No 32, August 10 The Atlanta Jewish Times

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Six Comments from Jewish Journal’s Shmuel Rosner PAGE 10

the atlanta

THE FLIGHTS OF JAN WEINER Local’s Play Tours Europe, Comes Home PAGE 14

AUGUST 10, 2012 - AUGUST 16, 2012



Getting Ready for Ruach Atlanta PAGE 19


22 Av - 28 Av 5772, Vol. LXXXVII No. 31

THE Weekly Newspaper Uniting the Jewish Community for Over 85 Years



See Him on PBS’s “Broadway or Bust” PAGE 16

YOGLI MOGLI, YUM! On the Forefront of the Froyo Movement Page 17


Basketball Clinics from a Pro Page 13

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AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012

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Magnificent Musings


Dear Editor, have been a long-time subscriber to this paper, going back to when my husband Larry and I were newly-weds and the paper was “The Southern Israelite.” That was 40 years ago this month. I look forward to receiving our paper each week and am writing to let you know how very much I enjoy two columnists; they both make me feel good just by reading their columns. I especially liked Rabbi Marc Wilson’s writing this past week [the Aug. 3 edition of the AJT], “I’ll Take the Savings...Just Don’t Call Me ‘Senior!’” Rabbi Wilson hit the nail on the head, and being 60-something, I (and my husband, too) can definitely relate to what he said. However, we take the attitude: “We have EARNED these discounts by living long enough and reaching this ‘senior milestone!’” We love getting discounts for meals, movies, etc., and with the current economic times, we “mature folks” should get all the breaks that we can, right?

– please continue to keep me laughing each week, Rabbi, I appreciate it! I also always love seeing what topic “Chana’s Corner” will center on each week. This column is also TERRIFIC! I think it would have been interesting if the AJT had printed [Shapiro’s] column “The New Old” [see the July 20 edition] in the same edition as Rabbi Wilson’s which I just commented on. [Her] take on age was hilarious, and it made me feel better and encouraged that I am NOT a “mature” person by today’s standards, after all – I am just a kid! [Shapiro’s] creativity and humor is wonderful and I always smile and laugh aloud each week – when I read [her] writing! So thank you, Chana! I enjoy your creativity very much – you bring happiness and enjoyment to many readers!

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Sincerely, Judy Bernhardt Glatzer Bethlehem, Ga.

Still, I can see where being referred to as “old” can be a little upsetting. I thoroughly enjoyed this article

The Debate Continues agree 100 percent with the reader response from Matthew Schwartz [see the Aug. 3 edition of the AJT for a piece written in response to Eugen Schoenfeld’s column in the July 20 edition]. Not only does ObamaCare not reflect American or Jewish values; neither do the policies of the current Democratic Party. Coveting is forbidden by the Torah (our Creator provides us what HE deems we need, not necessarily what we think we need), and has never been part of the American cul-

ture, but that is what class warfare is. The lies about Mitt Romney are lashon hara, also forbidden. Interesting, he [Schwartz] mentions Hitler, Lenin, Mao Tse Tung, Castro, who came to rule by preventing free speech and citizens from protecting themselves with arms, two other things that the Democrats would like to inflict on us. Sincerely, Marcy Karon Atlanta

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AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012


Dear Editor,



if you ask me

Fear That Lasts Many Lifetimes A DIASPORA HERITAGE By Eugen Schoenfeld AJT Columnist


taying with a relative just after my “release” from “incarceration” on Ellis Island, I one morning got ready to visit Manhattan. Influenced by American movies, I for a long time had eagerly anticipated the experience of walking the streets of the city which – to this immigrant, at least – was one of the great marvels of the world. I dressed up for the occasion and I presented myself to my hostess. “What do you have in your breast pocket?” she inquired. “Whatever it is, it deforms your suit.” “I have my identity papers,” I replied. I took out my breast-pocket leather wallet that contained my passport, visa, the ship ticket and other documents that I considered pertinent. “Why are you carrying all that stuff?” she inquired. “Well, just in case I will be stopped by the authorities, I need to prove my legal status in this country.” She laughed. “No one will stop you.” I was astonished, as this was contrary to my European experiences. Perhaps, one could argue, my fear of authorities is the consequence of my ghetto and concentration camp experiences; it had only been a scant two years since my liberation from the concentration camp. But during the two years I spent in Germany after liberation, I was employed by the United Nations, and that should have alleviated my fear. After all, for two years I was an officer wearing an American officer’s uniform and had almost all the privileges that U.S. officers enjoyed.

AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012

Yet I was still fearful, even in the land of the free. The things is, my fears did not rise from my tragic experiences alone; they had deeper historical roots. My fear came from a feeling that was culturally transmitted to European Jews, a fear shared by my fellow Jews and part of the Jewish psyche for almost 2,000 years: that should we defend ourselves, persecution by Christians will only 4 worsen.

In September 2002, I spent two months in Oxford, England, the home of the famous and venerated colleges. During Rosh Hashanah, my wife and I attended services at the local synagogue. After services, in my discourse with some Jewish professors, I asked the reason why I hardly ever saw any Jewish criticism of the British government’s treatment of Israel. Their response: “We do not dare!” I have also experienced this reluctance of Jews to confront Christians in the U.S. My own experiences are too numerous to enumerate, but our reluctance to stand up for our rights is illustrated well enough in an event I will thus describe. During a Yom Kippur service, I had an opportunity to address the congregation, and in my discourse, I briefly examined anti-Semitism as the Christian dialectic with Judaism. Although most people agreed with my comments, nonetheless many felt that I should have not spoken of this issue publicly. I too have been indoctrinated into this point of view. From childhood on, I was constantly admonished al tiftach peh l’satan, in this case meaning “do not give the Christians a reason to vent their hostility against us.” The motto by which we lived was “do not rock the boat” – in short, be invisible, do not start any argument or a discourse about religion with Christians. The assumption was that if we Jews become less noticeable, if we become less visible, if we are less contentious and do not challenge the legitimacy of the ruling majority, then it is less likely that Christians will vent their anti-Semitic hostility and be punitive. Of course, this belief was rooted in a false consciousness, for the Holocaust began in a country in which Jews were highly integrated and less visible either by lifestyle or politics. We have reluctantly accepted and even reinterpreted biblical passages to mean that our fate is that of the eternal stranger. For instance, we have taken Moses’ naming his son Gershom, saying “I am a stranger in a foreign land,” as a prophetic statement on the Jewish future.

Similarly, we often attribute G-d’s statement to Abraham, “you shall surely know that your seed will be strangers in a strange land where they will suffer,” as a prophetic statement of our future – even though that statement was meant to prophesize Jewish enslavement in Egypt. Indeed, it seems that we Jews have taken for granted that we are fated to become na v’nad, a transient people, strangers in other people’s countries. Christianity has defined the legitimacy of our unstable future, proposing that, like Cain, we were cursed to be “the wandering Jews” till the second coming of Christ. Even a cursory look at the Jewish history reveals that Jews not only were forced to leave the countries in which they had resided for many years, but were sometimes massacred. Thus it is quite understandable that the lives of Jews were fraught with fear of the future. We meekly accepted our fate and

(or perhaps Elijah) to pour his wrath on those who hurt us. Similarly, my mother comforted me when I was hurt by anti-Semitic encounters. “Wait,” she said. “Messiah will soon come and he will take revenge for all indignities that we suffered.” The 20th century brought changes, and many Jews opted not only for the creation of a national home that could serve as a country of refuge to Jews, but also for the need to fight back. Zionism influenced the younger generation, including me, to reject meekness and to break the old stereotype as the submissive Jew. Many of us joined the revisionist Zionist movement “Betar,” started by Ze’ev Jabotinski, who advocated Jewish militarism. We wore quasimilitary uniforms and our hero was Joseph Trumpeldor, a former lieutenant in the Czarist Army who lost an arm in the Russo-Japanese war.

