing machine as a kind of luck penny.” Says David, smiling at the thought, “and everyone went home happy!” “Bairds was a great company to work for.” says David. “When Carrs Billington took us over I was apprehensive but I knew from my first meeting with Chris

Holmes (the group Chairman) that he was a good guy and it would be well looked after.” Although there is a deserted space in Annan High Street at the moment, plans are afoot to clear and redevelop the site for both residential and commercial premises in a central area of the town which would welcome rejuvenation. The out of town store has also created some well needed jobs in the town and if the past record of most of the current company staff is anything to go by they will remain with Carrs Billington for years to come.


HoofCare SprayMat from Agrihealth

The HoofCare SprayMat is the ideal solution for contagious hoof diseases especially in a robotic milking system. The system is made up of a series of layered rubber mats which have been especially designed to provide a constant flow of water through a number of nozzles. The water can be mixed with medication and/or disinfection agent. The liquid can only flow in one direction guaranteeing a clean output every time. The SprayMat is ideally positioned at the exit of a parlour or milking robot where animals can cross it a number of times per day. When the cow walks over the mat with one foot on or near a coloured halfsphere nozzle, a valve will open and the liquid is then forced through the nozzle. The liquid is sprayed forcefully against the foot getting to those hard to reach areas. The liquid pressure and the height of the

jet can be adjusted by a control unit. The system is connected to the water mains and a dosing pump in the control unit will add the correct amount of medication to the water if required. The dimension of one mat is 80x40cm, mats are needed to reach a length of 160cm. This is sufficient for four hooves to get sprayed when the cow crosses the mat. While crossing the SprayMat, hoofs are automatically sprayed with clean liquid. The mat, which required no maintenance, can be left in a permanent position as it is not an obstacle to animals. The use of the mat ensures all hoofs are disinfected several times per week, thus reducing labour costs. The HoofCare SprayMat is an ideal solution for contagious hoof diseases in a robotic scenario although the system can also be used in any milking parlour configuration.

Role of Imports Important in Balancing the UK Beef Market

Despite the increased production of beef over the past six months, the UK remains only around 80% self-sufficient and will remain an importer of beef in the future, according to Stuart Ashworth, Head of Economics Services, Quality Meat Scotland. When beef exports are taken into account, which although under pressure from high prices and strong sterling exchange 48

rates amount to around 10% of total UK production, approximately 30% of the beef consumed in the UK comes from outside the UK. “The biggest supplier to the UK is Ireland who account for around 70% of beef imports. Imports from the rest of the European Union amount to around 20% leaving 10% to come from countries outside of the EU,” said Mr Ashworth. “There has been some recent comment about supplies reaching the UK from Poland, but UK customs data suggest hardly any change in Polish activity with the UK. Indeed, Polish beef supplies to the UK were only slightly higher in the first five months of 2014 than they were in the same period of last year, at 2,900t. Nevertheless, they amounted to less than 0.75% of UK beef supplies.”

Polish imports into the Republic of Ireland are much lower than the quantities reaching the UK direct from Poland and declined in the first quarter of 2014 compared to 2013. Poland has, however, had an influence on the European market and over the past two years it has increased its trade with other European member states, particularly since mid2013 when changes to slaughter rules in Poland meant it lost some of its export markets outside of the EU. “According to Eurostat data, during 2013 Poland exported about 250,000 tonnes of beef to the European Union - 40,000 tonnes more than in 2012 and 70,000 tonnes more than 2011,” said Mr Ashworth. “In contrast, during 2013 the UK exported around 100,000 tonnes of beef to the

European Union. Almost 70% of Polish exports to the EU go to Germany, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands. “While some of this beef may reach the UK from these countries, it will remain negligible compared to the total UK supplies. Where the challenge emerges is in greater competition in these European markets for UK and Irish beef exporters,” added Mr Ashworth. However, Mr Ashworth pointed out that the bigger challenge for the domestic supply chain is the type of beef being imported, rather than where the beef comes from. “Beef can be traded as fresh chilled product, competing in the fresh retail market, or frozen product, more likely to be traded in the manufacturing sector. Around 70% of UK beef imports are fresh chilled products.”


Piglet Feeding Gaining E-Mobility

During piglet raising, the foundation is laid for an optimal fattening and carcass

performance of the fattening pigs. Accordingly, the energy and nutrient requirements

First IBQX Vaccine For The UK And Irish Poultry Industry Zoetis has announced the availability in the UK and Ireland of the first specific vaccine against the QX strain of the infectious bronchitis virus — Poulvac® IBQX For the past two years the vaccine has only been available with a special import certificate from the Veterinary Medicines Directorate for use on flocks where the QX virus has been isolated. This variant IB strain has been an increasing problem in European countries over the last 10 years and was first seen in the UK in South-East England in 2007. Since then QX has been isolated from a number of commercial layer and broiler flocks, leading to inferior performance and increased mortality. “Poulvac IB QX adds another protection dimension to our extensive IB vaccine portfolio,” said James Porritt, Zoetis Poultry Manager for the UK and Ireland. “The Zoetis

of the animals should already shortly after birth be supplemented by a regular distribution of small feed rations. For this, the equippers of animal houses, WEDA Dammann & Westerkamp GmbH at Lutten, have issued Easy Feeder, the mobile feeding automat, with a powerful battery and with a robust undercarriage. When running on battery power, the manual feeding in the farrowing section can therefore be carried out in an easy and labour saving way. WEDA Dammann & Westerkamp are currently the only manufacturers that are offering a mobile feeding automat with agitator and battery mode. The electric motor requires only little energy so that the agitator and the pump of the automat are able to run up to

five hours in continuous use. Furthermore, an intelligent, electronic recharger is integrated into the Easy Feeder. Compared with customary solutions, about half of the working time can be saved by means of this innovation. The 125-litre feeding container holds 100 litres and should be filled with a minimum amount of 10 litres. As opposed to comparable products, the Easy Feeder has an agitator which mixes the dosificated components in the container. Agitator and pump are separately switchable so that after mixing of the feed, only the pump will stay in operation and thus energy will be saved. During the feeding process, the agitator operates slowly; during faster agitation, the Easy Feeder can be connected to the mains by means of the 230 Volt plug.

IB portfolio offers the widest choice and with Poulvac IBMM + ARK we have the UK’s only bivalent live vaccine licensed for day-old use providing a Massachusetts strain and protection against 793/B/91 variant type strains lasting for six weeks post vaccination. Other IB Vaccines include Poulvac H120 and the UK’s only other bivalent live vaccine Poulvac IB Primer.” Poulvac IB QX vaccine is based on a live attenuated virus and is administered as a coarse spray to broilers from day-old and to layer pullets or broiler breeders from seven days of age. Protection has been demonstrated by challenge study to last for 63 days after vaccination. The vaccine is often used on the farm, but can be administered to chicks at the hatchery if adequate controls are in place to avoid spread to other chicks that will be moved to non-QX exposed flocks.



SRUC and the University of Edinburgh Demonstrate Promising Livestock Genetics

SRUC and the University of Edinburgh had the opportunity to share their institutions’ research and development work on livestock breeding and genetics during a learning visit from Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Mr Gates was accompanied by Dr Samuel Thevasagayam, the Gates Foundation’s Deputy Director of Livestock, and Dr Donald Nkrumah, Senior Programme Officer, Livestock Genetics. Agricultural Development is one of the largest initiatives of the foundation. The foundation’s approach is based on the principles of listening to farmers and addressing their specific needs, increasing

farm productivity, fostering sustainable agricultural practices, and achieving greater impact with partners. A key element involves supporting efforts to improve the health and productivity of livestock by improving animal genetics and veterinary care. During their visit on 29 July, the party toured the Roslin Institute at the Easter Bush Estate before visiting SRUC’s beef research facility on the outskirts of Edinburgh. They also visited the new National Avian Research Facility at The Roslin Institute. Amongst the many scientists who described their work were the Roslin Institute’s Dr Mark Bronsvoort and Dr Adrian Muwonge who are undertaking

epidemiology research in East Africa and Cameroon. SRUC’s Dr Dave Roberts and Dr Mizeck Chagunda spoke about their work with dairy farmers in Malawi, which focuses on the use of performance recording to increase herd productivity. SRUC Vice Principal Research Geoff Simm said: “We were delighted to welcome Mr Gates and his colleagues so that we could demonstrate the quality of research taking place at SRUC

and the University. Mr Gates was particularly interested in how new technologies provide a step-change in collecting data to enhance livestock performance.” Professor Jonathan Seckl, Vice-Principal Planning, Resources and Research Policy, said: “It has been a great pleasure to welcome Bill Gates to the Easter Bush Campus and showcase our work as world leaders in the field of animal bioscience.”

Beef producers are reminded of the consequences of overfeeding cereals In response to falling cereal prices, beef producers are being reminded of the dangers of overfeeding cereals. Dr Michael Marsden, Technical Manager for Trident Feeds reminds farmers that cereals are high in starch and ferment rapidly in the rumen. “Cereals often become a favourable choice when prices start to fall and there is sometimes a temptation to feed as much as possible because they’re cheap,” explains Dr Marsden. 50

“However, due to their rapid fermentation, a high quantity of acid is produced. This acid lowers the pH of the rumen, which results in the depletion of bacteria and leads to major problems; acidosis being one of them. “If cereals form part of a ration, ideally they should be fed in conjunction with a highly digestible fibre source; this will slow down rumen fermentation,” advises Dr Marsden.

LIVESTOCK Joint Winners of Food and Farming Journalism Bursary Announced By Carol McLaren, Head of Communications, Quality Meat Scotland

“Barley distillers are an excellent example of a complementary feed and as a product of whisky production, the proximity to farms in Scotland makes them an ideal choice for the region.” He adds that barley distillers also contain energy as digestible fibre, and have low starch content because the vast majority is removed during the distilling process. “The end product is a protein and digestible fibre energy residue, with a favourable neutral detergent fibre level, with 47% of the protein being rumen bypass protein.” Beef producer, Angus Smith who farms near Huntly, has been feeding his pedigree Aberdeen Angus beef herd a fattening ration of 4.2kg of sugar beet and 3.8kg of barley distillers, as well as ad-lib grass silage and barley straw for 15 years and avoids the temptation to switch diets in reaction to feed prices. “The bulls are achieving a daily live weight gain of 1.47kg and I’m rearing them over 425 days, selling live weight at between 570kg – 680kg. “Regardless of any changes in costs, if there’s one thing that’s central to me, it’s to produce consistent, quality premium beef with high eating quality. So despite falling prices, as far as I can see into the future, until I retire, I won’t be changing a thing.”

Two individuals have been announced as joint overall winners of a new Food and Farming Journalism Bursary, developed by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) in partnership with the British Guild of Agricultural Journalists (BGAJ). Fiona Turnbull of Fruix Farm, Kinross and Jo Learmonth of Greens of Savoch, Auchnagatt, near Ellon both impressed the judges with their applications for the bursary which aims to encourage people to consider a career in food and farming journalism. Fiona, who is married to Andrew and has three children, is a sheep farmer with an HND in Agriculture and a postgraduate Diploma in Agribusiness, both from SAC Aberdeen. Her interest in writing about agriculture was kindled at a very young age includes a farming

column in the local Kinrossshire Newsletter. Jo is married to Iain and has two children and is Farm Data Manager at Auchmacoy Estate and has a BSc (Hons) in Agriculture and a MSc in Crop Protection. She is also a partner on a 440 ha mixed farm near Ellon and volunteers for the Royal Northern Countryside Initiative. Both Jo and Fiona share an interest in communicating the quality of Scottish food as well as farming and both have had stories published in the press. The pair have recently completed the BGAJ/John Deer Journalism Training Award course and will also have the opportunity to take part in work experience with titles including The Press and Journal and The Courier. The launch of the new “Food and Farming

Journalism Bursary” was timed to coincide with the World Congress of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) which is being held in early September this year. Jo and Fiona will take part in the IFAJ Congress in Aberdeenshire as part of their bursary award. One of the aims of this award was to encourage aspiring journalists, writers and bloggers to help the public better understand the commitment, passion and skills behind top quality Scottish food – such as Scotch Beef, Scotch Lamb and Specially Selected Pork. We were delighted with the exceptionally high standard of entries we received for the award and pleased that we have been able to give bursaries to both Fiona and Jo. We look forward to reading their articles in the press in the future! 51


Beefed Up Cube Handling System Matches Sunny Expectations

Ritchie has provided farmers with stock handling systems designed to make life easier and safer for both stockmen and cattle for over 140 years. Third generation farmer Gus Soutar’s family have been farming Suttieside Farm for over 100 years and a new Ritchie Stock Cube™ handling system has recently been introduced to help maintain the farm’s safety record whilst easing stock management. Suttieside Farm is mainly a livestock unit comprising of cows and heifers, which can peak at 150 head. With the need for regular handling and TB testing, Gus was looking for a simple, effective unit that made his job easier and safer.

TB testing used to be a traumatic time with stock unhelpful and tempers short. The introduction of the Ritchie Stock Cube™ has changed everything with the animals being much quieter whilst enabling Gus to run them through the system on his own if necessary. Self contained and easily moved from site to site, Gus uses his Manitou telescopic loader to set the unit down at the chosen site, be it yard or field and then unfolds the free standing pen. Additional holding pens are easily added if necessary depending on stock numbers and the whole set-up takes no more than 15 minutes for two people to be ‘ready to go’,

New on-line database shows calf BVD status

The ability to easily check a calf’s BVD status online has gained momentum with the announcement by XLVets of the launch of a central, fully accessible web-based database that provides verification of a negative test result for the disease. The new database is central to the ‘BVD CHECK TAG’ 52

initiative that uses branded white ear tags as part of a BVD status testing procedure. The white tags show that an animal has been tested for BVD and provide an easily identifiable and highly visible prompt for calf buyers to check test results online before purchase. With essential critical mass provided through the backing

Scottish Smallholder and Grower Festival extends link with RBST to launch RBST Scottish Rare Breed Championships Following their agreement to run an RBST Scottish National “Youngstock” championships at the Scottish Smallholder and Grower Festival in September, both parties have collaborated further and will now run the RBST Scottish Rare Breed Championships at the event. The Championships will amalgamate the Youngstock competition with a new competition across all sections for mature livestock. The Championships will be open to breeds of livestock that are, or have been, on the RBST Watchlist, and the entries will be based on age – stock born on or before January 2014 (or goats 12 months of age or under at the date of the Festival) will enter the Youngstock Championships, and the Senior Championships will be for stock born before January 2014 (or

Goats older than 12 months at the date of the Festival). Each species of livestock – goats, cattle, pigs and sheep – will have its own pair of Champions; the four Youngstock Champions will compete to win the Parkhill Cup plus a prize purse of £50, and the four Senior Champions will compete to win the RBST Caledonian Trophy, donated by RBST Caledonian Support Group, plus a £50 prize purse. Peter Titley, the current Rare Breeds Survival Trust President, will judge the Youngstock and Senior Championships. Peter stands down as RBST President in August after many years of distinguished service to the charity, and the Festival Team are grateful to him for joining us in September to judge this inaugural Scottish Rare Breed Championship.


Five Figure Hereford Semen Export

A five figure sum has been paid for a shipment of semen taken from sixteen month old Hereford sire Haven Kingpin. Purchased by the Irish Hereford Cattle Society, the

semen is now available to members via the Society’s Breed Improvement Scheme (BIS). A scheme designed to improve the overall quality of the Breed through the use

Crystalyx welcomes new distributers in Scotland

of top genetics from at home and abroad. Haven Kingpin is a young sire from the famous Haven herd based in Dilwyn, Herefordshire, one of the oldest and best known herds in the UK. “Kingpin” was first spotted by Members of the Society’s Breed Improvement Committee at the National Hereford Christmas Calf Show held at Shrewsbury Market. Their selection was based on his appearance, ancestry and Breedplan performance recording figures. His Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) for 200, 400 & 600 day weights are within the top 5% of the Breed. And his Terminal Sire Index of +36 against a Breed Average of +22 and Self-Replacing Index

of +44 (Breed Average +26), places him in the top 1% for the Breed. “Kingpin’s” dam Haven Splendour 25th has a milk EBV in the top 1% of the Breed and his grand dam Splendour 23rd is a very consistent performer having produced a number of top progeny including show stopper Haven Governor. Haven Kingpin is sired by GH Adams 144S Bulge 138W and 138W is one of the best bulls to come out of Canada in recent times and was Reserve Grand Champion at the Canadian National show in 2009. Haven Herefords will be out in force on the 2nd August at the National Horned Hereford Show, Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire, a major show which attracts entries from across the UK.

New on-line database shows calf BVD status

The Crystalyx range of products continue to offer astounding results with livestock throughout the world, with sound scientific research practices carried out by independent scientists at reputable establishments. Crystalyx has a policy of carrying out such research for almost two decades and continue to invest heavily in a scientific approach to nutrition. As the demand from farmers and livestock grow for these products it is important we work closer with our Business partners and merchants. We are pleased to announce the full list of Crystalyx merchants for the northern areas of Scotland; Carnan Store (Isle of South Uist)

01870 610205


01955 602207

Lewis Crofters (Isle of Lewis)

01851 702350


01464 831261

Reid & Robertson

01389 752800


01856 873003

Towns & Carnie

01888 568856

Crystalyx welcome some new distributors and will continue to offer the customer a financial benefit to using the range. If you require more information please contact Crystalyx on 016973 32592 or email

The ability to easily check a calf’s BVD status online has gained momentum with the announcement by XLVets of the launch of a central, fully accessible web-based database that provides verification of a negative test result for the disease. The new database is central to the ‘BVD CHECK

TAG’ initiative that uses branded white ear tags as part of a BVD status testing procedure. The white tags show that an animal has been tested for BVD and provide an easily identifiable and highly visible prompt for calf buyers to check test results online before purchase. With essential critical mass 53

LIVESTOCK provided through the backing of the 53-strong UK-wide group of XLVets veterinary practices, the main aims of BVD CHECK TAG are to improve the identification of source farms and reduce the risks of persistently infected (PI) calves moving from unit to unit, thereby stemming the spread of the disease. “BVD is primarily spread by PIs, which are calves born from cows that are infected with BVD,” explains Dan Humphries from the XL Vets’ practice Lambert, Leonard and May. “These PI calves often appear normal but will spread infection to other cattle that they come into contact with. It’s therefore critical that we remove these animals from the breeding herd and also ensure that they are not sold into other herds. “By identifying PIs, ideally shortly after birth and certainly before they

move from their home unit, we can minimise the spread of BVD and also offer more targeted control programmes in herds that are identified as infected.” The scheme is entirely voluntary with farmers first having to make the decision to use the tissue sample testing technology to initiate the process. The white BVD CHECK TAG tags are available from a number of tag suppliers, with tissue analysis either done by the vet practice or through a central laboratory, depending on the type of tag used. Cost is estimated to be approximately £5-6/tag, which includes the laboratory testing. Once calves are tagged and the tissue samples analysed, results are recorded via the farm’s veterinary practice onto the new central BVD CHECK TAG database. This online database – which

in future will be accessible from any smart phone through an APP – will then provide verification of all calves testing negative through the scheme. “The scheme is being piloted on a significant scale through XLVets member practices, but any farmer (not only clients of XLVets practices) will be able to access the database from the outset,”

Ayrshire Family Aims to Improve Lamb Productivity and Profitability

Supplying the right product at the right time is critical to the profitability of everyone involved in the lamb supply chain - from the farmer to the supermarket. That is the focus of a meeting to be held at Tom 54

adds Dan. “The ultimate aim is that all practices will have the option of participating in the scheme, with the database being hosted independently, thereby allowing the branded white tag to become a universal symbol to promote BVD awareness and prompt positive action to remove PIs.” MSD Animal Health is sponsoring the BVD CHECK TAG scheme.

Marshall's Mains of Tig Farm at Ballantrae, Ayrshire, on 19th August. Mr Marshall runs 500 Scotch Mule ewes and 90 native cross suckler cows on 341 acres, which is mostly

down to grass with 70 acres of first cut silage and 20 second cut, plus about 36 acres of spring barley for home-use. It will be the first time Mr Marshall has hosted a Lamb Supply Chain Group meeting on his farm and he is looking forward to hearing what the experts have to say on improving productivity. As a director of the producers co-operative Ayrshire Country Lamb and also the procurement company, Farm Stock (Scotland) Ltd, he is particularly interested in the follow- up visit to Scotbeef at Bridge of Allan to see how his lambs grade. The meetings, funded by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS), Farm Stock (Scotland) Ltd and the Scottish Government Skills Development Scheme and are facilitated by SAC Consulting (part of SRUC), aim to enhance collaboration and communication in the supply chain, and improve productivity and profitability at all levels. Mr Marshall said: "It looks as though we are going to have less Single Farm Payment (SFP) so we have to look at ways to get more from our produce and it is important for us, as farmers, to produce what the abattoirs want within the specification they require." The flock at Mains of Tig is closed, with Mule ewe lambs bred at Mr Marshall’s son's farm, where there are 900 Blackface ewes. He has also dabbled with Teeswater tups over the Blackies to get a more woolly type of Mule which survives better. He adopts a similar policy with the Aberdeen Angus and Shorthorn cross cattle and tries to buy in as little as possible. Suffolk, Texel and Charollais tups are used and Mr Marshall has small flocks of pedigree Texel and Charollais to breed his own tups. He believes each has its purpose, with Charollais being used on the gimmers for ease of lambing, Suffolk for some really early finishers and Texel for good growth and grades later in the year.

0HGDOOLQJ ZLWK 3RWHQWLDO My family has just been watching Lindsay Sharp winning her silver medal in the 800m at the Commonwealth Games. The commentators went over the fact that her Dad had won medals in the 1982 Games and that her mother had also competed in the commonwealth games 800m. My youngest daughter who is keen on her athletics said ”Oh why couldn’t I have had parents like that!” Even if she had is performance all down to genetics? – well no, although it obviously has an influence. Is there a natural talent that you are born with? – probably not – its all down to being given the right opportunities, encouragement, and coaching at the right time and the individual having the commitment to put in the practice to hone their chosen skills. Its interesting then in the animal world that we do put a lot of emphasis on the genetics and for selecting for specific traits. Here we have the choice of course to change the “parents” of our “children”! Which is just as well as it would be difficult to get a highland cow to yield 8,000 litres with encouragement and coaching alone! But once we have arrived at our chosen genetics we must give the right opportunities and encouragement to allow full potential to be achieved. This equates to environment, housing, nutrition and disease control. It can be subclinical disease control that lets us down when it comes to achieving full potential. Sub clinical disease is the stuff that’s not obvious. Frequently we only see investigations into such conditions after clinical

%\ $QG\ &DQW 1RUWKYHW 9HWHULQDU\ *URXS cases have come to light, and animals have already been lost. By the time clinical disease has manifested, other animals in the group may have been suffering in a subclinical capacity for some time, the unseen cost of which cannot be recouped. You have to be proactive to fight subclinical disease. It involves monitoring and looking for it and there can be a scepticism about the financial return on doing so. However, a great deal of useful information can be obtained by sampling a small number of the right animals at the opportune time, while acting on such results appropriately can prevent clinical disease arising, as well as reducing the hidden costs of subclinical illness. As an example lets take the nutritional management of ewes during the last trimester of gestation. Seventy percent of fetal growth occurs during this period, while the spaceoccupying nature of the growing lambs can reduce dry matter intake by a third. Rations can be formulated to match the resulting metabolic strain, but the ewes’ true energy status cannot be established without proactive monitoring. As a result, diets are often only modified ‘reactively’ after cases of (potentially fatal) pregnancy toxaemia have already occurred. While frequent body condition



scoring can give a rough guide to nutritional status, it is a late indicator of energy deficiency and also a relatively subjective method to work by. When assessing the ewes’ energy status, blood sampling five or more individuals from each prolificacy group for -HB levels three weeks prior to lambing will indicate whether subclinical ketosis is present, and whether correction of the diet or management is necessary. If ignored, even ewes that do not lapse from subclinical ketosis into fullblown pregnancy toxaemia will suffer reduced quality and quantity of colostrum and suppressed milk yield, which will be reflected in poorer lamb liveweight gains. Other areas that lend themselves to monitoring are: trace element imbalances – what supplementation do they really need? Parasite control – is there a problem? Do I need to treat? By putting the commitment into a bit of proactive subclinical disease monitoring you could be in with a chance of a gold medal for fulfilled potential achievement for your animals. Satisfaction that you’ve done your best with what you have. Something I’m sure that the competitors at the Commonwealth Games would concur with and hopefully my daughter will understand through time.



Review Highlights Valuable Role of Monitor Farms Programme in Scotland

An independent review of Scotland’s Monitor Farms Programme has confirmed the farms have been successful in practical and effective knowledge exchange and delivered a positive impact on farm practices and performance. To date a total of 40 monitor farms have been initiated in Scotland, funded mainly through the Scottish Government’s rural development programme Skills Development Scheme, and supported by QMS, DairyCo, HGCA and SOPA. The farms selected to be part of the programme have an average project duration of three years with around 18 meetings held during this period. The interim evaluation assessed the success of the programme in achieving its core objective of improving the profitability of Scottish farmers and also identified learning and good practice in knowledge exchange. The conclusions of the evaluation have been

welcomed by Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead and Quality Meat Scotland chairman Jim McLaren. Speaking at an open evening at the Cairngorms Monitor Farm this week, Mr Lochhead said: “Monitor farms are undoubtedly a great way of trying out new farming technologies and techniques, and promoting best practice across rural Scotland – and this report gives welcome confirmation of the value of this model to Scottish farmers. These findings and recommendations will help us to develop the monitor farm programme so that it is even more effective through the next rural development programme period.” The report found the vast majority of monitor farmers described their involvement in the project to be of significant value to their own businesses, with 93% stating their involvement in the project helped improve productivity.

