Discover surprisingly slow ways animals survive in a fast-paced world.
See Live Animals!
Sloth • Boa constrictor • Iguana
Hedgehog • Tortoise • and more!
FernbankMuseum.org @FernbankMuseum
Sponsored locally by
Additional support provided by the Frances Wood Wilson Foundation.
Survival of the Slowest is designed and offered by Little Ray’s Nature Centres in collaboration with the Canadian Museum of Nature.
Special: 30+ Ideas
Find some new ways to get kids excited about the start of the school year.
The best July events and activities, not-to-miss shows, exhibits and July 4th parades and fireworks. Plus, bargain movie deals and the most delicious ice cream places!
Enjoy the tastes of summer at our favorite hamburger and hot dog restaurants.
PUBLISHER Liz White lwhite@atlantaparent.com
ASSOCIATE Laura Powell PUBLISHER lpowell@atlantaparent.com
ACCOUNT Carolyn Haushalter EXECUTIVE chaushalter@atlantaparent.com
ACCOUNT Genie Lockeretz EXECUTIVE glockeretz@atlantaparent.com
ACCOUNT Alyssa Gerold EXECUTIVE agerold@atlantaparent.com
STAFF WRITER Emily Webb and DIGITAL ewebb@atlantaparent.com
COPY EDITOR Mary Williams
EDITORIAL Sheri Taylor-Emery ART DIRECTOR creative@atlantaparent.com
MARKETING Felicia Barman MOM
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Atlanta Parent magazine is published monthly by Atlanta Parent, Inc., 2346 Perimeter Park Drive, Atlanta, GA 30341. Telephone 770-454-7599, Fax 770-454-7699. Atlanta Parent magazine is available free of charge throughout the metro area and as a digital issue at atlantaparent.com. Atlanta Parent magazine welcomes letters, articles, artwork and photographs from its readers and the community. Atlanta Parent magazine is not responsible for the return of unsolicited materials. All rights reserved. Any reproduction in whole or in part, is prohibited without written permission.
© Atlanta Parent, Inc. 2023
Summer’s in full swing! July temperatures usually have kids (and parents) looking for ways to escape the heat. There’s no shortage of cool indoor fun around the city. Take in a kid-friendly flick — you’ll find a list of discount summer movie deals in our July Family Fun Guide. Spend an afternoon ice skating, visit a museum, or dive into the world of Van Gogh, dinosaurs or Disney at an immersive experience. There are also fun ways to beat the heat outside! Visit one of Atlanta’s many splash pads, pools and water playgrounds. Enjoy a
frozen treat from your local ice cream shop, and don’t miss the Atlanta Ice Cream Festival on July 22 in Piedmont Park. Even some outdoor spaces offer relief from the heat — check out Dunwoody Nature Center’s great shaded play area, or explore the WildWoods at Fernbank Museum.
Kids and parents need a break from all their scheduled activities and events, so be sure to plan some down time. Reserve a day or two to relax at home and have some old-fashioned summer fun — play in the backyard, chill out in a
hammock, read or create sidewalk art. Grab a blanket and pack some sandwiches for an impromptu outdoor picnic. A few lazy days toward the end of the summer will help everyone refresh before the rush of the back-to-school season.
At Atlanta Parent, our goal is to be your go-to resource for everything family. This month’s issue features our annual Top 10 Lists — use them all year to find everything from party places to pediatricians, schools, classes, museums and more.
Hoping you have the best summer ever!
Little ones will love the Spiralin’ Seas Waterpark from Little Tikes. Perfect for toddlers, this water table is loaded with tons of ways to play, including a Ferris wheel, twin water wheels, a spinner that powers the lazy river and character balls that can squirt water. Available at littletikes.com for $54.99.
Splash pads are always an exciting time; bring the fun to your home with SplashEZ’s A to Z Sprinkler Pool. Educational and entertaining, little ones will have a blast splashing around while learning their ABCs. Available at getsplashez.com for $30. For older kids, try the Jecoo Splash Pad, which is fun for children and pets. The splash pad features water sprinklers and creates a shallow wading pool for hot summer days. Available at jecoo.store as a 67-inch or 95-inch pad for $29.99-$59.99.
Hearthsong’s Mister Monster Inflatable Water Sprinkler brings the adventures of the sea to your home. The bright and friendly sea monster is seven feet long and connects to a standard garden hose for water play from the serpent’s mouth and along the arch of its belly. Available at hearthsong.com for $59.98.
Battle it out with SOPPYCID Reusable Water Bomb Balloons from Tlitlimom Store. These reusable water bomb balloons allow you to play over and over again, as a smart and environmentally-friendly option. The balloons will open automatically when colliding or squeezing. Available at amazon.com in packs of 4-18 for $16.99-$45.99.
Cool off with Poolmaster’s Splash and Spray Water Sprinkler Ball Toy. This inflatable beach ball features multiple spouts that shoot water from different directions up to 15 feet. Available at homedepot.com for $13.22.
l Center for Puppetry Arts puppet.org
Atlanta, 404-873-3391
l Fernbank Museum of Natural History fernbankmuseum.org
Atlanta, 404-929-6300
l Georgia Aquarium georgiaaquarium.org
Atlanta, 404-581-4000
l High Museum of Art high.org
Atlanta, 404-733-4400
l Illuminarium illuminarium.com
Atlanta, 404-341-1000
Our curated lists will help you explore all Atlanta has to offer, from schools to attractions and more.
l Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park nps.gov/malu
Atlanta, 404-331-5190 x5046
l Six Flags Over Georgia sixflags.com/overgeorgia
Austell, 770-739-3400
l Skyview Atlanta skyviewatlanta.com
Atlanta, 678-949-9023
l Stone Mountain Park stonemountainpark.com
Stone Mountain, 800-401-2407
l Zoo Atlanta zooatlanta.org
Atlanta, 404-624-9453
l Atlanta History Center atlantahistorycenter.com
Atlanta, 404-814-4000
l The Booth Western Art Museum boothmuseum.org
Cartersville, 770-387-1300
l Center for Civil and Human Rights civilandhumanrights.org
Atlanta, 678-999-8990
l Center for Puppetry Arts puppet.org
Atlanta, 404-873-3391
l Chick-fil-A College Football Hall of Fame cfbhall.com
Atlanta, 404-880-4800
l Children’s Museum of Atlanta childrensmuseumatlanta.org
Atlanta, 404-659-5437
l Fernbank Museum of Natural History fernbankmuseum.org
Atlanta, 404-929-6300
l Gwinnett Environmental and Heritage Center gwinnettehc.com
Buford, 770-904-3500
l High Museum of Art high.org
Atlanta, 404-733-4400
l Tellus Science Museum tellusmuseum.org
Cartersville, 770-606-5700
l Computer Museum of America computermuseumofamerica.org
Roswell, 770-695-0651
l Delta Flight Museum deltamuseum.org
Atlanta, 404-715-7886
l Fernbank Science Center fernbank.edu
Atlanta, 678-874-7102
l Funk Heritage Center reinhardt.edu/funkheritage
Waleska, 770-720-5970
l Interactive Neighborhood for Kids inkfun.org
Gainesville, 770-536-1900
l Marietta Museum of History mariettahistory.org
Marietta, 770-794-5710
Atlanta, 404-727-4282
l Museum of Design Atlanta museumofdesign.org
Atlanta, 404-979-6455
l Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History southernmuseum.org
Kennesaw, 770-427-2117
l Southeastern Railway Museum train-museum.org
Duluth, 770-476-2013
l Armour Yards armouryards.com
Atlanta, 404-995-2138
l Beat The Bomb beatthebomb.com
l CAMP camp.com
Atlanta, 929-810-0736
l Exhibition Hub Art Center Atlanta theartcenters.com
l LEGO Discovery Center legodiscoverycenter.com
Atlanta, 404-848-9252
l Museum of Illusions moiatlanta.com
l Pullman Yards pullmanyards.com
l Sloomoo Institute sloomooinstitute.com
l Two Bridges Park dunwoodyga.gov
Dunwoody, 678-382-6700
l Westside Park beltline.org
Atlanta, 404-477-3003
l Bear Hollow Zoo accgov.com
Athens, 706-613-3580
l Chestatee Wildlife Preserve and Zoo chestateewildlife.com
Dahlonega, 678-300-0019
l Creekwater Alpaca Farm cwafarm.com
Snellville, 877-465-5181
l L&R Alpaca Haven Farm silverliningsanimalrescueinc.org
Douglasville, 404-408-4635
l Noah’s Ark Wildlife Sanctuary noahs-ark.org
Locust Grove, 770-957-0888
l North Georgia Wildlife Park northgeorgiazoo.com
Cleveland, 706-348-7279
l Pettit Creek Farms pettitcreekfarms.com
Cartersville, 770-386-8688
l Wild Animal Safari animalsafari.com/georgia
Pine Mountain, 706-663-8744
l Yellow River Wildlife Sanctuary yellowriverwildlifesanctuary.com
Lilburn, 678-395-3453
l Zoo Atlanta zooatlanta.org Atlanta, 404-624-9453
l Acworth Beach
Acworth, 770-917-1234
l Big Splash Interactive Fountain at Suwanee Town Center suwanee.com/services/parks
Suwanee, 770-945-8996
l Margaritaville at Lanier Island margaritavilleatlanierislands.com
Buford, 470-323-3440
l Buccaneer Cove at Malibu Grand Prix Norcross malibunorcross.com
Norcross, 770-416-7630
l Elizabeth Porter Park Sprayground mariettaga.gov/parksrec
Marietta, 770-794-5708
l Piedmont Park Aquatic Center piedmontpark.org
Atlanta, 404-875-7275
l Riverside Park Sprayground roswellgov.com
Roswell, 770-594-6158
l Six Flags White Water sixflags.com/whitewater Marietta, 770-590-4067
l Spivey Splash spiveysplash.com
Jonesboro, 770-473-5425
l Swift-Cantrell Park Splash Pad kennesaw-ga.gov
Kennesaw, 770-422-9714
l Atlanta Botanical Garden atlantabg.org
Atlanta, 404-876-5859; Gainesville, 404-888-4760
l Autrey Mill Nature Preserve autreymill.org
Johns Creek, 678-366-3511
l Blue Heron Nature Preserve bhnp.org
Atlanta, 404-946-6394
l Callaway Resort & Gardens callawaygardens.com
Pine Mountain, 844-512-3826
l Chattahoochee Nature Center chattnaturecenter.org
Roswell, 770-992-2055
l Dunwoody Nature Center dunwoodynature.org
Dunwoody, 770-394-3322
l Elachee Nature Science Center elachee.org
Gainesville, 770-535-1976
l Gibbs Gardens gibbsgardens.com
Ball Ground, 770-893-1880
l Reynolds Nature Preserve claytonparks.com/reynolds-nature-preserve Morrow, 770-603-4188
l Smith-Gilbert Gardens smithgilbertgardens.com
Kennesaw, 770-919-0248
Cont’d on page 14
Ignite your school spirit with the stories, traditions and rich history of college football. Three floors, five themed galleries and over 50 interactive exhibits, including a 45-yard playing field. Get your tickets @cfbhall
OPEN DAILY 10-5 Memorial Day–Labor Day
For thrills
l iFLY Atlanta iflyworld.com
Atlanta, 678-803-4359
For train lovers
l Southeastern Railway Museum train-museum.org
Duluth, 770-476-2013
For puppet lovers
l Center for Puppetry Arts puppet.org
Atlanta, 404-873-3391
For little builders
l LEGO Discovery Center legodiscoverycenter.com/atlanta
Atlanta, 404-848-9252
For car enthusiasts
l Savoy Automobile Museum savoymuseum.org
Cartersville, 770-416-1500
For Renaissance fans
l Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament medievaltimes.com
Lawrenceville, 770-225-0230
For tree lovers
l Treetop Quest treetopquest.com
Dunwoody, 770-365-0356; Buford, 404-277-6113
For the little firefighter
l Marietta Fire Museum mariettaga.gov/189/fire-museum
Marietta, 770-794-5466
For history buffs
l Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum jimmycarterlibrary.gov
Atlanta, 404- 865-7100
For chicken lovers
l Chick-fil-A Backstage Tours tours.chick-fil-a.com
Atlanta, 404-305-4163
l Adventure Air Sports adventureairsports.com
Kennesaw, 678-384-2020
l Andretti Indoor Karting & Games andrettikarting.com
Marietta, 678-496-9530; Buford, 470-646-3278
l Funopolis Family Fun Center funopolisfamilyfuncenter.com Commerce, 706-335-3866
l Fun Spot America – Atlanta funspotamericaatlanta.com
Fayetteville, 407-363-3867
l Lakepoint Station lakepointstation.com
Cartersville, 678-719-0921
l Main Event Entertainment mainevent.com
Multiple locations
l Malibu Grand Prix malibunorcross.com
Norcross, 770-416-7630
l Starlite Family Fun Center starlitefamilyfuncenters.com
Multiple locations
l Stars and Strikes starsandstrikes.com
Multiple locations
l Urban Adventure Quest urbanadventurequest.com
Atlanta, 805-603-5620
l Cascade Skating cascadeskating.com
Atlanta, 404-996-0078
l Hot Wheels Skate Center hotwheelsskatecenter.com
Woodstock, 770-592-4688
l Skate Zone sk8-zone.com
Morrow, 770-960-1400
l Skate-A-Long USA skatealongusa.com
Lilburn, 770-921-0800
l Sparkles Family Fun Center sparklesfamilyfuncenters.com
Multiple locations
l Stone Mountain Skates stonemountainskates.com
Stone Mountain, 770-469-9775
l Alpharetta Family Skate Center cooler.com
Alpharetta, 770-649-6600
l Atlanta IceForum iceforum.com
Duluth, 770-813-1010
l Atlanta Ice House atlantaicehouse.com
Marietta, 404-800-2150
l Center Ice Arena centericearena.org
Sandy Springs, 404-549-8425
Professional Teams
l Atlanta Braves Baseball mlb.com/braves
l Atlanta Dream Basketball dream.wnba.com
l Atlanta Falcons Football atlantafalcons.com
l Atlanta Hawks Basketball nba.com/hawks
l Atlanta United FC Soccer atlutd.com
l Emory University emoryathletics.com
l Georgia State University georgiastatesports.com
l Georgia Tech ramblinwreck.com
l Kennesaw State University ksuowls.com
l University of Georgia georgiadogs.com
l City of Acworth visitacworth.com
l Alpine Helen helenga.org
Helen, 706-878-2181
l Blairsville-Union County visitblairsvillega.com
Blairsville, 877-745-5789
l Cordele-Crisp County visitcordele.com
Cordele, 229-273-1668
l Douglas County exploredouglascountyga.com
Douglasville, 678-741-5356
l The Museum of Aviation museumofaviation.org
Warner Robins, 478-926-6870
l Olde Town Conyers visitconyersga.com
Conyers, 770-602-2606
l Rabun County explorerabun.com Clayton, 706-782-4812
l Rock House Farm & Creamery rockhousecreamery.com Newborn, 678-729-1459
l Villa Rica visitvillarica.com Villa Rica, 678-840-1442
These childcare centers all have multiple locations. Find one in your neighborhood by visiting the websites.
