Sustainability Report
2022 For Our People & Our Planet
Table of Contents Message from the Board Our Approach to Sustainability Our Values Global Alignment UN Global Compact & Sustainable Development Goals
3 5 7 8
1. Environmental Impact & Emissions
Scope 1, 2 & 3 Emissions Carbon Footprint: CO2 Emissions CO2 Emission Reduction: Ambitions & Goals Carbon Reduction Projects Waste & Recycling
12 13 14 16 17
2. Social – We Invest in People
Health & Safety Employee & Talent Development Employee & Customer Engagement Diversity & Inclusion
22 24 28 30
3. Governance – We Are Open, Straightforward & Compliant
Compliance & Anti-Corruption / Fraud Risk Analysis Risk Management Risk Exposure Strategy Quality & Continual Improvement Community Engagement & Local Partnerships Human Rights & Modern Slavery Sustainable Procurement & Supply Chain
36 37 38 42 43 45 46
Message from the Board
Message from the Board “I'm proud that we are taking responsibility for our global ESG impact and footprint” Boris Kasteel, CEO of Atlas Professionals Atlas Professionals is an international recruitment company specialising in the Energy, Marine and Renewables industries. Operating globally, we strive to create a reliable, agile and sustainable business environment where our Professionals can secure the career they deserve with our Clients having means to access the best talents our industries have to offer. With more than four decades of experience under our belt, we are dedicated to ensuring that we are always at the frontier of everything related to personnel recruitment and business solutions in Energy, Marine and Renewables Industries. This frontier is ever changing thanks to various innovations in our industries, but also due to challenges the climate crisis, geopolitical risks and social unrest bring. As a value-driven company that conducts business with integrity whilst also acting responsibly; we want our stakeholders to be able to assess and judge our sustainability efforts and commitments. Because simply stating that sustainability sits at the highest level of our organisation is no longer enough to demonstrate our dedication for sustainable practices, even if our CEO and Board Members have been actively promoting, supporting and bolstering our ESG efforts for years. That is why we put in place this report, to provide a framework to demonstrate our ESG standards and commitments and showcase our results. This report thus includes quantitative performance data from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Our ESG reporting includes Atlas Services Group B.V. and its operating companies (hereafter referred to as Atlas Professionals or Group).
Message from the Board
It also includes carbon emissions data from the 2022 acquisition of NextWave Partners (NWP), but not the ESG activities of NWP - who are a Certified B Corporation since December 2022. The report excludes the joint venture between Programmed Maintenance Services Ltd and the Netherlands-headquartered Atlas Professionals ANZ Holdings BV, Atlas Programmed Marine JV (JV) in Australia and New Zealand for the Scope 1 and Scope 2 Carbon emission reporting. We would like to note that the Atlas Professionals offices in Perth, Australia and New Plymouth, New Zealand, are the first recruitment services provider in the energy and marine industry in Australia and New Zealand to become carbon neutral in 2022. At Atlas Professionals, we are undertaking important initiatives and activities to improve our environmental and social impact and governance structures. And this report is just the beginning. We are proud of what we are doing, yet understand we are far from being there yet. There will always be 'Work in Progress', which is why we explicitly included these sections in the report − we want to demonstrate progress being made beyond the scope of the current report. With this first sustainability report, the foundation is solid for future improvements on our road to sustainability.
Boris Kasteel Chief Executive Officer
Collin Seyger Chief Financial Officer
Our Approach to Sustainability
Our Approach to Sustainability ISO 9001 ISO 14001 ISO 45001
We aim to provide responsible recruitment services for our people and our planet. Our broader approach to sustainability is strongly linked into our values and aligned with the UN Global Compact and Sustainable Development Goals.
Our certification to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 standards and Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006, among others, provide external verification of the values, policies and procedures that exist within our management system; ensuring that we continue to deliver on these commitments and continual improvement.
Our Approach to Sustainability
Our Values Corporate Sustainability starts with our values, which are a common thread throughout our company and are guiding principles to how we do business. By living up to our values, we operate in ways that meet and exceed minimum standards in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. • We invest in people. We provide education to our Professionals. We want them to excel at what they do. • We conduct business with integrity. We treat each other with respect. We adhere to and follow local laws and regulations. Health and safety, whilst respecting the environment, has our highest priority. • We are open and straightforward. We encourage open communication. We are straight to the point. • We know our business. We are experts. We know our Clients, their businesses, our Professionals and our business. We know and understand the details – which count the most. • We are pro-active. We take initiatives. We communicate with Clients and Professionals as much as possible. We listen and we act. • We are responsible. We are ambitious. We take calculated risks and take responsibility for our actions and results. • We keep our promises. We honour our agreements. We do not promise things we cannot deliver.
