Atlanta Jewish Times June 29 - No 26

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JUNE’S MENSCH OF THE MONTH Abby Drue, Justice Advocate & Volunteer




Brett Benowitz’s Volunteer Experience


the atlanta


Helping Jews Find a Spiritual Home

JUNE 29, 2012 - JULY 5, 2012



9 Tamuz - 15 Tamuz 5772, Vol. LXXXVII No. 26

THE Weekly Newspaper Uniting the Jewish Community for Over 85 Years



Happy Campers The wait is over; summer is here! PAGES 10 & 11


Health & Wellness Tips With Jeff Rosenblum of Posture Plus Fitness Page 9



Introducing Georgia Tech’s Scheller College of Business TRANSFORMATIONAL GIFT FROM JEWISH COMMUNITY MEMBER


he Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) has announced a transformational gift from an alumnus that has resulted in the renaming of the Institute’s former College of Management. Ernest “Ernie” Scheller Jr., a 1952 Industrial Management graduate of Georgia Tech, has made a commitment totaling $50 million, the majority of which has been fulfilled. The gift has already begun to dramatically strengthen the College’s faculty, student body and academic programs. When completed in 2013, it will amount to the single largest cash gift in Institute history, and in all, Scheller’s gift – along with others inspired to participate in a corresponding dollarfor-dollar challenge – will more than double the College’s endowment.

In recognition of and appreciation for the dramatic impact that Scheller’s generosity and leadership have had and will continue to have for many years to come, the College of Management has been renamed the Ernest Scheller Jr. College of Business.

when our budgets were cut and our competition was retrenching.” Scheller is chairman emeritus of Pennsylvaniabased Silberline Manufacturing Inc., a company his father founded in the 1940s that is today a key global supplier of high-quality pigments, primarily to the automobile industry.

“Ernie Scheller’s generosity has not only had an immediate impact on the Col “Ernie Scheller has lege via the dollar-for-dollar Ernest “Ernie” Scheller Jr., a distinguished track rechallenge, but that impact cord of success in leading will also continue far into the and growing one of the top future,” said College of Business Dean family-owned businesses in the counSteve Salbu. “We’ve used this gift to try,” said Georgia Tech President G. P. bring our Ph.D. program up to a truly “Bud” Peterson. “Ernie rightfully takes global standard and to grow the size great pride in building upon his father’s and quality of our faculty during a time legacy and passing on the fruits of his

Peach State Stitchers Install New President FLEXNER THANKED, GRANATH WELCOMED

labors to succeeding generations. “While his generosity has had an unprecedented impact on our College of Business, I believe that impact will ultimately inspire the larger Georgia Tech community to continue boldly envisioning a future of globally renowned excellence and quality.” “Georgia Tech taught me the importance of perseverance and persistence,” said Scheller. “Over the years, I’ve applied those same principles to my support of Georgia Tech and its College of Business. “I have never been more optimistic about the future of Georgia Tech and its College of Business, and I am eager to see the great things that will happen there in the coming years.”



JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

n chapter tradition, newly installed Peach State Stitchers president Jacqueline Granath accepted two painted ceramic pomegranates that had her name and years of term (2012-2014) added with those of the chapter’s past presidents.


The Stitchers, The PomegranOutgoing president Barbara Flexner (left) and incoming president ate Guild of JuJacqueline Granath continue a Peach State Stitchers tradition. daic Needlework’s PHOTO/courtesy Flora Rosefsky Atlanta Chapter, held its annual potluck dinner (“beautification of the mitzvah”) in the and membership meeting at a private community while creating visual legaresidence on June 11. Several of the cies to hand down to the next generaapproximately 30 members in atten- tion. Members share a common interdance shared stories about one or more est in Jewish tradition and the desire to of their selected needlework items create Judaic needle and fiber projects that included quilts, needlepoint Tal- for family, home, synagogue and other lit bags and framed work, knitted and communal institutions. crocheted scarves, textile pocketbooks, beaded and embellished Kippot and Visit for more information on the Peach State Stitchers. more. The organization hopes to heighten the concept of hiddur mitzvah

TBT Religious School Principal Hassia Levine (top row, far right) with the Yokneam Braves youth baseball team, coached by Jay Ross (front row, center). PHOTO/courtesy Partner2Gether

A thoughtful gift from the Temple Beth Tikvah Religious School Kivunim (11thand 12th-grade) class was recently delivered in person by Religious School Principal Hassia Levine. The youth baseball team of Atlanta’s sister city, Yokneam, are delighted to have caps to go with their apt team nickname: the Braves. The students of the Kivunim class – Wyran Ward, Austin Schiffer, Allison Cohen, Sarah Scott, Jacob Kaplan, Sydney Korshak and Megan Zimmer – worked together on raising the money to purchase the caps as part of their participation in Partner2Gether, a program of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta’s Israel Outcomes Committee. “It was great to receive visitors from Atlanta, and the players who did not have caps were very excited to receive their Atlanta Braves baseball caps,” Jay Ross, the team’s volunteer coach, said. “They were donated by a very generous Temple in the Atlanta area. We are so appreciative of our partner city of Atlanta and the opportunity to build a closer relationship with many new friends.”


Mt. Scopus Group’s Toco Hills House Tour

Mensch of the Month for June: Abby Drue




n June 3, the Mt. Scopus Group of Greater Atlanta Hadassah held its first-annual Mt. Scopus house tour – “A Taste of Toco.” During the tour of Toco Hills, the group viewed four very special homes. Whole Foods Market at the corner of Briarcliff and LaVista was a sponsor for the event and provided snacks and coupons for all who attended. The money from this fundraiser goes to support medical research at the state of the art Hadassah hospitals in Jerusalem, Israel. For more information about Hadassah, the Mt. Scopus Group and upcoming events, email mtscopushadassah@


ensch is a Yiddish word that means “a person of integrity.” A mensch is someone who is responsible, has a sense of right and wrong and is the sort of person other people look up to. Abby Drue is that person.

Abby created The Ben Marion Institute For Social Justice, Inc. in honor and memory of her parents, Marion and Ben Drue, the two of whom she regards as authentic advocates of all that is fair and just.

Mt. Scopus Group members (left to right) Evi Resnick, Barbara Fisher (co-chair of the house tour), Edie Barr (co-chair of the house tour), Shirlee Kaplan and Sally Rosenberg gather for the inaugural house tour fundraiser. PHOTO/courtesy Jody Franco

“Justice is a central guiding standard in social life…it shapes how people think about the social world and social relationships,” Abby said. “It is about meaningful social action on each of our parts toward others. It is a key to developing a compassionate world.” Beyond her professional life, as a volunteer at her synagogue’s pre-K program Abby has created a Parent ‘N Me program in “Mensch-Making” for three-

and four-yearolds. The goal is to effect and track behavioral changes in the child. In my professional life in the nonprofit arena, I have never worked with such a dedicated Executive Director in walking the walk and talking the talk. Abby lives for other people and her commitment to creating a world that allows people to be authentically who they are without prejudgment of who they ought to be. - As nominated by Irma Starr

JUNE 29 ▪ 2012





Op-ed: Only Words? SO WHAT? Stanley M. Lefco

For The Atlanta Jewish Times


eople can be amazingly insensitive, bordering on (if not wallowing in) stupidity. Even if called to task for what they said or did, they still do not see the error of their ways. Or, they are so anal, they fail to see the big picture or possibly cannot see the big picture. Or, more frighteningly, they know all too well, and the consequences of their deeds are irrelevant. In other words, they could care less. We remember historic events; for the monumental ones, whether of joy or sorrow, we set aside time and celebrate. On both scores we do not want to forget, and of the latter, we want

to remember so that they will not be repeated.

people – men, women and children – based on their religion.

Or so we say, because we are ingenious at forgetting and repeating and wondering how and why.

Of course, we admit bias in writing about the Holocaust. We are the sons of Holocaust survivors. But is there an event in the history of the world more tragic and more heinous when considering its immensity, scope and degree of deprivation than the Holocaust?

One of these seminal events is the Holocaust, always to be capitalized. The word, the event, should never be applied or compared to any other; it is not an adjective. Likewise, the word “Nazi” in its various forms is singular and unique; while not all Nazis were part of the killing machine used to annihilate Jews, the word has come to stand for genocide. It should not be used in a cavalier fashion to describe anyone who does a despicable or tasteless act. Nazi, whether in singular or plural, is paired with the brutal, senseless, incomprehensible attempt to destroy a

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What magnifies the Holocaust in comparison is that it is a tragedy of our time, perpetrated by men, many highly educated. Combine this not only with the numbers killed, but also how they were killed, the torture and the unimaginable silence and the aversion to act of a supposedly civilized, religious world. One could go on… This brings us to that unfathomable character, Rush Limbaugh, who loosely uses the words “Nazi” and “Holocaust.” He teaches us unknowingly how concerned we should be about our world – not because of what he says and not just because he says it, but because he’s not called to task for it. Yet he has such a large following regardless of what he says and who he is not. Rather than be condemned and ostracized, he is respected and rewarded. Limbaugh never graduated college, and while we readily acknowledge that there are great and successful people who never attended college, there is more. Blogs claim that he had a serious problem with prescription drugs. Relationships have apparently been a problem for him as well, having been married four times.

JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

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Yet he is or may be the most popular radio talk show host and has written books that become best-sellers. When he speaks, not only do people listen; they believe and praise. This makes him frightening because he really has no credentials other than a talent for the sharp tongue. Maybe he’s self-taught. Maybe that’s all it takes. Maybe that’s enough. In 1992, Jeff Greenfield of ABC challenged Limbaugh: “It is the suffix that drives people

crazy. Feminazi, I mean, that is a movement that did not simply want to silence people, it killed people by the millions. It is a very powerful, memorable phrase. I think it did you much good in terms of defining you as a person with a colorful and bold turn of phrase. Any regrets about using that particular term?” Nonplussed, Limbaugh responded in the negative. In fact, he uses both words, Nazi and Holocaust, saving one the time and energy of having to find examples of the desensitizing and trivialization of the words by different people: “I often use [feminazi] to describe women who are obsessed with perpetuating a modern day holocaust abortion,” he has said. But this is not really about Limbaugh. He simply makes a compelling backdrop. It is inevitable that the march of time will relegate all events, no matter how tragic, to mundane history lessons – notwithstanding museums, monuments, movies, photographs, books, piles of hair, rotting shoes and crematoria. And into the fray jumps Urban Outfitters, selling a yellow t-shirt with a patchwork Star of David on the left pocket, which one newspaper labeled “Auschwitz chic.” Hopefully, the store got the hint and has taken it off the market. And let’s not forget the 1980 movie, “Zombie Holocaust.” So while we can, our voices should be raised in protest to keep tragedies like the Holocaust not so much in the forefront, but the important and significant event it is. Otherwise we will forget, followed with the ramifications that come from forgetfulness. What did Santayana say about forgetting history? But if we are honest, will we do more? Probably not. Silence and inaction, the infamous crack in the door, are how evil blossoms. Editor’s note: Stan M. Lefco is an attorney in Atlanta (Law Offices of Stanley M. Lefco, P.C.) and a past vice chair of the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust.



