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Dear Parents, Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to serve your child(ren) in the City of Atlanta’s Camp Best Friends at . Our program is a comprehensive summer program that includes an integrated reading curriculum and various summer activities that may include creative writing, drama, dance, arts and craft, engaging field trips and physical fitness. During the course of the summer, additional fees will be needed for scheduled events including but are not limited to cook-outs, field trips and other special events. You will be notified in advance of the events that will require additional fees. This parent packet includes information on the following: • Program Implementation Plan • Program Mission • Schedule Policies • Program Policies • Health/Sickness Procedures • Breakfast / Lunch (If applicable) • Rules and Consequences • Parent Communication • Withdrawal Procedures • Monthly or Weekly Calendar If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you, Camp Best Friends Staff

. Facility Manager Contact Information

Camp Director Contact Information

Phone:_______________ Email:_________________

Phone:__________________ Email:___________________


COVID IMPLEMENTATION PLAN The safety and well-being of Atlanta’s youth remain a priority for the City of Atlanta’s Department of Parks and Recreation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Below are the measures we are implementing for the Camp Best Friends Program. This is a fluid document that will be updated as new developments are reported by the Centers for Disease Control and other guiding agencies. Participant Enrollee and Staff Health 1. Prevention •

Sick staff and enrollees are required to stay home. Staff attendance will be monitored, and absences will be planned for.

Only staff & enrollees are allowed in Recreation Centers during program hours. All staff and enrollees are required to wash their hands or use the hand sanitizing station upon entering the building.

Sick staff and enrollees are required to strictly adhere to social distancing and PPE guidelines. Masks and/or other Personal Protective Equipment are available for all staff and students if needed.

Hand sanitizing stations are provided throughout the facility and in each individual program space and regular use is required by enrollees and staff.

Enrollees are grouped in separate rooms for programming.

Staff & enrollees will be screened with a health questionnaire daily. Individuals answering yes to any of the health screening questions will be denied entry.

Frequent cleaning/sanitizing of utilized areas in accordance with CDC Guidelines (i.e. equipment cleaning after each use, frequently used areas, etc.). 3

MANDATORY PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENT: Immediate parent notification and required pick-up if a child becomes ill during program hours.

Staff are assigned to a specific group of enrollees during programming time with a 1:15 adult to child ratio.

2. Meals •

Youth are required to wash their hands before and after eating.

3. Hygiene Practices •

Frequent handwashing with soap and water is required for at least 20 seconds. Handwashing is required upon arriving to the center, when entering program spaces, before and after meals, after using the restroom and before leaving to go home.

Alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol will be provided. Children will be supervised if using to prevent ingestion.

Staff, enrollees & their families will be advised to not touch their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

Staff & enrollees will be advised to cover coughs or sneezes with a tissue, put the used tissue in the trashcan, and then clean hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer (if soap and water are not readily available).

4. Cleaning and Disinfecting (per CDC Guidelines) • Centers have predetermined cleaning and disinfecting schedules. •

Frequently used surfaces will be routinely cleaned, sanitized, and disinfected. This includes objects and surfaces that are not ordinarily frequently cleaned like doorknobs, light switches, sink handles, note pads, countertops, etc.

All cleaning products meet EPA regulations and will be used per individual product guidelines. 4

EPA registered disposable wipes will be made available to staff to further the cleaning of commonly used surfaces.

Cleaning products will not be used near children with the assurance of adequate ventilation and will be kept securely out of the reach of campers.

The CDC states that paper-based materials like books are not considered high risk for transmission but will be used with careful consideration and supervision.

PROGRAM MISSION The mission of the Camp Best Friends Program is to provide participants with a safe, enriching environment; to offer enhancement of the self-worth of each participant; to encourage a sound physical condition through vigorous activity; to stimulate intellectual curiosity through the exploration of a variety of enrichment activities and to provide personal development through learning skills and sharing experiences with others.


