ATLAS Volume 8

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CHLOE ALEXANDER editor-in-chief & designer

Lauren walker

john henwood

deputy editor

sponsorship director


jordan gamble

cover artist

marketing director

contributors Carys Fisser, Dinushka Gunasekara, Max Henson, Tariah Magri, Jess McGuiness, Gabby Rosengren, Emily Selleck, Will Taylor, Livvi Treanor, Ashley Pillhofer

ATLAS is your magazine. If you have a story idea, penchant for photography or even want to lend your eye for design, we’d love to hear from you via The views expressed here are soley those of the author and do not reflect the views of ATLAS Magazine, the SDSA or Bond University. Follow us on Instagram @atlas.magazine, like us on Facebook and read on Issuu - atlasmagazine.





member, Tom Hopper and Ashley Pillhofer and Livvi Treanor share their Splendour pics for us who devastatingly missed out.

nother semester down (nearly)! Sem 172 has gone by quickly and I hope you survived the Gold Coast’s version of Winter.

We also have an Instagram competition running in this volume with some amazing prizes (wish I could enter it). Thank you to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary and Bounce Inc for donating prize tickets!

First of all, you might have noticed a change in covers. This piece of art is the amazing work of Ashley Pillhofer. Other than that, the inside looks pretty similar, however, we have some fresh content.

Well, that’s a wrap for Volume 8. I hope you all survive the rest of the semester, good luck with exams and I’ll catch you this time in 173.

In Volume 8 you will find some eyecatching articles. Tariah Magri gives some much needed advice on how to replenish our mental energy in preparation for exams, Jess McGuinness and Max Henson provide a helpful and humorous guide on how to spot a Bond player and a Bond princess, I give an insight into the cosmetic animal testing industry, Emily Selleck interviews new Game of Thrones cast

Before you jump into it, I would like to say a special thank you to the SDSA for their ongoing support as well as everyone who contributed to this issue! Enjoy reading!

Chloe x





























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WIN WITH ATLAS Thank you for reading ATLAS. As a gift, we have some great prizes up for grabs. The prize package includes:

2 x General Admission tickets to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary 2 x tickets to Bounce 2 x tickets to Revival 173

How to enter: 1. Open to Bond University students only 2. Must be following @atlas.magazine on Instagram 3. Post a photo to Instagram with the hashtag #atlasmagazine 4. Voted by the SDSA, the best photo will win the above prizes 5. Winner will be decided on the 11th of August 2017


The Grade of Creativity WORDS DINUSHKA GUNASEKARA When you go to university, you can be sure to expect a few things. There’s the usual sappy clichés, like making new friends or memories that you’ll look back on in a nostalgic haze when you’re sitting on your rocket-powered rocking chair in the year 2086. And there’s the newfound independence, like freely taking bathroom breaks or deciding not to attend tomorrow’s lecture because you’ve deceitfully convinced yourself you’ll make notes on the PowerPoint later. And then finally there’s one of the few things that hasn’t changed since high school: there’s the grades.

Vincent Van Gogh was considered a failure when he was alive. His aesthetic did not abide to what was popular at the time and therefore society didn’t appreciate it. And yet that same idiosyncratic style is revered by people everywhere today. In fact, it’s so loved that Van Gogh has become the epitome of the misunderstood genius. But he’ll never know that. Although so many would disagree now, the people that supposedly knew better during his lifetime said he was wrong and thus that’s what he believed. If only they could see his legacy now – it would be the best ‘I told you so’ in history.

When you make the decision to attend an institute of higher learning, you’re submitting yourself to be put to the test – literally and figuratively. Of course, this is easier for some cases more than others. We know for a fact that one plus one equals two. And we know that energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. It’s evident. Black or white. Right or wrong.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not comparing myself to Van Gogh. And I’m not saying we should completely ignore what our teachers have to say and instead burn our assignments over a cliff. More likely than not, they know more than us and we should be using their knowledge and be gaining insight from their experience. They are without a doubt a valuable source that we are lucky to have.

