3 minute read
After an amazing Passover holiday, we were treated to Fishel’s story over Zoom on Tuesday May 10th. Fishel was born in Mielnica, Ukraine in 1933. His father had a grain export business but it all came to a halt in 1942 when Fishel and his family were forced into a ghetto near the town of Borszczow, Ukraine.
* * * When the Nazis started liquidating the ghetto, the family managed to escape to a nearby forest and was later hidden by a farmer until the end of the war. Fishel had us all glued to the screen for 2 hours which included copious questions and answers. Despite everything he lived through, he is a man of faith and has a positive outlook in life. * * * The “Friendship Circle” (Chabad’s branch catering to children with special needs) activities are going strong. We hosted an inclusive Drum Circle and social in May and a complimentary Photo Shoot at the end of July. We are looking for sponsors for our dedicated website and hope to have it up and running before September. * * * After Passover we started a monthly Shabbat service followed by a lavish Kiddush. Before praying Mussaf we sit together for a brief class on the Parsha of the week which was greatly enjoyed. Thank you to the Barnes family for sponsoring the last Kiddush! * * * The community was eager to come together after years of Covid restrictions and Chabad was able to host once again the community Lag B’omer BBQ. Besides the great food, everyone loved the company even more. Rabbi Chernitsky shared a Lag B’omer positive thought to take home and we finished the evening by roasting marshmallows, yum!
* * * Another tradition we hadn’t been able to celebrate is the Shavuot Ice Cream Party.
Thank G-d, once again we were able to have everyone over for the reading of the Ten Commandments, cheesecake and ice cream. This year we were joined by Rabbis Schneur Ehven and Mendy Uhrmacher, both students at the Morristown, New Jersey Yeshiva. They were sent to Newfoundland to help with the minyan and Shavuot festivities.
Have a healthy fall! S
We are open 24/7 (with social distancing practices). For more information you can reach us at 709-341-8770 or through e-mail at chabadofnewfoundland@gmail.com.
PHOTOS: (1-2) Lag B’omer BBQ; (3) Friendship Circle - Drum Circle activity; (4) Holocaust survivor, Fishel Goldig
News from the Hebrew Congregation of NL
BY MICHAEL PAUL MD, PRESIDENT With the summer months in full swing, many of our members are away on holidays.
We are actively planning our High Holiday services in conjunction with the Havura. * * * Over the Labour Day weekend, we will be celebrating the conversion of Esther Herat, who has studied under the supervision of Rabbi A Bright of Montreal. Whereas the conversion will be occurring in Montreal, the celebrations will happen in St John’s. Mazal Tov to Esther—for your long years of studying and devotion to your plans. * * * Recently much energy has been spent dealing with potential / threatened attacks on the Synagogue, and an Anti-Semitic ad campaign on the local buses. We have had the assistance of CAEF, Bnai Brith and the AJC. * * * We wish everyone a Happy New Year, an easy Yom Kippur fast and an enjoyable Sukkot and Simchas Torah. S