Attorneys at Law
There is s a reason that our rate of repeat business from first time Clieents is so higgh our people. Sam Mullman has already been named one of Georgia State University’s “40 Under 40” for his Intellectual Property related work; successfully tried a complex business litigation case that was one of the first post COVID, in person federal jury trials in the country; and is a founding member of the Georgia Intellectual Property Alliance. Founding partner Pete Wellborn was lauded by the Atlanta Business Chronicle as “one of the country’s top litigation attorneys of the Internet Age;” by Lawyers Weekly USA, who named him a “National Attorney of the Year,” as a “legal superhero;” and by the Atlanta Journal and Constitution as “an imposing figure” who “has built a national reputation for bringing [his Clients’ opponents] to their knees.”
We recognize that law is a service industry. It is the lawyer’s privilege to represent the Client, not the other way around. Great advocacy ultimately includes the Golden Rule. We will represent you exactly as we would want ourselves and our families to be represented if the roles were reversed. We will put your best interests first and be economically prudent. We will communicate clearly and will be responsive. We will do everything within the rules to achieve “success” for you, whether that is winning your case, getting your deal done, or whatever else your goal may be. Whether you are a Fortune 500 company, a small business, or an individual . . . We will treat you like family.
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to create a strong sense of community that brings a
Jewish Atlanta together. We fulfill that goal by
and vital national Jewish and Israeli news; supporting
activities and events; announcing simchas and
thought-provoking dialogue and debate on current
Jewish family, culture and tradition. The AJT is free online and
enjoyed our free subscription during the hardest part of the
your subscription, which supports our mission. To subscribe, visit www.atlantajewishtimes.com/subscribe-to-home-delivery, or call 404-883-2130.
Presenting our 2022 Guide to Jewish Atlanta: This AJT resource to the community helps you stay connected and is a great handbook while also serving as a Who’s Who for our nonprofits, synagogues, schools, businesses and larger kehillah. Despite the losses we have all experienced the past three years, including the closing of companies and organizations no longer included in these pages, the guide reminds us we are one big mishpachah overcoming this struggle together.
This year’s Guide to Jewish Atlanta’s theme focuses on coming back together, after a period of isolation and social distancing. Most of us are fully vaccinated and have taken our masks off. Together we continue to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, and working harder than ever to make up for lost time with our families, friends and businesses. We’re Back to Business!
In addition to this print version of the 2022 guide, there’s an online resource directory for viewing throughout the year within the Atlanta Jewish Connector, www. AtlantaJewishConnector.com. Many consult the Connector for event planning as well as to learn what is happening around Atlanta socially, spiritually, educationally and culturally.
The Connector also can be used for networking and to assist with holiday celebrations, to name a few of its varied uses. Behind each calendar event is an organization with detailed information about our community (services, location and leaders).
This year’s resource guide adds 42 new companies and organizations to its registry. As comprehensive as we try to be, there will always be an organization that we inadvertently leave out or is new to the community. Please let us know if you’d like to be included in next year’s guide or added immediately to the online resource directory at publisher@AtlJewishTimes.com or 404883-2130, extension 100.
Thank you for being a loyal reader and advancing our motto: Subscribe, Support & Sustain.
Owner & Publisher
Jewish Holidays
Sun 25 Sep | Erev Rosh Hashana
Mon 26 Sep – Tue 27 Sep | Rosh Hashana 5782 – Rosh Hashanah is literally the head of the Jewish year and the birthday of all creation. It commemorates the creation of Adam and Eve, the first humans. Man was the first to acknowledge G-d’s kingship over the universe, and on Rosh Hashanah we renew this commitment to G-d’s command ments.
28 Sep | Fast of Gedaliah
On the third of Tishrei, we commemorate the assassination of Gedaliah ben Achikam, governor of the First Jewish Com monwealth in the Holy Land. The result of his assassination was the end of Jewish autonomy in the Land of Israel.
Tue 4 Oct | Erev Yom Kippur
Wed 5 Oct | Yom Kippur Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. It is a day of spiritual cleansing: We acknowledge our shortcomings and transgressions with a firm resolution for a better future; G-d promises us forgiveness, and the chance for a fresh start. We refrain from work, and avoid any food or drink as well as wash ing, using oils or lotions, marital relations and regular (leather) shoes.
Sun 9 Oct | Erev Sukkot
Sun 9 Oct – Sun 16 Oct | Sukkot
The name Sukkot is derived from the word Sukkah or hut. In commemoration of the protective “clouds of glory” with which G-d surrounded the Jewish people on their way out of Egypt, we live in makeshift huts during the seven days of this holiday.
Jewish Holidays
Sun 18 Dec | Erev Chanukah
Sun 18 Dec – Mon 18 Dec | Chanukah
The kindling of the menorah is the focal point of the Chanukah holiday, symbolizing religious freedom and the strength of the Jewish spirit. The menorah is kindled on each of the eight nights of Chanukah, this year begin ning Dec. 10.
The menorah is placed at the left side of a central door way of the home or at the front window. The candles should be lit immediately following sunset and should be prepared so that they will remain lit for at least a half hour after dusk. In keeping with Shabbat observance, the menorah is lit before the Shabbat candles on Friday evening and after the Havdalah ceremony at the end of Shabbat.
Gather all family members and light the shamash, the service candle. Recite the proper blessings and then light the candles beginning from the left. Then place the shamash in its designated place, separated from the other candles.
Tues 3 Jan| Fast of 10th of Tevet
In the year 3336 from Creation (425 B.C.E.) on the 10th day of Tevet the armies of Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jeru salem. This led to the destruction of the Temple on 9 Av of 3338. As a result, the Jewish people were exiled to Babylonia for 70 years.
Mon 6 Feb | Tu B’Shevat
In Jewish tradition, the 15th day of Shevat marks the “New Year” for the trees, opening the season in which trees begin to bud in the Holy Land.
It is customary to celebrate this date by enjoying some fruit, especially the five fruits mentioned in the Torah in connec tion with Israel: grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates.
MARCH 2023
Mon 6 Mar| Erev Purim
Tue 7 Mar | Purim
The actual story of Purim, as told in the scroll of Esther, is as fascinating and spellbinding as any best-seller. Yet, though it is scared scripture, we do not find the name of G-d mentioned even once. But within the intricate details of the megillah, we can detect the unmistakable hand of Divine Providence. The closer we examine the story, the more we discover that even seemingly insignificant events are pre cisely arranged by the hand of the Almighty.
MAY 2023
Jewish Holidays
APRIL 2023
Wed 5 Apr | Erev Pesach
Wed 5 Apr – Thur 13 Apr | Pesach (Passover)
On Pesach (Passover) we celebrate the birth of the Jewish nation with our miraculous redemption from Egypt. Pesach is observed by refraining from eating or even owning any foods which are chametz (leavened) and by participating in a seder dinner on the first two nights of the holiday.
The Pesach seder, conducted each of the first two nights of Pesach, is the central event of the Passover festival.
We drink four cups of wine (or grape juice), remembering the redemption and its four stages.
We ask the “Four Questions” and recite the haggadah, retell ing the story of Passover and the miracles of our redemption. We eat shmurah matzah, the plain unleavened bread which isn’t allowed to rise, remembering both the simple bread of slaves and the swiftness of the redemption from Egypt. We eat maror (bitter herbs) remembering the bitterness of the enslavement.
The eighth and final day of Pesach is associated with the ultimate redemption through Moshiach and our fervent hope for its imminent arrival. In many communities, a festive “Moshiach meal” is organized toward the evening to empha size this day’s special dimension.
Tue 5 May | Pesach Sheni
When the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, this day offered a second chance to offer the Passover sacrifice for those who had been unable to bring their offering at the appropriate time.
Tue 9 May | Lag B’Omer
On this date, in the early 2nd century, the students of Rabbi Akiva, the greatest sage of that era, ceased to die from an epidemic. Years later on this same date, his student Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, Mishnaic sage and author of the Zohar (the seminal work of Kabbalah) passed away. Having fulfilled his mission in this world, he asked that the anniversary of his death be celebrated as a joyous occasion. Throughout the Land of Israel – and indeed in Jewish communities through out the world – this day is marked with festivities and bon fires. In particular, thousands journey to rejoice in the town of Meron, the site of Rabbi Shimon’s resting place.
Thur 25 May| Erev Shavuot
Thur 25 May – Sat 27 May | Shavuot
Shavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. It is on this day that we became G-d’s “chosen people,” and G-d formed a bond with us that will never be broken.
All-night Torah study is practiced on the first night of Sha vuot. This is the best preparation for receiving the Torah.
Reading of the Ten Commandments occurs in the synagogue on the first day of Shavuot. Bring your children too!
A festive dairy meal is served on the first day of Shavuot. Like milk for an infant, we receive our spiritual nourishment from the Torah.
Thur 6 Jul | Fast of 17 Tammuz
The 17th of Tammuz commemorates the breach of the walls of Jerusalem by the Romans, in 69 C.E., after a lengthy siege. This led to the destruction of the second Temple on the 9th of Av.
Wed 26 Jul | Erev Tisha B’Av
Thur 27 Jul | Tisha B’Av
The ninth of Av has been a sad day on the Jewish calendar from the earliest days of our history as a people. Just one year after our forefathers left Egypt, it was on this date that G-d punished that generation, decreeing that they would wander the desert for 40 years, never entering into the Holy Land. The focus of our mourning, however, is on the destruc tion on this date of both the first Temple (422 B.C.E.) and the second Temple (68 C.E.).
Wed 2 Aug | Tu B’Av
Said Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel: There were no greater festivals for Israel than the 15th of Av and Yom Kippur. On these days the daughters of Jerusalem would go out ... and dance in the vineyards. And what would they say? “Young man, raise your eyes and see which you select for yourself...” (Talmud, Taanit 26b)
Jewish Holidays
Fri 15 Sep | Erev Rosh Hashanah
Fri 15 Sep - Sun17 Sept | Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. It is the anni versary of the creation of Adam and Eve, and a day of judgment and coronation of G-d as king.
Rosh Hashanah observances include candle lighting in the evenings, festive meals with sweet delicacies dur ing the night and day, prayer services that include the sounding of the ram’s horn (shofar) on both mornings and desisting from creative work.
Mon 18 Sep | Fast of Gedaliah Sun 24 Sep | Erev Yom Kippur Mon 25 Sep| Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year, the day on which we are closest to G-d and to the quintessence of our own souls. It is the Day of Atonement: “For on this day He will forgive you, to purify you, that you be cleansed from all your sins before G-d” (Leviticus: 16:30).
Discover Chutzpah at The Breman Museum
documenting JewishAmerican life. Berman was the archivist who began organizing and building it for the Jewish Federation of Atlanta even before a museum was on the draw ing board. Her Chutzpah co-curator Jane Leavey was The Breman’s founding director.
Breman Museum Executive Director Leslie Gordon knew that they were perfect to or ganize the 25th anniversary exhibit about those who have helped shape Jewish life in Georgia and Alabama from 1733 to today.
Ittook chutzpah to launch Georgia’s only Jewish museum in 1996, so its only fitting that Atlanta’s William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum’s newest exhibition is appropriately titled His tory with Chutzpah.
The exhibition presents an artifact-rich and interactive immer sion into the colorful history of Jewish culture in Georgia and Ala bama that serves as the foundation of Jewish life in the Southeast today.
History with Chutzpah will be “driven by stories,” co-curator Sandra Berman said, illustrated and enhanced by more than 300 objects, documents, photographs and oral histories. It gives voice to people past and present whose experi ences, achievements and perspectives are reflected in The Breman’s deep archival collections.
The exhibit draws strong ly from the Ida Pearle and Joseph Cuba Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum.
Established in 1984, the archive has grown to be one of the country’s most respected repositories
“Jane and Sandy were insistent even before the founding of the Breman Museum that these stories be captured and treated with respect, for the insights and lessons that they would provide in the future,” Gordon said. “Now with History with Chutzpah, important chapters of our past come alive once again.”
To put it politely, people with chutzpah do not lack audaciousness or nerve. The Yiddish word originally carried a somewhat negative connotation. But in English, it has taken on a more positive mean ing, emphasizing an individual’s courage, mettle or ardor.
Berman and Leavey organized the exhibit into six sections: Courage & Conformity, Hope & Survival, Success & Loss, Patriotism & Perseverance, Benevo lence & Community and Murder & Mayhem.
Artifacts that illustrate these stories include a 125-year-old bagel that a mother packed in her son’s knapsack when he shipped off to Cuba to fight in the Spanish-American War; and cards played by young Polish sisters while they were in hiding from the Nazis circa 1943.
Here are some of the stories that are included in the exhibition:
▼Albert Steiner
Albert Steiner, who rose to be president of the Atlanta Brewing and Ice Co. and the man for whom the Steiner Building on the Grady Memorial Hospital campus is named. In the early part of the 20th century, Steiner’s son and wife died of cancer before Steiner him self lost his battle with the disease. He gave more than $500,000 (the equivalent of $8.1 million today) to Grady Hospital to create the state-of-the-art clinic that ended up serving as the model for cancer clinics across the country. Artifacts on view will include a bottle of one of his company’s longest-produced beers, Steinerbru.
Frances Hamburger Bunzl►
Frances Hamburger Bunzl, who fled Germany in 1939 shortly after the Kristallnacht -- also called the Night of Broken Glass because of the shattered glass that littered streets after the vandalism and destruction of synagogues, Jewish-owned businesses, and homes. More than 90 Jews were killed, and approximately 30,000 Jewish men were rounded up and sent to concentration camps. With the help of American relatives, Frances found refuge in Atlanta in 1941, eventually becoming involved with the National Council of Jewish Women and serv ing as chancellor of the Austrian Consulate. Among many philanthropic initiatives, she endowed the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra’s timpani chair in memory of her late husband, gave generously to the High Museum of Art and established the Cantorial Chair at Temple Sinai.
◄Sam Greenblatt
◄Morris B. Abram
Morris B. Abram, who emerged from humble rural South Georgia begin nings to become one of the leading civil rights lawyers in the U.S. during the 1950s. While unmasking the Ku Klux Klan and serving as a key inter mediary for the release of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. from prison on the eve of the 1960 presidential elec tion, Abram carried out a successful 14-year battle to end the discrimina tory voting system in his home state, which had entrenched racial segrega tion. The result was the historic “one person, one vote” Supreme Court ruling in 1963.
Sam Greenblatt, who lied about his age and enlisted with the 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry so he could fight in the Spanish-American War in 1898 when he was 16. Green blatt is represented by one of the more unusual artifacts in Chutzpah: a nearly 125-year-old bagel. The story goes, Sam’s mother stuffed his knapsack with homemade bagels before he shipped off to Cuba, but one got buried in the bag and wasn’t discovered until his return. Petrified by time, it has been handed down through several generations of his family.
William Breman
William Breman, president of Breman Steel, who became the Breman Museum’s namesake. Co-curator Jane Leavey recalled that in 1992, Breman, for whom the William Breman Jewish Home also is named, was looking for “something big to do for the community in terms of philanthropy.” Appreciating history, a plan for what became the Breman Museum soon took shape through the Jewish Federation of Atlanta, urged and then shaped by none other than Leavey. “Benevolence, community and charity,” Chutzpah’s wall text notes, “were the hallmarks of Bill Breman’s life.”
Mechanical Blue Horse
A mechanical blue horse used for promo tions by Montag Brothers Inc., an Atlanta paper company known for its Blue Horse brand school products featuring collectible stamps that could be redeemed for prizes.
A baby bassinet made from a wooden barrel for Dr. Raymond Harris, an Army Medical Corps surgeon, by German POWs he treated during World War II at Camp Clinton in Clinton, Miss. Dr. Harris and his wife used the bassinet for their son who was born in 1944.
Enfield Rifle Musket
An Enfield rifle musket used by Confederate soldier Jacob Rothschild of Selma, Alabama, circa 1862. Rothschild fought at the Battle of Vicksburg and the Battle of Elkhorn Tavern.
Playing Cards
Playing cards used by young sisters Pola and Irene Blenstock while in hiding in a closet in Drohobycz, Poland, c.1943. To amuse the children and keep them quiet and safe, their nursemaid liberated the playing cards from the Gestapo officer’s home where she was employed as a maid.
History with Chutzpah will be on display through 2024. You can visit The Breman at 1440 Spring Street, Midtown, Atlanta, 30309. Learn more at TheBreman.org
“Benevolence, community and charity were the hallmarks of Bill Breman’s life.”
Chutzpah’s wall text notes
The Atlanta Jewish Foundation, in partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, o ers training, support, and incentives to help organizations secure meaningful legacy gifts.
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Atlanta Rabbinical Association
1589 Peachtree Street, Atlanta 30309
Atlanta Rabbinical Association is a profes sional organization for local rabbis. ARA is led by Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner and Rabbi Joshua Lesser.
Metro Atlanta Community Mikvah (MACoM)
700-A Mount Vernon Highway Atlanta 30328
MACoM is a community mikvah that provides a safe, sensitive, welcoming, halachic and beauti ful environment for Jewish ritual immersion and conversion, Torah awareness, healing and wellness.
Chabad of Athens-UGA
1491 S. Lumpkin Street, Athens 30605
Serving students at the University of Georgia and surrounding colleges, Chabad of AthensUGA is a Jewish student center providing social, educational, recreational, and spiritual program ming for students.
Chabad of Cobb
4450 Lower Roswell Road Marietta 30068
Chabad of Cobb is more than just a synagogue. It is a home for any Jew looking for a warm and spiritual place to grow. At Chabad, everybody is welcome.
Chabad of Downtown Universities 471 10th Street NW, Atlanta 30318 678-304-8672
Chabad prides itself on creating a home away from home for Jewish students at Georgia Tech and Georgia State. Through diverse and dynam ic programming, Chabad offers weekly Shabbat services and dinners, trips, social events, and engaging Jewish educational opportunities.
Chabad of Dunwoody 4534 Village Springs Run Dunwoody 30338 347-770-2414
Chabad of Dunwoody is a center for all things Jewish in Dunwoody. From Holiday events to teen programs, Chabad of Dunwoody ensures that everyone has an opportunity to connect to their heritage in a warm, dynamic and uplifting way.
Chabad of Emory 1526 N. Decatur Road, Atlanta 30307 404-441-3199 www.chabademory.org
Chabad Emory is a space where students socialize in a comfortable home-like setting with great friends, superb food, and stimulating discussion.
Chabad of Forsyth 795 Brannon Road, Cumming 30041 470-253-7111
Chabad of Forsyth is the outreach branch for North Georgia. A warm and inviting community, experience Chabad Forsyth’s events, programs, and services.
Chabad Global Network - Georgia 5180 Roswell Road Atlanta GA 30342 470-433-0770
Chabad of Georgia regional headquarters serves as the comprehensive umbrella orga nization encompassing the robust network of Chabad operations throughout the state. It supports the growth of new centers, devel ops resources for centralized programs, and provides the foundation for the entire region’s Chabad activities.
Chabad of Gwinnett Chabad Enrichment Center of Gwinnett 2651 Smithpoint Drive, Suite B, Peachtree Corners 30092
Serving the Jewish communities of Gwinnett and Hall counties, Chabad Enrichment Center of Gwinnett is committed to providing every Jew of the area the opportunity to celebrate Jewish programs that nurture connection, belonging, cultural fulfillment, and spiritual growth.
Chabad of Hall County Gainesville 30504 770-906-4970
Nestled in the mountains of Northeast Georgia, Chabad of Hall opened in 2022 to create a home for local Jewish life. Its mission is to cre ate a warm and welcoming environment for ev ery Jew, regardless of affiliation or background. With Holiday Programs, Adult Education, and Youth events, Chabad of Hall has something for everyone in the community.
Chabad Intown 730 Ponce de Leon Place NE Atlanta 30306 404-898-0434
Chabad Intown provides opportunities to learn about and experience Jewish tradition and heri tage through Intown Jewish Preschool, Mommy and Me, Intown Hebrew School, Intown Jewish Academy and Young Jewish Professionals.
Chabad Israeli Center Atlanta 4276 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Atlanta 30341 404-252-9508
Chabad Israeli Center offers summer camp, winter break camp, adult education, ulpan, Judaica and more.
Chabad Lubavitch of Georgia
5065 High Point Road, Atlanta 30342
Chabad of Georgia offers youth services and programming, adult education, Chaya Mushka Children’s Preschool, special needs activities for children and adults and summer and winter camps.
Chabad of Kennesaw 1480 Shiloh Road NW, Suite 500 Kennesaw 30144
Chabad of Kennesaw’s presence spans from Kennesaw State University to local education, services and more.
Chabad of North Fulton
10180 Jones Bridge Road Alpharetta 30022
Chabad of North Fulton serves the growing Jewish communities in North Fulton, including Alpharetta, Crabapple, Duluth, Johns Creek, Mil ton, and Roswell. Satellite offices are in Roswell and Alpharetta.
Chabad of Peachtree City 632 Dogwood Trail, Tyrone 30290 678-595-0199
Serving Jewish Atlanta’s south side, Chabad of Peachtree City offers Shabbat services, holiday programs, classes for adults and children, hospital visits, lifecycle events, and one-on-one guidance.
Chabad of Toco Hills
1985 Lavista Road, Atlanta 30329 404-337-6116
Chabad of Toco Hills is a young and vibrant shul that opened in 2016. CTH is open to people of all backgrounds, with a special focus on young families. Join CTH for services, family holiday celebrations, youth classes and men’s and women’s events.
Congregation Beth Israel 795 Branning Road, Cumming 30041 470-253-7111
Preschool, Hebrew school, Shabbat dinners, and adult education are available at Congrega tion Beth Israel, located together with Chabad Forsyth.
Congregation Beth Tefillah 5065 High Point Road, Atlanta 30342 404-843-2464
Congregation Beth Tefillah is a synagogue and center of learning for Jews of all backgrounds. Affiliated with Chabad of Georgia, CBT’s mission is to engender a feeling of comfort and belong ing in all Jews.
Ahavath Achim Synagogue 600 Peachtree Battle Avenue Atlanta 30327 404-355-5222
Celebrating 130 years, Ahavath Achim Syna gogue is a historical, egalitarian congregation driven by social action, Jewish continuity, culturel, arts and education.
Congregation Beth Shalom 5303 Winters Chapel Road Dunwoody 30360 770-399-5300
Congregation Beth Shalom is an egalitarian inclusive, spiritual Jewish community, providing a warm, nurturing environment where we pray, learn, educate and perpetuate Torah and Jewish values, while serving the greater community.
Congregation B’nai Torah
700 Mt. Vernon Highway NE Sandy Springs 30328 404-257-0537 www.bnaitorah.org
Congregation B’nai Torah’s authentic and welcoming community helps you deepen your relationships with others who share your values and with God. We are committed to creating modern and meaningful experiences that are based in our rich traditions. Our accredited pre school grows Jewish minds and hearts for the youngest in our community and is open to nonmembers. Join us for services any time. Our Pu rim, Hanukkah and Simchat Torah celebrations, as well as our High Holiday Essentials services are open to all and free to attend.
Congregation Etz Chaim 1190 Indian Hills Parkway Marietta 30068
For over 40 years, Etz Chaim has been creating meaningful Jewish experiences in the northern suburbs of Atlanta in East Cobb, Marietta. Our congregation is an inclusive and engaging egalitarian Conservative shul creating multigen erational connections. See why Rabbi Dorsch calls Etz Chaim “The Shul with the Neshama (soul) of the South.”
Congregation Gesher L’Torah 4320 Kimball Bridge Road Alpharetta 30022 770-777-4009
Gesher L’Torah prides itself on catering to members, no matter their personal experience or background: Traditional or not traditional, interfaith families, Jewish by choice, or explor ing Jewish life.
Congregation Or Hadash
7460 Trowbridge Road Sandy Springs 30328 404-250-3338
Or Hadash is an egalitarian Conservative congregation dedicated to providing a warm and welcoming Jewish environment in which to build spiritual and social connections through prayer, learning, music and tikkun olam. We believe that a caring community is a holy com munity.
Congregation Shearith Israel
1180 University Drive, Atlanta 30306
With more than 110 years of history, Congrega tion Shearith Israel has entered its next chapter. Shearith Israel is an egalitarian Conservative synagogue devoted to spiritual and religious enrichment, Jewish education and community. Shearith Israel closely follows Jewish tradition while having the insights of modern thought.
Congregation Shema YisraelThe Open Synagogue
7100 Stanton Drive, Atlanta 30328
The Shema Yisrael mission is to be a syna gogue embracing all that is Jewish by seeking to nurture an inclusive and caring spiritual com munity reflecting Klal Yisrael (The Peoplehood of Israel). Shema Yisrael is dedicated to the premise that “we can worship G-d in holiness only as we serve one another in love.”
Guardians of the Torah P.O. Box 767981, Roswell 30076
Guardians of the Torah is a congregation without walls that is open to all. Guardians of the Torah is also an organization that supports police and other public safety officers and first responders in need of spiritual support. We profess our devotion to G-d, our commitment to studying Torah.
Congregation Anshi S’Fard 1324 North Highland Avenue NE Atlanta 30306 404-969-6763
Anshi includes a wide array of professionals, artisans, and academics, singles, families, Holo caust survivors, grandparents and retirees.
Congregation Ariel 5237 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody 30338 770-390-9071
An Orthodox community in beautiful Dunwoody, the Ariel family welcomes Jews of all ages, stages and backgrounds. Join us for daily min yanim, classes with rabbis, one-on-one learning, youth groups for tots to teens, as well as study groups and workshops co-hosted with the Atlanta Scholars Kollel. Our growing campus includes a modern sanctuary, social hall, tevilas keilim mikvah, and elegant women’s mikvah.
Congregation Beth Itzhak 6030 Goodwood Boulevard Norcross 30093 678-200-8897
Congregation Beth Itzhak offers catering for all your needs under AKC supervision.
Congregation Beth Jacob 1855 Lavista Road, Atlanta 30329 404-633-0551
Beth Jacob Atlanta is truly the Orthodox syna gogue for all Jews. Beth Jacob aims to inspire and motivate individuals and families at all levels of observance to strengthen their Jewish connection. The Atlanta Scholars Kollel and Beth Jacob co-host study groups and work shops, presenting timely topics with a Jewish perspective.
Congregation Ner Hamizrach
1858 Lavista Road, Atlanta 30329 404-315-9020
Congregation Ner Hamizrach was founded in 1991 to serve the spiritual needs of the growing Sephardic Jewish population in Atlanta. The synagogue is home to a warm and welcoming kehilla, steeped in the Sephardic tradition of nusach Edot Hamizrach. Ner Hamizrach is a strong leader in the Atlanta Orthodox Jewish Community.
Congregation Netzach Israel
1985 Lavista Road NE, Atlanta 30329 www.netzachisrael.org
Email us for more information: office@netzachisrael.org
Congregation Shaarei Shamayim 1600 Mount Mariah Road NE Atlanta 30329
Atlanta’s Modern Orthodox Shul. They are a vibrant, welcoming congregation devoted to increasing observance, knowledge, and spiri tuality under the guidance of Rabbi Mark Hillel Kunis. We are dedicated to acts of Chesed while finding an ever increasing closeness to each other and Hashem.
Kesher Torah Atlanta
5075 Roswell Road NE Atlanta 30342 470-746-6627
Kesher Torah means “connection,” and that is exactly what we are: a warm and diverse com munity, A Place for ALL Jews. Our mission is to inspire people to make themselves and their lives better through the wisdom of the Torah. Our diverse congregation follows Orthodox traditions.
New Toco Shul
2003 Lavista Road, Atlanta 30329 770-765-7485
New Toco Shul was founded on the ideas that every individual has unique abilities and perspectives, that we are obligated to share our talents with others, and that our community is strongest when our members contribute to its success and well-being. Rabbinic and lay partners work together to provide a platform for sophisticated and nuanced Torah, reflective and meaningful Tefillah, and supportive and enrich ing Gemilut Chassadim.
Ohr Hatorah of Toco Hills
2056 Lavista Road, Atlanta 30329
Our mission is to inspire people to make them selves and their lives better through the wisdom of the Torah. Our diverse congregation follows Orthodox traditions.
Congregation Bet Haverim
2074 Lavista Road, Atlanta 30329
Congregation Bet Haverim is a Reconstruction ist synagogue founded by lesbians and gay men and embracing all Jews and their loved ones. Shabbat services include Erev Shab bat with music from our chorus, tot Shabbat for little ones, a chant service, and a monthly Shabbat dinner. We also offer Parent ’n’ Me and Sing ’n’ Play programs for babies, toddlers and preschoolers.
Congregation B’nai Israel
1633 Highway 54E, Jonesboro 30238
The mission of Congregation B’nai Israel is to welcome and to engage Jews with open minds and open hearts. We are a warm and caring multi-generational Jewish community for Jews and interfaith families on the south side of Atlanta. If you’re seeking a joyful connection to the southside Atlanta Jewish community, we welcome you.
