No. 7 February 15 The Atlanta Jewish Times

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plugging Palestine? PAGE 5

habima theatre does “grease” PAGE 11


february 15, 2013 – february 21, 2013


Who is “alphabet” Browne? PAGE 17


5 adar – 11 adar 5773 vOL. LXXXVIII NO. 7

THE Weekly Newspaper Uniting the Jewish Community for Over 85 Years

Never Too Late


Ner Tamid Congregants Realize A Dream, Pg. 18


FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013



Israeli Pride

GOOD NEWS MADE IN THE JEWISH STATE THIS PAST WEEK THE WATER CRISIS IS OVER. Israel’s Water Authority has officially declared the national water crisis to be over. Heavy winter rain and snow this year, combined with increased desalination efforts and conservatory behavior on the part of the public, have brought the Sea of Galilee to within two meters (six feet) of its capacity. FOREIGN CURRENCY RESERVES REACH RECORD LEVELS. Israel’s foreign exchange reserves stood at a record $78.417 billion at the end of January 2013 – a rise of $2.511 billion from their level at the end of December 2012. The previous all-time record of $78.078 billion was recorded in August 2011.

minals (for satellite connectivity) in support of the Mexican government’s initiative to provide thousands of rural classrooms and government offices with Internet connectivity. TWO ISRAELI GOLD MEDALS WON AT WORLD JUDO CHAMPIONSHIPS. Israel’s judo team has won two gold medals and a bronze in the World Judo Championship games being held in Tbilisi, Georgia. Ori Sasson won gold in the 100 kilo

and under. Sagi Muki won gold in the under 73kg event. ISRAEL SHOWS OFF ITS WINE. More than 45 Israeli wineries took part in the second annual Wine Seven Two kosher wine exhibition in Jerusalem. The expo included cooking classes, discount shopping and – of course – tastings of both food and drink.

GOOD NEWS FOR INFERTILE COUPLES. A research team from Israel’s Technion has produced human eggs using cells from the amniotic sac that surrounds a baby in the womb. Experts believe that donation of the amniotic sac will be more acceptable than egg donations from fertile women. This list courtesy Michael Ordman and

BREATH TEST FOR CANCER TO GO INTO PRODUCTION. The eNose early diagnostic breath test for lung cancer, developed by Technion Professor Hossam Haick, is to go commercial. The Institute has announced a joint venture with Alpha Szenszor, Inc., to produce this economically viable, non-invasive, digital screening tool. ARMY SAVES LIFE OF 13-YEAR-OLD PALESTINIAN ARAB. On Feb. 10, an IDF medical team saved the life of a 13-year-old Palestinian Authority dialysis patient whose life was in danger due pulmonary edema. He was transferred to the Meyer Children’s Hospital in Haifa, which specializes in pediatric nephrology dialysis.

PLANS MADE FOR THE WORLD’S MOST ECO-FRIENDLY BRIDGE. Each year, the world dumps 800,000 aging maritime shipping containers. Israel is building the first-ever bridge from recycled containers to link the Ariel Sharon Environment Park at Hiriya with the main thoroughfare leading to Tel Aviv. The bridge even has solar-powered lighting. BROADBAND MADE AVAILABLE FOR MEXICAN SCHOOLCHILDREN. Israeli communications company Gilat has won a contract to supply over 7,000 SkyEdge very-small-aperture ter-

FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013

WORLD HEALTH ORG RECOGNIZES ISRAEL’S HUMANITY. According to a 2012 World Health Organization (WHO) report, Israel approved 91.5 percent of Palestinian applications from Gaza to receive medical care in Israel proper, while an additional 7.2 percent were approved pending a security check. In total, 210,469 Palestinians received medical treatment in Israel in 2012.



from the editor



udaism isn’t a religion of nuance. It’s filled with ancient rituals, prayers and detailed laws that govern every wak-

ing moment in the lives of the faithful. Observant Jews thank G-d for waking them in the morning and returning their souls to them after a good night’s rest. Many spend their

days in prayer and study, then whisper the Shema, the seminal statement of belief for Jews that “G-d is One,” as they slip off to sleep. It’s all heady stuff for those who believe, a system that offers up structure, rules and peace of mind. Truth to tell, however, only a fraction of the 13 million Jews around these days – 6 million in the U.S., 6 million in Israel and another million or so spread around the globe – actually live such a life. Most Jews don’t know the difference between the Amidah and an amoeba, see nothing wrong with enjoying a milkshake with their, um, cheeseburger and aren’t sure if Magen David is for drinking or wearing! I’d quickly add at this point that I offer this intro only to provide context to the little story below. It would take a book – well, actually, several books – to detail what it really means to be Jewish and how religion and faith are only a small part of the franchise. A friend recently back from Israel told me he attended Shabbat services at a Masorti synagogue in Tel Aviv, where he was the guest of a relative who had made aliyah years earlier. My friend – really an acquaintance – is Jewish and loves all things connected with the Jewish homeland, but he has only a passing familiarity with the religion of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

sand before dipping their tootsies in a bowl of water. Nudged along by his cousin, my friend followed the lead of other members of the synagogue, unaware that he was in fact being toyed with and that the ritual he was taking part in was actually an elaborate joke. It was, as they say, all in good fun. Members of the small congregation had a little laugh, and my friend was a little embarrassed but immediately embraced as a “good sport” and welcomed by everyone. I initially thought the entire episode absurd and continued to wait for an additional punch line, thinking that perhaps my friend was toying with me. Then I recalled a story my rabbi – the guy with the white beard who likes to tell jokes from the bimah – shared years earlier. Our synagogue in East Cobb was being expanded, and the power had been shut off on one side of the main sanctuary during Shabbat services. Asked by several congregants why there were no lights in that area, the rabbi offered up a totally bogus explanation having to do with some sort of esoteric ritual – after weeks in the Judean desert, the Children of Israel cried out to G-d to hide the sun and, miracle of miracles, the orb grew dark.

FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013

“This is the lesson I’m providing this Shabbat: Always keep your shoes on when attending Jewish services, and make sure you bring along your sense of humor when entering a synagogue.”


So it was that when he entered shul and was asked to take off his shoes, he thought the request a bit odd, but wasn’t at all certain about the local customs. His relative explained that on this very special Shabbat, Jews around the world were celebrating the miraculous deliverance of the Children of Israel from Egyptian captivity and, to commemorate the crossing of the Red Sea, congregants remove their shoes and socks, then walk across a bit of

So, the rabbi added, on this special Shabbat, we dim the lights… well, you get the idea. This, then, is the lesson I’m providing this Shabbat: Always keep your shoes on when attending Jewish services, and make sure you bring along your sense of humor when entering a synagogue. Of course, don’t hesitate to wrap a leather strap around your arm and head during morning prayers. But that’s a topic for another day.


from our readers

Plugging Pro-Palestinian Film? Dear Editor: It was curious that the Atlanta Jewish Times gave such an uncritical plug for the movie “My Neighbourhood� and the subsequent discussion with Daniel Seidemann and Suhad Babaa. The article described Seidemann as the “world’s leading expert on geopolitical Jerusalem.� He certainly is a popular pundit for anti-Israel NGOs and for Al Jazeera and other anti-Israel news media, where his constant castigation of Israel is welcome. No doubt this makes him their favorite “world expert.� The movie has a simplistic message: of evil Israeli settlers, suffering Palestinians and a few “good Israelis� who are fighting reprehensible Israeli policies. It fits well into a Palestinian narrative that seeks to delegitimize Israel. You won’t find much mention there that Jews formed a majority in the Old City of Jerusalem (now called Arab East Jerusalem) from the 1840s, when a census was first taken, until the 1920s. Most of the Jews were driven out of the Old City by Arab attackers in the ‘20s. Nor will you find any mention of the real core issue in the Arab-Israeli conflict: not “settlements,� but Arab refusal to accept a permanent Israel, behind any boundaries. If “My Neighbourhood� was screened as part of a broader discussion that also told of 65 years of Arab hostility to Israel’s mere existence, it might be appropriate. If there was mention of the plight of Jews in Jerusalem under Ottoman rule, and of the history of Jewish refugees from Arab countries, it might be fair. Unfortunately, that context is invariably omitted. [Furthermore], alongside this article is another in which we are told “Jews and Arabs lived together in relative harmony for centuries.� This is a myth much-beloved in academe in the U.S. and Europe – namely, that before Israel and Zionism, Jews and Arabs got along. There were some periods of enlightenment under Arab and Ottoman rule. However, the dominant experience of Jews was of oppression. Their dhimmi status involved restrictions on clothing, domicile and employment that make Apartheid look tame. The periodic pogroms are well-documented in books such as Sir Martin Gilbert’s “In Ishmael’s House� and Dr. Andrew Bostom’s “The Legacy of Islamic Anti-Semitism.� No less a figure than Moses Maimonides, who fled Spain because of Muslim (not Christian) persecution, lamented that no group of people had ever persecuted the Jews as much as did Arab Muslims.

Because you’ve had enough gefilte fish.

It is important to remember the broader context, especially at a time when the Palestinian Authority and the Arab world is far more intent on political warfare than peace.

FEBRUARY 15 â–Ş 2013

Sincerely, Prof. Doron Lubinsky Atlanta



chana’s corner


phones; however, newfangled “record players” were supposed to play them, as well.


When my father received word that my mother had given birth, he made use of a World War II portable recording booth to send a message to his wife and new baby; it ended (as did all his letters) in “Love, love, love, love and kisses.”

