Atlanta Jewish Times No. 45, November 15, 2013

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bette midler “I’ll eat you last”





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NOVEMBER 15, 2013 –NOVEMBER 22, 2013

12 kislev – 18 kislev 5774 vOL. LXXXVIII NO. 45

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merica made a new deal with Iran this week—one that greatly displeased Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. The deal meant that America would relieve the sanctions on Iran in exchange for temporarily reducing the uranium enrichment. The current uranium enrichment is about 20 percent, and

this deal would limit it to under four percent—but only for the next six months. There are a number of reasons that Israel has found this deal to be offensive. In a statement on Friday, Netanyahu stated: “[Kerry] said that no deal is better than a bad deal. And the deal that is being discussed in Geneva right now is a bad deal.” Aside from being “bad,” the deal contradicts Israeli foreign policy in

Show them you care...

a couple areas—making the difference between U.S. and Israeli policy more distinct right now, for better or worse. Israel wants a solution, not a temporary deal; Israel wants to end all uranium enrichment and plutonium production (Arak facility), while this deal only halts some of it temporarily. In a stronger statement, Netanyahu decreed: “It’s a dangerous deal because it keeps Iran as a nuclear threshold nation and it may very well bring about a situation where the sanctions are dissolved or collapsed… When it comes to the question of Jewish survival and the survival of the Jewish state, I will not be silenced, ever. Not on my watch. When the Jewish people were silent on matters relating to our survival, you know what happened.” All in all, the deal creates a pause, but gives no closure to the situation at hand.

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November 15 ▪ 2013

from yours friends at


France, who usually stays out of the conversation, joined last minute to add their two-cents. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius echoed most of Netanyahu’s concerns. He also mentioned the allowance for continual (though minimized) uranium and plutonium production in Iran—a danger that should not be left alone. Not only has Netanyahu disagreed with the Secretary of State’s

policies this week, but in an interview on Israel’s Channel 2, Kerry made some statements about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that left Israel in a compromised position. “The alternative to getting back to the talks is the potential of chaos,” Kerry said during the interview. “I mean, does Israel want a Third Intifada?” he asked. “Israel says, ‘Oh, we feel safe today, we have the wall. We’re not in a day-to-day conflict. I’ve got news for you. Today’s status quo will not be tomorrow’s…” Israel’s neighbors, he warned, will “begin to push in a different way.” This statement created a certain uproar among the Jewish Zionist activists; Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, said, “The danger [of Kerry’s comments] is that you legitimate an escalation by saying that ‘because there is no progress it can start an intifada.’ There are elements there that will use this to legitimize what [the Palestinians] are doing.” As a response to the Kerry interview, Moshe Ya’alon, Israeli Defense Minister, said there is “no need to fear threats of whether there will or won’t be a third intifada.”



Israeli Pride


ects in Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda

fessor Pedro Berliner of Ben Gurion

now signed an agreement with sev-

NightSense, an Israeli device worn

and Malawi have benefited 478,661

University for his research and dis-

eral Dutch water and paper compa-

by diabetics during the night (the


coveries surrounding agro-hydrology

nies. If tests of Applied CleanTech’s

in desert regions, and Eli Ben-Zaken,

groundbreaking Sewage Recycling

one of the top winemakers in Israel.

System are successful, it will be im-

most dangerous time for diabetics), detects sudden drops in blood-sug-


ar levels known as hypoglycemia.

SANGERS. over one million people

NightSense analyzes subtle changes

flew via Ben Gurion airport in Oc-


providing monumental environmen-

in the movement of the hand that

tober 2013, 6 percent more than the

IN JERUSALEM. Three thousand Jews

tal benefits.

indicate changes in pulse and heart

October of the preceding year. Pas-

from North America, Europe and


senger traffic from Jan to Oct 2013 is

Israel from across the political spec-


7.5 percent higher than for the same

trum are attending the Jewish Fed-

RAELI WIRELESS. Students at Aber-





plemented across the Netherlands

period last year. The West Hall at

erations of North America’s General

tay University in Scotland are now


Terminal 1 is now open for low-cost

Assembly held in our historic home-

enjoying 10 times more bandwidth

Grand of San Francisco have donated

flights to Europe under the open

land, Jerusalem. They will hear 140

than they had a year ago, now that

$50 million to Weizmann’s Israel Na-

skies agreement.

speakers—half of them women—and

the institution has installed the

discuss issues facing Israel and the

EtherHaul millimeter wave wireless

global Jewish community.

system from Israel’s Siklu, the leader







tional Center for Personalized Medicine (INCPM). The INCPM focuses


on genomics, protein profiling, bioin-

Israeli drip-irrigation pioneer Ne-

formatics, and treatment discovery

tafim is leading the United Nations


Siklu’s products have also been in-

to prevent, diagnose, and treat dis-

FIGARO project—an international

TER. Israel’s Applied CleanTech has

stalled in Kent, England to provide


consortium to develop new precision

in E-band millimeter wave systems.

broadband to more rural communi-

irrigation management technologies BABY SAVED BY VOLUNTEER. Itzik

that will increase water availability

Hillel—a volunteer medic for Hat-

for Europe’s water-intensive crops. A

zalah--saved the life of a one-month-

pilot is running at nine EU sites, as

old baby girl who had been left in a

well as some Israeli sites.


hot car. Itzik used a device called ResQme that shatters the car win-


dow without causing any risk to the

sum, the research and development

child inside. The device had been

company of Hebrew University, has

distributed to medics only one night

introduced SEER, a predictive speed

before the incident.

dialer for smartphones. The algorithm utilizes past behavior to display likely contacts and enable the

ISRAEL. Larry Rich, from Emek

user to easily make a call with just

Hospital in Afula, Israel spoke to

one click.

an audience of over 60 in the Scottish Parliament about Israel’s equal


treatment of its patients and medical

MARATHON. Five years ago, in an ex-

staff, religion notwithstanding.


plosion in Gaza, newlywed Aharon

one instance, a boycotter against Is-

Karov was declared dead—but that

rael spoke out – until falling ill and

hasn’t stopped him yet. Now he’s

requiring Israeli medical care. Still,

raising money for OneFamily Fund,

Rich agreed to help, and admitted

the organization that helped him get

the boycotter to an Israeli hospital.

back on his feet. He has just completed the New York Marathon in 4hrs


14 min 31sec.

tion: Africa was recently awarded the UN Innovation Award for bringing


solar energy to African villages, med-

TURE AWARD. The French Ministry of

ical clinics, orphanages and schools

Agriculture has awarded the Nation-

using Israeli technology. The 66 proj-

al Order of Agricultural Merit to Pro-

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November 15 ▪ 2013


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y dear friend and colleague Rabbi Bernhard Rosenberg, who is also a child of Holocaust survivors, asks this: “[Can you] imagine one morning, you and your family are awakened by shouts and screams. Then suddenly, the police break into your house? They start breaking the china, destroying the furniture, and shattering windows while showing great satisfaction in their destruction. Then you and your family are told to get dressed and are taken to the police station for no apparent reason. On the way, you see your synagogue in flames, and your neighbors throwing rocks at it.” This is precisely what happened exactly 75 years ago on Nov. 9, 1938. We recently marked the 75th anni-

versary of Kristallnacht, the pogrom of organized terror that marked the beginning of the end of 6 million Jews.

brutal treatment by the S.S. A “contribution” of one billion marks was exacted from the German Jewish community.

Kristallnacht, “The Night of Broken Glass,” was the Nazi term used to cover up that it was much more than broken glass that was destroyed. As Shmuel Ettinger writes in his, “A History of the Jewish People:”

The Jews were ordered to repair the damage caused to their own businesses and shops by rioters. Subsequently, Jews were expelled from all economic enterprises and from managerial positions. Jewish children were expelled from schools; Jews were forbidden to attend cultural events, their organizations were disbanded and their publications suppressed. In practice, Jewish life was brought to a standstill.

On the night of Nov. 9, members of the S.S., together with a Nazi, mob attacked Jewish homes, beating, injuring and murdering Jewish victims. Hundreds of synagogues were burned down; some 7,500 Jewish shops and businesses (and over 1,000 synagogues) were destroyed, and the number of dead totaled 90. Immediately afterwards, there commenced a series of mass arrests: 26,000 Jews, mainly well-to-do, were placed in concentration camps, and hundreds of them died as a result of

In the weeks that followed, the German government promulgated dozens of laws and decrees designed to deprive Jews of their property and of their means of livelihood. Many of these laws enforced “Aryanization” policy—the transfer of Jewish-owned enterprises and property to “Aryan” ownership, usually for a fraction of their true value. Ensuing legislation barred Jews, already ineligible for employment in the public sector, from practicing most professions in the private sector, and made further strides in removing Jews from public life. Jews could no longer gain admittance to “German” theaters, movie cinemas, or concert halls. HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT

November 15 ▪ 2013

How did this happen in Germany, the heart of European culture and science? On Nov. 7—two days before Kristallnacht – the Third Secretary of the German embassy in Paris, Ernst Von Rath, was murdered by Herschel Grynzpan – a 17-year-old German-Jewish refugee.


Grynzpan wanted to avenge his parent’s expulsion, together with 15,000 other Polish Jews from Germany to Poland. Poland refused to admit them and they were stranded, freezing and starving at the border. The Nazis used the murder as a pretext to unleash the mobs and riots.

come from? They were built far in advance. The world was shocked? It shouldn’t have been. For nearly a decade, banners had appeared all over Germany declaring: Die Yidden sind unserer umgluck, “the Jews are our misfortune.” Hitler’s intentions were very clear. He wrote them, he spoke them, he lived them. But no one took him seriously. Even after Kristallnacht Chamberlain came to Munich with hopes for appeasement. One may ask: How could the entire world stand by and allow such a disaster to occur? The fascist regimes in Italy, Rumania, Hungary and Poland celebrated the pogrom. The Three Great Western powers—England, France and the United States— said the appropriate things, but did nothing. Hitler, in the late 1930s told the world, “Take the Jews,” but there were no takers! In America, while President Roosevelt expressed his shock, at the same time his administration declared that they have no intention of allowing more Jews to come. CHANGE OR THE SAME SAD STORY? Today, 75 years later, has the world learned anything? Not if you look at Syria, where 100,000 people have been killed, some with poison gas. Millions are today suffering from malnutrition and hunger and millions more have been turned into refugees. The United Nations estimates that today 800 million people suffer from the effects of hunger and more than 12 million people are enslaved. And the world has not changed much and still seems to turn a blind eye when it comes to the Jews and Israel. Raoul Hilberg, prominent Holocaust historian, has written, “You can divide into three those involved in the Holocaust: the victims, the perpetrators and the bystanders.”

Was this a spontaneous riot as the Germans would have us believe? Nothing can be further from the truth! It was carefully planned, and not just by Goering and Goebbel, but by Hitler himself.

But Hilberg is wrong! Yes, there were the victims and perpetrators. But during the Holocaust there was no such thing as “innocent bystanders.” Ultimately, you either opposed the Nazis or you were an accomplice to their evil.

Where did the concentration camps, used to house 26,000 Jews,

Continued on Page 30



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jay bischoff

letters to and from editor

Dear Editor, I just read Marcia Jaffe’s article about the AJCL program. I was the program coordinator for this when it was housed at the Federation. I so enjoyed reading her thoughts about the program as it is now. Marcia did a great job capturing the essence of the organization and the volunteers who make it successful. Thank you for printing it and bringing it the forefront of the Atlanta Jewish community.



Customer Service

elizabeth friedly


By the way, you now know me as the associate at Federation working on the community mission to Israel!!!

EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief


Regards, Randy Farrow Associate Editor

elizabeth friedly Assistant Editor

DANA SPECTOR Contributing Writers


Rico Figliolini ez2BSocial Photographer

GABRIEL WEISS CONTACT INFORMATION general office 404.883.2130 The Atlanta Jewish Times is printed in Georgia and is an equal opportunity employer. The opinions expressed in the Atlanta Jewish Times do not necessarily reflect those of the newspaper. THE ATLANTA JEWISH TIMES (ISSN# 0892-3345) is published weekly by Zadok Publishing LLC 270 Carpenter Drive, Suite 320, Atlanta Ga 30328. Periodicals Postage Paid at Atlanta, Ga. POSTMASTER send address changes to The Atlanta Jewish Times 270 Carpenter Drive Suite 320 Atlanta Ga 30328. The Atlanta Jewish Times Established 1925 as The Southern Israelite 270 Carpenter Drive, Suite 320, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Phone: (404) 883-2130 THE ATLANTA JEWISH TIMES (ISSN# 0892-33451) IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY ZADOK PUBLISHING, LLC 270 Carpenter Drive, Suite 320, ATLANTA, GA 30328 ©COPYRIGHT 2012 ATLANTA JEWISH TIMES MEMBER AMERICAN-ISRAELI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Please send all photos, stories and editorial content to:

Dear Editor, I want to heap praise on Marcia for her very interesting, educational, and entertaining articles. It’s obvious she’s put a lot of time and effort into her pieces and I wanted you to know how much I enjoyed them. Keep her busy and tell her to keep up the good work. Phil Kaplan

Dear Editor, I so much enjoyed the Jaffe Jewish Jive article on volunteerism. It really makes me take a second look at things I could be doing in the community. Thanks for shining a light on so many good things! Janet Kupshik

editor’s note: Rabbi Jon Barash took the photos for last week’s article “Destressing at Chabad InTown.”

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November 15 ▪ 2013

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Portrait Fantasies




love portraits, especially ones which give the viewer a sense of time and place. Yet while these pictures may be instructive about the home furnishings, symbolism and garb of the time, I have my doubts about the honest depiction of the human subjects. Once upon a time, portrait artists could create whatever personas their sponsors desired (and paid for), forever defining their image for future generations, who would believe it was authentic. We all know that King Henry VIII was a plus-size monarch, but the many existing portraits of him don’t give us a clue that he weighed 400 pounds and had bad teeth. Speaking of teeth, George Washington comes to mind. The most wellknown image of our first president is the

one Gilbert Stuart painted and Dolly Madison rescued. Washington looks dignified and healthy, with plenty of hair and no hint of his unfortunate dental situation. It’s probably a good thing that Washington posed stoically close-lipped, considering his ill-fitting, painful dentures. People didn’t smile in those old portraits. Good, grief! Did they all have tooth aches? After a recent museum visit, I’m not smiling either. I was dismayed to learn that Rembrandt van Ryn and his contemporaries produced quite a few portraits known as “tronies,” representations of bogus people to exhibit specific characteristics, such as wisdom, boredom, surprise and inebriation. These fabricated images are some of the most famous portraits in the world, and I’d always believed they were of real people, not brilliantly conjectured figments of imagination.

Yes folks, Vermeer’s “Girl with a Pearl Earring” is most likely a tronie. Art historians may stubbornly continue trying to figure out who posed for that picture, but you and I are now free to concern ourselves with the price of museum admissions and the absence of free of parking spaces. The British have something very different to worry about. It seems that the British public is upset about the new official portrait of Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, who is, of course, the future queen of England. Her admirers are saying that the depiction makes her look too ordinary, too un-regal. She appears as a real live, unadulterated woman. Stop right there! The artist didn’t make her look anything. That’s how the woman looks. He painted what he saw. Considering my dismay about the revised reality of Henry VIII and all those Dutch tronies, I’m relieved that the Kate hanging in the Royal Gallery, the Kate to be seen by her great-grandchildren’s generation, is the authentic Kate. Her girl-next-door, homecomingqueen-runner-up face is readily recognizable all over the world, so we know what she looks like. I think that it’s swell that long after Kate makes her way to that great British portrait gallery in the sky, future generations will know what she really looked like.

November 15 ▪ 2013

Maybe the artist should have put a tiara on her head, she being a royal and all – not to mention, it’s a fact that everybody does look better in a tiara. But, c’mon British people, stop kvetching about Kate and get back to obsessing over the economy and the weather.


Back here at home, the High Museum of Art currently houses a huge exhibit about the Old West. The opening gallery displays a group of large portraits of 19th century Native American chiefs. These were official portraits, commissioned by the United States government, all carefully posed, with each chief in a distinct facial expression, headdress and upper body outfit. Was each man in his own native dress or did the artist/photographer, or even a “stylist,” decide on the clothing and accessories? Was the garb authentic, or was it enhanced and contrived? Who determined the pose of each chief? In other words, did the men really look like that, or was there an idealized im-

age the viewer is supposed to accept? We’re forced to believe that what we see is genuine. It’s also interesting to consider all the famous people whose portraits were made by people who never saw them. We have no depictions of William Shakespeare from his own time. We also have no idea how The Rambam, Moses Maimonides, really looked. Did he truly wear a fantastic turban like the one in a famous later etching? Was Geoffrey Chaucer fat? Was Eleanor of Aquitaine gorgeous? Did Joan of Arc, in armor, still look like a female? Did Julius Caesar really look like a young Marlon Brando? Let’s not omit the biblical Moses. He was brought up in Egypt where the only people who had beards were the pharaohs, and their beards were phony. So I wonder; did Moses always have that flowing beard? Were the Maccabees all handsome and well-muscled? We think we know how these people looked: you and I have the calendars to prove it. It’s uncommon for people to have their portraits painted nowadays. It’s costly and time-consuming. That’s why G-d created fancy cameras. My son-in-law, Alex the graphic designer, took my photograph. Because Photoshop is the senior adult’s best friend, I asked him to work his magic on my likeness for the online album of my high school reunion last year. He did a masterful job, coloring gray hairs, brightening teeth, eradicating skin flaws, deepening dimples, smoothing wrinkles and blending two of my three chins. I was still me, but a much, much better me. Hundreds of years from now, when everybody who ever saw me in the flesh is long gone, the alumni album will prove to one and all that I looked marvelous in 2012. Who knew that Henry VIII and I would have something in common? Chana Shapiro has been led astray by art portraits for too long, and in order to get closer to reality, she is determined to spend more time watching the History Channel and less time in museums. She does, however, believe it was imperative to fake her alumni photo.

Rethinking ‘You Are What You Eat’


AJT contributor


hey say, “You are what you eat.” It’s very simple, then. I am an avocado. However, I think the saying has more to it than the literal meaning. I think it’s a cautionary tale; it’s telling you to keep in mind what you’re putting in your body and then see if it properly reflects what your beliefs. Is it mass produced or farmed? Does it have pesticides or is it organic? Is it plant-based or animal-based? A little less than a year ago, I became a vegetarian. A little less than a month ago, I went vegan. This process has been extremely eye-opening for me. The vegan ideology has really struck a cord with me, and since eliminating animal products I’ve felt healthier and more connected to my world. But that’s not the point of this column. While I had always been aware on some level of my food, what really opened my eyes was a lecture that I attended at Congregation Shearith Israel called, “Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows” by Dr. Melanie Joy. Of the many interesting and insightful points she made, one really stuck out to me. Veganism is a diet attached to a belief system. Vegetarianism is a diet attached to a belief system. When I wrote earlier that I was vegan, (before disclosing my reasoning for it) I gave you a certain impression of who I am. What is the belief system attached to the normal diet – the most pervasive one? Meat-eating? That’s the action. Many would say there is no belief system, because we’ve accepted that it’s normal, but also because we tend to ignore what “it” is. I’ll leave you to read the rest in her book. Since taking on this new understanding of the food world, I’ve also noticed just how big of a world it really is. Have you ever thought about

how much money you spend on food every week? Every day? What about how much time you spend preparing food? Or thinking about it?

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Food not only fuels us but it also has huge social values, as well as monetary ramifications. So how is it that can we not even think about what we’re eating? Not everyone should be vegan; not everyone should be vegetarian, pescetarian, carnistic (meat-eating), or any other diet. The issue with eating healthy is that there is no one “Solution.” Everyone will say something else is healthy, or that something else will kill you—and on some level, they’re probably right. My argument is that with all the energy and resources we spend on food, and with food being what we need to live, I think that everyone should be more aware of what they’re eating. Hank Green, internet activist, said, “I believe in a kind of self-flagellation…when I eat meat, I consider the impact my decisions have on the world an individual lives.” For me, that means not eating animal products. For someone else, that means not eating fish, or not eating veal, not eating dairy. The point is, even though it’s an uncomfortable, difficult conversation to have, it is crucial. “You are what you eat” isn’t literal—it’s a question. Do you stand by your breakfast cereal? It’s a question you can answer “yes” to as well. When carnism is a conscious choice, it’s a valid one. It’s only when we do it because everybody else does, and we don’t realize and accept what it actually involves, that it’s cruel.

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So, if you are what you eat...who are you? Atlanta’s Eden Farber, 16, was recognized in the Jewish Heritage National Poetry Contest of 2010 and has published op-eds and poetry in Modern Hippie Magazine and the NY Jewish Week’s Fresh Ink for Teens section.

November 15 ▪ 2013


eden’s garden

Offer valid through January 31, 2014. Applies to purchases in $25 increments. Additional restrictions apply.




The Blue Box



y mom was a Zionist. My family belonged to Farband (you can now check this out on Google)

So, it stands to reason that her daughters (that would be her three daughters) would be Zionists as well. Did we know what that meant? We had no clue; we did. However, know we collected money for the Keren Kayemet in the blue box pushkah. (piggy bank- or should you find piggy offensive, a box that holds lots of collected loose change and a few bills, if we were very lucky), and we knew we went to Farband shule and camp. The Blue Box money was for Israel. I did not go to Hebrew School or Sunday school. And, if you really want to know, I did not have a Bat Mitzvah. I mean really! I discovered this phe-

nomenon when Gene and I moved to the South. I attended Yiddisha Shuleh four afternoons a week (after secular school) and half a day on Sundays, beginning my kindergarten year. My mom hired a babysitter to walk me the three or four miles to Shuleh every day until I was around 9 or 10, at which time I became old enough to walk by myself. I would cut through Crotona Park and end up on Boston Road near the 174th street El, where David Pinsky Shuleh was located. This was my life until age 14. (Today you could go to jail for child neglect, allowing a child to walk alone at such a young age) From ages 14 to 16, I attended Farband Central Mittle Shuleh (middle school and high school) in downtown New York City Monday and Thursdays, after school and on Sunday half a day.

Taking the train downtown alone

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November 15 ▪ 2013

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was no big deal for kids who grew up in New York. The train was relatively safe and was always an adventure with some very unique entertainment, which included the occasional pinch from an anonymous Prince Charming (if only). The Shuleh was conveniently located within walking distance to Central Park, where I and my friends would sneak off whenever possible. (Oh yes, this is a great story for another day) My two sisters and my cousins all took this same journey to teen hood. We were die- hard Farbandists. We spent many hours at the train station on our way to David Pinsky or Mittle Shule holding our blue cardboard boxes, wearing our hearts and love of Israel on our sleeves, collecting money to send to Israel. By the way, we did not need contests for incentive to collect as much money as we could. The incentive – the prize, if you will – was Israel’s continued existence.

body of my Uncle Joe (Larry’s dad). Unlike Superman, my uncle could not fly; he had something more powerful – a car! I was instructed to go with my uncle Joe to search for the Kinder (children). My uncle asked me to decide where to start the search. Me decide? What if I’m wrong? What if we go down Elsmere Place and they are on Prospect Avenue? Or visa versa? Upon flipping the preverbal coin in my head, we began our search. My uncle seemed quite calm, if you really want to know the truth. He was a little put-out by all the hysteria, but on the other hand, he could now light up his cigarette without being strahed. (hassled) He drove, I looked. Finally we spotted them slowly meandering up the street, completely worry free. “Get in the car,” I shouted out the window, before singing gleefully, “You’re gonna’ get it.”