Our Approach to Sustainability
Global Alignment UN Global Compact & Sustainable Development Goals Acting as a global company, we are committed to aligning with the UN Global Compact principles and the linked Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs provide a framework for attaining the objectives and targets set by UN Member States that together signal what needs to be done to protect our planet, to fight injustice, and combat poverty. We are committed to promoting all the goals and are particularly focused on those goals where we can have the biggest impact : 4, 5, 8, 10, 13 and 17. We are confident that our maximum efforts towards these priorities will support our contributions to the realisation of the SDGs which are within our scope and control. By aligning ESG Strategy with our values, the United Nations Global Compact sustainability principles and the UN SGDs, we not only uphold these values, but also set the stage for long term success.
Our Approach to Sustainability
Source: UNGC
Environmental Impact & Emissions
1. Environmental Impact & Emissions Environmental factors include the level of contribution we make to combat climate change through reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, increasing energy efficiency, implementing climate adaptations along with efficient waste management. Understanding how renewed efforts to combat global warming, cutting emissions and decarbonizing are becoming increasingly more important, we reiterate our commitment to support these goals thanks to our dedication to delivering the necessary skilled workforce to a wide range Clients operating globally within the Renewables industry. Atlas Professionals strives to contribute positively within the three areas of People, Planet and Profit. Although as a service provider, operating from modern offices, our direct impact on the Planet is limited, we endeavour to improve our performance every year, looking into the use of green energy (where this is under our control), encouraging the use of electric vehicles, efficient processes minimizing the use of our printing devices and recycling waste where possible. As a company with a global footprint with offices in select countries across the globe, Atlas Professionals strives to comply with various regulations and industry standards to measure, observe and act on its carbon footprint. Understanding the scope and size of the organisation, Atlas Professionals has adopted the Greenhouse Gas Protocol standards to measure their carbon footprint while observing various domestic regulations to comply with national standards to fully assess control over their global carbon footprint. For other metrics related to our environmental impact, such as reducing and recycling waste, Atlas Professionals continues to measure their performance with respect to various national and global averages as well as implementing all industry standard requirements.
Environmental Impact & Emissions
Scope 1, 2 & 3 Emissions Atlas Professionals report Greenhouse Gas Emissions via the Scope 1, 2 & 3 reporting mechanism. These scopes are used to categorise the different kinds of emissions that a company can generate during their own operations and in their wider value chain (suppliers and customers), following the Greenhouse Gas Protocol reporting standard. As the Greenhouse Gas Protocol states: “Developing a full [greenhouse gas] emissions inventory – incorporating Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions – enables companies to understand their full value chain emissions and focus their efforts on the greatest reduction opportunities”. • Scope 1 emissions are from sources that Atlas Professionals owns or controls directly – for example, from burning gas to heat our offices or burning fuel in our company lease vehicles (if they are not electrically-powered). • Scope 2 emissions are those that Atlas Professionals causes indirectly and, for example, include purchased energy used to power and heat our offices. • Scope 3 includes all emissions that are not produced by Atlas Professionals directly, but by those within our value chain. We expect these emissions to form the largest part of our overall emissions, which will be identified and measured by the end of 2025. A baseline for Scope 1 & 2 emissions has been made during 2022, with annual reporting thereafter, with the aim of meeting European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) for Scope 1 & 2 reporting requirements for FY 2024.
Environmental Impact & Emissions
Carbon Footprint: CO2 Emissions Atlas Professionals follow the Greenhouse Gas Protocol reporting standard, disclosing our Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions through the Carbon Disclosure Project (rating pending). As a service provider, our carbon footprint comprises of emissions from our offices (Scope 1 & Scope 2), and company / lease cars (Scope 1). The emissions generated by private vehicles owned by our Staff (commuting and travel between offices) and Professionals (travelling to and from Client worksites and projects around the world), and other associated value chain emissions, will be included within the scope of Scope 3 emissions (to be identified and reported by 2025). Additionally, environmental data that has been collected from Atlas Professionals offices, based on metered data where available, were also extrapolated based on office size as required. Emissions data for FY 2022 will serve as a baseline for future measurement / performance comparisons. From 2024, whereby environmental data will form part of financial reporting, data will be verified by appointed external financial auditors. Key figures – Atlas Professionals (FY 2022): Total Scope 1 & 2 CO2 emissions (market based)
93.71 tCO2eq.
Total Purchased Non-Renewable Energy (Scope 2)
68.84 MWh (25.7%)
Total Purchased Renewable Energy (Scope 2)
198.76 MWh (74.3%)
Atlas Professionals assess Environmental Impacts and Aspects at each office, in order to identify, mitigate and reduce our impact on the environment.
