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1. Environmental Impact & Emissions

Environmental Impact & Emissions

Environmental factors include the level of contribution we make to combat climate change through reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, increasing energy efficiency, implementing climate adaptations along with efficient waste management. Understanding how renewed efforts to combat global warming, cutting emissions and decarbonizing are becoming increasingly more important, we reiterate our commitment to support these goals thanks to our dedication to delivering the necessary skilled workforce to a wide range Clients operating globally within the Renewables industry.

Atlas Professionals strives to contribute positively within the three areas of People, Planet and Profit. Although as a service provider, operating from modern offices, our direct impact on the Planet is limited, we endeavour to improve our performance every year, looking into the use of green energy (where this is under our control), encouraging the use of electric vehicles, efficient processes minimizing the use of our printing devices and recycling waste where possible.

As a company with a global footprint with offices in select countries across the globe, Atlas Professionals strives to comply with various regulations and industry standards to measure, observe and act on its carbon footprint. Understanding the scope and size of the organisation, Atlas Professionals has adopted the Greenhouse Gas Protocol standards to measure their carbon footprint while observing various domestic regulations to comply with national standards to fully assess control over their global carbon footprint. For other metrics related to our environmental impact, such as reducing and recycling waste, Atlas Professionals continues to measure their performance with respect to various national and global averages as well as implementing all industry standard requirements.

Scope 1, 2 & 3 Emissions

Atlas Professionals report Greenhouse Gas Emissions via the Scope 1, 2 & 3 reporting mechanism. These scopes are used to categorise the different kinds of emissions that a company can generate during their own operations and in their wider value chain (suppliers and customers), following the Greenhouse Gas Protocol reporting standard.

As the Greenhouse Gas Protocol states: “Developing a full [greenhouse gas] emissions inventory – incorporating Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions – enables companies to understand their full value chain emissions and focus their efforts on the greatest reduction opportunities”.

• Scope 1 emissions are from sources that Atlas Professionals owns or controls directly – for example, from burning gas to heat our offices or burning fuel in our company lease vehicles (if they are not electrically-powered).

• Scope 2 emissions are those that Atlas Professionals causes indirectly and, for example, include purchased energy used to power and heat our offices.

• Scope 3 includes all emissions that are not produced by Atlas Professionals directly, but by those within our value chain. We expect these emissions to form the largest part of our overall emissions, which will be identified and measured by the end of 2025.

A baseline for Scope 1 & 2 emissions has been made during 2022, with annual reporting thereafter, with the aim of meeting European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) for Scope 1 & 2 reporting requirements for FY 2024.

Carbon Footprint: CO2 Emissions

Atlas Professionals follow the Greenhouse Gas Protocol reporting standard, disclosing our Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions through the Carbon Disclosure Project (rating pending).

As a service provider, our carbon footprint comprises of emissions from our offices (Scope 1 & Scope 2), and company / lease cars (Scope 1). The emissions generated by private vehicles owned by our Staff (commuting and travel between offices) and Professionals (travelling to and from Client worksites and projects around the world), and other associated value chain emissions, will be included within the scope of Scope 3 emissions (to be identifed and reported by 2025).

Additionally, environmental data that has been collected from Atlas Professionals offices, based on metered data where available, were also extrapolated based on office size as required. Emissions data for FY 2022 will serve as a baseline for future measurement / performance comparisons. From 2024, whereby environmental data will form part of financial reporting, data will be verified by appointed external financial auditors.

CO2 Emission Reduction: Ambitions & Goals

Our Scope 1 & 2 emissions, which are under the control of Atlas Professionals, are generated by company / lease cars, and the use of energy (electricity and natural gas) for our offices, for which we aim to reach Net Zero by 2035. A net zero target for Scope 3 emissions will be set once these have been further de ned and reported for Atlas Professionals.

In order to minimise energy consumption within the IT infrastructure there is a company-wide power saving (when idle) and switch off at night policy, including IT hardware such as laptops, screens and projectors. We have targets in place for 95% paperless work processes to minimise the requirement for printer hardware and resources.

The use of Adobe Sign within both internal and external work processes has drastically reduced any requirement to print. The use of offsite data centres moves the energy consumption from Scope 2 emissions to Scope 3 (supply chain), benefiting from increased efficiencies, and economies of scale of offsite data centres compared to an on-premises data centre.

Atlas Professionals aim to reduce CO2 emissions Intensity figure (FTE/Revenue) of its operations by -10% (2025 vs. 2022 baseline figures).

Other targets include:

• Maintain use of 100% Renewable Energy where selection of provider is under the control of Atlas Professionals (KPI),

• Maintain ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management system certi cation (KPI),

• 95% use of Electric / Hybrid Company / Lease vehicles by 2030 (Commitment by 2025 –5-year lease),

• 95% Paperless processes (Internal by 2025, External by 2027),

• Energy Transition Plan > 50% Turnover in Renewables sector (via M&A and autonomous growth) by 2030.

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