Congregation Dor Tamid 11165 Parsons Road Johns Creek 30097 770-623-8860
A Reform synagogue serving the Johns Creek, Alpharetta, Greater North Fulton, South Forsyth and Gwinnett area founded to create mean ingful and enduring religious experiences for our members and their families. We actively welcome all families and individuals interested in participating in Jewish life and in the com munity of the congregation.
Congregation Ner Tamid 1349 Old Highway 41, Suite 220 Marietta 30060 678-264-8575
Congregation Ner Tamid is a growing Reform synagogue serving West Cobb, South Cobb, Paulding, Kennesaw, Acworth and surrounding areas. We offer a warm, welcoming environ ment where we are dedicated to honoring the traditions of our heritage, while creating a Jew ish experience that is relevant to today’s society.
Rodeph Sholom Congregation 406 East 1st Street, Rome 30161 706-291-6315
We strive to help you feel immediately at home and welcomed at Rodeph Sholom in Rome, GA. We have rabbi-led services and Torah study throughout the year for High Holidays and Shabbat. See and feel the warmth of a small congregation where you will never feel lost in a crowd, and your participation can truly make a difference. Rodeph Sholom, NW Georgia’s only synagogue, is located midway between Atlanta and Chattanooga.
Temple Beth David
1885 McGee Road SW, Snellville 30078 770-978-3916
Temple Beth David began in 1981 as the first formal Jewish presence in Gwinnett County. TBD provides a continuing spirit of worship and service that does not sacrifice the family closeness. TBD offers weekly services, holiday celebrations, life cycle events and educational programs.
Temple Beth Tikvah 9955 Coleman Road, Roswell 30075 770-642-0434
Temple Beth Tikvah’s proud history of inclusion, ritual, and support is paving the way to an excit ing future. Get to know Temple Beth Tikvah and become a part of the rich experiences available.
Temple Emanu-El
1580 Spalding Drive Atlanta 30350 770-395-1340
Everyone knows that Temple Emanu-El is more than just a Reform congregation. It is a warm, caring neighborhood synagogue focused on transforming the local community. We embody the Jewish values of audacious hospitality and authentic companionship. Together we are building a congregation of thought-leaders, spiritual seekers, and engaged Jewish changemakers.
Temple Kehillat Chaim
1145 Green Street, Roswell 30075 770-641-8630
Temple Kehillat Chaim, which means Com munity of Life, is a Jewish Reform congregation located in Historic Roswell. We seek to meet the spiritual, educational, cultural and social needs of our members.
Temple Kol Emeth
1415 Old Canton Road, Marietta 30062 770-973-3533
Temple Kol Emeth is home to an inclusive and diverse Jewish congregation that respects indi viduality while lifting the voices of its members to strengthen the greater community. Nurture your Jewish identity with energizing and inspir ing leadership, spiritual music, and engaging programming that adds meaning in your life.
Temple Sinai
5645 Dupree Drive
Sandy Springs 30327
Temple Sinai is a vibrant Reform congregation in Sandy Springs that values lifelong Jewish learning, a warm spirit of community, a sense of inclusivity, and active participation in Jewish life. Our community serves as a center of Jewish life and as an extended, caring family for which we provide a Jewish context for life experiences.
The Temple
1589 Peachtree Street
Atlanta 30309
The Temple, founded in 1867, blends tradition with innovation to create a vibrant and warm atmosphere that is inviting to all who walk through its famous red doors on Peachtree Street. In addition to upholding The Temple’s deep-seated roots within the greater Atlanta community, The Temple’s clergy and staff have dedicated themselves to engaging with each congregant.
Congregation Ner Hamizrach
1858 Lavista Road NE, Atlanta 30329 404-315-9020
Congregation Ner Hamizrach was founded in 1991 to serve the spiritual needs of the growing Sephardic Jewish population in Atlanta. The synagogue is home to a warm and welcoming kehilla, steeped in the Sephardic tradition of nusach Edot Hamizrach. Ner Hamizrach is a strong leader in the Atlanta Orthodox Jewish community.
Congregation Or VeShalom
1681 N. Druid Hills Road NE Atlanta 30319
Congregation Or VeShalom is a Sephardic syna gogue in Brookhaven. At 400 families strong, we are dedicated to the spiritual and intellectual growth of our members. Building on over 100 years of tradition, we embrace our history and envision a strong future with innovative pro gramming. Come and experience the Sephardic warmth, culture and welcoming community.
Atlanta Circumcision 516-510-2436 www.atlantacircumcision.com
Atlanta Mohel 404-606-0468 www.atlantamohel.com
Mohel Atlanta - Rabbi Ariel Asa 404-271-8672 www.mohelatlanta.com
Mohel Georgia 404-931-6449 www.mohelga.com
Simple Circumcision 412-508-0914 www.simplecircumcision.com
The Georgia Mohel 770-765-2747 www.georgiamohel.com
Atlanta Kosher Commission 1855 Lavista Road, Atlanta 30329 404-634-4063 www.kosheratlanta.org
Religious Life
AKC is an Orthodox community-based nonprofit kosher supervising agency founded in the 1970s by Rabbi Emanuel Feldman. The Atlanta Kashruth Commission currently certifies over 150 companies in the Southeast and beyond, including manufacturing facilities, bakeries, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, and caterers throughout the country.
Atlanta Scholars Kollel 1959 Lavista Road, Atlanta 30329 404-321-4085
The Atlanta Scholars Kollel invites you to meet, learn with and get to know them. The Kollel is a group of rabbis and families in Georgia who have dedicated themselves to promoting Jewish identity through Jewish knowledge. We are both students and teachers. Every morning we study Talmud together as a group and then head out to the community at large to teach about Judaism. We teach high school and college students, professionals and retirees. We are nonjudgmental, knowledgeable, funny, inspiring and relevant.
Rabbi Barry Altmark Birmingham, Alabama 205-870-1883
Rabbi Altmark performs interfaith and Jewish weddings as well as bar and bat mitzvahs in Atlanta, Nashville, Alabama, and Mississippi. He is a Rabbi for interfaith and Jewish weddings and bar and bat mitzvahs.
Rabbis Barry and Michele Selvin Coffsky Marietta 770-314-0232 www.atlantarabbis.com
Rabbi Coffsky and Rabbi Selvin Coffsky officiate weddings, baby namings, private bar and bat mitzvahs, memorial services, and special needs bar and bat mitzvahs, as well as make hos pital visits. They provide independent Jewish services and perform interfaith and retirement community outreach. ì
Atlanta Scholars Kollel 1959 Lavista Road Atlanta 30329
The Kollel is a group of rabbis and families who are dedicated to promoting Jewish identity through Jewish knowledge. The Kollel studies Talmud together every morning, then heads out to the community at large to teach about Judaism. Kollel students range from high schoolers to retirees.
Dale Carnegie of Georgia 2111 Perimeter Center Parkway NE, Suite 1030
Atlanta 30346
Dale Carnegie’s training methods are proven to sharpen professional skills and transform people into successful, fulfilled individuals.
Limmud Atlanta and Southeast 1440 Spring Street NW Atlanta 30309
LimmudFest at Ramah Darom is a celebra tion and festival of Jewish thought, arts, culture, life, learning and teaching. In the North Georgia mountains, hundreds of Jews from all Jewish backgrounds, all lifestyles and all ages gather for a weekend of workshops, discus sions, arts, text-study sessions, yoga, hiking and more.
Blue Star Camps
3595 Sheridan Street, Suite 107 Hollywood, FL 33021 954-963-4494
Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina, Blue Star’s 500-acre campus and adjoining 10,400-acre forest preserve inspire campers to connect with the natural world, providing endless opportunities for summer camp adventures. Campers, ages 6 to 16, spend their days immersed in camp life, enjoying exciting activities and sharing happy moments.
Camp Barney Medintz
5342 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody 30338 678-812-3844
Camp Barney Medintz has provided the most magical Jewish summer overnight camping adventure for boys and girls ages 8 to 16 for five decades!
Camp Blue Ridge
510 NW 84 Avenue, Suite 101 Plantation, FL 33324 954-665-8686
A co-ed camp located in the north Georgia mountains, Camp Blue Ridge has 50 activities in the areas of athletics, aquatics, outdoor adventure, cultural arts and more.
Camp Coleman
1580 Spalding Drive Atlanta 30350 770-671-8971
URJ Camp Coleman is a place where every one feels at home. We strive to make every camper’s experience nurturing and fulfilling, and we do so by making sure that every child feels welcomed and supported.
Camp Judaea
1440 Spring Street NW Atlanta 30309
Camp Judaea’s mission is to provide a safe, fun, nurturing community where children, teens and young adults grow as individuals and build lifelong friendships.
Camp Living Wonders
5425 Powers Ferry Road NW Atlanta 30327
www.facebook.com/CampLivingWon ders/
Camp Living Wonders is a special summer place for exceptional Jewish children. We bring the magic of camping – friendship, na ture, achievement and discovery – to kids with developmental and cognitive disabilities.
Camp Ramah Darom
6400 Powers Ferry Road NW, Suite 215 Atlanta 30339
Ramah Darom offers year-round experiential, inclusive programs for all ages, from summer camp and family camps to multi-generational retreats in the North GA. mountains.
High Meadows Camp
1055 Willeo Road, Roswell 30075 770-993-7975
Since 1973, High Meadows has offered a rich, traditional outdoor day program with unique facilities on more than 40 acres of meadow and woodland for campers, ages 3 through 14.
In the City Camps
2897 N. Druid Hills Road #344 Atlanta 30329
In the City Camps is a values-based Jewish day camp for children entering kindergarten through 10th grade. Sports, swimming, art, nature, field trips, community service, cooking, archery, dance, magic, science, drama and more! Two locations: Intown Atlanta at Chabad Intown and Sandy Springs at The Weber School. Free bus transportation.
Marcus Jewish Community Center Camps
5342 Tilly Mill Road
Dunwoody 30338
The MJCCA offers more than 100 camp op tions for rising pre-K to 10th grades at three Atlanta locations: Dunwoody, Intown and East Cobb. Our stellar day camps take place in Dunwoody on our 52-acre Zaban Park campus, Intown on the Emory University campus and in East Cobb at Temple Kol Emeth.
MJCCA Day Camps
5342 Tilly Mill Road
Dunwoody 30338
At MJCCA Day Camps, rising pre-K through 10th graders make lifelong friends, gain new skills and have the best summer ever in our traditional, performing arts, sports, specialty and teen camps, across our three locations: Dunwoody, Intown and East Cobb.
Locations across Atlanta
YMCA camps promote caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. Camps include sports, teen leadership, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) and much more!
Alpha Epsilon Pi
Locations across metro Atlanta
Alpha Epsilon Pi was founded to provide op portunities for the Jewish college man seeking the best possible college and fraternity experi ence.
Fine Educational Solutions Atlanta, Ga. and Charlotte, NC. 404-444-0143
We believe the college admissions process is more than list-building and essays: it is a time to reflect upon personal and professional goals. Our students not only gain admittance to colleges and universities where they will thrive but feel empowered by the sense of direction and purpose they gain during our work together.
Hillels of Georgia
735 Gatewood Road NE Atlanta 30322 404-963-2548 www.hillelsofgeorgia.org
Hillel is the focal point of Jewish college students on campus.
Jewish Educational Loan Fund 4549 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Atlanta 30338 770-396-3080 www.jelf.org
JELF provides interest-free loans to Jewish students in need for higher education through out a five-state region: Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.
Atlanta Ballet Centre for Dance Education
1695 Marietta Boulevard NW Atlanta 30318 404-873-5811
Founded in 1996, the official school of Atlanta Ballet provides an opportunity for everyone in the community to discover the joys of dance.
J Dance Company at the MJCCA
5342 Tilly Mill Road Dunwoody 30338 678-812-4049
Our private and group dance classes cover an array of styles. From toddlers to adults, danc ers learn discipline, build strength, develop confidence and have fun.
Sandy Springs Music
5920 Roswell Rd, Suite D201 Atlanta GA 30328 404-250-0406
SSM was established in 2004 and is your home for music lessons, band and orchestra rentals, guitar and music retail sales. Striving to offer the best in music lessons, rentals and retail sales while providing a friendly, non-com petitive, fun environment. SSM teaches guitar, piano, voice, strings, brass, drums, woodwinds, bass and ukulele.
School of Rock
2469 East Piedmont Road, Suite 1101 Marietta 30062
School of Rock believes the best way to learn music is to play music. Taking students from lesson room to stage, developing confidence and musicianship with programs for all levels.
European School of Music 5187 Roswell Road Atlanta 30342 404-255-8382
Learn Jewish, classical and popular music! Piano, violin, guitar and voice for 5 years old to adult. Our unique instructional method de velops both musical and intellectual abilities, memory focus, creativity and critical thinking, which help students reach their full potential.
Jewish Kids Groups
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-913-9554
A reimagined, reinvented, ridiculously cool Hebrew school and afterschool program in multiple locations.
600 Peachtree Battle Avenue NW Atlanta 30327
Kesher@AA is a religious education initiative for children ages 3 years old through 12th grade. At Kesher@AA, children will be inspired and curious about Judaism as they encounter a variety of topics through camp-like enrich ment activities.
Atlanta Jewish Academy
5200 Northland Drive Atlanta, GA 30342
AJA is a Jewish day school driven by a pas sion for academic excellence in general and Judaic studies, Torah values, and a love for Israel and all Jewish people.
Chaya Mushkah Children’s House Elementary and Middle School
5180 Roswell Road Atlanta 30342
CMCH is a progressive Jewish Montessori school serving elementary through middle school children. As a Chabad community school, we welcome every Jewish child, re gardless of background or affiliation, with the understanding that each is a unique blessing to our community and essential to our world.
The Alfred and Adele Davis Academy
8105 Roberts Drive Atlanta 30350
The Davis Academy serves students ages 4 through eighth grade at its two state-of-the-art campuses in the Sandy Springs/Dunwoody area.
The Epstein School
335 Colewood Way NW Sandy Springs 30328 404-250-5600
The Epstein School is an independent Jewish day school located in Sandy Springs. It enrolls children from 18 months through eighth grade and is a member of the Solomon Schechter Day School Association.
The Weber School
6751 Roswell Road Atlanta 30328 404-917-2500
The Weber School is Atlanta’s only high school serving students from all Jewish backgrounds. It offers a robust advanced academic and cocurricular program.
Temima - The Richard & Jean Katz High School for Girls 1839 Lavista Road Atlanta 30329 404-315-0507 www.temima.org
The Hebrew word “Temima” indicates whole ness or completeness. We are committed to educating the complete Jewish woman as we address her intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical needs. Our mission is to enable each student to reach her full potential as a committed, G-d fearing Jew and a productive member of society.
Torah Day School
1985 Lavista Road Atlanta 30329 404-982-0800
Torah Day School of Atlanta provides an au thentic Torah education and a robust general studies curriculum in a warm and nurturing environment.
Atlanta Academy
2000 Holcomb Woods Parkway Roswell 30076 678-461-6102
Founded by teachers in 2000, Atlanta Acad emy serves more than 350 private preschool to eighth-grade students and their families in North Atlanta. Our mission to give every student the individual attention they need to succeed is at the core of everything we do.
Atlanta Girls’ School
3254 Northside Parkway NW Atlanta 30327 404-845-0900
AGS offers girls in grades six through 12 a college-preparatory curriculum of the highest standards. 100 percent of our graduates are accepted to a four-year college or university.
Atlanta International School 2890 N. Fulton Drive NE Atlanta 30305
We provide a rigorous International Baccalau reate education in a diverse, multicultural, mul tilinguistic community where the reality and hope of human potential are in action. Through independent and collaborative learning, AIS offers an exceptional foundation that prepares its students to seize opportunities, realize their fullest potential and make positive contribu tions to a complex, interdependent world.
Ben Franklin Academy
1585 Clifton Road NE Atlanta 30329
We provide our students with a challenging individualized college preparatory education within a caring community of learners, while advancing the knowledge and methodology of the adolescent education.
Brandon Hall School
1701 Brandon Hall Drive Atlanta 30350
Brandon Hall’s mission as a co-educational, global boarding and day school challenges students to lead lives of leadership, scholar ship and service. Our community celebrates learning, fosters global citizenship, embraces diversity, encourages athleticism and artistic expression, and inspires students to find their path and lead the way.
High Meadows School
1055 Willeo Road
Roswell, GA 30075
Since 1973, High Meadows has inspired children to think critically, learn creatively, act globally and live compassionately.
Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School
805 Mount Vernon Highway, NW Atlanta 30327
Holy Innocents’ is one of the nation’s largest Episcopal schools, enrolling 1,376 students in grades pre-K 3 to 12.
McGinnis Woods School
5380 Faircroft Drive
Alpharetta 30005
McGinnis Woods School is a non-parochial private school located on 15 acres in Forsyth County. The school serves infants through 8th graders; its mission to inspire students with the passion to excel. The school features small class sizes with certified teach ers and assistants, an emphasis on hands on learning and is a 1 to 1 iPad environment.
Pace Academy
966 W. Paces Ferry Road NW Atlanta 30327 404-262-1345
Pace Academy is a co-educational, collegepreparatory day school serving 1,115 students in grades pre-first through 12 in Atlanta.
Riverside Military Academy
2001 Riverside Drive
Gainesville 30501 800-462-2338
RMA produces highly educated, motivated and physically fit young men of character, dedi cated to the values necessary for good citizen ship, and who, upon graduation, are prepared to succeed in college and beyond. Established in 1907, RMA has an international reputation for excellence through high, rigorous stan dards focusing on intellectual, physical and moral/ethical development.
Saint Francis Schools
9375 Willeo Road Roswell 30075 770-641-8257
The mission of Saint Francis Schools is to pro vide a college preparatory program to students grades K-12 with diverse academic ability in a structured environment that is challenging and supportive.
The Cottage School
700 Grimes Bridge Road Roswell 30075
Building a sense of self for students with special learning needs through academic and experiential programming, The Cottage School prepares individuals for fulfillment of their true potential as confident, productive, and independent adults.
The Friends School of Atlanta
862 S. Columbia Drive
Decatur 30030 404-373-8746
Our mission is to provide challenging academ ics in a diverse environment, drawing on the Quaker testimonies, or values, of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality and stewardship to empower our students to go out into the world with conscience, conviction and compassion.
The Galloway School
215 Chastain Park Avenue NW Atlanta 30342 404-252-8389
Galloway encourages students to value them selves and to value learning. Students set and achieve goals based on the individual striving for excellence rather than in competition with others.
The Howard School
1192 Foster Street NW Atlanta 30318 404-377-7436
The Howard School is an extraordinary school for children with language-based learning dif ferences, filled with a robust academic curricu lum, athletics, arts and community leadership opportunities.
The Paideia School
1509 Ponce de Leon Avenue Atlanta 30307 404-377-3491
Paideia was founded on the idea that children should be educated with respect for their individuality. True to that inspiration, today Paideia is a leading progressive school in the Southeast.
The Walker School
700 Cobb Parkway North Marietta 30062
The Walker School is the college-preparatory independent school for families seeking an engaging educational experience within an in timately scaled, caring and diverse community, where opportunities abound and meaningful relationships inspire transformative learning.
1424 W. Paces Ferry Road, NW Atlanta 30327
Westminster was founded by Atlanta’s leaders as a learning community rooted in Christian values and wholesome intensity. Since 1951, our students have been inspired to become leaders of conscience in Atlanta and through out the world.
Woodward Academy
1662 Rugby Avenue College Park 30337
At Woodward Academy students are pre pared for college and life. Teachers offer wise guidance every step, from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. We offer unparalleled op portunities in academics, arts and athletics as well as prolific co-curricular opportunities. Our emphasis on community service prepares stu dents to become engaged and giving citizens.
Am Yisrael Chai!
2472 Jett Ferry Rd, Suite 400, #260 Dunwoody 30338
We are a Holocaust education organization.
American Hebrew Academy
4334 Hobbs Road
Greensboro, NC 27410
The American Hebrew Academy is believed the only international Jewish college prep boarding school with students from 31 states and 35 countries.
Center for Israel Education P.O. Box 15129, Atlanta 30333 404-395-6851
CIE focuses on delivering engaging learning programs, providing professional training and sharing resources with anyone who is inter ested in learning more about modern Israel.
Cub Scout Pack 1818 Atlanta 678-613-1422 www.pack1818.com
Pack 1818, based at the Marcus JCC, combines scouting with Jewish heritage and traditions. Bond with your child (K-5 boys and girls) while building life skills and lifelong friendships.
Ecole du Samedi 2890 North Fulton Drive Atlanta 30305 770-634-6228
The French language school for children and adults.
Etgar 36 P.O. Box 2212, Decatur 30031 404-456-6605 www.etgar.org
Etgar 36 is a Jewish educational institute devoted to using group journeys to cultivate American and Jewish identities in a manner that sharpens social and political awareness, critical thinking skills and a sense of how to create change in the world.
Jeff Justice’s Comedy Workshoppe
273 Eureka Drive NE Atlanta 30305 404-312-3404 www.comedyworkshoppe.com
Stand-up comedy classes held at The Punch line Comedy Club.
1440 Spring Street NW Atlanta 30309 (404) 873-1661 www.jumpsparkatl.org
JumpSpark provides Jewish teens with interest-based programming and social op portunities using innovative resources in the Atlanta community and beyond.
Kollel Ner Hamizrach
1858 Lavista Road NE Atlanta 30329 404-315-9020 www.nerhamizrach.com
Besides their own rigorous daily learning schedule, the rabbis also teach and tutor in the evenings throughout the Atlanta Jewish com munity. Kollel Ner Hamizrach aims to create a bastion of Torah scholarship in Atlanta and encourage other young couples to move to Atlanta and share their Torah knowledge with Jews of all affiliations.
Milner Driving School
255 Village Parkway, #530 Marietta 30067 770-984-9005
Milner Driving School offers instruction, driving time, and alcohol and drug awareness pro grams taught by professional instructors.
Tam Institute for Jewish Studies at Emory University
Callaway Memorial Center 537 Kilgo Circle Atlanta 30322 404-727-6301 www.js.emory.edu
The Tam Institute for Jewish Studies at Emory University brings together scholars and stu dents from a number of different departments and programs to engage in the interdisciplin ary exploration of Jewish civilization and culture.
Troop 1818 Boy Scouts USA
Metro Atlanta
Troop 1818 is a Scouting program with a Jew ish twist. Scout philosophies, like respecting nature and service projects, mesh beautifully with our Jewish teachings of Tzedaka and Tikun Olam. We tend to attract families that are Reform, Conservative or unaffiliated.
Sponsored by the MJCCA, we work with young men, grades 6-12, from North Atlanta, Roswell, Johns Creek, Alpharetta, East Cobb, Sandy Springs, Decatur and Dunwoody .
Ahava Early Learning Center
600 Peachtree Battle Avenue NW Atlanta 30327
In Ahava Jewish culture, traditions and values blend seamlessly into each day’s activities, such as music, language, literature, cooking and dramatic play. Children ages 12 weeks to 6 years old are welcome.
Alefbet Preschool
5303 Winters Chapel Road
Atlanta 30360
At Alefbet Preschool, children are engaged in creative learning, nurtured by educators, and building strong and enduring Jewish values. Ages 6 weeks to 5 years.
Beth Jacob Preschool
1855 Lavista Road
Atlanta 30329
The Beth Jacob Preschool welcomes all Jew ish children, ages 3 months through pre-K. The school provides early childhood students with a foundation for learning by nurturing social, physical and cognitive development through the earliest years of development.
Beth Tikvah Early Childhood Education Center
9955 Coleman Road Roswell 30075 770-642-0434
The Early Childhood Education Center at Temple Beth Tikvah creates a comfortable and happy place for preschoolers to learn and grow.
B’nai Torah Preschool 700 Mt. Vernon Highway, NE Sandy Springs 30328 404-257-0537
Congregation B’nai Torah Preschool blends age-appropriate learning and joyful Judaism. Our caring teachers nurture each student as they learn and grow. We focus on Jewish values so children gain strong positive Jewish identities. And our hands-on approach to academics ensures kindergarten readiness. We are growing hearts and minds.
Chaya Mushkah Children’s House 5065 High Point Road NE Atlanta 30342 404-843-9582
The Chaya Mushka Children’s House Pre school is a progressive Jewish Montessori school. Children ages 18 months to kindergar ten are welcome.
Etz Chaim Preschool 1190 Indian Hills Parkway Marietta 30068 770-977-3384 www.etzchaim.net
Etz Chaim Preschool, founded in 1994, provides a nurturing educational environment for young children and their families, encour aging the incorporation of Jewish ideals and practices into their everyday lives.
Gesher L’Torah Preschool 4320 Kimball Bridge Road Alpharetta 30022 770-777-4090 www.gltorah.org
Gesher L’Torah offers mother’s morning out, 2- and 3-year-old programs, and an accredited pre-K program.
Intown Jewish Preschool 604 Cooledge Ave. NE Atlanta 30306 404-898-0438
We offer a creative, progressive, Reggio-in spired Jewish environment where your child’s individual style of learning will be valued and nurtured.
MJCCA Schiff Preschool
1580 Spalding Drive Sandy Springs 30350 678-812-3770
https://templeemanuelatlanta.org/ learn/schiff-preschool
Full and half-day options are available for children 6 weeks through pre-K.
Morah Carol’s Place
1681 N. Druid Hills Road NE Atlanta 30319 470-659-5484
A traditional Jewish preschool with working parents in mind.
Seeds of Wonder Journey School
1145 Green Street Roswell 30075 770-500-4178 www.sowjs.org
New progressive Jewish preschool (ages 12 weeks to 6 years old). Featuring intentionally smaller class sizes, low student-to-teacher ratios and flexible schedule options.
Springmont School
5750 Long Island Drive NW Atlanta 30327
Springmont, located in the Sandy Springs area, is touted as Atlanta’s oldest Montessori school, serving 250 students 18 months to eighth grade. Hands-on, experiential learn ing includes multi-aged classes, specially designed materials and highly experienced teachers who guide students’ curiosity toward meaningful discoveries.
Temple Sinai Preschool
5645 Dupree Drive
Sandy Springs 30327
Temple Sinai Preschool has programs available for children ages 12 months through Pre-K. Our curriculum in every age group is focused on the development of each whole child.
The Goddard School Sandy Springs
1150 Hammond Drive, Bldg. E, 6425 Roswell Road
Sandy Springs 30328 470-571-1700
www.goddardschool.com/schools/ga/ sandy-springs
More than a typical daycare! Offering two state-of-the-art schools, we have been recog nized for 9 consecutive years, as the “Best of Atlanta for Preschools”. We have been award ed the Circle of Excellence Award 4 times in 7 years, and our graduates consistently excel in public and private schools throughout Atlanta.
The Sunshine School at Temple Kol Emeth
1415 Old Canton Road Marietta 30062
The Sunshine School is conveniently located in Marietta and is easily accessible to those who live or work throughout the Atlanta area. As part of a Bright From the Start pilot, the school earned three stars with Quality Rated, a program that identifies the level of quality in education programs.
Torah Tots Preschool
10180 Jones Bridge Road Johns Creek 30022 (770) 410-9100 www.torahtots.net
Torah Tots Preschool is a loving, caring and nurturing environment where your child will get a healthy foundation for a lifelong love of learning, exploration and growth.
Weinberg Early Learning Center
1589 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta 30309 404-872-8668 www.the-temple.org/welc
Weinberg Early Learning Center at The Temple is an education provider that serves the community of Atlanta. It offers a nurturing environment and provides age-appropriate activities that enhance children’s emotional, social, physical and mental abilities. The center promotes active learning by providing play-based activities and allowing children to discover and explore.
The Weinstein School 5342 Tilly Mill Road Dunwoody 30338 678-812-3800 www.atlantajcc.org
Our state-of-the-art infant classrooms were custom-designed with small children in mind, and our sensory room is ideal for helping babies develop fine and gross motor skills. The Weinstein School also features dedicated music and art rooms to inspire little ones to let their creativity flow.
Applerouth Tutoring
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-728-0661
Applerouth provides the smartest approach to test prep and tutoring. The proprietary system uses the latest research in cognition, memory and motivation to help students achieve a higher level of academic success.
Artz Test Prep and College Essay Coaching
3445 Stratford Avenue, #2605 Atlanta 30326
Two decades of successful tutoring and col lege essay coaching have been built on a pas sion for helping teens reach their best selves. I seek to make the process as hassle-free as possible.
Doherty Educational Consultants
2146 Roswell Road, Suite 108 Marietta Ga, 30062 404-488-6888
Doherty Educational Consultants strive to take the stress out of the college search and application process.
Huntington Learning Center
Locations across metro Atlanta 770-977-3112
Huntington Learning Center is a chain of edu cational service centers in the United States. Huntington is one of the oldest providers of supplemental educational services for primary and secondary students in the U.S.