Environmental Impact & Emissions
CO2 Emission Reduction: Ambitions & Goals Our Scope 1 & 2 emissions, which are under the control of Atlas Professionals, are generated by company / lease cars, and the use of energy (electricity and natural gas) for our offices, for which we aim to reach Net Zero by 2035. A net zero target for Scope 3 emissions will be set once these have been further defined and reported for Atlas Professionals. In order to minimise energy consumption within the IT infrastructure there is a company-wide power saving (when idle) and switch off at night policy, including IT hardware such as laptops, screens and projectors. We have targets in place for 95% paperless work processes to minimise the requirement for printer hardware and resources. The use of Adobe Sign within both internal and external work processes has drastically reduced any requirement to print. The use of offsite data centres moves the energy consumption from Scope 2 emissions to Scope 3 (supply chain), benefiting from increased efficiencies, and economies of scale of offsite data centres compared to an on-premises data centre. Atlas Professionals aim to reduce CO2 emissions Intensity figure (FTE/Revenue) of its operations by -10% (2025 vs. 2022 baseline figures). Other targets include: • Maintain use of 100% Renewable Energy where selection of provider is under the control of Atlas Professionals (KPI), • Maintain ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management system certification (KPI), • 95% use of Electric / Hybrid Company / Lease vehicles by 2030 (Commitment by 2025 – 5-year lease), • 95% Paperless processes (Internal by 2025, External by 2027), • Energy Transition Plan > 50% Turnover in Renewables sector (via M&A and autonomous growth) by 2030.
Environmental Impact & Emissions
Work in Progress: Carbon Reduction Projects Atlas Professionals has offices in many countries across the globe. Our local entities participate in various carbon reduction projects as required by local legislation.
EED (European Energy Efficiency Directive) – ASG Holding BV During 2021, offices in the Netherlands participated in an EED (European Energy Efficiency Directive) Audit as per local legislative requirements. This audit identified areas of energy consumption and potential improvement areas to reduce consumption. These included the replacement of traditional fluorescent tubes with LED lighting at our Dutch offices, improvements to offerings of fully Electric & Plug in Hybrid lease cars, the removal of Benzine cars as a lease car offering, and the reduction of the lease car fleet by offering mobility packages (public transport) as an alternative, all of which are work in progress and reported accordingly.
SECR Reporting – Atlas Professionals UK Ltd (Aberdeen) For FY 2022, Atlas Professionals UK Ltd was required to report their UK energy use and related Scope 1 & 2 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions as per local legislative requirements. These were submitted via Financial Reporting and will be assessed and verified via financial audits (PwC). The total annual energy consumption of Atlas Professionals UK Ltd fell below the 40,000 kWh threshold. The regulator will therefore be informed that there is no requirement to conduct a phase 3 ESOS assessment for this entity.
Carbon Disclosure Project ( – Atlas Services Group BV Atlas Professionals has voluntarily reported its Scope 1 & Scope 2 emissions via the Carbon Disclosure Project, using FY 2022 as a baseline, with annual updates thereafter for all Atlas Professionals offices. Our rating is awaited. Atlas Professionals is committed to reporting via this dataset to aid environmental transparency and accountability, identify improvement opportunities and track our progress.
Environmental Impact & Emissions
Waste & Recycling Waste Atlas Professionals operate recruitment and HR solutions services from rented modern offices across the globe. The types of waste that are directly generated by Atlas Professionals are limited to general office waste such as paper, cardboard, toner cartridges, ICT waste and general domestic waste generated by our office employees. This waste is disposed of via local authority waste streams, or via local waste and/or recycling providers. There is currently no measurement and reporting of waste types available within Atlas Professionals, or via local waste providers. This is primarily due to the shared office spaces that Atlas Professionals occupy within larger serviced buildings. We will seek to report on waste types as soon as reporting mechanisms become available. In the meantime, Atlas Professionals take the EU average of 530 kg of municipal waste per capita to calculate total waste per year based on FTE. For 2022, where Atlas Professionals had an average of 333.25 FTE, the total estimated municipal waste was 176,622.5 kg. / 176.62 metric tonnes. Atlas Professionals generated zero hazardous waste in 2022.
Environmental Impact & Emissions
Recycling To support recycling of waste, recycling facilities are in place and are actively promoted in Atlas Professionals offices. 36% of Atlas Professionals office space is situated within the Netherlands and 23% is in the United Kingdom. The remaining offices are located in Brazil, Cyprus, Latvia, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Ukraine and the USA. On a national level, both the Netherlands and the UK achieved 27% recycling rates for 2022 (Source: Global Waste Index 2022: Sensoneo). Atlas Professionals takes the average of 27% as a recycling rate to calculate recycled waste for all Atlas Professionals offices, worldwide. Total estimated recycled (recovered) waste for 2022 was 47,688 kg / 47.69 metric tonnes. Recycling rate targets for 2030 have been set at 60% by the EU, and 70% by the UK Government, although these may need to increase to counter-balance waste generation, which is also expected to increase. Atlas Professionals aim to meet the EU Municipal recycling target of 60% of all waste by 2030.