AJT Columnist

y mother was pregnant with me when my father was drafted to serve in World War II. During his Navy service, my mother moved into her parents’ house, and everyone sat around the kitchen table reading and re-reading the long letters my father and uncles sent home. One time, though, my father sent something different. Around the time of World War I, record-making entrepreneurs set up portable recording equipment at large gatherings. As a perk to WWI servicemen, these makeshift studios recorded messages for home. In the following years, the recording devices were improved upon, taken to world fairs and other exhibitions and eventually offered to soldiers during WWII. The original “records” were designed for gramo-

It was a funny little record, made out of something like thick plastic, probably celluloid. It was dark gray, about five inches in diameter, with a yellow label, and packed in heavy khaki-colored double cardboard. The address was handwritten by my father. The first – and only – time I saw that record was when my mother found it during one of my family’s many moves. I was in second grade, interested only in the present, but my mother was determined to time travel back seven or eight years. She wanted to listen to the record with me because I was the reason for

its existence. She put it on our record player, waiting for my reaction. I tried hard, but I couldn’t understand the words, blurred by scratchy background noise, poor amplification and rudimentary equipment. I learned that the record was a family treasure, though its contents remained buried. I asked my mother to tell me what my father was saying, and she admitted that she’d never understood his message, either, but had never told him. Our family moved a few more times after that, and the record remained packed away with old family books and other prized souvenirs. It was just as well. I thought that if my father had come upon the record and played it, he’d have known that his message was indecipherable. After my father died, my mother went through their possessions and rediscovered the recording. She told my sister and brother about it but never played it because we’d be unable to understand it. Thus, it remained a family mystery. Eventually, my mother moved to Atlanta, bringing the container of mementos, including the record, with her. When she passed away, the box of keepsakes made its way to our house. A few years later, we renovated our home, and we moved boxes, including the one from my mother, to the storage area of our daughter Rachel’s house. I hadn’t laid eyes on the record since that one time when I was seven years old, but Rachel and I knew where it was. The Plot Thickens

FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013

My sister’s daughter, Cindy, is a college student. She “accidentally” registered for the class “The Early History of Media,” in which her professor assigned her the topic of gramophone recording and its users (World Fairs, would-be musicians, soldiers).


Thus, Cindy learned about the pop-up recording booths. She read that special records were created in those stalls and asked her older brother, Joe, who is working on his Ph.D. in media, if he knew about those early records.

“We have one!” he laughed.

He remembered seeing just such a record when he was in Atlanta

10 years earlier. During a visit this year, our daughter Rachel gave the record to Joe, and Joe turned it over to Cindy. Cindy showed it to her professor, who’s a maven of the latest media technology. Our whole family was caught up in the excitement of just possibly hearing the words of our father (or grandfather, or great-grandfather) from that unique time and place, and at such an emotional moment in his life. Would modern technology unlock his words? I got an email from my sister that Cindy’s professor was able to do it, and Cindy, who’d never met her grandfather, heard it. My sister asked Cindy if it sounded like Grandpa. “I don’t know,” Cindy answered, “because Grandpa died before I was born. But it ends in ‘Love, love, love, love and kisses.’” Copies are now being made for my siblings and me. Soon we’ll know if it really sounds like my father, but it’ll be especially poignant for me. After all, my birth is the reason my father made that record. Buoyed by his success and our story, Cindy’s professor encouraged her to use the record as a springboard to find out more about her grandfather, a member of the “Greatest Generation.” My siblings and I are putting together stories about our post-Depression father, both in and out of uniform, for this purpose. I fantasize about my parents’ imagined reactions to our delving into the past, were they here today. My mother would be proud that the family remembered and located the recording. She’d listen to it over and over, teary-eyed, finally hearing her husband saying, “Love, love, love, love and kisses.” And my father? He’d look up from his crossword puzzle, wondering what the big deal was, after all these years. I, who have been roundly criticized for hoarding worthless family relics, offer a bit of unsolicited advice: Dear Reader, in the future, be very mindful when you clean out your attic! Chana Shapiro is an educator, writer, editor and illustrator whose work has appeared in journals, newspapers and magazines.


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The Atlanta Jewish Times Established 1925 as The Southern Israelite 270 Carpenter Drive, Suite 320, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Phone: (404) 883-2130 THE ATLANTA JEWISH TIMES (ISSN# 0892-33451) IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY ZADOK PUBLISHING, LLC 270 Carpenter Drive, Suite 320, ATLANTA, GA 30328 ©COPYRIGHT 2012 ATLANTA JEWISH TIMES MEMBER AMERICAN-ISRAELI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Please send all photos, stories and editorial content to:

FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013

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from the jcrc

Find Out What’s Hot, What’s Not at Georgia General Assembly JCRC HOSTS OPEN MEETING ON FEB. 25 BY HAROLD KIRTZ

AJT Contributor

T pate.

o be part of the discussion, you have to show up. To have an impact in the public arena, you have to partici-

That is the heart of advocacy, and advocacy is one of the major themes of the Jewish Community Relations

Council of Atlanta (JCRC). We strive to assist the Jewish community in participating effectively in the public square on issues of shared concern. The Georgia state legislative session is underway at the State Capitol. This legislative session is a short one; it began in mid-January and is expected to be concluded by midApril.

Up-to-the-minute news of what is

happening and exciting perspectives on the hot issues of the session will be the major focus at the next JCRC meeting. The entire community is invited to attend on Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. at the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta building (1440 Spring St.). Hear what representatives of many of Atlanta’s Jewish organizations and congregations have to say. There is no cost to attend, parking is

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We will begin the program with a panel of distinguished state legislators who will inform the community of what is happening under the Gold Dome. Republican Senators Renee Unterman and Josh McKoon and Representative Mike Jacobs, as well as Democratic Representatives Stacey Abrams, Michelle Henson and Virgil Fludd will offer their views on their top legislative priorities. This diverse and exciting panel will address the key issues being debated and decided this session, including: juvenile justice reform; human sex trafficking; guns in synagogues and schools; budget cuts affecting education, healthcare and social services; implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the proposal to expand Medicaid to cover more uninsured Georgians; charter schools; HOPE scholarship funding; publicly funded scholarships for private school education; ethics; changes to MARTA governance and funding, ballot access for voters; and more. The panel will be moderated by JCRC President and local attorney and lobbyist Elizabeth Appley. A 20year veteran of the capitol, Appley represents non-profit organizations on access to healthcare, funding for health and social services, and economic justice issues. The panel will be followed by several Jewish communal organizations – including Hadassah, JFGA, the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), TzedekGeorgia and Jewish Family and Career Services (JF&CS) – presenting their 2013 legislative priorities. Finally, JCRC members will vote on national resolutions addressing fair pay, same sex relationships and preventing mass violence to be taken up at the March 9-12 Plenum of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs in Washington, D.C. The Atlanta JCRC is one of 125 local Community Relations Councils from across the country that will be attending the Plenum. The national president of the JCPA this year is Atlanta’s own Larry Gold.




available and free and light refreshments will be served.

Harold Kirtz is past president of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Atlanta.


100 Years of the Ben Massell Dental Clinic DR. EMILE FISHER, 60-YEAR VOLUNTEER, HONORED STAFF REPORT


ore than 260 people took part in a recent celebration of the Ben Massell Dental Clinic (BMDC), honoring 100 years of service to the community.

the midtown Atlanta BMDC provides the area’s working poor and indigent populations with comprehensive dental as well as physical and mental health services. “As the Clinic turns 100 years old, it is truly an honor for me to be part of it,” said Gary Miller, CEO of JF&CS. “It gives me a great deal of satisfaction knowing we’re helping so many people with basic oral health care and with their overall healthcare as well.”

The event, held at the Defoor Centre in Atlanta on Jan. 12, featured comedian Pete Dominick, was cochaired by Ellen Chalef and Billie Greenberg and raised more than Dr. Emile Fisher happily accepts an $130,000 for the award presented to him in honor Clinic. Cathy Selig, of his service at the Ben Massell granddaughter of Dental Clinic. the late Ben Massell, and Dr. Ronnie Goldstein, whose family was pivotal in sustaining the clinic in its early years, also took part in the program.

BMDC has been called one of the “Crown Jewels” of Atlanta. “I am deeply grateful for your hard work and commitment to serving the members of our community who cannot afford dental care,” U.S. Rep. John Lewis said in a letter sent in honor of the anniversary.“Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that injustice in healthcare was the most shocking and inhumane form of inequality.”

The highlight of the event was a Event co-chairs Ellen Chalef tribute to Dr. Emile and Billie Greenberg raise their Fisher. For more glasses of “Fisher Fizz” to the than 60 years, the honoree. periodontist has PHOTOS/courtesy JF&CS volunteered at the dental clinic. Born to immigrant parents from Leba- What began as the Morris Hirsch non, Dr. Fisher, now 89, put himself Clinic providing emergency healththrough college and went on to at- care as well as dental care to anytend dental school with the help of one who needed it has evolved into a state-of-the-art dental clinic serving scholarships. an underprivileged population in the Today, he in turn has helped put metro area. The 150 dentists servhundreds of students through dental ing the clinic come from a variety of schools in the years since he gradubackgrounds and faiths and cover all ated and began practicing dentistry. the major dental specialties. In addition to the scholarships that bear his name, he has contributed to The generosity of the volunteer other scholarships and helped cre- dentists and donors make it possible ate an endowment to aid underprivi- for BMDC to continue to serve the leged students wanting to become community. In the four years since the clinic relocated to a state-of-thedentists. art facility at 700 14th Street, de “Dr. Fisher is an exemplar of sermand for appointments has soared. vice and compassion,” said Keith Kirshner, director of BMDC. “He was Today, under the leadership of the first specialist to start volunteer- Kirshner and Dr. David Zelby, the ing at the clinic. He treated each of clinic’s chief of staff, BMDC provides his patients with great care and im- upwards of $3 million in services. proved the lives of thousands of At- In addition to the range of specialty dental services, the Clinic offers welllantans.” ness screenings, eye care and mental A program of Jewish Family & health therapy. Career Services of Atlanta (JF&CS),



ve Bogan, director of JF&CS’ Developmental Disabilities – Tools for Independence division, has recently been named to the Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council of Georgia’s Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD).

and are cost-effective. At the same time, she will help develop recommendations for improving existing programs as well as working on new ones. “I am thrilled at the collaborative direction of the department and the opportunity to work with self-advocates, family members, providers and advocacy organizations to effect needed change,” said Bogan. “We know Rome was not built in a day, and it will take some time to address all the issues that have been identified.”

