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Empowering Students With Learning Differences

n Sage School
Learning how to learn is one of the greatest gifts a child can receive. At Sage School, students in grades K-6 are presented with tools and strategies to unlock the code of the English language. Language instruction and Orton-Gillingham remediation form the core of the education of a Sage School student. While the approach is structured, sequential, and cumulative, it is also individualized to meet the needs of the learner. Rather than rote learning, instructors address the language cognitively, teaching students how language works. A Sage School classroom provides individualized instruction to meet the students’ needs in the areas of encoding, spelling, handwriting, written expression, vocabulary and reading comprehension. sageschool.net; 678-318-3588.
n The Howard School
The Howard School’s story began in 1950, when an amazing woman named Marian Howard changed the landscape of education in Atlanta by creating an educational world with no boundaries, labels or diminished expectations. Howard worked with Dr. Hermon Martin, Georgia’s first child psychologist, to plan a school specifically for children with learning differences. The Howard School grew into the transformational program it is today — a full and robust academic program for grades K-12, in which an interdisciplinary team of experts come together to make learning meaningful for children with language-based learning differences. howardschool.org; 404-377-7436.
n The Schenck School
Founded by David Schenck in 1959, The Schenck School is widely regarded as one of the top elementary schools in the U.S. for dyslexic students. The Schenck School focuses on accelerated remediation of dyslexia using The Schenck School’s reading model, a highly diagnostic and prescriptive application of the Orton-Gillingham approach with small group instruction across all subjects. Critical to student success is a specialized, intensive yet nurturing learning environment for students to take risks, read and succeed. While at the School, students learn to advocate for themselves and to celebrate their dyslexia. schenck.org; 404-252-2591.

n Forman School
Forman School is a college prep boarding school educating bright students in grades 9-12 and postgraduate with language-based learning differences such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia and ADHD. The program uses research-based teaching to ensure 100 percent of the students are accepted to four-year colleges. Faculty members work with students to help each understand how to advocate for their needs. In addition to a traditional college-prep curriculum, Forman offers advanced-level courses for college credit through the Cambridge Assessment International Education curriculum. By exploring abundant academic, artistic, athletic and social opportunities, Forman students build identities to outshine their diagnoses. Litchfield, Conn. formanschool.org; 860-567-1802.
n The Walker School
The Walker School New Avenues Dyslexia Program serves children in grades 1-5 with dyslexia who have above average academic aptitude and a strong desire to fulfill their educational goals. Specialized classroom spaces and Orton-Gillingham certified teachers focus on each student’s unique gifts to close the gap between cognitive potential and academic achievement. New Avenues provides opportunities for remediation and repetition with an emphasis on connected learning. Students are immersed in Walker’s college-preparatory environment, participating in co-curricular classes, lunch, recess and after-school activities with their grade-level peers. At Walker, students are supported, engaged and known, making it a perfect school for families with varied learning needs. thewalkerschool.org; 770-427-2689.
Cont’d on next page
Saint Francis Schools saintfrancisschools.com
Stepping Stones Preschool at Atlanta Speech School atlantaspeechschool.org
The Cottage School cottageschool.org
Forman School formanschool.org
GRACEPOINT School gracepointschool.org
The Howard School howardschool.org
The Kairos Learning Center at St. Martin’s Episcopal School stmartinschool.org

Mill Springs Academy millsprings.org
Sage School sageschool.net
The Schenck School schenck.org
Swift School theswiftschool.org
The Walker School thewalkerschool.org
Wardlaw School atlantaspeechschool.org
n The Cottage School
The Cottage School combines small class sizes, a business-based model, and the implementation of study skills to provide students grades 3-12 with mild to moderate learning differences an opportunity to achieve success. TCS focuses on the three pillars of success — Academics, Socialization and Emotional Wellness — and strives to meet the needs of every child who may find success in a nontraditional learning environment. In addition to academics, arts and technology, TCS encourages team sports, including soccer, basketball, volleyball, archery, flag football, bowling, esports and swim team, which develop fundamental life skills of teamwork and respect. The Cottage School believes that teaching the whole child encourages each student to recognize their own strengths and use them to foster success. cottageschool.org; 770-641-8688.
GRACEPOINT School is a private Christian school in Marietta serving dyslexic students in grades 1-8. The school began in 2012 with a mission to equip dyslexic students with the skills needed to develop into independent and confident learners. Students receive a comprehensive, high-quality education that combines remediation with enrichment and acceleration. GRACEPOINT is one of only 20 schools in the nation to be accredited by the Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators. The Orton-Gillingham method is used in all subject areas. Students receive 75 minutes of explicit reading instruction daily and the student-teacher ratio is 5-1 in reading, and 8-1 in all other core subjects. The goal is to prepare students to transition back into public or private education. gracepointschool.org; 678-709-6634.
n Mill Springs Academy
Mill Springs Academy serves students in grades K-12 with learning differences, cultivating self-advocacy while allowing students to discover their unique talents. Mill Springs is dedicated to the academic, physical and social growth of students who have not realized their full potential in traditional classroom settings. A challenging but supportive learning environment maximizes individual potential and ensures that students of all levels are well-equipped for success in school and in life. Nestled in the rolling hills of Alpharetta, Mill Springs offers a broad range of college preparatory, fine arts, and athletic options in a warm, caring community. millsprings.org; 770-360-1336.

