The Atlanta Jewish Times, June 1 No 22

Page 1



Letters from Rabbi Greene


Letters from Rabbi Greene PAGE 4


Schaikewitz a reality star PAGE 12


Pre-K pomp and circumstance


Schaikewitz a reality star



JUNE 1, 2012 - JUNE 7, 2012



Darom, B’nai Torah Brotherhood take home hardware


11 Sivan - 17 Sivan



Original group

graduates high


No. 21

Schwartzman, Z”L,

on the trail | Page


school PAGE 16



11 Sivan - 17 Sivan 5772, Vol. LXXXVII No. 22



Ramah Darom, B’nai Torah Brotherhood take home hardware PAGE 9


JUNE 1, 2012 - JUNE 7, 2012



5772, Vol. LXXXVII


Daughters of Cantor

the atlanta


Pre-K pomp and circumstance



M’SILOT’S MILESTONE Original group graduates high school PAGE 16


Daughters of Cantor Schwartzman, Z”L, on the trail | Page 3



Happy Passover! Enjoy the good life.

will m y ou ed. or r. eat.

From our chef prepared meals to engaging activities, limo transportation, caring staff and a lifestyle that pampers youthe Renaissance has it all!


Federation’s 106th Annual Meeting NEW CHAIR TO BE WELCOMED


No yard work, no home maintenance, no laundry. Plenty of time to enjoy yourself. Meet new friends. Go to the theater. Enjoy the children and grandchildren.

he Jewish Federation of

are 27 for 2012 – into Federation lead-

Greater Atlanta announc-

ers of the future.

es its 106th Annual Meet-

ing, to take place June 5

at 5:45 p.m. at the Selig Center. The event is free and open to the community.

Call 404-841-6161 and see how you can live the good life. We’ll even treat you to dinner!


2009 2009

JFGA’s Community Awards will be

presented as well. This year’s winners are Rick Aranson (Marilyn Shubin Professional Development Award), Bob Arotsky (Gerald H. Cohen Com-

This year’s meeting will recognize

munity Development Award), Josiah

community leaders, including outgo-

Benator (Max and Mary London “Peo-

ing Chair of the Board Robert Arogeti

ple Power” Award) and Isaac Frank

and incoming Chair of the Board Ger-

and Ross Kogon (Abe Schwartz Young

ald R. Benjamin.

Leadership Award).

The evening will also recognize the

Finally, the new Board of Trustees

participants of Federation’s Emerg-

will also be inducted; for a full list of

ing Leadership Project, which is a

Board Nominees, visit JewishAtlanta.

comprehensive eight-month program

org. RSVPs are appreciated via email

aimed at community members age 45


and under. The goal of the program is


to turn participants – of which ther 1353900

JT December 5 • 2008 B11 JT November 7 • 2008 B11

Rosenberg named 2013 Campaign Chair BRINGS FINANCIAL INDUSTRY EXPERTISE


ewish Federation of Greater Atlanta announces Mark Rosenberg as Chair of the 2013 Community Campaign, set to begin Sept. 1, 2012.

JUNE 1 ▪ 2012

In this position, Rosenberg will spearhead strategy and fundraising to support Federation’s 17 affiliate agencies as well as more than 60 outcome and community partners in Atlanta and Israel and around the world. “Being Chair of Campaign is the right thing for me to do at this point,” Rosenberg said. “It’s time for me to make a difference through my involvement with Federation and I think I can really help Jews in need. “I’d like to leave a positive impact and legacy for our community, and through my efforts with Campaign, I’ll be one step closer.”


Rosenberg, a managing director


with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney and 30-year veteran of the financial industry, was recognized by Barron’s as “One of the Top 1,000 Financial Advisors” in the industry for the third consecutive year. His areas of focus are retirement planning, fixed income, and overall wealth management.

A member of the Federation’s Board of Trustees for the past four years, Rosenberg also serves on Federation’s Investment Committee, was the Chair of Premier Gifts for the 2011 Community Campaign and was Vice Chair of the 2012 Community Campaign. He served on the Da-

vis Academy board for 10 years and chaired the golf tournament at Davis for several years. He lives in Dunwoody with his wife and has three adult children who are all graduates of The Davis Academy.

, W p i m t a h C Love m o r F **Calling All Jewish Campers, CIT’s and Counselors!**

Are you going to a Jewish Summer Camp? Don’t forget to write “home” and tell us about your fun experiences! We’ll publish one letter each week beginning the first week of camp through the last. Share with your community the adventures, new friends and discoveries of the season, and send pictures, too! Email us (or scan your child’s letter) with subject line “From Camp With Love”:



In Search of Jewish Atlanta History Dear Editor: Regarding locating members of Cantor Joseph Schwartzman’s choirs of the Ahavath Achim Synagogue during the period of 1940-56, those pictured have been identified and located except for Irving Citron. We the daughters of Cantor Schwartzman realize there were others who participated and would appreciate your readers helping us by sending us their name, address, email and phone number if they at any time sang in the choir. Realizing that some may no longer be with us, if their children would inform us, we would be most grateful.

Send all information to:

Anita Schwartzman Karnibad 315 Wheeler St. Savannah, GA 31405

Thank you for your cooperation, Anita Schwartzman Karnibad Elaine Schwartzman Radetsky Sivia Schwartzman Lipson TOP: Members of yesteryear’s Ahavath Achim Synagogue Choir are (back row, left to right) Beryl Sloan, Max Podber, Tillie Rosenfeld, Dr. Sanford Shmerling, Dr. Joseph Arnold, Morris Shulmeister, Sol Beton, Yetta Rogel, Jack Eisenberg, Beverly Berger, (front row) Flora Mizel, Kate Sacks, Estelle Karp, Cantor Joseph Schwartzman, Eunice Schwartzman, Rita Levine and Rachel Siegel. RIGHT: The Ahavath Achim Male Choir in 1940, from left to right: Morris Shulmeister, Morris Amato, Chaim (Allen) Cohen, Irving Citron, Arthur Bartel, Cantor Joseph Schwartzman, Max Schaffer, Jake Froug, Joe Arnold, Sanford Shmerling and Bernie Gilman.

JUNE 1 ▪ 2012

PHOTOS/courtesy Anita Karnibad




If you ask Rabbi Fred Greene… …ABOUT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Editor’s note: Rabbi Fred Greene of Temple Beth Tikvah and Dr. Lane Alderman of Roswell Presbyterian Church wrote and co-signed the following letter to Cindy Bolbach, the moderator of the Presbyterian Church of the United States’s 219th General Assembly, and copied the Rev. Gradye Parsons, the stated clerk of the Presbyterian Church of the United States. Dear friends, We are writing to express our hopes that the upcoming 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) will vote not to divest the PC (USA) of its stock in Caterpillar, Motorola Solutions and Hewlett-Packard, and we would request that our letter be referred to the appropriate committee at the upcoming Assembly meeting in Pittsburgh. Both of us serve congregations in Roswell, Ga. One is the Pastor of the Roswell Presbyterian Church, the other is the Rabbi of Temple Beth Tikvah. Both of us are advocates for social justice, religious liberties, protection of the environment, and a wide range of other concerns. We share a desire for a two-state solution in Israel-Palestine which will provide peace, stability, and security for all the people of the

region. We pray daily for a lasting peace which will enable both Jews and Palestinians to live in peace. Any time a single person suffers, we all suffer. There has been deep, painful suffering on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We deplore suffering of innocents on all sides. Those who advocate for divestment say that it is a necessary step toward a “just peace.” We share their desire for this peace, however we are convinced that this step will actually do more harm than good in the process toward that peace. Here are some of our concerns: • Divestment strengthens those who oppose peace on both sides. It undermines the belief that the parties involved in the conflict can reconcile. Divestment works from an erroneous presumption that Israelis feel powerful and will make decisions because they feel their power is threatened. • Divestment likens the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to the completely dissimilar situation of Apartheidera South Africa. Checkpoints, security roads, identification cards and security barriers must be viewed within the context of the ongoing conflict and the very real

security dilemmas that Israelis face. The only way to resolve this situation is to help the parties arrive at a negotiated two-state solution. • Divestment takes a one-sided view of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that fails to acknowledge that the Palestinian leadership also shares responsibility for the current impasse, such as refusing to return to negotiations without preconditions. Divestment deepens a sense of vilification of Israel, harms relationships and erodes the belief that the parties can come to a positive peace. • Divestment will harm long-established ties between the Jewish and Christian communities. It acts out the Israeli-Palestinian conflict between Christians and Jews. It resonates for members of the Jewish community with memories of antiJewish boycotts throughout our history. There is also an alarming increase in classically anti-Semitic theology used to support anti-Zionist activism. We are convinced that there are many positive opportunities to build the Palestinian economy and infrastructure, such as Profits/Prophets for Peace. It is through these types of activities that we can help both Pales-

tinians and Israelis move beyond the teachings of hate and to live side-byside in peace. The way to advance peace is to foster reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians and advocate for a twostate solution. If we want the parties to reconcile, we should model reconciliation rather than conflict. We do both Israelis and Palestinians a disservice when we act out the conflict as if we are the actual parties to it. American Jewish and Christian voices can play an instrumental role in paving the path to peace in the Middle East. We can teach and learn together, travel together, and promote positive investment rather than divestment. In order to further the positive efforts for peace in Israel-Palestine, we urge the 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) to vote against divesting in Caterpillar, Motorola Solutions and Hewlett-Packard. We will continue to hold you in our prayers as you meet. In the cause of peace, Rabbi Fred Greene Rabbi, Temple Beth Tikvah Dr. Lane Alderman Pastor, Roswell Presbyterian Church


women off a religious public radio station.