Scott Rausher
1372 N. Crossing Drive, NE Atlanta 30329
I am an experienced tutor of French, Italian and Hebrew. I also teach English as a foreign language. I hold a TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) certificate. I can help students with exam preparation, homework, vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. I can also prepare language classes for those wish ing to travel abroad. ì
Arts & Culture
Book Festival of the MJCCA
5342 Tilly Mill Road Dunwoody 30338
For 30 successful years, the Book Festival of the MJCCA has provided the community with a literary extravaganza, featuring an exciting lineup of authors, celebrities and influencers. Join fellow book lovers to listen, meet and interact with authors in a variety of forums, in cluding author meet-and-greets, book signings, a community read, and panel discussions.
Atlanta Jewish Film Festival
P.O. Box 746371 Atlanta 30374-6371 404-528-2614
AJFF, with its year-round programming, includ ing the largest Jewish film festival in the world, seeks to inspire communities to new levels of social and cultural understanding by enter taining diverse audiences with film through a Jewish lens.
Athens Jewish Film Festival
P.O. Box 5069, Athens 30604
The AthensJFF, in its 13th year, is touted as the longest running film festival in the community. The five-day festival features nine great films from around the world, along with the famous shorts competition. A unique feature of the festival is that it partners with local Athens restaurants to provide a free nosh nightly.
Atlanta Jewish Life Festival
270 Carpenter Drive NE, Suite 320 Atlanta 30328
The Atlanta Jewish Life Festival is a communi ty festival highlighting the education, arts and culture within our Jewish community. Engag ing members of our community with others to share and learn more about participating Jewish organizations that serve the good of the greater community.
Atlanta Kosher BBQ Festival
Atlanta Kosher BBQ Festival is about bringing the local community together in one venue where we all are comfortable eating the same food and meeting new friends, showing people that kosher food is easier to prepare than you might think. We raise money for local charities or beneficiaries who support our community.
Food That Rocks
705 Hammond Drive Dunwoody 30328 404-875-4434
A celebration of Sandy Springs, Food That Rocks is a festival featuring local chefs and restaurants. Rain or shine.
Neranenah Concert and Culture Series
1440 Spring Street NW Atlanta 30309 www.neranenaharts.org
AJMF uses music year-round, including a signature spring festival of world music, to grow the Jewish community and celebrate our heritage.
1415 Old Canton Road Marietta 30062 404-641-9201 www.noshfest.com
For two days each fall, Temple Kol Emeth hosts a festival to celebrate Jewish food and culture.
Taste of Atlanta
6400 Powers Ferry Road, Suite 390 Atlanta 30339 404-875-4434 www.tasteofatlanta.com
Taste of Atlanta is a three-day food, craft beer, cocktail and wine festival held in Historic Old Fourth Ward.
Atlanta BeltLine
100 Peachtree Street, Suite 2300 Atlanta 30303 404-477-3003
A sustainable redevelopment project that is transforming the city, the Atlanta BeltLine will ultimately connect 45 intown neighborhoods via a 22-mile loop of multi-use trails, a modern streetcar system and parks.
Ponce City Market
675 Ponce De Leon Avenue NE Atlanta 30308 404-900-7900
In 2014, Ponce City Market began to reopen the fully renovated Sears Roebuck & Company building, restoring its prominence as a vital landmark, now the area’s largest adaptive reuse project.
Biblical History Center
130 Gordon Commercial Dr. LaGrange 30240 706-885-0363
The Biblical History Center is like a visit to ancient Israel. See 250 artifacts from the Israel Antiquities Authority, including a four-room Israeli house, goat hair tents, and olive and grape presses.
Nature Center
9135 Willeo Road Roswell 30075 770-992-2055
Explore a natural wonder just outside of At lanta, where the Chattahoochee gently bends. Enjoy trails, exhibits, canoeing and events on 127 acres of forest, wetland, river habitat, and a new zipline. An experience unlike any other Atlanta attraction.
Arts & Culture
Children’s Museum of Atlanta
275 Centennial Olympic Park Drive NW Atlanta 30313
Children’s Museum of Atlanta is the only edu cational venue of its kind in Atlanta, presenting educational programs and exhibits designed for young children ages up to 8 years old.
College Football Hall of Fame
250 Marietta Street NW Atlanta 30313
The College Football Hall of Fame, located in the heart of downtown, boasts a 45-yard indoor football field and 50 engaging and interactive exhibits. It’s a shrine to the greatest to ever play or coach the game.
Fernbank Museum of Natural History
767 Clifton Road NE Atlanta 30307
Fernbank Museum of Natural History is one of the most popular and iconic cultural attrac tions in Atlanta. Home to the world’s largest dinosaurs, Atlanta’s biggest movie screen, and one of the largest assemblages of urban Piedmont forest in the United States, Fern bank brings science to life through immersive programming.
Georgia Aquarium
225 Baker Street NW Atlanta 30313
The aquarium is an entertaining, intriguing, educational experience for guests of all ages. While promoting a fun and enjoyable learning experience, the aquarium instills appreciation for the world’s aquatic biodiversity. One of the aquarium’s goals is to be the leading facility for aquatic animal conservation and research. The aquarium also supports, conducts and leads research on environmental and conservation issues.
High Museum of Art
1280 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta 30309 404-733-5000
Nestled in the heart of Midtown Atlanta, the High Museum of Art is home to world-class art, architecture and creativity in the Southeast. With a collection of renowned works, new spe cial exhibitions and engaging family programs, there’s always something exciting here.
Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site 450 Auburn Avenue NE Atlanta 30312 404-331-5190 www.thekingcenter.org
Established in 1968 by Coretta Scott King, The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change is a global destination, resource center and community institution for over a quarter century. Nearly a million people each year make pilgrimage to the national historic site to learn, be inspired and pay respects to Dr. King’s legacy.
Michael C. Carlos Museum 571 S. Kilgo Circle Atlanta 30322 404-727-4282 www.carlos.emory.edu
The Michael C. Carlos Museum at Emory University is a dynamic center for the study of art and culture, with collections from Africa; ancient Egypt, Nubia, and the Near East; ancient Greece and Rome; the Indigenous Americas; and South Asia; as well as American and European Works on Paper.
Museum of History and Holocaust Education 3333 Busbee Drive Kennesaw 30144 470-578-2083
https://historymuseum.kennesaw. edu
The Museum of History and Holocaust Educa tion at Kennesaw State University presents public events, exhibits and educational resources focused on World War II and the Holocaust in an effort to promote education and dialogue about the past and its signifi cance today.
National Center for Civil and Human Rights 100 Ivan Allen Jr. Boulevard Atlanta 30313 678-999-8990 www.civilandhumanrights.org
The Center for Civil and Human Rights in downtown Atlanta is an engaging cultural attraction that connects the American Civil Rights movement to today’s struggle for global human rights.
Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum 4119 Cromwell Road Chattanooga, TN 37421 423-894-8028 www.tvrail.com
This tourist railroad museum offers vintage train rides from 55 minutes to all day.
The Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History 2829 Cherokee Street NW Kennesaw 30144 770-427-2117 www.southernmuseum.org
As a prestigious Smithsonian Affiliations member, the museum provides visitors with a unique perspective on the strategic and economic use of railroads during and after the Civil War.
William Breman
Jewish Heritage Museum
1440 Spring Street NW
Atlanta 30309
The Breman Museum is home to the perma nent exhibition on the Holocaust, Southern Jewish history, and the Schwartz Gallery, which hosts a variety of traveling and rotating exhibitions. The Weinberg Center for Holo caust Education is an educational resource for students, teachers and lifelong learners.
Zoo Atlanta
800 Cherokee Avenue
Atlanta 30315
The zoo’s mission is to save wildlife and their habitats through conservation, research, edu cation and engaging experiences. The zoo is home to more than 1,000 animals representing more than 200 species, many endangered or critically endangered. Highlights include giant pandas; an African Savanna with elephants, gi raffes and zebras; and one of North America’s largest zoological populations of great apes.
Zuckerman Museum of Art 492 Prillaman Way
Kennesaw 30144 470-578-3223
The museum presents significant works from Kennesaw State University’s permanent art collection and regularly exhibits contemporary works of various media by local and nation ally recognized artists. The ZMA serves as a center for education and professional develop ment, and the museum’s Fine Arts Gallery in the Wilson Building features faculty, student and alumni projects.
Actor’s Express
887 W. Marietta Street Atlanta 30318 404-607-7469
Actor’s Express is a theater that challenges and reflects contemporary human experiences in an inclusive environment. Actor’s Express seeks to jumpstart individual transformations through the shared adventure of live perfor mances, which range from daringly provoca tive to audaciously hilarious.
Agatha’s Original Murder Mystery Theatre
161 Peachtree Center Avenue NE Atlanta 30303 404-584-2233
Arts & Culture
For more than 30 years Agatha’s has been entertaining Atlanta with its unique, hilarious murder mysteries.
Alliance Theatre
1280 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta 30309 404-733-4650
The Alliance Theatre, founded in 1968, is the leading producing theater in the Southeast, reaching more than 165,000 patrons annually. The Alliance delivers powerful programming that challenges adult and youth audiences to think critically and care deeply.
Ameris Bank Amphitheatre at Encore Park 2200 Encore Parkway Alpharetta 30009 404-733-5010
Set on 45 acres of land in Alpharetta, the 12,000-seat Ameris Wireless Amphitheatre at Encore Park seats 7,000 under a roof, and another 5,000 on the Superior Lawn area.
Art Meso
W Hotel, 45 Ivan Allen Boulevard Atlanta 30308 770-940-0329 www.artmeso.com
Art Meso is an international art and fashion exhibition at locations throughout Atlanta.
ART Station Theatre
5384 Manor Drive Stone Mountain 30083 770-469-1105
ART Station is the home of a professional the ater company as well as youth performances, educational programs and summer camp.
Atlanta Ballet
1695 Marietta Boulevard NW Atlanta 30318 404-873-5811
Founded in 1929, Atlanta Ballet is one of the premier dance companies in the country and the official State Ballet of Georgia. Atlanta Ballet’s eclectic repertoire spans ballet history, highlighted by beloved classics and inventive originals.
Atlanta Opera
1575 Northside Drive NW Atlanta 30318 404-881-8801
Founded in 1979, the Atlanta Opera is one of the finest regional opera companies in the nation.
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
1280 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 4074 Atlanta 30309 404-733-4628
The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra is an Ameri can orchestra led by music director Robert Spano. ASO’s main concert venue is Atlanta Symphony Hall in the Woodruff Arts Center.
Arts & Culture
Center for Puppetry Arts
1404 Spring Street Atlanta 30309
The Center for Puppetry Arts’ mission is to inspire imagination, education and community through the global art of puppetry. The art of puppetry has touched the lives of many through enchanting performances, curriculumbased workshops and the hands-on museum, as well as distance learning and outreach programs.
Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre
2800 Cobb Galleria Parkway Atlanta 30339
Cobb Energy Centre is a premier venue for Broadway shows, ballet, concerts, educational shows, family performances, opera, corporate meetings and events.
Core Dance
133 Sycamore Street Decatur 30030
Core Dance creates and performs original dance pieces in support of Atlanta’s evolution as a dynamic center for dance.
Fox Theatre
660 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta 30308
The historic Fox Theatre seats 4,665 guests and hosts more than 150 performances a year — from Broadway and rock to comedy and movies. In addition to the world-famous theater, spectacular ballrooms are available for everything from Sweet 16 parties to weddings and corporate events.
Horizon Theatre Company
1083 Austin Avenue NE Atlanta 30307 404-584-7450
Since 1983, Horizon has produced over 130 professional contemporary plays. Located in Little Five Points, Horizon is a funky, casual, provocative, and fun theater.
MJCCA Performing Arts Theatre
5342 Tilly Mill Road Dunwoody 30338 678-812-4002 www.atlantajcc.org
MJCCA offers performances, speakers, classes, and camps at the Morris and Rae Frank Theatre.
Stage Door Players
5339 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Dunwoody 30338 770-396-1726
Stage Door is a professional theater com mitted to serving the community through expanding theatrical knowledge and experi ence for new audiences, existing audiences and professional talent.
Amphitheatre at Chastain Park
140 W. Wieuca Road NW Atlanta 30342 404-233-2227
From comedians to rock bands, Cadence Bank Amphitheatre at Chastain Park is a beloved summer destination in Atlanta. See a show and enjoy dinner, all under the stars.
Schwartz Center for Performing Arts
1700 N. Decatur Road, Atlanta 30322 404.727.5050
The Schwartz Center for Performing Arts at Emory University is a place where teaching, learning, and performance merge to create a vital arts presence for our community. Pro grams feature world-renowned artists through the Candler Concert Series and Schwartz Artists in Residence, as well as Emory music, theater, and dance ensembles.
Synchronicity Theatre
1545 Peachtree Avenue NE Atlanta 30309 404-484-8636
Synchronicity Theatre was founded in 1997 by four women with a desire to work collab oratively and bring challenging, meaningful theater to Atlanta audiences.
Theatrical Outfit 84 Luckie Street NW Atlanta 30303 678-528-1497
Theatrical Outfit delivers stories that stir the soul by producing world-class theater that starts conversations that matter. ì
1440 Spring Street, NW Atlanta 30309
The ALEF Fund offers Georgia taxpayers a simple way to redirect a portion of their state income taxes to become scholarships at any of 16 participating Jewish preschools and day schools.
Atlanta CASA
395 Pryor Street SW, #4116 Atlanta 30312 404-613-4720
Atlanta CASA is a child advocacy organization for foster children and youths.
American Friends of Magen David AdomSoutheast Region
4371 Northlake Boulevard, Suite 361 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 561-835-0510
American Friends of Magen David Adom is the largest supporter of Magen David Adom. MDA is Israel’s national ambulance, blood-services, and disaster-relief organization, serving as emergency medical first-responders for the country’s 8.8 million people.
American Israel Public Affairs Committee - Southeast Region
P.O. Box 468122 Atlanta 31146 770-541-7610
AIPAC aims to strengthen, protect and pro mote the U.S.-Israel relationship in ways that enhance the security of both nations.
American Jewish Committee
Atlanta Chapter 404-233-5501 www.ajc.org/atlanta
AJC’s Atlanta regional office works to bridge the gap between the Atlanta Jewish commu nity and other ethnic and faith communities. AJC Atlanta also works with the diplomatic corps representing foreign governments across the Southeast.
Atlanta Jewish Foundation 1440 Spring Street NW Atlanta 30309 404-873-1661 www.atlantajewishfoundation.org
Atlanta Jewish Foundation is the place your contributions align with your values, where your support sustains the causes you care about.
Americans United with Israel P.O. Box 73071 Marietta 30007-3071 888-699-AUWI (2894) www.americansunitedwithisrael.org
Americans United with Israel promotes awareness about the value of democracy in the Middle East and Israel, encourages and fa cilitates Israel education programs for children and the general public, and improves the lives of underprivileged Israelis.
Anti-Defamation LeagueSoutheast Region P.O. Box 8379 Atlanta 31106 404-262-3470 www.atlanta.adl.org
For more than 100 years, ADL has led the fight against racism, bigotry, intolerance and antisemitism. ADL is the leader in providing diversity education in schools, communities and workplaces.
Atlanta Israel Coalition 404-226-9271
www.atlantajewishconnector.com/organization/the-atlanta-israel-coalition/ Founded in 2018 by a group of committed volunteers, the Atlanta Israel Coalition strives to unite the pro-Israel community in Atlanta and beyond. As a nonpartisan group, the AIC seeks to inspire and educate through a collec tive effort. Through inclusive educational and community events, the AIC unifies a broad audience, regardless of faith.
Atlanta Kosher Commission 1855 Lavista Road NE, Atlanta 30329 404-634-4063
An Orthodox, community-based kosher supervision agency, the AKC certifies over 150 companies in the Southeast and beyond, including manufacturing facilities, bakeries, su permarkets, restaurants, hotels and caterers.
B’nai B’rith International 1120 20th Street NW, Suite 300N Washington, D.C. 20036
B’nai B’rith International has advocated for global Jewry and championed the cause of human rights since 1843. The Pinch Hitter Program is Atlanta based and provides vol unteer replacements for hospital workers so Christians can have Christmas off.
Birthright Israel Atlanta 1440 Spring Street NW Atlanta 30309 404-873-1661
Birthright Israel Atlanta community trips each year bring a total of 120 young adults to Israel for 10 days. The Atlanta community trips are organized by Israel Outdoors, the largest Birthright provider.
Conexx: America Israel Business Connector
879 High Green Court Marietta 30068 404-843-9426
Conexx creates business opportunities for Is raelis looking to expand in the U.S. and Ameri cans looking for entry into Israel. The business connector provides access to groundbreaking technologies and to partners in the Southeast, Israel and beyond.
Creating Connected Communities
P.O. Box 500247
Atlanta 31150
Our mission is to bring life-enhancing programs to children in need by empowering teens to become engaged community leaders and volunteers.
Eternal Life-Hemshech 205 Northland Ridge Trail Atlanta 30342 404-643-5996
Founded in September 1964 by Atlanta’s Holocaust survivors, Eternal Life-Hemshech designed, built and paid for Atlanta’s nationally award-winning Memorial to the Six Million at Greenwood Cemetery. Today, the organization of survivors, families and friends continue the founders’ legacy supporting Holocaust educa tion and remembrance for future generations.
Friends of the Arava Institute
1320 Centre Street, Suite 206 Newton Centre, MA 02459 617-266-7100
The Arava Institute is a leading environmental and academic institution in the Middle East, working to advance cross-border environmen tal cooperation in the face of political conflict.
Friends of the Israel Defense Forces - Southeast States
P.O. Box 720556 Atlanta 30358
FIDF is committed to providing soldiers with love, support, and care to ease the burden they carry on behalf of the Jewish community worldwide. Through educational, cultural, recreational and social service programs, FIDF is able to help facilitate and support the wellbeing of the soldiers, as well as their families.
Friendship Circle of Atlanta
5180 Roswell Road, Suite N200 Atlanta 30342
Friendship Circle of Atlanta addresses the challenges facing families of individuals with special needs. Innovative programming and volunteers create friendships and inclusion, bridging the gap between the typical and special needs communities.
Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange
P.O. Box 3992, Atlanta 30302 404-413-1035
GILEE improves public safety by enhancing interagency cooperation and educational train ing among law enforcement communities by offering best practices and sources of excel lence in a peer-to-peer environment.
Hadassah Greater Atlanta
1050 Crown Pointe Parkway, Suite 500 Atlanta 30338
The area chapter of the Women’s Zionist Orga nization of America raises money for Hadas sah projects in Israel and the United States, promotes issues of women’s health and family well-being, educates and has fun.
Hebrew Order of David Locations across metro Atlanta www.hodnorthamerica.org
HOD is an international fraternity of Jewish men dedicated to the continuity of the Jew ish people and performing acts of charity to enhance the lives of HOD brethren and the community at large.
Hillels of Georgia
735 Gatewood Road NE Atlanta 30322 404-963-2548
Hillels of Georgia serves more than 5,000 students across the state through Jewish pro gramming, leadership training and advocacy to ensure that the next generation of Jews will be ready to carry the Jewish torch.
Ian’s Friends Foundation 855 Marseilles Drive Atlanta 30327 404-966-0752
IFF’s mission is to undertake and support initiatives at research institutions around the country that focus on developing therapeutic methodologies for the treatment of pediatric brain tumors, for which, historically, little research had been done.
675 Ponce de Leon Avenue NE, Suite 8500 Atlanta 30308 404-991-2238
18Doors offers programs, from “Love and Religion” workshops to holiday parties and Shabbat gatherings, and strives to be as wel coming and inclusive as possible to support and empower interfaith couples and families.
Jack & Jill Late Stage Cancer Foundation 3282 Northside Parkway NW Suite 100 Atlanta 30327 404-537-5253 www.jajf.org
JAJF provides memorable experiences to children facing the imminent loss of a young mom or dad to cancer. Oncologists prescribe JAJF as part of the treatment protocol for the patient, the spouse and their children.
Jewish Community Relations Council of Atlanta
1440 Spring Street NW Atlanta 30309
JCRC Atlanta, the local affiliate of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, educates and advo cates on vital issues and provides a common table for Atlanta’s Jewish community.
Jewish Educational Loan Fund
4549 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Atlanta 30338
JELF provides interest-free loans to Jewish students in need for higher education through out a five-state region: Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.
Jewish Family & Career Services
4549 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Atlanta 30338
JF&CS improves the quality of life and builds self-sufficiency for individuals and families in greater Atlanta through counseling, career sup port, addiction programs, dental care, and ser vices for older adults and for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta
1440 Spring Street NW Atlanta 30309
The Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta pro vides opportunities, care, connection, support and strength for the Atlanta Jewish commu nity, for Israel and for Jews globally.
Jewish Fertility Foundation
1417 Mayson Street NE
Atlanta 30324
Provides financial assistance, emotional sup port and educational programming to Jewish people with medical infertitlity.
Jewish Interest Free Loan of Atlanta
4549 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Suite E Atlanta, GA 30338 470-268-5665
JIFLA provides interest-free loans to help fel low Jews in the Atlanta area maintain financial stability through periods of financial distress with an alternative to high-interest-rate debt.
Jewish National Fund
6065 Roswell Road NE, Suite 214 Atlanta 30328
JNF, which helped re-establish a Jewish homeland in Israel, is following its $1 Billion Roadmap for the Next Decade, an innovative plan for Israel’s future. Its Blueprint Negev pro gram has made the Negev Desert an attractive place to live, work and visit.
Jewish Student Union of Atlanta
311 Briarvista Way Atlanta 30329 678-666-5678
JSU supports clubs at public and non-Jewish private high schools and offers activities outside school to give thousands of students the chance to do something Jewish.
Jewish War Veterans Post 112 Atlanta www.jwv.org
JWV Atlanta Post 112 supports military veter ans and active-duty personnel.
Jewish Women’s Connection of Atlanta
1959 Lavista Road NE Atlanta 30329 470-440-0324
JWC Atlanta is a project of the Atlanta Schol ars Kollel and a partner of Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta.
Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta
1440 Spring Street NW, Atlanta 30309 678-222-3716
Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta promotes social change and creates positive opportuni ties for Jewish women and girls.
P.O. Box 66073
Washington, D.C. 20035 202-596-5207
J Street organizes and mobilizes pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people.
1440 Spring Street NW Atlanta 30309 (404) 873-1661
A Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta Innova tion Initiative and HUB for teen engagement fostering community connection and collabo ration and funding the creation of innovative programming.
Masa Israel Journey
633 3rd Ave., Floor 21 New York, NY 10017 866-864-3279
Masa Israel Journey is a public-service organi zation founded by the Prime Minister’s Office of the Government of Israel together with The Jewish Agency for Israel. Masa Israel is the leading organization in the long-term Israel experience space.
National Council of Jewish Women Atlanta Section
P.O. Box 76162
Sandy Springs 30328 404-843-9600
NCJW’s Atlanta Section advocates for women, children and families through its community service partnerships with area organizations; educates children in several Title I schools through its tutoring program; and champions tirelessly for women’s and children’s rights through its robust advocacy work in Georgia and nationally.
New Israel Fund
6 E. 39th Street, New York, NY 10016 212-613-4400
The New Israel Fund helps Israel live up to its founders’ vision of a state that ensures com plete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants. NIF’s aim is to advance liberal democracy, including freedom of speech and minority rights.
ORT Atlanta 3495 Piedmont Road NE Building 12, Suite 418 Atlanta 30305 404-327-5266
ORT Atlanta creates impact through education by fundraising for our World ORT schools in 35 countries around the globe with a focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and Jewish education.
PJ Library in Atlanta 1440 Spring Street NW Atlanta 30309 404-873-1661
PJ Library in Atlanta, a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation powered by the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, gives age-appro priate, Jewish-themed books and CDs, along with diverse programming, to children ages 6 months to 8 years old.
Second Helpings Atlanta
P.O. Box 720582, Atlanta 30358 678-894-9761
Second Helpings Atlanta is a food rescue organization dedicated to fighting hunger and reducing food waste in metro Atlanta. SHA’s 400 volunteer drivers rescue excess nutritious food daily from 60 food donors and deliver it to 30 partner agencies that serve people in need.
1530 DeKalb Avenue, Suite A Atlanta 30307 404-275-4637 www.sojourngsd.org
SOJOURN: The Southern Jewish Resource Network for Gender and Sexual Diversity advances lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer affirmation and acceptance across the South.
The Packaged Good
5920 Roswell Road, Suite C212 Sandy Springs 30342
https://solidaritysandysprings.org/ The mission of The Packaged Good is to instill in children the desire to give back while inspir ing the next generation of giving.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center 1399 S. Roxbury Drive Los Angeles, CA 90035 800-900-9036 www.wiesenthal.com
This nonprofit international nongovernmental organization fights terrorism, hate and bigotry.
The Sixth Point 470-210-6847 www.thesixthpoint.org
The Sixth Point is an independent, nonde nominational Jewish community in Atlanta for adults in their 20s and 30s(ish). Events once or twice a month range from social to cultural, spiritual to intellectual, and everything in between.
Tzarkei Naomi Fund 404-735-3342 www.tzarkeinaomi.org
Tzarkei Naomi raises funds to help individuals and families who, often tragically, find them selves bereft of a spouse or parent. ì
Health & Wellness
Atlanta Hearing Associates
Locations across metro Atlanta
Atlanta Hearing Associates provides a full range of diagnostic and preventative hear ing services, including hearing aid screening, evaluations, hearing aids and rehabilitative and preventative counseling.
Audiology Associates of Georgia
Locations across metro Atlanta
Established in 1988, Audiology Associates of Georgia enhances each patient’s quality of life through high quality hearing solutions that make it easier to stay connected.
Clearworks Audiology
220 Sandy Springs Circle, Ste. 185 Sandy Springs 404-919-7219
If you are looking for an exceptional customer service experience, kindness and professional ism in your hearing healthcare, your next call should be to ClearWorks Audiology. Dr. Meryl Miller, Audiologist and founder of ClearWorks, is focused on data-driven audiology proce dures and results that change lives. #weliste nyouhear
Costco Hearing Aid Center
Locations across metro Atlanta 1-800-774-2678
Costco Hearing Aid Centers offer the latest in digital technology at the value customers have come to expect. Costco hearing aid staff will work to find the most appropriate solution for hearing loss and lifestyle.
Peachtree Hearing
4939 Lower Roswell Road Marietta 30068 470-485-4327
Peachtree Hearing tests hearing, treats hearing loss, diagnoses and treats dizziness disorders. Peachtree Hearing also specializes in custom solutions for musicians, athletes and audiophiles. These solutions include cus tom noise plugs, musician’s filtered earplugs, in-ear monitors for studio and performance musicians.
Aesthetic Specialty Centre
1825 Old Alabama Road, Suite 201 Roswell 30076 770-393-9000 www.asc-psd.com
With locations in Roswell and Lake Oconee, ASC provides state-of-the-art facilities, the experience of a relaxing getaway, and satisfac tion at every step.
Anderson Center for Hair
5555 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Suite 106, Atlanta 30342 404-256-4247
Dr. Ken Anderson is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon specializing in hair restoration in Alpharetta and Sandy Springs.
Belle de Jour
5290 Roswell Road NE Atlanta 30342 404-250-9100
Belle de Jour is a hair color salon specializing in women’s hair. Highly trained, friendly stylists are committed to providing the best hair color, extensions, and styling services to women.
For the Sole Foot Spa
6690 Roswell Road Sandy Springs 30328 404-254-30328
For The Sole is Atlanta’s premier foot and body massage retreat. Stop by to experience a reju venating foot massage or full body massage.
Great Clips
Locations across metro Atlanta 800-473-2825
Great Clips is a hair salon franchise with over 4,100 locations across the United States and Canada.
1314 Johnson Ferry Road Marietta 30068 770-977-3696 www.intriguesalon.com
Intrigue is an upscale Arrojo Ambassador salon servicing the Southeast for 20 years, located in the heart of East Cobb. Intrigue offers a wide range of hair services and carries the full line of Arrojo hair and body care. In addition, Intrigue offers haircuts by Nick Arrojo himself on a quarterly basis.
Joseph and Friends
Aveda Salon and Spa
Locations across metro Atlanta 770-993-0058
Joseph and Friends is considered one of the top and best 10 salons in Georgia, with five convenient locations.
Health & Wellness
LifeHope Healing Med Spa
3333 Old Milton Parkway, Ste. 100 Alpharetta 30005
Whether you’re just discovering aesthetic enhancements or desiring to maintain the best possible results, our expert team of experi enced providers will support you every step of the journey. Our goal is to educate and em power you with the knowledge and resources to make the best decisions about your beauty and body from non-surgical facial rejuvenation, to body contouring and hormone therapy.
Massage Envy
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-876-3689
Massage Envy caters to all. Whether weekend warrior, an entrepreneur or a busy mom onthe-go, treating muscles is a top priority.
Paper Mill Massage and Spa
255 Village Parkway NE, Suite 420 Marietta 30067 404-492-9383
Paper Mill Massage provides a variety of pro fessional massage and spa services from foot and body massages to Chinese therapy, which includes body scraping and acupuncture. Mas sage helps release chronic muscle tension and reduce mental and physical fatigue and stress.