l Big Blue Marble. bbmacademy.com
l Bright Horizons. brighthorizons.com
l Carrington Academy carringtonacademy.com
l Discovery Point. discoverypoint.com
l The Goddard School goddardschool.com
l Kindercare Learning Center kindercare.com
l O2B Kids. o2bkids.com
l Primrose Schools primroseschools.com
l Sheltering Arms. shelteringarmsforkids.com
l Sunshine House. sunshinehouse.com
l Akers Academy akersacademy.com
Alpharetta, 770-670-6843; Cumming, 770-410-7371
l Barrington Academy barringtonacademy.com Stockbridge, 770-474-0772
l Chastain School at St. John thechastainschool.com
Sandy Springs, 404-843-8375
l Dunwoody Prep dunwoodyprep.com
Dunwoody, 770-396-2973
l Haygood Child Development Center haygoodwcm.org Atlanta, 404-872-5806
l The Harvest School theharvestschool.com
Stone Mountain, 770-498-7051
l Peachtree Prep peachtreeacademy.com
Conyers and Covington, 770-860-8900
l Phase Family Learning Center phase.center/school Alpharetta, 470-239-2480
l Princeton Academy princetonacademymarietta.com
Marietta, 770-432-0059
l Toddler University toddleruniversity.org
Marietta, 770-299-9901
l Academy of Ballet academy-ballet.com
Peachtree Corners, 770-242-6379
l Atlanta Ballet Centre for Dance Education centre.atlantaballet.com
Multiple locations
l Atlanta Dance & Music Academy atlantadanceandmusic.com
Atlanta, 404-877-0005
l Callanwolde School of Dance callanwoldedance.com
Atlanta, 404-872-5338
l Dance and Arts Showcase danceandarts.com
Atlanta, 770-934-5010
l Moving in the Spirit movinginthespirit.org
Atlanta, 404-624-5295
l The Neighborhood Ballet theneighborhoodballet.com
Atlanta, 470-309-0903
Ballet • Tap • Jazz • Hip Hop
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Ages 2 and older
Adult classes, too
We will come to your preschool and teach Ballet and Tap classes. Call us.
Chamblee 770-934-5010
l Rhythm Dance Center rhythmdancecenter.com Marietta, 770-998-6507
l Terminus Ballet School terminusmbt.com
Atlanta, 470-733-8274
Visual Arts
l La Dee Da Children’s Art Studio ladeedastudio.com
Sandy Springs, 404-963-7391
l Johns Creek Arts Center johnscreekarts.org
Johns Creek, 770-623-8448
l Spruill Center for the Arts spruillarts.org
Dunwoody, 770-394-3447
l Vinings School of Art viningsschoolofart.com
Smyrna, 678-213-4278
l Zone of Light zoneoflightstudio.com
Atlanta, 678-948-8059
l Tutu School Halcyon tutuschool.com/halcyon Alpharetta, 678-658-1219
Performing Arts
l Alliance Theatre alliancetheatre.org
Atlanta, 404-733-4600
l Atlanta Workshop Players atlantaworkshopplayers.com
Roswell, 770-998-8111
l British Academy of Performing Arts bapa.us
Marietta, 770-578-8272
l Forefront Arts forefrontarts.com
Multiple locations, 770-864-3316
l Stage Door
Performing Arts Academy stagedoortheatrega.org
Dunwoody, 770-396-1726
l Artz for the Harp artzfortheharp.org
Atlanta, 678-902-2789
l Atlanta School of Musical Arts atlantamusicalarts.com Atlanta, 404-490-5391
l Atlanta Young Singers atlantayoungsingers.net Atlanta, 404-873-3365
l Bach To Rock Music School – Alpharetta alpharetta.b2rmusic.com 470-375-3960
l Community Music Centers of Atlanta cmcatlanta.com
Multiple locations
l Eclectic Music eclecticmusicatlanta.com
Multiple locations, 404-537-1382
l European School of Music euroschoolmusic.org Atlanta, 404-255-8382
l The Music Class themusicclass.com
Multiple locations
l Sandy Springs Music sandyspringsmusic.com Sandy Springs, 404-250-0406
l School of Rock schoolofrock.com
Multiple locations, 866-695-5515
Cont’d on next page
Only one out of every four Americans can play an instrument.
l Aqua-Tots Swim Schools
Multiple locations
l Big Blue Swim School bigblueswimschool.com Johns Creek, 770-626-0168
l British Swim School
Multiple locations
l Dynamo Swim School dynamoswimschool.com
Multiple locations
l Goldfish Swim School goldfishswimschool.com
Multiple locations
l SeaVentures seaventures.com
Alpharetta, 770-992-3772
l Sharkies Swim & Scuba
Smyrna, 678-827-2822
l Swim Atlanta swimatlanta.com
Multiple locations
l The Swim Revolution theswimrevolution.com
Atlanta, 404-354-1180
l Swimmerman Swim School swimmerman.com
Atlanta, 678-515-3793; Stockbridge, 678-271-2001
l Atlanta North Star Gymnastics atlantanorthstars.com
Marietta, 678-560-3547
l Atlanta School of Gymnastics atlantagymnastics.net
Tucker, 770-938-1212
l Buckhead Gymnastics & Cheer buckheadgymnasticsandcheer.com
Atlanta, 404-367-4414
l Gwinnett Gymnastics Center gwinnettgymnasticscenter.com
Lilburn, 770-921-5630
l Gymnastic Academy of Atlanta gymnasticsacademyofatlanta.com
Kennesaw, 770-975-8337
l Gymnastics World of Georgia gymworldofga.com
Suwanee, 770-751-9019
l Intown Stars Gymnastics intownstarsatl.com
Decatur, 404-330-8988
l Leading Edge Gymnastics Academy legawinder.com
Winder, 678-975-7469
l Peachtree Gymnastics peachtreegymnastics.com
Marietta, 770-977-5557
l The Peach Pit Gymnastics peachpitgym.com
Multiple locations
l A5 Volleyball Club
Roswell, 770-346-8878
l Agape Tennis Academy agapetennisacademy.com
Decatur, 404-636-5628
l Atlanta Diving Association atlantadiving.com
Multiple locations, 770-844-7710
l Atlanta Junior Rowing Association ajracrew.com
Roswell, 770-835-5769
l Atlanta Volleyball Academy avageorgia.com
Suwanee, 404-775-5005
l Buck’s Sport Barn buckssportbarn.com
Atlanta, 404-869-8003
l Family Martial Arts familymartialarts.org
Sandy Springs, 404-256-4400
l Hi Five Sports Zone hifivesportsclubs.com
Alpharetta, 470-417-0194
l i9 Sports i9sports.com
Multiple locations
l YMCA of Metro Atlanta ymcaatlanta.org
Multiple locations, 404-267-5353
AT THE Y, AFTER-SCHOOL HOURS ARE FOR EXPLORING, ADVENTURE AND EXCITEMENT! Children will find new opportunities to learn and grow in a welcoming and accepting environment. With an enhanced curriculum, a focus on social emotional learning, engaging clubs and so much more, the Y has reimagined afterschool!
When school is OUT, the Y is IN!
Summer Day Camp and School Break Camps are available at the Y! Find out more at ymcaatlanta.org/camp.
Sports help kids stay active, relieve stress, learn responsibility and make friends.
Our respectful and peaceful Montessori environments are thoughtfully designed to develop the whole child from infancy through middle school.
• AMI-accredited, child-centered Montessori curriculum individually tailored and focused on fostering independence
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• Global awareness cultivated by our enriching Cultural Studies program
• A strong sense of community and excellent communication with parents
• Low student-to-teacher ratios and passionate, AMI-certified teachers
Druid Hills Campus 1215 Ponce De Leon Ave NE Atlanta, GA 30306 404-531-2067
Cliff Valley Campus 1970 Cliff Valley Way NE Atlanta, GA 30329 404-602-0553
Serving students ages 8 weeks through 10 years
Accredited by the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI), AdvancED (SACS CASI) and Bright from the Start.
