IGLOO DPA Graphic Identity Book 2012

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UZMANĪBU Šis ir izstrādāto risinājumu saīsināts kopsavilkums, kas paredzēts kā informatīvs materiāls apskatei, lai iegūtu vispārīgu izpratni par darbā izmantotajām metodēm un gala nodevuma saturu, kas atbilst klienta darba uzdevumam. Šis kopsavilkums ir klienta īpašums. Bez saskaņošanas ar klienta pārstāvi šos materiālus izmantot ir aizliegts. Darbā izmantotās metodes ir IGLOO, SIA intelektuālais īpašums, kuru aizsargā Latvijas likumdošana. Jebkuru jautājumu gadījumā lūdzam sazinieties ar mums personīgi. +371 67288158 info@igloo.lv www.igloo.lv

IMPORTANT NOTE This is a summary of solutions intended for informative purposes only to provide overall understanding of the contents as well as the methodology employed according the client brief. The contents of this summary is client's property. Any unauthorized use of this material is prohibited. The methodology applied is intellectual property of IGLOO SIA protected by the respective legislative acts of the Republic of Latvia. For enquiries please contact us. +371 67288158 info@igloo.lv www.igloo.lv

IGLOO - design and marketing for retail

DPA | TABLE OF CONTENTS BRAND DESCRIPTION Who we are What kind of people we are Basic elements of identity

05 07 08

THE LOGO Full-colour logo Use of logo against basic colour backgrounds Black-and-white-colour logo Basic logo with corporate slogan Zone of logo Logo with corporate slogan and its zone Incorrect use of logo

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

ADDITIONAL GRAPHIC ELEMENTS Charming images and texture of background Charming images and ornaments Examples of stories featuring Charming images

18 19 21



FONTS Basic font Alternat朝vais fonts

25 26

BUSINESS DOCUMENTS General description Business card Company letterhead Envelope Compliment card Document folders Document register folder Notepaper Diploma Certificate Gift certificate

28 29 31 32 33 35 36 37 39 40 41

DPA | TABLE OF CONTENTS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS Presentation template Service offer Project conclusion document Electronic news page E-mail formation

43 44 45 46 47

COMMUNICATIONS MATERIALS Guidelines for communications materials Sample product page Poster Brochure and booklet Questionnaire Guidelines on preparing event materials Sample press layout Sample advertising article

49 50 53 54 55 56 59 60

PRESENTATION MATERIALS General description Paper bag Examples of preparing gifts Examples of preparing cups Examples of preparing T-shirts

62 63 64 65 66

OUTDOOR ELEMENTS Guidelines on installing exhibition stands Functional planning of exhibition stands Example of design for collapsible stands Functional planning of exhibition stands Design guidelines for vertical exhibition banners Facade sign Entrance door sign

68 69 70 71 72 73 74



DPA | Goals and ambitions DPA is one of the leading ICT companies in Latvia with growing presence in Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia. DPA offer its customers IT infrastructure and security audits and solutions, custom development and testing, as well as software licensing and asset management services. DPA partners with leading technology vendors like Microsoft, Oracle, VMware, McAfee, Safran/Morpho, SiteCore and other. DPA is leading partner of Microsoft corporation in Latvia and Lithuania. Our goal is to become Microsoft’s leading partner in Central and Eastern Europe when it comes to the management of software resources, licensing, and implementation of infrastructural and business management solutions. We work hard to win praise and recognition from our clients and partners, as well as to become an authority in the IT sector.



The logo

Basic elements in the graphic identity

Basic graphic elements, Charming images and the graphic texture

Din Pro:

AaBbCcDdEeFf GgHhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz 0123456789 The basic font

Basic colours

The visual image of the company is based on four basic elements of graphic identity which make it possible to recognise the company in all forms of its visual communications expressions, as well as to shape a unified corporate image and consistent dialogue with the audience. The guidelines and principles for the use of the DPA logo, the Charming images, the basic font, and the basic colours are described in this Graphic Identity Handbook, which was drafted in 2010 and renewed in 2012.



DPA | LOGO The full-colour logo

The basic logo

The basic logo with a bloc of homepage addresses


DPA | LOGO Using the logo against basic colour backgrounds

Using the logo against basic colour backgrounds

Versions of the logo with a bloc of homepage addresses against basic colour backgrounds


DPA | LOGO Using the logo against basic colour backgrounds

The black-and-white basic semi-tone logo

The black-and-white basic one-colour logo

The inverse black-and-white basic semi-tone logo

The inverse black-and-white one-colour logo

Black-and-white semi-tone logos are to be used when colour logos cannot be used for technical reasons (e.g., in the black-and-white press). One-colour logos are to be used when black-and-white semi-tone logos cannot be used for technical reasons (e.g., in faxes).


DPA | LOGO The basic logo with the corporate slogan

Люди. Возможности. Технологии.

Люди. Возможности. Технологии.

Use of the basic logo with the corporate slogan must be based on all of the aforementioned rules on utilisation of the logo.