Spa RaRa
2880 Holcomb Bridge Road, Suite 114 Alpharetta 30002
Spa RaRa is Atlanta’s first Egyptian spa featur ing organic and vegan products and Egyptian spa services.
Spa Sydell
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-255-7727
Spa Sydell offers locations in Norcross, Cum ming and Perimeter. The more than 75 spa and medi-spa services available include mas sages, facials, microdermabrasion, manicures, pedicures, spray tan and waxing; injectables; laser treatments; and innovative micro nee dling and human growth factor treatments.
Treat Your Feet
3275 Peachtree Road NE Atlanta 30305 404-812-0579
Treat Your Feet offers the best body massages and foot massages in the Atlanta area. The first location in Doraville won awards from At lanta Magazine and Citysearch with a mention on the Garden & Gun website.
Van Michael Salon
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-237-4664
In 1984, brothers Van and Michael Council partnered to build a salon that would offer the finest salon services available. Their vision of a salon in Buckhead with just seven chairs grew into one of the most successful salons in his tory. With locations in Atlanta and Tokyo, over 1,000 people a day trust Van Michael Salon for their beauty needs.
Vintage Barber Shop
6649 Roswell Road Sandy Springs 30338 678-967-4700
Vintage Barber Shop offers mens’ and kids’ haircuts in a retro 1950s atmosphere.
Cardiology of Atlanta
755 Mount Vernon Highway NE, Suite 530 Atlanta 30328
Cardiology of Atlanta welcomes patients to participate in and improve their health care. The practice goal is to provide state-of-the-art cardiovascular care in an informative, friendly and caring environment, supported by cuttingedge technology.
Complete Cardiology
5671 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Atlanta 30342
Complete Cardiology offers a vast array of outpatient cardiac services. Patients have ac cess to advanced technology to both diagnose and treat any cardiac disorder, whether simple or complex.
Georgia Cardiovascular and Primary Health
111680 Great Oaks Way, Ste. 170 Alpharetta 30022 770-755-5825
The Cardiometabolic Clinic at Georgia Cardio vascular and Primary Care is dedicated to a patient centered, collaborative model of care preventing the development and reducing the complications of cardiovascular disease. We partner with patients and their primary and specialty physicians to identify health issues and risk factors, review the best treatment options, and create a personalized care plan utilizing both evidence-based lifestyle and pharmacologic treatments.
Heart and Vascular Care
3970 Deputy Bill Cantrell Memorial Road, Ste. 100 Cumming 30040 678-513-2273
Heart and Vascular Care is proud to be a com prehensive cardiovascular practice where we provide healthcare the way you hoped it could be. We pride ourselves on our commitment to utilize state-of-the-art treatments, cuttingedge technology, timely communication, and a promise to nurture sincere patient-to-physician relationship.
Health & Wellness
Northside Cardiology
5670 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Suite 880, Atlanta 30342
Highly trained physicians, nurses, techni cians, advanced practice providers and office personnel at NSC Atlanta work hard to deliver the best possible cardiovascular care, using evidence-based medicine to ensure patients receive the latest technologies and treatments.
Piedmont Heart Institute
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-605-5000
Piedmont Heart Institute is a clinical desti nation for cardiovascular care and a leader in advancing innovative heart and vascular care for patients with even the most complex conditions. PHI was named as a top 100 heart program nationally by Becker’s Hospital Review.
Adler Family Chiropractic, P.C.
1475 Holcomb Bridge Road Suite 177, Roswell 30076
Adler Family Chiropractic serves families and specializes in the treatment of motor vehicle and sports injuries.
Complete Spine Solutions
4060 Peachtree Road NE, Suite J Atlanta 30319
Complete Spine Solutions is fully committed to improving clients’ lives. Starting with an extensive examination, the practice uses the most effective treatment to relieve pain and improve overall health.
Excel Chiropractic
285 Mount Vernon Highway NE Atlanta 30328 770-743-4393
Excel Chiropractic gets patients out of pain and keeps it that way! From children to profes sional athletes and everyone in between, our structural approach to chiropractic corrects the root cause of pain and injuries. Excel Chiro practic focuses on taking care of each patient through specific, corrective chiropractic care.
Levinson Chiropractic 5457 Roswell Road NE, Suite 102 Sandy Springs 30342 404-257-0404
With 25 years of experience, Levinson Chiro practic offers gentle treatments using various techniques, including full spine/diversified, Thompson/drop techniques, activator, toggle, SOT, extremity adjusting, cranial work, and VAX-D Therapy. The practice also uses other therapies to enhance the healing potential, reduce swelling, increase blood flow, decrease pain, stiffness and spasms.
Seiden Chiropractic 1713 Mt. Vernon Road, Suite 2 Dunwoody 30338 770-399-6772
Seiden Chiropractic strives to provide a positive and healthy experience, ensuring the improvement of spine and health. Discover the benefits that chiropractic can make in your life. Wellness does not happen by accident. It is a proactive approach to life that can only begin with a desire for a happier and healthier well-being.
The Joint Chiropractic Locations across metro Atlanta
The Joint’s mission is to improve quality of life through affordable, routine chiropractic care. The Joint was originally founded with a vision to transform the traditional, often misunder stood concept of routine chiropractic care by making it more convenient, friendly and af fordable. The Joint has grown to a nationwide network of more than 400 offices.
Aesthetic & Implant Dentistry of Atlanta
200 Galleria Parkway SE, Suite 180 Atlanta 30339
Dr. David Zelby is an esteemed prosthodontist and advanced restorative dentist. The practice focuses on dental implants, advanced cos metic dentistry and restorative dentistry.
Alluring Cosmetic Dentistry
800 Mansell Road Roswell 30076
An international leader in cosmetic, implant and general dentistry for more than three decades, Dr. David Mastro’s patients travel worldwide for his Atlanta cosmetic dentistry.
Boutique for Cosmetic Dentistry
5975 Roswell Road, Suite D-229 Sandy Springs 30328
www.boutiqueforcosmeticdentistry. com
We are a full-service dental clinic specializing in cosmetic dentistry. Our mission is to provide exceptional dental care by using today’s technology to produce beautiful and lasting dentistry near you. To us, dental care includes not only treating oral health but also improving the overall appearance of the patient’s smile. We want our patients to be able to leave our office with a radiant smile they’re proud to show off.
Health & Wellness
Conyers Denture and Implant Center
1916 Iris Drive SW
Conyers 30094
Conyers Denture and Implant Center provides restorative dental services.
Dentistry 4 Children
Locations across metro Atlanta 678-813-1909
Dentistry 4 Children provides dental services for toddlers to teens.
Dentistry With a Difference
5548 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Dunwoody 30338 770-393-9450
Actively preventing disease and decay through regular home care, professional dental clean ings and regular exams, Dentistry With a Difference partners with clients to maintain a healthy, beautiful smile.
Goldstein Garber & Salama
600 Galleria Parkway, Suite 800 Atlanta 30339
Goldstein, Garber & Salama’s team features eight doctors with expertise spanning a wide variety of areas of oral health and hygiene.
Green Orthodontics
2450 Lawrenceville Highway, Suite 100 Decatur 30033
Green Orthodontics provides high-quality braces and Invisalign in a family-friendly envi ronment. Located minutes from Toco Hills, the practice offers convenient after-school hours and flexible interest-free financing.
Kaplan Orthodontics
4700 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Suite 300 Dunwoody 30338 404-458-5561
We offer custom treatment plans for children, teens and adults. Whatever age you begin treatment, you will get personalized treatment with the best orthodontic technology available.
Peachtree Dunwoody Dental Group
6111 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Building A, Suite 101, Atlanta 30328 770-395-7057
Peachtree Dunwoody Dental Group is com mitted to offering professional, quality care in a comfortable setting for adults and children. Drs. Jeremy Rosenberg and David Camp use advanced dental techniques to provide comprehensive services, including preventa tive cleanings and exams, cosmetic bleach ing, porcelain veneers, root canals, implants, fillings, crowns and more.
Siegel & Dolt
2751 Buford Highway NE, Suite 302 Atlanta 30324 404-634-1277
Drs. Harris Siegel and Skip Dolt have practiced in partnership for 22 years. Both doctors have expertise in cosmetic and implant dentistry and are able to provide a comprehensive ap proach to their patients’ needs.
SmileScapes Dentistry
950 North Point Parkway, Suite 175 Alpharetta 30005 770-551-0808
SmileScapes focuses on providing clients with the highest quality in cosmetic, implant recon structive dentistry as well as family dentistry.
Stein & Frankel Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
2450 Lawrenceville Highway, Suite 100 Decatur 30033 404-329-0000 www.2thdocs.com
Drs. Stein and Frankel are dedicated to provid ing patients with personalized, gentle care. Experience all that modern, high-tech dentistry has to offer, including a comprehensive list of general, restorative and advanced cosmetic dental services to meet the needs of the whole family, from children ages 2 and up to seniors.
Village Orthodontics
5488 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Suite 8 Dunwoody 30338 678-745-5388
Village Orthodontics specializes in orthodontic services, including braces and Invisalign for children and adults. We provide the highest level of treatment in a warm, comfortable environment.
Atlanta Center for Dermatologic Diseases
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-252-4333
For more than 30 years, Atlanta Center for Dermatologic Diseases has been provid ing exceptional dermatology health care to patients of all ages. ACDD offers many options for cosmetic procedures and treatment of skin cancers.
Dermatology Associates of Atlanta
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-256-4457
Dermatology Associates of Atlanta centers offer patients treatments for everything from skin cancer and acne to minimally invasive fat reduction with CoolSculpting® and SlimLipo™. DAA’s state-of-the-art technology, including Ul therapy® facial skin tightening and miraDry® underarm sweat elimination, is designed to deliver maximum results while minimizing downtime.
Health & Wellness
Dermatology Specialists of Georgia
Locations across metro Atlanta
At Dermatology Specialists, we’re committed to providing patients with the highest qual ity, comprehensive dermatology care. Our providers combine education, experience and continual training with advanced, proven treat ments and technology to help patients achieve and maintain their healthiest skin at all ages.
MetroDerm P.C.
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-257-9933
MetroDerm’s goal is to offer every patient the best care. Our providers take time to listen to patient concerns and answer questions to the best of their ability. Part of this process is ex plaining diagnosis and treatment plans. These will always be discussed with the patient as we feel understanding the treatment plan is part of the healing process.
Olansky Dermatology Associates
3379 Peachtree Road NE Atlanta 30326
Everyone deserves healthy skin. Olansky Dermatology Associates provides families with compassionate skin care and medical educa tion, giving them the comfort and confidence to live healthy and beautiful lives.
20/15 EyeCare
2090 Dunwoody Club Drive, Suite 126 Atlanta 30350
20/15 EyeCare is a full-service eye and vision care provider, accepting both eye emergencies and scheduled appointments. Patients come to 20/15 EyeCare to receive personal attention and professional care.
Eye Consultants of Atlanta
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-351-2220
Eye Consultants of Atlanta is the largest multispecialty ophthalmology group in Georgia, with 26 physicians and nine locations in metro Atlanta. Eye Consultants of Atlanta does ev erything from routine eye exams to cosmetic Lasik to complicated cataract surgeries.
Ross Eyecare Group 2625 Piedmont Road NE Atlanta 30324 404-233-3513
With over 80 years of combined clinical experi ence, Ross Eyecare Group’s doctors and staff dedicate themselves to providing the finest eyecare, contact lenses and eyewear. They provide a wide range of services, including routine, preventive vision care for children and adults; medical management of eye diseases; specialty contact lens care for patients with astigmatism, dry eyes, keratoconus, or bifocal needs.
Thomas Eye Group
Locations across metro Atlanta 678-892-2020
For more than 40 years, Thomas Eye Group has been serving patients of all ages at eight convenient locations throughout the greater Atlanta area. Our team of board-certified ophthalmologists, pediatric ophthalmologists, optometrists, opticians and supporting staff are dedicated to compassionately providing a lifetime of outstanding eyecare to our patients by protecting, preserving and enhancing eyesight.
DeKalb Medical Physicians Group
200 E. Ponce de Leon Avenue, Decatur 30030 404-501-6363
DeKalb Medical Physicians Group Downtown Decatur Family Medicine provides a wide range of healthcare services to prevent, diag nose and treat illnesses. This care includes treatment of chronic conditions and illnesses, health screenings, preventive medicine, school sports physicals, child and adult immuniza tions and women’s healthcare.
Laureate Medical Center
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-256-8500
Since 1962, Laureate Medical Group has built a reputation based on providing excellent medical care, combined with sincere compas sion for patients. The practice offers special ized care in rheumatology, endocrinology, neurology, nutrition and sleep.
Piedmont Physicians of Buckhead
35 Collier Road, Suite 775 Atlanta 30309 404-350-1122 www.piedmont.org
An internal and family medicine practice affili ated with Piedmont Hospital, Piedmont Physi cians Group is a primary care office. Adult patients can receive care for annual exams, sick visits, sports physicals, well checks, vac cinations and immunizations.
WellStar Family Practice
Locations across metro Atlanta 770-956-7827
Whether visiting WellStar for a medical proce dure or to see a family physician, we want your visit to be as pleasant as possible.
Health & Wellness
Jewish Fertility Foundation
1417 Mayson Street NE
Atlanta 30324
The Jewish Fertility Foundation provides finan cial assistance, educational awareness and emotional support to Atlanta Jewish families facing medical fertility challenges.
5115 New Peachtree Road, Suite 301 Atlanta 30341
JScreen is a national at-home Jewish genetic screening program for people planning to have children. JScreen also offers genetic screening for cancer risk through the PEACH BRCA study (Atlanta residents only).
Atlanta Gastroenterology Associates
Locations across metro Atlanta
866-GO-TO-AGA (468-6242)
In addition to routine colon cancer screen ing, our board-certified specialists evaluate and treat a wide range of digestive and liver concerns. AGA also provieds in-house profes sional services and nutrition counseling for their patients.
Emory Clinic
1365 Clifton Road NE Atlanta 30322 404-778-7777
Guided by state-of-the art, leading diagnostics and current medical research, Emory Clinic physicians provide expert medical consulta tion as well as diagnostic and therapeutic gas trointestinal procedural expertise in all areas of digestive health. Emory’s board-certified physicians are experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of all problems related to diges tive health.
GI Specialists of Georgia
Locations across metro Atlanta 678-834-8126
Patients choose GI Specialists of Georgia to receive high quality treatment for their diges tive disorders in a professional, supportive and educational environment. GI Specialists of Georgia physicians treat all disorders of the digestive tract including disorders of the liver and pancreas.
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-785-KIDS
At Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, our doc tors, nurses and staff are specially trained to care for children under the age of 21. From colorful, friendly waiting rooms to equipment that fits patients of all sizes, every detail is designed specifically for kids.
Emory Healthcare
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-778-7777
Emory Healthcare is the region’s most comprehensive academic health system with 2,000 doctors and 200 locations, including six hospitals as well as primary care, urgent care and MinuteClinics.
Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital
5665 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Dunwoody 30342 678-843-7001
Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital was founded by the Sisters of Mercy in 1880, and is touted as Atlanta’s longest-serving hospital.
Grady Health System
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-616-1000 www.gradyhealth.org
Grady Health improves the health of the com munity by providing quality, comprehensive healthcare in a compassionate, culturally competent, ethical and fiscally responsible manner.
Northside Hospital
1000 Johnson Ferry Road Atlanta 30328 404-851-8000 www.northside.com
Northside Hospital physicians and health care professionals provide a full range of care, including surgery, cancer care, women’s services, emergency care, outpatient services and behavioral health services.
Polaris Spine & Neurosurgery Center
1150 Hammond Drive, Suite 400 Atlanta 30328
A premier neurosurgery practice in Sandy Springs and Smyrna and center for spine care for over 40 years, neurosurgeons and non-operative spine specialists offer premium care with personal touch across the spectrum of brain and spine care needs. Services include MRI facilities, minimally invasive surgery, robotic spine surgery, regenerative injections, individualized physical therapy, personalized at-home exercise programs, aquatic therapy and acupuncture.
WellStar Health System
Locations across metro Atlanta
WellStar Health System encompasses a range of services from urgent care centers to health campuses in multiple locations across Atlanta.
Atlanta Psychological Services
2308 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 100 Atlanta 30341
Atlanta Psychological Services is a full-service mental health practice providing a wide variety of services to clients.
Gedalia Healing Arts
1407 Dresden Drive Atlanta 30319
Gedalia provides natural alternatives to stress, anxiety, depression, grief, loss, hormonal imbalance and weight loss.
4549 Chamblee Dunwoody Atlanta 30338
HAMSA provides recovery support and tools through a Jewish lens, helping people navigate the system of resources and ensuring continu ity of care for all levels of recovery. HAMSA is in a unique position to facilitate change and significantly impact the Jewish recovery landscape.
Heartwork Counseling Center
990 Edgewood Avenue
Atlanta 30307
We are dedicated to excellence in depth-orient ed psychotherapy and quality clinical training to the Atlanta community. We provide skillful, confidential and professional services in a relaxed private practice setting where every individual is regarded with personal consider ation and respect.
The Berman Center
Health & Wellness
1200 Ashwood Parkway, Suite 400 Dunwoody 30338 770-336-7444
The Berman Center is an intensive outpatient program for adults who suffer with addiction, mental health issues and/or co-occurring disorders. The philosophy is based upon a Judeo-led values lens of inclusiveness, understanding and wholeness. Berman Center offers a customized, multidisciplinary treat ment plan that supports both the individual and their family.
The Blue Dove Foundation
1200 Ashwood Parkway, Suite 400 Atlanta 30338 678-786-1213
The Blue Dove Foundation was created to help address the issues of mental health and/or substance abuse in the Jewish community.
Axion Spine & Neurosurgery
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-579-3962
Drs. Christopher Tomaras, Raymond Walkup, Shane Mangrum, and David Tran are boardcertified doctors specialize in providing individualized, patient-centered care, while remaining at the cutting edge of spine science. They offer patients thoughtfully crafted treat ment plans ranging from surgical options to other effective alternatives to spine surgery.
Atlanta Gynecology & Obstetrics 315 Winn Way Decatur 30030 404-299-9724
Our mission is to provide quality, compassion ate, state-of-the-art healthcare to women at all ages and stages of their lives.
Atlanta Women’s Obstetrics and Gynecology
275 Collier Road NW, Suite 230 Atlanta 30309 404-352-3616 www.awog.org
Atlanta Women’s Obstetrics and Gynecology is an all-female practice that has been serving Atlanta for more than 35 years.
Atlanta Women’s Specialists
5445 Meridian Mark Road, Suite 430 Atlanta 30342 404-252-5196 www.awsphysicians.com
Atlanta Women’s Specialists takes great pride in its 40-year tradition of providing and advanc ing women’s healthcare. Physicians and staff are committed to providing excellence and in novation in medical care in a diverse, bilingual practice.
Dr. Karen J. Weiss, LLC
5445 Meridian Mark Road Atlanta 30342
Dr. Weiss has over 20 years of experience and is a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist.
Health & Wellness
North Atlanta Women’s Specialists
Locations across metro Atlanta 770-977-1510
North Atlanta Women’s Specialists provides obstetric and gynecologic care that is up to date with the latest research and technologies. The team of experienced providers treats pa tients from adolescence through menopause.
Premier Care for Women
960 Johnson Ferry Road NE, Suite 400 Atlanta 30342
Premier Care for Women is dedicated to pro viding the highest quality gynecological care throughout every stage of a woman’s life in a positive, healing experience.
Piedmont Cancer Institute
1800 Howell Mill Road, Suite 800 Atlanta 30318
In 1987, Piedmont Cancer Institute began providing care for those diagnosed with cancer. Since that time, PCI has expanded its care to five cities in the Atlanta metro area. We have continued to operate as a private practice allowing our team to build meaningful patient relationships.
Adult Disability Medical Healthcare
2520 Windy Hill Rd. SE, Suite 303 Marietta 30067 678-595-4854 www.theadmh.org
The Adult Disability Medical Healthcare (ADMH) provides comprehensive, coordinated, person-centered healthcare for teens and adults with developmental disabilities. We strive to empower individuals and their fami lies to become advocates for their own health and wellness.
Amramp Atlanta 2300 Bethelview Road, Suite 110-442 Cumming 30040 404-617-6483 www.amramp.com
Amramp is a leader in providing accessibility solutions including commercial and residential wheelchair ramps, lifts, door openers and more.
FAKS Allied Health Education Center 5530 Old National Highway, Suite C College Park 30349 404-763-0055
FAKS offers education and certification pro grams for Certified Nursing Assistant, Patient Care Technician, Pharmacy Technician, phle botomy and EKG, medical coding and billing.
LifeWatch USA Rehovot, Israel 800-700-3788 www.lifewatch-usa.com
LifeWatch is a national provider of innovative diagnostic cardiac monitoring services.
Medical Marijuana Therapeutics Metro Atlanta
We are a leading-edge medical practice dedicated to providing exceptional quality healthcare and product advisory services to all patients who would benefit from the use of cannabis products.
NeuroKinetix 11680 Great Oaks Way Alpharetta 30022 678-856-1700
NeuroKinetix with Bronson Walters. Physically and psychologically protecting our clients through pre-habilitation and physiotherapy. Our services are based on functional training and functional neurology making injury prevention muscle memory.
Nutritionally Yours Health Solutions
604 Macy Drive Roswell 30076 678-372-2913
Nutritionally Yours addresses nutrition, natu ropathy, natural wellness, food allergies and weight loss.
Orthopedic Cortisone Injection Center
1705 Mt. Vernon Road, Suite B Dunwoody 30338 404-292-3538 www.theocic.com
In the changing landscape of healthcare, we are providing easy access to patients seek ing non-surgical, non-narcotic pain relief for various orthopedic ailments such as arthritis, bursitis and tendonitis.
SmartPlex ATL
4799 Olde Towne Parkway, Suite 201 Marietta 30068 678-245-6777
Looking for aesthetic treatments that will en hance your natural beauty? At SmartPlexATL, doctors provide effective, long-term treat ments to make clients look younger, fresher and more confident than ever before.
Southern Foot and Ankle Institute
11680 Great Oaks Way, Suite 530 Alpharetta 30022
At Southern Foot and Ankle Institute our goal is to educate and empower our patients to take part in a shared medical decision and take pride in creating a patient-centered experi ence where your time, understanding and health are paramount.
USA Vein Clinics
1050 E. Piedmont Road, Suite 104 Marietta 30062
At USA Vein Clinics we treat symptoms such as leg pain, swollen legs, spider veins, skin and leg ulcers, discoloration of skin, itching and burning.
Your CBD Store
Multiple metro Atlanta locations 678-936-1522
Exclusive home of award-winning, hempderived SunMed and SunFlora products with more than 500 stores in 41 states, bringing the highest quality CBD experience to custom ers nationwide. This phytocannabinoid-rich hemp has a naturally high cannabinoid level, abundance of other cannabinoids (CBG, CBN, CBC), flavonoids and terpenes. Choose from water-solubles, edibles, tinctures, soft gels and topical applications, even pet tinctures and treats.
Children’s Medical Group
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-633-4595
For more than 70 years, Children’s Medical Group has been providing care to infants, children, adolescents and young adults. The team of board-certified pediatricians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants sees patients in Atlanta, Johns Creek and Decatur.
Dunwoody Pediatrics
1428 Dunwoody Village Parkway Dunwoody 30338 770-394 2358
Health & Wellness
Dunwoody Pediatrics staff take great pride in assisting parents in raising healthy and happy children. With combined experience of more than 50 years in pediatrics, doctors and nurses share a compassionate and warm-hearted ap proach to caring for children and families.
Northside Pediatrics
6095 Barfield Road, Suite 200 Sandy Springs 30328 404-256-2688 www.northsidepediatrics.com
The mission of Northside Pediatrics is to protect the wellness and health of Atlanta’s children by providing high-quality, comprehen sive care and compassionate support.
PAMPA (Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, P.A.)
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-255-6335
PAMPA Pediatrics offers complete medical service to infants, children and adolescents located in Woodstock, Dunwoody, Marietta and Alpharetta/Roswell.
Abramson Facial Plastic Surgery
5673 Peachtree Dunwoody, Suite 140 Atlanta 30342
Dr. Peter Abramson specializes in facial plastics surgery, such as rhinoplasty, chin augmentation, upper and lower blepharoplasty, neck lift, face lifts, and does Botox and fillers.
Artisan Plastic Surgery
5670 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Suite 820 Atlanta 30342 404-851-1998 www.artisanplasticsurgery.com
Artisan Plastic Surgery is a premier Atlanta cosmetic surgery facility, providing leadingedge treatments for the face, body and breasts. The talented female plastic surgeons of Artisan Plastic Surgery have helped many Atlanta facelift, liposuction, and breast aug mentation patients improve their physiques.
AVIVA Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics
1100 Johnson Ferry Road NE, Center Pointe 2, Suite 470 Atlanta 30342 678-974-8435
Dr. Fishman is passionate about plastic and reconstructive surgery. Her extensive educa tion, including clinical and research back ground, plays an essential role in her approach to personalized care. She keeps up with latest, most effective techniques. The latest in cutting-edge advances blended with classic standards, highest levels of safety and care, patient education and impeccable outcomes are pillars of her practice.
Plastic Surgery Centre of Atlanta
5673 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Suite 100 Atlanta 30342 404-260-7674
At Plastic Surgery Centre of Atlanta, patients are welcome to explore our many surgical and non-surgical options to rejuvenate and enhance their appearance and self-image. Dr. David Brothers’ surgical skill, extensive train ing and 20 years of experience make Plastic Surgery Centre of Atlanta an easy choice.
Health & Wellness
Premier Image Cosmetic & Laser Surgery
6085 Barfield Road NE, Suite 100 Atlanta 30328
Dedicated to the advancement of techniques in cosmetic and non-invasive procedures, Dr. Louis DeJoseph and his team deliver out standing care and beautiful results. Voted Best of Atlanta by Jezebel Magazine for several years.
Tailor Made Looks
3193 Howell Mill Road NW, Suite 328 Atlanta 30327
Dr. ChiChi Berhane is a plastic and reconstruc tive surgeon who possesses a skill set that cannot be duplicated.
Arbor Terrace of East Cobb
886 Johnson Ferry Road Marietta, GA 30068
Assisted Living at Arbor Terrace of East Cobb offers all the lifestyle and amenities you could want, with additional care and assistance so that you can have peace of mind.
Attiva Peachtree
5251 Peachtree Boulevard
Chamblee, GA 30341
In Chamblee, near Buckhead/Northeast Atlanta, the 55-plus apartments provide social perks of a private club membership. A salsa lesson on the rooftop terrace, tasting wines, catching up with neighbors during sommelierhosted happy hour offer countless options for quality time and fun. Designer features –granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, expansive kitchen islands, large walk-in closets – make you proud to come home.
Aviv Rehabilitation Center
3150 Howell Mill Road, NW Atlanta 30327 404-351-8410 www.avivrehab.org
The sub-acute inpatient and outpatient rehab center at The William Breman Jewish Home helps older adults recover, strengthen and restore independence after a surgery, hospital stay or illness such as stroke or heart attack. Our physical, occupational and speech thera pists provide a wellness-focused experience for patients needing short-term orthopedic, cardiac, respiratory or neurological rehabilita tion covered by Medicare.
Belmont Village Senior Living 5455 Glenridge Drive NE Atlanta 30342 404-252-6271
Belmont Village features a signature blend of hospitality and amenities with premier health and wellness programs.
Berman Commons Assisted Living & Memory Care 2026 Womack Road Dunwoody 30338 678-222-7500
Jewish HomeLife’s kosher assisted living and memory care community offers an active and supportive lifestyle for older adults who require some level of assistance with daily living tasks to those with advanced dementia.
2475 Northwinds Parkway Alpharetta 30009 678-691-3109
CareMinders is a Joint Commission Accredit ed home care agency providing personal care, companionship and skilled nursing for all your short-term or long-term care needs throughout metro Atlanta.
Complete Care at Home
11 Dunwoody Park
Dunwoody 30338
Every client’s needs are unique. That’s why every care plan designed at Complete Care at Home is made by a registered nurse after an extensive assessment. The caregiver is then hand selected and trained to meet those unique needs.
Corso Atlanta
3200 Howell Mill Road Atlanta 30327 404-891-9190
At Corso Atlanta, we believe success is not defined by satisfaction but by exceeding expectations. Every day we work to provide excellence for our residents, their loved ones and our employees. Each element of our com munity, experiences and care is driven by our hearts, by our instincts and by you.
Delmar Gardens
Locations across metro Atlanta 636-733-7000
Delmar Gardens offers nursing home and as sisted living facilities in four locations.
Dunwoody Pines Retirement Community
4355 Georgetown Square Dunwoody 30338 770- 644-0862 www.sunshineretirementliving.com/ dunwoody-retirement-living/ Our great community takes the worry out of living and puts the fun into your life! View a variety of floor plans at Dunwoody Pines. Request a tour today. Community activities. Senior living. Retirement living. Month-tomonth lease. Independent living. 55 and up.
