An Eye on the Future

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AN EYE ON THE FUTURE Atlanta Dental builds on its 150 year heritage with a forward-thinking approach to supporting dentistry. Atlanta Dental (Duluth, Ga.) may have a 150-year history, but its heart is in the present and its eyes are on the future. “We are a company that still has ground floor opportunities,” says Tom Richardson, president. “We are growing and plan to add experienced professionals that desire an environment where they can serve their customers at the highest level, with the support of the company behind them. We are a company with very strong field representation and an in-side team that supports both our customers and our territory managers.” Visitors new to Atlanta Dental are likely to come away with a much different perception of the company than they expected. “They might anticipate that a 150-year-old company is too traditional and stands only on its longevity,” says Gary Kirkus, CEO. “But, that changes as soon as they walk into the building and meet our professional team. They can see we are technology focused, with an efficient, modern facility.” Kirkus, Richardson and their staff of 187 (including 53 territory managers and eight equipment specialists) have a passion for products and services that support the dentist in both the clinical and business areas of the practice. “We have made it our commitment to do everything we can to help our customers improve

and protect their practices,” Kirkus points out. Supporting Customers Across The Board If anything has stayed the same at Atlanta Dental in the past centuryand-a-half, it’s the company’s mission, according to Richardson. The distributor places a premium on respect, customer focus and teamwork. “Atlanta Dental emphasizes accountability for its performance,” he says. At the same time, “the company depends on a sense of innovation. This means always seeking new and better ways to meet the needs of the private practice during challenging times.” “This is our motivation for developing and introducing PracticeLife at the

Reprinted with revisions to format, from the August 2018 edition of First Impressions Magazine,


Dental Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2018

“This is a company that believes in its commitment to the advancement of dentistry. Part of our heritage includes continuing the positive traditions of our company that are timeless. Relationships matter.” Gary Kirkus, CEO

Featured Article Hinman this year,” says Kirkus. “It gives our team the opportunity to bring more value through a network of partnerships and services designed to help manage, grow and protect our customer’s practice. Our sales team is known for assisting with inventory control, supply audits and a focus on overhead reduction.”

Atlanta Dental Festivities

“We also want to share ideas for increasing profitability and avoiding monetary loss,” adds Richardson. That said, Atlanta Dental blends services, new products/technology and on-line ordering with personal face-to-face service. “When our customers call or walk in our front door, they are greeted by a receptionist, not a recording,” says Kirkus. “We still call on our customers regularly to support their success and assist with areas of their practice where we can make a difference.” “Our service, technology and installation teams are the best,” says Richardson. “Our response times are fast, and we can assist an office with virtually any need that arises. From installation and training on a cone beam system, to a leaky syringe and everything in between, our trained technical team excels.”

ADS is 100% employee owned. Hinman 2018

realize that the online answers don’t work in their practice. They need someone knowledgeable to help review their findings before making a final decision. I don’t think that need ever will change. ” The advent of “Our service, technology and technologies such as cone beam, digital impressions, CAD CAM, and installation teams are the best. 3D printing “heralds a new era in Our response times are fast, dentistry,” he notes.

and we can assist an office with virtually any need that arises. From installation and training on a cone beam system, to a leaky syringe and everything in between, our trained technical team excels.”

“Every visit or call with the dentist or their team is an opportunity to make a good impression,” says Kirkus. It helps that their sales team does not have a preconceived notion of what each dentist needs, he points out. They understand the importance of communicating with each office to assess their needs, in order to make proper recommendations that will serve them down the road. Particularly, as technology continues to advance, dentists will rely on their distributor reps for consultative services, he notes. “ A trusting relationship between our reps and their customers is becoming even more important,” he says. “We understand that dentists do a lot of their own research online, ” Richardson explains. “But, they often

“More than ever, dentists today need someone they can trust to help them navigate new advancements,” says Richardson. “They need someone who will clearly tell them what their total investment will be and show them a realistic ROI. We don’t assume that all offices need to own a mill, even though we see the convenience, accuracy and patient-acceptance of digital scanning. The best option for many offices is to send their scans to the same lab they have trusted with traditional impressions. We still offer a great milling solution utilizing eMax from Ivoclar, as well as other materials. The decision needs to be based on preparedness and understanding and cannot be assumed.” Atlanta Dental supports an extensive range of products, notes Kirkus. “We are very fortunate to represent nearly every major vendor,” he says. “We do not dictate product selection to our customers.

Fourth Quarter 2018 | Dental Explorer


Featured Article We have options for every need and ensure the manufacturers we promote will assist us in backing up the recommendations we make. We are committed to doing everything we can to help make every customers’ investment a success.” Not A Family Business Atlanta Dental may consider its employees a family of sorts, but family-owned it is not. “We are a privatelyheld, 100 percent employee-owned company,” says Kirkus. “We have 31 stock holders, and employees must work actively within the company in order to own stock.” The company was founded in 1868 by Samuel Hape, a dentist who graduated from dental school when Abraham Lincoln was president. After opening a new dental practice in Atlanta, Georgia, he quickly recognized the city’s need for a dental supply company and started The Atlanta Dental Supply Company. He eventually was joined in business by Dr. Robert Holliday, a cousin of the infamous “Doc” Holliday.

“Part of our success is helping our reps stay up to date on all that we have to offer,” says Kirkus. To accomplish this, the company: • Conducts regular sales meetings, bringing in manufacturers and partners to keep the team current on the latest products, technology and services.

“We understand that dentists do a lot of their own research online. But, they often realize that the online answers don’t work in their practice. They need someone knowledgeable to help review their findings before making a final decision.” – Tom Richardson, President

Since its early days, the company has transitioned ownership to successive generations, with a commitment to remaining privately owned. “Our mission now is preparing the next generation of those who will own Atlanta Dental, keep it independent and not sell it to another company,” says Kirkus.

Business As Usual Atlanta Dental continues to focus on its relationships, with its customers, and also with its manufacturer partners and its employees. In fact, when hiring new team members, Kirkus and Richardson look for people who value relationships, making it easier for them to blend with their team. “Atlanta Dental does not consider sales reps solely based on their ability to sell,” says Richardson. “We look for relationship-focused reps who will care about our customers and help the dental office make purchases that meet their needs


and budget, as well as avoid making unnecessary purchases. These relationships aren’t built overnight. They require patience and persistence. “We look for a strong work ethic, ” Richardson continues. “We need reps who are available when the dentist needs them, whether it is 6 a.m. or 7 p.m. Our reps maintain a strong focus on doing what is right, in order to satisfy the need of a customer.”

Dental Explorer | Fourth Quarter 2018

• Provides a team of equipment and technical specialists who are available to support sales reps and their customers. (“One of our strengths is the technical service support we offer dentists,” says Kirkus.) • Meets regularly with manufacturer partners to stay informed with their new products and programs.

Kirkus and Richardson express gratitude for the growth Atlanta Dental continues to experience and for the attention its 150th anniversary has drawn. That said, they remain focused on the future, including opportunities to bring more value to the dental offices they serve. “This is a company that believes in its commitment to the advancement of dentistry” says Kirkus. “Part of our heritage includes continuing the positive traditions of our company that are timeless. Relationships matter.” Celebrating



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