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The City of Atlanta is offering an afterschool program for youth ages 5-12 years old. The afterschool program is focused on providing recreational and educational activities for students enrolled in elementary and middle school. Providing recreational and educational programming.
Locations: Adams Park, Anthony
Flanagan, Bessie Branham
C.T. Martin, Coan Therapeutic Dunbar, Grant Park Grove Park, Rev. James Orange
M.L. King Jr., Peachtree Hills
Perkerson Park, Pittman Park
Rosel Fann, South Bend Park Thomasville, William Walker
Days & Times:
Mon. – Fri. | 2:30 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.
Registration Dates: Ongoing
Registration Fees: Residents | $35.00 per week, Non-Residents | $110.00 per week
Contact your local recreation center to register. Programs vary by location.
This program gets teens involved in their community while receiving leadership training throughout the school year. We aim to educate, empower, and equip young people to set extraordinary personal goals, operate with high moral and ethical standards, and perform with professional excellence.
Ages 13 – 18
Locations: Adams Park, Bessie Branham, C.T. Martin, Dunbar, Grant Park, Grove Park,
M.L. King, Jr., Peachtree Hills, Perkerson, Pittman, Rosel Fann, William Walker
Days & Times:
Mon. – Fri. | 2:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M.
Registration Fees: FREE
*Afterschool Programming will follow the 2023-2024 APS student calendar and will not meet on days that Atlanta Public Schools are cancelled.
Academic Enrichment
Students are assisted by a certified teacher with homework, daily reading, and web-based math tutorial programs. In addition, youth are provided various cultural enrichment experiences from experts in the fields of art, drama, music, dance, martial arts, and more.
Recreation centers are equipped with computers to provide access to the internet for homework and school projects. Students will use leading academic, and standardsbased assessment software programs to aid with core math and reading comprehension areas. Staff will track participants’ progress throughout the afterschool program.
DPR has partnered with local agencies in the sports and fitness field to bring dance, martial arts, gymnastics, and tennis to our program. Participants are led in a variety of activities that engage and strengthen the body, teach sports and sportsmanship, and address making healthy nutrition choices. Some centers offer swim classes and organized athletics for an additional fee.
Character Development And Training
Centers offer community service and character building programs in addition to activities that allow youth to become civically involved in their communities and promote understanding of good citizenship.