Environmental Impact & Emissions
Social – We Invest in People
2. Social – We Invest in People As a people business at heart, the element we can influence most is People. Social factors of our ESG efforts include observing and implementing provisions related to human rights, labour standards, and illegal child labour within our value chain and cooperation on more routine issues such as adherence to workplace health and safety. We find jobs for thousands of people each year – sometimes permanent, sometimes on a temporary basis. We genuinely care about our Professionals, make sure they are paid and insured correctly and protect their health and safety to the best of our abilities through our Zero Harm programme. We take initiatives to help people that are somewhat further distanced from the job market to get or keep jobs with our Clients or within our organisation. It is also our belief that achieving a good social score indicates how well our integration efforts with the local community are going and therefore obtaining a ‘social license’ to operate with consent. We listen to our stakeholders, encouraging consultation and participation at all levels, both internally and externally. We gather feedback from Staff, Clients and Professionals on an ongoing informal and formal basis in order to ensure that any issues are addressed at the earliest opportunity to maintain a high level of service and satisfaction. We disseminate information relating to employment issues, including Health, Safety & Environment at all levels of the organisation, and regularly review our policies and procedures. We endeavour to be compliant in letter and spirit with the rules and regulations of the countries we operate in, and adhere to international sanctions. We take pride in being conservatively financed so our Clients can be sure we will be around as reliable partner for years to come. Last but not least, we contribute to develop a sustainability-based mindset for our Professionals through our increased focus on delivering Professionals to the Renewables industry (Wind, Hydrogen, Energy Storage and Solar) in order to meet the industry’s ambitious targets.
Social – We Invest in People
Health & Safety Atlas Professionals ranks the safety of our Professionals as our number one priority and is dedicated to ensuring our Professionals can achieve what matters to them most - coming back home the very same way they commenced their onboarding, with Zero Harm. Zero Harm is the vision that guides all operations and activities undertaken by Atlas Professionals. It is our commitment to continually strive to reach the highest standards in health and safety, minimize our impact on the environment, and work co-operatively with our Professionals, Staff, Vendors and Clients. Zero Harm is achieved through various activities, including but not limited to: • Accident & Incident Reporting, Investigation, Data sharing & KPIs, • Emergency Response Procedures in place, with annual training drills, • Safety Conversations held with Professionals, • HSE Induction and Refresher training in place for Staff and Professionals, • HSE KPIs and Objectives in place, • Online customer surveys in place to gather feedback on HSE issues, • Atlas Professionals HSE Handbook available to all Staff and Professionals, • QHSE fixed agenda topic at all Staff meetings, including the quarterly All Hands meeting, • ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety standard certification for all offices, • Complaints Procedure in place. Atlas Professionals has different initiatives to promote the health and wellbeing of its Staff. If the situation is related to an employee’s mental health, Atlas Professionals has several mental health first aiders that are available to contact for all employees. They have been trained through a mental health first aiders course, are addressed, and made known to new employees during the HR Induction, and are available for a quick chat, assistance, and support.
Social – We Invest in People
Accident & Incident Statistics Atlas Professionals monitor accidents, incidents and near misses occurring both at Atlas Professionals offices and at the worksites of our Clients to where our Professionals are deployed. All of the below reported incidents have occurred at Client worksites. Key figures – Atlas Professionals (FY 2022): Total Recordable Incident Rate
0,47 (KPI <1,0)
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate
Total Lost Time Accident
Lethal Accident (Fatality)
Total Days Lost
Accident & Incident Statistics – Atlas Services Group B.V. (Past 5 years: 2018 – 2022)
Social – We Invest in People
Lethal Accident, Fatality (FAT)
Total Lost Time Accident (LTI/LTA)
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIF)
Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)
Employee & Talent Development One of our values at Atlas Professionals is ‘We invest in people’. Through this value, we focus on improving the competence of both our Staff and Professionals to ensure they have the skills, knowledge and experience they require to perform their job both with success and joy.
Staff 2022 saw the launch of our People Strategy for Atlas Professionals Staff globally. Our People Strategy is: “With integrity, our reliable, pro-active and competent employees ensure that we can serve the customer in the best possible way. That is why we invest in our people, offer an inspiring working environment with room for initiative, feedback and development.” In the long term, this means we are a learning organisation, provide perspective, develop leadership and care for our human capital. It is the ambition of Atlas Professionals to build a competent workforce by providing the tools and guidance required to succeed in their role within the company, and an environment that encourages employee development. ESG related issues are promoted via Company KPIs and Objectives, with training and awareness shared via company communication channels including Deck Intranet, company online training (Atlas Academy and “GoodHabitz"), Newsletter, Staff Meetings, the company Handbook and Social Media campaigns.
Social – We Invest in People
During the course of employment, our office-based Staff receives training to meet the requirements of their role. The effectiveness of training is reviewed monthly for any training activities completed within that month. HR are responsible for contacting individuals for feedback, and for creating and sending an overview to managers for validation. Output of the effectiveness of training will guide future training. Another tool that supports our Staff to succeed is our Performance Management cycle. In the beginning of each year, our Staff set their objectives together with their manager. There are two formal check-in points: one mid-year and then an end of year review. The process and format for objectives setting is split between two factors, business and personal.