DBHDD provides treatment and support services to people with Created by the Governor and mental illnesses and adthe General Assembly in 2009, dictive diseases as well Eve Bogan DBHDD is responsible for as those with developmost of the activities that were mental disabilities. As a undertaken by the Division of member of the DD Advisory CounMental Health, Developmental Discil, she will serve two years and be abilities and Addictive Diseases. responsible for advising DBHDD on matters relating to the care and ser- The Department provides and vice of those served by the depart- oversees community-based services ment. across the state. In 2010, more than Specifically, she will work with 164,000 people – including 19,000 others on the committee to ensure with developmental disabilities and services adhere to best practices most uninsured or on Medicaid – were assisted by DBHDD.

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FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013


JF&CS Developmental Disabilities Division Director Honored



from the jcc



he Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta (MJCCA) is introduces several new and innovative day camps to be added to the more than 100 choices already offered to children ages 5 to 14. Selections debuting this summer are: Aerial & Acrobatics; Archeology Rocks; Atlanta Hawks Basketball; Chess Camp; CIA Fusion; Fencing; Hollywood Bound; Intro to Graffiti Art; Junk Art; Meteorology Camp; Need for Speed Travel; Painting Frenzy; Sports Broadcasting; Spy Camp; Video Game Builders; and Water Wipeout. “MJCCA Day Camps offer Atlanta families the most enriching Jewish day camping experience in the South, with more than 100 options,” Meryl Rindsberg, Day Camp Operations Director said. “Our campers get to explore, pursue, and enjoy their every interest and passion while establishing lifelong friendships and lasting memories.


r. Shelley Buxbaum, the MJCCA’s Director of the Lisa F. Brill Institute for Jewish Learning and the Florence Melton Adult School of Jewish Learning, was honored at the 18th-Annual Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning International Directors Conference with a new award for Excellence in Recruitment in recognition of her leadership and best practices in this field. “Shelley’s amazing energy and her commitment to adult learning set the bar very high for all of us,” Melton CEO Judy Mars Kupchan said. “The relationship she has built in the community with congregations and day schools beyond the walls of the JCC offers a model for Melton in every community.” The Melton School, a project of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, is found in 48 communities globally. The MJCCA has sponsored Melton’s high-quality adult learning for 15 years; provides classes from the Melton Scholars Curriculum for graduates as well as Foundations of Jewish Family Living, a tailor-made course for parents raising Jewish children; and has seen more than 1,600 students graduate from the program.

“[And] now that families can register online, from anywhere, the component of ease has just been added.” Editor’s note: Visit for a full list of day camp options or to register.

Editor’s note: For more on the Brill Institute or Melton School at the MJCCA, contact Shelley Buxbaum via (678) 812-4152 or shelley.buxbaum@atlantajcc. org. For a complete schedule of classes, visit

Feiler Divulges “Secrets of Happy Families”

Weinstein Center Celebrates 30 Years, Gunter’s Honor

From the MJCCA For the Atlanta Jewish Times


n Thurs., Feb. 28 at 7:30 p.m., the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta (MJCCA) is pleased to welcome back New York Times best-selling author Bruce Feiler, a columnist on contemporary families.

He will speak on his latest book, “The Secret of Happy Families: Improve Your Mornings, Rethink Family Dinner, Fight Smarter, Go Out and Play, and Much More,” which combines cutting-edge science with novel techniques that leading figures in business, sports, technology and the military use with their own families. Smart, funny, and fresh, this book will forever change how your family lives every day.

FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013


The annual International Directors Conference brings directors from the U.S., Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and South Africa together in Israel to focus on professional development, sharing best practices and growing Jewishly. This year’s conference theme, “The Changing Jewish Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities,” featured workshops and networking designed to support the growth and sustainability of Melton schools, as well as memorable presentations by rabbis and scholars.



MJCCA’s Buxbaum Receives International Award

When Feiler found himself squeezed between caring for aging parents and raising children, he set out on a three-year journey to find the best ideas and solutions to make all his loved ones happier. But instead of the usual psychologists and family “experts,” he sought out the most creative minds – from Silicon Valley to the country’s top negotiators, from the set of “Modern Family” to the Green Berets – and asked what team-building exercises and problem-solving techniques they use with their families. Editor’s note: The event – a “Page from the Book Festival” engagement – will be held at the MJCCA’s Zaban Park facility on Tilly Mill Road. Tickets are available online at or by calling the MJCCA Box Office at (678) 812-4005.



easons to celebrate come in pairs from the Weinstein Center for Adult Day Services. This year marks the Center’s 30th anniversary of providing quality care adult day programming to individuals who may have physical limitations and/or memory loss; and, what’s more, Center director Georgia Gunter has been named to the National LeadingAge task force for Adult Day Centers. When program began in 1982, it only served a few people; now, more than 65 people, coming from 5 different counties in Atlanta, attend every day. The Center has also become part of LeadingAge – an association of 6,000 non-profit organizations dedicated to making America a better place to grow old – for which Gunter will serve an important role. “We are so proud that Georgia will represent the MJCCA’s Weinstein Center on the LeadingAge Task Force,” Gail Luxenberg, CEO of the MJCCA said. “She will undoubtedly bring new initiatives back to our Weinstein Center helping us to further advance the ‘person-centered’ services we provide to older Atlantans.” Gunter, who has been with the Center for 22 years, also serves as president of the Georgia Adult Day Care Association. In 2009, she received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the Gerontology Institute at Georgia State University in recognition of her outstanding contributions and significant leadership as a professional working in adult day care. Editor’s note: For information about the Weinstein Center, call (678) 812-4000 or visit


from the jcc

Jerry’s Habima Theatre Celebrates 20 Years with “Grease: The School Version” MJCCA HOSTS GEORGIA’S ONLY THEATRICAL COMPANY FOR ACTORS WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES From the MJCCA For the Atlanta Jewish Times

The company, recently featured in “American Theatre Magazine,” was the 2007 recipient of the Spirit of Suzi Bass Award for its long-term contribution to professionalism in Atlanta theater. As a founding chair, Saba Silverman has keen insight on the impact Jerry’s Habima Theatre has made.

“Habima makes people want to look at their own lives and remember what is truly important – community and supporting one another regardless of differences,” Silverman said. “And the great music from ‘Grease’ is just the way to celebrate!”

Editor’s note: All productions will be held at the MJCCA’s Morris & Rae Frank Theater, part of the Zaban Park facilities on Tilly Mill Rd. Visit for a full list of showtimes and ticket purchase options.

The participants of this special theater company achieve new levels of self-confidence, motivation and socialization from the intensive threemonth process of rehearsals and performances. The unique program provides a wonderful opportunity for developing new skills through a meaningful theater experience.

“Unless “ W h a t you have makes me been a so proud part of this of Jerry’s remarkHabima able the- “Grease” stars Josh Howland (left) as Danny and Bess T h e a t r e ater over Winebarger as Sandy. is that it the past 20 PHOTO/ provides a years, it is safe place hard to unfor self-exderstand pression, the magnitude of emotions that allowing people to be themselves and are felt by the actors, their families come alive on stage, without the fear and the audiences,” Silverman said. of not being accepted,” Lois Blonder, “Twenty years ago, I had to beg my benefactor of the program in memfriends to come and donate some ory of her husband, Jerry Blonder. money to support the show, and now “[And] ‘Grease’ definitely is ‘the one Habima is a nationally-acclaimed, that I want’ to showcase the 20th annual event that is a ‘go-to’ for At- season. lanta audiences. “It gives me such joy to see how far “It has gone beyond my wildest this theater has come and to witness dreams, and I am so amazed and all of the lives that have been deeply awed each time I see a performance. touched by it,” she continued. “From I leave every show with a huge smile the dedicated actors that pour their on my face.” hearts into each production to the in A program of the Marcus Jewish spired audiences who can’t help but Community Center of Atlanta (MJC- respond with standing ovations, all CA), Jerry’s Habima Theatre perfor- are overcome with the enormous immances are put on under the aus- pact of these performances.” pices of the Center’s Blonder Family This year’s 20th-anniversary celDepartment for Developmental Dis- ebrations are being co-chaired by Silabilities as well as the Department verman, Laura Dinerman and Faye of Arts & Culture. Siegel.







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FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013


rom March 7 to 17, Jerry’s Habima Theatre – Georgia’s only theatrical company directed and produced by professionals and featuring actors with developmental disabilities – will celebrate its 20th-anniversary season with the ’50s-style musical “Grease: The School Version.”

Each year, together with local professional actors from the community, company performers (ages 18-plus) present a Broadway musical. Directed by Dina Shadwell, the productions also feature local theater artists as well as interns from the MJCCA’s theater company, Company J.