New kid on the block By Mamie Paterson There’s a new kid on the block with the arrival from the Swiss Alps of the Valais Blacknose sheep. It’s a mountain breed which is extremely photogenic with its long curly fleece and fluffy black topknot set between a pair of corkscrew horns. The new Blacknose flock has only been resident in Scotland for a couple of months, but its entry in the Any Other Breed section at Turriff Show prompted the organisers to include the Blacknose pen in HM the Queen’s itinerary during her visit to mark the show’s 150th anniversary. Most of the sheep breeds imported from Europe during the past 30 years have been intended to improve carcase quality in lowground flocks, and indeed the Texel, Charollais and Beltex breeds have lived up to expectations, with the Texel now replacing the native breed Suffolk as the premier terminal sire breed. In contrast, nothing so far has been found in Europe to replace Scotland’s traditional Blackface and Cheviot hill breeds which continue to rule the roost. The Valais Blacknose is a big-framed sheep, kept for meat and wool, grazing the High Alps during the summer months, returning

to lower slopes and housing during the winter. Whether they can cope with wet, dreich Scottish winters remains to be seen, as does their potential to improve or replace the traditional hardy hill breeds. Big hill sheep tend to be high maintenance animals, and although wool prices have shown a recent improvement, it is still a comparatively low-value product. So how will the Blacknose fit into the great scheme of things? For a few years at least, its destiny is to be a novelty. Its unusual and attractive appearance will be the breed’s main selling point, and every child will want one. ‘Pester power’ is an irresistible force and a Valais Blacknose will be coming soon to a field near you!

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Easter Ross Family Aims to Increase Flock Size and Kilos Produced from Grass

The long-term sheep strategy of the host family of the new Easter Ross Grazing Group is to almost double the size of their flock, lower costs and increase the kilos of lamb they produce per hectare. Bayfield Farm near Nigg, farmed by Duncan Scott in partnership with his parents David and Gill, will host one of six new Grazing Groups which are being set up throughout Scotland by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS). The initiative is aimed at improving livestock producers’ profitability by maximising the kilograms of meat produced per hectare from grass with the first meeting of the Easter Ross Grazing Group taking place on Wednesday 23rd July, starting at 1.30pm. The Scotts’ farm business, based about 40 miles north of Inverness, includes the main home unit, Cadbollmount a 700 acres owned unit which is largely used for growing cereals, and a further 500 acres of more upland grassland rented locally. This includes the tenanted Bayfield Farm,

which is largely comprised of improved hill and will be the focus of the Grazing Group activity. The Scotts went out of sheep farming nine years ago when Duncan was away at agricultural college but then returned to sheep production four years ago with the purchase of 800 Cheviot ewes. These Cheviot ewes were put to Easy Care tups with the female “Chevease” progeny from this cross retained. The Scott's sell all their lambs live through the Dingwall and Highland Marts ring and last year the majority of lambs were finished, averaging 39kgs, with 180 being sold store. “At the moment we are not managing to finish all the lambs off grass and we need to use stubble turnips and some creep feed. We start selling lambs in December, with the majority going away in February, March and April,” said Duncan Scott. The farm has one employee, Adrian Munro, who assists with both tractor work and stock work. Duncan Scott is,

however, focused on increasing his ewe numbers and, if all goes to plan, he envisages taking on a shepherd once the flock is up to around 1400 ewes. As well as running 500 acres of cereals – winter barley, oilseed rape, winter wheat, spring barley and oats – the family runs 70 suckler cows which are Aberdeen Angus cross and Simmental cross and these are put to Aberdeen Angus and Shorthorn bulls. “We operate a very low maintenance sheep enterprise

and, with Dad likely to start taking things a bit easier in the coming years, it is likely that more of my time will be taken up with the cattle and arable side of the business which is the side he is most involved in at the moment. “We’d like to be looking at taking someone on to help with the sheep work in five or six years time but our focus will remain on producing lambs using a low maintenance system,” said Duncan Scott.

MSD Animal Health showcases new digital flock health management solution EXPERTISTM LivestockPro is available on-line for free and is an easy-to-use, websitebased computer application designed to make flock vaccine and animal health product scheduling much simpler. Previewing the new application, project co-ordinator Marcus Sanders from MSD Animal Health, said sheep producers will benefit enormously from the new digital system. “EXPERTISTM LivestockPro really will make life easier for UK sheep producers. Shepherds will no longer have to rely on memory or written records in a 58

filing cabinet or on a farm office wallchart to schedule animal health treatments. Embracing the new digital system will certainly save time and money, and ultimately reduce livestock losses from key sheep diseases. Adopt the application as a key flock management tool – installing it on your farm computer, tablet or even personal smartphone – and you will be unlikely to miss a key animal health product usage date ever again,” he claimed. The new application also keeps track of vaccine stock levels on the farm and even

reminds users to order additional product before it is needed. Users can set up various alerts on any Internet-connected device. LivestockPro also incorporates medicinal product information and advice on correct vaccine administration.

Sheep producers interested in becoming early adopters of the innovative new digital flock health management solution should visit www.livestockpro. or e-mail MSD Animal Health livestockpro@merck. com] for further information.

Armstrongs of Longtown Fiona Sloan visits this family run firm now approaching 90 years in business

(L to R) Derek Armstrong - Livestock Director, Jennifer Whyberd - Managing Director, Geof Armstrong - Sales Director

Despite its English roots in the Border town of Longtown, just north of Carlisle, the Wm. Armstrong Group of Companies, generally known by farmers north and south of the Border as the livestock hauliers, Armstrong of Longtown, maintain an honorary and official dual nationality. They have never in their 85 year history, been considered as an English company by farmers and following the 2001 Foot and Mouth outbreak their Scottish status was made official by The Scottish Office, when they were confirmed as Scottish Hauliers, allowing them to continue their important role throughout the Scottish Highlands and Islands as well as transporting animals all over the UK. Their National status was confirmed in 2002 when they became the shirt sponsors of Gretna Football Club, who went

on to the Scottish Cup Final in 2006. Sadly the football club no longer exists but the benefit to the Armstrong group as a supporter of businesses on both sides of the border continues to this day. “The support of Gretna FC,” explains Managing Director Jennifer Whyberd (ne Armstrong), “meant that we were accepted as Scots and there were no accusations of the English coming north when we opened our depot in Uddingston. We are firmly rooted in Central Scotland, providing warehousing, haulage and distribution as well as truck servicing, car and van service and MOT services through Armstrong Trucks; a Scottish company.” The company has come a long way since the company’s founder William Armstrong, bought his first Ford Model T in 1927 to transport one cow at a time from the family


One of Wm Armstrong's first vehicles, a model T - Ford, which can still be seen in the company museum

smallholding near Brampton in Cumbria. William, originally a farm labourer before buying the smallholding, started transporting cows, coal and milk churns for local farmers and businesses and in 1928

received a huge boost to his fledgling business when the Swiss dairy giant Nestle, moved to Carlisle and gave William his first contract to haul nine churns of milk a day to the dairy, for the princely

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sum of ten shillings. The Milk Marketing Board wouldn’t come into existence for another five years in 1933. Both the farm and haulage businesses continued to thrive until after the war, when in 1947, William’s son Bob passed his driving test and took over the reins on the haulage side of the business. With William being more interested in the farm, Bob’s love for the haulage, really allowed the business to take off. He was soon joined by his brothers Harold, Jock and Cyril and his wife Margaret who was also involved in setting up the company’s administration centre and office. During the 1950’s Armstrongs’ rapidly expanded its livestock haulage, taking business from the

railways, which were too slow and unreliable. They were also notoriously bad for the welfare of the animals they transported, with many being left on sidings during changeovers or lost on the journeys. The Armstrong brothers saw a way to improve on the time for transportation and the welfare of the animals and to this day, the company employs livestock drivers initially for their ability to handle the animals, before being considered for a driving position. With the poor welfare record on the railways, Bob saw an opportunity to expand the livestock haulage business and with a lot of local farmers making the long journey north to buy North Country Cheviot

One of Armstrong's fleet of Palletforce trucks

lambs to finish on the lowlands of Scotland and England, he headed to Thurso to set up long distance haulage for farmers during the autumn sales. This trail breaking idea was an immediate success and the business and tradition of hauling sheep from North to South continues to this day. The company also has a depot just south of Wick and considers it as important as any of their larger depots. In 1950’s, local Carlisle Auctioneers, Harrison & Hetherington (now H & H Group) decided to relocate from their sale site at Longtown back to Carlisle, which allowed Armstrong’s to acquire the premises with its unique round sale ring building on the old livestock site. The site continues to be the main headquarters of the group with the ring or Round House being refurbished to remain as the centre piece of

the operation, hosting training sessions, meetings and acting as a meeting place for the local community organisations such as the local church. It also houses the company’s two refurbished Model T Ford trucks, one of which spent it’s working life on the Shetland Isles and a 1980 Scania 111, which is the pride of the fleet. Bought in 1980 for £19,950, the “One Eleven” has been common site on the vintage show circuit over the years and has won many prizes, which are proudly displayed in the company museum. It has in its time had over 300 drivers and has a phenomenal mileage from its work over the last thirty four years of over two million miles. William Armstrong, the founder’s grandson, can clearly remember the day the vehicle arrived on the yard. “I was only sixteen at the time,” he recalls “and it was an exciting day. It wasn’t our first sleeper cab unit

as that was an “S” reg but it was the first tractor with 80 gallon fuel tanks, for long distance operations and it felt great!” The company took delivery of three identical 111’s at that time and it is not surprising that only this one survives, as life as an Armstrong truck is particularly hard. With livestock to carry from the very north of Scotland to the south of England and across to the continent, it is important that journey times are kept to a minimum. Even with double manning, crews still ran out of time to be available to take the vehicle over. The Armstrong units barely ever got cold and as Jimmy Redpath, the unit’s driver for many years recalls, “You needn’t have bothered putting anti-freeze in them as their engines hardly ever stopped!” Unlike today, when supermarkets demand fresh meat all year round, it was a highly seasonal business with

livestock haulage in the early days, with most stock being mainly available for sale in the autumn and dairy production rising and falling with the seasons depending on whether or not the dairy cows were out at grass or indoors. To fill in the gaps during the “quiet times”, more general haulage of farming equipment such as draining pipes and fertilisers was undertaken. With a relatively small fleet of around six trucks in the early 1960’s, mostly Bedford and Chevrolet flatbeds in those days as there were no specialised vehicles, milk was carried in churns and to carry livestock, a crate was built onto the flatbed. This was also before palletisation and the churns and clay pipes had to be loaded, roped and sheeted by hand. The company continued to expand until 1984, which was a difficult year for the company 61

Thomas Pattinson, who started as an apprentice 12 years ago, and is now one of Armstrong's main livestock drivers.




and a turning point for them with the loss of founder William Armstrong and the untimely deaths of two of his sons, Jock and Harold. The third and current generation, were only just starting in the business at that time and Derek Armstrong, the company’s Livestock Director, recalls the changes. “It was a big blow and we had to get involved more quickly.� says Derek. “We were the apprentices at the time and Jennifer was running the accounts department. I had to start going to cattle markets and talking to our customers. It was hard work at first but they took me under their wing and we still have a lot of old, established customers, who knew my father and won’t use anyone else.� The company board still consists of the Armstrong family members with Jennifer

Whyberd, Managing Director, Geof Armstrong, Sales Director, and Derek Armstrong, Livestock Director. In 2009, the Board decided to appoint a non-executive director to help bring in fresh views to the company. They appointed Trevor Hebdon to the board, who had a history in corporate banking and had been chief executive of The H & H Group for 11 years and was more recently, Managing Director at Cumberland and Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart, Longtown. With the end of the Milk Marketing Board monopoly in 1994, a reduction in EU support and consolidation of small family farms into larger businesses, the livestock haulage sector became smaller as well. It had become too expensive to move one or two cattle to market and farmers were using their own trailers

to save cost. “Local livestock haulage has disappeared.â€? Says Derek “It’s too expensive because it costs ÂŁ50 just to start the lorry these days. I would rather farmers take the animals themselves than charge them ÂŁ100 to transport ten sheep!â€? The major turning point for the company as it was for many farmers and rural businesses in the Borders areas both north and south of the border, was the outbreak of Foot and Mouth in 2001. The disease came to Longtown market on 27th February 2001, which is right opposite Armstrong’s’ yard and the focus of a nation on the haulage of livestock at that time was directed at the market. Thirteen years on, the effect of FMD on the farms, local communities and businesses is still fresh in the memories of those who were involved and no one escaped the consequences of the dreadful disease, which destroyed life and livelihood for many people. Being so involved in the agricultural industry, Armstrong’s too suffered the consequences of the disease and it became a watershed for the business. A third of the business was then in livestock haulage, a third in milk and a third in general haulage. “We lost all of the livestock; it just stopped.â€? explains Jennifer.

The Scania III which is also in the Armstrong museum on site at Longtown

“The milk started diminishing as more and more dairy farms were getting foot and mouth and we saw our business declining. We had great relationships with our suppliers and pulled in every favour we could but on Mother’s Day 2001 we all went to lunch and that afternoon agreed that we had to start making redundancies. Our biggest concern was losing the key livestock people, who if they went to something “cleaner� in the meantime, might not return


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and we would have lost them for good.” That very same day, the company had a call from DEFRA offering a contract to move the sheep and goats to slaughter from those farms on the 3Km contiguous cull in North Cumbria. It was only an eight week contract but it was the breathing space the directors needed and for Geof Armstrong in particular, who had time to look at the general haulage. This was proving difficult as well and the company association with FMD area made Armstrong lorries unwelcome in many places within and outside agriculture. When one door closes, another often opens and around the same time, Mick Scarlett was setting up

Palletforce and he approached Armstrong’s to become one of the founder members of the company which now has 84 members with 94 depots throughout the country. Until this time, the family had been relying on full load transport but the ethos of Palletforce was to fill a lorry with a number of different pallets, often with different loads and destinations but making the transport costs bearable by the smaller suppliers and purchasers. So successful was this colaberation that the general haulage business has become the mainstay of the business with only 20% now represented by livestock. “Because people see our livestock vehicles travelling the length and breadth of the country, the impression

60,000 store lambs 25,000 breeding sheep 10,000 store cattle & weaned calves The above numbers of quality stock will be sold at Dingwall throughout September and October with further sales of breeding sheep and breeding cattle held throughout the season. Seasonal Markets 15,000 lambs / 3,000 weaned calves / 6,000 ewes Other major sales held at Ben Nevis (Fort William), Portree (Isle of Skye), Lochmaddy (Isle of North Uist) and Stornoway (Isle of Lewis). Humberston, Bailechaul Road, Dingwall, Ross-shire, IV15 9TP t. 01349 863252 64

has always been that we are livestock hauliers, but we are much more than that.” says Jennifer. “We made a commitment to Palletforce and set up a 40,000sq ft general haulage depot in Uddingston near Glasgow in 2005 and the company’s proximity to the M6/M74 at Longtown made it ideal for a Palletforce depot. Deliveries can be made to Central Scotland or The Midlands in one shift as the goods are transported at quieter periods of the day when traffic is lighter.” The company still retains its milk tanker side of the business, despite the problems this niche market can bring with hauling milk double shifted seven days a week. Regulation and the continual changes means that they are often required to change schedules and destinations at short notice. Hiring a specialist milk tanker at short notice isn’t possible so there is always one on standby in the yard. “As well as the vehicle, the drivers need to be specialised too.” explains Derek. “Back in the 70’s a driver could pick up milk, haul cattle to market, deliver fertilizer and do general haulage. Now the regulations for each are different and the certification of drivers does not allow this flexibility any more.

Animal welfare is top priority as it was when we took over the haulage from the railways in the 1960’s. We still recruit livestock drivers for their ability to handle animals and driving is secondary.” The Group’s focus throughout its history has always been on efficiency and training. While the best way to measure the cost to a vehicle was, at one time, miles per gallon, it is now more accurate to measure the efficiency of the vehicle on a similar scale as you would that of a washing machine. e.g. from A to G. A being the most efficient. The Microlise system is now fitted in all of the company’s trucks and provides a complete overview of the fleet” and analyses driver performance with the use of forward facing camera, monitoring braking speed etc. which enables drivers who perform well to be rewarded. A Direct Tyre Management system allows better monitoring of spending on tyres and enables excessive costs and damage to be assessed. Both of these systems are helping to compensate for the increasing fuel overheads on a business such as this. The company also have a centre where drivers can complete their CPC Certificate

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of Professional Competence, which involves the attention required when dealing with vulnerable road users such as horses and cyclists. Training remains as a focus within the company and with 200 employees it is an essential part of the daily running of the business. Working with System Training in Carlisle has also proved to be a good partnership, although there is still a shortage of new young drivers coming through, explains Jennifer. “We are always looking for new drivers, particularly on the livestock haulage side as there are fewer around following foot and mouth. We have been trying to work with local agricultural colleges to see if there is a potential for farmers to sit their HGV and

be on call for seasonal work, which could support their own farming business at quiet times. We continue to look for young people from the agricultural industry and will support them in whatever training they need to become part of our team.” The company have been past winners of many Apprenticeship training awards, including, Skills Council Excellence Cumbria, LSC Apprentice Awards, Employer of the Year and Apprentice Employer of the Year. “I have been absolutely delighted with our training and the awards we have received over the years.” says Jennifer. “It took the FMD crisis to make us look at more ways to benefit from goods vehicle driver apprentice training and now we train apprentices

throughout the company “growing our own” and I would recommend it to anyone. These awards are a great achievement and solely due to the hard work and efforts made by every department within the company, with apprentices in the office, garage and drivers.” The success of the training and the company ethos of growing their own is borne out by the number of long serving employees they have within the Armstrong Group. The Armstrong Group will continue to grow at a natural pace, while sticking to its founder’s principals, which will see it continue towards 90 years in business. Involvement in the agricultural industry, both locally and nationally will always be important to the Armstrong family and their

strong ties on both side of the Border has ensured their support from the farming industry over nearly nine decades. They are also heavily involved in their local community, holding fund raising events for their local charity partner Hospice at Home, for which there will be another event later in the year, they support their local Young Farmers Club and other groups by allowing them the use of their excellent meeting facilities at the Round House. The company also sponsored the winning Scottish team in the 2013 Golden Shears Competition. All in all a family firm whose strong family values not only encompass their company but spreads to other groups and businesses with which they are involved.



Milk price cuts must reflect market place reality

NFU Scotland has maintained that the farm gate price for milk must reflect the wider market for milk and dairy products and the performance of milk processors. It follows in the wake of a round of milk price cuts this summer – some of which the Union feels were unjustified. If processors want longerterm farmer commitment, then the Union believes paying a price that reflects company performance will pay dividends rather than employing a policy of knee-jerk price changes in response to what others in the marketplace have done. The Union is keen to hear from producers who are unclear about how their own specific price is being set and how the decisions on price changes are arrived at, to help it assess current understanding and what further steps it can take to improve the situation. NFU Scotland’s Milk Policy Manager George Jamieson said: “The price that a milk processor can pay a farmer for his milk will vary depending on its ability to maximise market

potential through its business plan and plant efficiency. “Crucially for farmer suppliers, the price paid should be as much as the business can pay and not merely as much as they have to. Can we remind all processors that if they want long term commitment from farmer suppliers then they should set a price based on performance and not use competitors’ adjustments as an easy excuse to drop? “This demands a transparent and open pricing structure which farmers can trust and understand. This must be a two way process with farmers and their representatives being fully aware of the wider markets, the performance of the processors they supply and how the farm gate milk price is arrived at. “We are keen to hear from producers who are unclear about how their own specific price is set and how the decisions on price changes are arrived at, to help us assess current understanding and what further steps we can take with processors to improve this.” Commenting specifically on the announcement that Arla amba has reduced its ‘on

account’ price to UK members by 0.94p per litre, Gary Mitchell, chairman of NFU Scotland’s Milk Committee said that this was disappointing, but a reflection of the down turn in global markets. Mr Mitchell said: “NFUS has met several times with Arla senior management and elected farmer members to help us understand the governance, democracy and pricing policy. That included the company sitting down in private with our milk committee. “More recently, Arla and NFUS have agreed that a more intensive ‘work shop’ type meeting will help us fully understand exactly how its system works. “It is vitally important for all players in the dairy supply chain to understand how prices are set and how each individual farm business price is derived. Farmers must be able to trust the price and be able to react to any changes in pricing policy, and that requires a full and open understanding of the process. “The voluntary Code of practice on milk contracts has helped responsible processors and proactive farmers’ groups, PLCs and co-ops to improve

Smart segregation gates aid cow flow and management UK milking equipment manufacturer, Fullwood Limited, has announced the launch of a new range of automatic cow-segregation gate systems which are designed to aid herd management and improve cow flow. The new range of gates includes two-way and three-way segregation options, to allow individual cows to be separated from the herd for specific attention, or for the whole herd to be redirected or split into userdefined groups for feeding or grazing. All systems are 100% compatible with Fullwood Crystal herd management software, and can also be installed as 66

standalone systems. Users can make segregation instructions on a one-time or periodic basis, many days in advance of their implementation. A manual override box is also available to make any last-minute segregation decisions. When used in conjunction with Crystal’s Action Planner, the new gates can automatically segregate any cows which trigger appropriate alarms such as reduced milk yield or raised conductivity. The gate systems are designed to identify cows fitted with Fullwood leg pedometers, or, alternatively, can be used in conjunction with electronic ear tags. Each gate system is fitted with a set of Texas gates which open

dialogue and representation, but there is still much to do if we are to be a genuinely collaborative and competitive supply chain. “Arla invested a significant amount of time and effort to engage with potential new members from Arla Foods Milk Partnership - and before that Milk Link - to explain how the Arla co-op system works and, with the move towards more alignment on pricing, there is a need to consolidate this work. “Our work with Arla is a good example of recognising that farmers must fully understand pricing policy and detail if we are to develop more trusting and effective engagement between farmers and processor. “Farmers must themselves be more active either via their elected farmer representatives, or get involved in either the coop democratic structure or a PLC Producer Group. If they don’t have a producer group then they should ask why not? There are several excellent examples of effective, independent producer groups who are much more than simple price negotiators.”


The referendum - One way or the other? By NFU Scotland Chief Executive, Scott Walker

There are many questions to which farmers are seeking answers in order to make an informed decision on how they will vote in the independence referendum in a few days’ time. But the experience gleaned from holding many meetings up and down the country – to crowds of members stretching from 50 to 500 – is that even at this late stage, clear answers can be hard to come by. Both the Better Together side and the Yes campaign often seize upon the same statements or ‘facts’ to show how prospects will be better inside or outside the United Kingdom. Therefore, it is not surprising that farmers are left confused on issues such as the use of the pound or membership of the European Union - both of which are extremely important to our farming and crofting members. Mid-summer, comments by the newly-elected president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, were seized upon by both sides. One side claiming they highlighted how difficult it will be for an independent Scotland to get quick EU membership – the other believing that membership of the EU will be quickly resolved for an independent Scotland. While attendance at the many events we have hosted around the country has been good and debate lively, at none of the meetings have either side delivered that knockout blow that provides exact certainty on how the economy or people’s prospects will be following the vote in September. For farm businesses, the future prosperity of the economy; membership of the European Union; the currency to be used and access to markets outside Scotland for our farm produce are all important issues which will have a bearing on how businesses progress in the future. But of course, at the core of our farms are people. Most farm businesses in Scotland remain family farms, so while the economic issues will be 68

important in people’s decision making so to - and perhaps just importantly - will be the social issues. The outlook for individuals after the referendum along with the economic prospects for Scotland will determine how farmers and crofters will vote. More than ever, Scottish farmers see themselves as part of a Scottish food and drinks industry that has performed well in recent years. Exports have hit an all-time high and the prospects for growth remain good. With an enviable reputation for producing quality products, our food and drink sector has all the elements to achieve more. This growth will be achieved from selling Scottish products out with Scotland and it is on this point that supporters of the Better Together side and the Yes side have differing views on what would be the impact of a yes vote in September. Some people say that a yes vote will jeopardise access to markets outside Scotland, not least sales to the rest of Britain. If Scotland is no longer part of the United Kingdom, would our products be viewed by consumers south of the Border in the same way as any other imported produce? Would it be more difficult to sell to the rest of the UK and would a yes vote jeopardise our access to a market of over 63 million people? The other side of the argument is that the food and drink sector is an important part of Scotland’s unique economic strengths and that, with the full powers of independence, even more will be done to make it grow. Access to markets perhaps sums up all the arguments on independence. You can highlight the issue, outline what both sides say, but ultimately it will be up to individuals to decide.

DAIRY when the appropriate diversion gate has been opened or closed as required. Alternative opening modes can be programmed to create a bespoke system which is specific to each individual farm’s requirements. Each gate is operated by a pneumatic cylinder which is controlled by an auto-ID box and pneumatic control assembly. The new gate systems are built using a robust galvanised tubing and box section construction, and are available in kit-form with no on-site welding required. The kits bolt together and are bolted into place for extra sturdiness. Commenting on the new system, Les Strickland, UK Field

Sales Manager for Fullwood said: “The new range of Fullwood segregation gates allows dairy farmers to separate cows quickly and efficiently, and with minimum stress to the cows. “As herd sizes increase, it is important to make sure that milking staff are given the necessary tools to milk and manage cows efficiently and with minimum stress to either the animals or workers. Using segregation gates to manage cow movements is like having an extra person in the parlour, making it easier and quicker to divert cows into groups or on an individual basis for fertility treatment or veterinary work.”

Improved confidence in the dairy sector, says Old Mill Increased confidence in the dairy sector is helping more producers to invest in their businesses for the future, according to rural accountant Old Mill. “After a dreadful farming year in 2012 for many, the 2013/14 trading year has been much better; with stronger milk prices, stable costs and improved production,” says head of rural services Andrew Vickery. Old Mill has analysed a sample of clients’ accounts with March 2014 year-ends, which show that average milk prices were up by 2.8p/litre – or 9% on the previous year. “Average direct costs increased by 0.3p/ litre, so the gross margin jumped by 18%, excluding the single payment and other income.” As a result, most farmers in the dairy sector are quietly confident for the months ahead. “As ever, there are potentially some issues on the horizon, but the strong early trading conditions in the current 2014/15 financial year mean that most dairy farmers feel more resilient to deal with these,” says Mr Vickery. The likely impact of milk quotas being abolished next spring is still difficult to predict, with the potential for both increased imports from Ireland and greater export opportunities

to the Asian market. “With UK milk production running 5% ahead of last year, as well as strong production in the EU, US and New Zealand, global dairy commodity prices are already under pressure.” DairyCo’s Actual Milk Price Equivalent, based on a basket of commodity prices, was pegged at 30.9p/litre in July – 8.9p/ litre down on the same time last year, he adds. “If this downward trend in commodity markets continues then there will no doubt be pressure on the processors to drop milk prices further.” That in itself is not necessarily a bad thing, provided that costs can be reduced by at least the same level. “Feed prices should be lower this winter – and the good weather of recent months should help to keep dairy farmers’ costs down as well,” says Mr Vickery. The effect of the strengthening pound in recent months will also have an effect on the market. “Imported commodities – notably proteins like soya - are likely to get cheaper, while putting further pressure on UK arable exports. However, there will equally be pressure on dairy exports, and imported dairy commodities will become more competitive.”