DPA | ADDITIONAL GRAPHIC ELEMENTS Charming images and the background texture

In order to increase the “liveliness” of communications and other corporate materials and to make them more emotionally saturated, Charming images should be used – DPA images which have been created as part of the brand’s graphic identity. The images can be used with the logo or separately, and they are to be used in accordance with logo usage guidelines. The less official the material, the more the images should be used. The texture of the graphic background is mostly decorative, and it should be used when designing more official and businesslike corporate materials. It can be used with decreasing or increasing density along the vertical of the background


DPA | ADDITIONAL GRAPHIC ELEMENTS Charming images and ornaments


TREE, which helps everyone



ROMANTICIST, who can bloom like a lily








DPA | ADDITIONAL GRAPHIC ELEMENTS Charming images and ornaments

Charming elements and ornaments can be used individually or in groups which offer story lines an stories. The Charming images and ornaments are not linked to a specific corporate colour.




Pantone 583 C CMYK 23/0/100/17 RGB 175/189/34 NCS S2040-G80Y

Pantone 7545 C CMYK 23/0/0/63 RGB 92/111/123 NCS S2040-G80Y

Pantone 682 C CMYK 27/76/7/20 RGB 155/77/130 NCS S4030-R20B

Pantone 144 C CMYK 0/50/100/0 RGB 247/147/30 NCS S0570-Y50R

The logo colours as the foundation for choosing DPA colours. They have been supplemented with orange and violet to bring liveliness and dynamism to the corporate palette of colours. The specific colours can be used to separate out product categories, to mark communications materials, etc.



DPA | FONTS The basic font

DIN Pro Light

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 DIN Pro Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 DIN Pro Medium

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 DIN Pro Bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789


DPA | Grafiskā identitāte

Grafiskās identitātes pamata elementi


AaBbCcDdEeFf GgHhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz 0123456789 DPA uzņēmuma tēlu veido 4 Grafiskās identitātes pamatelementi. Šie pamatelementi palīdz atpazīt uzņēmumu visās vizuālās komunikācijas izpausmēs kā vienotu organizāciju un to lietošanas vadlīnijas aprakstītas šajā Grafiskās identitātes grāmatā. Logo, šarmantie tēli, šrifts un krāsa


DPA | BUSINESS DOCUMENTS General description

The specific nature of DPA’s business is B2B contacts, and administrative elements have an important role in communicating the company’s brand. This section speaks to principles and guidelines in establishing new corporate administrative materials. This must be done on the basis of the aforementioned graphic identity elements – the DPA logo, the Charming images, the font and the basic colours.


DPA | BUSINESS DOCUMENTS Business card The businesslike version of the business card Front x x

teksta laukums Mārtiņš Vanags SPSS risinājumu projektu vadītājs

SIA “DPA” Elizabetes 75, Rīga, LV-1050 mob. 22 038 776 tālr. 67 509 900 fakss 67 509 906 martins.vanags@dpa.lv x




x = 4 mm


Technical specification: Size: 90x50 mm Print: 2/1 Paper: 330 g/m², Ivory Board


DPA | BUSINESS DOCUMENTS Business card Personalised versions of the business card Front


Jānis Samsons

Korporatīvo klientu nodaļas projektu vadītājs

SIA “DPA” Elizabetes 75, Rīga, LV-1050 tālr. +371 67 509 900 mob. +371 29 152 055 fakss +371 67 509 906 janis.samosons@dpa.lv

Jānis Samsons

Korporatīvo klientu nodaļas projektu vadītājs

SIA “DPA” Elizabetes 75, Rīga, LV-1050 tālr. +371 67 509 900 mob. +371 29 152 055 fakss +371 67 509 906 janis.samosons@dpa.lv

Jānis Samsons

Korporatīvo klientu nodaļas projektu vadītājs

SIA “DPA” Elizabetes 75, Rīga, LV-1050 tālr. +371 67 509 900 mob. +371 29 152 055 fakss +371 67 509 906 janis.samosons@dpa.lv


DPA | BUSINESS DOCUMENTS Company letterhead Reduction of 50%

SIA ”DPA” Reģ. nr. 40003351675 Elizabetes 75, Rīga, LV-1050 tālr. +371 67 509 900 fakss +371 67 509 906 dpa@dpa.lv

Front Back

Technical specification: Size: A4 (297 x 210 mm) Print: 2/1 Paper: 100 g/m², 4 CC


DPA | BUSINESS DOCUMENTS Envelope C4, reduction of 50%

SIA “DPA” Elizabetes iela 75 Rīga, LV-1050, Latvija

C5, reduction of 50%

SIA “DPA” Elizabetes iela 75 Rīga LV-1050, Latvija

Technical specification: Size: C5/C4, self-sealing envelope with the glue along the long side Print: 2/0 .


DPA | BUSINESS DOCUMENTS Compliment card Reduction of 40%



Technical specification: Size: 200x100 mm Print: 2/1 Paper: 330 g/m², Ivory Board


DPA | BUSINESS DOCUMENTS Compliment card Alternative versions Front



DPA | BUSINESS DOCUMENTS Document folder Reduction of 35%


Inside SIA “DPA” Elizabetes 75 Rīga, LV-1050, Latvija

UAB “DPA programinė įranga” Lvovo g. 25 LT-09320, Vilnius, Lietuva

OOO “ДПА Киев” вул. Пушкiнська, 39–3 01004, Kиев, Украина

ООО “ДПА Бел” av. Dzerzhinsky 104 - 503 220116 Mинск, Белоруссия

SPA “DPA” 25 Leselidze str. 0101 Tbilisi, Georgia

Technical specification: Size when open: 320x452 mm Print: 2/1 Paper: 260-280 g/m², one-sided cardboard Post-processing: Matted laminate on the outside


