Atlas University Overview: In the latter half of 2021, The Atlas Society’s Student Programs rebranded under the umbrella of Atlas University. The goal of Atlas University is to merge our longstanding archive of scholarly work with a fresh new program curated for an up and coming generation of freedom lovers and Objectivists.
Atlas Intellectuals is a 90-minute
The Atlas Advocates Speaker
Morals & Markets is a 90-minute
monthly discussion group hosted
Bureau New in 2022, The Atlas
webinar held on the fourth Thursday
by The Atlas Society Senior Scholar
Society is sending our senior scholars
of each month (8:00 PM–9:30 PM
Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. Each discussion
across the country to speak on
ET), by Richard Salsman, Ph.D on
draws on content from Professor
campuses in coordination with
topics that explore the intersection
Hicks’ most recent topic covered in
partner organizations who have tens
between ethics, politics, economics,
his latest Waterfall course.
of thousands of student-led
and markets.
chapters nationwide.
Annual Report