ESG Report 2023
Environmental | Social | Governance
Message From the Board
A year of impact and progress
The year 2023 has been one of critical reflection and self-assessment for Atlas Professionals and NextWave Partners. With the appointment of our new CEO, Neil Tregarthen, in November 2023, we faced the realities of our business with fresh eyes. Neil was struck by the challenges we face and the underperformance of our organisation in certain areas. It became clear that our business was not fully aligned with the ambitions we had set, nor had we realised the full potential of the merger with NextWave in 2022.
The integration process has proven more complex than anticipated. Misalignments in strategy, culture, and operations have slowed the progress we hoped for, but 2023 was pivotal in recognising where we need to improve. Neil’s leadership has set the stage for an ambitious transformation, and while many of the key changes will take place in 2024 and beyond, this year has been crucial in laying the groundwork for that journey.
At the heart of this transformation is a renewed focus on ESG and sustainability. Our vision is to shape a sustainable future in the clean-tech, energy, infrastructure, and marine markets. We are committed to
making a meaningful impact on the journey to Net Zero by 2050. This means not only providing creative solutions to our clients but also ensuring that our operations, partnerships, and recruitment practices are aligned with the principles of environmental and social responsibility.
ESG and sustainability are not just buzzwords for us— they are integral to our business strategy. As we evolve, we recognise that addressing the global shortage of skilled professionals is essential to driving the energy transition and meeting the sustainability goals of our clients and industries. Our role is to provide the talent and expertise needed to help our clients thrive in this new era of clean energy and sustainable infrastructure.
In this report, you will read about the progress we have made in 2023. From new initiatives in diversity and gender equality to the steps we’ve taken to improve our environmental impact and the creative solutions we’ve implemented to support our clients in navigating the energy transition, this document reflects our commitment to building a sustainable, responsible business.
We are deeply grateful for the ongoing trust and support
of our clients, colleagues, and partners. As we embark on this new chapter, we are committed to building a stronger, more resilient organisation that not only meets the demands of the market but also contributes positively to the planet and society.
Thank you for being part of this journey.
The Board of Directors
Atlas Professionals and NextWave Partners
To help shape the sustainable future of the clean-tech, energy, infrastructure and marine markets, by delivering creative people solutions and supporting our customer, colleague and candidate community, to make a meaningful impact on our planet’s journey to Net Zero by 2050.
We will live and breathe the “7Cs,” and in return, will win every race we enter.
Yes, we are great at recruitment, but we are so much more. From boardroom to site, land to sea, hardware to software, in local, global and emerging markets, we are your knowledge partner, helping you solve complex staffing challenges, through our team of multi discipline experts.
Third Party Assurance
While working hard to make a meaningful impact on our planet’s journey to Net Zero by 2050, we seek external verification from organisations that can independently assess and verify our compliance. This helps us make informed decisions for continuous improvement through policymaking, while upholding our commitments to customers, colleagues and the candidate community.
Atlas Professionals
ʯ ISO 9001:2015
ʯ ISO 14001:2015
ʯ ISO 45001:2018
ʯ VCU 2011/05
ʯ NEN 4400-1
ʯ Maritime Labour Convention 2006
ʯ Ecovadis (Silver Medal 2023)
ʯ Open-es
ʯ CDP Carbon Disclosure Project
Working towards: Safety Culture Ladder - Implementation - expected level 3 - 2025
NextWave Partners are purpose driven as a business, we only service teams/companies that are a business for good (e.g. working with investors in Clean Energy Transition space, building Renewable Energy teams or ClimateTech teams in new start-ups/ Renewable Energy firms as well as across traditional industries, where we only work with the teams trying to make a sustainable impact within that organization). NextWave Partners are also connectors of these individuals-e.g. connecting investors to local groups, to enable further work within the Clean Energy Transition space.
ʯ B Corp
Management System Coverage
% of Colleagues (own workers) covered by Atlas’ Health & Safety Management System (based on FTE FY 2023) = 83% (falling below 100% due to acquisition of NextWave Partners in October 2022).
With NextWave Partners bringing their impressive B Corp certification, there will be further blending of the management system and prevailing policies in the coming period.
Sustainable Development Goals
Driving ethical, inclusive and sustainable impact
Atlas Professionals align its operations with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as defined by the United Nations. The following are the most relevant, where we can have the greatest impact. By aligning with these SDGs, Atlas Professionals contributes to broader societal goals while ensuring activities remain ethical, inclusive and sustainable.
SDG 4: Quality Education
Promoting lifelong learning opportunities and career development. Collaborating with customers and educational institutions to ensure that candidates have access to the skills and training needed to succeed in Marine, Energy and Renewables markets.
SDG 5: Gender Equality
Promoting gender equality by encouraging and facilitating the hiring of women in the offshore industry and leadership roles, supporting equal pay initiatives and ensuring non-discriminatory recruitment practices based on gender, ethnicity, or other factors. A diverse and inclusive team is crucial to our continued success.
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Enabling our candidate community to access roles, enhancing career development and contributing to economic growth and innovation by delivering creative people solutions to local, global and emerging markets.
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Delivering complex staffing solutions to support industries by providing them with access to skilled labour, fostering innovation through diverse hiring and helping sectors address labour shortages in rapidly evolving markets to support the energy transition.
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
Promoting lifelong learning opportunities and career development by collaborating with customers and educational institutions to ensure candidates have access to the skills and training needed to succeed in the Marine, Energy and Renewables markets.
SDG 13: Climate Action
While Atlas Professionals’ carbon footprint is relatively small, we seek to help shape the sustainable future of the Clean-Tech, Energy, Infrastructure and Marine markets, by delivering creative people solutions and supporting our customer, colleague and candidate community, to make a meaningful impact on our planet’s journey to Net Zero by 2050.
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Atlas Professionals establish partnerships with representative associations, industry bodies, educational institutions and the private sector to foster innovation in job creation, skills development and sustainable economic growth.
Net Zero
Imagine the world, a perfect circle, representing a future of balance and sustainability.
Tilt your head slightly to the right and you’ll see an “N.” Turn it left and there’s a “Z.” Together, they stand for Net Zero.
The soft, rounded edges symbolise kindness and carereminding us to treat our planet with the same gentleness.
The green elements, shaped like leaves, represent the trees that give us life-sustaining oxygen. The whitespace? It’s the pulse of life, like a heartbeat.
Be kind to Earth. Embrace Net Zero.
Balance and compensate.
Start today, plant a tree.