For more information, visit www.amischool.com
Delivering individualized academic and emotional development from toddler age through middle school:
• Engaging, holistic and authentic Montessori approach
• Individualized academic programs, addressing specific needs and goals of each child
• Incredibly engaged and diverse parental community
• All lead guides are MACTE (Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education) certified
• Accredited by the American Montessori Society, AdvancED and Georgia Accrediting Commission (GAC)
Montessori Academy at Sharon Springs 2830 Old Atlanta Road
Cumming, GA 30041
Serving ages 13 months through 12 years
Please see our other location:
Montessori at Vickery 6285 Post Road Cumming, GA 30040 770-268-2642
Serving ages 13 months through 9 years
Private schools with an enrollment of more than 550 students.
l Atlanta International School aischool.org
Atlanta, 404-841-3840
l Fulton Science Academy fultonscienceacademy.org
Alpharetta, 678-366-2555
l The Galloway School gallowayschool.org
Atlanta, 404-252-8389
l George Walton Academy gwa.com
Monroe, 678-635-3800
l The Lovett School lovett.org
Atlanta, 404-262-3032
l Pace Academy paceacademy.org
Atlanta, 404-262-1345
l The Paideia School paideiaschool.org
Atlanta, 404-377-3491
l Saint Francis Schools saintfrancisschools.com
Milton, 678-339-9989; Roswell, 770-641-8257
l The Walker School thewalkerschool.org
Marietta, 770-427-2689
l Woodward Academy woodward.edu
College Park, 404-765-4000; Johns Creek, 404-765-4490
Wesleyan School believes faith and intellect are great partners with each other. At Wesleyan, it’s not a matter of choosing faith or intellect, but rather using both to create the best possible education for your child.
Peachtree Corners • 770-448-7640
Private schools with an enrollment of more than 1,000 students.
l Greater Atlanta Christian School greateratlantachristian.org
Norcross, 770-243-2000
l Hebron Christian Academy hebronlions.org
Dacula, 770-963-9250
l Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School hies.org
Atlanta, 404-255-4026
Meaningful relationships inspire transformative learning for students in PK3-12th grades at The Walker School. Offering an engaging educational experience within an intimately scaled, caring and diverse community, Walker is metro Atlanta’s top college-preparatory school open to all faiths.
Marietta 770-427-2689
l Marist School marist.com
Atlanta, 770-457-7201
l Mount Paran Christian School mtparanschool.com
Kennesaw, 770-578-0182
l The Mount Vernon School mountvernonschool.org
Atlanta, 404-252-3448
l North Cobb Christian School
Kennesaw, 770-975-0252
l Trinity Christian School tcslions.org
Sharpsburg, 770-251-6770
l Wesleyan School wesleyanschool.org
Peachtree Corners, 770-448-7640
l Westminster westminster.net
Atlanta, 404-355-8673
17% of all K-12 students in Atlanta are educated in private schools. There are 140 private schools serving 28,943 students in Atlanta.
Where Students are Challenged, Supported and Most of All, Known.
l Woodward Academy, 1900 woodward.edu
l Marist School, 1901 marist.com
l Berean Christian Junior Academy, 1904 bcjaschool.org
l The Lovett School, 1926 lovett.org
l The Academy atlanta-homeschool.com
Dunwoody, 470-219-5860
l Capstone Academy capstoneacademy.com
Atlanta, 404-458-5160
l City Academy of Atlanta cityacademyatlanta.org
Atlanta, 404-713-6884
l Christ the King School, 1937 christking.org
l Atlanta Speech School, 1938 atlantaspeechschool.org
l St. Thomas More School, 1950 stmga.org
l The Howard School, 1950 howardschool.org
l Westminster, 1951 westminster.net
l Trinity School, 1951 trinityatl.org
l Cornerstone Preparatory cornerstoneprep.org Acworth, 770-529-7077
l eCore University System of Georgia ecore.usg.edu/dualenrollment 678-839-5300
l Hybrid Education in Greater Atlanta hegaschool.org Tucker, hegaemail@gmail.com
l The King’s Academy thekingsacademy.org
Woodstock, 770-592-5464
l Learnwell Collective learnwellcollective.org
Alpharetta, 678-395-6772
l Rivers Academy riversacademy.com
Alpharetta, 770-475-0081
l William & Reed Academy williamandreed.com Johns Creek, 678-456-5131
l Atlanta Girls’ School atlantagirlsschool.org
Atlanta, 404-845-0900
l The Davis Academy davisacademy.org
Atlanta, 770-804-9191
l High Meadows School highmeadows.org
Roswell, 770-993-2940
l Holy Spirit Preparatory School holyspiritprep.org
Atlanta, 678-761-7992
l McGinnis Woods Country Day School mcginniswoods.org
Alpharetta, 770-664-7764
l Mount Pisgah Christian School mountpisgahschool.org
Johns Creek, 678-336-3400
l Mt. Bethel Christian Academy mtbethelchristian.org
Marietta, 770-971-0245
l Pinecrest Academy pinecrestacademy.org
Cumming, 770-888-4477
l Whitefield Academy whitefieldacademy.com
Smyrna, 678-305-3000
l Wood Acres School woodacresschool.org
Marietta, 770-971-1880 Cont’d on page 27
Trinity School serves children age three through Sixth Grade and cherishes childhood while preparing students for the future. Small class sizes, early childhood and elementary education experts, and innovative programming are just some of the reasons your child will thrive at Atlanta’s only elementary-only independent school!
Discover more at trinityatl.org/admissions
as they
created, and it is that identity, that energy, that charges our students and graduates.
Where authentic Christian mission and academic excellence aren’t mutually exclusive
“Walker fostered my love of learning by teaching me how to speak up for myself and establish lasting relationships with my teachers and peers.”
“The most important things that I have learned at Walker are the importance of challenging yourself and pushing yourself to be the best that you can be.”
“Walker made it easy for me to introduce myself to a variety of activities, clubs, sports and people.”
92% of boys and 97% of girls lose interest in STEAM if not engaged by the 5th grade.
l Atlanta Academy atlantaacademy.com
Roswell, 678-461-6102
l Atlanta International School aischool.org
Atlanta, 404-841-3840
l Fulton Academy of Science and Technology fastk8.org
Roswell, 678-321-1100
l Fulton Science Academy fultonscienceacademy.org
Alpharetta, 678-366-2555
l Genesis Innovation Academy genesisinnovationacademy.org
Atlanta, 404-990-3844
l Mount Paran Christian School mtparanschool.com
Kennesaw, 678-359-6104
l The Mount Vernon School mountvernonschool.org
Atlanta, 404-252-3448
l The Walker School thewalkerschool.org
Marietta, 770-427-2689
l Wesleyan School wesleyanschool.org
Peachtree Corners, 770-448-7640
l Woodward Academy woodward.edu
College Park, 440-765-4000; Johns Creek, 440-765-4490
Cont’d on next page
l Academy at SOAR
North Carolina
soarnc.org, 828-456-3435
l Forman School
Connecticut formanschool.org, 860-567-8712
l George School
Pennsylvania georgeschool.org, 215-579-6500
l The Knox School
New York
knoxschool.org, 631-686-1600
l Rabun Gap Nacoochee School
Georgia rabungap.org, 706-746-7467
l Riverside Military Academy
riversidemilitary.com, 770-532-6251
l St. Mary’s School
North Carolina
sms.edu, 919-424-4000
l The Vanguard School
vanguardschool.org, 863-676-6091
l The Webb School
thewebbschool.com, 931-389-9322
l Woodberry Forest School
Virginia woodberry.org, 540-672-3900
Cont’d on page 30
Schools that specialize in providing education to students with language and auditory challenges.
l Atlanta Speech School atlantaspeechschool.org
Atlanta, 404-233-5332
l The Bedford School thebedfordschool.org
Fairburn, 770-774-8001
l Brookwood Christian School brookwoodchristian.com
Acworth, 678-401-5855
l The Cottage School cottageschool.org
Roswell, 770-641-8688
l GRACEPOINT School gracepointschool.org
Marietta, 678-709-6634
l The Howard School howardschool.org
Atlanta, 404-377-7436
l Mill Springs Academy millsprings.org
Alpharetta, 770-360-1336
Brookwood Christian is a private, nonprofit school serving students in Grades 1-12 diagnosed with dyslexia and other languagebased learning disabilities.
Acworth 678-401-5855 brookwoodchristian.com
l Sage School sageschool.net
Suwanee, 678-318-3588
l The Schenck School schenck.org
Atlanta, 404-252-2591
l Swift School theswiftschool.org
Roswell, 678-205-4988
Cont’d on page 33
Established in 1985 at the highest point in the city of Roswell, GA, The Cottage School equips students with learning differences to face the challenges of a changing world by meeting the students where they are today.
Our unique experimental programming and business based model sets us apart from all the rest.
Schools with full and partial-immersion programs.
l Atlanta International School aischool.org
Atlanta, 404-841-3840
l The GLOBE Academy Charter School theglobeacademy.org
Atlanta, 404-464-7040
l International Academy of Smyrna iasmyrna.org
Smyrna, 678-370-0980
l International Charter Academy of Georgia internationalcharteracademy.org
Peachtree Corners, 770-604-0007
l International Charter School of Atlanta icsatlanta.org
Alpharetta, 470-222-7535; Roswell, 470-222-7420
l Little Linguists International Preschool littlelinguistspreschool.com Decatur, 404-370-3828; East Point, 404-768-2111
l Omni International School omnischoolatl.com Atlanta, 404-865-1463
l The Quadrilingual Academy thequadacademy.com Smyrna, 404-777-7823
l The Spanish Academy thespanishacademy.com Multiple locations, 770-751-3646
l Tabula Rasa Academy trlanguages.com Lawrenceville, 678-985-8080; Sandy Springs, 404-847-0829; Johns Creek, 770-663-0120
Cont’d on page 35
As a K-5 State Charter School, International Charter Academy of Georgia offers an innovative Dual Language immersion program in both English and Japanese while forming global citizens.
Peachtree Corners 770-604-0007
Established in 1981, Alpharetta International Academy is a private, non-profit Montessori school for children ages 18 months old through 8th grade.
Our mission is to strive for excellence and we are committed to providing a quality Montessori Education for each child.
Our goal is to nurture each child’s innate desire to learn in a kind and supportive way. We embrace DIVERSITY, welcome new IDEAS, and encourage CREATIVITY.
Nuestro objetivo es fomentar en el niño la curiosidad y pasión por aprender. Esto lo hacemos creando oportunidades donde el estudiante pueda practicar ser independiente y responsable de sus deberes como estudiante. Esta independencia y confianza despierta en cada niño un interés natural por las matemáticas, el lenguaje, las ciencias, la geografía y el aprendizaje en general.
l Carlisle Montessori School of Buckhead
12 mos.-6 yrs. carlislemontessori.com
Atlanta, 404-949-0053
l Children Today Montessori
6 wks.-6 yrs. childrentodaymontessori.com
Alpharetta, 770-817-8200
l Decatur Montessori School
6 wks.-6 yrs. decaturmontessori.com
Decatur, 404-370-0620
l Guidepost Montessori at Deerfield
6 wks.-6 yrs. guidepostmontessori.com
Milton, 678-667-4999
l Guidepost Montessori at Duluth
6 wks.-6 yrs. guidepostmontessori.com
Duluth, 470-822-3982
l Guidepost Montessori at Marietta
18 mos.-6 yrs. guidepostmontessori.com
Marietta, 470-236-0088
At Carlisle Montessori School of Buckhead we provide your child with an authentic Montessori education – where real lessons prepare them for the real world with a unique hands on curriculum.
Toddler - Kindergarten. Enrolling Now for August 2023.
