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Aris Theatre Brings a Giant Legend to Life

Ireland is a land of many legends, and among them, one legend looms large. So large, it’s giant. And that giant is Finn McCool, a loveable rogue who is as likely to get into trouble as he is to make it. In one of Finn’s most famous escapades, he challenges another giant, Benandonner, to a slanging match. The problem is, Bendandonner is a Scottish giant…in Scotland. But a little thing like the Irish Sea won’t stand in Finn’s way. In order to reach Scotland and duel his nemesis, Finn builds a giant causeway across the Irish Sea.

The result of Finn’s legendary efforts is something we can still see (and stand on) today: the Giant’s Causeway, on the coast of County Antrim, Northern Ireland is a UNESCO World Heritage Site comprising tens of thousands of interlocking, hexagonal volcanic basalt columns. A geological wonder, the Giant’s Causeway is one of the most popular attractions in Northern Ireland today.

But what happens when Finn builds this causeway? What follows next is the stuff of legend and laughter, and the subject of a new play by Atlanta’s stage for Celtic culture, Arís Theatre.

Arís brings this magical, mythical tale to life in their June 2023 production of The Legend of Finn McCool, written and composed by Arís co-founder Rob Shaw-Smith. This rollicking all-ages show is Arís’ first musical, and the songs are as entertaining and delightful as the comedy and the characters.

Arís has produced theatrical and literary works of Celtic origin and import in Atlanta for 10 years, presenting works from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, classic and modern, Brian Friel and Enda Walsh, George Costigan and Marina Carr, bringing to life Byron, Owen and Sassoon, Robert Burns and Leopold Bloom. And now, Finn McCool, the Irish Giant.

The Legend of Finn McCool is produced in part with generous support from the Government of Ireland Emigrant Support program through the Consulate of Ireland, Atlanta.

The Legend of Finn McCool plays at the Academy Theatre in Hapeville from June 14 to June 25.

For tickets and more information, please visit www.aristheatre.org.

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