DPA | BUSINESS DOCUMENTS Notepaper Reduction of 50%

Technical specification: Size: A4 (297x210 mm) Print: 2/0 Paper: 80 g/m² offset, 20 pages per bloc Post-processing: Glued upper edge, cardboard foundation



DPA | ELECTRONIC MATERIALS Presentation template


DPA | ELECTRONIC MATERIALS Service offer Full-colour DPA dokumenta nosaukums/7 pt DIN Pro Regular Klients:

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Saturs /18 pt DIN Pro Regular

DPA dokumenta nosaukums

Pirmais virsraksts/10 pt DIN Pro Bold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Otrais virsraksts/10 pt DIN Pro Regular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Trešais virsraksts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Pirmais virsraksts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Otrais virsraksts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Pirmais virsraksts/18 pt DIN Pro Regular

Otrais virsraksts/14 pt DIN Pro Regular 9 pt DIN Regular/SRS Microsoft Exchange system in year 2007 – morally outdated, unsupported version, unstable in operation, expensive from the point of view of maintenance, a system incompliant with today's requirements.

4. virsraksts/9 pt DIN Pro Italic 9 pt DIN Pro Regular/SRS Microsoft Exchange system in year 2007 – morally outdated, unsupported version, unstable in operation, expensive from the point of view of maintenance, a system incompliant with today's requirements. SRS Microsoft Exchange solution in year 2007 consisted of 62 Exchange 5.5 servers that were physically located in 40 different sites. The maintenance of these servers was performed by SRS regional administrators together with the IT staff of SRS Central office.


Exchange version 5.5 contains its own directory, where account and mailbox information is kept. This information is mostly duplicated by Active Directory, which served in this case as a register of domain servers and workstations, and accounts and security groups. Such a double accounting in infrastructure with several thousand accounts inevitably leads to incompatibility of information between directories, strange Exchange problems, difficulties to precisely delegate rights to Exchange resources.

Facts and figures

SRS Microsoft Exchange solution in year 2007 consisted of 62 Exchange 5.5 servers that were physically located in 40 different sites. The maintenance of these servers was performed by SRS regional administrators together with the IT staff of SRS Central office. Exchange version 5.5 contains its own directory, where account and mailbox information is kept. This information is mostly duplicated by Active Directory, which served in this case as a register of domain servers and workstations, and accounts and security groups. Such a double accounting in infrastructure with several thousand accounts inevitably leads to incompatibility of information between directories, strange Exchange problems, difficulties to precisely delegate rights to Exchange resources.

SRS Microsoft Exchange solution in year 2007 consisted of 62 Exchange 5.5 servers that were physically located in 40 different sites. The maintenance of these servers was performed by SRS regional administrators together with the IT staff of SRS Central office.

SRS Microsoft Exchange Profile

Prior to migration

After the migration

Microsoft Exchange server version



Quantity of servers






499 distribution groups, 5623 mailboxes, total data volume 500 GB migrated


Exchange version 5.5 contains its own directory, where account and mailbox information is kept. This information is mostly duplicated by Active Directory, which served in this case as a register of domain servers and workstations, and accounts and security groups. Such a double accounting in infrastructure with several thousand accounts inevitably leads to incompatibility of information between directories, strange Exchange problems, difficulties to precisely delegate rights to Exchange resources.

Klients: SIA Lattelecom Dokuments nr. XXXXX 15.01.2009.

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Pirmais virsraksts/18 pt DIN Pro Regular

Otrais virsraksts/14 pt DIN Pro Regular Trešais virsraksts/9 pt DIN Pro Bold

Dokumenta apakšnosaukums vai paskaidrojums vai projekta nosaukums

DPA dokumenta nosaukums/7 pt DIN Pro Regular Klients:

Exchange version 5.5 contains its own directory, where account and mailbox information is kept. This information is mostly duplicated by Active Directory, which served in this case as a register of domain servers and workstations, and accounts and security groups. Such a double accounting in infrastructure with several thousand accounts inevitably leads to incompatibility of information between directories, strange Exchange problems, difficulties to precisely delegate rights to Exchange resources. Exchange version 5.5 contains its own directory, where account and mailbox information is kept. This information is mostly duplicated by Active Directory, which served in this case as a register of domain servers and workstations, and accounts and security groups. Such a double accounting in infrastructure with several thousand accounts inevitably leads to incompatibility of information between directories, strange Exchange problems, difficulties to precisely delegate rights to Exchange resources.

Sagatavoja: SIA “DPA” www.dpa.lv Vārds Uzvārds Tālr. 67509900 xxx@dpa.lv

Exchange version 5.5 contains its own directory, where account and mailbox information is kept. This information is mostly duplicated by Active Directory, which served in this case as a register of domain servers and workstations, and accounts and security groups. Such a double accounting in infrastructure with several thousand accounts inevitably leads to incompatibility of information between directories, strange Exchange

Black-and-white DPA dokumenta nosaukums/7 pt DIN Pro Regular Klients:

Page 1 of 3 Dokuments nr. xxxx

Contents /18 pt DIN Pro Regular

DPA dokumenta nosaukums

Pirmais virsraksts/10 pt DIN Pro Bold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Otrais virsraksts/10 pt DIN Pro Regular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Trešais virsraksts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Pirmais virsraksts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Otrais virsraksts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Pirmais virsraksts/18 pt DIN Pro Regular

Otrais virsraksts/14 pt DIN Pro Regular

9 pt DIN Pro Regular/SRS Microsoft Exchange system in year 2007 – morally outdated, unsupported version, unstable in operation, expensive from the point of view of maintenance, a system incompliant with today's requirements.

