TarGo and the spot design are trademarks of A. L. Wilson Chemical Co. GreenEarth is a trademark of GreenEarth Cleaning, LLC.
TarGo and the spot design are trademarks of A. L. Wilson Chemical Co. GreenEarth is a trademark of GreenEarth Cleaning, LLC.
GreenEarth® or K4 or K4
TarGo EF, our high performance, environmentally friendly P.O.G., removes oil-based stains from textiles. You’ll see the di erence on the toughest oxidized oils, greases, inks, etc.
To remove stains easily, simply apply TarGo EF and ush the stains out in your major-solvent drycleaning wheel. On the most di cult stains, TarGo EF can be used e ectively on the spotting board.
TarGo EF contains no chlorinated solvents, is biodegradable, and meets California’s 2013 VOC and Prop-65 regulations. Use it with con dence!
To learn more, visit ALWilson.com or call 800-526-1188 A. L. WILSON CHEMICAL CO.
“We’re moving faster. We’re moving better. We’re moving more efficiently. That means profitability”
Bruce Beggs
The ability to acquire and process information is often what separates one business from another. And during the course of operating and overseeing your dry cleaning business, you use any number of tools to accomplish the tasks necessary to collect, sort, clean and return the garments, accessories and other items entrusted to you by your customers.
So it is that American Drycleaner adds a vital reference source to your toolbox—our annual Buyer’s Guide, which enables you to
Publisher Charles Thompson 312-361-1680 cthompson@american trademagazines.com
Editorial Director Bruce Beggs 312-361-1683 bbeggs@american trademagazines.com
Production Manager
Roger Napiwocki
National Sales Director
Donald Feinstein 312-361-1682 dfeinstein@american trademagazines.com
Digital Media Director
Nathan Frerichs 312-361-1681 nfrerichs@american trademagazines.com Main: 312-361-1700 Fax: 312-361-1685
easily connect with leading vendors serving the dry cleaning industry today. This year, we feature listings for 420 companies.
Our 2013 Guide begins on page 14 with the Products & Services direc tory. Once you identify a company that interests you, then flip to our alphabetical Manufacturers & Providers directory beginning on Page 28. Here, you’ll find their mailing address, phone/fax numbers, website address and e-mail address (if provided).
I urge you to keep this Guide handy, but if you find yourself without it someday, our online version is available 24/7 at AmericanDrycleaner.com; click “Resources.” O
Contributing Editors
American Drycleaner (ISSN 0002-8258) is published monthly except Nov/Dec combined. Subscription prices, payment in advance: U.S. and Possessions, 1 year $39.00; 2 years $73.00. Foreign, 1 year $89.00; 2 years $166.00. Single copies $7.00 for U.S. and Possessions, $14.00 for all other countries. Published by American Trade Magazines LLC, 566 West Lake Street, Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661. Periodicals postage paid at Chi cago, IL and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER, Send changes of address and form 3579 to American Drycleaner, Subscription Dept., 440 Quadrangle Drive, Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Volume 79, number 9. Editorial, executive and advertising of fices are at 566 West Lake Street, Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661. Charles Thompson, President and Publisher. American Drycleaner is distributed selectively to: qualified dry cleaning plants and distributors in the United States. No material appearing in American Drycleaner may be reprinted without written permission. The pub lisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason. © Copyright AMERICAN TRADE MAGAZINES LLC, 2013. Printed in U.S.A.
American Drycleaner, February 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
CHICAGO — Asked about their goals for the New Year, nearly 58% of dry cleaners responding to Janu ary’s Wire survey say they’ve made resolutions regarding changes to their business and personal lives. Roughly 32% haven’t made any New Year’s resolutions, and the remaining 10.5% answered, “Not yet.”
Many experienced some degree of success in meeting their 2012 goals, according to the survey results. A vast majority of cleaners polled (68.4%) said they met “some” of their goals last year, and 15.8% said they had met “all of our goals.” Just 5.3% reported they did not meet their goals, while 10.5% didn’t set any goals last year.
What about goals for 2013? Rais ing prices and/or cutting costs is the No. 1 business priority this year for 31.6% of respondents. Roughly 26% want to attract new customers, and 21.1% wish to explore extra services or new opportunities. Another 15.8% plan to add or update equipment. Just 5.3% consider sprucing up their store to be their top business goal.
Asked to name their “No. 1 per sonal priority for 2013,” 42.1% say they will try to lose weight or improve their fitness, and 26.3% want to get organized. Roughly 11% want to quit spend more time with family. A
couple of respondents say their personal priority this year is to prepare for retire ment.
Many dry cleaners who were polled are optimistic about meeting their personal and professional goals. Nearly 58% say there’s a “good chance” they will succeed, 26.3% say there’s a “50/50 chance,” and 15.8% say “there’s no doubt” they will achieve their goals.
While the Wire survey presents a snap shot of readers’ viewpoints at a particular moment, it should not be considered scien tific.
Subscribers to Wire e-mails—delivered twice weekly—are invited to take a brief industry survey anonymously online each month. All dry cleaners are encouraged to participate, as a greater number of re sponses will help to better define opinions and industry trends.
WASHINGTON — Late last year, the U.S. Census Bureau mailed 2012 Eco nomic Census forms to 4.2 million U.S. businesses, including dry cleaners and laundries. Those that received this form are required by law to respond, and the deadline for submitting completed forms is Feb. 12.
All businesses have the option to file on paper or electronically. For more infor mation or help completing the form, see the Census Bureau’s business help site at econhelp.census.gov or call 800-233-6136.
The first 2012 Economic Census reports are slated for release in December.
Top stories @ AmericanDrycleaner.com for the 30 days ending Jan. 15
Top News sTories
1. Plant Design Awards—Grand Prize: Rainbow Cleaners
2. Swan Cleaners Flocks to “New” Location
3. In Memoriam: Frank F. Filling Jr. and “Sto” Fox
Top columNs & feATures
1. The Structuring of Dry Cleaning Pricing
2. Is Experience Interfering with Greater Success?
3. Survey: Half of Dry Cleaners Polled Predict Greater Sales Volume in 2013
Top sTories @ our sisTer siTes
1. IRS Raises Standard Mileage Rates for 2013
2. StatShot: November Sales Largely Positive; Front-Loader Prices Range... Web eXCLUSIVe!
3. The Elements of Being Customer-Friendly AmericanlaundryNews.com:
1. IAHTM Announces Officers, Board Members
2. McCauley Named ARTA President
3. Proving the Need for Capital Improvement...
Taken every five years, the Economic Cen sus “assures the accuracy of the statistics we rely on for sound economic policy and for successful business planning,” says Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Ber nanke.
Interesting facts from the 2007 Eco nomic Census concerning dry cleaning and laundry services are available at business. census.gov. O
2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
Our POS computer solutions for drycleaners help spread the joy around. Customers get great service, clerks appreciate the efficiency, and owners are pleased with all of the positive results.
Your ability to help us stay on top of business through fast and efficient technical support is greatly appreciated by us at the management level, our clerks, and our customers. As we approach the one-year anniversary of having installed and begun using Fabricare Manager, we are extremely pleased in our decision to partner with a company whose goal is to help us care for our customers to the highest possible level. After a year of service, we continue to feel the same level of satisfaction and comfort, and we genuinely appreciate your product and service.
— Blake Bahlman, Bahlman Cleaners, San Angelo, TX
When you’re satisfied, so are we. Contact us to request a free demo CD.
The following Fabricare Manager user expresses it very well: Drycleaning Management at Your Fingertips DrycleaningManagementatYourFingertips
DECEMBER SAW THE NATION’S ECONOMY adding another 160,000 jobs, although the unemployment rate remained at 7.8%, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Job numbers increased in the healthcare, food service, construction, and manufacturing industries.
“December’s report marks 34 straight months of private-sector job growth, which have added close to 5.8 million jobs,” says Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. “For nearly three years, steady gains have occurred across different sectors of the economy, and December finishes a strong year of consistent growth with average increases of about 160,000 private-sector jobs per month in 2012.”
THE NON-MANUFACTURING SECTOR ALSO GREW in December for the 36th consecutive month, according to the latest Institute for Supply Management’s Non-Manufacturing Report on Business, with a report of 56.1% in December,
which was 1.4 percentage points higher than the November figure.
MORTGAGE APPLICATIONS DECREASED 21.6% for the last two weeks of December, according to the Weekly Mortgage Applications Survey from the Mortgage Bankers Association. The number of refinance applications also decreased—by 23.3%—in the same time period; it was the third week of decreases, bringing the number to its lowest level since April.
According to the National Association of Realtors, pending home sales were up for a third straight month in November, and at the highest level in more than two years.
FROM THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR BUSINESS ECONOMICS comes a new Outlook Survey, which asked panelists about economic growth in 2013. A few of the predictions find panelists seeing stable and moderate growth ahead, remaining optimistic that
the housing market will continue to improve, foreseeing little improvement in the rate of personal expenditures, and suggesting a slow year for corporations in the new year.
CONSUMER CONFIDENCE TOOK A PLUNGE in December, as consumers remained pessimistic over a solution to the so-called “fiscal cliff,” future finances, the job market and the overall economic picture.
“Confidence is lost much more easily than it can be regained,” says Richard Curtin, chief economist for the Survey of Consumers from Thomas Reuters and the University of Michigan, “and the pessimism created by not reaching a resolution before year-end will be difficult to reverse, even if a settlement is reached soon after the start of 2013. … While tax hikes on top incomes will result in spending declines, ending the payroll tax holiday will result in significant losses in confidence and spending.” O —Jean
TellerOur new generation of Point Of Sale system is designed for both small and larger cleaner stores. DryClean PRO Enterprise (DCPe) is even simpler to use than before. With user friendly screens and menus, DCPe will make your life easy. We offer, promise, and guarantee the best after sales support to our end users. Our excellent service commitment to you does not end with your purchase. We are always there to help you whenever you need us. Just pick up the phone and call us on our Technical Support line. Call us about our new version of Uniform Tracker
The Small Business Assistance Program (SBAP) at the Colorado Department of Public Health and En vironment (CDPHE) is partnering with several dry cleaning-related organiza tions to present a Dry Cleaning Alterna tives Summit and Trade Fair in Denver later this winter.
The Rocky Mountain Fabricare Association, GreenEarth Cleaning, CDPHE’s Hazardous Materials Waste Management Division and the Dry cleaning & Laundry Institute are part nering with the agency to present the March 9 event showcasing dry cleaning alternatives “due to increasing concerns over dry cleaning solvent releases to the environment, and related impacts on air, water and soil,” the CDPHE says.
The one-day event will feature pre sentations and panel discussions on dry cleaning alternatives from industry, al lied trades and CPDHE speakers. Also, there will be an exhibitor trade fair of fering a multitude of resources in dry cleaning, laundry and wet cleaning equipment supplies.
For more information about the upcoming event, contact Joni Canter bury, SBAP, at 303-692-3175 or joni. canterbury@state.co.us, or go online to colorado.gov/cdphe/sbap. O
American Drycleaner, February 2013
Feb. 10-12 Independent Textile Rent al Association Mid Year Training Con ference. To be held in Arlington, Texas. Visit itra.us for more information.
March 7 Minnesota Dry Cleaners As sociation Training Seminars and Annual Meeting. To be held in Bloomington, Minn. Visit minnesotadrycleaners.org for more information.
March 9 Dry Cleaning Alternatives Summit and Trade Fair. To be held in Denver. Call 303-692-3175 or e-mail joni.canterbury@state.co.us for more information.
March 15-16 Wisconsin Fabricare In stitute Drycleaners Annual Convention, Auction and Trade Show. To be held in Pewaukee, Wis. Call 414-529-4707 or e-mail bswingle@toriiphillips.com for more information.
March 15-17 Southwest Dryclean ers Association Spring Showcase. To be held in Dallas. E-mail staff@sdadryclean.com for more information.
June 20-22 Clean Show: World Educational Congress for Laundering and Drycleaning. To be held in New Orleans. Visit cleanshow.com for more information.
July 31-Aug. 3 Textile Care Allied Trades Association Annual Manage ment and Educational Conference. To be held in San Diego. Call 973-2441790 for more information.
Oct. 19-20 NCA Texcare Trade Show & Exhibit. To be held in Secaucus, N.J. Call 212-967-3002. O
Post your calendar listings on AmericanDrycleaner.com
Active Ad Specialties
Bolster Marketing
Brightleaf for Drycleaners Cleaner Business Systems DCCS
Dry Cleaning Delivery Business Drycleaning & Laundry Institute
Fashion Media Group Golomb Group GreenEarth Cleaning Hanger Holder Iowa Techniques Mainetti USA Mak Marketing The Marketing Shop Mayfield Group National Cleaners Association Phillips & Associates Phone Tree The Route Pro Sanitone Spector Textile Products Thanks Again Tuchman Training Systems Upromise
Vesta Retail Networks VIPCard.com
AMA Universal Ingersoll-Rand Co. Jenny Products Kaeser Compressors Maxi Companies Quincy Compressor Saylor-Beall Mfg. Co. ThermoSteam Systems
American Chillers
Aqua Cool Aqua Products Co. Bessamaire Chiller Manufacturing Colmac Industries Commercial Coils Coolspace Crane Pumps & Systems Essick Air Products Flexaust
MovinCool Mustang Enterprises Port-A-Cool Quietaire Schaefer Ventilation Spot Coolers
Air Monitoring Equipment
AMA Universal Draeger Safety Newhouse Specialty Nextteq LLC Sensidyne Sensors Safety
Arch Sewing Machine Cleaner’s Supply Covers Etc.
Ideal Fastener Corp. B&G Lieberman Lucas Products Corp. A. Meyers & Sons Newhouse Specialty Quality Zipper Seickel & Sons Simms Products & Services Singer Sewing Co. Waterbury Button Co. Wawak
Global Business Systems HMC Solutions Iowa Techniques Metalprogetti USA Railex Corp. SPOT Business Systems Tailwind Systems
Association of Wedding Gown Specialists Consorzio Unimatic Drycleaning & Laundry Institute MidAtlantic Association of Cleaners
National Cleaners Association Textile Care Allied Trades Association
eAnytime Corporation HMC Solutions Magic Wardrobe Metalprogetti USA White Conveyors
Phone Tree
Bobco Packaging
B&G Lieberman Luetzow Industries Metalprogetti USA Railex Corp. Sankosha USA YAC Corp., Japan
The Bag Lady BagMartUSA.com
Bobco Packaging
Cleaner’s Supply Covers Etc. Dry Greening Epsilon Plastics First Film Extruding Fordham Poly-Pak The Green Garmento Handy Hamper HBD Inc.
Idel International B&G Lieberman Luetzow Industries National Gown Cleaners R&B Wire Products Ross Textiles Sigma/Southeastern Plastics Spector Textile Products
Cleaner Business Systems Computype Dajisoft DCCS DryCleanZone.com EZ Products International Fabricare Management Systems Iowa Techniques Magic Wardrobe Natmar Services Co. Raco Industries SPOT Business Systems Stahls’ Hotronix Thermopatch
BagMartUSA.com Covers Etc. Epsilon Plastics B&G Lieberman Luetzow Industries Newhouse Specialty R&B Wire Products Ross Textiles
American Drycleaner, February 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
Royal Basket Trucks
Sigma/Southeastern Plastics Techstar Plastics
Adco OnSite Fabricare Morantz Ultrasonics Omegasonics
Adco Products
Allied Boiler & Supply Bryan Steam Caled Chemical ChemBrite Cleaners Chemical Corp. Cleaner’s Supply Cleaver-Brooks General Boiler Co. Kemco Systems Kleerwite Chemical Newhouse Specialty Paradigm Labs Pariser Industries
R.R. Street & Co. Wausau Chemical
A.E.C./Ally Equipment
Ajax/Ace Boiler
Allied Boiler & Supply Bryan Steam Cleaver-Brooks Columbia Boiler Co. Crane Pumps & Systems Desert Boilers & Controls FabTek Aero Fulton Boiler Works General Boiler Co. Hoffman/New Yorker Hudson Equipment Hurst Boiler & Welding Imesa USA
Kemco Systems
Lattner Boiler B&G Lieberman Maxi Companies Miura Boiler MTH Pumps
Mustang Enterprises Naomoto Corp./Apparel
Machinery & Supply
Pacific Steam Equipment
Parker Boiler Co.
Reimers Electra Steam Reliable Corp. Rema Dri-Vac Seickel & Sons Topog-E Gasket ThermoSteam Systems
Trevil America
Washburn Machinery Williams & Davis Boilers
Business Appraisals, Brokerage
AAA Venture Business Brokers, Ltd. Aldridge & Associates Banks & Associates Dry Cleaning Plus Quality Services Co.
Business Opportunities
COIT Services
Comet Cleaners Martinizing Dry Cleaning Royaltone Co.
Adco OnSite Fabricare Leather Master Ram Leather Care Rug Spa RugBadger.com
Armstrong International Commercial Coils PROS Parts Realstar USA Union Drycleaning Products
ALJ Electronics Alliance Laundry Systems American Dryer Corp. (ADC) Continental Girbau Dexter Laundry Forenta LP
Golden State Laundry Systems Maxi Companies Milnor Laundry Systems Renzacci Wascomat Whirlpool
Collar Clips, Stays
Collarite Co. B&G Lieberman
Computer Systems, Software
Clean EZ Technologies Cleaner Business Systems CleanSuite Software Comca Systems Compassmax (Maineline Computer Systems)
Computer Systems Intl. (CSI) Dajisoft DCCS
Diamond Computer Service eAnytime Corporation
Easy Plus EZ Products International Fabricare Management Systems
Global Business Systems ITC
Liberty Computer Systems Natmar Services Co. Profitmaker ScanQ SPOT Business Systems Thermopatch Wesvic Systems
AMA Universal America’s Best Cleaners
Associated Environmental Banks & Associates
John Barry & Associates Careful Consulting Services Dallons Environmental Dry Clean Concepts Dry Cleaning Delivery Business Dry Cleaning Plus Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI) Ehrenreich & Associates EnviroForensics Fashion Media Group Golomb Group Haralson Consulting HSA Engineers & Scientists JCZ Training & Consulting Kemron Environmental Services
Kenney Slatten Training Co. L. Wilson Group
The Marketing Shop Mayfield Group Methods for Management 1-800-DryClean Phillips & Associates The Route Pro Safety & Environmental Compliance Consultants
SPOT Business Systems Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Tailwind Systems Tatch Technical Services TCC, The Cleaners Consultants Terrie Consulting Tuchman Training Systems
A.e c./Ally equipment colmac industries Forenta LP HMc Solutions Hudson equipment iowa techniques Leonard Automatics Magic Wardrobe Metalprogetti uSA Mustang enterprises railex corp. Sankosha uSA Speed check conveyor Steiner-Atlantic corp. Washburn Machinery White conveyors
AMA universal Amcot cooling tower corp. American chillers Aqua Products co. Arctichill coolspace crane Pumps & Systems rSD cooling towers thermoSteam Systems
california counters cleaner’s Supply collarStYX the Green Garmento Kleerwite chemical B&G Lieberman onecare co.
