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Since our last article in this Magazine we celebrated Lag Ba’Omer and Sukkot. * * * First of all, a very hearty Mazal-tov to Goldie Johnston who has recently entered her 90th year. Goldie has long been President of Sisterhood of Tiferes Israel Congregation and has spent many many hours doing all kinds of things for our Shul. Thank you very much Goldie. Our best wishes and may you live till 120!
Same hearty wishes and Mazal-tov for Harry (Tut) Gorber who has entered his 91th year. May you also live till 120! * * * As usual, the bulletins from the congregation can be seen and downloaded from tiferesisrael.com. Do not hesitate to go on this website to see more details. * * * The synagogue has been able to maintain a minyan every Shabbat Morning (with one exception).
* * * The community is happy to welcome new families. Three new families can be mentioned. Darcie and Leigh Lampert with their three children, the Shmuely family with their five children (two sets of twins!) and Rhoda and Steven Fransblow. Welcome to all three families.
* * * We still hope that some of the other Israeli families who recently came to the area will join us. Quite a number of them do participate in our social events. * * * On Shabbat Balak (July 16) Ethan Tolmasov, son of Arik and Kati become Bar-Mitzvah. A special kiddush, with beautiful food prepared by Sisterhood, followed the religious services. * * * On Shabbat Nachamu (August 13) Noam Shmuely is becoming Bar-Mitzvah. * * * At Lag Ba’Omer, a large group got together for a bonfire on the property of Betty Rubin-Druckman. It was a beautiful affair with lots of joy. It was nice to hear the noise made by over 70 participants, among them, many children. See photo. Thank you, Emmanuel Maicas, for setting up the bonfire!
* * * On the second day of Shavuot (June 6), a large crowd gathered in the Shul. Aviya Kohn had prepared a beautiful event with activities for children and scrumptious food—see the pictures! * * * JIAS asked us to look after a Ukrainian Mother who has escaped the war and came with a 4-month-old baby as well as a 2-years old daughter. The community has been very generous. A good amount of money was raised and people have come forwards to help with furniture and baby items. Thank you to the Maicas family for lodging them. Thank you to all those who contributed to the items donated. * * * Mona Vender organised a beautiful reception for the unveiling of the monument for Joe Vender, z”l. Sisterhood prepared the reception that took place in the lobby of the Shul. * * * Eitan Izichkis, Ury El and Arik Talmasov have been very generous with their time to prepare the weekly Torah readings. Toda raba to all three.
* * * The community can be very proud of its children. Here is a brief review of their accomplishments.
Bryson R.-J. and Eli D. are in Israel with Canadian Young Judea (Biluim).
Sophia, Benjamín and Bella M. as well as Samuel H, Ketorah R.-J, Chloe R., two Waks kids and Noam & Livi S. all went to Camp Kadimah this summer.
Quite a few young people graduated: Julie Arsenault from U de Moncton (law), Joshua Makarov from UNB (economics), Liel Izichkis from U de Moncton (premed.), Shelly Langleben from college, Joshua Weinberg-Filmore and Zev Davidson from High School.
Samuel Haller was selected by his teachers as valedictorian of the grade 8 graduating class. He is MVP of his basketball team.
His brother, Joshua, attended a basketball camp in NYC and was chosen (among 170 kids) as the recipient of the coaches’ award.
Mazal Tov to all! You kids are great! * * * Wishing all a very healthy and prosperous year 5783. תכרובמו הבוט הנש S
PHOTOS: (1) Lag Ba’Omer; (2-4) Shavuot celebration