I am a supporter of the Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC) in Jerusalem. They are a civil rights organization working to, among other things, put an end to gender segregation in Israel.

Their latest move has been to try to pressure the Israel Defense Forces into forbidding women from singing at official ceremonies. They are literally trying to push women out of public view.

JUNE 1 ▪ 2012

Over the past few years, certain extreme elements of the Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) community in Israel started an attack on women’s rights. They have tried to segregate public buses (with women being forced to the back of the bus), they have removed images of women from billboards and 4 advertisements and they want to keep

IRAC initiated a legal proceeding which ended last year in a landmark decision banning forced segregation on public buses and declaring that women may sit wherever they want on the bus. IRAC is working now to make sure this decision is implemented. Many Haredi men and women, who oppose those radical demands, support

this struggle against segregation. We should all stand with the Israel Religious Action Center in fighting back against this tide of discrimination, and there are ways we can help. For anyone visiting Israel, with a group or alone, contact the IRAC office and ask to participate in their Freedom Rides to change the reality for women one bus at a time. Our presence on these segregated buses will give many Haredi women the courage to sit where they choose instead of where they are pressured to sit. There are few issues in Israeli civil society that will have as big an impact on the future of the State of Israel

than how it balances its uniquely Jewish character with its democratic principles. The role of women in society is crucial in this struggle, and by participating in a Freedom Ride or spreading the word to other people, you are playing a tangible role in keeping Israel true to its democratic principles. Sincerely, Rabbi Fred Greene Friend of IRAC



Social Activism THE CENTRAL COMPONENT FOR INDEPENDENCE By Doron Almog, Major General (Res) Via JNF Southeast Region


y son Eran never experienced independence. He was born with severe cognitive disabilities, and during the 23 years of his life, he was completely dependent upon the kindness of others. He did not even have the minimal independence to do the simplest activities on his own: to eat, shower, get dressed, use the bathroom – for every one of these tasks he needed our help. And yet, he was my greatest teacher, teaching me the importance of social activism as the central component in our struggle for independence. The concept of independence is intertwined with the breadth of activity that is available to us. Free financial, military or political activities are all expressions of our level of independence. It is commonly agreed that financial wealth brings with it a wide range

of abilities and activities, as in the saying, “Where there is no flour, there is no Torah scholarship,” but all material resources should be guided by a social values system.

build for them a future of hope. The decision to act on their behalf is much more than just a measure of our kindness toward them; it is a basic need for our survival.

The Medrash Rabba states, “Derech Eretz precedes the Torah.” Derech Eretz refers to the code of human behavior, the social norms to which we all ascribe, the glue that connects us all together. Derech Eretz is the psychological unwritten contract that determines our commitment to each other: “All of Israel is responsible for one another.”

The moral credo of “We don’t leave the wounded behind on the battlefield” is not an ethic belonging only to the Israel Defense Forces and elite battle units. The test of our commitment to each other is in our ongoing educational activities as well as the personal example we set, for people learn most by studying the actions of their educators.

Educating our youth of Derech Eretz is the medium for the creation of a cohesive high-level society. As Eran’s father, I asked myself many times, “Why, Master of the World, did You create people with cognitive disabilities?”

A cohesive high-level society is a tremendous force in preserving and strengthening our independence. Raising social cohesiveness and establishing it as a national goal can be done by nurturing the spirit of volunteerism and activity amongst our youth while at the same time promoting national programs and setting aside resources at our highest levels.

The only answer that came to me was, “In order to test you.” I believe that a society is judged by the way it treats its most vulnerable members. Society can be cold and apathetic towards those people, or it can

Goals such as investing in the wellbeing of the most vulnerable members of society, reducing poverty and unemployment levels, increasing the

percentage of people completing high school and university, expanding per capita income, better integration of minorities and “different” populations within society – all of these are very important in reducing existing alienation and creating a cohesive highlevel society. But beyond all this, it is vital that we internalize and stress that independence is achieved and preserved only by those who are afire with the spirit of dedication and sacrifice, and that it will only survive in a place where there is genuine internalization of the role that social activism has as a central and leading component in the independence of the State of Israel. Editor’s note: Doron Almog is the founder and leading force behind Aleh Negev, a residential village in the Negev providing residential care for those with special needs and outpatient services for soldiers and those with special needs throughout Southern Israel. Aleh Negev is supported through JNF fundraising efforts.


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JUNE 1 ▪ 2012

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President Obama and His Preacher REJECTING MESSAGE, NOT MESSENGER By Rabbi Marc Howard Wilson

Religious Right. Hate Falwell. Hate

nouncements. He will more often be

in regard even during my most nasty


Jesse Jackson. Hate. Hate. Hate.

criticized for being limp-wristed than


I don’t preach hate any more, hav-

for being controversial.

And I would like to believe that

ing attained the years that bring the

Parishioners, on the other hand,

those are the reasons that Presi-

philosophical mind.

But, oh, there

are expected to listen politely, nod ap-

dent Obama stands by the Reverend

were the days; thank God, though,

preciatively, occasionally criticize re-

Wright, but not by his preaching.

my parishioners didn’t really listen to

spectfully, and tell the preacher that

too much of what I said, nor internal-

he “really told them today!” while still

Once upon a time, I took my kids to

laws, to be more compassionate and

ize it, nor certainly act upon it. To the

taking his imprecations with a grain

contrary, they routinely renewed my

of salt.

contracts, invited me to dinner, and

“He’s doing what he’s supposed to

and personal. In some perverse way,

do,” they say.

we were not disappointed.

Understanding the dynamics be-

The next morning, the kids and I

tween pew and pulpit helps make

had breakfast at the Adams Mark,

some kind of sense out of the rela-

and who should be sitting alone in the

tionship between President Obama

next booth but Minister Farrakhan.

and his rancorous pastor, the Rever-

I approached him, yarmulke on my

end Wright. When President Obama

head, and introduced myself as a lo-

sits in Pastor Wright’s congregation,

cal rabbi. I said that I had attended

he is no more likely to soak up his

his speech the night before.

preacher’s venom than I am of getting

Ignoring my comment, he beck-

AJT Columnist

n 35 years in ministry, I have exhorted my parishioners from the pulpit some 1,855 times, excluding weddings and funer-

als. I’ve rallied them to observe the Sabbath and Holy Days and kosher socially conscious, and to love their neighbors and their God.

told me that my sermons were great.

I have also exhorted them about some




things, too, particularly in my youth: Hate the Palestinians. Hate the Arabs. Hate Reagan. Hate the militaryindustrial establishment. Hate the

Does that mean that I was an ineffective preacher? Probably not; “effectiveness” may be judged only in the context of how the pulpit and pew interact. A good preacher is expected to make incisive, even acerbic, pro-

Join us at the 11 Annual th

Eagle Star Awards Gala Tuesday June 12, 2012 7-9 PM Celebrating 20 Years of Stellar U.S.-Israel Business Partnerships

Westin Atlanta Perimeter North

Israeli Company of the Year Finalists

Shalag Shamir Nonwovens

Deal of the Year Finalists

Arris BigBand Networks

MUSC IDEA Bio-Medical

Amiad Water Systems

Proctor & Gamble Teva Pharmaceuticals

JUNE 1 ▪ 2012


to hatred and anti-Semitism up close

oned my kids closer, and said, “You are fine children. Remember to study well and say your prayers, so that you

Perhaps the President should take

grow to be good people,” and shook

a posture of righteous indignation,

each one’s hand.

completely disassociate himself from

I harbor no illusions: Louis Far-

the message and the messenger. May-

Community Partner Award

the same.

rakhan will always be a skunk. But, for that fleeting moment, I could appreciate even from one so despicable

But, standing by one’s preacher is

that being a pastor adds up to more


about a complex web of relationships

than the pronouncements from one’s

that transcends his Sunday sermons.



Loyalty to one’s preacher is likely to

As one truly comes to understand


be about his having talked your kid out of suicide, or bailing you out when


you were destitute, or saying just the

Awards Ceremony

For sponsorship, contact Barry Swartz (404) 843-9426 or

ily so that they could be inoculated


be my parishioners should have done

Roee Madai, Consul of Economic Affairs on behalf of the State of Israel, Ministry of Industry Trade & Labor GOLD

up to drop their half-eaten bacon and

Chamber Founders Award Robert Deutsch, Attorney

7 Concourse Pkwy. Atlanta, GA 30328 Dessert Reception

Alpha Omega

my congregants sufficiently whipped

hear Louis Farrakhan speak, primar-


Cresa Ballard Spahr Dale M. Schwartz & Associates Baran Americas Georgia Power McGriff Siebels & Williams Nelson Mullins Georgia Ports Authority Aarons Grant & Habif

right words when you were grieving, or being by your side when everyone else had rejected you, or adding to your celebration at a joyous moment in your life. Those are great reasons to remain faithful to one’s preacher that could


well exceed his vituperative preach-

ing, and looking back, those are why so many of my parishioners held me

the complex dynamics of ministry, the idea of rejecting the message while standing by the messenger sounds less like doubletalk and more like the prudence that good judgment demands. I thank my parishioners for frequently cutting me that slack. One hopes that the same is true of the President and his scurrilous preacher. Editor’s note: Marc Howard Wilson is a rabbi and writer in Greenville, S.C.