Ancient Jewish Proverb Says… JEWISH STUDIES CENTER OPENS IN CHINA By Rabbi Yaakov Thompson AJT Columnist


hat is the latest academic rage in China? Is it science? Medicine? Computers? How about Jewish studies! A Center for Jewish Studies offering degrees up to the Ph.D. level recently opened in China, and there are already over 200 students. Although there has been a Jewish community (with a very complicated history) in China for centuries, we don’t tend to think of China as being a place in which Judaism would be a topic of study. All the more surprising that this Jewish program is well-funded and growing rapidly. I think the first thing that we would all like to know is, why would China

want to grow its own native Judaic scholars? While some of the students might be Jewish, it must be a very small number – so why all this interest in Jewish history, culture, and religion?

sliver of humanity. But you see, the Chinese know that as a people they are changing; they sense that the structures that have lasted for centuries are crumbling.

I think the answer tells us a lot about China and ourselves as well. China is an ancient culture that has a long and interesting history; we learn in high school that, when Europe was still in the Iron Age, China had science, literature and technology.

The Great Wall was meant to insulate China, but in the age of the Internet there is no isolation; there is only change. Many Chinese also know that not all change is for the better, and that’s why they want to understand one of the most miraculous events in human history: Jewish survival.

But the China of today is rapidly changing. It’s not just politics, communism or capitalism; it’s not just culture, east or west; it’s the basic human values that create a country out of millions and millions of diverse peoples.

As many Chinese scholars try to deal with the bigger social issues of change and how to preserve that which is unique in their culture, they realize that it is the history of the Jews that holds the key to preserving a culture in the face of change and challenge.

It may seem ironic that a country as large as China seeks to takes lessons from our history, the history of a people that has always been a tiny

We have lived all over the globe and continue to do so; we have survived in cultures that were hostile to

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every value that we hold dear, and yet through it all, we have maintained our culture, faith and identity. That fact is even more impressive when we consider how very small our nation is. I hope the Chinese learn much about our culture. Maybe it will spark some of us to rediscover it for ourselves. With all the hand-wringing in the Jewish community about Jewish survival, it is interesting to note that, at least so far, we still have a lot to teach the world. Now, the question is, can we appreciate our own culture enough to preserve it? Ancient Jewish proverb says… Editor’s note: Rabbi Yaakov Thompson is a regular contributor to the South Florida Jewish Journal; more of his writing can be found at


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JUNE 29 ▪ 2012





Lashon Hara OR, DON’T GOSSIP By Arlene Appelrouth

that girl,” he explained.

the newspaper is the date.”


I took his advice.

It was not easy to stay in this class, listening to this respected rabbi devalue newspapers, which was tantamount to discounting the work of all journalists. I was curious about what else he would say.

AJT Columnist

hen my children were in high school, they didn’t always share what they were thinking or doing. Still, I was surprised to get a phone call from the mother of one of my son’s friends from Camp Barney Medintz; this mother had something she thought I should know. “My daughter asked your son to a school dance and he turned her down,” she said. “That must have hurt her feelings,” I replied, wondering what she wanted me to do. “That’s not why I’m calling. I’m calling you, mother to mother, with something you need to know.” I listened. “The reason he told her he couldn’t be her date is because he already has a girlfriend who isn’t Jewish.” My son was 15 years old and, as far as I knew, had never even been on a date. I thanked her for the information and added that I hoped her daughter would find someone to accompany her to the dance. I had been going to beginner’s services on Shabbat led by Atlanta Scholars Kollel (ASK) Rabbi David Silverman. His warmth and charisma were inviting; he always asked how everyone in my family was, and he had the rare ability to make me feel that what was happening in my world was of utmost importance to him. It was easy to talk with him about everything, and I told him about the unusual phone call I had received. His quick response surprised me.

JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

“That’s lashon hara. Don’t listen to it. Don’t believe it, and don’t repeat it.”


Immediately, I was reminded of the saying “Hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil.” Lashon hara is Hebrew for “evil speech” (loosely translated as “gossip”); not only did the rabbi warn me not to repeat what had been said, he also advised me against even talking to my son about it. “He probably made up the story because he just didn’t want to go with

Proper speech is an important value in Judaism. The Amidah prayer, which petitions God to “guard my lips from speaking evil and my mouth from speaking guile,” is part of Jewish services, and I realized I had repeated those words in synagogue but had no real understanding of what they meant. Some time later, I got a flyer from Bena, the women’s branch of ASK which offers summer classes, and when I saw a class about the laws of lashon hara, I enrolled. The teacher, another ASK rabbi, was passionate about the importance of never speaking or exposing yourself to gossip. He explained that lashon hara included derogatory statements, critical statements and embarrassing statements. “Jewish law doesn’t allow a Jew to say anything that might damage another Jew,” the rabbi taught. As a journalist and a Jew, I had written exposés that hurt people’s reputations. I raised my hand to ask what my teacher thought about Jewish reporters writing negative things without regard to the religion of the person she is writing about. “Newspapers are nothing but lashon hara,” the rabbi responded. “You can’t believe anything you read in them.” Was he saying that newspapers were filled with lies? Was he accusing me of lying when I wrote? As a reporter, I prided myself on writing the truth. It was a matter of integrity, something I took seriously. How dare he make a generalization about all newspapers? He actually told the 30 women in the class they were better off never reading newspapers. I stood up and began talking about freedom of the press, its importance in a democratic country and the importance of citizens staying informed. Good journalism provides for that. How could he unilaterally dismiss the value of the press? He stood his ground. “The only thing you can believe in

“Improper speech is a killer,” he asserted at one point.

a question when my husband got up and walked away. “I can’t believe your father just got up and walked away while I was in the middle of something,” I said aloud. My son criticized me. “You can’t say that, Mom, it’s lashon hara.” I looked at him, incredulous.

“Proper speech is an important value in Judaism. The Amidah prayer petitions God to ‘guard my lips from speaking evil and my mouth from speaking guile.’” What did that mean? What was he talking about? According to Jewish law, gossiping kills the speaker, the one who is being spoken about and also the listener. The person who listens to damaging words is considered the worst of all three, because if a person refuses to listen to gossip, it doesn’t exist. The rabbi also taught one should not say positive things about other people. For instance, if you start talking about how well someone is doing or how successful they are, the person you are talking to might become envious, and it is considered improper to say anything that might bring on a negative feeling like jealousy. Evil speech also includes speaking about yourself, the rabbi coninued. It’s against Jewish law to demean yourself or brag about yourself. This too is also considered lashon hara. If you’re wondering why I haven’t named the kollel rabbi who taught this class about the evils of gossiping, it’s because I don’t want to be guilty of lashon hara and embarrass him. But it was and still is hard for me to think of the truth as evil speech. As my son became knowledgeable and committed to following Jewish law, conversations at home changed. One day, my husband, my son and I were sitting and talking. I was asking

“It can’t be lashon lara,” I reasoned. “You saw the same thing I saw. By describing what we both saw, I’m giving words to what we both know to be true.” He did not agree. Instead, he brought over his Chumash, the Bible he reads from. “Here it is, Mom, right in Leviticus,” he said, and then he read me a passage saying it’s forbidden to say anything that puts someone in a bad light, even if the statement is true. All I can say is that Judaism is a religion of complex, often incomprehensible laws. My grandmother often said es iz shver tsu zeiene a Yid, which is Yiddish for “it’s hard to be a Jew,” and I know many people agree with that. My son has taught me to say, gamzu la tova, which is Hebrew for “everything works out for the best.” A better way to think, for sure. Editor’s note: Arlene Appelrouth earned a degree in news-editorial journalism from the University of Florida and her career as a writer and journalist spans a 50-year period; she currently studies memoir writing while working on her first book.




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The Atlanta Jewish Times is printed in Georgia and is an equal opportunity employer. The opinions expressed in the Atlanta Jewish Times do not necessarily reflect those of the newspaper. The Atlanta Jewish Times Established 1925 as The Southern Israelite 270 Carpenter Drive, Suite 320, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Phone: (404) 883-2130 THE ATLANTA JEWISH TIMES (ISSN# 0892-33451) IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY ZADOK PUBLISHING, LLC 270 Carpenter Drive, Suite 320 ATLANTA, GA 30328 ©COPYRIGHT 2012 ATLANTA JEWISH TIMES MEMBER AMERICAN-ISRAELI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

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From Camp, with Love!

Calling All Jewish Campers, CIT’s and Counselors! Are you going to a Jewish Summer Camp?

Don’t forget to write “home” and tell us about your fun experiences!

We’ll publish one letter each week beginning the first week of camp through the last.

, W p i m t a h C Love m o r F

Share with your community the adventures, new friends and discoveries the Counselors!** season, and send pic**Calling All Jewish Campers, CIT’s of and tures, too! Email us (or scan your child’s letter) with subject line “From Camp With Love”: Are you going to a Jewish Summer Camp? can also mail Don’t forget to write “home” and tell you us about your fun experiences! us your letter directly: 270 Carpenter We’ll publish one letter each week beginning the firstDrive week NE 230 of camp through the last. Share withSuite your community the adventures, new friends and discoveries of theGA season, and Atlanta, 30328 send pictures, too! Att: To Camp Email us (or scan your child’s letter) with Withsubject Love. line “From Camp With Love”:

JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

Rico Figliolini ez2BSocial




Jews and the Fourth of July A LETTER FROM THE NEW ZION By Ted Roberts

The “Scribbler on the Roof”


Dear Rivka, orry it took me so long to write. But I’ve decided that when I’m the president of the Rabbinical Council of America (a joke), my first act will be to make the Fourth of July – the birth of American freedom – a Jewish holiday. First, I’ll commission a group of 70 scholars, like the Septuagint, to write a short history of our treatment by other nations – culminated by the love affair between Judaism and the United States of America. And what a love affair it has been, with only a few minor quarrels with crazy people who have little political or cultural weight; I’ve read about it in books. Nowhere in the world have we been treated with such tolerance, respect and open-armed welcome. Even the relatively civilized folk of Western Europe seem to have turned their back on us. Old customs die hard, they say – it must be in the Talmud somewhere. As you know, I’ve been here two months now, and I can’t wait to make enough money to bring you, my dear sweet wife, to join me. It won’t be long. There is work here for everyone, and a Jew can work in any job he pleases. Can you believe it? They don’t even ask if you are a Jew; all they ask is that can you do the work. And I no longer cross the street when I see a policeman – you’ll have to get used to that.

JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

Every man a king, said some American politician. It is true, the materialism that everyone talks about, but it is a choice, not a demand. It falls within the rights of the individual, not the State. A personal choice: Take it or leave it.


In the old country, even Nicholas II, the Tsar, has no such choices. He would not believe what we call a department store here in this blessed land – rows and rows of goods. A hundred choices of everything from skillets to shirts.

Want to buy a package of chew-

ing gum? It can take you 30 minutes outside; he doesn’t come in the booth to choose which kind. It is truly a with you! Can you believe that they bountiful land. don’t know who you vote for? So how By the way, I have a watch now, can they punish you later? just like our mayor back home – only Tomorrow is a holiday. I don’t mine works. have to work (and I’m still paid). It’s You reply: Sure, but who has mon- called Independence Day – the aney? The answer is, everyone – at least niversary of the signing of the docufor the necessary goods and trinkets ment announcing our freedom from England. There’ll be picnics, and needed for a happy life. fireworks and parties. Americans are I figured out that a half-hour of very good at parwork results in wages which I can tying. swap with a restaurant owner for an entire supper, including tea and des- Next year you sert. Back in Yevna, I have seen chil- will be by my side dren die for lack of a crust of bread; in this New Zion. hey could live on the scraps left on We will party together. American plates. And talking of food, they have This is a Grestaurants here where you first pay, d-fearing nation, and then, plate in hand, you proceed which may be the along a row of mouth-watering food; secret to its suca “free lunch” they call it. Buy a glass cess. One of their of beer and eat all you want, and if leaders, a man the plate isn’t big enough, you eat all named Jefferson, the food then go back and load up the said that Independence Day should plate again! be marked by “sol I visited one last night and ate emn acts of devofrom six o’clock to nine o’clock; I fig- tion” to Hashem. ured I may as well have breakfast for Torah would the next day as well. agree. I’m not yet sure about the rules; it may be that you have to finish every crumb of say the third plate before you can go back for plate no. 4. I’ll find out and let you know next letter. But plenty of food for all, that’s not the important difference. What’s important is the freedom to be Jews. Our little synagogue has never been burned down, not once, and it’s easy to understand why – we get along so well with our Christian neighbors. They, too fled here to be safe – I’m trying to say, they are all like us. They leave us alone, and we leave them alone. They call it the Separation of Church and State, meaning we understand from whom all blessings flow, but each man or woman may seek Him in their own way, and the states, the government, has nothing to do with our synagogue. We have elections here just like in the Old Country, but strangely you go in the booth to scratch in your choice all alone, and the policeman stays

Your loving husband, Yaakov Editor’s note: Ted Roberts is author of “The Scribbler on the Roof,” which is available through and Website: Blog:



Life at Home is the Key to IndependenceSM

Small Steps for Better Health FIGHTING THE TREND AJT Contributor

A adults.

ccording to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, obesity continues to rise among American

Today, about three out of five Americans are either obese or overweight, and over one-third of adults report they are not physically active. The biggest obstacles most people face when trying to increase physical activity are time, access to convenient facilities and safe environments in which to be active. While these facts may be sobering, they also present a great opportunity for us in Atlanta, where we have a multitude of resources to help us avoid being one of these statistics. It is my goal with this column – which will begin appearing in The Atlanta Jewish Times on a regular basis – to become one of those resources for you through information, education, motivation and advice regarding health, wellness, fitness and nutrition.

Within our city, we have a host of parks, swimming pools, tennis courts and golf courses, as well as other recreation facilities. In addition, there are a plethora of health clubs and certified personal trainers who can help you exercise safely and effectively. Right here in our own community, we are fortunate to be blessed with the Marcus Jewish Community Center and its variety of sports and fitness programs. All of these options can be overwhelming, so my commitment is to help you make smart choices. Keep in mind, I am not expecting everyone to turn into exercise fanatics or go on special diets; going to extremes is not necessary. I do hope you will discover, however, that by taking relatively small steps and making subtle lifestyle changes, you can begin to reap some tremendous benefits. What are those benefits? Moderate daily physical activity (30 minutes per day) can substantially reduce the risk of developing or dying from cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers such as colon cancer. Daily physical activity helps to lower blood pressure

and cholesterol, helps prevent or retard osteoporosis and helps reduce obesity, symptoms of anxiety and depression and symptoms of arthritis, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Not bad potential tradeoffs for 30 minutes a day! We all lead busy lives, but during the time it takes to watch one sitcom on television, you could be on the road to better health. In fact, with multiple television sets in most health clubs, or with portable fitness equipment that you could use in your own home, you could get your daily exercise in while watching that one sitcom. Probably the biggest key to getting this done is finding the right physical activity for you based upon personal preferences or any physical challenges you may have. And the same principle applies to nutrition; if you try to eat foods you know are healthy but do not like, it may be a futile attempt.

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Fortunately, there are so many different ways to exercise these days that there is truly something for everyone. You can work out on your own or with a personal trainer, in a private studio or large club, at an indoor facility or outdoor boot camp, within a small group or a big class. In addition, you can find healthy food choices almost everywhere. Even most fast-food restaurants now have adequate menu items. The bottom line is that you have only one body, so it is important that you take care of it; for your family, for your community and, most of all, for you. Editor’s note: Jeff Rosenblum, BS, is W NG I NE Council an ACE (American on ExerT S lI cise) certified personal trainer and president of Posture Plus Fitness (, providing in-home and on-location personal training as well as group presentations and corporate wellness programs. He is also a personal trainer at the Marcus Jewish Community Center, where he trains MJCCA Total Health members.

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JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

By Jeff Rosenblum




Send Homesickness Packing This Summer TIPS FOR WARMING COLD FEET By Sharon Duke Estroff AJT Contributor


t’s a situation as sticky as a freshly-roasted marshmallow: Your child – who’s been looking forward to attending overnight camp since you signed her up this fall – suddenly develops a case of cold feet. She’s no longer buzzing with excitement over her upcoming month of summer fun. She’s teary-eyed and

your child is geared for sleep-away camp on the inside, as well as the outside. Here are some tips toward warming even the coldest of little feet and keeping homesickness at bay all summer long: What to Say

JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

So what’s a parent to do with a bout of pre-camp jitters and a rapidly-approaching departure date?


Take solace in the fact that you’re in good company: Studies show 95 percent of campers – even seasoned ones – suffer some degree of anxiety over leaving home. Remind yourself that overnight camp offers your child a trunkful of benefits, from round-the-clock entertainment to critical independence and social skills to - in cases of Jewish overnight camps - a proven insurance policy toward future Jewish commitment.

And take measures to ensure

• Illuminate the silver lining. Put a positive spin on homesickness by explaining that it’s actually a good sign – it means you love your family and that they love you.

• Play down your own separation anxiety. Rather than rambling on about how much you’re going to miss your little bubbeleh, you serve your child (and yourself) much better to focus on all the fun and excitement waiting for What to Do her at camp. • Bag the brand-new linens. By skipping the Bed, Bath and Be• Let’s not make a deal. Most camp yond shopping spree and senddirectors shudder at the thought ing your child to camp with the of guilt-ridden parents promsheets, blankets and pillowcases ising to pick up their children she uses in her own room, you’ll mid-session if they want to come ensure she’s wrapped in the home. Such bargaining impedes comforts of home throughout the normal adjustment process her stay away. and undermines the camp’s protocol for dealing with homesickness. Instead, investigate the resources available at camp for homesick kids, and make your child aware that a tangible support system is intact should she need it.

anxious over spending 30 days (720 hours!) away from Mom and Dad. And truth be told, you’re a tad tearyeyed and anxious about those 720 hours, yourself.

your child’s character that have helped her overcome adversity and challenge in the past (i.e. sense of humor, compassion or leadership qualities) you’ll build her confidence in her ability to successfully hop the homesickness hurdle as well.

• Catch the gist of her jitters. Children become apprehensive about leaving home for all kinds of reasons. They may worry, for example, about not being able to kiss parents goodnight or what will happen should they get sick. By zeroing in (as much as possible) on the root of your child’s trepidation, you can better address her concerns. • Engage in some multigenerational commiseration. In sharing your own tales of overcoming homesickness as a kid – even if it takes a wee bit of embellishment – you’ll help your child understand the universality of this experience while providing her hope toward overcoming it. • Communicate confidence. By pointing out the strengths in

• Make sure she has a familiar face at camp. Having at least one friend in the cabin on opening day can make all the difference to a jittery camper; so call the camp, ask for the names and numbers of a few of your child’s future bunkmates, and arrange a pre-camp playdate or two. And if that is a logistical impossibility, a friendly phone call makes a great “Plan B.” • Send a security object. A favorite stuffed animal promises to be worth its weight in canteen money late at night when the “lonelies” hit. (Hint: In cases of “ultra-coolism,” disguise the stuffed toy in a linen-matching pillow case.)

• Give her an earful. Prevent homesickness from setting in by equipping your child with an iPod (if allowed) uploaded with the familiar sounds of home (i.e. parents sharing encouraging words or reading a favorite bedtime story, silly messages from siblings, even barks from a much-loved pup).

• Soothe her with surprises. Keep your child’s spirits up during the first days of camp by secretly slipping reassuring notes into toothbrush holders, soap dishes and pants pockets. • Pile on the postage. When it comes to mail call, quantity generally weighs heavier than quality with campers. A steady flow of short notes on cheerful stationery will ensure the postman consistently delivers to your child a happy heap. (Hint: Further maximize mail-flow by giving stamped envelopes, preaddressed to your child, to friends and relatives.) • Get her journaling. Writing down feelings can be cathartic to adults and kids alike. By providing your child a journal for recording camp experiences, you’ll help ensure both positive and lasting memories. • Frame yourself. A few family photos in heavy-duty frames will keep your camper feeling close to home even when she’s far away. • Keep an eye on the big picture. Although it can be heartwrenching to watch your child suffer through homesickness, rest assured that in resisting the urge to rescue her and affording her the opportunity to overcome this challenge, you’ll ultimately raise a stronger, more resilient and all-around happier camper. Editor’s note: Sharon Duke Estroff is an award-winning educator and author of the popular parenting book, “Can I Have a Cell Phone for Hanukkah? (Random House). Her parenting articles appear in over 100 publications including Parents, Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day and the Jerusalem Post.