Drapery Equipment, Supplies & Services
Adco onSite Fabricare Bane-clene corp. coit Services Forenta LP Hoffman/New Yorker Luetzow industries Newhouse Specialty omegasonics Perfect Pleat Products reliable corp. reynolds Drapery Service Widmer’s cleaners
Drop Boxes
eAnytime corporation iowa techniques Metalprogetti uSA White conveyors
Adco Products
A.L. Wilson chemical co. Big D industries caled chemical chemBrite Dallons environmental Dow chemical co. Fabritec international Kleerwite chemical Kreussler Leather technologies Morey Manufacturing Paradigm Labs Pariser industries Poly Systems royaltone co. rynex technologies Sanitone Seitz inc. Stamford r r. Street & co. Wausau chemical
Dry Cleaning Dryers columbia/iLSA realstar uSA Steiner-Atlantic corp. union Drycleaning Products
Dry Cleaning Machines, Alternative A.e c./Ally equipment Ashbrook columbia/iLSA consorzio unimatic cooL clean technologies envirotech international Firbimatic Mustang enterprises o’Dell equipment Permac Parts Depot Poly Systems realstar uSA renzacci Solvair Steiner-Atlantic corp. tonsil Filtration union Drycleaning Products W.A.G. equipment Washburn Machinery
Dry Cleaning Machines, Hydrocarbon
ABc Global uSA A.e c./Ally equipment AMA universal columbia/iLSA consorzio unimatic Donini international Firbimatic Forenta LP Hudson equipment
italclean Lindus West Multimatic corp. Mustang enterprises o’Dell equipment Permac Parts Depot realstar uSA renzacci Steiner-Atlantic corp. tonsil Filtration union Drycleaning Products W.A.G. equipment Washburn Machinery
Dry Cleaning Machines, Perchloroethylene A.e.c./Ally equipment
AMA universal columbia/iLSA consorzio unimatic Donini international Firbimatic Forenta LP Hudson equipment italclean Lindus West Multimatic corp. Mustang enterprises o’Dell equipment realstar uSA renzacci Steiner-Atlantic corp. union Drycleaning Products W.A.G. equipment Washburn Machinery
Drying Cabinets, Racks
American Dryer corp. (ADc) cissell
iowa techniques Seickel & Sons uniMac Whirlpool
Duct Systems
Bahnson inc. Flexaust
Dyeing Services, Supplies
royaltone co. true color Fabric Dyeing
Education & Training childers & Associates
Dallons environmental Drycleaning & Laundry institute (DLi) Golomb Group JcZ training & consulting Kenney Slatten training co.
American Drycleaner,
National Cleaners Association
Royaltone Co. Tuchman Training Systems
Environmental Compliance Counsel
Associated Environmental Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI)
GZA GeoEnvironmental Kemron Environmental Services Safety & Environmental Compliance Consultants
Tatch Technical Services
Environmental Compliance Equipment, Retrofits
Associated Environmental Coreprobe International Safety & Environmental Compliance Consultants
Tatch Technical Services
Environmental Site Investigation, Remediation
Associated Environmental CL Solutions
Coreprobe International EnviroForensics
GZA GeoEnvironmental HSA Engineers & Scientists Kemron Environmental Services Veolia Environmental
Accredit Capital Leasing AmeriCapital
Ascentium Capital Banks & Associates
Beneficial Capital Leasing Cleaner’s Capital Corp.
Dexter Financial Eastern Funding Emerson Capital Corp. JGP Financial The Leasing Experts Quality Services Co. Steiner-Atlantic Corp. TCF Equipment Finance Tiger Leasing U.S. Commerce Equipment Finance
Rock Line Products
Filter Powder
Krystal Klean Powder Morey Manufacturing Norit Americas Seitz Inc. R.R. Street & Co. Tonsil Filtration Wausau Chemical
Adco Products Firbimatic Kleen-Rite Krystal Klean Powder Lint-All Morey Manufacturing Permac Parts Depot PROS Parts Realstar USA SKJ Manufacturing R.R. Street & Co. Tonsil Filtration Union Drycleaning Products
A.E.C./Ally Equipment
Colmac Industries Consorzio Unimatic Continental Girbau European Finishing Equipment Forenta LP
Fujistar Shirt Systems Gulf States Laundry Machinery Hoffman/New Yorker Hudson Equipment Imesa USA Jacobson Products B&G Lieberman Maxi Companies
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Permac Parts Depot Pony SPA Reliable Corp. Rema Dri-Vac Renzacci Sankosha USA Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America Unipress Corp. Vaporpress Washburn Machinery YAC Corp., Japan
Firetrace International
Flame Retardants Paradigm Labs
F.H. Bonn
Cleaner’s Supply Covers Etc. Forenta LP B&G Lieberman Qualitex Co. Resillo Press Pad Co. Sankosha USA Seickel & Sons Zellermayer Supply Corp.
European Finishing Equipment Forenta LP
Fujistar Shirt Systems Hoffman/New Yorker Imesa USA Maxi Companies Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Permac Parts Depot Sankosha USA Seickel & Sons Trevil America Unipress Corp. W.A.G. Equipment
Formalwear, Wholesale
Ascot Formal Wear Jim’s Formal Wear Sarno & Son Thomas & Sons
Cleaner’s Supply DCCS Liberty-Pittsburgh Systems Raco Industries Willco
Franchises, Licenses
Association of Wedding Gown Specialists (AWGS)
Certified Restoration Drycleaning Network
The Cleaner Spot
Comet Cleaners Dryclean USA FRSTeam
GreenEarth Cleaning
Leather Technologies Martinizing Dry Cleaning 1-800-DryClean Prestige Preservation Sanitone
Arrow Fabricare Services The Cleaning Specialist Colorex Chemical Co.
Coronet Leather Cleaners
Leather Master Leather-Rich Luetzow Industries Midwest Leather Ram Leather Care Royaltone Co. Ernest Winzer Cleaners
Adco Products Classic Heirlooms Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI) National Cleaners Association (NCA) Phillips & Associates
The Bag Lady BagMartUSA.com
Bobco Packaging Cleaner’s Supply Epsilon Plastics
First Film Extruding Fordham Poly-Pak Foster-Stephens
The Green Garmento Handy Hamper
B&G Lieberman
Luetzow Industries Museum Quality Storage Box National Gown Cleaners Reuseniks
Ross Textiles Sigma/Southeastern Plastics Spector Textile Products
Advanced Innovative Technologies
Bobco Packaging Cleaner’s Supply Covers Etc.
Cutting Edge Storefronts Iowa Techniques Leonard Automatics B&G Lieberman Magic Wardrobe Mak Marketing Polymark
R&B Wire Products Railex Corp. Speed Check Conveyor Steiner-Atlantic Corp. White Conveyors
Cleaner’s Supply CTS Packaging HBD Inc. M&B Hangers
Maruso USA Nettuno ASG Nichols Paper Products North American Foam United Wire Hanger
Hanger Holder B&G Lieberman
Hanger Holder M&B Hangers Mainetti USA Maruso USA Sterling Hangers Tradenet Enterprise United Wire Hanger Vesta Retail Networks Wells Manufacturing USA
American Drycleaner, February
Dave Brown The Hatter
HSA Engineers & Scientists Kemron Environmental Services
MCF Systems National Waste Clean Safety-Kleen Systems Veolia Environmental Zerowaste
EZ Products International First Film Extruding B&G Lieberman Natmar Services Co. Stahls’ Hotronix Thermopatch
DryCleanZone.com EZ Products International Stry-Lenkoff Tailwind Systems Thermopatch
AMA Universal Pariser Industries Sanitone R.R. Street & Co. U.N.X. Inc. Venture Labs
Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI)
Henderson Insurance Irving Weber Associates NIE Insurance O’Brien Agency
Ironing Boards, Tables
Arch Sewing Machine Cleaner’s Supply European Finishing Equipment Forenta LP
Hoffman/New Yorker Iowa Techniques Jacobson Products Leonard Automatics B&G Lieberman Maxi Companies
Naomoto Corp./Apparel
Machinery & Supply Permac Parts Depot Reliable Corp. Seickel & Sons Trevil America
Arch Sewing Machine Cleaner’s Supply Covers Etc. European Finishing Equipment Forenta LP Iowa Techniques Jacobson Products B&G Lieberman Maxi Companies Miele Professional Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Newhouse Specialty Qualitex Co. Permac Parts Depot PROS Parts Reliable Corp. Seickel & Sons Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America Wawak
Laundry Chemicals
Adco Products Caled Chemical Cleaners Chemical Corp. Ecolab Textile Care Fabritec International Faultless Starch Co. Kleerwite Chemical Leather Technologies Metro-Chem Morey Manufacturing Paradigm Labs Pariser Industries Royaltone Co. Seitz Inc. St. Croix Chemical U.N.X. Inc. Venture Labs Wausau Chemical Winning Brands
A.E.C./Ally Equipment
Alliance Laundry Systems American Dryer Corp. (ADC) B&C Technologies Cissell Colmac Industries Consorzio Unimatic Continental Girbau Dexter Laundry Donini International
EDRO Corp. Forenta LP
Golden State Laundry Systems
Gulf States Laundry Machinery Hudson Equipment Huebsch Imesa USA IPSO Italclean Jiffy Steamer Kemco Systems R.W. Martin & Sons Maxi Companies Maytag Commercial Laundry Milnor Laundry Systems Mustang Enterprises O’Dell Equipment R&B Wire Products Renzacci Speed Queen Trevil America UniMac USA Distributors Vaporpress Wascomat Washburn Machinery Whirlpool YAC Corp., Japan
Lint Bags
F.H. Bonn Lint-All PROS Parts Qualitex Co.
Lint Cleaning Fans Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES)
Cleaner’s Supply Jacobson Products B&G Lieberman Newhouse Specialty North American Foam OneCare Co. Pepin Manufacturing Wawak
California Counters Cleaner’s Supply DryCleanZone.com EZ Products International Liberty-Pittsburgh Systems B&G Lieberman Metalprogetti USA A. Meyers & Sons Natmar Services Co.
American Drycleaner, February 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
Let your star shine. You’ve never worn anything like it.®
Newhouse Specialty Polymark Thermopatch
Leonard Automatics Railex Corp. Speed Check Conveyor White Conveyors
Big D Industries Caled Chemical CBI/Sonozaire Cleaners Chemical Corp. Epoleon Corp. Kleerwite Chemical Morey Manufacturing Neuhaus Chemical Products
Newhouse Specialty Norit Americas Pariser Industries Royaltone Co. Seitz Inc. R.R. Street & Co. Stry-Lenkoff Vaportek Wausau Chemical
AMA Universal Aquawing Ozone Armstrong International ArtiClean Ozone Systems CBI/Sonozaire ClearWater Tech Iowa Techniques Newaire
Packaging Products
American-Newlong BagMartUSA.com
Bobco Packaging Cleaner’s Supply Collarite Co. CTS Packaging Des-L Industries First Film Extruding Fordham Poly-Pak Foster-Stephens
The Green Garmento Luetzow Industries Maruso USA
A. Meyers & Sons
Museum Quality Storage Box
Nichols Paper Products North American Foam Plas-Ties
Polymark Prestige Preservation Sigma/Southeastern Plastics
Parts, New & Rebuilt
ABC Global USA
American Dryer Corp. (ADC) B&C Technologies Cleaner’s Supply Colmac Industries Eagle Star Equipment European Finishing Equipment EZ Timers
Fulton Boiler Works Maxi Companies Multimatic Corp. Newhouse Specialty Parts Emporium Parts Pros Permac Parts Depot PROS Parts Realstar USA Seickel & Sons Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Union Drycleaning Products USA Distributors
EZ Timers Wesvic Systems
Coronet Leather Cleaners Harris Pillow Supply Luetzow Industries Ram Leather Care
John Barry & Associates Eagle Star Equipment Imesa USA Trevil America
Poly Packaging
First Film Extruding Fordham Poly-Pak Luetzow Industries Sigma/Southeastern Plastics
F.H. Bonn Cleaner’s Supply Covers Etc. Forenta LP Jacobson Products Lab Test Products B&G Lieberman Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Newhouse Specialty Permac Parts Depot
PROS Parts
Qualitex Co.
Resillo Press Pad Co. Ross Textiles Sankosha USA Seickel & Sons YAC Corp., Japan Zellermayer Supply Corp.
Covers Etc. Forenta LP B&G Lieberman PROS Parts Qualitex Co. Resillo Press Pad Co. Seickel & Sons Zellermayer Supply Corp.
Colmac Industries European Finishing Equipment Forenta LP Fujistar Shirt Systems Hoffman/New Yorker Hudson Equipment Maxi Companies Mustang Enterprises Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Permac Parts Depot Pony SPA Reliable Corp. Sankosha USA Seickel & Sons Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America Unipress Corp. Vaporpress W.A.G. Equipment Washburn Machinery
Forenta LP Hoffman/New Yorker
Jacobson Products Maxi Companies Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Seickel & Sons Unipress Corp.
Amcot Cooling Tower Corp. ArctiChill Armstrong International Cleaner’s Supply Crane Pumps & Systems FabTek Aero Fulton Boiler Works Kemco Systems MTH Pumps
American Drycleaner, February 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
PROS Parts
Realstar USA Rema Dri-Vac Seickel & Sons
ThermoSteam Systems Union Drycleaning Products
Evans Garment Restoration FRSTeam
Imesa USA Leonard Automatics Reynolds Drapery Services Trevil America Widmer’s Cleaners
Cleaner’s Supply
Dry Greening
Foster-Stephens The Green Garmento GreenEarth Cleaning Handy Hamper B&G Lieberman Luetzow Industries
GAO RFID Raco Industries Tagsys USA
B&G Lieberman MBH Enterprises
AMA Universal Iowa Techniques Newhouse Specialty R&B Wire Products Techstar Plastics
Allied Boiler & Supply Aqua-Gone Industries Galaxy Wastewater Kleen-Rite Morey Manufacturing Tatch Technical Services
Arch Sewing Machine
B&G Lieberman Reliable Corp. Singer Sewing Co. Wawak
European Finishing Equipment
Fujistar Shirt Systems
Forenta LP Imesa USA Maxi Companies
Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Permac Parts Depot Sankosha USA
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America Unipress Corp. YAC Corp., Japan
B&G Lieberman Mr. ShoeWash
American Drycleaner, February
Mayfield Group
Sizing & Starch
Caled Chemical ChemBrite Cleaner’s Supply Ecolab Textile Care Fabritec International Faultless Starch Co. Paradigm Labs Royaltone Co. U.N.X. Inc.
Cleaner’s Supply Newhouse Specialty
Solvents, Alternative
Adco Products
Caled Chemical COOL Clean Technologies EnviroTech International Fabritec International GreenEarth Cleaning Poly Systems Rynex Technologies Solvair R.R. Street & Co.
Solvents, Hydrocarbon Chevron Phillips R.R. Street & Co.
Solvents, Perchloroethylene
Caled Chemical Dow Chemical Co. Fabritec International Veolia Environmental Special Services Arrow Fabricare Services Blanc Plume Classic Heirlooms Evans Garment Restoration Heritage Preservation Leonard Automatics Madame Paulette Memories Gown Preservation Wedding Gown Preservation Widmer’s Cleaners Ernest Winzer Cleaners
Adco Products
A.L. Wilson Chemical Co. Caled Chemical ChemBrite Cleaners Chemical Corp.
Colorex Chemical Co. Ecolab Textile Care Epoleon Corp. Fabritec International Faultless Starch Co. Fuller Supply Co. Kleerwite Chemical Kreussler Leather Technologies Morey Manufacturing Neuhaus Chemical Products Paradigm Labs Pariser Industries Royaltone Co. Seitz Inc. R.R. Street & Co. U.N.X. Inc. Venture Labs Wausau Chemical Winning Brands
Cleaner’s Supply European Finishing Equipment Forenta LP Hoffman/New Yorker Imesa USA B&G Lieberman Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Permac Parts Depot Seickel & Sons Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America Unipress Corp.
Adco Products
A.L. Wilson Chemical Co. Caled Chemical Cambridge Diagnostic ChemBrite Cleaners Chemical Corp. EnviroTech International Fabritec International Faultless Starch Co. Kleerwite Chemical Kreussler Leather Technologies B&G Lieberman Morey Manufacturing Neuhaus Chemical Products Newhouse Specialty Paradigm Labs Pariser Industries Royaltone Co. Seitz Inc. R.R. Street & Co. U.N.X. Inc. Venture Labs Wausau Chemical
Arch Sewing Machine Cleaner’s Supply European Finishing Equipment Jacobson Products B&G Lieberman Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Newhouse Specialty PROS Parts Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
Colmac Industries Hoffman/New Yorker Leonard Automatics Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Seickel & Sons
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America YAC Corp., Japan
Allied Boiler & Supply AMA Universal Armstrong International Cleaner’s Supply Fulton Boiler Works Jacobson Products Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Newhouse Specialty PROS Parts Realstar USA Steiner-Atlantic Corp. ThermoSteam Systems Union Drycleaning Products
AMA Universal Columbia/ILSA Firbimatic Multimatic Corp. PROS Parts Realstar USA Renzacci Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Union Drycleaning Products
California Counters
Cutting Edge Storefronts R.J. Papalini
Suede & Leather Services
Arrow Fabricare Services The Cleaning Specialist Coronet Leather Cleaners
Leather Master
Leather-Rich Leather Technologies
B&G Lieberman Midwest Leather Mr. ShoeWash Ram Leather Care Sims City Cleaners Ernest Winzer Cleaners
Colorex Chemical Co. Kleerwite Chemical Pariser Industries Royaltone Co. Suede Products
Realstar USA Union Drycleaning Products
Union Drycleaning Products
United Automation
Breen Trucks
Active Vision Global Business Systems
Cleaner Business Systems Cleaner’s Supply Dajisoft DCCS DrycleanZone.com EZ Products International Iowa Techniques Liberty Computer Systems Liberty-Pittsburgh Systems
B&G Lieberman A. Meyers & Sons Polymark Stahls’ Hotronix Stry-Lenkoff Tagsys USA Thermopatch
Tags, Pins & Staples
The Bag Lady Cleaner’s Supply Liberty-Pittsburgh Systems
B&G Lieberman A. Meyers & Sons North American Foam Prym Consumer USA Stry-Lenkoff Thermopatch Wawak
Teflon Hose
Cleaner’s Supply
European Finishing Equipment Flexaust Jacobson Products Lab Test Products B&G Lieberman Newhouse Specialty Pacific Steam Equipment PROS Parts
European Finishing Equipment Fimas SRL Forenta LP Fujistar Shirt Systems Hoffman/New Yorker Naomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply Permac Parts Depot Sankosha USA Seickel & Sons Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America Unipress Corp. YAC Corp., Japan
Messe Frankfurt Riddle & Associates
AMA Universal Comet Cleaners Dry Clean Concepts Eagle Star Equipment Forenta LP Gulf States Laundry Machinery Hudson Equipment Phillips & Associates Steiner-Atlantic Corp. USA Distributors
Up-Air Finishing Boards
European Finishing Equipment
Fimas SRL Forenta LP
Fujistar Shirt Systems B&G Lieberman Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America
Allied Boiler & Supply AMA Universal Cleaner’s Supply Firbimatic
Fulton Boiler Works Newhouse Specialty Permac Parts Depot PROS Parts Realstar USA Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Topog-E Gasket
Freightliner Custom Chassis Utilimaster Corp.