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Katherine and Jacob Greenfield Hebrew Academy

‫ש גרינפילד‬,,‫בית הספר היהודי ע‬

The Atlanta Jewish Times is printed in Georgia and is an equal opportunity employer. The opinions expressed in the Atlanta Jewish Times do not necessarily reflect those of the newspaper. The Atlanta Jewish Times Established 1925 as The Southern Israelite 270 Carpenter Drive, Suite 320, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Phone: (404) 883-2130



a zionist, scientist, basketball player, author. . . . .



Please send all photos, stories and editorial content to:

a leader, big sister, drummer, poet, swimmer, beat boxer. . . . .



I am an artist, volunteer, book worm, goalie, dancer. . . .

Mazal Tov to our 2012 Graduates!

‫מזל טוב‬

JUNE 1 ▪ 2012




TKC Looks Toward Future GRADUATES INAUGURAL LEADERSHIP CLASS From Temple Kehillat Chaim For The Atlanta Jewish Times


Shabbat Candle Lighting Times

n a successful step towards achieving “bench strength” in its leadership ranks, Temple Kehillat Chaim (Roswell) recently graduated its first Leadership Development Class. The one-year class was instituted by Rabbi Harvey Winokur, Shelley Miller and Mark Silberman to help fill the leadership roster in two ways.

have moved into roles on the Board or Committee positions, giving Kehillat Chaim a significant infusion of new participants in these roles.

First, the program offered a new avenue for congregants to step into Board and committee roles. And secondly, the class helped congregants understand these roles better and feel more qualified to step into these areas of responsibility.

• The organization of the congregation and the larger Jewish community

Most meetings occurred at the synagogue, but there were also special off-site meetings, such as one with Michael Horowitz, President

• Creating a Leadership B’rit – a covenantal partnership, wrap-up and closing ritual

The Leadership Development Class met monthly and covered topics including: • The history of TKC • The history of Reform Judaism

• Financial issues and policies • Spirituality and leadership • Education/Membership

Friday, June 1, 2012 Light Candles at: 8:25 p.m. Shabbat, June 2, 2012 Shabbat Ends: 9:27 p.m. shabbat blessings Blessing for the Candles Baruch Arah A-do-nai,El-o-hei-nu Melech Haolam Asher Kid-shanu b’mitzvotav V’zivanu l’hadlik ner shel Shabbat Blessed are You, Eternal our God, Sovereign of time and space. You hallow us with Your mitzvot and command us to kindle the lights of Shabbat.

Blessing for thw Wine Baruch Atah A-do-nai, El-o-hei-nu Meelech Haolam, Borei p’ri hagafen Praise to You, Eternal our God, Sovereign of the Universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine. Blessing for the Bread (Challah) Baruch Atah A-do-nai, El-o-hei-nu Melech haolam, Hamotzi Lechem min haaretz.

JUNE 1 ▪ 2012

Our Praise to You Eternal our God, Sovereign of the universe, Who brings forth bread from the earth.


From left to right, program participants Richie Bauman, David Lieber, Alex Glatter and Josh Simon with Rabbi Harvey Winokur. PHOTO/courtesy Joy Salenfriend

and CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta. A number of important speakers contributed to the success of the program; all provided valuable insight into the practical matters of running TKC. The first graduating class comprised six congregants, of whom most

The program has been so successful, TKC is already planning and accepting applications for its second Leadership Development Class, which will begin monthly in October after an orientation dinner in August.





n May 20, Temple Beth-El of Birmingham, Ala. hosted its third-annual “When Pigs Fly” kosher barbecue contest. Atlanta-area teams participating included Chai on the Chawd, from Congregation Etz Chaim; Moshe Ribeinu, also from Congregation Etz Chaim; Grillin’ Tefillin, from the Congregation B’nai Torah Brotherhood; and Camp Ramah Darom. Entrants were judged in the categories of Team Name, Booth Decor, Best Beans, Best Ribs and Best Brisket; two People’s Choice Awards (for beans and for ribs) were awarded; and finally, an overall winner was named. Taking home the top prize was “Delicious, Divine and Devoid of Swine” from the office of Bruce Downs, CPA in Birmingham, but local teams made a strong showing: Grillin’ Tefillin won for Booth Décor, while Camp Ramah Darom placed second in that category as well as second in both Best Beans and Best Ribs. The Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta’s own Rabbi Brian Glusman has been a judge since the event’s inception. “It’s a highlight for me every year,” the rabbi said with a smile. For more info, see or

Top Left: Grillin’ Tefillin, the team of the Congregation B’nai Torah Brotherhood, prep the evening before the competition. Top Right: Moshe Ribeinu from Congregation Etz Chaim sets up shop.

Middle Right: The team of Camp Ramah Darom shows off their hardware. Bottom Left: Camp Ramah Darom was a runner-up for Booth Décor, Best Beans and Best Ribs. Bottom Right: Rabbi Brian Glusman of the MJCCA has been a “When Pigs Fly” judge for all three years.

JUNE 1 ▪ 2012

Middle Left: Grillin’ Tefillin won the category of Best Booth Décor.




Clever Clues for Driving your Business through a Downturn REACT IN THE RIGHT WAYS By Steve Rothschild AJT Columnist


n the RAN ONE planning framework, business activity and decisions fall into key categories: Vision & Strategy, Systems & Processes, Finance, Sales & Marketing and People & Culture. Leading a business through an economic downturn means keeping your finger on the pulse in each of these areas. Nurture Your Vision and Re-examine Your Strategies Be proactive! Look at stepping out into new market opportunities. Stand back from your business, evaluate and examine your customers, consider their changed needs, and take the opportunity to capture new markets for your products and services. Keep investing in innovation. The Internet and technology in general have transformed customer service expectations. In this environment, the risk is that your competitors will meet customer demand for better service and outstrip companies that don’t keep up. Put systems in place which give you instant access to information, so your customers are served quickly. Smart companies will utilize technology that integrates all of their customers’ previous communication and history with the company, so they know accurately who is contacting them. Review Your Financial Systems Optimize your working capital. Now is the time to pay extra attention to credit and collections. Aim to reduce receivables, manage payables and decrease inventories. Here are some techniques: • Query major customers to find out whether they anticipate delays in payment.

JUNE 1 ▪ 2012

• Contact suppliers to negotiate extended payment terms.


• Cancel any outstanding purchases that are not essential. • Recognize all possible expenses and losses. Don’t be shy about appropriate write-offs – including divisions and locations that no longer make economic sense.

Review operating expenses. Eliminate any unnecessary expenses. Having said this, there are two important areas where you should not slash budget. Don’t make the mistake of cutting back on what differentiates your products and/or services – your unique core differentiators, and don’t cut capital spending designed to improve productivity or R&D spending on new product development. There may be a hidden opportunity if your competitors cut costs that lower their service level or product quality and you can continue yours or – even better – improve it. Revisit your financial structure. Make sure you have worked closely with your accountant and reviewed your financial forecasts. Then meet with key lenders to review them – with your accountant present, if this impresses on your lenders that your finances and strategies are well prepared. Know where you stand with them, and make sure their expectations are not too high. If interest rates are falling, consider new loan or financing alternatives to reduce interest expenses, improve cash flow and provide credit for acquisitions; lenders and investors may also be more amenable to restructuring they would never consider in better times. Assess Your Sales & Marketing Sustain high product quality and boost customer support. Companies with a reputation for having quality products and services always come to mind first when a buying decision is being made. It is always good business to maintain a strong and comprehensive focus on quality and customer service. Steps to take: • Make sure your business is ready to hook into the latest communication technologies and give customers the freedom to contact you by phone, fax, e-mail and the Internet. • Go through the exercise of classifying your clients into ‘A’s, ‘B’s, ‘C’s and ‘D’s. Identify your ‘A’-class clients – these are your best customers and responsible for the bulk of your revenue - give them VIP treatment. You should also foster your relationship with any ‘B’ and perhaps some ‘C’ clients that you might be able to nurture

into ‘A’-class customers. In challenging times, it is an imperative for companies to retain existing customers.

your organization. Companies that cripple themselves by cutting into muscle will be slow out of the blocks when the new cycle begins.

Don’t ditch your marketing budget.

Lead your people.

Even in the most difficult of periods, core marketing and relationship maintenance are essential to business recovery. If you need to reduce sales and marketing expenditures, then consider innovative and more cost-effective ways to maintain your marketing imperatives.

Inevitably a depressed or down economy takes a toll on the psyche, and it means making a conscious effort to retain a positive attitude. It is a fact that no downturn lasts forever, and that most of our worst fears and imagined disasters are never realized.

Sponsorships, for instance, can give you wide exposure more cheaply, and if you are associated with community activities (sports teams, charities, etc.), the public relations attracted to your firm is positive. Your competitors may even curtail sales and marketing expenditures, giving you an opportunity to increase market share when others are losing theirs.