One winter night my sister Maggie and our cousin Larry did not come home at the specified time. At first, no one was really worried; they were out with the blue boxes at the train station. Have you ever noticed, the darker the night becomes, “not really worried” turns to “worried” which quickly turns to “panicked.” Suddenly I became acutely aware that my mom and Aunt Ruthie were in panic mode.

Upon arriving home, boy did they get “it.” We all know what “it” is don’t we?

“Where could they be so late?” (It was probably 6 p.m.) “It’s getting so dark. How will they walk so far alone in the dark?”

It was a wonderful time in the U.S.of A. Who knew from tsures? (worries) We did not even know it was such a wonderful time, we just lived and let live. We worried more about Israel’s well-being than just about anything else.

Oy, panic started to spread to every apartment in our building. (It is important to note, that of a six story apartment building, our family and extended family occupied a minimum of one apartment on every floor. We were a very close clan.) My dad was still at the butcher shop (can you believe it, he was an authentic Kosher butcher) and none of the aunts drove. What to do? Should we go looking? Where would we start? Which way should we walk? What if someone took them? Suddenly without much fan-fare our very own superman arrived in the

As they were getting ‘it’ they cried out, “We were doing a mitzvah, it took a long time, we forgot the time, no we did not notice it was getting dark, what’s the big deal? Who would take us?” (Have you heard the one: No good deed goes unpunished?)

Of course I mostly worried about my hair, my clothes, my friends, when would I be driving my father’s car and a little bit about school. What I sometimes wonder about is the blue box pushkahs. Shaindle would like to proudly thank her proof reader daughter Raina, for ensuring my minions make sense.



GHA To Host 5K Run



xcitement rippled through the halls of GHA as 11-year-old Orli Rose returned to the school that she had left two years before. The Rose family had been a vital part of the GHA family for a long time, with both Dr. Daniel and Jacqueline Rose teaching at GHA and their children attending the school. The Roses had returned to their home in Israel; and although they were out of sight, they were never out of the minds or hearts of their friends at the Greenfield Hebrew Academy.

top: Orli Rose & Keren Rose Orli had come to Above: Orli gets visit from IDF soldiers the school to speak about a cause that had long been very important to the Rose family: the Schneider Children’s Hospital in Petach Tikva, Israel. In 2006, a young cousin of theirs had been diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer. The Rose family, eager to help somehow, had started running races to benefit the hospital that had done so much to bring their little relative good health. So when Orli was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in January of 2013, the Roses already knew where the best care was to be found. And now that Orli has completed her treatment, once again, the Roses are giving back – and the Greenfield Hebrew Academy is standing right behind them, ready to help. Spearheaded by Orli’s former classmates, now in the sixth grade, GHA has created a mitzvah project to benefit the Schneider Children’s Hospital. It will include a 5K run/walk called LaRutz LaTet L’ha’Ir, (“to run, to give, to light”). L’ha’Ir refers to both the date the race will be run (Nov. 26, just a few days before Chanukah) and to Orli’s name, which means, “my light.”

Each family at GHA is being asked to contribute at least $10 to the fundraiser. Older students will complete the 5 kilometer circuit between 10 a.m. and noon on Feb. 26, while younger students will do their walk/run around the soccer field. Meanwhile, in Israel Dr. Rose has created a marathon that will be run from the family home to the grounds of the Schneider Children’s Hospital, 42.2 kilometers, with a carnival at the finish line. All funds raised from both events will be donated directly to the hospital. “Our students may graduate or move away, but we never forget them. They are always part of our GHA family, and members of a family care for each other,” says Interim Head of School Leah Summers. “We are so grateful to the Schneider Children’s Hospital for taking such great care of Orli, and we’re delighted to have the chance to ‘pay it forward’ to help other children to get the care they need.”

November 15 ▪ 2013

“The doctors and nurses who looked after me were really nice,” explained Orli. “Once, a rabbi there even gave me a bracha (blessing) for good health.”


“5,000 YEARS





O all-new show wITh lIVe oRChesTRa 30-CounTRy woRld TouR

ne of our fabulous tutors was assigned to a boy who needed her help. Sue was sent to this child’s classroom to accompany him to their first session, and when the teacher announced that his tutor was there, he barely raised his head off of his hands, which were folded on his desk. As the weeks went by, he began to be more attentive. One day, when she “picked him up” his head was up, his back was straight and there was a big smile on his face as he popped out of his seat to join her for their session.


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November 15 ▪ 2013

— Donna Karan, creator of DKNY (Donna Karan New York)


This is not a unique situation. We hear similar stories from the majority of our tutors. It’s often a toss-up of who gets more from a tutoring session of as little as a half hour per week during the school year. The kids are adorable (kindergarten through third grade) and the difference we make in their lives is huge. During President Clinton’s second inaugural speech, he asked for one million reading volunteers. An activist- philanthropist out of Boston, Leonard Fine, responded to his request with a promise to supply 150,000 volunteers from the Jewish community. Thus, the National Jewish Coalition for Literacy was born. Jewish Community Relations Councils across the country created the programs in many cities. Lois Frank brought it to Atlanta and all of the synagogues were asked to join the coalition and most did. Some literacy facts and figures: Designers of prisons base the number of cells they need to build on the literacy rate of fourth graders. 70 percent of those in prisons are illiterate. Two thirds of women who receive assistance to support their babies and children are illiterate. Illiteracy costs the U.S. over $300 billion a year. From kindergarten to third grade children learn to read, but from third grade on, they must be able to read to learn. The National Council of Jewish Women, which has worked for metro-

Atlanta’s women, children and families since 1895, assumed the responsibility of managing this program in 2007. We feel very strongly about it. At no time that we can recall has there ever been a greater need in our schools. Public Schools are overcrowded. Teachers are furloughed and dealing with class sizes that aren’t manageable. All of our schools, despite being in our own neighborhoods, are Title 1, meaning in our case that greater than 75 percent of the students receive a free breakfast and lunch. They are wonderful kids. They are happy to have a one –on-one relationship, even for only a half hour per week, with an adult who focuses just on them. The reports we receive back from the schools show major improvement, resulting in children learning to love reading. Our tutors are young and old, retired teachers, physicians, attorneys, young moms and dads and those who simply like children and learning and want to make a difference. We have also begun a program where b’nai mitzvah students collect primers as their mitzvah project. One such student, Marc Mitchell, collected over 1,500 books for our tutors and the schools. Rayna Sklar not only collected hundreds of books, but she asked her guests to make a donation to the program. Several other kids, including Rachel Sommer, our most recent b’nai mitzvah, did the same. Rachel’s grandmother, Susie Sommer was Rachel’s example. We are most fortunate to have Susie, tutor extraordinaire and cheerleader, here in Atlanta. She started the Albany, N.Y. Jewish Coalition for Literacy, which now boasts over 350 tutors. The need is huge. This is a great project for anyone who loves reading and children, even with as little as a lunch hour to share! Editor’s note: for more information about either project, call Kim Urbach at (404) 843-9600



“Send Me Money, I‛ll Make You Funny”



JCCA Arts & Culture is pleased to present a delightful family musical, “Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins.” The show is recommended for ages 3 and up and is running Dec. 5 and 8 in the MJCCA’s Morris & Rae Frank Theatre.

A feisty band of goblins has stolen Hanukkah, and it’s up to brave young Hershel of Ostropol to get it back! Camped out in the haunted synagogue on the hill, Hershel outwits the goblins one by one, but can he prevail through the eighth night when the ferocious King of the Goblins appears? The MJCCA is proud to present the return of this popular production, which also features the MJCCA’s J Dance Company. Brian Kimmel, MJCCA Director of Arts & Culture adds, “We are pleased to bring ‘Hershel & the Hanukkah Goblins’ back to the MJCCA. Warmth and humor prevail. Hershel is undoubtedly a hero for all.”

jeff jUstice’s comedy workshoppe

Jeff’s six-week course will teach you how to develop original humor, hone your delivery and maximize your stage presence. Whether you want to super-charge your business presentation skills or live out a fantasy, the Comedy Workshoppe is sure to be one of the highlights of your life! Classes are held on Monday nights at the basement Theatre on W. Wieuca and graduation is at The Punchline.

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Editor’s note: Catch the show on Dec. 5 at 10:30 a.m. or 7 p.m.; Dec. 8 at 10:30 a.m., 1 p.m., or 4 p.m. For more ticket information, visit boxoffice, or call (678) 812.4002.

November 15 ▪ 2013

“Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins” Cast:Dov Wallack (as Hershel); Logan Sucan (as Bubkes); Stacey Silverman (as Schmaltz); Gracie Kirshner (as Gonif); Rose Lubin (as Bieke/Chameleon Goblin); Dorothy Ripps (as Zisl/6-Headed Goblin); Elena Dollinger (as Hershellette/3-Eyed Goblin); Shelly Barnett (as Queen of the Goblins); David Skoke (as Rabbi); Maddy Delaune (as Raizel); Abby Limor (as Shosa); Joanna Wallack (as Shaindel); Rachel Binderman (as Laya); Max Rosenberg (as Yussel); Lindsay Lopp (as Hershellette); Halle Busby (as Hershellette).



tell & kvell



au Epsilon Phi members at the University of Georgia have been staying busy this semester, raising money for charity and celebrating a top national award.


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TEP, the oldest Jewish Fraternity at UGA and one of the oldest Jewish fraternities in the country, raised over $2,000 at its first ever “Battle of the Bands” charity event in late October.

Just a few days later, NU chapter at UGA was named the “Chapter of the Year” at the fraternity’s 2013 biennial National Convention in Washington, D.C. “Today, with close to 80 active brothers, NU Chapter continues to thrive in all areas of the undergraduate experience,” said Chapter President Brian Meyer, a junior from Dunwoody.

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He had special words of praise for Ryan Rones, NU chapter’s Philanthropy Chairman, who spearheaded the fraternity’s successful “Battle of the Bands” event held at the Silver Dollar Bar. “The concert was an outstanding success,” said Rones. “Not only did we raise money for Whatever-ItTakes (WIT), but TEP’s very own Alex Bloom, a sophomore from Johns Creek, was a member of the winning band, ‘Sababa’.” All proceeds from the event went directly to WIT, a non-profit that helps Athens elementary students with both academics and playtime.

November 15 ▪ 2013

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“I’m thrilled with the success of TEP’s event,” said Justin Ivey, executive director of WIT. “The money they raised is huge for the program, and will go a long way toward supporting the underprivileged children of Athens.” Meanwhile, NU chapter received the “Chapter of the Year Award” at TEP’s International Fraternity’s biennial National Convention and Grand Council Session, held in Washington, D.C. The award is presented each year to the chapter that incorporates all aspects of fraternity life into its programs, including scholastic achievement, intramural participation, social and extra-curricular endeavors, and the quality of brotherhood.

TOP: Brian Meyer (left) and Lane Koplon are all smiles after NU Chapter is named “Chapter of the Year” at the fraternity’s National Convention. ABOVE: Recent charity event, “Battle of the Bands,” was sponsored by TEP at the University of Georgia, and raised over $2,000 for an Athens non-profit. Three TEPs from NU chapter were also elected to serve on the International Grand Council for the next two years, including Lane Koplon (’92), re-elected to serve as International Consul (President); Mark Needle (’03), elected to serve as Alumnus Member-at-Large; and current NU chapter President Brian Meyer, elected to serve as Undergraduate Vice-Consul.