This Camp Best Friends’ summer camp location operates Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. The Camp Best Friends’ program observes the Juneteenth Holiday and will be closed Monday, June 20. 2022. We also observe the Independence Day holiday and will be closed Monday, July 5, 2022. PROGRAM CLOSING In case of emergency evacuation from the facility, participants will be transported to the closest Recreation Center in proximity to this facility. Parents/Guardians will be notified of this relocation. PARENT TARDINESS Camp Best Friends ends at 6:00 p.m. We ask that campers be picked up no later than 5:45 p.m. The Camp Best Friends Program will charge parents a $20 late fee after 6:25 p.m. If a camper is picked up after 6:25 p.m. three (3) times, he/she will be dismissed from the program. By 6:30 p.m. all emergency and alternate pick-up names will be contacted. If no one can be reached, the proper authorities will be contacted.

SIGN IN / SIGN OUT PROCEDURES • Health Questionnaire – Campers are required to answer health screening questions provided by the CDC. If the response to any question is “Yes” campers will not be permitted to participate that day. • Entrance – Once the health questionnaire has successfully been completed, parents/guardians are to sign campers in on the roster 6

provided by DPR Staff. DPR Staff will then guide campers to their designated program area. • Parent/Guardian ID Check – DPR staff will ask to see photo identification of the person picking up campers and confirm they are listed on the Authorized Pick-up List. If the pick-up person is not listed on the Authorized Pick-up List campers will not be released. • Sign Out – Parents/Gardens are to sign campers out on the roster provided by DPR Staff. ABSENCES/SCHEDULE CHANGES If you know in advance that your child will be absent or his/her schedule will change, we ask that you notify the Facility Manager or Camp Director the day prior or send a note. If your child's schedule changes; please make staff aware as soon as possible.

PROGRAM POLICIES ENROLLMENT POLICY It is the policy of City of Atlanta, to enroll campers without bias toward sex, religion, race or physical disability. Every effort is made to accommodate any special needs camper have. Our program provides supervisory care 7

and not medical or nursing care. Should your child require special care, please contact the Therapeutics Program Supervisor at 404-371-5008 to arrange consultation. Camp in enrollment is week – to – week. Campers are registered for the week enrolled. PARENT INVOLVEMENT/VISITATION The City of Atlanta encourages parent involvement and welcomes parent visitation to the program. If a parent wishes to visit and/or observe a child’s program area due to an issue the child is having, they must provide prior notification and receive approval from the Youth Development Coordinator or Community Facility Manager. This policy is subject to change based on the CDC’s guidelines for COVID-19. If there is still a concern please contact the Office Of Recreation’s Program Operations Manager, Tiffani Bryant, at 404.546.6994 or tdbryant@atlantaga.gov. Individual conferences will be conducted as needed.


COMMUNICATION We encourage parents to communicate daily with staff members. We believe this builds a positive relationship that greatly benefits your child. Cell phones are not permitted at camp however the center phone can be used if the child is in need of communication with a parent or guardian. *See Cell Phone Policy WITHDRAWAL PROCEDURES If a parent chooses to withdraw from the program, please do so by contacting the Community Facility Manager or Camp Director. If a child comes to camp one full day in the week, attendance is accounted for. Withdrawal forms should be received on or before the date session payments are due. Otherwise, you will still be considered to be enrolled in the next session. A session is considered a week starting on Monday.

HEALTH/SICKNESS PROCEDURES MEDICATIONS We will NOT administer prescription or over the counter medication to your child. If your child must take medication during program hours, he/she will be responsible for doing so. Please make sure that: 1) All medications are in the original container labeled with the child’s name and directions, 2) your child knows the time and dosage for each medication, and 3) The Youth Development Coordinator or Community Facility Manager is aware of any prescriptions your child may need to take and permission is granted to store said medication in staff offices. ILLNESS AND INJURY