Make it your goal to help your team recognize the same realities. Don’t hide in your office – walk around and talk with your people. Make them true members of your team, keep them informed, solicit their best ideas and help them see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Keep the lines of communication open. Nothing is worse than keeping employees, customers, suppliers and investors guessing about the company’s plans and actions during a time of uncertainty. Communicate, communicate, communicate! Spread your good news, bad news, plans, changes in plans, reasons for plans/actions, successes, failures, etc. Stay real – tell the truth. Don’t paint a rosy picture for your board and lenders; credibility later will count for a lot. Focus On Your People Remember the team is key to your business success. It’s a tempting first resort to start a string of redundancies and lay off team members when times get tough, but review your team carefully. Think of it this way – a sports team doesn’t downsize to three-quarters of its players when the game turns against them. The best teams dig in, and everyone works harder to make success happen. Instead of layoffs, consider pay cuts, reduced hours and revised incentive pay plans. Align employee goals with the company goals by using creative compensation programs so you can retain skilled employees for a quick start in the next upturn. You might decide to reduce your team, but it should be tied very closely to that person’s long-term value to

Recipe For Success Don’t overreact - and don’t underreact. Running a business in times of economic stress can feel like driving a car in an ice storm: Jerk the steering wheel one way or the other, and you can find yourself in an irreversible spin. On the other hand, if you aren’t looking ahead far enough or proceeding with increased caution, you won’t be able to avoid hazards in your path. And if you’re just sitting still, you will fail to get moving in time to avoid the hazards coming at you. The good leader and business owner builds a support crew: employees, accountant, lenders, investors and customers; and together they navigate as a winning team.

Editor’s note: Steven G. Rothschild is a CPA and CFP at Robinson, Rabinowitz & Bernstein, P.C. RRB is a member of Member of Ran One, an international network of consulting and CPA firms; learn more at rrbcpa. com. This article is not altered in any way to give an incorrect impression of the content of the original; copyright 2012, Bullseye Business Systems Pty. Ltd., all rights reserved, reprinted with permission from



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tlanta resident Zoë Taylor, daughter of Michele and Kenneth, is a World Cup and National champion after an incredible first year as a U.S. National Telemark Skiing Team A member. Taylor, 16, trains on roller skis in Piedmont Park for all but a few months a year in the winter, when she moves to Steamboat Springs, Colo. to compete. She spent two years on the USTSA Development Team before being promoted straight to the top squad for 2012.

In February, the Paideia School rising senior was the first U.S. telemark skier in 10 years (and the first

U.S. woman in 12 years) to win a World Cup. Then, in March, she took the National Championship, determined by a four-race series that includes two classic races, a sprint and a giant slalom event. Telemark skiing, actually the oldest form of the sport, incorporates telemark turns around giant slalom-style gates, distance jumping, a banked turn called a reipjlekke (Norwegian for “loop of rope”) and a skating section. This year’s incorporation of the head-to-head Parallel Classic race in the World Cup should significantly help telemark’s bid for the 2014 Winter Olympics.

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BELOW: Zoë Taylor, U.S. Telemark Women’s National Champion, stands with her male counterpart, Charlie Dresen. RIGHT: Atlanta’s Zoë Taylor hears the National Anthem on the podium at the 2012 Telemark World Cup.

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JUNE 1 ▪ 2012

RIGHT BOTTOM: Zoë Taylor skates to the finish at the National Championship.





By Jessie Miller Editorial Intern


eality television has become a fixture in pop culture, supplying viewers with an inside look at the lives of celebrities and average people alike. Though it may seem like the reality T.V. market has been flooded, the Sundance Channel’s new series “Push Girls” has been added to the mix to chronicle the lives of four women who have become wheelchairbound in some way.

Mia Schaikewitz, one of the women in the show, was born and raised in Atlanta before moving out to Los Angeles, where the show is filmed. At age 15, Schaikewitz became paralyzed from the waist down due to a rare condition called Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM); she was devastated, especially because it meant the end of her high school swimming career. During this pivotal time in her life, Schaikewitz faced the challenges of being a teenager and adapting to a new body. Like any teenager, she struggled with her identity, but her ability to be independent despite being confined to a wheelchair was even more of a challenge. “[Being independent] was a really big part of me getting back my identity and strength because it was taken away from me at the beginning,” she said. “Once I realized it was possible, I really strived to keep it.”

JUNE 1 ▪ 2012

Over time, Schaikewitz began to accept her situation and “realize that it was the best thing that ever happened to me because it opened up my world,” she said in an interview. Becoming a paraplegic allowed Schaikewitz to see what she wanted to accomplish in life despite the chal12 lenges she faced.

Most importantly, Schaikewitz had the support of her family. “My parents dealt with the situation completely differently,” she said. “My dad wished that I would be happy again and my mom wished that I would walk again.” Schaikewitz explains that her dad

was an inspiration to her as she adjusted to her new life. “I realized that I can’t control the situation of walking again, but I can control whether I’m going to be happy or not,” she said.

on viewers. She describes the beginning of filming as intimidating and surprised her friends by agreeing to

coming, and it is easy to imagine these women as a close-knit foursome. Not only a source of entertainment, “Push Girls” is proving to also be educational. “[The show] does answer questions that people are afraid to ask and gets rid of the ignorance and fear,” Schaikewitz said. By educating viewers and starting a public conversation on paralysis, Schaikewitz hopes to tear down the barrier that exists in society. The series is a way to invite an audience into the private lives of these paralyzed women, allowing them to prove that they are the same as any able-bodied individual.

After becoming par One of the main reasons alyzed, Schaikewitz Schaikewitz became part of the also turned to Judaism show was to provide something for support and “soul Mia Schaikewitz, paralyzed from the waist down since age 15, is she never had when she was one of four stars of the Sundance Channel’s “Push Girls.” searching.” Within the PHOTO/Sundance Channel paralyzed – a role model. After Jewish faith, Schaikebecoming paralyzed, Schaikewitz found even more witz struggled to regain a sense reveal her private life on national strength to overcome her disabilof identity and did not have someone ity by discovering common values television. “to look up to and learn from.” and beliefs in reading the Torah. However, the entire process has With the show, she hopes to be a This pathway into Judaism allowed become completely positive and role model to people in similar situSchaikewitz to embrace her own Schaikewitz looks forward to sharing ations and help them achieve their spirituality and realize that “[being her life with the viewers. goals, and also to break the stigma paralyzed] was meant to be.” While other reality shows feature associated with people in wheel After attending college at the Uni- women fighting among themselves or chairs. versity of Florida, Schaikewitz moved competing for stardom, “Push Girls” “I think one of the main things to Los Angeles and now works as a is completely different. Schaikewitz people think is that we are all seproject manager at a graphic design describes the relationship among cretly miserable and that being in firm. There, she was chosen to be fea- the four women as entirely positive, a wheelchair is the hardest thing in tured in “Push Girls” alongside Auti encouraging each other to succeed. our life,” Schaikewitz said. Rivera, Angela Rockwood-Nguyen Even before the show, the women However, having a disability does and Tiphany Adams. had already built strong friendships not define a person, and they strug Though hesitant to agree at first, and bonded with each other. gle with the same things any average Schaikewitz soon realized how “We’re really best friends,” she person does. groundbreaking this reality series said.Though she describes herself as She says that despite physical could be and the effect it could have shy, Schaikewitz is incredibly forthcondition, “We are all human and we


can all be relatable to each other.” Her belief in acceptance and equality despite physical condition echoes the themes of the Torah she relied on for her own recovery. Other than the television series, Schaikewitz is involved with other organizations that improve the lives of handicapped individuals. She is a proud supporter of Colours Wheelchairs, which according to its website “designs and manufactures very specialized rigid everyday and rigid sport wheelchairs for an international market of disabled customers.” Schaikewitz loves the company’s creative concepts that allow people to express themselves through their wheelchairs. “They let you have a choice and a huge part of self esteem is being in a chair that’s comfortable for you,” she said. Schaikewitz also enjoys performing with the company’s Colours in Motion dance team. “We go out and perform and dance for people who had no idea we could do that,” she says. Her most recent endeavor has been returning to the swimming pool. After being paralyzed, Schaikewitz felt left out when her friends got to swim and she didn’t; now, being able to swim again represents her increasing independence and regaining what AVM took from her. Schaikewitz serves as an inspiration for anyone struggling to overcome an obstacle. “People say ‘live in the moment,’ which is a great philosophy for life, but I think when you’re in a really, really deep place, like depression or a moment when you can’t handle something, you do need to look beyond that moment,” she said. From her own experience, Schaikewitz describes struggling as part of the journey to becoming who you are meant to be and reassures that it is possible to overcome anything.


By Jessie Miller Editorial Intern


o we really need another reality show chronicling the daily lives of seemingly average individuals? In the case of “Push Girls,” the Sundance Channel’s new reality television series, I say yes. “Push Girls” is not your average half-hour-long reality show; it chronicles the lives of four women who are in wheelchairs and living in Los Angeles. Mia Schaikewitz, Auti Rivera, Angela Rockwood-Nguyen and Tiphany Adams are four independent and beautiful women figuring out their lives, careers and relationships and facing problems that able-bodied people can relate to as well.

With any reality show, I always wonder how much is real and how much is staged. But in the case of “Push Girls,” I don’t question how independent and remarkable the women are. The premiere shows them going to the gym, driving handicap-enabled cars and going to dance clubs. Their physical condition clearly does not hold them back from living their lives, and that is truly inspiring. Rockwood-Nguyen was a success-

Instead, “Push Girls” is refreshing, revealing that life in a wheelchair does not designate a person as a social outcast. There are so many ignorant thoughts and stigma associated with physical handicaps, and this series will work against that to show they are just like anyone else. In my favorite scene from the first episode, Adams is shown putting gas in her car, a mundane task. She pulls up to the pump, the camera is fixed on the driver-side door, where she has to set up her wheelchair and lift herself into it.

