Assisted Living
Newsletter February 2019
Greetings from Athulya! Going steady into the new year, we have been seeing a lot of powerful moments that have united our nation. A great salute to all the brave men who stand in the forefront and stand for us and by us. The wish and hope of all are with our lionhearts. The seriousness apart, we need something to keep us occupied. It is much better when the activity is also meaningful. If we can be productive during leisurely times why not? Trying out new things that we haven’t done before can be eye-opening experiences. We are not only learning but also stepping out of the comfort zone and confronting ourselves. This month’s issue is centred around meaningful entertainment and recreation for the elderly. Hear out, what one quirky writer has to say about the animation movie “Up”, followed by a novel way for seniors to acquire a new experience. Do not miss out on them! Read on till the end.
Up - The Movie Review
Up, probably, is the best emotional animation drama that gently pats and wakes up your humanly feelings without waiting for your permission. The story is honest and the picturisation is just brilliant! This is one of those very few animation movies that has masterfully dealt with the undercurrents of life and its 'up' and downs.
The Story - Carl Fredrickson has lived a long and
beautiful life with his wife. After the time which has permanently parted his partner from him, Carl decides to spend the rest of his life in his home where the memories of his wife are still afresh. However, he confronts the builders who are constructing high-rises around his house. After some fateful events, Carl is left with no option but leaving his home and settle in a retirement home. Unable to leave the house in which he lived hi entire life with his loving wife, the former balloon salesman lifts the whole house by tying it to thousands of balloons. The rest of the story unveils whether he landed in his dreamland or not.
Takeaways -
Beautiful visuals, that are usual with Pixar, simple yet remarkable storytelling and soulful dialogues take the whole movie experience to another level. The crackling collaboration of Disney and Pixar has delivered yet another funny and thrilling animation movie, this time with an extra flavour human emotions. This extra flavour is the reason why you couldn't say this movie is only for children. Up is one of the must watch movies for all!
- Gangadhar Thilak,
Content Writer, FrontEnders
We can become books now! We may have read many books, some of us may have even authored a few. But have you ever wondered how it feels like to be read as a book? Now you can. The Human Library is an international organisation that is spread across 70 countries. In these libraries, books are replaced by humans who have stories to tell. A diverse group of people are selected as books who can share their life experiences, hence breaking existing stereotypes in the society. But how did this initiative start? In the year 2000, an anti-violence youth organisation in Copenhagen, Denmark was asked to develop an activity for a local festival. This is what they came up with. The Human Library. The organisation is “Stop The Violence”. The organisers wanted to challenge the prejudices and stereotypes against certain individuals or groups of individuals. Another way to look upon it is, is the connectedness, humanity and warmth we can feel while knowing about the possible experiences of another individual. The sessions in the human library are not just chats or gossips. These conversations are eye-openers for us, giving a chance to understand the lees understood or the misunderstood. It is a chance for us to break out of the judgemental perspective we possess. You can participate as a reader or you can volunteer as a book. These sessions are timed 40 minutes where, 6 people can listen to and interact with one book – the person sharing his/her experience. Age, gender, colour or creed are not a bar. There is no discrimination when it comes to opening up people’s minds. The Human Library is up and happening in our city of Chennai as well. These sessions are not frequent. Updates of new sessions are posted on their Facebook page
– Human Library Chennai
Games corner
Riddles to get you thinking!
Here are some favourites from Reader’s Digest. See if you can crack them all! Q. What can run, but never walks? Has a mouth, but never talks? Has a head, but never
weeps? Has a bed, but never sleeps? A: A river.
Q. What starts with a P, ends with an E, and has thousands of letters? A: The Post Office
Q. What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? A: Short!
Q. What only gets wetter the more it dries? A: A towel!
Q. I’m an odd number. If you take away one of the letters in my name, I become even.
What number am I?
A: Seven. (Take away the ‘S’)
Entertainment for the mind
2 3 4
Down 1. These can be nostalgic or meaningless depending upon the
generation. These can lull one to sleep. 2. The time at which interesting chats happen. 3. The only box that can speak, laugh, sing, cry. But we cannot do the same to the box.
Across 4. The entertaining soaps of India 5. Exercise for our eyes
6. The only recreational activity to be featured in a proverb.
Sneak peek into Athulya
Comedy time at Athulya Our seniors had a blast watching comedy scenes of movies from the yesteryears. There is no medicine that can heal as a good laugh.
Laugh Out Loud Fun times at Athulya are simple and are created by small sparks. Our residents had a good time indulging in some laughter therapy.
Cardiac camp A cardiology specialty investigative camp was conducted for our residents. They were able to consult with the Dr. Gopalakrishnan of Sri Ranga hospitals and get their heart health checked.
Health talk on sleep A health talk on sleep was delivered by members of the Nithra Institute of Sleep Sciences. Seniors got to know the benefits of sound sleep and more in this engaging session.
Assisted Living H a p p y, H e a l t h y & S a f e A g i n g
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