“We have reluctantly accepted and even reinterpreted biblical passages to mean that our fate is that of the eternal stranger.” made matyrology an important part of services, proposing that the myriad of slaughtered Jews died for the sanctification of G-d. Diaspora living has led to self-perception of powerlessness, but even more tragically, to our acceptance of the view of being weak and unable to fight back. In a way, we rejected the biblical and post-biblical heroes of Samson, Gideon, Deborah, Jael, the Maccabeus and Bar Kochba, people who fought for freedom even though they were less powerful than their enemies. Instead, as a response to our frustration arising from the sense of powerlessness and injustices, Jews once a year indulge in a revenge fantasy. During the Passover seder, the front door of our homes is opened, and we invite Elijah the prophet to enter our home, at the same time asking G-d

No longer, we argued, were we to keep silent, no longer were we to submit to injustice; like all other people, we are to fight for our rights. And this new Jewish worldview of standing up for our rights started by Jabotinski was reinforced by the Holocaust experience. I have long given up the motto inculcated into me, “don’t rock the boat.” The freedom of speech and self-defense applies to Jews also. I believe that we need to reinterpret the ancient saying sei a mensch to signify that we will take nothing less than to be what we are – Jews. Editor’s note: Eugen Schoenfeld is a professor and chair emeritus at Georgia State University and a Holocaust survivor.


if you ask me

More Precious than Gold



t is the Olympic season – TV, newspapers, blogs and advertising have all been reminding us lately that the games are on! Even if you are not interested in any or all of the competitions, the results are everywhere. The most celebrated headlines are, as always, who won the gold medal, the backstory of that individual and the celebration that follows. Yes, silver and bronze do get the occasional mention, but only in the context of “runners-up.” Don’t get me wrong – the Olympics are a wonderful, peaceful way for nations to compete and to celebrate the human quest for excellence. The Games really can be an inspiration: an example of focus, sacrifice and dedication to being the best. However, that inspiration comes at a price. We live in a time in which the message is often given that being “the best” is the only acceptable position. But worse than that, our culture has reached a point at which we tell everyone that they are winners, and in so many circles, real competition is frowned upon. Children are told that they are the best and that everyone is a winner. Can’t make the losers feel bad! Today, I see it so often – young people who can’t handle defeat on any level. I often think that America has raised a generation of “real losers” because we have not taught our children how to handle life’s most common circumstances: coming in second or third or (G-d forbid) last. Real life teaches us that we will not succeed in everything that we try; it’s true in the workplace, in personal life and even in our hobbies. The truth is that all too many of us have never learned to deal with disappointment or “second place.”

I have always wanted to draw or paint, but the truth is, as much as I would like to, I have no talent for either! Joshua Berkowitz has written a new book, “Third Base For Life: A Memoir of Fathers, Sons, and Baseball.” Within he tells the story of a school team he coached, the Rashi Rams (yes, the baseball team from a Jewish day school). Hmm… Jewish baseball players. You know how this will end already! The team was not the greatest, but the kids loved baseball. Berkowitz managed to get the team invited to a Cooperstown Invitational Series. The outcome? The Rams lost every game they played; they came in 96th place out of 96 teams. But were they losers? No, they came away from the experience happier with the game than ever. They had the opportunity to compete, they met new people and they grew closer as a team. Winning had nothing to do with the outcome. They were there to play for the love of the game. I wish we could teach that message to our children: That winning is not about the gold medal, but the chance to do something you love. Winning is about trying and, if you fail, trying again. The most precious lesson any of us can ever learn is not about winning – it is about learning what to do when you don’t win. That is a lesson more precious than gold. Editor’s note: Rabbi Yaakov Thompson is a regular contributor to the South Florida Jewish Journal; more of his writing can be found at

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AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012

By Rabbi Yaakov Thompson



According to arlene

A Siyum Hashas for the Ages THE CELEBRATION EXPLAINED By Arlene Appelrouth AJT Columnist


was born into a family that was culturally Jewish but neither knowledgeable nor observant. We didn’t belong to a synagogue, and I grew up without any Jewish education. I remember family meals on Rosh Hashanah and Passover seders conducted by my grandfather in Yiddish; my favorite part was singing Chad Gadya, a Hebrew song which was transliterated into English in a Haggadah someone picked up at the grocery store. I suspected there was more to Judaism than getting together with family for special meals a few times each year. When I was old enough to start dating, I quickly learned it was JewishSlotin1:Layout 1


expected I date only Jewish boys. When I questioned why, I was told that the history of Jews would teach me that non-Jews were anti-Semitic and that I should stick to my own kind. It didn’t make much sense to me. Books like “The Diary of Anne Frank” and “Exodus” confirmed the antiSemitism I had been warned about but did not provide me with much to go on regarding what it meant to be a Jew. I knew that Jews were called “People of the Book,” but frankly, I didn’t know what the title of said book was or what it was about. In short, I didn’t know how much I didn’t know. College gave me the opportunity to learn. I explored Judaism a little; as a child of the ‘60s in a co-ed environment far from home, I experimented

6:46 PM

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AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012

It was back then that I discovered the pleasure of living aloud by sharing my experiences in personal essays and columns. It’s a pleasure I still enjoy, and love the opportunities presented by social media like Facebook and Twitter. But what I really want to write about in this week’s column, is what I’ve learned about what it means to call Jews “People of the Book.”

What’s more, a jumbotron in the stadium shared with those at the event in New Jersey the celebrations

“[On Aug. 1], more than 90,000 Jews went to the MetLife stadium in New Jersey to celebrate either completing the Talmud themselves or to support and celebrate those they know who had.”

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This past siyum was the largest in history. Imagining more than 90,000 Jews all in one place at one time is mindboggling; the event, which started in the early evening and went on for more than five hours, consisted of lots of speeches, prayers, singing and dancing.

Atlanta also offers daily study of the other major holy book, the Talmud, which includes how all the laws

Now, because there are 2,711 pages in the Talmud, at a page a day it takes seven-and-a-half years to complete. That’s a long time.

Friday Night

The Hebrew word referring to completing a portion of Torah study is siyum. Siyum Hashas is what transpired in the football stadium last week, with hashas being the Hebrew for all of the Talmud.

In Orthodox tradition, men and women sat and celebrated separately; the stadium was set up for 60,000 men and 30,000 women. Other Jews participated electronically; a large screen was set up in Atlanta’s Congregation Beth Jacob, and congregants from Young Israel of Toco Hills, Congregation Ariel and other Atlanta synagogues watched the event as it happened.

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celebrate those they know who had.

The book, of course, is The Torah. The opportunities to read and study it in Atlanta are amazing: Rabbis from all denominations offer classes, there is ample opportunity for adult education and frequent lunch-and-learns and the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta offers Melton classes which fill in the blanks of Jewish history and customs.

in the Torah should be followed and the commentaries of rabbinical sages of different times. In daf yomi – as daily study of the Talmud is called – it has become traditional to study one page per day.

North Atlanta Trade Center


with the freedom to make my own rules, create my own traditions and document my experiences by writing about them for my college newspaper.

But what’s really amazing is how many Jews are committed to daily study of this type, and how many other Jews celebrate when the cycle is complete. Quite recently – Aug. 1 – more than 90,000 Jews went to the MetLife stadium in New Jersey to celebrate either completing the Talmud themselves or to support and

in other cities. More than 80 cities in 15 countries were hooked up electronically to last week’s siyum. Rabbi Ilan Feldman, the senior rabbi from CBJ, was one of many Atlantans who attended. Prior to the event, he emailed his congregants, urging them to participate by joining in and offering prayers when the siyum was taking place. Editor’s note: Arlene Appelrouth earned a degree in news-editorial journalism from the University of Florida and her career as a writer and journalist spans a 50-year period; she is currently studying memoir writing and working on her first book.




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AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012

The Atlanta Jewish Times Established 1925 as The Southern Israelite 270 Carpenter Drive Suite 320, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Phone: (404) 883-2130




Good Ole School Bus Days A MODEST PROPOSAL By Ted Roberts

“The Scribbler on the Roof”


ou can always sense those latter summer days when our educational prisons (as the kids see it) reopen. If they took away your calendar and dropped you in the middle of a typical family, you’d know it was August/ September.

Kids look glum, parents are gleeful. For six to eight hours a day, they’re freed from their parental managerial duties while the institutions of education pick up their responsibility. And so they should – you pay taxes, don’t you? Of course, there’s a negative side to this coin, too. First, there’s homework, which as all teachers know, I’m sure, is done by parents and has been

the wedge in many a divorce. “OK, I’ll do the geography if you’ll do the math.” “No, I hate math – I’ll write the essay on South American rivers. You do those equations.” And why are teachers so heavyhanded with their assignments? It’s ruining our social life. “No, Ted, we can’t eat out tonight. Gotta help the kid with his science experiment.” I have a sneaking suspicion that it’s a form of therapy to relieve guiltridden teachers who know that their classroom is often a circus and they’re a ringmaster without a whip. And another gripe: Since kids rarely walk to school now, the morning traffic is as tangled as a plate of spaghetti. Parents and yellow school buses are driving the three blocks from home to school, and we whine continually about energy deficits and complain that kids don’t get enough exercise! Strange that we persevere with those yellow stop-at-every-corner buses, but more about this later. My old man sneered at any vehicle – bus, auto, even bike – that delivered a kid to the schoolhouse door. Like most of his generation, he had a whole collection of school hardship stories; in fact, it was the biggest of his “in those days” repertoire. “In those days” he walked three miles, so he said, each way. And naturally, it always snowed.

In Memphis, Tennessee?

“Yessir, three miles in the snow.”

And it snowed all year round, even in May. “Were you ever attacked by a polar bear?” I frequently asked.

AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012

No, but once his lunch bag froze up and he had to skip lunch.


