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Get a Seat In
Get a Seat In the Class
These sought-after schools still have a few seats open for fall.
Get a Seat In the Class
These sought-after schools still have a few seats open for fall.
DeKalb Brilliance Academy is a tuition-free, public Kindergarten8th grade south DeKalb charter school enrolling grades K-3 in 2023 (adding a grade each year). Their school empowers students to be leaders by combining rigorous and relevant academics with social-emotional learning. DeKalb Brilliance puts all of this together through their real-world project-based learning, where students learn not only from their teachers and peers, but also directly from scientists, lawyers, engineers and designers. Visit the website to learn more and inquire about enrollment!

2575A Snapfinger Road, Atlanta | 470-563-6690 | dekalbbrilliance.org
Genesis Innovation Academy is a state charter school in south Atlanta serving boys and girls in grades K-8, providing a new model for a higher-standard, values-based education for the gifted and talented. Rather than focusing on test scores alone, teachers elevate expectations by engaging scholars in relevant, rigorous, and applied problem-solving. Based on the E5 Core (Economics, Engineering, Ethics, Expression, Entrepreneurship), their curriculum emphasizes comprehension, problem-solving, and real-world, culturally relevant application to ensure scholars become critical thinkers and exceptional leaders.

Get a Seat In the Class
These sought-after schools still have a few seats open for fall.
1049 Custer Ave SE, Atlanta | 404-990-3844 | genesisinnovationacademy.org
Holy Spirit Preparatory School is an independent, Catholic college preparatory school serving Preschool–12th grade students with a profound educational vision. The curriculum combines the best of classical pedagogical traditions in a joyful, engaging, and thoroughly Catholic environment. This curriculum includes STEM-based coursework, fine and performing arts, and a very active athletic program. Through these means, Holy Spirit seek to enkindle in students the desire to pursue excellence in every endeavor they undertake.
Atlanta | 678-761-7992 | holyspiritprep.org
2 Atlanta Parent atlantaparent.com
Landmark Christian School serves PK3-12th in the city of Fairburn. Landmark invests in the spiritual, academic, and overall development of children with engaging academics, Christian values, and immense opportunities. Intentionally small class sizes, a 1:8 elementary teacher-to-student ratio and world-class faculty help students discover their passions and develop their talents to impact the world for Jesus Christ. 26 AP classes, paired with numerous sporting and arts opportunities, and a focus on leadership development, create an exceptional student experience. Inquire today.
50 SE Broad Street, Fairburn | 770-692-6742 | landmarkchristianschool.org