The Atlantic Advance Fall 2013: The Leadership Issue

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Issue No. Two | Fall ‘13 - 55th Leadership Conference Edition

The regional newsletter for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. – Awesome Atlantic Region Soror Mary Breaux Wright, International Grand Basileus | Soror Janet Y. Bivins, Esq., Atlantic Region Director

Letter From The Editor When ZETA calls, we’ll answer one and all! This is one of my favorite lines from our sorority hymn. Why? Over my 20+ years of membership having worked on the local, state, regional and national levels, the spirit of service has been the cornerstone of our sisterhood. The ability to serve side by side with other women who had a passion to give back and better our communities was what made me want to join a sorority, our sorority. Zeta Phi Beta was an organization of leaders on my campus and as I’ve continued to serve it is clear our reach has expanded, just as I imagine our Pearls had hoped and envisioned. This issue of The Atlantic Advance centers around the characteristic of leadership, which is ingrained in our being as women of Royal Blue & White. We are trailblazers, high-achievers, women of influence, lightning rods of excellence. Being the first historically Black sorority to charter chapters abroad or start auxiliary groups wasn’t the end of our legacy, but only the beginning; and we’ve taken the baton and run with it! Our youth auxiliaries are being taught at the youngest of ages the importance of giving back and embracing the spirit of having a giver’s heart. Our undergraduates, modern day twins of our inheritance, are doing a fine job continuing to wave the Zeta Phi Beta banner high and proud on campuses across the states that are the Awesome Atlantic Region; and our Sorors, many of our Sorors are not only servants on the frontlines of our sisterhood, but also serve tirelessly in other nonprofit entities that work to make a difference & improve the quality of life in communities across our region. As members of our beloved sisterhood, we all have the ability to lead. That quality is what drew us to ZETA and conversely, what drew ZETA to us. You don’t have to be the chapter president or hold an appointed or elected position to affect your sphere of influence. Harness that skill and lead in a way only you can through the gifts and talents that have been placed in you. Zeta Phi Beta will be better for it and, so will you. My Sisterly Best,

Monica Soror Monica Britton Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Atlantic Region Coordinator - Social Media Interested in writing for The Atlantic Advance? Drop me an email and let’s chat!

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.

– Lao Tzu

TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from the Editor ABCs of Performance Budgeting for Boule 2014 Feature: A Woman’s Work – Pt. 1 ZETA: Advocates for the People Calling All Awesome Atlantic Undergraduates! And a Child Shall Lead Them

The ABC’s of Human Performance By Soror G. Gigi Gilliard, Basileus - Kappa Epsilon Zeta Chapter - Bronx, NY Our time is precious. Last spring I took the bold leap out of my senior management staff position as Director of Outreach & Training, (at a high-volume workforce development non-profit), back into the more challenging, (yet far more fulfilling), role as an independent Learning and Development professional. As a consultant, I am now all too familiar with the phrase “billable time.” As I scaffold projects that I consider taking on, I am acutely aware of the time that I need to develop and deliver the professional development sessions that I market. My time has indeed become my money. This is the case for so many of us as we negotiate priceless moments as busy execs; educators, lawyers; CEOs of homes and children; wives; partners; daughters; faithful church members… and Sorors of the brilliant Royal Blue and White. With so much riding on our shoulders we must become experts of doing more with less. But the old adage, “work smarter not harder” is just empty words if we don’t have a plan. How do we accomplish more with less exactly? How do we capitalize on the best of our human performance, (and the performance of those we lead), while maximizing our invaluable time? The formula is simple: develop and maintain the right attitude; add a strong measure of belief (belief in your skill set; your ability to perform) and then mix in your own unique level of capability (attitude + belief + capability). ATTITUDE: “Ain’t nobody got time for that!” Seriously Sorors, we simply just do not have the time for the hating or for the haters. We must become excellent at remaining positive, upbeat, steering conversations down the right path and helping one another optimistically see EVERY glass half full. If, in all honesty, you know that you cannot accomplish a thing, find someone in your chapter, or on your team, who can. I guarantee that if you look hard enough you’ll find just that Soror with the solution. Keep trying with the best of positivity until you figure it out, and let’s not tear one another down in the process. Stay constructive, hopeful, expectant and enthusiastic! BELIEF: “But….but….but…” -- No “BUTs” Sorors! BELIEVE YOU CAN because you CAN! The Bible teaches that to whom much is given much is required. BELIEVE that if you have been brought to it…you can GET THROUGH it! Believe in yourselves, and in your creative, beautiful, wild, aspirational imaginations. Believe and don’t doubt!! Don’t doubt yourselves and don’t doubt your women. When you feel unsure or insecure, (as we often will), refer back to having the right attitude. Yes, INDEED we can, but only if we believe we can.