However, the subjects of the arts aren’t nearly as straightforward. Whether it be writing, drawing, photography or song, there’s no correct answer. A discordant chord can be just what a melody needs and spilt paint on a canvas can be worth millions. There’s no single path to the land of imagination.

I’m just saying that their opinion is not always the be all and end all. Understand where their criticism comes from but also have faith in your own skill. There’s one thing that everybody in the world shares and that’s a unique perspective. The beauty of a person’s creative endeavours is that they are their own.

Creativity is subjective. So how do you put a grade on it? The old man in a tweed coat who marks my work is going to have a much different idea on what’s good and what’s not than me – an 18-year-old girl who thinks that High School Musical is the peak of the modern film era. Our opinions could be more different than a basketball player who makes crème brûlée.

Having said that, if any of my lecturers or tutors are reading this, I take it all back. You guys are geniuses and are always right – please give me good grades.



How to spot a Bond Player: The 5-step guide for this emotional rollercoaster •

WORDS JESS MCGUINNESS Bond is highly susceptible to this specific type of guy. Wearing a slick button down and RM’s, they manage to be disguised as gentlemen, but their RMs don’t hide everything. Here’s all a girl needs to know about this special breed of men, how to get on top, stay on top, ensure you’re heart doesn’t get broken and you’re not left sitting on read. doin?” He really doesn’t care what you’re doing, only if you’re coming to his room tonight. If you do dare go, by all means feel free, just expect him to maybe have Mariah Carey “Touch My Body” playing - and if he does - ABORT.

Step One: Know what they look like

When you first think player, you think Culture Kings, flat caps and Nikes. But Bond’s specific breed looks quite different. If they play any sport, it probably has a women’s league played at a much lower level (think AFL, rugby, tennis etc). Their active wear consist of very short shorts and their 1st VIII singlet from year 11 rowing. He probably thinks it’s super cool to roll his chinos up and accompany them with black runners and a Ralph thrown over his shoulders.

Afterwards, he will by chance ask you to not tell anyone. Don’t be fooled when even if you haven’t told anyone, they all know, because he definitely told his mates.

Step Three: How to react to them

As every mother has probably told you: “he’s teasing because he likes you”…. This isn’t true though, if you’re bored and up for it, go play the game, send some flirty texts. But make sure you remain ahead of the game and ensure that no part of you gets attached. Because he has a sixth sense as soon as you get attached that’s when you get left on read.

But, the biggest warning sign, is his well worn RM Williams boots, his ability to do a VB shoey out of said shoes and his matching RM cap. Yet somehow he has never been the country and probably went to school in intercity Sydney. Note: boys who have their hair cut with a number 2 on the sides and number 5 on the top may also fall into this category.

Step Four: Empower your sisters

Boys will cum and go but your sisters will always be there to open a bottle of passion pop and give you a motivational speech. But make sure these boys don’t deter you away from your friends who are males, boys are great for banter, beers and honest opinions. But know how to identify them and always remember where they lurk in the library.

Step Two: Know their game

Don’t fall down the rabbit hole, Alice. Make sure you know their game before they even do it. Due to Bond’s tiny student numbers, you’ve doubtlessly heard about the late night ‘cuddles’. If he says he’s only talking to you, heads up, he’s lying. There will be several A-B lock girls on the go (and chances are they don’t know about it).

Step Five: How to get over a player

We have all been there, don’t worry about it girl! Watch some Oprah. Listen to Beyoncé. Get drunk. Message his best mate. Eat 20 Chicken nuggets and buy a vibrator.

If he ignored you at pre’s or Dons, but then you get a message at 2:06am while at shooters reading: “what’s 10

5 Indicators that you are in the presence of a Bond Princess •


1. Louis Vuitton

4. That basic Insta feed

2. Daddy’s Plastic

5. ‘It’s Complicated’

Be it the basic $800 card-holder, or the $1770 “Neverfull GM”; Louis Vuitton is a quintessential indicator that you are in the presence of a Bond princess. They can be seen flaunting their designer status with a jovial attitude. Being exempt from the monetary anxiety most are bound with, their belongings are often treated with the same disregard they give to any boy that doesn’t have 6-pack abs and 2k Insta followers.