Business objectives are role specific and feed into the success of the team and company strategy. Personal objectives will be linked to other personal development the individual wants to achieve and can be related to the role or other professional and personal development. The objectives should always be set and agreed in a collaborative way with manager and employee both providing input. In addition to the business and personal objectives, five measures of personal conduct are scored on a five-point scale, namely, taking responsibility, customer focus, problem solving and creativity, teamwork and communication/interpersonal skills.
Every day IS A learning day
Work in Progress: Learning & Development Framework Atlas Professionals has launched our Learning and Development framework in Q1 2023 in order to guide employees and management alike and to further invest in our people. The framework consists of four separate layers. The first layer, Onboarding, contains all standard trainings that are offered to each of our new starters, either general or bespoke to their position. The second layer is Atlas and function specific and is tailored to our new starters, but also for our existing employees to expand their knowledge. This training is mainly located on the Atlas Academy. Personal & Professional development is our third layer, in which all external accredited courses lie, has our own HR Masterclasses that are created by our HR Business Partners, and the GoodHabitz platform curated for personal development. For all trainings that are non-bespoke, Atlas Professionals has launched the GoodHabitz platform in Q1 2023. The platform and content is provided by a third party, and focuses on personal development. Examples include but are not limited to soft skills, personal strengths, inspirational leadership, language, management & teamwork, diversity & inclusion et cetera. The choice was deliberately made to not report or monitor data in GoodHabitz on an individual level. Atlas Professionals believes this platform is intended for personal development, and creating an environment where progress is monitored does not foster this goal. Each course completion earns a certificate which can be used to track learning progress. Reporting is available on a group level (anonymous) to guage the effectiveness and popularty of the platform. Finally, we have the Leadership Development Programme (LDP), a tailor-made development programme for future and current leaders, in which they develop leadership skills and competencies. With professional guidance from experienced coaches, the participants will be able to fine tune their knowledge, develop their skills and learn innovative approaches. Furthermore, the LDP serves as an opportunity to share various experiences and approaches between colleagues, who are normally geographically very far apart. The programme has had three iterations since 2021 and is being reviewed at the moment for further improvements. As of today, of our ~350 employees, 38 employees have participated in this multi-day program, equating to around 10.85%.
Social – We Invest in People
Leadership Development Programme
Leadership Programme
External Accredited Qualifications
Personal & Professional Development
HR Masterclasses
Personal Development Platform
Atlas Specific Training
Global Recruitment Specialists
Atlas Online Videos
Atlas Products & Services
QHSE Training
Introduction to the brand
Introduction to Atlas4Sales
HR Induction
Professionals: Work in Progress As a service provider specialising in recruitment and HR services to the Energy, Marine and Renewables industries, the development process of Professionals that are deployed with our Clients is not in our immediate control. However, in line with our value ‘We invest in People’, Atlas Professionals is dedicated to implementing procedures and programmes to promote the development of Professionals working in Energy, Marine and Renewables industries. These include, but are not limited to: • Employee Appraisal by Client, • Training Programmes, such as the Greenhand Roustabout Training Programme, • Atlas Competence Programme, • Re-Entrant Days, • Partnerships with Training providers.
Social – We Invest in People
Employee & Customer Engagement Employee Feedback Atlas Professionals has originally held the employee satisfaction survey for Staff globally since 2018 and uses different criteria to measure employee’s understanding of the company direction, job satisfaction, diversity & inclusion, work life balance, learning and development and Net Promoter Score (NPS). The survey consists of five questions, and a score (1-10) for Atlas Professionals as an employee, with an average response rate of around 70% of employees. As a result of the employee satisfaction survey, several actions have been laid out by HR, which are taken forward into project planning and communicated back to the business via the quarterly company wide All Hands meetings’. The Employee Satisfaction Survey amongst our Staff resulted in a Net Promoter Score of 8.6, moving from -9.9 in 2018, to 4 in 2021 therefore showing a year-on-year improvement. 73% of respondents felt confident about Atlas Professionals’ direction and strategy. In the Netherlands, Atlas Professionals is currently canvassing Staff to form a Works Council (OR) to further facilitate consultation and participation of workers on HSE and related matters. In line with Dutch Legislation and Audit criteria, Atlas Professionals has a confidential advisor in place. Instead of focussing on the Dutch Market, our confidential advisor is present and approachable for the entire organisation.
Social – We Invest in People
The confidential advisor serves as an impartial point of contact, including but not limited to cases where an informal solution cannot be found, cases which are sensitive due to personal reasons, or cases wherein the events cannot be discussed with the direct supervisor or HR. The presence of the confidential advisor is detailed in every HR induction but is also available on our company intranet, Deck.
Customer Feedback To ensure standards, Atlas Professionals seek regular feedback from our customers (Clients and Professionals), formally via online surveys and informally via regular and open communication with our team members. Atlas Professionals continues to perform well with an overall feedback score of 86% Customer Satisfaction for 2022.
8.6 /10
Average rating on our services from clients, professionals and employees
Diversity & Inclusion At Atlas Professionals, we believe that diversity drives progress and aim to build an inclusive organisation. Throughout the years, we have been taking steps to create an environment for everyone and foster a culture that helps us stay at the frontier of Energy, Marine and Renewables. This belief is also strongly enshrined into our Code of Conduct.
