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Get a Seat In the
These sought-after schools still have a few seats open for fall.
North Fulton and West Atlanta | 678-624-0989 | amanaacademy.org
Atlanta Academy serves 375 preschool-8th grade students. Small classes allow teachers to connect with every student, and their academic programs encourage active learning and engagement. The nurturing culture fosters good character in students alongside academic success, well-being, and happiness. They believe providing leadership opportunities and promoting executive functioning skills helps students build confidence. Together, they are fully invested in helping their students grow into well-educated, independent problem-solvers prepared to excel in high school and beyond.
Get a Seat In the Class
These sought-after schools still have a few seats open for fall.
2000 Holcomb Woods Pkwy., Roswell l 678-461-6102 | atlantaacademy.com
Atlanta Girls’ School inspires girls in grade 6–12 to lead lives of purpose. Students are known, seen, and encouraged to try new things in the intentionally small, all-girls environment. Girls become confident leaders through arts, athletics, and programs like Leadership Labs and Winterim. Visit atlantagirlsschool.org or email admission@atlantagirlsschool.org for more information about how your daughter can join AGS!

3254 Northside Parkway, Atlanta | 404-845-0900 | atlantagirlsschool.org
2 Atlanta Parent <ISSUE> atlantaparent.com
Capstone Academy is a fully accredited, college prep school serving students in grades 5-12. Their innovative structure delivers high-quality college-prep education while also empowering students with the flexibility they need to pursue extracurricular passions without sacrificing family-life balance. Capstone Academy is fully operational with investments in new technology, protocols and air quality enhancements. Limited openings. Visit their website or call today for enrollment information.

1934 Cliff Valley Way NE, Atlanta l 404-458-5160 l capstoneacademy.com