Save yourself the hassle and conduct a quick Insta search before you hit them up with a ‘wud?’ When on the Insta feed of a princess, look out for that basic white theme; maybe even a few shots from behind on cock rock whilst she is rocking a $1500 one piece from Camilla. Another key indication is that boujee pic with daddy’s sports car with the caption ‘hard work.’

Ok, so she invites you down to a nice ‘breaky’ date at Blackboard. She seems nice and all, but alarm bells start going off when she actually orders food. How can she afford it? Is she a Bond princess? Maybe she just works at Bedroom on the side? She pulls out daddy’s Platinum Amex, smiles sweetly, and asks to split the bill. Run. Classic Bond princess right there. Daddy is so proud of her ‘achievements’ thus far and he is willing to refinance the mortgage on his house so that his little girl can strut around in Gucci Fur.

Last but not least is the relationship status of a Bond princess. Who could blame them? The avergae Bond princess has been showered with positive accolades, and expensive spontaneous gifts even before they left the womb. The years spent being called ‘daddys little angel’ and ‘amazing’ has left the average Bond princess with a superiority complex that nobody can fill

3. The response to Political Corectness

Despite their laissez faire attitude towards purchasing a plethora of beauty products born from the slaughter of animals and utilisation of child slaves, the Bond princess has ears fine tuned to comments that contradict her deeply ingrained beliefs. The easiest way to spot a Bond princess in this regard is to simply take to a public space, muster your loudest voice and say anything that disregards a controversial moment or minority. Guaranteed the princess’ in the room will either ensure that you are escorted from the premises, or will blacklist you from social events for life.

Reminder: Both these pieces are light hearted, humorous and not intended to offend anyone. The views expressed here are soley those of the author and do not reflect the views of ATLAS Magazine, the SDSA or Bond University.



Four Ways to Replenish your Mental Energy WORDS TARIAH MAGRI Trying to study when you’re stressed, demotivated or exhausted can be extremely difficult and may result in serious consequences. So, with exam week just around the corner, I thought I would put together four simple ways you can boost your mental stamina and reel in those HD’s. Get those Z’s

Move your Body

We all love our sleep, but too many of us don’t get enough. A good night’s sleep is a vital part of one’s overall health as it allows the body to rest and repair. Operating in a 24/7 society and studying full time means that our sleep is often too fragmented or we just don’t get enough of it, resulting in a loss of concentration, slower processing speeds and daytime sleepiness.

The greatest risk to mental fatigue is sitting down for too long, so make sure to move your body every hour or so by simply going for a walk or stretching. The increase in blood flow with the additional oxygen and nutrients assists the brain for higher performance, stabilises blood pressure and helps with mental clarity and focus (and of course, exercise is oh so important for our cardiovascular health).

So, other than all of the obvious benefits of sleep, why else does it rock? Well, sleep has actually been proven to reduce stress, help with weight control and enhance your mood! So make sure, no matter how much study you think you need to cram the night before an exam, that you get a full 8 hours of sleep.

However, overdoing it at the gym also has its own consequences. Over-training may cause hormonal imbalance, high cortisol levels, fatigue and insomnia. This sort of distress to the body can impair cognitive function and promote anxiety.

Detox your Liver

So when it comes to exercise, remember to move your body regularly, but don’t overdo it!

As university students, we tend to have a strong reliance on caffeine and alcohol in order to get us through our degrees. However, we neglect to consider the damage this is doing not only to our bodies, but to our studies as well. Not only is the liver the largest organ in the body, but it does a lot of work in order to keep your body healthy and clean. Filling our bodies with caffeine, alcohol and soft drinks can lead to hormonal imbalance, acne, irritability and poor sleep.

Technology Detox As university students, we are constantly in front of a screen. Our excessive online presence and time spent in front of our computer screens consumes a great deal of our mental energy. So, as you’re unwinding and preparing to get your 8 hours, switch off all technology (yes, that means your phone too). In actual fact, technology and bright lights interrupts the pineal gland, which is the part of our brains that produces melatonin (the sleep hormone).