Ziglin & Fairburn


lan and Rochelle Ziglin of Dunwoody announce the engagement of their son, Eric, to Jenny Fairburn, daughter of Patricia and Leroy Fairburn of Folsom, La. The future bride is the granddaughter of Bessie Sharp of Abita Springs, La., and the late and Lucy and Newton Fairburn and step-granddaughter of the late Myrtle Fairburn of Folsom, La. Jenny graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University with a Bachelor’s degree in History. She is employed by the Marriott Courtyard in San Antonio, Texas.


he Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has announced that Ronnie Agami of Atlanta is one of the recipients of the 2013 Daniel R. Ginsberg Leadership Award. The award recognizes outstanding young professionals for their leadership in the fight against antiSemitism, racism and all forms of prejudice. The annual presentation was held Nov. 1 at the League’s 2013 Annual Meeting in New York City. Ronnie Agami is a principal in Universal Diamond Corp, a wholesale diamond business that sells loose diamonds across the United States. He is a member of the board of the ADL Southeast Region and is a graduate of the ADL Glass Leadership Institute (GLI) of 2011. “Ronnie exemplifies the next generation of leadership for the ADL. His commitment of time and energy has already greatly contributed to the success of the League’s mission of fighting anti-Semitism and prejudice in all forms here in the Southeast Region,” stated Michael Merlin, ADL Southeast Region Chair. Ronnie serves on the ADL Leadership Development and International Affairs Committees and is co-chair of the GLI Subcommittee. Ronnie also serves on the board of Atlanta Scholars Kollel and is a participant

in the AIPAC-National Leadership Network. “Volunteering with ADL, I really feel like I am a part of the ADL family and can play a small part doing more than just what’s right with an organization that stands up for everyone that can’t stand up for themselves,” said Ronnie in accepting his award. Since 1995, ADL has conferred the Daniel Ginsberg Leadership Award to outstanding candidates from around the country who demonstrate knowledge of, and working commitment to the policies and activities of ADL, as well as those who have the ability to add to the League’s deliberations at the national level. The award, named in honor of the late Daniel R. Ginsberg, a former New York Regional Board Chairman and ADL National Commissioner, is generously endowed by his friends and family. Other winners of the 2013 ADL Daniel R. Ginsberg Leadership Award are Robert Friedman, Washington, D.C.; George Gibson of Houston; Jamie Golden of Boston; and Rob Velevis of Dallas. The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world’s leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.

A Cruise Ship wedding, under the Chuppah, is planned for January 2014.

Yeshiva Senior Becomes National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist WEISSMANN DINSTINGUISHED AMONG MOST ACCOMPLISHED IN THE COUNTRY


eshiva Atlanta senior Josh Weissmann, son of Nancy and David Weissmann of Atlanta, was recently named one of the approximately 16,000 Semifinalists in the 59th annual National Merit Scholarship Program. As one of these academically talented high school seniors, Josh will have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 8,000 National Merit Scholarships worth about $35 million that will be offered next spring.

Josh Weissman & About 1.5 million juniors in more than Dr. Paul Oberman 22,000 high schools entered the 2014 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. The nationwide pool of Semifinalists, representing less than one percent of U.S. High School seniors, includes the highest-scoring entrants in each state. A Semifinalist must have an outstanding academic record throughout high school, be endorsed and recommended by a high school official, write an essay and earn SAT scores that confirm the student’s earlier performance on the qualifying test. Josh’s participation in school and community activities, demonstrated leadership abilities, employment, and honors and awards will also be considered.

November 15 ▪ 2013

Photo Caption: ADL National Chair Barry Curtiss-Lusher, Karen GinsbergGreenwald, Ronnie Agami, ADL National Director Abraham H. Foxman.

The future groom is the grandson of the late Esther and Ernst Huth of Savannah, Ga. and the late Mildred and Max Ziglin of Atlanta, formally of Baltimore, Md. Eric graduated from Georgia Southern University with a Bachelor’s degree in Broadcast Journalism. He is currently employed as a Photojournalist at WAOI – TV in San Antonio, Texas.

National Merit Scholarship winners of 2014 will be announced in four nationwide news releases beginning in April and concluding in July. These scholarship recipients will join more than 300,000 other distinguished young 13 people who have earned the Merit Scholar title.


November 15 â–Ş 2013



One Night to Make Chanukah Bright

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n Nov. 20, OyToys, Atlanta’s shop for Jewishthemed toys and gifts, will hold its inaugural “Pajama Sale,” just ahead of Chanukah. Costumers will get to cruise the aisles from 9 p.m. to midnight and receive 20 percent off on all items. “A year or two ago, one of my costumers wrote to me and said, ‘I just love shopping on your website, because I can shop in my pajamas!’” Recalls store owner RuthE Levy, “So I thought, that’s what I’ll do! I’m gonna have a pajama sale.” Patrons will be treated to refreshments such as tea and coffee while they browse in any variety of sweats, unicorn-printed pj’s or full-grown up attired. Or, for those who would still rather not showoff their slipper socks, the sale will also be available to online shoppers via special code. Levy will be offering special holiday items, like the Chanukah Surprise Boxes, comprised of eight separate boxes – one for each night – either empty or filled with games and gelt. Also in-demand this season are the Royal Challah Pans – what Levy refers to as, “braiding made easy,” thanks to its special mold.

The list also includes Maccabee Monkey, the caped primate with a Star of David on its chest, plush musical dreidels, and the popular electric menorah. Levy calls these flamefree alternatives an viable option for the more safety conscious, such as those in assisted living or in a dorm. She hopes that the latenight sale can serve as an opportunity for those of us who may be harried by the unique eclipse of Thanksgiving and Chanukah.

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“I don’t think people are quite ready to celebrate Chanukah so soon, anymore than they were ready to celebrate Rosh Hashanah two days after Labor Day,” says Levy. “So many people work, and there are moms who don’t want to bring their children while they go shopping. So it should help everybody all the way around.” Both East Coast and West Coast shoppers will be included in on the event, as website codes will be valid for both time zones within the allotted hours. For those who come, Levy even promises to don fuzzy pink pajamas in honor of the occasion. “I like doing things late at night, you know, it’s kind of special.” says Levy. “Put the kids to bed and come shopping!”

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November 15 ▪ 2013

By elizabeth friedly SPECIAL FOR THE AJT



holiday gift guide

A Jewish Perspective of The Beatles



ust as Judaism is an ethical and spiritual lighthouse – so too were The Beatles.

Similar to Judaism, the religious-like allure of The Beatles was a vital factor in allowing the group to endure. They were spiritual apostles of sorts, who may not have explicitly sought converts, but they evangelized a kind of gospel that resonated with numerous devotees across a broad spectrum of beliefs. The search for a meaningful spirituality was an important part of their motivation. In this respect – they were a religion – like Judaism. Most religions have their roots in spiritual awakening. The Beatles had a powerful appeal to a generation, in calling forth a spiritual bonding. They sought out wonder, meaning, and innocence in their lives and music. A huge global audience of young people looked to them for the answers and spiritual guidance. With no formal rituals, the gospel according to The Beatles is a story of spiritual and personal exploration. The central concern of their simple message was their unfolding philosophy, which always pivoted on freedom of one type

or another – political and spiritual. The human problem, in their eyes, was one of limitations and constraint. We can’t reach our full potential if we are inhibited.

fying perfection in anything to do with rules. There are 12 divisions of heaven called the Mazzaroth, which God uses for signs and seasons. Hence, the 12 symbols of the Zodiac.

Just as Eretz Yisrael is geographically relevant and meaningful to the Jews, Liverpool, Hamburg, London, and India provided the “Holy Land” backdrop for the Beatle legacy.

In the same way, the Jewish idea suggests that we need to free ourselves from the limitation and entrapment of our physical world – at least once a week on Shabbat – to free our soul and our bodies from the trappings of the physical world.

The Beatles historical legacy certainly provided the backdrop for a “spiritual renewal” in the last half of the 20th century. Were they given seven years to help us to spiritually, free ourselves? Were we (the world in general, including Jews) given seven years to recognize this?

3). In Judaism, the unique liturgy and prayers are the link that carries us from generation to generation. Beatle songs perform the same function by keeping the sound and messages fresh in everyone’s mind.

One of the most intriguing facts about the legacy of The Beatles was that they were present in our world for exactly seven years; from August, 1962, when Ringo joined the group, until August 1969, when they walked out of Abbey Road Studios for the last time. Exactly seven years, down to the month. The number seven has theological origins, as God created the world in seven days. It also represents spiritual perfection and fullness or completion. The “Sabbath” meant that at least one day out of seven would be reserved for “spiritual” matters – to enable a working person to have one day of the week devoted exclusively to the soul. Another interesting fact is that The Beatles recorded 12 studio albums. Twelve is a perfect number, also signi-

PARALLELS BETWEEN THE BEATLES AND JUDAISM The legacies of The Beatles and the Jews share many similarities: 1). Like Judaism, The Beatles’ story has its legends, celebrates annual events, interpretations, and liturgy (songs). 2). The quasi-religious faith in the power of their music and them as cultural icons rendered the range of physical spaces that they occupied or passed through sites of crucial importance, imbued with sacred meaning. Just as the Jews have “holy” sites, so too does the Beatles legacy. The Cavern Club, the Abbey Road crosswalk, their childhood locations.

Just as Beatle songs are a joy to sing and listen to, so too are many Jewish prayers. All Jews connect to their Jewishness via songs and prayers. Just as with Beatle songs. You don’t even have to know all the words, just hum along and you are part of the community. 4). The Beatle legacy represented the good nature of humans: i.e., love, peace, love your neighbor, contribute to the welfare of your community, etc. Nearly all Beatle songs were about good feelings towards others, love, peace and understanding. While it has been presented was nothing more than naive optimism – it was not. They were able to formulate and project these concepts through their music and their physical presence. They didn’t write down what they thought and ask others to read it and agree. What they sang about and represented was the sacred truths and hopes that has been part of Jewish tradition for thousands of years. The Beatles presented very Jewish ideas, concepts and aspirations. 5). As many Jews believe, The Beatles’ ideology presupposed that something was wrong with the world. They practiced their own version of “Tikun Olam” and tried to make the world a better place by the goodness and spirituality that came across through their music.

November 15 ▪ 2013

While we are conditioned to think it will be the Jews who will be required to bring forth “Tikun Olam,” nothing in the literature even remotely suggests this.


As The Beatles reached the masses with a message of love, peace and personal happiness, they definitely brought about the first stage of a “Tikun Olam,” the realization that there is a problem with the way man is acting in the world. The world was definitely slightly “repaired” due to their message and image of what they were or what they projected. The reaction after they broke up was “if The Beatles would get back-

Unfortunately few of them recognized that a higher power had created them for a reason – to “repair” the world – and they did this, slightly, by creating a the core of a thinking (particularly in western countries) that said, “We need to more for our community.” This is a core, Jewish concept- the idea that we need to bind together for the common good. Who does “community” better than the Jews? The Beatles left a world behind them where at least some people cared and got their message. They shaped the next five decades with an outline that is 100 percent Jewish in thinking and belief. 7). Just as only a minority of Jews take their heritage seriously and devote the time needed to derive benefit from the treasures that exist in the thousands of years of Jewish literature, few people pursue “Beatle literacy.” Just as the Beatle legacy is presented through books and documentaries as a historical narrative – full of dry facts and figures of the “what” – much of Jewish communal religious life (even in orthodox circles) has become dry and so very predictable. In the same way, very

few Beatle fans seek out a higher level of understanding of their music and historical legacy. THE BEATLES TAUGHT THE MEANING OF COMMUNITY The Beatles personified the concept of “unity” and were the epitome of the term “community.” When the movie “A Hard Day’s Night” was released in the summer of 1964, the world first observed The Beatles as a “group.” A tightly-knit community. It was to Beatle fans what “coming together as a nation” was to the Jews a Mount Sinai. We all joined their “community” just by sitting back and listening to their musical treasures. We join the Jewish community by agreeing to belong and commit to the community. It’s been that way since Sinai and remains as strong as ever where Jews everywhere still want to come together and form com-

Through Dec. 30, we’ll add 20% to any purchase of $100 or more!

munities/shuls. Most of the world never sees the inner workings of a Jewish community to understand the real meaning of the word “community.” However just by listening to a Beatle song, they can benefit from being part of a community. The Beatles’ unique sound was a result of their voices and musicianship blending into one. The four of them were also bound together on the physical level into one perfect, unified whole. The term “The Beatles” can be used in either singular or plural. It can be “Beatle music” or “Beatles music.” “A Beatle song” or “a Beatles song.” They displayed the same “oneness” in their physical state as the “oneness” of their sound. They are of the one and the many; separate entities, but also a complete whole.

expressed by Jewss, who are individuals, but become “unified” and a “perfect whole” when they join a community of Jews. With The Beatles, all you have to do is listen to one of their songs and you are a member of their community. All a Jew has to do to “belong” to the community is to sing along in synagogue or say a prayer along with other Jews. The liturgy provides the exact same function that songs do for members of the Beatles community. The deeper meaning of The Beatle legacy is based on an authentic Jewish concept relating to the benefit of belonging to a community. Joel Bainerman has published 15 books on the musical and historical legacy of The Beatles which can be viewed at: To arrange a lecture for him on the subject of “A Jewish Perspective of The Beatles” contact him at:

The Beatles were a “unified community” of four. A similar type of “unity” is

This holiday season, give 20% more— instantly! Whether you’re shopping for family and friends or clients and co-workers, a Fifth Group Restaurants dining card is the perfect gift of good taste. And now you can purchase it online and email it to any inbox. No waiting. No shipping charges. No-brainer.

