Atlanta Senior Life - December 2017

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Senior Life Atlanta

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december 2017 • Vol. 2 No. 12|



fun places for you & your grandkids

a quick connection: seniors & speed dating

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Holiday Shows & Celebrations

healthy ho pages 2liday recipes, 0 & 23


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Fair Trade Atlanta Senior Life focuses on the interests, accomplishments and lifestyles of the active senior population in metro Atlanta. It aims to inspire readers to embrace a more rewarding life by informing them of opportunities to expand their horizons, express their talents and engage in their community.

Ten Thousand Villages is an alternative to e-commerce for the holiday shopping season By Clare S. Richie

CONTACT US Editorial Kathy Dean Contributing Editor Joe Earle Editor-at-Large Contributors Julie E. Bloemeke, Judi Kanne, Phil Mosier, Clare S. Richie, Kristin Sumpter, Mike Zoob Advertising For information call (404) 917-2200 ext 130. Sales Executives Julie Davis, Jeff Kremer Janet Porter, Jim Speakman, Jan Tassitano Published By Springs Publishing LLC

6065 Roswell Road, Suite 225 Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Phone: (404) 917-2200 Fax: (404) 917-2201 Steve Levene Founder & Publisher (404) 917-2200, ext. 111 Amy Arno Director of Sales Development (404) 917-2200, ext. 112 Rico Figliolini Creative Director (404) 917-2200, ext. 117 Deborah Davis Office Manager (404) 917-2200, ext. 110 Circulation/ Subscriptions For distribution information, call (404) 917-2200, ext. 110.

© 2017 All rights reserved. Publisher reserves the right to refuse editorial or advertising for any reason. Publisher assumes no responsibility for information contained in advertising. Any opinions expressed in print or online do not necessarily represent the views of Atlanta Senior Life or Springs Publishing, LLC.


Each month, 20,000 copies of Atlanta Senior Life are distributed to selected locations where active seniors live, work, volunteer and play in the north metro areas of Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton and Gwinnett counties.


In the face of rising e-commerce, many of us still prefer local brick and mortar retail, especially when the products for sale are ethically produced and benefit women artisans who are under- or unemployed and lack other opportunities for income. Ten Thousand Villages Atlanta located on St. Charles Avenue in Virginia-Highland sells only fair trade items from the U.S. and around the world, each with its own story to tell. “We have a multisensory experience in our store. We have beautiful textiles that can be felt. We have music. We have the scent of incense, soap, coffee and chocolate. You are transported to another place, where you can see the faces of the artisans and you can feel their products,” said manager Juliet White. “We have a lot of stocking stuffers, hostess gifts, office gifts, small things under $10 and $20 that are unique to Atlanta.” This holiday season, Ten Thousand Villages Atlanta will carry more lines than ever. It will still feature old favorites like Creedmoor Candles, made by adults with developmental disabilities in North Carolina. You’ll also find food mixes from the Women’s Bean Project that helps chronically unemployed women in Denver – convicted felons, recovering addicts, domestic violence victims – rebuild their lives through work. Maybe you’ll pick up a felted ornament


from Nepal or a religious gift for Christmas, Diwali or Hanukah. Friends Karen Gross and Marg Lambert opened the store (originally as Window to the World, later teaming up with Ten Thousand Villages national network) on PHOTOS BY CLARE S. RICHIE Some of the goods for sale at Ten Thousand Villages the principal of fair trade, a month as sales associates, ethical production and helping unpacking orders, etc., are also women across the globe. critical to this effort. “Two wives and mothers “It takes 30 to 40 volunteers. wanted to help wives and We currently have 18. We need mothers. They looked at the more always,” White said. challenges women were facing Today, the store boasts products and they thought ‘we can do from more than 130 artisan groups this – we have to do this.’ So they in some 38 countries. fundraised for three years and “In addition to Ten Thousand finally got enough seed money to Villages products we have 28 open the store here in 1993 as a other fair trade vendors, which nonprofit,” White said. has allowed us to expand into It’s a nonprofit social food and beverage products, enterprise that partners with clothing, children’s items, music independent small-scale artisan books and more,” White said. groups, co-ops and workshops. With the tremendous growth They pay mutually agreed upon in fair trade, White chooses from prices to the artisans, ensure about 40 fair trade producer that artisans catalogues, always considering have safe and what her customers want. healthy places “If they want more sterling to work, and silver earrings, I will find more emphasize sterling silver earrings,” White sustainable said. environmental Ten Thousand Villages is practices in located at 1056 St. Charles Ave. the materials and they also have a booth at and making of the Kudzu Antique Market in products. Decatur, daily from 11 a.m. to 7 Volunteers, p.m. Visit tenthousandvillages. who work an com/atlanta or average of four AtlantaVillages. to eight hours

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family Holiday Traditions By Judi Kanne As the end of the year approaches, most people enjoy the holidays with family, friends and food. The season includes several religious and cultural celebrations — menorah lightings, Christmas services, Kwanzaa gatherings — as well as special concerts, shows, decorations and festivities throughout Atlanta. Families collect traditions as the years pass. Some of those traditions represent lifelong values that are handed down through generations, and others are simple things that families enjoy together.

A Hanukkah with Latkes and Wrapping Paper Latkes are essential in celebrating Hanukkah COURTESY OF TGA COMMUNICATIONS, LLC at Irving and Ann Schoenberg’s home in Ann Schoenberg at home with her menorah collection and the family’s much-used wrapping paper. Dunwoody. “The boys make our latkes,” said Ann Schoenberg. She’s been married to Irv for 61 years, and the couple have lived in Dunwoody since 1973. Kwanzaa traditions are focused on African holidays, not on any Of course, their “boys” are now grown men. Two of their three one religion. In fact, the name is derived from the term for “first sons are lawyers and live in the Atlanta area. The third, a physician, fruits” in Swahili, one of the more widely spoken African languages. lives in the Midwest. Although the Kwanzaa holiday, created in 1966, “Jeff is the primary latke maker,” Schoenberg said. is deeply rooted in African culture, people from all “David is more apt to make a mess!” racial and ethnic backgrounds may join in the annual Latkes are potato pancakes, and have come to be an celebration from December 26 through January 1. important part of the traditional Hanukkah celebration Georgia State University associate professor Akinyele for many Jewish families. Potato pancakes are also Umoja, who chairs the school’s Department of Africanfound in German and Austrian homes, and are often American Studies, said he attended his first Kwanzaa sold at Christmas markets, where they’re coated with celebration in 1972. “Actually, I didn’t know much about powdered sugar or applesauce. Depending on ancestry, Kwanzaa until high school graduation,” he said. “The the pancake recipes may include cheese—an Italian holiday really accelerated for me when I married.” ricotta-type cheese—or diced onion mixed in the batter. One of his wife’s brothers would have something almost The Schoenbergs top theirs with applesauce and every evening at his home. Eventually he and his wife started sour cream. Once everyone has had their fill, the family their own celebration of family, community and culture. heads to the living room where a pile of gifts waits to SPECIAL “I think it was important for me as a parent to celebrate be opened. “Traditionally, we take turns opening them,” the holiday because of the values expressed in Kwanzaa,” said Schoenberg. Umoja said. “It allowed me to use that time to share those Most Hanukkah gifts are little or gag gifts, such as a values with my children and to reinforce those values with them.” pair of socks, a bottle of hot sauce, a can of chili, an executive play toy Each of the seven days of Kwanzaa represents a different tenet of or even a silly game. Schoenberg said that years ago, she “actually took the Nguzo Saba, or seven principles. Each principle is represented the time to wrap everything individually in some odd fashion, which by the lighting of a candle. disguised what the item was.” Umoja is the first day of Kwanzaa and it means unity. The For example, the gifts might be inside toilet paper or paper towel rolls. professor self-selected the word for his name. She said she would use several differently sized boxes inside each other or The other days celebrate Kujichagulia put something in a glass jar. (self-determination), Ujima (collective Now she says she no long bothers with all the wrapping. But work and responsibility), Ujamaa David always gets dried apricots, which may not be a true Hanukkah (cooperative economics), Nia (purpose), tradition, she said, and everyone gets new underwear. Kuumba (creativity) and Imani (faith). A She does, however, use one piece of wrapping paper, which she’s candle is lighted each day. used every year since the boys were young. “A different person gets it “My parents met at Howard University,” every Hanukkah,” Schoenberg said. It has gotten smaller and smaller said Jemima Peddie, an Atlanta resident over time, as she cuts the old torn edges and tape off year after year. who celebrates Kwanzaa with her own That one piece of paper must be almost 50 years old, she says, SPECIAL Dr. Akinyele Umoja family every year. “My father followed the but it brings back many happy memories.