One one year to another

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By Ken Headspeath Highland Drovers & Borland Farm Sitting at the table beginning to write, I have a sense of deja vu. Exactly a year ago I sat here at the foot of the Malvern hills on the Welsh border and began writing my diary article. This has become an annual holiday for us as we head to the 3 counties show ground with my daughter and Seamus her Highland Pony to compete in the National Pony Society summer championships. She had an amazing year last year and at the end of it she was British Junior Highland Pony champion in the Performance Awards and amazingly 2nd Overall in Scotland. How time flies these days. I am not sure if it is an age thing, as I get older time speeds up or if time is going faster. Now I don't mind if time is going faster as long as I get it back at the end and I currently need to live to well into my 120's in order to achieve all that I want to. We are hurtling towards the tail end of the year and what a busy time we have been having. We still have a few fields to mow and bale when I get back but it looks like we will get over 1000 bales of silage and hay this year, more than we have ever achieved before. We are a wash with grass, it is amazing how it has grown this year. This is down to a few reasons, firstly perfect grass growing weather. Secondly, we came out of organic production 4 years ago and while we have

not lashed on the fertiliser too much we have improved our soil fertility by adding lime, P & K and being honest a little nitrogen on to the silage fields. We have also had a good bash at controlling weeds, in particular buttercup, docks and thistles. Sadly this has been to the detriment of our established clover sward. We are concentrating on improving 2 -3 fields per year and after giving the weeds a hard time we have been stitching in clover seed with an Aitchinson direct drill. This is a machine from New Zealand which is only powered by a ground drive wheel to dispense the seeds, it has 16 large spring tines that cut slots into the ground and it deposits the seed in the slot that then mostly folds back in, covering the seeds. A quick roll and that's the clover sorted again. Its really simple machine which is great for me. Very tough and rugged which is great for dealing with our rock infested fields. I mentioned in the last article that we were going to increase our profile by attempting to do more shows. We brought out a team of 5 cattle and have been showing them locally and at the Royal Highland. The team was made up of 3 highland females and 2 Belted Galloway bulls. I think it is fair to say that we have had greater success than I ever expected. Various champions,

reserve champions and lots of firsts and seconds along the way. The greatest success was at the Highland Show were we picked up many tickets including a Junior female champion and Overall Junior champion with our yearling highland heifer. Reserve Junior champion with out yearling Beltie bull Minstrel. Earlier in the year the Hebridean Sheep Society wrote in their newsletter that due to lack of entries the Hebridean section at the Royal Highland was under threat of being cancelled and asked for folk to enter, my boss asked me to take a few along to support the breed. Now those of you that know me will know I am not a sheep man, so I selected some that I thought would not embarrass me. The Society had a great response from their plea in the newsletter and the entries were large for each class. You can imagine my surprise at being placed first with our shearling tup in a very large class, he was then pipped to reserve champion by the second place aged tup which was fine by me until the

judge said that he put the other tup reserve as he thought ours “might turn brown next year”!!! Irritated immediately I thought to myself “that the aged tup might be drowned in a bog next year”. It's not about next year it is about the animal on the day. Anyway, I am not a very competitive person and a few beers later in the cattle stalls I had forgotten all about it. We have had a fantastic summer and I must close by thanking all of those who have helped along the way, you know who you are, I could not have done it without you all. Thank you.

9 69

AGRISCOT 2014 PREVIEW One ‘big day’ in the farming calender

Agriscot – The Farm Business Event By Andrew Moir, AgriScot Chairman Each year the AgriScot team looks forward to the event with a great deal of excitement. This year, we perhaps look ahead with even more anticipation than usual because of some of the exciting changes which have taken place over the last 12 months, and also because of the superb success of last year’s event which saw a significant increase in visitor numbers. For a number of years now we had a long standing promise with those on our exhibitor waiting list that if more space was ever available, we would offer it to them first. We are therefore delighted that this is now the case and that AgriScot has brought a number of new businesses to the fold. In recent years AgriScot has certainly marked its place in the calendar as a true farm business event. Providing space for more agri-business exhibitors will further increase the appeal of AgriScot to our core audience of farmers and agri-professionals and cement us as an event never to be missed. Part of AgriScot’s raison d’être is to ensure that both those who support the event through exhibiting and those who attend as visitors, go home having gleaned tangible business benefit. I would therefore encourage exhibitors to get in touch with us to tell us of their plans for AgriScot 2014 so that we can work with them on their PR and ensure that visitors are kept informed on what they can expect to see when they come along in November. AgriScot is the place to be if you are in the business of farming and the AgriScot team looks forward to seeing both 70 28

building and the expansion of exhibition space. The newly christened Upland Hall, which cannot accommodate livestock, will be used to provide space to exhibitors, many of whom have been on a waiting list for several years. Mh e^Zkg fhk^ Z[hnm ^qab[bmbg` Zm :`kbL\hm bg _nmnk^% ie^Zl^ \hgmZ\m Chag FZ\Bgg^l hg )010/ .)002.' exhibitors and visitors at Ingliston on Wednesday 19 November 2014. :g]k^p Fhbk% :`kbL\hm <aZbkfZg New growth for Agriscot 2014 AgriScot 2014 is set to welcome a number of new exhibitors when it opens its doors on Wednesday 19 November, with an expansion of the site now including a new ‘Upland Hall’.

AgriScot is regarded as one of the premier events in UK agriculture and welcomes those from all sectors of the industry to a day full of both commercial and technical advice. The 2013 event saw record numbers of visitors, with around 11,500 people travelling to Ingliston. In order to allow scope for continued growth, the AgriScot team, working alongside the RHASS, have secured the use of an additional

What else to expect at Agriscot 2014… :m ma^ mbf^ h_ pkbmbg`% :`kbL\hm bl lmbee mak^^ fhgmal ZpZr lh fn\a h_ ma^ ]^mZbe bl lmbee [^bg` ÛgZebl^] Ahp^o^k% ma^k^ bl Z `k^Zm ]^Ze aZii^gbg` bg ma^ kng ni mh ma^ ^o^gm Zl p^ ikhfhm^ hnk \hfi^mbmbhgl Zg] phkd aZk] mh ^glnk^ maZm oblbmhkl Zg] ^qab[bmhkl Zk^ `bo^g ma^ [^lm ihllb[e^ [nlbg^ll _h\nl^] ]Zr'

A constant flow of visitors throughout the day, make this such a hugely popular date in th efarming calendar

Time to nominate for the Scotch Beef Farm of the Year 2014/15 The Scotch Beef Farm of the Year award is now entering its third year and the search is on for beef producers who are showcasing and developing best practice as well as playing an exemplary role in Scottish beef farming. The overall 2014/15 winner of the competition, run by AgriScot and Quality Meat Scotland (QMS), will receive a fabulous cash prize and the now well-established title of Scotch Beef Farm of the Year. Applications are also sought from others working in the industry who can nominate a farm, or farms, they feel merits the award. Last year’s winners were Alistair Foubister and his wife Anne, from Netherton Farm, Holm, Orkney. Netherton is a 340 acre farm which runs 120 suckler cows which are mainly Aberdeen Angus cross. The Foubisters have been steadily increasing the number of cattle they sell each year, from 79 in 2009 to 106 in 2012, and prior to their win in 2013, the Foubisters invested in new cattle housing in order to improve farm efficiency. Once again, entries are being sought from farmers who are able to showcase excellence as well as playing an important part in building confidence in

the future for all those working in the Scottish red meat industry. AgriScot and QMS work closely together to deliver the award which will see the winner receiving a £500 cheque plus a £250 voucher to celebrate their accolade at a Scotch Beef Club restaurant – the club run by QMS which has around 300 members committed to serving top quality Scotch Beef. The award will be presented at AgriScot at Ingliston on Wednesday 19th November. AgriScot 2013 attracted more than 11000 attendees, made up of individuals and business from with agriculture and associated professions. Andrew Moir, AgriScot chairman, spoke of the significance of the award: “Over the last couple of years we have rewarded producers who are truly dedicated both to the production of cattle and to the Scotch Beef brand, something which AgriScot, as THE farm business event, is equally dedicated to demonstrating and supporting. The Scottish agricultural industry has a very strong and growing reputation and together, AgriScot and QMS are keen to reinforce that reputation.” Jim McLaren, Chairman of Quality Meat Scotland added: “This is the third year we have supported the award which is now firmly established as a

fantastic platform to champion the excellent stock management skills in our industry. Importantly, it also helps to raise the profile of the commitment and passion of the cattle farmers in Scotland who work hard to produce topquality Scotch beef.” Alistair Foubister, last year’s winner, looked back on his win: “At first I was so taken aback to have won the Scotch Beef Farm of the Year Award, and knowing the standard of the other applicants, a little embarrassed because they were all such worthy winners. “However, a year on, I now feel very proud. The win was a fantastic reward not just for me but also my family who have worked so hard in challenging conditions. I also truly believe that our community and Orkney as a whole will benefit from the increase in profile of our beef industry. The response from fellow farmers has certainly been nothing but positive. “Prior to winning the award I always produced cattle to the very best of my ability but now I definitely think more about the marketing of the Scotch Beef PGI brand and about how important it is that we think carefully about how we get people to buy our product. “I encourage people to enter the competition and wish this year’s applicants the very best of luck.”

?nkma^k bg_hkfZmbhg hg ma^ L\hm\a ;^^_ ?Zkf h_ ma^ R^Zk :pZk] +)*- bl ZoZbeZ[e^ hg ma^ JFL Zg] :`kbL\hm p^[lbm^l oblbm ppp'jfl\hmeZg]'\h'nd Zg] ppp'Z`kbl\hm'\h'nd Signs of confidence in sector as 2014 Dairy Farm Awards are launched The formation of 8 new herds in the first 6 months of 2014 means that the total number of dairy cow herds in Scotland is now, once again, over 1000. This statistic, and the underlying confidence it implies, was highlighted by the organisers of Scottish Dairy Farm of the Year (SDFOTY) as they launched the 2014 awards. Jack Lawson, convenor of SDOFTY, which is organised

So many things to pnder on!

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Assessors representing AgriScot, which is now established as one of the UK’s main farm business events, and QMS will review the applications based on evidence of five main areas. These are a high standard of technical and financial performance, uptake of new ideas to improve efficiency/ profitability, a high level of health and welfare, a keen eye on the market for the end product and a clear passion for producing high quality animals. All farms producing cattle destined to be used for meat sold under the Scotch Beef label – from breeders through to finishers - are eligible to apply for the new award and accordingly they must also be members of Quality Meat Scotland’s farm assurance scheme. The applications will initially be assessed on paper to shortlist three finalist farms. A visit will then be made to finalist farms by the panel of QMS and AgriScot assessors. To register your interest and receive further information and an application form please email or call QMS on 0131 472 4122. Full details of eligibility available on application. THE DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS 30 SEPTEMBER 2014.

The dairy cattle being presented in the main arena

by AgriScot and sponsored by Cogent Breeding Ltd commented: “The Scottish dairy farming sector has been through tough times. We hope that the increase in herd and cow numbers in the first half of 2014 means that some confidence is now returning to the sector. “It is also encouraging to note that well over 70% of Scotland’s dairy farms are now officially milk recorded. “The recorded figures form the basis for the first selection of farms eligible for the Scottish Dairy Farm of the Year awards. Our computer program has now begun to analyse the official figures to pull out the top 120 farms in terms of management, animal welfare and profitability performance. “We have a new independent assessor for SDFOTY 2014, Gregor Colquhoun who with his family has won the top award in two separate years, and it will be his job to pick the top 20 farms from the computer generated list. This selection is always done without knowledge of names or addresses attached to the figures. “Since we started running SDFOTY, Scottish performance recorded figures in the important areas such as age at first calving, calving index, milk quality, somatic cell counts and herd longevity have improved faster than anywhere else in 74 28

the UK. We are extremely encouraged by this and believe that it shows the benefits of recording, highlighting and rewarding best practice. The finalists in the Scottish Dairy Farm of the Year award will be announced in October with the SDFOTY title presented to the winner at AgriScot. Business skills competition Arguably, there has never been a time when the next generation has better been supported and

encouraged as in recent years. The Business Skills competition, the brainchild of a team which included Chairman of AgriScot Andrew Moir, provides the right platform for young people to demonstrate their practical skills and their business acumen and can really help them to develop their careers. The Award, which is organised by both SRUC and the Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs and is open to 18 to 25 year olds,

sees the youngsters first go through regional heats before the final winner is announced at AgriScot each year. The winner will take the £1,000 first prize put up by Biocell Agri Limited who supply specialist feed additives for advanced ruminant nutrition and who are keen to support young people coming into the industry. The 2013 winner was Joseph Williams of Caoles, Isle of Tiree. Joseph has worked on a range of livestock farms as a dairy farm worker, beef and sheep farm worker and poultry farm worker in both Co. Antrim and Isle of Tiree. He plays the whistle and Highland pipes which has included performances at a range of community events and he is fluent in spoken and written Gaelic. Joseph said, when asked about his win: “The whole process of the Business Skills Competition has been so beneficial for me. Obviously I am extremely pleased to have won but even if I hadn’t, I have gained so much. I almost didn’t enter but was encouraged by a lecturer at Ayr and I am so glad that I did. My confidence has really been boosted and my

Ayrshire Sandyford Clover 10 took home the SuperCow prize for Blaise and Deborah Tomlinson for Leicestershire, demonstrating just how seriously AgriScot is taken as the best show of dairy cattle in the whole country

It was a Scottish bred and own Holstein which took home the SuperHeifer prize for father and son team Brian and Brian Weatherup. Parkend Sanchez Tamara is one of 160 milking Holsteins from Parkend, Crossgates, Fife

CV has no doubt benefited. I am also very grateful for the contacts that the competition has enabled me to build up. I would strongly recommend people to enter next year!” The Business Skills competition opens for applications in mid September when full details will be available on the AgriScot website. New Product Award The AgriScot new product competition is designed to recognise and reward commercial potential, creativity and innovation. Meeting emerging or existing demand for new or developed products and pushing technological or mechanical boundaries, winners each year need to demonstrate ingenuity and uniqueness as well as business potential. Open to any product introduced to the market since AgriScot 2013, the competition is the ideal chance to build awareness of a product within the toughly fought agricultural market place. The winning product receives £1,000 worth of prizes and gains valuable publicity for their product and company. 76

The 2013 winner was Irish company Tanco with their highly innovative I75 Multi Shear which can be used to feed both baled and clamp silage without alteration Effectively the I75 can be both a shear grab, which leaves a clean silage pit face, and a bale splitter for cutting round bales. The action of the shear also automatically removes plastic and netting. B_ rhn Zk^ ^qab[bmbg` Zm :`kbL\hm Zg] aZo^ Z ikh]n\m

pab\a aZl \hf^ mh ma^ fZkd^m lbg\^ :`kbL\hm +)*, ma^g par ghm ln[fbm Zg ^gmkr8 >gmkb^l \ehl^ hg *) H\mh[^k' :iieb\Zmbhg _hkfl Zk^ ZoZbeZ[e^ hg ma^ :`kbL\hm p^[lbm^' ‘Standing room only’ seminars Those who have attended AgriScot in the past will be expecting to see NFU Scotland and the Cabinet Secretary address some of the key issues

The very popular and busy seminars are always of great interest

of the moment. We don’t expect anything different for 2014 and seminars will no doubt once again witness standing room only.This year will also see some new additions to the seminar programme, details of which will be revealed nearer the time! Keep an eye on the website. Silage Competition Attracting huge interest before, during and after the event is the Watson Seeds Silage Competition. More information about this year’s spectacle will appear on the AgriScot website nearer the time. Dairy Championship Some of the best cattle from the top herds in the United Kingdom will come forward to be placed by the appointed judges. First they will choose their breed champions and then an overall winner will be selected who will have the opportunity to take home the first prize of £1,000. Visitor Information AgriScot takes place this year on Wednesday 19 November 2014. Parking and entry to AgriScot are FREE of charge. For full details, the event timetable and directions to Ingliston, visit www.agriscot. Don’t forget to engage with AgriScot on Twitter@AgriScot

A look at some of this year’s exhibitors Almins Almins Ltd: Scottish Farmer Business Awards Finalist 2014 – is a specialist feed and animal health care company. The business provides a range of products including Fermenten; designed to increase animal growth rate in order for heifers to achieve earlier calving age and Biochlor, a DCAB diet product designed to prevent milk-fever and other related conditions. Fermenten: Scientific studies conducted in the US demonstrated feeding Fermenten helps increase growth rates. The research resulted in average increased gains of 20% in height, 18% in length and 10% in weight. By increasing rumen efficiency, Fermenten-based rations produce more bacterial protein from the diet and helps save expensive rearing costs on average between 60 and 90 days. A heifer’s rumen represents 22% of her body volume and larger framed heifers have greater capacity for dry matter intake. This provides more nutrient values for body maintenance, frame growth and production. Bacterial protein results in more absorbable protein, with a more desirable amino acid profile. This allows the slow release protein needed to provide rumen microbes with a constant supply of nitrogen. Heifers therefore grow better, reach maturity earlier and enter the milking herd sooner. Biochlor: When blood levels are excessively alkaline, cows are more susceptible to milk fever and other related conditions. An individual case of milk fever with all costs and loss in production involved can cost a farmer over £300. Feeding a Biochlor DCAB diet helps animals produce more acid conditions within the body. The increased acidity level helps maintain calcium balance and cows are therefore 78

better prepared prior, during and post calving. Increased levels of calcium are considered beneficial in order to help prevent milk fever and other metabolic disorders. Biochlor partial DCAB diets are increasingly popular due to the consistently successful results farmers have achieved. <hgmZ\m :k\ab^ E^bm\a hg )020) )+/*., Alo UK

In addition to our Quicke and Trima premium loaders and Original Implements, we will be displaying new quality products at the show, including – TrimaVersa-Xseries midrange loaders and new Silocut SG. The TrimaVersa-Xseries loaders are designed for midrange tractors and consist of 4 non-parallel and 4 parallel. Trima Versa-X is a unique design with superb visibility at an affordable price. “Best in class” in so many ways. We will also display our all new sheargrab – Silocut SG. This is an all new design and new implement widths including SG125, SG150, SG175, SG195, SG225. The demands placed on today’s modern implements are enormous. They have to cope with varying conditions in agriculture, forestry, local authorities, etc… and they have to be ready to work in almost all weather conditions, just about all day long. Alo manufactures an impressive range of implements that satisfy the most specific and varied requirements whether in the farm yard or in the

field. To compliment this, Alo offer a choice of hooks to suit most brands of loaders, with some implements available without hooks to suit telescopic handlers. With Alo original implements you will never have to settle for second best. This is because of their superior high quality, ensuring maximum functionality and long service life. You can always have the right tool for the job! Check them out at Alo UK. Choose Alo original implements to get the most out of your front loader or Telehandler. M^e 3 )*+22 +.)2++% fZbe9Zeh'nd'\hf% ppp'Zeh' nd'\hf% ppp'_Z\^[hhd' \hf(:ehNDEm] B D Supplies

comes standard with effective light sources at all working sites and hoof support plates to hold the foot rigid to enable safe trimming for both trimmer and cow. The KVK Hoof trimming crate has been bought into the market to make hoof trimming an easier and more enjoyable experience. Checking hooves regularly and trimming as necessary ensures optimum comfort and yield. The KVK Hoof trimming Chute has been awarded A Silver Award at the 2013 Royal Highland Show for Technical Innovation and was a Finalist in the Livestock, Machinery and Equipment Award at the 2014 Livestock Event. In 2014 B D Supplies have upgraded and relaunched their online shop showing their wide range of Animal husbandry supplies they have to offer. B D Supplies still supply Rapid Tractors, Sitrex Equipment and Nugent and Graham Edwards Trailers. Bryce Suma

B D Supplies offers a wide range of Hoof Trimming and Animal Husbandry supplies. We specialise in hoof trimming equipment offering a wide range of goods from knife sharpening stones at £4 up to chutes at £30,000+. The KVK Hoof Trimming Chutes we supply are manufactured in Denmark. The crate has been designed to offer the optimum working posture for the trimmer and minimum discomfort for the livestock. The KVK Chute ensures cows balance correctly on all four hooves and soles, preventing damage to the horn tissue. Livestock with correctly trimmed hooves are healthy and strong. The Hydraulic lift adjusts the chutes working height. It

Bryce Suma wins the only Gold Medal at this year’s Royal Highland Show. At this year’s Royal Highland Show homegrown talent came to the fore again for Bryce of Kelso to win the only Gold Medal in the Technical Innovation Award Scheme run by the Royal Highland Agriculture Society. All told, this single top Award is supplemented by two previous Silvers, a Gold and a Certificate of Commendation. With a remit to reward innovation in the design and manufacture of machines,

equipment and appliances, the awards are the oldest presented by the RHASS, which gave its first ‘premium’ for an implement in 1793 to a ‘newlyinvented plough of an improved construction adapted for the culture of Highland farms’. ‘The Gold Award, which is presented only for continuous outstanding merit to a previous Silver medal winner, has gone to Bryce Suma Post Drivers of Kelso for its Bryce Suma post drivers and the Bryce Powershift HD180. Invented and manufactured by Jock Bryce, this is a revolutionary compact and versatile one-man tracked fencing machine boasting a combination of stability, safety and high performance, which saves time, fuel and labour. The judges commented how they were “very impressed” and customers “couldn’t praise it enough”. Jock Bryce has over the years entered many Award competitions here and at other Shows. He is a prolific inventor and innovator, a perfectionist and an Award winner many times over. This entry brings all of that background together and the Society is delighted to present Jock with a Gold Award.’ When asked to comment Jock said “ the winning of past Awards was always very satisfying considering the hours spent working on a new idea and getting it to the marketplace. This Gold Award however is the icing on the cake in that, not only does it apply to the HD180 but the Judging Panel thought fit to include all Bryce Suma post drivers because of the continuity in ground-breaking design, development and innovation over the years ”. Crystalyx

The team at Crystalyx are looking forward to this year’s Agriscot with great anticipation as the event will act as the platform to launch the new

improved formulations of three key Crystalyx products. Improved animal genetics increases the requirement for key nutrients to help maintain health and performance and careful selection of raw materials can ensure optimum bioavailability to the animal. Independent university research from USA, New Zealand, Germany, Poland, Italy and the UK has consistently proven that feeding Crystalyx alongside home-grown forages, to cattle and sheep improves animal performance, fertility and health. Crystalyx does this by improving forage digestibility and stimulating forage intakes by increasing the rate of forage digestion. This means feeding Crystalyx helps farmers make the best possible use of their homegrown forage and can help reduce the need for other expensive supplementary feed inputs. Comfort Slat Mats

Comfort Slat Mats are the manufacturers of the internationally patented, award-winning “Green Floor System” which creates a healthier and more profitable environment for cattle and farmers. When faced with solving the problem of the harsh concrete slatted flooring for beef and dairy cattle Comfort Slat Mats listened ……… listened to farmers and listened to the cattle. Farmers wanted a safe, long lasting floor, and the cattle needed a soft, dry, clean non-slip floor. Other flooring products on the market addressed the “soft” issue to some degree

but could never adequately solve the issue of constantly wet surfaces, essential to the health and wellbeing of the animals as well as aiding with increased productivity. Comfort Slat Mats knew there had to be a solution to the “wet floor” issue which is the cause of so many problems for cattle and farmers. What stopped existing floors from drying? The fact that they were flat and needed indentations for grip which as a result retained liquid on the surface. It was then that COMFORT SLAT MATS hit upon the innovative idea- Why not have a curved smooth floor? A curved floor promotes the animal waste away from the floor creating a dry, clean environment and by using the animal’s weight this could create a flat surface when walked upon which then returns to a curved surface to displace waste. Once they had solved the wet floor problem, they worked on creating a long lasting, air-cushioned core which facilitated “grip” of the hoof within the floor. After five years of research and development, the “Green Floor System” was launched. Since then, The “Green Floor System” has been installed in over 3,000 farms across Europe and its use in beef and dairy installation is growing year on year. ?hk _nkma^k bg_hkfZmbhg \hgmZ\m3 :fZg]Z h_ =' ;bk\a Fbedbg` >jnbif^gm% =nf_kb^l% L\hmeZg] M3 )*,10 +-1 /*1% >3 ][bk\a9rfZbe'\hf 3 ppp' leZmfZml'\hf David Ritchie (Implements)

A farming family who started 80

sheep farming eight years ago with eighty acres of land, eight sheep and a lot of sweat and effort have expanded the flock to over 750 breeding ewes. Now, farming a total of 220 acres spread over 5 different locations, a Lleyn pedigree/commercial flock forms the backbone of this busy farming enterprise. Experienced in providing solutions to business challenges, flock numbers were expanded as suitable farmland became available, but with the farm spread across a six mile radius, reliable, economical and easily moved-and-used machinery has been selected to help the family business operate efficiently and profitably. One product that has satisfied all the demands made on it is the Ritchie Combi Clamp sheep handling system. In fact, the system has been so impressive that two units are in regular operation to ease flock handling stress both for operator and stock. A static sheep race set-up provides a base for all sheep husbandry needs at the home farm, whilst a mobile unit travels between field sites behind either the farm pickup or tractor. Self contained with all essential sheep hurdles, shedding gates and a Combi Clamp, that lowers into position off of the back of the trailer, a ready to go sheep handling system is quickly assembled. The unit includes a digital weigh platform so lambs weight can be readily monitored at 8, 12 and 21 weeks with the three way shedding gate separating lambs for special attention. Likewise pregnant ewes are regularly weighed to monitor health and pregnancy development. The electronic monitoring system, like the shearing unit, is battery operated so no mains feed is required in the field. The Combi Clamp system relies only on the weight of

the operator using a spring loaded pressure plate to securely hold sheep within the soft padded sides of the sheep race. Once securely held the ewe stands peacefully still, realising that it’s futile to jump or rear up, enabling several husbandry operations to be completed in one visit. Enviro Systems

Envirobed cuts mastitis cases by up to 50% on Scottish dairy farm. Lanarkshire dairy farmer Alan Trainer reckons he’s reduce the cases of environmental mastitis in his 180-cow herd by up to 50% since switching to Envirobed two years ago. “We use Envirobed cow bedding on top of cubicle mats and find that we only need to go into the cubicle house once a week to take in fresh EnviroBed. All we do is rake the bedding forward twice a day from the front of the cubicle to replenish the bed,” says Alan Trainer. The farm had previously used gypsum and sawdust. “We went on to sawdust after gypsum was banned but we were getting far too many cases of mastitis. “And when you use sawdust it seems to deteriorate the longer it’s on the bed; it gets dirty and becomes less absorbent.” As well as reducing mastitis levels, Alan Trainer says Envirobed has proved that the cubicles only need bedding once a week. “Envirobed stays the same and doesn’t deteriorate or become less absorbent. And as well as being very comfortable for the cows to lie on it creates a dry environment in and around the cubicle. “The udders are kept dry but even when cows come back into the cubicles with some moisture on their backs

the Envirobed quickly gets their coats dry. It’s not just the beds that are dry it’s the cows too so it’s creating an environment that’s less attractive to any build-up of infection.” The 400-acre Byretown Farm near Lanark is run as a traditional system based on self-feed silage with inparlour feeding supplemented with out-of-parlour feeders. The Holstein-Friesian herd has an average yield of 8000 litres and calves all-yearround. Alan Trainer has installed a biomass burner on the far, which burns logs to provide heat for the farmhouse and hot water for the dairy. Greencrop

Greencrop, the official importer of the Sepcom range of slurry separators for farm and AD, is delighted to be able to offer the new Visscher/ Sepcom green bedding separator, manufactured by the Italian Wam Group and Visscher Holland. Green bedding is becoming of great interest in the UK after its popularity in the USA and Europe for some years. Our neighbours in Holland have been using green bedding for four years and have converted to the system both on mats and deep bedding (80% of all new cubicles in Holland have gone to deep bedding). Visscher have been involved from the beginning, and have developed an automatic separator system and have over 300 working units in Holland (both static and mobile). They also have over 50 in Germany, plus units in Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, Lapland and now the UK.

