ATL Northern Ireland CPD

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CPD Opportunities and training courses for members through ATL and AMiE 2015-16

ATL and AMiE, Unit 16, 5 West Bank Drive, Belfast, BT3 9DF Tel: 028 9078 2020 Web: or Facebook ATLNorthernIreland Twitter


CPD Opportunities and training courses for members through AMiE and ATL Introduction As the education union, ATL, and our leadership section, AMiE, is committed to helping members develop throughout their careers. This is why members can access a comprehensive range of continuing professional development (CPD) courses through ATL, most of which are free to all members. CPD can take place in several different ways; attending courses, reading a relevant book or watching a colleague perform within their role are some examples of how you can access CPD in your workplace and with your union. ATL's professional development programme is designed to help you in that process and to enable you to identify and meet your learning needs as part of any kind of development structure your workplace offers you or that you choose for your own development. All courses in the programme are free to standard members The professional development programme reflects the diverse and inclusive nature of ATL's membership, and courses have been designed for members in every sector and role. Our courses are skills-based, giving you practical tools that can be taken back into your workplace and beyond. To get the right course for you, we suggest thinking about not only what would benefit your institution and students, but also what would be of most value to your own personal development. To find out more or to apply for a course, please see contact details set out in the list of courses. I hope you enjoy your course!

Mark Langhammer Director, ATL, and AMiE (Northern Ireland)

Online Courses • Strategic & Operational Leadership, online course* • Effective Leadership online course* more information can be accessed at members-courses/effective-leadership-online.asp • Managing Teams online course* members-courses/leadership-managing-teams.asp A fuller curriculum is set out in more detail at, click on “Why join ATL?” and follow the drop down box for Professional Development, Training & Events or by e-mailing *ONLINE COURSES: requires 3 hours study time and 2 hours reading per week A fuller curriculum is set out in more detail in the Learning Zone section of the ATL website at or by e-mailing Further information from Mark Langhammer at

NEW! Courses for Early Years members • Managing challenging behaviour in the Early Years • Delivering multi ethnic Early Years provision • Voice Care for Early Years practitioners • Protecting your online professional identity (personal use of Social Media) • Child Protection overview Open University FREE Courses • Understanding Early Years Environments (6 hours) • Exploring Children’s Learning (20 hours)

For Early Years managers, or voluntary Committees/Directors • • • •

Conducting Fair Investigations Handling Redundancies The good employer (policies & practice) See also courses on Equality issues, Workplace Relations and Employment law

For more information, contact Theresa at

Equality Courses: A range of course offered by the Equality Commission that can be accessed through membership of ATL or AMiE. Equality Training seminars for Employers or Service Provider are available through the Equality Commission. These are CPD certified training opportunities, with online registration at Free courses, updates, briefings and information seminars (dates to be determined) include: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Introduction to Equality Equality legislation and best practice update: Equality Training for Line Managers Introduction to the public sector Section 75 and disability duties Social Media and the Workplace Promoting Age equality: what employers can do Reasonable Steps defence Recruiting Fairly How to complete an Article 55 review Bullying and Harassment at Work An introduction to the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995 Managing Disability in the Workplace Flexible Working

Equality in 90 minutes: In addition sessions are available including: • An overview of Equality Law and Best Practice • Best Practice in Recruitment • Managing Harassment These courses are run regularly, at 5 locations throughout Northern Ireland covering nine areas of equality law. Dates, times and venues are only given for those courses where we have details at the time of publication. Further information on dates/venues, enrolment from Theresa Devenney at or through



WORKPLACE RELATIONS AND EMPLOYMENT LAW: ATL enjoy a close working relationship with the Labour Relations Agency (LRA). Several ATL personnel sit on dispute resolution and arbitration panels facilitated by the LRA. ATL and AMiE members can access a wide range of information sessions, briefings, courses and updates run by the LRA. Led by experienced Advisory Officers, LRA events assist in dealing with the many employment issues that impact on the workplace. They raise awareness of relevant legislation and promote and develop good practice. There is no charge for attendance at any of these sessions. Venues are normally at either the Belfast or Derry/Londonderry offices of LRA SEMINARS Each lasting approximately 2.5 hours. • The Essentials of Employment Law • Fair Recruitment and Selection • Managing Sickness Absence • Handling Difficult Conversations • Managing Performance • Managing Challenging Workplace Cultures • Conducting Employment Investigations • Handling Redundancy • Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace • Legal Implications of Workplace Stress • Social Media and the Employment Relationship • Handling Discipline and Grievance • Annual Review of Employment Law • Resolving Workplace Disputes • Shared Parental Leave and Pay • The Employment Rights of Migrant Workers • Whistleblowing under the Public Interest Disclosure (NI) Order 1998 • Health and Safety - Managing fire safety in the workplace • Implementing Health & Safety – What you need to know. • Health and Safety Policy and Risk Assessment