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Today’s school buses, in his eyes, are a convenient way to make work for drivers (usually the mayor’s relatives) and weaken the legs of our children. And of course, there are even more jobs associated with maintenance of the yellow monsters. My old man was a visionary well ahead of his time. Those buses had to be parked somewhere at night, so why not rent that swampy, mosquitoinfested, suburban meadow owned by the mayor’s brother-in-law?

I think I inherited a stack of his skeptical genes. They pulse in my bloodstream every time I’m behind that lumbering yellow slowpoke picking up a kid two blocks from the school. How bizarre. How shocking, considering the fitness neurosis of our society. We deny youngsters the very exercise that we compulsively continue to shove down the throats of adults. Whole government agencies are devoted to the mission of counting, correcting and reprimanding the lardy kids in our population, and you can hardly pick up a magazine without an article on the benefits of exercise, yet school buses roam far and wide. Now, don’t misunderstand. For young or old, I think a game of tennis or a daily 30-minute walk or bike ride is all to the good and extends your vertical time on the earth, and that’s why kids should walk instead of ride (with, of course, exceptions imposed by distance or physical handicap). I pass an exercise emporium on my way to work. It has a huge glass wall to advertise its wares and is mobbed with people literally working their hindquarters off. You’d think you stepped back into the Industrial Age; they’re generating enough power with their pedaling and pushing to air condition and light the building for a month. Just a thought. If it’s so healthy for them to sweat buckets, why is it salubrious for our kids to be couch potatoes on the school bus or back seat of your car? And shockingly, those adult health addicts PAY for the privilege, whereas several decades ago, toiling in farm or factory, they would have received a weekly paycheck. Where did we go wrong? Why do Jewish-American parents, obsessed with conditioning, feel that kids with young and healthy legs have a right to iPods, acne medicine, credit cards and sports cars, not to mention a ride to and from school? Wouldn’t it be healthier to walk? What’s sauce for the goose and gander should be sauce for the gosling. Editor’s note: Ted Roberts is author of “The Scribbler on the Roof,” which is available through and Website: Blog:


health & wellness

The Changing Exercise Equipment Landscape WHEN YOU GET IN THE GYM, WILL YOU RECOGNIZE IT?


f you walk into a health club for the first time in your life (or for the first time in many years), chances are you will be unfamiliar with much of the equipment. The fitness industry has evolved at a rapid pace over the last couple of decades; new technology has been introduced, unique exercise props and tools have been invented and advanced ways of using resistance have been discovered. Gyms of the past typically included barbells, dumbbells, medicine balls, benches, weight machines, cables, treadmills, exercise bikes and stair climbers. Aside from these, modern-day clubs feature stability balls, BOSU balls, bands, tubes, ropes, kettlebells, foam rollers, TRX suspension trainers, elliptical machines and more. The majority of this new equipment is portable and can be used in personal training studios and homes as well. Where did this equipment come from? Is all of it really necessary? What are the benefits? Many of these props and tools were originally used by physical therapists for rehabilitating their patients, but personal trainers soon recognized that they would be practical for helping their clients develop strength, increase flexibility, build endurance and improve balance. Health clubs then jumped on board and began purchasing multiple units for their facilities, and now a lot of this equipment is used in group exercise classes and at boot camps as well. There are several reasons why this new equipment adds value to exercisers. First, it offers variety, which keeps fitness programs interesting. Numerous people begin exercising, eventually get bored and then quit; performing the same exercises and using the same equipment during each workout can cause that. Introducing new props and tools can really spice up a workout. Second, these pieces are designed to target specific muscles – often at

different angles – and that helps provide for an overall balanced workout. You never want to work the same muscles in the same way every time you exercise because invariably, the muscles adapt, strength-training plateaus occur and gains begin to level off.

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Consistently changing up your routine can help keep those gains coming. Finally, these props and tools are ideal for functional training. Functional training is when the exercises you perform simulate everyday movement patterns; the benefit of this is that it strengthens the muscles that are used in activities of daily living. This enables your body to get stronger where you need it most, so it can perform at its most efficient capacity. Mixing in functional exercises with traditional strength training can be ideal.

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It is important to note that as much variety as this new equipment can add to your routine, as targeted as it can be for specific muscles and as functional as it is, none of it is mandatory in order to get a great workout. In fact, you can exercise effectively in a small space with no equipment at all. In addition, if you do use any of these props and tools, it is vital that you become educated on the proper way to use them. In the end, however, these oftencolorful, usually-oddly-shaped and sometimes-funny-named pieces of equipment that you will now find in most health clubs can be interesting to learn about, fun to use and be of value in helping you reach your fitness goals. Editor’s note: Jeff Rosenblum, BS, is an ACE (American Council on Exercise) certified personal trainer and president of Posture Plus Fitness (, providing in-home and on-location personal training as well as group presentations and corporate wellness programs. He is also a personal trainer at the Marcus Jewish Community Center, where he trains MJCCA Total Health members.

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AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012

AJT Columnist


By Jeff Rosenblum




Six Comments Following Yet Another Attack on the Israeli-Egyptian Border ROSNER CHIMES IN FROM TEL AVIV By Shmuel Rosner The Jewish Journal • The Israelis knew in advance of a looming attack. Hence the travel warnings and the military preparedness, which resulted in zero casualties on the Israeli side of the border, zero damage done and zero achievement for the attackers. The Egyptians also had warning of the looming attack, but they did nothing. Publicly, they rejected Israel’s travel advisory as an uncalled for attempt to serve the interests of Israel’s tourism industry, and as for military preparedness – the slaughter of Egyptian soldiers speaks louder than anything I’m able to write. Israel is hoping that this latest incident will serve as a wake-up call to the Egyptian government. There’s good reason to suspect, though, that this will turn out to be false hope.

Sinai is far away, and Egyptians don’t much care what happens there (as long as it isn’t Israeli intervention). • I will make life easy by quoting myself. Here’s what I wrote about Sinai back in June; things haven’t changed much: “Israel has very little control over this degenerating situation, even though what happens in Egypt will have great impact on Israel’s security. An Egypt governed by the Muslim Brotherhood is unlikely to remain Israel’s ally. “At the same time, the Israeli government is wary of making tense relations even tenser by retaliating against attacks from Egyptian territory. It’s left having to protect it citizens with its hands tied.” • And another quote, from Febru-

ary 2011, on why Israel is wary of Egyptian democracy and change:

Egyptian sensitivities and possible reaction).

“Mubarak was good for Israel. Not great, mind you. The peace with Egypt was a cold one, and ties between people were rare and strained in many ways.

But in Syria, things could be worse, considering there’s no government, more chaos, Iranian meddling and no U.S. ties that could be used for pressuring the regime (if there’s still a regime). Israel will have to bolster security near both borders, adding to its growing cost of defense expenditures and the growing economic burden Israelis will have to bear in the coming years.

“But Israel – with its pragmatic way of prioritizing interests – got a good deal from the Egyptians. The southern border, which was Israel’s main concern in its first 30 years, was quiet and didn’t require much attention. Egyptians agreed to sell gas to Israel and to tighten security in Gaza. They opposed the advancement of Iran and its allies, and they prevented terrorists from infiltrating from the Sinai Peninsula. “So, chaos or worse – for example, regime change that strengthens the Muslim Brotherhood or other radical forces – will be a headache for Israel.

“And for what? So that Egyptians can have their ‘democracy’?”

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• This talk of Arab democracy turning into chaos brings Syria to mind. It could be weeks or even a few months when the trouble we now see on the unruly Egyptian border becomes even more pronounced along the unruly Syrian border. In Egypt – while the government is both weak and unfriendly – there is still a government on which to lean, in the hope that some day it will do something about Sinai (if not for Israel, then to guard Egyptian pride; it was Egyptians who were massacred on Aug. 4 with no apparent provocation, and without any regard to

• A lot of talk will be dedicated in the coming days to the need to alter past Israeli-Egyptian agreements regarding the number of troops the Egyptians can have in the Sinai Peninsula. If Israel wants Egypt to take care of the growing problem, it will have to let it have more boots on the ground. Three things need to be said about this issue: Firstly, Israel has already allowed Egypt to deploy more troops in Sinai, but the Egyptians were reluctant to make use of this new Israeli tolerance. They have Israel’s blessing, but not the troops. Next, no number of soldiers will be sufficient unless Egypt is ready to walk the walk and truly take on Sinai extremists. As we saw on Aug. 4, these extremists, jihadists, terrorists – call them whatever you want – are very serious when it comes to killing. And finally, with Morsi and Islamic Brotherhood legislators in power, Israel may be right to be extra careful about breach of the peace agreement. Letting Mubarak have more forces in Sinai is different to letting Morsi have more forces in Sinai. • Barack Obama began his term as president with his optimistic Cairo speech but is ending his term with President Morsi and global Jihad in the Sinai. Do you see an opening here for his Republican rival? Editor’s note: Shmuel Rosner is the Senior Political Editor of The Jewish Journal. He blogs from Israel at Reprinted with permission.


AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012



The Goldwasser Family and Brooklyn Loan Company AN ATLANTA INSTITUTION FOR 63 YEARS By Tiffany Parks AJT Contributor


avid Goldwasser gets a good laugh when he watches the History Channel’s hit show “Pawn Stars,” a reality-based television show dramatizing a family of pawnbrokers paying big money for sought-after items. However, Goldwasser knows from personal experience that the real business of running a pawnshop is far from the romanticized Hollywood version. For 63 years, the Goldwasser family ran the Brooklyn Loan Company in downtown Atlanta, and the harsh reality of the business often involved helping patrons navigate the complex game of human survival. In 1937, Goldwasser’s Jewish immigrant father Harry bought the pawnshop from Abe Abelson and moved the store to 763 Marietta Street in the Bellwood District. At that time, Atlanta was still feeling the grip of the Great Depression; hungry, jobless, hopeless people formed long soup kitchen lines against the backdrop of closed banks. As they do in today’s economic crisis, pawnshops like the Brooklyn Loan Company became financial alternatives to banks during the Depression. Customers burdened with the cloak of poverty came into Harry’s pawnshop seeking relief in the form of quick cash for valuable items. “The Depression made everyday living hard in Atlanta,” Goldwasser said. “It’s fascinating to me to look through the old store records and see how many loans my father gave to people on a weekly basis, some as low as $1 and as high as $10. The average loan during the time was $3.”

AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012

A dollar had a lot of buying power during the Depression, as a loaf of bread was 15 cents and a dozen eggs was 15 cents. The Brooklyn Loan Company emerged from the Depression with a solid clientele. Many of Harry Goldwasser’s customers credited his store with helping them survive the Depression, and the proprietor was called the “Good Jew” by many of his customers.

In the following years, the store 12 found a niche specializing in high-

tech instruments and equipment. Students, ardent hunters, industrial workers everybody who came in could find whatever they were looking for, as the store sold everything from microscopes to frets to banjos to kites to gold to rare ammunition and grovers. The shop also offered watch and radio repair. Even local companies had accounts at the store because no other store had as extensive a stock as the Brooklyn Loan Company. Still, the store’s main clientele were still the poor working class people from the surrounding Bellwood District.

to follow his father’s business model, especially the practice of making money but with the compassion for the customer at the forefront. He knew that every pawned item had a story, and he built relationships by listening to his customers’ stories. He even instituted his own home-grown version of charity by keeping a running tab at a local café for extremely needy customers. “A man came in and pawned his mechanical arm for a loan,” Goldwasser remembered. “After a year, he came back to get his arm, and I forgave the loan. He just really needed the money.”

However, there were “[They] were the some purchased items millworkers, the that were too sacred maids, cooks, belland too symbolic to hops, railway workever resell. ers, immigrants, “A Holocaust surpoor blacks and David Goldwasser vivor came in and whites,” Goldwaspawned his Russian ser remembered. prayer book,” Goldwasser said. “I “They kept the business running.” still have the book. It is so beautiful These were the folks who rode and ornate.” the trolley or walked to work coming from homes that still did not have in- During the late ‘50s and ‘60s, Atlanta started changing socially and door plumbing and electricity. demographically, especially around “Most people didn’t have electric- the store. The Civil Rights movement ity, so they would come into the shop started gaining national attention, and buy long extension cords to get and Goldwasser saw the changes all electricity from a neighbor,” Gold- around him. wasser said. “People really took care Although the Brooklyn Loan Comof each other back then.” pany had always accepted a mixed Not only were the workers the race clientele, the larger Atlanta backbone of the store’s business, but business community did not; stumany of the workers used the store dents started protesting local busito build the city of Atlanta. Goldwas- nesses like Woolworth’s and Lester ser remembers working in the store Maddox’s Pickrick, which discrimialongside his father as a teenager nated against non-whites. and seeing men with missing fingers and limbs buying industrial tools for When Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated, his brother their jobs. came to Goldwasser’s store and other Most of these workers were em- stores and asked them, if out of reployed at the Exposition Cotton Mill, spect, they would close their stores the Barrel Hoop Company, Anderson on April 9, 1968, the day of King’s McGruff lumber yard, the railroad funeral. or one of the many other industries that populated the gritty Bellwood “I closed the store because I respected Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,” District. Goldwasser attested. “He didn’t just In 1957, Goldwasser’s father died, help Atlanta, he helped the entire and he took over the full management nation live up to the Constitution.” of the store and moved the store to a larger facility up the street to 751 As the automobile industry grew, Marietta Street. He was well-pre- the trolley system that so many lopared for his new role; he continued cals relied on was replaced by buses,

and the community around the store rapidly changed. People started moving to the suburbs, and many African Americans moved to a better income bracket when major Atlanta companies started hiring them. “The clientele started becoming more transient and less stable,” Goldwasser said. The Bellwood District disappeared as all of the industries closed or moved out of the state. In 1969, Goldwasser decided to move his business to Doraville, and, with the help of his friend Bernard Halpern, relocated to Pinetree Plaza Shopping Center. He stayed in business in Doraville for another 31 years. He admits that if it were not for his mother May, his brother Michael, his sister Marcia and her husband Stuart Naterman, the store would never have survived as long as it did. On Nov. 30, 2000, Goldwasser retired and closed the doors of the Brooklyn Loan Company forever; at the time, his store had the seventholdest federal firearms license in Georgia. Now, he spends his time traveling and teaching young entrepreneurs how to run a successful pawnshop business. What he focuses on with his mentees is the reality of the pawnshop business. He warns young entrepreneurs that the Hollywood fantasy version is a hoax; people rarely go into a pawnshop selling their Picassos. People will often come in jobless and homeless hoping that a treasured family heirloom will net enough to pay the mortgage. “What kept me excited about my job was meeting and talking to people and learning that it’s possible to run a hard pawnshop business and still show compassion towards store clientele,” Goldwasser said. Goldwasser knows that his family has been blessed to have a business that served the citizenry of Atlanta with passion for decades. Editor’s note: Tiffany Parks is an English instructor at Gwinnett Technical College. She earned a master’s degree in English education at Georgia State University and enjoys writing.


from camp with love


In his first clinics at American Jewish summer camps, Lipshits focused on using the game of basketball to teach boys and girls Hebrew and connect them to Israel. He also taught to the children dribbling and ball handling drills that he does everyday as a point guard. “It was awesome training with a real Israeli professional basketball player and learning new basketball drills and Hebrew words,” Arielle Katz, a camper at Camp Barney, said. Lipshits has been playing professional basketball for ten years since the age of 17. Born in the town of Omer outside of Beer Sheva, he moved to Rishon Letzion in high school without his parents to pursue his basketball career. Lipshits has played on the Israeli National Team, and on Israeli First Division teams in Reshon Letzion, Holon, Ashqelon and Galil, and most recently in Netanya. This past season Lipshits served as the starting point guard for GreenTops, playing over 25 minutes

a game. In 2009, he helped lead Hapoel Holon to a win over Maccabi Tel Aviv for the Israeli State Cup. In addition to his success on the court, Lipshits is studying for his master’s degree in sports psychology and volunteers with Barak Netanya’s community program Netanya Hoops For Kids, a program through which professional athletes serve as role models and coaches for at risk children. “Lior is a very special player and person, his heart is so big, he is always looking for ways to improve himself as well as the world around him,” David Lasday, Netanya Hoops For Kids Director said. Of Lipshits and the recent stateside clinics, Camp Judaea Director Tom Rosenberg had nothing but praise. “The basketball clinics served as an organic way for campers to learn Hebrew and engage with Israel,” he said. Lipshits himself was amazed at the energy and spirit at each camp, from the Birkat Ha’Mazon (prayer after eating) to the raucous song sessions. “The campers showed passion for Israel, learning Hebrew, and the game of basketball,” Lipshits said. “The children were hungry to learn and to improve.”

TOP: Ramah Darom campers put their hands in for a huddle with Israeli pro basketball player Lior Lipshits. ABOVE: Lior Lipshits answers questions from clinic participants at Camp Judaea. ABOVE RIGHT: At URJ’s Camp Coleman, Lior Lipshits works with young players on their dribbling. PHOTOS/courtesy David Lasday

AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012


n a late-summer treat, Israeli point guard Lior Lipshits of GreenTops Netanya held Hebrew Immersion - Israel Connect basketball clinics for over 1,000 Jewish campers at Camp Judaea, URJ’s Camp Coleman, Camp Barney Medintz and Ramah Darom.