Atlanta 404-949-0053 carlislemontessori.com
l Montessori Unlimited
18 mos.-6 yrs. montessori.com
Multiple locations
l Seven Oaks Academy
6 wks.-6 yrs. sevenoaksacademy.org
Lilburn, 770-564-0470
l Atlanta Montessori International School
l Smyrna Montessori School
18 mos.-6 yrs. smyrnams.org
l The Suzuki School
3 mos.-6 yrs. suzukischool.com
Three Atlanta locations
18 mos.-13 yrs. Alpharetta, 770-475-0558
l Arbor Montessori School
18 mos.-14 yrs. arbormontessori.org
Two Decatur locations, 404-321-9304
Aside from multi-age classrooms and self-paced learning, Montessori schools have hands-on materials to highlight an idea or concept. Teachers don’t lead in front of a classroom, but guide each student individually. Some Montessori schools do not assign homework or give grades.
8 wks.-15 yrs. amischool.com
Druid Hills Campus, 404-325-6777; Cliff Valley Campus, 404-500-0501
l Endeavor International School
11-14 yrs. endeavorinternationalschool.com Atlanta, 770-637-4737
l Endeavor Montessori Dunwoody
6 wks.-12 yrs. endeavormontessori.com
Atlanta, 770-637-4644
l Montessori Academy at Sharon Springs
6 wks.-12 yrs. montessoriacademysharonsprings.com
Cumming, 770-205-6277
l Montessori In Town
14 mos.-12 years montessoriintown.com
Atlanta, 404-784-1038
l Montessori School at Emory
15 mos.-14 yrs. montessorischoolofdecatur.com
Decatur, 404-634-5777
l Montessori at Vickery
13 mos.-15 yrs. montessorivickery.com
Cumming, 770-777-9131
l Springmont School
18 mos.-8th grade springmont.com
Atlanta, 404-252-3910
Montessori schools may also include elementary through high school programs.
6 weeks
Innovative curriculum designed to stimulate and inspire young minds
Passionate teachers trained in early childhood education
Low student-teacher ratios for individualized learning
In-house chefs who create delicious and healthful meals
a Child Loves to Learn, the Future is
l Cedars Preschool cedarspreschool.com
Multiple locations
l Da Vinci International School dvischool.com
Atlanta, 678-510-1214
l The Garden School thegardenmarietta.org Marietta, 770-765-2036
l MJCCA Preschools atlantajcc.org/preschool Multiple locations, 678-812-3800
l Oak Grove Academy oakgroveacademy.org Alpharetta, 770-772-7474
l Parker-Chase Preschool parker-chase.com
Multiple locations
l Redeemer Day School redeemerdayschool.org
Atlanta, 404-985-6005
l Saint Anne’s Day School saintannesdayschool.com
Atlanta, 404-237-7024
l Science Akadémeia, the Atlanta Preschool of Science satapos.com
Alpharetta, 770-282-6891
l Seeds of Wonder Journey School roswellchildcare.com
Roswell, 770-500-4178
l Ascend Medical ascendmedical.com
l BayBol Pediatrics baybolpediatricsatlanta.com
Chamblee and Lawrenceville, 470-509-4648
l CentreSpringMD centrespringmd.com/pediatrics
Brookhaven and Johns Creek, 404-814-9808
l Children’s Medical Group cmg-pc.com
Atlanta, Decatur and Johns Creek
l Dunwoody Pediatrics Dunwoody, 770-394 2358; Alpharetta, 770-664-9299
l Gwinnett Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine gwinnettpeds.com Four locations, 770-995-0823
l InTown Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine intownpediatrics.com
Atlanta, Brookhaven and Decatur, 404-446-4726
l Northside Pediatrics northsidepediatrics.com Sandy Springs, 404-256-2688; Woodstock, 770-928-0016
l Pediatric Physicians, PC pediatricphysicianspc.com Roswell, 770-518-9277; Alpharetta, 678-527-1555
l WellStar Pediatric Network wellstar.org
Multiple locations
l Children’s Wellness Center childrenswellnesscenter.com
Atlanta, 404-303-1314
l Dare2Care Pediatrics dare2carepediatrics.com
Alpharetta, 770-615-7000
l Healthy Kids R Us Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine healthykidsrus.com
Dunwoody, 770-558-3150
l North Point Pediatrics northpointpediatrics.biz
Alpharetta, 770-664-0088
l Norwood Pediatrics norwoodpediatrics.org
Atlanta, 404-446-3900
l One Family Pediatrics onefamilypediatrics.com
Cumming, 678-962-7337
l Pediatric Associates of North Atlanta, PC panapc.com
Peachtree Corners, 770-476-9885
l The Pediatric Center of Stone Mountain the-pediatric-center.com
Stone Mountain, 404-296-3800
l Piedmont Pediatrics piedmontpediatrics.org
Atlanta, 404-351-6662
l Sandy Springs Pediatrics sspediatrics.com
Atlanta, 404-252-4611
Cont’d on next page
l A to Z Pediatric Dentistry atozsmiles.com
Atlanta, 404-937-3888
l Brookhaven Children’s Dentistry brookhavenchildrensdentistry.com
Atlanta, 404-719-4300
l Children’s Dental Zone childrensdentalzone.com
Johns Creek, 770-777-1222
l Cumming Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics cummingpedoortho.com
Cumming, 678-578-5384
l Happy Children Pediatric Dental Sedation Center happychildrensdentist.com
Atlanta, 770-541-9131
l Nia Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics niadentistry.com
Marietta and Canton, 770-479-9999
l North Atlanta Kids Dentistry nakidsdentistry.com
Duluth, 770-202-4001
l Peachtree Children’s Dentistry peachysmiles.com
Gainesville, 678-696-8878
l Pediatric Dentistry of Johns Creek pdjohnscreek.com
Johns Creek, 678-822-9818
l Schwartz Dentistry for Children schwartzkidsdentistry.com Smyrna, 770-436-0802
Cont’d on page 44
Dr. Judy Christianson with Brookhaven Children’s Dentistry provides comprehensive care for children, teens and young adults in a state-of-the-art facility. Dr. Christianson has been practicing in the Atlanta area for more than 20 years.
Committed to providing compassionate, comprehensive dentistry from infancy through teenage years and orthodontic treatment for all ages.
Schedule your child’s dental appointment today with Dr. Hemant Dhawan and an orthodontic consultation with Dr. Javid Yavari.
Dr. Oral Francis always dreamed of improving people’s smiles. He loves helping his patients through their orthodontic treatment and watching their transformations to a perfect smile. Providing outstanding orthodontic treatment for more than 15 years, his top priority is to provide the highest quality orthodontic care in a friendly, comfortable environment.
l BE Orthodontics
Marietta, 770-420-7071; Smyrna, 770-432-6070
l Brookhaven Orthodontics
Brookhaven, 404-343-0677; Johns Creek, 678-775-1600
l Chamblee Orthodontics
Atlanta, 678-554-3143
l Crabapple Pediatric
Dentistry & Orthodontics
Alpharetta, 770-664-1999
l Decatur Orthodontics
Decatur, 678-207-5040
l Dentistry for Children & Teens
Atlanta, 770-934-5900
l Inman Park Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry
Atlanta, 678-691-4203
l Kaplan Orthodontics
Dunwoody, 770-458-5561
l Silver Smiles Orthodontics silversmiles.com
Atlanta and Snellville. 770-972-6000
l West Paces Ferry
Atlanta, 404-620-3099
estimated 4.5 million Americans wear braces at some
l Atlanta Allergy & Asthma atlantaallergy.com
Multiple locations, 770-742-6582
l Atlanta Gastroenterology Associates atlantagastro.com
Multiple locations
l Bloom Holistic Dentistry bloomholisticdentistry.com
Atlanta, 770-396-1188
l Chacko Allergy, Asthma and Sinus Center atlantaallergydoctor.com
Multiple locations, 678-668-4688
l Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta choa.org
Multiple specialties, 404-785-5437
l Children’s Specialty Services at Emory emoryhealthcare.org
Atlanta, 404-778-7777
l Georgia Center for Autism and Developmental Pediatrics gcadp.com
Sandy Springs, info@gcadp.com
l Inspire Pediatric Neurology inspirepediatricneurology.com
Atlanta, 404-487-0363
l Able Kids
ablekids.com, 706-842-5330
Atlanta, Roswell and Tucker
Kid-focused, world-class care backed by Board-Certified, Fellowship-Trained pediatric specialists in hearing loss, nasal conditions, and throat concerns. More Atlanta parents choose PENTA than any other Pediatric ENT provider.
4 Locations 404-255-2033 childrensent.com
l PENTA: Pediatric Ear, Nose and Throat of Atlanta childrensent.com
Multiple locations, 404-255-2033
l The Rubin Center for Autism and Developmental Pediatrics therubincenterforautism.org
Atlanta, 404-303-7247
l Applied ABC appliedabc.com/georgia Lawrenceville, 229-416-2229
l Arthur M. Blank Center for Stuttering Education and Research blankcenterforstuttering.org
Atlanta, 470-693-4226
l Autism Babysitters autismbabysitters.com
Atlanta, 770-637-7738
l Big Gym Therapy biggymtherapy.com
Roswell, Marietta and Kennesaw, 770-728-8833
l Georgia Association for Play Therapy gapt.org
Roswell, 678-395-4965
l Kid’s Creek Therapy kidscreektherapy.com
Suwanee, 770-888-5221
l Peachtree Autism Services peachtreeautism.com
Atlanta, 470-223-8123
l Therapy and Learning Center of Georgia tlcgeorgia.com
Roswell and Kennesaw, 678-824-2145
l Threshold Community Program thresholdcommunity.org
Decatur, 404-308-8548
l Atlanta Gynecology & Obstetrics atlantagynob.com
Lilburn, 770-923-5033; Decatur, 404-299-9724
l Atlanta Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialists aosphysicians.com
Atlanta, 404-252-5196; Alpharetta, 770-667-7440
l Emory Healthcare emoryhealthcare.org/gyn
Multiple locations, 404-778-7777
l Every Woman’s Ob Gyn everywomansob.com
Stockbridge, 678-881-0020
l North Atlanta OB/GYN naobgyn.com
Atlanta, 404-255-0621; Alpharetta, 770-752-0824; Marietta, 770-977-3513
l Piedmont Women’s Healthcare piedmontwomenshealthcare.com
Atlanta, 404-352-3656
l WellStar OB/GYN wellstar.org
Multiple locations
l Women’s Group of Gwinnett womensgroupofgwinnett.com
Lawrenceville, 770-979-4700
l Women’s Health Associates of Atlanta whaatlanta.com
Atlanta, 404-252-3898
l Women’s Life Center at Southern Regional southernregional.org
Riverdale, 770-991-8000
l Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta choa.org
Multiple locations
l Emory Healthcare emoryhealthcare.org
Multiple locations
l Emory St. Joseph’s Hospital emoryhealthcare.org
Atlanta, 404-778-7777
l Grady Health gradyhealth.org
Multiple locations
l Northeast Georgia Health System nghs.com
Multiple locations
l Northside Hospital northside.com
Multiple locations
l Piedmont Healthcare piedmont.org
Multiple locations
l Shepherd Center shepherd.org
Atlanta, 404-352-2020
l Southern Regional Medical Center southernregional.org
Riverdale, 770-991-8000
l Wellstar Health System wellstar.org
Multiple locations
A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty. -- unknownPiedmont Healthcare
l The Art Barn theartbarn.com
Canton, 678-319-0286
l Catch Air catchairparty.com
Multiple locations
l Children’s Museum of Atlanta childrensmuseumatlanta.org
Atlanta, 404-659-5437
l Dunwoody Nature Center dunwoodynature.org
Dunwoody, 770-394-3322
l Gymboree Play & Music gymboreeclasses.com
Multiple locations
l Interactive Neighborhood for Kids inkfun.org
Gainesville, 770-536-1900
l The Little Gym
Multiple locations
l Ready Set FUN!
