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Atlas University
Overview: In the latter half of 2021, The Atlas Society’s Student Programs rebranded under the umbrella of Atlas University. The goal of Atlas University is to merge our longstanding archive of scholarly work with a fresh new program curated for an up and coming generation of freedom lovers and Objectivists.
Atlas Intellectuals is a 90-minute monthly discussion group hosted by The Atlas Society Senior Scholar Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. Each discussion draws on content from Professor Hicks’ most recent topic covered in his latest Waterfall course.
The Atlas Advocates Speaker
Bureau New in 2022, The Atlas Society is sending our senior scholars across the country to speak on campuses in coordination with partner organizations who have tens of thousands of student-led chapters nationwide. Morals & Markets is a 90-minute webinar held on the fourth Thursday of each month (8:00 PM–9:30 PM ET), by Richard Salsman, Ph.D on topics that explore the intersection between ethics, politics, economics, and markets.

The Atlas Advocates Speaker Bureau
Overview: Experts in their respective fields, which include Philosophy, Economics, Business, Journalism and Academic Writing, The Atlas Society’s faculty and executive leadership are hitting the road to provide students with the philosophical framework to back up their beliefs in the classroom and among their peers.

Morals & Markets
Overview: Morals & Markets continues to reach ambitious high schoolers, college students, and young professionals with fresh, contemporary discussions hosted by Atlas Society Senior Scholar, Richard Salsman, Ph.D. He began hosting Morals & Markets for alumni of his classes at Duke who wanted to continue to have engaging conversations on contemporary topics that explore the intersection between ethics, politics, economics, and markets. Sessions begin with remarks followed by Q&A, discussion, and debate.
Morals & Markets: The Podcast – Professor Salsman’s opening remarks from each session are uploaded to all of your favorite Podcast Apps and are available on The Atlas Society’s website!
Recent Episodes include: • Egoistic-Foreign Military Policy • How The War On Fossil Fuel Fuels War • Central Bank Digital Currencies: What’s The Point? • The Economics and Politics of Cryptocurrencies
Student testimonial
“Professor Salsman’s lectures from Morals and Markets always leave me with a newfound framework to consider important ideas; they serve as some beacons of critical thinking in a world that needs it. The topics discussed are always fully engaging, both intellectually and practically and the discussion helps me orient my views in a rationally focused way. I hope Morals and Markets grows to become an institution—it certainly deserves to be one.” – Clifford G. Jr.
Faculty testimonial
“I much enjoy hosting my monthly ‘Morals & Markets’ webinar for university students, and developing new topics. I highlight the important interaction between ethics and economics and how Objectivist principles provide crucial insights into each field; the case studies reveal both truths and myths.” – Richard Salsman
Atlas University (Cont.)
Atlas Intellectuals
Overview: Atlas Intellectuals is a 90-minute monthly discussion group hosted by The Atlas Society Senior Scholar Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. Each discussion draws on content from Professor Hicks’ most recent topic covered in the Atlas Intellectuals Waterfall courses. Courses and their subsequent discussion seminars are scheduled on perennial and contemporary themes— Money, Socialism, the implications of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, Slavery and Reparations, Objectivity, Envy, Capitalism, Anti-Capitalism, and the newest course Education’s Villains and Heroes. Each course includes twenty-four pieces of content, ranging from memes, videos, podcasts, texts by Ayn Rand, curated intellectual and scholarly texts by Objectivist and other thinkers from a variety of perspectives.

Student testimonials
“The first session [of The Anti-Capitalism Course] was awesome, a lot to digest! I found the early quotes of Marx quite telling and you get a perspective of how that intellect formed. Despite the amount of information the session was well structured and concise.” – Graham W.
The topics are so relevant in these totalitarian days, as we watch current events in horror. – Amelia H.
Faculty testimonial
“I’ve been really enjoying watching the participants in my Anti-Capitalism and Education’s Villains and Heroes courses gain so much from these conversations. I think our rebranding under the Atlas University label will be effective at integrating our various scholarly initiatives—Waterfall content, Atlas Intellectuals, and so on.” – Stephen Hicks
The Atlas Society Book Club
Bookworms of all ages join our team to discuss both recent publications and time-tested classics, written by our scholars, Ayn Rand (of course) and modern day authors—who often join the discussions!
Previous guests include: • Jeffrey Tucker, Liberty or Lockdown • Michael Shellenberger, Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All • Anne Heller, Ayn Rand & The World She Made • Timothy Sandefur, Frederick Douglass: Self-Made Man • Stephen Kent, How the Force Can Fix the World: Lessons on Life, Liberty, and Happiness from a Galaxy Far, Far Away • Adam Thierer, Permissionless Innovation: The Continuing Case for Comprehensive Technological Freedom
Events 2021 | 2022
With the summer barely started, The Atlas Society’s presence at student conferences has already more than doubled the previous year’s total record. By exhibiting at and sending speakers to large events hosted by our partner organizations, we’re able to connect with young people, many of whom are hearing about Ayn Rand for the first time.
Young Latino Leadership Summit – Phoenix, AZ Young Women’s Leadership Summit – Dallas, TX FreedomFest – Rapid City, SD
Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) Revolution
– Orlando, FL
Turning Point USA Southwest Regional Conference
– Panama City Beach, FL Students for Liberty Freer Future Fest – Nashville, TN Turning Point USA AmericaFest – Phoenix, AZ
The Future of Freedom in the Americas –Miami, FL Students for Liberty All-Canada Conference – Virtual Festival de las Ideas Puebla – Puebla, México
El Valor de Emprender: Creación de Riqueza y Trabajo
– Rosario, Argentina
Students for Liberty NE Regional Conference
– Boston, MA Latin American Liberty Conference –Mexico City
Turning Point USA Young Women’s Leadership Summit
– Dallas, TX
The Objective Standard Conference (TOS-CON)
– Denver, CO FreedomFest – Las Vegas, NV Turning Point USA Student Action Summit – Tampa, FL
Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) Revolution
– Orlando, FL Students for Liberty LibertyCon International – Miami, FL Turning Point USA AmericaFest – Phoenix, AZ Suncoast Comic Con –Palmetto, FL Megacon Comic Con –Orlando, FL