Atlanta Senior Life - March 2021

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Lifespan throws seniors a digital lifesaver When Tony Lazzaro, Beth person gathering,” she said. “We Micek and Jeanne Merritt join spent the next month trying to get their friends from Lifespan people connected online.” Atlanta on a morning Zoom [Full disclosure: I work with videoconference to share coffee Lifespan to meet their clients’ and conversation, it’s their technology hardware needs. I got opportunity to share what’s involved by finding the required happening in their lives before hardware, mostly refurbished they scatter in cyberspace for laptop computers. The the rest of the day’s activities. acquisitions were made possible It’s all been made possible by by an extensive fund-raising effort Lifespan Resources Atlanta and to help those who couldn’t afford the dedication of its executive new or suitable technology.] director, Peggy Palmiter. Getting suitable hardware for For seniors driven inside her clients was necessary to train and mostly confined the seniors to get to a solitary existence them online. by the COVID-19 “Older people tend pandemic, morning to hang onto their Zoom gatherings and equipment longer a variety of online because it does the classes – including those job and they don’t taught by Peggy on using want to change,” she technology – have been a said. “But connecting lifesaver. All three made to the internet for the characterization more than email in unison during – or web browsing what else? – a Zoom required a certain Gene Rubel conference. level of capability by a the Digital Device Lifespan, a nonprofit, computer or a tablet. Doctor, cures digital was established in For those who could anxiety for seniors and afford it, we found a Atlanta in 1981 as a physical space for seniors home/home-office users. source of refurbished to gather to talk and learn A graduate of Harlaptops that had been together. Headquartered vard Business School, used for business and “Doctor Gene” spent in Buckhead, it later we got tablets: iPads more than 30 years in joined forces with Agape, for those who could international business. afford them and a non-profit whose core mission is serving Samsung tablets for He can be reached at disadvantaged children others.” in south Fulton with Once she got the educational programs. hardware, Palmiter Lifespan began providing loaded the required application technology education to their software and formatted the small senior program called devices for Zoom and Gmail Ragtime. Whether in person or accounts. online, Lifespan promotes lifelong “We found that was the best learning, something to which I’ve way to get them started,” she always ascribed as a fellow senior noted. “We were able – and still who wants to maintain my vigor. are able – to use Splashtop, an When the pandemic hit a year application that enables us to ago, Lifespan’s client rolls dropped work their devices remotely and from a peak of 85 between show them how to get on a Zoom Lifespan and Agape to about 40 conference. We can do it as many (30 in online classes and 10 at times as they need it, and for Agape Zoom classes), but Palmiter some people, it’s like starting from embraced a new online strategy scratch every Monday morning.” to fulfill Lifespan Resources’ With the right equipment mission to build communities that and tools, Palmiter can do what welcome seniors as they age. To does best: teach each person make the strategy a success, she technology individually at his or drew on her 15 years of experience her own level. in teaching seniors how to use “Seniors have a resiliency technology. they didn’t know they had,” she “March 7, 2020, was our last insaid. “There is fear or a sense of


MARCH 2021 |

belief that getting online is a huge barrier to get over, but we can get them over that. I know how to talk to them about technology and how to adapt to their fears and capabilities. That’s something their grandchildren or children either can’t do or don’t have the patience to do.” Indeed, that was the problem Jeanne Merritt faced. Technology wasn’t foreign to her, but in the 31 years since she retired as a medical technologist for a lab, she was “stuck” with email. She got a new computer, but three people couldn’t help her get set up until she worked with Palmiter to get her system issues solved and get on track with Zoom. “After getting Zoom, I was able to expand my contact with other people,” Merritt said. “I’m able to visit with friends in England, although we mostly use Skype instead of Zoom.” Tony Lazzaro calls Merritt his hero and inspiration for using Zoom to stay in touch with others and to take Lifespan’s online courses. “Being online prevents loneliness,” he said. “I’m by myself. I’ve had technology in my life and could always do things on a computer, but with Peggy and Lifespan, I can always ask technical questions and overcome any problems with adapting.” Beth Micek, who taught college math for eight years and then spent the rest of her career as a systems analyst for mainframe computers, has used Lifespan to adapt to laptop computing. “Mainframes are a totally different world,” she said, “but Peggy held my hand to learn how to do what I needed, and we got my sister into Zoom, too.” Handholding is the key. With everyone’s stick-to-itiveness, Palmiter is able to guide groups through their in-session difficulties during a Zoom session, regardless of whether they’re using a computer, iPad or Samsung tablet or an iPhone or Android-based phone. “The need to connect has motivated seniors to get online,” she said. “They’re desperate to know technology to avoid isolation and depression. Even though it can take up to six weeks

to get some people really going, they’re willing to tolerate all the glitches to do it. We even have a group of 10 people who meet online to play Bingo on their tablets.” But more than just visiting and playing games, Lifespan’s clients are using technology to take a variety of courses or view presentations and movies online. This winter’s classes have included both Windows and Apple technology taught by Palmiter, a 30-part presentation on the U.S. National Parks, a course about the BeltLine and instruction on Tai Chi and line dancing. There’s also a series on classic movies. While lifespan has offered other services, the educational program has always been its core mission. Classes are open to any older adult over 55 without a membership requirement. The cost for an eight-week class session is $50 for a single class, $59 for any and all non-activity classes during the session, and $84 for any class, anytime during the eight weeks. Classes used to be held every Thursday for eight weeks. Now that we are virtual on Zoom, classes are scheduled throughout the week. Visit for all the details. Tony and Jeanne both applaud the online learning classes, and Beth has used her newly discovered online skills to participate with her family in a product called StoryWorth, in which people are asked to answer a weekly question and then build a book online during the year. She collaborates with her sister online, and this helps keep their memories sharp. At the end of the year, they can purchase a printed version of their books. “We haven’t stopped learning,” Tony said. “Their willingness to keep on trying helps their mental acuity,” Palmiter said. That’s why Lifespan’s fans say Palmiter and Lifespan Resources have thrown them a digital lifesaver.

For more: or 404-237-7307

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