Sandy Springs, 404-596-5566
l Southeastern Railway Museum train-museum.org
Duluth, 770-476-2013
l Tumbles
Johns Creek, 678-691-4072
l Adventure Air Sports adventureairsports.com
Kennesaw, 678-384-2020
l Altitude Trampoline Park altitudetrampolinepark.com
Lawrenceville, 470-857-6100
l Funopolis Family Fun Center funopolisfamilyfuncenter.com
Commerce, 706-335-3866
l Netherworld Laser Adventure netherworldlaser.com
Stone Mountain, 678-580-5642
l Sky Zone Trampoline Park skyzone.com
Roswell, 678-745-9900
l Sparkles Family Fun Centers sparklesfamilyfuncenters.com
Kennesaw, 770-428-3941; Hiram, 770-943-4446
l Stars and Strikes starsandstrikes.com
Multiple locations
l TKT Playtime Inflatapark tktplaytimeinflata.com
Decatur, 404-343-2764
l Treetop Quest treetopquest.com
Dunwoody, 770-365-0356; Gwinnett, 404-277-6113
l Zone of Light Studio zoneoflightstudio.com
Atlanta, 678-948-8059
l Addy and Al’s addyandals.com
l Atlanta Bubble Show by Anastasia atlantabubbleshow.com
l Bounce House Atlanta bouncehouseatlanta.com
l Dart Wars 2U dartwars2u.com
l Dream Friends Entertainment dreamfriendsentertainment.com
l Helen Medlin Princess Parties atlprincess.com
l Jason’s Music Party jasonsmusicparty.com
l KB Fun Zone kbfunzone.com
l Piccadilly Puppets piccadillypuppets.org 404-636-0022
For nature lovers
l Chattahoochee Nature Center chattnaturecenter.org
Roswell, 770-992-2055
For the acrobat
l Circus Camp circuscamp.org
Decatur, 404-370-0001
For the foodie
l Flower Power Kids Cooking Studios flourpowerstudios.com
Alpharetta, 919-435-8261
For animal lovers
l Zoo Atlanta zooatlanta.org
Atlanta, 404-624-9453
l Georgia Aquarium georgiaaquarium.org
Atlanta, 404-581-4000
For sports fans
l College Football Hall of Fame cfbhall.com
Atlanta, 404-880-4800
l Buck’s Sport Barn buckssportbarn.com
Atlanta, 404-869-8003
For spa lovers
l Yellow House Parties yellowhouseparties.com
Decatur, 470-301-3485
For the fashionista
l Pretty Princess by JACI Kidz prettyprincesskidz.com
Fayetteville, 404-490-2415
For the builder
l LEGO Discovery Center legodiscoverycenter.com/atlanta Atlanta, 404-848-9252
Parties and events for ages 1-99 starting at $495. With our more than 300 costumes and 30 performers we can handle any theme.
Princess, superhero, circus, ninja warrior and Nerf wars.
We also o er camps and classes for circus and ninja warrior.
The Barn hosts parties any day of the week. Our Party Coordinators are actors and professional circus performers.
Just pick a theme and let our professionals knock your kid’s socks o !
You can bring your own cake, food and decorations or let us help.
The Barn is located on 2 creek-side acres and is perfect for indoor or outdoor parties! (404) 869-8003 | 2303-B Peachtree Road, Atlanta 30309 | buckssportbarn.com
Customized spa parties! Experience our beautiful venue where your princess will enjoy a pampering spa experience in spa robes, receive edible facials, mini manis & pedis, glitter makeovers, have a runway show and more. 470-301-3485.
Sky Zone offers party packages that can be customized to meet your needs with jumping, dodgeball, Warrior Course, Sky Slam, Wipe Out, Sky Tower, VR, Party Space, Pizza, beverages and more! 678-745-9900.
Now open 20,000 sq ft facility, the largest indoor “Inflata park” in Georgia providing fun and excitement for all ages! Obstacle course, mega slides, dodge ball, gamers zone and more. Visit today for the best jumping fun! 404-343-2764.
Altitude Trampoline Park is the place for kids to
A Birthday Concert for Your Child. Interactive live kids music for all occasions. Performing classics and new favorites, percussion jams, singing, dancing and more. Options for every budget. Easy set-up, best for ages 1-8.
entertainment. Favorite kids characters, circus, fire, holiday, DJs, dance acts and more for all ages at your location. Atlanta Based Since 2001. 275 entertainment options to choose from.
Celebrate your child’s birthday with our trained professionals. One-on-one instruction. Magic shows, balloon sculpting, juggling, face painting and other extras available. Register online Dunwoody and Decatur, 404-370-0001.
l Ask the kids. Say farewell to summer with their choice of an entertaining day out. Go on a hike, visit the zoo, or splash around at a water park. What do they want to do to end the season?
l Have a glam session. You could all probably do with a fresh haircut. Take your tweens and teens out for a manicure and pedicure.
l Involve the family. If you live near the grandparents, invite them to a favorite restaurant for a back-to-school brunch or meal. Ask extended family to write notes, whether that’s memories of their own school years or “good luck” messages. Collect the notes and give them as a present before the first day.
l Create a countdown calendar for the days leading up to the first week of school with different activities. Each day, do something different to spend quality time together: play water games in the backyard, hold a movie night, make dinner together.
l Make an annual time capsule with photos from the year, handwriting samples and drawings. Wrap and store it somewhere safe to be opened at the beginning of the next school year.
l Do a back-to-school interview. Record items like height, weight, grade, friends and favorites: color, subject, foods and movies. Don’t forget to write down what they want to be when they grow up! Keep the interviews in a binder or notebook to enjoy reading over them each year.
l The best part of heading back to school is shopping! Plan an outing together to go shopping for a new backpack and fresh school supplies. Let him pick out a specific item or two that reflects his personality, whether it’s a whale water bottle or a dinosaur-themed backpack. After shopping, be sure to stop for lunch or ice cream.
l Shop for the perfect back-to-school outfit. Hold a fashion show to show off new items. Help your kids pick out the best clothes the night before and set them aside, so there’s not a last-minute scramble in the morning.
l Make it a time of gratitude. While you’re back-to-school shopping, pick up extra school supplies to donate to children in need. Before shopping, donate the items your kids have outgrown.
l Remember the teacher. Start off the new year in a thoughtful way by gifting the teacher with school supplies, Clorox wipes or hand sanitizer.
l Set up a scavenger hunt for school supplies. Hide items indoors and outdoors, and you can create a treasure map or clues for where to look.
Summer is winding down, and returning to school is on the horizon. Consider starting these back-to-school traditions to make the beginning of the school year exciting.
l Create a coupon book of rewards — takeout pizza for dinner, a trip for ice cream, movie night — to be redeemed after a good grade or other accomplishment at school.
l Hold a game night. Board games are a great way to bond while brushing up on skills. Build crossword grids with Bananagrams, strategize to build a tower without crashing it with Jenga, or learn about fun spots around the U.S. with USPS Great American Mail Race.
l Get creative together. Order a Donut Decorating Kit from Da Vinci’s Donuts and stage a decorating contest, head to an art class or make your own back-to-school craft. One cute idea from I Heart Arts ‘n Crafts is creating a handprint apple and a footprint bus for a sweet keepsake; find instructions at iheartartsncrafts.com. Make your own backpack charms with Mod Podge Rocks; find full instructions at modpodgerocksblog. com. If your tween will have a locker for the first time this year, create your own décor. Search online for DIY magnets, mirrors and storage boxes to upgrade school lockers.
l Give a customized present. Order personalized pencils with her name, or label her new water bottle with her name and some fun stickers.
l Cool off with a sundae bar. This sweet treat is the perfect dessert for the season, and he’ll have the opportunity to make his dream ice cream concoction.
l Create an academic bucket list. You make resolutions for the New Year, why not make one for the new school year? What does your child hope to accomplish this year?
l Get ready for the school year by hosting school spirit days at home. Dress up to reflect different decades, your favorite superhero or your school colors.
l Go on a picnic. Eat outdoors for a lunchbox test run at your child’s favorite park. She’ll get to show off her new find, and you’ll get to observe if she struggles with opening any items, so you can help her practice self-sufficiency before school starts.
l Plan a special dinner, whether it’s your kids’ favorite homemade dish or takeout from a restaurant. Dress up for the occasion and break out the decorations and balloons! Or have a bonfire in your backyard for end-ofseason s’mores.
l Read a story. The night before, have a themed storytime with “How to Get Your Teacher Ready,” “The Day You Begin” or the classic “If You Take a Mouse to School.” If your child loves to read, gift them a new book as a sweet surprise.
l Decorate the night before school starts. Use balloons, streamers or even signs — “Fifth Grade or Bust!” or “On my way to fourth grade!” Get poppers or noisemakers, and in the morning, throw a little dance party to a lively getting ready playlist to start the day off right.
l Create a surprise package of supplies: pencils and pens in different colors, silly note pads, etc. Gift wrapping makes them more fun! Fill a pencil pouch with cute little trinkets, a letter of encouragement, character erasers, hand sanitizer and other small and useful items. Leave it on his pillow as the first thing he’ll see when he wakes up.
l Plan a special breakfast for the first day of school. Make your kids’ favorite foods, or craft cute smiley faces out of food items. You can even decorate the table with balloons and school colors. If you don’t have the time to make breakfast a fancy occasion, head to your kids’ favorite drive-thru for a delicious meal.
l Pack a memorable lunch. There are tons of ideas online for cute lunches you can pack. Slip in an encouraging note for a mid-day pickme-up. Pack a candy gram for a sweet treat: “Hope your grades are red hot,” “You are mint to have a great school year,” or “I love you to pieces.”
l Have a photoshoot. Search online for cute photo props and signs your child can pose with on the first day of school — we love the chalkboard-themed ones! Each year, take a photo of your child in the same spot with the signs, so you can look back at how she’s grown.
l Use liquid chalk markers or acrylic paint to write back-to-school messages on windows. Buy yard signs or make them yourself. A fun idea: spell out a “good luck” message by writing individual letters on paper plates. Attach wood dowels to anchor each plate in the ground.
l Leave a sweet message on the driveway with sidewalk chalk, if your kids ride the bus.
l Have a special activity planned for the end of the first day of school if you pick your child up in the car line. Take them to their favorite park to burn off first-day jitters, grab a treat, or head to the library.
l Plan to bake a fun treat to celebrate the start of school. What about a “You’re a smart cookie” cookie cake?
l Have a show-and-tell after-school dinner. Allow the kids to tell you everything about their first day from the new friends in their classroom to what they had for lunch. Know how to ask about their day. “How was school?” likely won’t get the conversation rolling. Instead, ask open-ended questions.
Events may be cancelled or changed after our deadline. Please check before visiting to confirm. Full calendar online at atlantaparent.com
Circus Vazquez
Plaza Fiesta
June 30-July 16. Mon.-Fri. 7:30 p.m. and Sat.-Sun. 1, 4 and 7 p.m.