November 15 ▪ 2013





Renowned Show Back in Atlanta



myths, and literary classics.

he sold out Classical Chinese dance, Shen Yun, that brought audiences to their feet during at the sold out 2012 performance at Cobb Energy Center returns once again to Atlanta, Fri., Dec. 27 – 29.

A great experience for the entire family to enjoy this holiday season. See what others have said: “What I loved about the show was the authenticity of it. It was taking me on a journey to the many aspects of China.”

From the moment the gong is struck, you know you are in for something memorable. The Shen Yun Orchestra masterfully blends ancient Chinese instruments, like the emotive erhu and delicate pipa, with a full Western orchestra, creating an exhilarating new sound. Experience an extraordinary journey across 5,000 years of Chinese civilization. With classical Chinese dance, live orchestra, dazzling costumes and animated backdrops, Shen Yun will transport you to another world.

Millions have seen Shen Yun.

Standing ovations at sold-out theaters around the world have made it a global sensation. Classical Chinese dance has a history of thousands of years, sharing a common ancestry with martial arts. Its dramatic jumping, spinning, and flipping techniques are just part

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November 15 ▪ 2013



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of the vast repertoire of movements that make classical Chinese dance one of the most demanding and expressive art forms in the world. From Snowcapped Tibetan peaks down to boundless Mongolian grasslands, timeless ethnic and folk dances fill Shen Yun’s stage with color and energy, as resounding drums awaken the dusty plateaus of the Middle Kingdom. Brave generals, heavenly maidens, mischievous monks, and even a flying pig! China’s 5,000 years have yielded an endless trove of legends,

“The voices were extraordinary, absolutely extraordinary, and so were the dances, but what I loved the most was that—even in the costumes—[they] were all in one” Karan, chief designer of DKNY “I love the music. It was absolutely beautiful and it was wonderful to see such a robust orchestra pit so the violins had a lot to play,” Lynne Flater, Georgia Symphony Orchestra

Editor’s note: for tickets, call 1-888974-3698 or (678) 681-1868. Those interested can also email, contact@





s a teacher of classical ballet, I can say that over the last eight years, I have seen so many students in our classes grow from little 3 yearolds to mature teenagers (and adults). Ballet seems to touch so many aspects of their lives by improving their self image, confidence, poise, and most importantly, working with others in a group environment. This growth occurs through the exposure, not only to classical music and dance, but an opportunity to be a leader, as well as a follower in classes and performance. We stress that the individual must accept their bodies and minds for what they can accomplish themselves, through focusing and working hard in class, and this follows with anything they attempt in life. The disciplines one learns in ballet can carry them forward in their future endeavors and provide a lifetime of support to their mental and physical well being. This year, give a gift of love to you, your children, or grandchildren through ballet classes. So many adults who have danced when they were young, remembering the joys of dancing and physical exercise, come back to ballet and join our classes. We offer a supportive environment where our dancers become a little family of their own, always trying to help each other to accomplish group goals in class. Students may attend one, two, or more classes during the week. Discounts are given to multiple students from the same family, or if they take more than one class per week. Scholarships are available for qualified students. Our studio is nestled in the heart of Sandy Springs, where we have been in existence now for 8 years.

Our annual recitals are held in June at the MJCCA in Dunwoody at the Morris and Rae Frank Theatre, providing our students with wonderful stage and dressing room areas. The MJCCA has been very supportive of us during our rehearsal and performance times, allowing our students to experience the real life atmosphere of performing arts environment. My own background as a teacher, plus my personal dance experiences, have enabled me to bring the best of teachers to our studio. Because we are small, we can give personal attention to each student and help them to achieve their full potential in dance. During the year we hold demos for parents and friends at seasonal events, such as our Halloween Party. We have also included annually a “sleepover” for the students who camp out in the studio and watch professional ballet videos while building friendships with their fellow students. This is always a fun time for them. We additionally attend a professional performance of the Atlanta Ballet annually and hold summer camps for various age groups. We carry a full line of dance class wear in addition to offering discounts by our local dance retailer stores. We urge you to give this gift for the holidays and provide your loved ones with a wonderful opportunity to stay healthy and creative all of their life.

Johns Creek’s fine Dining Authentic Persian Cuisine From intimate Shabbat gatherings to banquet style Celebrations Call us today to discuss your special event and desired menu!


of the same or lesser valUe not valid in combination with any other office or discount. excluding holidays. expires january. 28, 2014

Editor’s note: visit the website at or email for information and class schedules

Lunch ● Dinner ● Catering ● Event Space ● ByOB 10305 Medlock Bridge road, Johns creek, Georgia 30097 678.353.6329

November 15 ▪ 2013







s Americans prepare for the extremely rare convergence of Hanukkah and Thanksgiving on Nov. 28,, an online Judaica retailer based in Atlanta, has been working round the clock to satisfy demand for several exclusive products the company developed for the occasion. National media coverage of the company’s exclusive Woodstock-inspired tee shirts emblazed with the words “Light, Liberty & Latkes” as well as a parody poster of Grant Wood’s American Gothic painting featuring a pilgrim and Rabbi couple has led to unprecedented sales.

Discount Galore on New & Used Sports Equipment! Now Specializing in Truckloads of Return and Slightly Blemished Sporting Goods… All with guarantees… All are amazing Deals! It’s Snow Board and Ski time too! Find Bibbs, Board pants, Boots, Beanies & Goggles!

November 15 ▪ 2013

Baseball/Softball Skateboards & Ramps Bicycles Lacrosse Packages Treadmills & Ellypticals Disc Golf Hockey Boxing & Martial Arts Gyms & Weights Proline Golf & Jr Sets Recumbent Bikes Camping/Fishing/Hiking Soccer Packages Tennis Find all major brands and more! Bring in gear to trade and make your own discount!


“ModernTribe’s mission is to offer creative products that help modern Jews to express their faith and keep our traditions alive, meaningful and fun,” says Jennie Rivlin Roberts, president of ModernTribe. com. “This year’s calendar confluence was the perfect opportunity to do just that.” The pop-up store’s grand opening will be Sun., Nov. 17 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., at which Roberts will be serving chocolate gelt coins and jelly doughnuts, both traditional Hanukkah treats. After that, the pop-up location will be open 11a.m. to 8 p.m. daily, closing earlier on Fridays and all day on Saturdays to observe the Jew-

ish Sabbath, through the end of the year. “As Thanksgivukkah became a bigger phenomenon, we realized we needed more space in order to accommodate the number of orders we were getting from across the country,” explains Roberts. “When we saw the space at 331 Elizabeth Street in Inman Park, we realized we had an opportunity to not only double our production space, but also open our first brick-and-mortar storefront as well.” In addition to the Thanksgivukkah items, which also include aprons and notecards, the shop will feature Jewish and secular gifts for the design-conscious. In a nod to the store’s location adjacent to the Atlanta Beltline, Roberts will features special section of bicycle-themed items, including a Recycled Bicycle Chain Menorah. In the spirit and traditions of both Hanukkah and Thanksgiving, ModernTribe. com will donate 10 percent of all proceeds to MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger, a national nonprofit organization working to end hunger among people of all faiths and backgrounds in the United States and Israel.





hicago native Adam Levin has been praised by renowned American guitarist, Eliot Fisk, as a “virtuoso guitarist and a true 21st-century renaissance man with the élan, intelligence, charm, tenacity and conviction to change the world.” The recipient of numerous top prizes, Levin has been honored by organizations both domestically and abroad, for both his musical artistry and his humanitarian efforts. An accomplished solo artist and avid chamber musician, Levin also serves as an ambassador of the guitar everywhere he travels, sharing a comprehensive repertoire in underserved areas and unconventional spaces. In 2007, he was awarded an Albert Schweitzer Fellowship for a program he created at Boston’s Hebrew Senior Life Rehabilitation Institute and English High School. Here, he sought to introduce classical music to the lives of people who had either been cut off from the cultural mainstream owing to crisis and unforeseen misfortune, or denied access to it owing to economic or educational constraints.

Volume 1,” the first in a planned fourdisc Naxos series featuring world premiere recordings of works from four generations of Spanish composers commissioned by Levin. Tickets are priced at $36 (with discounts for subscribers, groups, students and Georgia educators) and are available for purchase now. Editor’s note: visit www.spiveyhall. org for complete program details and to purchase tickets

The very next year, he was awarded the Program for Cultural Cooperation Fellowship, promoting cultural understanding between Spain and the United States. Levin makes his Spivey Hall debut with the first of Spivey’s Guitar Series recitals on Sat., Nov. 17 at 8:15 p.m. Levin’s program includes classics by Bach and Turina, plus many of the commissioned pieces from his latest album, “21st Century Spanish Guitar,

November 15 ▪ 2013

Also in 2008, Levin was honored as a Fulbright Scholar in the field of music performance, researching contemporary Spanish guitar repertoire in Madrid, Spain. In collaboration with the Spanish and American embassies, Levin has continued outreach performances in Madrid at a number of bilingual school programs, introducing both American and Spanish classical guitar repertoire to students.



holiday gift guide


other stores they will buy, trade and consign your quality used equipment.

an you name three recessionproof things, which help the economy? Scott Ward, owner of Play It Again Sports in Roswell, can: and has been in the business of sharing his success with the community for over 20 years!

They depend on customers like you for all their quality used gear! Bring in the gear you no longer use and they will pay you on the spot. Then they can offer it to someone else who can use it at a great value. Reuse. Recycle. Replay.

Play It Again Sports is a locally owned and operated independent franchise. They buy and sell new and used sporting gear.

Play It Again Sports buys all sports’ equipment, all year long. Items that are brought in, during, or right before their respective season are more valuable and you will receive the best price for them during that timeframe. They can pay you on the spot (either cash or a check, depending upon the amount) or offer you a store credit for trade. They will do consignment on select items.


You never know what you will discover at Play It Again Sports! Half of the store has brand new equipment just like other sports stores; but the other half (unique to Play It Again Sports) is quality used and closeout items brought in by you and the community to recycle. That’s right. They carry new equipment from brand name manufacturers at competitive prices, but unlike

On any given day they have had fencing gear, rodeo tack, rowing shells and collectible golf items. They also specialize in new CrossFit training,

provide unparalleled expertise, timely communication, and personalized care. Our board certified cardiologists and highly experienced medical staff work together to put the patient first. In addition to General Consultative Cardiology, we provide:

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November 15 ▪ 2013

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Also unlike most stores that sell used gear, Play It Again Sports will let you bring items back for a full refund if you are not satisfied within 10 days. This return policy is only one of the many customer-first aspects that set Play It Again Sports apart. In fact, Ward’s location is one of the top 10 sporting goods stores in the country. They’ve earned the Gold Standard Seal. The Gold Standard Seal stores have achieved the highest standards in product, quality, operations and customer service. Quality products and personable customer service comes so naturally to Ward and his crew, it’s no wonder he’s been in business longer than I have been alive. Another Play It Again Sports specialty is the Big Orange Bell. Ward swears that the bell has magical properties to make everyone smile.