Should your child(ren) become ill or suffer an injury requiring medical care while in the Camp Best Friends Program, you will be notified immediately. If a parent/guardian or an emergency contact cannot be reached, emergency care will be called and the emergency vehicle will transport the child, if needed. Parents are responsible for any medical or transportation cost incurred. Campers with COVID-19 or other communicable diseases are not permitted to attend the program. Communicable diseases include but are not limited to chicken pox, conjunctivitis (pink eye), fifth disease, influenza, measles, Hepatitis A, ringworm and scabies. Any child experiencing diarrhea or vomiting must be immediately removed from the program. Please notify us of any changes in phone numbers or emergency contacts. It is imperative that sites maintain a current contact list, in case of emergency. **See Common Infectious Illnesses Chart

BREAKFAST & LUNCH (If applicable) All Camp Best Friends participants can receive a healthy breakfast and lunch each day. If your child is allergic to any foods, please list them on the allergy form at the end of this packet. Please be mindful of your child's nutrition needs and pack accordingly. We discourage the sharing of food due to allergies and additional dietary limitations.



RULES AND CONSEQUENCES Our camp best friends program is structured to give your child a safe, supportive, and positive environment to learn and grow. We try to allow many avenues for creativity, freedom of choice and new experiences. The summer staff is trained to utilize the conflict resolution and violence prevention skills that help campers to solve their own problems. Your child's safety is our primary concern. The main rule governing our program is "Be Safe, Be Kind." We want campers to be safe in activities and kind to others and things around our program. MINOR INFRACTIONS TO RULES: After an initial warning is given for inappropriate behavior, each group has a Peace Center that campers are encouraged to use to work out their frustrations and to talk with others to resolve their conflicts. The "Time Out" system will be used, when required. If the conflict cannot be resolved or an inappropriate behavior is repeated, campers will sit out for an appropriate amount of time to "regroup and rethink" (usually 1-10 minutes), then will be allowed to rejoin the group. Campers will be encouraged to "work out and solve" problems as well as accept responsibility for their actions. Logical consequences will result from unacceptable behavior. REPORTS WILL BE MADE TO PARENTS IN THE EVENT OF: 1. Destruction of property and inappropriate use of materials 2. Running away from the camp or a staff member 3. Being away from the group without a staff member's knowledge 4. Repeated refusals to take necessary time outs 5. Excessive fighting or conflicts 6. Engaging in inappropriate behavior 7. Disregarding program safety rules 8. Foul language


PARENTS WILL BE CALLED IMMEDIATELY TO PICK UP THEIR CHILD IN THE FOLLOWING CASES: 1. Hitting campers or staff and/or physically endangering lives. 2. Refusing to stop dangerous activities (throwing rocks or other objects, using them as weapons, etc.) 3. Uncontrollable behavior 4. Inappropriately touching of a camper or staff member DRESS CODE The City of Atlanta and Camp Best Friends’ respect the camper’s right to choose his or her own style of dress or appearance. However, campers are expected to adhere to standards of dress that are compatible with the requirement of a safe camp environment. If a camper’s clothing constitutes a threat to health or safety, the director or director’s designee may require the camper and the camper’s parents/guardians to take appropriate action to remedy the situation. In addition, if a camper’s clothing or appearance is so unusual, inappropriate, or lacking cleanliness that it clearly disrupts the camp, the camper may be required to change his or her dress or appearance. The director will maintain guidelines to assist campers in determining appropriate clothing and appearance for camp - copies will be made available for parents and campers. Items listed below are included in all guidelines and apply to all campers. Reasonable accommodations will be made by the director or director’s designee for those campers who, because 13

of sincerely held religious belief, cultural or medical reason, request a waiver of a particular guideline for clothing or appearance.