Galaxy Wastewater Kemco Systems
AMA Universal American Chillers
Aqua Products Co. ArctiChill Chiller Manufacturing Crane Pumps & Systems Forenta LP Kleen-Rite KR Products Master Chiller Rite-Temp Water Chillers Steiner-Atlantic Corp. ThermoSteam Systems
Water Heaters, Accessories
A.E.C./Ally Equipment
Ajax/Ace Boiler Allied Boiler & Supply AMA Universal Aqua Products Co. Armstrong International Cleaver-Brooks Colmac Industries
Crane Pumps & Systems
Fulton Boiler Works General Boiler Co. Hamilton Engineering Iowa Techniques Kemco Systems Maxi Companies Mustang Enterprises NATCO Parker Boiler Co. Takagi USA ThermoSteam Systems
Allied Boiler & Supply AMA Universal Fulton Boiler Works General Boiler Co. Hamilton Engineering Kemco Systems Maxi Companies Pariser Industries Parker Boiler Co. ThermoSteam Systems
American Drycleaner, February 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
U.N.X. Inc.
American Weaving
Art Thrift Reweavers Without-A-Trace
Brightleaf for Drycleaners
Directory Networks Mayfield Group
Arrow Fabricare Services Association of Wedding Gown Specialists (AWGS) Cherished Heirlooming Classic Heirlooms
CTS Packaging
Foster-Stephens Heritage Preservation Jiffy Steamer
Kleerwite Chemical Leather-Rich Leather Master Liberty-Pittsburgh Systems Luetzow Industries
Madame Paulette
Memories Gown Preservation Museum Quality Storage Box National Gown Cleaners
Prestige Preservation Ram Leather Care Sims City Cleaners Thomas & Sons
Wedding Gown Preservation Ernest Winzer Cleaners
Aqua Clean Systems B&C Technologies Columbia/ILSA
Continental Girbau Esporta Wash Systems Firbimatic Imesa USA Miele Professional Realstar USA Renzacci Steiner-Atlantic Corp. Trevil America UniMac Union Drycleaning Products Wascomat
Adco Products
Aqua Clean Systems
Caled Chemical Cleaners Chemical Corp. Colorex Chemical Co. Esporta Wash Systems Faultless Starch Co. Imesa USA Kleerwite Chemical Leather Technologies Metro-Chem Pariser Industries Royaltone Co. Sanitone Seitz Inc. Suede Products Trevil America U.N.X. Inc. Winning Brands
Cleaner’s Supply Ideal Fastener Corp. B&G Lieberman Midwest Trim Quality Zipper Wawak O
American Drycleaner, February
AAAA Venture Business Brokers, Ltd.
2015 S. Arlington Heights Road, #119 Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Contact: John Mikaelian Phone: 847-867-0050 Fax: 847-437-4082 ) vbb@venturebus.com c venturebus.com
ABC Global USA (Satec)
6 Chestnut St. Port Monmouth, NJ 07758
Phone: 732-787-8601 Toll Free: 888-728-3280 Fax: 732-787-8602 ) sales@satec-usa.com c satec-usa.com
Accredit Capital Leasing 300 Lackawanna Ave., Ste. 8 West Paterson, NJ 07424
Phone: 973-785-3518 Fax: 973-785-2466 ) info@accreditleasing.com c accreditleasing.com
Active Ad Specialties 10746 Francis Pl., Ste. 305 Los Angeles, CA 90034
Phone: 310-558-3533 Toll Free: 800-866-8684 Fax: 310-558-0503 ) sales@activeadspecialties.com c activeadspecialties.com
Active Vision
711 Koehler Ave., Ste. 6 Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Phone: 631-585-0088 Fax: 631-585-0888 ) web-sales@active-vision.com c active-vision.com
Adco Cleaning Products
1909 W. Oakridge Dr. Albany, GA 31707
Contact: Stormy Eppes Phone: 660-826-3300 Toll Free: 800-821-7556 Fax: 660-826-1361 ) sales@adco-inc.com c adco-inc.com
Adco OnSite Fabricare
1000 Pecan Grove Dr. Albany, GA 31707
Contact: Jeff Berkowitz Toll Free: 800-811-9367
Fax: 660-826-1361 ) info@adcoonsite.com c adcoonsite.com
Advanced Innovative Technologies
530 Wilbanks Dr. Ball Ground, GA 30107
Contact: Steve LaMarsh Phone: 770-479-1900 Fax: 770-479-4179
) info@aitequipment.com c aitequipment.com
A.E.C./Ally Equipment 6657 S. State, #7 Murray, UT 84107
Phone: 801-255-9646 Fax: 801-255-9647
) sales@allyequipment.com c allyequipment.com
Ajax/Ace Boiler 2701 S. Harbor Blvd. Santa Ana, CA 92704
Phone: 714-437-9050 c ajaxboiler.com
A.L. Wilson Chemical Co. P.O. Box 207 Kearny, NJ 07032
Contact: Fred Schwarzmann Phone: 201-997-3300 Toll Free: 800-526-1188 Fax: 201-997-5122 ) help@alwilson.com c alwilson.com
Aldridge & Associates 10150 S.W. Nimbus, #E2 Tigard, OR 97223
Contact: David Aldridge Phone: 503-639-2340 Toll Free: 800-211-3713 Fax: 503-624-2103
) aldridgedavid@gmail.com c aldridgeandassociates.com
Alliance Laundry Systems
P.O. Box 990 Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: Customer Service Phone: 920-748-3121 Toll Free: 800-553-5120 Fax: 920-748-4564 ) sales@alliancels.com c alliancelaundry.com
ALJ Electronics 1306 E. Imperial Ave. El Segundo, CA 90245 Phone: 310-524-0011 Toll Free: 800-255-2522
Fax: 310-524-9660 ) info@aljco.com c aljco.com
Allied Boiler & Supply 421 Ash St. Murfreesboro, TN 37130
Contact: D.J. Baughman Toll Free: 800-858-0484 Fax: 615-890-6607 ) dj@alliedboiler.com c alliedboiler.com
AMA Universal 937 Lee Ln. Concord, CA 94518
Contact: Lyman Caulk Phone: 510-815-2297 Fax: 925-609-9908 ) lyman@cleaners-laundry.com c cleaners-laundry.com
Amcot Cooling Tower Corp. 350 N. Ponderosa Ave. Ontario, CA 91761 Phone: 909-390-2598 Toll Free: 800-444-8693 Fax: 909-390-1098 c amcot.com
American Chillers & Cooling Tower Systems 15 Rest Master Ln. North Augusta, SC 29860
Contact: Amy Wheaton Phone: 803-278-1463 Fax: 803-278-1409 ) amyw@amchiller.com c amchiller.com
American Dryer Corp. (ADC) 88 Currant Rd. Fall River, MA 02720
Contact: Tony Regan Phone: 508-678-9000 Fax: 508-678-9447 ) sales@amdry.com c amdry.com
American-Newlong 5310 S. Harding St. Indianapolis, IN 46217
Contact: Brian Shannon Phone: 317-787-9421 Fax: 317-786-5225 ) bshannon@americannewlong.com c american-newlong.com
American Weaving 455 N. Ottawa St. Joliet, IL 60432
Contact: Stephanie Conway Phone: 815-724-0360 Toll Free: 800-240-0107
) sconway@suedecleaners.com c suedecleaners.com
AmeriCapital 23522 57th Ave. SE Woodinville, WA 98072
Contact: Ed Benintendi Toll Free: 877-678-0061 Ext. 201 Fax: 877-678-0062
) edb@americapital.net c americapital.net
America’s Best Cleaners 306 Larkspur Plaza Dr. Larkspur, CA 94939
Contact: Ed D’Elicio Phone: 415-945-9577 Fax: 415-891-8355
) eddelicio@ americasbestcleaners.com c americasbestcleaners.com
123 Harrison Ave. Harrison, OH 45030
Contact: George Beetz Phone: 513-202-1600 Toll Free: 877-543-1678 Fax: 513-202-1660
Aqua Clean Systems 2330 N. Main St. Paris, TX 75460 Phone: 903-737-9107 Toll Free: 800-760-0512 Fax: 903-739-9274
) jshurbet@ aquacleansystems.com c aquacleansystems.com
Aqua Cool
P.O. Box 670849 Dallas, TX 75367
Contact: Harry Gaffney Phone: 214-890-9888 Toll Free: 800-955-4330 Fax: 214-941-4473
) gaffnews@aol.com c aquacool-gaffney.com
Aqua-Gone Industries 6570 Appletree Cir. Las Vegas, NV 89103
Contact: Bruce Grossman Phone: 702-376-6693 Fax: 702-537-7001
) bruce@aqua-gone.com c aqua-gone.com
Aqua Products Co.
P.O. Box 39
Prosperity, SC 29127
Contact: John Seppamaki
Phone: 803-321-0246 Toll Free: 800-849-4264 Fax: 803-321-1980 ) apc@aquaproducts.us c aquaproducts.us
Aquawing Ozone
Laundry Systems
45 Priscilla Ln. Auburn, NH 03032
Contact: Brett Daniels Toll Free: 888-296-4777 Fax: 603-644-0498 ) brett@awois.com c aquawingozone.com
Arch Sewing Machine 659 Callowhill St. Philadelphia, PA 19123
Contact: Joe Orlando Phone: 215-627-1768 Toll Free: 800-272-4739 Fax: 215-627-2034 ) archsewing@aol.com c archsewing.com
ArctiChill 200 Park Ave.
Newberry, SC 29108
Phone: 803-321-1891 Toll Free: 800-849-7778 Fax: 803-321-1898 ) sales@arcticchill.com c arctichill.com
Armstrong International 816 Maple St. Three Rivers, MI 49093
Phone: 269-273-1415 Fax: 269-278-6555 c armstronginternational.com
Arrow Fabricare Services 3838 Troost Ave. Kansas City, MO 64109
Contact: Susie Shatz Toll Free: 800-542-7769 Fax: 816-931-0300 ) susie@arrow-care.com c arrowleathercare.com
Art Thrift Reweavers
P.O. Box 1694 759 Houston St. Athens, TN 37371
Contact: Michael Priest Phone: 423-744-7300 Toll Free: 800-264-4984 Fax: 423-507-8489
) mpriest@artthriftreweavers. com c artthriftreweavers.com
ArtiClean Ozone Systems
P.O. Box 455 129 Fieldview Dr. Versailles, KY 40383
Contact: Mark Moore Phone: 859-873-1341 Toll Free: 866-748-9274 Fax: 859-873-9196 c articlean.com
Ascentium Capital 23970 Highway 59 North Kingwood, TX 77339 Toll Free: 866-846-3646 Fax: 866-846-3679 ) service@ascentiumcapital.com c ascentiumcapital.com
Ascot Formal Wear 7807 Main St. Houston, TX 77030 Toll Free: 800-6-TuXeDO c ascotformalwear.com
Ashbrook P.O. Box 519 West Chester, OH 45071
Contact: Scott Mondi Phone: 513-403-6900 c ashbrookusa.com
Associated Environmental Services
6001 N. Adams Road, #203 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
Contact: Nicholas G. Maloof Phone: 248-203-9898 Fax: 248-203-9372 ) ngm@ associatedenvironmental.net c associatedenvironmental.net
Association of Wedding
Gown Specialists (AWGS) 454 Old Cellar Rd. Orange, CT 06477 Toll Free: 800-501-5005 ) info@ weddinggownspecialists.com c weddinggownspecialists.com
BB&C Technologies 1250 W. 17th St. Panama City, FL 32405
Contact: Bill Rhymer
Phone: 850-249-2222 Fax: 850-249-2226 ) sales@bandctech.com c bandctech.com
The Bag Lady 1743 Hwy. 601 South Lugoff, SC 29078
Contact: Nancy Jeffers Phone: 803-438-6648 Toll Free: 800-224-5239 Fax: 888-329-5239 ) thebaglady@worldnet.att.net
BagMartUSA.com 501 Prospect St., #105B Lakewood, NJ 08701 Toll Free: 800-343-2247 ) customercare@ bagmartusa.com c bagmartusa.com
Bahnson Inc. 3901 Westpoint Blvd. Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336-760-3111 Fax: 336-760-1548 ) info@bahnson.com c bahnson.com
Bane-Clene Corp. 3940 N. Keystone Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46205 Phone: 317-546-5448 Toll Free: 800-428-9512 Fax: 317-543-2222 ) bane@baneclene.com c baneclene.com
Banks & Associates
40 Heritage Park Circle North Little Rock, AR 72116 Phone: 501-804-8410 c banks-assoc.com
John Barry & Associates 3020 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92663
Contact: Ted Barry Phone: 949-675-3551 Fax: 949-675-6756 c jbateam.com
Beneficial Capital Leasing
500 N. Broadway, #1475 St. Louis, MO 63102
Toll Free: 800-886-8944 c bencap.com
Bessamaire Inc. 26881 Cannon Road Cleveland, OH 44146
Phone: 440-439-1200 Toll Free: 800-321-5992 Fax: 440-439-1625
) bill@bessamaire.com c bessamaire.com
Big D Industries 5620 S.W. 29th St. P.O. Box 82219 Oklahoma City, OK 73148
Contact: Mike Biggers Phone: 405-682-2541 Toll Free: 800-654-4752 Fax: 405-681-4219
) mike@bigdind.com c bigdind.com
Blanc Plume 1333 Washington Blvd. Kansas City, KS 66102
Phone: 816-221-0902 Toll Free: 800-307-0229 Fax: 913-396-4097 ) connie.blancplume@ arrow-care.com c blancplume.com
Bobco Packaging 2312 Lob Lolly Ln. Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Contact: Bob Pratt Phone: 954-592-7265 Toll Free: 800-548-5833 Fax: 954-972-9556 ) bobcopackaging@aol.com c bobcopackaging.com
Bolster Marketing 1010 Silver Palm Ln. Maitland, FL 32751
Contact: Michael Shader Phone: 321-800-5413 ) michael@bolster marketing.com c bolstermarketing.com
F.H. Bonn Co. 4300 Gateway Blvd. Springfield, OH 45502
Contact: Sandy Stalder or Kerry Woolum Phone: 937-323-7024 Toll Free: 800-323-0143 Fax: 800-745-2666 c fhbonn.com
Breen Trucks
5100 W. Rosecrans Ave. Hawthorne, CA 90250
Phone: 714-337-0664 Fax: 714-763-4334 c breentrucks.com
Brightleaf for Drycleaners
P.O Box 785 Lakebay, WA 98349
Contact: Sean Bonsell
Phone: 800-983-1175 Fax: 360-612-9539 ) services@brightleafweb.com c brightleafweb.com/drycleaners
Dave Brown The Hatter 3054 W. Henrietta Rd. Rochester, NY 14623
Contact: Dave Brown Phone: 585-475-1613 Fax: 585-475-1791 ) info@davebrownhats.com c davebrownhats.com
Bryan Steam 783 N. Chili Ave. Peru, IN 46970
Phone: 765-473-6651 Fax: 765-473-3074 ) inquiry@bryansteam.com c bryanboilers.com
Tyler, TX 75701
Phone: 903-595-7777 Toll Free: 800-323-2115 Fax: 903-581-6178 c sonozaire.com
Certified Restoration Drycleaning Network (CRDN)
2060 Coolidge Hwy. Berkley, MI 48072
Phone: 248-246-7878 Toll Free: 800-520-2736 Fax: 248-246-7868 c restorationdrycleaning.com
P.O. Box 25188 Anaheim, CA 92825 c chembrite.net
Cherished Heirlooming
226 Walt Rauch Rd. Chapin, SC 29036
Contact: Janie Westphal Phone: 803-345-9746
CCaled Chemical 26 Hanes Dr. Wayne, NJ 07470 Toll Free: 800-652-2533 ) info@caledclean.com c caledclean.com
California Counters 10123-1/4 Washington St. Bellflower, CA 90706
Phone: 562-920-7200 Toll Free: 800-286-4442 Fax: 562-920-7222 ) sales@calcounters.com c drycleancounters.com
Cambridge Diagnostic Products 6880 N.W. 17th Ave. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Phone: 954-971-4040 Toll Free: 800-525-6262 Fax: 954-975-5609 ) techinfo@stainrx.com c stainrx.com
Careful Consulting Services
4005 Bayview Ave. #PH10 Toronto, ON M2M 3Z9
Contact: Sidney Chelsky Phone: 416-733-2111 Cell: 416-573-1929 Fax: 416-787-0950 ) chelsky@sympatico.ca c carefulhandlaundry.com
CBI/Sonozaire 3102 E. Fifth St.