As the world faces the critical challenge of climate change, Atlas Professionals and NextWave Partners are stepping up with a bold commitment to lead the global transition to a Net Zero carbon economy by 2050. We are not just participants in this change—we are leaders, actively shaping the future of sustainable industries.
At Atlas Professionals and NextWave Partners, we believe that the shift to a greener, more sustainable world presents immense opportunities. By focusing on innovation, sustainability and nurturing the next generation of talent, we are helping industries not only meet their economic goals but exceed them—while contributing to a cleaner, healthier planet.
To further symbolise our commitment, Atlas Professionals and NextWave Partners have introduced a new logo representing our pledge to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2050. This emblem serves as a visual reminder of our dedication to driving positive change and aligning our values with the global push for sustainability.
Our shared mission is built on the understanding that collaboration between industries and the workforce is key to a carbon-neutral future. By connecting top talent with forward-thinking companies, we are proving that Net Zero by 2050 is not just achievable—it’s a chance for unparalleled growth, innovation and success. Together, Atlas Professionals and NextWave Partners are leading the way toward a brighter, more sustainable future for all.
Environmental Impact & Emissions
Reducing our carbon footprint
Atlas Professionals are a service provider, delivering a skilled workforce to clients engaged in the Energy, Marine and Renewables sectors. We operate from modern offices in key global locations, enabling close collaboration with customers to achieve shared goals. Our direct impact in terms of operations is limited with impacts including energy and heating supplied to our leased offices, employee commuting, business travel of direct and indirect employees and office waste.
While our impact on climate change from our own operations may be limited, we seek to decrease Greenhouse Gas Emissions by increasing efficiency, implementing climate change adaptations and mitigations, along with efficient waste management.
These include:
ʯ Use of Green Energy to power our offices (where choice is under the control of Atlas).
ʯ Ensuring energy efficiency of offices to minimise energy consumption (Electricity & Gas).
ʯ Using energy efficient technology (LED lighting).
ʯ Minimizing energy waste with a 'switch off at night' policy.
ʯ Use of offsite data centers for IT security and energy efficiency.
ʯ Offering sustainable car leasing options, or public transport package alternatives to staff.
ʯ Promoting Cycle to Work schemes (Netherlands).
ʯ Promoting flexible and efficient working solutions to minimise the need for staff travel and commuting.
ʯ Supporting efficient travel routings and employing local content.
ʯ Adoption and investment of modern work practices, focusing on digital work solutions, minimizing the use of paper and print resources and waste.
ʯ Recycling waste where possible.
ʯ Consideration of sustainability when selecting new office space.
The real difference that we can make as a company is to support energy transition by providing a skilled workforce to companies investing in renewable technologies, while continuing to support the more traditional energy sectors and their workers, in delivering current and future commitments.
Atlas Professionals maintain certification to ISO 14001
Environmental Management System Certification, helping Atlas to improve our environmental performance through the more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste, gaining a competitive advantage and the trust of stakeholders alike. Atlas Professionals assess Environmental Impacts and Aspects at each office, to identify, mitigate and reduce our impact on the environment.
ESG Reporting FY 2023
CSRD Compliance
As a company with a global footprint of offices, Atlas Professionals complies with applicable legislation and industry requirements to measure, observe, act on and improve its carbon footprint. Atlas Professionals reports inline with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and subsequently within the comprehensive frameworks for Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) and carbon reporting. Through this report, our data is made publicly available to all stakeholders.
For the reporting year (FY 2024), reporting of material topics will consolidated into annual financial reporting, which will be subject to assessment by an independent auditor. Reporting has been prepared in consultation with internal and external stakeholders with a focus on both Atlas and Atlas’ value chain.
Scope 1, 2 & 3 Emissions Reporting
Atlas Professionals report Greenhouse Gas Emissions via the Scope 1, 2 & 3 reporting mechanism, via the use of Carbon Accounting Software, inline with the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, enabling Atlas to effectively disclose and reduce our carbon footprint. With inbuilt and custom emission factors, Atlas seek to disclose data of the highest possible quality, bringing compliance and auditability of our carbon accounting processes, delivering tangible results which can be shared with our stakeholders, used to improve our performance and reduce our carbon footprint over time.
Atlas seeks to improve the quality of reporting data year-on-year, moving from country averages and estimations to quantitative data as it becomes available from our suppliers.
Performance 2023
3rd Party assessment and verification
ESG Reporting: GHG Emissions
FY 2023 Reporting delivered: Scope 1-2 reporting, partial scope 3 reporting as input to Shareholder CSRD (voluntary) reporting requirements.
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) - Environmental Performance
Atlas Professionals disclosed its environmental performance via the Carbon Disclosure Project contributing to a rich data source to help address environmental challenges. CDP scoring is aligned with the Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) S2 Climate-Related Disclosures and therefore provides a comparable dataset across the market.
CDP Score: Climate Change 2023 - Score C - demonstrating knowledge on and of climate issues, inline with the specialised professional services sector average of C.
ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental Improvement
Atlas recertified to the ISO 45001 Environmental Management System Standard, adding the Boston office to the group certificate for the first time, an office heavily involved in supporting the development of US renewables markets and the growth of offshore wind.
The ISO 14001 certification sits alongside our ISO 9001 and 45001 certification within our integrated management system.
Maritime Labour Convention - Social Protection
Atlas recertified to the Maritime Labour Convention (Regulation 1.4: Recruitment & Placement), promoting the living and working conditions of seafarers.
Performance 2023
3rd Party assessment and verification
Sustainability Rating - Silver Medal Status
During 2023, Atlas renewed its Ecovadis CSR registration, maintaining Silver Medal status with an overall score of 69/100, drastically improving our standing in all categories and making tangible progress in our bid to introduce sustainable business practices across the board. This achievement marks a significant milestone in our commitment to sustainable practices and corporate responsibility and represents a 20% increase from our previous score, propelling us from the 78th percentile to an impressive 92nd percentile, while effectively demonstrating our dedication to being part of the conversation. EcoVadis is a widely recognised and trusted platform for evaluating and rating the sustainability and corporate social responsibility performance of companies and organisations. EcoVadis classifications provides businesses with a comprehensive assessment of their environmental, social and ethical practices throughout their supply chain. Below are the four main categories the classification has and our performance:
ʯ Environment: Our score in this category has seen a substantial rise from 60 in 2022 to 80 in 2023, showcasing our deep-seated dedication to environmental responsibility.