The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa




Jemima Peddie

Rastafarianism beliefs and my mother was raised Catholic before they came to the U.S. Once my parents united, the teachings of Kwanzaa became important to their way of life. “Every year, I have to explain to many friends and colleagues that Kwanzaa is not a religious holiday. It’s a way for African-Americans—and all people—to build self-respect and follow the principles and values of how to live one’s life.

A Christmas Pickle of Their Own How Atlanta resident Susan Walsh became acquainted with the tradition of the Christmas Pickle is a story in itself. It began when she and her husband Bob married. She was a Catholic while he was a Lutheran. “Since the Lutheran religion was very important to my husband, I converted so we could have one religion in our family,” she said. Soon they realized that their holiday traditions were quite different. When Walsh was a child, her family went to bed early on Christmas Eve. The kids crept down in the pre-dawn hours by themselves and opened the presents in the light of the Christmas tree. “That’s one of my most favorite memories,” she said. It was different with her husband’s family. She explained, “They were churchgoers and they would go to midnight Christmas Eve service, sing carols, come back to their home and open presents on Christmas Eve.” Although, she says, it was after midnight and technically those presents were opened on Christmas Day, as well. It was fine while they were dating, Walsh explains, but once there were Walsh children, she wanted something special to the family that didn’t take away from either of their customs. They’d already compromised and opened one gift on Christmas Eve, and saved some for the next morning. “I was living in Georgia and read a story about a Christmas pickle ornament,” she said. According to the holiday tradition, the first child to find the ornament, hidden among the Christmas tree branches, will have good luck throughout the new year, and may also receive a special gift. The story inspired Walsh. She immediately ordered two glass pickles from a catalog, and to this day, although the children are grown and live in New York, those same glass pickles hang on a Walsh tree every year. After 42 years of marriage, Walsh says, “No one else in the family does this, and they probably think it’s a little strange, but it works for us.”

The Cookie Connection By Kathy Dean In our family, Christmas means cookies. My sister and I grab the holiday magazines as soon as they hit the shelves, just as our mother did, and look for new cookies to bake. There’s one cookie that’s a must—our grandmother’s kifle (pronounced KEY-flea, meaning crescent). It’s a sweet dough stuffed with poppyseed, apricot or walnut fillings. Through the years, we’ve dropped the walnut and substituted raspberry, plum or blueberry, depending on what we can find at the store. Kifle was one of the recipes Grandma brought from Hungary, so we suspect it has a long history in our family. When she was in her 80s, Grandma agreed to share the recipe with me. I expected her to dig out a well-worn scrap of paper. There was no recipe card. It was stored in her memory, and the measurements were given to me in pinches, handfuls and half-a-bowls. I did my best to translate it into U.S. pre-metric terms, though I still feel I’m guessing at the whole process. And it is a process—this is no simple cookie. It involves dissolving yeast in warm milk, adding flour and letting it rise overnight. The dough is mixed, rolled and cut to size, then filled and folded before baking. The ingredients are heart-stopping—a pound of butter, half a dozen egg yolks and a cup of sour cream. It’s still better than the version I found in a 1954 cookbook, which called for beef suet instead of butter. One recipe yields 200 cookies, not nearly enough by my mother’s reckoning. Visit for a simplified kifle recipe.

A Cold Shoulder for Frosty By Joe Earle A family’s holiday traditions can grow from the oddest seeds. A kid says something funny at Christmas breakfast that then must be repeated at every subsequent Christmas breakfast until he or she reaches retirement. A banana hung on a young couple’s first holiday tree petrifies and then must reappear on the family’s holiday trees for years. A decoration Grandma bought on impulse at Woolworths becomes a display

that gets pride of place year after year. And then there’s Frosty. He’s my holiday tradition. My parents bought Frosty when I was a child and he decorated our front porch during the holiday season when I was a boy. He’s made of plastic, stands about 2 ½ feet tall from toe to top hat and glows joyfully from the 60-watt bulb within. After my parents died, Frosty moved to our house. I thought he would delight my family. I was wrong. His reception in our home has been, well,

about as warm as his name. My kids only tolerate Frosty. My wife has no use for him at all; she finds him, in a word, tacky. If I didn’t climb up into the attic every Christmas and fetch him myself, Frosty wouldn’t show up among the many lovely decorations that fill our home each holiday season. But when the holidays come around again this year, I fully intend for Frosty to be glowing in one corner of the house or another, welcoming the season and reminding me of home. He’s my tradition, if no one else’s.




Five places to take your grandkids Some of the best kid-friendly spots in Atlanta By Joe Earle The holidays are here, which means it’s time for family visits. Wondering what to do when the grandkids arrive? Here are five places in metro Atlanta you could take them to get them out of the house and away from their phones.

Children’s Museum of Atlanta ▲

The museum offers hands-on exhibits designed to promote problemsolving, creative thinking and artistic expression. Kids can launch rockets, visit a magical forest or climb through layers of the Earth. Most exhibits are aimed at ages 6 months to 9 years, although some are intended just for toddlers. LOCATION: 275 Centennial Olympic Park Dr. NW, Atlanta 30313 HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Wednesdays and Christmas Day. TICKETS: $15.95 plus tax. Last ticket sold 30 minutes prior to closing. MORE INFORMATION:

Georgia Aquarium The aquarium provides a place to view up close all manner of sea creatures, from penguins to dolphins to whale sharks. The facility also offers special programs, such as breakfast with Santa on Dec. 16.

Center for Puppetry Arts ▼

Meet the Muppets! The center’s museum is home to Kermit and other Jim Henson creations as well as puppets from around the world. The center also offers regular puppet shows. Performances of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, adapted from the holiday TV show, are scheduled on various days in December, including Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas. Check the center’s webpage for performance dates and times. LOCATION: 1401 Spring St. NW, Atlanta 30309 HOURS: Tuesday-Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday: noon to 5 p.m. Closed Mondays. TICKETS: For museum admission: $12.50. For museum admission and guided tours of the World of Puppetry collection: $16.50. For performances of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and museum entry: $19.50. MORE INFORMATION:

LOCATION: 225 Baker St., Atlanta 30313 HOURS: vary daily, but generally are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Last entry of the day is 30 minutes prior to closing time. TICKETS: Seniors: $36.95; adult: $39.95; child: $33.95. Tax is added to ticket price. Discounts may be available when tickets are purchased online, or early or late in the day. Tickets for Breakfast with Santa alone: $24.95 for non-members, $19.95 for members and free for children younger than a year. MORE INFORMATION:



Fernbank Museum of Natural History ▼ Fernbank is a place to turn back time. Learn about dinosaurs, take a stroll through time in Georgia and see sea shells from around the world. The museum’s Great Hall features casts of the skeletons of some of the largest known dinosaurs. Special “Holly Jolly Film Fest” shows “A Charlie Brown Christmas” and other holiday favorites on Dec. 2, 9 and 16. Film showings are included in the price of a museum ticket.

LOCATION: 767 Clifton Rd. NE, Atlanta 30307 HOURS: Museum open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Christmas Day. TICKETS: For special exhibits and museum entry: adults, $33; seniors, $30; children aged 3 to 12, $27; members $13. For museum entry only: adults, $18; seniors, $17; children aged 3 to 12, $16; members, free. MORE INFORMATION:

Zoo Atlanta ▼

See lions, tigers and pandas, oh my! And giraffes and gorillas and even an elephant or two. You can walk a treetop trail to get a bird’seye view of the zoo. Or, on Dec. 2 or Dec. 3, share a cookie with Santa. A separate event, Jungle Bells on Dec. 2, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m., includes Christmas songs and hot cocoa. LOCATION: 800 Cherokee Ave. SE, Atlanta 30315 HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., with last admission at 4:30 p.m. TICKETS: $21.99 for seniors aged 65 or older; $25.99 for people aged 12 to 64; $17.99 for children aged 3 to 11; free for children younger than 3. Add $13.95 for treetop trail; $33 for zoo admission and Cookies with Santa admission; $17 for Cookies with Santa ticket only. RSVP required for Cookies with Santa. MORE INFORMATION:

Family time


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10 Life-Changing Gifts for Your Grandkids by Mike Zoob

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Hot Wheels, Barbies, baseball bats: Your grandchildren probably have plenty already. Why not think out of the box for the holidays this year and give them a gift that can have a long-lasting impact on their lives. Here’s a countdown of our top gift ideas for grandchildren.