The new Visscher/Sepcom green bedding separator is designed to produce recycled bedding material from the separated slurry. The benefits of this system give cows better comfort in the cubicle, helps keep them cleaner and help to reduce mastitis levels in the heard, whilst also reducing bedding costs. The separator has a lower electrical demand than other machines as it is fitted with a 5.5kw motor. Due to its larger screen area and auto adjusting head, its power requirement is reduced. The Visscher/ Sepcom will produce bedding with a dry matter content of 33-37 per cent. It is fitted with the unique polymer sectional auger as standard, which has proved itself on other Sepcom separators for its cleaning ability during use. As well as significant advantages in keeping the


screens cleaner, it aids a higher degree of separation than a steel screw system. ?hk _nkma^k bg_hkfZmbhg oblbm hnk p^[lbm^ ppp' ` k ^ ^ g \ k h i ' \ h ' n d ' :em^kgZmbo^er% ie^Zl^ \hgmZ\m AhpZk] <aZgmkr hg )011* 010220 hk ^fZbe ahpZk]9 `k^^g\khi'\h'nd' Hi-Spec Engineering

At AgriScot, Hi-Spec Engineering will have representative models from its MixMax diet feeder, vertical auger feeder and vacuum tanker product ranges on display. Hi-Spec Engineering offers one of the most extensive

range of vacuum tankers on the market and is increasingly being asked about larger size tankers with capacities up to 5,000 gallons. These are available with a wide range of loading and other options, ensuring flexibility. With livestock farmers looking to making maximum use of valuable slurry, Hi-Spec tankers are also available with a wide range of applicators, including dribble and trailing shoe in widths up to 24 metres. Likewise, with complete diet feeders, Hi-Spec is increasingly being approached about feeders with capacities of up to 32 cubic metres. Here again Hi-Spec is able to offer an extensive range of feed-out and other options, ensuring that it can be specified to exactly meet the customer’s needs.

Kongskilde UK

Kongskilde UK will be showing machines from their extensive JF range of forage conservation and feeding equipment ranges. Most notable will be the VM vertical diet feeder this year sporting the recently introduced BX conveyor system. This provides not only side shift for greater reach, but vertical lift to allow feeding into troughs without the need for a separate extension elevator. A new “Twin Chop” version of the popular bale shredder will be making its


first appearance at the show. This new BS 4500TC is designed for farmers who need to chop and shred straw for bedding, incorporating into diet feeders and cubicle houses with under floor slurry storage. Kongskilde also supply a wide range of cultivation machinery from its own factories in Europe including Overum ploughs, Howard rotavators, Becker precision drills and both primary and secondary tined cultivators. Kuhn Machinery

Kuhn’s Performer tine and disc cultivator has quickly become the most popular of Kuhn’s non-powered cultivator range, offering an effective single-pass solution as well as the versatility of different modes to suit individual requirements. The Performer can be used with discs or soil loosening tines with a roller for surface cultivation and can also operate roller-free for nonconsolidation work. Available in 4 and 5 metre working widths for tractor power up to 500hp in its wider format, the Performer comprises twin independent disc gangs (10cm working depth), four rows of tines (35cm working depth), levelling discs and the new 700mm diameter HD-Liner roller. The Performer is robustly constructed and designed for the toughest conditions with 800-1,200kg non-stop hydraulic tine safety and 225kg/m pressure on its roller. The machine is fully hydraulically adjustable and folds to a transport width of 3 metres. The 4 metre machine, the Performer 4000, is available 82

via Kuhn’s latest 0% finance deal with customers able to select from one of two offers: a 1 + 4 annual payments option or a 5 + 55 monthly payments option. In both cases, the offer provides 0% finance on 50% of the Performer 4000’s £66,094 retail price. This special scheme is also available on Kuhn’s Cultimer, Optimer, Discolander and Discover machines. A range of 0% finance offers are also available on a selection of Kuhn sprayers, hedgecutters, balers, ploughs, mixer wagons and fertiliser spreaders. Kuhn Finance is a partnership between Kuhn Farm Machinery and De Lage Landen, a fully owned subsidiary of Rabobank Group. ?nkma^k ]^mZbel hg Dnag ?bgZg\^ Zk^ ZoZbeZ[e^ [r \Zeebg` )1-. ,//DNAG hk )1-. ,//.1-/% hk [r oblbmbg` ma^ _bgZg\^ l^\mbhg Zm ppp'dnag'\h'nd Limagrain UK

Since 2008, Limagrain UK; the owners of Sinclair McGill have been developing a database which shows all the nutritional attributes of the grasses that they test. This has been made possible by the use of NIRS (Near Infrared Spectroscopy) which sends a beam of light that instantly analyses the nutritional properties of the grass. This includes sugars, energy, dry matter, DNDF (Digestible Neutral Detergent Fibre) and protein. DNDF is now recognised as a very important attribute, as fibre is crucial for rumen stimulation. This fibre needs to be ingested and if that too can be converted to meat or milk,

farmers can expect increases in animal production. We use three types of NIRS machines; a static type based in a laboratory, the NIRS mounted on the forage harvester, which measures quality as the plots are harvested and a new, portable unit that can be taken out to trials. Armed with this knowledge, every Sinclair McGill mixture is now assessed for forage quality and adjustments are made to ensure that this is optimised in all mixtures. If every ingredient in a mixture is selected for optimum nutritional attributes, then it qualifies for LG Animal Nutrition (LGAN) accreditation, but this can only be applied to a few highly focussed mixtures such as Prosper, Turbo, Colossal Red and Admiral’s Choice. However, nutritional quality can now be enhanced in all Sinclair McGill mixtures, even where other factors such as palatability, persistency, stock carrying capacity and dry matter yields are considered to be equally important. Independent trials in the Netherlands have demonstrated that mixtures formulated using NIRS technology can result in increased milk and meat production of at least five percent, which equates to an extra £12,000 income per annum for a 100 cow dairy herd. Master Farm

Master Farm Services has been supporting the British

Farmer for nearly half a century! Using our vast experience and knowledge, Master Farm supplies a range of specialised agricultural equipment in the UK and overseas. Our product range includes the highly acclaimed Master Turbo Grain Drier suitable for drying all types of crops such as wheat, barley, oil-seed rape, maize, beans, peas, rice and most combinable crops. The new range of Master Turbo Driers has been designed to meet today's stringent drying requirements and incorporates all the new "CE" safety features. Master Driers are suitable for handling a wide range of materials and can deal with different climatic conditions and cropping systems worldwide. With 15 basic capacities and specification alternatives to meet individual requirements, the Master Drier is suitable for most applications. The retractable screen (RS) models offer complete mobility from ‘farm to farm’. Alternatively a static model may be more suitable for an ‘in-barn’ installation. Options such as the Master Dust Extraction System, touch screens, three stage burner and the newly introduced Moisture meter are available for all new driers. A ‘Load full’ Audible Warning System can be fitted to all PTO drive machines. Electric drive models have their own system. In addition an appropriate Generator can also be supplied for electric drive machines where three phase electricity supplies are not available. We also supply a range of matching ‘wet grain’ bins for any of the Driers in our range. All new machines carry a 2 year factory warranty. The high standard of construction of Master Driers makes them durable giving strong demand for second-hand machines. Master Farm can also supply Farmers and customers

with: Mitsubishi Compact Tractors, Hedge, Ditch and Verge Cutters, Ground and Lawn Care Equipment and Grass and Forestry Mulchers. McCormick Tractors

Four new McCormick tractor designs are set to make their AgriScot debut at the 2014 event on November 19 at Ingliston, Edinburgh. Manufacturer Argo Tractors is in the midst of its biggest ever new model roll-out as an ambitious R&D programme


bears fruit, bringing new and improved features to the range for greater efficiency, performance, economy and driver comfort. “AgriScot provides the first opportunity to show all four of our latest tractors together in Scotland,” points out Ray Spinks, sales director and general manager at distributor AgriArgo UK. “They represent the modern McCormick line, which is being transformed with the introduction of as many as eight new ranges over the next two to three years.” The McCormick X4 Series will be the smallest tractor on show. This all-new design has a compact four-cylinder engine giving rated speed power outputs of 85-102hp peaking at 107hp under maximum load. A spacious but low cab and a wide choice of transmission and pto configurations will

make this a popular stockman’s machine. The new X6 Series replaces the current X60 models with increased power and a greatly extended equipment list. Buyers will have a choice of gear or piston pump hydraulics, rigid or suspension front axle, new transmission options, including 50kph and 40kph Eco gearing, and a rubber- or suspensionmounted cabin with a new interior design. Power outputs are from 111-131hp. McCormick X6L fourcylinder tractors couple a longproven Argo Tractors semipowershift transmission with a modern, high performance FPT engine giving 131-170hp rated and 143-176hp max outputs. A ‘mechanical’ specification will suit operators who prefer simple equipment and controls in the mould of the popular McCormick MTX.

Alternatively, the X7 Pro Drive being shown delivers all the bells and whistles for operators who want the enhanced performance, driver comfort and driving ease that come with an ‘electronic’ specification featuring fingertip armrest controls in the new Premiere cab. McHale Engineering

As with all McHale machines, the V6 variable chamber round baler range has been designed with the demands of


today’s farmer and contractor in mind. This common sense approach to design ensures that the V660 variable chamber round balers operation is kept simple and user friendly. Features like, the three belt variable bale chamber with double drive and the drop floor unblocking system, when combined with high specification components, ensures long life, reliability and a variable chamber round baler that is rugged enough to handle the toughest of crops and ground conditions. The V660 variable chamber round baler can make a bale from 0.7m (2’4”) to 1.68m (5’6”). The bale size can be adjusted up from the minimum setting in increments of 20mm (3/4”). The McHale V6 range of variable chamber balers consists of two models: The V640 - non-chopper variable chamber baler, and the V660 - 15 knife chopper variable chamber baler. Standard features include: 2m pick up, 5 tine bars, drop floor unblocking, 3 belt bale chamber, automatic oiling, centralised grease banks, vario stretch net system, user friendly control console ans double drive- 3 belt bale chamber (v660 only). The McHale V660 variable chamber round baler is also fitted with an Expert Plus Control Console, which has a large graphic display. From the control console, the operator can adjust the following from the tractor cab: Bale Size, Inner Core Bale Density, Outer Bale Density and Revolutions of net being applied. The expert plus console, also gives the operator the choice of selecting a soft or hard bale core, depending on the customers feed out requirements. The control console can also store 10 totals. It also features: Knife Display, Door Position Display, Drop Floor Display, 84

Lube Alarm and Crop Flow Drive Indicators. ?hk Z]]bmbhgZe bg_hkfZmbhg% ie^Zl^ \hgmZ\m Fbd^ F\<Zkmar hg )002/ *-10/2 Merlo

2014 is an important year for Merlo as we are celebrating our 50th Anniversary of manufacturing. We have earmarked this with the launch of a completely new Turbo Farmer range, designed and manufactured by Merlo. A new modular design allowing greater flexibility of machine options, featuring a new chassis, cab, transmission options, hydraulics and much more. The new range features a NEW Medium Duty range with lift capacities from 3.8 to 4.2 ton, which will replace the current Turbo Farmer, and introduce a NEW Heavy Duty Range with increased power and lift capacities towards 5.0 tons – a high performance machine for the every demanding agricultural sector. The new range is further strengthened with the launch of a NEW 4.0 ton Multi Farmer model boosting increased power to 156hp, 7.0 ton rear linkage with mechanical PTO, equipped with a new suspended cab with armrest mounted controls. These new models are equipped with a new operator’s cabin with increased dimensions of 1040mm in width, offering improved ergonomics with greater comfort from an improved ventilation system, dashboard and control layout, available with or without

cab suspension. The models feature a new innovative transmission control system called Eco Power Drive (EDP), which optimises engine RPM with the 2 speed hydrostatic transmission to provide 3 operating modes, including an ECO function which optimises fuel consumption. Merlo’s NEW M-CVTronic option is available on selected models providing a hydrostatic transmission coupled to a variable output gearbox meaning uninterrupted torque and acceleration from standstill to a travel speed of up to 50km/h – a real benefit to those demanding increased pulling performance. To enhance performance the models are installed with Merlo’s patented MCDC system – Dynamic Load control, ensuring the machine remains safe during operation whilst maintaining maximum productivity. Polaris ATV’s

Polaris has announced the introduction of the new Polaris Sportsman UTE in the UK. It is the first All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) designed from the ground up specifically for the UK, Australian and New Zealand markets. To develop the vehicle, Polaris engineers spent time ‘in the field’ in typically challenging landscapes, gathering information from ATV end users and dealers. The Polaris Sportsman is the biggest selling ATV of all time, from the Sportsman 90 youth product through to the powerful Sportsman 850. January 2014 saw the introduction of the Sportsman

570 Forest and EPS launched at LAMMA, followed by the exciting and innovative Sportsman ACE in the spring. The introduction of the Sportsman UTE, which will be available later in the year, continues the evolution of the range and the Polaris drive to provide a Sportsman to meet every requirement. “The Polaris Sportsman UTE is perfect for some of the trickier terrain in parts of Scotland, Wales, the North West and South West of England where there are concentrations of hill farming,” says Polaris Country Manager, Phil Everett. “One of the key features is a new Polaris 4 wheel Descent Control (4WDC) which was designed specifically for hill work. The system automatically engages on all four wheels when travelling down slopes for optimum traction and control in all conditions.” The Sportsman UTE offers the utility and capabilities of the traditional farm pick-up combined with the nimbleness and agility of an ATV. The revolutionary new design starts with the legendary attributes of a Sportsman 570 ATV, such as Independent Rear Suspension (IRS) with 24.1 cm of rear travel and On-Demand True All-Wheel Drive (AWD). To this Polaris has added a utility-styled tipping rear dump box, characteristic of the hard working farm pick-up, and offers the package at an attractive price point. Pottinger

Forage quality is the key to “Happy Cows” with Pottinger. As farmers ourselves at Pottinger one of our key priorities when designing to new grass harvesting

equipment is the goal of producing the best possible quality forage. So many factors can play a hand in the process from cutting dates to ensiling methods. But whilst in the field the mown crops vulnerability to contamination by soil through the mechanised harvesting process is at its highest. However wider, larger and potentially heavier machines need not be detrimental to the process, providing their ability to contour the ground is maximised. At Pottinger our focus has been on this ground adaptation for many years and can be found throughout our entire grassland product range, the multi award winning (RHASS Silver & Gold medal winner) Novacat Alpha Motion front mounted mower, the unique Multitast leading wheel system for rakes and tedders and the

effective flex pick up on the entire Pottinger loader wagon range. Since 2003 Pottinger have been partnering a pioneering research project at the Gumpenstein Institute, Austria where in depth study and research has shown the damage caused by soil borne micro-organisms to forage nutrients such as sugar, proteins and vitamins. Furthermore these microorganisms are largely responsible for an increase in butyric acid leading to accelerated duration of forage quality in the clamp. The Pottinger “Happy Cow” campaign is helping to draw attention to this important issue of forage contamination. Proven results from independent trials show that the innovations from Pottinger listed above can reduce forage contamination effectively thanks to

their unrivalled ground contouring. The Pottinger UK team will be happy to meet with you at Agriscot and discuss the benefits of how Pottinger grassland harvesting equipment could make a real difference in reducing forage contamination on your farm. Powerwasher Services Powerwasher Services Ltd are entering the 30th year of trading as a Family business. The secret to our success is providing a first class after sales service on all of the equipment that we sell. Pressure washers are the biggest seller and we have on display models to suit every need, from the smaller cold machines up to the larger 3 phase hot machines. We offer a free site survey and demonstration to all our potential customers to insure that the machine installed Is the correct one for the purpose. We

can make a bespoke unit for you if you need something out of the ordinary and will supply and fit pipelines as required. Also on display are some of the other equipment that we supply – Sweepers, Scrubber Driers, Space Heaters, Compressors, Vacuums to name but a few. So for friendly advice why not visit the stand and speak to the experts. Provita Hoofsure Endurance – clinically proven alternative to copper sulphate and formaldehyde. Dairy farmers use a range of different footbath solutions to help control lameness, often switching from one to the other with little difference in performance. Many solutions arrive on the market with the promise of treating all lameness problems but fail to live up to expectations. So how do farmers decide what will work against their


lameness problems, especially the complex digital dermatitis problem? One option is to consider independent peer reviewed scientific evidence. The prestigious Journal of Dairy Science recently published a peer-reviewed study comparing Hoofsure Endurance to copper sulphate. The aim of the study was to find an alternative footbath solution to copper sulphate because when used footbath solutions are deposited on soil, high levels of copper in the soil may result, which can have toxic and negative effects on plant growth. For farmers using copper sulphate in their footbath, Provita will do a free soil test which is analysed at an independent laboratory. The robust on farm study used a split footbath with one side of the cow’s feet receiving copper sulphate and the other receiving Hoofsure Endurance. This eliminated any bias due to factors such as genetics, yield and lactation. No other treatment interventions were performed. After 9 weeks, both Hoofsure Endurance and copper sulphate were effective in reducing digital dermatitis by 32%. Significantly, after 18 weeks, Hoofsure Endurance

reduced digital dermatitis levels by 49% while copper sulphate reduced it by 46%. The Royal Veterinary College in London recently conducted a similar study comparing Hoofsure Endurance to Formalin. 90 cows were involved in a 24 week split footbath study. Preliminary results after 12 weeks showed Hoofsure Endurance reduced digital dermatitis by 51% whereas with Formalin the reduction was lower at 43%. Provita are committed to supporting dairy farmers in their fight against lameness. On a no obligation basis, the Provita sales team, who are fully trained by industry experts, offer a Lameness Reduction Programme. ?hk fhk^ bg_hkfZmbhg \hgmZ\m IZne Chaglhg hg )01 -*2+ /+*2 hk iZne'chaglhg9 ikhobmZ'\h'nd Reco

Customers visiting the Reco stand at Agriscot 2014 will have an opportunity to view a range of machinery for a variety of agricultural requirements. LmkZnmfZgg3 On display will be a model from the Strautmann Mixer Wagon range. With its rounded design and variety of features and optional extras, Strautmann’s Verti Mix series provide a cost effective solution that can reduce fuel and labour time, whilst still increasing the productivity of modern dairy farms. These wagons offer multiple choices for discharge with rear and side door options, whilst feeding at height is also available with the C-Conveyor option. Dbhmb3 The Kioti Mechron UTV has a 22hp, 3 cylinder diesel engine with dual range (CVT) transmission. This machine offers selectable 4WD in conjunction with a limited slip front differential plus the ability to lock the rear differential when ground conditions get tough. The Mechron has a top speed of 40kph, 12” ground clearance and hydraulic disc brakes all around. Sulky: Sulky’s X40 fertiliser spreader, which incorporates ECONOV, offers the best in

fertiliser performance and technology. This range is incorporated with the best technological advances available on the market by being equipped with the continuous weighing function for automatic calibration of the dosage and the ECONOV function as standard. The ECONOV enables the working width, of up to 44m with the X40, to be controlled continuously; vary the fertiliser distribution area and adapts to specific irregular shapes of each plot of land. ECONOV constantly adapts by using GPS technology and the machine can provide high performance border fertilisation with the TRIDBORD 3D-I system. The spreader also incorporates the online FERTITEST application, accessible on the Sulky website, which enables the user to record their adjustment data on an SD card or USB stick. When this is placed into the VISION control box, the spreader can automatically adjust to the user’s dose, width and border setting requirements. Scotmin Nutrition

Scotmin Nutrition is set to exhibit at this year’s Agriscot event with their range of molassed mineral buckets, protein concentrates and Megastart products, including Megastart Pre- Calver, Megastart Dry Cow Mineral and Megastart Ewe and Lamb. Agriscot is as always eagerly anticipated by farmers and businesses alike with this year being no exception. Over the last 12 months Scotmin have focused their attention on research and development of the product range. Independent research has been carried out at Myerscough College on 86

Megastart Ewe and Lamb with results showing a 33% increase in daily live weight gain when lambs are fed at grass. Scotmin has built it’s success on a personal approach to farming, with our team able to give farm specific advice on how to get the best out of your livestock. Our team can do everything from analysing your silage to developing a tailor-made ration for your animals. We would be delighted if you could join us on Wednesday 19th November and allow us to see how we could help further your business. Shearwell Data

Shearwell can help you make the most of YOUR data. Livestock managers face three big challenges – genetic selection to increase profits, animal handling systems that save time and labour, and keeping up with government requirements and paperwork. The answer is EID and FarmWorks by SDL together, so you can work smarter, not harder. Paper records are slow to write and hard to read. Lists and scribbled notes just aren’t good enough for making management decisions in modern farming. Electronic identification (EID) makes collecting animal data fast and accurate –scan tag numbers instead of writing them down, then link dams to lambs, and sires to growth, to get a real picture of how your stock is performing. Speed up animal handling: The Shearwell Stock Recorder

is two tools in one – an EID tag reader and a rugged handheld computer running our FarmWorks software. Weigh, sort, treat, move, load, or draft sheep as fast as you can fill the race! The Stock Recorder also connects to other Shearwell EID tools – weigh crates, auto drafters, the SDL stick reader and mobile printer. Because these products are all designed, built and tested by Shearwell, you can be sure they are fully compatible and ready to work together. Select superior breeding stock : Measure the traits that matter to you – fertility, milking ability, weight gain or carcass qualities. Then select the next generation of top-performing dams and sires to lift your farm’s profits. Easily meet your legal requirements : FarmWorks by SDL can send animal movement records to ScotEID, ARAMS and BCMS over the internet.

Prefilled movement documents are ready for you to print. Use FarmWorks by SDL to record births, deaths and sales so your reports are always accurate, and ready for inspection. ?hk _nkma^k ]^mZbel \hgmZ\m La^Zkp^ee hg )*/-, 1-*/** hk oblbm ma^bk p^[lbm^ ppp' la^Zkp^ee'\h'nd Spray Techniques

Berthoud Crop protection equipment has three product ranges, mounted, trailed and self-propelled. The mounted sprayers have tank sizes from


400 to 1600 litres with boom widths from 12 to 30 metres. The Trailed and Self-propelled sprayer range has capacities from 2000 to 6700 litres and boom widths up to 42 metres. Amazone Crop Protection equipment, from our Northern branches, comprises of mounted sprayers from 900 to 1800 litres with booms sizes from 12 to 28 metres. Their Trailed sprayer capacities are from 2300 to 12,000 litres with booms widths of 12 to 40 metres. Amazone also manufacture a Self-propelled sprayer, the Pantera 4502, which boasts a 218hp engine, tank capacities of 4000 litres and boom widths up to 40 metres. Within all three product ranges Amazone offer their unique Amatron 3 control box which controls not only the boom functions but the rate controller, GPS, Auto-shutoff and Amazone’s own boom


height control. This box is also compatible to control not only the sprayer but Amazone’s drill and fertiliser spreaders We are pleased to announce an addition to our professional crop sprayer line up with the Horsch/Leeb Trailed and Self-propelled sprayers. The Leeb GS Trailed sprayers have tank capacities of 6000 to 8000 litres and boom widths up to 36 metres. The Leeb PT 270 Self-propelled sprayer has an impressive 270hp Deutz engine coupled to an 8000 litre capacity tank and booms up to 36 metres. This machine has been designed for High Capacity use, incorporating the latest sprayer technology. Spare parts for all makes and models of Agricultural and Amenity sprayers. Entry level GPS to RTK Trimble, Patchwork and Ag leader Specialists Service engineers covering Scotland for Servicing, Repairs and NSTS

Testing. <hgmZ\m ]^mZbel Lbfhg =h]]l )01)* 02+2+0 _hk ma^ Lhnma LZg]r MZrehk )01)* 02+2), _hk ma^ Ghkma' Sum-It Simplify the processing of the wages for your Shoot Beaters this coming season with SumIt’s Daily Casuals Payroll Software. With the introduction of HMRC’s RTI regulations last year there was a big change in the way to handle the recording of Beaters Wages. Since April 2013, for every day’s shooting the manager is required to submit electronically to HMRC the details of which beaters were paid and how much they were paid. As beaters are officially classed as Daily Casual Workers they fall outside the usual PAYE employee recording requirements so conventional payroll software

is unable to process their pay without a lot of extremely laborious data entry and even then it is still often incorrectly dealt with. Sum-It’s Daily Casuals Module working in conjunction with their Total Payroll Software provides an easy answer to manage these regulations. The software holds a list of all beaters that come to the shoot across the season and after each shoot the manager simply records the amounts paid to those beaters that were present that day. Then the software submits that information directly to HMRC without any fuss, ensuring the Shoot complies fully with HMRC RTI regulations. Users can choose to keep their permanent staff on their existing software and only use the Sum-It software for their beaters or alternatively migrate all staff onto the single payroll program as a one- stop solution.