Eckstein Home Care
3150 Howell Mill Road NW Atlanta 30327
Offering Jewish HomeLife’s tradition of high-quality care in your own surroundings. Caregivers and trained companions available 24/7/365.
Eldercare Companions
Serving Atlanta and Surrounding areas
We provide peace of mind for you and a better quality of life for your loved one.
Hammond Glen Retirement Community
335 Hammond Drive Sandy Springs 30328 404-998-4106
www.sunshineretirementliving.com/ sandy-springs-retirement-living/ Immerse yourself in the Hammond Glen atmo sphere, and you’ll find your days full of fun and friends. Located in the heart of Sandy Springs, just north of Atlanta, you can enjoy the peace ful feel of the country and still take advantage of all of the conveniences of the city.
HelloYou! Health & Wellness
Metro Atlanta 404-692-4300
HelloYou! is a service for anyone who is lonely and would like a daily, friendly call. However, it is not a substitute for mental health treatment and is not appropriate for people with severe mental illness.
Holbrook Life Acworth, Decatur & Woodstock 404-496-6794
Holbrook is a collection of active adult living communities located in the Southeast United States. We’re not your average adult com munity. We believe in experiencing life at its boldest and most passionate. We exist to inspire wonder in our residents and the world around us.
Jewish HomeLife
3150 Howell Mill Road, NW Atlanta 30327 404-351-8410
Our nine at-home care services and residential communities support every stage of the aging journey from independent living to hospice.
Jewish HomeLife includes The William Bre man Jewish Home and Aviv Rehab, Berman Commons and The Cohen Home assisted living, The Jewish Tower, The Zaban Towers independent living, JHL Medical Services, The One Group, and Weinstein Hospice.
Jewish HomeLife Communities
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-351-8410
Health & Wellness
Under the Jewish HomeLife umbrella senior living communities are Aviv Rehabilitation, Berman Commons, The Cohen Home, JHLC Medical Services/Clinic, The One Group, The William Breman Jewish Home, Weinstein Hospice and The Zaban Tower.
Joy Home Care
200 Ashford Center North Suite 370 Atlanta 30338 770-396-0996 www.joyhomecare.com
Joy Home Care is a local, family-operated home care agency offering the top caregivers in the Atlanta area with clinical supervision. Joy Home Care ensures clients’ expectations are exceeded by matching clients’ healthcare needs, personalities and lifestyles with the best fit caregiver.
Mansions Senior Living
Locations across metro Atlanta 678-995-0900
Experience redefined retirement living at Mansions Independent Senior Living. Seniors enjoy all the independence and comfort they’re accustomed to without the household chores at The Mansions.
Peachtree Hills Place
12 Kings Circle Atlanta 30305 404-467-4900
Peachtree Hills Place boasts abundant ameni ties with the focus on wellness and conve nience for adults 55 and above.
Phoenix Senior Living
10933 Crabapple Road Roswell 30075
Phoenix Senior Living strives to serve seniors and their families with personalized care in a nurturing, compassionate environment by a team engaged in the core belief that “When it comes to a loved one, everything matters.”
Prescott HealthCare LLC 889 Ralph David Abernathy Boulevard SW Atlanta 30310 404-883-3302
A family-owned and operated private home care provider dedicated to giving your loved one safe, personalized care in the comfort of their home. Sign up for in-home care and we pair your loved one with trained, professional, compassionate caregivers whose #1 focus is to help your loved one maintain their health and safety. We serve entire metro Atlanta area.
Renaissance on Peachtree 3755 Peachtree Road NE Atlanta 30319 404-237-2323
Active Senior Independent Living with Assisted Living option managed by Senior Lifestyle.
Sanford Estates
500 Walton Way Roswell 30076 770-679-2172
Sanford Estates features 24-hour manage ment teams, available and on-site. Seniors enjoy the convenience and comfort of the bus for scheduled appointments, shopping trips, excursions and other places of interest.
Health & Wellness
Sterling Estates of East Cobb
4220 Lower Roswell Road Marietta 30068
Sterling Estates of West Cobb
3165 Dallas Highway, Building 1000 Marietta 30064
Sterling Estates Senior Living Communities takes pride in offering gracious, spacious retirement living. Currently, Sterling Estates has two locations — one in East Cobb and one in West Cobb. Both are built on substantial acreage in a neighborhood setting with plenty of greenspace and room for expansion. The communities’ extensive amenities packages include numerous dining venues, wellness centers with indoor heated pools and much more.
Somerby Senior Living
25 Glenlake Parkway NE Atlanta 30328
Located in Peachtree Hills and Dunwoody, Somerby strives to positively impact the lives of residents and their families every day. That inspiration to “go for it” can keep seniors vital long into the golden years. At Somerby, resi dents, families and associates come together in each special senior living community to create a place that’s full of life.
Sunrise at Buckhead
1000 Lenox Park Boulevard NE Atlanta 30319
www.sunriseseniorliving.com/com munities/sunrise-at-buckhead/
Proudly offering a variety of care services, including assisted living, respite stays and care for those living with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
Sunrise Senior Living
8592 Roswell Road Sandy Springs 30350 888-434-4648
Eleven facilities across Atlanta serve needs of seniors including assisted living, independent living, memory care, respite care, home care and hospice assistance.
The Arbor Company
Greater Atlanta Area 404-237-4026
Through a commitment to developing an outstanding and tenured staff, The Arbor Company maintains a progressive clinical and competitive edge that embraces both resident and family needs, with 12 facilities across Atlanta.
The Cohen Home Assisted Living 10485 Jones Bridge Road Johns Creek 30022 770-475-8787
Jewish HomeLife’s affordable and beautifully renovated assisted living and dementia care community offers support levels tailored to each individual, in a caring and homelike envi ronment steeped in Jewish values. Touted as the only assisted living community in Georgia that is a certified I’m Still Here Dementia Care Center of Excellence.
The Jewish Tower
3156 Howell Mill Road NW Atlanta 30327 404-351-3536
Affordable retirement community offering adults age 62-plus at any income level the comforts and conveniences of a full-service retirement community, but with rent adjusted to their individual income (if qualified through HUD). The Tower became part of the Jewish HomeLife family in 2019.
The Piedmont at Buckhead
650 Phipps Boulevard NE Atlanta 30326
The Piedmont at Buckhead is a high-rise building overlooking Atlanta, offering a unique home base for pursuing the good life, with choices galore for socializing, for fitness, recreation and fine dining, all with first-class entertainment and shopping right outside the front door.
The Solana East Cobb 1032 Johnson Ferry Road Marietta 30068
The Solana offers luxury, service and a lifestyle never imagined in a senior living community. With a variety of apartment configurations and engaging activities, The Solana elevates the senior experience to a new level.
Vernon Springs Senior Living Community
690 Mount Vernon Road Sandy Springs 30328 404-843-8857
Family owned and operated, best value senior living and memory care in the heart of Sandy Springs.
The William Breman
Jewish Home
3150 Howell Mill Road NW
Atlanta 30327
Since 1951 Jewish HomeLife’s Medicare and Medicaid certified skilled nursing home has offered top quality, compassionate long-term care for older adults who require around-theclock supervision or care. Touted as the only nursing home in Georgia that is certified as an I’m Still Here Dementia Care Center of Excel lence.
The Zaban Tower
3160 Howell Mill Road
Atlanta 30327
We are an affordable independent living com munity, offering very low-income adults age 62-plus the comforts and conveniences of a full service retirement community, but with rent adjusted to individual income.
Touching Hearts at Home
4880 Lower Roswell Road Marietta 30068
Touching Hearts at Home is a non-medical home care company that provides caregiving services to seniors as a privilege with great in tegrity, always putting empathy and the belief in the dignity of all people at the forefront of our work.
Village Park Senior Living
5701 Spalding Drive
Peachtree Corners 30092
Retirement that’s full of life! Experience the difference of our resort-style senior living com munities in Atlanta’s most desirable neighbor hoods, where we come together to inspire new interests and passions every day.
Visiting Angels
Locations across metro Atlanta
At Visiting Angels, we know it is never easy bringing someone into your home to provide care. Our mission is to make staying at home a positive experience with personalized care in the comfort of home.
Weinstein Hospice
3150 Howell Mill Road NW Atlanta 30327
Health & Wellness
The only Jewish hospice in Georgia, our community-based hospice and palliative care services offer comfort and the highest quality of care to individuals confronting life-limiting and end-of-life illnesses, as well as bereave ment support for their families.
Atlanta Snoring Institute
1218 West Paces Ferry Road NW Atlanta 30327 770-991-2800
Atlanta Snoring Institute is dedicated to the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea. The ENT experts are among Atlanta’s finest board-certified otolaryngologists with a special interest in the management and treatment of snoring, sleep apnea and other related condi tions.
Integrative Sleep and ENT 2650 Holcomb Bridge Road, Suite 510 Alpharetta 30022 404-809-3383
Integrative Sleep & ENT, that provides a holistic and patient-centered approach to health and wellness. As an ENT, sleep, wellness, and hear ing practice, we have the expertise to help you achieve optimal health.
Georgia Urology
Locations across metro Atlanta 678-284-4053
Georgia Urology, the largest urology practice in the Southeast, features board-certified urolo gists who strive for the best outcomes for men, women and children. Comprised of 45 of Atlanta’s top urologists.
Northside Hospital
5445 Meridian Mark Road Atlanta 30342 404-851-8000
Northside Hospital’s Urodiagnostics Center provides an integrated treatment approach, using specialized expertise, sophisticated diagnostic techniques and individualized treat ment plans to effectively diagnose and treat urinary incontinence.
Urology Specialists of Atlanta 5673 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Atlanta 30342 404-255-3822
Urology Specialists of Atlanta use the most up-to-date medical advancements to increase cure rates while reducing patient discomfort and recovery time. The practice uses mini mally invasive procedures, including roboticassisted surgery and complex female pelvic floor reconstruction. ì
Simcha Resources
A Kosher Touch
5342 Tilly Mill Road Dunwoody 30338
www.akoshertouchcatering.com/ A Kosher Touch works with clients to fully customize events with personalized menus, quality ingredients, unique decor and plating, experienced full-service staff and more. A Ko sher Touch Catering consistently ranks among metro Atlanta’s top catering companies.
Added Touch Catering
8601 Dunwoody Place, Suite 301, Atlanta 30350
Added Touch Catering works with clients to fully customize events with personalized menus, quality ingredients, unique decor and plating, experienced full-service staff and more. There is no request too grand and no detail too small for Added Touch clients.
Affairs to Remember
2316 Defoor Hills Road NW Atlanta 30318
Affairs to Remember Caterers is an awardwinning company specializing in off-premises catering, site selection, décor, music and entertainment, tent rental, lighting, linens, ice carvings, furniture, floral and photography.
Affairs to Remember Caterers is Martha Stewart’s choice for caterer of the Southeast and one of Bon Appetit magazine’s Top Nine wedding caterers.
Avenue K
1236 Powers Ferry Commons SE Marietta 30067
Modern simcha catering in a glatt kosher facil ity, Avenue K also offers event planning and floral services.
Bagelicious - Diamond Catering
1255 Johnson Ferry Road Marietta 30068 770-509-9505
New York deli-style favorites, including a variety of bagels and salads. We cater to all of metro Atlanta.
Goldbergs Bagel & Deli Co.
Locations across metro Atlanta www.goldbergsfinefoods.com/ Rich in history. Committed to quality. Bagels made the old-fashioned way. Ideals and values reminiscent of times of past are a continuing recipe for both great food and success.
Keith’s Corner BBQ 404-250-1BBQ (1227) www.keithscornerbbq.com
Available for catering, pop-ups and special events, Keith’s Corner BBQ was founded in 2014 by Keith Marks, a multi-award-winning barbecue pitmaster. Marks is a graduate of Johnson & Wales University. He is also proud that he is one of the three original founding fathers of the Atlanta Kosher BBQ competition.
Liquid X Cream Atlanta www.liquidxcream.com
Liquid X Cream is a mobile ice cream caterer that brings fresh ice cream and entertainment to any party.
The Spicy Peach 2887 N. Druid Hills Road Atlanta 30329 404 334-7200 www.thespicypeach.com
The Spicy Peach offers beautiful platters for all occasions: boxed lunches, light hors d’oeuvres, wraps, salads, hot dishes and desserts.
9955 Coleman Road Roswell 30075 912-220-5558 www.yum.catering
Yum Catering provides food that is creative, bright, fun, and delicious.
The Kosher Gourmet 2153 Briarcliff Road Atlanta 30329 404-636-1114
The Kosher Gourmet features full-service glatt kosher catering and takeout. By bring ing clients the highest quality meats, dairy products and dry goods, The Kosher Gourmet has served Atlanta since 1983. Whether clients are dropping in to shop or looking to cater a major event, The Kosher Gourmet promises to exceed expectations.
Balloons Over Atlanta
1231 Collier Road, Suite H Atlanta 30318 404-231-3090 www.balloonsover.com
Balloons Over Atlanta is a full-service decor company for any budget. A full-time staff of creative professionals who specialize in balloons, floral, custom decor, graphic design, printable items and event planning makes Balloons Over Atlanta convenient, affordable and creative.
Classic Tents & Events
6380 Best Friend Road Norcross 30071 770-449-1010
An Atlanta-based full-service tent and rental company, serving the entire Southeast. Their solution-oriented approach and the ability to anticipate client needs means that you can ex pect quick response, on-time setups, sparkling clean equipment and experienced profession als ready with a creative solution, no matter the challenge.
Celebrate in Sandy Springs
Life is filled with moments that become lasting memories, and there’s no better place for a memorable simcha than Sandy Springs.
Let us be the full service connection between you and your event. With over 20 hotels and nearly 3000 rooms, we can provide customized and complimentary assistance to make sure you find the perfect hotel for your guests, as well as recommendations for venues, catering and more. Contact us today to start planning! 770-206-1447 hospitality@sandyspringsga.org VisitSandySprings.org
Simcha Resources
1484 Atlanta Industrial Way NW Suite B Atlanta 30331
EventScapes understands the unique needs of individual clients and corporations alike. Whether the need is centerpieces for a small function or a gala for hundreds of guests, EventScapes provides floral, non-floral decor and props from simple to extraordinary, and everywhere in between.
Jim White Designs
Jim White has been on the cutting edge of event planning for more than 30 years.
JF&CS Renterpieces
4549 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Atlanta 30338
Jfcsatl.org/services/support-services/ renterpieces
Renterpieces are decorative centerpieces and large bimah-sized decorations that are rented for virtually any occasion. Renterpieces’ funds support the JF&CS Kosher Food Pantry and other programs and services for those in need. All centerpieces are made to order and can be customized to the event’s color scheme or other specifications.
Let’s Celebrate
4000 Northfield Way, Suite 300 Roswell 30076
Let’s Celebrate is known for taking a client’s concept and transforming it into a dazzling reality. Customized designs, including floral creations, balloons, tablescapes, artistic installments, special effects and lighting have been described as cutting edge. For 25 years, Let’s Celebrate has been acknowledged as a leader in the event planning industry.
Amp’d Entertainment
1500 Southland Circle NW, Suite C Atlanta 30318 404-806-9499
When there’s a diverse crowd with unique tastes, you need entertainment that’s flexible, dynamic and creative. We take everything that is boring and predictable about traditional events and reinvent it with live mashups and remixes. Our highly skilled and creative DJs are guaranteed to wow your crowd and keep everyone talking.
Atlanta Fever Entertainment 978 Forest Pond Circle, Marietta 30068 770-998-2338
Atlanta Fever Entertainment is an interactive DJ company that designs custom entertain ment experiences. Atlanta Fever has a knowl edgeable and skillful team of MCs, DJs, and dancers who are masters at creating perfect energy for parties.
Big Band Contractors Atlanta 770-547-3279
Based in Atlanta, Big Band Contractors provides a professional, full-size, 17-piece big band in the tradition of the Count Basie, Tommy Dorsey, Duke Ellington and Glenn Miller big bands featuring male and female vocalists.
DJ Neezy Atlanta 678-520-0194 www.djneezy.com
More than just a DJ, owner-operator Ben Needle, aka DJ Neezy, is committed to cater ing to clients’ needs. He prides himself on a standard of quality that will be unsurpassed. Some DJs play music and some MCs play to the crowd. DJ Neezy does both to maintain the pulse of the party.
Game Truck
Atlanta 866-253-3191 www.gametruck.com
Game Truck is a mobile party — an experience your guests will never forget.
Harpnotes Alpharetta 404-401-5032 www.harpnotes.com
Lisa Handman of Harpnotes provides elegant harp music with either an acoustic or rare electric harp.
Ian’s Friends Foundation
855 Marseilles Drive, Atlanta 30327 404-966-0752
Ian’s Friends Band, also known as the IFF Band (Ian’s Friends Foundation Band), is a teen rock band from Roswell. This group of passionate, dedicated kids perform to raise awareness and funds to find a cure for pediatric brain tumors.
Jammin’ DJs
1000 Parkwood Circle, Suite 900 Atlanta 30339 404-990-4439
JAMMIN’ DJs is an award-winning DJ company that specializes in exceptional and trusted event entertainment, décor, uplighting and photo booth services, now including Cold Sparks! We know how important entertain ment is for your special event, and we take every measure to make sure your event is a success. JAMMIN’ DJs is the perfect choice for any event!
Joe Alterman
6095 Lake Forrest Drive, Suite 150 Atlanta 30328
Pianist Joe Alterman, an Atlanta native, earned his bachelor’s and master’s degree in jazz piano performance at New York University. Alterman has performed at many world-re nowned venues including The Kennedy Center, Lincoln Center, Birdland and New York’s Blue Note.
Kagan Entertainment Johns Creek 770-826-8263
Award-winning entertainment company Kagan Entertainment provides audiovisual produc tion, film and videography services.
Music With Monique
Brookhaven 702-994-2340
Music With Monique offers piano and music theory lessons for children and adults, as well as classical pianists for performances and accompaniment. With over a dozen years of experience teaching students from pre-school age to retirees, Monique helps students pursue their passion and realize their piano playing dreams.
Nick and The Grooves Metro Atlanta www.facebook.com/nick.grooves http://atlgrooves.com
Nick and The Grooves is a horn party band celebrating a decade of simchas.
Play It Again Sammy Atlanta 404-863-4455
Energetic and charismatic, Sammy Rosenberg is a DJ for all occasions. From weddings to holiday parties, company picnics and ban quets, Sammy brings reliable, quality entertain ment to his clients.
Simcha Resources
Sammy K Metro Atlanta www.facebook.com/sammyktheartist/ Atlanta has harbored platinum-selling hip-hop artists such as Lil John, Ludacris and Gucci Mane. The music scene is rich and varied, but hip-hop music is a particularly interesting genre that has rapidly become inclusive. Sammy K, the Jewish rapper, has one of the sickest flows. His rap game is clean but sophisticated.
Atlanta Party Connection 770-744-5750
Connecting you with Atlanta’s best vendors for weddings, mitzvahs, and more.
Bluming Creativity Sandy Springs 770-992-4200 www.blumingcreativity.com
Tara Kornblum began Bluming Creativity with the vision of providing clients with a stressfree planning experience based on excep tional attention to detail and inspired personal touches, executed by a superior team. Bluming Creativity is widely acclaimed for expertise in the milestones that make life special: baby naming celebrations, mitzvahs, weddings and anniversary parties.
Chic Occasions Marietta 770-257-9007 www.chicoccasions.com
Chic Occasions is a bridal show. Guests can find vendors, ideas, and see the latest trends in weddings.
Encore Events and Entertainment Lawrenceville 678-427-0028
Encore Events is dedicated to providing exceptional event and entertainment services for every client. Encore has a reputation for creativity and outstanding event production.
Helene & Company, Inc. Atlanta
Helene & Company offers a full range of event planning services with emphasis on one-ofa-kind weddings, bar mitzvahs and specialty parties. From negotiating contracts to manag ing the finances, she and her staff handle everything. The most frequent accolade from clients is Helene made them feel like a guest at their own event.
Planning Makes Perfect Atlanta 404-936-2949
Alyson Pollack, a native Atlantan, discovered her social passion and created Planning Makes Perfect, which has helped clients plan events for 19 years. Whether it be an intimate party for 50 or a wedding and seated dinner for over 600 guests, Alyson brings her unique perspective and creativity to the planning process.
4975 Olde Towne Way, Marietta 30068 404-216-7515
We are a team of exceptional hospitality spe cialists with more than 17 years of experience orchestrating luxury, spectacular events, both grand and small. Making dreams a reality.
Visit Sandy Springs
1 Galambos Way Sandy Springs 30328 770-206-1447
Full-service connection between you and your event. With 20 hotels and 2,800 rooms, we provide customized and complimentary assistance to find the perfect hotel as well as recommendations for venues, catering and more.
Simcha Resources
Your Party by Karen Atlanta
Karen is all about planning life cycle events. Clients find that Karen’s years of experience and expertise in this industry are invaluable. She connects clients to the finest vendors that best meet their visions, personalities, styles and budgets.
Flower Design by Joan
3417 Oakcliff Road
Doraville 30340 404-518-2021
Flower Design by Joan has been creating floral wonders for special events for the past 15 years. Originally from South Africa, Joan has had international exposure to flowers and foliage that are grown around the world. She uses this knowledge and expertise extensively in her designs.
Village Green Flowers and Gifts
3246 Atlanta Road, Suite H Smyrna 30080
www.villagegreenflowersandgifts. com
Unique floral designs, upscale arrangements, national and local delivery available.
3131 Presidential Drive Atlanta, GA 30340
EventPrints produces designer, crafted invita tions that are truly unique. Other companies may outsource their design or invitation print ing, but at EventPrints, everything is printed in-house.
Citi Wine and Spirits
5861 Roswell Road Sandy Springs 30328 404-228-4260
Citi Wine and Spirits is a one stop shop for the finest beer, fantastic wines, and spirits of all types.
Corks & Caps
4600 Roswell Road, Suite D-110 Sandy Springs 30342 404-843-1050
Order now, pick up later at Corks & Caps in Sandy Springs.
Grbinich Wines
6679-K Peachtree Industrial Boulevard Peachtree Corners 30092 404-786-3874 www.grbinichwines.com
Grbinich Wines began as a result of several journeys through Eastern Europe, discovering family roots, by a former Atlanta synagogue president and entrepreneur who now distrib utes kosher wines and spirits.
Total Wine & More Locations across metro Atlanta 855-328-9463 www.totalwine.com
Total Wine is passionate about wine.
Tower Beer, Wine & Spirits
2161 Piedmont Road NE Atlanta 30324
5877 Buford Highway Doraville 30340 404-881-0902, 770-458-3272 www.towerwinespirits.com
Tower Beer, Wine & Spirits has been serving Atlanta since 1948 with retail locations across the city.
Affordable Photography
3000 Old Alabama Road, Suite 119-195 Alpharetta 30022 770-992-1529
Affordable Photography specializes in wed dings, mitzvahs, professional events, and portrait photography.
Beth Intro Photography Atlanta 404-372-9973
As a teacher of young children for more than 20 years, Beth is passionate about preserving memories. When she had her first daughter and was given a camera, she realized the im portance of capturing a child’s smile and their moments of simple joy.
Cohen Photographic Art
2563 Bradford Square, Atlanta 30345 404-783-0808
A husband and wife team of two photogra phers.
Courtney Goldman Photography Atlanta 404-310-1577 www.courtneygoldman.com
Courtney Goldman is a portrait and event pho tographer with more than 11 years of experi ence. Her passion is to document meaningful moments and deliver them, framed, to clients.
Dani Weiss Photography
2117 Juanita Street Decatur 30032 404-907-4970, 206-409-9982
Fun and playful documentary style event and family photography.
Eric Bern Studio
400 Mt. Vernon Highway NE Atlanta 30328 404-252-0209 www.ericbernstudio.com
For more than 35 years, Eric Bern has had the pleasure of capturing the smiles and spirit of families and professionals in the community.
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about what
Simcha Resources
Harold Alan Photographers
Harold Alan Photographers is a team of sea soned professionals offering a range of ser vices and styles to meet clients’ needs. Harold Alan specializes in creating photographs that capture memories forever. With more than 40 years of experience, Alan is artist, craftsman, journalist and storyteller, incorporating those talents into a passion for photography.
Michael Rosser
Michael Rosser runs a portrait studio in Mari etta for all simchas.
103 West
103 West Paces Ferry Road
Atlanta 30305
103 West can accommodate intimate Shabbat dinners of 20 guests to mitzvahs as large as 300 guests. 103 West offers a range of rooms and setups for every event. With separate lounge areas connected to both ballrooms for adult cocktails, our spaces offer fun for all ages.
42 West Entertainment Group
1088 Huff Road, NW Atlanta 30318
Atlanta’s newest and most creative event venue providing exclusive space for Atlanta’s most beautifully designed events.
Alpharetta Convention & Visitors Bureau
178 South Main Street, Suite 200 Alpharetta 30009 678-297-2811
Free event planning resources include free consultation on venues, access to service providers, hotel room accommodations, and much more.
Atlanta History Center
130 West Paces Ferry Road Atlanta 30305
The Atlanta History Center, with its elegance, historical appeal and natural beauty, offers five indoor and outdoor venues for weddings, corporate and nonprofit events, social events of any occasion and photo shoots. Choose from the Swan House gardens, a grand ball room, outdoor terraces, an 1860s farm, and a museum with rotating exhibitions.
Atlanta Marriott Greater Atlanta Area www.marriott.com
Marriott, with locations across the Atlanta area, offers flexible event space and expert ho tel staff to execute all of life’s big celebrations.
Callanwolde Fine Arts Center
980 Briarcliff Road NE Atlanta 30306 404-872-5338
Callanwolde is a community arts center and renowned venue located on a historic 12-acre estate in the heart of metro Atlanta.
Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre
2800 Cobb Galleria Parkway Atlanta 30339 770-916-2800
The Kessel D. Stelling Ballroom is one of Atlanta’s most elegant and popular event ven ues. It is unsurpassed as a classic backdrop for special occasions. Plan on a perfect b’nai mitzvah, and on Cobb Energy center to provide world-class facilities and a friendly, profes sional staff offering relentless attention to detail and a make-it-happen mindset.
Cobb Galleria Centre
2 Galleria Parkway Atlanta 30339 770-955-8000
The John A. Williams Ballroom is a classic, elegant setting for your b’nai mitzvah. The beautifully decorated reception area features floor-to-ceiling windows and an open-air ter race to enthrall guests as they arrive. Or The Gallery, with its finely appointed décor, tile floor and dramatic floor-to-ceiling windows, might be the perfect fit.
Defoor Centre
1710 Defoor Avenue NW Atlanta 30318 404-591-3809
The 5,500 square-foot Forum at Defoor offers one of Atlanta’s most unique and creative event venues. The Forum can accommodate 300 guests theater style, 250 guests for a seated dinner function with a dance floor, 300 guests with no dance floor, and 400 for a cocktail reception.
Emory Conference Center Hotel
1615 Clifton Road Atlanta 30329 404-712-6000
Planning a small business meeting, corporate conference or a social event for 300? Emory Conference Center Hotel ensures the planning process is as seamless as possible.
Simcha Resources
Explore Brookhaven
705 Town Boulevard, Suite R430
Brookhaven 30319
Explore Brookhaven provides professional tourism leadership and expertise for the Brookhaven destination. Our mission is to en hance the image, perception and success for tourism activities and economic opportunity in the city of Brookhaven
Georgia Aquarium
225 Baker Street NW Atlanta 30313
Georgia Aquarium promotes marine life through education, preservation, animal care and research. The Oceans Ballroom features over 23,000 flexible square feet of private meeting and event space. The entire aquarium is available for large receptions of up to 5,000 guests and the aquarium’s six galleries provide a colorful backdrop for a special event.
Hilton Garden Inn Perimeter Center
1501 Lake Hearn Drive, Atlanta 30319
Located just off I-285, Hilton Garden Inn has space for receptions, weddings, parties and small dinners.
InterContinental Buckhead
3315 Peachtree Road NE
Atlanta 30326
InterContinental Buckhead Atlanta is a stately and sophisticated hotel that offers the premier travel experience. The hotel boasts 31,000 square feet of event space, ranging from boardrooms for 14, to ballrooms for 1,100. Expect flawless decor and advanced technol ogy, complemented by expert event planning services and a kosher kitchen offering custom ized catering.
Kaplan Mitchell Retreat Center at Ramah Darom 6400 Powers Ferry Road, Suite 215 Atlanta 30339 404-531-0801
The Kaplan Mitchell Retreat Center at Ramah Darom is a first-class, full-service facil ity nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, just two hours north of Atlanta. Surrounded by the Chattahoochee National Forest, a beautiful waterfall, state-of-the-art recreational facilities and team-building activi ties provide the perfect setting for a meeting or retreat.