ʯ Labor & Human Rights: We increased our score from 60 in 2022 to 70 in 2023, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to promoting the welfare of our employees and respecting human rights.
ʯ Ethics: We have maintained a consistent score in 2023, demonstrating our commitment to ethical business practices across the globe.
ʯ Sustainable Procurement: While this area continues to be a focus for improvement, we have maintained our previous score, with plans for further enhancement in the upcoming year, as per our Sustainability report.
Performance 2023
Party assessment and verification
Open-es assessment
During 2023, Atlas Professionals was invited to participate in the Open-es, a platform designed to support the growth and sustainable development of the energy supply chain. Open-es is a systemic initiative to involve all companies in a common path of improvement and growth on sustainability performance. The platform includes assessment of ESG topics including human rights, human resources management, health and safety performance, corporate governance and supply chain management.
Atlas achieved an Open-es sustainability score of 77/100. This can be broken down into the following scores:
Carbon Offsetting
Matching employee donations
During 2023, NextWave Partners matched donations to Ecologi for any employees that signed up to the Programme. During 2023, NextWave co-funded the planting of 336 trees, resulting in the avoidance of 56 tCO2e.
Based on an average annual carbon footprint of 8 tonnes
Carbon Footprint
Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions reporting
By identifying our Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions, Atlas can understand the emissions of our full value chain and can focus efforts on the greatest reduction opportunities. Atlas has identified the following categories as material for reporting purposes.
ʯ Scope 1 - Direct Emissions from Operations
ʯ Stationary Combustion (natural gas in offices for heating)
ʯ Mobile Combustion (fuel from company lease cars excluding commuting)
ʯ Scope 2 - Indirect Emissions from Electricity Consumption
ʯ Scope 3 - Indirect Emissions from the value chain (Upstream)
ʯ Fuel and energy related activities
ʯ Scope 3 - Indirect Emissions from the value chain (Downstream)
For FY 2023, Atlas has calculated its Scope 1 & 2 emissions, with partial reporting for scope 3 (emissions related to scope 1 & 2 input).
For 2024, Scope 3 reporting, based on materiality, will also include;
ʯ Scope 3 - Indirect Emissions from the value chain (Upstream)
ʯ Fuel and energy related activities (based on S1/2 entries)
ʯ Waste generated in operations
ʯ Business travel
ʯ Employee commuting
ʯ Scope 3 - Indirect Emissions from the value chain (Downstream)
ʯ Downstream Leased Assets (Electricity consumption)
ʯ Financial Investments (Electricity consumption)
GHG Emissions
CSRD Reporting
*This column contains all entries for which a further split in greenhouse gasses is not known. This table was constructed following the Greenhouse Gas Protocol reporting standards. The total emissions in this report include electricity emissions using the market-based method. Travel emissions in this report include the effects of radiative forcing for aviation.
GHG Intensity Ratios
Applying a baseline
Atlas Professionals apply intensity ratios based on FTE and Annual Revenue, allowing comparison of energy efficiency over time and with other similar organisation types.
FY2023 will be used as a baseline to compare ratios going forward.
Scope 1 66,66
Scope 2 : Market based 23,34 0,05924 0,00012
Scope 2 : Location based 66,12 0,16782 0,00034
Emission Savings
Choosing clean energy
ʯ For all office space
ʯ Total use of renewable energy = 79.3%
ʯ Total consumption = 197,411.00 kWh/MJ equivalent 710,679.61
ʯ For office space where choice of provider is under the control of Atlas (27.8% of all office space)
ʯ Total use of renewable energy = 100%
ʯ Total (metered) consumption = 75,574 kWh / MJ equivalent 272,066.40
ʯ Lease Cars: Business Travel & Commuting in Electric/Plug in Hybrid Vehicles
ʯ Total driven distance = 223,445.99 kms
ʯ Emissions saved based on average petrol car = 36.63 tCO2e
ʯ kWh of electricity used to charge electric/PIH vehicles, based on manufacturer kWh consumption/100km = 19,379.66 kWh = 3.41 tCO2e
Note 1: 81.3% of all electricity used in Atlas offices is metered energy. The remaining 18.7% is extrapolated based on office size. As office leaseholders, Atlas does not directly generate renewable energy. Renewable energy is purchased from energy companies via certified green schemes. KM/consumption for PIH calculated at 50% of total use.
Objectives 2024
ʯ Select and implement DMA Software-conduct and deliver ESRS compliant DMA analysis
ʯ Build on Materiality Analysis/Stakeholder Consultation of 2023 to deliver fully compliant Double Materiality Assessment (DMA) to identify material topics and future reporting requirements.
ʯ Select and implement carbon reporting tool - enter FY 2023 data to be used as baseline and comparison to manual (Excel-based) calculations.
ʯ FY 2024 - identify data points for reporting of data including deadlines for quantitative and qualitative data reporting for implementation inline with CSRD, Shareholder and Atlas requirements.
ʯ FY 2024 - Full Scope 1-2-3 reporting into carbon reporting tool.
ʯ FY 2024 - include data reporting in Annual Financial Report and provide input to Shareholder for FY 2024 CSRD reporting requirements.
ʯ FY 2024 - data subject to assessment by independent auditor (through financial audit)
ʯ Publish Atlas Professionals Sustainability Report (FY2023)
ʯ Open-es - update and disclose ESG Performance
ʯ Ecovadis - update and disclose ESG Performance
ʯ CDP - update and disclose ESG Performance
ʯ ESOS - Phase 3 Participation (UK Government Environment Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme), including measurement of energy consumption & independent auditor assessment to verify data and identify cost-effective energy saving opportunities for UK offices.
ʯ Improvement quality of data reporting over time, moving away from estimation and country averages to exact data as it becomes available from suppliers and other data sources.
CO2 Emission Reduction
Ambition & goals
ʯ Maintain use of 100% Renewable Energy where choice is under control of Atlas.
ʯ Maintain ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management system certification.
ʯ 95% use of Electric/Hybrid Company Lease vehicles by 2035 (Commitment by 2030-5-year lease).
ʯ Net Zero by 2050, as per Atlas Professionals Group Vision.
Circularity of Activities
Sustainable solutions
Atlas Professionals seeks to offer added value of its services throughout the entire employment lifecycle, demonstrating its commitment to sustainability to our stakeholders.
ʯ Resource Efficiency and Waste Reduction
ʯ Digitalization and Paperless Processes: Targets for paperless processes in place.
ʯ Energy Consumption: Monitoring of energy use in offices, with energy saving initiatives such as switch off at night policies to minimise idle waste.