Camp, Family and Home SUMMER FUN, AND SO MUCH MORE By Deborah Greene

For The Atlanta Jewish Times


efore my daughter Yael left for her second summer at the Union for Reform Judaism’s Camp Coleman, we were out running a few errands. There were, after all, a million little things to buy and pack before she and her sisters headed off to camp.

included, and isn’t that what family is all about, Mom?” And through a stream of tears, I simply nodded and answered, “Yes, Yael. That is what family is all about.” When we dropped Yael off yesterday, it was not without fear or

get all of our ducks in a row for camp. As we arrived at camp and made our way through the various support staff, it was clear that they had created a strong and secure safety net for our girl. Each conversation that we had, from that with Ellen to that with the unit head and on down to

So, as I sit here and think about all that Camp Coleman’s staff has done for Yael, all that they have done for all three of my girls, I can’t help but think of them as family. They don’t simply have my daughter’s back, but they have mine too.

And, when I reflect upon the

Yael had been thinking about what she wanted to share with her bunkmates in regard to her autism. It’s a conversation she has had before; she takes it upon herself to educate those around her and to help them better understand her autism and how it impacts her. She speaks with eloquence and grace as she allows her peers to experience the world through her eyes. And just as Yael embraces and accepts herself, she helps others to do the same with her honesty, her insight and her willingness to be so open. So, as we drove, she asked me if I thought we should practice the conversation she was preparing to have at camp. I thought for a moment, then asked Yael what she felt that she needed.

She paused for a moment, reflecting, and then decided that she was confident enough to handle the conversation without any further input or coaching from me or her dad. I love that. I admire that. The truth is, she’ll need that life skill as she moves forward; she’ll need to educate others and advocate on her own behalf. She went on to say that last summer’s conversation was so positive and meant so much to her. “I told the girls all about my autism, and you know what, Mommy? They really understood and accepted me,” she said. “They treated me like…well, like family! I always felt

A letter home from Yael shows what the right summer camp experience can give. PHOTO/courtesy the Greene family

hesitation. I own my identity as a bit of a worrywort when it comes to my special needs child, but frankly, I worry for all of my girls. They are my heart and my soul. It is hard to entrust them to the care of others, particularly when it comes to Yael. We had once again shared our concerns with Bobby Harris, the director of Camp Coleman, and his wife Ellen Zucrow; Ellen plays a key leadership role as an Inclusion Specialist, helping to support those kids who come to Camp Coleman with special needs. Ellen had spoken to both myself and my husband as we attempted to

the counselors, helped to ease my fears and angst. Though I would not be there to watch out for Yael, it was clear that there would be an abundant amount of loving eyes on her, ready to support her in any way that she needed. Each conversation reflected the camp’s devotion to creating a safe, nurturing, inclusive and supportive atmosphere for Yael. Yael has described family as those who love, accept and include you for who you are. She’s right. Leora, my middle daughter, has often described camp as “a home away from home.”

communal spirit that they nurture at Camp Coleman, and the values that they embody, I know that while all three of my precious girls are not with me right now, they are home. Home is a place where you feel safe, loved, cared for and valued. Home is a place where you can be yourself and be celebrated for all that you are. Home is where you find your family, both the one you were born into and the one that you create. I am so very, very grateful that Camp Coleman has given my children a second home and an extended family.

JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

If she needed to go through that conversation with me, I’d be happy to. If she felt confident in her words, her thoughts and her perspective, then perhaps we didn’t need to review.

That is a gift and blessing beyond 11 measure.



The MJCCA’s “Talking Heads” A GREAT WAY TO START THE WEEK By Ed Feldstein AJT Contributor


very Monday morning, between 15 and 25 mature adult men and women gather in one of the conference rooms at the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta for “Talking Heads. Their mission: to discuss some of the major problems of the day or answer one of the three or four open-ended questions posed by a moderator. Each member of the group takes his or her turn to lead the discussion. The moderator is in charge of the meeting, a judge’s gavel being the sign of his or her authority. Questions or topics are sent out to the entire group by chairman Ed Feldstein the Thursday or Friday prior to the session. The moderator will select someone to begin and briefly respond to the question.

Jerry Broder often volunteers to get the discussion started, and then the moderator goes around the room in an orderly fashion, giving each person a chance to speak briefly on the topic. Sometimes the discussion continues and goes around the room

a second or third time, depending on the topic, though for every question, participants have the right to “pass,” for now or for the entire question. A good way to get a flavor of how the group operates is to examine



JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

The day will begin with the carrying of an Olympic Torch, Flag Relay and an Opening Ceremony. Campers will participate in activities with the Olympic athletes and have time for a questionand-answer session.


remarks from Doug Brown. “This will be our second year welcoming Olympic Athletes and celebrating World Olympic Day,” Ryan

becoming or have become obsolete in our own lifetime, such as the United States Postal Service. What would you like to see become obsolete in your lifetime and why?” • In another example, Carol Shutzberg posed these two questions: “Why are public schools proposing that they may no longer require that cursive writing be a part of required teaching?” and “Do you agree that handwriting is no longer necessary for children to learn?” • Ed and Anita Nemeth suggested this subject: “Super PACS have been established for the first time in the 2012 election. There is no transparency, accountability or limits to contributions or distributions that business corporations may contribute. Should Super PACS be permitted in our elections?” • Sid Stein asked us to consider: “Now that Mitt Romney will be the likely Republican nominee, who do you think will be his running mate and why?”

The afternoon of the MJCCA’s Olympic Day event will feature soccer matches and more.

They will also get a chance to compete, participate, and show their spirit as members of the ‘National Teams’ representing Great Britain, USA, Israel and Canada. The afternoon will include a field day with track & field events, soccer matches and a gymnastics event. The day will culminate with closing

• At one session, Sandy Kole asked: “We have talked about what we can expect in the future and some of the things that are

ghanistan, despite misgivings among intelligence and military officials. Washington plans to outline the steps the insurgents must agree to before the talks start; do you believe that this would work?”

Left: From left to right, Talking Heads participants Sid Stein, Ram Meyuhaus, Natalie Kaminsky, Ed Nemeth, Anita Nemeth and Maxine Kudtick gather for a weekly discussion. Right: (Left to right) Sandy Kole, Earl Komesar, Jerry Broder, Morty Tauber, Carl Strauss and Sid Cojac are among the Talking Heads regulars. PHOTO/courtesy Ed Feldstein

MJCCA’S Olympic Day n June 29, the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta (MJCCA) is hosting one of more than 700 nationwide events in celebrating the birth of the modern Olympic Games. The MJCCA Day Camps Olympic Day will feature special guests United States Olympians Doug Brown (1976 & 1980 Steeplechase) and Marty McCormick (1992 Kayak) and will include a range of activities and sports.

some of the questions that the moderators have posed during the past few months. For example:

PHOTO/courtesy MJCCA

Pollard, Event Coordinator and MJCCA Sports Camp Director, said. “It’s a great opportunity, especially in an Olympic year, to highlight the good that sports and the Olympics can achieve for everyone.”

• Morty Tauber’s topic was: “The defensive coach for the New Orleans Saints has been charged with putting a bounty on certain offensive players on the opposing teams. Saints players would try to injure certain key players on the other teams so that the Saints would win the games. How should the coach be punished by the league, the owners and the law?” • Carl Strauss asked: “The U.S. expresses confidence that talks with the Taliban are the best hope of ending the war in Af-

As can be seen, questions vary tremendously; the group normally begins with three or four possible questions, though they rarely get beyond two in one session. The men and women in the group range from strong conservatives to powerful liberals, and everything in between, including some of the group who are basically apolitical. Although everyone is pretty independent, additional excitement comes from the fact that there are a number of couples in the group, including Donald and Linda Miller; Sid Cojac (one of the founders of Talking Heads more than two years ago) and his significant other Ruth Zeidman; Paul and Maxine Troop; Maxine and Jerry Kustick; and Sid and Myrna Glassman. Husbands and wives do not always agree in their responses, but they, as the rest of the group, leave in hand-holding harmony. When the group began nearly two years ago, many outsiders strongly indicated that they felt a co-ed discussion/debate group would never work. Founding members Sid Cojac, Jerry Broder and Ed Feldstein refused to accept any rationale that excluded women in Talking Heads. Steadily growing membership and attendance is a testament to the benefits members feel they receive from the discussions. The one-and-a-half hours of answering, explaining and debating go by incredibly quickly, and all seem to learn a great deal and we have an opportunity to orally express our views and perhaps even convince people to consider a different approach or perspective. Editor’s note: Talking Heads meetings are held weekly on Monday at 10:30 a.m. Guests are welcomed.



Teaching Refugees English LOOKING TO GIVE, I ALSO RECEIVED By Brett Benowitz For The Atlanta Jewish Times


had the pleasure of studying abroad in Israel in the spring of 2009 at the Masa Israel-accredited Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

For the volunteering component of my program, I was introduced to a small group of BGU students who ran a philanthropic initiative for Sudanese refugees. Many of these refugee families had fled genocide, war and social unrest in northeast Africa and migrated across Egypt to find asylum in Israel.

Brett Benowitz (left) with his student and friend Jon, an African refugee living in Israel.

I dearly miss Jon, Julius and Nyadeng; all I can hope for is that my influence in their lives has helped them to lead better lives themselves. I know their influence in my life certainly has certainly done that for me.

PHOTO/courtesy Masa Israel Journey

Editor’s note: Brett Benowitz studied abroad at the Masa Israel-accredited Ben Gurion University in Israel while a student at the University of Georgia.

As part of the BGU Refugee Philanthropy – which provides English teachers, babysitters, toys, books, food and other goods and services to the refugees – I traveled once a week by bus to Arad (30 minutes south of Beersheva) to teach an hour of English to my students.

“The 6th District could have no one better than Josh Belinfante in the Senate. We need Josh in the State Senate. He’s a proven leader who understands the legislative process like few others I know. Josh Belinfante’s leadership, integrity and intellectual capacity is needed in our State Senate.”

In the end, Jon, Julius and Nyadeng were like my family. There was always much laughter in class, and I got to know each of them on a personal level. They were always gracious and giving, just like the rest of the men and women in the refugee community.

— SAM OLENS, Georgia Attorney General

That is why my experience as a teacher was so profound. My goal was to help others, yet in return I received so much more: the love and friendship of those who had overcome many hardships. They are not so different from our Jewish ancestors who fled Egypt or the Holocaust survivors who found refuge in Israel. By helping my students learn English, I felt as though I was honoring the memory of the Jewish people who overcame similar obstacles. Today, many refugees from the wars in Africa seek safety in Israel. They sometimes struggle to assimilate to Israeli culture, but I am confident in the character of the Israeli people and know that they will lend a helping hand.

“Our community needs an effective voice in the State Senate. We need Josh Belinfante. He knows our neighborhoods, so lets send him to the State Senate to be our voice.” — MAX BACON, Smyrna Mayor

“Reforming Fulton County is long overdue, with Josh Belinfante…we can make it happen. Josh helped us create Sandy Springs, and we need him in the Senate so that we can finally reform Fulton County.