The entire process looks tedious and time-consuming, but Adams is completely independent and just as capable of pumping gas as someone not in a wheelchair. On top of that, From left to right, “Push Girls” stars Mia Schaikewitz, Auti Rivera, Angela While watching Rockwood-Nguyen and Tiphany Adams. Adams also flirts the first episode, I PHOTO/Sundance Channel with the guy at felt like I got to know the pump next to the quartet, their dreams and their ful model before a car accident left her, proving that being in a wheelstruggles, whether it was Rivera’s her a quadriplegic, and today she is chair does not mean you cannot feel desire to have a baby or Schaike- trying to get back into modeling. She confident and beautiful. witz’s relationship problems. They says in the show that modeling is were relatable, yet also somewhat really her only way to pay the bills, Being paralyzed can diminish of a mystery; like many people, I especially because welfare does not someone’s life, but these four womhave never really interacted with cover her necessary care and medi- en exemplify what it means to make the best of a terrible situation. They someone handicapped. cation. She knows her talent and are not sitting on the sidelines and I wanted to know more about beauty, but it’s painful to watch letting their lives pass by. their lives, but as the episode pro- the response of photographers and gressed, my thirst for knowledge modeling agencies who aren’t used Watching the show will make you thankful for what you have and became more about who they were to a handicapped model. as women, regardless of physical The first episode left me ready for inspire you to achieve your dreams differences. The wheelchairs act as more, and I’m excited to see where and be more understanding towards the “wow” factor that distinguishes the series goes. I’ll tune back in be- people in wheelchairs. Overall, the show from other series and at- cause this is not another catty iter- “Push Girls” is entertaining and fun tracts viewers, but not as the key ation of “Real Housewives,” full of to watch and on a deeper, more sigcomponent that propels the stories backstabbing, arguments and men- nificant level fights ignorance and educates viewers. forward. tal breakdowns.

JUNE 1 ▪ 2012





Kosher Movies: Jeremiah Johnson (1972) DIRECTED BY SIDNEY POLLACK By Rabbi Herbert Cohen For The Atlanta Jewish Times


s a young father, vacations generally meant going to places like Disneyland or to resorts with a pool and kid-friendly activities. But once I became an empty nester, vacation destinations changed; national parks were the place to visit.

My first visit was to Acadia National Park in Maine; a number of years later, my wife and I have visited many more in the United States and Canada. Instead of going somewhere to be amused, we traveled far to contemplate and appreciate the

beautiful world that God has given us. Spending time hiking, surveying breathtaking lookout points and listening to the sounds of nature were rejuvenating. Which is why I greatly enjoyed a recent viewing of the Western classic “Jeremiah Johnson.”

There is a parallel here to a famous story told about Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsh, a 19th-century lead-



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He is not anxious to leave his family, but he reluctantly agrees and leads them to the wagon train. Inwardly, however, he is agitated that the route takes him through a sacred Indian burial ground. The scene of traversing the burial ground is one that encapsulates both the allure and danger of nature.

The titular character leaves civilization as he knows it and journeys to the mountains. He wants to become a mountain man, living away from the hustle-bustle and corruption of the busy city. He wants to be alone and to discover the beauties of nature first-hand.


Eggplant with Tomato

this lesson home. Having married an Indian woman and found a modicum of happiness in the wilderness, he is asked by the U.S. Calvary to lead a search party to bring food to a stranded wagon train.

address: 262 Pharr Rd NE Atlanta GA 30305 phone: 404-214-5404 Fax: 404-214-5407 mail: web: address: 262 Pharr Rd NE Atlanta GA 30305 phone: 404-214-5404 Fax: 404-214-5407 mail: web:

er of German Jewry and Bible commentator, who near the end of his life resolved to visit the French Alps. His students tried to convince him not to go because of the risk to his health, whereupon he told them: “When I come before God, I will have to answer for many things. But what will I tell Him when He asks me, ‘Have you seen My Alps?’” This thirst to see all of God’s resplendent world is a Jewish sensibility. The Talmud (Yerushalmi Tractate Kiddushin) explains that, in the future, God will hold us responsible if we do not enjoy the beautiful things He created in this world. It is a good thing to go out and see the trees, the mountains, the rivers, lakes and oceans. Seeing them reinforces our belief and appreciation for God who created all of it. However, there is a dark side to being a mountain man. “Do not separate from the community,” say our sages; in the film, Jeremiah learns that a life of isolation can be dangerous and unforgiving, and that there is a price to pay for solitude. For example, he has no back-up when things go awry. One incident in particular brings

It is a grey day, snowing gently but relentlessly as the soldiers pass by skeletons of dead Indians, foreshadowing a tragedy that is to come. It is an image of both beauty and dread. Left alone in a vast wilderness with savages all around, Jeremiah is forced to defend himself on countless occasions in order to survive. The Hobbesian notion that life is nasty, brutish and short finds expression in the harsh life of Jeremiah Johnson. But in spite of it all, he emerges not as a bitter or angry person, but as one content with his lot, understanding that life is filled with contradictions, with happiness and sadness, with beauty and ugliness. It is a mature sensibility, worthy of emulation. There is much to admire in Jeremiah Johnson. He is a man of few words, of deep feelings, of personal integrity, who, through age and experience, appreciates and values the beautiful world before him. Editor’s note: Rabbi Cohen, former principal of Yeshiva Atlanta, now resides in Beit Shemesh, Israel.



Lebanis hummus



For garnish:

AJT Contributor

1 cup flat-leafed parsley

This recipe is adapted from that of Chef Ariel Kars and co-owner Patric Felsenstein at the Naomi Grill in Madrid, Spain.

1 tablespoon olive (more if needed)

Note that sautéed mushrooms may be substituted for the meat. Ingredients For hummus: 2 cups dried chickpeas 1 cup sesame tahini 5 cloves garlic, halved 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon lemon salt ½ teaspoon black pepper For meat: ½-pound baby lamb chops, first or second cut, sliced 2 medium red onions, peeled and chopped ½ teaspoon dried oregano ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon black pepper

1 teaspoon red chili pepper flakes

Choice of angel crab, California Roll or Spring Roll


Can’t be combined with any other offer.

Sift through chickpeas, rinsing well and discarding pebbles and broken or discolored peas. In a large bowl, soak peas for eight hours or overnight. After soaking, rinse; place in heavy soup pan with two quarts of water. Bring to boil; lower heat and simmer for about one-and-a-half to two hours or until very tender. Drain well, reserving cooking liquid and allow to cool slightly. Grind cooked peas, garlic, tahini and spices in food processor. Add about one cup water, a little at a time, as needed; blend until very creamy. Marinate meat with onions, spices, pine nuts and olive oil and let sit overnight. Sauté meat until tender. To serve, spoon hummus onto a serving plate, spreading it so edges are thicker than the center. Scoop out a circle in the center. Place meat in center, sprinkle with parsley and pepper flakes.

¼ cup olive oil

Editor’s note: Beverly Levitt is an award winning journalist and screenwriter living in Los Angeles. G ATLA IN Stay tuned over the next few weeks as her recipes for many of the abovementioned dishes are published in the AJT.

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RECIPE OF THE WEEK By Beverly Levitt


JUNE 1 ▪ 2012



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Epstein’s 2012 Torah Adorned with Breast Plate MITZVAH OF RESCUING SACRED OBJECTS


pstein third-graders read from the school’s new 2012 Torah in honor of Rosh Chodesh Sivan. As part of the program, Epstein parents Cliff and Loretta Weiss presented the school with a beautiful silver Torah breast plate (choshen in Hebrew) that they found while antique shopping.

The silver is ornately sculpted with depictions of the 12 tribes. Coincidentally, those depictions also exist on silver rimonim that cover the Torah’s wooden dowels, or etz chaim, which the school already had. It was as though the breast plate had “found its match” and was home, where it was meant to be.

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Weiss often rescues sacred objects, a very important mitzvah, and thus was honored and presented with a certificate for being a community role model.

TOP: Cliff and Loretta Weiss donated a beautiful silver breast plate to The Epstein School to adorn the new 2012 Torah. BOTTOM: Janet Schatten, Epstein’s director of Student and Family Life, presents a certificate to Cliff and Loretta Weiss for being community role models.

1 - GHA fifth-grader Gabe Green delivering the d’var Torah at the Matthew Blumenthal M’silot celebration.


2- At center, M’silot founder and director Phyllis Rosenthal and Elaine and Jerry Blumenthal with alumni of Greenfield Hebrew Academy’s Matthew Blumenthal M’silot Program (flanking, left to right) Malki Field, Rachel Kleiman, Risa Hayet, Phyllis Rosenthal, Elaine Blumenthal, Jerry Blumenthal, Sydney Lippman, Rachel May, Michael Usdan and Jacob Singer.

GHA Celebrates M’silot Program’s First “Graduation Year”

3 - Alumni of Greenfield Hebrew Academy’s Matthew Blumenthal M’silot Program pose with former teachers.



here was a great deal of laughter and more than a few tears at the Katherine and Jacob Greenfield Hebrew Academy on Monday evening, as students, parents, teachers, alumni and patrons gathered to pay tribute to the award-winning M’silot program at GHA. M’silot, a program for students from kindergarten through eighthgrade who learn differently, marked a major milestone this year: The students who made up the very first class ever to attend M’silot are graduating from high school. These trailblazing students, each a shining example of how learning differences can still equal scholastic success, returned to GHA for the evening to share the news of their future plans and explain how M’silot helped them get where they are today. The M’silot program also celebrated another milestone; its own rededication as the Matthew Blumenthal M’silot Program. Matthew was a GHA student from first grade through his graduation, and tragically died of muscular dystrophy at the age of 24. In 1999, Matthew’s grandparents, Saul and Adele Blumenthal, z”l, donated the seed money to start up the M’silot program in his honor. With their sustaining gift, Matthew’s parents, Elaine and Jerry Blumenthal, are continuing the vital work that their parents started. The event began with GHA Head of School Rabbi Lee Buckman’s greeting. He thanked M’silot Director and founder Phyllis Rosenthal, describing her as the “visionary of M’silot” and someone who enables students and their parents “to accept love, to overcome challenges and rejoice in differences.” Rabbi Buckman described the worry of the parent who sees a beloved child struggling, and noted that M’silot’s amazing success is the result of “the triumph of hope over fear.” Fifth-grader Gabe Green delivered a moving d’var Torah, and director Phyllis Rosenthal outlined the origins and purpose of the program.