ʯ Sustainable Marketing Supplies: Atlas engage with suppliers who offer eco-friendly/ bio-based products, with digital options in place for paper-based materials.
ʯ Product exchange: Merchandise portal in place to manage product requirements including return and exchange of surplus supplies.
ʯ Service Circularity
ʯ Client and Professional Retention: Atlas seek to build long term relationships with customers to leverage resources and maximise opportunities.
ʯ Atlas’ Greenhand Programme introduce entry level workers to the offshore and renewables industries with over 250 candidates starting their offshore career through the programme to date.
ʯ Stakeholder Engagement
ʯ Sustainable business partners: Atlas seek to maintain relationships with clients with strong sustainability practices and track records.
ʯ Employee and Customer Engagement: Atlas collect and analyse feedback from clients and professionals both formally and informally, with consistently high scores indicating successful circular practices.
Circularity of Activities
Sustainable solutions
ʯ Circular Economy KPIs
ʯ Recycling and Waste Management: Segregation and recycling facilities are in place in all offices, reflecting available waste streams and reducing the amount of waste that goes to landfill.
ʯ Carbon Footprint: Measurement and identification of reduction opportunities through policy and process.
ʯ Innovation and Continuous Improvement
ʯ ESG Innovation and improvement: Adoption of sustainability platforms including Ecovadis, Open-es, CDP to measure and share performance, bring transparency and drive improvement.
ʯ Internal Circularity Initiatives: Atlas monitor programmes to reduce office waste and increase energy efficiency via regular auditing and assessment (ISO 14001:2015).
ʯ Reporting and Transparency
ʯ Sustainability Reporting: Atlas publish an annual Sustainability Report, with mid and end of year emissions reporting.
ʯ Sustainability Standards: Atlas maintain certification to ISO 14001:2015 for environmental management, a recognised sustainability and circular economy standard.
ʯ Employee Engagement in Circular Practices
ʯ Policy and Procedure: ESG related policies and procedures are shared with both office and field employees to promote circular practices such as Atlas’ Environmental, CSR and Waste Management policies.
Health & Safety
Promoting a safe and healthy workplace
Atlas Professionals operate a Zero Harm strategy and seek to continuously improve the health and safety of the working environment, free from any form of harassment or abuse. Atlas is committed to meeting customer and candidate expectations and maintain a series of certifications providing assurance to compliance with customer, industry and regulatory standards.
Zero Harm demonstrates Atlas’ commitment to continually strive to reach the highest standards in health and safety, minimise our impact on the environment and work cooperatively with our Customers, Candidates, Contractors, Colleagues and Communities.
Zero Harm is achieved through various activities, including but not limited to:
ʯ Accident and Incident Reporting, Investigation, Data sharing and KPIs
ʯ Emergency Response Procedures with annual training drills
ʯ Safety Conversation topics shared with Professionals prior to deployment
ʯ HSE Induction and Refresher training for Staff and Professionals
ʯ HSE KPIs and Objectives
ʯ Online customer surveys to gather feedback on HSE issues
ʯ Atlas Professionals HSE Handbook
ʯ QHSE fixed agenda topic at all meetings
ʯ ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety Certification
ʯ Complaints, Feedback and Continual Improvement Procedures
ʯ Health & Wellbeing initiatives
ʯ Workplace Risk & Environmental Aspects Management
ʯ My Safety 7 Cs
ʯ My Life Saving Rules
Atlas Professionals is dedicated to ensuring Zero Harm, ensuring that all tasks are completed in a safe and efficient manner and has created the concept of the 7 Safety Cs:
ʯ Correct Prioritization
ʯ Compliance
ʯ Communication
ʯ Continuous Risk Assessment
ʯ Caring for Each Other
ʯ Coaching/Mentoring
ʯ Competency
Health & Safety
My life saving rules
I will always use fall prevention techniques where there is a risk of falling.
I will always know and understand what I need to do in the event of an emergency.
I know what can go wrong on every job and have done what I need to do to stop it happening.
I know my vehicle is safe to drive and I will drive defensively. Before starting work I will ensure all energy sources have been isolated and de-energised.
I will always wear the appropriate personal protective equipment for the task.
I will not put myself in the line of fire.
I will only enter a confined space when all controls are in place and verified.
I will aim to reduce my environmental footprint by reducing, reusing and recycling wherever possible.
Health & Safety
Accident & Incident statistics
Atlas Professionals monitor accidents, incidents and near misses occurring both at Atlas Professionals’ offices (own workers), the worksites of our customers and where our candidates and contractors are deployed. All of the below reported incidents have occurred at Customer worksites.
Accidents and Incidents Statistics 2023
Lethal Accidents Fatalities (FAT)
Total Lost Time Accidents/Incidents (TLA/LTI)
Lethal Accidents Fatalities (FAT)
Total Lost Time Accidents (TLA/TLI)
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIF)
Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)
Health & Safety Training
Health & Safety Training
In 2023, substantial effort was invested in ensuring that the health and safety of our employees and professionals remained a top priority. Noteworthy initiatives included 191 HSE training courses for new starters based in Atlas offices (97% of all new starters), encompassing training in Emergency Response, Safety Conversations, Zero Harm and Quality. The commitment to continuous improvement was evident through refresher training, external emergency response drills, internal drills and specialised drilling mastery classes. Emergency response drill training was completed for 100% of Atlas offices. In all, over 160 hours of faceto-face HSE training was conducted with employees in 2023.
Greenhand (New Entrant) Training
Collaborating with customers and recognising the need to introduce new entrants to the industry to meet ever increasing demands, Atlas has conducted a series of six Greenhand courses during 2023, securing 84 positions for professionals entering the Drilling industry.
The programme's multifaceted approach, covering our identity, mission and safety elements, played a pivotal role in fostering awareness and taking a proactive approach towards workplace safety.
The Greenhand Programme continues in conjunction with a variety of external stakeholders including customers, government bodies and training providers.
Since its inception in 2018, there have been more than 690 placements, with further training planned to meet the anticipated expansion of the Renewables sector.
Stakeholder Engagement
Listening to feedback
Atlas Professionals collects and analyses feedback received from employees, clients, professionals and other stakeholders regarding their satisfaction with the company’s services, including sustainability matters. We receive high satisfaction scores thus indicating successful circular practices.