Hilton Atlanta Northeast 5993 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard Peachtree Corners 30092 770-447-4747
Locally known as “The Castle on the Hill,” we offer 271 well-appointed spacious guest rooms and 20,000 square feet of event space, including a 7,000 square foot ballroom. As one of the largest hotels in the area, guests have access to Hilton amenities and experience per sonal hospitality that is warm and welcoming.
Le Meridien Atlanta Perimeter
111 Perimeter Center West Dunwoody 30346
Le Meridien is a AAA Four Diamond hotel in the center of the Perimeter area.
Marriott Atlanta Alpharetta
5750 Windward Parkway
Alpharetta 30005 678-624-3121
From striking backdrops for glamorous cock tail receptions to banquet seating for up to 500 guests, our revitalized and unique spaces are easily customizable to reflect your vision of the perfect celebration, no matter how big or small. Plus, our location makes us the ideal wedding venue for receptions around the Alpharetta and Cumming area.
Omni Hotel at The Battery 2625 Circle 75 Parkway Atlanta 30339
The newly opened Omni property is a luxurious full-service hotel adjacent to Truist Park and the official hotel of the Atlanta Braves.
Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel
2450 Galleria Parkway Atlanta 30339
Offering 60,000 square feet of flexible banquet space, Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel – a AAA Four-Diamond rated hotel – is the ideal location for a celebration.
Savanna Hall at Zoo Atlanta 800 Cherokee Avenue SE Atlanta, GA 30315 404-624-5600
From an unforgettable wedding first dance in the majestic Savanna Hall to a twilight dinner on the Takamenda Gorilla Deck, to a company zoo buyout that your colleagues will truly be excited about, Zoo Atlanta can tailor a variety of extraordinary places and spaces to make your vision come to life.
Spring Hall
7130 Buford Highway, Suite A-100
Atlanta 30340
Spring Hall makes memorable, delicious events, whether for a small group or a party of 400 guests.
Stars and Strikes
10010 GA 92, Suite 180
Woodstock GA 678-965-5707
This family entertainment center offers bowl ing, laser tag, arcade games, bumper cars, pri vate meeting space and a full catering menu.
The Hamilton Hotel
35 Milton Avenue
Alpharetta, GA 30009
The Hamilton provides flexible spaces to accommodate events of all sizes, whether a business meeting or retreat, an intimate microwedding with close family and friends, or a grand wedding for 200. Three meeting rooms offer state-of-the-art technology, thoughtful architectural design elements. A courtyard features an open air indoor/outdoor bar, ideal for after-hours celebration. The spaces lend themselves to endless possibilities.
Tongue & Groove
565 Main Street NE
Atlanta, GA 30324
Before dinner, after dinner and late into the night, Tongue & Groove caters to an upscale crowd that enjoys fashion, music, art and nightlife.
Twelve Hotels
361 17th Street NW Atlanta 30363
Host an event within this exceptional Atlanta meeting space and count on expert concierg es, event planners and caterers to provide a refreshing escape from the conventional.
Simcha Resources
Hyatt Regency Villa Christina 4000 Summit Boulevard Atlanta 30319 678-539-1234
Placing an emphasis on the season’s freshest ingredients, Villa Christina’s culinary team cre ates tempting menu selections for meetings, mitzvahs, weddings, personal milestones and more.
Westin Atlanta
Perimeter North 7 Concourse Parkway Atlanta 30328 770-395-3900
The Westin Atlanta Perimeter North event fa cilities include conference space and meeting rooms. Self-parking is available on-site.
Decatur Visitors Center 113 Clairemont Avenue Decatur 30030 678-615-0915 www.visitdecaturga.com
With two upscale hotels downtown, banquet spaces, unique venues, a conference center, top-tier dining options and friendly shops and salons, Decatur has something special for every occasion. Contact Sherry Jackman for ideas and information to help you plan a memorable event that will delight your guests.
Yonah Mountain Vineyards 1717 Highway 255 S Cleveland 30528 706-878-5522 www.yonahmountainvineyards.com
Winery and Tasting Room
Blue Orchid Productions Metro Atlanta 678-261-6185 www.blueorchidproductions.com
As a teenager, Ella Szczupak watched her par ents laughing and dancing in their old, grainy wedding film, and that film fueled her desire to capture people’s happiest moments. Today, she considers a well-edited video to be a work of art — whether it’s a biography, a bar mitzvah or a photo/video montage.
Dewitt Smith
7025 Blue Fox Court Cumming 30040 770-886-2999 www.dsvp.com
Dewitt Smith Video Productions has been trusted by Atlanta’s elite event planners and families to preserve important occasions for more than 35 years. Artistry, attention to detail and attention to our clients’ needs is Dewitt Smith’s focus.
Meaningful Media Metro Atlanta 404-333-2235
https://createmeaningful.media Ori Salzberg founded Meaningful Media to bring originality and emotion to web media. For nine years he studied, lived and produced abroad, discovering art as a model of living and not just an enterprise. Ori often creates custom scores to enhance his productions. Ori works with private, commercial and nonprofit clients.
Point of View
7629 Auden Trail Atlanta 30350 770-350-7900 www.povv.com
Memorable video starts with great personal attention. With broadcast quality HD cameras and editing systems, POV offers a variety of packages that will meet clients’ budgets and exceed expectations. ì
Food & Retail
A Healthy Touch Cafe
MJCCA, 5342 Tilly Mill Road Dunwoody 30338
A Healthy Touch Cafe at the Marcus Jewish Community Center’s Zaban Park offers kosher dairy and meat options, including frozen meals and Shabbat-to-go.
Ali’s Cookies
Locations across metro Atlanta
Ali’s Cookies specializes in gluten-free and dairy-free cookies and cakes, corporate gifts, sales initiatives, and more. Ali’s creates wonderful wedding cakes, custom cakes and delightful desserts.
Alon’s Bakery
4505 Ashford Dunwoody Road 1394 North Highland Avenue NE Atlanta
Alon’s Bakery and Market is an award-winning restaurant. Alon’s caters scratch-made baked breads, European-style cakes, handmade pas tries, gourmet sandwiches, freshly prepared foods, fine cheeses, exquisite chocolates and more.
Antico Pizza Napoletana
1093 Hemphill Avenue
Atlanta 30318
Giovanni Di Palma built his pizzeria from scraps and stones. Within weeks of opening Antico Pizza Napoletana, lines of locals, visi tors, and celebrities formed around the block. Antico is now a name synonymous with pizza greatness.
Bagel Boys Cafe
6355 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Atlanta 30328 678-585-3445
Bagel Boys offers bagels, breakfast, sand wiches and catering.
1255 Johnson Ferry Road Marietta 30068 770-509-9505
www.facebook.com/pages/Bageli cious/
Bagelicious boasts New York deli-style favor ites, including a variety of bagels and salads in a casual, welcoming space.
Bambinelli’s 3202 Northlake Parkway NE Atlanta 30345 770-493-1311 www.bambinellispizza.com
Bambinelli’s secret recipes for its signature sauces, famous lasagna, other pastas and meatballs hail from Italian immigrant Bonnie Marisa Bambinelli, a woman born into a family that possesses passion for life and a flair for cooking.
Baskin-Robbins Locations across metro Atlanta 800-859-5339
Baskin-Robbins is touted as the world’s largest chain of ice cream specialty shops, providing guests with a wide array of ice cream flavors and delicious treats at more than 7,800 retail shops in more than 50 countries around the world.
Bones 3130 Piedmont Road NE Atlanta 30305
Bones opened its doors in 1979 with a mis sion to provide only the finest service, steaks and seafood. Since then, Bones has been recognized as one of the best steakhouses in Atlanta — and in America. Enjoy beef and fresh seafood along with regional specialties.
Brooklyn Bagel Bakery & Deli 9925 Haynes Bridge Road, Suite 740 Johns Creek 30022 770-569-7290
www.brooklynbagel-deli.com/ Brooklyn Bagel is famous for its from-scratch, kettle-boiled bagels. Breakfast menu includes homemade cream cheese, eggs and grilled meats, Nova, white fish and salmon.
Locations across metro Atlanta www.brusters.com
Bruster’s Ice Cream is an American chain of ice cream parlors serving ice cream and frozen yogurt from more than 170 recipes, including many seasonal favorites.
Buckhead Diner 3073 Piedmont Road Atlanta 30305
An American dining experience unlike any other, Buckhead Diner is truly an Atlanta clas sic. Here diner meets fine dining, with inventive and long-time favorite menu items, snappy service, and retro style.
Café Intermezzo
Locations across metro Atlanta www.cafeintermezzo.com
At Café Intermezzo, take in the music, aromas and art -- the essence of a coffeehouse experience. Rendezvous with a friend, hold a meeting, or simply ponder. Enjoy coffee and pastries in a relaxing, European-style experi ence.
Café Sababa
4639-D N. Shallowford Road
Dunwoody 30338
In both Hebrew and Arabic, the word sababa is slang for awesome. Café Sababa strives to offer an awesome culinary experience with fresh, authentic Mediterranean and Middle Eastern dishes, including grilled chicken, fish, beef and lamb.
Café Sunflower
2140 Peachtree Road Atlanta 30309 404-352-8859
For more than 20 years, Café Sunflower has consistently been voted Atlanta’s best vegan restaurant serving meat-free dishes in Buckhead.
Canton Cooks
5984 Roswell Road NE Atlanta 30328 404-250-0515
Casual venue for eclectic Chinese fare, includ ing hot pot and BBQ duck.
Canton Cook II
6690 Roswell Road Sandy Springs 30328 404-255-8000
http://www.cantoncookii.com/ Fish tanks adorn this casual Chinese eatery serving classic fare, from noodles to Peking duck.
Chai Peking
2205 Lavista Road NE Atlanta 30329 404-327-7810
Chai Peking is located inside Toco Hills Kroger. Chai Peking is an easygoing choice for kosher Chinese and American standards.
Chamberlain’s Chocolate Factory
1575 Old Alabama Road Roswell 30076
Chamberlain’s is a full-service chocolatier and cafe, offering kosher gifts and favors, ideal for parties, camp and catering.
70 West Paces Ferry Road NW Atlanta 30305
An Atlanta icon known for its exceptional food and service, Chops consistently ranks as one of the top 10 steakhouses in the country. Exquisite seafood flown in fresh daily and the best USDA prime aged beef are served with style in the warm ambiance of the dark wood dining room.
Cibo e Beve 4969 Roswell Road, Suite 245 Atlanta 30342 404-250-8988 www.ciboatlanta.com
FOOD & Retail
Acclaimed chef Linda Harrell brings more than 25 years of excitement creating magnificent Italian cuisine to Cibo e Beve.
1230 Caroline Street Atlanta 30307 404-343-0805 www.cinnaholic.com
Cinnaholic is a vegan bakery franchise in Atlanta’s Edgewood Retail District.
Circle Sushi
8725 Roswell Road, Suite 7 Atlanta 30350 770-998-7880
Circle Sushi is a humble restaurant known for its traditional sushi and sashimi, plus Japa nese entrees.
City Winery
650 North Avenue NE Atlanta 30308 404-946-3791 www.citywinery.com
City Winery is a hip, intimate venue with a New American cuisine menu located at Ponce City Market.
Create Your Cupcake
Sandy Springs, GA 30328 844-354-7487
Create Your Cupcake has a unique cupcake design that envelopes the Cremache® filling inside of rich, moist cake in a hexagonal cup cake shape. Gluten-free available too.
Créma Espresso Gourmet
2458 Mt Vernon Road
Dunwoody 30338 678-731-9020
Créma is a cheerful mainstay featuring espresso, artisanal pastries and cafe dishes in a sun-lit, airy interior.
Locations across metro Atlanta www.dunkindonuts.com
Dunkin’ Donuts is an American global doughnut company and coffeehouse based in Massachusetts.
Einstein Bros. Bagels
Locations across metro Atlanta www.locations.einsteinbros.com
Einstein Bros. Bagels is your neighborhood bagel shop. We´re proud to provide our guests with freshly baked bagels, breakfast sandwich es, lunch sandwiches, coffee, catering and so much more. Stop on in. We´ll have a fresh bagel and cup of coffee ready for you.
Emerald City Bagels
1257A Glenwood Avenue Atlanta 30316 404-343-3758
What began as a small company providing bagels to local restaurants grew to a pop-up in East Atlanta Village on weekends. In 2018, Emerald City opened a permanent home and made Intown Atlantans very happy.
Food & Retail
Farm Burger
Locations across metro Atlanta
From catering to quick bites, Farm Burger is always a delicious choice for lunch or dinner. Its focus on sustainability makes Farm Burger stand out among the crowd.
Fellini’s Pizza
Locations across metro Atlanta www.fellinisatlanta.com
Fellini’s Pizza is an Italian restaurant founded in Atlanta in 1982. Fellini’s seven locations are known for classic pizza and salads.
Fuego Mundo
5590 Roswell Road Sandy Springs 30342 404-256-4330
FuegoMundo, voted a top kosher restaurant in Atlanta, is a healthy taste of Latin America.
Goldbergs Fine Foods
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-465-1100
Goldberg’s Bagel Company and Deli started in 1972 as a father and son run Atlanta deli serving six varieties of authentic New Yorkstyle boiled bagels and one very popular Po’ Boy sandwich. They built a New York-style delicatessen empire that has blossomed to six deli locations in Atlanta.
Hal’s Steakhouse
30 Old Ivy Road Atlanta 30342 404-261-0025 www.hals.net
The New Orleans style steakhouse featuring live music, prime steaks and the freshest ingredients.
Hearth Pizza Tavern
5992 Roswell Road NE Sandy Springs 30328 404-252-5378 www.hearthpizzatavern.com
Hearth Pizza Tavern features fresh, oven fired pies with a wide selection of beers, wines, and spirits. All of Hearth’s food is fresh and made in-house, right down to homemade dough, cheeses and toppings.
6289 Roswell Road NE Sandy Springs 30328 404-256-7934
Known for its roast beef sandwiches, this longrunning spot with a deli counter offers baked goods.
HOBNOB Neighborhood Tavern
Locations across metro Atlanta 470-395-7904 www.hobnobatlanta.com
HOBNOB is a neighborhood tavern providing a warm and inviting atmosphere for lunch, dinner and weekend brunch. A “spirited” place, featuring one of the largest collections of bourbon and whiskey in the Southeast.
Hudson Grille
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-249-9468
Hudson Grille is Atlanta’s best sports bar with private dining spaces perfect for alumni gatherings and parties.
il Giallo Osteria and Bar 5920 Roswell Road, Suite B118 Sandy Springs 30328 404-709-2148
il Giallo is a coastal Italian restaurant, special izing in creating made-to-order pasta in a warm, welcoming dining room. Additional highlights include a beautiful private dining room and a stellar wine list.
Locations across metro Atlanta www.ippolitos.net
Ippolito’s has been serving authentic Italian dishes since 1989. Guests enjoy a casual, friendly atmosphere and excellent service, from the healthy portions of homemade sandwiches, pizzas and calzones to pastas, specialty chicken, veal and seafood dishes.
Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream
Locations across metro Atlanta www.jenis.com
Jeni’s Ice Cream is devoted to making better ice creams and bringing people together. Jeni’s believes in growing a business as a community of people with artful attention to detail and the customer experience while get ting continuously better at the same time.
Jerusalem Bakery
4150 Old Milton Parkway Alpharetta 30005 1175 Franklin Gateway SE Marietta 30067 770-419-1666
Jerusalem Bakery is a family-owned and operated bakery store with more than 40 years of experience. Jerusalem Bakery is one of the major distributors of Middle Eastern bread, pastries and sweets in the Southeast.
Keith’s Corner BBQ
2715 Peachtree Square Atlanta 30360 404-250-1BBQ
Whether from Tennessee, Texas, Georgia, Louisiana or the Carolinas, southern BBQ is the sweetest and most sultry taste around. Complete with all the fixins, Keith’s Southern comfort food is sure to satisfy any appetite.
Little Alley Steak
955 Canton Street Roswell 30075
With a relaxed, 1920s-era-inspired space, Little Alley Steak sets the perfect scene as an upscale, New York butcher-tinged steakhouse that rivals the likes of Peter Luger in New York or Bern’s in Tampa.
Loving Hut
220 Hammond Drive NE, #302 Sandy Springs 30328 404-941-7992
Loving Hut vegan restaurant was created with a vision that all beings could live in peace, love and harmony with each other and the planet.
Locations across metro Atlanta 800-983-4637
Whether celebrating a special occasion or gathering the family for an informal dinner, Maggiano’s strives to make every guest feel comfortable enough to laugh out loud, remi nisce and be indulged.
Marietta Diner
306 S. Cobb Parkway Marietta 30060 770-423-9390
Since 1995, the Marietta Diner has offered 24-hour-a-day deliciousness. The diner was featured on Food Network’s “Diners, Drive-ins and Dives.” Catering from the Marietta Diner means classic dishes done right.
MaPa’s Matzoh Ball Soup and Nosh Atlanta 30033 404-822-7789
https://www.facebook.com/MaPasMatzoh-Ball-Soup-101485611513108/ Delivery only service offering matzoh ball and kreplach soup, knishes, noodle kugel and potato latkes.
McKendrick’s Steak House
4505 Ashford Dunwoody Road Atlanta 30346 770-512-8888 www.mckendricks.com
FOOD & Retail
McKendrick’s is grateful to have had the opportunity to serve the finest in steak and seafood to the Atlanta community for the past 23 years.
Meehan’s Public House 200 Peachtree Street Atlanta 30303 404-214-9821 www.meehanspublichouse.com
Meehan’s is an authentic Irish eatery that of fers a full menu of classic Irish dishes elevated to the gourmet level.
Mellow Mushroom
6100 Roswell Road Sandy Springs 30328 404-252-5560 www.mellowmushroom.com
Mellow Mushroom Pizza Bakers was founded in 1974 in Atlanta. For over 40 years, Mellow Mushroom has served fresh, stone-baked pizzas to order in an eclectic, art-filled and family-friendly environment.
Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt Locations across metro Atlanta www.menchies.com
Menchie’s is an American frozen yogurt chain. Enjoy real ingredients at Menchie’s: no artificial flavors, no artificial colors, no high fructose corn syrup and no partially hydrogenated oils.
Nori Nori
6690 Roswell Road, Suite 2110 Sandy Springs 30328 404-257-1288 www.norinori.com
Nori Nori has elevated buffet dining to a new standard with a buffet that consists of modern and traditional Japanese dishes, all prepared using fresh, quality ingredients.
P.F. Changs
Locations across metro Atlanta 770-352-0500 www.pfchangs.com
P. F. Chang’s China Bistro is an Asian-themed, casual restaurant chain founded in 1993 by Paul Fleming and Philip Chiang.
6435 Roswell Road NE Atlanta 30328 404-257-9090 www.persepoliscuisine.com
Persepolis Cuisine is one of the oldest and most authentic restaurants for Persian cuisine in Sandy Springs.
Toco Grill 1658 Lavista Rd NE Atlanta 30329 404-996-2279 www.kosherwithoutborders.com
Fast, casual eatery offering Middle Eastern dishes with homemade spicy sauce, plus a salad bar.
Food & Retail
500 Pharr Road
Atlanta 30305
A contemporary Italian restaurant with a cre ative menu, dramatic interior and friendly ser vice, Pricci is stylish dining at its best. Casual and classy, Pricci has an innovative menu that combines classic cuisine with modern flair.
Ponce City Market
675 Ponce de Leon Avenue
Atlanta 30308
Ponce City Market is a market full of eater ies, shopping and wellness located inside the renovated Sears, Roebuck & Company building. Linked directly to the Atlanta BeltLine, this iconic stretch of Ponce de Leon Avenue is a major part of the redevelopment of Atlanta’s most established neighborhoods.
Rumi’s Kitchen
6112 Roswell Road Atlanta 30328
Rumi’s Kitchen, the premiere location for Persian Cuisine, delivers fresh and healthy food, attentive Persian hospitality, and an atmosphere filled with love.
Sandy Springs Diner
8612 Roswell Road
Sandy Springs 30350 770-594-9272
Sandy Springs Diner offers real home cooking at a real fair price.
Locations across metro Atlanta
Starbucks Corporation is an American coffee company and coffeehouse chain. Starbucks was founded in Seattle, Wash., in 1971. The company operates more than 25,000 locations worldwide.
Sufi’s Atlanta 1814 Peachtree Street NW Atlanta 30309 404-888-9699 www.sufisatlanta.com
Sufi’s is a sophisticated place for upscale Persian fare in a dark-wood dining room with a canopied ceiling.
Sushi Nami 5316 Windward Parkway Alpharetta 30004 678-566-3889 www.sushinami.com
From sushi rolls to small plates and entrees, Sushi Nami prepares menu items in-house daily.
The General Muir 1540 Avenue Place, Suite B-230 Atlanta 30329 678-927-9131 www.thegeneralmuir.com
The New York-style deli goes contemporary at this upscale Jewish deli adorned with subway tiles.
True Food
3393 Peachtree Road NE Atlanta 30326 404-481-2980 www.truefoodkitchen.com
True Food Kitchen is a health-driven, seasonal restaurant merging nutrient-rich ingredients with a flavor-forward menu that rotates regularly to let guests experience great tasting ingredients at the peak of their freshness. Cus tomers of every food preference can choose from a variety of gluten-free, naturally organic, vegetarian and vegan offerings.
Umi 3050 Peachtree Road NW Atlanta 30305 404-841-0040 umiatlanta.com
Umi unites classic along with modern Japa nese flavors in a sophisticated, contemporary setting. Chef Fuyuhiko Ito’s menu showcases the freshest fish from the world’s finest mar kets and highest quality ingredients available.
1071 Howell Mill Road Atlanta 30318 404-347-1071 www.upbeet.com
Upbeet is a new fast-casual eatery by Young + Hungry, the team behind Yeah! Burger. Upbeet was created for guests who don’t want to sacrifice nutrition for convenience. Our quick, customizable food will fit almost any diet.
Vinny’s N.Y. Pizza and Grill
Greater Atlanta Area www.vinnysatlanta.com
At locations across the city, Vinny serves up dishes with distinct flavor using fresh and healthy ingredients.
Waffle House
Locations across metro Atlanta 1-877-9-WAFFLE www.wafflehouse.com
Waffle House restaurants have offered the unbeatable combination of good food with outstanding service since 1955. This combina tion has made it a beloved icon of the South for the past 60 years.
Yogli Mogli
Locations across metro Atlanta www.yoglimogli.com
Yogli Mogli frozen yogurt shop features unique flavors in both tart and sweet and includes gluten-free, dairy-free, and no-sugar-added options.
236 Johnson Ferry Road NE
Sandy Springs 30328 404-255-7402
Persian restaurant Zafron puts a twist on the traditional flavors found in the ordinary Iranian restaurant by using intoxicating spices and herbs. Join Zafron for lunch or dinner, featuring irresistible hummus, mouth-watering kebabs and saffron chicken.
Food & Retail
Locations across metro Atlanta
Costco is a membership warehouse club dedi cated to bringing members the best possible prices on quality brand-name merchandise. With hundreds of locations worldwide, Costco provides a wide selection of merchandise, plus the convenience of specialty departments and exclusive member services.
Farmer & Fisherman Purveyors
6315 McDonough Drive NW
Norcross, GA 30093
A small family-owned father-son business.
From our roots as a supplier of premier qual ity steaks, seafood, and specialties to top restaurants in across the United States, we are passionate about connecting farmers, fishermen, and small producers with chefs and food-lovers, alike.
Griller’s Pride
3939 McElroy Road
Doraville 30340
Griller’s Pride is a glatt kosher beef, lamb, veal and poultry butchery that delivers directly to customers’ homes in metro Atlanta and across the Southeast.
Locations across metro Atlanta
Kroger operates more than 2,000 grocery retail stores in 35 states including supermarkets, price-impact warehouse stores, and multidepartment stores, including a kosher section.
Locations across metro Atlanta 800-242-1227 www.publix.com
Publix Super Markets is an employee-owned, American supermarket chain headquartered in Lakeland, Fla.
Sprouts Farmers Market
Locations across metro Atlanta 480-814-8016 www.sprouts.com
At the heart of healthy eating are fruits and vegetables, and at the heart of Sprouts, cus tomers find mountains of colorful, farm-fresh produce.
The Kosher Gourmet 2153 Briarcliff Road NE Atlanta 30329 www.kgatl.com 404-636-1114
Whether you need take-out or full service glatt kosher catering for your next event, the highest quality meats, dairy and dry goods are available from our Briar Vista Shopping Center location. Servicing Atlanta since 1933.
The Fresh Market
Locations across metro Atlanta 866-817-4367 www.thefreshmarket.com
The Fresh Market boasts more than 170 loca tions nationwide. The Fresh Market is commit ted to providing a warm, friendly local market with the highest quality fresh foods.
The Savory Gourmet Market
50 Canton Street, Suite 109 Alpharetta 30009 770-857-3960
Providing breakfast and lunch, chef-prepared meals to-go, gourmet gifts, wine and sweets, the Savory Gourmet is believed Alpharetta’s favorite destination for organic ingredients, fresh meats, cheeses, breads, sandwiches, soups, chocolates, and full-service catering. We use premium, organic, natural ingredients, accommodating a variety of dietary restric tions including gluten-free and vegetarian.
The Spicy Peach
2887 N. Druid Hills Road NE Atlanta 30329 www.thespicypeach.com 404-334-7200
The Spicy Peach offers a unique selection of only kosher items. We provide many Israeli products and have a selection of domestic and imported cheeses and other hard-to-find items.
Trader Joe’s
Locations across metro Atlanta www.traderjoes.com
Trader Joe’s is a neighborhood grocery store with amazing food and drink from around the globe and around the corner.
Whole Foods
1180 Upper Hembree Road Roswell 30076 844-936-8255 www.wholefoods.com
Whole Foods is the world’s leader in natural and organic foods, with 479 stores in North America and the United Kingdom.
Lipsey Mountain Spring Water 770-449-0001 www.lipseywater.com
For the last 30 years, Lipsey has been a premier company for premium bottled water in Atlanta. We are believed the only water delivery company to bring water in glass bottles to your home or office. We don’t cut corners, intentionally limiting our delivery service area so we can offer superior service.
Tower Beer, Wine & Spirits
Buckhead and Doraville
One of Atlanta’s most trusted discount bever age retailers for over 70 years! Our personable and knowledgeable staff will assist and please even the most seasoned buyer. Our prices are competitive, and our team motivated to help you with a single purchase or event planning.
Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery
700 Miami Circle Atlanta 30324
A full-service auction gallery that presents 10 auctions each year of fine art, estate jewelry, vintage automobiles, collectibles and more.
Binders Art Supplies and Frames
3330 Piedmont Road, Suite 1B Atlanta 30305
Binders specializes in providing the best in fine art supplies.
In Stitches
3137 E. Shadowlawn Avenue NE Atlanta 30305
Colorful, quaint needlepoint and embroidery re tailer showcasing supplies, classes and more.
Lakewood 400 Antiques Market
1321 Atlanta Highway
Cumming 30040 770-889-3400
Lakewood 400 Antiques Market is held the third weekend of each month. It features col lectibles, home decor, art, jewelry and more.
Peter Brandi Estate Sales
940 Canton Street
Roswell 30075 770-552-1399
Peter Brandi and his associates have more than 35 years of trusted, loyal experience in estate liquidation and management services.
Wolf Photo Design Bar
3763 Roswell Road NE Atlanta 30342 404-709-2981 www.photodesignbar.com
Find photography coaching, gifts, prints and more at Chuck Wolf’s Photo Design Bar.
Locations across metro Atlanta 844-4SHOES4 www.coolshoes.com
Abbadabba’s passion for providing people footwear that makes sense is done through a business organization grounded in principles of fairness and genuine concern for our cus tomers and each other.
Bennie’s Shoes 2625 Piedmont Road Atlanta 30324 404-262-1966 www.benniesshoes.com
FOOD & Retail
Bennie came to Atlanta in 1909 from the Isle of Rhodes at the age of 16. He opened his first shoe repair shop at Marietta and Techwood in downtown Atlanta. Each of his sons learned shoe repair from their father after school and on weekends. Jack and Louie ran Bennie’s until 1987.
3393 Peachtree Road NE Atlanta 30326 404-495-2800 www.bloomingdales.com/lenoxsquare
Bloomingdale’s is an upscale department store for apparel, accessories, cosmetics, furniture and home goods.
Locations across metro Atlanta 404-233-0603 www.chicos.com
Chico’s is a retail women’s clothing and acces sories retailer with six stores in Atlanta.
Consigning Women
2508 Mt. Vernon Road Dunwoody 30338 770-394-1600
Quality and value are the foundation of Consigning Women. The company provides the highest levels of service to customers and consignors.
4741 Ashford Dunwoody Road Dunwoody 30338 770-392-9880 www.dsw.com
Designer Shoe Warehouse carries the latest in designer shoes, boots, handbags and more.
Education Outfitters
5290 Roswell Road NE, Suite T Sandy Springs 30342 770-702-0837 www.atlanta.educationaloutfitters. com
School and business uniforms and custom embroidery.