Mike Zoob

An Instrument or Lessons

Helping your grandchild discover a new talent or passion can certainly be life changing. If your grandchild has shown an interest in music, gifting them a guitar, flute or violin can change their life by giving them an outlet for expression they never knew before.

A Digital Camera


They may seem too young for a digital camera, but VTech and Discovery Kids offer sturdy, durable cameras for kids 3 and up. Treat their gift like a new hobby, and it can be something that you share for years to come. Plus, framed photos they’ve taken can be a great gift in the future for the kids or their parents.

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A Journal A real journal. With pages. And a really cool pen. Encourage your grandchild to write in it every day. Even if they don’t grow up to be professional writers, having a paper journal to look back on is a great gift for them as they grow older.

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A Nice Bike


Encourage your grandchildren to step away from their screens and get outside with a shiny new bicycle. Spend time with them going for bike rides. Sign your teenagers up for a charity bike ride so they have something to work toward. Or go hiking, kayaking—whatever active things you want to share with them.



Your granddaughter likely has enough dolls to last a lifetime. Think about some gender-bending toys or gifts that can introduce her to skills that aren’t typically encouraged for girls. GoldieBlox are “designed to develop an interest in engineering and confidence in problem-solving.” Consider STEM toys for boys, too, like Brackitz Inventor or a good old set of Legos.


The Little Prince

The Little Prince is a story on many levels. For children, it’s a silly tale of a little boy who travels from planet to planet, meeting colorful characters along the way. But the book can engage readers with deeper meanings, making it a book that you can read together, and that can grow with your grandchild. They may even discover a love for books—and that’s a life-changing gift you can’t put a price on.


A Pet A dog or a cat is a friend for life and can teach your grandchildren important lessons about responsibility. Just be sure to have a serious talk with their parents before bringing home a designer golden doodle.

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A Savings Account

When your grandkids are little, their toys, clothes and games pile up quickly, especially if they have older siblings. One of the best long-term gifts you can give them is a savings account that you add to every holiday and birthday. Whether the money goes toward college, a backpacking trip around Europe or a summer in New York City, it could change their lives.


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A Volunteer Service Experience

Consider skipping the gifts and taking part in a service activity with your grandchild. Sign up to serve a meal at a homeless shelter with your teenager. Adopt a family with your littler ones, and shop together to buy gifts. Introducing community service to them at a young age can make it a consistent part of their lives as they grow up.

An Educational Travel Experience Sharing your love and passion for travel and learning can instill those same passions in your grandchild. And the memories made and the bond built during an educational travel experience can last a lifetime. After all, time spent together is the greatest gift of all—for you both.

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Finding a Sweet Spark

Speed dating helps older adults meet new friends

Marion Wright shares a laugh with her interview partner during Somerby Senior Living’s speed dating event.

By Julie E. Bloemeke In October, Jodi Firestone hatched a plan that had been years in the making. She’s the community liaison for Somerby Senior Living and she decided to pull together a senior speed dating event at the Somerby location in Sandy Springs. The gathering wasn’t really about dating or finding romance. The aim was to give these older adults an opportunity to meet new people and make new connections. Firestone was inspired in part by similar gatherings hosted by Vivienne Kurland, Program Coordinator for One Good Deed and Aviv Older Adult Services through Jewish Family & Career Services of Atlanta. Kurland was on hand to help out during Somerby’s event. Around the room, small square tables were decorated


with glass jars, filled to the brim with silver kiss candies. Balloons hovered above; two chairs sat across from one another in anticipation. A main table with finger food and drinks was flanked by vases of white roses. Excited chatter and laughter took over as men and women found their seats. One participant bowed out early due to nerves. As Firestone went over the rules for the event—10 tables, 10 partners to rotate, four minutes of conversation per round—she added a few pointers. Already the talk between pairs had taken off, and she had to pause a few times to make sure everyone understood how the process worked. Although the flyer promoting the event sported the tagline, “Come to Mingle and Don’t



Leave Single!”, and while a few politics. Take time to listen. men confessed to Firestone As the timer began, that they hoped “to meet my icebreaker questions about next wife,” Kurland was quick hobbies and family filled the to emphasize that this event room. Some choose to be more “could be a friendship match.” creative, starting off with “If It’s about finding someone you were a wild animal, what that might offer extra animal would you be?” companionship, to add As each table switched over, enrichment outside of family, it became clear that the focus children and grandchildren,” was not just on the participants, she said. but on those watching the Each participant received a events from the side. As it blank sheet to list names. If there was a spark, or a friendship connection, it should be indicated on the sheet, and if both sides match, there would be an exchange of contact information. Vivienne Kurland of the Jewish Family and Career No discussion of Services takes pictures before the event.


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turned out, the opportunity to “Rediscover Your Spark” was so popular that there was a waiting list. Edna Blackman, 83, and Patsy Day, 70, friends and both former residents of New York City, came to the event even though they knew they might not get to participate directly.


SHOP LOCAL Cookie Schaffer, left and below, interviews Maurice Shemper, right.


Patsy Day, left, and Edna Blackman, right

“We were coming to get a spot, but it’s not happening, not today,” Blackman said, watching from afar, “but still, it’s an interesting experience.” Neither had been to a speed dating activity and they were curious to see what it was like. Day laughed and said, “We’re here hanging out for fun, and because I hope to see someone else connect!” Clearly enjoying the time together, they watched and predicted where they’d see “sparks flying” between the participants. As the event came to a close, participants made notes and ruminated over who caught their attention. Later, as Firestone and Kurland gathered up the sheets, they were amazed to find wonderfully detailed observations. One woman’s notes included phrases such as “Great guy. Credit to society.” And “Kind, blue eyes.” As far as sparks? There were quite a few. Maurice Shemper, 80, a Temple Sinai member who has lived in Atlanta since the late 1970s, said he definitely experienced a spark. “I had a connection with two

people—one was a huge connection—one of her friends is a woman I grew up with in Mississippi,” Shemper said. “I’ve already invited her to “The Color Purple” at the Fox Theatre next week.” Cookie Shaffer, 80,

a native Atlantan, also admitted she felt a few sparks. Most of the men she talked with asked her about her interests and where she was from. Her true hope after speed



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Spencer Weil pauses to consider his response. Continued from page 11

dating? “I’m a UGA/Cowboys/ Falcons fan, and I want someone to watch football with.” Spencer Weil, who’ll be 96 in December, didn’t necessarily experience any sparks, but thoroughly enjoyed the event. His son, Dan Weil, who came as a bystander, attested to it. “He’d do this every day if he could. He’s wildly social.” When asked why he decided to sign up for speed dating, Weil said he’d recently moved from New York City, was looking to make connections and because “I love Atlanta; it’s gotten into my blood.” And what wild animal would

he be? Weil laughed and said, “Yes, one gal asked me that and I haven’t the slightest idea.” Participants lingered long after the event closed and Firestone was packing up the decorations. Many left the room and gathered in the hall where animated conversation continued. One man, who only identified himself as “Jim Beam” reached behind Firestone and snagged a white rose from the vases of flowers on the cart. A woman, distracted in conversation with another man, suddenly turned toward him. Slyly he placed the rose on her wheeled walker and grinned.

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The Spark of Friendship By Julie E. Bloemeke When it comes to senior speed dating, sometimes the connection isn’t about dating at all. Friendship, support between those with similar interests, and creating an extended network of family are all reasons seniors seek out pairing events that “help seniors rediscover their spark.” Take Lynn Podber, 59, and Syd Green, 91, two women who matched at a similar event through One Good Deed and Jewish Family & Career Services of Atlanta about two years ago. For Podber, a volunteer with One Good Deed and a former resident of Orlando, and Green, who lived most of her life in New York City, meeting one another was nothing short of transformational.