Statistics / Staff – EoY 2022 Below 25
25 - 40 41 - 60 Above 60
185 97 8
The top graphs illustrate some key metrics for Atlas Professionals Staff, based on figures taken at the end of year 2022. In contrast to the market in which we operate, it is notable that Atlas Professionals employs a total of 66% females to 34% male. Besides that, Atlas Professionals staff knows a total of 20 different nationalities, the top of which consists of British, Ukrainian, and Dutch employees corresponding to the countries in which we have the largest footprint. We also see that Atlas Professionals is a relatively young company, with the largest part of our workforce residing in the 25 - 40 age bracket. The bottom graphs shows key diversity indicators for all our Professionals. Key things to note are that the industry Atlas Professionals operates in is traditionally very male dominated. Seeing a participation of almost 6% females is an amazing start to break that bias, and to have more women enter the field. Besides that, Atlas Professionals employs Professionals from more than 80 different nationalities, operating all over the world whilst remaining compliant to local labour legislation.
Social – We Invest in People
Ukrainian Dutch Brazilian Singaporean Latvian American Spanish
23,82% 22,26% 8,78% 3,76% 3,45% 1,88% 1,88%
Statistics / Professionals – EoY 2022 Below 25
25 - 40 41 - 60 Above 60
1800 2200 400
British Dutch Brazilian
27,68% 11,28 8,32%
Ukrainian Latvian Polish Other
7,04% 10,33% 6,14% 29,21% Nationalities
Work in Progress: Policy, Equal Pay & Inclusive Employer Brand “At Atlas Professionals, people make our organisation. Our mission is to create a safe, reliable, competent and happy work environment for all, where you can be yourself. Our differences, diverse thoughts, perspectives and experiences contribute to making that a success. You have a voice at Atlas Professionals, which is why we all come together to take part in the conversation about diversity & inclusion and we continue to learn and grow to develop diverse teams.”
1. Policy In 2022, to further consolidate the steps taken on the Diversity and Inclusion front, Atlas Professionals launched a Diversity and Inclusion project. The aim was to set out to define what Diversity & Inclusion means within Atlas Professionals, to create a policy outlining this definition, and to lay the groundwork for concrete actions with which we are able to live up to this definition. This has led to a final definition, drafted and agreed on with the “Diversity & Inclusion Policy” in 2023. Additionally, Atlas Professionals has conducted a survey among Staff to measure and quantify the feelings of diversity and inclusion within the organisation in order to compare this in the following years to see if the project has had an effect.
Social – We Invest in People
2. Equal Pay The HR team is currently creating a more transparent and fairer renumeration process for Staff. This starts with creating a job matrix, which is currently in the process of being completed. This job matrix will be completely weighed using the Korn-Ferry Hay weighing method. This method is tested in the field, has been peer reviewed and empirically validated, and uses a set of three criteria to determine the relative weight of a job. Using this, and by gathering input from the business, HR intends to create an objective measure of all Staff jobs, to which fair and competitive salaries can be connected. This will in turn be validated through benchmarking of the market, ending with a salary grid that clearly outlines progression paths and salary increases.
Social – We Invest in People
3. Inclusive Employer Brand Atlas Professionals focuses on implementing inclusive recruitment strategies to represent candidates from underrepresented backgrounds. For example, we actively share stories of women working in the offshore industry. Next to this, we incorporate diversity, equity and inclusion values into our brand promise to signal potential candidates (both Staff and Professionals) that these values are integral to our company. We have been utilizing the GoodHabitz platform to push trainings on diversity and inclusion, discrimination, unconscious bias, inclusive language etc. as part of the hiring process. In line with the targets we have set in the Diversity & Inclusion Policy, our top-level management has completed these courses too; thus leading by example.
Social – We Invest in People
Governance We Are Open, Straightforward & Compliant
3. Governance – We Are Open, Straightforward & Compliant Atlas Professionals strives to be a partner our Clients can trust with their legal and compliance related matters. For us, effective governance refers to adopting a set of rules or principles defining rights, responsibilities, and expectations between different stakeholders within our company. Our Code of Conduct, Whistleblower Policy, Fraud Rules, and other company policies ensure that we provide equal opportunities to our people, defining guidance and setting standards regarding expected ambition, behaviour, rules of conduct and performance for our Staff, Professionals and various partners within our supply chain.
Compliance & Anti-Corruption / Fraud Risk Analysis Atlas Professionals works to create a safe culture and environment in which Staff, Professionals, Clients and other stakeholders can be sure that any suspicion of fraud is reported and adequately managed. In addition to the Code of Conduct, Whistleblower Policy and Fraud Rules, Atlas Professionals protects itself and its employees from the consequences of such behaviour by implementing a company-wide internal governance framework. In response to identified potential fraud risks, several compensating controls are present within Group procedures to detect and prevent these from happening. Such controls are largely concentrated around: • A strong segregation of duties (relating expense reports and approvals, payroll processes, cash disbursement processes, compensation and benefits processes, banking and master data changes), • High quality and largely standardized internal and external reporting requirements, all of which are subject to various levels of review, • A strict gifts policy, • The absence of business with external agents who are paid via commissions. Financial reporting, risk management and control systems include clear accounting policies and a standard chart of accounts.