Chevron Phillips 10001 Six Pines Dr. Woodlands, TX 77380 Phone: 832-813-4100 Toll Free: 800-231-1212 c cpchem.com
Childers & Associates 115 Mockingbird Ln. Tahlequah, OK 74464
Contact: Everett Childers Phone: 918-453-0495 ) elcchilders@yahoo.com c http://textilecleaning.com
Chiller Manufacturing 133 Harrison Ave. Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Toll Free: 800-334-2665 ) info@chillermfg.com c chillermfg.com
Cissell (Alliance Laundry Systems)
P.O. Box 990 Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: Sales Phone: 920-748-3121 Toll Free: 888-223-2980 Fax: 920-748-4546 c cissell.com
CL Solutions
1776 Mentor Ave., Ste. 305 Cincinnati, OH 45212 Phone: 513-475-6625 ) mts@cl-solutions.com c cl-solutions.com
Classic Heirlooms
508 Mill Run
Kerrville, TX 78028
Contact: Bob Reeves Phone: 830-895-1945 Toll Free: 800-622-4559 c classicheirloom.com
Clean EZ Technologies 21218 St. Andrews Blvd., #321 Boca Raton, FL 33433
Conttact: Henry Billini Toll Free: 800-253-2634 Fax: 866-308-2495
) info@cleanez.com c cleanez.com
Cleaner Business Systems (Shah Corp.) 414 Gateway Boulevard Burnsville, MN 55337
Contact: Tim Woodman Phone: 952-641-3000 Toll Free: 800-406-9649 Fax: 952-895-5816
) sales@cleanerbusiness.com c cleanerbusiness.com
The Cleaner Spot 485 Columbian St. South Weymouth, MA 02190
Contact: Bob Devaney Phone: 781-223-4211 Toll Free: 800-335-0567 Fax: 781-335-1988
) rdevaney@thecleanerspot.com c thecleanerspot.com
Cleaner’s Capital Corp. 6900 Wisconsin Ave., #300 Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Contact: Bennet Upston Phone: 301-941-8185 Toll Free: 877-256-7227 Fax: 404-255-0775
) bupston@ cleanerscapitalcorp.com c cleanerscapitalcorp.com
Cleaners Chemical Corp. 10076 Aqua Vista Way Boca Raton, FL 33428 Toll Free: 866-307-0700 Fax: 561-558-1326
) info@cleanerschemicalcorp.com c cleanerschemicalcorp.com
Cleaner’s Supply
1059 Powers Rd. Conklin, NY 13748
Contact: Trudy Adams Toll Free: 800-568-7768 Fax: 800-457-8246
) customerservice@
cleanersupply.com c cleanersupply.com
The Cleaning Specialist
141 Lanza Ave., Bldg. 31-A Garfield, NJ 07026
Contact: Davide’ Dvorak Phone: 973-272-2977 Fax: 973-272-8563 ) davide@ cleaningspecialist.com c cleaningspecialist.com
CleanSuite Software 803 8498 Elbow Dr. SW Calgary, AB T2V 0H9
Contacts: Wayne Thomas Phone: 403-264-4925 Toll Free: 888-727-4564 ) wayne@cleansuite.com c cleansuite.com
ClearWater Tech
850 Capitolio Way, Unit E San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Phone: 805-549-9724 Toll Free: 800-262-0203 Fax: 805-549-0306 ) sales@cwtozone.com c cwtozone.com
11950 W. Lake Park Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53224
Contact: Elizabeth Brown Phone: 414-359-0600 ) info@cleaver-brooks.com c cleaver-brooks.com
COIT Services 897 Hinckley Rd. Burlingame, CA 94010
Contact: Pat Saign Phone: 650-552-2008 Toll Free: 800-243-8797 Fax: 650-697-6117 ) pat.saign@coit.com c coit.com
Collarite Co. P.O. Box 251 Vineburg, CA 95487
Contact: Robert Salfi Toll Free: 800-558-4455 Fax: 707-996-5525 ) sales@collarite.com c collarite.com
dba The Company Store 20001 Peel Rd. Montgomery, TX 77356
Contact: Lee Gibson Phone: 713-557-3476 Toll Free: 888-668-8702
Fax: 888-866-8702 ) leegibson1@cs.com c collarstyx.com
Colmac Industries P.O. Box 72 Colville, WA 99114 Phone: 509-684-4505 Toll Free: 800-926-5622 Fax: 509-684-4500 ) sales@colmacind.com c colmacind.com
Colorex Chemical Co. 834 Foster Ave. Bensenville, IL 60106 Contact: Yvonne Matsoukas Phone: 630-238-3124 Toll Free: 800-963-3762 Fax: 630-238-3125 ) colorexchemical@earthlink.net c colorexchemical.com
Columbia Boiler Co. P.O. Box 1070 Pottstown, PA 19464 Phone: 610-323-2700 Fax: 610-323-7292 ) cbcsales@columbiaboiler.com c columbiaboiler.com
Columbia/ILSA Machines Corp. 231 Edison Ave. West Babylon, NY 11704 Contact: Stephen Langiulli Phone: 631-293-7571 Toll Free: 800-446-5634 Fax: 631-293-7863 ) turbodri@aol.com c drycleaningmachine.com
Comca Systems 3143 Pine Shadow Dr. Land O’ Lakes, FL 34639 Contacts: Kim or Mirza Jensen Phone: 813-996-5922 ) info@comcasystems.com c comcasystems.com
Comet Cleaners Franchise Group 406 W. Division St. Arlington, TX 76011 Toll-Free: 888-461-3555 ) sales@cometcleaners.com c cometcleaners.com
Commercial Coils 213 Chesterfield Industrial Blvd. Chesterfield, MO 63005 Contact: Mark Grote Phone: 636-532-1523
Toll Free: 800-532-2645 Fax: 636-532-8259 ) mark@comcoil.com c comcoil.com
Compassmax (Maineline Computer Systems) 16 Northbrook Dr. Falmouth, ME 04105 Phone: 207-781-5590 Toll Free: 800-354-2525 Fax: 207-781-7220 c compassmax.com
Computer Connections/ WinCleaners
1803 Springdale Rd. Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Contact: KJ Sung Phone: 856-770-9898 Toll Free: 800-684-6650 Fax: 856-770-9899
) wincleaners@hotmail.com c wincleaners.com
Computer Systems International (CSI) 150 Consumers Road, #406 Toronto, ON M2J 1P9 Phone: 416-497-0370 Toll Free: 888-836-7274 Fax: 416-497-6760 c computersystemsint.com
Computype 2285 W. County Road C St. Paul, MN 55127 Toll Free: 800-328-0852 c computype.com
Consorzio Unimatic Via R. Morandi, 13 06012 Citta di Castello, Italy Phone: 39-075-852-1264 Fax: 39-075-852-0717 ) info@consorziounimatic.it c consorziounimatic.it
Continental Girbau 2500 State Road 44 Oshkosh, WI 54904
Phone: 920-231-8222 Toll Free: 800-256-1073 Fax: 920-231-4666 c continentalgirbau.com
COOL Clean Technologies
915 Blue Gentian Rd. St. Paul, MN 55121
Phone: 651-842-8600 Toll-Free: 866-262-9274 ) sales@coolclean.com c coolclean.com Coolspace
315 N. Madison St. Fortville, IN 46040
Phone: 317-577-0417 Toll Free: 800-557-5716 Fax: 317-485-0118 ) sales@cool-space.com c cool-space.com
Coreprobe International
5075 Walnut Grove Ave. San Gabriel, CA 91776
Contact: Stewart Graham Phone: 626-309-9932 Toll Free: 866-404-3959 Fax: 626-309-9978 ) stewart@coreprobe.com c coreprobe.com
Coronet Leather Cleaners
3358 York St. Denver, CO 80205
Contact: Chuck Grams Phone: 303-297-0306 Fax: 303-424-4172 ) sgrams5@comcast.net c coronetleather.com
Covers Etc. 925 W. Harris Road Arlington, TX 76001
Contact: Jim Laleman Phone: 817-467-5030 Toll Free: 800-451-6593 Ext. 113 Fax: 800-888-6613 ) sales@coversetc.com c coversetc.com
Crane Pumps & Systems 420 Third St. Piqua, OH 45356
Phone: 937-778-8947 Fax: 937-773-7157
) cranepumps@ cranepumps.com c cranepumps.com
CTS Packaging
1730 Russell St. Covington, KY 41011
Contact: Mark O’Bryan Phone: 859-291-5700 Toll Free: 800-292-5701 Fax: 859-291-5786 ) sales@ctspkg.com c ctspkg.com
Cutting Edge Storefronts
544 W. First St. Rialto, CA 92376
Phone: 909-724-8524 Toll Free: 877-214-6222 ) customerservice@
cuttingedgestorefronts.com c cuttingedgestorefronts.com
Fairfield, IA 52556
Contact: Kim Ritter Toll Free: 800-524-2954 c dexterlaundry.com
DDajisoft (Dryclean PRO) 6830 NE Bothell Way Suite # C-415 Kenmore, WA 98028
Contact: Ali Khan Toll Free: 888-325-4763 Fax: 206-400-1135
) dcpsales@dajisoft.com c dajisoft.com
Dallons Environmental Services 5455 Centralia St. Long Beach, CA 90808
Contact: Don Dallons Phone: 562-938-9986
Datamars 250 W. Cummings Park Woburn, MA 01801 Phone: 781-281-2216 Fax: 781-300-7330 ) textile-id@datamars.com c datamars.com
DCCS (Dry Cleaning Computer Systems) 1210 Stanbridge St. Norristown, PA 19401
Contact: Lenny Gershater Phone: 610-275-6090 Fax: 610-275-9703 ) sales@dccs.com c dccs.com
Des-L Industries 130 Gamewell St. Hackensack, NJ 07601 Phone: 201-343-3330 ) sales@lecoplastics.com c des-l.com
Desert Boilers & Controls 305 W. Saint Louis Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 Phone: 702-631-7780 Fax: 702-646-7512 ) info@desertboilers.com c desertboilers.com
Dexter Financial Services
P.O. Box 5368 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Toll Free: 800-926-8230 Fax: 319-364-6502 c dexter.com/financial
Dexter Laundry 2211 W. Grimes Ave.
Diamond Computer Service 25779 N. Hillview Ct. Mundelein, IL 60060
Phone: 847-550-6770 Toll Free: 800-298-5968 Fax: 847-550-6764 ) diamondcomputer6770 @gmail.com c diamondcomputerservice.com
Directory Networks
P.O. Box 22447 Eagan, MN 55122
Contact: Dan L. Gray Sr. Phone: 651-336-5897 ) info@directory-networks.net c directory-networks.net
Donini International
Via Sigonio 32 41012 Carpi (MO) Phone: 39-059-697-094 Fax: 39-059-641-523 ) sales@donini.com c donini.com
Dow Chemical Co. P.O. Box 1206 4520 Ashman Street Midland, MI 48642 Phone: 989-832-1560 Toll Free: 800-447-4369 Fax: 989-832-1465 ) dowcig@dow.com c dow.com
Draeger Safety 101 Technology Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15275 Phone: 412-787-8383 Toll Free: 800-858-1737 Fax: 412-787-2207 c draeger.com
Dry Clean Concepts 664 Milwaukee Ave. Prospect Heights, IL 60070 Phone: 847-419-9580 c drycleanconcepts.com
Dry Cleaning Delivery Business
P.O. Box 454 Eagle, ID 83616
Contact: Shaun Buck Phone: 208-407-5526 ) shaun@drycleaningroutes.com c drycleaningroutes.com Dry Cleaning Plus
626 Avalon Gardens Dr. Nanuet, NY 10954
Contacts: Richard or Judith Stone Phone: 845-352-4755 Toll Free: 800-278-4066 Fax: 845-352-4204 ) info@drycleaningplus.biz c drycleaningplus.biz
Dry Greening 6808 Caitlin Willowbrook, IL 60527 Phone: 630-660-6168 c drygreening.com
Dryclean USA 290 N.E. 68th St. Miami, FL 33138 Phone: 305-754-9966 Fax: 305-751-8010 c drycleanusa.com
Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI) 14700 Sweitzer Ln. Laurel, MD 20707 Phone: 301-622-1900 Toll Free: 800-638-2627 Fax: 240-295-0685 ) techline@dlionline.org c ifi.org
DryCleanZone.com 504 Cahaba Park Cir. Birmingham, AL 35242 Phone: 205-937-0045 c drycleanzone.com
EEagle Star Equipment 2329 Alger Dr. Troy, MI 48083 Phone: 248-457-1140 Toll Free: 800-482-3400 Fax: 248-457-1556 c eaglestarequipment.com
eAnytime Corporation 266 N. 4th St., Suite 200 Columbus, OH 43215
Contact: Laurence Cohn Phone: 614-842-7000 Alt. Phone: 714-969-7000 ) kiosksales@eanytime.com c eanytime.com
Eastern Funding 213 W. 35th St. New York, NY 10001 Phone: 212-819-2000 Toll Free: 877-819-1764
Fax: 212-819-9764
) info@easternfunding.com c easternfunding.com
Easy Plus 1120 Easton Rd. #A Willow Grove, PA 19090
Phone: 215-635-3555 Toll Free: 877-248-3684 Fax: 212-784-7055
) joanne@easyplusin.com c cleantouch.easyplusinc.com
Ecolab Textile Care 370 N. Wabasha St. St. Paul, MN 55102
Phone: 651-293-4476 c ecolab.com
EDRO Corp. 37 Commerce St. East Berlin, CT 06023 Toll Free: 800-628-6434 Fax: 860-828-5984 ) sales@edrodynawash.com c edrodynawash.com
Ehrenreich & Associates 16917 MacDuff Ave. Olney, MD 20832 Contact: Richard Ehrenreich Phone: 301-570-3000 Toll Free: 800-235-8360 Fax: 301-924-9247 ) ehrenassoc@aol.com
Emerson Capital Corp. 1030 Forest Ave. Glencoe, IL 60022
Contact: Douglas Adams Phone: 847-242-0229 Fax: 847-242-9017
EnviroForensics 602 N. Capitol Ave., #210 Indianapolis, IN 46204
Contact: Dru Shields Phone: 317-972-7870 Toll Free: 866-888-7911 Fax: 317-972-7875
) dshields@enviroforensics.com c enviroforensics.com
Environmental Strategies & Applications (ESA)
495 Union Ave., #1D Middlesex, NJ 08846
Phone: 732-469-8888 Fax: 732-469-1120
) info@askesa.com c askesa.com
EnviroTech International 1800 N. 25th Ave. Melrose Park, IL 60160
Contact: Roy Roccon
Phone: 708-343-6641
) rroccon@envirotechint.com c envirotechint.com
Epoleon Corp. 18414 Doty Ave. Torrance, CA 90504
Phone: 310-327-5801 Toll Free: 800-EPOLEON Fax: 310-324-6845 c epoleon.com
Epsilon Plastics 595 John Dodd Rd. Spartanburg, SC 29303
Contact: Robert Levine Phone: 864-578-8261 Toll Free: 800-421-2247 Fax: 864-578-8203 ) robert.levine@ sigmaplastics.com c alpha-industries.com
Esporta Wash Systems 1015 Crowley Ave., #101 Kelowna, BC V1Y 9R6
Toll Free: 800-881-7781 ) info@esporta.ca c esporta.ca
Essick Air Products 5800 Murray St. Little Rock, AR 72209
Toll Free: 800-643-8341 Fax: 501-562-9485 ) info@essickair.com c essickair.com
European Finishing Equipment Corp. 901 Penhorn Ave., Unit 2 Secaucus, NJ 07094
Contact: Yuriko Tanaba Phone: 201-210-2247 Toll Free: 888-460-9292 Fax: 201-210-2549 ) sales@histeam.com c histeam.com
Evans Garment Restoration
2831 Farmers Market Rd. Springfield, IL 62707
Contact: Mike Rusciolelli Toll Free: 866-933-8267 Fax: 217-525-4732 c evansgarmentrestoration.com
EZ Products International 4686 W. Main St. Wauchula, FL 33873
Contact: Diane Rue Phone: 863-735-0813 Toll Free: 877-906-1818 Fax: 863-735-0328
) info@ezproductsinc.com c ezproductsinc.com
5526 Crescent Valley St. Las Vegas, NV 89148
Contact: Bruce Grossman Phone: 702-376-6693 ) bruce@eztimers.com c eztimers.com
) john.t1906@gmail.com c fimassrl.it
Firbimatic 13802 Washington St., Suite A Woodstock, IL 60098
Contact: Darrin Haiges Phone: 815-338-2355 Toll Free: 800-220-0630 Fax: 815-338-2365 ) sales@firbimaticusa.com c firbimaticusa.com
FFabricare Management Systems
531 Tomahawk Trail Woodstock, GA 30188
Contact: Mark Van Buren Toll Free: 888-249-5142 Fax: 770-924-5936 ) sales@fabricaremanager.com c fabricaremanager.com
Fabritec International 1157 Industrial Rd. Cold Spring, KY 41076 Phone: 859-781-8200 Toll Free: 800-543-0406 Fax: 859-781-8280 ) solutions@fabritec.com c fabritec.com
FabTek Aero 432 E. South St. Plano, IL 60545
Contact: Mike Chesnutt Phone: 630-552-3622 Fax: 630-552-8220 ) mchesnutt@fabtekaero.com c fabtekaero.com
Fashion Media Group PO Box 1186
Boulder, CO 80306
Contact: Steve Boorstein Phone: 303-443-3232 Fax: 303-443-1982 c clothingdoctor.com
Faultless Starch Co. 1025 W. 8th St. Kansas City, MO 64101 Phone: 816-846-1230 Fax: 816-842-6542 ) info@faultless.com c faultless.com
Fimas SRL Via Piantadsa, 9/C Interno 2 25036 Palazzolo Sull’oglio (BS) Italy
Contact: John Tipps Phone: 214-803-3120
Firetrace International 8435 N. 90th St., Suite 2 Scottsdale, AZ 85258
Contact: David Wilhite Phone: 480-607-1218 Fax: 480-315-1316 ) wilhite@firetrace.com c firetrace.com
First Film Extruding 9340 Meaux St. St. Leonard, QC H1R 3H2 Phone: 514-326-0200 Toll Free: 877-422-5226 Fax: 514-326-4383 ) info@balcan.com c balcan.com
Flexaust 1510 Armstrong Rd. Warsaw, IN 46580 Phone: 574-267-7909 Toll Free: 800-343-0428 Fax: 800-382-8464 ) sales@flexaust.com c flexaust.com
Fordham Poly-Pak 125 Spagnoli Rd. Melville, NY 11747
Phone: 631-293-6767 Toll Free: 800-969-1993 Fax: 631-454-6366 ) info@poly-pak.com c poly-pak.com
Forenta LP P.O. Box 607 Morristown, TN 37814
Contact: D. Stanley King Phone: 423-586-5370 Fax: 423-586-3470 ) sales@forentausa.com c forentausa.com
1341 Howard St. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Phone: 847-357-1100 Toll Free: 800-279-8269 Fax: 847-357-1101
) info@foster-stephens.com c foster-stephens.com
Freightliner Custom Chassis Corp.