“I urge you to support my friend Josh Belinfante. Josh has the background and passion for our community to hit the ground running on day one as a strong advocate for reform in Fulton County.”

— EVA GALAMBOS, Sandy Springs Mayor


Josh Belinfante. Ready: Former Chief Counsel to Governor Perdue Former High School Teacher Attorney with Robbins, Ross, Alloy, Belinfante & Littlefield Proven Conservative Reformer JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

My students were Jon, Julius and Nyadeng; each was at least 15 years older than me. They were in the advanced class because they spoke broken English and could communicate relatively well, so we focused on grammar rules (using a 30-year-old book) and vocabulary (using stories of my own creation).




Kosher Movies: Moneyball (2011) DIRECTED BY BENNETT MILLER By Rabbi Herbert Cohen

you with the plane flight. You’re a

with the highest on-base percentage;


For The Atlanta Jewish Times

good ballplayer, Jeremy, and we wish

don’t buy players, he thinks, but buy

you the best.”

runs, and you will win ballgames.

The successful teacher focuses on

The parting is necessary, but it is

This strategy is successful, setting a


like teachers and have great

humane and brief.

precedent for how players will be re-

matic difference in the way I taught now teaching people, not facts, and

in my early years as a school

the classroom dynamic changed.

principal I always found it dif-

ficult to fire a teacher, even when it

Another life lesson from “Money-

was clear to me that it had to be done;

ball” is that statistics alone cannot

one particular case still haunts me.

predict the future. Scouts saw Beane

The teacher was a wonderful per-

as a first-round pick, and they offered him a huge contract with a Major League team right out of high

servation, I knew I would have to terminate him, but I was conflicted:


He had a large family, and my firing

But Billy came to the proverbial

him would have great consequences

fork in the road when he had to de-

for his family.

cide if he should go to Stamford on a

I agonized and finally called a

full scholarship or jump to the Majors; he chose the latter, but never

mentor for advice. He was quick and

fulfilled the potential that scouts saw

to the point. He said:

in him.

“You are not an employment agen-

In that instance, money and fame

cy. You must do what is in the best

were the allure, but when he left

interest of the students.”

professional baseball, Beane vowed

It was one of those whiplash mo-

never again to make a decision based

ments. Everything became clear:

upon money alone.

Students come first. That conversa-

Such lessons reflect Jewish sensi-

tion guided much of my subsequent

bilities. The ability to see alternate

decision-making in my professional

points of view, to shift paradigms,

career, and I was reminded of that

is the essence of Talmudic learning.

conversation as I watched “Money-

The great rabbis Hillel and Shammai

ball,” a smart, insightful movie about

looked at the same realities but pos-

the business side of baseball.

sessed vastly different approaches to

Billy Beane – general manager of

solving problems.

the Oakland Athletics – must inform

Moreover, King Solomon reminds

a player that he’s been traded, but he

us at the end of his life that wealth

does it with intelligence and style. He knows that his goal is to win games, and he will do whatever is necessary to achieve his end. He never loses his focus. He calls the player in the office JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

paradigm shift would make a draand the way students learned. I was

respect for them. This is why

son but was boring. After much ob-


students, not just information. That

and with a smile informs him:

Beyond serving as a model of management, Beane’s story also has other important life lessons, including one on the importance of perspective. Billy determines that players are valued incorrectly and that even a team

“Jeremy, you’ve been traded to the

with limited financial resources can

Phillies. This is Ed Wade’s number.

find undervalued players who can be

He’s a good guy, he’s the GM. He’s

melded into a winning team.

expecting your call. Buddy will help

His strategy is to select players

cruited in the future, and the lesson that sometimes we have to shift our paradigms in order to be successful

does not bring happiness. The truly wise man is the one who is happy with what he has.

at solving problems becomes apparent.

Editor’s note: Rabbi Cohen, former

I had to shift my paradigm when I

principal of Yeshiva Atlanta, now re-

first began teaching. At first, my pri-

sides in Beit Shemesh, Israel. kosher-

mary concern was teaching the ma-

terial. In a few years, I realized that to be successful, I needed to alter my

“The Stranger Within Sarah Stein,” by Thane Rosenbaum BOOK REVIEW

Explore the possibilities! You have raised your children, managed your home, worked hard for your employer, contributed to the community... isn’t it your time now? Experience a lifestyle change by moving to Hammond Glen. Spend your days as you like, enjoying a lazy day, socializing with friends, or making your own travel plans. Save money on home maintenance costs, real estate fees, property taxes and more. Simplify life, make it your time.

By Curt Leviant AJT Columnist


he cover of this imaginative page-turner by Thane Rosenbaum – author of the memorable “Golems of Gotham” – is a photo of the bike and pedestrian lanes of the Brooklyn Bridge. The former is both a symbol and a real span between the two lives led by the 12-year-old Sarah Stein; because her artist father in Manhattan and chocolatemaker mother in Brooklyn are divorcing, Sarah has to bike back and forth across the bridge between home visits. The spunky titular character tells her story in the first person, agonizing why her family is split. She is both bored and perturbed by the judicial process (and the inept child psychologist, dumb court guardian and bumbling judge that come with) that will ultimately decide her fate. Meanwhile, Sarah feels split in two. This is the surface of the story, but the rich undercoating is Sarah’s unlikely friendship with a homeless ex-firefighter, Clarence Wind: a magical pal, providing moral support and mystery for a little girl who has lost her family. Raggedy, alone and always wearing a black eye patch, Wind lives in a room in a wall of the Brooklyn Bridge that no one knows about. Yes, Sarah is only 12, but her ability to observe and analyze makes her seems twice her age. In her sarcastic and perceptive take on marriage, she concludes: “I didn’t know that married people were supposed to make each other happy. I wasn’t happy all the time. Could I have left my parents and moved in with some other happier family?” At the local firehouse, Sarah learns that her friend Wind was dismissed from the fire department for running away from a fire at the World Trade Center bombing in 1993. But somehow, this doesn’t jibe with the personality of the amicable and kindly man; the mystery surrounding him

continues, and we eventually learn more about him as the story propels forward. Wind is a kind of Elijah for Sarah, miraculously appearing at various places where the girl happens to be: as a waiter for Sarah’s mother’s housewarming party; a day later, ditto, at her father’s art show reception; and as a stenographer during her parents’ divorce hearing in court. Another mysterious character in the novel is Sarah’s paternal grandmother, a child Holocaust survivor who always plays with her rosary beads. Now, anyone familiar with Holocaust history would know at once that she was saved in a convent and was given the rosary as part of her Christian disguise, but Sarah discovers this later. Other coincidences abound that intersect with Sarah’s life. Grandma has known Wind, for he had been a doorman in her building. In her father’s apartment house Sarah meets an elegant black man who looks exactly like Clarence Wind, but without the eye patch and better dressed, and it turns out he’s the homeless man’s twin brother. In one hilarious scene worthy of the Marx Brothers, we see Sarah at school on Family Day, when both her parents come. Since the split, Sarah dresses funkily for her dad and ladylike for her mom, so twin girls friends help her in switching outfits in the janitor’s closet.

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And guess who magically brought the outfits to school for Sarah? The last scene – which takes place at City Hall – brings together happily some of the novel’s diverse strands and is so exciting, I imagined it as the end of a riveting film. Can’t wait to see the movie. Editor’s note: Curt Leviant’s most recent novel is the comic “A Novel of Klass.” “The Stranger Within Sarah Stein” is published by Texas Tech University Press.

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JUNE 29 ▪ 2012



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The Gap Year Gains in Popularity ANOTHER POST-HIGH SCHOOL OPTION By Dr. Mark L. Fisher AJT Contributor


ost high school seniors graduate from their respective schools, and off they go to college in the fall. That has been the usual pathway for those attending an institution of higher learning, but that route is changing for some and perhaps more students.

A recent article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution (published June 4) cited Georgia Tech associate director of undergraduate admission Mary Tipton Woolley as saying, “This will be the first year students accepted at [Georgia] Tech can delay the start of school.” In the past, Tech has not had a deferral program; accepted students who deferred admission had to reapply for the following school year. Still, many colleges already had a policy to defer students who wanted to take a gap year; there are many gap year programs in the United States and around the world. Interestingly, the AJC article went on to say, “In the past, Wooley said students requested taking a gap year because they wanted to participate in different athletic endeavors, such as equestrian competitions, or spend the year in Israel or do mission work.” The Israel comment hit home, as this writer has been urging Georgia Tech to develop a deferral program for a number of years.

JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

For sure, Yeshiva Atlanta, Temima, Ohr Yisrael and Weber students have taken advantage of a year in Israel after high school. Admissions representatives visit Atlanta Jewish high schools in droves recruiting for institutions. But this writer wonders what the general reader of the AJC might think when seeing that students are spending a year in Israel. After all, no other country in particular was mentioned as a gap year destination.

For years, Orthodox students have been going to Israel to study in a yeshiva or a seminary; for some Orthodox high schools around the coun16 try, it is almost a given that study in

Israel is the next step in one’s education upon graduation. In the cases of Yeshiva University or Touro (Lander) College, one may receive enough credit from a gap year to complete their freshman-year requirements and begin at the States-side school as a sophomore. But it is not only Orthodox students who take this road. A few years ago, almost 2,500 young adults participated in a non-yeshiva Jewish gap year program in Israel, and both the Conservative and Reform movements have their own programs in Israel. The Conservative movement’s Nativ program offers its participants two distinct components: studying in Jerusalem and volunteering in other areas of Israel. “Nativ-ers” have the option during the fall semester in Jerusalem to study in one of three different settings – Hebrew University, Ulpan (Hebrew language study) or the Conservative Yeshiva – while the spring semester revolves around volunteer work, and throughout the year everyone participates in tiyulim and leadership seminars. The Reform movement has their Netzer Year, also based in Jerusalem, which includes living on a kibbutz for a month and volunteering during the course of one’s stay. The program involves travel throughout the country of Israel, intense leadership training and Hebrew and Jewish studies. One should definitely view the MASA Journey website ( There are at least 150 programs listed for gap year and freshman year programs, and one of these programs may be to your liking. Examples include: • A very popular program is the year-long course sponsored by Young Judaea. Participants spend one-third of their time in each of three different locations in Israel. While in the Negev – the classic track program – there are four options, including an IDF army experience, a kibbutz program, an outdoor desert experience and a social action program. Other Young Judaea pro-

grams for high school graduates include tracks in athletics, business, medical, visual arts, performing arts, politics, journalism and Olami, which is world travel. For Orthodox students, there is the Shalem and Shevet programs which is an alternative to the yeshiva and seminary options.

You are a musician? Look at the Rimon Music Experience, which is Israel’s largest independent professional contemporary music school. Interest in dance? Try Dance Journey which is a vibrant dance program for dancers with at least five years of ballet training.