As soon as they began to talk about their relationship, their enthusiasm and laughter lit up the room, their admiration and gratitude for one another immediately apparent. Podber was quick to share what she enjoys about spending time with Green. “Syd is extremely wise and gives great life advice,” she said. “We can talk about almost anything!” Green said she was thankful they met. “Lynn tells me everything. It’s a beautiful situation. I have loved it since the minute we started. Our connection has become something more than just who we are. She gives up her own time—she’s been marvelous.” And how have Podber and Green spent time together so far? They’ve been to restaurants, gone shopping and to the grocery, run errands together, attended movies and visited the library. This is,

not surprisingly, only a partial list. But sometimes, they simply partake in one of their favorite activities. “We do nothing but chat,” said Green. Podber checks in on Green with regular phone calls, sometimes just to talk, other times to offer to run errands. “She’s so busy but she chooses to have someone else in her life that isn’t a blood relation,” said Green. “Even though we’re not related, she feels like part of the family.” Perhaps what Podber and Green have most gained from their relationship is their sense of helping and inspiring one another, the regaining of another kind of spark. When Podber shares stories about her life, Green reflects on hers. “I’ll tell you what. I’m always learning and reflecting,” Green said. “It’s so different how you all are living now. It was easier for me than it is for this group of women today.”

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Tenderly Based on the life of Rosemary Clooney By Janet Yates Vogt and Mark Friedman Directed by Alan Kilpatrick



y r a m e s o R ClooneLy MUSICA

Jan Pratt’s home in Decatur is decorated with mementos of her travels around the world.


An Activist on the March Jan Pratt Receives Profiles of Positive Aging Image Award By Joe Earle

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When 60,000 or so people gathered in downtown Atlanta last January to march for women’s rights and social justice, Jan Pratt was there. “It was a powerful moment,” she recalled recently. “You’re walking. People are chanting.” The 70-year-old retired Emory University law professor was so moved by the march that she wrote a poem about it. In her poem, she connected the January march in spirit to public protests she’d joined in the past. “March against a war that saps away our young strength,” it says in part. “March against a system that keeps many in slavery/Marchers are united in their diversity/March against those who would seek to return us/To an unobtainable past./My past./I walk.” After all, the 2017 march was nothing new for Pratt. She recalls rallying against racism when she was a student in her native England in the 1960s, and, after she moved to the United States, publicly protesting the War in Vietnam. She later joined rallies in Georgia for women’s rights. “My daughter marched in her first protest when she was in a stroller,” Pratt recalled with a grin. Throughout her life, Pratt

has tried to make the world a bit better. She’s worked with the National Organization for Women, successfully lobbied the Georgia Legislature to rewrite the state’s rape laws to treat victims better, done missionary work in Appalachia and taught English in Africa. “You only pass this way once,” she said. “Shouldn’t you try to do something to improve somebody’s life? That’s what I was taught we are here for.” In 1996, she was awarded the Outstanding Child Advocate award by the Children’s Legal Advocacy Coalition. In 2012, she was honored with the Emory Public Interest Committee Award for a lifetime of commitment to those in need. In November, she was among 23 people honored by LeadingAge Georgia, the Georgia Institute on Aging and other groups for doing exceptional things to better the community. Pratt was chosen to receive the Profiles of Positive Aging Image Award because her “life mission has always been to speak up for people who cannot speak for themselves,” said a biography of her published in connection with the award. The organization named Melvin Pender, Jr. its 2017 Icon in Positive Aging. Pender, a 1968 Olympic Gold Medalist, is also a decorated

veteran of the Vietnam War. Pratt grew up in England, where she learned early that the decks were stacked against a young girl. At age 11, even though she scored well on a national examination used to determine student placement in school, members of her family initially opposed her plans to continue her education, she said. “That was the first time I realized that being a woman didn’t mean you could do what you wanted to do— just because you’re a woman,” she said. Luckily, her father, a house painter, knew the head of the local school and he convinced her father to allow her to continue her schooling. Through her school years, Pratt said, others thought she should

become a bank teller or a teacher of young children. She disagreed. She went on to college to study law. She joined the bar—“I met the queen and Prince Philip at an Inn of Court dinner,” she said.— and after deciding to continue her legal studies for a higher degree, she won a grant to continue her studies at New York University. “I am the prototype immigrant,” she said. “The first view I had of this country was the Statue of Liberty and the Manhattan skyline.” After she and her husband settled in Atlanta in 1973, she worked at Agnes Scott College and Emory University. At Emory, she worked with a program placing law students in jobs with nonprofit legal agencies,

governments agencies and courts so they could better understand the profession. She’s now an emeritus member of the law school faculty. Pratt has traveled widely, visiting countries scattered around the globe from Cuba to Croatia and Korea to Kenya. Her Decatur home is decorated with scores of travel mementoes which, she pointed out, include items reflecting the world’s great religions. One wall of her home was set aside to honor early leaders in the fight for women’s rights. There, she displays documents and photos she’s collected that are related to the Women’s Suffrage Movement and to women who protested to win women the right to vote. “You should try to do what you can while you’re here,” she said. “I think an awful lot of people put off doing things in their lives because they want to get rich. What kind of life would you have if you want to spend everything on yourself?”

Profiles of Positive Aging Image Awards 2017 Positive Aging Icon Image Award: Melvin “Mel” Pender, Jr. Positive Aging Awards: Frances Njuakom Nchii of Cameroon; Dr. Carleton S. Guptill of Atlanta; Jackie Herndon of Athens, Ga.; Russ Marable of Athens, Ga.; Janette Barnes Pratt of Decatur; Doris Ledbetter of Atlanta; Roger and MaryEarle Scovil of Atlanta; Charity Barnes of Atlanta; Michael Piccone of Atlanta; Tom McDermott of Roswell; Julia Beasley of Atlanta; Shirley Herron of Lithonia; Margery Avery of Atlanta; Wesley Stephens of Atlanta; Charles and Jody Lewis of Macon; Juanita Watson of Atlanta; Mary Barber of Atlanta; LaVerne Gaither of Atlanta; Robert Bowles of Thomaston; and Janice Williams of East Point. Source: LeadingAge Georgia

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Marti Billstrand sits in position during tai chi class at the Ed Isakson YMCA in Alpharetta.

By Julie E. Bloemeke

Experience the Lenbrook Difference. Everything about this life plan community is designed to offer new experiences and a new perspective on life. Lenbrook is a vibrant and beautiful community with amenities galore. There are so many options every day—exercise classes, excursions, a meal with friends, or just relaxing. Lenbrook also offers a full range of excellent health care, if the need arises. Plus, it is the only not-for-profit senior living community in Atlanta to earn national accreditation. Visit to learn more about the Lenbrook Difference. Or call 404-476-7526.



Before starting her first tai chi class, Jeannette Dempsey made a confession. “I wasn’t even sure how to pronounce it.” The 89-year-old Dempsey, like many other seniors drawn to tai chi, sought out the practice because she heard that it might help with arthritis and balance, and she was looking for ways to stay active after a recent bout with heart problems. Tai chi, pronounced “tie chee,” is an ancient Chinese martial arts practice known for enhancing the “chi,” or life energy, and promoting a sense of peace and calm through connecting the mind and body. Characterized by slow, rhythmic movements, the exercises are performed seated or standing, with the aid of a chair if needed, and can be tailored specifically for older adults and people with special health concerns. Though each tai chi class offers its own flair and flavor, all share one core component: to ensure that the participants feel confident and comfortable in learning and practicing the positions. For Shane Orfas, who teaches tai chi/quigong—a practice developed specifically for hospital recovery—weekly at the Ed Isakson YMCA in Alpharetta, the class is about cultivating harmony between the mind and body. He opened his session by reassuring everyone that the practice is gentle and integrative, reminding them, “You’re in the right place.” He then inquired about particular concerns so he could customize the practice to students’ needs. At the North Cobb Senior Center in Acworth, where Dempsey went for tai chi, teacher Tara Vroman’s approach is similar to Orfas’ approach. Vroman stressed the importance not only of