Personally, in order to keep my “belief ” game intact, I have to stay on my knees in prayer and in constant communication with God. I MUST run to the Lord and pray about everything daily to keep this “belief ” mindset; to have this kind of heart. What do you need to believe? Is it exercise, long walks, journaling, meditation? Find whatever YOU need to anchor yourself to help you keep believing that all of that awesomeness built inside of you is just moments away from exploding! CAPABILITY: “I’m not very good at____.” Uhm, yeah..., and… so what? We’re not all masters of everything – and that’s perfectly okay. However, as we move about let’s learn to pull our focus away from the things that aren’t our strong suits and focus on our natural talents and abilities. This doesn’t mean completely ignore those areas where we need to develop; not by any means. It does, however, suggest that by capitalizing on what we are GREAT at; we can get more done. Consider those areas in your leadership growth and potential that need improvement, but CONCENTRATE your efforts on your STRENGTHS! You know what you’re good at; you’ve heard it over and over again. If you’re not sure, ask Sorors who you trust, (and who know you well), to give you some honest feedback. Figure out the BEST of what you bring to the table and live in that space. Learn to ask for help in the areas that aren’t in your wheelhouse and farm out those tasks. When your schedule has more flexibility spend some time getting help where you need to develop. In the meantime, play up your strengths – you have been given those rare talents for a reason. You are capable! A stellar ATTITUDE plus a fervent BELIEF in what can be achieved added to our own measure of unique talent and CAPABILITY (ABC) can equal exceptional human performance. Exceptional performance comes alive when we find ourselves getting more done -and getting more done, more excellently! Leverage your AWESOME ATLANTIC REGION attitude against your firm BELIEF in yourself and mix it up with your God-given and CREATIVE CAPABILITIES. Do this and watch how you will surpass your goals and set yourself, (and those you love and lead), up to win.


is the capacity to translate vision into reality.

– Warren Bennis

5 Budgeting Tips For BoulÉ! By Soror Ainka Munroe - Delta Alpha Zeta Chapter - Brooklyn, NY


oulé 2014 is different from most others as we will be in Washington, DC not only to conduct the business of ZETA, but also for the Centennial Celebration - One Century of Service of our constitutionally bound brother fraternity, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. So, when you take a normal Boule combined with a momentous occasion, you should have a strategy in place to make sure you aren’t wondering where all of your money went!


ere are some simple tips you can implement right now to ensure you are financially prepared for what’s to come:


Have a Plan

Failing to plan is planning to fail! How many of us really take advantage of the early bird registration option? By doing so, you may save hundreds of dollars and could use that money for an extra event like treating yourself to an excursion in historic DC or staying an extra day to pamper yourself. Most of us have decided by now whether or not we will attend Boulé and/or the Sigma Centennial. Many plans have already been shared by our respective national offices. With that knowledge, making your reservation in advance for hotels, events and gatherings could save you even more. So, as soon as a schedule is shared, reserve tickets before transportation & accommodation options and events are sold out or priced outside of your budget! Flight pricing fluctuates, so make sure you’re keeping track for the best deals.

Once you have the basics, you can lay out your plans for each day, months in advance. Having a plan early enough will also help you develop a thorough preparation list so you know what you need to buy, pack and save!


Have a Budget

You don’t want to look at your credit card statements and see your past purchases accruing high interest rates. After you’ve outlined the events in which you desire to participate, and their costs, break it down by how much you need to save on a monthly basis. Make sure you’re including extra cash for paraphernalia and unexpected new plans!


Automate your Savings

In general, you should have a separate account for big ticket items. Many banks offer sub-account options to which you allocate funds automatically. Out of sight & out of mind, before you know it, you’ll have Boule paid up and you didn’t break the bank to do it!


Finding the Savings

If you’re finding the costs to be overwhelming, see if there are opportunities for some savings. Since Boulé is a leadership conference, you may be able to have your travel and registration paid for by your company or school. Also, find out who will be attending and combine resources! Get a hotel room and rental car with another Soror (or 2, or 3) to reduce costs. You can save by packing your own snacks and re-using your suits. Many credit card companies offer discounts and rewards. So if you’re

Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ someone who has points to cash in, now is the time to consider doing so.


Have Fun!

Prepare to enjoy, learn and grow! This Boulé is very special since we’ll have the opportunity to celebrate with our brothers. This is history in the making and you want to be able to capture it all and share in this amazing experience. You will see Sorors and Frat you haven’t seen in years, and you will make new lifetime friendships. You’ve planned and saved. Now take it all in and enjoy! Soror Munroe is a financial professional with AXA Advisors. Visit her online at or give her a call at 212.408.9046 to learn how to best prepare your financial future.