4 - Director and founder of Greenfield Hebrew Academy’s Matthew Blumenthal M’silot program Phyllis Rosenthal addresses the first students of M’silot.

“Our kids are part of Judaic culture, they participate in all the Jewish milestones in our school,” Rosenthal said. “Our parents say, ‘My child feels bright and successful, my child has reached his or her potential,’ which is every parent’s dream.”

PHOTOS/courtesy GHA

gave me the advantage of the smaller classes and the personal attention in M’silot. It was awesome!” Jacob Singer said he “really saw [his] differences as a challenge. I am a very competitive person, and I was always determined to do as much as I can and reach for the highest goals. M’silot gave me the tools to do that.”

Ms. Rosenthal explained how the program has grown from eight children in its first year to 80 children today – “Word of mouth is powerful, and success is magnetic” – and thanked the parents for “entrusting us with your most precious possession: your children.”

Jerry Blumenthal spoke movingly of the family’s happiness to help, and their gratitude for the way GHA worked to accommodate the disabilities of their son, Matthew. Dr. Blumenthal said that he and his wife, Elaine, “shep naches” when they run into parents of M’silot students.

Eventually the proceedings were turned over to the former M’silot students now graduating from local high schools that include The Weber School, Temima High School for Girls, Woodward Academy and several public schools. Risa Hayet, Rachel Kleiman, Malka Field, Sydney Lippman, Rachel May, Jacob Singer, Adam Birnbrey and Michael Usdan were delighted to be back, excited about the future, and happy to share their feelings about M’silot. Risa Hayet enthusiastically listed the names of the several schools that had accepted her (she chose the University of Alabama). Michael Usdan is looking forward to a gap year in Israel, followed by Indiana University; Rachel May will be there as well. Rachel Kleiman will also be far away, at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in California. Malka Field is headed to Georgia State, where she’s thinking about majoring in education so she can help other kids as she was helped. Sydney Lippman is bound for Tulane, while Adam Birnbrey is head-

“You set the example,” he told the group. “It may take a little more work to get where you want to go, but you can get there.” The Matthew Blumenthal M’silot program was also proud to honor two teachers who are retiring this year, Kathy Eisenband and Chris Oertle. They have both been an integral part of M’silot’s success. Ms. Eisenband was M’silot’s original first-grade teacher and helped to develop the program with Ms. Rosenthal and others. Many of today’s M’silot students were given a boost through the GHA Running Start Kindergarten, developed by Chris Oertle.

ing for the University of Georgia. And they’re not alone; every M’silot graduate will be attending college. The eight students held an impromptu question-and-answer session about how M’silot helped them to handle their learning differences. Rachel May explained, “I always thought of myself as special. I embraced my differences, because they

Ms. Eisenband was unable to be there in person but saw the whole event live, as GHA arranged for a simulcast. Ms. Oertle reminisced about the challenges and triumphs, and assured the crowd that she remembered every student – and always would. Phyllis Rosenthal expressed the pride of the entire Greenfield Hebrew Academy family as she said, “Our goal was to inspire you…but you have inspired us.” Editor’s note: Leah Levy is an experienced book editor.

JUNE 1 ▪ 2012






Dr. Rabbi Lob visits Congregation Ariel LARGE TURNOUT FOR LECTURE


n the evening of May 20, Dr. Rabbi Jerry Lob spoke to approximately 100 parents and educators at Congregation Ariel. The parenting lecture was sponsored by Torah Umesorah and was endorsed by several local day schools and synagogues. After the lecture, Dr. Rabbi Lob met with a smaller group of educators for a handson workshop on issues relating to teenagers. Rabbi Dr. Lob is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Chicago, working with adults, adolescents, and families, for many years. He lectures and writes extensively on topics relating to psychology, relationships, parenting, education and Jewish thought for outlets such as BOTTOM: Renowned psychologist, writer and lecturer Dr. Jerry Lob shared parenting expertise at Congregation Ariel on May 20. TOP: Dr. Rabbi Jerry Lob speaks to the assembled audience at Congregation Ariel. PHOTOS/David Kapenstein

Weber Sophomore Awarded Opportunity GOLDFEIN GOES TO AMHERST


JUNE 1 ▪ 2012

eber School sophomore Ben Goldfein was chosen as one of 18 high school students from around the country to participate in the one-week, tuition-free Great Jewish Books summer program held at the Yiddish Book Center at Hampshire College in Amherst, Mass.


During this week of intensive engagement with books and ideas, students will read selections from important works of modern Jewish literature and consider how they speak to the opportunities and challenges we face in our lives today. Participants will study with some of the nation’s most respected literary

scholars and meet prominent contemporary authors. This year, Allegra Goodman, the prize-winning author of “Kaaterskill Falls” and “Paradise Park,” will join the program as a visiting writer.



KDA Graduates 10th Pre-K Class ATLANTA’S RUSSIAN-JEWISH PRESCHOOL IN FULL BLOOM From The King David Academy For The Atlanta Jewish Times


he King David Academy, the only Russian-Jewish daycare and preschool in Atlanta, honored its 10th graduating pre-kindergarten class on May 20.

At the pre-K graduation, the children were dressed up in their caps and gowns. The room was decorated, and parents filled the room for the graduation ceremony. This year’s graduation included a show prepared by the children.

Mrs. Hanna Aranbayeva, a husbandand-wife team. At the time, child daycare was its primary program, but since, the Center has developed other vital community programs including an adult day health center, home personal support services and a home-delivered meals service. “I always had a dream to open a community center that would

serve the many needs of the Russian Jewish immigrant community,” Iskhakov said. “A place that children could grow up around Russian Jewish traditions, speaking the language of their parents, singing songs of their heritage, eating foods that their grandmothers would make at home…we wanted this community center to take care of our families, our children and our elderly.”

When the daycare first opened, there were only three children enrolled, but as word got out, more families brought their children and the daycare grew. The Academy now has four groups for children ranging in age from two months to five years. KDA also hosts a Sunday PHOTOS/courtesy King David Academy

There were poems recited by the young graduates, songs in Russian and English, dancing and, of course, dessert. And that was just the beginning! The Sunday School Drama class prepared a grand theatrical performance based on the Brothers Grimm story of “Town Musicians of Bremen.” After the play, families enjoyed an exotic petting zoo, pony rides and a bounce house. Even more impressive were the food stations. One served freshlybaked cheese danishes, sweet rolls, fruit pastries and napoleon by-thepiece. On the other side of the lawn was another station serving all sorts of shish-kebabs, tandoory-made bread and samosas. People were craving this food from the old-country, and they had the grill master was working overtime.

“It’s a great way for the community to come together and celebrate its achievements,” said Iskhakov. “Today we are celebrating the families of our graduates: Zachary Agichtein, Alisa Lifshiz, Lisa Belikov, Shaindel Kuperberg, Sophia Streltsova, Mark Aulov, Nozima Rustamova, Eva LaPlace and Eliana Dshalalov.” The Academy is part of the King David Community Center, located in Norcross, Ga. The Center was opened in 2002 by the Bukharian Jewish community under the leadership of Mr. Anatoliy Iskhakov and

JUNE 1 ▪ 2012

This kind of great celebration is hosted twice a year by King David Academy.


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Parsha Hashavua – Naso GIFTS OF TORAH, GIFTS OF SUMMER By Rabbi Alvin Slomovitz

Congregation Gesher L’Torah and the Atlanta Rabbinical Association


his week I’ve decided to have a two-for-one Torah discussion; while the first half of this article will focus on the weekly Torah reading of Naso, the second will be about summer-time activities. Enjoy! The Torah portion Naso is the longest in the Torah. It opens with a census of the Gershonites and a listing of their responsibilities regarding the Tabernacle; the Israelites needed to be accurately counted for military purposes, for Tabernacle-organizational needs and with the idea of better coordinating their biblical society.

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This notion of a census and responsibilities within the ancient society are reflected in the latter chapters of this Sedrah. Chapter Seven has detailed accounts of the representatives of each tribe coming and presenting to Moses and the Levites their various offering upon the dedication of the Tabernacle.

