2 minute read
Your Life, My Autograph
As told by my colleague, Rabbi YY Jacobson: There’s a Jewish lady by the name of Sonya Tumarkin.
She was born in the USSR. She grew up under persecution, starvation and hunger.
She emigrated with her family to the United States in 1989.
Sonya was fortunate to be at the National Constitution Centre in Philadelphia in 2008, where
George W. Bush was awarding Mikhail Gorbachev with the Liberty Medal, the highest honour.
Mr. Gorbachev was being rewarded for his work in ending the cold war, taking down the Berlin wall and dismantling the Soviet Union.
Sonya couldn’t believe her eyes. Growing up in difficult circumstances, she never even dreamt she would witness such an event. Mr. Gorbachev was recognized for dismantling the Soviet Union in front of hundreds of people.
Today, Judaism in Russia is flourishing! There are over 200 public Menorah lightings besides the big Menorah that’s lit every year in the Red Square in Moscow!
Sonya says that at the award ceremony she needed to use the bathroom. She asked one of the guards how to get there and when she came out, lo and behold, Mr. Gorbachev was standing right in front of her!
She opens her mouth and says: “Mr Gorbachev. I’m so grateful for everything you’ve done for me, for my family, for the Jews of Russia, the citizens of Russia. Can you please give me your autograph so that I may carry this day with me forever?”
Without missing a beat, Mikhail Gorbachev looked at her and said: “Your life is my autograph”.
We sometimes ask: Where is G-d?
The very existence of the Jewish people is G-d’s autograph.
Let’s face it, without Divine assistance we have no chance and we had no chance of survival.
Look at Judaism around the world today! Over a thousand years after the destruction of the temple, may it be speedly rebuilt, and Judaism is flourishing all across the globe.
Despite all the suffering, destruction and trauma, here we are to tell the tale.
I have a suggestion. Think about someone else. Once a week or even once a month.
Think about someone whose sun has set. Think about someone that needs inspiration. Think about someone that needs a boost, that needs some help.
Be the light for him or her! Be that inspiration! Reach out to them!
Make their life, your autograph. Have a warm and healthy winter!