Holocaust Hero Celebrated in Powerful Play at Georgia College WRITTEN BY JEWISH PROFESSOR, BASED ON RABBI SANDLER’S INSPIRATION


eorgia College and State University actors pushed artistic boundaries this summer in an inspiring performance about Czech Republic hero and Holocaust survivor Jan Wiener entitled “The Flights of Jan Weiner.”

The play was written by Jewish Atlantan Karen Berman and co-writer Paul Accettura after Rabbi Neil Sandler of the Ahavath Achim Synagogue mentioned Wiener as a Jewish hero during his High Holy Days services in 2011.

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In the past few months, nine GCSU theatre students traveled nearly 5,000 miles to celebrate the legacy of Wiener durTwo GCSU student actors perform in “The Flights of Jan Weiner.” PHOTO/courtesy Karen Berman ing the annual European Regional Theatre Festival, which is Central Eumy body was so uncomfortable.” rope’s largest international festival. Born in 1920 to a Jewish houseThroughout the festival, the student hold in Hamburg, Germany, Jan actors gave four stage performances Wiener fled, along with his family, to of “The Flights of Jan Wiener” in the Prague when the Nazis seized control Czech’s capital, Prague, and the town of Czechoslovakia. Between 1941 and of Hradec Králové. 1942, his father committed suicide “We’re the only academic student and his mother died in a concentragroup that performs annually at the tion camp. festival,” said Dr. Karen Berman, Wiener himself escaped through chair of the Georgia College and State Italy to join the RAF. He served as a University Theatre Department. radio navigator throughout the war, “This festival attracts more than 200 and when the war ended in 1945, he performances that include plays, conreturned to Czechoslovakia. certs, exhibitions and workshops.” In 1948, communists took over and The student actors performed for imprisoned Wiener for five years as hundreds of audience members, inan enemy of the state. He emigrated cluding Wiener’s widow, Zuzana Wieto the United States in 1964 and bener. came a professor of history at Ameri “Zuzana attended the play and can University in Washington, D.C. ran on stage to hug our actors after After the fall of the Iron Curtain in the third curtain call,” Berman said. 1989, Wiener frequently made visits “During lunch with us at a restauhome and eventually moved back for rant dedicated to her husband’s life, good, becoming a lecturer at Charles she told us about her work as a dance University and New York Universiteacher and film instructor, urging ty’s campus in Prague. our students to ‘follow your heart and Berman wrote the play with profesyou will always be happy.’” sional writer Paul Accettura. Georgia Georgia College senior theatre maCollege Theatre Department then cojor Amy Carpenter played Wiener’s produced the play with professional stepmother, Eva Wiener. theatre company Washington Wom “The play took a new meaning en in Theatre, of which Berman is a when we met Zuzana,” said Carpen- member. ter. “When she gave us firsthand ac “The play provides an understandcounts of the events we portrayed on ing of Jan Wiener’s contributions as a stage, suddenly everything we did Czech hero, U.S. citizen and American and said had more weight. My biggest professor,” Berman said. “He brought challenge was getting the emotions Czech culture to the United States, correct for the suicide scene. It was a and we brought his legacy back to his hard place, but I trusted my fellow achome to share with the Czech Repubtors and myself.” lic.” “The Flights of Jan Wiener” ex The international troupe will perplores political issues surrounding the form the inspiring play on the GCSU legacy of Wiener, who escaped Nazi campus this coming fall semester in occupation and fought for the United the Campus Black Box Theatre on Kingdom’s Royal Air Force (RAF) Aug. 23 at 8 p.m. In collaboration during World War II. The play also with the play, Holocaust survivor Dr. stretched the student actors physiSchneider will appear at the Campus cally, as the performers at one point Black Box Theatre Design Lab (Room use their bodies to create a British 217) on Aug. 19 at 11 a.m. to deliver bomber plane and barbed wire fence. a lecture on the music of the Terezin “At one point, I was upside down for Concentration Camp, where Jan Wieseveral minutes to create the back of a ner’s mother perished. plane,” Carpenter said. “It was really hard. I had to teach myself to live in a place where I could find peace since




AJT Columnist


o you remember where you were on 9/11? I do.

I was principal of Columbus Torah Academy and was called to the office to see what was unfolding on TV. It was a horrific sight, hitherto unimaginable. I called an assembly and spoke to the students about evil in the world and about how good ultimately triumphs because G-d is in charge. Therefore, know that in spite of the

sequences of a virus infection that has no known cure. Although the movie is populated with A-list actors, the main character is the disease. All the players unassumingly portray human responses to crisis. Many respond with fear; some, such as an unscrupulous blogger, see the crisis as a way to make money by suggesting that the government is conspiring with the drug companies to make a financial killing; and fortunately, some respond with altruism. Examples of altruism punctuate “Contagion.” A dying woman offers her blanket to another patient shivering from cold; a doctor injects herself with a trial vaccine to test whether it will be effective with humans. Another doctor gives the preventive vaccine to a neighbor’s son rather than use it himself. A scientist who abandons protocol to find a stable version of the virus does not try to make a profit by selling his research to a drug company but instead shares his findings with the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, the agency best equipped to develop a vaccine to halt the spread of the virus.

current tragedy, we will endure and live to a better day, and that in the interim, we need to pray for the victims and do whatever we can to help our fellow citizens in distress. It is this kind of cataclysmic event that “Contagion” describes, but in this case it is an unknown and deadly virus that kills millions of people. Despite the deaths, this is not a horror movie; it works as a thriller following in a very logical way the con-

Such vignettes recall the Jewish value of showing kindness to others, and not using crisis for personal advantage. The Ethics of the Fathers teaches that the world depends on acts of loving kindness. But from where is this derived? From G-d Himself, who clothed Adam and Eve even after they sinned, and who buried Moses at the end of his life. Moreover, the patriarch Abraham personifies kindness: Even when he is in pain suffering the aftereffects of circumcision, he greets total strangers and welcomes them into his tent. Furthermore, when Abraham seeks a wife for his son Isaac, the litmus test is whether the prospective bride will manifest compassion for weary animals in addition to his emissaries. Rebecca seals her destiny when she brings water for the camels as well as for the tired travelers. It is comforting to feel that at moments of crisis, good people will step forward to help; not everyone will be motivated by selfishness. There is a touching coda at the end of “Contagion” that indicates a hopeful future. Mitch, husband of Beth (the first victim), is privately perusing photos of his wife in his upstairs bedroom when he breaks down in tears. He then hears his teenage daughter calling him. He comes down, sees her dancing

with her boyfriend as they prepare to have their own “Prom Night.” He smiles as he realizes that his daughter is alive with a bright future ahead. This also is a Jewish sensibility, to go beyond mourning and to see continuity. The traditional Jewish mourning food is the egg, totally round and without an opening, without a mouth; our Sages tell us that this is a metaphor for mourning, a time when we cannot articulate our pain. But the egg is round, and this symbolizes the reality that life moves on beyond tragedy, and that a cycle of renewal can begin even after great loss. This is a valuable life lesson for all of us. Editor’s note: Rabbi Cohen, former principal of Yeshiva Atlanta, now resides in Beit Shemesh, Israel. kosher-

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AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012

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arts & life

Riverwood Grad On a National Stage GREENBERG STARS IN PBS’S “BROADWAY OR BUST”

The students converge in New York City to compete in the fourthannual National High School Musical Theater Awards in New York City, otherwise known as the “Jimmy” Awards, which were held on June 25 at the Minskoff Theatre on Broadway. To qualify, students must win their regional competitions. Greenberg won the Shuler Hensley Award (Georgia’s Tony Awards for high school students) for his performance in RICS’s spring production of “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.” The prize on the national level was the honor of being named Best Actor, as well as merit scholarships and professional opportunities.

“We worked from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., never leaving the [New York University’s] Tisch School of the Arts.” Students had to learn medleys and choreography and participate in vocal coaching, dance lessons and master classes with Michael Feinstein and other theater professionals. The Awards’ nickname “Jimmy” remembers producer James M. Nederlander, Chairman of the Nederlander Producing Company of America Inc., the owner/operator of a vast chain of theatres, including nine Broadway houses, and a producer of entertainment for more than 70 years. The three-year old program welcomes students from across the country who earned top recognition in their regional and state award ceremonies.



NHSMTA has been recognized by The National Endowment for the Arts, The Broadway League, The Shubert Organization and other inA NG T L A dustry organizations and I foundations committed to nurturing future YEARS artists and audiences. N REG


In July, both he and fellow Shuler Hensley winner Brittany Dankwa of Tri-Cities High School (East Point, Ga.) were also selected among six other nominees to fly to Los Angeles

“I knew we weren’t going to have a break,” Greenberg said. “I didn’t even get to unpack; I got out of the cab and the PBS people were right in my face saying, ‘Let’s go to Times Square to film you there!’