The software is available at a cost of £495 + VAT, including the Total Payroll Module, and BASC Members can claim a 10% discount. ?hk fhk^ bg_hkfZmbhg \hgmZ\m ;^g Chag Zm Lnf&Bm hg )*1-- +*,)),' Teagle Machinery

Teagle Machinery’s focus on specialist feeding and bedding solutions has resulted in their latest innovation; a hydraulically driven straw bedder that attaches to a Telehandler. The Telehawk – Flexible Hydraulic Spreading: Over recent years the increasing popularity of Telehanders on farms in the UK has encouraged a number of farmers to look for more ways to utilise the convenience of a Telehandler and make use of the flexibility that it can offer. One such task is bedding livestock, with which the benefits offered by mechanical bedders such as the Tomahawk has long been associated; saving time, reducing straw requirements, keeping livestock cleaner, as well as overcoming the need to enter the pen. Efficiently bedding livestock with straw presents a number of challenges that have been addressed in the design of the Telehawk and includes: Being able to reliably process both round and rectangular bales of straw. Spread material in any direction around the machine in order to access even the most difficult pens. Thoroughly teasing a bale apart and bruising the straw to improve absorbency and comfort, without compromising the

structure of the straw and the bed it creates. Straightforward loading of bales. Requiring lift capacity and hydraulic flow no greater than that offered by a typical agricultural Telehandler. The new Teagle Telehawk meets all of these requirements, and through the application of innovative electronic and hydraulic controls to gently tease the bale apart using a low speed crossbeater, leaves the operator free to control the straw placement via a slimline control desk that uses Bluetooth technology to communicate from cab to machine. Handler requirements – minimum 2.8t, 60 lit/min flow @ 160 bar – various handler attachments available. List price for the Telehawk is £15,985 + VAT (including Telehandler bracket). ?hk _nkma^k bg_hkfZmbhg ie^Zl^ \hgmZ\m ma^ M^Z`e^ LZe^l =^ld hg )*10+ ./).2+% hk oblbm ppp' m^Z`e^'\h'nd'

yield, some micro-nutrients have proven health and growth benefits for livestock. For example selenium is vital for fertility, prevents placental retention, increased white cell counts and white muscle disease. Yara can provide all your plant nutrition needs from analytical services for soil and leaves to find out what you want, to supplying high quality fertilizers with the nutrients you need - all backed by advice from FACTS qualified advisors. All our fertilizers carry a guarantee of quality and have been formulated following extensive field trials and understanding of the crop and our farmer customer needs. We have formulated a range of unique high quality fertilizers like: YaraBela Nutri-Booster (25%N +Sulphur+Sodium+Selenium) especially formulated for use on grass, particularly suitable

when organic manures have been applied. YaraMila TopStock (25-5-5+Sodium+ Selenium), a high quality, true compound product (with all nutrients in every prill) for use on grass for grazing or conservation. Where additional micronutrients are required in the crop programme we have a range of foliar fertilizers, for example to correct copper deficiency: YaraVita Coptrel and zinc deficiency: YaraVita Zintrac. Yara Analytical Services carryout >2 million analyses each year and are committed to provide a rapid, accurate, cost-effective and understandable analysis testing service, with access to previous reports and further interpretation. Reports are released by E mail - or posted on request. ?hk fhk^ bg_hkfZmbhg3 ppp'rZkZ'\h'nd hk > fZbe3 Z`khghfr'nd9rZkZ'\hf

Yara UK

Yara has all your plant nutirent needs covered. Fertilizer remains the ‘farmers best investment’ because it is the key to yield - whether it be grass and forage for the livestock farmer or grains and seeds for the arable grower. Fertilizer routinely doubles yield but with attention to detail of the site specific plant nutrients required, returns can be far greater. The value and return from N, P and K are widely understood but Scottish soils are largely deficient in micro-nutrients, identified from many years of soil and leaf analyses. As well as increasing



Demand for farmland grows in Scotland

Golden Plover Awards 2015 %\ .DWULQD &DQG\ The 2014 GWCT Scottish Game Fair proved to be another successful event when it was held at the start of July. As ever we wanted to showcase the best of the Scottish countryside and to inform and entertain as many folk as possible. We covered a lot of bases with Masterchef finalist Scott Davies demonstrating his culinary prowess in the Cookery Theatre, the romanticism of the best of Scotland’s working hill ponies in the main ring, some political activity when the Minister for the Environment joined us for lunch and the mighty River Tay playing the role of casting pond. An important focus on excellence in rural management for us is the presentation of the Golden Plover Award for Moorland Management at the event. Now in its second year, the Award is presented to a Scottish estate, farm, syndicate or individual who has really gone the extra mile in terms of integrated moorland management, with as much credit given to conservation, peat restoration and farming enterprises as grouse bags. Implemented by the Heather Trust and GWCT, the accolade this year went to Finzean in Aberdeenshire. This 4,000 hectare estate encompasses farmland, moorland and forestry and is 90

managed with a keen interest in conservation and the preservation of a viable, thriving community. Management supports a wide range of species, including black grouse, golden eagles, merlin, curlew, lapwing, red and roe deer, capercaillie and even wildcats have been recorded there. The steady improvement of habitat has also resulted in an increase in grouse numbers. A special mention must also go to Loch Choire in Sutherland and Gannochy in Angus as very close contenders for the award. This positive, forward-thinking approach to land management is what we at GWCT celebrate and encourage. These are large properties and size does matter when doing conservation. We want to help farmers to work together to spark wildlife recovery. We are working to develop ‘farmclusters’ to help wildlife on a multi-farm basis rather than single farms working alone. This could be a very exciting way to establish real change on the ground at a locallandscape scale and provide the motivation for positive rivalry between farms!

The cost of farmland in Scotland rose in the first half of 2014 to £4,500 per acre, according to the latest RICS/RAU Rural Land Market Survey H1 2014. Across the UK, national farmland prices increased 3% during the same period to £9,594 an acre, with land prices are now 12% higher than a year ago. Despite some respondents in Scotland reporting sales of bare land in excess of £10,000, the average price of farmland in Scotland now stands at around 44% below the national average at £4,500 per acre. While interest from potential buyers has now seen substantial rises since the end of 2008, the imbalance between supply and demand appears to show no sign of waning. In the face of growing concerns around housing shortages and burgeoning populations, investors increasingly are seeing land as an economic safe haven. Over the last twelve months 29% more chartered surveyors in Scotland reported rises, rather than falls, in demand and looking ahead to the next 12 months 57% of respondents expect prices to rise, rather than fall throughout the country. Sarah Speirs, Director of RICS Scotland, said: “The latest

data shows that growth in demand for farmland continues to outstrip that of supply and this is pushing up prices and supporting expectations for further increases over the course of the next twelve months. “Demand remains very strong on the commercial side, particularly from farmers keen to expand production onto neighbouring plots.” Significantly, however, there has been a revival in residential or ‘lifestyle’ demand, which only began to start growing at the end of 2013 having been more or less flat since 2008. This coincides with the broader turnaround in the UK housing market.” Further breakdown shows that Wales saw the largest price increase over the last twelve months (19%), where the average price per acre now stands at £8,625 - higher than anywhere else across the rest of the UK - and nearly 7% greater than the national average. Harry Lukas, MRICS, CKD Galbraith, Peebles, commented: “Demand for farmland is still strong in the Scottish Borders and this has maintained price levels so far this year. The supply of land is very restricted which consequently leads to competitive bidding.

NFUS, Scottish Land & Estates and STFA promote stability and confidence in rent determination process

The three main membership organisations representing landowners and tenants in GhfbgZmbhgl _hk +)*. Scotland have launched an @he]^g Ieho^k :pZk] Zk^ industry led initiative designed ^Z`^ker Zgmb\biZm^] Zg] \Zg to improve confidence in the [^ _hkpZk]^] mh rent review process for 1991 l\hmmblaaj9`p\m'hk`'nd' Act tenancies.

The initiative from NFU Scotland (NFUS), Scottish Land & Estates (SL&E) and Scottish Tenant Farmers’ Association (STFA) reflects the fact that the Agricultural Holdings Legislation Review Group (AHLRG), is considering the

ESTATE issue. The initiative from the three organisations is voluntary but is intended to ensure stability until any emerging AHLRG recommendations on legislative changes can be implemented. The initiative also follows a number of recent rent determinations in the Land Court which have given rise to some uncertainty about future rent levels. Believing that predictability about future rent levels for tenanted farms is fundamental to a healthy rented sector within Scottish agriculture, the groups want to create the conditions to allow landowners and tenants to plan and invest with a degree of confidence. On process, rent reviews will continue to be carried out as normal. However, where agreement cannot be reached, the new initiative requires landowners and tenants to have followed existing guidelines on rent reviews and introduces an additional ‘sense check’. The initiative will be subject to voluntary selfregulation through a review panel comprising senior office bearers (or recent former office bearers) from the three organisations who will examine a case and assess whether it passes a ‘reasonableness test’. It works on the principle that, in the absence of exceptional factors, rent adjustments – whether requested by a landowner or proposed by a tenant - should broadly be aligned with inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and should reflect changes in the CPI index since the last formally recorded rent review. In cases of long overdue rent reviews additional guidelines have been agreed to ensure that rent increases are implemented in a series of reasonable steps. Statutory requirements for rent reviews will continue to apply. The establishment of a self-regulatory review panel

does not affect landowners’ and tenants’ rights under the 1991 Act. The initiative seeks simply to ensure that statutory requirements and published Tenant Farming Forum guidelines are followed by all in a reasonable manner. Cases that are already in the Land Court process will not be referable to this new panel. Nigel Miller, President of NFU Scotland said:“With the final report of the Ag Holdings review group due in December, ongoing and future rent reviews face continued concerns over both rent determination and the Land Court. In that brittle negotiating environment, some form of stability is vital. As an interim measure, this initiative can be a game changer provided those on the ground buy-in to the process. “A sustainable rent test linked to a robust inflation index must make sense for all those involved and can move rent determination away from confrontation to focus on the economic potential of the holding. The low cost rent review panel opens the door to an objective review of the rent determination process and the protocols to ensure balance and avoid the costly shadow of the Land Court weighing on negotiation. “This form of selfregulation gains power not from law but from the three key organisations working together and members standing with them. That consensus can be a positive force now and perhaps in the longer term.” David Johnstone, Chairman of Scottish Land & Estates, said: “The vast majority of farm rents are agreed amicably and represent good value and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the actual rent review process, as it stands, works. However, we recognise the concerns of some landlords and tenants

Farm Rent Review By David Johnstone Chairman of Scottish Land & Estates The recent initiative on farm rent reviews agreed between the National Farmers’ Union Scotland, the Scottish Tenant Farmers’ Association and Scottish Land & Estates has shown the industry can make progress on contentious issues through discussion. The Agricultural Holdings Legislation Review Group and Andrew Thin were instrumental in making this initiative happen and have shown admirable flexibility in helping create an interim mechanism that will help the industry until final legislative proposals are brought forward. In a recent survey of tenants, facilitated by the Scottish Government, the fact that 15% said they were dissatisfied with their landlord highlights that there are problems which must be addressed. That level of dissatisfaction is too high. However we also should not lose sight of the fact that it also tell us that the majority of relationships are working. Real concerns need to be tackled in a way that will enable both tenants and landlords to feel the system works for them both.

The vast majority of rent reviews are agreed between the parties without any requirement for outside intervention but, where difficulties do occur, this new initiative will help provide reassurance. We certainly recognise that in certain circumstances some tenants have real concerns about rent increases and we all want to see stability and confidence in the sector. Fair, reasonable and sustainable rents are very much part of that. As an organisation we have always urged those involved in rent reviews to engage in constructive dialogue and do everything in their power to avoid the cost and angst of going to the Scottish Land Court. Promoting stability and confidence in the sector is of paramount importance. If the rent review initiative has shown us one thing it is that more can be achieved by a collective desire to take things forward. For more information www. Telephone : 0131 653 5400 91

ESTATE who feel that when agreement cannot be reached the cost and angst of a protracted process that in a few cases can end up in the Scottish Land Court is something that should be avoided if possible. “This interim agreement provides another voluntary mechanism and sense check. Rent reviews should continue as normal but this initiative should give the industry more comfort and confidence. It is both refreshing and reassuring that all the parties have come together to create this unified interim recommendation as we all recognise the importance of a healthy tenanted sector." Following the launch of the joint initiative, STFA Chairman Christopher Nicholson said: “The method of setting farm rents in Scotland has been a long standing concern of STFA, and recent court cases have demonstrated the difficulties and uncertainties


of relying on the current legislation to set a viable and sustainable rent. Until new legislation can be put in place, this measure should return an element of control to rent determinations, and with the backing of all stakeholders sends a clear message from the industry that rent reviews should be conducted responsibly and in accordance with published guidelines. “With the tenanted sector under scrutiny while legislation is being reviewed, it is in everyone's interest to support this joint initiative and follow the guidelines which aim to set sensible rents without the stress, costs and uncertainties that have become associated with rent reviews. All tenants undergoing a rent review are strongly advised to get in touch with their representative organisation for further guidance.”

Stock oil from Longthorne Guns

Longthorne Gunmakers are now retailing their own blend of stock oil in 50ml bottles, the Company developed the

mixture which is the same mixture they use on their own stocks, after trying several proprietary mixes which didn’t produce their desired results. The oil can either be used for maintenance purposes or on raw wood and in time, produces a deep rich lustre with relative ease. Retails price £7.00 plus p+p and available from Longthorne.


Alba Trees - Why Not All Nursery Trees Are Created Equal

For many farmers, tree planting is something to be squeezed in when we’re not busy doing other things and buying the plants from a nursery simply

comes down to two things: what’s cheapest and what’s most convenient? But listen to professional foresters and you’ll hear another side to the story. Time spent establishing good quality plants will almost always pay off in the end and opting for the cheapest option at the start often ends up costing you, whether through poor establishment or loss of yield. The use of cell-grown trees is becoming increasingly popular for just this reason. Cell grown trees are grown above ground in root-trainers ensuring that the roots never have to be severed during the lifting and grading process. The process also uses air pruning to develop a very strong root system without risk of becoming pot bound. Although there is a slight price differential compared to bare rooted trees, cell-grown trees have much better establishment rates, stronger early growth and are easier to plant. Often, cells are chosen because of the unpredictable seasons: the traditional planting season is November to April, but over the past few years this has been restricted by frost and drought in many areas to just a few weeks in March and April. However, cell-grown trees can be planted at almost any time of year and this gives much greater flexibility for working planting around the weather and other commitments. Also, cells can be stored on site for weeks without degradation which gives even greater flexibility. So when thinking about buying trees for forestry or hedging, consider investing in quality from the start and buying cell-grown trees. Alba Trees in East Lothian will deliver right to your farm complete with Tubex tree protection and controlled release tree fertiliser. 93


Bowhayes Trees Nursery

Bowhayes Trees was established in 1992 as a specialist nursery propagating fast growing trees with a focus on hybrid willows and poplars, the first in the UK. After years of improvement and selection, these unique clones cannot be beaten for vigour and speed of growth. They provide approximately 6-8 ft (185-245cm) of growth per year. Bowhayes Trees also provides a comprehensive range of other British natives together with advice and consultancy to complement any planting scheme. The specialist willow and poplar trees are resistant to pest and disease attack, very hardy and will cope with the poorest of soils and very exposed sites, making them great prospects for screens, hedging, windbreaks, game cover, weaving, timber and coppicing for fuel or biomass through Short Rotation Coppicing schemes. Both species are also very effective for the rapid 94

improvement of new and developing landscaping projects such as golf courses, housing complexes, road and other infrastructure development. Importantly, willow and poplar are ideal for ‘setting’ river banks to resist the effects of erosion and flooding. Willow catkins are insect pollinated and up to 450 invertebrates are known to be associated with willow – more than any other tree. Importantly, willow is also the first tree to flower each year, providing a huge boost to bees and other pollinating insects. The trees are UK grown on site in the Bowhayes Trees nursery. Trees are available as strong, well rooted trees and/ or unrooted setts (cuttings). Rooted trees are available up to 8 ft (244cm) tall and unrooted trees at any length from 1-6 ft (30-180cm). Bowhayes Trees are a National and EU supplier and hold full accreditation from FERA.


Retired racehorses help veterans recover with HorseBack UK and Retraining of Racehorses

Retired Racehorses, supported by leading charities Horseback UK and Retraining of Racehorses are providing much needed therapy to serving officers and veterans, helping them recover from mental and physical injuries sustained in combat. The work of these two charities was be marked at the Celebration of the Horse Race Day at Perth Racecourse in July. One retired racehorse, Peopleton Brook, who has now been trained to provide equine therapy for veterans and serving soldiers, will be returning to the parade ring at Perth for the first time since his retirement. Peopleton Brook will be reunited with his owner George Thompson on the day. The two have a strong bond and Peopleton Brook is named after a brook where George and his brother used to fish when they were younger, before George’s brother was killed in battle in Malaya. By utilising the unique bond between man and horse, HorseBack UK provides equine therapy to help veterans and serving soldiers overcome injuries and trauma received in the line of duty. Over the last five months, Peopleton Brook has been

working with Jock Hutchinson, Co-Founder of HorseBack UK, who has been helping him adapt to his post-racing life. Jock has been training Peopleton Brook to support veterans and serving soldiers and they will be demonstrating the work they have been doing at the race day. Retraining of Racehorses is British Horseracing’s official charity for the welfare of horses who have retired from racing, helping them to adapt to different lifestyles and pursue second careers. RoR donated Peopleton Brook to Horseback UK, and plans are in place for another former racehorse to join Horseback UK’s ranks in the near future. Thoroughbred racehorses continue to impress often for long periods after their racing careers are over. After retirement, more and more racehorses are going on to enjoy successful second careers, ranging from eventing to dressage. This transition highlights the versatility and adaptability of racehorses and is supported by the work of equine charities such as Retraining of Racehorses (RoR) and HorseBack UK.

EQUINE ANGLE Major events on the horizon By Melanie Scott

Just as the Royal Highland Show marks the mid-way of the show season, Blair Castle International Horse Trials marks the downward spiral of end of season. By the time you read this the event will have had its final ‘practice’ before hosting the European Eventing Championships next September. Britain will be hoping to improve from their disasterous time at last year’s European Eventing Championships in Sweden where the team crashed and burned. The World Equestrian Games (WEG) takes place in France shortly and Great Britain’s eventing squad have had a less than perfect preparation. GB riders Pippa Funnell and Izzy Taylor have been forced to withdraw due to their horses injuries. Harry Meade and Nicola Wilson have been given last minute call up. The call-up marks an amazing comeback for Harry, who broke and dislocated both of his elbows after a horse fall last August. Harry will ride Charlotte Opperman’s Wild Lone, and proved his team credentials by finishing third at Badminton this year. Harry Meade said: “I am delighted to be selected to represent Great Britain at this

year’s WEG; it has been a lifelong aim to ride on the senior team, so I am obviously really excited about the opportunity.” “It has been a rollercoaster of a year for me and my support team. While incapacitated over the winter the thought of competing at WEG this year couldn’t have been further from my mind,” added Harry. Nicola Wilson retired her London 2012 partner Opposition Buzz from toplevel competition earlier this year, however he has cleaned up at one-day events this year, winning the Hopetoun House CIC3*. She has been selected to ride her parent’s Mary and Barry Tweddle’s Annie Clover, who finished sixth in the advanced at Gatcombe at the start of August. While the eventers are battling back, its good news for showjumping as Scotland’s Scott Brash has maintained his World’s No 1 spot for the ninth month in a row on the Longines FEI World Ranking List. In addition Scott’s top horse, Hello Sanctos, owned by Lady Pauline KIrkham and Lord and Lady Harris also leads the FEI World Breeding jumping horse list. Scott and Hello Sanctoswon a Team Gold at both the London 2012 Olympic Games and 2013 European Championships 95


WW1 – the silver lining

World War One claimed the lives of several million horses, but in a twist of fate, it also helped to save many horses too. For in its aftermath, one very bold charity which was founded by a WW1 prisoner of war, sought to campaign against British horses' needless and gruelling journeys to slaughter. In time, this charity would also come to work tirelessly to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome horses for decades to come – including some very brave horses and ponies who still have useful jobs in the services today. The role of the horse was crucial in conflict at the time of the First World War. Horses, mules and even donkeys were used in cavalry fights, in reconnaissance missions, and largely to carry ammunition and supplies as well as the injured from the battlefield - thus why horse fodder was the single largest commodity shipped to the front by some countries. However, horses, like the rest of society, were facing a very different landscape at the end of the war. Mechanisation started to take over and cars and tractors rolled off production lines – horses were becoming jobless and many were destined for the slaughter house. Even before the war, one incredible campaigner, Ada Cole, had witnessed work-worn horses shuffling off of a cargo boat only to be whipped four miles to slaughter. She did not object to horse slaughter, but she objected vociferously to their cruel treatment on the way. Having seen this unnecessary cruelty, the unjust brutality of the exportation of live horses from Britain for slaughter was to consume Ada Cole for many years. Ada’s efforts in raising public awareness of the need for better welfare at slaughter came to fruition in 1914 – when war first broke out. An Act of Parliament amended a 96

1898 Government Order and prohibited the export of horses unless a veterinary inspector certified the animals ‘to be capable of being conveyed and disembarked without cruelty’. It also stated that every vessel carrying horses should carry a proper humane killer. But there was still much to do. At the end of war, she returned to Britain to set up a charity based on campaigning against the long distance transport of live horses to slaughter; it was to eventually be known as World Horse Welfare. Born just outside of Thetford in Norfolk, Ada was bound for a career in care. It was while working as a nurse with the allied and German wounded towards the end of WW1 that she was arrested for helping allied prisoners escape. She spent three months in a German prison under sentence of death and it was only the armistice that saved her. In January 1919, Ada Cole returned to her home town, aged 58, to pick up from where she left off. In Ada’s absence, not only had the 1914 Act remained unenforced, but it had failed to be enacted owing to the ban on all horse exports at the outbreak of war.

She was enraged, not by the consumption of horse meat, but by the cruel treatment of so many horses at the end of their lives. Millions of horses suffered severely during WW1, and afterwards, but Ada Cole remembered Britain’s duty to the horse and so founded the charity that was to make big waves in equine legislation for years to come. In 1927, the International League Against the Export of Horses for Butchery was founded by Ada and later renamed as the International League for the Protection of Horses. Today the war-halted charity is known as World Horse Welfare. Roly Owers, chief executive of World Horse Welfare says: "Remembering the outbreak of WW1 is so important but is so sad. It was the beginning of four years of hell for all involved, especially for the troops and the many horses who stood so willingly by their side. “Horses continue to play a role in army services but are also relied upon in so many different ways today – the legacy of our war horse heroes still lives on in many of them. World Horse Welfare is proud that over the years some of

our rescued, rehabilitated and rehomed horses have in the past, or still are serving in the forces.” One of the more famous horses which the charity cared for is Copenhagen. The gelding was injured during the notorious 1982 IRA attack in Hyde Park on the men and horses of the Queen's Life Guard. Copenhagen suffered serious injuries but survived the blast and eventually returned to his duties before finding a home at one of the charity's four rescue and rehoming centres in the UK, Hall Farm in Norfolk. Another of the charity's rescue cases, Digger, an 18hh Clydesdale, practiced as a drum horse in the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment where he took part in preparations for Prince William and Kate Middleton's royal wedding. Penny, an Irish Draught mare who was found extremely underweight and covered in lice, was rehabilitated by World Horse Welfare and rehomed by the King's Troop Royal Artillery - here she served for 12 years before her retirement and subsequent rehoming to one of the troops there. Penny took part in many high-profile ceremonial parades, including the Queen Mother’s funeral. Once severely injured, Polly was another horse lucky enough to benefit from the charity’s care. Very well accustomed to trauma herself, Polly now helps servicemen to recover from their physical and mental battle scars. Today, formal battle-ready horse cavalry units have almost disappeared, although horses are still seen in use by organised armed fighters in developing countries. Many nations still maintain small units of mounted riders for patrol and reconnaissance, and military horse units are also used for ceremonial and educational purposes.