EXCELLENCE IN CARDIOLOGY Northside Cardiology is committed to

Yoga mats, home gyms, treadmills, bikes (indoor & out), golf, lacrosse, hockey, figure skates, baseball and disc golf too. You name it, if your neighbors have played, some of it will end up in their store! Atlanta: 5670 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Suite 880, Atlanta, GA 30342 Alpharetta: 3400-C Old Milton Parkway Suite 360, Alpharetta, GA 30005 Forsyth (electrophysiology clinic only) 1400 Northside Forsyth Drive, Suite 340 Cumming, GA 30041 Canton: (electrophysiology clinic only) 15 Reinhardt College Parkway Suite 105, Canton, GA 30114

The store is currently having a clearance sale that you do not want to miss. So now is the best time to get a jump on holiday shopping with the one-of-a-kind items for your one-of-akind friends and family! Editor’s Note: The Play It Again Sports, in Roswell, has moved to a new location and is now at 993 Mansell Road across the street from Walmart and next to the Paul Mitchell Salon School


Arts & life

Movie Review: ‘Thor: The Dark World’ (In Theaters)

CALL our team to help you get moving!



ast week, I saw the blockbuster movie “Thor: The Dark World” with my son Gabriel. We had different opinions about the film. Gabriel is 11. He likes science fiction and comic books. Gabriel thought the movie was only OK, but he liked the action and special effects. Initially, that seemed to be the totality of his experience with the movie. For me, the movie was a disappointment. Although I do like science fiction, this film had too much fiction and not enough science. The entire premise is based upon the existence of something the movie calls “Aether.” The nogood Aether is supposedly an ancient and mysterious object of power that is a blood-red liquid goo. Of course, since the audience does not know anything about Aether, the beginning of the movie consists of a narration about a far away planet, ruled by Dark Elves, who attempt to use the Aether to defeat Thor’s grandfather, Bor, and control/destroy the universe. The Dark Elves lose, but a few of the leaders escape into some kind of unexplained, suspended animation, and return later in the film. The general consensus is that the opening was a bad rip-off of Tolkien’s dark forces in “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit.” Since nobody can understand or even relate to the Dark Elves and the mysterious Aether, it is difficult to get emotionally (or intellectually) involved in the plot. Of course, for some, the plot does not matter. When Thor took off his shirt, the audience (mostly women) reacted. Likewise, the fight scenes and special effects were entertaining for everyone.

After leaving the movie, I asked

Gabriel if he liked the story and what it meant. Gabe’s initial response was that I was overthinking it. It was just a movie. It was fun. Then, I asked Gabriel if he saw any Jewish themes. Immediately, he said yes, that it was just like last week’s Parashat, Vayetze. Jacob tricked his brother Esau and his father Isaac, in order for Jacob to obtain Isaac’s blessing instead of Esau. Similarly, Loki uses his own powers of deception to undermine his father and dupe Thor. This is an interesting thought, because, although the main storyline is pretty lame, the constant struggle between brothers Loki and Thor is both profound and credible. The movie would have been better if it got rid of the stupid elves and Aether and focused on the struggle between the two brothers.


Where Great Music Thrives

– Atlanta Journal-Constitution

I asked Gabriel if he saw any other Jewish themes. He said that there is always the struggle between good and evil, and that we have to make our own choices and live with them. It is not always easy to make the correct choice.

Adam Levin GUITAR Saturday, November 16 8:15pm | $36

Gabe added that Thor’s choices remind him of Moses. Thor, like Moses, defies his “father/king” for a greater good. Like Moses, Thor also turns down the throne to focus on what he feels is important; being a good man and helping people as he knows how. Gabriel reminded me of Thor’s line, “It is better to be a good man than a great king.” Perhaps Gabriel got more out of this movie than he is willing to admit. I am glad that we saw the film together and had this discussion. If you can stand the nonsensical plot, take your children to Thor and see what they glean from it…you may be surprised!

“Spivey Hall in Morrow takes home the blue ribbon as the region’s best small concert space.”


A pupil of Eliot Fisk and winner of a Fulbright Scholarship, Chicago North Shore native Adam Levin plays with a loose-limbed, easy virtuoso ‘cool’ and beguiling tonal warmth that combines laid-back intuitiveness with classical sophistication (BBC Music Magazine).

PROGRAM Works by Johann Sebastian BACH, Mario CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO, Joaquín TURINA, Eduardo MORALES-CASO, Ricardo LLORCA, and Salvador BROTONS


TICKETS: (678)466-4200

November 15 ▪ 2013


The Walter & Emilie Spivey Foundation



arts & life

JEWS MAKING NEWS Complied by elizabeth friedly

Jeff Goldblum Brit Award Nominee


ctor Jeff Goldblum has been nominated for the 16 annual Moet British Film Awards, the winners for which will be announced at a gala Dec. 8. Goldblum received the nomination for Best Supporting Actor in the British film, “Le Week-end,” about a married couple’s return to the location of their honeymoon in Paris. Off screen, “The Fly” actor is costarring with Laurie Metcalf in the offBroadway production, “Domesticated.” The work, written by Pulitzer Prizewinner Bruce Norris, is a dark comedy about a political scandal and a marriage caught in its midst. Fans are also hoping to catch a glimpse of Goldblum in the upcoming blockbuster, “Jurassic World,” though no confirmation has been made. Goldblum was born to Shirley Temeles and Harold L. Goldblum, in addition to a sister Pamela, and brothers Lee and the late Rick Goldblum. His family emigrated from Russia and Austria. Growing up, Goldblum belonged to an Orthodox synagogue and became a Bar Mitzvah.

Bette Midler Moving Show to L.A.

November 15 ▪ 2013



ette Midler’s one-woman Broadway show, “I’ll Eat You Last: A Chat with Sue Mengers” is coming to the Geffen Playhouse in Los Angeles for a 19-performance stand. The debut of “I’ll Eat You Last” marked Midler’s return to Broadway, after nearly 40 years away. This past October, Midler hosted her annual gala to benefit the New York Restoration Project (NYRP), themed “Hulaween in The Big Easy.” Taking place at the Waldorf-Astoria, the event raised money for the nonprofit organization dedicated to reclaiming and restoring NYC parks, community gardens and open spaces. Additionally, NYRP is working to plant and care for one million new trees throughout the city’s five boroughs for the project MillionTreesNYC, to be completed in 2017. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Midler is the daughter of Ruth Schindel and Fred Midler. She attended Radford High School in Honolulu, where she was voted both “Most Talkative” and “Most Dramatic.” She eventually moved to New York, where she began acting in theater. While there, she befriended her pianist Barry Manilow, who would later produce her debut album.




emple Sinai in Sandy Springs was bustling with excitement this past weekend, as a group of musician along with Rabbi Noam Katz served as their artist-in-residence. Rabbi Katz was brought to Temple Sinai by Bunzl Family Cantorial Chair Julie Naturman, who commented on the rabbi, saying, “Noam’s energy, his music, his spirituality really spoke to me when I first met him a few years ago. Since that first encounter, I knew that

he would be a great fit for Sinai and that his story would resonate with the members of our community.” And resonate it did. In addition to leading Torah study, Rabbi Katz musically led the Friday night and Saturday morning services, featuring familiar melodies and tunes that he introduced from his own repertoire. He pointed out that his musical style is greatly influenced by the three months he spent with the Abayudaya, the Jews of Uganda. There he found a new outlet for his creativity and attempted to capture the sounds of that community with the comfortable music coming out of URJ Camps (like our regional camp, Camp Coleman). To packed houses on each occasion, he expressed his appreciation for the hospitality he received at the hands of the Abayudaya and educat-

ed a new community about our brothers and sisters half a world away. The fun and excitement continued throughout the weekend, as Rabbi Katz entertained the community with a Havdalah service and concert on Saturday night. Rabbi Katz was in his element on Sunday morning, when he worked with the Sinai Singers (Temple Sinai’s Junior Choir) and then performed a concert for our Religious School students and their families. R a b b i Katz made one additional stop, engaging the Temple Sinai eighth grade class in conversation about theology and spirituality. The teens found him to be engaging and learned as much from each other as they did from Rabbi Katz. R a b b i Brad Levenberg, one of the eighth grade teachers, observed, “I know that our kids are bright and I knew that Rabbi Katz and his message would resonate with them. It was a great moment for me, as one of their teachers and one of their rabbis, to see our students so engaged. I didn’t want it to end!” “Not wanting it to end” was a familiar refrain echoing throughout Temple Sinai on Sunday morning as the weekend came to a close and Rabbi Katz returned to Toronto where he lives with his wife and children. “I hope he comes back soon!” remarked a Sinai Singer. We couldn’t agree more.

The Three P’s of Small Claims Court



tlanta community leader, entrepreneur and mediator, Cary Rosenthal, has released his recently authored “Preventing, Prepari3ng, Pursuing,” a how-to book aimed at helping the average person navigate the realities of potentially ending up in a small claims court. Rosenthal, a 50-year-resident of Atlanta who makes his home in Sandy Springs, served as Chief Elected Officer for five nonprofit organizations over a 40 year span of community service. These include: the Marcus Jewish Community Center, the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce, State of Israel Bonds, Temple Emanu-El and the Printing & Imaging Association of Georgia. Professionally, he operated a major marketing and creative printing company for twenty years, and has served the State Bar of Georgia as a non-attorney Fee Arbitrator for more than 25 years. The 132-page volume has been inspired, according to Rosenthal, by more than 350 meditation cases he has conducted for the Cobb county Magistrate Court, and a similar number of courtroom observations. “I’m hoping that whoever reads it will pay close attention to avoiding conflicts when purchasing good and services, or entering into virtually any contractual obligation, before they arise,” Rosenthal says. He believes that a vast majority of litigants in small claims court can avoid disputes through his ‘prevention’ section of his book dealing with the “do’s and don’ts” of contractual obligations or significant purchases.

In the second section of the book,

Rosenthal prepares readers on the common nuances of court cases and disputes. Even people, who desperately search for their own resolutions before entering court, sometimes find themselves ill-equipped in the event that the case does reach the courthouse. Rosenthal explains “Because the maximum damages one can seek in Georgia’s magistrate courts is $15,000, most parties choose to represent themselves as opposed to hiring an attorney. Lack of proper legal filings, the inability to produce the appropriate evidence and not understanding courtroom procedures are litigants’ worst enemies. The mistakes are often very costly to parties who would otherwise could have prevailed had they prepared properly.” Court appearances can be very stressful for people unfamiliar with the procedures. Rosenthal hopes that his book might alleviate some of those extra pressures. His book offers detailed descriptions of what to expect throughout the entire process, and a complete description of mediation as an alternative to a trial. He also provides samples of many of the court forms so readers can become better prepared in the event that they are ever in a small claims court dispute. Court disputes are tedious and frustrating; hopefully Rosenthal’s book can help clarify and resolve your disputes before you step into the courtroom. Copies of “Preventing, Preparing, Pursuing” are available online.

November 15 ▪ 2013



Let’s Celebrate 2013 Together! We are Showcasing Our Community’s 2013 Memorable Moments & Simchas in Our December 20th Winter Simcha Issue Email photos of your special events by December 13th to be included in this special issue for FREE. Send them TODAY to Please include announcement and photo. Photos must be high-resolution JPeGS (250Kb or more)



d’var Torah



with God pain and affliction.


Even Midrash Tanchuma (VaYishlach 5) teaches the following: “A woman should not show herself in the street wearing conspicuous jewelry. Jewelry was given to the woman for the purpose of adorning herself in her own house for her husband. It would be wrong to set a stumbling block even before a righteous man and certainly before people who are on the lookout for an opportunity to sin.”


enesis 34 is at the heart of the story of Dinah’s rape. Dina’s rape is seen in the Bible as a dishonor to the good name of Jacob’s dynasty.