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. – John Maxwell

A Woman’s Work By Soror Monica Britton, Coordinator, Social Media, Atlantic Region | Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated is an organization of leaders born of an idea germinated from the brilliant minds of five forward thinking collegiate women who saw a need and realized that the sum is greater than it’s parts. By partnering with equally forward-thinking men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. our sisterhood was founded subsequently forming the first and only constitutionally bound predominately Black fraternity & sorority collective. Taking an idea from infancy and staying the course, molding and managing it to its zenith, is that thing that visionaries have. That stick-toit-tive-ness that our Founders innately possessed spawned many more firsts, youth groups, adult service groups, chapters abroad and is a work that continues today with members across our sisterhood. With a plethora of “firsts”, we have and continue to blaze trails that weave the fabric of our great legacy. Sorors of our sisterhood give selflessly through the service we provide to our communities locally and through philanthropy broadly as the service organization we are. However, Finer Women don’t just give of their time & talent through Zeta Phi Beta, but also through service on boards of other non & for profit entities across our nation. In the this issue of our regional publication The Atlantic Advance we’d like to showcase the works of a few of the Awesome Atlantic Region’s finest by highlighting their breadth and reach in their communities beyond their membership in ZETA.

Soror Janet Y. Bivins, Esq. Beta Delta Zeta Chapter, Philadelphia, PA Minority Counsel Network, DuPont Not only does Soror Bivins serve as our Atlantic Region Director, but in 1997 she founded the Minority Counsel Network at DuPont, a multi-billion dollar worldwide business conglomerate. A member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. since 1979, Jan has served as president of the undergraduate chapter at Tuskegee University, president of the Philadelphia graduate chapter, national director of the Zeta Legacy Club; member of the National Legal Advisory Council; Pennsylvania Parliamentarian; Pennsylvania State Director; Atlantic Regional Representative

to the National Nominating Committee and the Chairman of the National Executive Board for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. The DuPont Minority Counsel Network is a collaborative, cohesive body of attorneys of color, who work for DuPont or for one of DuPont’s Primary Law Firms or Service Providers (aka the Network). These members share the mission of advancing DuPont, the DuPont Legal Model, the members of the Network, and the profession.

Soror Wendy Baker Rho Eta Zeta Chapter, Anne Arundel County, MD Wellness Employee Service Transfer, Inc. (WEST ) Baltimore, MD WEST provides supportive employment and job retention services to adults with developmental disabilities to encourage independent life styles. Soror Baker currently serves as the President of the Board. Her role requires that she conduct quarterly Board meetings and to assist the program Founder in getting funding to carry out the mission of WEST, Incorporated. She also assists in bridging the gap between community employers and adults with developmental disabilities by seeking employment. Soror Wendy Baker was initiated into Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated on March 20, 1986 by way of Eta Epsilon chapter at the University of Maryland College Park. Since becoming a member of Zeta, Wendy has held several leadership positions on the local and state levels. On the chapter level, she has held the positions of Tamias, Tamias Grammateus, Second Anti-Basileus, and Epistoleus. On the state level, she

Omega Rho Chapter, Lockhaven University Lockhaven, PA

has held the positions of State Tamias, Tamias Grammateus and State Budget Coordinator. Wendy is currently the Basileus of Rho Eta Zeta Chapter, and the Maryland State Tamias Grammateus and State Form 990 Coordinator.

Soror Lillie M. Brown Eta Omicron Zeta Chapter, Plainfield, NJ Church Women United, Cranford, NJ Soror Brown has served as the president of this Unit of Church Women United for the past 10 years. CWU is a historic grassroots movement of women sharing the vision of a Christian unity and prayerful action that is: Biblically based through shared Christian faith; Gifted by the diversity of race, economic, age culture and theology; Organized into local and state units throughout the United States working for peace justice; Impassioned by the Holy Spirit to act on behalf of women and children throughout the global community and is financially supported by the constituency and denominational and religious women’s organizations. Soror Brown became a Zeta in 1982, recruited by Dr. Deborah Wolfe who was (at the time) the Associate Pastor at her Church - First Baptist Church in Cranford, N.J. Over the years, Soror Brown has served as First Anti Basileus, Grammateus, Epistoleus and is currently the Phylacter of Eta Omicron Zeta Chapter. In 1988, she was named Zeta of the Year by her chapter and is a Life Member.