The cutting edge in ploughs Ma^ m^\agheh`r h_ ma^ Ûg^ ebg^ Cayron 200 plough from Amazone With the new Cayron 200 plough – and back in the plough market after just 150 years of experience - AMAZONE will re-enter the inversion soil tillage market with a medium sized plough, initially in 5 and 6 furrows and suitable for tractors of up to 240 HP. Although there are two versions will be available - the Cayron 200, with a stepped furrow width adjustable or the Cayron 200 V which is equipped, as standard, with hydraulic furrow width adjustment. Both models have hydraulic adjustment of the front furrow width as standard as well. A simple hydraulic system provides a simple set-up of the front furrow width, the pulling angle and working width via three interlinked hydraulic rams. The body to body clearance of 100 cm, in combination with a beam height of 83 cm and the smooth surface of the over-dimensioned main beam, guarantees maximum passage. Both models are equipped with a double-action shear bolt protection system against damage. The headstock is equipped with a sprung, one-piece sprung

cross shaft which provides a very good damping function and so clearly reduces the strain on the turnover linkage. The turnover mechanism is designed around a 130 mm diameter hollow shaft and equipped with two equally large, high-quality, robust taper roller bearings. The plough on the stand at LAMMA 2014 featured a plough body that has been 100 % developed by Amazone. One of the characteristics of the C-Blade generation body is the front shin which has been enlarged by 90 %. With increasing ploughing speeds, the wear point is shifted down the mouldboard and this new shin design in front of the mouldboard entirely covers the wear area thus reducing the running costs. In addition, one other detail makes a huge effect. The wing is designed in such a way that the point covers the wing. The welded seam is located safely under the point, thus hampering objects, such as, for example, baler twine from becoming trapped in the welded seams between the wing and point. During the turning procedure for the Cayron 200 V, initially the plough frame is swivelled out to achieve sufficient ground

clearance under all conditions. The position of the plough body to the frame remains unchanged. There is no movement in the individual body bearings but just in the strong vertical bearings of the main linkage system. Dowdeswell Ploughs predigree Dowdeswell has grown to be a major part of the UK arable farming scene. Having started producing only shearbolt protected ploughs, the company subsequently developed a unique and patented 6 ball pivoting system used to produce an auto reset mechanism capable of a regular vertical trip

movement as well as the unique ability, on a 60° angle, to move inward or outward around an obstacle. Initially available with hydraulic control of the trip force, a lightweight extension spring protected system was developed for the DP8 plough range in 1983. The pressed structure for the spring reset system produced a very robust unit with a weight of only 14 Kg. The hydraulic controlled version was discontinued in favour of the more reliable spring controlled version which is now the standard unit used on the current range of commercially available Dowdeswell ploughs At the small end of the plough range sits the 100

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Tel: 01856 873003 / 872490 Amazone Cayron 200




PLOUGHS Dowdeswell plough

Series fully mounted reset range starting at 3 furrows and extending up to 5 furrows whilst retaining a lightweight package with a capacity of up to 140 Hp. In the lower middle of the group is the 105 Series fully mounted reset range, for in-thefurrow work behind tractors of up to 210 Hp. The upper middle of the group is the 141 and 145 Series fully mounted reset range for tractors of up to 350

Hp. The 141 Series allows for work in-the-furrow, whilst the 145 Series allows for work both in-the-furrow and on-theland with up to 7 furrows. At the other end of the scale sits the 170 Series fully mounted reset range for working on the land having up to 9 furrows. There is a UK network of over 200 franchised agricultural dealers for the Dowdeswell range of machinery and spares to keep the UK turning a winning furrow.


The Gregoire Besson R6 Plough Designed with user comfort, robustness and ploughing quality in mind, the Gregoire Besson R6 mounted plough is suitable for 180 – 280hp tractors and available in 4 or 5 furrows. The R6 features an offset, curved leg, making it easier to pull, less wearing on metal parts and more fuel efficient. The 140 x 140mm frame features a suspended headstock to absorb the shock load from the three point linkage on headland manoeuvres. It also provides even weight distribution and allows for a smoother ride on field and headland. The model includes incab electronic controls to hydraulically adjust the depth and inclination for ease of use. A transport lock and variable front furrow width from 12 to 20 inches can also be engaged to adapt to all conditions. Rob Immink, MD of Gregoire Besson UK comments “The R6 provides excellent ploughing results in a range of soil conditions due to its versatility and ease of use. The patented double wheel system is able to plough out wheel marks, allowing for a closer plough to hedges, whilst making it quick and easy to change from road to work.” Reversible Kuhn plough offers added versatility The latest models to join Kuhn’s

Gregoire Besson Ploughs

available for demonstration now... For more information contact your local branch Stirling 01786 477530

Cupar 01334 652445

Perth 01738 622471

or visit our website 98

Gregoire Besson RW6

reversible plough range include the Vari-Master 123 variable working width models. Available in three, four and five plough-body formats, the Vari-Master 123 retains the same one-piece headstock and robust, large diameter turnover shaft seen on earlier Kuhn ploughs. All three versions of the Vari-Master feature easy to operate offsetting and angling facilities, making the Kuhn range user-friendly and easy to adjust to suit varying soil conditions. Positivemounted skimmers add to the range’s adaptability by allowing accurate adjustment in three dimensions of height, lengthways and sideways movement. Working width can be varied between 30 and 45cm while underbeam (75cm) and interbody (90cm) distances provide exceptional clearances. All pivot points are bushed for extended durability and side-mounted, triangular reinforcements add further strength to the main beam where it is most needed. The Vari-Master 123 range offers users the choice of traction bolt protection or nonstop hydraulic (NSH) auto-reset protection. On the NSH system, share point release pressure can easily be adjusted from 600–1,300kg, and can be increased (when fitted with the optional Maxibar) to 2,500kg. This system is particularly useful when tackling heavy or

PLOUGHS Kuhn Vari-Master 122

compacted ground. For instant control from the tractor cab, the Varibar option can be used, with or without the Maxibar option. The Vari-Master 123 range has a maximum horsepower rating of 105 hp in its threebody format and up to 175hp when specified with five plough bodies. Kverneland 150 plough series now with hydraulic vari-width Following the introduction of the Kverneland 150B (shear bolt) and 150S (leaf spring auto reset) lightweight reversible ploughs, the company has extended its latest plough range to include hydraulic vari-width on both types. Called the 150 Variomat, the new version brings hydraulic furrow width adjustment from 30-50cm (1220in), for those who frequently adjust furrow widths to get


the best output from available tractor horsepower and soil conditions. “A simple shift from 12in to 18in furrow widths will yield a 30% increase in working width,” explains Kverneland plough specialist Adam Burt. “Fuel consumption is not proportional, which brings greater efficiency to ploughing. And a wider furrow width generates more clearance too, for those dealing with stripped or chopped straw.” The 150 Variomat plough comes in three- four- and five-furrow versions, with a 150mm x 150mm induction heat-treated main frame used on all models. Despite the bigger frame than the nonVariomat models, the plough doesn’t need vast amounts of horsepower to be handled, nor lifted. Kverneland says the 150 Variomat is suitable for tractors up to a maximum of 150hp.

The plough gets a one-piece headstock design that keeps the implement as close to the tractor as possible to reduce lift requirement. The main shaft is a 110mm diameter, heattreated design, engineered for maximum strength, while cross shaft options include Cat II, Cat III and quick coupler types. A 70/75cm underbeam clearance is used for the 150 S Variomat, while the B Variomat is 80cm. Both share an 85/100cm interbody clearance for optimum performance in various soil and surface conditions. Front furrow width adjustment can be either the standard turnbuckle or optional hydraulic adjustment. The 150 Variomat range is priced from £13,057. Following the successful uptake with Knock-on points for cultivators, Kverneland has now adapted the system for use across its entire plough range, creating a truly universal point design. Knock-on for ploughs is a system that now uses the same interchangeable design as the 80mm cultivator point, and is an alternative to the Quick fit plough-based system that has been in place for 10 years. The thickness of the point has been carefully engineered to avoid adding extra weight to the plough, while maintaining hardness and durability. A further advantage is the point’s design is no longer handed – it can be used on left or righthand plough bodies without fear of incorrect fitting.

Overum from Kongskilde The Överum plough range forms an important and growing part of Kongskilde’s tillage line-up. With a factory on the presentday site since the mid-1600s, and producing ploughs from 1850, Överum have a proud and innovative history. The plough range of 2013 consists of many variants from 2-10 furrows; fully mounted reversible models up to 6 furrows, semi-mounted from 5-8 furrows, and wagon ploughs from 6-10 furrows. The popular XL body offers versatile performance at depths from 5-12 inches, and most ploughs are offered in either Xcelsior version (fixed furrow widths, manually adjustable from 14-18”), or VariFlex (hydraulically adjustable furrow widths from 12-20”) ‘2012 saw a healthy increase in our plough sales’, reports James Garrod, Kongskilde UK Sales Manager, ‘and business so far this year has been pretty good too. Last autumn’s challenging conditions meant that many growers went back to a plough-based system in order to achieve decent drilling conditions. Also, we still firmly believe that the plough is one of the most effective anti-blackgrass weapons in the farmer’s armoury, and we have seen a higher level of enquiries from this year’s shows from people needing both a weed control and bad weather insurance policy.’, adds James. ‘

PLOUGHS Kverneland 150 -B Variomat

The key features of all Överum ploughs are a very low draft requirement coupled with low running costs, in particular a sensibly-priced range of specially-designed wearing parts made from high quality Swedish steel.’ Recent tests by the Swedish University of Agriculture back this up, with clear evidence that the Överum XL body is among the most efficient on the market, giving genuinely low fuel consumption, low wheelslip and higher overall efficiency. ‘ We’re inviting farmers and contractors to try one of the demonstration models we’ll be using throughout Scotland this autumn, and are confident that operators will quickly see the benefits of using an Överum plough.’ He concludes. Ovlac Ploughs Reco currently has a series of ploughs including 160, 200, 220 and 260HP models ranging from 4 to 6 furrows, dependent upon the model, from Spanish manufacturer Ovlac. The Ploughs come with the normal Ovlac high quality features such as 8mm case hardened mouldboards, a beam that is made from top quality steel and a strong headstock that can be used in either fixed or floating positions for true and easy adjustment. Headstocks are heat treated to guarantee strength and rigidity and are all supplied as standard with a self-aligning feature to ensure the ploughs pull straight. With the plough’s

lower linkage arm and floating headstock this range offers an easy to set up design of machinery. They are available with either Leafspring Auto Reset protection, Shearbolt or Hydraulic Leg protection to provide a choice that can suit a variety of soil conditions. Models with 5 or 6 furrows include ‘automatic memory’ which can adjust and reset the plough width during turning. The 200HP range, which was the latest model to be added to Reco’s existing line last year, is perfectly suited for tractors of 150-200HP and is available with either 4 or 5 furrows with either 85 or 95cm body clearance. Pottinger launches new DURASTAR wearing parts Available for a wide range of its grassland tillage products are the new Pottinger DURASTAR wearing parts. The DURASTAR range of parts offer an increased service life compared to standard parts. This is thanks to the innovative hardening processes used by Pottinger at its modern parts production and hardening facility Vodnany in the Czech Republic. Utilising the latest vacuum hardening technology the wearing parts are hardened in a very tightly controlled process ensuring over hardening does not take place which would result in the steel becoming brittle. The vacuum hardening process can be finely controlled

PLOUGHS Ovlac plough

Kongskilde -5 Vari plough

opposed to more conventional oil quenching hardening process allowing Pottinger to deliver the right balance of service life and flexibility. Wearing parts need to retain a degree of flexibility to allow stress loads to be dissipated


effectively during operation. This combination ensures even the toughest of working conditions can be handled without suffering premature failures of wearing parts. Offered as part of the Pottinger DURASTAR range,

Servo Durastar parts from Pottinger

these new ranges of carbonised mouldboards are suitable for the Pottinger Servo range of mounted and semi mounted

ploughs. The carbonisation process applies a 2.3 mm to the front and back of the mouldboards. This process


working life when working in extreme conditions. Thanks to the use of high carbon LEURIT steel the standard Lion power harrow tines already offer great performance to price ratio, but this is enhanced further by the tungsten carbide coating. Initial UK user feedback suggest that the working life of these tines is at least three fold that of the standard tine offering those operators working in harsh conditions or for extended periods an option with less downtime for time changes.

Rabe Albatross

increases further the flexible properties of the mouldboard and reduces friction across the face of the mouldboard. This is particularly advantageous when working in soils that lack “body” and that will not flow or “score” particularly well. This highly finished surface offers little in the way of resistance for the soil ensuring soil is not bridging across the mouldboard leaving a tidy and

presentable finish in the field. Also available for the Lion range of Pottinger rigid and folding power harrows is the new DURASTAR tungsten carbide coated quick fit tines. These tines weigh in with hefty dimensions of 320 mm long by 18 mm thick making them some of the largest dimension tines available on the UK market. The liquid tungsten carbide is designed to increase operating performance and

Rabe Albatros and Super-Albatros ploughs Suitable for tractors up to 260HP, the Rabe Albatros and Super-Albatros mounted reversible ploughs are available in 4, 5 and 6 furrows. The Albatros offers a robust four step working width adjustment, with the Super Albatros V model providing a continuous working width adjustment from 33cm to 53cm.

Both models make use of separate hydraulic rams for frame alignment and working width adjustment, meaning there is no adjustment to the working width when the frame aligns before and after turning. The arched plough legs also provide a low centre of gravity and offer ease of use and manoeuvrability. The HydroAvant function available on both models offers hydraulic stone protection with a cranked lever, hydraulic ram and leg shear bolt. A wide choice of headstocks, consoles, plough bodies and accessories provide excellent ploughing results in a range of soil conditions. A depth wheel with a damper and joint on the wheel stalk can be mounted further forward or rearward for even depth control. A combination wheel with a damping and swivelling ram offers even depth control, hydraulic working depth control and ease of transport on roads.

DEALERS KEY Participating Dealers in this Ploughs feature AMAZONE AM Phillip Conon Bridge : 01349 866021 Fraserburgh : 01346 541351 Huntly : 01466 799222 Henderson Grass Machinery Haddington : 01620 823171 Kinross : 01577 863733 Selkirk : 01750 725725

Conon Bridge : 01349 866021 Forfar : 01307 474000 Fraserburgh : 01346 541351 Glenrothes : 01592 775511 Huntly : 01466 799222 D & K Singer Laurencekirk : 01561 320639 MLM Engineering Orphir, Orkney : 01856 811282

Reekie Group Stirling : 01786 477530 Perth : 01738 622471 Cupar : 01334 652445

GREGOIRE BESSON Reekie Group Stirling : 01786 477530 Perth : 01738 622471 Cupar : 01334 652445



Forfar : 01307 462281 Blairgowrie : 01250 870952 Perth : 01738 583249 Laurencekirk : 01561 378888 Dundonald : 01563 851900 Doune : 01786 842921 MLM Engineering Orphir, Orkney : 01856 811282 KUHN Carrs Billington Annan : 01461 202779 Ravenhill Aberdeen : 01224 772577 Dingwall : 01349 863555 Elgin : 01343 541121 Maud : 01771 613246 Turriff : 01888 563561

KVERNELAND J&W Tait Kirkwall, Orkney : 01856 873003 OVLAC DKR Agricultural Services Biggar : 01899 220897 Mearns Tractors Laurencekirk : 01561 377762 MLM Engineering Orphir, Orkney : 01856 811282


FUTUREfarmer Dairy Skills Initiative Launched in Dumfries & Galloway An innovative project has been launched in Dumfries & Galloway to help young people into work while addressing skills shortages within the local dairy sector. The ‘Dairy Skills Initiative’ is a unique partnership involving Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) NFU Scotland, Lantra, Dumfries & Galloway Employment TAP and Skills Development Scotland. It offers school leavers with no previous farm experience 12 week placements on local dairy farms, at no cost to the host farmers. Trainees will get involved in the wide range of practical work involved in running a busy dairy farm. On successful completion of their placement they will achieve a ‘Certificate of Work Readiness’ and references to help them move into employment. There may also be opportunities for progression to an Agricultural Modern Apprenticeship. Host farmers will have the benefit of working with a young trainee, while the wider local dairy sector will benefit from an increase in ‘work ready’ individuals with references. SRUC’s Work-based Learning Manager Brian Williams explained: “This is a unique initiative that recognises the vital importance of practical skills training to the success of the farming industry. “We’re seeking males and females of school leaving age and the only prerequisite 104

is that they are enthusiastic about becoming involved in dairy farming. They certainly won’t be just stuck behind a brush during their placements – dairy farming is becoming increasingly technical nowadays and trainees will have the chance to get involved in a wide range of practical tasks, helping them build their confidence and gain the skills employers are looking for.” Brian stressed the importance of buy-in from local dairy farms. “Without their input, the initiative simple won’t work, so we hope local farms will see the benefits to themselves and the wider industry and really get behind it by taking on a young trainee,” he said. Gary Mitchel, Chairman of the NFUS Milk Committee, is a passionate advocate of attracting more young people into the dairy sector. He said: “The Scottish dairy sector has significant opportunities to grow as an integral part of a competitive dairy supply chain in the global and UK market, but we must be competitive and progressive, which means we must attract, train and nurture new recruits to a career in an exciting, progressive and professional sector. This initiative is a great opportunity to demonstrate to young people, who may have

never considered dairy, to see a genuine well paid and attractive career opportunity in the local region.” Lantra Scotland’s Business Development Manager, Kevin Patrick, welcomed the initiative, saying: “There are some fantastic opportunities for young people to work in the land-based sector in Scotland. Lantra and NFUS are working hard to improve awareness and understanding of opportunities in agriculture, and to address potential skills shortages. SRUC’s Dairy Skills Initiative, with active support from key partners, is a very exciting development and will help improve understanding of the technical nature of modern dairy farming, and awareness of related career opportunities, across Dumfries and Galloway. Crucially, it will also introduce vocational skills, offer progression opportunities such as a Modern Apprenticeship, and significantly improve the overall employability of participants.” Dawn Redpath, Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Employability and Skills Manager said: “Dumfries and Galloway Council is delighted to be able to work with partners on such a creative initiative. As a Council we recognise the importance of being able to provide a wide range of career

opportunities in sectors that have sustainable job prospects and the dairy industry is an excellent example of this. Through our Employment TAP (Total Access Point) we are also able to support employers who want to help young people enter careers in the dairy industry whilst ensuring that the young people are appropriately trained and are gaining up to date skills in a live working environment.” Local dairy farmers and schools have been approached about the partnership and the Skills Development Scotland’s Employability Fund is supporting 40 placements to begin this September. Further placement will be available in early 2015. The project is also being supported by the Scottish Dairy Hub, which works to support Scottish dairy farmers.* It is hoped skills initiatives can be launched in other farming sectors and other areas of Scotland in the future. ?Zkf^kl hk rhng` i^hie^ bgm^k^lm^] bg Ûg]bg` hnk fhk^ lahne] \hgmZ\m ;kbZg PbeebZfl hg )*.). 1/-1)) ^qm *), hk ^fZbe [kbZg'pbeebZfl9 lkn\'Z\'nd hk LmnZkm FZkmbg hg )0.))0//)1, !lmnZkm' fZkmbg9]Zbkr\h'Za]['hk`' nd"'

COUNTRY WOMAN More than just a job

Aileen McFadzean

5XUDO 6W\OH By Helen Burness


Aileen with son Malcolm

Blackface sheep secretary, Aileen McFadzean has the job of running the biggest breed society in Scotland and is one of a group of breed secretaries, whose work is also their passion. The long hours and inevitable breed politics, which exits in every society, can be a challenge but the fulfilment of a job well done and the friends collected over years of travel representing the breed, is well worth the hard work. “Being a breed society secretary is a great job.” says Aileen. “Not only being able to promote and market a breed that you are passionate about but also having the opportunity to travel all over the UK and Northern Ireland to events and making many friends within the industry.” In her eighteen years as Blackface secretary, Aileen has not only represented the members within the industry but has helped increase the Society membership to the current fourteen hundred. She worked with Government in the formation of the National Scrappie Plan, following the BSE crisis, lobbying successfully for the retention of Type 3 Scrappie genotypes, which if they had been discarded, would have wiped out a huge proportion of the Blackface

sheep at that time. It was in fact the BSE crisis, which brought her to the Society in the first instance, when she was made redundant from her position as Procurement Manager at Scotch Premier in Edinburgh and applied for the position of Promotions Manager with the Blackies, which would later encompass the secretary’s role. Having grown up with Blackface sheep and Charolais cattle on the family farm at Burnside, Kilsyth, where her brother Duncan still farms and with 13 years in the meat industry with FMC and Premier Meats, she was well qualified to take on the role. With such a varied position, there have been many highlights over the years. “I would like to think that my greatest achievement with the breed,” says Aileen, “was to secure the partnership with Dunbia and Sainsbury’s, to include pure-bred branded Border Blackface Lamb with their Taste the Difference range.” This promotion is now in its sixth year and has resulted in 2000 Blackface lambs being required per week between November and March. “The most enjoyable bit of the job,” smiles Aileen, “is travelling around the Scottish Islands and meeting the members.”

Freddie Parker is a stunning British designer fashion and lifestyle brand, which embodies quality and great design with a simple ethos to create beautiful clothing and home ware, which will outlast fashion fads with lasting appeal. Freddie’s equestrian inspired men’s fashion and lifestyle brand have just launched their very first women’s capsule collection for this autumn/winter 2014 and it’s already looking like a winner in the style stakes! The new Freddie Parker ‘Cheltenham Ladies Collection’ pays homage to the stylish race-going ladies who flock to this great city and focuses on feminine shirting with fashion tailoring. The new range offers the same exceptional attention to detail and beautiful design as in their popular men’s shirting collection, but is translated through a slimmer silhouette with a more feminine cut. The inside of the collar, cuffs and the placket feature the brand’s bold signature ‘galloping horse and rider’ graphic print (harking back to the brand’s graphic designer roots) and is also featured through embroidery on the chest. The Freddie Parker name embroidery on the hem and final contrast button complete this shirt’s allure. Sizes 10 – 18 Available in Candy Pink Stripe (shown), Pure White, and Candy Turquoise Stripe RRP: £65.00 Freddie Parker is a stunning British designer fashion and lifestyle brand, which embodies quality and great design with a simple ethos to create beautiful clothing and home ware, which will outlast fashion fads with lasting appeal.

ppp'_k^]]b^iZkd^k'\hf 105

COUNTRY WOMAN Aileen lives with husband George and two sons Duncan, age 13 and Malcolm age 8, on the family farm of Woodhead of Mailer, Perth, where they farm 240, mostly Aberdeen Angus and Limousin cross suckler cows, 30 Pure Bred Angus and 150 Mule ewes. Her passion for breeding and showing Aberdeen Angus Cattle is obvious in the collection of rosettes and photos which decorates the kitchen at Woodhead. She has also judged prime lambs at both the Royal Highland and Smithfield.

“George & I have shown cattle for 20 years” explains Aileen, “We have been fortunate to have had lots of success, with both pure bred and cross AA, having won both the AA and Native championships at the Scottish Winter Fair and Smithfield. The most memorable being in 2011 when we won the Queens cup for the best Native, with a home bred AA steer called End of the Line.” Aileen McFadzean epitomises all breed secretaries, whose job is their passion and their life!

Aileen at the Ewe Sales at Lanark


FARMING SCOTLAND MAGAZINE UL^ ^LIZP[L Farming News – Commodity Prices – Weather Outlook Agri Pages Online Directory – Magazine Archives And so much more… 106

Southern Belle Seemed like a good idea at the time….

Ahp fZgr mbf^l ]h p^ lZr ' bm l^^f^] ebd^ Z `hh] b]^Z Zm ma^ mbf^ Years on the show circuit with friends, who have a similar “ life’s too short” attitude, has resulted in regular use of the phrase but I always consider that it’s better to look back and regret doing something than looking back and regretting not doing it at all! Therefore, when invited to work at the CLA Game Fair at Blenheim Palace last month, I jumped at the chance, despite my client suggesting that in view of the daily traffic issues, (and his budget presumably) it would be better for us to stay on the showfield. Now those of you who follow the column will know of my HUGE aversion to traffic and other drivers’ so on ensuring there was electricity for my hairdryer,(more important than traffic!) staying in a tent for the first time seemed pretty straightforward. The forecast was for hot dry weather, so prefect camping conditions and encouraged by my Gold Duke of Edinburgh award winning daughter, who was not only an “expert” at camping but thought her mother was a wimp for complaining, off we went. After erecting our enormous six man tent, (wishful thinking on my part!) we were well chuffed with our efforts, despite no

two guy ropes being tied with the same knot and tent pegs being pushed into the solid ground by hand (well we could hammer them in further later couldn’t we?) we stood back to admire our handy work, with the help of a well-deserved cold cider while we waited for the others to arrive. Perfect! Four hours and several ciders later they arrived, by which time the memory of our ropey tent pegs had faded into the distance and we settled down for a relaxing night. Then at 2 am I was awoken by a huge bang? Then another... was that thunder? Not only was it thunder, the lightening started, followed by torrential rain and more thunder and so it continued for the next two hours!! My first ever night under canvas, was accompanied by the worst storm in memory, with 3000 recorded lightning flashes and a report on BBC Scotland the next morning of the severity of the super storm! Even the hardened camper next to me grabbed my hand and said “this is really scary!” However, we survived, as did our tent to see another storm the following night. Camping?……Seemed like a good idea at the time!

$*5, *$'*(76 New Holland PLM® Connect eases fleet management, large or small

21/,1( 6$99< Using YouTube Videos to drive traffic to your Website by Allan Bewley & Fiona Sloan Pedigree Farmer Web Design If you thought that YouTube was all about falling on your backside in the muddiest place on the farm and having it filmed, then think again. YouTube can be a very effective way to drive more traffic to your website. Consider these statistics displayed on the YouTube website:

Modern agriculture places ever-changing demands upon farmers, managers and contractors, but a key constant is the need to manage equipment in the field as efficiently as possible to optimise utilisation and reduce downtime. New Holland PLM® Connect is a state-of-the-art communication system that can facilitate the control and supervision of equipment from a centralised office, allowing machine operation to be monitored and managed without the need to spend time travelling between separate operations. It is a flexible system, needing just a 12volt supply to enable it to work with all brands of equipment. “New Holland PLM® Connect is the next best thing to sitting next to the operator,” says Luca Mainardi, Head of Tractor and Precision Land Management Product Management. “Those tasked with managing equipment in the field can patch into the operation and monitor progress via an online dashboard. This can help maximise uptime, improve productivity and efficiency

and even help optimise fuel use. Communication between the operator and those tasked with management is enhanced, a real plus when working with operators with varied levels of experience and within tight time schedules.” A key PLM® Connect feature is connectivity between equipment. As an example, multiple machines can be monitored from the centralised office, which could include utilising a tablet to access the online portal, and settings from one vehicle that is optimised, can in turn be suggested to another via the messaging service built in to the product. Machine utilisation is another key feature of PLM® Connect. Machines within a fleet can be quickly examined in order to decrease down time and increase performance, efficiency and in turn profitability. Although PLM® Connect is a full New Holland product, it is designed to offer compatibility with competitor products to include older machinery. This will enable the system to be added to any existing fleets.