Yes, you heard it right.

Is anybody asking about her feelings? Her pain, her story, her anguish, her grief, her agony? Shimon and Levi entered the town of Shechem three days after Dinah’s rape murdering all males, including Shechem (the rapist) and Hamor (his father, leader of the town). I was expecting Jacob hugging his daughter, consoling her, nurturing her and assuring her she would be taken care of. Instead, Jacob our patriarch, gets upset with Shimon and Levi’s behavior responding: “ You have made trouble for me by giving me a bad reputation among the people of the land, the Canaanites and the Perizzites; my men are few in number, so that if they unite against me and attack me, I and my house will be destroyed.” Genesis 34:30

November 15 ▪ 2013

Unfortunately the traditional way of interpreting this episode based its etiology in Dinah’s behavior, as if she had incited Shechem to force her into sexual intercourse. Dinah is perceived as the provocateur of the scene.


The text starts, “VaTetze Dinah… lir’ot b’bnot ha’aretz And Dinah went out to visit the daughters of the land.” Genesis 34:1. The commentary on Etz Hayim explains, “Dinah, an only daughter raised in a family of men, was seeking company of other young women.” When the Torah describes Jacob’s encounter with God, it point out “VaYetze,” the outcome is different in this “VaTetze.” There is no encounter

Does the victim become the victimizer?! Are they now the perpetrator, the wrong-doer upon whom to place the blame? This particular midrash motivates me to speak out. Dinah’s rape is an example that triggers the need to decry domestic violence (towards both women and men), to speak out against sex trafficking; against verbal, physical and emotional abuse, against pornography (especially child pornography) against rape and gang rape, even when it seems so far away from home. Why is this disturbing text in the Torah? We should ask ourselves this question. If the Rabbis wanted us to remind silent, they would have skipped this unfortunate episode. Most likely, the Rabbis wanted us to break the piercing silence, to awaken the awareness of wrongdoing and evil that surrounds us, to challenge us with taking actions. Let’s elevate our voices and break the piercing silence of RAPE.

Shabbat Shalom!

Editor’s note: Are you ready to act? Get more informed about this painful reality, at www.halftheskymovement. org

what’s happening

Sat., Nov. 16

Elegant Elf Marketplace, the third annual, two-day gift market. Fundraiser of The Sandy Springs Society with more than 50 selected vendors, including raffle prizes and a cafe. Sat., Nov. 16, 9 a.m. Lake Forest Elementary School. Info, Holiday Home-Planting Class, Room & Board welcomes master gardener Mickey Gazaway as she prepares winter houseplants for their holiday debut. Sat., Nov. 16, 11 a.m. Free. Room & Board, Westside Provisions. RSVP, PikeNurseriesATL.

Sun., Nov. 17

Chanuka Saleapalooza & Tzedakah Fair, don’t leave your shopping until the last minute. Discounts, giveaways, refreshments and fun. Sun., Nov. 17, 10 a.m. Congregation Beth Shalom. Info, (770) 671-1667. OVS Hanukkah Bazaar, Congregation’s Or VeShalom’s 38th annual hanukkah bazaar. Make room for good eats and gifts for holiday shopping. Includes international dinners auction; a raffle for prizes; and kids’ games and activities. Sun., Nov. 17, 11 a.m. $3/person. OVS. A Celebration of Education Theater Festival, a one-act play festival with performances by the GHA Players, the Christian Magby Co., the Atlanta Shakespeare Co., Rathskellar (Emory University’s Improv Troupe). Includes master classes on stage combat, movement, musical theatre taught by industry professionals. Sun., Nov. 17, 12 p.m. Greenfield Hebrew Academy. Tickets, showtix4u. com or (866) 967-8167. “It Can Happen to Anyone,” for teens only. Preventing teen drug and alcohol abuse and addiction, lunch followed by program. Open to community and sponsored by Congregation Etz Chaim and JF&CS. Sun., Nov. 17, 12:30 p.m.. Etz Chaim. RSVP, Rich’s Exhibit Opening, The Breman Museum is bringing Atlanta’s favorite store back for an exciting interactive exhibition that spans 150 years of this local legend’s history. Runs until May 27. Sun., Nov. 17. Breman

Museum. Info,

a.m. Free. Emory.

Tues., Nov. 19

Tues., Dec. 3

“Drama Queens to Shabbat Queens” a Life Story, with Kaila Lasky, former actress and Manhattan luxury real estate broker who embarked on a search for meaning and connection. Come here her inspirational soul story. Refreshments will be served. Tues., Nov. 19, 7:30 p.m. $12/person. Chabad of Cobb. Register,

Wed., Nov. 20

Author Talk & Book Signing with Caryl Stern, “Never Again: Protecting the World’s Children.” Stern is the President and CEO of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF. Guests will also receive a voucher for the Return to Rich’s exhibit. Refreshments will be served. Wed., Nov. 20, 5:30 p.m. The William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum. New Israel Fund Inaugural Donor Event, “Rekindling Liberal Democracy in Israel” an evening with historian and journalist Gershom Gorenberg, moderated by Professor Deborah Lipstadt Gorenberg. Wed., Nov. 20, 7:30 p.m.. $18 suggested donation. The Temple. RSVP, www.nif. org/atlanta.

Fri., Nov. 22

TKC Thanksgivukah Dinner, Kehillat Chaim will be celebrating coinciding of Chanukah and Thanksgiving complete with turkey, cranberry sauce and latkes! Followed by a Shabbat worship service. Fri., Nov. 22, 6 p.m. $15/adult, $9/child (ages 5+). Nonmembers: $18/adult, $12/child. Send checks & reservations to Temple Kehillat Chaim.

Sun., Nov. 24

Chabad Chanukah Expo, first of a three-day Chanukah family experience from Chabad of Cobb. Enjoy 4,000 square feet of activities and entertainment. Sun., Nov. 24, 12 p.m. Free. Sports A Rama, Marietta.Info,

Mon., Dec. 2

Quilt on the Quad, Emory’s AIDS Awareness Club annual event honoring those who have passed away from AIDS with the largest collegiate display of the Memorial Quilt, reading of the names, performances and speakers. In partnership with the NAMES Project. Mon., Dec. 2, 10

Grand Menorah Lighting, the lighting of the tallest menorah in the state of Georgia with live music, treats and rides. From Chabad of Cobb. Tues., Dec. 3, 6:30 p.m. Free. Fountains of Olde Towne Shopping Center. Info,

Thurs., Dec. 5

Ketura Hadassah Meeting, the Ketura Group of Greater Atlanta Hadaassah’s closing dinner meeting and installation of officers. RSVP by Dec. 2. Thurs., Dec. 5, 7 p.m. $25/person. Mirage Persian Restaurant.

GIVE THE GIFT OF THE ARTS FOR HANUKKAH TICKET PACKAGES $70 Per Person (Includes all three) To purchase tickets, please call the Box Office: 404-733-5000.

Alliance Theatre


January 15-February 9, 2014 Written by Jewish playwright Janece Shaffer (Broke; Bluish; Managing Maxine), Two sisters lives are forever changed by Atlanta’s Cotton Exposition of 1895. Find out more:

High Museum of Art


November 6, 2013-April 14, 2014 Go West! Art of the American Frontier from the Buffalo Bill Center of the West The Art of the Louvre's Tuileries Garden Find out more: Newell Convers Wyeth (American, 1882-1945) The Wild, Spectacular Race for Dinner (detail), 1904-1905, oil on canvas, 38 x 26 inches. Buffalo Bill Center of the West, Gift of John M. Schiff, 44.83.

Atlanta Symphony Orchestra


May 22, 2014 & May 24, 2014 Featuring Bloch’s “Hebraic Rhapsody” for solo cello and orchestra, written to illustrate, in his words, “the complex, glowing, agitated soul” of the Jewish people. Find out more:

November 15 ▪ 2013




may their memories be a blessing

Aaron Alembik

November 15 ▪ 2013

83, Atlanta


Aaron Alembik 83, prominent Atlanta Attorney passed away in his sleep at home with his wife of 53 years, son Gary and partner Steven on Thurs., Nov. 7, 2013. Judy and Aaron were an inseparable couple. You never saw one without the other. Aaron was born in Mont St. Martin France on Sept. 28, 1930. His parents had moved from Poland to France in the 1930s. With the massing of the German Army behind the Maginot line, the family was moved by the French government to a town called Longwy in the Bordeaux Region of France. The family moved onto the property of a wealthy woman, by the name of Madame Sudre. She owned a beautiful Chateau. Aaron’s father was the caretaker for the property until he was arrested by the Germans and was placed in a concentration camp. The family remained on the property and lived in the barn with no facilities or running water. Aaron’s mother cooked in the fireplace. Aaron and his sister Ida were enrolled in a French government-run boarding school. They were able to ride their bikes to school and return home on the weekends. Aaron found out that the headmaster of his school was the head of the underground. Reprisals were more sudden and terrifying. Aaron became the head of the household. At times there was little to eat. No one complained because they knew in the large cities there was starvation. The harsh life of an occupied land continued. The people in the village of Longwy knew a Jewish family was living there, but no one said anything. The village priest and Mayor would go by the barn and visit with the family sometimes bringing food. After the war ended Aaron, Michael and their parents were brought to Columbus, Ga., by the Gerson family. Aaron’s sister had to remain in Paris. She had just turned 18 and needed a separate passport. In Columbus, Aaron learned to speak English and took odd jobs to help the family. The family moved to Portsmouth, Va. where Aaron attended the William and Mary College extension. He then transferred to Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. He lived at the Hillel House with some new friends. He worked numerous jobs to pay his tuition. Aaron graduated Cum Laude from Georgetown and then attended the George Washington School of Law, while also working several jobs to pay his tuition. He again graduated Cum Laude. He remained with his friends at the Hillel house while attending law school and they remained friends for over 50 years. He took the Virginia Bar Exam before graduating from law school and passed. His first job was in Portsmouth with the firm of Bangel, Bangel and Bangel. Aaron then decided to move to Atlanta where he obtained a job with the Law firm of Arnall, Golden and Gregory. In June 1960, Aaron married Judy and decided to open his own practice. He joined with the Honorable Arnold Shulman to form the firm of Shulman and Alembik. Judy attended Law School, passed the Bar and joined Aar-

on and they formed their own firm known as Alembik and Alembik. Aaron had a very successful real estate practice and Judy had a very successful family law practice. Aaron is survived by his wife Judy; his sister Ida, who lives in Tel Aviv; a son Marc, a Medical Doctor in Virginia and Gary a lawyer and judge in Atlanta. Gary has maintained the Alembik and Alembik Firm. Funeral services were held at H. M. Patterson & Son Arlington Chapel, 173 Allen Road, NE, Sandy Springs on Sun., Nov. 10 at 2 p.m. with Rabbi Neil Sandler officiating. Interment followed at Arlington Memorial Park. Donations in Aaron’s memory may be made to any of the Jewish Day Schools of your choice. Shiva will take place at the home of Judith and Aaron.