Left: Tara Vroman demonstrates the movements for Kitty Alvarez, left, and Kay Dodd, right, at the North Cobb Senior Center. Right: Sharon Almon, right, and Jeanette Dempsey, left, follow Vroman’s instructions.

warm up and cool down, but also said she goes “with how the class is feeling.” Generally, her students focus on balance and fall prevention. On one day recently, Vroman stood at the front of the class, gave an overview of the next hour and discussed any concerns. Dempsey, seated at the edge of the class, began her warmup in her chair. In Orfas’s class, the focus was also on balance. His opening meditation encouraged the students to visualize what balance looks like and to consider the harmony of one’s energy. Orfas asked the students to be in touch with their physical self and space. After the meditation, Orfas began with slow, gentle movements while piano music played softly in the background. Vroman’s class had a similar atmosphere. Instrumental music from the Tai Chi for Health Institute played in the background. The participants followed Vroman’s lead; her instructions were clear, thoughtful and encouraging. As she guided them through heel and toe movements, she reminded them to proceed slowly, with intention, thinking of “balancing at every point.” When students seemed apprehensive about a sequence called “waving clouds with hands,” Vroman reminded them that

sometimes it takes a bit “to get the brain working…but once you get into the flow, the brain doesn’t have to work as much.” Dempsey left her chair and joined the members of the class, confidently standing and flowing through each sequence. For Cheryl Smith, Vroman’s class is a gathering she tries not to miss. To emphasize that point, she proudly exclaimed, “Today is my 67th birthday!” She’s been drawn to the practice because she enjoys “slow-motion exercise and balance.” And she has some personal tai chi goals, she said, “to go into the woods and practice tai chi…to be that in tune with nature…or to practice at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.” After working for the postal service for 31 years, Marti Billstrand, 69, joined tai chi after a total knee replacement and recovery from a broken hip. Now, Orfas’s class “is something that you make a priority; it goes on my schedule before anything else,” Billstrand said. The physical nature of the class has helped her stay active and mobile. She’s also enthusiastic about how the pairing of yogic Continued on page 18

Left: Alice Henry, left, and Dorothy Moelter, right, move through the tai chi workout with Shane Orfas at the Alpharetta YMCA. Right: Shane Orfas, right, demonstates a stretch for Marti Billistrand, left.



HEALTH & FITNESS Continued from page 17

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breathing and meditation have helped her health. “It has worked wonders,” she beamed, noting that her high blood pressure has improved as a result. Sharon Almon, 64, sought out Vroman’s class to help with her arthritis, “and now I look forward to it every week.” Alice Henry, 63, was especially drawn to Orfas’s class because it offered focus on Dorothy Moelter reaches for her toes. the body and balance, but also integrated brief meditation into the practice. Henry confessed that she “had many misconceptions about yoga and tai chi.” Before beginning Orfas’ class “I walked through the world unconscious…I have two grandchildren and I want to stay active. Tai chi makes my body better for myself and for them.” In fact, she said that friends ask her what’s different about her. “They see a difference in my energy. With the practice of tai chi, you look different, you act different,” Henry said. Orfas’s student, Dorothy Moelter, 80, who practices chair tai chi, was enthusiastic about what the practice has done for her. She’d developed bone spurs on her spine as a result of a form of arthritis that can lead to severe, chronic pain and immobility. tai chi has given her a new lease on life. Moelter said that she couldn’t turn her head before her practice began. “But,” she said, beaming, “look at me now!” She turned her head from side to side. As both Vroman and Orfas ended their classes, they encouraged students to check in with their bodies. How did they feel compared to an hour earlier? Orfas wrapped up with a brief meditation of gratitude; Vroman ended with the class focusing on and speaking three words: “strength, friendship, and humility.” Dempsey made another confession to Vroman and the other students. “I was doing Zoomba, see, but it got to be too much at 89!” The class laughed, then began to cheer and celebrate. After all, Dempsey had begun class in the chair and by the end, she was standing and practicing with the rest of the group. After Orfas’s class Billstrand echoed a similar sentiment about the way tai chi encourages growth, development and awareness: “This is where I am right now,” she said, referring to her progress and what lies ahead, “but it’s not where I’ll stay.”

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Kitty Alvarez moves smoothly through the positions.

Where to Find Your Flow Many places throughout the north metro Atlanta area offer tai chi classes. Check local senior centers, gyms and fitness centers near you. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

Cobb County Senior Services, ● East Cobb Senior Center, Marietta, 770-509-4900 ● Freeman Poole Senior Center Smyrna, 770-801-3400 ● North Cobb Senior Center Acworth, 770-975-7740 ● Senior Wellness Center Marietta, 770-528-5355 ● West Cobb Senior Center Powder Springs, 770-528-8200

Senior Services North Fulton, ● Alpharetta Senior Center Alpharetta, 770-751-9397 ● Dorothy C. Benson Multipurpose Center Sandy Springs, 404-612-2345

● Roswell Senior Center Roswell, 770-640-1583 ● Thomas Byrd Sr. House Milton, 770-475-7500


Rising Phoenix Tai Chi, Classes on Tai Chi and Qi Gong are offered around Atlanta. For more info, email info@

Tai Chi Association, Beginner to advanced classes are available at their two locations in Atlanta and Decatur. Call 404488-8383 for further information.

YMCA, Fifteen YMCA locations are scattered throughout north metro Atlanta, offering a variety of activities and workout classes. Visit and click on “Resources” to find one near you.

Through Dec. 31, stop by either of ElectroBike Georgia’s two locations and save $500 when you purchase an ElectroBike Dash plus an ElectroBike Light. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Brookhaven Police Department’s “Shop with a Badge” holiday event. 660 Irwin Street, NE 2484 Briarcliff Road Atlanta, GA 30312 Brookhaven, GA 30329 � �

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“Lucky” Southern S



■ 15.5 oz. can of low sodium blac k-eyed peas, drained and rin sed ■ 1/3 cup diced green onions ■ 1/3 cup diced green bell pepp er ■ 1 small tomat o, diced ■ 10-12 sprigs fr esh cilantro ■ 3 Tbsp. lime ju ice ■ 1 tsp. canola oi l ■ ½ tsp. salt-fre e seasoning ■ ¼ tsp. black pe pper COURTESY OF JEFFREYW OF WIKIMEDIA

Tweak your Traditions for Health, Wealth and Good Fortune I was raised, along with many people in the South, to eat collard greens, black-eyed peas, pork and cornbread on New Year’s Day as a superstitious way to ensure prosperity and luck in the upcoming year. It’s a delicious meal, but not always the most nutritious. Collard greens and black-eyed peas are great sources of fiber and nutrients, but they become Kristen Sumpter much less healthy when ham hock, fatback or is the Family and Conseveral pieces of cornbread and butter are added. sumer Sciences Agent for While I’d never dare tell a Southerner to take the University of Georgia away their fatback, if you’re looking to lower Cooperative Extension in Fulton County. She provides the fat in your collard greens or black-eyed pea programming on food safety, recipe, try using only half of the regular amount health and nutrition, finanor choose healthier pork options. cial literacy and the home. The pork cuts can be a little confusing and it’s hard to know what cut is leaner than the other. As a general rule of thumb, pork cuts with the word “loin” in the name tend to have less fat. Pork loin and pork tenderloin are two examples of these cuts. Pork loin should be cooked longer and at a lower heat, or “low and slow,” such as in a crock pot. Pork tenderloin is meant to be cooked at a higher temperature and for less time. When cooking these cuts of pork, make sure the internal temperature reaches 145 degrees, and be sure to let it rest for 3 minutes before cutting. Now everyone has an opinion on whether regular or sweet cornbread is better. We may not ever agree on that, but if you’re trying to make your New Year’s meal a little healthier, avoid the sweet cornbread recipes to cut out some sugar. No matter what kind of cornbread you eat, though, make sure you’re only eating the recommended serving of cornbread: a 2-inch by 2-inch square. If you’re open to trying a meatless version of our Southern tradition, you could try this “Lucky” Southern Salsa recipe, which doesn’t use any pork and has great flavor. Whatever you decide, we wish you the best of luck in 2018! This article was written with the help of UGA Extension Fulton County’s dietetic intern, Taylor Dixon.