McNamee where she identifies mentors for the students and conducts professional development that is germane to college readiness, financial aid, and mentoring. She is also responsible for fund raising, With the Student Welfare Council Inc. Board, Soror Cousar identifies students to receive scholarships, develops and implements workshops on college retention, effective studying skills, and job readiness for the college students. She also offers leadership to the bylaws and newsletter subcommittees, as well as serves on the fund raising committee. Soror Cousar has served Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated since her Fall 1981 initiation through Mu Kappa Chapter at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She is a charter member of Rho Chi Zeta Chapter, which serves Delaware County of Pennsylvania. Prior to becoming a charter member of Rho Chi Zeta Chapter, she was an active member of Kappa Omega Zeta Chapter of Norristown, PA from 1984 – 2000. Barbara has built on her knowledge and experience by serving the Atlantic Region as Recording Secretary and Executive Assistant to Past Atlantic Regional Director, Soror Barbara A. Henderson. On the state level, she has served as Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and State Marshal for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Leadership Conference. In August 2012, she was appointed the 10th State Director of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by the Sorority’s International President, Soror Mary Breaux Wright. She is also a proud Zeta Legacy.

Soror Barbara A. Cousar Rho Chi Zeta Chapter Philadelphia, PA McNamee Scholars Program Student Welfare Council, Inc. Philadelphia, PA | McNamee Scholars Program provides low-income students with the opportunity for a good high school education that will prepare them for college or other post-secondary education. The program has two major components; mentoring and tuition assistance. The mission of The Student Welfare Council is to provide supplementary financial aid to graduates of the Philadelphia High Schools. Soror Cousar oversees the mentoring program

New Jersey State University. Jersey City, NJ

Soror Shante C. Dash

Soror Stacey Dennis

Beta Delta Zeta Chapter Philadelphia, PA Teenshop, Inc.

Tau Omega Zeta Chapter, Towson, MD Greater Baltimore Leadership Association Baltimore, MD

Teenshop prepares ‘girls with girls’® to become caring, courageous leaders and change agents in their communities and beyond.

The Greater Baltimore Leadership Association’s (GBLA) mission is to engage young professionals in the National Urban League’s movement towards enabling African Americans to secure economic self-reliance, parity and power, and civil rights

Shanté is an alumna and member of the Board of Directors for Teenshop, Inc., a mentoring program for girls in the Philadelphia community. At Teenshop, Shanté served on the Program and Women’s History Month Luncheon Committees. In 2010, she served as the Mistress of Ceremonies for Teenshop’s 25th Anniversary Gala. In 2012, she served as the Chairperson for their signature community outreach initiative, Shoes for Life thus tripling the number of shoes donated by partnering with other local area organizations. Since 2009, Shanté has continued to serve Teenshop as she is passionate about mentoring young girls with goals.

Soror Dennis serves as Public Health Director for the GBLA. The Public Health Committee is dedicated to addressing health issues that predominantly and disproportionately affect African-Americans and other underrepresented populations. We have addressed environmental issues within Baltimore by organizing The Big Dig, an annual tree planting event in Carroll Park with city middle school students, and volunteered at the Real Food Farm to learn about urban farming and the effects of Urban Deserts. GBLA launched a public awareness campaign about the Affordable Care Act, to help answer some of the questions about the new law.

Shanté is a Life Member of our sisterhood and was initiated into Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated via Kappa Gamma Chapter in 1992. As an undergraduate, she chaired committees and served as the chapter’s Basileus, Grammateus and NPHC Representative. Since her initiation, she continues to serve as an officer or committee chairperson within the organization. Shanté joined Beta Delta Zeta Chapter in Philadelphia, PA in 2003. As a graduate, she served as an Undergraduate Advisor, Corresponding Secretary, Phylacter, First Anti-Basileus and Basileus. She recently completed her second term as the chapter’s Basileus. In 2009, Shanté was the recipient of the Zeta of the Year Award, the highest honor bestowed to a Soror by her chapter. Shanté currently serves as the Pennsylvania Director of Protocol & Amenities and is the State Marshal for the 2014 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Leadership Conference.

Soror Dennis’ journey into Zeta Phi Beta began in the Spring of 1991 with the Ravishing Rho Kappa Chapter at Florida State University. In 2004, she joined Mu Xi Zeta Chapter and chartered the Tau Omega Zeta Chapter in 2006. She has served Zeta on the local level as chapter Grammateus, First Anti-Basileus and Basileus.

Soror Dash is a member of the National Pan-Hellenic Council – Philadelphia Chapter where she has served on the Board since 2009 as a member of the Council of Presidents. Recently, Shanté was elected to the serve as the Recording Secretary for the NPHC-P. In addition to her Board responsibilities, Shanté serves on the Fundraising, Greek Gala, Greek Week and Scholarship committees. Shanté enjoys working with other members of the Divine Nine to accomplish common goals and interests that benefit the Philadelphia community at large.