JUNE 1 ▪ 2012

This is the first offering from Nahson, son of Amminadab, representing the tribe of Judah: “…one silver bowl weighing 130 shekels and one silver basin of 70 shekels by the sanctuary weight, both filled with choice flour with oil mixed in, for a grain offering; one gold ladle of 10 shekels, filled with incense; one young bullock, one ram, one he-lamb of the first year for a burnt offering…”


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Most interestingly, when the rest of the 12 tribes presented their offerings to the tabernacle, they were identical to those offered by Judah. This does not make sense; surely, the tribes were different in their resources, be it precious metals, animals, artisans, etc. Logically, those who had more to give should do so, and then the To-

rah could record these gifts accordingly, but this was not the case. Why? The rabbis suggested that even though the offerings were identical, they had a different significance for each tribe. I invite you to give some thought to this fairly large section of the Sedrah. What point is being stressed? One lesson might be that all of our gifts offered to the Almighty are received with equality, as the tradition chose not to single out one tribe as giving the most to the Tabernacle. It is fascinating to contemplate how our gifts are given, recorded and received in an earthly and heavenly perspective. And speaking of gifts, for me, summer has always been a gift: A gift of longer days, traveling and free time. I suggest that part of our summers can be infused with Jewish themes and have a few suggestions in this regard. First, when traveling, find the closest synagogue or Jewish cultural site and pay a visit. Recently, my wife and I were spending Shabbat in San Pedro, Calif.; we searched for a local shul and attended delightful Shabbat services. The services were led by a studentrabbi. What was fascinating about this rabbi was that she was 69 years old and in the second year of her rabbinical studies! Wow, what a story this retired public-school teacher had about her motivations and struggles in becoming a rabbi in her 70s! Another suggestion for summer is easy: Give your rabbis a call and invite them for lunch or ask to see them in their office. Initiate a conversation with your rabbi. What are their likes and dislikes? Are there some things that you’ve wanted to share with your rabbis, but haven’t found the time to do so? If that is the case, summer is the time to fix that situation. I will conclude with the Priestly blessing found in this week’s portion as my wish for all of us for the summer and beyond: “May the Lord Bless you and Keep you. May the Lord shine His Face upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you (all of us) peace. Shalom.” Editor’s note: Rabbi Alvin Slomovitz is founding rabbi of Congregation Gesher L’Torah in Alpharetta and a member of the Atlanta Rabbinical Association.

Carolyn Baker 68, Dunwoody Carolyn Baker, 68, of Dunwoody passed away on May 19, 2012. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y. to the late Nathan and Betty Freedman, she moved to Georgia in 1970. Carolyn is survived by her son, Andrew, his wife Suchitra and his father Lawrence; her beloved grandson, Noah; her sisters, Iris Freedman and Shelia Schneit and her husband Marty; and many nieces, nephews, friends and loved ones. An online guestbook is available at edressler. com. Memorial donations may be made to Save the Children, 54 Wilton Road, Westport, CT 06880. A graveside service was held at Mt. Ararat Cemetery in Farmingdale, N.Y. on Sun., May 20, 2012. Arrangements by Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care.

Marlin Benatar 54, atlanta Marlin Llorens Benatar, age 54 of Atlanta, died unexpectedly on May 20, 2012. Marlin was born and raised in Atlanta. He was a graduate of Briarcliff High School and Georgia State University and worked as a computer

Sharon Rosenstein Oxman 69, CALIFORNIA Sharon Oxman, 69, of Mission Viejo, Calif., passed away suddenly on Mon., May 21, 2012. She was preceded in death by her mother, Edith Rosenstein, and her brother, Bruce Rosenstein. Sharon is survived by her son, Ian, and his wife Lisa; her daughter, Jillian Steele, and her husband Elmer; her grandchildren, Benji, David and Jacob; her father, Albert Rosenstein; her sister, Victoria Topping, and her husband Rick; and many friends and loved ones. An online guestbook is available at In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to South County Outreach, 26776 Vista Terrace, Lake Forest, CA 92630. A graveside service was held at 1:00 p.m. on Thurs., May 24, 2012 at Pacific View Cemetery in Corona del Mar, Calif. Arrangements by Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care, Atlanta.

JUNE 1 ▪ 2012


May Their Memories Be a Blessing

programmer. He is survived by his long-time companion, Pamela Patterson; father, Victor Benatar; sisters and brothers-in-law, Miriam and William Guest and Suzanne and Howard Goldstein, all of Atlanta; niece and nephews, Lauren Goldstein, Daniel Goldstein, Jason Guest, and Andrew and Kezia Guest; great-niece, Penelope Guest; aunt and uncle, Louise and Leo Benatar; and many other extended family. Sign on-line guestbook: Graveside services were held May 22 at 2:00 p.m. at Greenwood Cemetery with Rabbi Hayyim Kassorla officiating. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Congregation Or VeShalom, 1681 N Druid Hills Rd, Atlanta, GA 30319. Arrangements by Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care.


AJT Friday



Playgroup with a Purpose, sing-along with residents of the Breman and Cohen homes and Zaban Tower. Fri., June 22; Zaban: Fri., June 1. All start times 11 a.m. (404) 351-8410. Dive into Shabbat, celebrate Shabbat with a pool party. Fri., June 1, 5 p.m. Free, open to the community. Zaban Park. (678) 812-4161.




The Return Beatles Fundraiser and Concert, an evening of nostalgia, music, food and fun. Sat., June 2, 7 p.m. The Temple’s Schwartz-Goldman Hall. (404) 873-1731. Thurs., June 7 CBT’s Annual General Meeting, come hear the state of the Shul, induct the new CBT board and honor the members of the year. Thurs., June 7. Congregation Beth Tefillah. Memory Screening for Older Adults, confidential screenings an followup resources for adults who are concerned about memory loss. Turs., June 7, 10 a.m. Free and open to the public. Appoinment required. JF&CS main office. (770) 677-9411. Sat., June 9 Fifth Annual Take Steps for Crohn’s & Colitis, the nation’s largest walk program dedicated to r aising funds and awareness for digestive diseases. Sat., June 9, 4 p.m. Georgia World Congress Center’s International Plaza. www.cctakesteps. org/atlanta.

JUNE 1 ▪ 2012

Sun., June 10 Community Bas Mitzvah Celebration and Brunch for women & girls, the end-of-year celebration for the Bas Mitzvah Club. Sun., June 10, 10:30 a.m. Sponsorships available, RSVP requested. Congregation Ariel. (404) 991-8295 or rabbimordy@





CBS Men’s Club Brunch, come for Minyan and stay for brunch. Sun., June 3, Minyan, 9:30 a.m., Brunch 10 a.m. $5/ person. Congregation Beth Shalom. Temple Sinai Prospective Members Brunch, a family-friendly event to meet the clergy, staff and leaders, and a tour of the synagogue. Sun., June 3, 10 a.m. RSVP requested. Temple Sinai. (404) 252-3073 or First-Annual Mt. Scopus Hadassah House Tour, “A Taste of Toco,” the most fabulous houses in Toco Hills. Sun., June 3, 10 a.m. $15/person, benefits the Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. RSVP requested by May 21. (404) 325-0340.

alef-beys (not transliterated) to zhurnal@ Tues., June 12 Jesus for Jews: A Jewish Understanding of the New Testament, class with Steve Chervin and the Lisa F. Brill Institute for Jewish Learning. Tuesdays 9:30 a.m. beginning June 12. Congregtion Beth Shalom. (770) 399-5300. 11th-Annual Eagle Star Awards Gala, the flagship event of the AICCSE, this year honoring Robert Deutsch and the Israel Economic Mission to the Southern U.S. and featuring keynote speaker Jonathan Medved. Tues., June 12, 7 p.m. Westin Atlanta Perimeter. or (404) 843-9426. Congregation Or Hadash Men’s Club Cookout, ‘hang out with the guys,’ burgers and dogs grill-out. Tues., June 17, 7 p.m. $15/person. RSVP requested by Fri., June 7. Congregation Or Hadash. Wed., June 13 MJCCA Beth Shalom Pool Party. Wed., June 13, 6 p.m. RSVP requested by June 6. Zaban Park. (770) 399-5300 or office@

Rabbi Lazer and The Garden of Emanua, presentation by Rabbi Lazer Brody, one of leading Rabbis of the Breslev movement in Israel. Sun. June 10, 8 p.m. Free of charge. Congregation Ariel.

Chabad of Cobb Women’s Book Discussion Group, focused on contemporary classic “Holy Days.” Wed., June 13, 7:30 p.m. Whole Foods Merchant Walk Community Room. (770) 565-4412.

A Night to Honor Israel, show your support for Israel, while listening to speakers, Pastor John Hagee, Governor Nathan Deal, and Congressman Tom Price. Sun., June 10, 6 p.m. Tickets required. Bill Heard Theatre, Colombus, GA.

Thurs., June 14 American Diabetes Father of the Year Awards Dinner, honoring Craig Kaufman, Randall Kessler, Robert Stargel Jr. and Gary Stokan. Thurs. June 14, 6 p.m. InterContinental Buckhead hotel. (404) 3207100 ext. 3045.

Mon., June 11 Yugntruf Yiddish Literature Competition, for writers up to 35 years of age. Deadline Mon., June 11. Submit prose (max 2,500 words) or poem (max 60 lines) in

Fri., June 15 Tot Kabbalat Shabbat, kids ages 2-5 and their parents are invited to celebrate Shabbat. Come create arts and crafts, light the Shabbat candles, sing, and dance. Fri.,

Jewish War Veterans Atlanta Bicentennial Post 112 meeting, with guest speaker Ret. Col. Herb Schoenberg. Sun., June 3, 10 a.m. Prepayment required. Landmark Diner. (404) 252-5253 or Weber School Graduation, celebrate the Class of 2012 and the 13th Weber commencement. Sun., June 3, 11 a.m. Ferst Center for the Arts.




through Fri., June 15; 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Zaban Park.




Shiva Service Training, one session remains with the CDT Ritual Committee and Rabbi Ron Herstik. Tues., June 5, 7 p.m. Congregation Dor Tamid.