* More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month * Over 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube— that's almost an hour for every person on Earth * 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute * 80% of YouTube traffic comes from outside the US * YouTube is localised in 61 countries and across 61 languages YouTube is a big deal. YouTube, LLC was bought

by Google for US$1.65 billion in November 2006 and now operates as a Google subsidiary. There is a huge potential to promote your livestock using YouTube video. Your content will be searchable from within YouTube itself and your videos can get ranked within the Google search engine. The same videos can also be embedded in your website and easily uploaded with a good content management system. YouTube videos will drive more traffic to your website when optimised; Add a call to action to your video (e.g. visit our website to see our current stock for sale) Make sure you add a URL (website address) to your description box @hh] en\d pbma rhnk ob]^h fZkd^mbg`

107 29

MUCK SPREADERS Spreading it around A look at some of the well-known brands and their latest models Abbey flailed side spreaders Abbey Machinery manufactures the most complete range of side spreaders on the market today with sizes ranging from 4 cubic yards to 15.5 cubic yards. They offer two key ranges the Abbey Flailed Side Spreader and the Abbey Multi Spreader this two ranges are the leading side spreaders available with the ability to handle a wide range of manure from solid to slurry. The Abbey Flailed Side Spreader is built with increased chassis support to give maximum, strength and durability to the drum. The drive line of the Abbey side spreader is unequalled by any other in today's market. The use of a splined shaft on the seamless rotor for chain driving, give maximum strength. The heavy duty spreading chassis is anchored to the seamless heavy duty rotor tube in spiral formation allowing for the optimum spreading pattern to be achieved. Heavy duty bearings are fitted on each end of the rotor away from the manure to extend the life of the bearings. Abbey AP Multi spreader range offer large diameter heavy duty auger which is specially designed to create an even flow of material without clogging. The well-constructed drum improves the flow of material, the base of which is fitted with a double skin to provide years of wear. This heavy duty drive is simple, reliable and easily accessible when routine maintenance is required. Discharge rotor is fitted with shear bolt as standard. Door open/close indicator is clearly visible from the tractor cab. Built to provide trouble free service 108 28

Abbey AP multi spreader

and minimal maintenance and downtime. Fleming spreaders Fleming Agri-Products report strong sales of their Muck Spreader range on the back of new design features introduced in 2014. The Fleming Muck Spreader range has been designed as a versatile unit to cater for the needs of the beef, dairy, hobby and equestrian user who have a preference for a lighter machine on their land with a good capacity spreading output to satisfy their needs. Fleming Spreaders now offer specific galvanized body components to counteract the corrosive environment, a redesigned Heavy duty lid operated by a double acting ram for wider opening to

accommodate easier loading. The strong robust construction with unique twin starter bars for quick start up with discharge chains having secure double jaw anchor on a balanced heavy duty rotor for smooth operation and even spreading pattern (no surging or bouncing) ensuring a quicker unloading time and a value for money machine that offers a good working life payback for the farmer. All Fleming Spreaders are manufactured from high quality steel ensuring a long working lifespan, are fitted with easy access grease points, are welded and painted internally and externally and undergo a 5 stage cleaning and painting process culminating in oven curing for better protection against the corrosive elements in slurry and muck.

Models available; Minimuck, MS450, MS700, MS1000. Harry West Dual Spreaders The Harry West Dual Spreader was developed in the late 1970s as all purpose manure spreader, In 1980 it received a Gold Medal at the dairy farming event for its design and innovation in handling and spreading manure of all types in a controlled and accurate application, Low power requirement, large dia wheels, low centre of gravity and the fact that while unloading it transfers the weight to the front to aid traction on the tractor makes these machines very popular for all terrains and all types of manures


Fleming MS1000

They have five models in our range 1300 gallon is the smallest 1600 2000 and now we have introduced the 2800 and 3000gallon machine to our range which are becoming extremely popular with the larger farms and agricultural contractors alike. New look for Hi Spec’s chain flail XCEL Hi-Spec Engineering has introduced a new version of the XCEL 1250 rear discharge spreader, that builds on the well proven features of the previous machine. The XCEL 1250 is unique in that it uses a rotary chain and flail system to achieve a good break up of material, which is then spread using a pair of spinning discs. This has the benefit that in the event of a solid object, such as a lump of concrete, being encountered, this will pass through without causing any damage to the spreader, unlike a spreader fitted with vertical beater bars where there is the potential for costly damage to the rotors or bearings. The new XCEL 1250 spreader has a solids capacity of 12 tonnes, with

a loading height of just 2.5 metres, and now features a new curved side panel design that provides an increased internal volume for greater capacity. This new design also has the advantage that it reduces the risk of material bridging. To carry material to the slurry door at the rear of the spreader, the new XCEL 1250 is fitted with marine type double floor chains, that are suitable for use with a wide range of manures, both solid or liquid, sludge or very dry chicken manure. To keep downtime to a minimum, the chain can now be quickly tensioned manually and the hydraulic system has been simplified. As previously, material for spreading is initially broken-up by a patented and well proven chain flail and spinning disc system. The heavy duty marine grade chains are attached to a horizontal rotor and have a 10 tonne breaking capacity. Each of the chains is fitted with a Hardox steel flail to effectively break-up even the densest of manure. Hardox hard wearing plate is also now used in all the critical wear zones throughout the spreading system for added

durability, reliability minimal downtime.


Kuhn side exit manure spreader offers added versatility The 9 cubic metre capacity Pro Twin Slinger manure spreader from Kuhn Farm Machinery offers a high output capacity as well as great spreading versatility. Key to its functionality is an innovative and patented twin-auger design and freeswinging discharge hammers which work against an adjustable deflector. The Pro Twin Slinger moves material rearward with a raised right auger in order to keep the left auger evenly charged to feed the forward-situated discharge hatch. This rotational movement keeps the load level and prevents “bridging�, whatever the consistency or moisture content of the manure. Additional versatility is afforded by the free-swinging forged-steel discharge hammers, which pulverise the material and propel it in an even

109 29


The Harry West range

and controlled spread pattern. Discharge can be regulated onthe-move with an hydraulically controlled deflector that can adjust the spread width from a 1 metre wide deposit to a 15 metre finely distributed pattern.

Externally mounted nylon auger bearings are used in preference to the more traditional roller bearings as they give improved tolerance of overloading and contamination, and are more

cost-effective to replace. The drive at the front is a heavyduty roller chain that runs in oil and has spring-loaded selfaligning poly tighteners for extended life. NC Engineering’s Rear Discharge Manure Spreader With years of experience and a reputation for quality, NC have produced an extensive range of manure spreaders to include five models: 7m3, 9m3, 11m3, 13m3 and 15m3 - suitable for small farmers to large contractors. Build quality ensures low running costs, a consistent and even discharge, with the ability to handle virtually all

Hi-Spec spreader

110 28

types of waste, ie semi-solid, poultry litter, industrial sludges, waste products etc. The unique rotor design and blade pattern allows you to spread all types of manures without the trouble and fuss of changing spreader decks and the large ‘cubic capacities’ available are particularly suited to low density manures. NC’s reputation for quality has stood the test of time with 30 year old machines still working today! Standard Features include: Heavy duty monocoque body construction, Variable speed floor chains with reverse option functions, 4 Heavy duty stress relieved 14x50 chains (24.5 tonne breaking strain each) on 9m3, 11m3, 13m3, and 15m3. 2 Heavy duty stress relieved 14x50 chains (24.5 tonne breaking strain each) on 7m3. Floor chains protected by a cross-line relief valve, Galvanised quick attach floor slots (no welding to the chain) and a Galvanised rear vertical auger frame. Samson manure spreaders with capacities ranging from 9-29m3 Samson spreaders are constructed using high tensile Domex steel, this makes the spreader durable and strong but at the same time minimises the net weight which gives a higher loading capacity. All


Kuhn Pro Twin Slinger

models have a low centre of gravity and large wheels to ensure stability. The chain floor in Samson spreaders covers 95% of the

floor, drivers lift the chains from the bottom to ensure a stable conveying of material toward the drums and reduce the wear on the chains.

The SP range is Samson’s universal spreader series capable of handling all sorts of spreading tasks irrespective of the sort and nature of the material.

All SP and Flex machines come standard with manual variable adjustment of the chain floor speed, Strong gearbox with automatic securing valve against overload, wide angle PTO with safety overrun clutch, rear lights that can be folded during spreading, rotating draw eye with height adjustment and rubber shock absorbers on the drawbar . The Flex 16 can contain up to 20m3 and is designed for the professional user, who makes large demands on the dependability of the material and who expects low maintenance costs. It comes standard with Rubig chain which is well known for its outstanding quality. The Flex 16 can be equipped with two different spreading systems: 12M and 24M therefore the spreader can manage all spreading tasks from farmyard manure to industrial spread able waste products such as sludge and ash.

111 29


NC spreader

The 12M equipment is made up of two vertical drums and pendulum mounted deflectors, these drums handle all sorts of manure with great precision. The 24M equipment is made up of two horizontal drums and two spinning disks with fixed deflectors. This system can precisely handle light manure and all industrial spreadable waste products.

the UK are from the VS range of spreaders. A strong and robust design makes them ideal for contractors and large farmers who are looking for high outputs and wide high precision spreading. Spreading widths up to 24 metres are possible dependent upon materials. Supplied normally with two horizontal beaters and wide spreading

Strautmann Muck spreaders For the UK market Strautmann offer four ranges of Muck spreader. The PS, VS and the BE range, which has two models – the BE 4- BE 9 and the BE 1202 –1401. The main feature of these wagons is their durability. The chassis and body is fully galvanised to give resistance against corrosive products. The floor is made from recycled plastic. Further recycled material is used across the top of the side walls so as to give protection against damage when loading the wagon. For reliability the floor chains are driven by oversized sprockets with six drive pushers. The most common Strautmann models sold in

Samson SP15 spreader

112 28

discs these machines will do an excellent spreading job with, muck (with or without straw), processed human waste, compost, chicken muck and even lime. Three models ranging from 13 m3 to 14.5m3 have the beaters driven by chains but the flag ship VS2403 20 m3 model has the beaters driven by shafts. Speed sensors and

cam cut out clutches provide protection to the beater and disc drives. Strautmann have a range of high capacity high output PS models. There are two sizes available PS2201 20m3 22 ton and the larger PS3401 33m3 34 ton. Based upon the VS2403 these models are designed for the high end professional users. They are ideal once again for wide spreading 20 to 24 metres dependent upon materials used including Lime. High quality fine grade steels with Hardox are used for the spreading unit to ensure durability. Conical side walls ensure positive unloading and optional side wall extensions have a nice feature in that they can be folded down when not required. The VS and PS models can be connected to the tractor by various means. Basic choices are either Direct connection to the tractor spools or by an electric control box. Operators also have a choice of two Isobus terminals either the ‘Field Operator 120’ or the ‘Field Operator 300’. The ‘Field Operator 300’ allows an exchange of data with the office

MUCK SPREADERS PC and has an interface for a GPS antenna. Fully integrated weighing systems are available as an option.

Teagle focus on a finer delivery & even spread Following extensive development, Teagle Machinery are now delivering their ‘Titan’ rear discharge machines to both domestic and international customers. The five models in the range offer capacities from 6m3 to 15m3 and are built entirely in a recently commissioned Muckspreader facility at their factory in Cornwall. The range is from 6 and 8 m3 models are ideally suited to smaller units and offer outstanding maneuverability. The crossover model, the 9 m3 Titan 9, offers an economic alternative. 10 and 12 m3 models, extendable up to 15m3 with

Strautmann Spreader

113 29


Teagle Titan

greedy boards, are suitable for heavy users or contractors. The focus of Titan development has been to ensure that users gain the greatest benefit from the nutrients in their manure by effectively shredding muck and evenly spreading it behind the machine. Tom Teagle notes, ‘through field trials we optimised the pitch of the spreading augers

which is critical to ensure that muck is finely shredded. Our shallower pitch ensures effective mixing and shredding prior to discharge. It is also important to have an auger with a smooth and continuous face to ensure a consistent and even spread pattern.’ In addition the Titan range uses a beater system that is wider than the body of the machine to enable a greater diameter beater to be fitted.

This maximizes tip speed, again essential for effective shredding. All models are well proportioned to ensure good stability, manoeuvrability and ground clearance. Loading remains easy thanks to the low height of the sides. For greater driveline protection from foreign objects, a set of swinging flails sit at the base of the beater and have

been developed to fold back under shock loading. For lighter materials such as poultry manure a series of paddles can be fitted in lieu of the beater tips which further improve the discharge rate and spreading width. As output becomes increasingly important for farmers and contractors alike, the tall beater system which is fitted as standard across all models offers a massive discharge rate.

DEALERS KEY (Participating Dealers in this feature) ABBEY MLM Engineering Orphir, Orkney : 01856 811282 HARRY WEST AM Phillip Conon Bridge : 01349 866021 Forfar : 01307 474000 Fraserburgh : 01346 541351 Glenrothes : 01592 775511 Huntly : 01466 799222 DKR Agricultural Services Biggar : 01899 220897 MLM Engineering 114

Orphir, Orkney : 01856 811282 HI SPEC AM Phillip Conon Bridge : 01349 866021 Forfar : 01307 474000 Fraserburgh : 01346 541351 Glenrothes : 01592 775511 Huntly : 01466 799222 Carrs Billington Annan : 01461 202779 Gordons Engineering Castle Douglas : 01556 502338 Whauphill : 01988 840201 Castle Kennedy : 01776 702160 Dumfries : 01387 261024

Strathaven : 01357 522234 Berryhill : 01560 324400 KUHN Carrs Billington Annan : 01461 202779 NC ENGINEERING DKR Agricultural Services Biggar : 01899 220897 Ravenhill Aberdeen : 01224 772577 Dingwall : 01349 863555 Elgin : 01343 541121 Maud : 01771 613246 Turriff : 01888 563561

RECO Agricar Forfar : 01307 462281 Blairgowrie : 01250 870952 Perth : 01738 583249 Laurencekirk : 01561 378888 Dundonald : 01563 851900 Doune : 01786 842921 MLM Engineering Orphir, Orkney : 01856 811282 TEAGLE Ancroft Tractors Berwick upon Tweed : 01289 331904 Kelso : 01573 225213 Macmerry : 01875 617323


CKD Galbraith launches Aberdeeen office The formidable challenges facing farmers in raising finance can be met successfully despite forthcoming changes in support, leading rural property consultants CKD Galbraith said last night. Speaking at the official launch of CKD Galbraith’s new office in Aberdeen (Wednesday 9 July), partner Tom Stewart said the barriers to finance cannot be underestimated but there is evidence to suggest that banks and other lenders will strive to lend to farmers. He said: “With the forthcoming changes in SFP, there is no question that farmers will have to make decisions on the basis there will be less cash in terms of support. The need for continued business investment is imperative to a successful farm operation in realising long term opportunities and

the banks and institutions such as the Agricultural Mortgage Corporation are alive to that need. “As long as a business is profitable, then banks are prepared to offer lending and are keen to support farmers provided they can demonstrate a sound business plan and investment strategy as well as having a proven track record. This applies to both tenants and owner occupiers.� Tom Stewart heads up the team of experienced rural agents in Aberdeen which also includes Andrew Nicol who has been with the firm since 2008. During this time Andrew was the land agent to Mount Stuart Trust on Bute Estate and is now involved in the management of a number of Aberdeenshire estates. Martin Gilbert, Chief Executive of Aberdeen Asset

Management along with CKD Galbraith Chairman, Iain Russell, were also present to mark the opening of the new office in Cults. Tom Stewart also highlighted that the farmland market in Scotland continues to be very buoyant with the firm demonstrating a successful first half of 2014 and a healthy picture in terms of farm sales and demand.

“Properties are selling quickly provided they are correctly positioned in the market in terms of price, with demand remaining strong in the preeminent farming areas of which the North-east is one�, he said. CKD Galbraith has enjoyed substantial growth in both the number of farms sold and the level of agricultural experience it can offer to clients through its new Aberdeen office.

Produce World Group Acquires TIO Ltd The Produce World Group has announced the acquisition of TIO Ltd. The company, based in Forres, Morayshire in Scotland, supplies organic root vegetables into retail and food service. Neil Fraser, Executive Chairman, Produce World Group said: “The acquisition of TIO is a natural fit for Produce World, which is already a leader in the UK organic vegetable market. We believe that this will provide greater security both for suppliers and customers. “It will allow us to secure the future of valuable organic land and the expertise of the Scottish organic growers who supply TIO. We will be able to secure the largest possible geographic footprint of our organic supply base and therefore the longest possible domestic growing season.�

William Rose, Owner of TIO said: “Produce World has been a pioneer in organic vegetables for many years and has invested considerable resources into developing both its agronomy and a better understanding of consumers through its customer insight work. Becoming part of the Produce World Group will provide even greater opportunities for organic carrots from Scotland. I am looking forward to working with the Produce World team over the years to come.� The acquisition is part of the Produce World Group’s ongoing plan to develop and grow a sustainable fresh produce business which will best serve the needs of its customers, suppliers, employees and shareholders.


Inverness farmer reduced premiums from ÂŁ2850 to ÂŁ2123 Aberdeenshire farmer reduced premiums from ÂŁ4208 to ÂŁ3986


FINANCE Numbers stack up for Go Rural Over £16,000 has been pledged in a crowd funding initiative to support Go Rural’s drive to grow the agritourism sector in Scotland. Launched in June, the success of the fundraising campaign is seen by many as a positive indication of businesses’ appetite for the growth of the new agritourism sector. That’s the view shared by Caroline Millar, co founder of Go Rural, who is now more convinced than ever that Scotland is ready to take on

the agritourism challenge and deliver a sector estimated to be worth in the region of £1b. With three platinum members – Jane Craigie Marketing, MTC Media and Ledingham Chalmers - the diverse range of businesses putting hard cash behind the initiative reflects the opportunities these business owners believe will be attained if Go Rural’s vision is realised. From professional service providers to successful diversified businesses, the list

is a reflection of the scope of businesses set to benefit from a robust agritourism sector. Commenting on the success, co-founder Caroline Millar commented: “We have been overwhelmed by the support, both in kind and financially, for the growth of the Go Rural sector. The crowd funding campaign serves not only to allow this work to continue, but it is also a stamp of approval from credible diversified businesses and suppliers who want to be part of our exciting future.” Once such business is Jane Craigie Marketing, who was the first business to sign up to become a platinum member pledging £1000. Explaining her decision, Jane Craigie said: “From its inception, Go Rural has been an initiative that demonstrates a great vision - to boost Scotland’s rural economy, to improve communications from countryside to consumer and to build a vibrant Scottish

Agritourism sector. Its founder, Caroline Millar, has invested a great deal of time, energy and resource into building Go Rural and member business opportunities. For me, joining Go Rural as a Platinum Member is about supporting Caroline’s drive for better collaboration, communication and, ultimately, opportunity for the many great food, farming and tourism businesses based in Scotland’s unique and stunning countryside.” A new business platform – has recently been launched providing an important platform to promote rural businesses and encourage cross-selling. Caroline concluded: “We are encouraging more businesses to sign up – it is a great opportunity to not only grow your business but also network with like-minded businesses for the sharing of best practices and support.”

Harbro further expands retail business in Scottish borders Leading independent animal feed manufacturer, Harbro is continuing its retail expansion with the acquisition of R H Miller Agriculture Limited which takes effect on Tuesday, 12th August 2014 “This is another exciting move for Harbro adding 116

three retail premises and strengthening our retail division. It will further complement our feed business in the Borders, allowing us to offer animal health advice and products, clothing and equipment to our growing customer base.” says Graham


Baxter, Harbro managing director. The acquisition of these stores which are located in Dalkeith (Fordel), Peebles and Hawick added to existing stores in Duns and Earlston gives complete geographical coverage throughout the Borders and brings the total number of Country Stores in Scotland to 18. “These stores have a strong presence built on the pet and equine markets and we look forward to growing the business which will give increased buying strength and allow us to be more competitive.” “For livestock customers, our mill at Birkhill, south Lanarkshire is in close proximity to the Borders and is ideally located to serve the area, giving them the benefits of reduced transport costs and the delivery of compounds, blends, feed buckets, mineral licks and feed blocks straight


from the point of manufacture” he added. Harbro’s focus lies with innovative, performance-led nutrition and the company is renowned for its on-farm nutritional services and technical support. Harbro is involved in research, with the leading UK institutes and on farm, aiding the development of new products. Products are manufactured using Scottish quality raw materials and are designed to maximise the health and performance of stock. “This acquisition is a natural fit to our business and customers will benefit from increased choice, performance products, value for money and purchasing direct from a primary manufacturer, based in the south of Scotland.” says Mr Baxter. To assist with the transition, Drummond Miller will remain with the business for a period of 12 months.

Farm accommodation 'could be affected by latest tax proposals' The Office for Tax Simplification (OTS) has just published its final review of employee benefits. The OTS gives independent advice to Government on simplifying the UK tax system and included in this latest review are its recommendations on the issue of employee accommodation and under what circumstances it should be exempt from a tax charge. Essentially the OTS considers that employerprovided accommodation is in principle a benefit and the simplest route would be to tax the value of the benefit provided but acknowledges that such a

broad approach would ignore the necessity of certain staff living in specified, employerprovided accommodation to do their jobs. The OTS says the current rules on employer-provided accommodation are arbitrary and inconsistent and should be restricted to instances where the employee is required to live in the accommodation to enable them to protect buildings, people or assets; or because they have to work outside normal working hours; or because they need to live in employer-provided accommodation as a result of regulatory requirements.

Time to change banks? By Andrew Turnbull Past articles have dealt with the importance of a good quality proposal when dealing with a request for funding, whether it be for an extension to a bank overdraft facility, an asset finance deal or an agricultural mortgage application. When looking to change banks you will be asked to provide a sheaf of information to support your application and it is fundamental to a successful outcome to ensure you present all the information in the best possible light. Firstly, you will need your last 3 (sometimes 5) years accounts. If there are years of relatively poor profits include notes explaining why. For example, a change in farming policy which required time to become profitable, exceptionally bad weather during the growing season, expensive one-off steading repairs, etc. In a similar vein if the partners personal drawings are exceptionally high in any year, explain why and, if appropriate, confirm they will settle back to "normal" levels. Secondly, you will be asked for 6 months current account bank statements. If there are any returned cheques or standing orders explain why the situation came about (delayed pay-in to the account that would have covered the payment, monies due to the farm that proved to be a bad debt and so on). One or two bounced cheques over 6 months would not be regarded as a serial problem but any

more would raise eyebrows at underwriters. Thirdly, you will need an upto-date professional valuation. Bankers study valuations very carefully. Do not appoint your local valuer to do the report without first checking with the new bank that they are on their approved panel. Often farmers end up paying two lots of valuation fees because they didn't ask this question. Incidentally, banks have a different list of approved valuers for different areas of the country. The banks stipulate that these valuations must cover a wide scope of potential issues such as pollution risks from sewage leaks, access restrictions (including the width of gateways) and problems with sources of water, for example. If there are any such areas mention should be made of how they are to be addressed. Finally, the farmer will need to prepare a "Farmer's Balance Sheet" to append to his proposal. Whilst this can be based on the annual accounts format the valuations placed on livestock, etc., should be at market prices, not cost as per the annual accounts. Similarly, tractors, implements and combines should be included at present worth which may (or may not!) be greater than their value in the accounts. Moving banks can be a stressful experience but doing your homework can reduce the risks of rejection.

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MACHINERY New McCormick loaders provide plenty of farm handling power

40-140hp; and the heavier duty MPower range, which is for tractors from 50-230hp. “The MPower design also has mechanical levelling but a stronger boom structure, more wear-resistant pins, and a forging rather than a welded assembly for the tilt ram to

headstock carriage link,” notes product specialist Paul Wade. “Automatic locking using the Mega-Matic subframe system is standard – so the MPower is the best option for frequent heavy duty loading and handling applications using McCormick or competitor tractors.”

Harvester Range from New Holland

A new range of McCormick tractor loaders has been introduced as the result of a panEuropean agreement between Argo Tractors, the manufacturer of McCormick products, and loader specialist Manip’. The agreement results from the positive relationship developed between Manip’ and Argo’s French distribution company over several years. It ensures the availability of a complete range of loaders to suit the new ‘X’ generation McCormick tractors currently being rolled out. “Manip’ has a history of loader design and manufacturing going back more than 20 years,” notes Ray Spinks, general manager and sales director at McCormick


distributor AgriArgo UK. “Significant investment in modern manufacturing technology enables them to produce a quality product.” As part of the M-Extend Group (which includes MX, another loader maker) Manip’ is backed by the considerable resources of the one of the World’s biggest manufacturers of tractor loaders. Among production technologies at the factory in Loudun, north-west France is laser scanning of tractors for smarter design of sub-frame brackets. The McCormick range, comprises the Compact, catering for 20-50hp tractors; the MClassic with mechanical self-levelling for tractors from

New Holland’s all-new CR combines raise harvesting to a whole new level: up to 15% more productivity in small grains, grain crackage as low as 0.2%, and the ultimate comfort cab. The brand new Harvest Suite™ Ultra cab is larger and offers more glass area than previous models. The six model range is topped by the CR10.90, the first combine to enter the class 10 segment in Europe and the most powerful CR ever, that delivers the highest capacity in the industry and truly outstanding performance. “The new CR range is the culmination of 40 years of Twin Rotor™ technology,”

stated Hedley Cooper, Head of Combine Harvester Product Management. “It offers the best of New Holland’s harvesting technologies: Twin Pitch Rotors, Dynamic Feed Roll™, SmartTrax™ rubber tracks, Terraglide™ suspension, ECOBlue™ SCR and Hi-eSCR engine technologies – all working together to deliver the very best performance. All this is coupled with the Harvest Suite™ Ultra cab that redefines harvesting comfort. And with the capacity and performance of the CR10.90, you enter an entirely new harvesting dimension. You couldn’t ask for more.”