• If a high school grad desires a strictly academic year at an Israeli university, that is also possible. Credits transferable to U.S. colleges are frequently available, though of course, that is up to the particular college you attend here. Hebrew University has their Rothberg Academic Partnership Program (RAPP), for which one takes recognized freshman-level courses. The Technion International School of Engineering and Science have a freshman year where you will take science and engineering courses; for that program, be ready for such courses such as Introduction to Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials and History of the Middle East. Bar Ilan University has their Israel Experience, where there are a variety of courses taught in English and students are encouraged to supplement their courses with internships and volunteer work. There are also programs at Tel Aviv University and Ben Gurion University, and B’nei Akiva offers their North America Leadership track for students who want to combine a Jewish learning program with leadership development.

Most MASA programs include Hebrew language study, trips, seminars and lectures. When you visit the website, you will obtain the websites of the individual programs for your review. For any program which has a connection to MASA, North Americans automatically receive a $1,000 scholarship. There is also some additional need-based money from MASA.

• For those with other special interests, there is a martial arts and fitness instruction program; an Eco-Israel opportunity; and an art experience at Bezalel under the Fine Arts faculty in areas such as sculpture, drawing, painting, screen printing, performance and illustration. Going to be headed toward the health field? There is the Magen David Adom Ambulance Volunteer Program.

And don’t forget Kivunim, which is a totally different experience, though no longer a MASA program. Their New Directions program provides an intensive academic encounter with Middle Eastern, North African, Asian and European cultures. While the program is based in Jerusalem, the curriculum is built on field trips of about two weeks every five to six weeks in countries such as Greece, Bulgaria, Morocco, Spain, Germany, Hungary and India. There are more than enough programs in Israel for post-high school graduates. You become independent real fast if that is your goal. You are miles away from home. Think about spending a year in Israel before going off to college in the U.S. Most colleges love for you to have such an experience because you bring that experience to the campus, where you will interact with your fellow students. Think hard; it could be the experience of a lifetime. Rising seniors, sophomores and freshmen, here is one more option for you to ponder. Editor’s note: Dr. Mark Fisher ( is a college and career consultant at Fisher Educational Consultants ( and is the college counselor for Yeshiva Atlanta.



B’nai Torah Religious School Joins Trunk Project CBT STUDENTS JOIN STATEWIDE HOLOCAUST LEARNING INITIATIVE From The Georgia Commission on the Holocaust For The Atlanta Jewish Times


he Georgia Commission on the Holocaust is expanding its Holocaust Learning Trunk Project for the 2012-2013 academic year. Students at B’nai Torah Religious School in Sandy Springs were among the first to decorate a trunk this spring. The students of B’nai Torah Religious School titled their trunk “From Darkness to Light.” The names of various concentration camps are written on the bottom of the trunk, while the top of the trunk is decorated with the Israeli flag. One side of the trunk displays felt replicas of the badges camp prisoners were required to wear to identify them as members of a minority. The Shema is written on the stop of the

trunk, and a translation is included on the artists’ statement that will accompany the trunk from classroom to classroom. The Holocaust Learning Trunk Projects’ combined use of art and history unifies students of various backgrounds and beliefs. Via their decorated trunk, the students at B’nai Torah Religious School have the opportunity to share what they learned and what they hope other students in Georgia will learn about the Holocaust and the importance of standing up against bigotry. “From Darkness to Light” will be on display at the Anne Frank in the World exhibit at in Sandy Springs throughout the summer before it is packed with books and distributed to schools in the fall. Editor’s note: Other schools and organizations are welcome to participate in decorating a trunk. More information at

Congregation B’nai Torah Religious School students around their trunk, part of the Holocaust Learning Trunk Project. PHOTO/courtesy the Georgia Commission on the Holocaust

Memories tell us that we are

bound by a golden chain with those who preceded us and those who come after us. We gain strength from memories. Eugen Schoenfeld was born in 1925 in the Carpathian town of Munkacs in what is now Ukraine. He was raised and educated in the deeply rooted traditions of the Jewish faith amid a large and active Jewish community. However, Hitler’s “Final Solution” would irrevocably change his close-knit family.

Softback 2nd Edition with added photos available at most online bookstores or at

JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

Having survived the ghetto and internment in Germany’s infamous camps, the young man immigrated to the United States to begin to rebuild his life and complete his education with a Ph.D. in Sociology from Southern Illinois University. After a long and successful academic career culminating in the Chairmanship of the Department of Sociology at Georgia State University, where he developed the department’s Ph.D. program, Dr. Schoenfeld now resides in Atlanta with his wife Jean.




Shul Shopping: Finding the Right Fit EVENTS LET NEWCOMERS GIVE DIFFERENT SYNAGOGUES A TRY By Jessie Miller Editorial Intern


welve years ago, my family moved from Chicago to Atlanta due to a change in my father’s job. Picking up and leaving one life for the unknown was intimidating. We began to assimilate into our new hometown, enrolling in elementary school and joining a synagogue. My parents were dedicated to finding our own Jewish community, and after meeting a group of families,

we changed synagogues and joined Etz Chaim. For many people, this is an intimidating process and often leads to settling or simply not finding what you are looking for. Now, Rachael Bregman has found a way to make navigating the Jewish community a little easier through her new venture: Shul Shopping. Shul Shopping began as an idea passed around between Bregman and “several rabbis in the community, particularly Adam Starr from Young Israel of Toco Hills and Laurence Rosenthal at [Ahavath Achim Synagogue],” Bregman explained. The three wanted to cre-

ate some sort of opportunity for young adults to explore the Jewish community. Ideas turned into action and Bregman, along with Cari Spangler, approached a few synagogues asking if they would be interested in hosting an event over the summer that would open themselves up to the Jewish young adults here in Atlanta. The word spread, and more synagogues joined the process. “It started as an experience among a few synagogues to work the kinks out, and now all of a sudden we are 12 synagogues offering a whole variety of shul-sponsored events, ranging from Shabbat dinner and services to a Thursday evening text study and discussion,” Bregman said. Shul Shopping has its roots in the Open Jewish Project – of which Bregman is the rabbi – and devoted entirely to working with the young adults. The organization is housed at The Temple (though the two are not directly affiliated), and it is Bregman’s job to engage with young adults in the Jewish community, what she calls “fronting for God and Judaism.” This involves daily meetings with individuals, in which needs, wants and visions for the individual’s Jewish life are discussed. Bregman has offered guidance in this way to nearly 1,000 people since the Project’s inception. “Basically, my job is to do some concierge work [and] help people find their way to connect with what exists in Atlanta,” Bregman said. “Then, as we identify things that don’t exist – be it relationships, institutions or experiences – I bring people together with shared interests to create those networks.” Shul Shopping emerged as a way to continue her work and further meet the needs of the community.

JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

“Open Jewish Project is all about helping people move forward in their Jewish journey, wherever that may lead, and Shul Shopping is one piece of that,” Bregman said.


Often, it seemed like the synagogues and prospective young adults didn’t know how to bridge the gap between one another and they needed something to lower the existing barriers. “People would say to me that they really wanted to check out a place, but didn’t want to go on their own or were nervous,” Bregman explained.

Shul Shopping allows synagogues to dedicate a single event to prospective members and “pull themselves together, put their best foot forward, show off what they want to show off and demonstrate who they are,” Bregman said. Each organization is left to plan any sort of event; then Bregman helps promote it, mainly through their Facebook page. Part of what makes Shul Shopping so unique is the involvement of so many different groups of people. “I don’t think Atlanta has ever seen Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, Chabad and Reconstructionist Jews all working in collaboration on a single project like this,” Bregman said. She believes that the new generation of the Jewish community will be much more focused on working together to create a stronger community instead of feeling threatened by one another. There are over 90,000 unaffiliated Jews in the greater Atlanta area, she explains, so there is no need to fight over membership. “If our focus is on serving the Jewish people, then the money issue will resolve itself,” Bregman said. “If our focus is on getting members and the bottom line, then we will not only alienate our community, but also hurt the community as a whole.” In an example of this newfound push for working together, Jewish Innovating Professionals Serving Our People (JIPSOP) and Shul Shopping are planning a Rosh Hashanah event that will make sure everyone has a place to feel welcome in over the high holy days. And JIPSOP itself is an example of community-wide engagement, Bregman said, because it “brings together the Jewish professionals who serve the young adult community to sit around one table and learn together, collaborate and create events and opportunities for the community.” Bregman describes herself as a champion of Jewish engagement and believes that it is possible to find where you belong within the Jewish community, whether it’s making a synagogue your spiritual home or creating your own vision of Judaism.



Births Aaron Michael Palatchi Sabetay and Jennifer Palatchi of Atlanta announce the birth of their son, Aaron Michael, on May 25. Aaron has a brother, Simon, 5, and a sister, Daniela, 3. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel Gold of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Palatchi of Mexico City, Mexico.

Academic Achievements

Atheltic Achievements

Cohen, Zarge Share Lee Haertel Award



his year’s Lee Haertel Award – given annually by Sandy Springs Youth Sports to the 12-year-old National League player who displays excellence on the playing field in addition to the utmost sportsmanship, citizenship and scholarship – went to two young men from the Jewish community, Nathan Cohen and Jason Zarge. Lee Haertel, for whom the award is named after, was a tireless worker who donated freely Haertel Award winners Jason Zarge (left) and Nathan Cohen of his time and talents to make PHOTO/courtesy Ellen Zarge SSYS a tremendous baseball program for all. He served as a coach, manager and President of the league and was beloved by all who knew him and was a role model for all.

Greenfield Alumni Palte, Chesler and Topper Are Valedictorians FOUR YEARS LATER, GHA GRADS CONTINUE TO EXCEL


JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

hree past Greenfield Hebrew Academy graduates are their respective high schools’ valedictorians for the Class of 2012. Sarah Chelser (Yeshiva Atlanta), Eytan Palte (The Weber School) and Leah Topper (Norcross High School) each received this high honor.

From left to right: Weber valedictorian Eytan Palte, Yeshiva Atlanta valedictorian Sarah Chesler and Norcross High valedictorian Leah Topper PHOTO/courtesy Leah Levy




This Week’s Highlighted Events




Fri., June 29

Dive Into Shabbat, open swim followed by poolside song and prayer with Rabbi Brian Glusman. Fri., June 29, 5 p.m. MJCCA’s Zaban Park. Friday Night Live, come to this great Shabbat experience. Enjoy good friends, food and fun. Fri., June 29, 6:45 p.m. RSVP requested. $12/person. The Kehilla.