AJT Contributor


he Katherine and Jacob Greenfield Hebrew Academy celebrated Mitzvah Day on Jan. 18. As a tribute to the late Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., GHA middle school students devoted a whole day to community service and many different forms of tikkun olam (repairing the world). Mitzvah Day was organized by GHA middle school teacher Jennifer Klein. Eight different activities were offered to ensure that every student could find a project that was a perfect fit. “We didn’t want our students to see their Mitzvah Day project as boring, or as ordinary work,” Klein said. “We wanted them to discover the joy in helping out by working on something they felt passionate about.” Students interested in caring for the elderly visited the Breman Home, a trip for which they prepared by baking homemade challahs. The group then led everyone in singing Shabbat songs at a joint Oneg Shabbat. Sixth grader Zoe Sokol chose this trip for the cooking opportunity.

“I love to bake challah,” she said.

Fifth grader Arielle Wallenstein added, “We got to make people feel happy; that’s a great mitzvah!”

FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013

Another group of students visited a Ronald McDonald House and brought baked treats for the families currently in residence. The students learned about the purpose and history of Ronald McDonald Houses, which were set up to house families traveling to distant hospitals for treatment for their sick children; the facilities allow families to focus completely on getting their young patients well without worrying about the expenses and arrangements of traveling, meals and lodging.


pian Jews during Operation Moses, learned to knit and now are tasked with using their new skill in making warm hats for Israeli soldiers. “It was interesting learning about the planes the U.S. is sending to Israel,” Eliana Horwitz, a fifth grader, said. “But the most exciting part is that the hats we’re making will be going all the way to Israel, to the soldiers who are doing so much to keep everyone safe.” Animal lovers chose PAWS Atlanta, where they learned about the problem of animal abuse. They helped clean, organize and landscape the quarters – and then, after all their hard work, socialized with the animals living at the shelter. The environmentally-conscious traveled to the Dunwoody Nature Center, where they learned about the dangers of invasive wildlife. They enjoyed beautiful outdoor weather as they cleared invasive plants and watched for rare birds.

went to entertain the JCC Preschool, where the young audience was very appreciative and drew a book of adorable impressionist renderings of the Mitzvah Clowns’ performance by way of a thank you.

Leah Levy is a paraprofessional at GHA and the author of “The Waiting Wall,” a Sydney Taylor Notable Book for 2010.

Rabbi Lee Buckman, GHA Head of School, was proud of all of the students’ enthusiasm and hard work on Mitzvah Day. “Mitzvah Day is especially significant for us in honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,” said Rabbi Buckman, “[MLK was] a man who used our shared values to stop injustice and sinnat chinam, ‘baseless hatred.’ I feel strongly that the most important thing we teach at GHA is that it is our responsibility as Jews to make the world a better place than we found it.” Sixth-grade student Datiel Dayani reaches up to clear some ivy that is damaging a tree at the Dunwoody Nature Center.

“I wanted to go to the nature center because I really enjoyed our fifth grade trip to Jekyll Island last year,” explained Datiel Dayani. “[At the Dunwoody Nature Center], we pulled out ivy and other invasives, and we used binoculars to spot birds.” Still other GHA students chose to stay at school and make dinner for the Shearith Israel Women’s Shelter. Over the course of the week, they planned a menu, paying special attention to the needs of the residents. They made shopping list and cooked the dinner on Friday. This group also met with the Pomegranate Guild of Judaic Needlework (Peach State Stitchers chapter), a group that uses their considerable needlework talents to preserve Jewish traditions through their work with textiles. The members of the Guild helped the middle-schoolers to make flannel blankets to be donated to chemotherapy patients.

Meanwhile, Books for Africa was a popular destination among the literary-inclined. There, they learned about the “book famine” in Africa and the importance of literacy throughout the world. Groups then sorted, organized, and packed crates full of books to be shipped to Africa.

“I thought cooking and making blankets sounded like fun, but I also felt that this was the most important thing I could do,” student Natan Friedman said. “Homeless people don’t have anything, and I wanted to make food for people who are hungry.”

Those with Israel on their mind made their way to the Consulate General of Israel for the Southeast U.S., conveniently located in Atlanta. The students toured the facility, met a pilot who helped to evacuate Ethio-

Last, but certainly not least, the GHA Mitzvah Clowns continued their ongoing mission of bringing smiles and cheer to young and old. After learning some new balloon animal techniques and donning face paint and costumes, the troupe

The GHA students who visited the Breman Home brought freshly baked challahs that they made themselves. Pictured from left to right are Daniel Sanders, Jaren Linowes, Gavriella Jutan, Zoe Sokol, Nathaniel Robinson, Zach Mainzer, Sarah Solon, Tal Kochav, Arielle Wallenstein, Sophie Steinberg, Eliana Dosetareh, Hannah Solon and teacher Mrs. Shari Sokol.

This group of students was assisted by the Pomegranate Guild of Judaic Needlework to make blankets for chemotherapy patients. Pictured from left to right are Elizabeth Decker, Gabe Green, David Lebowitz, Ben Cohen, Natan Friedman and (front) Gabriel Gadelov.




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manda Kirsch, a senior at The Galloway School, was one of 10 Atlanta-area high school- and college-age students chosen to deliver the “I Have a Dream” speech on its 50th anniversary at the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. commemorative service at historic Ebenezer Baptist Church. Kirsch was nominated by The Temple and, in order to be selected, underwent an interview on the life and legacy of Dr. King as well as an audition. Amanda then delivered the opening paragraphs of the speech, which was televised on FOX 5, on Jan. 21. The Galloway School (gallowayschool. org) is the philosophically grounded, learner-focused independent school where students age 3 through grade 12 develop an abiding love for learning.

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J Music.

ack Schneider, a sophomore at The Galloway School, held a benefit concert for Team Summer on Jan. 13 at Steve’s Live

Unfortunately, Summer passed away in November 2012, but her vision lives on through the organization. To date, Team Summer has raised more than $50,000 and continues to change lives.

For more on Schneider and his music, visit

FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013

Team Summer was founded by 15-year-old high school student Summer Dale, who was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer. Her organization works to help other children cope with cancer by providing gifts to make their lives better.



arts & life

Kosher Movies: Live Free or Die Hard (2007) NO ONE MAN SHOULD HAVE ALL THAT POWER BY Rabbi Herbert Cohen AJT Contributor


he computer teacher (the techie) is often the most powerful member of the teaching staff in a high school.

He controls the “keys to the kingdom” of the Internet, and can enable teachers and students to enter the portals of Google, Wikipedia and a variety of social networks. He can expand their worlds. As a school principal for many years, I observed the transformation of the school office via computer applications. Instead of two or three secretaries, we eventually needed only one. Instead of dictating speeches and correspondence through a Dictaphone machine, we now wrote and corrected our own material using Microsoft Word. Furthermore, we mostly used the more convenient and speedy electronic mail rather than snail-mail. And now, when I have to inform my parents and students in Israel of school news and changes in class schedules or syllabi, we always use email and social media outlets, not letters or phone calls.

FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013

As such, the computer guru can be a beacon of light, bringing wisdom and enlightenment to the world, but he can also be a sinister force for evil. With all that power at his disposal, he could easily use the computer to lord over others and take advantage


of them. In truth, the computer can be a means to control or shape politics and economics in a destructive way. Such is the premise of “Live Free or Die Hard,” the fourth film in the “Die Hard” series of movies starring Bruce Willis. In it, computer genius Thomas Gabriel designs a plan to create worldwide chaos so that he can profit from the ensuing panic and destruction. “Can he be stopped in time?” is the classic question in this formulaic but exceptional action-packed thriller. Gabriel begins by sabotaging the nation’s infrastructure. Traffic signals malfunction, trains and planes come to a halt, the stock market closes and the financial systems of the nation are breached. He then launches a plan to take out the nation’s power grid.

Gabriel is able to do this because, as a former national security director responsible for building the security systems, he knows the systems inside and out, including all its vulnerabilities. But why is he so hell-bent on causing so much human damage through computer manipulations? The back story informs us that, many years earlier, he attempted to interrupt a Joint Chief of Staffs meeting to share his professional expertise and point out weaknesses in the nation’s security system using only his laptop. For this, he was rebuked and publically humiliated, and as a result, he now wants to show all those who mocked him that he truly does have the power to control events that they do not. He wants money, and he wants revenge.

Watching this film reminded me of the many people I have observed in positions of power. The best of such people work selflessly for the community with no personal agenda; the worst see the possession of power as an opportunity to exact payback, to control and to intimidate. It can be very scary for one who falls within their orbit. The Talmud tells us in many places that the possession of power brings with it responsibilities. The classic example is King David: He does not seek kingship. Rather, it is thrust upon him, and he struggles to leave a positive legacy. David is not perfect, but he tries to be loyal to G-d and beneficent to his subjects. All he wants is for his people to actualize their spiritual potential, to be all they can be. He understands that power may corrupt and that it is wise to temper power with an abiding sense of community responsibility. Power itself is neutral. It is our job to harness it for good. Rabbi Cohen, former principal of Yeshiva Atlanta, now resides in Beit Shemesh, Israel. Visit koshermovies. com for more of his Torah-themed film reviews.


arts & life

“Off White Lies” Combines Comedy & Drama AJFF REVIEW: bittersweet coming-of-age story AJT Contributor


he challenges of re-creating and maintaining an interrupted relationship between a daydreaming, feckless Israeli father and his teenage American-raised daughter are explored in director Maya Kenig’s “Off White Lies.” Co-written by Kenig and Dana Diment, the comedy-drama follows Shaulov (Gur Bentvich), a down-onhis-luck inventor, as he tries to reconnect with 13-year-old Libby (Elya Inbar), who has been sent by her mother in California to live with him after a long separation. Complicating the situation is Shaulov’s homeless condition and a war against Hezbollah taking place in south Lebanon, too close to his friends and the shelter they might offer in the north of Israel.