Soror Roslyn Hannibal-Booker Mu Xi Zeta Chapter, Baltimore, MD Maryland State School for the Deaf The Maryland School for the Deaf, a diverse, bilingual community, in partnership with families, provides an equitable and exemplary education in a nurturing, engaging, and challenging environment to ensure our students achieve personal excellence and become responsible lifelong learners. Soror Roslyn Hannibal-Booker is a life member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. She has over 20 years of nonprofit fundraising and development experience and is currently employed as the Director of Philanthropy for the Center for Urban Families in Baltimore, Maryland. In addition to her work with the Maryland School for the Deaf, she is a member of the Mount Pleasant Community Foundation, Association Black Charities Board Pipeline and Leadership Maryland graduate.

Soror Elizabeth Fran Johnson Alpha Zeta Chapter Baltimore, MD Commission on Aging and Retirement Education (CARE), Baltimore, MD In partnership with other senior serving organizations, CARE is the public agency in the city of Baltimore that is responsible for advocating for and delivering services to older populations, their families and caregivers. CARE promotes seamless access to essential services and support through advocacy, outreach and education. Soror Johnson has been a financial Zeta since 1947 when she was inducted via the Gamma Chapter at Morgan State University. She has been an elected or appointed national officer in Zeta in every administration except one since 1970. Soror Johnson has also served as a regional officer and local officer including local Basileus. She served as Project Coordinator for the development, funding, and construction of the Zeta Senior Center in Baltimore, MD, a 10,000square foot, one story, $3.4 million dollar building which opened in 2011.

Soror Janice J. Lake Iota Chi Zeta Chapter, Cambridge, MD Habitat For Humanity, Easton, MD Soror Lake is a member of the Family Selection Board for Habitat for Humanity which works diligently to select families to begin the process for obtaining a Habitat home. Soror Lake is also a member of the Democrtic Central Committee for Dorchester County and the Dorchester County NAACP where she serves as assistant treasurer. A 1972 initiate via Omega Beta Chapter(Janice F. Jones) at Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, NC., Soror Lake is a charter member of Iota Chi Zeta in Cambridge, MD. She currently serves as the chapter’s First Anti-Basileus. She has two children and is proud to say her daughter, Jennifer M. Lake, is also a Zeta woman.

Soror Deborah Lunan-Quarless Kappa Epsilon Zeta Chapter, Bronx, NY Jack and Jill of America, Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter, Mid-Hudson Valley, NY

2006-2010- treasurer 2010-2012 - program director 2012-2014 - treasurer The objectives of Jack and Jill of America inc. are to create a medium of contact for children which will stimulate growth and development and provide children constructive educational, cultural, civic, health, recreational and social programs. Soror Lunan-Quarless was initiated into our sisterhood in May 1985 via Theta Kappa Chapter at Stonybrook University, in Stonybrook, NY. She has been a member of Kappa Epsilon Zeta Chapter since 1996 having served as Tamias for many years.

Soror Michelle Mack-Williams Epsilon Rho Zeta Chapter Bear, DE Dover Federal Credit Union, Dover, DE The mission of the Dover Federal Credit Union sole purpose is to serve the valued members. Dover Federal is a not-for-profit financial cooperative, owned and operated by its members. Dover Federal serves over 38,000+ members, encompassing the military, Delaware families, and over 400+ different Select Groups. Dover Federal has assets exceeding $375 million. The Credit Union is governed by member volunteers elected to the Board of Directors and managed by experienced financial professionals In the position of Board Secretary and elected Board of Directors, Michelle represents all credit union members to maintain fiscal safety and soundness, sets strategic direction, ensure regulatory compliance, hires the CEO, establish CEO goals and objectives, and oversees CEO performance. Michelle sits on the following committees as well Governance Committee, CEO Compensation and is a member of Executive Board committee in the role of secretary. Michelle Mack-Williams has been a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc., Epsilon Rho Zeta Chapter for 4 years. During her career with the chapter she has held a number of roles, including the Parliamentarian, the Youth Coordinator and Chair of the Blue Revue and was recently appointed to the role State of Delaware Youth Coordinator. In addition to the Dover Federal Credit Union, Soror Mack Williams serves on the board of the Western Family YMCA. She resides in Middletown, Delaware with her husband Greg, and son Jerome.

Soror Gina Merritt-Epps, Esq.