01 02 03 04

Rinse black-eyed peas in a colan der and pour into a large bow l. Combine lime juice, oil, salt-fre e seasoning and black pepp er in a smaller bowl. Stir well. Combine all in gredients into la rge bowl with peas. Stir well. Serve as a salad

or with tortilla


Recipe from the University of Geo rgia’s Food Talk program, foodta


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Heart-Healthy Holiday Eating Info and Tips on Holding Cholesterol in Check

The holidays are A critical blood increase your HDL the most heart-filling, test, called a fasting and lessen your yet least heartlipoprotein profile, cardiovascular risks. healthy time of the measures cholesterol “I think one year, according to levels. It assesses consequence, the American Heart several types of fat and not a healthy Association. The key to in the blood and is one, of having a successful season of quoted to patients effective medical taste and good health as milligrams per therapies for the treatment of Judith L. Kanne, is in the planning. deciliter (mg/dL). hyperlipidemia [the presence of RN, BSN, BA Long-term, holiday According to the excess fat or lipids in the blood] style consumption National Heart, Lung is that people think they can eat is a registered nurse and freelance writer who lives can eventually cause and Blood Institute, anything they want as long as in Atlanta. cholesterol build up this table illustrates they’re on the medication,” said in the blood. Later the the acceptable, Shah. build-up may find its way to borderline and high cholesterol It’s not true. arterial walls—putting people at and triglyceride measurements As people get older and/ risk for heart disease and stroke, for adults in mg/dL. or gain excess weight, their say many cardiac experts. If your blood cholesterol is cholesterol levels tend to rise, Such warnings offer little found to be high, your physician along with triglycerides, which is surprise, as campaign after or healthcare provider may a common type of fat in the body. campaign by the Centers for prescribe a medication known as If you’re a faithful gym member Disease Control and Prevention a statin, according to researchers and try to watch your diet, that’s (CDC) and the American Heart from the U.S. Food and Drug still not all you need to do, say Association (AHA) have begged Administration (FDA). most cardiac experts. Americans to lower their Statins are a class of Poor dietary habits affect “numbers,” including those for medicines that reduce the the body in more ways than cholesterol, blood pressure and amount of cholesterol increasing your sugar. made by the liver and cholesterol, Dr. Apurva Shah, a cardiologist help the liver remove says Shah. The with Northside Heart said that cholesterol that is medications help to cholesterol management remains already in the blood, reduce some, but not a cornerstone for treatment of according to the all, of the damage atherosclerotic disease. Those administration. done by unhealthy fatty deposits can narrow arteries, “Unfortunately, lifestyle choices. which is highly dangerous. medications that “Eating poorly and According to heart raise the HDL/good having a sedentary association experts, the plaque cholesterol have lifestyle leads to a buildups are made up of not demonstrated cascade of medical cholesterol, fatty substances, this risk reduction,” issues including cellular waste products, said Shah. Diet and hypertension, PHOTO COURTESY OF NORTHSIDE calcium and fibrin (a clotting exercise are still the hyperlipidemia, HOSPITAL Dr. Apurva Shah material which is in the blood). best way to effectively atherosclerosis,


heart attack, stroke, arthritis, cancer and diabetes,” Shah said. “Patients end up taking multiple medications to counteract these conditions instigated by their unhealthy lifestyle.” Change is what’s needed, but lifestyle changes take time and require support, according to the American Psychological Association (APA). Five suggestions provided on the association’s website include: 1) be specific about your plan; 2) identify realistic goals; 3) change only one behavior at a time; 4) when possible involve a buddy; and 5) ask for the support you need. For example, if your cholesterol numbers are too high, just choose one goal, like changing to a healthier diet or taking a walk every evening after dinner. Once one goal has been met, then work on the second. The APA experts encourage patients not to give up. They say that minor missteps on the road to your goals are normal and okay—resolve to recover and get back on track. “The foundation for cardiovascular health will always be based on a heart healthy diet and exercise program,” said Dr. Shah.

total cholesterol

hdl cholesterol

ldl cholesterol



less than 200

40 or higher

less than 100

less than 149


200 - 239


130 - 159

150 - 199


240 or higher


160 or higher

200 or higher



less than 40





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This tasty salad will add color and healthy nutrition to your holiday table.

Roasted Cranberry, Wild Rice and Kale Salad

Call Valerie Crum 404-728-6963 or email 1825 CLIFTON ROAD NE | ATLANTA, GA 30329 404-728-6600

Makes 4 servings

Ingredients ■ 2 cups fresh cranberries ■ 2 tsp. olive oil ■ 2 tsp. chopped fresh thyme ■ 1 Tbsp. sugar ■ ½ cup chopped pecans, toasted ■ 6 cups Tuscan kale, finely chopped ■ 2 cups cooked wild rice

Maple-Apple Dressing ■ 1½ tsp. Dijon Mustard ■ 3 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar ■ 1 Tbsp. finely chopped shallot ■ 1 Tbsp. 100% pure maple syrup ■ ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil ■ ½ tsp. salt ■ ¼ tsp. fresh ground pepper

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Directions Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Toss cranberries with olive oil, thyme and sugar. Place in a glass baking sheet and roast until softened and slightly caramelized, about 15-20 minutes. Let cool.


kale, chopped pecans, wild rice and roasted cranberries 02 Toss together. In a small bowl, whisk together the mustard, vinegar, shallot, maple syrup, olive oil, salt and pepper. Toss the dressing with the salad and massage until wilted. Serve immediately. Recipe and photo courtesy of The Cranberry Marketing Committee and Alexander Caspero Lenz, RD, of Delish Knowledge

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How to Keep Your Heart Happy During the Holidays By Judi Kanne

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filling half your plate with vegetables and Northside Hospital fruit first to increase Outpatient Dietitians your fiber and make Elyse Sartor and Leah the holiday dinner Galante help patients more of a plant-based better understand how meal. to avoid dangers that Other experts suggest can lurk in succulent a tall glass of water prior holiday meals. to sitting at the dinner For example, they table. PHOTO COURTESY OF encourage roast turkey Fruits rich in pectin, NORTHSIDE HOSPITAL over deep-fried turkey. Leah Galante a type of soluble “Meal preparation fiber, may help lower also matters,” Sartor said. “Some cholesterol. Apples, grapes other positive switches include strawberries and citrus fruits fall whole grain or legume flours into this category, according to instead of refined flour, and lowHarvard Health Publishing. But be fat milk instead of heavy cream.” aware that if you’re taking certain Greek yogurt is a healthy statins, grapefruit, especially in substitute for sour cream, cream juice form, might be a citrus fruit cheese or mayonnaise, added to avoid. Galante. “And olive oil can Although grapefruit juice replace hard fats such as bacon doesn’t affect all statins, it’s best fat or butter. Herbs or spices and to ask your doctor, pharmacist or citrus juices or vinegars can be other healthcare provider if you used instead of salty sauces.” can drink grapefruit juice while She explained that a hearttaking your medication, according healthy diet has lower amounts to the U.S. Food and Drug of cholesterol because it’s mostly Administration and other experts. plants, which are cholesterol Desserts create havoc with our free. “Any meal, holiday or not, diets. Look online for recipes that can be improved to lower your incorporate fruits and vegetables risk for cardiovascular disease,” as healthy substitutes for sugar Galante said. “Emphasize and oil, like: fruits, vegetables, plant-based ● Applesauce in spice muffins or proteins—such as soy, beans and oatmeal cookies peas—and place proper portion ● Mashed bananas in breads and sizes on every plate.” muffins, and The dietitians recommend ● Shredded zucchini in brownies.


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Pet Pick If you like the scruffy type, Steve’s your guy! Despite his white face, he’s actually a young, energetic and playful boy—and super cute, too. Steve is a bold and spunky fella who doesn’t seem to shy away from anything, and he’s affectionate as well. He’ll come when called and lay next to you, putting his head in your lap while looking up with a big whiskery smile... yes, he’s quite the charmer. You can meet this 1 1/2-year-old heartthrob at the Atlanta Humane Society Mansell Campus located at 1565 Mansell Rd., Alpharetta 30009. Call 404-875-5331 or visit atlantahumane. org to find more adoptable pets and learn about becoming a volunteer.