Finders Keepers
2134 N. Decatur Road Decatur 30033 404-634-6995 www.fkconsign.com
Finders Keepers includes home goods, women’s, plus-sizes, children’s, menswear and jewelry in multiple locations across the city. Incoming consignments and accessories includes all name brands.
Food & Retail
6247 Roswell Road Sandy Springs 30328 404-252-1234
Fox’s carries top designers for women at offprices.
H. Stockton Ladies
Locations across metro Atlanta www.hstockton.com
H. Stockton carries men’s and women’s fash ions in several locations across the city.
Jilli Boutique
2090 Dunwoody Club Drive Atlanta 30350 404-561-5884
3 locations: Dunwoody, Chastain Park, Al pharetta/Milton.
Locations across metro Atlanta 770-396-2800
Macy’s, originally R. H. Macy & Co., is an American department store chain.
Nina McLemore
110 E. Andrews Drive, Suite 3 Atlanta 30305 404-841-8111
Nina McLemore offers a line of clothing designed by a woman with fashion and business expertise, for smart, confident women on the go.
4390 Ashford Dunwoody Road NE Atlanta 30346
Nordstrom is an American chain of depart ment stores headquartered in Seattle, Wash.
Plato’s Closet
6601 Roswell Road Sandy Springs 30328 404-255-5151
Find a huge selection of trendy, designer styles as well as everyday basics at Plato’s Closet at up to 70 percent off retail prices.
Rita Ellen’s Boutique
1205 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 116 Marietta 30068 770-509-0039
https://www.facebook.com/RitaEl lens/
Rita Ellen opened the boutique in 2003 with a vision to provide women with affordable, unique fashions in a comfortable, relaxing shopping atmosphere.
Sprong Children’s Shoes 3716 Roswell Road Atlanta 30342 404-846-8506
www.sprongshoes.com Sprong specializes in fashionable, fun shoes for kids.
Veronica’s Attic 220 Sandy Springs Circle Atlanta 30328 404-257-1409 www.veronicasattic.com
Veronica’s Attic is a charming boutique, chock full of fabulous fashion and girly gifts. Custom ers find brands including 7 For All Mankind, Joes Jeans, Michael Stars, Three Dots, Free People and more.
GIFTS Fragile
6235 Roswell Road Atlanta 30328 404-257-1323
For over 20 years, Fragile has been a pre eminent gift store in the metro Atlanta area, specializing in fine china, crystal and gifts. Fragile provides a unique experience in fine shopping, a broad range of traditional and con temporary gift items. The store showcases a complete selection of fine dinnerware, crystal and giftware.
Judaica Corner
2185 Briarcliff Road, Atlanta 30329 404-636-2473
Judaica Corner has been serving Jewish Atlan ta for 30 years, offering an exquisite selection of Judaica, giftware, ritual items and books to enhance your Shabbat, Yom Tov and Jewish learning.
ModernTribe Online only 877-324-1818 www.moderntribe.com
ModernTribe is a great source for fun, modern, unique Judaica and gifts from all over the world.
Swoozie’s 4285 Roswell Road NE, Suite 10 Atlanta 30342 404-252-7980 www.swoozies.com
Swoozie’s is the spot for entertainment ac cessories, invitations, personliazed gifts and more.
D. Geller & Son
Locations across metro Atlanta 770-955-5995 www.dgeller.com
D. Geller & Son is a family-owned and operated business helping customers to celebrate mar riage, birthdays, anniversaries, having a first child, and so many other special occasions.
H&A International Jewelry
1820 Independence Square Ste. C
Dunwoody 30338
We offer diamond and precious stone jewelry at great prices. We have a full service shop for custom orders and repairs as well as appraisal and insurance replacement services.
Iroff & Son
3960 Old Milton Parkway, Suite 300 Alpharetta 30005
Iroff & Son is in its third generation of provid ing clients with fine jewelers. The company specializes in diamonds and jewelry, buying, selling, and repairing.
LeeBrant Jewelers
6225A Roswell Road
Sandy Springs 30328
LeeBrant Watch and Jewelry Company is celebrating its 25th year of repairing, selling, and buying jewelry.
Solomon Brothers
3340 Peachtree Road NE Atlanta 30326
Ivan Solomon and his brothers began a wholesale diamond company in Atlanta sup plying loose diamonds across the country. Fast forward to today, Solomon Brothers Fine Jewelry has become the city’s source for loose diamonds, wedding rings and all jewelry needs.
FOOD & Retail
Tiffany & Co.
3500 Peachtree Road NE Atlanta 30326
Since 1837, the masterpieces of Tiffany & Co. have defined style and celebrated the world’s great love stories.
Worthmore Jewelers
500 L-3 Amsterdam Avenue NE Atlanta 30306
The Worthmore approach has always been to embrace the strange and build a passionate team through open-mindedness and honest communication. ì
A Plus, Inc.
151 DeKalb Industrial Way
Decatur 30030 404-373-7587
A Plus Inc. is a great source for insulation, fireplaces, gutters and garage doors.
Ace Hardware
Locations across metro Atlanta 866-290-5334
Ace Hardware Corporation is an American hardware retailers’ cooperative based in Oak Brook, Ill.
351 Peachtree Hills Avenue, Suite 423 Atlanta 30305
Atlanta Decorative Arts Center is the essen tial design destination. Open every Monday through Friday, come shop more than 50 stunning showrooms, visit our design studios, explore the campus for inspiration, attend signature events and dine in one of our two restaurants.
Alexis Solomon Design Studio, LLC 770-229-7164
Alexis Solomon is a veteran designer who enjoys teaming with clients to create beautiful and functional spaces. Alexis completed her formal training as an interior designer in archi tecture firms both in Atlanta and Oxford, Miss.
Andy on Call
3544 Old Milton Parkway Alpharetta 30005 770-640-6050
www.andyoncallroswell-gwinnett. com
ANDY OnCall® handyman service company offers a vast array of home improvement ser vices. Whether you need someone to install a ceiling fan or need your bathroom remodeled, just call us.
Artisan Closets 600 Wylie Road SE Marietta 30067 770-790-5368 www.artisancustomclosets.com
Artisan Custom Closets will get to the root of storage issues and design a custom storage system that enables you to keep your belong ings in a functional and beautiful fashion.
Atlanta Custom Closets 33 Moore Justus Drive
Dahlonega 30533 404-255-0589
Quality craftsmanship and dependable service have been ClosetPro’s everyday principles since 1988. Simplify life with a fully integrated storage system that adds function and value to any home.
B&Z Construction Services 6375 Spalding Drive Peachtree Corners 30092 470-344-5359 www.bzconstruct.com
B&Z Construction Services was founded in 1982 and promises to provide clients with every possible cost efficiency by using the latest technologies in design, drafting, estimat ing, budgeting, project scheduling, purchasing, implementation and construction.
Bo Unlimited Interior Design P.O. Box 500037 Atlanta 31150 404-249-6363
www.facebook.com/BoUnlimitedInte riorDesign/ Bo Unlimited is an interior designer based Intown.
Boutte Tree, Inc. 2158 Bolton Road NW Atlanta 30318 404-799-5472 www.bouttetree.com
At Boutte Tree our mission is to care for Atlanta’s trees using the safest procedures and the very best arboricultural practices. We believe in the power of trees to transform the urban environment and make it aesthetically pleasing.
California Closets
631 Miami Circle NE, Suite 12A Atlanta 30324
California Closets is committed to offering quality custom storage solutions that help people become better versions of themselves, with more time and space to focus on what matters most.
Candice Keilin Designs and Associates
Sandy Springs 404-372-1390
Let us bring your ideas to life! There is no project too big or small for us. We love to create beautiful spaces for you. Interior design that is sophisticated, fresh and timeless. We specialize in new design home renovation and bathroom and kitchen renovation.
CG Interiors Group - Caryn Grossman, ASID
537 Rosalyn Street NW Atlanta, GA 30318
CG interiors group is an Atlanta-based awardwinning, interior design firm specializing in high-end residential, brand-based commercial and sustainable solutions.
Dr. Roof 88 Mansell Court Roswell 30076 770-552-7663
Dr. Roof Atlanta is the area’s most experienced full exterior home renovator. Services include roofing, roof repairs, siding replacement, win dows and doors, painting and decks.
Elliott Rich Handyman
2541 Tanglewood Road, Decatur 30033 404-321-6343
Highly skilled, licensed and trained electricians.
Fabric and Fringe Warehouse 2440 Canton Road Marietta, 30066 770-794-8106
Visit a16,000 sq ft Showroom in Marietta full of fabric, fringe, lining, foam and pillow inserts. Largest selection in the Southeast. Open to the Public. Shop in store Monday - Friday 10-5 and Saturday 10-2:30. Shop anytime online.
Handcrafted Homes 505 Boulder Way, Roswell 30075 770-642-1010
Handcrafted Homes provides custom remod eling that illustrates attention to detail in every aspect, from relations with the homeowners to the beautiful end result. Handcrafted Homes values sustainable, energy efficient living.
Locations across metro Atlanta 888-428-3789
Havertys offers the highest quality furniture, a vast array of styles and excellent value so that goals can easily become a reality. Havertys guarantees excellent quality, prices and services.
The Home Depot
Locations across metro Atlanta 800-466-3337
When The Home Depot was founded in 1978, Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank had no idea how revolutionary this new “hardware store” would be for home improvement and the retail industry. Today, Home Depot is proud to be the world’s largest home improvement retailer.
Locations across metro Atlanta 800-888-0776
HomeGoods is where savvy shoppers of every style discover an ever-changing selection of exciting top brands and home fashions from around the world.
441 16th Street NW, Atlanta 30363 888-888-4532
The IKEA concept starts with the idea of providing a range of home furnishing products that are affordable to the many people, not just the few. It is achieved by combining func tion, quality, design and value – always with sustainability in mind.
Kitchen Fronts of Georgia
3291 Laventure Drive Chamblee 30341 770-455-3139
Unlike many companies in the remodeling industry, Kitchen Fronts of Georgia is a nonfranchised, full service, family-owned business operation. Our kitchen cabinet refacing ser vices are an excellent, cost-effective alterna tive to kitchen cabinet replacement.
Kudzu &
6450 Roswell Road
Sandy Springs 30328
Kudzu & Company is a family owned business offering fine furnishings, custom upholstery, lighting, decor and gifts to suit many styles and tastes. Accenting this varied assortment is a carefully curated selection of antiques and vintage pieces.
Linda Rickles Interiors
32 Westfair Court NE Sandy Springs 30328
Full interior design services, certified profes sional color consultation, please call for any questions
MOSAIC Design + Build
2358 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 300 Atlanta 30341
MOSAIC Design + Build provides an excep tional indoor and outdoor remodeling experi ence, embodying professional architectural and interior design, integrated construction services and outstanding client services for Atlanta area homeowners.
Novo – Art Construction
2900 Delk Road Marietta 30067 539-292-6653
The best construction company in the galaxy. We do everything!
Pike Nurseries
Locations across metro Atlanta 770-921-1022
Pike Nurseries continues the tradition of excel lent customer service and gardening expertise. Under their leadership our associates are able to succeed in embodying our brand promise of gardening without guesswork.
5324 Old Norcross Road Norcross 30071 404-288-8733
SavATree offers reliable tree services and tree removal in Atlanta, Roswell, Marietta, Dun woody, Sandy Springs, Alpharetta, Decatur and all surrounding areas around Atlanta.
Sky Shield Roofing 678-722-8904
Home & Real Estate
No matter your home or business roofing needs, we are here to help. We check the quality of your roof to prevent leaks, blistering, punctures, cracks, or collapse due to storm damage and the effects of time. FREE Roof Inspection, FREE Replacement Esti mates, FREE Insurance Paperwork Assistance. Get a New roof for as low as $99 a month!
Simone Feldman Designs, LLC 2980 Cedar Knoll Drive, Roswell 30076 404-386-9487
Simone Feldman Designs is a member of the National Kitchen & Bath Association doing architectural residential design and kitchen and bathroom design.
Southern Comforts Locations across metro Atlanta 770-901-5001
Southern Comforts makes consignment shop ping a destination experience, offering both new and consigned furniture for the discerning and savvy shopper, all at fabulous prices.
The Dump 815 Sidney Marcus Boulevard Atlanta 30324 404-442-1900
Open everyday. Shoppers find new shipments of design samples, closeouts, overstocks, showroom buyouts and more at outlet dis counts.
The Handyman Can Greater Atlanta 404-453-3438
John Salvesen is happy to assist you with all of your handyman needs: Plumbing, electrical, sheetrock, floors, tile, framing, kitchens, paint ing, roof, concrete, stained glass, and more.
West Elm
Locations across metro Atlanta 888-922-4119
A branch of Williams–Sonoma, West Elm is focused on the intersection of modern furniture and home design, affordability and community.
College H.U.N.K.S. Hauling Junk & Moving
Locations across metro Atlanta 888-689-5999
A full-service moving and storage com pany doing intrastate and interstate moves, full-service junk removal, and in-home labor services across Atlanta.
Masterpiece International
4200 S. Cargo Drive, Suite 214 Atlanta 30320
Masterpiece International was founded in 1989 as a customs broker, freight forwarder and logistics provider specializing in the trans port of works of art and antiquities.
Toda Moving and Storage
1625 Rock Mountain Boulevard Stone Mountain 30083 470-875-5666
Toda Moving and Storage is a full-service moving company, fully licensed and insured, specializing in packing. We provide local, longdistance, residential and commercial moving of any size. We also provide storage.
Tomahawk Moving and Storage
1070 Sandtown Road, Suite B Atlanta 30008
A licensed and insured company that has been performing quality moves in the Atlanta metro area since 1982. We strive to exceed customers’ expectations every time we make a move, whether it is a full house/office or a single item.
Ansley Real Estate
Schiff Real Estate Team
Leigh Schiff
3035 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 202
Atlanta 30305
We provide a powerful set of tools and advice throughout the entire real estate transaction process. If you are looking to buy or sell a home in Atlanta, don’t just pick any agent, pick the team that specializes in real estate in and around the perimeter.
Adams & Company
John Perlman
5784 Lake Forrest Drive, Suite 290 Sandy Springs 30328 404-255-7535 www.adamsre.net
Atlanta Fine Homes
Sotheby’s International Realty Jared Sapp Real Estate Group
3290 Northside Parkway NW, Suite 200 Atlanta 30327 404-668-7233 www.jaredsapp.com
Atlanta Fine Homes
Sotheby’s International Realty Eydie Koonin Group
3290 Northside Parkway NW, Suite 200 Atlanta 30327 404-697-8215
www.eydiekoonin.atlantafinehomes. com
Atlanta Fine Homes
Sotheby’s International Realty Heery Brothers
3290 Northside Parkway NW, Suite 200 Atlanta 30327 404-974-4378 www.heerybrothers.com
Better Homes and Garden Real Metro Brokers LaVista Hills Team
Jody Steinberg and Rebecca Sideris 4073 LaVista Road, Suite 373 Atlanta 30084 404-932-5771
A native Atlantan who grew up in the Toco Hills community, Jody Steinberg still lives and works in the area. She teamed with realtor Rebecca Sideris, and together they specialize in residential home sales around northeast Atlanta, from Decatur to Dunwoody and every where in between.
Big Canoe Realty
54 Wolfscratch Village Jasper 30143 1-866-244-2266
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Rose Anne Schulman
5252 Roswell Road, Suite 202 Atlanta 30342 404-502-5921
www.coldwellbankerhomes.com/ atlanta
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Star Newman
5252 Roswell Road, Suite 202 Atlanta 30342 678-360-8615
www.starsellsatlanta.com Star Newman’s mission is to be the best, full service real estate professional in Dunwoody/ Sandy Springs and surrounding areas by pro viding skilled and sound advice to clients.
Compass Real Estate Janis Zagoria
3107 Peachtree Road, A-1 Atlanta 30305 404-245-3628
With city-wide expertise, experience and depth of real estate knowledge, Janis and her team guide clients through every step of the buying and selling process, making them feel secure in the hands of seasoned experts, whether buying or selling for the first time, last time and any where in- between.
The Sonenshine Team
Debbie Sonenshine
5252 Roswell Road, Suite 202 Atlanta 30342
Debbie has a national reputation of excellence that comes with consistently taking care of customers. For Debbie, every client is valued. She brings a sharp mind, well-honed negotiating skills and a true sense of honesty and caring.
Chapman Hall
Premier Realtors
Hallie Chasen
1772 - B Century Boulevard Atlanta 30345
https://www.chapmanhallrealtors. com/hallie-chasen
Growing up in Atlanta, Hallie Chasen never dreamed she would one day sell houses in her hometown. She ranked No. 1 in her company in 2017 and has always been in the Top 10 as well as a top producer with the Atlanta Board of Realtors.
Eileen Reuben of Rose Realty Group Inc.
4062 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 430 Atlanta, GA 30319 404-229-3340
Harry Norman Realtors
Atlanta Perimeter
4848 Ashford Dunwoody Road Atlanta 30338
www.harrynorman.com/atlantape rimeter
Harry Norman Realtors
Atlanta Perimeter Barocas & Feldman Team 4848 Ashford Dunwoody Road Atlanta 30338 404-790-0913
Harry Norman Realtors Atlanta Perimeter Robin Blass
4848 Ashford Dunwoody Road Dunwoody 30338 404-403-6561
Harry Norman Realtors Atlanta Perimeter Gloria Miller
4848 Ashford Dunwoody Road Atlanta 30338 404-580-0181
Harry Norman Realtors Atlanta Perimeter Elaine S. Rabb 4848 Ashford Dunwoody Road Atlanta 30338 404-932-0089
Harry Norman Realtors, Atlanta Perimeter Melanie B. White 4848 Ashford Dunwoody Road Dunwoody 30338 770-915-9622
Harry Norman Realtors Atlanta Perimeter Robyn Zimmerman
4848 Ashford Dunwoody Road Atlanta 30338 404-219-2191
robynzimmermanweb.harrynorman. com
Harry Norman Realtors Buckhead Sandy Abrams 532 East Paces Ferry, Suite 200 Atlanta 30305 404-281-0097
www.sandyabramsweb.harrynorman. com
Harry Norman Realtors East Cobb Rita Ellis
4651 Olde Towne Parkway Marietta 30068 770-977-9500
Harry Norman Realtors Intown
Butch Whitfield
1518 Monroe Drive, Suite E Atlanta 30324 404-897-5558
www.butchwhitfield.harrynorman. com
Keller Williams Realty Inc. Alan Rothenberg
200 Glenridge Point Parkway Suite 100 Atlanta 30342 678-772-5629
New construction luxury homes. Pre-owned homes. Buyer’s agent.
Realty One Group Edge Team Jacober 625 Molly Lane, Suite 140 Woodstock 30189 678-451-9446
Robyn & Andrew are a husband/wife team selling in the North Fulton area. Our priority is to make the whole process of buying and/or selling a home run as smoothly as possible for our clients.
Re/Max Around Atlanta The Jon Shapiro Group 240 Sandy Springs Place Atlanta 30328 404-845-3050
www.jonshapiro.com ì
Alyson Lembeck, Esq.
3490 Piedmont Road, Suite 400
Atlanta 30305
Alyson Lembeck has 18 years of experience practicing divorce and family law. Alyson cares for clients, advocates strongly, and provides high quality work and practical solutions.
Atlanta Divorce Mediation Services, LLC - Dr. Jeri Breiner
275 Carpenter Drive, Suite 303 Atlanta 30328
Dr. Jeri Breiner, a neutral mediator, provides both parties with the tools needed to execute an equitable divorce agreement unique to their family’s circumstances.
Berman Fink Van Horn 3475 Piedmont Road NE, Suite 1100 Atlanta 30305
An entrepreneurial business law firm assisting business organizations and entrepreneurs in achieving their business goals — from start-up to succession.
Beskin & Beskin P.C. Attorneys at Law
5180 Roswell Road. NW, Suite 201
Atlanta 30327
Providing legal services in Atlanta for over 47 years, primarily in the fields of criminal law and personal injury.
Feldman Law Offices, LLC
1847 Peeler Road, Suite C Dunwoody 30338 770-393-4757 www.feldman-law.net
The primary mission of Feldman Law Offices, LLC, is to provide its clients with excellent customer service and expertise in the areas of real estate transactions. The firm handles commercial and residential real estate clos ings almost exclusively. As such, its employ ees are specifically trained in the intricacies of real estate closings.
Fox and Weiss, PA
3348 Peachtree Road NE Atlanta 30308 770-317-1767
Fox and Weiss has nearly 30 years’ experience representing both Fortune 500 companies and individual employees in all aspects of labor and employment law.
Fryer, Shuster, Lester, Pollack PC
1050 Crown Pointe Parkway, Suite 410 Atlanta 30338 770-668-9300 www.galegal.com
Fryer, Shuster, Lester and Pollack is a general practice law firm. The firm’s clientele consists of professionals, executives, closely held businesses, publicly traded companies and individuals.
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
3333 Piedmont Road NE Atlanta 30305
Greenberg Traurig, LLP has more than 2,000 attorneys in 38 offices in the United States, Latin America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
Gulden Dispute Resolution
P.O. Box 421053, Atlanta 30342 404-303-8250
Mediation of disputes involving issues in business, commerce, employment, divorce and custody, securities, small construction, and personal injury. Member of the National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals.
Hall Benefits Law
270 Carpenter Drive, Suite 325 Atlanta 30328
HBL offers employers comprehensive legal guidance on benefits in mergers and acquisi tions, employee stock ownership, executive compensation, health and welfare benefits, healthcare reform and retirement plans.
Julie A. Liberman, LLC
7000 Central Parkway, Suite 1100 Atlanta 30328
Julie Liberman represents clients in real es tate, business and employment disputes. Her litigation boutique specializes in homeowner associations, employment agreements and civil appeals.
Kessler & Solomiany Family Law Attorneys
101 Marietta St., Suite 3500 Atlanta, GA 30303 404-688-8810
Our mission is to help you move forward, preserve your parent-child relationship and achieve a fair financial result. As attorneys, teachers, authors and leaders in family law, it is our privilege to represent real people like you in divorce, custody, support and family law matters.
Legal Shield and North American Life Plans
2115 Ashlind Street, Cumming 30040 404-518-6822
Offering legal Shield and ID Shield member ship for families, individuals and businesses of all sizes, including their employees. For as little as $300 a year, get help with a new or updated will, advance healthcare directive, power of attorney, traffic tickets, collection letters, litigation and more. ID Shield is a full ID theft resolution service, not just a breach alarm.
MendenFreiman LLP
5565 Glenridge Connector Atlanta 30342
A boutique law firm located in Atlanta with a focus on business law, estate planning and estate administration. We understand busi ness and life can be complicated. For over two decades, we have made it our mission to identify and simplify complex business, wealth and life-planning issues for our clients.
Naggiar & Sarif
Family Law Attorneys
Ameris Center
3490 Piedmont Road NE, Suite 1450 Atlanta 30305
404- 816-2004
Naggiar & Sarif is a boutique law firm focused exclusively on all areas of family and divorce law litigation.
Nudelman and Associates, LTD
4411 Suwanee Dam Rd, Suite 360 Suwanee 30024
Sometimes you need a Lawyer who IS a Doc tor. Licensed and knowledgeable in both medi cine and law, Dr. Nudelman brings all that and more when he represents someone injured in an accident or by medical negligence. No cost initial evaluation of your case. Restrictions may apply.
Ripans Law Firm LLC & Valuation Matters LLC
5909-D Peachtree-Dunwoody Road Suite 800 Dunwoody 30350
Ripans Law Firm & Valuation Matters performs property tax and appraisal appeals.
Shuman and Shuman Law 1851 Peeler Road, Suite A Atlanta 30338 770-790-3700 www.shumanfamilylaw.com
Mona S. Shuman and Eileen J. Shuman are family law attorneys who work with clients who require legal representation in familyrelated cases.
The Ehrisman Law Firm, P.C. 5415 Sugarloaf Parkway, Suite 1104 Lawrenceville 30043 678-985-0313 www.ehrismanlaw.com
Stacy Ehrisman specializes in immigration law.
Traci Weiss of Warner Bates 3350 Riverwood Parkway Suite 2300 Atlanta 30339 770-951-2700 www.WarnerBates.com
Weiss is a highly experienced and respected attorney who passionately advocates for what is right and fair for individuals and their fami lies while helping them navigate challenging divorces and other family law situations with dignity and compassion.
Weinstein IP Law Atlanta, GA 404-735-3941 www.weinsteiniplaw.com
Doug Weinstein is a seasoned attorney with over 20 years of experience providing counsel to companies of all sizes, from startups to Fortune 100 companies, in the US and interna tionally.
Weissmann Zucker Euster Morochnik & Garber, P.C. 3495 Piedmont Road, Building 11 Suite 950 Atlanta 30305 404-364-2300 www.wzlegal.com
Weissmann Zucker Euster Morochnik & Garber P.C. is a full-service law firm that offers a broad array of capabilities in virtually all areas of the legal practice.
Wellborn, Wallace & Mullman, LLC 1218 Menlo Dr. NW, Suite E Atlanta 30318 404-352-3990 www.wellbornlaw.com
We are an Atlanta-based law firm with a national practice and clients ranging from individuals and mom-and-pop businesses to publicly traded Fortune 500 companies. The scope of our attorneys’ practices includes commercial litigation, intellectual property, business/corporate services, and personal injury.
Audi Atlanta -Brian Spaner 5805 Peachtree Boulevard Atlanta 30341 404-606-0286 www.audiatlanta.com
A Jim Ellis family dealership where you can always expect the best. Audi Atlanta has an extensive selection of new Audi and quality used luxury cars.
Locations across metro Atlanta 800-519-1511 www.carmax.com
Experience clear and simple car buying and selling at CarMax.
Curry Honda
5525 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard
Chamblee 30341
Curry Honda has a simple goal of exceeding customers’ expectations. Find a new or used vehicle with excellent customer service at Curry Honda.
Hennesey Ford-Lincoln
5675 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard
Atlanta 30341
Hennessy has more than 900 vehicles in stock, from new Fords and Lincolns to factory-cer tified pre-owned models, and offers full parts and service for all Ford, Lincoln and Mercury cars, SUVs and trucks.
Hennesey Lexus of Atlanta
5955 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard Atlanta 30341
Hennessy Lexus of Atlanta is the only familyowned and managed Lexus dealer in Atlanta. The Hennessy family is deeply rooted in the Atlanta community.
Mercedes-Benz of Buckhead
2799 Piedmont Road NE Atlanta 30305
Located in the heart of Buckhead near Lenox Square and Phipps Plaza, Mercedes-Benz of Buckhead serves drivers throughout metro Atlanta.
RBM of Atlanta
7640 Roswell Road Atlanta 30350
Mercedes-Benz enthusiasts come to RBM of Atlanta because they know the staff is knowl edgeable, courteous and attentive.
Subaru of Kennesaw 905 Ernest Barrett Parkway NW Kennesaw 30144 678-665-1024
Subaru of Kennesaw excels in new and used car sales.
World Toyota
5800 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard Atlanta 30341 678-547-9130
From new Toyota vehicles and used cars in Atlanta to routine maintenance and car repairs, World Toyota has customers covered. Visit a Toyota dealership to see the lineup of new Toyota models.
Just Kibbitz.com 954-205-1352
The only Jewish dating site that lets you be the yenta you were born to be. This is where moms do the matchmaking, arrange the date, pick up the check, and all the daters have to do is show up.
Aarons, Grant and Habif, LLC
3500 Piedmont Road, Suite 500 Atlanta 30305 404-233-5486
Our leadership is dedicated to diligently working with you to explore and understand the business challenges you are facing and together developing proactive long-lasting solutions.
Aprio LLP
5 Concourse Parkway, Suite 1000 Atlanta 30328
404-892-9651 www.aprio.com
As a premier, CPA-led professional services firm, Aprio delivers advisory, assurance, tax and private client services to build value, drive growth, manage risk and protect wealth. With proven expertise and genuine care, Aprio serves individuals and businesses, from prom ising startups to market leaders alike.
Bank of America
Locations across metro Atlanta 800-432-1000
Bank of America is a global leader in wealth management, corporate and investment bank ing and trading across a broad range of asset classes, serving corporations, governments, institutions and individuals around the world.
Birnbrey, Minsk, Minsk & Perling CPA
1801 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 300 Atlanta 30309 404-355-3870 www.bmmcpa.com
Birnbrey Minsk believes in the value of relation ships. They view every client relationship like a partnership, and truly believe that our success is a result of your success. Birnbrey Minsk takes pride in delivering years of advanced training, technical experience and financial acumen.
Carr, Riggs and Ingram 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Suite 420 Atlanta 30341 770-394-8000 www.cricpa.com
CRI is a family of CPAs and business advisors who value getting to know clients profession ally and personally. This knowledge helps CRI advise clients through critical financial oppor tunities, challenges and transitions.