552 Hyatt St. Gaffney, SC 29341 Phone: 864-487-1700 Fax: 864-487-6400 ) fcccservice@daimler.com c freightlinerchassis.com
3201B Investment Blvd. Hayward, CA 94545
Contact: Jim Nicholas Phone: 510-723-1000 Fax: 510-723-0107
) jnicholas@frsteam.com c frsteam.com
Fujistar Shirt Systems
12955 Arroyo St. Sylmar, CA 91342
Contact: Tony Haddad Phone: 818-361-1066 Toll Free: 800-842-9661 Fax: 818-361-1002 ) tony@fujistar.net c fujistar.net
Fuller Supply Co. P.O. Box 1261 Concord, NC 28062 Phone: 704-782-0214 Toll Free: 800-323-3699 Fax: 704-782-0231 ) marketing@dyelock.com c dyelock.com
Fulton Boiler Works 972 Centerville Rd. Pulaski, NY 13142
Contact: Mike McLean Phone: 315-298-5121 Fax: 315-298-6354 ) mike.mclean@fulton.com c fulton.com
Toronto, ON M1B 2K4
Toll Free: 877-585-9555 ) sales@gaorfid.com c gaorfid.com
General Boiler Co. 1546 E. Adams Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90011 Phone: 323-233-1005 Fax: 323-233-1425 ) sales@generalboiler.com c generalboiler.com
Global Business Systems 1001 N. Old Rand Rd., #105 Wauconda, IL 60084 Toll Free: 800-717-2507 ) info@smart4me.com c smart4me.com
Golden State Laundry Systems 1984 E. Gladwick St. Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220
Contact: Mike Hurrell Toll Free: 800-465-8300 c gsls4laundry.com
The Golomb Group 816 Shannon Lake Westmont, IL 60559 Contact: Neil Schroeder Toll Free: 800-833-0560 c golombgroup.com
The Green Garmento 8210 Lankershim Blvd., #12 North Hollywood, CA 91605
Contact: Jennie Nigrosh Phone: 323-512-2600 Toll Free: 866-681-6659 Fax: 323-512-2605 ) help@thegreengarmento.com c thegreengarmento.com
GreenEarth Cleaning 51 W. 135th St. Kansas City, MO 64145
Contact: Tim Maxwell Phone: 816-926-0895 Toll Free: 877-926-0895 Fax: 816-926-0754
) pravin@gslaundry.com c gslaundry.com
GZA GeoEnvironmental One Edgewater Dr. Norwood, MA 02062 Phone: 781-278-3700 ) info@gza.com c gza.com
HBD Inc. 3901 Riverdale Rd. Greensboro, NC 27406
Contact: Brian King Phone: 336-458-4800 Toll Free: 800-403-2247 Fax: 336-271-2511 ) bking@hbdinc.com c hbdinc.com
Henderson Insurance
4675 MacArthur Ct., #420 Newport Beach, CA 92660
HHamilton Engineering 34000 Autry St. Livonia, MI 48150
Contact: Jennifer Galeski Phone: 734-419-0200 Toll Free: 800-968-5530 Fax: 734-419-0209 ) sales@hamiltonengineering.com c hamiltonengineering.com
4360 E. Main St., #230 Ventura, CA 93003 Phone: 805-703-4263 Toll Free: 877-807-4592 ) online@handguard.com c handguard.com
Handy Hamper Green Bags 5142 N. Palm Ave. Fresno, CA 93704
Contact: Steve Berglund Phone: 559-224-3113 Fax: 559-224-2928 ) steve@handyhamper.com c handyhamper.com
Hanger Holder 5226 E. Helena Dr. Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 602-788-1118 Toll Free: 866-796-2751 Fax: 866-796-1215 ) info@hangerholder.com c hangerholder.com
Contact: Scott Henderson Phone: 949-863-0900 Fax: 949-863-0963 ) inboxer@ hendersoninsurance.com c hendersoninsurance.com
Heritage Preservation 4592 E 2nd St., Ste N Benicia, CA 94510
Contact: Kathy Wright Phone: 707-746-6300 Toll Free: 866-268-4696 ) kathy@heritagegown.com c heritagegown.com
HMC Solutions
P.O. Box 13453 Maumelle, AR 72113
Contact: Otis Butler Phone: 501-255-0498 Toll Free: 800-41-FETCH Fax: 866-554-3154 ) info@hmcsolutions.com c hmcsolutions.com
Hoffman/New Yorker 46 Clinton Pl. Hackensack, NJ 07601
Contact: Richard Greco or Jeff Rabinowitz
Phone: 201-488-1800 Fax: 201-488-4480 ) info@hoffman-newyorker.com c hoffman-newyorker.com
GGalaxy Wastewater Treatment
9216 W. Grand Ave.
Franklin Park, IL 60131
Phone: 847-451-1190
Toll Free: 800-708-2070 Fax: 847-451-6654
) ddellegraz@aol.com c galaxywastewater.com
601 Milner Ave.
) tmaxwell@ greenearthcleaning.com c greenearthcleaning.com
Gulf States Laundry Machinery
12647 Memorial Dr. Houston, TX 77024
Contact: Pravin Parmar Phone: 713-984-8833 Toll Free: 800-289-4756 Fax: 713-984-1005
Haralson Consulting 734 Cotillion Pl. Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
Contact: Sandra Haralson Phone: 843-813-3106 ) sandra@sandraharalson.com c sandraharalson.com
Harris Pillow Supply 3026 Trask Pkwy. Beaufort, SC 29906 Toll Free: 800-845-8240 Fax: 843-846-4196 c harrispillow.com
4019 E. Fowler Ave. Tampa, FL 33617
Phone: 813-971-3882
Toll Free: 800-200-5550 Fax: 813-971-1862 c hsa-env.com
Hudson Equipment
35 S. Oviatt St. Hudson, OH 44236
Phone: 330-342-9900 Toll Free: 800-684-9838 Fax: 330-342-0884
) info@hudsonequipment.com c hudsonequipment.com
Huebsch (Alliance Laundry Systems) P.O. Box 990 Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: Sales Toll Free: 800-553-5120 Fax: 920-748-4590 ) sales@alliancels.com c huebsch.com
Hurst Boiler & Welding
100 Boilermaker Ln. Coolidge, GA 31738-0530
Phone: 229-346-3545 Toll Free: 877-99-HURST Fax: 229-346-3874 ) info@hurstboiler.com c hurstboiler.com
c ingersollrandproducts.com
Integrated Environmental Solutions (IES) 6220 Hacker Bend Ct., Ste. F Winston-Salem, NC 27103
Contact: Brad Carr Phone: 336-712-2437 Fax: 810-454-0452 ) sales@iesclean.com c iesclean.com
Iowa Techniques 524 Tradesman Park Dr. Hutto, TX 78634
Contact: Matt Kool Phone: 512-846-2403 Toll Free: 800-727-1592 Fax: 512-846-2411 ) info@iowatechniques.com c iowatechniques.com
JJacobson Products 1011 E. Park Industrial Dr. St. Louis, MO 63130 Phone: 314-862-0800 Toll Free: 800-325-3390 Fax: 314-725-8808 ) jacobson@ universalsewing.com c jacobsonproducts.com
JCZ Training & Consulting 835 Fishburn Rd. Hershey, PA 17033
Contact: Jane Zellers Phone: 717-507-4607 ) jane@janezellers.com c janezellers.com
Fax: 540-898-5520 ) info@kaeser.com c kaeser.com
Kemco Systems 11500 47th St. North Clearwater, FL 33762 Phone: 727-573-2323 Toll Free: 800-633-7055 Fax: 727-573-2346 c kemcosystems.com
Kemron Environmental Services 8521 Leesburg Pike, Ste. 175 Vienna, VA 22182
Contact: Juan J. Gutierrez Phone: 703-893-4106 Fax: 703-893-1741 ) jgutierrez@kemron.com c kemron.com
IIdeal Fastener Corp. 603 W. Industry Dr. Oxford, NC 27565
Contact: Tracy Matthews Phone: 919-693-3115 Fax: 919-693-3118 ) tmatthews@idealfastener.com c idealfastener.com
Idel International Trading 5620 1st Ave., 4th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11220 Toll Free: 800-224-4476 Fax: 718-228-9866 c laundrybags4u.com
900 E. Eighth Ave., Suite 300 King of Prussia, PA 19406
Contact: Jennifer Yanczak Toll Free: 800-932-7472 ) jyanczak@imagefirst.com c imagefirst.com
Imesa USA
P.O. Box 2329 Livingston, NJ 07039
Contact: Stuart Ilkowitz Phone: 973-535-8305 Toll Free: 877-873-8451 Fax: 954-861-4572
) imesausa@aol.com
Ingersoll-Rand Co. 131 W. Diversey Ave. Elmhurst, IL 60126
Phone: 630-530-3843 Toll Free: 800-247-8870 Fax: 630-530-3894
IPSO (Alliance Laundry Systems) Shepard St. - P.O. Box 990 Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: Sales Phone: 920-748-3121 Toll Free: 800-872-4776 Fax: 920-748-4590 ) ipso.sales@alliancels.com c ipsousa.com
Irving Weber Associates (IWA) 761 Koehler Ave. Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Contact: Adam Weber Toll Free: 800-243-1811 Fax: 888-622-0414 ) info@iwains.com c iwains.com
Italclean Via Ossola 7 San Giorgio di Piano Bologna, Italy 40016
Contact: Eugenio Boni Phone: 39-051-663-0468 Fax: 39-051-663-0688 ) italclean@italclean.com c italclean.com
ITC 7937 Cooper Ave. Glendale, NY 11385
Phone: 718-326-8888 ) service@infoserveusa.com c infoserveusa.com
Jenny Products 850 N. Pleasant Ave. Somerset, PA 15501 Phone: 814-445-3400 Fax: 814-445-2280 c jennyproductsinc.com
JGP Financial 4921 71st Ave. North Pinellas Park, FL 33781 Phone: 727-209-3299 Toll Free: 877-638-5266 Fax: 727-209-3291 ) info@jgpfinancial.com c jgpfinancial.com
Jiffy Steamer P.O. Box 869 Union City, TN 38281-0869 Phone: 731-885-6690 Toll Free: 800-525-4339 Fax: 731-885-6692 ) jsinfo@jiffysteamer.com c jiffysteamer.com
Jim’s Formal Wear One Tuxedo Park Trenton, IL 62293
Contact: Clif Crandall Phone: 618-224-9211 Fax: 618-224-7924 c jimsformalwear.com
Kenney Slatten Training Co. 5990 W. Paso Bonito Trail Prescott, AZ 86305 Contact: Kenney Slatten Toll Free: 800-429-3990 ) kslatten@aol.com c kstraining.com
4444 Gustine Ave. St. Louis, MO 63116 Phone: 314-353-1712 Fax: 314-353-5340 ) kri@kleen-rite.com c kleen-rite.com
Kleerwite Chemical P.O. Box 10428 Burke, VA 22009
Contact: Mike Levine Phone: 703-495-8069 Toll Free: 877-KLEERWITE Fax: 703-495-8066 ) info@dry-clean.com c dry-clean.com
KR Products
4444 Gustine Ave. St. Louis, MO 63116 Phone: 314-353-1712 Fax: 314-353-5340 ) sales@krproductsinc.com c krproductsinc.com
KKaeser Compressors
P.O. Box 946 Fredericksburg, VA 22404 Phone: 540-898-5500 Toll Free: 800-777-7873
6103 Johns Rd., Ste. 7 Tampa, FL 33634
Phone: 813-884-1499 Fax: 813-884-1599 c kreussler-chemie.de/ index.php?sprach=usa
Krystal Klean Powder
406 W. Division St. Arlington, TX 76011
Contact: Jack Godfrey Sr. Phone: 817-366-5600 Fax: 817-861-4779
) jacksr@krystalklean powder.com c krystalkleanpowder.com
c leatherrich.com
Leather Technologies 1860 Executive Dr., Ste. D Oconomowoc, WI 53066
Contact: Abbas Fadel Phone: 262-567-9627 Fax: 262-567-9630 ) abbas@leathertechnologies.com c leathertechnologies.com
Leonard Automatics P.O. Box 501 Denver, NC 28037
Phone: 219-663-7693 Toll Free: 800-568-5468 Fax: 219-662-1503 ) info@lintbags.com c lintbags.com
Lucas Products Corp. 5655 Opportunity Dr., Unit 1 Toledo, OH 43612
Fax: 630-456-4005 ) info@makmarketing.net c makmarketing.net
The Marketing Shop 6784 Stanhope Way Indianapolis, IN 46254
LL. Wilson Group
5790 Sovereign Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45241
Contact Laurie L. Wilson Phone: 513-383-5390 Fax: 513-247-0059
) lwilsongrp@aol.com
Lab Test Products
360 Elizabeth Ave., 2nd Floor Newark, NJ 07112
Phone: 973-621-6859 Fax: 973-621-6851
) info@labtestproducts.com c labtestproducts.com
Lattner Boiler Co. 1411 9th St. S.W. Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Phone: 319-366-0778 Toll Free: 800-345-1527 Fax: 319-366-0770 ) sales@lattner.com c lattnerboiler.com
The Leasing Experts
2233 Park Ave., Ste. 200-B Orange Park, FL 32073 Phone: 904-541-1220 Toll Free: 888-505-0060 Fax: 877-977-0095 c tlejax.com
Leather Master
455 N. Ottawa St. Joliet, IL 60432
Contact: John Conway Toll Free: 800-240-0107
) jconway@suedecleaners.com c suedecleaners.com
Leather-Rich Inc.