DRESS CODE (continued) 1. Clothing must not be disruptive to the camp environment and cannot be provocative, revealing, indecent, vulgar, obscene, or profane. 2. Any outward article of clothing that covers the lower extremities (legs) must not be more than three (3) inches above the top of the knee when a student is in a standing position. This includes, but is not limited to, jeans, pants, shorts, skorts, and slacks. These articles of clothing may not be torn, or contain holes to expose underwear or skin, nor may they be see-through. 3. Pants must be worn on the waist. No sagging pants are allowed. 4. Sleeveless shirts, blouses, and dresses must come up to the armpit. All shirts and blouses must go past the waistline and overlap the pants/shorts/skorts, covering the back with no cut-outs or see through elements. No spaghetti-strap or crop top shirts are permitted. 5. Bathing suits must fit properly and worn only on days that the camper is going swimming, or on an activity day involving water play. Campers must wear clothing over their suits until they arrive at the swimming facility or until their water activity is about to begin. Parents will be notified of these days. 6. Undergarments may not be visible. 7. Proper street footwear is required. No open-toed shoes, heelies, sandals, or crocs. Shoes with laces must be laced, tied, and fit properly. 8. Clothing that promotes gang affiliation, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, the use of a controlled substance, depicts violence, is of a sexual nature, or is of a disruptive nature is prohibited.



We realize that you care about your child(ren) and want to be involved as a parent. We want to keep you informed of your child’s positive accomplishments as well as his/her negative behavior. We hope to be accessible to your questions and suggestions as we value your opinion. Talk with us. WE CARE and look forward to providing both you and your child(ren) a safe and FUN summer! GENERAL RULES • All campers should arrive by 8:00 AM. (No later than 8:15 AM; Campers may arrive as early as 7:30 AM) • Campers are to remain on campus at all times. • Follow ALL City of Atlanta Recreation Center, Park and Pool Rules (Posted at facilities) *Here in the Office of Recreation we follow the Department of Education policy, “A child must be five years old on or before September 1st to enter public Kindergarten”. All sites must verify age before enrollment.


7:30 AM - 8:00 AM 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Group A: 5 & 6 Boys / Girls

Drop Off Breakfast with Campers and Staff CBF Time! Moment of silence, read - aloud, recognition of campers/staff with birthdays or special achievements (Rotation from activities by age groups) Group B: Group C: Group D: 7 & 8 Boys / Girls 9 & 10 Boys / Girls 11 & 12 Boys / Girls

9:30 AM - 10:15 AM 10:20 AM - 10:55 AM 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Activity I Group A Group B Group C

Activity II Group D Group A Group B

Activity III Group C Group D Group A

Activity IV Group B Group C Group D

11:45 AM - 12:00 PM

DEAR TIME (Drop Everything And Read) Group Restroom Break

12:00 PM - 12:55 PM

Lunch with Campers and Staff

1:00 PM - 1:45 PM 1:50 PM - 2:35 PM 2:40 PM - 3:25 PM 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM 4:20 PM - 5:05 PM

5:10 PM - 5:30 PM 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Activity I Group D Activity V Group A Group B Group C Group D

Activity II Group C Activity V Group D Group A Group B Group C

Activity III Activity IV Group B Group A Activity VII Activity VIII Group C Group B Group D Group C Group A Group D Group B Group A

Snack and Group Restroom Break Group Activity / Dismissal Daily Activities may include:

-Integrated Reading -Creative Writing -Recreational Swim - Game Room -Instructional Swim -Computer Instruction -Organized Sports - Golf / Tennis Instruction -Exercise - Arts & Crafts – STEAM - (Martial, Arts – Gymnastics -Cultural (Dance) -Performing Arts (Drama)


CENTERS OF HOPE CAMPER CODE OF CONDUCT All Centers of Hope staff are committed to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for your camper; however, campers are also responsible to assist in these efforts. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their camper understands the guidelines below. You must review and sign this code of conduct! BEHAVIOR 1. Campers must respect each other. 2. Campers will not tease each other for any reason. 3. Campers must respect the property and privacy of others. Campers will refrain from touching others in any harmful or inappropriate way. 4. Campers will not use foul language. 5. Campers will follow directions the first time they are given. Most of our directions are for the safety of campers and second chances may be too late. SAFETY 6. Face masks are optional and to the discretion of participants. 7. Campers must wear closed-toe shoes at all times, except when participating in a water activity. 8. Campers may not leave their assigned group or facility without the permission of the center staff. 9. Campers must pay attention to their surroundings and use care in all activities. 10. Campers will adhere to all safety rules and regulations given for each activity he/she participates in while at the center. 11. Campers are expected to wear appropriate clothing. 19