The new three-part documentary miniseries chronicles the real-life experiences of America’s top high school musical performers will premiere nationwide on PBS stations in September. The show follows 60 high school students from across the country, all whom are vying in the ultimate competition to find the nation’s best young theater stars, and highlights 10 of the strongest contenders, of which Greenberg is one.



van Greenberg, a 2012 graduate of Riverwood International Charter School in Sandy Springs, will make his television debut in his first reality show this fall for PBS’s show “Broadway or Bust.”

“Intense” is the word Evan used to describe the six-day New York City experience of arduous rehearsals under the guidance of director Van Kaplan, choreographer Keisha Lalama and various NYU faculty. The proceedings culminated with a final performance.



For the Atlanta Jewish Times

to help promote the miniseries for PBS.


By Anne Boatwright



“I’m more physical; I try to bring more realism to my performance,”

Greenberg said of his own performing style. Of the other nominees and their abilities, he had nothing but compliments admiration: “All of them could easily be on Broadway. There was so much talent.” Having gone from being a big fish in a little pond to a little fish in a big pond, the experience was admittedly a little intimidating. “It steps up your game and makes you so much better than you thought you could be,” Greenberg said. “There are so many people that are just as good as you. And you have to work, work, work if you want to do what you want to do. You have to be so dedicated because if you don’t have that dedication, you’re not going to make it anywhere.” His commentary on his own performance of his other solo, “Master of the House” from his appearance as second-rate thief Thenardaux in RICS’ 2011 production of “Les Miserables,” was: “The best I’ve ever done, thanks to the coaching and that I was around all these other kids.”

AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012

Were most of the others focused on a Broadway career?

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“Oh my gosh, yes!” he replied with a smile. “I was the only kid that didn’t have a Broadway song on his iPod. In the dressing room, I think I was the only one listening to Radiohead while they were listening to ‘Newsies’ or ‘Hairspray.’ I was a little different.”

The eight nominees chosen to represent the Jimmy Awards in the PBS L.A. promotional event were treated “very high class,” Evan recounts.

From left to right, “Broadway or Bust” male finalists Joshua Grosso, Evan Greenberg and Drew Shafraneck. PHOTOS/Henry McGee

“We got there and a limo jeep picked us up and took us to the Beverly Hills Hotel.” For the press performance, the students rehearsed on the ballroom stage – where the Golden Globes are held – and completed their day with a talk-back session and personal interviews. Evan concludes that it was an amazing experience. “This was crazy, you know – I think I really just got lucky,” he said. “It was a huge opportunity.” As he leaves Riverwood behind and heads off to major in communications at the University of Georgia, he will take this special experience with him, appreciating the preparation that the Riverwood theatre department and overall high school education provided him. “I think definitely the best part about Riverwood is it made me a well-rounded person,” Greenberg said. Without revealing the winner – because you have to watch the miniseries – each hour-long program will have a clear and dramatic story arc that ends with a cliffhanger. The three parts are broken down into “The Casting Call: The Big Break,” where viewers see regional auditions across the country; followed by “Behind Closed Doors: The Cram Session,” as the students prepare to compete in New York City; and finally, “And the Winner Is…” in which the judges deliver the results. Editor’s note: “Broadway Or Bust” will air on three consecutive Sundays, Sept. 9, 16 and 23, at 8 p.m.




Editorial Intern


ith 23 locations across the metro Atlanta area, Yogli Mogli has become a prominent fixture of our neighborhoods, and in the summer especially, this cool sensation attracts customers of all ages. Each location sports a bright, modern décor and self-serve style and fun flavors – from original tart to red velvet cake – any of which can be topped with fresh fruit, candy, cereals and more. Founder and owner Roi Shlomo has watched his business grow from just an idea on paper to a thriving and delicious franchise. After opening the first Yogli Mogli in May 2009, the company has expanded at a rapid pace; the latest location opened at Town Center Mall in late July. The goal is to have 30 stores in operation by the end of the year. Shlomo emigrated from Israel at the age of 21 after serving in the Israeli army. Needless to say, much has changed in the past 12 years, but he still has the same entrepreneurial spirit and Israeli accent. After participating in various business ventures across the coun-

try, Shlomo zeroed in on frozen yogurt and decided to open up in Atlanta. It was the start of the “froyo” boom, and he was one of the first on the scene. “I really liked the market here,” he said of the city. “I knew it was the right fit for my concept, as far as being familyoriented and having a strong community and good school system, and that is what I need for my concept. We create a hangout spot, and you can only do that in areas such as Atlanta.” Yogli Mogli’s catchy and fun name almost didn’t exist; Shlomo says that weeks before opening, he canned the name “Yogurt4U” and came up with the current moniker, which he says is “a mixture of all the yogurt names I had in my head.” According to its founder, the chain’s success is due to each location’s being more than just another yogurt shop, of which there are many. Not only does he offer a popular product and great service, Shlomo believes that his store is a place for “the com-

Yogli Mogli is a popular choice for young adults as well. PHOTO/courtesy Roi Shlomo

munity to come together and eat a healthy dessert while they see each other.” As for the competition, Shlomo believes that the Yogli Mogli brand will survive despite changing demands, and that this winter, The exterior of each Yogli Mogli location is colorful and the stores that vibrant. PHOTO/courtesy Roi Shlomo aren’t supposed to make it won’t make it. Though he has no formal education or degree, Shlomo explains that his entrepreneurial success comes down to always looking for opportunities and ideas, then making it happen. If he wasn’t developing his frozen yogurt business, Shlomo says that he would still have his own business; he is already working on a new venture. To other entrepreneurs, Shlomo explains that believing in your concept and working for the right reasons are the secret for success. As far as Yogli Mogli, he followed his own advice. “I believe in offering a healthy treat and an alternative in the dessert industry,” Shlomo said. “It is a fun and happy concept.”

ABOVE: Ilana and Nicholas Bonell enjoy Yogli Mogli frozen yogurt on a summer evening. PHOTO/Michal Bonell

Besides Yogli Mogli, Shlomo also co-owns kosher restaurant Café Noga (formerly O U for U) in Sandy Springs with his business partner.

He also gives back to the Jewish community; Yogli Mogli continually sponsors Atlanta area school, such as the Epstein School; holds spirit days, from which a portion of the sales are donated back to the school or other groups; and will soon partner with the Make-A-Wish Foundation for a 5K race fundraiser later in the year. “When you see these kids, it’s an amazing feeling, and you just want to do more,” Shlomo said of the children who benefit. “I love what MakeA-Wish does and how they grant wishes.” Spreading happiness – whether through his charitable efforts or his fantastic froyo – is what Shlomo values most at the end of the day.

AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012

By Jessie Miller

“The most rewarding thing is the satisfaction [I get] when I come to the store and there are a lot of smiling kids and I see the business doing well,” he said. 17



This Week’s Highlighted Events




Fri., Aug. 10

Rockin’ Shabbat and Barbecue Dinner, for prospective members. Fri., Aug. 10, 5:30 p.m. $12/adult, $8/child; RSVP requested. Congregation Beth Shalom. or (770) 399-5300. Servicio De Shabbat Featuring Friday Night Shabbat Jam. Fri., Aug. 10, 6:30 p.m. Congregation Or Hadash. or (678) 779-6938.

Sat., Aug. 11. Congregation Or Hadash. or (678) 7796938.




Sun., Aug. 12

Temple Sinai Prospective Members Brunch, come meet the staff, clergy and lay members of the synagogue while hearing about exciting new programs for you. Sun., Aug. 12, 10 a.m. Temple Sinai. Contact Barbara Katinsky to make a reservation bkatinsky@

AJC Atlanta Black-Jewish Coalition Anniversary Celebration, 30 years since the founding of the Atlanta Black-Jewish Coalition, featuring Congressman John Lewis. Wed., Aug. 15, 6:30 p.m. Pre-registration requested. The Breman Museum.




Thurs., Aug. 16

Sophie Hirsh Srochi Discovery Center Drop-In, for moms in interfaith marriages and their children. Thurs., Aug. 16, Wed., Sept. 19, BBYO Roller-Skating Kickoff, open to Tues., Oct. 23, Mon. Nov. 19, 9:30 Shabbat Ethnic Dinner, delicious all Jewish ninth- through 12th-graders. a.m. Free. MJCCA’s Zaban Park. Mexican dinner following evening Sun., Aug. 12, 11 a.m. Sparkles Family or services. Fri., Aug. 10, 6:45 p.m. (678) 812-4160. Fun Center (666 Smyrna Hill Dr). Pre$18/member and $20/non-memregistration is required at atlantajcc. ber; RSVP requested. Congregation Or VeShalom. org/bbyo. Fri., Aug. 17 or (678) 812.3970. or (404) 633-1737. Dive Into Shabbat, open swim followed by




Sat., Aug. 11

Shabbat Services and Kiddush, for prospective members. Sat., Aug. 11, 9:30 a.m. RSVP requested. Congregation Beth Shalom. office@ or (770) 399-5300.

AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012

Post-Kiddush Informative and Interactive Program, COH Rabbis lead inspirational discussions in preparation for the new year.


OVS Sisterhood Opening Meeting, featuring a Moroccan lunch and raffle. Sun., Aug. 12, 1 p.m. RSVP requested. Congregation Or VeShalom. (770) 4517296.

Wednesday Wed., Aug. 15



Ethan Bortnick and Special Guests, The Kidz Bop Kids, a family-friendly concert. Wed., Aug. 15, 6 p.m. Tickets starting at $35. Center Stage. (404) 875-9364.

poolside song and prayer with Rabbi Brian Glusman. Fri., Aug. 17, 5 p.m. MJCCA’s Zaban Park. A Meal and A Prayer, join CDT for dinner at Abbott’s Grill prior to Shabbat Services. Fri., Aug. 17, 6 p.m. RSVP requested. Abbott’s Grill.

Sun., Aug. 19

Spiritual Hike at Big Tree, Congregation Or Hadash’s annual hike followed by a concert featuring Rick Recht. Sun., Aug. 19, 9 a.m. Big Tree. or (678) 779-6938. Onward & Upward, a weekly class that offers women a higher understanding of Yom Kippur. Taught by Chana Rudnick. Sun., Aug. 19, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Congregation Ariel. (423) 400-7353.

Brunch and Fashion Show, hosted by the Mt. Scopus Group of Greater Atlanta Hadassah and benefiting Hadassah Medical Organization in Jerusalem. Sun., Aug. 19, 11 a.m. $15/person. (404) 549-8397. Rich’s: A Southern Institution, come enjoy a slice of Rich’s coconut cake at the launch of historian Jeff Clemmons new book on the South’s favorite department store, followed by a discussion with journalist Maria Saporta. Sun., Aug. 19, 2 p.m. Free to Breman Members. $12/ non-member. (678) 222-3700. Family Picnic, Shearith Israel’s 2nd-Annual Family Picnic Fun, featuring softball, watermelon seed-spitting contest and the all-out Soak Down. Sun., Aug. 19, 4 p.m. Free and open to the public. Glenlake Park. BBYO Connect Fall Kickoff Pool Party, fun in the sun, pool game and snacks. Open to all Jewish 6th-8th graders. Sun., Aug. 19, 4 p.m. $10 by Aug. 12, $15 after. or (678) 812.3970.

Tue., Aug. 21

Greater Atlanta Hadassah & Israel Bonds Host Summer Social, come learn about Hadassah and Israel Bonds while bidding on a silent auction to benefit the work of Hadassah. RSVP by Aug. 15. Tue., Aug 21, 5:30- 7:30 p.m. Ravina Club. or (678) 443- 2961.

Wed., Aug. 22

My Name is Asher Lev, a fascinating coming of age story that seamlessly explores art, family and religion. Wed., Aug. 22 through Sun., Sept. 16. The Balzer Theater at Herren’s. Bingo with the Seniors, join Congregation Ariel’s sisterhood at the Bremen Home to play bingo with the residents. Time and details to follow. Wed., Aug. 22. Contact Diane Baron at (770) 458- 6618 or ldbarron1010@yahoo. com.

simcha spotlight

Peters Pitches In INSPIRED TO SUPPORT CANCER RESEARCH By Jessie Miller Editorial Intern


ach year, thousands of Relay for Life events take place across the world to raise money and awareness for the American Cancer Society. Communities, universities and other groups gather overnight to fight back against cancer, and each Relay team continuously walks around the track, while also enjoying activities and entertainment. The goal of the night is for each team to raise funds for cancer treatment research as well as celebrate the victories against cancer and remember those who have been lost to cancer. To date, it is estimated that Relay for Life has raised over $3 billion to fight cancer. Typically, most of these events are held Friday-to-Saturday; however, after much talk about the interference with the Sabbath, the Atlantaarea community has planned the

first all-day Sunday event, Ruach Atlanta, for Oct. 14 (see relayforlife. org/ruachga for more info). Like any large event, it requires much planning; to help, 13-year-old Molly Peters is currently serving on the Ruach Atlanta Steering Committee. Despite the wide age gap between herself and the rest of the members, Molly has been an integral part of the planning process. She has done everything from hanging up signs to soliciting donations and entertainment. According to her mother, Kim Peters, who is also on the Steering Committee, Molly singlehandedly got the DJ company Atlanta Fever to donate their services for the event. Molly is participating in Relay for Life as part of her bat mitzvah project, but her passion for fighting cancer goes beyond that. “I know people who have had cancer, so I thought this would be a really good way to help out,” she explains.

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With her grandmother currently battling breast cancer, Molly is very excited to make her loved one a part of her Relay for Life experience. “I think some kids do mitzvah projects because they feel like they have to, but the thing that makes us really proud of Molly is that this is something she wants to do because she knows people who have been touched by cancer,” Kim Peters said. “She really wants to raise money and awareness for cancer.” Besides the hard work and dedication, Molly will also donate a portion of her bat mitzvah money received to the American Cancer Society. And throughout the planning process, Molly has had to make sacrifices. “I commit to going to these meetings,so I’ve missed social events with friends and had to learn to balance them,” she said. “I do think it will really be worth it once the event is here because it’s going to be awesome.” Molly says she will take away many life lessons from her time on the Steering Committee when all is said and done. She explains that she realized how much work is needed to

Molly Peters, 13, is on the Ruach Atlanta Steering Committee. PHOTO/courtesy Peters family

plan a community event, like working through all the logistics and finding committed volunteers to help. Perhaps most importantly, Molly has realized that you can’t do it alone and need teamwork to be successful. On the day of the event, Molly is excited to see all her hard work pay off and raise a lot of money for cancer research. She hopes that the community will come out to support the event as well. “Doing the Relay for Life event can really help people who have had cancer or [who] have a loved one with cancer realize that the community wants to help them and that they are not alone,” she said. Editor’s Note: The AJT is a proud sponsor of Ruach Atlanta.




AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012



Atlanta Synagogue Directory CHABAD


Parshat Ekev


Chabad Israel Center 5188 Roswell Rd. Sandy Springs, GA 30324 404.252.9508

Atlanta Chevre Minyan Druid Forest Clubhouse North Crossing Dr. Atlanta, GA 30305

Congregation Dor Tamid 11165 Parsons Rd. Johns Creek, GA 30097 770.623.8860

By Rabbi Donald Tam

Chabad Jewish Center 4255 Wade Green Rd. Suite 120 Kennesaw, GA 30144 678.460.7702

Congregation Shema Yisrael 6065 Roswell Rd., #3018 Atlanta, GA 30328 404.943.1100

Congregation Ner Tamid 176 West Sandtown Rd. Marietta, GA 30064 678.264.8575

Guardians of the Torah P.O. Box 767981 Roswell, GA 30076 770.286.3477

Congregation Rodeph Sholom 406 East 1st Street Rome, GA 30161 (706) 291-6315

Nediv Lev: the Free Synagogue of Atlanta 3791 Mill Creek Ct. Atlanta, GA 30341 770.335.2311

Temple Beth David 1885 Mcgee Rd. Snellville, GA 30078 770.978.3916

Chabad of Gwinnett 3855 Holcomb Bridge Rd. Suite 770 Norcross, GA 30092 678.595.0196 Chabad of North Fulton 10180 Jones Bridge Rd. Alpharetta, GA 30022 770.410.9000 Congregation Beth Tefillah 5065 High Point Rd. Atlanta, GA 30342 404.257.9306

Conservative Ahavath Achim Synagogue 600 Peachtree Battle Ave. Atlanta, GA 30327 404.355.5222 Congregation Beth Shalom 5303 Winters Chapel Rd. Atlanta, GA 30360 770.399.5300 Congregation B’nai Torah 700 Mount Vernon Hwy. Atlanta, GA 30328 404.257.0537 Congregation Etz Chaim 1190 Indian Hills Pkwy Marietta, GA 30068 770.973.0137

AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012

Reform Congregation B’nai Torah 1633 Hwy 54 E Jonesboro, GA 30238 678.817.7162

Chabad Intown 928 Ponce De Leon Avenue Atlanta, GA 30306 404.898.0434

Chabad of Cobb 4450 Lower Roswell Rd. Marietta, GA 30068 770.565.4412


Congregation Shearith Israel 1180 University Dr. Atlanta, GA 30306 404.873.1743

Congregation Gesher L’Torah 4320 Kimball Bridge Rd. Alpharetta, GA 30022 770.777.4009 Congregation Or Hadash 6751 Roswell Rd. Atlanta, GA 30328 404.250.3338