Commission Express
8306 Professional Hill Drive Fairfax, Va. 22031 703-560-5500
Commission Express works with real es tate professionals (brokers and agents) to purchase their unsettled commissions prior to settlement at a discount.
Locations across metro Atlanta 800-343-3548
Fidelity Investments offers financial planning and advice, retirement plans, wealth manage ment services, trading and brokerage services.
Frazier and Deeter, LLC
1230 Peachtree Street, Suite 1500 Atlanta 30309 404-253-7500
Frazier and Deeter offers tax, accounting, fi nancial planning and estate planning services.
Georgia Banking Company
6190 Powers Ferry Road
Sandy Springs 30339 770-226-8800
At Georgia Banking Company, we’re proud of our reputation for personal service. But we don’t stop there; we also offer excellent ac counts and products to make managing your money easy.
Israel Bonds
3525 Piedmont Road, Building 6 Suite 250 Atlanta 30309 404-817-0617
Israel Bonds was established in 1951 and is a FINRA-member broker dealer and underwriter for securities, issued by the State of Israel in the United States.
Jewish Educational Loan Fund
4549 Chamblee Dunwoody Road
Atlanta 30341
JELF provides interest-free loans to Jewish students in need for higher education through out a five-state region (FL, GA, NC, SC, VA).
Jewish Interest Free Loan of Atlanta
5115 New Peachtree Road, Suite 200A Chamblee 30341 470-268-5665 www.jifla.org
Jewish Interest Free Loans provide financial stability in challenging times. JIFLA loans are available for a wide range of reasons, including debt consolidation, healthcare, special needs, legal fees, and life cycle events.
Laura Schilling of Financial Innovations
6111 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Suite F101 Atlanta 30328 404-458-0065
Clients benefit from Schilling’s legal, account ing and financial planning expertise. This diverse background enables her to review a client’s financial situation from many different perspectives.
Levy Tax and Consulting
1040 Crown Pointe Parkway, Suite 775 Atlanta 30338 770-804-3199 www.levycpafirm.com
Levy Tax and Consulting offers strategic consulting and tax preparation services for individuals and small businesses.
Merrill Lynch
Locations across metro Atlanta 866-706-8321 www.ml.com
Merrill Lynch is committed to preserving and increasing clients’ wealth. With nearly 40 years of experience in the financial services industry, ML employs a mix of emotional intelligence, financial acumen and superior customer service.
Raymond James - David Saxe 1100 Abernathy Road NE. Suite 1850 Atlanta 30328 770-673-2120 www.raymondjames.com/david saxe
Our principal belief is that everything begins with a well-designed financial plan. We’re highly adept at seeing the big picture of your fi nancial life, and then addressing all the details that make the plan work, including identifying and resolving any gaps that may have previ ously been overlooked.
Renasant Bank
Locations across metro Atlanta 770-399-2040
Renasant’s No. 1 goal is to understand clients’ needs while providing extraordinary service. Building relationships, helping individuals, families and businesses reach their financial dreams, and supporting the community Rena sant serves have always been the company’s calling.
Signature Bank of Georgia
6065 Roswell Road, Suite 110 Sandy Springs 30328 404-973-5833
For over 15 years, Signature Bank of Geor gia has been the primary community bank headquartered in Sandy Springs. The bank serves local communities with a boutique-style approach that focuses on the individuality of clients.
3630 Peachtree Road, Suite 400 Atlanta 30326 404-231-6753 www.stifel.com
Stifel’s Atlanta financial advisors in Atlanta be lieve in doing business face to face. We want to understand your unique financial objectives so that we can develop a strategy specific to your needs and long-term financial goals.
The 365 Group Ameriprise Financial Services
11175 Cicero Drive, Suite 450 Alpharetta 30022
The 365 Group’s goal is to help balance the pursuit of future dreams with financial needs today and provide the confidence that retire ment is within reach.
Locations across metro Atlanta 877-907-1012
Banking services and products from Truist Bank include checking and savings accounts, credit cards, mortgages, wealth management, retirement, and more.
Wells Fargo
Locations across metro Atlanta 866-675-4698
Wells Fargo is a provider of banking, mortgage, investing, credit card, and personal, small busi ness and commercial financial services.
Cremation Society of Georgia
826 Marietta Boulevard NW Atlanta 30318 404-355-7627
Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care 3734 Chamblee-Dunwoody Road Atlanta 30341 770-451-4999
H.M. Patterson and Son–Arlington Chapel 173 Allen Road Sandy Springs 30328 404-851-9900
H.M. Patterson and Son Spring Hill 1020 Spring Street NW Atlanta 30309 404-876-1022
Northside Chapel Funeral Directors and Crematory 12050 Crabapple Road Roswell 30075 770-645-1414 www.funeralhomeroswellga.com
Remembrance Memorials 5755 North Point Parkway, Suite 65 Alpharetta 30022 770-757-0330 www.rmemorials.com
Stone memorials, bronze markers, mausole ums … We have helped thousands of families through the difficult process of memorializing a loved one. Our expert counselors and design ers will partner with you every step of the way. Contact us today and experience the quality, compassion and lower costs that set us apart.
Roberts-Shields Memorial Co. 850 Williams Drive Marietta 30066 678-784-2100
Sandy Springs Chapel 136 Mount Vernon Highway Sandy Springs 30328 404-255-8511
AAA The Auto Club South 2161 LaVista Road NE Atlanta 30339 404-633-9418
Our knowledgeable staff is dedicated to providing our members and customers with continued peace of mind and courtesy as a part of the AAA family. We provide friendly personalized service and we care about the details.
AFLAC 135 Fox Grape Lane Alpharetta 30022 770-763-7796
Mindy Ellin provides strategies for safety-net protection during a time of medical need. She works with all types and sizes of businesses by offering workplace products such as shortterm disability, hospital gap insurance, cancer, critical illness and injury plans.
Georgia Banking Company
6190 Powers Ferry Road, Suite 400 Atlanta 30339 678-996-8578
Georgia Banking Company offers clients a complete range of financial services includ ing banking, lending, insurance and wealth management.
HealthMarkets Insurance
6334 Roswell Road, Suite A Sandy Springs 30328 404-518-6822
Life, Medicare, disability, long-term care, an nuities, retirement, supplemental insurance, nursing and home care, accident, hospitaliza tion and short-term medical. Jessie Herman, a Master of Business Administration, covers the body from cradle to grave and protects your wallet.
Inman Travel (Protection) Plan-Professional Services Metro Atlanta 770-289-8964
www.atlantajewishconnector.com/ organization/inman-travel-protectionplan
What if the unthinkable happens on vacation or at your seasonal residence? Often the death of a loved one occurs away from home. Families are left with the added burden of what to do now. We provide you and your fam ily peace of mind by planning for the unthink able. Give your families peace of mind when traveling away from home.
Insurance Depot
Locations across metro Atlanta 855-450-3376
Insurance Depot is a life and health insurance company in business since 1970.
Jessie Herman Insurance 404-518-6822
Specializing in health, life, long-term care, Medicare and group benefits.
North American Life Plans, LLC + Legal Shield
2115 Ashlind Street
Cumming 30040 404-518-6822
Health, life, Medicare and supplemental insurance offered for individuals, families and small businesses, such as cancer, accident, overseas health, disability, long-term and short-term care.
Siegel Insurance
2987 Clairmont Road, Suite 425 Atlanta 30329
Siegel Insurance is a family-owned, indepen dent insurance agency that provides a full spectrum of insurance products, including personal, business, health, and life.
State Farm
Locations across metro Atlanta 800-782-8332
The mission of State Farm is to help people manage the risks of everyday life, recover from the unexpected and realize their dreams.
USAA Insurance
Locations across metro Atlanta 800-531-8722
USAA earned the trust of its members by pro viding years of award-winning service through a comprehensive suite of financial products, tools and advice.
Fidelity Investments
Locations across metro Atlanta 800-972-2155
Fidelity helps choose stocks, bonds, exchangetraded funds, options and mutual funds to eas ily build the portfolio suited to clients’ needs.
Financial Innovations, LLC Laura Schilling
6111 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Suite F101, Atlanta 30328 404-458-0065
Laura K. Schilling, J.D., CPA, Certified Financial Planner, Certified Senior Advisor, is principal and founder of Financial Innovations, LLC. She is also licensed to practice law in Georgia and Florida.
Fujiyama Wealth Management
Junko Horvath
1 Concourse Parkway, Suite 185 Atlanta 30328 404-483-4666
Fujiyama Wealth Management helps clients through Life Transitions, which are monu mental events that may require a financial expert – such as suddenly becoming single by the death of spouse, transitioning through a divorce, receiving an inheritance, moving from the work force into retirement, selling a busi ness, or winning the lottery.
Gary Brochin-Stifel
Two Locations - Atlanta & Sarasota 678-575-1399
For more than 36 years, Gary has provided families, individuals, and institutions with investment planning, tax-advantaged invest ment strategies, as well as estate planning and wealth transfer strategies.
Merrill Lynch
3455 Peachtree Road NE Suite 200-1100 Atlanta 30326 404-264-2075 www.ml.com
Merrill Lynch delivers a broad array of integrated solutions, coupled with unrivaled client access, to create a unique competitive advantage.
Morgan Stanley
3280 Peachtree Road NE, #1900 Atlanta 30305 888-454-3965
Since its founding in 1935, Morgan Stanley has consistently delivered first-class business in a first-class way.
Nathan Wealth Management 1050 Crown Pointe Parkway Suite 1800 Atlanta 30339 770-551-3427
www.advisors.massmutual.com/ harrison-nathan
Nathan Wealth Management prides itself on its background, experience and commitment to providing you with the resources you need to make financial decisions and help make your financial future as successful as you need it to be.
Atlanta Dog Spa
707 Edgehill Avenue NW
Atlanta 30318
Atlanta Dog Spa and Resort provides a place for dogs to run and play or just relax and watch movies while their owners are at work or out of town. Pets socialize with other dogs in one of the grassy play yards or indoor living spaces.
Bark and Board
426 Trabert Avenue NW
Atlanta 30309
Bark and Board offers daycare, boarding, grooming and premium dog food, toys and treats. Bark and Board features large indoor and outdoor yards, private kennels for bedding down at night and classical music to sooth the sleeping pups.
Big Daddy Biscuits LLC
3300 Marjan Drive Atlanta 30339
At Big Daddy Biscuits, we know that caring pet parents want to know what they are feeding to their dogs is safe and beneficial to their overall well-being. It’s our mission to provide healthy treats for dogs and puppies, which is why we never include processed ingredients in any of our recipes.
Briarcliff Animal Hospital
1850 Johnson Road NE Atlanta 30306
Fully accredited by the American Animal Hos pital Association, Briarcliff Animal Clinic has a solid reputation for leading-edge expertise in veterinary medicine. Staff and doctors are committed to continuous training on the latest in veterinary medicine, procedures and best practices.
Camp Woof
4590 Buford Highway Norcross 30071 770-558-6100
Camp Woof’s dedication is to dogs and their well-being and safety. When a dog walks his parent through our doors for the first time, they both become part of the Camp Woof family.
Cumberland Animal Clinic
1860-D Spring Road SE Smyrna 30080 770-433-1414
Cumberland Animal Clinic has an experienced, caring hospital with a staff that strives to know you and your best friend personally.
Deceased Pet Care
4991 Peachtree Road Atlanta 30341
For more than 49 years, the Shugart Family of Deceased Pet Care Funeral Homes has provided respectful, compassionate care for pets and the families that love them.
Dog City Bakery
4369 Roswell Road Marietta 30062 770-971-5200
Dog City Bakery, owned by Marcia Lain, started with a goal to feed dogs wholesome and nutri tious alternatives to pricey unnatural treats found at the large pet supply chains. Marcia opened a shop that provided all-natural treats to pets including an array of collars, leashes, toys, chews, and apparel.
Dunwoody Animal Medical Center
2482 Jett Ferry Road, Suite 600 Dunwoody 30338 770-698-9227
Dunwoody Animal Medical Center’s mission is to develop and nurture long term relationships with the people and pets in the community to ensure the highest quality veterinary care and customer service.
Fido Fido
275 Mt. Vernon Highway NE Sandy Springs 30328 404-250-3920 www.fidofido.com
Fido Fido, an award-winning boutique dog daycare, offers play groups, spa services, overnight boarding and more.
Good Dog Atlanta Metro Atlanta 404-626-0036
Good Dog Atlanta provides in-home dog train ing throughout metro Atlanta.
Haven, The Dog Spot
4719 Lower Roswell Road, Suite 160 Marietta 30068 770-672-7343
Haven makes a dog’s away-from-home experi ence familiar, calming, safe and enjoyable. Haven gives pets a place to hang out, spend the night, be bathed and be groomed. Haven welcomes all breeds and sizes.
Heavenly Paws Pet Aquamation
3040 Business Park Drive, Suite E
Norcross 30071
Heavenly Paws Pet Aquamation provides ecofriendly and gentle end-of-life and afterlife care for beloved pets.
Hollywood Feed
Locations across metro Atlanta 678-795-9096
Hollywood Feed is Atlanta’s local pet food expert, with locations in Roswell, Alpharetta, Duluth and more on the way. Check out its American-made, natural and holistic pet sup plies.
Locations across metro Atlanta petco.com
Petco is a leading pet specialty retailer that obsesses about delivering health and happy experiences for pets and the people who love them. With more than 50 years in business, PetCo provides the products, services, advice and experiences that keep pets physically fit, mentally alert, socially engaged and emotion ally happy.
Locations across metro Atlanta www.petsmart.com
PetSmart is the largest specialty pet retailer of services and solutions for the lifetime needs of pets. Every day with every connection, PetSmart’s passionate associates help bring pet parents closer to their pets so they can live more fulfilled lives.
Powers Ferry Animal Hospital
5565 New Northside Drive, Atlanta 30339
Powers Ferry Animal Hospital is dedicated to providing top-notch, personalized medical care in an environment that is both welcoming and comfortable for owners and their beloved companions.
The Ark Pet Spa & Hotel
6485 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, Doraville 30360 770-696-1897 www.thearkspa.com
Whether you’re traveling for long periods of time or just for the night, send your little (or BIG) buddy on a vacation to the Ark! Your pet will receive excellent, full-service accommo dations while staying with us. You can even watch your pets being spoiled and having a great time on our LIVE pet cams.
Vernon Woods Animal Hospital
270 Vernon Woods Drive Atlanta 30328 404-252-1641
www.vernonwoodsanimalhospital. com
Vernon Woods is a full-service pet hospital providing a wide range of medical services including soft-tissue and oral surgery and preventative dental care. Although the majority of Vernon Woods patients are dogs and cats, the office also cares for ferrets, rabbits, gerbils, hamsters and guinea pigs.
Veterinary Referral Surgical Practice
900 Holcomb Bridge Road Roswell 30076 770-594-2603
Veterinary Referral Surgical Practice has provided surgical care for pets in the Atlanta area since 1979. VRSP offers compassionate expertise in the areas of surgery, neurology and rehabilitation, from injury to recovery, in a personalized care environment.
Wellness Waggin’ Acupuncture and Laser Marietta Area 404-579-7806 www.wellwag.com
Wellness Waggin’ uses veterinary acupuncture and laser therapy to heal pets in the comfort of their homes in East Cobb and surrounding areas.
Computer House Calls
2015 North Creek Circle Alpharetta 30009 770-751-5706
Computer House Calls is Atlanta’s premier service company for onsite training, trouble shooting and consulting for MAC and PC.
Established in 1987, CHC has spent the past 31 years building its reputation as the most trusted company to address your computer and technology needs.
Locations across metro Atlanta 770-857-3070
Experimac rehabs pre-owned Apple products. Fakakta Computer Atlanta 404-954-1004
Fakakta Computer services desktop and laptop computers in home or business net working, performance upgrades, Apple device support, and virus/spyware removal.
Geek Squad
Locations across metro Atlanta 800-433-5778
Geek Squad installs, sets up, protects, sup ports, and repairs technology from appliances to video gaming systems.
Peachtree Computers
1590 Holcomb Bridge Road Suite 200, Roswell 30076
Peachtree Computers provides expert techni cal support services and products for all makes of computers, phones, and tablets. PC offers new and refurbished computers and laptops.
WebTech Marketing Services
3295 River Exchange Parkway Suite 220, Norcross 30092 404-348-4921
WebTech Marketing helps small and midsize businesses and organizations achieve rapid performance-driven results that continue to grow over time.
10945 State Bridge Road Suite 426 Alpharetta 30339 470-331-9719
We help businesses, owners and entrepre neurs who are looking to grow their busi nesses.
AAA Travel
Locations across metro Atlanta 800-AAA-HELP
AAA Travel has seven Atlanta locations that specialize in cruises, tours, packages, groups, honeymoons, reunions and special occasion getaways.
Amazing Journeys
733 Valleyview Road Pittsburgh, PA 15243
Amazing Journeys is proud to be the company Jewish singles turn to when they want a truly unique way to embrace their wanderlust. No matter which part of the planet has piqued your curiosity, this is Jewish travel at its most effortless; each delightful detail is considered, every whim indulged.
Blairsville-Union County Chamber of Commerce
129 Union County Recreation Road Blairsville 30512 877-745-5789
Blairsville has some of Georgia’s most beauti ful landmarks including Brasstown Bald, 80 miles of the Appalachian Trail, and Vogel State Park. Make a splash in the lakes, creeks, rivers or waterfalls, take in the captivating scenery, or enjoy one of many festivals held throughout the year.
Costco Travel Worldwide
Costco Travel sells exclusively to Costco members who reside in the United States. Costco uses their buying authority to negoti ate the best value in the marketplace, and then passes savings to members.
Expedia Cruises of Alpharetta Elana Miller
10945 State Bridge Rd, Suite 105 Alpharetta 30022 770-833-2439
www.expediacruises.com/en-US/Ela naMiller
They are passionate travelers and cruise enthusiasts who can share our experiences to create the best vacation experience for you. You can count on them for every vacation possibility over land, sea and air, including customized trips, coach and rail tours and insurance.
Georgia Wine Tours
3292 Oakcliff Road, Doraville 30340 404-924-1288
Enjoy a day trip to Georgia’s best wineries. Georgia Wine Tour provides the transportation and logistics from Atlanta to the north Georgia wineries for any excursion. All tours are private and customized.
Gil Travel - Jewish Explorations
1511 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102 800-223-3855
Gil Travel has professional, multi-lingual staff located in offices in Pennsylvania, New York, Florida and Israel. Employees speak Hebrew, Yiddish, Spanish, French, Italian, Albanian, Creole, Urdu, Punjabi and Arabic.
Honeymoon Israel Worldwide www.honeymoonisrael.org
Honeymoon Israel provides immersive trips to Israel for locally based cohorts of couples that have at least one Jewish partner, early in their committed relationship, creating communities of couples who are building families with deep and meaningful connections to Jewish life and the Jewish people.
Israel Discovery Tours
4957 Oakton Street, Suite 303 Skokie, IL 60077
Discover Israel with friendly and knowledge able guides.
Kenes Tours Israel
What you can expect from Kenes Tours is full trip planning, a team of Israel-based special ists covering targeted areas of interests, peace of mind with on-the-ground planners and attractive and flexible tour host benefits.
Mr. and Mrs. Italy Travel
825 Malvern Hill Johns Creek 30022 888-770-8048
Mr. and Mrs. Italy work with clients to create the best, most tailored Italian travel experience that suits clients’ needs, interests and style.
Other Cuban Journeys
5110 Falcon Chase Lane Atlanta 30339
Atlanta-based Other Cuban Journeys has over 20 years specializing in legal Jewish missions, family, and individual travel to Cuba. Even with the newest regulations, OCJ creates authorized, tailor-made itineraries to fit your interests and delivers memorable, culturally rich journeys to last you a lifetime.
SRI Travel
3508 Broad Street
Chamblee 30341
A full-service travel agency offering customdesigned private, family and group tours to Israel, Europe and around the world.
The Cruise and Vacation Authority
1760 Powers Ferry Road, Suite 100 Marietta 30067
Our folks work tirelessly to guide you through the myriad of vacation choices. Our consultants are cur rent on travel trends and constantly take trips, attend seminars, and go through training.
Travel Edge
3525 Piedmont Road NE, Suite 400 Atlanta 30305 404-478-8888
Clients rely on Travel Edge to create a trip tailored to their individual preferences, person alities and pace. Whether clients are traveling on a honeymoon, taking family on a cruise or seeking the best diving destinations, Travel Edge experts will guide clients to the perfect travel experience.
Tel Aviv, Israel 800-706-2751 www.travis-israel.com
Travis specializes in family travel and bar and bat mitzvah trips to Israel.
Lipsey Mountain Spring Water 770-449-0001
For the last 30 years, Lipsey has been a premier company for premium bottled water in Atlanta and is believed the only company to deliver water in glass bottles to your home or office. We don’t cut corners and intentionally limit our water deliv ery service area so we can offer superior service.
The Dusty Coin Metro Atlanta 404-263-2976
If you have or inherited coins, jewelry or flat ware that you would like to sell or get its worth, contact Lee at The Dusty Coin. ì
Sports & Recreation
Gas South District
6400 Sugarloaf Parkway
Duluth 30097
The campus of Gas South District, formerly In finite Energy Center, includes an outdoor arena, theater and convention center.
Mercedes-Benz Stadium
1 AMB Drive NW
Atlanta 30313
The Mercedes-Benz Stadium is a multi-purpose retractable roof stadium located in downtown Atlanta — home to Atlanta United FC and the Atlanta Falcons.
State Farm Arena
1 State Farm Drive
Atlanta 30303
Home to the Atlanta Hawks and the Atlanta Dream, State Farm Arena is a downtown Atlanta venue for concerts, comedy shows and more.
Truist Park
755 Battery Park Atlanta 30339
The Atlanta Braves moved to what is now Truist Park for the 2017 MLB season. Truist Park also boasts restaurants, bars and nightlife at The Battery.
Athletic Club Northeast
1515 Sheridan Road NE Atlanta 30324 404-325-2700
Athletic Club Northeast offers members tennis courts, indoor and outdoor pools, state-ofthe-art exercise equipment, classes, massage therapy and more.
CorePower Yoga
Locations across metro Atlanta 866-441-YOGA
CorePower Yoga studios feature modern, con sciously designed spaces filled with thoughtful amenities. Inspired by busy urban life, every yoga studio has the conveniences and comforts clients need to discover power and purpose.
1065 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta 30309 404-720-5000
Escape the hustle and bustle at Exhale. This urban oasis offers Exhale’s expertly created barre, cycle, yoga, cardio, and HIIT (high-in tensity, interval training) classes, plus their results-oriented, best-in-class spa therapies including massage, facials, nails, waxing and acupuncture. This flagship location features a detoxifying coed hammam, gym, sauna, steam rooms and more.
LA Fitness
Locations across metro Atlanta
LA Fitness seeks innovative ways to enhance the physical and emotional well-being of its diverse membership. With a wide range of amenities and a highly trained staff, LA Fitness provides fun and effective workout options to family members of all ages and interests.
LifeTime Fitness
Locations across metro Atlanta 855-430-5433
From floor to rooftop, LifeTime is built to be a home away from home. Work out and play in spaces designed to move and inspire mem bers. Then, relax in lounge and social areas to recover, reset and refresh.
Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta
5342 Tilly Mill Road, Atlanta 30338 678-812-4000
MJCCA offers a myriad of fitness programs, including group exercise classes, Stott® Pi lates, strength training equipment and personal training sessions. Members have access to the Emory Student Activity and Academic Center, a recreational facility featuring a fitness center, swimming pools, hard and clay tennis courts, a basketball gym and sand volleyball courts.
Orangetheory Fitness
Locations across metro Atlanta 678-920-9455
Orangetheory Fitness is a one-of-a-kind, group personal training workout. The result is more energy, visible toning, and extra calorie burn for up to 36 hours.
Stronger Now Gym
214 Johnson Ferry Road. NE Sandy Springs 30328 404-788-0483
Stronger Now is a personal training studio located in the heart of Sandy Springs. We help people get healthier in the safest, most effective way possible. No matter your age, medical his tory, or training level our coaches are equipped to help you gain strength and confidence in our close-knit community atmosphere.
Atlanta Braves
755 Battery Avenue Atlanta 30339
Based in Atlanta since 1966, the Braves are the longest continuously operating franchise in Ma jor League Baseball. Since 1991, Braves teams have earned two National League wild cards, 15 division championships, five National League pennants, and a World Series title.
Atlanta Dream
101 Marietta Street NW
Atlanta 30303
The Atlanta Dream are a professional basketball team of the Women’s National Basketball As sociation based at State Farm Arena in Atlanta.
Atlanta Falcons
1 AMB Drive NW Atlanta 30313
The Atlanta Falcons play at Mercedes-Benz Stadium. The Falcons appeared in two Super Bowls, the first in 1998 in Super Bowl XXXIII, where they lost to the Denver Broncos 34–19 and the second in a 34–28 overtime defeat by the New England Patriots in Super Bowl LI.
Atlanta United
1 AMB Drive NW Atlanta 30313
Atlanta United joined Major League Soccer in 2017. Owned by Arthur M. Blank, Atlanta United plays home matches at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in downtown Atlanta.
Georgia Swarm
6340 Sugarloaf Parkway, Suite 390 Duluth 30097
The Georgia Swarm are a box lacrosse team in the National Lacrosse League. They have been playing at the 13,000-seat Infinite Energy Arena, now Gas South District, in Duluth since their 2016 season.
Andretti Indoor Karting and Games
11000 Alpharetta Highway Roswell 30076
Andretti takes adventure to new heights with ziplining, rock climbing and a rope obstacle course. From the full-immersion experience of the Dark Ride Motion Theater to both the classic and latest in arcade gaming, there is something for everyone.
Atlanta BeltLine
Sports & Recreation
100 Peachtree Street NW, Suite 2300 Atlanta 30303
404-477-3003 www.beltline.org
Atlanta BeltLine’s vision is to make Atlanta a global beacon for equitable, inclusive and sustainable city life. From community meetings and exercise classes to art installations and walking tours, the BeltLine connects 20,000 of the city’s residents each week.
Atlanta Country Club
500 Atlanta Country Club Drive Marietta 30067 770-953-2100
Home to the Atlanta Classic annual PGA tour event won by Jack Nicklaus, the golf course is consistently ranked one of the top in the country. It is adjacent to historic Sope Creek and Confederate paper mill ruins from the Civil War era, which can be viewed from the 13th hole.
Atlanta School of Aikido
8 Concourse Parkway, Atlanta 30328 770-522-9898
The Atlanta School of Aikido offers a style of Ai kido based on the teachings of Koichi Tohei’s Ki Society, Shihan Shizuo Imaizumi’s of Shin Budo Kai Aikido and Mark Leidig of the School of In ner Martial Arts. It is movement based, flowing and smooth, but true to Aikido’s martial roots.
Chattahoochee Nature Center
9135 Willeo Road Roswell 30075 770-992-2055
What better place to play than in nature? With 127 acres along the Chattahoochee River, CNC offers plenty of activities, live animal encounters and eco-fun for the whole family.
Dunwoody Country Club
1600 Dunwoody Club Drive Atlanta 30350
Dunwoody Country Club has grown to one of the most prestigious country clubs in the South. It is a vibrant, social, family-oriented country club with a full range of services and facilities.
ElectroBike Georgia
2484 Briarcliff Road NE, #25 Atlanta 30329 404-400-7132
ElectroBike Georgia bicycles are powered by a clean, quiet lithium battery and go from a traditional bike to a pedal-assisted bicycle at the touch of a button. Whether riding on nature trails or around the Atlanta BeltLine, an electric bicycle can travel with ease.
iFLY Atlanta Indoor Skydiving
2778 Cobb Parkway Atlanta 30339
iFLY is the experiential entertainment company that created modern indoor skydiving. iFLY makes the dream of flight a reality by giving customers wings in a safe and reliable environ ment.
Sports & Recreation
Indian Hills County Club
4001 Clubland Drive
Marietta 30068
Indian Hills Country Club is a family-oriented private club located in East Cobb County. The club features 27 holes of golf, eight tennis courts, three swimming pools, and a clubhouse featuring dining and year-round social events geared for the entire family. Junior programs
Locations across metro Atlanta 678-745-9900
SkyZone is a high flying, high energy, awesome fun-time bouncing from wall to wall with an in credible trampoline experience for youth groups and parties.
Stars and Strikes
10010 GA 92, Suite 180
The Standard Club
6230 Abbotts Bridge Road
Johns Creek 30097 770-497-0055
An original Atlanta social club, The Standard Club is located on 300 acres of land. Members enjoy a large clubhouse with formal and casual dining rooms, basketball, fitness rooms, squash and tennis courts. The 18-hole golf course is recognized as one of the top 20 golf courses in Georgia.
1600 Ellsworth Industrial Boulevard NW Atlanta 30318 404-475-4000
Two brothers were practicing their swing on a driving range. As boredom took hold, they be gan brainstorming ways to liven up their range experience and improve their skills at the same time. Where could they work on their game and also have the best time of their lives? The idea