Governance – We Are Open, Straightforward & Compliant
Risk Management Atlas Professionals have a Risk Appetite Statement in place and are continuously seeking opportunities for growth, while taking controlled risks. By conducting an annual risk review, Atlas Professionals ensures that the risks of the Group are identified and managed effectively, and that operational and financial objectives are met in compliance with local applicable laws and regulations. The risk management process forms part of our Integrated Management System, and is subject to regular external audits. Furthermore, risk assessments are included in business planning, performance monitoring processes, common processes, system implementations, acquisitions, and integration activities.
Governance – We Are Open, Straightforward & Compliant
Risk Exposure Strategy Atlas Professionals operates on a global scale with offices located in places which may be vulnerable to (geo-) political unrest. For Atlas Professionals, the safety of our Staff and Professionals is a top priority and hence our risk tolerance in this respect is low. Risk assessments are in place for office and home working, Staff travel, and for work in high-risk areas. Since February 2022, many of our back-office Staff working from the Odesa office (Ukraine) have been relocated to our Riga office in Latvia (and elsewhere working remotely), with little or no effect to continued operations. With an increase in our activities directly or indirectly related to the Energy Transition, broadening our scope of services, and seeking new markets; we are becoming less dependent on the Oil & Gas industry, and have targets in place for Energy Transition – to reach > 50% turnover in the Renewables sector (via M&A and autonomous growth) by 2030.
Governance – We Are Open, Straightforward & Compliant
Digitalization, Cyber Security, Data Privacy and Information Security Atlas Professionals is continuously developing, improving and implementing processes on a Group-wide basis, supported by common and tailor-made IT systems with embedded key control frameworks. This ensures the integrity of information processing in supporting and ensuring compliance of daily recruitment and placement processes as well as management of day-to-day financial transactions, financial and operational management reporting. Atlas Professionals invests in and develops IT based tools to ensure that we remain at the forefront of developments in our market, facilitating quick and easy communication in a fast-paced and highly competitive landscape. We have also further developed our online Professionals portal “MyAtlas” to enhance its functionality. As a holder of data, Atlas Professionals takes information security very seriously, with the following key policies in place to protect this data: • Privacy Policy, • Data Leak Procedure, • Cyber Security Policy, • Strategic Cyber Security Policy.
Governance – We Are Open, Straightforward & Compliant
Information Security Atlas Professionals ensures information security in a number of ways: • Performing regular phishing simulation testing, with a follow up training program, • IT & Cyber Security training incorporated into online learning platform (GoodHabitz), • IT Due diligence and annual review of services conducted on (potential) vendors, • Security baseline assessment conducted by external partner (Ecko), identifying potential improvement areas, • Bi-Annual audits performed (by PwC) who review control procedures such as Segregation of duties, user impersonation checks, change management, user access rights review, • In addition to the Data Leak Procedure a new Incident Response Plan is under development, • All records are maintained in accordance with our Integrated Management System, and in accordance with any prevailing legislation. Inactive users are removed from the system, and Professionals may request removal from the system, • Stakeholders (Professionals) are required to read and accept Atlas’ Privacy Policy at the moment they create their account in the system (MyAtlas portal). The policy details the type of personal data Atlas Professionals is requesting, how we collect it, for what purposes we hold it; what to do in case the data needs to be corrected or removed as well as what is the Data Leak Procedure, • Atlas Professionals ensures that business critical IT systems suppliers are ISO 27001 certified.
Governance – We Are Open, Straightforward & Compliant
Quality & Continual Improvement Atlas Professionals’ Integrated Management System, incorporating Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental standards, ensures confidence in services for Clients, Professionals, and Staff. With Atlas Professionals certified to internationally recognised standards including ISO 9001:2015 (Quality), ISO 45001:2018 (Health & Safety), ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental), VCU/SCT 2011/05 Safety Checklist for temporary and secondment Agencies, and Attestation of compliance to the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, Atlas Professionals maintains a series of internal and external assessments to ensure ongoing compliance and continual improvement of systems. By complying with these standards, Atlas Professionals reassures Clients that it can provide a high-quality workforce, delivering a compliant and efficient service, while maintaining strict health and safety standards, minimizing harm to any person or the environment. Customer satisfaction levels as measured through online surveys remain high, with Atlas Professionals services rated as 8.19/10 by Clients and 8.86/10 by Professionals for 2022. The company continues to promote the health and wellbeing of Staff and Professionals, and care of the environment, monitoring HSE performance within company KPIs, focusing on monthly topics to raise awareness of current trends as part of Atlas Professionals Zero Harm strategy. Atlas Professionals will continue to identify system improvements to maximize the talents of those working within the organisation, to be able to provide Professionals with the best opportunities and Clients with the best Professionals.