So, why exactly is liver love so important? Well, a healthy liver will maintain blood-sugar levels; metabolise carbohydrates, fats and proteins; eliminate toxins; synthesise and store vitamins and minerals; and regulate hormones.

Plus, I’m sure you’ll survive without Instagram for 8 hours. 13



I love photography because you get to capture people in simple, human moments that you wouldn’t notice if you were just having a conversation with them.

If you would like to get in contact with Carys, email her at:





Healing your Relationship with Procrastination WORDS TARIAH MAGRI How many times have you sat down in front of your laptop screen, prepared yourself to finish that darn essay or complete that god damn homework sheet that is due tomorrow and somehow wound up on YouTube watching funny cat videos, or on Facebook, constantly refreshing your feed? You know you should be doing work, but you just don’t feel like doing anything. These are a few little tricks and tips to help ease your procrastination guilt.

and allow your body and brain to reset. Change your Environment If you are constantly finding yourself procrastinating, try switching up your study environment. Different lighting, sounds and temperatures for example can all impact one’s productivity. Try setting up at a quiet café, finding a park bench outside, or simply just move to a different area of the library. Pick your Poison

Allow Yourself to be Distracted Too often, we overwork our bodies and brains when the stress of a deadline is approaching. When procrastination kicks in, our bodies are simply signaling to us that we need a break. Studies have shown that brief distractions, such as a walk to grab a bite of food or catching up on your social media, can increase concentration 19

As university students, we often have a billion assignments all due around the same time, which can lead us to become overwhelmed with tasks, and in turn, we procrastinate. Start by choosing just ONE task to work on when you sit down in front of your desk and focus solely on that ONE task. This will allow for a greater sense of mental clarity and productivity.

Lipstick on a Pig WORDS CHLOE ALEXANDER to sell in China. The Chinese government conducts mandatory animal testing on all cosmetics imported into the country. Thus, even if a company claims they do not test their ingredients or products on animals, their decision to sell in China means they can no longer be considered cruelty-free. This recently happened with the makeup company, NARS. In a statement on Instagram they said:

When I was little I always thought that cosmetic testing was as simple as putting lipstick on a pig or dying rabbit fur. Animal testing for cosmetics is a horrible and unethical practice that happens and needs to stop. The Australian Coalition has announced they will soon introduce legislation to stop the use of live animals in cosmetic testing which is a great step. However, until July 2018, animal testing will still be required in Australia for some cosmetic ingredients.

“We have decided to make NARS available in China because we feel it is important to bring our vision of beauty and artistry to fans in the region. NARS does not test on animals or ask others to do so on our behalf, except where required by law.”

Millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats and dogs are currently locked in labs across the globe to be tested on. It is believed at least 115 million animals may be used in experiments worldwide each year. Governments normally require animal testing to determine how hazardous cosmetic ingredients are. Examples of animal testing are forcing rats and mice to inhale toxic fumes, and dripping corrosive chemicals into rabbits’ sensitive eyes. Animals are also forced to partake in forcefeeding experiments which can last for months; to monitor general illness, cancer or birth defects. ‘Lethal dose’ testing is also carried out where animals are forced to swallow large amounts of chemicals to determine the dose that causes death. Just because an ingredient is safe to animals, does not guarantee it is safe for humans. These animals are sentimental beings; they are not at the least given any pain killers during these torturous experiments. If they happen to survive testing, they are normally killed by asphyxiation, neck-breaking or decapitation.

Many are now choosing to boycott the brand. Animal testing is cruel, expensive and often inapplicable to humans. There are now alternatives where scientists use human cells and tissue instead of animals. There are many makeup brands which do not test on animals, a list is on the next page (not 100% up to date, NARS is still there). If you want to take it a step further and look into natural, chemical free makeup, I suggest checking out which has a fantastic range of ethical and natural products. If you still are not sure about this topic or think it’s irrelevant, trying looking up some videos of it. Completely horrifying. Try and stick to the cruelty free brands, a lot of well-known and popular makeup brands are!