Feedback is welcomed from all stakeholders, with the following open channels available
ʯ Direct Supervisor/HR Route (Staff)
ʯ Dedicated Account Manager (Clients/Professionals)
ʯ Online Customer Surveys (Clients/Professionals)
ʯ All Hands Meetings (Staff)
ʯ Whistleblower Procedure
ʯ Privacy Policy/Privacy Officer
ʯ Website - Contact us with questions, complaints & feedback
ʯ Confidential Advisor (Staff)
ʯ Discipline & Grievance Procedure (Staff/Professionals)
ʯ Plot Yourself Employee Engagement (NextWave Partners Staff)
ʯ ESG Materiality Assessment (Stakeholder Survey)
ʯ Glassdoor Reviews
ʯ Complaints Procedure
Employee & Customer Engagement
To ensure acceptable ongoing standards, Atlas Professionals seek regular feedback from our Customers (Clients and Professionals), formally via online surveys and informally via regular and open communication between team members, clients and professionals.
All Hands Meetings
Throughout 2023, Atlas Professionals held all-hands meetings, a regular companywide gathering where all employees meet with leadership to discuss company matters, including an open Q&A.
Stakeholder Engagement
to feedback
Works Council (OR)
In accordance with EU legislation, Atlas Professionals seek to establish a Works Council (OR) to represent the interests of the workforce. It aims to improve working conditions and represent employees in company decision making. Atlas Professionals canvasses its staff at regular intervals to encourage staff to form a Works Council (OR). Dutch staff were contacted in 2023 to ask if any staff members wished to be part of such a works council (OR) as a worker's representative. Unfortunately, there was insufficient support for the scheme. Staff will be asked again about their desire for a works council in future years.
Plot Yourself Employee Engagement
During 2023, NextWave employees were able to give satisfaction ratings/feedback to the business through a Plot Yourself exercise at multiple times during the year (within PDPs) where they rated the business on various points. Data was collected and reviewed by the Board. For engagement, a total average score of 4.11 out of 5 was scored across all employees (who were at the business) and across 7 key points:
ʯ Psychological Safety
ʯ Development (self & professional)
ʯ Motivation (business & employee-50:50)
ʯ Elite (services to them/us to client)
ʯ Collaboration
ʯ Competitiveness
ʯ Strategy (Understanding/Communication)
ESG Materiality Assessment
During 2023, Atlas Professionals conducted a Stakeholder Survey, to identify potentially relevant ESG themes within our value chain. Stakeholders included Staff, Board Members, Management, Clients, Professionals and Suppliers. This provided input for a CSRD compliant Double Materiality Assessment to follow in 2024. Material themes identified included the following:
ʯ Greenhouse Gas Emissions
ʯ Health & Safety
ʯ Diversity & Inclusion
ʯ Talent Development
ʯ Responsible Business Conduct
Glassdoor Reviews
During 2023, Atlas Professionals received a total of 21 reviews, with an average score of 4.2 out of 5.0. which indicates that most employees have an excellent working experience. The Atlas Professionals employee rating is inline with the average (within 1 standard deviation) for employers within the Human Resources and staffing industry (3.8 stars).
Complaints and Suggestions
Atlas Professionals has a complaints procedure in place, with a dedicated email address. Submissions indicating that service standards have not been met are registered, actioned, reported on and followed up to ensure that issues are resolved and corrected to prevent reoccurrence, ensuring continual improvement.
Attraction & Retention
Social and professional growth
An Employee Journey illustrates A&R resources available to staff, including the hiring process, onboarding, learning and development, performance management, career opportunities and feedback.
A new system for applicant tracking, supports managers with the recruitment process and has provided greater transparency regarding applications, enabling managers to review candidates as they apply and allowing candidates to receive feedback on applications with greater efficiency.
Employee & Talent Development
Social and professional growth
A Leadership & Development Programme harnesses, develops and rewards key talent within the organisation. From that, a framework was created to outline the development tools available to everyone and the responsibility on the organisation, manager and individual. A new training platform was launched to support personal and professional development, with an existing training platform refreshed and navigation improved.
Regular 1-2-1 meetings are in place between staff and direct managers to encourage open and honest communication and to direct efforts. HR workshops have been delivered for managers to provide them with the right skills and knowledge on various people management topics including 1-2-1 meetings, performance management and the use of psychometric assessments to accelerate development.
Addressing a career pathway and personal goals for the next 2-5 years for all our staff is a critical component of a Self-Actualisation approach to talent development. It facilitates discussion around career aspirations and considers the support that staff need from the Leadership and the Talent Development team in securing their commitment to owning their personal and professional growth. This will be rolled out to all staff from 2024.
NextWave employees have IMX (Innermetrix) coaching upon entering the business and will continue to have PDPs throughout the year which are career development conversations with manager and people team present. In these meetings, salary and job are reviewed and discussed as well as motivations, personal goals, performance and trust levels. To enable these performance conversations, analytics are drawn from a factual database and a management tool is set up for managers to follow.
NextWave Partners has a robust salary structure, with salaries aligned for new starters and those receiving a promotion to ensure that people at the same level are rewarded fairly for their skills vs. external factors or likeability factors. These salaries are assessed against a skills matrix/job descriptions which have set targets and competencies. Salary structure is transparently shared with employees/ managers during salary reviews to promote advancement.
Employee Health & Wellbeing
Providing support
Atlas and NextWave Partners promote health and wellbeing by offering Wellbeing/Gym membership subsidies, mental health support including internal mental health first aiders, external confidential support and access to health and well-being training content and meditation practice.
A work costs scheme has been implemented at Dutch offices, offering an attractive employee tax incentive for the purchase of bicycles, supporting cycling as a sustainable transport option.
Diversity & Inclusion
Valuing every employee as an individual
During 2023, a new Diversity & Inclusion definition was determined.
At Atlas people make our organization. Our mission is to create a safe, reliable, competent and happy work environment for all, where you can be yourself. Our diverse thoughts, perspectives and experiences contribute to making that a success. You have a voice at Atlas, which is why we all come together to take part in the conversation about diversity and inclusion and we continue to learn and grow to develop diverse teams.
Diversity & Inclusion
Valuing every employee as an individual
Staff were surveyed to understand what Atlas Professionals does to meet the definition. Subsequently, a Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Policy was agreed and published.
ʯ Inclusivity - We promote inclusive hiring by advertising in multiple locations to reach as many candidates as possible. We use standardised guidelines ensuring inclusive language, style and the essentials criteria list. We offer hiring managers structured interview templates for fair process and use psychometric assessments to focus also on behaviours. We ensure that all disabilities are catered for, providing suitable support during work and in case of an emergency.