Sat., June 30

Resources for Spousal Caregivers with the North Metro Atlanta chapter of the Well Spouse Association. Sat., June 30, 1:30 p.m. Free and open to the public. Roswell Branch Library. (404) 579-6782. Prime Timers’ Pot Luck Dinner, for the Prime Timers of Congregation Dor Tamid. Sun., June 30, 7 p.m. Private residence. Havdallah Wine & Cheese, come and experience the joy of the havdallah ceremony with music and friends. Sat., June 30, 7:30 p.m. All are welcome. Temple Kol Emeth. or (770) 9733533.

Sunday Sun., July 1



JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

Kabbalah Cafe, join Rabbi Ephraim Silverman and delve into the mystical secrets of Judaism based on the Chassidic teachings of Tanya. Sundays, July 1, 8, 15, 22, 10 a.m. Free and open to the public. Chabad of Cobb.


Sun., July 8

Bet is for Baby, come learn about the transitions to parenthood, creating a Jewish home and more. Sundays, July 8, 15, and 22, 10 a.m. Free and open to the public. Ahavath Achim Synagogue. skaufman@ or (404) 603-5741.

Tues., July 10

Kabbala & Cocktails, come to this fun, inspiring, and thought-provoking evening that will start with a delicious Italian-themed dinner, followed by Rabbi Ingber’s riveting and fascinating talk about the Hebrew alphabet. Tues., July 10, 7 p.m. RSVP requested. $15/ person. The Kehillah. or (404) 254-0248.

Wed., July 11

Conversation with the Curators - Remembering Ravensbrück: Women and the Holocaust with Dr. Jennifer Dickey, coordinator of the Public History program at Kennesaw State University. Wed., July 11, 5 p.m. Free and open to the public. Central Library of the Cobb County Public Library System.

Thurs., July 12

Yeshiva University’s Atlanta Beit Midrash Program, sponsored by YU’s Center for the Jewish Future and the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. Activities from Thurs., July 12 through Sun., July 22. Young Israel of Toco Hills. Family Fun Night at the J, poolside karaoke, bounce house and food available for purchase. Thurs., July 12, 5 p.m. MJCCA’s Zaban Park.

Fri., July 13

Dive Into Shabbat, open swim followed by poolside song and prayer with Rabbi Brian Glusman. Sat., July 13, 5 p.m. MJCCA’s Zaban Park.

Sun., July 15

Go Green and Help Our Planet, recycle electronics with Jewish Family and Career Services, A to Z Information Services and ePlanet-eWaste. Sun., July 15. JF&CS on Chamblee Dunwoody Rd.

Ice Cream Social, come and enjoy this family event. Sun., July 15, 4 p.m. All are welcome. Temple Kol Emeth. or (770) 973-3533. Pathways in the Park, join the MJCCA and other interfaith families and adults for dinner, hike, crafts and more. Sundays July 15, 23 and 30, 5 p.m. $18/family or $5/individual. Morgan Falls Park. suzanne.hurwitz@ or (678) 812-4160. Burgers, Boeries & Beer with the CBS Men’s Club, plus Texas Hold ‘Em Poker. Sun., July 15. Congregation Beth Shalom. American Religion, Society, and Culture: A Talk with Dr. Michael Berger, come listen to this talk to gain a better understanding of Americans as a whole and the changing landscape of religion in our country. Sun., July 15. The Breman Museum.

Tues., July 17

ORT Honey Drive, wish family & friends a sweet and healthy new year with this gift. Order deadline Tues., July 17. $10/jar, includes shipping & handling.

Tues., July 24

The Grandparents Circle, five-session course for Jewish grandparents and grandchildren growing up in interfaith families. Tuesdays July 24, Aug. 21, Oct. 16, Nov. 6 and Dec. 4, 7 p.m. MJCCA. suzanne.hurwitz@

Thurs., July 26

Family Fun Night at the J, poolside karaoke, bounce house and food available for purchase. Thurs., July 26, 5 p.m. MJCCA’s Zaban Park.

Fri., July 27

Dive Into Shabbat, open swim followed by poolside song and prayer with Rabbi Brian Glusman. Sat., July 27, 5 p.m. MJCCA’s Zaban Park.

Sun., July 29

Safe Sitter, class for 11-to-15-year-olds offering babysitting skills. Sun., July 29, 9 a.m. MJCCA. linda.

Tues., July 31 Thurs., July 19

Life Line Screening, a stroke screening. Pre-registration is required. Thurs., July 19. Congregation Beth Shalom. 1-(800) 324-1851 or (770) 399-5300.

Fri., July 20

“Avenue Jew,” come to this fun and family friendly Shabbat service and watch as puppets take over the bima. Fri., July 20, 6:30 p.m. Free and open to the public. Temple Kehillat Chaim. (770) 641-8630.

Sun., July 22

Essentials for Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond, presentation with guest speakers Mayim Bialik, Ph.D., midwife Ina May Gaskin and other parenting specialists. Sun., July 22, 11 a.m. Holiday Inn Atlanta Perimeter. www. CBS Night of Baseball, Gwinnett Braves v. Scranton Wilkes-Barre Yankees. Sun., July 22, 5:05 p.m. (770) 804-9721 or

God and the Brain: Mind, Body & Soul, class with Steve Chervin and the Lisa F. Brill Institute for Jewish Learning. Tuesdays 9:30 a.m. beginning July 31. Congregtion Beth Shalom. (770) 399-5300. National Jewish Retreat, “Experience Heaven on Earth” with the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute. Tues., July 31 through Sun., Aug. 5. Hyatt Bonaventure in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. (877) 573-8732 or

Ongoing Support Through Divorce for 50 and Under, facilitated by Elisheva Funk, LSCW of JF&CS. First and third Tuesdays, 7 p.m. (eight sessions). MJCCA. Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons and Significant Others Meeting, calling all Jewish persons with a desire to get help with their own addiction or with a loved one’s addiction. First and third Tuesdays, 7 p.m. Congregation Etz Chaim. (770) 928-2523 or

Atlanta Synagogue Directory Congregation Shearith Israel 1180 University Dr. Atlanta, GA 30306 404.873.1743


Chabad Intown 928 Ponce De Leon Avenue Atlanta, GA 30306 404.898.0434


Congregation B’nai Torah 1633 Hwy 54 E Jonesboro, GA 30238 678.817.7162

Chabad Israel Center 5188 Roswell Rd. Sandy Springs, GA 30324 404.252.9508

Atlanta Chevre Minyan Druid Forest Clubhouse North Crossing Dr. Atlanta, GA 30305

Congregation Dor Tamid 11165 Parsons Rd. Johns Creek, GA 30097 770.623.8860

Chabad Jewish Center 4255 Wade Green Rd. Suite 120 Kennesaw, GA 30144 678.460.7702

Congregation Shema Yisrael 6065 Roswell Rd., #3018 Atlanta, GA 30328 404.943.1100

Congregation Ner Tamid 176 West Sandtown Rd. Marietta, GA 30064 678.264.8575

Guardians of the Torah P.O. Box 767981 Roswell, GA 30076 770.286.3477

Temple Beth David 1885 Mcgee Rd. Snellville, GA 30078 770.978.3916

Nediv Lev: the Free Synagogue of Atlanta 3791 Mill Creek Ct. Atlanta, GA 30341 770.335.2311

Temple Beth Tikvah 9955 Coleman Rd. Roswell, GA 30075 770.642.0434

Chabad of Cobb 4450 Lower Roswell Rd. Marietta, GA 30068 770.565.4412 Chabad of Gwinnett 3855 Holcomb Bridge Rd. Suite 770 Norcross, GA 30092 678.595.0196 Chabad of North Fulton 10180 Jones Bridge Rd. Alpharetta, GA 30022 770.410.9000 Congregation Beth Tefillah 5065 High Point Rd. Atlanta, GA 30342 404.257.9306

Conservative Ahavath Achim Synagogue 600 Peachtree Battle Ave. Atlanta, GA 30327 404.355.5222 Congregation Beth Shalom 5303 Winters Chapel Rd. Atlanta, GA 30360 770.399.5300 Congregation B’nai Torah 700 Mount Vernon Hwy. Atlanta, GA 30328 404.257.0537 Congregation Etz Chaim 1190 Indian Hills Pkwy Marietta, GA 30068 770.973.0137 Congregation Gesher L’Torah 4320 Kimball Bridge Rd. Alpharetta, GA 30022 770.777.4009 Congregation Or Hadash 6751 Roswell Rd. Atlanta, GA 30328 404.250.3338

Orthodox Anshi S’Fard Congregation 1324 North Highland Ave. Atlanta, GA 30306 404.874.4513 Congregation Ariel 5237 Tilly Mill Rd. Dunwoody, GA 30338 770.390.9071 Congregation Beth Jacob 1855 Lavista Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329 404.633.0551 Congregation Beth Yitzhak 5054 Singleton Rd. Norcross, GA 30093 770.931.4567 Email: Congregation Ner Hamizrach 1858 Lavista Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329 404.315.9020 The Kehilla of Sandy Springs 5075 Roswell Rd. Sandy Springs, GA 30342 404.913.6131 Young Israel of Toco Hills 2074 Lavista Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329 404.315.1417


Congregation Bet Haverim 2676 Clairmont Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329 404.315.6446

by Kathi Handler (

Temple Emanu-El 1580 Spalding Dr. Atlanta, GA 30350 770.395.1340 Temple Kehillat Chaim 1145 Green St. Roswell, GA 30075 770.641.8630 Temple Kol Emeth 1415 Old Canton Rd. Marietta, GA 30062 770.973.3533 Temple Sinai 5645 Dupree Dr. Sandy Springs, GA 30327 404.252.3073 The Temple 1589 Peachtree St. NE Atlanta, GA 30309 404.873.1731

SEPHARDIC Congregation Or VeShalom 1681 North Druid Hills Rd. Atlanta, GA 30319 404.633.1737

Traditional Congregation Shaarei Shamayim 1810 Briarcliff Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329 404.417.0472

Crossword Clues Across 1. Issachar city 5. Strike down, biblically 10. Pub missile 14. Tithed 15. Ithamar’s Dad 16. Eilat, old style 17. Khazars’ homeland 18. Alpert’s Tijuana __ 19. Hillel 20. “Nize Baby” author 22. Vidal product 23. Shema starter 24. Pro 25. Bar Mitzvah missiles? 28. Fried skins and onion 33. Tucker’s tunes 34. Beth (Eng) 35. Cheer for Sidney Franklin 36. Flock 37. Omer action 38. Marcel Marceau 39. Arkia stat 40. Hens 41. Like Solomon 42. Came back 44. Greenberg’s team 45. Ephraim or Manasseh 46. Moses’ miracle 47. 1996 Gold medalist 50. Nobel prize chemist 55. “Jakob the __”, Shoah film 56. Canine 57. Bissel (Eng) 58. “__ upon a time” 59. Emulate Abba Eban 60. Ginzburg publication 61. Heavyweight champ 62. Former Prime Minister 63. Rabbi Moshe Isserles Down 1. Kinetic art pioneer 2. Famous Sephardic family 3. Cursed eye? 4. Reiner’s “nickname” in early role 5. Israeli natives 6. Seder bitters 7. Gershwin and Levin 8. Tashlich crumbs action 9. Hannah has two