Exchange version 5.5 contains its own directory, where account and mailbox information is kept. This information is mostly duplicated by Active Directory, which served in this case as a register of domain servers and workstations, and accounts and security groups. Such a double accounting in infrastructure with several thousand accounts inevitably leads to incompatibility of information between directories, strange Exchange problems, difficulties to precisely delegate rights to Exchange resources.

Facts and figures


Prior to migration

After the migration

Microsoft Exchange server version



Quantity of servers






499 distribution groups, 5623 mailboxes, total data volume 500 GB migrated Exchange version 5.5 contains its own directory, where account and mailbox information is kept. This information is mostly duplicated by Active Directory, which served in this case as a register of domain servers and workstations, and accounts and security groups. Such a double accounting in infrastructure with several thousand accounts inevitably leads to incompatibility of information between directories, strange Exchange problems, difficulties to precisely delegate rights to Exchange resources.

Sagatavoja: SIA “DPA” www.dpa.lv Vārds Uzvārds Tālr. 67509900 xxx@dpa.lv


SRS Microsoft Exchange solution in year 2007 consisted of 62 Exchange 5.5 servers that were physically located in 40 different sites. The maintenance of these servers was performed by SRS regional administrators together with the IT staff of SRS Central office. Exchange version 5.5 contains its own directory, where account and mailbox information is kept. This information is mostly duplicated by Active Directory, which served in this case as a register of domain servers and workstations, and accounts and security groups. Such a double accounting in infrastructure with several thousand accounts inevitably leads to incompatibility of information between directories, strange Exchange problems, difficulties to precisely delegate rights to Exchange resources.

SRS Microsoft Exchange solution in year 2007 consisted of 62 Exchange 5.5 servers that were physically located in 40 different sites. The maintenance of these servers was performed by SRS regional administrators together with the IT staff of SRS Central office.

SRS Microsoft Exchange

Dokuments nr. XXXXX 15.01.2009.

9 pt DIN Regular/SRS Microsoft Exchange system in year 2007 – morally outdated, unsupported version, unstable in operation, expensive from the point of view of maintenance, a system incompliant with today's requirements.

4. virsraksts/9 pt DIN Pro Italic

SRS Microsoft Exchange solution in year 2007 consisted of 62 Exchange 5.5 servers that were physically located in 40 different sites. The maintenance of these servers was performed by SRS regional administrators together with the IT staff of SRS Central office.

Klients: SIA Lattelecom

Page 1 of 3 Dokuments nr. xxxx

Pirmais virsraksts/18 pt DIN Pro Regular

Otrais virsraksts/14 pt DIN Pro Regular Trešais virsraksts/9 pt DIN Pro Bold

Dokumenta apakšnosaukums vai paskaidrojums vai projekta nosaukums

DPA dokumenta nosaukums/7 pt DIN Pro Regular Klients:

Exchange version 5.5 contains its own directory, where account and mailbox information is kept. This information is mostly duplicated by Active Directory, which served in this case as a register of domain servers and workstations, and accounts and security groups. Such a double accounting in infrastructure with several thousand accounts inevitably leads to incompatibility of information between directories, strange Exchange problems, difficulties to precisely delegate rights to Exchange resources. Exchange version 5.5 contains its own directory, where account and mailbox information is kept. This information is mostly duplicated by Active Directory, which served in this case as a register of domain servers and workstations, and accounts and security groups. Such a double accounting in infrastructure with several thousand accounts inevitably leads to incompatibility of information between directories, strange Exchange problems, difficulties to precisely delegate rights to Exchange resources.


Exchange version 5.5 contains its own directory, where account and mailbox information is kept. This information is mostly duplicated by Active Directory, which served in this case as a register of domain servers and workstations, and accounts and security groups. Such a double accounting in infrastructure with several thousand accounts inevitably leads to incompatibility of information between directories, strange Exchange


DPA | ELECTRONIC MATERIALS Project conclusion document A drastic optimization of costs with Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange State Revenue Service of Latvia

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A drastic optimization of costs with Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange

A drastic optimization of costs with Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange

SRS Microsoft Exchange solution in year 2007 consisted of 62 Exchange 5.5 servers that were physically located in 40 different sites. The maintenance of these servers was performed by SRS regional administrators together with the IT staff of SRS Central office. Exchange version 5.5 contains its own directory, where account and mailbox information is kept. This information is mostly duplicated by Active Directory, which served in this case as a register of domain servers and workstations, and accounts and security groups. Such a double accounting in infrastructure with several thousand accounts inevitably leads to incompatibility of information between directories, strange Exchange problems, difficulties to precisely delegate rights to Exchange resources. In the same way the upkeep of the mentioned quantity of servers is related to huge maintenance costs ñ these servers must be kept in well ventilated and cooled premises, as well as secured with UPS power supply facilities, spare parts, controlled accessibility, ensured with a competent servicing staff, care must be taken for a sufficient free space on system and database discs, as well as there have to be installed system patches, taken care of anti-virus software, regular data backups shall be performed and also data restoration from these backups shall be tested on regular basis.

