Franck Darnet Design : 10 Years of Creation
Press Kit December 2008 Public Relation Officer: CÊcile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
Portrait of Franck DARNET: the design and the sea
page 3
7 questions to Franck DARNET: the art of space
page 4
The agency: from Nantes… to Miami
page 6
10 years of design: Flashback on accomplished projects and a glance at the future missions - yachts « à la carte »
page 8
- the greatest Motor Yachts
page 9
- the biggest yachts
page 10
- a series of yachts
page 11
- the motor boats in series
page 13
- on land : some original accomplishments
page 14
- underwater residences
page 15
- on freshwater : the fluvial
page 16
10 years of creation : 10 numbers
page 17
Summarised table of achievements of shipyards and architects
page 18
Detailed pictures of the cabin and living room of Nahema
page 20
Detailed pictures of Sunrise 45M
page 21
Detailed pictures of the H2ome
page 22
The attached CD-Rom consists of a compilation of pictures presented in the press kit, details of each project, a supplementary portrait of Franck Darnet and the main designers of his team (Damien Pineau – Samer Lasta – Giulia Sola) Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
Public Relation Officer: CÊcile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
Portrait « My life has always been animated by two passions: design and the sea. »
It’s in his blood… The youngest child of a family of decorators would, during winter, pace up and down in his father’s furniture design compagny and in the summer on the pontoons of Brittany. In 1990, after 5 years of stydying in the Art School of Design, Ecole BOULLE, and a freshly graduate, he joined the group FINOT. J-M Finot- an architect for whom BENETEAU has a predilection - he discovered naval design and rapidly specialised in the conception of interior design. For 6 years he mainly designed a series of interior accommodation for BENETEAU as well as individually sold yachts for private customers. Experience of the sea to the service of design In 1994, he and his wife embarked on a sailing world tour on board on Ovni 43’. While discovering the magnificent southern hemisphere; he studied life on board a yacht. His clients, more particularly private owners and shipyards are today sharing the benefit of his experience. In 1996 he joined Seine Design Company, as a project manager, with the responsibility to design the Parisian Busboat. To his nautical design knowledge he added the one of fluvial design. In 1998, strengthened from these experiences, he created his own agency located on the shores of the river Erdre in Nantes. His work started with more than 10 individual yacht orders for private customers. He was, thus, solicited to work on the conception of a series of yachts for BENETEAU, ALLURES YACHTING, and OUTREMER Professor of interior naval architecture at DPEA in Nantes, he also trains the future professionals of the nautical world. Greater and greater… Today, his conceptions are carried out on the greatest sizes of motor and sailing yachts (40 to 52m) and innovative land projects ever. He draws sea worch ships with an innovative and aesthetic design. His trademark is the study of luminance and space.
Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
Franck DARNET The art of space What or who helped you to find this vocation? I couldn’t manage separating my two passions: sailing and design, so I combined them together! I was impressed by Phillipe STARK’s contribution in 1987 to the interior design of First 35S5 and, with lot of interests, I followed the first works of Patrick Roséo. I had the opportunity to work for one of the leading naval architectural companies Groupe FINOT, even though I was a young post graduate. I soon realized among the architects that something was missing, a specific work on the interior design. Thus, I created my own company to fill this emptiness. What’s your design style? I try to design a very pleasant and luminous environment, one that gives a delightful and spacious sensation. I address every new project with the same objective: optimise the sensation of space. My concept is to develop a genuine Art of space. For the sailboats, I try to make them sea worch boat with the adapted ergonomics for the type of navigation. How can you optimize this sensation of space? Just a few millimetres, joggling with curves or grooves can change the perception of space. I feel satisfied when the client feels a greater spacious sensation of space with respect to the real volume. How do you meet the demands of your customers? I listen attentively to their desires. I always put myself in parallel to a chef de cuisine: the customer tells us his taste and we convert it into a delicious dish… I guide him through the ranges of colours and I especially propose the good materials. I also have a perfect knowledge of materials, woods, textiles, and of new materials, it’s very important to know to work on light and comfort. For every project, I work with 3 principles: Optimize volume by expanding the visual perception Find the perfect line for each furniture Adapting the functionality of the interior arrangements to the lifestyle and habits of the future owners as well as crew members.
Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
What type of decoration do you propose? To the European shipyards I propose rather contemporary interiors with pure lines and warm colours. But I also adapt to the desires of my clients. I love going from one style to next and meeting their demands. Some of these clients dream of being in a traditional yacht while others, of an extremely contemporary environment. I love this type of diversity. How do your orders come in? My orders come in from shipyards, architects or even from brokers. But certain clients come directly to me. Actually it varies. Which shipyard do you work with? What are your perspectives? I’ve worked with more than 25 different shipyards and practically all of the most famous naval architects. I love to have long lasting relationships with the shipyards. It is usually with them that the most beautiful projects are achieved. Likewise, our clientele has been expanding more and more internationally and our big projects have been growing. This is one of the reasons for opening our Miami agency directed by Karine Rousseau. The management of these 2 teams, separated by the ocean, can generate constraints, but that’s the bearer of newness, stimulation, artistic and technical exchanges.
Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
The agency
A team with a multiple competences. The agency located on the shores of the river Erdre in Nantes comprises of 6 staff members :
A yacht interior designer
An architect DPLG and DPEA in Nantes specialised in info graphic 3D images
An industrial designer - DPEA naval architecture - specialised in furniture and textile
A manager of technical interior design projects (former manager of the Royal Suites of Queen Mary 2 project)
A communication coordinator
An executive assistant
Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
An agency going towards the world market The Nantes agency has added to its technical competence the command of the English, Italian and Arabic languages. In addition, the demand in the world market led Franck Darnet Design to create in 2005 a second agency in Miami in partnership with Karine Rousseau, a French decorator who has been established in Miami for 10 years. On the premises, the staff also consists of 6 members and combined with her knowledge of the American market, is equipped with infographic and renderings.
Focus Karine ROUSSEAU A former student of Art School of Design, Ecole Boulle, Karine Rousseau worked for famous people in the world of French decoration before creating her own agency of interior architecture in Miami. The two agencies started collaborating for the conception of MY.LAZZARA 110’ built in the USA. The Miami team works essentially on the conception of luxurious decorations, renderings and land projects such as hotels or underwater residences.
Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
10 years of creation Flashback on accomplished projects and a glance at the future missions
Yachts « à la carte » The agency began its activity by working on the conception of interior designs for yachts for private owners; a real know-how ‘a la carte’ that met the exact needs of the clients. On the agency’s drawing boards one can thus see the coexistence of:
Contemporary interior designs (LEVANA 75’ - 23m / WHIMSY 78’ - 24m) The most traditional choices (ALDEBARAN 69’ - 21m) truly inspired from the marine style of Edouard VII (VIRGO or VIVA I 93’- 29m)
The most Spartan interiors answering to the lightness constraints or those of some ambitious sportsmen (MAG 85’ /ADP 52’).
The greatest motor yachts Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
The agency has been designing an increasing number of big unities the last three years:
Le LAZZARA 110’ -33m, a motor yacht built in the USA has a very conventional style.
With SUNRISE YACHTS : a series of Motor Yachts of 45 m. The compagny develops on a variety of interior arrangement offers in order to meet the various requirements of an international clientele : 6 types of designs are proposed from the most conventional to the most contemporary. This range of diverse styles adapts to the constraints of realization of the shipyards and allows one to minimise the construction time for this yacht.
The « Shetland » version, of a conventional British and cosy style, is adorned with dark coloured makore.
In the « Melody » version oak goes very well with marble in all elegance.
Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
The biggest yachts (+ 30 m) The NAHEMA 120’ -35 m is a catamaran currently under construction at NAHEMA-H2X in Marseille, made of composite. A very subtle mixture of clear wood, textile, leather and steel compile a simply refined color’s range that highlights the extremely contemporary lines. Franck Darnet remains vigilant towards the light weight materials used in order to respect the velocity objective fixed for the boat.
In the living area, sliding bay windows disappearing in the walls allowing a fusion with the living room and the cockpit.
The cabins respond to the demands of our time with an area for bath which is discretely integrated in the cabin, without a visual rupture.
The studies on the NAHEMA 150’ -45m has begun : the future biggest catamaran on sail ever built, will have a helicopter landing strip. The first images of the boat offer an extremely luminous contemporary universe and embellished with high tech details.