To survive such conditions, Shaulov creates an alternative reality based on fanciful stories, and he soon indoctrinates Libby in the process. She resists at first but, being her father’s daughter, soon picks up on it. Libby feels Shaulov’s fanciful twisting of facts – his “white lies” – are more beige than a simple white. More accurately, they are “off-white lies,” as she terms them. Shaulov’s inventions are comical, ranging from semi-cigarettes (half-size for smoking while waiting for a bus) to fake dog turds that serve as perfect hiding places for house keys. His newest invention is a device that sucks in and purifies cigarette smoke, a perfect device for places like over-crowded bomb shelters in the north.

But his greatest invention is the life he creates for himself and Libby. It’s part of a little lie that leads them into the home of an army officer and his family, a setting where much of the film’s action plays out. The movie is filled with funny and touching moments as the characters grow and mature. All this emotion comes together nicely in a sweet and tender scene when Libby and Shaulov are at a restaurant and Libby learns it’s her father’s birthday. She goes over to the restaurant’s jukebox and picks a song that she thinks is a perfect selection: Supertramp’s “Give a Little Love.” She sings along, we all get a little teary-eyed, and father and daughter start down the long road of a real and

meaningful relationship. The little lies continue, however, and much is revealed about all the characters – fear and infidelity, strength, love, growth and maturity. A French-Israeli production, “Off White Lies” was nominated for many international film honors, including many categories in the 2011 Israel Film Academy Ophir Awards and a Haggiag Award for Bentvich as Best Actor at the 2011 Jerusalem Film Festival. With such a film as her first fulllength feature, Kenig proves to be a filmmaker of great promise. Her protagonist may be a compulsive liar, but Kenig brings out the humanity in Shaulov. It turns out, after all is said and done, that both father and daughter are coming of age and are on the verge of growing up. Editor’s note: Visit for a full schedule of Atlanta Jewish Film Festival movies.

FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013

BY Allen Rabinowitz



food for thought

Celebrity Chef Brings Taste of Israel to Atlanta DELICIOUS TREAT FOR LE CORDON BLEU, AJFF OPENING GALA BY DANA SHEMESH For the Atlanta Jewish Times


suitable ambassador of Israel’s diverse cuisine, Chef Avi Bitton demonstrates that Israeli food is invariably more sophisticated than falafel and hummus. A self-proclaimed protégé of two culinary greats – his Moroccan father and Tunisian mother – Chef Bitton is known for combining the traditional North African dishes he was raised on with a twist of French and Mediterranean influence. The result: “Israeli Nouveau” cuisine.

and spices around full cinnamon sticks), which were briefly baked and then grilled. Finally came the finishing touch: Over a large dish of fish kebob, roasted eggplant and tzatziki, he squeezed a fresh tomato instead of lemon. “I had never tried Israeli food, but noticed that there is a balance with the savory aspect and using the acidity of the tomato, flavors you usually see in European cuisine,” said Roberto Moreno, a chef-intraining who wears a blue cravat, the “medal” of a top student at Le Cordon Bleu. “I am definitely going to try using the cinnamon stick, it gives the right amount of aroma without coming off too strong.”

FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013

Then, at the AJFF Bitton recently Opening Gala, pavisited Atlanta, spontrons lined up – and sored by the Israel then came back Ministry of Tourism again – for Bitton’s and the Consulate fire-roasted eggplant General of Israel, to Chef Avi Bitton is rising to soup, masabacha of share his trademark culinary stardom in Israel. cuisine with a select PHOTO/courtesy Israel Ministry lamb, tahini and olive oil and Israeli-style audience at the gala of Tourism white fish ceviche. opening of the Atlanta Jewish Film Fes These tasters tival. A rising star in learned what many his home nation, he runs popular Tel in the Jewish state already know: At Aviv restaurant Adora and hosts a the ripe age of 31, Bitton is becomlocal cooking show, for which he pre- ing a fixture of Israel’s burgeoning pares dishes such as “foie gras bak- gastronomic scene. By using fresh, lava” and Moroccan-style fish. seasonal ingredients while mixing With his rugged good looks and ethnic flavors and traditions, he was panache in the kitchen, Bitton has a pioneer of the “farm-to-table” conalready penetrated the hearts – not cept before it became a trend here in to mention the palates – of his view- the States. ers, and during his recent trip, he Given the variety and abundance got to work on the folks of the metro of fresh ingredients available locally area. He first led a cooking demon- to Atlantans (Bitton shopped at the stration for a group of some 40 stu- Buford Highway Farmers’ Market), dents of the International Food Pro- the young chef admits it’s not hard to gram at Le Cordon Bleu. emulate his style of cuisine. The meal was as simple as it was “You don’t need to be a good chef pleasing: fish kebabs with roasted if you have all the good ingredients eggplant and tzatziki dressing. To available. If you have a good fresh create the dish, the Chef placed the fish, you serve it with tomato and fresh eggplants directly on the flame eggplant,” said Bitton. “That’s really of a gas cooktop, giving it a smoky all you need.” fragrance and an appetizing charred appeal. Editor’s note: For more information He then created fish “lollipops” about travel to Israel, visit goisrael. (mixture of fresh fish, seasonings com. 16

Fish Kebabs Ingredients 1 pound red snapper or grouper (separate or mixed, without skin and bone, finely chopped or ground) Bunch of chopped cilantro Bunch of chopped green onion 2 garlic cloves, chopped 4 tablespoons olive oil 1 egg yolk Pinch of salt and pepper 10 cinnamon sticks Directions 1. Mix all ingredients (except the cinnamon sticks) in a large bowl. 2. Split mixture into small, Fish kebabs, ready for the grill or oven. tangerine-size balls. 3. Pierce balls through with cinnamon sticks. 4. Place in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. 5. Take out and grill for about 3 minutes per side, 6 to 8 minutes total, or bake at 350F. 6. Serve with salad, fresh tomatoes, Greek yogurt and/or tahini.

Eggplant Soup Ingredients 1 pound grilled eggplant, peeled 2 carrots, chopped 2 white onions, chopped 1 small celery stalk, without leaves 250 mL heavy cream 5 tablespoons olive oil Juice of 1 lemon Salt and pepper to taste Directions 1. Fry all ingredients (except egg- Chef Bitton’s delicious eggplant soup plant) with olive oil for 5 minutes. 2. Combine eggplant, cream and 2 cups water. 3. Boil for approximately 15 minutes. 4. Grind in blender. 5. Serve with olive oil on top.

Tzatziki Ingredients 300 mL Greek yogurt 2 cucumbers, chopped 1 bunch of dill, chopped ¼-cup olive oil 1 small clove garlic, ground Salt and pepper to taste Directions 1. Mix all ingredients in bowl. 2. Chill for 30 minutes to an hour. 3. Serve.

The finished fish kebab dish, served with roasted eggplant over tzatziki


let it be read



outspoken Jewish leaders: Rabbi Jacob Rothschild of Atlanta, spiritual leader of The Temple; and David Blumberg of Knoxville, Tenn., a civic leader and international president of B’nai B’rith in the 1970s.

lphabet” Browne is quite possibly the most famous rabbi you’ve never heard of. What makes this all the more interesting is that his life and work are inextricably linked with the early years of Atlanta’s Jewish community.

It wasn’t until the mid-1990s that she recalled the papers in her guestroom and decided the time had come to flesh out Browne’s story. At times, it was a difficult journey. The tedious demands of research can be onerous.

The story of this Renaissance man was buried in a pile of papers hidden underneath a bed for years, until Browne’s great-granddaughter, Janice Rothschild Blumberg, decided his story needed telling. That tale, “Prophet in a Time of Priests: Rabbi ‘Alphabet’ Browne” (Apprentice House), will be the featured topic early next month at the Atlanta History Center.

“He encouraged me and told me that when I got stuck just to push through and keep writing,” Blumberg said.

It turned out to be one heck of a yarn! Here’s a short version:

Rabbi “Alphabet” Browne with his young great-granddaughter

Edward Benjamin Morris Browne arrived in the United States shortly after the Civil War ended, and over the next 50 years or so, he managed to grab headlines as a rabbi, journalist, attorney and political activist. He was a restless and driven spirit in search of justice, freedom and the American Dream.

He also defended an elderly immigrant wrongfully convicted of murder, and that’s actually the little story that captured the imagination of Blumberg and set her on a long and winding path to document the deeds and accomplish- ments of her great-grandfather.

To that end, he helped the needy and homeless and rubbed shoulders with the rich and famous; he irritated and annoyed politicians and business leaders and defended the rights of those in trouble. His accomplishments are varied, breathtaking and legendary. Rabbi Browne was widely known as an authority on the Talmud, as well as the life of Jesus. What’s more, while serving congregations in numerous cities (among them New York and Atlanta) he published the South’s first Jewish-interest newspaper. He delivered opening prayers in both houses of Congress, served as an honorary pallbearer for Ulysses S. Grant and helped Benjamin Harrison win the presidency. He was honored by Sultan Abdul Hamid of the Ottoman Empire and discussed Europe’s “Jewish problem” with Pope Leo XIII.