P.O. Box 23 1250 Corporate Center Dr. Oconomowoc, WI 53066
Contact: Rick Nettum Phone: 262-569-3100 Toll Free: 800-236-6996 Fax: 262-569-3119
) leatherrich@att.net
Contact: Scott Frushtick Phone: 704-483-9316 Toll Free: 800-483-9316 Fax: 704-483-4538 ) dfarnsworth@ leonardautomatics.com c leonardautomatics.com
Liberty Computer Systems 231-K E. Johnson St. Cary, NC 27513
Contact: Rick Mugno Phone: 919-651-0937 Toll Free: 800-233-9804 Fax: 919-650-2056 ) sales@libertycomputers.com c libertycomputers.com
Liberty-Pittsburgh Systems 3498 Grand Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15225 Toll Free: 877-577-2345 Fax: 877-577-3456 ) info@golps.com c golps.com
B&G Lieberman Co. 2420 Distribution St. Charlotte, NC 28203
Contact: Larry Lieberman Phone: 704-376-0717 Toll Free: 800-438-0346 Fax: 800-248-2696 ) bgl@bglieberman.com c bglieberman.com
Lindus West 15916 Blythe St. Van Nuys, CA 91406
Phone: 818-778-0550 Fax: 818-778-0555
) info@wyattbennett.com c wyattbennett.com
Lint-All P.O. Box 723 501 Foote St. Crown Point, IN 46307 Contact: Tate Richardson
Contact: Robert Urter Phone: 419-476-5992 Toll Free: 877-582-2765 Fax: 419-476-0144 ) robert@lucasproducts.com c lucasproducts.com
Luetzow Industries 1105 Davis Ave. South Milwaukee, WI 53172 Contact: Alex Luetzow Phone: 414-762-0410 Toll Free: 800-558-6055 Fax: 414-762-0943 ) luetzow.poly@gmail.com c eluetzow.com
Contact: Howard Kaschyk Phone: 317-387-9277 ) mktshop@comcast.net c themarketingshopusa.com
R.W. Martin & Sons 310 Park Ave. Kent, OH 44240
Contact: Chip Ottman Phone: 330-673-8712 Toll Free: 800-635-4363 Fax: 330-673-7467 ) info@rwmartin.com c rwmartin.com
Martinizing Dry Cleaning
422 Wards Corner Rd. Loveland, OH 45140
Toll Free: 800-827-0207 c martinizing.com
MM&B Hangers
P.O. Box 250 8575 Parkway Dr. Leeds, AL 35094 Toll Free: 800-227-0436 Fax: 800-622-4471 ) staff@mbhangers.com c mbhangers.com
Madame Paulette 42-20 12th St. Long Island City, NY 11101 Phone: 347-689-7010 Fax: 718-482-8136 c madamepaulette.com
Magic Wardrobe 35 Dussek St. Belleville, ON K8N 5R9 Phone: 613-968-4016 Fax: 613-968-1173
Mainetti USA 115 Enterprise Ave. South Secaucus, NJ 07094
Phone: 201-215-2900 Fax: 201-215-2929 ) info.usa@mainetti.com c mainetti.com
Mak Marketing 1141 N. President St. Wheaton, IL 60187
Contact: Bill Bishop Phone: 630-456-4195
Maruso USA 2450 S. Sequoia Dr. Compton, CA 90220 Phone: 310-328-3870 Toll Free: 888-282-0754 Fax: 310-328-3899 ) info@marusousa.com c marusousa.com
Master Chiller
3734 Dividend Dr. Garland, TX 75042 Phone: 972-272-0886 Toll Free: 800-666-5822 Fax: 972-494-9047 ) maschi@airmail.net c masterchiller.com
Maxi Companies
4317 E. Genesee Dewitt, NY 13214
Contact: Dan Levy Phone: 315-446-1002 Fax: 315-446-2431 c maxico.com
Mayfield Group Advertising Bureau 27100 Richmond Road, #11 Solon, OH 44139
Contact: Mark Kampman Phone: 440-248-3696 Toll Free: 800-382-7704 Fax: 440-248-3690 ) mark@mayfieldgroup.com c mayfieldgroup.com
Maytag Commercial
2901 Lakeshore Dr., MD 8600
St. Joseph, MI 49085
Contact: Steve Hietpas Toll Free: 800-662-3587 Fax: 269-923-5838 ) steven_d_hietpas@ whirlpool.com c maytagcommerciallaundry.com
MBH Enterprises 7963 Sailboat Key Blvd., Ste. 703 South Pasadena, FL 33707
Contact: Milt Heilweil Phone: 727-360-8243 Toll Free: 888-765-6275 Fax: 727-360-8001 ) m.heilweil@verizon.net c rope-ties.com
MCF Systems 4319 Tanners Church Rd. Ellenwood, GA 30294 Phone: 770-593-9434 Toll Free: 800-828-3240 Fax: 770-593-9919 ) salesmcf@mcfsystems.com c mcfsystems.com
Memories Gown Preservation 5795 Woodway Houston, TX 77057
Phone: 713-780-4600 Toll Free: 866-492-4696 Fax: 713-266-2457 ) info@gownspreservations.com c gownspreservations.com
Messe Frankfurt 1600 Parkwood Cir., #615 Atlanta, GA 30339
Phone: 770-984-8016 Fax: 770-984-8023 ) info@usa.messefrankfurt.com c usa.messefrankfurt.com
Metalprogetti USA
8 E. Sunnyslope Ln. Phoenix, AZ 85020
Phone: 602-944-2923 Fax: 602-944-2903 c metalprogettiusa.com
Methods for Management (MFM)
2269 Chestnut St., Ste. 309 San Francisco, CA 94123
Contact: Ann Campy Phone: 253-851-6327 Fax: 253-851-6090
) acampy@mfmi.com c mfmi.com
Metro-Chem 24 Pennsylvania Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032
Toll Free: 800-332-SOAP Fax: 973-589-8444 c metro-chem.com
A. Meyers & Sons
325 W. 38th St. New York, NY 10018
Phone: 212-279-6632 Toll Free: 800-666-5577 Fax: 212-594-4093 ) sales@ameyers.com c ameyers.com
MidAtlantic Association of Cleaners (MAC) 16917 MacDuff Ave. Olney, MD 20832
Contact: Richard Ehrenreich Phone: 301-570-3000 Toll Free: 800-235-8360 Fax: 301-924-9247
) midatlanticassociation@ comcast.net
Midwest Leather 2201 Grand Ave. Billings, MT 59102
Contact: Heidi Kreiger Phone: 406-259-3312 c midwestleather.net
Midwest Trim 6625 N. Avondale Chicago, IL 60631 Phone: 773-594-0700 Toll Free: 800-222-8746 Fax: 773-594-0701
) sales@midwest-trim.com c midwest-trim.com
Miele Professional 9 Independence Way Princeton, NJ 08540
Contact: Deborah Ruriani Toll Free: 800-991-9380 Fax: 609-419-9898
) proinfo@mieleusa.com c professionallaundry.com
Milnor Laundry Systems
P.O. Box 400 Kenner, LA 70063
Phone: 504-467-9591 Toll Free: 800-469-8780 ) milnorinfo@milnor.com c milnor.com
Miura Boiler 120 Sylvan Ave., Ste. 204
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
Phone: 201-592-1260 Fax: 201-592-1262 ) newyork@miuraboiler.com c miuraboiler.com
Morantz Ultrasonics 9984 Gantry Rd. Philadelphia, PA 19115
Contact: Lisa Morantz Phone: 215-969-0266 Toll Free: 800-695-4522 Fax: 215-969-0566 ) info@morantz.com c ultrasonicmachines.com
Morey Manufacturing 1517 5th St. Sandusky, OH 44870
Contact: Gary Morey Phone: 419-626-3967 Fax: 419-626-5013 ) moreymfg@aol.com
MovinCool (Denso Sales) 3900 Via Oro Ave. Long Beach, CA 90810 Toll Free: 800-264-9573 Fax: 310-835-8724 ) info2@movincool.com c movincool.com
Mr. ShoeWash
12544 Centralia St. Lakewood, CA 90715 Phone: 562-865-7486 Toll Free: 866-SHOE WASH ) shoewash@gmail.com c shoewash.com
MTH Pumps 401 W. Main St. Plano, IL 60545 Phone: 630-552-4115 Fax: 630-552-3688 ) sales@mthpumps.com c mthpumps.com
Multimatic Corp. 162 Veterans Dr. Northvale, NJ 07647
Phone: 201-767-9660 Fax: 201-767-7037 ) info@multimatic-usa.com c multimatic-usa.com
Museum Quality Storage Box Co. 828 Washington St. Peekskill, NY 10566
Contact: John Lappe Phone: 845-788-1100 Toll Free: 800-937-2693 Fax: 845-788-9640
Mustang Enterprises
1238 W. Laurel San Antonio, TX 78201
Phone: 210-734-3644 Toll Free: 800-929-5870 Fax: 210-734-0046
) info@mustangenterprises.com c mustangenterprises.com
NNaomoto Corp./Apparel Machinery & Supply 1836 E. Ontario St. Philadelphia, PA 19134
Contact: David Bacharach Phone: 215-634-2626 Toll Free: 800-523-3331 Fax: 215-426-8060
) david@apparelmachinery.com c apparelmachinery.com
National Cleaners Association (NCA) 252 W. 29th St. New York, NY 10001
Contact: Ann Hargrove Phone: 212-967-3002 Toll Free: 800-888-1622 Fax: 212-967-2240 ) info@nca-i.com c nca-i.com
National Combustion Co. (NATCO) 104-11 180th St. Jamaica, NY 11433
Contact: Bill Blank Phone: 718-291-8400
Toll Free: 888-OK NATCO Fax: 718-291-6870
) sales@nationalcombustion.com c nationalcombustion.com
National Gown Cleaners 625 E. McGlincey Ln. Campbell, CA 95008 Phone: 408-371-3174 ) info@nationalgown.com c nationalgown.com
National Waste Clean 301 Pulaski St. South Plainfield, NJ 07080 Phone: 908-756-4114
Natmar Services Co. 139 Beattie St. P.O. Box 6743 Syracuse, NY 13217 Toll Free: 800-798-8206 Fax: 315-445-8046
) info@natmar-nsc.com c natmar-nsc.com
Nettuno ASG
11795 Adolphe Caron Ave. Montreal, QC H1E 6J8
Contact: Stefano Zaccagnino Phone: 514-327-3030 Toll Free: 888-327-3031 Fax: 514-327-5225 ) sales@nettunoasg.com c nettunoasg.com
Neuhaus Chemical Products
5727 Mobud San Antonio, TX 78238
Phone: 210-684-2411 Toll Free: 800-776-8688 Fax: 210-684-2433 c jinxink.com
Newaire 9483 State Hwy. 37 Ogdensburg, NY 13669
Contact: Susan Duffy Toll Free: 866-676-9663 Fax: 800-493-4550 ) sduffy@queenaire.com c ozoneexperts.com
Newhouse Specialty Co. 2681 Halladay St. Santa Ana, CA 92707 Toll Free: 877-435-3859 Fax: 714-432-7020 ) sales@newhouseco.com c newhouseco.com
Nextteq LLC 8406 Benjamin Rd., Ste. J Tampa, FL 33634
Contact: Ryan Day Phone: 813-486-2577 Toll Free: 877-312-2333 Fax: 877-312-2444 ) info@nextteq.com c nextteq.com
Nichols Paper Products
N8995 Pine St. P.O. Box 137 Nichols, WI 54313
Contact: Brian Dahlin Phone: 920-833-6895 Toll Free: 800-558-8010 Fax: 920-525-5527
) sales@nicholspaper.com c nicholspaper.com
NIE Insurance
6030 Bancroft Ave. St. Louis, MO 63109
Contact: Helen McFall Phone: 314-832-1118 Toll Free: 800-325-9522 Fax: 314-832-6775
) mcfall@nie.biz c nie.biz
Norit Americas P.O. Box 790 Marshall, TX 75671 Phone: 903-923-1000 Toll Free: 800-641-9245 Fax: 903-938-9701 c norit-americas.com
North American Foam 11835 Wicks St. Sun Valley, CA 91352
Phone: 818-683-0541 Toll Free: 888-994-3425 Fax: 818-683-0544
PPacific Steam Equipment 10648 Painter Ave. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
Phone: 562-906-9292 Toll Free: 800-321-4114 Fax: 562-906-9223 ) sales@pacificsteam.com c pacificsteam.com
R.J. Papalini
Custom Cabinets 13234 Weidner St. Los Angeles, CA 91331
Toll Free: 800-343-9411
Pepin Manufacturing 1875 Hwy. 61 South Lake City, MN 55041 Phone: 651-345-5655 Toll Free: 800-291-6505 Fax: 651-345-5656 ) info@pepinmfg.com c pepinmfg.com
Perfect Pleat Products P.O. Box 359 Aurora, UT 84620
OO’Brien Agency 3156 New Holland St. Hudsonville, MI 49426
Contact: John O’Brien Phone: 616-669-2670 Fax: 616-669-2674 ) john@obrienins.com c obrienins.com
O’Dell Equipment 133 Harrison Ave. Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Toll Free: 800-333-0355 c odellequipment.com
330 E. Easy St., #A Simi Valley, CA 93065 Phone: 805-583-0875 Toll Free: 800-669-8227 Fax: 805-583-0561
) omegasonics@ omegasonics.com c omegasonics.com
1-800-DryClean 3948 Ranchero Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Contact: Darrell New Toll Free: 888-822-6105 ) darrellnew@ 1-800-dryclean.com c 1-800-dryclean.com
OneCare Co. 3440 Preston Ridge Rd., Ste. 650 Alpharetta, GA 30005
Phone: 770-570-5000 Toll Free: 800-435-6223 Fax: 770-570-5001 c onecareco.com
Contact: Richard Pennington Phone: 818-896-7792 Toll Free: 800-896-4449 Fax: 818-899-3170 ) rjpapalini@cox.net c rjpapalini.com
Paradigm Labs 7 Roberts Rd. P.O. Box 138 Pine Grove, PA 17963
Contact: Brendan Maier Phone: 570-345-2600 Toll Free: 888-933-4554 Fax: 570-345-2800 ) bkmaier@paradigmlabs.us c soapsandspotters.com
Pariser Industries 91 Michigan Ave. Paterson, NJ 07503
Contact: Scott Pariser Phone: 973-569-9090 Toll Free: 800-370-7627 Fax: 973-569-9101 ) spariser@pariser.com c pariserchem.com
Parker Boiler Co. 5930 Bandini Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90040
Contact: Michael Leeming Phone: 323-727-9800 Fax: 323-722-2848 ) sales@parkerboiler.com c parkerboiler.com
Parts Emporium
P.O. Box 2540 Bowling Green, KY 42102 Phone: 270-796-3808 Toll Free: 800-468-3272 Fax: 800-468-6173
Parts Pros 251 Forge Rd. Westport, MA 02790 Phone: 508-636-8811
Phone: 435-529-3358 Toll Free: 800-526-9848 Fax: 435-529-3423 ) info@perfectpleat.com c perfectpleat.com
Permac Parts Depot/ Permac Machinery
112 Associate Dr. Indian Trail, NC 28079
Contact: Bill Morgal Phone: 704-234-2818 Toll Free: 800-287-0870 Fax: 704-234-2821 ) bill@permac.com c permac.com
Phillips & Associates
2781 Freeway Blvd., #120 Brooklyn Center, MN 55430
Contacts: Jan Sande, Glen Phillips Phone: 763-231-9950 Fax: 763-231-9951 ) pa-i@phillipsandassociates.com c phillipsandassociates.com
Phone Tree 301 N. Main St., #1800 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Toll Free: 800-951-8733 ) sales@phonetree.com c phonetree.com
14272 Chambers Rd. Tustin, CA 92780
Phone: 714-542-4487 Toll Free: 800-854-0137 Fax: 714-542-4487 ) info@tieoutstation.com c tieoutstation.com
Poly Systems P.O. Box 366 Bayonne, NJ 07002 Phone: 201-437-6500 Toll Free: 800-696-9520 c fabrisolv.com
Polymark 15916 Blythe St.
Van Nuys, CA 91406
Toll Free: 888-765-9627 Fax: 818-778-0555 ) info@polymark.net c polymark.net
Pony SPA
Via G. Di Vittorio 8 Inzago, Milano, Italy 20065
Phone: 39-02-954-9901 Fax: 39-02-954-7557 ) pony@ponyitaly.com c ponyitaly.com
709 Southview Circle P.O. Box 2167 Center, TX 75935
Phone: 936-598-5651 Toll Free: 800-695-2942 ) info@port-a-cool.com c port-a-cool.com
Prestige Preservation 51 W. 135th St., #200 Kansas City, MO 64145 Phone: 816-931-6463 Toll Free: 888-542-7709 Fax: 855-492-7793 ) info@ prestigepreservation.com c prestigepreservation.com
Profitmaker for Drycleaners/Laundries
15 N. 470 West American Fork, UT 84003 Phone: 801-649-6691 Toll Free: 800-950-6767 ) sales@profitmaker.com c profitmaker.com
PROS Parts
1630 91st Ave. N.E., #107 Blaine, MN 55449
Contact: Barry Victor Toll Free: 800-950-7767 ) barryv@prosparts.com c prosparts.com
Prym Consumer USA
P.O. Box 5028 Spartanburg, SC 29304
Contact: Bud Perreault Phone: 864-576-5050 Toll Free: 800-255-7976 Fax: 864-587-3352 ) bud.perreault@ prym-consumer-usa.com c prym-consumer-usa.com
Qualitex Co. 4248 N. Elston Ave. Chicago, IL 60618
Contact: Ava Campagna Phone: 773-463-6777 Fax: 773-463-5731 c qualitexco.com
Quality Services Co. 7617 Gossamer Wind St. Las Vegas, NV 89139
Contact: Walter Jurek Phone: 702-215-4648 ) contact@ valuation-mergers.com c valuation-mergers.com
Quality Zipper & Supply
P.O. Box 5204 Grand Forks, ND 58206
Contact: Scott Kuntz Phone: 701-772-2788 Toll Free: 800-245-9515 Fax: 701-772-2699 ) qualityzip@aol.com c qualityzipper.com
Quietaire 505 N. Hutcheson Houston, TX 77003
Contact: Darrell Dolson Phone: 713-228-9421 Toll Free: 866-228-9421 Fax: 713-228-9425 ) info@quietaire.com c quietaire.com
Quincy Compressor
701 N. Dobson Ave. Bay Minette, AL 36507 Phone: 217-222-7700 ) rotary@ quincycompressor.com c quincycompressor.com
Toll Free: 800-446-1991 Fax: 513-792-4272 ) info@racoindustries.com c racoindustries.com
Railex Corp. 89-02 Atlantic Ave. Ozone Park, NY 11416 Phone: 718-845-5454 Fax: 718-738-1020 c railexcorp.com
Ram Leather Care 8720 St. Charles Rock Rd. St. Louis, MO 63114
Contact: Pat Moffat Phone: 314-429-5115 Toll Free: 800-5-ASK-RAM c ramleather.com
Realstar USA 1900 Meredith Park Dr. McDonough, GA 30253
Contact: Tom Medlin Phone: 404-363-6973 Toll Free: 888-822-7827 Fax: 404-363-8699 ) dryclean@realstarusa.com c realstarusa.com
Reimers Electra Steam 4407 Martinsburg Pike Clear Brook, VA 22624
Contact: Bill Hutton Phone: 540-662-3811 Toll Free: 800-872-7562 Fax: 540-665-8101 ) sales@reimersinc.com c reimersinc.com
Reliable Corp. 5-100 Wingold Ave. Toronto, ON M6B 4K7
Contact: Art Garabedian Phone: 416-785-0200 Toll Free: 800-268-1649 Fax: 416-785-7038 ) sales@reliablecorporation.com c reliablecorporation.com
Fax: 39-075-855-9020
) renzacci@renzacci.it c renzacci.it
Resillo Press Pad Co. 6950 N. Central Park Lincolnwood, IL 60712
Contact: Leo Pearl Phone: 847-674-2170 Toll Free: 800-225-7444 Fax: 847-674-2034 ) sales@resillo.com c resillo.com
989 Moraga Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90049
Contact: Jane Wyler Phone: 310-472-3873 ) jane@reuseniks.com c reuseniks.com
Reynolds Drapery Service
7440 Main St. Newport, NY 13416
Contact: Michael Moody Phone: 315-845-8632 Fax: 315-845-8645 ) reynolds@ntcnet.com c reynoldsdrapery.com
Riddle & Associates
3098 Piedmont Rd. NE, Ste. 350 Atlanta, GA 30305 Phone: 404-876-1988 Fax: 404-876-5121 ) info@cleanshow.com c cleanshow.com
Rite-Temp Water Chillers P.O. Box 1275 Rogers, AR 72757-1275 Phone: 479-636-5199 Toll Free: 800-462-3120 Fax: 479-986-0727 ) chillers@ritetemp.com c ritetemp.com
RR&B Wire Products 2902 W. Garry Santa Ana, CA 92705
Contact: Frank Rowe Phone: 714-549-3355 Toll Free: 800-634-0555 Fax: 714-549-0625 ) sales@rbwire.com c rbwire.com
Raco Industries 5480 Creek Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45242 Phone: 513-984-2101
Rema Dri-Vac Corp. 45 Ruby St. P.O. Box 86 Norwalk, CT 06852
Contacts: Barry Gunderson Phone: 203-847-2464 Fax: 203-847-3609 ) remadri@aol.com c remadrivac.com
Renzacci SPA
Via R. Morandi, #13 Cittá di Castello, Italy 06012 Contact: Marco Niccolini Phone: 39-075-862-961
Rock Line Products
1480 Arrow Hwy. La Verne, CA 91750
Phone: 909-392-2170 Fax: 909-392-4651 ) sales@airtow.com c airtow.com
Ross Textiles
507 King Street East P.O. Box 622 Bethune, SC 29009
Contact: Gary Dixon Phone: 843-334-6443 Toll Free: 800-479-1357
Fax: 843-334-6503
) gary@rosstextilesinc.com c rosstextilesinc.com
The Route Pro
P.O. Box 77 Edgerton, MO 64444
Contact: James Peuster Phone: 816-739-2066 Toll Free: 877-377-6883 Fax: 816-600-7005
) james@theroutepro.com c theroutepro.com
Royal Basket Trucks
201 Badger Pkwy. Darien, WI 53114
Phone: 262-882-1227 Toll Free: 800-426-6447 Fax: 262-882-3389 ) sales@royal-basket.com c royal-basket.com
Royaltone Co. 7211 N. Harrison Shawnee, OK 74804
Contact: Carl Randall Phone: 405-878-0577 Toll Free: 800-331-5506 Fax: 405-878-0526
) carl@royaltone.com c royaltone.com
RSD Cooling Towers 26021 Atlantic Ocean Dr. Lake Forest, CA 92602
Phone: 949-380-7878 Toll Free: 800-245-8007 Fax: 949-461-7459 ) towers@rsd.net c rsdcoolingtowers.com
Rug Spa 220 E. 2nd Ave. Spokane, WA 99202 Phone: 509-624-8084 Toll Free: 800-624-RugS Fax: 509-624-3649 ) info@rugspa.com c rugspa.com
2-4144 Wilkinson Rd. Victoria, BC V9Z 5A7
Contact: Stephen “Dusty” Roberts Phone: 250-686-7847 Toll Free: 866-885-7847 ) info@rugbadger.com c rugbadger.com
Rynex Technologies
1909 W. Oakridge Dr. Albany, gA 31707 Phone: 229-317-7850
) info@rynex.com c rynex.com
Alpharetta, gA 30005
Phone: 678-240-9090 Fax: 678-240-9095 ) info@scanq.com c scanq.com
SSafety & Environmental Compliance Consultants
4661 Beatty Dr. Riverside, CA 92506 Contacts: Henry & Jan Parker Toll Free: 877-302-5842 Fax: 951-684-7641 ) hwdp@aol.com c complyhere.com
Safety-Kleen Systems
2600 North Central Expressway, Ste. 400 Richardson, TX 75080 Toll Free: 800-669-5740 c safety-kleen.com
Sanitone, A Division of Fabritec International 1157 Industrial Rd. Cold Spring, KY 41076 Phone: 859-781-8200 Toll Free: 800-543-0406 Fax: 859-781-8280 ) solutions@fabritec.com c fabritec.com
Sankosha USA
1901 Landmeier Rd. Elk grove Village, IL 60007
Contact: Bill Odorizzi Phone: 847-427-9120 Toll Free: 888-427-9120 Fax: 847-427-9634 ) info@sankosha-inc.com c sankosha-inc.com
Sarno & Son
401 S. Washington Ave. Scranton, PA 18505
Phone: 570-504-2300 Toll Free: 800-233-1404 Fax: 570-347-5246 c sarnotux.com
Manufacturing Co. P.O. Box 40 400 N. Kibbee St. St. Johns, MI 48879
Phone: 989-224-2371 Toll Free: 800-394-7644 Fax: 989-224-8788 ) sales@saylor-beall.com c saylor-beall.com
ScanQ 180 Prospect Pl.