12. Campers must inform staff if they are experiencing a problem with another camper or other issues. If we are not informed about a problem, we cannot assist the camper. 13. We expect all campers to have FUN at the program but not at the expense of others. 14. Campers may find that the Camp Best Friends Program experience is not for them. Discussing this with staff is better than complaining about their situation with other campers. Please encourage open communication with DPR Staff. 15. Violation of the CODE OF CONDUCT can be grounds for automatic dismissal. Refunds are not given when a student is dismissed for any cause. PARENT / GUARDIAN CODE OF CONDUCT Parents/Guardians are the most important role models for our children. The Camp Best Friends program helps to develop a sense of teamwork, self-worth and character development. As such, parents are expected to abide by the following: 1. Parents are expected to encourage positive behavior by demonstrating appropriate interactions with all campers, staff, volunteers and parents. 2. Parents are expected to place the well-being of campers before their own personal desires and opinions. 3. Parents must promote an environment that is free of drugs, tobacco, alcohol and abusive language, and refrain from their use while on the premises. 4. Parents must encourage their child to abide by the rules and respect the rights of other campers, staff, volunteers and parents.



I have read the CAMPER / PARENT CODE OF CONDUCT. I agree to adhere to all conduct codes to ensure that my experience at Camp Best Friends is a positive one. I understand that failure to adhere to these rules may result in my dismissal from the program. Participant Signature ______________________ Date: _______________

I understand and certify that my child’s participation in Camp Best Friends and its activities is completely voluntary. I have familiarized myself with the program and activities in which my child will be participating. I recognize and have instructed my child in the importance of knowing and abiding by this CODE OF CONDUCT for the safety of all participants. I also affirm that I will abide by parent/guardian code of conduct. Parent/ Guardian’s Signature ________________ Date: _______________


CENTERS OF HOPE CAMP BEST FRIENDS PROGRAM CELL PHONE USE POLICY The Centers of Hope Camp Best Friends Program encourages parents to communicate daily with staff members. We believe this builds a positive relationship that greatly benefits your child. The center’s phone will be made available if campers need to communicate with a parent or guardian; however we ask that participants communicate with staff and obtain permission prior to use. Campers are prohibited from using cell phones to make personal calls, take photographs, or record video at any time while under staff supervision. We believe this policy will encourage optimum participation and discourage harassment or bullying to others, as well as taking or distributing unauthorized photos or recordings of other people. If a camper violates the Cell Phone Use Policy, the center staff shall confiscate the cell phone and secure it in the office. The center will not be responsible, or liable for, the theft, loss, data loss, damage, destruction, misuse or vandalism of any participants’ personal electronic device brought into the facility. *This policy also applies to iPods, iPads, MP3 players, personal laptop computers, tablets, etc.

Camper Name(s):

Parent/ Guardian Signature:







______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________22

FOOD ALLERGY FORM Does your child(ren) have any food allergies? To protect your child(ren), we are asking parents of children with food allergies to fill out this form and return to us prior to their start date. We will keep this form on file and safeguard your child from being offered items he/she should not have. Camper’s Name: _______________________________________________ Food Allergy: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Type of reaction to allergy: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Example of the type of food this particular product is in: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature: ________________________________________ Best Contact Number: ____________________________________ Email Address: __________________________________________


Common Infectious Illnesses From Birth to Age 18 (from Children’ s Health Care of Atlanta)


Common Infectious Illnesses From Birth to Age 18 (from Children’ s Health Care of Atlanta)


Common Infectious Illnesses From Birth to Age 18 (from Children’ s Health Care of Atlanta)


CITY OF ATLANTA Office of Recreation Centers of Hope Camp Best Friends Program PARENT HANDBOOK RECEIPT FORM I have received a copy of the Camp Best Friends Program 2022 Parent Handbook.

Camper Name _________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Parent/ Guardian’s Signature ________________________________ Date: ______________________



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