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While our 40 animated Draw My Life videos have drawn 42M+ total views—our 40 foreign language adaptations have doubled that exposure (total views 84M+)—and that’s just with translations into 10 different languages.
Why those languages? In some cases, a donor has commissioned adaptations for regions they care about. In other cases we’ve done videos about particular places—e.g. Ukraine, Hong Kong, etc. and decided to adapt into native languages. Yet in others, we are experimenting with languages of countries with less restrictive social media regulations.
Then as we begin to gain traction in one region—for example, Latin America and the Middle East—we build on that success, by serving up more adaptations to a specific growing audience. To provide context for those two markets: our most popular English language video attracted 2M+ views, compared with 3.5M views for our most popular Spanish language video (about Venezuela) and 8M+ views for our most popular Arabic language video (about lululemon founder Chip Wilson).
ANTHEM: The Graphic Novel in SPANISH
Thanks to a very special donor, we are finally able to tackle our biggest translation project to date: adapting ANTHEM: The Graphic Novel into Spanish—with publication scheduled for late summer 2023. With additional donor support, we plan to then turn to the painstaking work of adapting all 18 episodes of the animated video series based on ANTHEM: The Graphic Novel into Spanish as well. When we take our most popular graphic novel to student conferences, events, and Comic Cons—we will now be able to offer the publication in Spanish, as well, to any who request it.