The huge number of domains does not comply with SRS IT infrastructure and business requirements. Maintenance, supervision and control of such an Active Directory infrastructure require unnecessary consumption of time and human resources leading to high expenses. The fact of having too many domain controllers is related to the quantity of domains, i.e., every domain needs at least two domain controllers. The implementation of every domain controller anticipates additional costs of devices, software support, installing and maintenance. The majority of domain controller servers were used for several business applications as well. Such coexistence of roles on a single server is not advisable from the point of view of maintenance, for the problems of one usage frequently entail the failure in the other systems. SRS DHCP infrastructure in year 2008 consisted of 80 DHCP servers and 54 IP subnets. The maintenance of such number of static IP configurations in various combinations on 80 servers is expensive and creates control problems. One of the key problems in SRS Active Directory infrastructure was the complex administrative rights model. In the case of 40 domains where there is one administrator responsible for the specific domain it is very difficult to obtain a unified, safe and sufficiently controlled result.

Prepared by DPA www.dpa.lv Ph. +371 67509900 email: dpa@dpa.lv

SRS Microsoft Exchange Profile

Prior to migration

After the migration

Microsoft Exchange server version



Quantity of servers



Infrastructure administrators involved in maintenance



SRS Microsoft Active Directory

A drastic optimization of costs with Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange State Revenue Service of Latvia

A drastic optimization of costs with Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange DPA consolidates State Revenue Service of Latvia (SRS) Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange infrastructure and reduces the quantity of servers by 90%.

Prior to migration

After the migration

SRS Microsoft Exchange

Quantity of domains



Quantity of domain controllers



Quantity of DNS servers



SRS Microsoft Exchange system in year 2007 ñ morally outdated, unsupported version, unstable in operation, complex and expensive from the point of view of maintenance, a system incompliant with today's requirements.

Quantity of DHCP servers



Infrastructure administrators involved in maintenance



More information Microsoft Exchange Server: http://www.microsoft.com/exchange/2007/default.mspx Microsoft Active Director: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2008/en/us/active-directory.aspx More about DPA, Microsoft CEE Partner of the year 2008 and 2009: www.dpa.lv More about State Revenue Service: www.vid.gov.lv Published August, 2009

During the time period from September 2007 until the March 2009 the restructuring of SRS Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Active directories and e-mail systems was performed. At this time the system infrastructure of SRS Active Directory was consolidated from 40 domains infrastructure into 1 domain Active Directory infrastructure. The number of necessary servers was remarkably reduced. The new infrastructure consists of 11 physical Microsoft Exchange server 2007 servers and two Fibre channel type shared disc data array. There are two Exchange mailbox role servers SRSMBX1 and SRSMBX2, which are configured in three servers failover type cluster with shared disk array as the data storage. Client Access Server role is displaced on two servers SRSCAS1 and SRSCAS2 that are configured in NLB type cluster. Similarly the Exchange HUB Transport role is carried by two servers SRSHUB1 and SRSHUB2 that also create NLB cluster. Exchange Edge Server role servers SRSEDGE1 and SRSEDGE2 are placed in DMZ, on its turn Microsoft ISA server 2006 servers SRSISA1 and SRSISA2 are responsible for publishing of Exchange Outlook Web Access and Outlook Mobile Access services to distant SRS users. Microsoft does not support a direct transition from version 5.5 to 2007. Because of this fact the migration was done with Quest Exchange Migration Wizard. With the aid of this software the coexistence was created between the old and the new Exchange infrastructures and afterwards the Exchange mailboxes were migrated. During the course of the project there was performed an overall study and documentation of the old infrastructure, a due planning and development of various versions of the new infrastructure, as well as designing of the chosen version, prior-migration works testing, migration to the new infrastructure and in the end of the project a training of SRS administrators and presentation of solution planning and design documents. SRS Microsoft Active Directory rebuilding Upon the end of SRS Exchange restructuring project the SRS Microsoft Active Directory rebuilding and consolidation project begun. It lasted from August 2008 up to April 2009, and the works were performed by a project manager and two consultants. Consultants of Microsoft Latvia also were involved. The project as a whole consisted of four stages. • Pre-planning stage, where information in a manner of surveying and technical methods was gathered and analyzed regarding the Active Directory infrastructure and related systems; • Planning stage, where the concept of the new infrastructure was developed and presented, planning and design documents created and a voluminous testing of the chosen migration solution performed in virtual environment, by using the backup copy of the production SRS directory; • Implementation stage, which consisted of development of the new infrastructure, resource migration and liquidation of the old infrastructure. • Finalization stage during which DPA developed and submitted the documents of disaster recovery and backup-restore procedures of SRS Active Directory, as well as carried out the training of administrators.

• Finalization stage during which DPA developed and submitted the documents of disaster recovery and backup-restore procedures of SRS Active Directory, as well as carried out the training of administrators.


950 groups, 4621 users accounts, 3537 workstations migrated.

SRS Microsoft Exchange restructuring

• Implementation stage, which consisted of development of the new infrastructure, resource migration and liquidation of the old infrastructure.