Healthy Holidays!! 5 TIPS FOR OLDER ADULTS TO STAY ACTIVE AND ENGAGED DURING THE HOLIDAYS • Physical activity: Taking a walk after a hearty holiday meal is a good idea for those of any age, but it is particularly beneficial to seniors. • Healthy diet: Lean meats, such as turkey breast, serve as a healthy alternative to red meat. Other “super foods” for older adults that are beneficial in holiday meals are blueberries, flax seed, carrots, eggs, nuts and salmon. • Sharp minds: Designing holiday festivities around skill-based games such as Scrabble, checkers, backgammon or Wii, not only makes the event fun for party-goers, but it can also help seniors enhance cognitive function. • Social ties: While group activities in family homes or senior centers can be the focus of holiday celebrations, aging adults can also benefit from receiving daily calls or emails to help them feel connected to those they care about. • Calmness and Purpose: For some older adults, participating in a religious service helps them maintain a calm center and focus on their life purpose; others may prefer practices such as yoga or meditation.

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►Out & about Holiday Music Christmas with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Saturday, Dec. 9, 2 & 8 p.m.; Sunday, Dec. 10, 3 p.m. The ASO Christmas concert is a tradition for many Atlanta families. The orchestra and chorus perform beloved Christmas carols and hymns, along with their special guests, the Gwinnett Young Singers and the Morehouse Glee Club. Tickets start at $20. The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, 1280 Peachtree St., Atlanta 30309. Find out more at

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Sunday, Dec. 10, 5-8 p.m. Renowned jazz trumpeters Cecil Welch and Joe Gransden join forces for Heritage Sandy Springs’ Heritage Winter Classic, along with guest vocalist Robin Latimore. Tickets are $20 for Heritage Sandy Springs members, $25 for non-members. Advance purchases are strongly encouraged. Complimentary appetizers and desserts are provided. Beer, wine, soda and water are available for purchase with proceeds benefiting Heritage Sandy Springs. Heritage Hall, 6110 Blue Stone Rd., Sandy Springs 30328. Visit for more info and a link to purchase tickets.

A Vivaldi Christmas Tuesday, Dec. 12, 7:30 p.m. The Choral Guild of Atlanta presents Vivaldi’s Gloria and Magnificat with string quartet. Tickets are $15; discounted senior and student tickets are available at the door. Northside Drive Baptist Church, 3100 Northside Dr., Atlanta 30305. Go to for additional info.

Friday, Dec. 15, 6:30 p.m. & Saturday, Dec. 16, 7:30 p.m. Following the Friday service, a light Hanukkah dinner will be served, with latkes and applesauce, soup, salad and sufganiyot for dessert. On Saturday, Nefesh Mountain, a Bluegrass and Old-Time band with a Jewish perspective, presents an energizing Hanukkah concert. The $5 concert admission benefits The Drake House. Temple Beth Tikvah, 9955 Coleman Rd., Roswell 30075. Learn more at, or call 770-642-0434.

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Hanukkah with Nefesh Mountain

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Sunday, Dec. 10, 4 p.m. Celebrate the Christmas season with a performance of Vivaldi’s “Gloria” and other orchestral works, featuring the Dunwoody United Methodist Church Chancel Choir and chamber group, Musica Gloria. Conductor and composer Rev. C.G. Walden III leads the musical celebration. Dunwoody United Methodist Church sanctuary, 1548 Mt. Vernon Rd., Dunwoody 30338. Details at

Open 7 days a week Mon - Sat 10 to 6 Sun Noon to 6


Saturday, Dec. 16, 7:30 p.m. The Johns Creek Symphony Orchestra performs their Twelfth Annual Christmas Gala & Holiday Pops CLEVE HARRY PHOTOGRAPHY concert with the full JCSO and Christmas Gala Chorus conducted by Maestro J. Wayne Baughman. The evening features guest vocalist Timothy Miller, perennial soloist for the Atlanta Braves. Tickets are: seniors, $27; adults, $32; students & children, $16. Johns Creek United Methodist Church, 11180 Medlock Bridge Rd., Johns Creek 30097. Call 678-748-5802 or visit for more info.


Holiday Shows

You’ve worked hard to build your assets, manage your home and raise your family. So why can’t you afford a quality, active senior community?

The Santaland Diaries and Madeline’s Christmas Through Dec. 31. The Horizon Theatre offers its annual one-two punch of holiday cheer. For the adults, it’s David Sedaris’ hilarious “The Santaland Diaries,” with award-winning playwright and actor Topher Payne taking over the role of Crumpet the Elf. For the kids, join French schoolgirl Madeline for a holiday adventure in Paris. Horizon Theatre, 1083 Austin Ave., Atlanta 30307. is the place to go for more info and tickets.

A Christmas at Sweet Apple Dec. 1 to 17. Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays, 8 p.m.; Sunday matinees, 2:30 p.m. This hometown celebration of the season, told through story and song, was written by award-winning Atlanta playwright Phillip DePoy and based on the writings of AJC columnist Celestine Sibley. Tickets are: seniors, $30; adults, $33; students, $22. Dunwoody Stage Players, 5339 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd., Dunwoody 30338. Call the box office, 770-396-1726, for tickets; get more info at Continued on page 28

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Continued from page 27

Polar Express Experience 2017 Saturdays, Dec. 2, 9 and 16, 1, 1:45, 3:30, 4:15 & 6 p.m. Experience the movie “Polar Express” like never before—in an authentic train car. While watching the movie participants will experience some of what is happening on the screen! Tickets are $28.00 per person, and include a train ride and museum admission. All children must be accompanied by an adult, and children under 2 are free with a paying adult, but must sit on the adult’s lap. Cookies, hot chocolate and a special gift are included. Southeastern Railway Museum, 3595 Buford Hwy., Duluth 770-4762013. More at

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Frosty! A Very Merry Musical Dec. 7 to 30. This very merry musical, written by Catherine Bush and Dax Dupuy, will help to lift your holiday spirits. Tickets from $15 to $30. Theatre on the Square, 11 Whitlock Ave., Marietta 30064. Details and tickets at

A Christmas Carol: The Musical Dec. 8 to 24. Fridays & Saturdays, 7:30 p.m.; Sundays, 2 p.m. Celebrate the holidays with the beloved Dickens classic, reimagined by the creative team of Elm Street. This musical will warm your heart whether it’s your first or fiftieth time seeing it. Tickets are $15 in advance, $18 at the door. Elm Street Cultural Arts Village, 8534 Main St., Woodstock 30188. Go to to learn more.

The Nutcracker Dec. 8 to 28. The Atlanta Ballet presents the holiday classic that delights all audiences, the young and the young at heart. Tickets go from $25 to $129. Performed at the Fox Theatre, 660 Peachtree St., Atlanta 30308. Purchase tickets and get info at

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Holiday Musical Shows Dec. 15 to Dec. 31. There’s non-stop fun and celebration at Cumming Playhouse this season. There’s “Christmas Classics” on Friday, Dec. 15, 8 p.m.; the North Georgia Barbershop Singers’ Christmas show on Saturday, Dec. 16, 8 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 17, 3 p.m.; “Hope for Christmas” on Tuesday, Dec. 19, 8 p.m.; Sounds of Suwanee Christmas Concert on Friday, Dec. 22, 8 p.m.; and a big band New Year’s Eve with the Sentimental Journey Orchestra on Sunday, Dec. 31, 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets are $20 except the New Year’s Eve show, which starts at $25. The Cumming Playhouse, 101 School St., Cumming 30041. Call 770-781-9178 or visit for info and tickets.

Holiday Organ Concert and Sing-Along Tuesday, Dec. 19, 7:30 p.m. This year’s annual concert features the original version of the 1947 film “Miracle on 34th Street.” Tickets start at $2.50. Fox Theatre, 660 Peachtree St., Atlanta 30308. Go to for tickets.

Dancing with the Stars: Live! Light Up the Night Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2018, 7:30 p.m. Fans of the popular TV dance show have a chance to see the best ballroom dancers in the business onstage at the Fox. Tickets from $56 to $121.50. Fox Theatre, 660 Peachtree St., Atlanta 30308. has info and tickets.