ADVISORY WORKSHOPS • Workshop on Employment Documentation The LRA also offer a number of more detailed workshops on request, which could be taken up by employers or groups of employees 1. Written Statement of Main Terms and Conditions of Employment: The Employment Rights (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 requires all employers to issue written statements of main terms and conditions of employment outlining details of such matters as holidays, pay and hours of work. This statement is to be issued, not later than 2 months after employment commences, to all employees [irrespective of hours worked] with at least one month’s continuous service. 2. Disciplinary Rules and Procedures: Disciplinary rules and procedures help to promote fairness, consistency and order in the treatment of individuals and in the conduct of employment relations. When dealing with disciplinary cases, employers need to be aware of both the law on unfair dismissal and the statutory minimum procedures contained in the Employment (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 for dismissing or taking disciplinary action against an employee. 3. Grievance Procedures: Grievance procedures help employers to deal with grievances fairly, consistently and speedily. Employers are required by law to specify a person to whom an employee can apply for the purpose of seeking redress of any grievance relating to his/her employment, how the employee should make such applications and any further steps in this process which are available to the employee. It is important that employers and employees follow the statutory grievance procedure where it applies. You can book places (free of charge) online at.


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click on workshops and seminars in right hand column

Zero Hours Contracts Alcohol and Drugs Misuse at Work Variation of contract Whistle-Blowing: The basics and possible changes Employment Law – NI and GB – the differences The Work and Families (Northern Ireland) Act 2015

ATL/AMiE “BYTE SIZED” Courses: ATL can directly provide a range of courses to your School / College (as staff training or at ‘INSET’ days, for instance) • • • • • • • •

The Multi-Ethnic Classroom, Half Day Creativity in the Classroom, Half Day (to be confirmed) Managing Classroom Behaviour, Half Day Protecting Your Professional Identity Online, 1 hour Understanding Your Pension, 1 hour Teachers Terms and Conditions (the “Jordanstown” agreement), 1 hour Workload and Managing Stress in the Workplace, 1 hour Managing Investigations (aimed at school/College managers), 2 Hours



‘The Open University is pleased to work with ATL to open access to skills development, learning and qualifications to a diverse community of educators. We like helping people to succeed, to reach their full academic and employment potential, and to enjoy the journey.’ Janette Nhangaba OPEN University free courses:


We offer a range of courses offered through partnership with the Open University. These include over 800 Free Taster courses ranging from introductory level to postgraduate level. There are over 800 courses to choose from, each taking between one and fifty hours to complete. See at

The expertise of the Open University also powers Futurelearn, the UK’s largest provider of online free courses. Click for more information.

By way of examples, amongst the education related content/courses are the following: • • • • •

Learning to Learn (various modules) Dance Skills (12 hours) Key Skill assessment (50 hours) Learning to Teach: Classroom Research (5 hours) Learning to Teach: becoming a reflective practitioner (5 hours) • Learning to Teach: Mentoring and Tutoring student teachers (5 hours) • Teachers sharing resources online (10 hours) • Facilitating Group Discussions (2 hours) • Essay and Report Writing Skills (15 hours) • Learning to Teach (20 hours) aimed at those considering training to be a teacher

Futurelearn has courses in a range of categories including Business & Management, Creative Arts, Health & Psychology, History, Languages, Law, Literature, Nature & Environment, Politics, Science, Maths & Technology and Sport and Leisure. A specific section on Teaching and Studying includes courses such as: • Professional Practice for English Language Teaching • Developing your research project (Univ. Southampton) • Teaching Computing • Assessment for Learning in STEM Teaching (Univ. Leeds) • Logical and Critical thinking (Univ. Auckland) • Understanding Language, Teaching and Learning (Univ. Southampton) • How to Succeed at Interviews (Univ. Sheffield) • Dyslexia and Foreign Language Teaching (Lancaster Univ.) • Study Skills for International Students (UEA) • Get Started with Online Learning (OU) And many, many more!

Within the Teaching and Learning section examples of free courses include…..

Formal Learning Qualifications: The Open University offers a range of courses in Education, Childhood and Youth, including: • • • •

Childhood and Youth studies Early Years Youth Work Supporting Teaching and Learning in Primary Schools • Sport, Fitness and Coaching • Education Courses are offered as Certificate of Higher Education, Diploma of Higher Education, Honours Degree (BA) and at Post-graduate Degree level. To download an Education, Childhood and Youth prospectus, go to For further information and advice on enrolment, fees and support, contact or call 028 9032372

Student Courses: We offer a range of short ATL courses to student members including: • Protecting Your Professional Identity Online • Creativity in the Classroom (Belfast, Spring Term, date to be determined, depending on demand) • The Voice of Control • Teaching in the Multi Ethnic Classroom Further information on dates/venues, enrolment contact: Theresa Devenney at

How Do I get time off for courses? Accessing professional development is an important part of being an educational professional. It is the responsibility of the employer and employee to ensure that that performance management, PRSD and any other professional requirements are met. Therefore, it is important that you receive support from your employer to attend this course, not just in the time away from the workplace but also in travel costs. There are no course fees for members to attend an ATL/AMiE CPD course, but we do not cover travel or accommodation costs. To help you secure both time-off and financial support from your employer, we have produced guidance on your rights to time off, how to request training from your employer and your rights if your request is refused.


Printed and Published by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers and the Association of Managers in Education, Unit 16, 5 West Bank Drive, Belfast, BT3 9DF Tel: 028 9078 2020

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