Many companies are automatically deemed cruel if they choose 20

* Brands marked with an asterisk are cruelty-free, but their parent company is not.

Graphics via


Dining With Social Justice WORDS GABBY ROSENGREN The SDSA recently hosted Dining with Social Justice 2017. It was a night filled with passion and inspiration, with representatives from numerous charities in attendance. I’m ready to be the change I wish to see in the world. Are you?



“The world is not a wish granting factory” – John Green (The Fault in Our Stars)

Sometimes when I play hide and seek, I hope I’m never found.

But that doesn’t mean YOU can’t give someone a wish.

What if it was your sister?



Our lives are surrounded by things that beep. The fridge beeps at us to tell us to close the door, the washing machine beeps at us to tell us to take the clothes out, the car beeps at us to tell us to put our seat belt on. The machine beeps at me to tell me I’m still alive, or maybe that I’m dying.

As I crawl my way into consciousness I become aware of an aching in my upper thighs. I am surrounded by complete and utter silence, but my mind is so noisy. “If you tell anyone, I will kill your mother.” “If you were a good daughter, you’d do as I said.” “If you….”

I look myself in the eyes as I apply my final touch of red lipstick, and a shiver snakes down my spine. It’s been 3 months now, but the sight of myself still scares me.

I am often asked what it’s like to be the mother of a child with a disability. This is what I say:

The image of Tori creeps into my mind. Her small body scrambled on the dirty concrete floor. Quietly whimpering. Defeated.

A voice echoes, “Sir, you want number 15?”

When you are pregnant, it’s like planning a trip to Italy. So, when the plane lands and the flight hostess says “Welcome to Holland,” you are devastated and confused. You soon realise that while Holland is slower and less flashy than Italy, it is equally beautiful. While they may dance to hip hop in Italy, here, they dance to ballet.

I cringe.

It’s not a disability, but rather a diffability – a different ability

I take a deep breath and step back into my reality.



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The mysterious fate of Jon Snow turned into a huge win for HBO.

And though he may be tight-lipped about what’s to come this season, Tom revealed he was “a big fan” of Queensland.

Game of Thrones is now televised in 170 countries, illegally downloaded more times than any other program in the world and currently takes up at least 50 per cent of my news feed.

“The Australian fans are so much fun, they really couldn’t be kinder,” he said.

With season seven now on TV screens, I sat down with the newest cast member Tom Hopper.

“I stay in touch with some Aussie fans on Twitter who I’ve met a couple of times, they’re great. “I (love) visiting the Gold Coast. Last time I was in Brisbane we rented a car and went out to Tangalooma which I loved.

The British actor, 32, landed the recast role of Dickon Tarly, the brother of Samwell, after Freddie Stroma, who played Dickon in season six could not commit to the filming schedule.

“It’s such a nice area ... what’s not to love.” Although his show Black Sails was recently canceled after four seasons, the popular British pirate drama has garnered a cult following.

Tom, who is noted for his performances in British period dramas Merlin and Black Sails, said he watched Game of Thrones before joining the cast.

“Black Sails was a crazy rollercoaster ... the storm episode in season three was a pretty gnarly episode to shoot,” he said.

“It (Game of Thrones) is very present, everyone in Britain seems to be watching it,” Mr Hopper said. “But I can’t say much else about the season at this stage.”

“One of my other favourite scenes was the final fight at the end of the show, it was great to go out with a bang.