Existing situation and problems to be solved

499 distribution groups, 5623 mailboxes, total data volume 500 GB migrated

Juris Vilders, DPA managing director: “Latvia is not a small countryñ in IT context we can deliver high-class solution. SRS infrastructure consolidation project was valuable professional challange either from technical or project management point of view. Many high class Microsoft specialists were involved in project team and we are proud of the great results and this international prize for excellence”

SRS Microsoft Exchange system in year 2007 ñ morally outdated, unsupported version, unstable in operation, complex and expensive from the point of view of maintenance, a system incompliant with today's requirements.

The greatest deficiencies of this system were too many domains, too many domain controllers, a complex and decentralized DHCP infrastructure, hardly controllable security and administrative rights policy.

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DPA is the only nominated Baltic IT company. The Advanced Infrasture Solutions, Active Directory Partner of the Year award honors partners who have practices with proven proficiency in implementing solutions based on Windows Active Directory Domain Services and who have delivered exceptional solutions in past year.

SRS Microsoft Exchange

SRS Microsoft Active Directory system in year 2008 was mainly decentralized. The structure of this system was composed of one forest, one tree, one forest root domain and 39 subdomains, totaling to 40 domains. Directory as a whole consisted of 112 domain controllers which were located in differed premises of SRS in Riga and regional offices. Major part of these servers was configured as DNS and DHCP servers.

Facts and figures

SRS Active Directory consolidation Project was the reason for DPA to be awarded Microsoft CEE Advanced Infrastructure solutions, Active Directory partner of the year 2009

Existing situation and problems to be solved

SRS Active Directory

A drastic optimization of costs with Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange State Revenue Service of Latvia

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DPA consolidates State Revenue Service of Latvia (SRS) Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange infrastructure and reduces the quantity of servers by 90%.

Microsoft Windows server and Microsoft Exchange server licenses converted in terms of money creates a conception of the scope of financial investment necessary in development of this system.

Case Study State Revenue Service of Latvia

A drastic optimization of costs with Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange State Revenue Service of Latvia

SRS Microsoft Exchange solution in year 2007 consisted of 62 Exchange 5.5 servers that were physically located in 40 different sites. The maintenance of these servers was performed by SRS regional administrators together with the IT staff of SRS Central office. Exchange version 5.5 contains its own directory, where account and mailbox information is kept. This information is mostly duplicated by Active Directory, which served in this case as a register of domain servers and workstations, and accounts and security groups. Such a double accounting in infrastructure with several thousand accounts inevitably leads to incompatibility of information between directories, strange Exchange problems, difficulties to precisely delegate rights to Exchange resources. In the same way the upkeep of the mentioned quantity of servers is related to huge maintenance costs ñ these servers must be kept in well ventilated and cooled premises, as well as secured with UPS power supply facilities, spare parts, controlled accessibility, ensured with a competent servicing staff, care must be taken for a sufficient free space on system and database discs, as well as there have to be installed system patches, taken care of anti-virus software, regular data backups shall be performed and also data restoration from these backups shall be tested on regular basis. Microsoft Windows server and Microsoft Exchange server licenses converted in terms of money creates a conception of the scope of financial investment necessary in development of this system. SRS Active Directory SRS Microsoft Active Directory system in year 2008 was mainly decentralized. The structure of this system was

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and 39 subdomains, totaling to 40 domains. Directory as a whole consisted of 112 domain controllers which were located in differed premises of SRS in Riga and regional offices. Major part of these servers was configured as DNS and DHCP servers. The greatest deficiencies of this system were too many domains, too many domain controllers, a complex and decentralized DHCP infrastructure, hardly controllable security and administrative rights policy. The huge number of domains does not comply with SRS IT infrastructure and business requirements. Maintenance, supervision and control of such an Active Directory infrastructure require unnecessary consumption of time and human resources leading to high expenses. The fact of having too many domain controllers is related to the quantity of domains, i.e., every domain needs at least two domain controllers. The implementation of every domain controller anticipates additional costs of devices, software support, installing and maintenance. The majority of domain controller servers were used for several business applications as well. Such coexistence of roles on a single server is not advisable from the point of view of maintenance, for the problems of one usage frequently entail the failure in the other systems.

A drastic optimization of costs with Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange State Revenue Service of Latvia

Solution SRS Active Directory consolidation Project was the reason for DPA to be awarded Microsoft CEE Advanced Infrastructure solutions, Active Directory partner of the year 2009 DPA is the only nominated Baltic IT company. The Advanced Infrasture Solutions, Active Directory Partner of the Year award honors partners who have practices with proven proficiency in implementing solutions based on Windows Active Directory Domain Services and who have delivered exceptional solutions in past year. Juris Vilders, DPA managing director: “Latvia is not a small countryñ in IT context we can deliver high-class solution. SRS infrastructure consolidation project was valuable professional challange either from technical or project management point of view. Many high class Microsoft specialists were involved in project team and we are proud of the great results and this international prize for excellence” SRS Microsoft Exchange restructuring During the time period from September 2007 until the March 2009 the restructuring of SRS Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Active directories and e-mail systems was performed. At this time the system infrastructure of SRS Active Directory was consolidated from 40 domains infrastructure into 1 domain Active Directory infrastructure. The number of necessary servers was remarkably reduced. The new infrastructure consists of 11 physical Microsoft Exchange server 2007 servers and two Fibre channel type shared disc data array. There are two Exchange mailbox role servers SRSMBX1 and SRSMBX2, which are configured in three servers failover type cluster with shared disk array as the data storage. Client Access Server role is displaced on two servers SRSCAS1 and SRSCAS2 that are configured in NLB type cluster. Similarly the Exchange HUB Transport role is carried by two servers SRSHUB1 and SRSHUB2 that also create NLB cluster. Exchange Edge Server role servers SRSEDGE1 and SRSEDGE2 are placed in DMZ, on its turn Microsoft ISA server 2006 servers SRSISA1 and SRSISA2 are responsible for publishing of Exchange Outlook Web Access and Outlook Mobile Access services to distant SRS users. Microsoft does not support a direct transition from version 5.5 to 2007. Because of this fact the migration was done with Quest Exchange Migration Wizard. With the aid of this software the coexistence was created between the old and the new Exchange infrastructures and afterwards the Exchange mailboxes were migrated.