Orthodox Anshi S’Fard Congregation 1324 North Highland Ave. Atlanta, GA 30306 404.874.4513 Congregation Ariel 5237 Tilly Mill Rd. Dunwoody, GA 30338 770.390.9071 Congregation Beth Jacob 1855 Lavista Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329 404.633.0551 Congregation Beth Yitzhak 5054 Singleton Rd. Norcross, GA 30093 770.931.4567 Email: Congregation Ner Hamizrach 1858 Lavista Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329 404.315.9020 The Kehilla of Sandy Springs 5075 Roswell Rd. Sandy Springs, GA 30342 404.913.6131 Young Israel of Toco Hills 2074 Lavista Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329 404.315.1417


Congregation Bet Haverim 2676 Clairmont Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329 404.315.6446

Temple Beth Tikvah 9955 Coleman Rd. Roswell, GA 30075 770.642.0434 Temple Emanu-El 1580 Spalding Dr. Atlanta, GA 30350 770.395.1340 Temple Kehillat Chaim 1145 Green St. Roswell, GA 30075 770.641.8630 Temple Kol Emeth 1415 Old Canton Rd. Marietta, GA 30062 770.973.3533 Temple Sinai 5645 Dupree Dr. Sandy Springs, GA 30327 404.252.3073 The Temple 1589 Peachtree St. NE Atlanta, GA 30309 404.873.1731

SEPHARDIC Congregation Or VeShalom 1681 North Druid Hills Rd. Atlanta, GA 30319 404.633.1737

Traditional Congregation Shaarei Shamayim 1810 Briarcliff Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329 404.417.0472

d’var torah

LEARNING GRATITUDE Congregation Beth Tikvah and the Atlanta Rabbinical Association


n the Torah portion Ekev, we read:

“And when you eat and are satisfied, you will bless the Lord your G-d for the good land which he has given you” (Deut. 8:10). More than just the source from which we derive the Blessing After the Meals, this commandment contains the notion of the importance of gratitude, of giving thanks for what we have and what we have accomplished. There is a tendency among human beings, in our society especially, to deduce from our well-being some sense of moral supremacy, as if “doing well” is “doing good.” We hear this arrogance sometimes expressed as a virtue in the ideal of the “self-made” person. But moderation is the hallmark of all human virtues. There is value in individual selfsufficiency; our own talents and hard work have gone a long way in bringing the success and well-being many of us enjoy. However, success isn’t only about ourselves and our own powers and abilities. It is also about the nature of the society in which we live; the equity and fairness of its justice and educational systems. Economic and professional success has as at least as much to do with the kind of family and culture into which we are born and in which we grow up as it has to do with our innate abilities, individual determination and hard work. There is really no such thing as a completely “self-made” person. We all stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us; those who have sometime struggled against prejudice and worked hard, often at menial jobs, so that we might be given the opportunity to spend our energies on achieving a higher level of personal fulfillment and satisfaction than that which was possible for them.

We are being taught in this portion the value of gratitude: We need others. None of us stands alone. One of the hallmarks of human life is precisely the truth that we all lack self-sufficiency. No person is self-sufficient; the human being isn’t structured that way. This realization is the womb out of which religion is born. Furthermore, gratitude is a hedge against arrogance. We need this hedge because arrogance blinds us to our real selves and the true nature of situations in which we find ourselves. This is a dangerous weakness, often leading to the stumbling of individuals and the fall of nations. Arrogance leads to a kind of stupor, a kind of psychic paralysis, the Torah believes. Arrogant people cannot adapt properly to new environments or situations because they have no real grasp of their true abilities and weaknesses under changing conditions, too taken with themselves as they are. What we lack in talent and ability affects our chances of survival as much as those things that fill our hands and empower us. Gratitude is something that usually must be taught. One of the ways is the simple daily act of thanking G-d for what we are consuming, knowing such consumption does not spring from our own powers alone. Gratitude, in turn, is a hedge against the kind of arrogance which weakens our ability to deal with the world and our own powers as they really are. Hubris is not just the stuff of some ancient Greek tragedy; it is the stuff of human experience itself, as reflected in the life of a country, corporation or individual. And hubris is often the prelude to a fall. Editor’s note: Donald Tam is Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Beth Tikvah in Roswell and a member of the Atlanta Rabbinical Association. He has been a rabbi in the Atlanta metro area since 1978.


special interest

Trees of the Tribe: Privacy for the Deceased



he Social Security Death Index (SSDI) is an extremely useful tool for genealogists. For those of us who don’t know the birth or death date of a relative or ancestor, the SSDI is a great place to start looking (if the deceased had a Social Security number, that is). First, the good news: Access to the SSDI is usually free of charge and can be attained through a variety of web sites, such as Ancestry. com, Familysearch. org, and several others. Useful information for researchers include birth and death dates, last residence and place the card was issued. But now, the bad news: Due to the concern about identity theft, the U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee Chairman Sam Johnson (R-Tex.) authored a bill, HR 3475, that would prevent the public from accessing the Social Security Death Index (SSDI). At last update, this resolution was referred to committee, and thus its fate is uncertain. The introduction of this bill isn’t the first time that an attempt to limit access to or remove vital records (e.g., Birth, Marriage and Death) has been made. As many people know, U.S. Census records are not made available until 72 years has passed since they were collected. Also, many countries have begun keeping individual records private for a period of time before releasing them to the general public. The main reason for this waiting period is due to the concern for privacy for people still living. With the quantity of information available, identity theft has now become a major issue in the U.S., and with the availability of Social Secu-

rity numbers, the concern is justified. Several sites have internal rules that limit the publication of these numbers; for instance, doesn’t display the actual number until 10 years after an individual’s death. Frankly, I’m not sure there is a need to display the number at all – the information that is provided should be sufficient. Yes, the number may open doors to searching other sources, but shouldn’t the dead have the same right to privacy as the living? What’s to prevent someone from using the SSN of a person who died young? The state of Florida used to display actual Death Certificates on their county web sites. They later began blocking out the cause of death section and then stopped displaying the certificates at all. As such, these sites were once a gold mine for genealogists (especially for those of use with ancestors who lived in Century Village), but I certainly understand why they have become so restrictive. As the population ages and lifespans lengthen, our government and the governments of our families’ origins have many decisions to make. Hopefully, they can find a balance that enables us to learn more about our families without causing too much tsuris. Editor’s note: Gary Deutsch is a former president and current webmaster of the Jewish Genealogy Society of Georgia. He hopes to provide readers with high-level news, tips and tricks for beginners in the field of genealogy. If you have questions or comments about Jewish genealogy, please feel free to email him at He is happy to provide guidance and suggestions but unfortunately cannot provide research at this time. Happy digging!

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AUGUST 10 ▪ 2012

By Gary Deutsch



Crossword Clues

by Kathi Handler (

Across 1. Starter bet for Greenstein 5. Exodus midwife 9. Stooge 14. Shoe part 15. Father of Edomites 16. Medes 17. “New Yorker” artist 19. Former Minister of Defense 20. Recede 21. Enemy to Sadducees 23. __ relief, sculptor’s style 26. Zeta Beta Tau? 29. Dotted vavs? 30. C. Berman’s station 32. Amalek or Balak 34. Hebrew letter 37. Feeling for Haman 39. Early Head of Mossad 41. Shikker’s choice? 42. Sidney Lumet film 44. Slaves in Jubilee year 46. Israel National Trail 47. Cured by Salk’s vaccine 49. Anne Frank’s hideaway 50. Asner and Koch 51. Comedian Cohen 53. Staff 54. 1501 56. Name for 15 across 58. Golem source? 59. David or Solomon 63. Gang for Dandy Phil 65. Israeli wood 66. Moses follower 72. Agadah 73. Imitate Deborah or Aaron

74. Ibn Gabirol specialty 75. Rainbows 76. Dreidel features? 77. Covet Down 1. Seder sounds? 2. Biblical fishing device 3. Tet (Eng) 4. Wiesel 5. Seen on gravestone 6. Employ 7. Ribicoff, initially 8. Like Goliath 9. Sound of Kristallnacht 10. City of Dan 11. Paradise 12. Tsahal weapon? 13. “Mitla __”, Uris novel 18. Sarnoff’s network 22. Social realist painter 23. __ Thomashefsky, Yiddish actress 24. Make aliyah 25. Cosell’s coverage 27. Blasphemous 28. Golden girl __ Arthur 31. Political Party 33. Art Ginzberg, TV chef 34. Yiddish Parisian Newspaper 35. Ending prayer? 36. Like Israeli borders 38. Shikker’s sip 40. Meadow 43. Maus or Dondi 45. In addition

48. Noodge (Eng) 52. Israelites in the Wilderness 54. Expert (Yid) 55. Donna Karan design 57. Stooge 59. “Mr. __”, Lorre film 60. Tikkun __ 61. Bloody river 62. Tel (Eng) 64. Sound the shofar 67. Prophesy 68. Shmatah (Eng) 69. Kaminska, Yiddish actress 70. Days of Awe 71. Touro synagogue time zone

Last week’s answers



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