“I was really into theater at the time,” Blumberg said during a recent interview, “and the murder story sounded like it would make a great play.” It was an idea that never really took off and it would take another four decades before she got around to seriously investigating the life of Browne. Fortunately, she had a great place to start. “My mother was holding his papers, and after she died, they were passed on to me,” Blumberg said.

Janice Rothschild Blumberg The papers ended up stored away underneath a bed in a guestroom of Blumberg’s house, gathering dust and, somewhat like the rabbi’s life, becoming a fading memory. Meanwhile, Blumberg was staying busy – very busy.

In fact, it would seem she was carrying around many of the same remarkable traits that characterized the life of her greatgrandfather: Like him, she was an author and speaker, focusing on American Jewish history; she held leadership positions in numerous organizations, including president of the Southern Jewish Historical Society; and she lectured at universities, synagogues, museums and academic conferences.

It’s also worth noting that Blumberg is the widow of two iconic and

That’s exactly what she did – for years. Now, history buffs are lucky enough to have an expansive tome on the life and times of “Alphabet” Browne. The rabbi’s nickname, by the way, references the list of academic degrees that were often detailed along with his name. Like his life, the degrees included an impressive number of accomplishments. For the last year, Blumberg has stayed busy speaking about her work, detailing the fascinating stories that are part of Browne’s life and legacy. That’s what she’ll be doing early next month at the Atlanta History Center, and then she’ll be kicking off Jewish History Month in May with a lecture at the Library of Congress. I’m certain if “Alphabet” Browne was still around, he’d be kvelling! Editor’s note: Janice Rothschild Blumberg will be speaking on her book, “Prophet in a Time of Priests: Rabbi ‘Alphabet’ Browne,” at the Atlanta History Center on March 3 at 2 p.m. For additional information, contact the history center at (404) 814-4000.

FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013

Blumberg readily admits she’s not a trained historian. The project took her a dozen years of research and sifting through her great-grandfather’s papers to uncover the full and compelling story.

Fortunately, Blumberg has many academics and writers among her friends, including Jonathan Sarna, regarded as one of the most prominent historians of American Judaism.



tell & kvell

Faith for All Ages CONGREGATION NER TAMID’S ADULT B’NAI MITZVAH by Elizabeth Friedly Assistant Editor


n January, nine members of Congregation Ner Tamid reached a milestone in their faith as the congregation’s first adult b’nai mitzvah. In the spring of last year, Rabbi Thomas Liebschutz was approached by members hoping to become bat/ bar mitzvahs after being unable to experience the simcha at the traditional age. By that April, classes had begun. Every other Sunday for nine months, students met at members’ homes, gathering around finger food and dining room tables to gain a deeper understanding of Judaism. Led by Rabbi Liebschutz, the lessons were split evenly between two books. The first half of each session, taught solely in English, focused on general Jewish education with “The Jewish Lights.” The second hour was devoted to “Gates of Prayer” and learning the Hebrew of two to three prayers per class. Ages and backgrounds of the students varied drastically. The class consisted of one college student in her 20s, two grandmothers and six middle-aged parents. “There was that wonderful balance in terms of age distribution,” explained Rabbi Liebschutz, “in that the older leant their wisdom to the younger and the younger leant their enthusiasm – if not wisdom – to the older.” Taking It on as a Tandem

FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013

Of the nine students, Kim and Jeff Epstein were the only couple to take part in the program together. Born Jewish but not called to the Torah at the traditional age of 13, Jeff imagined one day holding a double bar mitzvah with his child. “You realize pretty quick, though, it’s kind of like a double wedding,” Epstein laughed. “It’s not fair to your child. You’re stealing from their moment.”

Although no joint ceremonies were held, the Epsteins had three bat/bar mitzvahs in the span of less than a year. In May of 2012, their daughter celebrated her bat mitzvah, and 18 a mere eight months later both her

parents completed their own b’nai mitzvah. Kim had recently converted, and the idea had been with Jeff all throughout his life. But it was, in fact, the Epsteins’ daughter’s experience that gave them the final push. “As my daughter was going through it, I got closer to the experience and probably had more of a yearning for moving to the next step of this journey more than ever,” said Jeff. “You see her go through it and her happiness and joy. You see her culmination, the success she had and the pride she had.”

Congregation Ner Tamid’s nine adult b’nai mitzvah – (from left to right) Julie Segal, Julie Berenson, Rebecca Sussman, Kim Epstein, Jeff Epstein, Gail Teren, Kristine Goldstein, Susan Goldstein and Nicole Moseson – stand at the bimah with their teacher, Rabbi Thomas P. Liebschutz. PHOTO/courtesy Kim Epstein

Sharing the experience as a couple only enriched the already meaningful process. For example, Kim and Jeff cited the spirited car rides to and from classes, acting as sounding boards for one another; by talking with each other, they were able to get a head start on the conversation. “As a couple, we could bounce ideas off each other between classes,” said Kim of their time spent discussing the readings and going through prayers. “It made it more special. I’m sure it would have been wonderful [on my own], but having her there, you get to work together,” agreed Jeff. “I hate to say we got more out of it, but we probably had more daily – or certainly more frequent – conversations in-between classes than maybe the other seven [students].” According to Rabbi Liebschutz, members of the class knew the basics thanks to Passover Seders, but many didn’t yet know the larger context behind the tradition. For example, some discovered the text supporting the practice of leaving a fifth cup for Elijah. “So I have nine people now who are infinitely more aware and familiar with the structure of the prayers, why we have the prayers in the order that we do and what they mean,” said Rabbi Liebschutz. But why were these adult members compelled to undergo the process in the first place?

“They felt a deficit,” Rabbi Liebschutz answered. “They felt that they needed to compensate for that, and they wanted to confirm their identities. Not that they didn’t know they were Jews, but like I said, their comfort with the service and to feel that it is their own in a way that they didn’t before.” Nine New Children of the Torah On the big day, anticipation in the Epstein household was high. Jeff describes a certain energy in the air, an excitement that led all the way up to the last few minutes before the service. “There was a little bit of jitters because you’re getting in front of a congregation, you’re putting yourself out there,” he said, then smiled. “You know, 12- or 13-year-olds mess up, and it’s kind of cute. If a 45-year-old does, it’s like, [people think] ‘What’re they doing?’” Class and teacher were pleasantly surprised by the show of support from the rest of the congregation. Upon arriving, they were met with a large crowd and plenty of warm welcomes. Jeff describes the service itself as falling into place, despite the apprehension of bringing so many parts together. Liebschutz deemed the ceremony “remarkable.” The group appeared together, dividing up prayers and each sharing their own personal divrei Torah.

“Particularly in my d’var Torah, I spoke to the fact that this is just a step, it’s not the end. You kind of have to remind yourself from time to time,” said Jeff. The cliché goes, it’s not as much about the destination as it is the journey. The group came away with a sense of camaraderie, forming connections and friendships that might otherwise have passed them by. “Unequivocally, I’ve had many wonderful experiences with bar/bat mitzvahs with the kids, and certainly each one is unique,” said Rabbi Liebschutz. “But in terms of adult services – aside from the High Holy Days – this was the most meaningful shabbos that I’ve ever had since coming to the congregation.” Both Kim and Jeff say that their age and the program’s group setting greatly enhanced their b’nai mitzvah process. They mention the benefit of dividing up the workload, as well as the added meaning and significance from their years of waiting. Both also hope that, as the bat mitzvah of their daughter did for them, this simcha will be an inspiration to others as well. “As an adult going through it, I was able to have a perspective of what it means from the beginning to the end. I probably enjoyed it more as an adult than I would have as a child, because you realize you’re going to go through something special,” said Jeff. “It’s been 33 years in the making, so it’s a little bit of a sense of relief.”




I realize the irony in making this claim, considering last week I wrote on the difficulty I experience in making decisions and my tendency to sometimes crave the approval of others. Truth to tell, though, I thrive on control. I like to be in charge; take, for example, any sort of group work. Right now, I’m in an introductory management course, a class taken by over 300 kids every semester. Within the first few weeks, we were divided into teams of four to five people. Each week, our team is responsible for turning in either case reports or homework problems – one copy for the whole team. Based on what I just wrote, which of my team members do you think has all the files on her computer? That’s right: me! Our first assignment was a case study on Wal-Mart. We each chose two topics to research and came together later in the week to begin the paper. I walked in to the study room,

the last one to arrive, and put my backpack down. Immediately, I pulled out my computer and said, “Hey, so I’m much better with writing than I am with analyzing business jargon, so how about y’all brief me on your topics, and I’ll write the paper. Then later, we can edit it together.” We spent a few hours that day going over the different topics. When we left, I had a four-page outline typed up on my computer. It would be my responsibility to turn sporadic data and analyses into a comprehensive paper, and I was comforted by the fact that the pages we turned in would be filled with my own words. A while later – actually, after countless hours of organizing, re-analyzing, fact-checking and writing – I had only four paragraphs to show for all my work. I realized I couldn’t do it alone; it was too much. I contacted my group, asked them to each write a paragraph or two on the specific topic they had researched. Then I would simply edit the paragraphs together to ensure our paper had one continuous voice. We got an A on the paper, so it was a good thing I reached out for help when I needed it.