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and afterwards the Exchange mailboxes were migrated. During the course of the project there was performed an overall study and documentation of the old infrastructure, a due planning and development of various versions of the new infrastructure, as well as designing of the chosen version, prior-migration works testing, migration to the new infrastructure and in the end of the project a training of SRS administrators and presentation of solution planning and design documents. SRS Microsoft Active Directory rebuilding Upon the end of SRS Exchange restructuring project the SRS Microsoft Active Directory rebuilding and consolidation project begun. It lasted from August 2008 up to April 2009, and the works were performed by a project manager and two consultants. Consultants of Microsoft Latvia also were involved. The project as a whole consisted of four stages. • Pre-planning stage, where information in a manner of surveying and technical methods was gathered and analyzed regarding the Active Directory infrastructure and related systems; • Planning stage, where the concept of the new infrastructure was developed and presented, planning and design documents created and a voluminous testing of the chosen migration solution performed in virtual environment, by using the backup copy of the production SRS directory; • Implementation stage, which consisted of development of the new infrastructure, resource migration and liquidation of the old infrastructure. • Finalization stage during which DPA developed and submitted the documents of disaster recovery and backup-restore procedures of SRS Active Directory, as well as carried out the training of administrators.

Facts and figures SRS Microsoft Exchange Profile

Prior to migration

Microsoft Exchange server version


After the migration 2007

Quantity of servers



Infrastructure administrators involved in maintenance



During the course of the project there was performed an



DPA | COMMUNICATIONS MATERIALS Guidelines for communications materials Galvenais virsraksts

Galvenais virsraksts

Galvenais virsraksts

Teksta bloks

Teksta bloks

Teksta bloks

Teksta bloks

Teksta bloks

Contact DPA:

Humans. Opportunity. Technology.

Galvenais virsraksts Atēls

Teksta bloks

Humans. Opportunity. Technology.

In Latvia: DPA, SIA Elizabetes 75, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia www.dpa.lv

In Lithuania: DPA programinė įranga, UAB Lvovo g. 25, LT-09320, Vilnius, Lietuva www.dpa.lt

Galvenais virsraksts

Galvenais virsraksts



In Ukraine ДПА Киев, OOO вул. Пушкiнська, 39–3, 01004, Kiev, Ukraine www.dpa.ua

In Belarus: ДПА Бел, ИООО Бетонный проезд, 19а–310, Minsk, Belarus www.dpa.by

Teksta bloks

Teksta bloks Contact DPA:

Humans. Opportunity. Technology.

Humans. Opportunity. Technology.

In Latvia: DPA, SIA Elizabetes 75, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia www.dpa.lv

In Lithuania: DPA programinė įranga, UAB Lvovo g. 25, LT-09320, Vilnius, Lietuva www.dpa.lt

In Ukraine ДПА Киев, OOO вул. Пушкiнська, 39–3, 01004, Kiev, Ukraine www.dpa.ua

In Belarus: ДПА Бел, ИООО Бетонный проезд, 19а–310, Minsk, Belarus www.dpa.by

The aforementioned usage of the basic elements of our graphic identity must be used in communications materials. It is also essential to see the thoughts that are to be communicated, the properties of the product, and the clarity of other information be seen as a priority. For this reason, the recommendation is to emphasise a visual way of presenting information by making use of the Charming images and the texture of the background while also minimising the amount of text in the relevant material. Each material should contain ONE thought/idea so as to ensure the comprehensibility of the information that is communicated. The material must be addressed to a SPECIFIC and pre-determined target audience.

49 03

DPA | Grafiskā identitāte

Grafiskās identitātes pamata elementi


GgHhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz 0123456789

DPA uzņēmuma tēlu veido 4 Grafiskās identitātes pamatelementi. Šie pamatelementi palīdz atpazīt uzņēmumu visās vizuālās komunikācijas izpausmēs kā vienotu organizāciju un to lietošanas vadlīnijas aprakstītas šajā Grafiskās identitātes grāmatā. Logo, šarmantie tēli, šrifts un krāsa



DPA presentation materials are designed in accordance with the aforementioned principles on the use of basic graphic elements. Because the content and goals of presentation materials are very diverse, there are no strict guidelines on their preparation. The minimal element in this is the basic DPA logo, which should be placed in a visible location. The visual impression can be enhanced and the brand can be communicated by the use of other basic graphic elements, and their use is recommended. This chapter contains examples of the most typical presentation materials and their formation.