Soror Wanda F. Smith

Xi Tau Zeta Chapter Atlantic City, NJ Forum of Executive Women, Philadelphia, PA - Immediate Past Secretary

Zeta Delta Zeta Chapter Moorestown, NJ Cathedral Kitchen, Camden, NJ

As the region’s premier women’s organization the Forum of Executive Women actively works to promote our mission to leverage the power of executive women in the Greater Philadelphia region to expand the impact and influence of women leaders. Gina Merritt-Epps, Esq. became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority on April 3, 1987, inducted into Mu Eta Chapter at Penn State University. She has been a Life Member since 2000 and became a Diamond Life Contributor in 2011. Soror Merritt-Epps has served the sorority in several capacities, including president of Xi Tau Zeta Chapter (Atlantic City), and Parliamentarian for the State of NJ and the Atlantic Region. She was ZOL certified as part of Cohort I. Soror Merritt-Epps has served as NJ State Director since 2010, having been appointed by Past Grand Underwood in 2010 and International Grand Basileus Mary B. Wright in 2012.

Soror Issie L. Shelton Jenkins, Esq. Eta Pi Zeta Chapter, Montgomery County, MD Maryland State Board of Dental Examiners, Baltimore, MD The mission of the Maryland State Board of Dental Examiners is to protect the citizens of the State of Maryland by limiting the practice of dentistry to those who are competent to do so; licensing and certifying dental health professionals; establishing policies and regulations related to the dental profession; and when appropriate, investigating and disciplining violators of state statutes and regulations governing the dental profession. Soror Jenkins was appointed by the Governor of Maryland to a four year term. She is Chairman of Board Committees, and serves on Board’s Executive Committee, and on the Case Resolution Committee. Soror Jenkins is a Zeta Dove! She has been a member of our beloved sisterhood since 1954 (Nu Alpha Chapter, Houston, Tex.). She is a former Chair of the Zeta National Educational Foundation and presently serves on its Board. She also served as Legal Counsel to National Executive Board and Chair, of the AD HOC Committee on the Future of Zeta. Soror Jenkins has Finer Womanhood Awards on the chapter and state levels.

Tabernacle Baptist Church, Board of Trustees, Burlington, NJ The mission of the Cathedral Kitchen is to provide essential life services that support the health and well being of those in our community and, in doing so, to affirm each person’s humanity and dignity while guiding them towards self sufficiency. Soror Smith has used my background in Human Resources to serve the Cathedral board as a current member of the Succession Planning committee. Additionally, she has served on the Board of Trustees at Tabernacle Baptist church for just over 10 years. The Board Members are responsible for both the church property and finances of the church and managing the employees of the church. As a general board member with weekly duties, Soror Smith also serves as a member of the HR Committee. Soror Smith became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. on April 25, 1992 on the campus of Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (Gamma Kappa Chapter) where she served on the Executive Board throughout her college years. Upon graduation Soror Smith joined the Zeta Delta Zeta Chapter, Moorestown, NJ, where she has been an active member for the past 19 years. During her time in the graduate chapter she has served as the NJ State Undergraduate Coordinator, Committee Chair for several chapter projects and as a member of the local Executive Board in the roles of Tamias Grammateus, Grammateus, Third Anti-Basileus and is currently serving her second two-year term as Basileus.

Soror Janelle D. Williams Omega Mu Zeta Chapter North Brunswick, NJ The Footz Foundation, New Jersey - Treasurer The mission of Darrell Reid’s Footz Foundation is to educate, empower, and inspire youth to believe and achieve, promoting future success through life’s challenges. The foundation partners with a variety of programs that provide opportunities for leadership development and academic development, thereby enabling youth to positively impact their family, school, and community. Soror Williams serves as the treasurer of the founda-

tion, managing its fiscal needs, coordinating fundraising efforts, and reaching out to businesses and corporations for donations of services, goods, and funds. She became a member of our beloved sorority in 2003 at The College of New Jersey through the Omicron Epsilon Chapter. Throughout her time as a Zeta she have held positions on the local and state level including Chapter Secretary, Chapter Treasurer and State Representative to the Regional Election Committee.