Governance – We Are Open, Straightforward & Compliant
Community Engagement & Local Partnerships Atlas Professionals aims to engage with communities in which it operates and establish local partnerships. For example, in 2022 we have collaborated with DOB Academy and OffshoreWind4Kids to promote the Offshore Wind industry during various events, and participated in sustainable initiatives of our Clients, such as the Boskalis Beach Cleanup Tour in the Netherlands. Additionally, we constantly collaborate with local training providers for our Training Programmes.
Charitable Support Research shows that being kind is good for both sides - so collaborating with members of our community to raise money or volunteer for worthy causes can help us feel more connected with one another. To ensure this is the case, Atlas Professionals encourages local teams to participate in charitable events within their local communities and is happy to share fundraising successes across the organisation. So far, we have witnessed charitable bake sales, sponsored runs and walks, and donations of gifts to local children’s hospitals at Easter and Christmas. Internally, both Atlas Professionals and its Staff have supported Staff and their families who have been displaced by the war in Ukraine.
Governance – We Are Open, Straightforward & Compliant
Human Rights & Modern Slavery Atlas Professionals is committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Our Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships, implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking are not taking place anywhere in our supply chain. To ensure that our partners and suppliers comply with applicable laws, we carry out third-party due diligence assessments and verifications on a risk-based approach, which are reviewed by the relevant internal stakeholders. We have controls in place via our ISO certified recruitment and placement processes to ensure that the policy is adhered to, including right to work checks, minimum age restrictions, a Code of Conduct communicated throughout global operations, discussing living and working conditions with our Clients and Professionals, and widely communicated complaints and discipline and grievance procedures in place. Policies are communicated both internally and externally to stakeholders, with policies forming part of the induction training of all Staff. Refresher training, in the form of ethical dilemmas, is also planned periodically to ensure ongoing compliance. Key performance indicators are used to monitor effectiveness of the policy, with the KPI of reports received from Staff, the public, or law enforcement agencies to indicate that modern slavery practices have been identified remaining consistently at zero over the previous 12-month period. Atlas Professionals are attested to the ILO Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006, to guarantee minimum standards of living and working conditions for our seafarers.
Governance – We Are Open, Straightforward & Compliant
Sustainable Procurement & Supply Chain Sustainability factors, including use of resources, product life cycle, distribution, and production under fair and ethical working conditions among others, are considered when sourcing products and services. For Atlas Professionals, as a service provider, this includes stationery, marketing materials such as reusable water bottles, RPET shopping bags and wireless bamboo phone chargers, clothing (PPE & promotional), and IT services such as data hosting.
Approved Vendors Atlas Professionals maintain an approved vendor list which includes suppliers who affect the core process of supply within each office, with a value greater than €10,000, or are of strategic importance to the Group. Suppliers are assessed annually and rated for service, price and efficiency. Corrective action is taken for low scoring suppliers to ensure minimum acceptable standards are maintained. For 2022, a total of 185 suppliers were assessed, with average ratings of 6.9/10 for Service, 6.6/10 for Price and 6.9/10 for Efficiency, and an overall combined rating of 6.8 out of 10. New suppliers are assessed in accordance with our due diligence questionnaire (issued by risk-based assessment), with suppliers assessed for QHSE, compliance with applicable legislation, Atlas Professionals policies and project / operational requirements. In addition to the above due diligence process, we also request any Employer of Record (EOR) to complete an EOR clarification assessment. This confirms their track record and ability to partner Atlas Professionals as a local employer and ensures compliance by reviewing sample documents such as payment confirmations and employment contracts. Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental track record are further taken into consideration when selecting suppliers for activities involving high risk activities. For 2022, Atlas Professionals received no reports of breaches of labour and human rights issues or other ethical practices from any of our suppliers.
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Marketing Collateral Sustainability is incorporated into everything we do. We only order what we need, we use a certified design to shipment supplier to minimise shipments. We seek to re-use marketing materials, specifically exhibition stand materials, to minimise waste. Our HEROES magazine is available digitally, printing fewer and fewer numbers (on recycled paper), and business cards are being phased out and replaced with digital versions. To ensure a long lifespan of PPE and branded lifestyle clothes, we work with a well-known quality brands to ensure a mimimal impact to the environment. For events, all invitations are digital, and we select locations with Green Key certification, promoting sustainability in the hospitality industry.
Governance – We Are Open, Straightforward & Compliant
© 2023 Atlas Professionals – All rights reserved. This report is produced and published by Atlas Professionals. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written prior permission of Atlas Professionals. Requests to reproduce or translate Atlas Professionals publications should be addressed to the Marketing & Communications department of Atlas Professionals.
Atlas Professionals Wijkermeerstraat 32 - 34 2131 HA Hoofddorp The Netherlands
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