Shabbat Candle Lighting Times shabbat blessings Blessing for the Candles Baruch Arah A-do-nai,El-o-hei-nu Melech Haolam Asher Kid-shanu b’mitzvotav V’zivanu l’hadlik ner shel Shabbat Blessed are You, Eternal our God, Sovereign of time and space. You hallow us with Your mitzvot and command us to kindle the lights of Shabbat. Blessing for the Wine Baruch Atah A-do-nai, El-o-hei-nu Meelech Haolam, Borei p’ri hagafen Praise to You, Eternal our God, Sovereign of the Universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine. Blessing for the Bread (Challah) Baruch Atah A-do-nai, El-o-hei-nu Melech haolam, Hamotzi Lechem min haaretz. Our Praise to You Eternal our God, Sovereign of the universe, Who brings forth bread from the earth.

Friday, February 15, 2013 Light Candles at: 6:03 pm Shabbat, February 16, 2012 Shabbat Ends: 7:00 pm

Friday, February 22, 2013 Light Candles at: 6:09 pm Shabbat, February 23, 2012 Shabbat Ends: 7:06 pm Friday, March 1, 2013 Light Candles at: 6:15 pm Shabbat, March 2, 2012 Shabbat Ends: 7:11 pm Friday, March 8, 2013 Light Candles at: 6:21 pm Shabbat, March 9, 2012 Shabbat Ends: 7:17 pm

The truth is that a lot of us enjoy the stability that comes with complete control. If all the power is in your hands, you’re less likely to be thrown off-guard. Some people need to wake up at the same time every day, be the one in the diver’s seat of the car and make the decisions on what restaurants to go to when dining out. Yes, it’s easier to do things alone like that. But what might we gain from letting others into our lives? In this week’s Torah portion, Terumah, G-d instructs the Israelites on how to build a sanctuary. G-d says to Moses: “Speak to the children of Israel, and have them take for Me an offering; from every person whose heart inspires him to generosity, you shall take My offering (Exodus 25:2).” It’s with all of these offerings that the Israelites will proceed to build a sanctuary for G-d. Now, think back for a minute to the story of Noah: Believing that His people had become corrupt, G-d decided to flood the earth. G-d said to Noah, “Make for yourself an ark of gopher wood; you shall make the ark with compartments, and you shall caulk it both inside and outside with pitch (Genesis 6:14).” G-d gave instructions to Noah, and Noah alone. He would build the ark by himself. But here in the book of Exodus, G-d is gathering all of His people to work together. Through Moses, G-d reaches out to the whole community. G-d says: “This is the offering that you shall take from them: gold, silver and copper; blue, purple and crimson wool; linen and goat hair; ram skins dyed red, tachash skins and acacia wood; oil for lighting, spices for the anointing oil and for the incense; shoham stones and filling stones for the ephod and for the choshen. “And they shall make Me a sanctuary and I will dwell in their midst according to all that I show you, the pattern of the Mishkan and the pattern of all its vessels; and so shall you do (Exodus 25:3-9).”

Then, in the next two chapters, G-d doles out specific instructions: how to build a Menorah, what materials to use for the roof, what table should be used to hold a showbread for Him and which curtains should be used for the Mishkan. Together, the Israelites followed G-d’s requirements. Having given their own gold, silver, copper, wood, animal skins and other materials, they created the house of G-d. Now, I think anyone would say there’s an intense power, a feeling of gratitude and pride in knowing that you have built something great, together or alone. However, in this week’s parshah, G-d is showing us that there is even greater value in working with others. Think about the potency of the completed tabernacle. Put yourself into the story of Exodus and walk into the lavish sanctuary, surrounded by crimson and gold, silver and blue, wood and stones. Each pillar, each table leg, and each inch of each curtain, once belonged to a member of your community. You all built it together. You are all a part of the tabernacle. Even if you sow curtains or build tables better than the men assigned to do so, there’s a sincerity that comes from group work. You can all be proud. And when our professor handed back the case study, we all smiled because we all earned that A. It’s frightening and discomforting to trust others to do things you’re sure you can do yourself, but there’s also a satisfaction that comes with being able to do so. Rachel LaVictoire (rlavictoire@wustl. edu) is a graduate of the Davis Academy and Westminster High School, recipient of the prestigious Nemerov Writing and Thomas H. Elliott Merit scholarships at Washington University of St. Louis and an active member of Temple Emanu-El and the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta. She was recently named to the board of the St. Louis Hillel.

FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013


like to be in control. There’s a safety and security in feeling like you have authority over your own life. I like to plan my own days, I like my suggestions to be implemented, and I like to solve my own problems.



what’s happening

Fri., Feb. 15

More details available at your synagogue.

Tues., Feb. 19

22nd-Annual Atlanta Purim Parade and Festival, rides, food, marketplace and prizes for costumes. Rain or shine. Sun., Feb. 17, 11 a.m. Congregation Beth Jacob. (678) 244-6665 or

Ulpan Ivrit Class, learn to speak Hebrew in 10 weeks with professional instructors. First class on Tues., Feb. 19. Various payment plans offered. Info and registration via (404) 2529508 or

Bring-a-Friend Shabbat, community dinner with the Lerman’s and Varon’s. Fri., Feb. 15, 7 p.m. $12/person, free for ages 5 and under. Chabad of Gwinnett. Register via (678) 5950196 or

Singles Happy Hour, mingle and discuss future MJCCA singles programs. Sun., Feb. 17, 5:30 p.m. $18/ MJCCA members, $20/non-members. Sip Wine in Milton. Registration required: (678) 812-4079.

Sat., Feb. 23

Shabbat Ethnic Dinner, Greek style dishes following evening services. Fri., Feb. 15, 6:45 p.m. $18/members, $20/non-members, $10/children under 13. Congregation Or VeShalom. RSVP to (404) 633-1737 or

Couples & Cocktails, enjoy tapas and wine while making new friends. Tapas and one glass of wine included in price, per couple. Sun., Feb. 17,6:30 p.m. $40/MJCCA member, $50/non-members. Sip Wine in Milton. Registration required: (678) 8124079.

School’s Out Camp, MJCCA offers campers cooking, swimming, sports and crafts until 4 p.m. Pre-K through 8th grade. Fri., Feb. 15, 8 a.m. $60/ members, $75/non-members. Info via (678) 812-3881 or

Sat., Feb. 16 Purim Off Ponce Masquerade & Honoring of Sylvia Gross, hosted by the Rainbow Center. Sat., Feb. 16, 7:30 p.m. $50/person (in advance), $36/ ages under 30, $75/person (at the door). Callanwolde Fine Arts Center. Purchase tickets at purimoffponce. com. Dinner of Honor, with honoree Steven Merlin. Sat., Feb. 16. Congregation Shearith Israel. For info, call (404) 503-9905 or email nstacer@ Sun., Feb. 17 URJ Mitzvah Day, community wide day of service. Sun., Feb. 17, 9 a.m.

Join us Sunday, March 3rd, 2013 6:30pm

Mon., Feb. 18 Atlanta Hawks Presidents’ Day Basketball Clinic, providing campers with professional coaching and advice. Grades 1 through 8. Open to public; $65/members, $80/non-members. Mon., Feb. 18, 8 a.m. MJCCA. lora. Zayin Adar Seudah Gathering, dinner for members of the Chevra Kadisha, in observance of the yahrzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu; includes dairy buffet and discussion with speaker Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich. Mon., Feb. 18, 6:30 p.m. Congregation Shearith Israel. RSVP to fredglus@comcast. net.

Live Music

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FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013


OVS Purim Palooza, celebration with music and hamantashen; includes performance by The 4th Ward AfroKlezmer Orchestra. Sat., Feb. 23, 7 p.m. $15/members, $20/non-members, $10/under 13. Congregation Or VeShalom. RSVP by Feb. 18. (404) 633-1737 or “Charlotte’s Web” Opening presented by the Alliance Theater; a twist on a classic with circus stunts and acrobatics. Opening night Sat., Feb. 23, 7 p.m.; 12 performances through March 10. $35/adults, $20/kids. Tickets via (404) 733-5000 or Megillah Reading & Costume Parade, “Megillat Texter.” Prizes awarded for costumes. Sat., Fri. 23, 7:30 p.m. Congregation Shearith Israel. 404873-1743. Sun., Feb. 24 PurimPALOOZA Parade and Magic Show, a Purim program including crafts, costume parade, a magic show by “Howie the Great” and the book launch for “The Purim Superhero” by Elizabeth Kushner. Sun., Feb. 24, 10 a.m. Free. Info via (678) 812-4161 or Chabad Israeli Center Purim, fun for the whole family. Sun., Feb. 24, 12 p.m. $15/at door, $10/in advance. Mad Mad Whirled. Registration at Sports Purim, buffet dinner and themed entertainment including mini-golf, crafts and more. Sun., Feb. 24, 5 p.m. $10/person, $36/family (of five). Chabad of Cobb. RSVP at

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Purim on Piedmont, a Purim celebration for young adults, ages 21 to 35; drinks, hamantaschen, dancing, door prizes and more. Sat., Feb. 23, 10 a.m. Free. The Gold Room. Info via (678) 812-4055 or

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More Information:

