London Perseveres with Double Locales
1 By Marcia Caller Jaffe London Jones’ original bar mitzvah date, March 21, 2020, was at the cusp of pandemic shutdowns. Weeks before, the family saw the writing on the wall and decided to cancel the event. ATLANTA JEWISH TIMES
Mom Karen Isenberg Jones said, “I think the cancellation of London’s original bar mitzvah hit me harder than it hit him! I was a bit in shock. Here I was just a couple weeks before the celebration having to contact all guests and vendors to let them know we are postponing.”
The Temple clergy invited London to contribute during Shabbat services via Zoom the next Shabbat, when he was joined by two others who had postponed their ceremonies. The Isenberg-Jones family were sheltering in their Blue Ridge cabin, where London read his Torah portion via Zoom with a beautiful nature backdrop. The family postponed London’s bar mitzvah to September 2020, thinking the pandemic would conclude by fall. The virus had different plans and London’s maternal family couldn’t make it to Atlanta. London’s grandparents had the idea of having a ceremony at their synagogue, Temple Jeremiah in Northfield, Ill., near Chicago, to attend in person. The clergy from both synagogues worked together to make it happen. London rehearsed via
Zoom with Temple Jeremiah’s cantor. The family packed the car and drove to the Chicago area, where London became a bar mitzvah on Sept. 7 in front of his grandparents, aunt, uncles and cousins. Grandparents Susan and Sheldon Isenberg hosted a socially distanced backyard luncheon. “The true meaning of mitzvah: when my daughter, son-in-law, and grandsons drove to Glenview on Labor Day so my husband (83) and I (75) could attend in person,” Susan Isenberg said. “It was a day we will remember forever, and we thank G-d for that blessing.” Karen Jones said, “It was so incredibly special for us to have a ceremony with my parents and siblings. London graciously accepted the call to the bimah twice. It was a wonderful gift to my family.”