Holiday Events Santa at Rhodes Hall Weekends, Dec. 2-17. The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation will host the 20th Annual Santa at Rhodes Hall. There’ll be holiday music, refreshments, art activities and, of course, visits with Santa during personal appointments. Family admission and a 5×7 photo with Santa is $40. Guests may bring their own cameras or video recorders for an additional $20. Proceeds benefit the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation. Rhodes Hall, 1516 Peachtree St., Atlanta 30309. Spaces are limited and appointments are a must. Got to or call 404-885-7812.

Sanders Family Christmas 2017

Nov. 24-Dec. 10 Thurs, Fri, Sat @ 8 pm/3 pm Mat. Sat. & Sun.

Forsyth Philharmonic 2017 Dec. 13 Wed. @ 7 pm

Christmas Classics 2017 Dec. 15 Fri. @ 8 pm

North Georgia Barber Shop Singers “Christmas 2017” Dec. 16-17 Sat. @ 8 pm & Sun. 3 pm

Holiday Shopping Market

Sunday, Dec. 10, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Local artisans will be on hand at the Yaarab Temple (400 Ponce de Leon Ave., Atlanta 30308) for the annual Indie Craft Experience (ICE) show. If you’re looking for original, one-of-a-kind art, gifts and more this event is not to be missed. If you do manage to miss it, you can still shop through Dec. 23 at the ICE headquarters in Candler Park, 1390 McLendon Ave., Atlanta 30307. For more information, visit

Christmas Tour of Homes & Holiday Market Sunday, Dec. 10. Market 12-6 p.m.; tour 3-8 p.m. Along with the featured homes, points of interest include the Little Tree Gallery and Avondale Baptist Church. Tickets are $15, but increase to $20 on the day of the tour. More info at

Cumming Playhouse Singers “Christmas 2017” Dec. 19 Tues. @ 8 pm

Sounds of Sawnee Christmas Concert 2017 Dec. 22 Fri. @ 8 pm

Sentimental Journey Orchestra 2017 - New Year’s Eve (2 Shows) Dec. 31 Sun. @ 3 & 8 pm Big Band Music! New Year’s Eve Event! Come Join The Fun!

FOR TICKETS: 770.781.9178

Menorah Lighting & Hanukkah Celebration Tuesday, Dec. 12-Thursday, Dec. 14, 5:15-6 p.m. Everyone is invited to enjoy three days of Hanukkah celebrations at Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta (MJCCA). Each night features songs followed by the lighting of the Hanukkah Menorah and a short performance. Complimentary sufganiyot (jelly donuts) and hot chocolate are offered. Free and open to the community and MJCCA members. MJCCA Zaban Park campus, 5342 Tilly Mill Rd., Dunwoody 30338. Get information at, or contact Rabbi Glusman at 678-812-4161.

Holiday Meet and Eat Thursday, Dec. 14, 12-2 p.m. Join us for this festive and fun-filled afternoon where you will enjoy a scrumptious meal consisting of pot roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, salad, roll and dessert. Pebblebrook High School’s choral group, Phoenix, performs live. $12 for Cobb residents, $14.00 for non-residents. This fundraiser benefits the senior center. Freeman Poole Senior Center, 4025 S. Hurt Rd., Smyrna 30082. For details, visit or call 770-801-3400.

Bonfire & Marshmallow Roast Thursday, Dec. 14, 7-8 p.m. Roast a marshmallow around a roaring 10-foot by 10-foot bonfire blazing in Decatur Square. The event is free, but reservations are recommended, through freshtix. com, so plenty of marshmallows are available. Find out more at

Continued on page 30



Continued from page 29

Hanukkah Trivia Game Night Thursday, Dec. 14, 8 p.m. A fast-paced, competitive game night with amazing food and drinks. For 21 and older only. $28 per person for Beth Jacob members; $35 per person for non-members. Heritage Hall, Beth Jacob Atlanta, 1855 Lavista Rd., Atlanta 30309. RSVP and learn more at

Eggnog and Mittens Friday, Dec. 15, 3-4:50 p.m. Celebrate this magical time of year with Donna’s famous eggnog, cookies and the Good Time Band. Our tree will be set up to be decorated with donations of new mittens, scarves and hats, which will be given to MUST Ministries. Sponsored by The Solana East Cobb. Admission price is mittens, a scarf or a hat. East Cobb Senior Center, 3332 Sandy Plains Rd., Marietta 30066. More info at or by calling 770-509-4900.

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Decatur Square Candle Lighting & Hanukah Party Monday, Dec. 18, 6-8 p.m. Celebrate the Festival of Lights with the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta (MJCCA) Intown and Chabad Intown for a special Menorah Lighting in Decatur Square. There’ll be songs, holiday crafts, latkes and jelly donuts. Free. Open to MJCCA members and the community. Decatur Square, 115 Sycamore St., Decatur 30030. Contact Lauren Chekanow at 678-812-4107 or visit for details.

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Fridays, Dec. 15 & 22, 5:30-9:30 p.m. Visitors are invited to stroll through the beautifully decorated gardens and grounds of the Atlanta History Center and enjoy a lively Christmas Market. Holiday traditions come alive in the three historic houses—the Wood Family Cabin, Swan House and Smith Family Farm. $20 for adults, $15 for members and $10 for children. Atlanta History Center, 130 West Paces Ferry Rd., Atlanta 30305. Find out more at

2348 Benson Poole Rd. Smyrna, GA 30082

Christmas at Callanwolde Through Dec. 12, 12-8 p.m. daily. The historic mansion and grounds are decked out in holiday finery. There are selfguided tours of the elaborately decorated home, an artists’ market, performances and more. Tickets are $20 online and $25 at the door. Callanwolde Fine Arts Center, 980 Briarcliff Rd., Atlanta 30306. For tickets and info, go to

Macy’s Pink Pig Through Dec. 31. Macy’s Pink Pig once again carries children of all ages through a life-sized storybook filled with friends and fun beneath the signature 170-foot, 1950’s themed Pink Pig tent. General admission is $3; a portion of the profits benefits Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Lenox Square, 3393 Peachtree Rd., Atlanta 30326. Call 404-231-2796 or 404-231-2959 for more info.


Stone Mountain Christmas Through Jan. 3. The true magic of the season is in the air at Stone Mountain Park. The many treats include Skylights Spectacular, an immersive walk-through experience of lights and music, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer 4-D, Christmas parades and a variety of holiday performances. Tickets prices vary. Stone Mountain Park, 1000 Robert E. Lee Blvd., Stone Mountain, 30083. Call 1-800-401-2407 or visit to find out more.

Skate the Sky at PCM Through Feb. 14. Head to The Roof at Ponce City Market for ice-skating with a view. Tickets are $25 per person for 50 minutes of skating and includes skate rental. After 5 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, skating is for ages 21 and over only. Ponce City Market, 675 Ponce de Leon Ave., Atlanta 30308. Visit for more information.

Garden Lights, Holiday Nights Through Jan. 7. The Atlanta Botanical Garden in Midtown transforms into a glowing wonderland every night with millions of lights. This year’s event features “Nature’s Wonders,” a new high-tech curtain-like display of vertical lights synchronized with music and sound effects to highlight the universe’s incredible natural phenomena. Atlanta Botanical Garden, 1345 Piedmont Ave., Atlanta 30309. Ticket information and details at

Marietta Square Winter Wonderland Through Jan. 7. Enjoy open air ice skating at Marietta Square. Rink admission is $12 and includes skate rental. Marietta Square, 50 N Park Square, Marietta, 30060. has the schedule and more details.

RESOURCES directory

The Rink at Park Tavern Through Feb. 19. The Rink at Park Tavern in Piedmont Park offers all day skate sessions, birthday parties for kids, a New Year’s Eve party and more. Park Tavern, 500 10th St., Atlanta 30309. Information available at

Olde Town on Ice Through Feb. 25. A real, open air ice skating rink in Conyer’s Olde Town Pavilion, set beside a beautiful botanical garden. There’s covered and uncovered skating, a party room available for events and a snack bar serving hot chocolate, nachos and more. $10 per skater, includes rental skates if needed. Olde Town Conyers Pavilion, 949 S. Main St., Conyers 30012. Call 678-374-7655 for info, and check schedule at


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