Driver’s Ed at the MJCCA; 30 hours classroom time, six hours behind-thewheel, licensed by State of Ga. Dept. of Driver Services, must be 15 years old by 30 days following last class, no permit required for classroom portion. Mon., June 4 through Fri., June 8 OR Mon., June 11 June 15, 6 p.m. RSVP requested. Congregation Ariel. (404) 991-8295 or

Sat., June 16 Meet-the-Artist: David Clayman. Event Sat., June 16 at Gallery 4463 in Acworth; exhibit runs Memorial Day weekend 2012 through May 2013 at the World of CocaCola. or Sun., June 17 Touch-a-Truck. Sun., June 17, 11 a.m. $10/family. Congregation Ariel. Red Cross Blood Drive. Sun., June 17. Appointment requested. Congregation Ariel. (404) 486-3578. Tues., June 19 Thriving Beyond Surviving, personal stories of rising above loss in childhood, adulthood and old age, the first in a series of forums presented by the Vi & Milton Weinstein Hospice and the William Breman Jewish Home. Tues., June 19, 7 p.m. Free, open to the community. Breman Home’s Garson Auditorium. (404) 352-4308 or Wed., June 20 Travel to Cuba with the MJCCA. Wed., June 20 through Wed., June 27; applications due May 10. Sun., July 15 Pathways in the Park, join the MJCCA and other interfaith families and adults for dinner, hike, crafts and more. Sundays July 15, 23 and 30, 5 p.m. $18/family or $5/individual. Morgan Falls Park. or (678) 812-4160. Thurs., July 19 Life Line Screening, a stroke screening. Pre-registration is required. Thurs., July

19. Congregation Beth Shalom. 1-(800) 324-1851 or (770) 399-5300. Sun., July 22 Essentials for Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond, presentation with guest speakers, Mayim Bialik, PhD, midwife Ina May Gaskin and other parenting specialists. Sun., July 22, 11 a.m. Holiday Inn Atlanta Perimeter. CBS Night of Baseball, Gwinnett Braves v. Scranton Wilkes-Barre Yankees. Sun., July 22, 5:05 p.m. (770) 804-9721 or office@ Tues., July 31 God and the Brain: Mind, Body & Soul, class with Steve Chervin and the Lisa F. Brill Institute for Jewish Learning. Tuesdays 9:30 a.m. beginning July 31. Congregtion Beth Shalom. (770) 399-5300. National Jewish Retreat, “Experience Heaven on Earth” with the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute. Tues., July 31 through Sun., Aug. 5. Hyatt Bonaventure in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. (877) 573-8732 or Wed., Aug. 1 Siyum Hashas 2012, the 12th cycle of the worldwide Daf Hayomi Program celebrating the completion of the entire Babylonian Talmud. Wed., Aug. 1. Check of $54 reserves a seat in Congregation Ariel’s section. MetLife Stadium (East Rutherford, N.J.). (770) 390-9071. Wed., Aug. 8 Spring Awakening, presented by MJCCA’s Company J. Wed., Aug. 8 through Sun., Aug. 19. Tickets starting at $12. Morris and Rae Frank Theatre at Zaban Park. (678) 812-4002 or Ongoing Support Through Divorce for 50 and Under, facilitated by Elisheva Funk, LSCW of JF&CS. First and third Tuesdays, 7 p.m. (eight sessions). MJCCA.

Atlanta Synagogue Directory CHABAD

Congregation Shearith Israel 1180 University Dr. Atlanta, GA 30306 404.873.1743


Congregation B’nai Torah 1633 Hwy 54 E Jonesboro, GA 30238 678.817.7162

Chabad Israel Center 5188 Roswell Rd. Sandy Springs, GA 30324 404.252.9508

Atlanta Chevre Minyan Druid Forest Clubhouse North Crossing Dr. Atlanta, GA 30305

Congregation Dor Tamid 11165 Parsons Rd. Johns Creek, GA 30097 770.623.8860

Chabad Jewish Center 4255 Wade Green Rd. Suite 120 Kennesaw, GA 30144 678.460.7702

Congregation Shema Yisrael 6065 Roswell Rd., #3018 Atlanta, GA 30328 404.943.1100

Congregation Ner Tamid 176 West Sandtown Rd. Marietta, GA 30064 678.264.8575

Guardians of the Torah P.O. Box 767981 Roswell, GA 30076 770.286.3477

Temple Beth David 1885 Mcgee Rd. Snellville, GA 30078 770.978.3916

Nediv Lev: the Free Synagogue of Atlanta 3791 Mill Creek Ct. Atlanta, GA 30341 770.335.2311

Temple Beth Tikvah 9955 Coleman Rd. Roswell, GA 30075 770.642.0434

Chabad of Gwinnett 3855 Holcomb Bridge Rd. Suite 770 Norcross, GA 30092 678.595.0196 Chabad of North Fulton 10180 Jones Bridge Rd. Alpharetta, GA 30022 770.410.9000 Congregation Beth Tefillah 5065 High Point Rd. Atlanta, GA 30342 404.257.9306

Conservative Ahavath Achim Synagogue 600 Peachtree Battle Ave. Atlanta, GA 30327 404.355.5222 Congregation Beth Shalom 5303 Winters Chapel Rd. Atlanta, GA 30360 770.399.5300 Congregation B’nai Torah 700 Mount Vernon Hwy. Atlanta, GA 30328 404.257.0537 Congregation Etz Chaim 1190 Indian Trails Pkwy. Marietta, GA 30068 770.973.0137 Congregation Gesher L’Torah 4320 Kimball Bridge Rd. Alpharetta, GA 30022 770.777.4009 Congregation Or Hadash 6751 Roswell Rd. Atlanta, GA 30328 404.250.3338

Orthodox Anshi S’Fard Congregation 1324 North Highland Ave. Atlanta, GA 30306 404.874.4513 Congregation Ariel 5237 Tilly Mill Rd. Dunwoody, GA 30338 770.390.9071 Congregation Beth Jacob 1855 Lavista Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329 404.633.0551 Congregation Beth Yitzhak 5054 Singleton Rd. Norcross, GA 30093 770.931.8591 Congregation Ner Hamizrach 1858 Lavista Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329 404.315.9020

Temple Emanu-El 1580 Spalding Dr. Atlanta, GA 30350 770.395.1340 Temple Kehillat Chaim 1145 Green St. Roswell, GA 30075 770.641.8630 Temple Kol Emeth 1415 Old Canton Rd. Marietta, GA 30062 770.973.3533 Temple Sinai 5645 Dupree Dr. Sandy Springs, GA 30327 404.252.3073 The Temple 1589 Peachtree St. NE Atlanta, GA 30309 404.873.1731


The Kehilla of Sandy Springs 5075 Roswell Rd. Sandy Springs, GA 30342 404.913.6131

Congregation Or VeShalom 1681 North Druid Hills Rd. Atlanta, GA 30319 404.633.1737

Young Israel of Toco Hills 2074 Lavista Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329 404.315.1417



Congregation Bet Haverim 2676 Clairmont Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329 404.315.6446

by Kathi Handler (


Chabad Intown 928 Ponce De Leon Avenue Atlanta, GA 30306 404.898.0434

Chabad of Cobb 4450 Lower Roswell Rd. Marietta, GA 30068 770.565.4412


Congregation Shaarei Shamayim 1810 Briarcliff Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329 404.417.0472

Crossword Clues Across 1. Israeli city 5. Minor Prophet 9. Simon players 13. King of Israel 14. Naomi at times 15. __ Epsilon Pi 17. Anne Frank’s home 19. Like Noah’s animals 20. Silent film femme fatale 21. Wart 23. NY Yankee, _ Blomberg 24. Moabite mountains 26. Meadow 27. Enjoy the seder 28. Cain and Abel 29. Tears at the Seder? 31. Possessed 32. Motion starter 34. Wilderness of __ 35. Taxmen 36. Hee __ 37. Ballet impresario, _ Hurok 38. Auditor 41. Selznick, initially 42. Political humorist 43. Chazzer (Eng) 44. Like Hebrews in Egypt 48. First born killed 49. Breaks the ninth 50. Pierced as sign of bondsman 51. Sukkahs 53. Van Halen’s singer, initially 54. UJA mission 55. Tuches 56. Cohanim? 58. Plagues? 62. Baseball’s “Flip” 63. Singer novel 64. Acted the usurer? 65. Mohel preparation 66. Chazzan’s concern 67. Firstborn twin Down 1. “Lands of the Covenant” 2. Gompers or Davis 3. Fisher and Todd to Liz 4. Bimahs 5. Aaron’s Dad 6. Meshugge 7. Talmud

8. Hannah’s son 9. L’il Abner creator 10. __ Carte 11. Dybbuk 12. Seat for David 16. “Lou Grant” star 18. Son of Gad 22. Pesach mitzva 24. Babylonian Talmud editor 25. “High tref” hubby 27. Bilhah’s boy 29. Tref female 30. Self or free 32. Teva product 33. Mary Hartman actress 37. Shiva mood 38. People of Ur 39. Harris stats 40. “Rock of __” 41. Salk and Sabin 42. Sidney Lumet film 44. Simeon to Gad 45. Seder chair wear 46. Like Pharaoh’s charioteers 47. Spoke, biblically 48. Fireplace shelf 51. Shandeh (Eng) 52. It is, to Ha-Levi 54. House for Avram 57. Tet (Eng) 59. Blessed every 28 yrs. 60. Tay-Sachs carrier 61. Alphabet run

Last week’s answers

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