Entertaining acts at this circus include acrobats, dancers, jugglers and more, along with state-of-the-art lighting and technology. 4166 Buford Hwy. NE, Atlanta. $30-$70. circusvazquez.com
Breakfast with Butterflies
Chattahoochee Nature Center
July 9, 10 a.m.-noon
Spend one-on-one time with butterflies and your family with exclusive access to the Butterfly Encounter, a light breakfast and exploring the grounds prior to opening. For ages 4 and older. Reservation required. 9135 Willeo Rd., Roswell. 770-992-2055. $25. chattnaturecenter.org
Quaker State 400
Atlanta Motor Speedway / July 9, 7-10 p.m. Watch night racing as the stars of the NASCAR Cup series compete. 1500 Tara Pl., Hampton. 770946-4211. $49-$109; ages 12 and younger, $10. atlantamotorspeedway.com
Disney The Little Mermaid x CAMP
Disney The Little Mermaid x CAMP
CAMP Atlanta / Through Sept. 4
This theatrical experience features live music, puppetry and magic as you explore Ursula’s Lair, King Triton’s Palace, the Sunken Ship and Ariel’s Trinket Grotto. 4551 Olde Perimeter Way, Atlanta. 917-765-0106. $29-$35; ages 1 and younger, free. camp.com
Wild About Weather
Tellus Science Museum / July 15, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Explore weather and its phenomena by making clouds in a bottle, building a cloud viewer, watching a show at the Bentley Planetarium and more. 100 Tellus Dr., Cartersville. 770-606-5700. $17; ages 3-17, $13; ages 2 and younger, free. tellusmuseum.org
Gwinnett County Fairground
July 15, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and July 16, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. See live reptiles up close with Live Animal Encounters and Seminars, buy reptiles and other exotic pets and learn how to take care of them with expert advice. 2405 Sugarloaf Pkwy., Lawrenceville. 863-268-4273. $10-$15; ages 5-12, $5-$6; ages 4 and younger, free. repticon.com
Fernbank Museum
July 22, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Come face-to-face with a variety of scaly, slimy, spiny and spectacular animals as you learn about reptiles, amphibians and more. 767 Clifton Rd., Atlanta. 404-929-6300. $25.95; ages 3-12, $23.95; ages 2 and younger, free. fernbankmuseum.org
Atlanta African Dance & Drum Festival
Moving in the Spirit / July 21-23
Enjoy African dance and drum performances, shop the marketplace and participate in classes. 1458 La France St. NE, Atlanta. 404753-8933. $20-$85. aaddf.org
Atlanta Ice Cream Festival
Piedmont Park / July 22, 11 a.m.-6 p.m.
Satisfy your sweet tooth with the delicious dessert, food and non-food vendors, live music, wellness engagement activities and more. 10th St. and Charles Allen Dr., Atlanta. 678-964-5944. Free admission. atlantaicecreamfestival.com
Sunflower Festival
Copper Creek Farm / Through July 22
Take a stroll in the sunflower field, cool off in the splash pad, go on a hayride, see from the skies with ziplining, play games and more. 1514 Reeves Station Rd. SW, Calhoun. 706-280-5592. $19.63; ages 3 and younger, free. coppercreekfarm.com
Duluth Town Green / July 26, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Play with tons of bubbles and large yard games, and listen to music from a DJ. 3142 Hill St. NW, Duluth. 770-476-3434. Free admission. duluthga.net
Southeast Homeschool Expo
Cobb Galleria Centre
July 27-29. See website for schedule. Get encouragement for homeschooling with workshops, resources, speakers and more, while kids ages 4-12 explore the KidsZone with tons of activities, including animal shows, science shows and LEGO building. 2 Galleria Pkwy. SE, Atlanta. 800-285-6340. $20-$55; KidsZone, $50-$130. southeasthomeschoolexpo.com
n July 4th Parade. Downtown Newnan. July 4, 9 a.m. A patriotic, hometown parade starts at Veteran’s Memorial Park and ends at Greenville Street Park. 30 Temple Ave., Newnan. 770-2538283. Free admission. mainstreetnewnan.com
n Dunwoody Fourth of July Parade. Dunwoody Village. July 4, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Marching bands, floats, clowns and more will march from Mount Vernon Road and Jett Ferry Road to Dunwoody Village. Dunwoody Village Pkwy., Dunwoody. Free admission. dunwoodyga.org
n Peachtree City July 4th Parade & Fireworks. Drake Field. July 4, 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Fourth of July parade begins at 9 a.m. on Peachtree Parkway, and fireworks begin at dark at Lake Peachtree. 155 Willowbend Rd., Peachtree City. 770-631-2542. Free admission. peachtree-city.org
n July Fourth Spectacular! Woodstock. July 4, 10 a.m. Parade begins at 10 a.m. at Woodstock Elementary. Festival starts at 11 a.m. at The Park at City Center, and fireworks begin at dusk behind Lowe’s. Rope Mill Rd., Woodstock. 770517-6788. Free admission. woodstockga.gov
n Fourth in the Park. Glover Park. July 4, 10 a.m.-9:30 p.m. A parade, free concerts, an arts and crafts show, food, carnival games and fireworks. Let Freedom Ring Parade begins at Roswell Street Baptist Church and ends at North Marietta Parkway. 50 N. Park Square, Marietta. 770-794-5606. Free admission. mariettaga.gov
n Pied Piper Parade, Concert and Fireworks. Downtown Decatur. July 4, 6-10 p.m. Decorate a wagon, ride your bike, skate or walk along with the parade that begins at First Baptist Church of Decatur. After, enjoy the Concert on the Square and fireworks. E. Court Square, Decatur. 404-597-3218. Free admission. visitdecaturgeorgia.com
n Red, White & Boom! Lillian Webb Park. July 3, 5-10 p.m. Fireworks, food trucks, inflatables, music and more. 5 College St. NW, Norcross. 770448-2122. Free admission. norcrossga.net
n Independence Day Celebration. Newtown Park. July 3, 6-10 p.m. Listen to live music, enjoy activities, taste food and watch fireworks. 3150 Old Alabama Rd., Johns Creek. 678-512-3200. Free admission. johnscreekga.gov
n Kennesaw’s Salute to America. Downtown Kennesaw and Depot Park. July 3, 6-10 p.m. Pre-Fourth celebration with live music, food vendors and fireworks. 2829 Cherokee St., Kennesaw. 770-422-9714. Free admission. kennesaw-ga.gov/salutetoamerica
n Red, White and Boom! Olde Town Conyers. July 3, 6-10 p.m. Celebrate the nation’s independence with food trucks, activities for kids, live music, fireworks and more. 901 Railroad St., Conyers. 770-602-2606. Free admission. conyersga.com
n Sparks in the Park. E. E. Robinson Park. July 3, 6:30-11:30 p.m. Fireworks, inflatables, food and drinks and live entertainment. 850 Level Creek Rd., Sugar Hill. 770-945-6716. Free admission. cityofsugarhill.com
n Cumming Fourth of July Celebration. Cumming Fairgrounds. July 4, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Festivities include a parade, a dance contest, food and vendors, children’s activities and fireworks. 235 Castleberry Rd., Cumming. 770-781-3491. Free admission. cummingfair.squarespace.com
n City of Cartersville 4th of July Celebration. Dellinger Park. July 4, 4-10 p.m. Concert, fireworks, children’s area, food and more. 100 Pine Grove Rd., Cartersville. 770-423-1330. Free admission; parking, $10. jrmmanagement.com
n July Fourth Concert and Fireworks. Cauble Park. July 4, 4-10 p.m. Food vendors, live music in the afternoon and fireworks at 9:30 p.m. 4425 Beach St., Acworth. 770-917-1234. Free admission. acworthtourism.org
n Stars & Stripes – July 4th Fireworks Celebration. City Green. July 4, 4-10 p.m. Enjoy food trucks, live entertainment and fireworks. 1 Galambos Way, Sandy Springs. 770-206-1447. Free admission. visitsandysprings.org
n Chamblee Fourth of July Celebration. Chamblee City Hall. July 4, 5-10 p.m. Activities for kids and adults, food vendors, live music and an elaborate fireworks show. 3518 Broad St., Chamblee. 470-622-9271. Free admission. chambleerocks.net
n Fourth of July Fireworks Extravaganza. Roswell Area Park. July 4, 6 p.m. Live music, entertainment, food trucks and fireworks at sunset. 10495 Woodstock Rd., Roswell. 770-641-3727. Free admission. roswellgov.com
n Fr8 Auctions Fireworks Extravaganza. Atlanta Motor Speedway. July 4, 6 p.m. An enormous pyrotechnic show, music performances, a Q&A with Michael McDowell, classic cars and Jerry McCart’s famous flame-throwing jet truck. 1500 Tara Pl., Hampton. 770-946-4211. Free admission. atlantamotorspeedway.com
n Fourth of July Celebration. Wills Park. July 4, 8-10 p.m. Pack a picnic, blanket and chairs to watch a display of fireworks at dusk. 11925 Wills Rd., Alpharetta. 678-297-6130. Free admission. awesomealpharetta.com
Don red, white and blue to celebrate the nation’s independence at these festivities.
Fantastic Fourth Celebration
Memorial Lawn at Stone Mountain Park. July 1-5
Enjoy a fireworks display following the new Music Across America Light Show. Reservations encouraged for the Summer Light Show. 1000 Robert E. Lee Blvd., Stone Mountain. 800-401-2407. $39.95; ages 3-11, $34.95; Summer Light Show, $5-$19.99; parking, $20. stonemountainpark.com
4th of July Weekend Activities
Lanier Islands. July 1-4
Activities to celebrate the 4th of July with fireworks over the beach, dining events, playing in the water park and more. 7000 Lanier Islands Pkwy., Buford. 770-945-8787. See website for pricing; Margaritaville admission, $54.99; ages 3 and younger, free. lanierislands.com
Coca-Cola July 4th Fest
Six Flags Over Georgia. June 30, July 1 and 4
Enjoy fun and thrills with roller coasters, a water park, fireworks and more. 275 Riverside Pkwy., Austell. 770-739-3400. $45-$70. sixflags.com/overgeorgia
July Fourth Star Spangled Beach Party
Callaway Gardens. July 1-4
This bash at Callaway Gardens includes beach activities, putt-putt,
Head to Zoo Atlanta for inspiring animal education and new ways to play with their upcoming programs.
Wild Encounter: Goat Painting Experience
July 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29, 3:15 p.m.
See how the talented “VanGoat” creates unforgettable paintings. $75 per group of up to four people.
Rise and Dine with the Animals
July 8, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
Enjoy a delicious breakfast before joining the elephants as they greet their day and learning about how they’re cared for. $60; ages 2 and younger, free.
Twilight Trek
July 8 and 14, 6:30-9 p.m.
At this after-hours tour, learn about the ways accredited zoos help animals survive and thrive, and discover how you can become a conservation hero. $25; ages 3 and younger, free.
Grossology Day
July 9, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Explore the purpose of animal behaviors that many think of as gross, but that help animals to survive and fulfill their roles in the ecosystem with activity stations, a scavenger hunt, a themed storybook reading and more. $28.45; ages 3-11, $22; ages 2 and younger, free.
Twilight Tots
July 22, 4:30-6 p.m.
Little ones will get to explore the zoo with a mini tour, songs, animal stories and dancing like an animal. $24; additional child, $5.
Wild World Weekend
July 29-30, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Experience the dynamic cultures and rich biodiversity around the world with special entertainment and family activities. $28.45; ages 3-11, $22.95; ages 2 and younger, free.
n Zoo Atlanta: 800 Cherokee Ave. SE, Atlanta. 404-624-9453. zooatlanta.org
Learn and play at these exceptional experiences.
Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience
Exhibition Hub, Atlanta Art Center
July 21-Sept. 29
This immersive digital art experiences brings you into the paintings of Vincent van Gogh with a virtual reality experience, atmospheric light and spectacular sound. 5660 Buford Hwy. NE, Atlanta. $34.90-$59.90; ages 4-12, $20.90-$43.90; ages 3 and younger, free. vangoghexpo.com/atlanta
Jurassic World: The Exhibition
Pullman Yards / Through July 31
Travel to Isla Nublar to walk in the land of Jurassic giants, come face-to-face with ferocious raptors, get close to a Tyrannosaurus rex and more. 225 Rogers St. NE, Atlanta. $21.99-$33.99; ages 3-15, $24.99-$27.99; ages 2 and younger, free. jurassicworldexhibition.com
Ancient Nubia: Art of the 25th Dynasty
High Museum of Art / Through Sept. 3
For nearly three thousand years, a series of kingdoms flourished in the Sudanese Nile Valley, and you can view the wealth of these kingdoms with jewelry, pottery, metalwork and more. 1280 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta. 404-733-4400. $18.50. high.org
Survival of the Slowest
Fernbank Museum / Through Sept. 4
Learn how animals’ traits of being slow, small or weak work to their advantages in their habitats. 767 Clifton Rd., Atlanta. 404-929-6300. $25.95; ages 3-12, $23.95; ages 2 and younger, free. fernbankmuseum.org
Shaun the Sheep: Flock This Way!
