SIMCHAS Zoom Mitzvah By Roni Robbins
was sure we could figure out something meaningful.” The tongue-in-cheek email invitaDespite the global health crisis, the Lipson family refused to postpone 12-year- tion, alone, was enough to elicit a chuckle old Rory’s bat mitzvah. While not the des- from those invited, while it set the mood tination bat mitzvah originally planned, for the event. “Please wear bright, spring they got creative to make those attending colors. Think of this as the dress code for by Zoom videoconferencing April 6 feel as the event. Please download the Zoom app if they were attending a synagogue service on the device you plan on using to parinstead of watching a well-dressed family ticipate in the service … Think of this step orchestrate the coming-of-age ceremony as mapping out the directions to a new synagogue. Please join this Zoom link at in their Toco Hills foyer. “I thought I’d have Jerusalem stone around 10:50 a.m. ET. You will be placed as the backdrop,” said Rory’s Mom, Les- into a virtual waiting room until right lie. Rory’s bat mitzvah was supposed to before 11 a.m. ET. Think of this as getting be in Israel with 18 people. When the to the service early enough to get a good Jewish state began restricting visitors, re- seat or find parking.” There are similar instructions for quiring them to be in quarantine for two weeks upon arrival into the country, the muting and unmuting (synagogue etiLipsons cancelled those plans. Next, they quette), the downloadable guide (siddur), considered a bat mitzvah on Amelia Is- request to take selfies (roving photographer) and use land, Fla., where the chat functhe family had tion to leave vacationed bemessages for fore. Social disRory (signing a tancing rules guest book or prevented that signing board). from happening What those either, so they who tuned into resigned themthe Zoom cerselves to continThe Lipson family set up a makeshift bimah in their foyer flanked by floral arrangements and emony saw was ue the ceremony got dressed up for the occasion. They asked guests the family of in their home attending via Zoom to wear bright, spring colors. four – Rory, Les– with a little inlie, Aaron and Karen – dressed in their genuity. Postponing the event was not an op- synagogue finest, at a table with a raised tion, Leslie Lipson said. “Part of it is our platform flanked by floral arrangements. religious belief that when it’s the 12th It was a scene similar to what you might birthday for a girl or 13th for a boy you see on the bimah for a traditional bat are a bar or bat mitzvah. Also I wanted mitzvah. “We were going for a more to teach our kids that it’s not an obliga- formal look, not just FaceTiming on the tion or opportunity to put off. We don’t couch having a bat mitzvah,” Leslie said. By setting the scene through the know what the future holds,” she said. “I
Rabbi Adam Starr of Congregation Ohr HaTorah gave a d’var Torah at the end of the service.
email invitation, not just a 10-minute video, she hoped the guests felt like they were really attending the ceremony. “This is the dress code, parking, getting a siddur, … the goal was to enhance the experience by making it analogous to a synagogue service.” In addition, the family added a few prayers appropriate for the times about unity, health, hope, doubt and remaining positive during a pandemic. Leslie said she received comments about the Zoom bat mitzvah afterwards that the ceremony was “what the community needed.” And “it changed the outlook on a COVID Monday.” Unlike a traditional bat mitzvah, the technology allowed a more personal connection with guests. At the end of the service, Rabbi Adam Starr of the family’s synagogogue, Congregation Ohr HaTorah, offered a d’var Torah and guests
could give a blessing for Rory. “I was disappointed at first,” Rory said last week, a few days after the ceremony. “I really wanted to celebrate with family and friends and read from the Torah. It wasn’t the same” having a ceremony in her home, she said. But she felt greatly supported by the more than 200 people who witnessed her reading her Torah portion, while not from the physical Torah. “I really thought it was a meaningful experience,” she said. And she’s looking forward to having a party in 2021 with her friends and family. Of coronavirus, preventing her from experiencing Israel over spring break and having a more traditional bat mitzvah, she said, “It’s pretty disappointing, but we are making the best of it. It still brings me joy to have quality family time and I try to call all my friends twice a day. They are supportive and kind.” ì
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