Rumours began to swirl that Tom would be joining the cast when he was spotted in Spain earlier this year with James Faulkner, the actor

“I think people loved the show because it was a different take on pirates, you empathized with the characters.” 27

Pic: via


5 Reasons You Should Go To Falls Festival This New Years Eve WORDS WILL TAYLOR New Year’s Eve - it’s known as a night that always let’s us down. A night where expectations are never quite met to the same extent as you thought about the day or nights before. Right? Well, actually… wrong. While it may be alright to do the standard few drinks at a nice calm spot or hit up a local club or bar with your mates, is that after all really that special? What if I told you there was a much better and very popular way to spend your New Year’s Eve in Australia. What if I told you that it involves being surrounded by some wonderful music talent, great people from different cultures and climates and fantastic scenery. Well, there certainly is at Falls Festival coming to Lorne (Victoria), Byron Bay (NSW), Marion Bay (Tasmania) and Fremantle (WA)! 1) The Music While there is an argument to suggest that Beyond the Valley may become the most popular new years music festival, the history and reputation of Falls still remans supreme over its competitors. Last year was no exception, with the festival gaining the signatures of internationally acclaimed artists such as Childish Gambino, London Grammar and AlunaGeorge. This year’s line-up is yet to be released, but please trust me when I say it’s going to be sensational. With lots of new music coming out this year, particularly from talented Australian artists, Falls should once again live up to expectation from a musical standpoint. 2) The Atmosphere Whether you take up the Falls experience in Tassie, Vic, Byron or WA, the atmosphere surrounding Falls is something you don’t want too miss. A music festival is unique in the sense at everyone there is going for the similar reason. There’s no real losers, only big winners and as

such as the atmosphere is electric surrounding Falls and the excitement that is New Year’s Eve. 3) The Camping Experience This was one of my favourite parts of Falls last year. The camping experience is something to treasure, not fret! Whether it’s spending time around your tent with your mates or meeting randoms you didn’t think you would come across, the camping experience is what makes the music festival experience what it is! If you want to meet more people and engage in the social scene surrounding the event, camping is a must. 4) The Food Trucks and Stalls! Probably the most improved aspect of Australian music festivals over the last few years. The quality of the food trucks and stalls, while sometimes quite pricey, is often really, really good! If you’re like me, you’ll love the opportunity to try different cuisines and immerse myself within the different stalls at festivals, while also getting around the bars and dining areas that are on offer! 5) The Drive! Depending on where you’re traveling to, it can be a bit of a trek to get to Falls, but don’t let this scare you! The drive is once again all part of the Falls experience. Traveling across Australia with your mates on an exciting road trip is an awesome part of attending any regional event. While there’s no doubt the way back can be a bit of a painful experience (especially when hungover), the way there should be filled with excitement as you prepare for the days ahead with your favourite tracks and your favourite people.


Photo: Corey Wilson

SPLENDOUR SNAPS Missed Splendour in the Grass 2017? Ashley Pillhofer and Livvi Treanor share their pics so you can see what you missed out on. 30

Ashley Pillhofer

Ashley Pillhofer

Livvi Treanor


Livvi Treanor

Livvi Treanor

Ashley Pillhofer


Livvi Treanor

Ashley Pillhofer

Livvi Treanor





JUN 22 - JUL 22

MAR 21 - APR 20

Aries, planetary strength is located in the Western half of the chart (descendant sign) signifying that others will play a major role in your life. You can use your social charm and flexibility to achieve things. Autonomy and personal initiatives will not help in August 2017. Cooperation and partnership will prevail for the Rams this month. Planetary aspects are excellent for the Aries personality to revel in life. You can amuse yourself by socializing and by taking pleasure holidays. The Mercury retrograde of August 2017 will give you all the time to understand yourself.

Cancer August 2017 Horoscope predicts that the planetary power exists in the Southern sector of the horoscope this month and the House of Family will become dominant after the mid of August 2017. Family atmosphere is extremely pleasant for the Cancerians and expansion is likely with marriages and births. There will be plenty of get-togethers and partying in the family. All this will add to the emotional well-being of the family members. You will spend money on beautification of the house with luxury items.



APR 21 - MAY 21

JUN 23 - AUG 23

Taurus August 2017 Horoscope predicts that majority of the planets are in the Southern half of the horoscope and the House of Career is overshadowed by the House of Family. You will have to attend to your household problems and focus on maintaining harmony in your relationships in August 2017. Most of the planets are in the Western sector in August 2017 towards the descendant sign. Hence you have to seek the assistance of others for attaining your goals in life. You have to go by consensus and there is no place for asserting yourself.