Schaefer Ventilation P.O. Box 460 Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
Phone: 320-251-8696 Toll Free: 800-779-3267 Fax: 320-251-2922 ) sales@schaeferfan.com c schaeferfan.com
Seickel & Sons 360 Elizabeth Ave. Newark, NJ 07112
Contact: Joseph Seickel Phone: 973-242-1948 Toll Free: 800-388-5044 Fax: 973-733-4956 ) sales@seickel.com c seickel.com
Seitz Inc. 5101 Tampa West Blvd., Suite 300 Tampa, FL 33634
Contact: Kurt Wickiser
Phone: 813-886-2700 Alternate: 813-317-1864 Fax: 813-886-2510 ) kurt.wickiser@seitz24.com c seitz24.com
16333 Bay Vista Dr. Clearwater, FL 33760 Phone: 727-530-3602 Toll Free: 800-451-9444 ) info@sensidyne.com c sensidyne.com
Sensors Safety
6003 Chapel Hill Rd., #117 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919-278-7737 Toll Free: 800-499-7232 Fax: 919-854-4348 ) sales@sensorssafety.com c sensorssafety.com
Sigma/Southeastern Plastics
15 Home News Row New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Contact: Robert Levine Phone: 732-846-8500 Toll Free: 800-966-2247 Fax: 732-846-9795 ) robert.levine@ sigmaplastics.com c sigmaplastics.com
Simms Products & Services P.O. Box 803 Collinsville, IL 62234 Phone: 618-288-7889
Sims City Cleaners 9623 Hillcrost St. Houston, TX 77096
Contact: Rick Sims Phone: 713-721-3100 ) rick@simscitycleaners.com c simscitycleaners.com
Singer Sewing Co. P.O. Box 7017 1224 Heil Quaker Blvd. LaVergne, TN 37086
Contact: Theresa Hesse Phone: 615-213-0880 Toll Free: 877-738-9869 Fax: 615-213-0891
) industrialproducts@ svpworldwide.com c cuttersexchange.com
SKJ Manufacturing P.O. Box 755 Palmerston, ON N0g 2P0 Phone: 519-343-2503 Fax: 519-343-2741 ) info@skjmanufacturing.com c skjmanufacturing.com Solvair 184 Shuman Blvd., #420 Naperville, IL 60563 Toll Free: 866-765-8247 c solvaircleaning.com
Spector Textile Products 10 Embankment St. Lawrence, MA 01842
Contact: Howard Spector Toll Free: 800-533-3501 ) sales@spectortextile.com c spectortextile.com
Speed Check Conveyor 5345 Truman Dr. Decatur, gA 30035 Phone: 770-981-5490 Toll Free: 800-241-0990 Fax: 770-981-9849 ) info@speedcheckconveyor.com c speedcheckconveyor.com
Speed Queen (Alliance Laundry Systems) P.O. Box 990 Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: Sales Phone: 920-748-3121 Toll Free: 800-345-5649
Fax: 920-748-4411
) sales@alliancels.com c speedqueen.com
SPOT Business Systems 12345 S. 300 East Draper, UT 84020
Contact: Ray Cheshire Phone: 801-495-1200 Fax: 801-495-1208 ) sales@spotpos.com c poweredbyspot.com
Spot Coolers
444 E. Palmetto Park Rd. Boca Raton, FL 33432
Contact: Garth Tagge
Toll Free: 800-367-8675 Fax: 888-750-5082
) garth.tagge@spot-coolers.com c spot-coolers.com
St. Croix Chemical Co. P.O. Box 3839 Oshkosh, WI 54903
Toll Free: 800-833-6465
) acleanerclean@ stcroixchemical.com c stcroixchemical.com
Stahls’ Hotronix One Paisley Park Carmichaels, PA 15320
Toll Free: 800-727-8520 Fax: 724-966-7880
) info@clothingidlabel.com c clothingidlabel.com
Stamford, A Division of Fabritec International 1157 Industrial Rd. Cold Spring, KY 41076 Toll Free: 800-543-0406 Fax: 859-781-8280
) solutions@fabritec.com c fabritec.com/stamford
Steiner-Atlantic Corp. 290 N.E. 68th St. Miami, FL 33138
Contact: Jim Goulet
Phone: 305-754-4551
Toll Free: 800-333-8883 Fax: 305-751-8390
) info@steineratlantic.com c steineratlantic.com
Sterling Hangers
1680 Meridian Ave., #600
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Phone: 305-470-6655 Fax: 305-470-6666
) info@sterlinghangers.com c sterlinghangers.com R.R. Street & Co.
215 Shuman Blvd., #403 Naperville, IL 60563 Phone: 630-416-4244 Toll Free: 800-4-STREET Fax: 630-416-4150
) info@4streets.com c 4streets.com
Stry-Lenkoff Co. 1100 W. Broadway Louisville, KY 40203 Phone: 502-587-6804 Toll Free: 800-626-8247 Fax: 800-587-6822 c strylenkoff.com
Suede Products 18600 Graphics Ct. Tinley Park, IL 60477
Contact: John Conway Phone: 708-614-0939 Toll Free: 877-710-8200 Fax: 708-444-8205 ) jconway@suedeproducts.com c suedeproducts.com
) mdtts@optonline.net
TCC, The Cleaners Consultants
P.O. Box 8543 Palm Coast, FL 32137 Contact: James Smith Phone: 386-627-4972 ) beth@ thecleanersconsultants.com c thecleanersconsultants.com
TCF Equipment Finance 11100 Wayzata Blvd., Ste. 801 Minnetonka, MN 55305 Toll Free: 800-442-7811 Fax: 952-656-3274 ) sales@tcfef.com c tcfef.com
Techstar Plastics 15400 Old Simcoe Road Port Perry, ON L9L 1L8 Phone: 905-985-8479 Toll Free: 800-263-7943 Fax: 905-985-0265 ) sales@techstarplastics.com c techstarplastics.com
604 N. Hill St. South Bend, IN 46617 Phone: 574-236-6222 Toll Free: 800-548-9643 Fax: 574-289-5932
) sales@thermosteam.com c thermosteam.com
Thomas & Sons
276 S. Church St. Spartanburg, SC 29306
Contact: Derrick Thomas Toll Free: 800-845-7188 ) info@thomasandsons.com c thomasandsons.com
Tiger Leasing
33 W. 19th St., 4th Flr. New York, NY 10011
Contact: Steve Robbins Phone: 212-791-2250 Fax: 212-791-2199 ) info@tigerleasing.com c tigerleasing.com
Tonsil Filtration
North America
2121 E. Curry St. Long Beach, CA 90805
TTagsys USA
1006 W. 9th Ave., #30
King of Prussia, PA 19406 Phone: 267-882-4800
) info@tagsysrfid.com c tagsysrfid.com
Tailwind Systems
186 Narrow Ave. Westport, MA 02790
Contact: Don Desrosiers Phone: 508-965-3163 Fax: 508-636-8839 ) tailwindsystems@charter.net c tailwindsystems.com
Takagi USA 500 Wald Irvine, CA 92618
Contact: Customer Service Phone: 949-770-7171 Toll Free: 888-882-5244 Fax: 949-770-3171
) takagihelp@hotwater.com c takagi.com
Tatch Technical Services
22 Old Chimney Rd. Randolph, NJ 07869
Contact: Mike Tatch Phone: 973-366-1744 Toll Free: 888-897-1052 Fax: 973-361-4754
Terrie Consulting 2875 Brookton Ln. Dacula, GA 30019
Contact: Terrie Richards Phone: 678-458-0249 ) terrie_richards@msn.com
Textile Care Allied Trades Association (TCATA) 271 U.S. Hwy. 46, #C106 Fairfield, NJ 07004
Contact: David Cotter Phone: 973-244-1790 Fax: 973-244-4455 ) info@tcata.org c tcata.org
Thanks Again 1015 Tyrone Rd., #820 Tyrone, GA 30290 Toll Free: 877-633-5434 ) customer.service@ thanksagain.com c thanksagain.com
Thermopatch Corp. 2204 Erie Blvd. East Syracuse, NY 13224 Phone: 315-446-8110 Toll Free: 800-252-6555 Fax: 315-445-8046 c thermopatch.com ThermoSteam Systems
Phone: 562-422-1257 Toll Free: 800-894-1555 Fax: 562-422-4390 ) contactus@ kelleherequipment.com c kelleherequipment.com
Topog-E Gasket Co. 1224 N. Utica Ave. Tulsa, OK 74110-4682
Contact: Edwin Thomas Phone: 918-587-6649 Toll Free: 800-587-7123 Fax: 918-587-6961 ) sales@topog-e.com c topog-e.com
Tradenet Enterprise
20819 Currier Rd., #500 Walnut, CA 91789
Contact: Chris Ma Phone: 626-810-9568 Fax: 626-810-9578 ) chris@ushangers.com c ushangers.com
Trevil America
P.O. Box 127 Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Contact: Stuart Ilkowitz Phone: 973-535-8305 Toll Free: 877-873-8451 Fax: 954-961-4572 ) trevilamerica@aol.com c trevil.com
Fabric Dyeing
2305 C Ashland St., #281 Ashland, OR 97520
Contact: Sherry Smilo Phone: 541-488-5911 ) info@fabricdyeing.com c fabricdyeing.com
Tuchman Training Systems
25 Heather Ave. San Francisco, CA 94118
Contact: Sid Tuchman Phone: 415-751-3374 Fax: 415-651-8654 ) sidtuch@comcast.net
UniMac (Alliance Laundry Systems) P.O. Box 990 Ripon, WI 54971
Contact: Sales Phone: 920-748-3121 Toll Free: 800-587-5458 Fax: 920-748-4411
) sales@alliancels.com c unimac.com
Union Drycleaning Products
1900 Meredith Park Dr. McDonough, GA 30253
Contact: Jack Burnett Phone: 404-361-7775 Toll Free: 800-433-9401 Fax: 404-361-2454 ) info@uniondc.com c uniondc.com
Unipress Corp.
United Automation
1491 N. Kealy St., #4 Lewisville, TX 75057
Phone: 972-420-1123
Toll Free: 800-462-8347 Fax: 972-420-1103 ) sales1@automation-dfw.com c automation-dfw.com
United Wire Hanger
P.O. Box 2367
South Hackensack, NJ 07606
Phone: 201-288-4540 Toll Free: 800-225-0058 Fax: 201-288-7212 ) info@unitedwirehanger.com c unitedwirehanger.com
U.N.X. Inc. P.O. Box 7206 Greenville, NC 27835
c upromise.com
U.S. Commerce Equipment Finance
1985 Bluestone Dr. St. Charles, MO 63303 Toll Free: 800-788-3838 Fax: 800-758-5327 ) info@us-commerce.com c us-commerce.com
USA Distributors 209 Julian St. Dallas, TX 75203
Contact: Kenneth Stearns
Phone: 214-942-3766 Toll Free: 800-354-3789 Fax: 214-948-4864 c usadistributorsinc.com
U7401 Alabama Ave. St. Louis, MO 63111-9906
Phone: 314-481-9000 Toll Free: 800-527-0896 Fax: 314-457-9000 c unicosystem.com
3501 Queen Palm Dr. Tampa, FL 33619
Contact: Tom Stites Phone: 813-623-3731 Fax: 813-626-2565 ) info@unipresscorp.com c unipresscorp.com
Phone: 252-756-8616 Fax: 252-756-2764 ) unx@unxinc.com c unxinc.com
P.O. Box 55555 Boston, MA 02205 Toll Free: 800-UPROMISE
Utilimaster Corp. 603 Earthway Blvd. P.O. Box 585 Bristol, IN 46507 Toll Free: 800-582-3454 Fax: 574-848-2807 ) sales@utilimaster.com c utilimaster.com
VVaporpress (Cutting Systems)
6305 Ashwood Ln. Hoschton, GA 30548
Contact: Paul Gerling Phone: 678-352-9100
) paulg@vaporpress.us c vaporpress.us
Vaportek W226 N6339 Village Dr. Sussex, WI 53089
Contact: Carol Abrahamson Phone: 262-246-5060 Toll Free: 800-237-6367 Fax: 262-246-5065
) info@vaportek.com c vaportek.com
Venture Labs 737 Tower Dr. Fredonia, WI 53021
Contact: Peter DeTuncq Phone: 262-692-6900 Toll Free: 888-335-7442 Fax: 262-353-3980
) support@venturelabs.com c venturelabs.com
Veolia Environmental 107 S. Motor Ave. Asuza, CA 91702 Toll Free: 800-395-6726 c veoliaes.com
Vesta Retail Networks 250 Park Ave., 7th Flr. New York, NY 10177
Phone: 646-396-0900 Fax: 646-396-0901 c vestagms.com
4470 W. Sunset Blvd., #152 Los Angeles, CA 90027
Toll Free: 888-847-1888
) customerservice@vipcard.com c vipcard.com
461 Doughty Blvd. Inwood, NY 11096
Phone: 516-371-4400 Toll Free: 800-645-2205 Fax: 516-371-4204 ) sales@laundrylux.com c wascomat.net
Washburn Machinery 175 Gaylord St. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Phone: 847-364-9274 Toll Free: 800-245-8425 Fax: 847-364-8105 c washburnmachinery.com
Waterbury Button Co. 1855 Peck Lane Cheshire, CT 06410
Contact: Craig Lefebvre Phone: 203-271-9055 Toll Free: 800-928-1812
) clefebvre@ogstech.com c waterburybutton.com
Wausau Chemical Corp. 2001 N. River Dr. Wausau, WI 54403
Contact: Sue Vernick Phone: 715-842-2285 Toll Free: 800-950-6656 Fax: 715-842-9059
) svernick@wausauchemical.com c wausauchemical.com
Wawak Sewing Supplies 1059 Powers Road Conklin, NY 13748
Contact: Trudy Adams Toll Free: 800-654-2235 Fax: 508-698-2813 ) customerservice@wawak.com c wawak.com
Wedding Gown Preservation Co. 709 North St. Endicott, NY 13760
Toll Free: 800-305-3108 ) info@gownpreservation.com c gownpreservation.com
Wells Manufacturing USA 9698 Telstar Ave, #306 El Monte, CA 91731
Contact: Chad Boucher Phone: 209-648-5811 Toll Free: 866-781-8130 Fax: 209-667-1036 ) sales@wesvic.com c wesvic.com
Whirlpool Corp. 2000 M-63 Benton Harbor, MI 49022 Phone: 269-923-5000 ) info@whirlpool.com c whirlpool.com
White Conveyors 10 Boright Ave. Kenilworth, NJ 07033
Contact: Paul Mullen Phone: 908-686-5700 Toll Free: 800-524-0273 Fax: 908-686-9317 ) info@white-conveyors.com c white-conveyors.com
Widmer’s Cleaners 2016 Madison Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45208
Contact: Jack Cunningham Phone: 513-321-5100 Fax: 513-321-7547 c widmerscleaners.com
Willco 10612 Summit Lenexa, KS 66215
Contact: Charlene Deaver Phone: 913-469-4211 Toll Free: 800-375-3676 Fax: 913-469-8769 ) cdeaver@willcoforms.com
Williams & Davis Boilers P.O. Box 539 Hutchins, TX 75141 Phone: 972-225-2356 Toll Free: 800-826-4537 Fax: 972-225-5739 ) info@w-dboilers.com c w-dboilers.com
Winning Brands
11 Victoria St., #220A Barrie, ON L4N 6T3
Fax: 718-294-2729
) borntoclean@yahoo.com c winzercleaners.com
3344 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Chicago, IL 60659
Contact: Linda Phone: 773-588-4922 Toll Free: 800-475-4922 Fax: 773-588-4919
) info@withoutatrace.com c withoutatrace.com
YAC Corp., Japan 46722 Fremont Blvd. Fremont, CA 94538
Contact: Kei Koike Phone: 510-623-0700 Fax: 510-623-0710
) info@hyac.com c yaccorporation.com
Zellermayer Supply Corp. P.O. Box 13026 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Toll Free: 800-431-2244 Fax: 561-848-2995
) zellermayercorp@aol.com
(Air Quality Labs) 2208 11th Ave. West, #3A Seattle, WA 98119
Contact: Alan Phillips Phone: 310-395-3888 Fax: 310-393-5606 ) a.phillips@gte.net c zerowaste.net O
WW.A.G. Equipment
598 Burnett Rd. Mount Juliet, TN 37122
Contact: John Armstrong Phone: 615-830-5959
) wagnashville@comcast.net
Wascomat (distributed by Laundrylux)
Contact: Luke Lee Phone: 626-575-2886 Toll Free: 877-666-8400 Fax: 626-575-2183
) lukelee@wellsmfg.com c wellsmfg.com
WesVic Systems 500 E. Main St. Turlock, CA 95380
Contact: Tammy Ritchie Phone: 705-737-4062 Fax: 705-737-9793 ) tammy@winningbrands.ca c winningbrands.com
Ernest Winzer Cleaners P.O. Box 294 Bronx, NY 10453
Contact: Bruce Barish Phone: 718-294-2400 Toll Free: 877-WINzER-1
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There are good rings, such as gold, silver, wedding, and even ear. But unfortunately, there are also some notso-good rings: wet-side rings brought in to the cleaner by the customer, and wet-side rings left behind by attempts at stain removal.
These rings have one thing in common: as the circle of moisture dries, contents of the wet area migrate to the outer ring. We are never quite sure what the ring contains, but it is most likely water-soluble.