A series of yachts « The masterworks » of the agency : a series of yachts ranging from 12 to 24m in size : Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
For BENETEAU : Franck DARNET created first of all the BENETEAU 57’ -17.5m. It is the biggest yacht proposed in the lines of BENETEAU. Its interior has an elegant contemporary style.
In the living area a wide banquette gives the feeling of being in a real living room. This impression is confirmed by the details used such as lights or even a folding chair which is specifically designed for the series of BENETEAU by Franck Darnet. The makore is varnished golden- brown contrasting with a very clear fabrics. As of today, BENETEAU has already sold 80 units.
The series of CYCLADES 39’/43’ and 50’ -12 to 15m : the style is modern, illuminated by a white ceiling and well researched openings. It has marine arrangements : the « u » shaped kitchen is studied for use during heel. Aesthetic has not been sacrificed for functionality. BENETEAU has already sold 890 unities.
In 2003, ALLURES YACHTING called on FRANCK DARNET DESIGN to realize the ALLURES 44’ afterwards 40’ and then 51’.
Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
In cooperation with other architects BERRET-RACOUPEAU, the agency designed a luminous interior destined for seafaring and familial use.
For OUTREMER, Franck DARNET worked on a « relooking » on this line without changing the spirit of these catamarans.
Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
The motor boats in series In 2004, 2 series of yachts were entrusted to the compagny by the VZ shipyard (Italy). These marine spirit motor yachts, designed by Joël Bretécher, have a contemporary interior.
For ARCOA (Mystic 60’ - 17m), Franck DARNET has drawn a contemporary and warm interior. This motor yacht attends to in particular the panoramic vision of the salon. The colours shades upon shade are soft. The MYSTIC 60’ was presented at the Boat Show in Paris 2007.
Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
On land: some original accomplishments… An ecological hotel spa Yves Rocher Hotel: this ecological hotel, located in La Gacilly (Britanny), will offer a vegetative spa and also have an organic gourmet restaurant. The materials used have to comply with the objectives of preservation of the environment.
Modern and luxurious motor-homes For the first time in 2007, ESTEREL group, one of the world’s leading motor caravan dealers, solicited for an interior designer to create a luxurious and innovative motor caravan. The result is a leisure vehicle that changes radically with the passed realisations: the design of the style is contemporary and elegant. The success of ESTEREL’s experiment has led the group RAPIDO to entrust to the company the study of two other projects.
Underwater residences … Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
It may seem like an excerpt from a Jules Verne novel, but the magnificent H2OME and its novel approach to the life aquatic is a reality. H2OME has been designed by the principals and engineers of U.S. Submarines, Inc. coupled with the technical and artistic interiors co-created by Franck Darnet Design and Karine Rousseau Design Studio. These houses will be built ‘à la carte’ throughout the globe - from shallow warm seas ( 10 to 18 m in depth), to island lagoons, remote fjord or island lakes. Each residence of 3,600 square foot (340 m2) will be accessible to the embankment by boat, helicopter or submarine. The underwater house will be equipped with three bedrooms, bathroom, living-room and a kitchen with a permanent direct view of the seabed. Everything was calculated by the creators of this project including the fact of creating a coral reef to the proximity of each site.
Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
On fresh water : the fluvial VOGUEO The agency recently participated in the conception of VOGUEO, a transportation boat for passengers on the river Seine. Franck Darnet Design worked on the exterior lines, the spaciousness and the interior arrangements. The back deck, recalling the old Paris bus platforms, must be a delight for the Parisian in sunny days.