Driver Preference and Fuel Savings Win Doosan New Order

Following exhaustive competitive product testing, driver preference and substantial fuel cost savings has led to a new order for two further Doosan DL350-3 Stage IIIB compliant wheel loaders at GP Green Recycling, a leading specialist in the recycling of green waste and food waste into compost, based in Lanarkshire in Scotland. This follows on from the purchase of a previous Doosan DL3503 wheel loader at the end of 2013. All the new wheel loaders have been supplied by Scotia Plant Ltd, the authorised Doosan and Bobcat dealer for the central belt of Scotland, based in Coatbridge. Formed 14 years ago, GP Green Recycling has purchased the three new Doosan wheel loaders, which have replaced


three existing Doosan DL400 machines, to cover all the different loading applications at the business, which deals with large volumes annually, typically processing 60,000 tonnes of material a year. The Doosan DL350-3 wheel loaders are GP Green Recycling’s first new wheel loader purchases and the first the company has bought from Scotia Plant. In the past, the company had purchased second hand wheel loaders for its fleet and these were mainly Daewoo and Doosan machines. Jim Gilchrist, Managing Director of GP Green Recycling, said: “Over the years, we have been very pleased with the performance of the Doosan wheel loaders in our fleet and they have always represented

good value for money. Before we bought the last two wheel loaders, we carried out tests on an equivalent machine from another manufacturer, but our drivers said they preferred the new Doosan machine and so it was a simple choice to choose Doosan for the second and third machines. “We are also seeing a very positive difference in terms of a 30-50% saving on fuel costs

which will probably amount to a very impressive £10,000 to £15,000 a year per machine. Impressively, the fuel saving has not come at the expense of power as the DL350-3 machines easily outperform the DL400 loaders and this all nicely complements the information from our drivers regarding aspects such as the comfort and operation which was very good.”


Kioti Tier 3 Engine Models set to feature Linked Pedal Throttle System

From Autumn this year the NX range of Kioti compact tractors, below 50 h.p, will be updated to include the linked throttle pedal system that is successfully used on larger tier 4 engine NX models. The improved updates to the range were announced by Reco, the sole importer of Kioti tractors and Utility Vehicles in the UK. The Linked Pedal Function links HST pedals with the engine throttle, which synchronises tractor speed and allows the operator to increase speed without increasing RPM. Kioti Technical Specialist at Reco, Laurie Mills, explained that reduced noise, lower fuel consumption and a more convenient operation are key benefits that will be available

on the tier 3 models later this year. “The operator will not have to use full engine RPM to operate the tractor nor constantly concentrate on using the throttle. In tight environments and locations such as golf courses, for example, the ease of use and the reduced noise will also make life a lot easier for the operator and is more appropriate for the surrounding location.” He said. As importers of the Kioti range; Reco offer a wide portfolio of the Kioti tractors from 26 – 90 h.p. A variety of these models and more machinery from the Korean manufacturer can be found at Stewart Plant Sales Ltd in Glasgow.

New Holland dealership Lloyd Ltd celebrates 50th anniversary by moving to new extended premises in Dumfries The winner of New Holland’s Large Dealer of the Year Award, Lloyd Ltd, has recently relocated to new premises


in Dumfries. to enhance its facilities and its network across the north of England and the Scottish Borders.

The relocation marks a special year both for Lloyd Ltd and New Holland as they simultaneously celebrate

Golden Jubilees – Lloyd Ltd for 50 years of business and New Holland for the 50th year of its flagship tractor plant in Basildon, Essex. The new site covers four acres and features a twostorey building incorporating a showroom, a large workshop, ramps and parts department. Completing the improved experience upstairs, is a large equestrian shop and a café, where visitors can relax. In the extensive showroom there is also a full-sized model cab for customers to experience a simulation of the benefits of New Holland’s satellite-guided Precision Land Management. The Dumfries facility is part of the company’s existing seven-strong network covering the region with outlets also at Carlisle, Penrith, Kelso, Newcastle, Bishop Auckland and Alnwick.


Boom stability essential when buying a new sprayer

British farmers consider boom stability to be at the top of their wish-list when buying a new sprayer. This is the message from independent market research commissioned by Vicon, where the views of 250

arable farmers were sought relating to new sprayer purchases. Asked what items are essential when making a new sprayer purchase, over half of the group responded by

D & A FACTORS (DUNDEE) LTD. Suppliers of


saying boom stability was an influential factor. “Boom stability is a vital part of the Vicon sprayer design, simply because it controls unwanted movement and allows nozzles to be kept parallel to the crop canopy, which boosts application precision,� says Vicon sales manager David Furber. “In contrast, poor stability control will increase costs and will fail to give crops the care and attention they need.� Another important aspect highlighted by the survey is sprayer cleaning, which is an area that Vicon has recently developed through its iXclean Pro automated tank and boom line washing system, which dramatically reduces the time


2 West Hendersons Wynd, Dundee DD1 5BT




required to thoroughly clean the sprayer. “We want to provide farmers with the most efficient and innovative cleaning systems when they choose a Vicon sprayer,� he says. In addition to technical features, high up the wish-list of those surveyed is warranty and service support from the dealer network. Many farmers were keen to share the difficulties they experienced getting the right level of service and support from their dealers. Survey results also revealed the average lifetime of a farm sprayer – in this instance it is 10.9 years. However, more than one third of the farmers questioned in the survey still use a sprayer that is older than 11 years.

MACHINERY Wessex hails the flail

It makes sense if you own an ATV to get the most out of it as a workhorse. Wessex AF flail mowers are built to be towed by an ATV or UTV and they consume large areas of dense vegetation, long grass, brambles and bracken. These are tough mowers built for the contractor, estate owner or farmer whose needs will be demanding. If you want a machine that’s capable and one that will stay the distance, the Wessex AF Flail Mower neatly fits the bill and complements the versatility and ‘go anywhere’ capability of your quad by performing in the most testing conditions. You can choose a side mounted (AF) or central mounted (AFC) engine option and 1.2m, 1.5m and 1.6m working widths,

with four variants of wheel configuration. This offers a wide range of applications and satisfies the legal requirements of the British HSE. In the standard version the 16 x 6.5 x 8 wheels and tyres sit on the end of the machine, in-line with the rotor, ensuring ground contours are followed accurately. The machine is well-balanced with minimal weight applied on the drawbar. If the going is wet and boggy there is the option of flotation tyres and if there is a need to regularly cut close to fences and borders you can choose the rear wheel version. There is also a four wheel option for the AF and its close relative the AFC. In this you get the best of both worlds with all four wheels within

the width of the machine and, with the weight taken by the wheels, the drawbar is floating, keeping it well within the limitations of the ATV. If you’re working on banks the stability of the AFC, with its centrally mounted engine (hence the ‘C’ designation)

is ideal and there’s a fullwidth anti-scalp roller to take the weight of the machine should a wheel drop into a rut. The heavy-duty y-pattern flails deal effectively with the toughest weeds and bracken, pounding them and evenly distributing the mulch.



John Deere’s new tractor transmission wins IMMA John Deere’s innovative DirectDrive transmission was judged winner of the tractor category in the new International Machinery Manufacturers Awards (IMMA), which were presented at Cereals 2014 in June. A 6190R tractor equipped with DirectDrive was displayed on the IMMA stand throughout the event.

The International Machinery Manufacturers’ Awards, the new Oscars for agricultural machinery, were launched by Cereals event organiser Haymarket Exhibitions to recognise companies that have produced machines that stand out from the crowd by delivering a mix of innovation, cost-effectiveness and value.

The award judges, drawn from IMMA supporters the Agricultural Engineers’ Association, The Institution of Agricultural Engineers. The newly designed 24-speed DirectDrive transmission employs Formula 1 technology on John Deere’s six-cylinder 6R Series tractor range to combine the handling comfort of an infinitely variable shift transmission (IVT) with exceptional efficiency. It is designed to deliver maximum productivity with lower fuel consumption for tasks that need continuous power, such as ploughing and towing, pto work and road transport.

Weed Control Innovation from Quad-X


Valtra TI83 Direct 50kph, Front & Cab Suspension, Front Linkage, Metallic Black. (New) Please Phone For Special Price. Dieci Agrifarmer 32.7 XS Ex-Demo Easy ride, Aircon. NEW Polaris Ranger Diesels in Stock. VALTRA PARTS & TOOLING available with 30% discount while stocks last. All Dieci Telehandlers come with 2 Years Warranty


This innovative offset weed wiper can be positioned either fully offset or directly behind with infinite positioning in between, fully adjustable from the cab. The adjustable offset function allows for easy weed treatment around obstacles or drains giving the user the ability to work in areas that might prove inaccessible with a fixed position machine. The offset function avoids the concern of some that driving over the weeds before wiping can cause them to be flattened. This UK manufacturer offer a unique range of wipers to cater for every application and budget. From 2.4m towed wipers to 8.5m tractor mounted models. The 2 contra-rotating rollers help separate clumps of weeds and apply chemical to the sensitive underside for faster kill. The second roller can also absorb excess chemical to minimise drips.


Black Pumas make their mark in Scotland Poultry farmers and agricultural contractors William Pollock & Son are causing quite a stir in the Midlothian region with two Case IH Puma tractors which have been personalised in their own unique livery. The Pollock family has farmed at Easter Norton Farm, Ingliston, less than half a mile to the south of Edinburgh Airport, since 1911. A dairy farm until 1969, the operation now includes 25,000 broiler breeders which produce eggs for the world’s leading poultry supplier together with an agricultural contracting operation which serves a number of farming businesses in East and Midlothian. “We have been farming here for 105 years but only diversified into agricultural contracting six years ago.

Since then we have expanded that side of the operation to meet the growing demand for our services,” explains Adam Pollock, the sixth generation involved in the family business. “My father William and I are both interested in pretty much anything with wheels: cars, trucks, tractors, you name it. As relative newcomers to agricultural contracting we wanted to do something that would help to differentiate our business, get people talking and help us to make our mark. “We’ve been enthusiastic Case IH users for some years. We started with a Case IH MXU 125 in 2007, bought a Puma 140 the following year then added a Puma 165 in 2010. Our original plan was to keep tractors for three years, but a leading arable farming and

specialist potato grower in East Lothian wanted us to use tractors with the AdBlue system to meet the requirements of a

large customer. We bought a new Puma 215 in 2012 and recently added a new Puma 230 CVX.


MACHINERY The Dieci Range Expands

Dieci have recently launched a number of new models for 2014 with many improvements across the comprehensive agricultural range. Dieci offer a range of machines to encompass

construction and industry from 2.5t to 21t, and lift capacities from just under 6metres to 25metres. Mini Agri 25.6 compact Telehandlers is now fitted with

a new composite door, new air intake system and a lower bonnet profile. Agrifarmer range now have fuel efficient Kubota DPF engines across the range, power brakes

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on both axles, new intuitive dash with built in load indicator and diagnostic information, best in class head rotation for bucket and grab work, new touch sensitive joystick with Forward and reverse on the joystick together with the shuttle on the left of the steering wheel. An inching pedal for controlled movement is fitted as standard. 32.6 is the new model in the range offering a highly manoeuvrable telehandler with a very useable lift capacity. Engine radiator is fitted to the rear away from dust and debris with reversing fan for ease of cleaning. Agriplus range now features two new Iveco engine offerings 140hp and 150hp fitted with adblue. Two transmissions are offered, a new 6 speed powershift and a new vario transmission developed between dieci, sauer danfoss and bosch. This all new transmission offers 0 to 40kph in one range. The transmission benefits from two motors that will deliver maximum power under high torque requirements. The additional motor is only in operation when required, giving a 20% fuel saving.


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2014 Model Blaney SwathAir brings you more! What’s better, a chance to save time or money? Why not both? Blaney Agri have achieved this with the unrivalled 2014 SwathAir Model. Blaney Agri engineers were approached by numerous farmers to design a machine that addresses the problem of drying grass for better quality silage in short windows of good weather. This all sounds simple, but given our unpredictable weather if cut grass gets rain after tedding the drying process will become more laborious and time consuming. This combined with raking can mean more water and dirt is introduced to the sward. The theory behind the SwathAir machine is that it is better to make the silage higher rather than wider meaning if it rains there is less surface area exposed, going back to the theory of the hay stack.

So what’s the problem? Producing high quality silage is now more important than ever given the cost of supplementary feed. Considerable volumes of water are put into silos or bales when unwilted grass is ensiled. This encourages extensive fermentation which is difficult to control and produces excessive effluent taking with it much of the valuable nutrients required for the animals performance, affecting your profit. So how can you make better silage? Further development of the 2014 SwathAir model has further improved air induction. Comments from Blaney Agri’s test group of farmers’ highlights the need to turn swards to dry the damp grass underneath, touching the ground, which has not benefited from the wilting process.

An innovative “flick-out� TM rotor is also available which teases apart the longer grass leafs, creating an optimized sward structure for air circulation, enhancing the rate of drying. So when the development engineer Dave Wills at Blaney was asked how is this possible, he stated that ‘By accelerating the centre of the sward, and separating the grass from its parallel mowed position to an alternate pattern

introduces more stalk gaps for improved wind drying and less damage caused by unforeseen rain compared to condition spreading. Results have shown 75% less effluent comes from wilted grass using the SwathAir than direct cut silage. Baled silage where the Blaney SwathAir has been used on the sward should result in 28% dry matter (DM) compared to 19% DM for untreated grass.’






New dedicated Used Machinery Centre opened

A new dedicated Used Machinery Centre has been opened at the CLAAS UK headquarters at Saxham, Suffolk. The new ÂŁ1 million development was officially opened by Councillor Robert Everitt, the Mayor of St Edmundsbury. The importance of this development was evident in the fact that also attending the ceremony were Thierry Panadero (CLAAS Regional President Western Europe) and Jan-Hendrick Mohr (CLAAS Global Vice President, Sales and Service). When the CLAAS Used Approved scheme was launched last year, it set a new standard within the agricultural industry for the approval and preparation of used tractors. The development by CLAAS UK of the new Used Machinery


Centre at Saxham, is the first stage in the further development of the CLAAS Used Approved scheme, which has now been expanded to cover all CLAAS self-propelled machines. The new Used Machinery Centre will provide dedicated facilities in which used machinery can go through the initial stringent approval procedure, prior to being prepared and stored under cover for sale. Recent years have seen the value for used tractors and other self-propelled machines such as combine harvesters increase considerably on the back of currency exchange rates, inflation and more advanced technology. However, unlike most other vehicle markets, for the farmer looking to invest in a used tractor or combine

harvester there is currently no clear benchmark as to the quality level of the machinery being offered. Where the farmer buying a car, most franchised dealers will be offering used vehicles that are prepared to a set manufacturer’s standard.

However, in agriculture this is rarely the case. Aside from being more expensive than most cars, the cost implications of a tractor and certainly a combine harvester not being up to standard could potentially be very expensive in terms of lost productivity and repairs.



New Holland Roll-Belt™ variable chamber round baler Water Safety

Over the past 40 years, New Holland has produced over 235,000 roll belt balers, which is testament to their continuing global appeal. In celebration of this significant milestone, all new Roll-Belt models will feature a 40-year decal which will also mark the success of these new models. The latest generation has redefined round baling with advanced roll belt technology

that can improve capacity by up to 20% and density by up to 5%. New Holland introduced the new Roll-Belt™ variable chamber baler series in 2013, featuring customised feeding systems like the SuperFeed™ and CropCutter™ rotor options. The new ActiveSweep™ crop processing solution offers a further choice to enable tailored baling.



Integrated Security Solutions


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Many people throughout the summer months head to the Scottish countryside to spend the weekend camping. A number of which make camp on the shores of our rivers and lochs. Police Scotland would like to remind those who set up camp there that the temperature of the water remains extremely cold even during periods of hot weather. It is also advisable to keep alcohol consumption kept to a sensible level through out the duration of the stay. Many camp fires are lit which are often situated near to tents and other equipment. As many of these locations are some distance away from the nearest towns so help is not always near at hand. We hope that all visitors remain safe throughout the period of their stay and enjoy their visit to the fullest The warm weather is upon us and you may fancy cooling down by taking a dip in local rivers or lochs but please think of the dangers:• There is no supervision by lifeguards to help you if get into trouble. • The water is often a lot colder than you expect and it can impact on your physical capabilities. Just because you can swim well

in a warm watered pool doesn't mean you'll be able to swim well in cold water. • It can be deep and it's difficult to estimate the depth before you get in. • You may jump in but can you get out? Often people can't find a suitable place to get out of the water due to steep slimy banks or sides. • There is no way of knowing what lies beneath the surface of the water. There could be shopping trolleys, opened tin cans or broken bottles. • There may be hidden currents. • Never drink alcohol during or just before swimming or while carrying out activities such as boating or water skiing. • Never swim alone in case you need help. If you see someone in difficulty in the water, unless your are suitably qualified/ trained do not go in after them, if there is a float or life buoy, throw it to the person in the water use your mobile or go to the nearest telephone and dial 999, ask for the Fire and Rescue Service at inland water sites and the Coastguard at the beach.

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/,)(67</(@home Your dream kitchen awaits Callum Walker Interiors in Perth prides itself on being Scotland's leading specialist in kitchen design. Their use of innovative design and quality materials has helped them build this reputation. Established for over 40 years, Callum Walker Interiors have remained an independent, family run business. They have breathtaking kitchens, bedrooms, home studies and bathrooms from top of the range designers including Charles Yorke, Valcucine, Bauformat and McCarron & Co. Part of what Callum Walker Interiors offers their clients is a ‘turn key’ project. The benefit of this is that the client does not have to deal with the scheduling and overseeing of work and its quality. As specialists, we are used to compiling a programme of works which is geared to the fastest, smoothest installation process possible using trusted trades that have worked with us for many years covering everything from building work to fabric finishes. Callum Walker Interiors beautifully appointed showroom, situated on Ruthvenfield Road,

Inveralmond Industrial Estate, Perth, creates a relaxed, calm environment in which to consider a comprehensive and classic range of displays which they regularly update to include the very latest furniture, finishes and appliances. Technology advances have affected a number of devices in the home, and that includes

kitchen appliances. As a result it is more important than ever that your kitchen reflects your needs and lifestyle. It is no longer enough for a kitchen designer to simply include a double oven and four ring hob in a kitchen design – the appliances do need to be more specific. Callum Walker Interiors aim to give all clients

the correct appliances to match their needs taking into account their lifestyle, the way they cook, and the food they like to prepare. Oblbm ma^ <Zeenf PZed^k Bgm^kbhkl lahpkhhf mh e^Zkg fhk^ Z[hnm ma^bk ZiiebZg\^ ]^fhglmkZmbhgl Zg] l^^ ma^bk _neer phkdbg` ]blieZrl'

Shedding a little light with the Aura Wooden Bulb Warm natural beech wood follows the contours of the internal light bulb to form a stunning large outer bulb structure. Equally as stunning as a ceiling pendant as a floor lamp, this adaptable lamp casts a warm waffle like glow into your room. Light up your living room, bedroom, corridors and more with this very unique bulb. Price: £89.95 Ma^ @ehp <hfiZgr M^e^iahg^ gnf[^k3 )1-. .). 2)2) >fZbe Z]]k^ll3 ob\dr9`ehp'\h'nd 134


A mix of realism & fantasy

ŠKODA Yeti Grows The Monte Carlo Family ŠKODA has announced full specification and prices for the eagerly anticipated Yeti Monte Carlo. It’s a distinctive and sophisticated addition to the compact SUV range, and packed with desirable extras. Lining up alongside popular Monte Carlo models of the ŠKODA Fabia and Citigo, the name badge celebrates the Czech brand’s long and

successful heritage in global stage rallies. The ŠKODA Yeti Monte Carlo is based on the equipment levels of SE trim level, but offers customers a long list of added design, comfort and convenience features. The generous additional spec includes the striking Monte Carlo signature black roof with black detailing on

the front grille and spoiler, rear diffuser, door mirrors

and 17-inch ‘Origami’ alloy wheels.

Celebrating 60 years of an icon – the Jaguar D-Type A true icon of race engineering – the streamlined structure and breathtaking looks of the D-Type make it one of the most beautiful competition cars ever produced and Salon Privé are thrilled to be celebrating the 60th anniversary of this spectacular car with a specially dedicated class within the Chubb Insurance Concours d’Elégance. All of the cars entered are steeped in history and provenance but one stands out for its particularly colourful early life and that is XKD523 which makes its international Concours debut after 40 years! One third of all Jaguar D-Types were sold to buyers in

the USA – including XKD523. First purchased in New York, it was sold by its first owner to drag racer Joe Grimaldi after a disgruntled individual at a race in Nassau put sand into the dry sump tank! Grimaldi raced it successfully at circuits like Bridgehampton, Watkins Glen and Lime Rock. However, an ill-fated speed record attempt at Daytona damaged the engine beyond repair, leading Grimaldi to install a Chevy V8, citing it as ‘the worst mistake of my life’. The next owner decided to discard the original chassis frame for a new factory version, with the newly rebuilt car retaining the ‘523’ identity.

Meanwhile, the discarded frame and many other components were sold separately to the UK, creating another ‘523’ – effectively a dual identity car. Quite wonderfully, the UK

Land Rover reveals third row seating for new Discovery Sport Land Rover has dropped the biggest hint yet towards the design of Discovery Sport, with the debut of a new camouflage wrap confirming that the new compact SUV arrives as standard with 5+2 seating in the UK. As if ‘peeling back’ the outer layer of the vehicle, the camouflage reveals that the Discovery Sport will in fact


owner acquired the US ‘523’ in 2008 and set about having the original components reunited, allowing the car to stand complete again after a 40 year wait!

have two seats in the third row, enhancing its versatility and appeal as a compact, family SUV. Prototype cars sporting the new camouflage design left Halewood, UK, where the Discovery Sport will be manufactured, to embark on final testing and development activity across several continents.


1.0-Litre EcoBoost Now Powers 1 in 5 New Fords in Europe

Bugatti Veyron heir could be “too fast to test” The successor to Bugatti’s iconic Veyron hypercar could feature performance credentials so wild that its top speed will be difficult to prove. Bugatti insiders have revealed to the world’s oldest and most respected motoring magazine that the new model, slated to go on sale in 2016, could have a top speed of 286mph and a 0-62mph time of 2.3sec, if current computer simulations are to be believed. The car will feature a hybrid powertrain based on the same quad-turbocharged 8.0-litre W16 engine featured in the Veyron, and will

Fresh from an unprecedented third successive International Engine of the Year award, Ford’s small yet surprisingly powerful 1.0-litre EcoBoost engine is Europe’s best-selling turbocharged petrol engine for the first six months of the year, according to Ford figures. So far this year, one in every five vehicles Ford sold in Europe was equipped with a 1.0-litre EcoBoost,* the engine block of which is small enough to fit on a sheet of A4 paper.

generate close to 1500bhp. The nine-year-old Veyron’s top speed of 268mph was already a challenge to prove, due to the limitations of its Michelin road tyres; Autocar believes that, unless tyre technology has advanced sufficiently, the rubber could disintegrate before the new vehicle reaches maximum speed. Autocar road test editor Matt Prior said: “Even though aerodynamic drag increases at the square of speed, if you up the power enough, it’s entirely feasible that Bugatti could find another 18mph for the taking in the Veyron’s successor.



Mark Riddell Ritchie Appoint a New Scottish Sales Representative. Having grown up and worked on the family farm, 49 year old Mark Riddell has a wealth of agricultural knowledge. After completing his education at Oatridge Agricultural College he returned to the family farming partnership for ten years before exploring a profession in the sales of animal health care products. Attaining an A.M.T.R.A Pharmaceutical qualification from Harper Adams University College. Mark confirms “I’m looking forward to the challenges ahead within my new role and hope to meet with the customers over the coming months.” Douglas Baxter Scotland’s leading Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers, Johnston Carmichael, has appointed Douglas Baxter as head of landed estates. Based in the firm’s Perth office, Douglas joined Johnston Carmichael as a Director earlier this year and has since contributed to the development and operations of the firm’s rural practice. With a background in farming, he brings significant experience of working with some of the largest landed estates across the country. Sandy Manson, Chief Executive of Johnston Carmichael said: “We are delighted to announce Douglas’ appointment, which comes at a time when we have seen considerable growth in the work undertaken by our landed estates team. Philip Burgess The communications and knowledge transfer team at Potato Council has a new team leader, Dr Philip Burgess, who brings a breadth of technical, scientific and commercial expertise gained from a career dedicated to potatoes. “We have a very strong, cohesive and committed potato team and with Philip taking the communications role, I know levypayers will be comfortable that the Potato Council will continue to provide its valuable support across the entire industry,” said Potato Council director Rob Clayton. Mark Bayliss Spearhead Machinery Ltd are delighted to announce the appointment of Mark Bayliss who will be taking on the new role of Export Regional Sales Manager. Mark brings with him an abundance of experience in the agricultural sector having worked in key roles at manufacturers and dealers previously including AGCO and Cotswold Farm Machinery. Mark will play a key role in the promotion of the Spearhead brand within Europe developing current business and growing the brand in new markets. 138


%22. 5(9,(: On the Other Side of Sorrow By James Hunter

The relationship between man and mountain has become increasingly debated in the last two decades with the heightened awareness of the environmental impact that humans have on the landscape. In On the Other Side of Sorrow renowned historian James Hunter delves into the fraught relationship between nature and people in the Scottish Highlands. Far from being a lecture on the perils of protecting our landscapes, Hunter uses engaging prose, rich historical sources and snippets of literature to examine the dispute between the Highlanders who have developed a strong environmental awareness a thousand years ahead of other Europeans, and the conservationists whose own thinking owes much to the romantic ideals of the Scottish landscape that developed in the 19th century. Nowhere do issues such as caring for the environment, developing rural communities and ensuring the survival of minority cultures come into conflict quite as much as in the Scottish Highlands. While environmentalists work to protect and preserve the scenery and wildlife of Scotland, the people who belong there have

their own claims on the land, and question the influence of these outsiders as a new threat to their culture of thousands of years. Factually precise, but also poetic and passionate, Hunter draws heavily on the work of other writers, past and present, in examining how the image of the Scottish landscape has changed over time. From understanding the view of Scotland in MacPherson’s Ossian to developing the subject with the help of poetry and prose from Angus Peter Campbell, Hugh Fife, Norman MacCaig and Iain Crichton Smith, The Other Side of Sorrow delves into differing perspectives of the Highlands and their future. Hunter, himself the first director of the Scottish Crofters Union and an active participant in the public life of the area, offers the suggestion that there is a way to develop as united kindred without turning our backs on tradition. Hg ma^ Hma^k Lb]^ h_ Lhkkhp3 GZmnk^ Zg] I^hie^ bg ma^ L\hmmbla Ab`aeZg]l (£12.99 pbk) [r CZf^l Angm^k bl in[ebla^] [r ;bkebgg Em]

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