Green (open)

270 mm

White (open)

80 mm

350 mm

80 mm

350 mm

Technical specification: Size: 350x80x270 mm Print: 2/0 Material: 170 g/m², matted coated paper Post-processing: Matted laminate


DPA | PRESENTATION MATERIALS Sample design for T-shirts

dpa.lv dpa.lt dpa.ua dpa.by

From the front

From the back

From the side

dpa.lv dpa.lt dpa.ua dpa.by



DPA | OUTDOOR ELEMENTS Guidelines for installing exhibition stands

The aim of DPA exhibition stands is to communicate the brand and to support the sale of products. The basic graphic elements of the company should be used in designing stands, also taking into account the functional aspects of each specific stand. There can be various design solutions which depend on the size of the stand. The following guidelines are recommended: - Accessibility and openness: Easily accessible for visitors with easily perceived basic information (a description of DPA operations in a laconic format). - Attracting attention: For instance, a distance navigation element (a “tower� that is 3-5 m high) is part of the stand. - Interactivity: The tower can have a screen with specific information that is broadcast so as to ensure more attractive and active presentation of specific services.


DPA | OUTDOOR ELEMENTS Functional planning of exhibition stands From the front: Additional lighting The “tower” with the logo as a distance navigation element

National Pavilion of Latvia

National Pavilion of Latvia

Humans Opportunity Technology Core infrastructure solutions Advanced infrastructure solutions Business application solutions Security solutions Biometry Solutions for education

National Pavilion of Latvia

Humans Opportunity Technology


structured business processes benefits to the team clear process / visible status / simplicity benefits to a business cut costs / cut process time controllable process the info in the process is secure quality of process departments control each other

Biometry and modern identity technologies the future of the service

biometry in law enforcement identifying person / verifying identity border crossing / watchlists biometry in civil management issuing of documents / issuing of visas medical services / social benifits

Humans Opportunity Technology Core infrastructure solutions Advanced infrastructure solutions Business application solutions Security solutions Biometry Solutions for education

biometry in commercial document - free services / verifying identity

A background with general information Collapsible portable stands with brief product descriptions A table for meetings with visitors Carpeting

From above:

A background with general information

A limited zone or technical zone

A public zone for clients

Collapsible portable stands with brief product descriptions The “tower” with the logo as a distance navigation element Carpeting A table for meetings with visitors Additional lighting


Zoning: - a public zone for free access, - a limited zone for individual meetings with clients, - a technical zone to store advertising and service materials.

1 m²

Design: - the lighting emphasises and accents the stand, with recommended use of 6-12 projects with a 250-500 kW capacity as additional lighting, depending on the size of the stand, - the carpeting should be gray and neutral to mark out the boundaries and zones of the stand.


DPA | OUTDOOR ELEMENTS Functional planning of exhibition stands View from the left

View from the front DPA

CODEBORNE Биометрия и технологии идентификации

инфраструктурные решения информационная безопасность и услуги аудита совместная работа и управления документами тестирование и разработка программного обеспечения биометрические решения лицензирование программного обеспечения iMac 21.5"

ShareSpace система электронного документооборота

будущее обслуживания

снижение временных затрат на обслуживание документооборота

в коммерческой деятельности обслуживания без документов проверка личности

оптимизация рабочего времени сотрудников повышение скорости обмена информации между сотрудниками

в правоохранительных органах распознавание личности проверка личности пересечение границы


Интернет-банк от создателей лучшего в Европе

iMac 21.5"


Защита от утечки информации

Автоматизация страхования

Контроль операционных, репутационных и правовых рисков

• Он-лайн, мобильные продажи • Банкашуранс • Виртуальные брокеры • Агрегаторы предложений • Самообслуживание • Сквозное урегулирование

iMac 21.5"


iMac 21.5"

в государственном управлении оформление документов медицинские услуги социальные льготы выдача виз

View from above

Carpeting Cornice with additional lighting elements Service 1

Product 1

Product 2

Product 3


1 m²

If several products are presented at the stand, each has its own background in terms of an informational panel. Each product must have its own sales table and chair for meetings with visitors.


DPA | OUTDOOR ELEMENTS Facade sign View from the front

View from the side

Glass Large logo letters

Scale: 1:10

The facade sign in the environment MACmark 9849-24


Colours of materials

Technical specifications: Element: Spatial logo Size: 1260x600x10 mm Materials: Plastics attached to glass on both sides


DPA | OUTDOOR ELEMENTS Entrance door sign From the front

Spatial logo made of material that is 3 mm thick

Scale: 1:20

The entrance door sign in the environment MACmark 9849-24

MACmark 9889-16

Foundation NEOBOND BRIGHT Silver

Colours of materials

Technical specification: Size: 460x320 mm Materials: One-sided silver NEOBOND plate, fastened at a distance of 10 mm from the wall



SIA IGLOO A design company which operates in the sectors of graphic, environmental and product design. The company positions various products and services, defines brands, and provides clients with solutions related to marketing, sales and design. When identifying design solutions, IGLOO takes into account the business specifics of goals of each client, merging these with IGLOO’s competences in branding, graphic design, the environment and functionality (merchandising). The result is a graphic, environmental and product design for the brand – one that is focused on the ability of the client to achieve its business and sales goals. IGLOO - Target-oriented design solutions Atis Mekšs Tel. +371 29230132 Elizabetes Street 33-5, Rīga LV-1010, Latvia info@igloo.lv www.igloo.lv

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