Public Relation Officer: CÊcile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
Extra 10 years 10 years of creation = 10 numbers
80 % of the agency’s projects concern yachting 1200 yachts drawn by the agency Franck Darnet Design of which : 45 m : the biggest yacht drawn 12 m : the smallest one
340 m2 of accommodation in your next underwater houses 510 m2 of accommodation in the MY. SUNRISE 45m
6 staff members working in Nantes 6 staff members working in Miami
1998 : date of creation of the agency 25 shipyards relied upon him
Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
Tableau synthétique des réalisations par chantier et architecte Nos références (Liste non exhaustive)-Main achievements (No complete list)
YACHTS de moins de 18 mètres - Yachts up to 60’ Date étude
Chantier – Architecte (shipyard/architect)
Caractéristiques (Characteristics)
ALLIAGE - France Archi. : Berret Racoupeau
Alliage 41' Alliage 44' Série (range)
SY - aménagement sportif contemporain (sports and contemporary fittings)
ARCHAMBAULT - France Archi. : Joubert-Nivelt
Sprint 50'
SY - relooking personnalisé (customized refit)
BENETEAU - France Archi. : Farr
TRESCO - France Archi. : Finot-Conq
ALLURES YACHTING - France Archi. : Berret-Racoupeau
Allures 40’ Allures 44' Série (range)
SY - 27 unités vendues (27 sold units)
BENETEAU - France Archi. : Berret- Racoupeau
Cyclades 39’ Cyclades 43’ Cyclades 50’ Série (range)
SY - 890 unités vendues (890 sold units)
Jericho 16 M
MY - classique (classic cruiser)
Bateaux Parisiens/STIF France Archi. : Joubert-Nivelt
Voguéo - Paris 12M
ALLURES Yachting – France Archi. : Berret-Racoupeau
Beneteau 57' Série (range)
ADP 52'
Allures 51' Série (range)
SY - voilier amiral de Beneteau 76 unités vendues (76 sold units) SY - prototype contemporain (modern)
Bateau transport passagers sur la Seine (river Seine public transport) SY - Aluminium (aluminium)
A l’étude (under development)
NAUTITECH – France Archi. : Lombard
Nautitech 54' Série (range)
SY - catamaran
Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
OUTREMER – France Archi. : Outremer
Outremer 49’ Série (range)
SY - catamaran
YACHTS de plus de 18 mètres (+60’) - Yachts +60’ Date étude
Chantier – Architecte
GARCIA - France Archi. : Joubert-Nivelt
MAG - France Archi. : Simonis
CNB - France Archi. : Cabon
JFA - France Archi. : Barracuda Yacht design
VZ - Italie Archi. : Bretecher
VZ 20 M VZ 24 M Série (range)
MY - rapide (fast motor Yacht) 8 unités vendues (8 sold units )
VAUDREY MILLER - Nouvelle Zélande Archi. : Briand
78' Whimsy (24M)
SY - contemporain (contemporary style)
GARCIA - France Archi. : Vaton
Poil de carotte - 110' (33M)
Lazzara 110’ (37M)
ARCOA - France Archi : Joubert - Meyran
Nom (Name)
Levana 75’ (23M) 85' (25M) « La folie des grains d’air » Virgo 93'/ Viva I (29M) Aldebaran 69’ (21 M )
Mystic 60’
Caractéristiques (Characteristics)
SY - Contemporain (contemporary style) SY - Prototype de course (Racing prototype) SY - style anglais (English style) SY - classique (classical)
SY - contemporain (modern style) MY MY - contemporain (contemporary style)
A l’étude (under development) 2007
Turkey shipyard Archi : Tom Fexas
SUNRISE Yachts Ltd Turquie Plan: Scanu/Karatas
NAHEMA / H2X - France Archi. : Vaton
Commander 84’ (25 M) SUNRISE 45M 2 unités en construction (2 units under construction)
Nahema120’ (35M)
MY - classic cruiser MY - 6 types d’aménagements proposes (6 types of design offered ) SY - catamaran contemporain Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
NAHEMA / H2X - France Archi. : Vaton
Nahema150’ (46M)
SY - catamaran contemporain
Nahema 120
Nahema 150’
Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
Sunrise 45M
Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
Public Relation Officer: CÊcile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37
Report : Guylène Darnet Correction of page setting : Cécile Nollet Visual and artistic choices : Giulia Sola Translation : Nickeisha Kerr Acknowledgement to partners : Sapristi (pictures) Idoine (website) Fine Consulting
Agency in Nantes: 37, Quai de Versailles - 44000 Nantes - France Tèl: (33) 2 40 08 06 37 - Fax: (33) 2 40 08 07 37 Agency in Miami: 250 NW 23rd Street - # 209 - Miami, Florida - 33127 USA Tel: (1) 305 517 70 74 - Fax: (1) 305 573 11 78 Email: Site internet:
Public Relation Officer: Cécile NOLLET – 02 40 08 06 37