ʯ Communication - We encourage open communication and regular employee feedback. We provide access to a confidential advisor. We have a code of conduct and Whistleblower policy.
ʯ Respect - We seek to create a working environment to respect each other, our uniqueness and recognise our differences.
ʯ Commitment - We are committed to continuing the journey of diversity and inclusion and we understand this is an ever-evolving topic.
ʯ Education - It our responsibility and commitment to embrace diversity and inclusion with authenticity. To achieve this, employees have been encouraged to complete cultural diversity and unconscious bias training through the Atlas internal training platform.
ʯ Leadership - To recognise differences promote being unique and serve as mirror for the organisation - Through multiple actions starting with starting the D&I conversation in management meetings with the board, sharing experiences with teams to open discussions down to daily collaborative working, we know our leaders play a vital role when it comes to D&I and we will guide and support them to do this.
ʯ Top-down approach with D&I strategies - Our board have played a key role with the D&I project team to develop the policy and the actions held within it. They are the first to start the conversation and are committed to support the efforts to continuously progress.
Workforce Statistics
Staff and Professionals
As a leading supplier of specialist personnel to niche industries, Atlas Professionals is concerned with its own staff and the professionals who are deployed at the worksites of our clients, seeking a balance in both areas. Specialising in industries that are traditionally male dominated, Atlas Professionals and NextWave Partners seek to take action to diversify the workforce, with particular focus on gender representation.
Workforce Statistics
Staff and Professionals
Of professionals hired during 2023, 5.34% were female, compared to 6% in 2022.
Atlas remains committed to promoting gender diversity in the offshore industry by actively encouraging more female candidates to explore opportunities in this field. To highlight the contributions of women in our industry, we have conducted interviews with a Senior Quality Engineer, a Chief Development Officer and one of our female recruiters. By sharing their stories, we aim to inspire more women to pursue careers in the offshore sector and help drive greater gender equality in this space.
Efforts continue to be focussed on the placing of junior/new entrant talent, with regular recruitment days attracting candidates to the industry for the first time.
Atlas seek to train and educate local content staff to deliver on local government objectives for project staff mix, while harnessing the benefit of minimising extensive global travel between home and project locations, which currently make up a large proportion of Atlas/NWPs scope 3 GHG emissions.
Atlas Professionals and NextWave partners are proud of their global reach and have engaged over 75 nationalities across 2023 and are recognised as experts in the delivery and engagement of global professionals in a compliant manner.
During 2023, there were no reports of whistleblower cases of discrimination or harassment incidents.
Risk Management
Understanding and managing risk
Atlas Professionals is widely recognised for its professionalism, consistency and financial discipline. Across the Group we are continuously seeking opportunities for growth, while taking controlled risks. A strong balance sheet together with a strong cash flow form the basis for a healthy business.
Atlas Professionals aims to ensure that the risks of the Group are identified and managed effectively and that the operational and financial objectives are met in compliance with local applicable laws and regulations at a proper level of assurance. A system of internal controls providing adequate financial reporting is in place and is monitored on a regular basis.
Taking and managing risks is a part of the daily business within our Group. In our endeavour to become first choice in the provision of professionals in specific niche markets, risk assessments are included in business planning, performance monitoring processes, common processes, system implementations, acquisitions and integration activities. Our Risk Management process forms part of our Quality Management system and has been included in our ISO9001:2015 certificate and is thus subject to regular external audits. Atlas’ company-wide internal governance framework includes a Code of Conduct, Whistleblower Policy and Risk Management.
Risk Management
Atlas Professionals operates on a global scale which means that our offices are also located in places which may be vulnerable to (geo-) political unrest. For Atlas Professionals, the safety of our employees and professionals is a top priority and hence our risk tolerance in this respect is low.
With an increase in our activities directly or indirectly related to the energy transition, broadening our scope of services and seeking new markets, we are becoming less dependent on the oil & gas industry.
Our worldwide activities are exposed to varying degrees of risk and uncertainty. Some of these risks may result in a material impact at the level of a particular operating company or business segment if not identified or effectively managed, but they are in general not expected to have material impact at Group level.
The global digitalization trend puts pressure on margins as new delivery platforms continue to make inroads in the traditional recruitment and staffing business. Although Atlas is somewhat protected through the complex regulatory and international nature of its business, it has a strategy of continuous investment in its digital platform and in further integration with customers and professionals.
Risk Management
Atlas operates in many geographical markets, exposing the Company to changing regulatory environments. Given the often-cross border nature of the activities of our customers, this brings additional complexity in determining what regulations may be applicable in a particular situation. Hence there is a risk of non-compliance to laws and regulations that can lead to fines, claims and reputational damage.
The Group’s tolerance for these types of risks is low. We aim to reduce this specific risk by working with a set of standards and procedures, setting up registrations and/or partnerships in key jurisdictions and by employing relevant experts locally and centrally, who can train and advise local staff on the job.
In addition, such regulatory changes may affect the overall business environment in certain jurisdictions. The global spread of the Company reduces this risk.
Risk Management
Atlas Professionals is continuously developing and implementing processes on a Groupwide basis, supported by common and tailor-made IT systems with embedded key control frameworks. This will ensure the integrity of information processing in supporting day-to-day transactions and financial and management reporting.
With the increased dependency on IT, the potential impact of major cyber security incidents or system downtime could be considerable. Stopping cyber security issues starts with user awareness. Significant efforts were undertaken to timely bring phishing schemes and similar threats to the attention of staff. Atlas’ IT set up and standard IT controls have proven robust against cybercrime to date, also in the (post) COVID-19 environment that had a substantial effect on the amount of work done from staff’s homes instead of offices. A review of the Atlas IT infrastructure has been performed and actions have been defined and implemented to enhance productivity whilst further reducing this risk.
The potential inability to attract and retain the right people would be an important risk for Atlas. This risk is managed through various measures as described in the Social chapter of the report. To ensure that all new and existing staff members have up to date knowledge, we have further invested in the standardisation and communication of procedures and processes to our staff to minimise the risks. This also involves knowledge and procedures regarding the start of the assignment of the professional and staff members so that the on-boarding process is compliant.