Teen Open Mic Night, part of the Atlanta Jewish Music Festival, hosted by No Komment. Sun., Feb. 24, 5 p.m. Steve’s Live Music. Chabad of Gwinnett’s Purim in the Ballpark, dress up as a true fan; includes prizes for every costume, dinner, comedy shpiel, music and multime-

dia megillah reading. Sun., Feb. 24, 5:30 p.m. $15/advance, $18/at door, $12/ages under 10. Cultural Arts & Community Center on College St. RSVP at Purim Seudah Hoedown. Sun., Feb. 24, 5:30 p.m. (deadline to RSVP is Feb. 19). $36/adults, $15/kids. Age 5 and under free. Congregation Beth Tefillah. RSVP via (404) 843-2464 x104 or Purim Schpiel & Raffle, “Humorous Hollywood Squares” with dinner. Schpiel participants will be “auctioned off” at the beginning of the evening. Sun., Feb. 24, 6:30 p.m. $25 includes dinner; $12 for schpiel only. Congregation Shearith Israel. RSVP by Feb. 18 via 404-873-1743. Wed., Feb. 27 “The Odd Couple” Performance, from Shearith Israel Shelther and Fabrefaction Theatre, raising funds to serve Atlanta’s homeless women. Wed., Feb. 27, 8 p.m. $25/person. Fabrefaction Theatre Company Blackbox. Tickets at “Unstoppable” Overcoming Crisis Lecture, guest speaker Jarryd Wallace’s inspirational story of overcoming a major life crisis. Part of Chabad lecture series. Wed., Feb. 27, 8 p.m. Chabad Enrichment Center of Gwinnett. (678) 595-0196. Thur., Feb. 28 Author and Book Discussion, “The Secrets of Happy Families” by Bruce Feiler. Thurs., Feb. 28, 7:30 p.m. $8/ members, $13/non-members. MJCCA. Tickets via (678) 812-4005 or “Through the Eyes of Her Father” Exhibit Opening, presented by the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust, from Kennesaw State University as part of “Anne Frank in the World.” Thur., Feb. 28. Free and open to public. Parkside Shopping Center on Roswell Rd. (770) 206-1558. Fri., March 1 Art, Writing and Music Contest Deadline, from the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust. Submit entries by Mar. 1. Division I: grades 6-8, Division II: grades 9-12. Info at Sat., March 2 Families Center Stage, presented by Cartoon Network and North Highland; festival tickets include admission to “Charlotte’s Web.” Sat., March 2, 2 p.m. $38/adults, $25/children. Woodruff Arts Center Galleria. Tickets and info at alliancetheatre. org/familiescenterstage.



Gloria E. Kazlow 83, OF SAVANNAH

On Sun., Feb. 3, 2013, Gloria E. Kazlow died peacefully at the age of 83 in Columbia, Md. Her late devoted husband of more than 56 years, Fred Kazlow, D.D.S., passed on March 21, 2010. Born April 20, 1929 in Brooklyn, N.Y., Gloria lived a very full and happy life. After marrying her summer camp sweetheart, Freddy, she became a respected student of Spanish literature and graduated from Queens College in Queens, N.Y. in 1950. She worked as a Spanish-English interpreter for Pepsi Cola, thus supporting and putting her husband through dental school at New York University. Dr. Kazlow joined the Air Force and was stationed in Savannah, Ga. Gloria and Fred fell in love with Savannah and decided to make it their home, where they lived for more than 50 years. Gloria was a dancer, actor, teacher, lover, humanist, Democrat, great cook, warm homemaker and mother of all mothers. She taught school, volunteered vigorously for community charities and served on the board of Temple Mickve Israel for many years. She championed the mentally ill and the downtrodden and was never too busy to give love, help and guidance to any friend or newcomer who needed it. In her later years, she did poetry reading at local nursing homes and was a contestant in the Georgia Senior Ms. Pageant. Gloria was loved dearly by her family, friends and community. She had an incredible zest for life and could always light up the room with her enthusiasm and passion. She set an example and a standard for compassion, positive thinking and appreciation for all the beauty in life – “stop and smell the roses.” She is survived by her three children, Susan Kazlow Friedland, Dr. Gary A. Kazlow and Jodi Dawn Kazlow; four grandchildren: Arielle Kazlow and Samuel, David and Mariah Friedland; sister, Dr. Carol Kerr; brother, Morton Shapiro; three first-cousins: Dr. David Krulee, Dr. JoEllen Roseman and Dr. Eric Toder; a daughter-in-law, Lauren Kazlow; and son-in-law, Dr. Lance Friedland. Graveside service was at 1:30 p.m., Wed., Feb. 6, 2013 at Bonaventure Cemetery with Rabbi Robert Haas officiating. Memorial contributions in memory of Gloria E. Kazlow can be made to the Barbara and Ivan H. Friedland Camp Scholarship Fund at Camp Barney Medintz c/o the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta.

Jerome “Jerry” Karp

HUSBAND TO REGINA KLUG KARP Jerome “Jerry” Karp of Alpharetta passed away on Feb. 2, 2013. He is survived by his loving wife of 45 years, Regina Klug Karp; son and daughterin-law, Sheldon and Robin Karp of Cumming, Ga.; daughter and son-in-law, Lisa and Damon Rose of Woodstock, Ga.; sister and brother-in-law, Rachael and Jack Rosenberg of Atlanta; and brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Isaac and Peggy Klug of Alpharetta. Jerry has six wonderful grandchildren: Avery, Morgan and Peyton Karp and Madison, Shane and Cole Rose. Jerry will be missed by his many family members, friends and poker players. Sign online guest book at In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Congregation B’nai Torah, 700 Mt. Vernon Hwy, Atlanta, GA 30328. A graveside service was held on Mon., Feb. 4, 2013 at Arlington Memorial Park with Rabbi Joshua Heller officiating. Arrangements by Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care.

Heather Silber Pullen Heather Silber Pullen, 39, of Alpharetta, died of pancreatic cancer on Mon., Feb. 11, 2013. She was a dedicated teacher who was very involved in her students’ lives at New Prospect Elementary School in Fulton County, where she taught for 16 years. Heather was selected as Teacher of the Year for New Prospect in 2010. She was a National Board Certified Teacher and received a master’s in educational leadership from Kennesaw State University. For her undergraduate education, she attended Young Harris College, where she was a sister of the Upsilon Delta Sigma fraternity; she then completed her bachelor’s degree in elementary education at the University of Georgia. Heather was a devoted mother who took much pride in raising her wonderful children, Owen, 5, and Hadley, 3, with her husband Scott Pullen. Other survivors include her mother, Loretta Baer Silber of Marietta; father and stepmother, Ronald and Linda Silber of Buford, Ga.; sister and brother-in-law, Yvonne and Greg Whittier; and niece and nephew, Elizabeth and Joel Whittier of Springfield, Va. Heather prided herself on helping anyone she could, both personally and professionally, and will be truly missed by her loving family and all who knew her. An online guestbook is available at edressler. com. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be sent to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Graveside service was at 2 p.m., Wed., Feb. 13, 2013 at Arlington Memorial Park in Sandy Springs with Rabbi Loren Lapidus officiating. Arrangements by Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care.

FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013



JEWISH PUZZLER by David Benkof

Across 1. Glaser and Fox 5. “I and the Village” painter Chagall 9. ___-esh-Sharif (Temple Mount) 14. Sephardim eat it on Passover 15. Contents of una fontana 16. Grab ___ (eat on the run) 17. “Jaws” craft 18. Repent 20. Camp conveyance 22. Dining table condiment, sometimes 23. Passover month, in 2013 24. Sculptor Yaacov 26. Rachel on “Glee” 27. Practices exogamy 31. “I’ll be Your Mirror” photographer Goldin 32. Corn or cycle starter 33. Poet-partisan Kovner 36. 1896 book by Theodor Herzl 41. “S’iz shver tzu zayn ___” (“It’s tough being Jewish!”) 42. 1960s peace sign 43. Napkin spot 45. Hebrew Scriptures 50. Oklahoma town 53. Middle East diplomat Dennis 54. Benghazi locale 55. Seductress 58. “A Woman of ___” 59. 1960 Grammy co-winner for the song “We’ve Got Us”

62. Alexander III, e.g. 64. “When General Grant Expelled the Jews” author Jonathan 65. Author Jonathan Safran ___ (“Everything is Illuminated) 66. Director Preminger 67. Contemptuous countenace 68. Cheese in Greek salads 69. “I ___ You Now”: #1 Eddie Fisher hit

for Life” since 1981 19. 18-wheeler, briefly 21. ___ Somayach (Jerusalem yeshiva) 23. “Hamotzi Lechem ___ Ha’aretz” 24. ___ W (root beer brand) 25. Laments

28. When doubled, plus-size attire 29. “Thou shalt not ___ of it” (Gen. 3:17) 30. US loan agcy. 34. Capable, efficient housewife 35. Regardless

Down 1. “Full,” on B’way 2. El Al’s competitor in the Tel Aviv-Toronto route 3. Linda married to a Beatle 4. Meeting of spirits? 5. Word after ready, self or man 6. Fourth word in the “Star Wars” opening crawl 7. Groove 8. “Your Show of Shows” regular 9. “Good joke!” 10. Take ___ (use public transit) 11. Gladstone, to Disraeli 12. “I’ll tell ___...” (Start of “Candlelight” by the Maccabeats) 13. Israel’s “Music Director

37. 2016 Olympics site 38. Org. founded by Rabbi Meir Kahane 39. ___ Ziona (Israeli city) 40. Collection of like items 44. Bake sale organizer, maybe 46. Dana International’s specialty 47. Fill the gas tank to the brim 48. Bit of French on a menu 49. Berle of TV fame 50. Make ___ of (bungle) 51. Former Israeli defense minister Moshe 52. French Holocaust novelist Schwarz-Bart 56. Feature of a fork 57. Bring up, as children 58. “Alice” waitress alongside Linda Lavin’s character 60. Salmon-to-be 61. Crossed paths 63. “Night Gallery” host Serling

Last week’s answers

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Imagine if the Georgia Dome was a flooring store. That’s us. Over 1 Million Sq. Ft. of First Quality Tile, Wood & Stone Flooring Roswell - Atlanta - Southlake - Kennesaw


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FEBRUARY 15 ▪ 2013

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