Children’s Museum of Atlanta
Through Sept. 4
Explore the antics of Shaun the Sheep and his pals from Mossy Bottom Farm by playing in the barn, creating stop motion animation and more, while little ones will enjoy their own “tot spot.” 275 Centennial Olympic Park Dr. NW, Atlanta. 404-6595437. $13.95-$19.95; ages 11 months and younger, free. childrensmuseumatlanta.org
Tellus Science Museum / Through Sept. 4
Inspired by the factory tour segments from “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” enjoy hands-on activities to explore four manufacturing processes and how things are made. 100 Tellus Dr., Cartersville. 770-606-5700. $17; ages 3-17, $13; ages 2 and younger, free. tellusmuseum.org
Samurai: Armor
High Museum of Art / Through Sept. 17
With more than 150 helmets, swords and sets of armor, view a collection of samurai armor from Japan. 1280 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta. 404-733-4400. $18.50. high.org
Powering the World
Tellus Science Museum
Through Feb. 25, 2024
Learn how the use of electricity has revolutionized our lives. 100 Tellus Dr., Cartersville. 770-606-5700. $17; ages 3-17, $13; ages 2 and younger, free. tellusmuseum.org
Butterfly Encounter
Chattahoochee Nature Center / Through Aug. 6
Join hundreds of live butterflies for pretty photo opportunities with these creatures and their nectar and host plants. 9135 Willeo Rd., Roswell. 770-992-2055. $15; ages 13-18, $11; ages 3-12, $9; ages 2 and younger, free. chattnaturecenter.org
Flora, Fauna & Flight
Fernbank Museum / Through Aug. 27
Discover how plants and animals defy gravity with this artistic outdoor exhibit featuring photos and sculptures. 767 Clifton Rd., Atlanta. 404-929-6300. $25.95; ages 3-12, $23.95; ages 2 and younger, free. fernbankmuseum.org
Trolls: Save the Humans by Thomas Dambo
Atlanta Botanical Garden / Through Sept. 17
These folklore-inspired sculptures are built from reclaimed materials and range from 15 feet tall to 25 feet wide. 1345 Piedmont Ave., Atlanta. 404-876-5859. $26.95-$29.95; ages 3-12, $23.95-$26.95; ages 2 and younger, free. atlantabg.org
Many movie theatres offer special summer discounts for a chance to see family-favorite flicks on the big screen again. Head to one near you for a fun family activity.
See 10 movies over 10 weeks with $3 movie tickets and $4.50 snack packs. Films are shown at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on the weekdays.
June 30, July 3-6: “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs” (G)
July 7, 10-13: “Shark Tale” (PG)
July 14, 17-20: “The Road to El Dorado” (PG)
July 21, 24-27: “Happy Feet” (PG)
July 28, July 31-Aug. 3: “Where the Wild Things Are” (PG) 5100 Commerce Pkwy., Roswell. 770-518-0977. auroracineplex.com
Every Tuesday and Wednesday, enjoy Regal’s Summer Movie Express with $2 tickets. The program runs through Sept. 6, but individual theatres are participating in the nine weeks that align with the local school system.
July 4-5: “Puss in Boots: The Last Wish” and “Clifford the Big Red Dog”
July 11-12: “Sonic the Hedgehog 2” (PG) and “The Paw Patrol” (PG)
July 18-19: “The Bad Guys” (PG) and “Playing with Fire” (PG)
July 25-26: “Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank” (PG) and “Sing 2” (PG)
Aug. 1-2: “The Boss Baby: Family Business” (PG) and “Dolittle” (PG)
Nine locations. regmovies.com
Look Dine-In Cinemas’ features kid-friendly movies at $2 per ticket. Showings are on the first matinee of the day and run Monday through Thursday until Aug. 31.
July 10: “Minions: The Rise of Gru” (PG)
July 17: “Shrek 2” (PG)
July 24: “Sing 2” (PG)
Aug. 7: “Puss in Boots” (PG)
Aug. 14: “The Croods: A New Age” (PG)
Aug. 21: “The Boss Baby: Family Business” (PG)
Aug. 28: “The Land Before Time” (G) 1004 Town Blvd. NE, Brookhaven. lookcinemas.com
With Movie Tavern’s series, see your favorite flicks on the big screen through Aug. 5. Tickets are $3, and with the Kids Dream Passport, you can see each film throughout the summer for $15.
June 27-July 1: “Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile” (PG)
July 4-8: “The Amazing Maurice” (PG)
July 11-15: “Minions: Rise of Gru” (PG)
July 18-22: “Mummies” (PG)
July 25-29: “DC League of Super-Pets” (PG)
Aug. 1-5: “Puss in Boots: The Last Wish” (PG) 2855 Lawrenceville Suwanee Rd., Suwanee; 678730-6900. 4651 Woodstock Rd., Roswell; 770-4076653. 4043 LaVista Rd., Tucker; 678-680-5782. marcustheatres.com
Get tickets for $3 on Wednesdays and $5 on Saturdays with AMC Theatres’ Summer Movie Camp.
July 1 and 5: “Kung Fu Panda” (PG)
July 8 and 12: “Trolls World Tour” (PG)
July 15 and 19: “Mummies” (PG)
July 22 and 26: “The Secret Life of Pets” (PG)
July 29 and Aug. 2: “The Boss Baby: Family Business” (PG)
Aug. 5 and 9: “Shrek 2” (PG)
Aug. 12 and 16: “Sing 2” (PG)
Aug. 19 and 23: “The Croods: A New Age” (PG)
Aug. 26 and 30: “Sonic the Hedgehog 2” (PG) 16 locations. amctheatres.com
Disney’s The Little Mermaid
Legacy Theatre / June 30-July 30. Tues.-Sat. 7 p.m. and Sat.-Sun. 2 p.m. Based on the animated classic film, this fishy fable will capture your heart as you follow the story of Ariel and listen to irresistible songs. 1175 Senoia Rd., Tyrone. 404-895-1473. $40-$50; ages 12 and younger, $20-$25. legacytheater.com
The Incredible Book Eating Boy
Stillwell Theater at Kennesaw State University
July 1-23. See website for showtimes.
From Alliance Theatre and inspired by the children’s book from Oliver Jeffers, watch the story of Henry, who loves books — not reading them, but eating them!
471 Bartow Ave. NW, Kennesaw. 404-733-4600. $20; ages 3-17, $10; ages 2 and younger, free. alliancetheatre.org
Fox Theatre / July 5-30. See website for showtimes. Discover the true story of the witches from the “Wizard of Oz” with this Broadway musical. 660 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta. 855-285-8499. $43+. foxtheatre.org
Blacktop Playground: Improv for Kids
Aurora Theatre / July 12, 10 and 11:30 a.m.
Using suggestions from kids in the audience, Blacktop creates funny scenes for a hilarious improv show. 128 E. Pike St., Lawrenceville. 678-226-6222. $7. auroratheatre.com
Woodstock Arts Theatre
July 12-30. See website for showtimes. Matilda has impressive psychokinetic powers, and although she’s unloved by her cruel parents, she creates a bond with her loveable teacher, Miss Honey, to take down the school’s mean headmistress, Miss Trunchbull. 8534 Main St., Woodstock. 678-494-4251. $18-$20. woodstockarts.org
The House at Pooh Corner
Lionheart Theatre
July 13-14, 7:30 p.m.; July 15, 11 a.m., 2 and 7:30 p.m. and July 16, 2 p.m. Christopher Robin has decided to run away with his friends to avoid being sent away to the dark, mysterious threat called Education. 10 College St., Norcross. 404-919-4022. $12. lionhearttheatre.org
Old MacDonald’s Farm
Center for Puppetry Arts
July 20-Aug. 13. See website for showtimes. Help out at the newest farmhands on Old MacDonald’s farm as you learn about farm animals, growing crops and more at this interactive show. 1404 Spring St. NW at 18th, Atlanta. 404-873-3391. $22; ages 1 and younger, free. puppet.org
Roswell Summer Puppet Series
Roswell Cultural Arts Center / See website for showtimes.
“Wizard of Oz,” June 27-July 1.
“The Giant, The Beanstalk, and Jack,” July 5-8.
“Galapagos George,” July 11-15.
“Big Bad, Little Red Pig Show,” July 18-22. 950 Forrest St., Roswell. 770-594-6232. $7. roswellcac.com
Freeze Frame
Aurora Theatre / July 26, 10 and 11:30 a.m. Discover dry ice and learn more about how it behaves with this show from Big Thinkers Science Exploration. 128 E. Pike St., Lawrenceville. 678-226-6222. $7. auroratheatre.com
Clue Town Books are a series of walkable hunts to lead your family searching around Atlanta with clues. Hunters use landmarks to solve puzzles and the solutions reveal how to get to the next checkpoint. Choose from Emory University, Piedmont Park and more. Purchase a book at cluetownbooks.com or local retailers.
These miniature doors are handcrafted and painted to go along with their locations, and some even include tiny figurines and pets. Find Tiny Doors of Atlanta at Krog Street Tunnel, Old Fourth Ward Skatepark, King of Pops and more. tinydoorsatl.com
Sign up for one of Scavenger Hunt Atlanta’s adventures, which are custom designed for each family or group, and no two are the same. Past examples include the City Scavenger Hunt and the ATL Mad Dash, which includes the use of MARTA stations. Visit scavengerhuntatl.com to request a hunt.
Download the Big City Hunt app for a 2-hour excursion around Atlanta. Purchase tickets on the app or website, and gather a team of one to 30 players. Each person will have an interactive role in the hunt from fun photo challenges, local trivia and riddles. Earn points by completing the activities. scavengerhunt.com. The Urban Adventure Quest website offers another option to hunt around downtown Atlanta starting at Centennial Olympic Park. After purchasing, downloading and creating a profile, follow clues from your phone, complete challenges and earn points. urbanadventurequest.com
Originally a food truck, Mix’D UP Burger now has two Atlanta locations in East Lake and Grant Park (drive-thru only). Burger options include Angus beef, lamb, shaved steak, turkey and chicken breast. Keep it classic with the Mix’D UP, or go for a unique option with the Cajun Burger with sauteed crawfish, onions, peppers, lettuce, Frank’s Red Hot and chili aioli. 2371 Hosea L. Williams Dr. NE, Atlanta; 404-343-0394 and 313 Boulevard SE, Atlanta; 404-963-2381. mixdupfoods.com
This burger started as a famous special at Holeman and Finch Public House. The griddled double cheeseburger is topped with red onion, house-made pickles, from-scratch ketchup and mustard, and the bun is buttertoasted on the griddle for crispy golden edges. Other options include a turkey burger, Reuben, brisket sandwich and hot dogs. Ponce City Market, The Battery/Truist Park and Mercedes-Benz Stadium. hfburger.com
This neighborhood restaurant features lots to choose from, with single or double Angus beef burgers topped with lettuce, tomato, pickles, relish, raw or grilled onions, jalapenos, green pepper, sauerkraut, bacon, chili, fried egg, mushrooms, coleslaw or avocado. Try a Village Dog Chicago-style, with slaw or with chili cheese. Multiple locations. villageburger.com
Try your hot dog steamed, grilled or fried at this creative spot with more than 20 different combinations. The All American is a classic beef dog with ketchup, mustard, relish and onions; The Texas Rodeo is a bacon-wrapped dog topped with onion rings and chili; and the Taco Dog has chili, cheese, lettuce, tomato, guacamole, jalapenos and tortilla chips. The kids’ menu includes a hot dog, corn dog, corn dog nuggets, tenders or plain burger with a drink and a side. Multiple locations. theoriginalhotdogfactory.com
These burgers are grass-fed, locally-raised and made in-house. They offer beef, pork, beef/bacon and chicken patties. Buildyour-own burger with lots of topping options, such as paprika mayo and aged, smoked Gouda. The “Lil Farmers” menu includes a cheeseburger, chicken tenders or a grilled cheese. If you can handle the heat, the fries topped with pimento cheese and jalapenos are a delightful side. Multiple locations. farmburger.com
This neighborhood burger joint founded by a Marietta native has creative combinations and classic bites. Build-your-own by choosing from tons of options, including different breads, patties, cheeses and sauces. The Moxie is topped with a fried green tomato, pimento cheese, bacon and moxie sauce. The “Dawgs” selection include a build-your-own, Chicago-style, chili or bacon. Kids can try the ‘Lil Burger, Puppy Dawg, grilled cheese or chicken fingers. Multiple locations. moxierestaurantgroup.com/moxieburger.html
This NYC-based restaurant chain has multiple metro locations. Flavors include White Truffle, SmokeShack, Avocado Bacon Burger and more. Other options: grilled cheese, chicken sandwiches, chicken nuggets and a hot dog. Multiple locations. shakeshack.com
These summer staples are delicious, but don’t feel like firing up the grill?