Leo August 2017 Horoscope foretells that the planetary power is located in the Eastern sector of the horoscope this month towards your ascendant sign. This is the right time to decide your priorities and act with persistence to achieve them. There is no need for using your social charm or to take advice from others. The Leo sun sign can assert themselves and overcome all obstacles. Your way is the correct way and others will follow you. Your zodiac sign is hosting a number of planets this month in August 2017. This will present you with all types of sexual pleasures and your animal instinct will be strong.



MAY 22 - JUN 21

AUG 23 - SEP 22

Gemini August 2017 Horoscope foretells that the planetary power is situated in the lower half of the horoscope and the House of Family is very strong. The emphasis will be on solving domestic problems and enhancing your psychological strength. You will direct your efforts towards renovation and decoration of the house.There is a transition from independence and enterprise to social skills and adaptability. You will have to adapt yourself to situations and other people. Others and their interests are important and you can accomplish your objectives in life through social grace.

Virgo August 2017 Horoscope predicts that many of the planets are shifting to the Southern sector of the horoscope towards the mid heaven sign. By the end of August 2017 both the sectors are equally powerful. So both professional life and family issues require equal attention. Psychological strength is also necessary for the Virgins and will have to be enhanced. The Virgo sun sign has extraordinary power for independent actions. You can design your own life as per your own specifications. There is no need to seek the help of others or compromise on your methods. 34



SEP 23 - OCT 23

DEC 22 - JAN 20

Libra August 2017 Horoscope predicts that there is a planetary movement to the Southern sector of the horoscope and this half will become more powerful after the 17th of the month. The Libra zodiac sign people have to juggle between outer ambitions and domestic welfare and psychological matters. Self-assertion and confidence will give the results and you are not dependent on others. You should push through your plans with courage and overcome any obstacles on the way. There is no need for adaptation and compromise for the Libra person.

Capricorn August 2017 Horoscope foretells that the planetary power is concentrated in the Northern sector of the horoscope this month towards the nadir sign. There are equal numbers of planets in the Eastern and Western halves of the birth chart in August 2017. Hence the Capricorn born has to delicately balance self-assertion with collaboration. Sometimes you are autonomous and during other times your social grace is at work. Things will change frequently and it depends on your skill to manage the change.



OCT 24 - NOV 22

JAN 21 - FEB 18

August 2017 Aquarius Horoscope forecasts that the planetary strength has moved from the Southern sector of your horoscope to the Northern sector (nadir sign) during the end of last month. Hence career and outer ambitions will dominate over family and emotional matters for the Aquarians. However the House of Family is also very active and you have to give equal importance for domestic affairs. You can compile all your spiritual experiences and explore the practical feasibility of using them in your life. Planetary aspects are not favorable for these exercises and you have to proceed with caution.

Scorpio August 2017 Horoscope predicts that the planetary power is indicated in the Northern sector of the horoscope and the House of Career is very dominant. Professional goals will prevail over domestic matters and emotional factors for the Scorpio sun sign. Autonomy and enterprise will be necessary to attain your targets in life. You have to decide on your priorities and follow it with diligence. The August 2017 horoscope foretells that others are not important and you have the freedom to decide on your methods.



NOV 23 - DEC 21

FEB 19 - MAR 20

Pisces August 2017 Horoscope predicts that the House of Others is dominant this month. The interest of others will come first and you have to accomplish things through collaboration and cooperation. You cannot assert yourself over others and have to be flexible in your dealings with others. Pisces, you should move on with situations and hope that things will be to your advantage in the end. Majority of the planets will move to the upper half of the horoscope towards the midheaven sign by the 23rd of August. Hence, you have to attend to domestic issues till the 23rd and to professional matters after that.

Sagittarius August 2017 Horoscope forecasts that the planetary strength exists in the Northern sector of the horoscope towards the imum coeli this month. Professional matters will occupy most of your attention. Planets are not favorable for Sagittarius home and family affairs. Domestic concerns will be in the background. Travel overseas for business purposes is indicated. You will also be interested in spirituality and you will develop your knowledge base by pursuing academic courses.



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