The Kairos Learning Center at St. Martin’s Episcopal School

n The Kairos Learning Center at St. Martin’s Episcopal School
The Kairos Learning Center (KLC) at St. Martin’s Episcopal School serves elementary students with language-based learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. St. Martin’s uses a ‘school within a school’ approach allowing identified students to receive the additional Orton-Gillingham-based support they need to succeed balanced with immersion in the educational experience, extracurricular opportunities and overall culture offered at St. Martin’s Episcopal School. In addition, KLC Middle School students receive executive functioning support. The Kairos Learning Center offers expert instructional support for students in grades 1-8 including small student-to-teacher ratios and specially-tailored programs to best meet students’ needs. stmartinschool.org; 404-237-4260.

n Swift School
For nearly 25 years, Swift School has prepared students with dyslexia and related language-based learning differences in grades 1-8 to be successful in life. Swift’s academic programming is designed to help remediate the language learning challenges of its students and capitalize on the cognitive strengths of right-brained learners. The Orton-Gillingham Approach, multisensory math, and a knowledgebased approach to language arts are used to provide successful remediation. Caring and compassionate faculty emphasize executive functioning and help students learn to self-advocate and leverage their strengths. Success with dyslexia starts at Swift School. theswiftschool.org; 678-205-4988.

n Saint Francis Schools
Since 1981 St. Francis School has helped students experiencing difficulty in reading, mathematics, writing, and executive functioning. Utilizing programs such as Wilson Reading Systems®, Stars and Cars® reading comprehension, an elongated Algebra program, and a dedicated daily homework time, St. Francis is able to offer support to those students needing assistance in a particular subject area while still serving students in traditional honors and AP classes. With a K-12 population of 850 students, on two beautiful campuses, St. Francis is able to offer a full sports and extracurricula program to all of its students at tuition rates lower than many programs that serve students who need help in key academic areas. saintfrancisschools.com; 770-641-8257.

n Wardlaw School
Wardlaw School serves bright elementary-aged children with dyslexia in grades K-6. With a focus on constructing the deep reading brain so that each child can become who they are meant to be, Wardlaw teachers guide children to build complex language, critical thinking, literacy and social skills necessary to master future academic settings and go on to make the most difference in the lives of others. Applying structured literacy practices and the latest research, the Wardlaw School provides a full day learning environment rooted deeply in language and literacy. Master’s level professionals use multi-sensory approaches, data-driven instruction and a unique Integrated Intervention Model© to provide comprehensive, individualized instruction that fully addresses the whole child. atlantaspeechschool.org/schools/wardlaw; 404-233-5332.
n Stepping Stones Preschool at Atlanta Speech School
Through an intentional, systematic, multi-sensory and languagecentered approach to learning, Stepping Stones Preschool creates pathways to success for students diagnosed with speech and/or language delays. This multi-disciplinary program is focused entirely on maximizing the brain development of students from 3 to 5 years old. Speech-language pathologists, education specialists, occupational therapists and assistant teachers work together to ensure each child becomes an active, engaged learner with the pre-literacy foundation needed for elementary school. In addition to language and pre-literacy skills, research-based practices are also used to introduce children to math and science. Enrichment classes include art, music, media, PE and OT-PE. Extended Day and Early Care programs are available. atlantaspeechschool.org/schools/stepping-stones; 404-233-5332.