Soror Karen Wright Sanders Beta Delta Zeta Chapter Philadelphia, PA National Association of Paliamentarians, Montgomery County Unit page4.php The National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP) is the oldest and largest professional non-profit association of parliamentarians in the world. NAP is an educational organization whose purpose is to study, teach, promote and disseminate the philosophy and principles of parliamentary procedure. NAP is organized into eight districts; state, provincial, and territorial associations, and local units. The Montgomery County Unit falls under the Pennsylvania Association of Parliamentarians within District 1. Soror Wright Sanders serves as the secretary of the Montgomery County Unit. She is responsible for keeping an accurate record of all unit and executive board meetings and maintains the unit’s membership roster. Soror Sanders was initiated into the sisterhood as a member of the reactivation line for Mu Iota Chapter at the University of Pennsylvania (Spring 1990). She reclaimed in 2008 and has served as Beta Delta Zeta Chapter’s Phylacter and a member of its Undergraduate Advisory Council. She has also chaired/co-chaired several chapter committees, such as the Constitution Committee, the 65th anniversary committee, and event publicity committees. In 2012, Soror Sanders was recognized as the chapter’s “Zeta of the Year” during its annual Finer Womanhood Awards Luncheon. Soror Sanders has been ZOL certified since 2009 and proudly became a Life Member in April 2013.

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The Rich History of The Awesome Atlantic Region Source: The Atlantic Region was formed in 1944 when the northern states of the Eastern Region were separated from the southern states. The region, comprised of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Africa and Germany has the distinction of being home to three of the Founders of Zeta Phi Beta. They are Arizona Cleaver Stemons of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Myrtle Tyler Faithful of Towson, Maryland; and Fannie Pettie Watts of Brooklyn, New York. The Atlantic Region has the honor of being home to Zeta Phi Beta’s first graduate chapter - Alpha Zeta, and the second undergraduate chapter - Gamma Chapter both of which are located in Baltimore, Maryland. The chapter at Morgan State University was named Gamma Chapter, which is same name as its Sigma Brothers on the campus. Also included in the Atlantic Region are chapters located in Africa and Germany. Zeta Phi Beta was the first Greek-lettered organization to establish chapters in Africa in 1948 during the administration of International President Lullelia Harrison. Since that time, donations of supplies have been sent from American sorors to the African continent. Recently, chapters in the United States have supported Africa by establishing water wells as part of Zeta’s Z-HOPE (Zeta’s Helping Other People Excel) Program. Mu Theta Zeta Chapter in Darmstadt, West Germany continues to thrive through the work of sorors stationed in Germany due to military service. The chapter continues to provide scholarships and implement programs such as blankets for babies that support the community. The region is especially proud of the eight progressive women who lived in the Atlantic Region who have served in the capacity of International President of Zeta. Arizona Cleaver Stemons (1920-21), Myrtle Tyler Faithful (1921-22), Joanna Ransom (1922-23), Nellie Buchanan (1923-25), S. Evelyn Lewis (1925-26), Deborah Partridge Cannon Wolfe (1953-65), Janice G. Kissner (1974-80), and Dr. Edith V. Francis (1980-86) served at the highest level of the national organization with honor. The dynamic women who have served in the roles of Regional Director through the years have each left an indelible imprint on the region. Their contributions range from implementing sound business practices, holding joint regional conferences with the Brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, purchasing the home of Founder Arizona Cleaver Stemons (now owned by Beta Delta Zeta Chapter, Philadelphia, PA), and creating a scholarship in her name. Past Atlantic Regional Directors Audrey Tripp Jones: 1944-1948* Dorothy Payne: 1948-1949* Evelyn B. Hunt: 1949-1956* Pansy L. Borders: 1956-1965* Arthalia W. Lott: 1965-1968* Mary Butler Hurt: 1968-1974* Beryl T. Battle: 1974-1980 Dr. Kathryn T. Malvern: 1980-1986

Mary E. Fields: 1986-1992* Nathalia M. East-Roberts: 1992-1996 Valerie Hollingsworth: 1996-2000 Barbara A. Henderson: 2000-2002 Jacqueline Lemon-Denton: 2002-2006 Kimberly Smith-Tann: 2006-2009 Jacqueline C. McNair: 2009-2012 *Deceased