Risk Management
Compliance and anti-corruption/fraud risk analysis
In response to identified potential fraud risks, several compensating controls are present within Group procedures to detect and prevent these from happening. Such controls are largely concentrated around:
ʯ A strong segregation of duties (relating expense reports and approvals, payroll processes, cash disbursement processes, compensation and benefits processes, banking and master data changes)
ʯ High quality and largely standardised internal and external reporting requirements, all of which are subject to various levels of review
ʯ A strict gifts policy
ʯ The absence of business with external agents who are paid via commissions
ʯ Financial reporting, risk management and control systems include clear accounting policies and a standard chart of accounts.
Community Engagement
Connect, collaborate and learn
Greenhand (Re-Entrant) Training Days
Atlas Professionals have developed a Greenhand Technical Training Programme where relatively non-experienced professionals receive training and support to introduce/re-introduce them to the offshore industry. This is led by former industry professionals. Selected participants attend a one-day HSE training programme followed by an aptitude test and interview with an Atlas Professionals account manager. Atlas Professionals also supports participants with obtaining the necessary offshore medical and safety certificates. The scheme is supported by several clients and the UK Department of Work and Pensions.
Career Connect Recruitment Events
During 2023, Atlas Professionals hosted a series of recruitment events to engage with local candidates and to attract new talent within the energy and marine industries which we support. Events were held in Croatia, Latvia, Poland and Lithuania, where Atlas would deliver a presentation about Atlas, our history, our values, our services, global network of offices, industries, roles that we recruit, followed by an open Q&A session. Attendees were then able to connect with the Atlas team via face-to-face interviews to discuss their skills, experience and career opportunities and ask questions directly to our recruitment team. The events attracted a significant number of highly skilled and valuable professionals, many of whom were matched directly with client opportunities.
Expanding our office network into the Baltic States
During September, Atlas Professionals opened a Representative Office in Klaipeda, Lithuania to boost recruitment power in the region, increase brand awareness and develop local business in the increasing maritime and renewables industries.
Community Engagement
Connect, collaborate and learn
Charitable Support
Atlas offers staff an annual volunteering day to support local charities, encourages local teams to participate in charitable events within their communities and is happy to share fundraising successes across the organisation.
Atlas Professionals are a proud sponsor of the indoor soccer team ZVV Urk in Urk, Netherlands, a local corporate league supported by local businesses, promoting the name of Atlas Professionals within the local community and supporting members of staff involved in the league to enjoy the benefits of playing community sport.
Atlas Professionals currently employ 84 staff of Ukrainian nationality. 18 have been displaced and relocated under national protection schemes, whereby the business has worked hard to allow them to continue their employment by working remotely. Additionally, we now have 21 Ukrainian staff working in our offices in Riga and 45 who have chosen to remain in Odesa, living under difficult circumstances, but every day, working hard to add value for our internal and external stakeholders.
Community Engagement
Connect, collaborate and learn
Atlas Professionals Cleanup Week - 11-16 September 2023
World Cleanup Day aims to raise awareness of the mismanaged waste crisis by mobilizing society to participate in cleanup actions. Individuals, governments, corporations and organizations are all encouraged to take part in cleanups and to find solutions to tackle mismanaged waste. To mark the launch of our first Sustainability report, Atlas Professionals organised its own Atlas’ Cleanup Week. Staff were provided with materials and encouraged to organise a cleanup during their lunch breaks. Teams tidied local parks, wildlife reserves and the local office area and neighbourhoods, making a positive impact on areas in which we live and work.
Unlocking Potential: Empowering Youth through Strengths Explorer Workshop
NextWave Partners worked in partnership with Singapore’s YMCA Youth at Risk group in a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative to deliver a Strengths Explorer workshop aimed at helping young individuals discover their unique strengths and leverage them for personal development and growth, helping participants to re-enter the workforce or go to school.
Funding Climate Action
NextWave Partners match donations to Ecologi for any employees that sign up to this carbon offsetting platform, funding climate projects all over the world.
Human Rights and Modern Slavery
Compliant workforce solutions
Atlas Professionals is committed to respecting human rights as outlined in the UN Guiding Principles for Business & Human Rights.
Our staffing and workforce solutions are provided on the basis of compliance, integrity and responsibility and in accordance with applicable local and international laws. We understand our legal and moral obligation to prevent slavery and human trafficking within our business and the supply chains through which it operates.
We seek to provide a working environment that is free from harassment and disrespectful conduct. We will not use child labour, we provide equal opportunities and we do not discriminate based on gender, race, religion, age, disability, nationality, social, or ethnic origin.
We recognise our responsibility to respect human rights in all aspects of doing business and have embedded human rights in our Code of Conduct and internal policies, including the Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) policy and Whistleblower policy and within our supply chain management process.
Our policies cover, among others, freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining and the prohibition of forced or compulsory labour. Additionally, our policies include principles to ensure that our ethics and human rights standards are upheld.
Human Rights & Modern Slavery
Compliant workforce solutions
We believe that an integrated approach to human rights, by embedding it into our policies, business systems, processes and culture, allows us to manage human rights effectively within our existing ways of working. Our policies apply to all our employees, personnel and contractors.
Our main supply chain includes clients, business partners and suppliers of services involved in the supply of workforce and staffing solutions and includes employers of record, financial, tax, payroll, immigration, logistics and legal specialists and/or organisations and suppliers of commodities, including utilities.
We understand that risks can occur throughout the supply chain, specifically in relation to suppliers of personnel, where extra due diligence is carried out to ensure no forced labour, trafficking and deceptive recruitment practices are taking place.
We recognise the role of due diligence in bringing our commitments to life. To ensure that partners and suppliers comply with applicable laws and regulations, we carry out due diligence assessments and verifications (part of an Integrated Management System which is audited yearly under Atlas Professionals’ ISO accreditation), which are reviewed by the relevant internal stakeholders.
Policies are communicated both internally and externally to stakeholders, forming part of the induction training of all staff. Refresher training is also planned periodically to ensure ongoing compliance.
Human Rights and Modern Slavery
Compliant workforce solutions
Key performance indicators are used to monitor effectiveness of the policy, with the KPI of reports received from staff, the public, or law enforcement agencies to indicate that modern slavery practices have been identified remaining consistently at zero over the previous 12-month period.
Atlas Professionals are attested to the ILO Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006, to guarantee minimum standards of living and working conditions for our seafarers. We are committed to continually improving the quality of our operations. The long-term success of our business relies on our ability to ensure the health, safety and well-being of our employees, contractors and the public, as well as minimising our impact on the environment. Atlas Group requires compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to our business.