The rings that come across the counter from the customer usually contain a staining combination. Rings under the arms contain perspiration, while rings on the front are caused by beverages and sauces.
Many of today’s fashions are treated with an extra finish that is easily disturbed by water. The most common example of this is the appearance of “raindrops” on rayon garments. This disturbance of the surface finish will also cause rings to be left behind by water-based spotters. If these stains are not properly flushed and dried, circles will remain on the edge of the stain. Some fabrics are
To find past Spotting Tips columns or share this month’s with your colleagues, visit AmericanDrycleaner.com.
sized to the point that wet-side spotting cannot be accomplished without a ring remaining.
Being familiar with the causes of rings will help make your treatment and removal efforts more effective.
Removing a customer’s perspiration stains requires that you begin by pre-spotting on the wet side. Flush the area with steam over the vacuum nose of the board, apply neutral synthetic detergent (NSD), and flush again with steam. Dry the area to prevent the ring from becoming larger. At this point, it is advisable to go back and “mist” the outside of the ring (containing salt and impurities) before repeating use of NSD. Work on one-quarter of the ring at a time and dry the area as quickly as possible. This procedure is absolutely necessary when dealing with heavilysized fabric, and allows the cleaner/ spotter to handle sensitive fabrics without creating larger or additional rings.
One of the easiest, most effective methods to deal with the residue left by moisture rings involves use of a leveling agent. After drying the affected area, cover it with the leveling agent and hang the garment aside for about 15 minutes. This will allow the agent to absorb the moisture in the stain as well as any moisture left from spotting. Make sure that the leveling
agent covers the whole area previously worked, including the entire outer edge of the ring. You can now clean the garment to remove the rest of the ring without fear of redeposition.
A fine mist of leveling agent from a spray bottle will level out those raindrops in a rayon garment. Pre-mixed agents can be purchased from your local supplier.
You must break down rings such as perspiration through wet-side spotting; the leveling agent alone will not remove the impurities of the staining ring.
Wet cleaning is a real option. I mean real wet cleaning, not just using water immersion. Wet cleaning is a defined system to handle sensitive fibers that often carry a care label of “Dryclean Only.” Wet cleaning is using strict control of mechanical action with a detergent/surfactant with a neutral or slightly acidic pH, reduced water temperature (about 87 F), and controlled drying to about 15% relative humidity.
Wet cleaning is a viable supplement to
A fine mist of leveling agent will level out those “raindrops” in a rayon garment. Pre-mixed agents can be purchased from your local supplier.
solvent immersion. In the case of a garment that contains a large number of wetside rings, or when the surface finish is disturbed, wet cleaning may well give the best results. If you have a dedicated wetcleaning washer and humidity-controlled dryer, the job of removing rings is greatly simplified and can be done at a lower risk.
If you do not have dedicated wet-cleaning equipment, you still have an option. Mist the garment on the spotting board and
take notice of how quickly the rings begin to break down. Pour three gallons of cold tap water in a bucket and add two ounces of the NSD you use on the spotting board. Agitate the water to mix the detergent with the water. Immerse the garment and allow it to soak for a few minutes. If the rings began to disappear quickly when misted at the spotting board, allow the garment to soak only three minutes. If the rings took a while to soften when misted, soak the garment for 7-10 minutes.
Rinse the garment in clear water, using minimal agitation. Then add an ounce of acetic acid to the water before rinsing the garment a second time. Finally, rinse the garment a third time in clear water. After this third rinse, roll—do not twist—the garment inside a clean, white towel. Allow it to sit for a couple of minutes, then unroll the towel and hang the garment to air-dry.
Removal of water rings from garments can be a time-consuming process, but it is a great way to demonstrate your expertise. Your customers expect results, so give them your best effort. O
Martin L. Young Jr. has been an industry consultant and trainer for almost 20 years, and a member of various stakeholder groups on environmental issues. He grew up in his parents’ plant in Con cord, N.C., Young Cleaners, which he operates to this day. Contact him by phone at 704-786-3011, e-mail mayoung@vnet.net.
The Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI) has announced its 2013 schedule for resident courses through its School of Drycleaning Technology in Laurel, Md.:
• Introduction to Drycleaning — Feb. 25-March 1; July 15-19; Oct. 14-18
This five-day course covers the basics of working in the industry, including sorting loads; cleaning silk, satin, and other fabrics; operating a dry cleaning machine; pressing coats, pants and skirts; and more.
• Advanced Drycleaning — March 4-15; July 22-Aug. 3; Oct. 21-Nov. 1
This 10-day course explores more indepth topics. It is for students who have completed the Introduction course or have hands-on production experience and knowl edge of basic stain removal and finishing techniques.
• Five-Day Cleaning & Stain Removal — Sept. 9-13
This course is offered just once a year, and covers things such as removing coffee, ink, grease and other stains; identifying cot ton, silk, polyester and other fabrics; and us ing bleaches without damaging fabric color.
• Wetcleaning — June 3-4
Also offered once a year, this class cov ers sorting loads for wet cleaning; operat ing wetcleaning machines and dryers; and more.
Scholarships are available. For more information about these classes, call DLI at 800-638-2627. O
Shirt Finishing Course with Liz Davies. One-day NCA course, to be held Feb. 10 in Bronx, N.Y. Call 212-967-3002 or e-mail ncaiclean@aol.com.
Radical Drycleaning/Stain Removal. Five-day NCA course, to be held Feb. 1115 in Northvale, N.J. Call 212-967-3002 or e-mail ncaiclean@aol.com.
Basic Pressing & Finishing. Two-day NCA course, to be held Feb. 16-17 at Bronx, N.Y. Call 212-967-3002 or e-mail ncaiclean@aol.com.
Intermediate Stain Removal and Bleaching. One-day NCA course, to be held Feb. 24 at Bronx, N.Y. Call 212-9673002 or e-mail ncaiclean@aol.com.
Introduction to Drycleaning. Fiveday DLI course, to be held Feb. 25-March 1 in Laurel, Md. Call 800-638-2627.
Technical Training at Counter for Customer Service Reps. One-day NCA course, to be held March 3 in Nanuet, N.Y. Call 212-967-3002 or e-mail ncaiclean@ aol.com.
Advanced Drycleaning. 10-day DLI course, to be held March 4-15 in Laurel, Md. Call 800-638-2627.
Wet Cleaning. One-day NCA course, to be held March 17 at Bronx, N.Y. Call 212-967-3002 or e-mail ncaiclean@aol. com. O
Post your organization’s education and training course announcements on AmericanDrycleaner.com at no charge!
American Drycleaner, February 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
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The gut-wrenching volatility in the stock market over the past few years has been a tough challenge for busy business owners and professionals. That’s probably why so many are looking for professional help in dealing with investment decisions.
Business for “financial advisers” has been booming since the 2008 market meltdown. The problem is that searching for the right adviser can be almost as difficult as searching for the right stocks.
In most states, anyone can declare himself or herself a financial adviser without the need for a license or any formal credentials, even to the point of creating an official sounding title. At most brokerage firms, employees who used to be called stockbrokers are now called financial consultants or advisers. Whatever they are called, it’s important to remember that they are essentially salesmen who earn their money by getting you to buy and sell equities.
All of this is why I feel so strongly that investors, who feel the need for professional guidance, stick with licensed professionals with designated titles awarded by legitimate organizations, and only to those who have satisfied strict training requirements such as these:
The PFS designation is awarded and administered by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) only to those who have first earned a currently active CPA credential.
AICPA does not license CPAs in the United States. Licenses are granted only by one of the 50 states or five U.S. territories and authorize the holder to practice as a certified public accountant in that jurisdiction. Each jurisdiction has its own requirements for becoming a CPA and taking the Uniform CPA Examination.
In order to earn the CPA/PFS designation, a currently active CPA must pass the AICPA PFS Exam, a 61/2-hour comprehensive multiplechoice exam utilizing case studies to emphasize the integrated aspects of financial planning.
To obtain this Certified Financial Board of Standards certification, applicants must take a registered course of study; have a bachelor’s degree by the time they are certified; meet the board’s experience requirement (2-3 years depending on type of experience); pass the board examination; be subject to a background check; agree
to the board’s professional standards and ethics, including agreeing to a fiduciary standard; and be subject to the board’s enforcement process.
The Institute of Business and Finance (IBF) course consists of three modules, each accompanied by an online exam. The exams are non-cumulative, and there is no comprehensive exam at the end. Anyone over the age of 21 who is unrelated to the applicant can serve as a proctor for these exams.
Upon completion of the exams, the applicant is required to write a two- to five-page case study implementing all of the knowledge acquired throughout the course. The course is designed to be completed in 15 weeks, but since it is selfpaced and self-study, the applicant has enough flexibility to finish it sooner.
This designation from the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils (NAEPC) is a graduate-level accreditation in estate planning earned in addition to already recognized professional credentials (JD, CPA, CLU, CFP, ChFC, and CTFA) within the various disciplines of estate planning (accounting; insurance and financial planning; law; and trust services).
It is awarded by the NAEPC to recognized estate planning professionals who meet special requirements of education, experience, knowledge, professional reputation and character. To apply, one must hold one of the previously mentioned professional designations, have been in active practice as an estate planner for at least five years (15 years to be exempt from the educational requirement), provide
three professional references, and be an active member in an affiliated local estateplanning council.
To qualify for this CFA Institute designation, an applicant must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution, or have equivalent education or work experience; pass Level 1 of the CFA exam or pass their self-administered Standards of Practice Examination; have 48 months of acceptable professional work experience in investment decision-making; and agree to adhere to and sign the Member’s Agreement, a Professional Conduct Statement, and any additional documentation requested by the CFA Institute.
These five examples are typical of a larger number of financial credentials issued by qualified organizations. For others not listed here, be sure to research thoroughly before choosing one as a personal adviser.
Even after picking a qualified adviser who seems suited to your needs, there are questions you should ask, such as, “How much will you charge me, and will it be on a commission or flat-rate basis?”
You should also make sure that your potential adviser is comfortable with, and will respect, your personal investment preferences such as conservative, aggressive, or capital preservation. O
Information in this article is provided for educational and reference purposes only. It is not intended to provide specific advice or individual recommenda tions. Consult an accountant or tax adviser for advice regarding your particular situation.
Bill Lynott is a freelance writer whose work appears regularly in leading trade publications and news papers, as well as consumer magazines including Reader’s Digest and Family Circle. Visit his website at blynott.com or e-mail lynott@verizon.net.
William Kalman “Bill” Steiner, founder of Steiner-Atlantic Corp. and Dryclean USA, died Dec. 27 in Flor ida after a three-year struggle with pancreatic cancer. He was 82.
The Chicago-born Steiner worked hard his entire life, beginning as a newsboy at age 9. He held part-time jobs throughout high school and worked his way through Baltimore Business College to earn his ac counting degree.
While working a s an accountant, a client asked Steiner to help him book rock ’n’ roll shows around Baltimore. Show business soon enthralled him, and he booked prominent 1950s stars such as Screamin’ Jay Hawkins and the Kingston Trio at concerts around the country. But he eventually tired of the constant travel and moved in 1959 to Miami, where he met his future wife, Sheila. They married in 1961.
It was in Miami that Steiner began a new career in the dry cleaning business. He founded Steiner-Atlantic
Corp., a distributor of dry cleaning and commercial laundry equipment, boilers, parts and service, in 1959. Mi chael Steiner took over the reins of that company in 1987.
After building and selling several of his own dry cleaning plants, Bill Stein er co-founded Dryclean USA, a dry cleaning business franchisor, in 1977. That business also continues through this day under Michael’s leadership.
Bill Steiner constantly sought to improve dry cleaning machinery in order to make the industry more en vironmentally friendly, and he is the holder of several patents for environ mentally safe dry cleaning equipment and processes.
Bill and Sheila Steiner have been members of Beth Torah Congrega tion in Aventura, Fla., for many years. They provided the educational center there in memory of son Jim, who died in a 1989 auto accident at age 21. But they were also generous in their com munity. In honor of their long-time support, the Jackson Memorial Hos pital Foundation renamed a part of the hospital the Bill and Sheila Steiner Family North Lobby.
Sur viving Steiner are his wife, Sheila; four sons, Robert, Richard, Mi chael and David; a brother, Tom; and four grandchildren.
Donations in Steiner’s memory may be made to the Beth Torah Congrega tion, Jackson Memorial Hospital, or the Greater Miami Jewish Federation.
Swan Cleaners has announced the opening of its new store at Worthington, Ohio’s Shoppes at Worthington Place. But while the store may be new, the location is not.
Swan’s new facility offers a full range of garment care services, including sameday dry cleaning and pressing, shirt laun dry services, alterations, leather and fur cleaning and storage, and drapery and household item cleaning.
Besides available parking at the front of the store, Swan has a side service door that allows for in-car service.
Swan Cleaners is no stranger to the location. The company built its first loca tion at the Worthington Square Shopping Center in 1982. After Worthington Square fell out of favor with the community, the company then moved to its Worthington Hills location. When new management took over in spring 2012, Swan was asked to re-open with a new store at the rede veloping center. Years later, the company now stands just around the corner from where its original store was located.
Swan Cleaners also recently opened another store in Upper Arlington, Ohio.
William Everett “Bill” Taylor, owner of Commercial Equipment Co., an Oklahoma City-based distributor of laundry and dry cleaning equipment, died Nov. 7 at his
Ada, Okla., home at the age of 79.
Only a few weeks earlier, Taylor had in formed customers and suppliers by letter that the business was ceas ing operations Oct. 31, 2012, due to his failing health.
Taylor had a lso owned and operated Ada Linen Service.
Surviving him are two daughters, Vicky Campbell and Kim Brown; a son, Jeff Taylor; two sisters, Polly Flatt and La Vaughn Lundgaard; two brothers, Stanley Taylor and Bryan Taylor; and 13 grand children. He was preceded in death by his parents, a brother and a son.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released its 2013 optional standard mile age rates, showing slight increases in the amounts used to calculate the deduct ible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes.
Th e standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) are now 56.5 cents per mile for business miles driven, 24 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes, and 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations.
Taxpayers always have the option of calculating the actual costs of using their vehicle rather than using the standard mileage rates. O
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Continued from page 64
thousands of entries to win the trip for two to London in the recent Martinizing National Sweepstakes Drawing. Craig and Neal Kiggens, franchisees of the Fresno Martinizing location that Wyatt patronizes, also won a London trip.
50 YEARS AGO. Looking for a solution to increase productivity in your plant? New York plant-location consultant Fantus Co. explains that a newly built or remodeled plant is the answer. The study, compiled by surveying 29 companies with both old and new plants, reveals that production of workers in plants built in the last five years is “dramatically” higher than in older plants. Worker output was valued at $5.36 an hour at locations no more than five years old. Output in older plants, however, came in only at $3.45. The study further reports that employees in newer plants have better work habits and fewer work stoppages, and that automated equipment helped in production … “The customer always comes first” seems to be the mantra for two of the industry’s top promoters, especially in dealing with unserviceable garments. Ray Vermeers of Paris Cleaning says, “We have a policy of never telling a customer that she has bought unserviceable merchandise.” Vermeers explains that when the issue arises, the company finds out where the customer bought the garment, contacts the buyer and sends the customer to the store for an adjustment. Joe and Rose Adamowski of Salsburg Cleaners in Bay City, Mich., sees the issue in a similar way: “We never blame the merchant for unserviceable fabrics.” … A
new trend seems to have hit college campuses across the nation: aspiring to spin the greatest number of times inside a dryer tumbler. William B. Warner, freshman at Abilene Christian College, has claimed a new record, having spun a total of 1,066 rounds in a coin-operated tumbler for 25 minutes.
75 YEARS AGO. The spring rush looms like an avalanche above the dry cleaning industry. Soon the long-withheld volume will rip loose, flood plants and put a strain on the capacity of men and machines. But why break your necks at Easter? Why not begin your campaign earlier? Prove to customers how much smarter it is to get all their spring cleaning done before the Easter rush. At the same time, use the force of your drive to get everything drycleanable out of the home—not only the family’s wardrobe but the household furnishings as well: rugs, drapes, upholstered furniture, etc. … Denver residents will have a chance to live the Hollywood life, or at least 30 minutes through the New Method Cleaners & Dryers Association of Denver’s new radio program, aptly titled 30 Minutes in Hollywood. The program is set to feature George Jessel and Norma Talmadge. The association is the sole sponsor in Denver, but other cities on the mutual hook-up have different sponsors. O
— Compiled by Carlo Calma
10 YEARS AGO. The Neighborhood Cleaners Association (NCA) reports that a proposal to ban perchloroethylene (perc) in Chicago was further amended last month to protect dry cleaners in residential buildings and hotels. Alderman Edward M. Burke originally called for a complete ban on perc within city limits as early as July of this year, but had already amended the proposed ordinance following meetings with local cleaners and industry organizations, including the International Fabricare Institute (IFI), the Illinois State Fabricare Association (ISFA) and the Korean Drycleaners Association (KDA). Until last month, the proposal sought to ban “co-located” perc plants in apartment buildings and hotels, presenting a nationwide threat to many cleaners. The proposal, if passed, would have a deadline of Oct. 1, 2007, when dry cleaners would have to demonstrate solvent mileage of 1,000 pounds of garments cleaned per gallon of perc, and use fourth-generation, dry-to-dry equipment or better. The standard would then increase to 1,200 pounds per gallon in 2010 and 1,400 pounds per gallon in 2017. For the proposal to be passed, however, the Public Health Committee of the city council must review it before going to a full vote.
25 YEARS AGO. Dry cleaners are starting to face the denim dilemma of acid stone-washed jeans. Acid-washed fabrics are created in a special washing machine that utilizes pumice stones saturated with an acid. The process ultimately creates a used and faded fabric through the bleach and mechani cal action exerted. The Neighborhood Cleaners Association (NCA), however, is reporting that the chemicals used are often not rinsed from the fabric itself, and that the fabric gradually weakens because of the initial mechanical action exerted upon it. The NCA is advising cleaners to discuss this issue with customers and their cleaning options when any of these fabrics are received … Royaltone has opened the doors to its new leather and suede classroom and training center in Tulsa, Okla. Dry cleaners from as far as Tokyo and Los Angeles came to attend the company’s recent hands-on suede and leather cleaning class. The class and classroom is structured to provide for small classes for individualized attention and hands-on, in-plant application of methods. Frank Lucenta, Tom Lucenta, and Bruce Lucenta were among the instructors … Fresno, Calif., native Jean Wyatt has won an all-expense-paid trip for taking a trip to her local Martinizing dry cleaners. Her name was chosen from