No problem. In addition to iconic Atlanta burger places like Zesto and The Varsity, these restaurants have you covered. Many offer vegetarian options.
Angus beef burgers come topped with American cheese, lettuce, tomato and BurgerFi sauce, as well as bacon, fried egg and more, depending on your order. You can also try wagyu burgers with The CEO or SWAG. Dogs come with wagyu beef, New York- or Texasstyle. Multiple locations. burgerfi.com
Five Guys’ menu includes burgers, dogs, fries and sandwiches. Top burgers with as many toppings as you want, including grilled onions, relish, jalapenos and hot sauce. Dogs come plain, with cheese, with bacon or with bacon and cheese and can also be topped to your heart’s desire. Multiple locations. fiveguys.com
Grindhouse Killer Burgers started as a lunch counter in 2009 and has expanded into a local chain. Signature styles include Dixie with pimento cheese, fried green tomato, Carolina coleslaw and chipotle ranch; Gringo with black bean spread, pico de gallo, avocado, jalapenos and diablo sauce; Euro with Swiss cheese, mushrooms, lettuce, mustard and mayo; and more. The “Rugrats” for ages 5 and younger includes a hot dog or mini burger. Multiple locations. grindhouseburgers.com
Keep it classic, top with fried egg and bacon, switch out beef for turkey and more at this delicious local chain. Along with burgers, order a po’boy, fish sandwich and more, and try THAT ATL CheezeTake with grilled onions, mushrooms, green peppers and melted cheese for a twist on the Philly special. You can also “freestyle” a burger for your perfect meal. Multiple locations. thatburgerspot.com
Choose from 12 different flavor options, such as Doddy Melt with Swiss and American cheeses, grilled onions, mayo and Comeback Sauce on rye bread or Primetime with fondue cheese, onions, arugula, tomato, truffle aioli and steak sauce. Shareable fries for the family include plain, sweet potato, nacho, buffalo, BBQ ranch, hot honey and sage, green chile queso and Parmesan truffle. Multiple locations. hopdoddy.com
Guests with cash in hand (no plastic accepted here) are often lined up when the door opens, but the food and old-time diner ambience is worth the wait; they are only open weekdays at lunch from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. The chili dog is a favorite, but it packs a powerful punch. Add crisp coleslaw to top off your dog if the heat is too much, or go for a slaw dog without the chili. The menu also includes hamburgers, fries, onion rings and sweet tea. 1377 Church St. Extension, Marietta. 770-422-3681. facebook.com/profile. php?id=100063690275302
No need to book a flight to the Windy City to try a fresh, Chicago-style hot dog with mustard, relish, onions, pickles, peppers, tomatoes and celery salt. You can also choose from a Vienna beef dog, jumbo dog, Polish sausage or corn dog. The menu includes Italian Beef sandwiches, burgers, onion rings, Philly Cheesesteaks and Pizza Puffs. 48 N. Avondale Rd., Avondale Estates. 404-292-6703. skipschicagodogs.com
This takeout-only restaurant offers a single, double, triple or quad burger with American cheese, mustard, pickles and Sassy Sauce; extra toppings of turkey chili, chiles, bacon, onions or jalapenos are available. Order a Vienna beef or Angus beef hot dog and customize as you wish. Kids can choose from a burger or a grilled cheese. 5465 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd., Dunwoody. 404-666-2874. nfaburger.com
The burgers here are served with lettuce, tomato and onion, as well as your choice of cheese. More than 10 different styles — something for everyone, along with sandwiches, a patty melt, wings and more. Get a hot dog with bacon bits, grilled onions, jalapenos and jalapeno mayo; avocado, pico de gallo, cheese and chipotle ranch; chili, slaw, onion and cheese; mushrooms, horseradish and cheese; or plain. 9770 Main St., Woodstock. 770-972-0026. semperfibarandgrille.com
Located in Chattahoochee Food Works, these burgers and franks are made from ultra-premium meats. The P&F Patty comes with two patties, American cheese, lettuce, red onion, tomatoes, Patty Sauce and pickles; you can also get Bacon Cheese, French Onion or Chili Cheese. The franks are topped with citrus-cabbage slaw or chili cheese, or pick up a New York- or Chicagostyle. For a refreshing drink, try the Mint-Basil Lemonade. 1235 Chattahoochee Ave. NW, Atlanta. pattyandfranksatl.com
Enjoy a bit of a twist on this iconic American staple with Hot Dog Pete’s. Try the Sonora with bacon, avocado, pinto beans, pico, mustard and mayo; the Green Thumb with avocado, tomato, arugula, pickled peppers and Green Goddess dressing; or the Skyline Coney Dog with chili, onions, mustard and cheddar cheese. Kiddos will love the Lil’ Peter — a baby hot dog — or a corn dog. 25 Georgia Ave. SE, Atlanta. 470-396-6777. hotdogpetes.com
Take in the summer sun at this restaurant with an open patio. Delicious burger options include The Albert Burger with pimento cheese, bacon and pickled red onion; Western Burger with cheddar, bacon, BBQ and onion ring; and more. Hot dogs come with your own toppings or Atlanta- or New York-style. Kids’ menu has grilled cheese, hamburger/cheeseburger or chicken tenders with a choice of fries, green beans or mac and cheese. 918 Austin Ave., Atlanta. 404-872-4990. thealbertatlanta.com
These shops offer delicious ice cream, snow cones, popsicles or gelato for a summer snack.
Big Easy Sno-Balls
The classic New Orleans treat is taken to a new level. Try custom creations like Key Lime Pie, with condensed milk, whipped cream and graham cracker crumbs. Favorite kids’ flavors: Cotton Candy Dream and Hawaiian Fruit Punch. Woodstock, Midtown and Marietta, bigeasysnoballs.com
Big Softie
Try soft serve made from a local Georgia dairy and organic cane sugar. Toppings, including Strawberry Shortcake Crumble and Cheez-It Brittle, and waffle cones are made from sister company, Little Tart Bakeshop. Atlanta, bigsoftieatl.com
Butter and Cream
This fan-favorite boasts handcrafted small-batch ice cream and frozen desserts. Kid favorites: Strawberry or Cookie Monster. Adult favorites: OG Goodness (brown sugar ice cream with butter cake) or Honeycomb Forest. Decatur and BeltLine, butterandcream.com
Cereal and Cream
Originally a food truck, try East Atlanta with Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Frosted Rice Krispies, Oreo and Captain Crunch, Buckhead with white chocolate chips, honey, granola, whipped cream and vanilla wafers, or build-your-own. Atlanta, cerealncream.com
Cherried Mary’s Ice Cream Parlor
This chef-driven ice cream parlor features 12 handcrafted flavors, such as Lemon Biscoff, Dirty Chai and Almond Joy. Specialty items include the Chaco Taco, cookie sandwiches and ice cream flights. Roswell, cherriedmarys.com
Cremalosa American Gelato
Enjoy small-batch, made-from-scratch gelato at this shop. Try their traditional Italian flavors or originals, like Banana Pudding or Snicker Bar. “Boozy” milkshakes and adult beverages make a fun grownup treat. Decatur, cremalosa.com
Four Fat Cows
This local favorite offers a wide variety of madefrom-scratch ice cream flavors; those with allergies will rejoice at the gluten-, egg- and dairy-free options. Kid favorites: Superman and Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies & Cream. Six locations, fourfatcows.com
The “train-watching capital of Atlanta” in Chamblee boasts 36 flavors, including sugar- and gluten-free options. Kid favorites: Superman, Birthday Cake, Cookies and Cream. Adults: Mint Chocolate Chip, Chunky Salted Caramel. Chamblee, frostycaboose.com
IScream Ice Cream Rolls
Make your own rolled ice cream concoction with tons of flavor options and more than 30 mix-ins. Signature bowls kids will love: Saturday Morning Cartoons with Vanilla, Froot Loops, Fruity Pebbles, Pop-Tarts and drizzle, or Fantasy Land with Cotton Candy, whipped cream, marshmallows, sprinkles and a unicorn horn. Atlanta, iscreamroll.com
The old-school ice cream parlor atmosphere is the cherry on top of this flavor-packed ice cream shop. Kids love Max’s Magic Kisses, a blue sweet cream base with white chocolate chips and marshmallows and Chocolate Slap Yo Mama, made with chocolate sauce, chocolate chips and Oreo cookies. Atlanta, jakesicecream.com
This favorite Atlanta frozen treat can be found around town at festivals, restaurants, grocery stores or by visiting their headquarters, Ponce City Market or Colony Square locations. King of Pops sources produce from their own farm and flavors change depending on the season. Atlanta, kingofpops.com
This dessert combines two great things — coffee and popsicles. No problem if coffee isn’t your thing! Other flavors include Banana Pudding, Brownie, Cherry Mascarpone and Strawberry Shortcake. Atlanta, mochapops.com
Morelli’s offers an ever-changing list of flavors, from Brooklyn Cheesecake to Salted Caramel to Krispy Kreamier. Atlanta, Virginia-Highland and Chattahoochee Food Hall, morellisicecream.com
This dense, rich, creamy dessert is frozen with a special technique to give it a perfect smoothness. Try freshly-made pancake puffs served warm, paired with frozen custard and toppings. Check the online calendar for the flavor-of-the-day. Brookhaven, southerncustard.com
A milky-sweet blend of shaved ice can be topped with fruit, cookies, jelly and more in this Asian-inspired treat. Signature combinations Strawberry Kat — strawberry ice, mini Kit-Kats and condensed milk and KoKo Coffee, with coffee jelly, caramel pudding and condensed milk. Decatur, sunodessert.com
This dessert bar features a menu of handcrafted ice creams, cookie and doughnut sandwiches for a decadent treat. Try Cookie Monster, a cookie dough ice cream with Oreos and blue frosting, or The Real MVP with peanut butter ice cream, chocolate ice cream and chocolate chips. They even offer a few vegan flavors. Atlanta, sweet-stack.com
This rolled ice cream shop offers custom creations, like Mango Tango (mango ice cream with strawberries and topped with blueberries, coconut flakes and raspberry drizzle) and Salty Sailor (Madagascar vanilla ice cream with pretzels and topped with more pretzels, M&Ms, whipped cream and sea salt caramel). Alpharetta, wheresthescoop.com
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