ZETA: Advocates for the People

By Soror Teraleen R. Campbell, Atlantic Region Social Action Coordinator -

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority has renewed it’s commitment to Social Action. Led by our International Grand Basileus Soror Mary Breaux Wright and National Director of Social Action, Soror Krysta Jones, Zeta has adopted several areas as legislative priorities: Bullying, Elder Care, general health issues, Get Out The Vote and educating voters on voter ID laws. Social action, which involves engaging in emerging issues in legislative and governmental affairs, is the perfect complement to Zeta’s Z-HOPE efforts. Sorors, Amicae and Youth within the Atlantic Region have been implementing social action initiatives over the past year. Beginning with voter registration and get out the vote efforts, and most recently the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington and Zeta Day on the Hill, members of the region have been well represented. In addition to the State of Maryland, members took buses from Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York to be part of the historic March on Washington this past August. Members had the honor of hearing speeches from key leaders such as the parents of the late Trayvon Martin, Martin Luther King III and our Sigma brothers, Rev. Al Sharpton and Congressman John Lewis - who has the distinction of being the only surviving speaker from the original March on Washington in 1963. Each speaker highlighted the importance of continuing the fight for our civil rights, which involves marching, voting and engaging in advocacy efforts with elected officials at all levels of government. In addition to members of the National Social Action Team sharing tips and best practices for chapter involvement, this year’s Zeta Day on the Hill initiative featured sessions on bullying, elder care and prematurity awareness. Sorors gained valuable information on each issue and learned about pending national legislation. Having adopted the mantra that Zetas are “advocates for the people,” Sorors also learned how to become better advocates with elected officials, understanding that laws that are enacted shape and impact our daily lives. Sorors also had the opportunity to conduct visits with members of Congress. An emerging issue is that open enrollment for the new Affordable Care Act begins on October 1. Zetas may assist by providing vital information on how Americans may enroll and thus ensure health coverage. If you would like additional information on how your chapter can become more involved in social action efforts, reach out to your State Social Action Coordinator.

Atlantic Region Social Action Coordinators Delaware – Soror Rosa M. Howze

New York - Soror Ebony Roundtree

Maryland - Soror Nicole A. Butler Talley

Pennsylvania - Sorors Danita Crawford &

Monique Wakefield -

New Jersey - Soror Denalerie J. Johnson-Faneil, Phd

Tri-State - Soror Meissa Jones

Greetings Sorors, We are elated to serve as your Atlantic Region Undergraduate Coordinators for 2012-2016! We look forward to supporting the awesome work that you are doing on your campuses. Our theme for this term is: Building the Foundation to SOAR: Supporting Our Atlantic Region Sorors Our objective is to provide guidance, trainings, support and resources to undergraduates and advisors in the Atlantic Region to ensure they successfully uphold and execute the ideals of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated.

The Atlantic Region youth groups are doing such great and wonderful things. In our region some of our youth have already kicked off the year by attacking the educational needs of their communities through the participation in several book bag drives. As a region, our youth groups are actively preparing for the following community service events: Juvenile Diabetes Walk, Breast Cancer Walk and St. Jude Math-A-Thon. There are a number of chapters who have started off the year with workshops: “Stop the Bullying”, “College Prep”, “Healthy Eating”, “Hygiene” & “Becoming a Teen”. Our youth have embraced the challenge of making sure they effectively make a change in their communities, and are also preparing for upcoming fund raisers such as bowling, roller skating and Halloween American Girl Parties, just to name a few. The support of all of our youth groups is always needed and greatly appreciated!

Calling all Undergraduate Sorors we need your assistance! In order for us to support you we need to hear from you! Please contact us if you have any questions/suggestions/ideas on what we can be doing as a collective Region! Soror Karima N. Rose- Soror Gwenneth Corujo-

Epsilon Rho Zeta Chapter (Bear, DE) partnered with the YMCA of Delaware and introduced the R.O.Y.A.L. (Reaching Out to Youth for the Attainment of Leadership) Miss Blue Revue Debutante Mentoring Program as a signature program. The R.O.Y.A.L. Miss Blue Revue is a comprehensive mentoring program that focuses on etiquette, community service, and college preparation.

The Awesome Atlantic Region Undergraduate Working for Zeta! Epsilon Upsilon Chartering Ceremony Penn State University, Harrisburg, PA

And a Child Shall Lead Them.... Atlantic Region Youth Are On The MOVE! By Soror Virna Springer Atlantic Regional Coordinator, Youth Affiliates Archonettes | young ladies age 14 to 18 currently in high school || Amicettes | girls age 9 to 13 Pearlettes - Youth group for young girls age 4 to 8

Theta Zeta Zeta Chapter (Dover, DE) partnered with a local day care center and have also volunteered as gift wrappers with UNICEF, bell ringers for The Salvation Army, with the Helen E Graham Cancer Center and Ronald McDonald House; and have visited local homeless shelters in Delaware. Talk about being active in the community!

Kappa Upsilon Zeta Chapter Zeta Pearlette Club of Buffalo are extremely proud of their signature event: Green Eggs and Ham! Each year in honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday and to continue our focus on literacy, we host a breakfast/ literacy event for the community. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated | Atlantic Region Leadership Team Delaware State Director Soror Martha Sims-Wilson Maryland State Director Soror Danielle R. Green New Jersey State Director Soror Gina Merritt-Epps, Esq. New York State Director Soror Shanell L. Robinson Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Director Soror Barbara A. Cousar

16th Regional Director Soror Janet Y. Bivins, Esq.

Tri-State Director Soror Annette Draper-Moore International website: Atlantic Region website:

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