Kelso Ram Sales
Kelso Ram Sales 2022 On the second Friday of September 1838, a sale of more than 120 Rams was held at The Knowes Kelso, the entries making £3 - £4 each. This was probably the first public auction sale of Rams in the world and was the forerunner of what was
to become the Great Kelso Ram Sale. By 1845 the numbers of entries had risen to 230 and as entry numbers grew the start time of 10am and annual date of the second Friday in September were fixed. They remain in place
to this day. As does the annual ballot to determine the order in which the lots of Rams will be sold. By the end of that decade the Ram Sales were firmly established on the Scottish Borders farming calendar.
Sheep, in particulalr the Border Leicester breed, are such an important part of the Borders agricultural economy that it was quite natural the Border Union Agricultural Society should organise a sale of Rams, as it had been done in other