We have assessed the Atlas Group business and supply chain, our vision, mission and policies and the implemented processes and conclude that there is a low risk of slavery and human trafficking within the Atlas Group business. However, we commit to ongoing review to prevent slavery and human trafficking in our activities and supply chain.
Sustainable Procurement & Supply Chain
Supporting sustainability goals
Sustainability factors, including use of resources, product life cycle, distribution and production under fair and ethical working conditions among others, are considered when sourcing products and services. For Atlas Professionals, as a service provider this primarily includes the procurement of business travel, IT equipment and data hosting, stationery suppliers, promotional materials and PPE.
Approved Vendors
Supplier evaluation
Atlas Professionals maintain an approved vendor list which includes suppliers who affect the core process of supply within each office, with a value greater than €10,000, or of strategic importance to the Group. Suppliers are assessed annually and rated for service, price and efficiency. Corrective action is taken for low scoring suppliers to ensure minimum acceptable standards are maintained.
For 2023, a total of 182 suppliers were assessed, with average ratings of 6.9/10 for Service, 6.6/10 for Price and 6.9/10 for Efficiency and an overall combined rating of 6.8 out of 10.
New suppliers are assessed in accordance with our due diligence questionnaire (riskbased assessment), with suppliers assessed for QHSE, compliance with applicable legislation, Atlas Professionals policies and project/operational requirements.
In addition to the above due diligence process, we also request any Employer of Record (EOR) to complete an EOR clarification assessment. This confirms their track record and ability to partner Atlas Professionals as a local employer and ensures compliance by reviewing sample documents such as payment confirmations and employment contracts. Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental track record are further taken into consideration when selecting suppliers for activities that are high risk activities. For 2023, Atlas Professionals received no reports of breaches of labour and human rights issues or other ethical practices from any of our suppliers.
Marketing Strategy
Driving sustainable growth and engagement
At Atlas Professionals, our marketing strategy is rooted in the principles of sustainability, resource efficiency and meaningful engagement. We aim not only to maximise our resources but also to minimise our environmental impact through innovative practices and a focus on long-term value creation.
Strategic Research and Market Insights
In 2023, we prioritised gathering in-depth data on the size and accessibility of key markets, alongside assessing our existing market share. This research drives informed decision-making and ensures we allocate our marketing resources to areas where we can make the most impact, particularly in emerging sectors such as offshore wind in the US and the increasing demand for Greenhands in Europe.
Digital Transformation and Sustainable Practices
In line with our sustainability goals, we have fully transitioned to digital marketing initiatives. Our printed HEROES magazine has been phased out and replaced by digital brochures, significantly reducing the need for printed materials. We have also phased out traditional business cards and paper-based products like wall calendars, replacing them with digital alternatives.
Marketing Strategy
Driving sustainable growth and engagement
Supplier Engagement for Long-Term Impact
We partner with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability, focusing on efficient delivery routes, the use of recycled materials and providing products designed for longevity. This approach helps to minimise waste sent to landfill, reinforcing our goal to foster a circular economy within our supply chain.
Merchandise and Waste Reduction
To further minimise waste, all marketing supplies are centralised and available through a costed merchandise portal at a group level. Teams are encouraged to order only what is necessary and any excess stock is reallocated across departments, ensuring no materials go unused.
Event Management with Sustainability in Focus
Sustainability is a core consideration in all our events, from the use of digital invitations to the careful selection of venues based on their environmental credentials. We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint at every stage of event planning and execution.
Driving Candidate Engagement Through Social Media
Our strategy goes beyond sustainability to actively engage new talent through targeted social media campaigns. In 2023, we identified and shortlisted communities of interest and developed tailored content to increase awareness and candidate acquisition. Additionally, we have created a social media plan aimed at engaging both current candidates and previous contractors, ensuring continuous engagement and opportunity.
Internal Communication and Staff Engagement
A key part of our sustainability journey is ensuring that our internal teams are fully aligned with our goals. We are developing an internal communications plan with specific engagement targets to keep staff informed and motivated. As part of this effort, we have launched our renewed companywide communication initiative, the 'Next Chapter' talkshows, to address the entire organisation. These talkshows provide a platform for company-wide updates, fostering transparency, alignment and a shared sense of purpose across all levels of the business.
Data Goverance
Digitalisation, Data Privacy, Cyber and Security
Atlas Professionals invests in best-in-class software and also develops its own proprietary middle office system to ensure that we remain at the forefront of developments in our market and to maintain the high level of service that we provide to our candidates and clients. We focus on facilitating quick and easy communication in a fast-paced and highly competitive landscape.
Atlas IT systems are predominantly cloud-based with no on-prem servers. This helps to keep our energy and material consumption to a minimum.
Data Privacy
As a holder/processor of personal data, Atlas Professionals takes data security very seriously, with the following key policies in place to protect this data:
ʯ Privacy Policy
ʯ Data Leak Procedure
ʯ Cyber Security Policy
ʯ Strategic Cyber Security Policy
ʯ Incident Response Policy.
Data Goverance
Digitalisation, Data Privacy, Cyber and Security
Cyber and Information Security
Atlas Professionals ensures information security in several ways:
ʯ We have seen significant risk reduction of phishing emails through the performance of phishing simulation testing and follow on training, during the course of the last 18 months.
ʯ IT & Cyber Security training incorporated into online learning platform.
ʯ IT due diligence and annual review of services conducted on (potential) vendors.
ʯ Security baseline assessment conducted by external partner (Ecko), identifying potential security policy enhancements. Baseline security score increased 24% in the last 18 months.
ʯ Bi-annual audits performed (by PwC) who review control procedures such as segregation of duties, user impersonation checks, change management, user access rights review.
ʯ In addition to the Data Leak Procedure a new Incident Response Plan has been created.
ʯ All records are maintained in accordance with our Integrated Management System and in accordance with any prevailing legislation. Inactive users are removed from the system and Professionals may request their personal information be removed from the system inline with our Privacy Policy.
ʯ Professionals are required to read and accept Atlas’ Privacy Policy at the moment they create their account in the system (MyAtlas portal). The policy details the type of personal data Atlas Professionals is requesting, how we collect it, for what purposes we hold it; what to do in case the data needs to be corrected or removed as well as what is the Data Leak Procedure.
ʯ Atlas Professionals ensures that business critical IT systems suppliers are at least ISO 27001 certified.
ʯ With regards to IT hardware, Atlas endeavours to redistribute hardware such as laptops, monitors and peripheral hardware in an attempt to keep material consumption and costs to a minimum with any electronic waste being disposed of with certified partners and recycled where possible.