Arnoldo Fiedotin 77, Atlanta

The Fiedotin family informs the community of the passing of Arnoldo Fiedotin on Nov. 4, 2013 at the age of 77, after a valiant, 10-year battle with cancer. Arnoldo led a life defined by love for family, commitment to helping others, adherence to a high moral standard, adventure and courage. Born in the province of Entre Rios in Argentina, Arnoldo grew up with a large and close family and a tight group of friends, with whom he remained close throughout his life, in the Jewish neighborhood of Villa Crespo in Buenos Aires. Upon graduation from medical school at the University of Buenos Aires, he married his college sweetheart, Rosa Lia “Rosi” Ludner, and together they began a life filled with more love, fun, fulfillment and adventure than they could have possibly imagined. Their honeymoon was a cruise to America where Arnoldo continued his medical training. After the completion of a cardiology fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic in 1967, Arnoldo and Rosi moved to Atlanta where Arnoldo founded the Atlanta Cardiology Group, which became the largest private cardiology practice in Georgia, and established the department of cardiac services at St. Joseph’s Hospital of Atlanta. He served as the director of both his practice and the department until his retirement in 1994. Among his many achievements, Arnoldo was a published researcher and the first in the Southeast to perform coronary arteriography as well as coronary angioplasty. Arnoldo was known for his devotion to family, great sense of humor, and his love of music – as well as a commitment to America, the Jewish community, and Israel. He was an excellent pianist with an extraordinary knowledge of classical and Argentine folklore music. He was an avid reader of nonfiction books and scientific journals, following the news by reading several newspapers every day. For over 40 years, Arnoldo and Rosi had season tickets to the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, where he served on the board of directors. They were members of Ahavath Achim Synagogue and founders of Congregation Or Hadash. Arnoldo was a fundraiser for the Jewish Federation and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. He donated cardiology equipment and supplies to hospitals and clinics in Argentina, built homes for the underprivileged in his hometown of Rosario del Tala, and supported the Jewish community in Argentina, particularly after

Penny Hoff 82, Atlanta

Penny Hoff, 82, of Atlanta, passed away peacefully on Wed., Nov. 6, 2013 at her residence surrounded by her loving family. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y. on Jan. 27, 1931, she married the love of her life, Harvey Hoff, and moved to Atlanta in the early 50s. Penny fell in love with the city and worked as Harvey’s partner in entrepreneurial pursuits, such as building a medical building and establishing a chain of women’s apparel stores. She managed the South Cobb Medical Building for decades, which she considered a labor of love. Penny devoted most of her younger years to raising her two sons, as well as caring for her husband and parents. In later years, she devoted time to the grandchildren she adored; Mallory and Alexander. She had a passion for Asian art and had a talent for intricate needle pointing. Penny also enjoyed taking cruises to the Caribbean with Harvey. She will be remembered for her indomitable spirit, devilish sense of humor, her integrity and a deep rooted compassion and devotion to family. Penny lived her values and was a proud member of the “Greatest Generation.” Penny’s husband Harvey passed away in 2006 after 56 years of marriage. She is survived by her children, Charles (Eileen) Hoff and Dr. Robert (Carol Haile) Hoff; and her grandchildren, Mallory (Ben) Hoff-Golata and Alexander Hoff. Sign the online guestbook at www. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to any form of Breast Cancer Research or foundations. Graveside services were held at 1 p.m. on Fri., Nov. 8 at Crest Lawn Memorial Park, with Rabbi Scott Colbert officiating. Arrangements by Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care, (770) 451-4999.

Sidney Murray Siflinger 85, Sandy Springs

Sidney Murray Siflinger, 85, of Sandy Springs, (formerly Bronx, N.Y.), son of Oscar and Rose Kleinman Siflinger, passed away peacefully Oct. 26, 2013. Survivors include his wife of 60 years, Florence Carl Siflinger; son and daughter-in-law Jules and Marlene Siflinger of Roswell; daughter and son-in-law Shelley and Dr. Steve Barnett of Dunwoody; son Troy Siflinger, Atlanta; brother Julius Siflinger of Del Rey Beach, Fl.; He is also survived by his grandchildren: Christopher and Cortney Barnett Nelms, Matthew and Mary Nelson Goodgame Barnett, Laurie Renee Barnett, Adam and Brooke Siflinger; as well as great-grandchildren Aubrey, Halle, and Zachary Nelms. Sid was born in the Bronx, N.Y. on Nov. 7, 1927. In his youth, he played saxophone, loved history, cooking, the Mets, and the Catskill Mountains. He met his future bride during the summer of 1952 at Shorehaven Beach Club. He went on to raise a family and manage his Uncle Bill Kleinman’s “Grandview Cleaners” in NYC’s Westside for 30 years. He was affiliated with The Castle Hill Jewish Center, Bronx, N.Y., and was an honored member of the The Fidelis Fraternal Lodge. In mid-life, Sid became a jeweler, later settled near family in Atlanta, and enjoyed his last employment years with Armen and Joseph Jewelers, Duluth.. Sid was accomplished in oils, watercolor, sculpture, and jewelry making. Many happy years were spent designing jewelry, and teaching at The Dorothy Benson Senior Center in Sandy Springs. Sign the online guest book at In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The American Heart Association, PO Box 840692, Dallas, Texas, 75284-0692 or Guardians Of The Torah, P.O. Box 767981, Roswell, GA 30076. A graveside service was held Mon., Oct. 28 at Arlington Memorial Park with Rabbi Richard Baroff officiating. Arrangements by Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care, Atlanta (770) 451-4999.

Serving Atlanta’s Jewish Community with Sensitivity and Respect Edward Dressler, President

770.451.4999 David Boring Michael Braswell Allen Guertin Jonathan Miller

November 15 ▪ 2013

it suffered a devastating economic crisis in 2001, through Fundacion Tzedakah and the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA). He also volunteered his time as a Clinical Associate Professor of Cardiology at Emory University to train cardiology fellows and donated his medical services at work to treat all patients who could not pay. As an immigrant, he loved and appreciated America and felt it was a privilege to participate in and contribute to its civic life. Arnoldo also felt a very passionate connection to Israel, which he supported consistently over the years, particularly during times of emergency. Arnoldo was a devoted and loving son, husband and father and a wonderful person who will forever be in our memory. It was an honor to know him and be loved by him. He is predeceased by his parents, Paulina and Aron Fiedotin, of blessed memory. He is survived by his wife of 52 years and eternal bride, Rosi; his three children, Diana, Richard and Norma; two grandchildren, Joseph and Jake; brother and sister-inlaw, Jorge Fiedotin and Cristina Cravero from Argentina, and sister and brother-in-law, Beatriz and Asher Harel, from Israel. May his memory be a blessing. Graveside services were held at 2 p.m. on Nov. 6 at Arlington Memorial Park with Rabbis Analia Bortz, Mario Karpuj and Neil Sandler officiating. Please, sign our online guest book at In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Jewish National Fund and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee – Argentina. Arrangements by Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care, Atlanta (770) 451-4999

Licensed Funeral Directors 29

JEWISH PUZZLER by David Benkof

Across 1. Possible infection cause 6. Unknowns 9. “...and the bush ___ not consumed” (Ex. 3:2) 12. Walter who played Coach Buttermaker in “The Bad News Bears” 14. Professional name for singer Ahinoam Nini 15. Yom Kippur mo., sometimes 16. Galil, e.g. 17. Buddy Rich’s role in jazz bands 19. Oscar Wilde’s friend Leverson 20. Mae West play, with “The” 22. Give the go-ahead 23. Uses a Singer 25. “___ long staircase just going up...” (“Fiddler” lyric) 26. Center for Yiddish literature in the early 20th century 27. Not inactive 29. “Don’t ___ Me Why” (1980 Billy Joel hit) 30. Barak and Olmert 33. Prominent feature on the Israeli flag 35. Zeydie 39. It rescued 10,000 Jewish children from the Nazis 42. A son of Isaac 43. Nuclear vessel, briefly 44. You can see Saudi Arabia from

there 45. Setting in Milwaukee 47. Fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet 49. “David ___ Yisrael” 52. El Al announcement, briefly 53. Intensity 57. Stay attached 58. Remains in the theater? 60. 1051, to Josephus 61. Car option 63. Negev problem 65. Corp. identifiers 66. ___ avion (phrase on French air mail) 67. Hair curl 68. Like very narrow shoes 69. The third day, in Isr. 70. Molly Picon played her in the “Fiddler” film

ation 7. What Jonah was supposed to do at Nineveh 8. Steam baths 9. Prenatal sites 10. Amtrak speedster 11. Create clutter 12. Arts degs. 13. Rahm to Barack, once 18. First athlete to win seven gold medals in a single Olympics

21. Writers Himmelfarb and Stein 24. Pharisees rivals 28. Beirut-to-Jerusalem dir. 30. Barely achieve (with “out”) 31. Capitalized Bible pronoun 32. Ladino “one” 34. Smallish energy source 36. Big mail deliverer 37. Bosom buddy?

38. Co. that spun off the Baby Bells 40. German foreign minister Walter 41. ___ Under: Love (Grossman Holocaust book) 46. One kind of Hebrew writing 48. Actress Piper (“Carrie”) 49. “The Jew of ___” (Christopher Marlowe play) 50. Plant problem 51. ___ Apso 54. Nellie Forbush’s “South Pacific” love 55. Biblical herb 56. Dryer waste 59. German city whose Jews suffered from the Crusades 62. Test for Ph.D. wannabes 64. ___ Marx (character in Philip Roth’s short story “Defender of the Faith”)

Last week’s answers

Down 1. Pharaoh refused to give this to the Hebrews for their bricks 2. “___ Natural” (Malamud baseball book) 3. ___ Ha’am (noted cultural Zionist) 4. Talker behind bars 5. Secular ___ (what some “off-the-derech” Jews become) 6. Bernie Sanders’ pol. affili-

No Such Thing As Innocent Bystanders IRAN DEAL AND THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF KRISTALLNACHT Continued from page 4 It seems as if history may be repeating itself. The big news this week is that six world powers (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) led by the U.S., indicated they were making progress negotiating with Iran about slowing its nuclear program in return for relief on sanctions. Secretary of State John Kerry is pushing very hard to seal the deal. It seems the world is so anxious to be rid of an Iranian nuclear threat that it has turned a blind eye to who they are dealing with. And who are they dealing with?

So destructive was Laban’s deceitful ways that the Hagaddah says that he was worse that Pharaoh: “While Pharaoh decreed only against the males [throwing the male babies into the Nile River], Laban attempted to uproot all.”



Make no mistake about it. Rouhani and his boss, the Ayatollah Khamenei, like Laban want to uproot all and destroy Israel no matter the cost. And like Laban, they will say anything and do anything to accomplish that goal. Israeli Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu, said this week: “I met Secretary Kerry right before he left to Geneva. I reminded him that he said that no deal is better than a bad deal. The deal that is being discussed in Geneva right now is a bad deal. It’s a very bad deal. Iran is not required to take apart even one centrifuge.”

Hassan Rouhani is the new president of Iran. He’s widely touted as a moderate because he’s soft-spoken, smiles and uses twitter. But his first 100 days in office have been marked by an increase in political assassinations, the prosecution of Christians for drinking communion wine during services and the arrest of homosexuals and “devil worshippers.” From the Jewish perspective, Rouhani’s history is even worse: he was the one who planned the bombing of the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires in 1994 which took 85 lives, and of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia in 1996 in which 19 American soldiers were killed. He refuses to acknowledge that the Holocaust happened, and claims that in any case it is something only historians should be concerned with. And he called Israel “a wound” on the Middle East that must be eradicated. November 15 ▪ 2013

into getting what he wanted – marrying off his older daughter Leah. Later on, we read how Laban had continued to trick and deceive Jacob 10 times in order to get his way.

Can he be trusted in the current nuclear negotiations? It was Rouhani that led the nuclear negotiations on behalf of Iran from 2003 to 2005. He later boasted how he deceived the world into believing that Iran had stopped enriching uranium when it had not. And now he’s negotiating the nuclear deal? Mark Dubowitz, the executive director of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, an organization that has worked closely with Congress and the administration on devising the current Iranian sanctions, said, “Sounds like Obama decided to enter the Persian nuclear bazaar to haggle with the masters of negotiation and has had his head handed to him.”


In our Torah reading, we recently read how Laban tricked father Jacob

But the international community is relieving sanctions on Iran for the first time after many years. Iran gets everything that it wanted at this stage and it pays nothing. It’s the deal of a century for Iran; it’s a very dangerous and bad deal for peace and the international community. The Jewish population of Israel has recently turned 6 million. Think about what that number means. The Kerry deal will only provide cover for Iran as it continues enriching uranium and make it that much harder for Israel to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities when it deems it must. There are no innocent bystanders in a world that will allow Iran to get nuclear weapons and again incinerate 6 million Jews! Am Yisrael Chai, “The People of Israel shall Live!” Amen!





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