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Beth El Synagogue News


The High Holiday season was devoted to improving relations between the 2 main Jewish groups in the city- Beth El Synagogue and the Jewish Community Havura. We decided that this would be an opportune moment to have combined High Holiday services. This was accomplished as most members of both groups saw the valuable necessity of combining forces, especially in the time of the pandemic.


There were several meetings. The main prayer leaders- Elizabeth Loder and Michael Paul worked out a method of combining both Machzorim for the services.

Over both days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, there were minyanim and most attendees who came to the Synagogue, thoroughly enjoyed the services, Divrei Torah and the Torah readings.

We have been fortunate to have been allowed to continue with weekly services on Friday evenings and Shabbat mornings. Since May 2020 we have continued uninterruptedly. Unfortunately, we could not have communal meals over the Rosh HaShanah period, nor over Chanukah, but as soon as restrictions are lifted, both groups have committed to continue combining services and light refreshments.

We are now planning our Passover food orders and possibly see what we can do regarding community seders.

A Holocaust Memorial Service is being worked upon, and it is hoped that a lecture written by retired Memorial University historian and author- Dr Gerhard Bassler, will be published in the local paper on International Holocaust Memorial Day- January 27.

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