10. Covet 11. Arkin or Funt 12. Shamatahs (Eng) 13. You, biblically 21. Divorce documents 22. Many colored 24. Max Baer’s weapon 25. “60 Minutes” costar 26. Imitated a sopher 27. Israeli resort 28. “Mash”, movie star 29. Greenberg’s specialty 30. Grogger emanation 31. Playwright _ Rice 32. Amos and Micah 34. “World of Our Fathers”, writer 37. Lieberman’s state 38. Stronger 40. Plague member 41. “Death __”, Bronson film 43. Money lender? 44. Backside 46. “Beaches” actress 47. Schlump (Eng) 48. “Ginger” Actress __ Louise 49. Maccabiah game? 50. Jacob after the angel 51. Winter white 52. Oath __ Judaico 53. Power for Rickover 54. Resnik’s Org. 56. Dreidel

Last week’s answers

JUNE 29 ▪ 2012






Betty Bing 91, ATLANTA

Betty T. Bing, 91, passed away peacefully on Friday, June 15 at Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta. She was preceded in death by her husband, Sidney W. Bing. Born in Toronto, she became a U.S. citizen and joined the U.S. Army Nurses Corps in 1943, serving overseas as a Lieutenant during World War II. Betty and Sidney lived in Frankfort, Ky. for 30 years, where she raised their children and was active in many civic healthcare causes. She was involved in starting the first nurses’ aide program at the Old Kings Daughters Hospital and volunteered many hours with mental health support programs in the Frankfort area. A breast cancer survivor of over 50 years, Betty moved with Sidney in 1982 to Atlanta, where aring words for everyone she encountered. She will not only be greatly missed by her loving family but by a lifetime of friends and people in her various communities who loved and respected her. She is survived by her sister, Judy Swartz of Toronto; son, Steve Bing (Julie) of Frankfort; daughter, Barbara Bing Pliner (Stuart) of Atlanta; grandchildren, Derek Bing (Rebekah) of Gastonia, N.C., and Ethan Bing (Elizabeth) of Old Greenwich, Conn.; and great-grandchildren, Sidney, Emily Charles and Anne Bradley Bing of Gastonia and William Barclay Bing of Old Greenwich. A service was held at 11 a.m. on June 20, 2012, at Arlington Memorial Park. An online guestbook is available at The family wishes to thank Betty’s many friends for their love and support. Donations may be made in her memory to the donor’s charity of choice. Arrangements by Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care.

Reba Bock 98, ATLANTA

JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

Reba Katchen Bock, age 98, Atlanta, passed away peacefully at her home on June 16, 2012, her loving caregiver Belle Brown by her side. She was born in Chattanooga, Tenn. and was the daughter of the Benjamin Katchen and Gussie Nonin Katchen. Reba worked for her father’s business, Ben Katchen - Tailor and Furrier, where she learned the art of fitting clothing and assisting in the design of furs. After her father’s death, she ran the business until her retirement. Following her retirement, Reba enjoyed traveling with her friends to Europe, South America and the Mediterranean. She was very close with all of her family, and her great grandchildren brought her special joy. Survivors include her daughter, Rhoda Stahlman and her husband, Phil, of Sandy Springs; granddaughter, Jill Stahlman and her partner, Stephanie; grandson, Jon Stahlman and his wife, Beth; granddaughter, Kim Stahlman and her husband, Jay Ezrielev; grandson, Kevin Stahlman and his wife, Lisa; and 10 great-grandchildren. Reba was preceded in death by her daughter, Marcia, of blessed memory. Reba will be missed dearly by all who knew her. She will be remembered for her intelligence, independence, sharp wit and impeccable fashion sense. Sign online guest book at In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Jewish Tower Sunshine Fund, 3160 Howell Mill Road, Atlanta, GA 30327; Weinstein Hospice, 3150 Howell Mill Road, Atlanta, GA 30327 or Temple Sinai, 5645 Dupree Drive, Sandy Springs, GA 30327. A memorial service for all friends and family will be held July 1, 2012 in the chapel of the Zaban Tower (time to be announced) with Rabbi Ronald Segal officiating. Arrangements by Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care.


David Kletzky 79, ATLANTA

David I. Kletzky, 79, a native of Atlanta, passed away June 20, 2012. Born in 1932, he lived most of his life in Atlanta, except for a few short years as a child in Pueblo, Colo. David graduated from Henry Grady High School

and Georgia State University and was a member of the Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity. He trained as a Navy Pilot at the Pensacola Naval base during the Korean War, and when the war ended, he served out his duty in Port Lyautey, Morocco as a naval administrator. While serving in Morocco, David met his future wife’s cousin and was introduced to Alegria Alves as pen pals. In 1959, they were married. Upon returning from Active Duty, David became a lifelong purveyor of fine men’s clothing and was well-respected as one of Atlanta’s finest clothiers for over 50 years, as well as a loving father and husband. Preceded in death by his parents, Leon and Sylvia Kletzky and his sister, Phyllis Goldstein (Howard), he is survived by his wife, Alegria Alves Kletzky; brother, Edward Kletzky; his three children, Dr. Alan R. Kletzky (Patricia), Dr. Glenn H. Kletzky (Amy) and Mrs. Loren K. Mahaffey (Mathew); and his three grandchildren, Heather and Hannah Kletzky and Raven Mahaffey. Graveside services were held 11:00 a.m. on Fri., June 22 at Greenwood Cemetery with Rabbi Kassorla officiating. An online guestbook is available at, and contributions may be made to Congregation Or VeShalom, 1681 North Druid Hills Road, Atlanta Georgia, 30319; or to The Wounded Warrior Project ( Arrangements by Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care.

Rouhollah Nahai 97, ATLANTA

Rouhollah Nahai, 97, of Atlanta, passed away peacefully on Sun., June 17, 2012. Born in Teheran, Iran, he immigrated to his beloved United States in 1986. Rouhollah is preceded in death by his loving wife of 37 years, Marcelle. He is survived by his sons: Foad and his wife Shahnaz, Fereydoun and his wife Homa, Firooz, and Farhad and his wife Camelia; his brother Amin and his wife Hellen; his sister Mahin Daneshgar; six grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. An online guestbook is available at, and in lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the American Cancer Society, Graveside service was held at 12:30 p.m., Mon., June 18, 2012 at Crest Lawn Memorial Park, 2000 Marietta Blvd. NW, Atlanta, GA 30318. Arrangements by Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care.

Claire Goldstein Nichols 58, Marietta

Claire Nichols passed away at home on June 17 following a long and courageous battle with cancer. Claire was born in Monticello, N.Y. She graduated from Monticello High School in 1971. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from SUNY Brockport and a second master’s degree from Kennesaw State University. Claire lived in Rochester, N.Y. and LaHabra, Calif before moving to Marietta in 1988. Claire was a devoted mother, wife and teacher. She devoted her professional life to education, teaching for nearly 20 years at Lassiter High School. Claire was predeceased by her parents, Irving and Regina Goldstein. She is survived by her husband of 29 years, Neill Nichols; son and daughter Adam and Samantha Nichols; sister and brother-in-law Marcia Jill Goldstein and John Sherwin; nephews Alexander and Jacob Sherwin; brothers and sisters-in-law Wayne and Terri Nichols, Charles and Kathy Denosky, Denise Denosky; and nieces and nephews Jennifer, Jessica, Jeremy and Jordan Nichols; Ben Denosky; and Jason and Jennifer Rowles. Sign online guestbook at In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made in Claire’s name to Lassiter High School in Marietta. Funeral services were held Fri., June 22, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. at Temple Kol Emeth with Rabbi Steven Lebow officiating. Interment was private. Arrangements by Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care.


d’var torah

Parsha Hashavua – Chukkat

ACCEPTING WHAT CAN’T BE UNDERSTOOD Congregation Tikvah L’Shalom and the Atlanta Rabbinical Association


he Torah reading for this Shabbat, Chukkat, provides us with much to think about.

The portion begins with the ritual of the red heifer, the parah adumah. God instructs Moses and Aaron to mix the ashes of the slaughtered heifer with water to use in purifying the Israelites who come into contact with a corpse. It is a ceremony for purification on one hand, yet in carrying out the ritual, one might become impure. The law does state that if someone who is pure touches the mixture in the process of purifying another, he is considered unclean until nightfall. Tradition tells us that this was a law to test the obedience of the people: Would they observe a Commandment that seemed to have no rational basis? The great Torah commentator, Rashi, says that chukkat (which means “a decree”) of the Torah is beyond human understanding. We cannot understand how the ashes of the heifer could make the unclean pure while also making the pure unclean. The portion Chukkat continues with the account of Moses’ frustration in dealing with the Israelites’ need for water to quench their ex-

treme thirst. Moses and his brother Aaron eventually get “water from a rock” for their people, but not according to God’s instructions. We can again look to the commentary of Rashi, who states that the brothers’ actions are representative of their intense desire to keep the Israelites from dying from thirst. But as a result of their frustration and blatant lack of faith (Numbers 20:12), Moses and Aaron are told by God that they will not enter the Promised Land. Who among the Prophetic community has had a closer relationship with God than Moses? Yet he is denied entry into the Promised Land. This parashah gives two strong examples of God’s Law being the final word. Regarding Moses and Aaron not being allowed to enter the Promised Land, the great Rambam observes, “This matter is a great secret of the mysteries of the Torah.” In our own lives, are we willing to follow God’s teachings, even if we don’t understand the reasons for all of them? This Shabbat, let’s reaffirm our faith in God and our Judaism by committing ourselves to His Commandments.


Editor’s note: Rabbi Ronald C. Bluming serves Congregation Tikvah L’Shalom and is a member of the Atlanta Rabbinical Association.

Shabbat Candle Lighting Times

Friday, June 29, 2012 Light Candles at: 8:34 p.m.

Shabbat, June 30, 2012 Shabbat Ends: 9:36 p.m.

Friday, July 6, 2012 Light Candles at: 8:33 p.m.

Shabbat, July 7, 2012 Shabbat Ends: 9:34 p.m.

Friday, July 13, 2012 Light Candles at: 8:31 p.m.

Shabbat, July 14, 2012 Shabbat Ends: 9:32 p.m.

Friday, July 20, 2012 Light Candles at: 8:28 p.m.

Shabbat, July 21, 2012 Shabbat Ends: 9:27 p.m.

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JUNE 29 ▪ 2012

By Rabbi Ronald C. Bluming


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