TarGo EF, our high performance, environmentally friendly P.O.G., removes oil-based stains from textiles. You’ll see the difference greases, inks, etc.
To remove stains easily, simply apply TarGo EF and major-solvent dryclean most difficult stains, TarGo EF can be used effectively on the spotting board.
TarGo EF contains no chlorinated solvents, is biodegradable, and meets California’s 2013
on the toughest oxidized oils, flush the stains out in your drycleaning wheel. On the VOC and Prop-65 regulations.
Use it with confidence!
To learn more, visit ALWilson.com or call 800-526-1188 A. L. WILSON CHEMICAL CO.
August 2013 Vol. 80, No. 5
Pre-Inspection 4 Talk of The Trade 6 The Numbers 10 Spotting Tips 18 No Reason to Fear Blood Martin Young Education & Training Calendar 52 Around the Industry 54 Classified Advertising 58 Advertiser Index 62 Wrinkle in Time 64 (Editor’s note: American Drycleaner’s other regular columnists will return next month)
The final numbers from New Orleans are in, plus we take a stroll around the show floor and describe what some of the exhibitors were promoting to the Crescent City crowd. Bruce Beggs and Jean Teller
Freshly updated for 2013, the most comprehensive sourcebook available in the industry offers complete contact information for more than 400 local, regional and national distributors. Compiled by Carlo Calma
Scan this QR Code for help in finding the hidden hanger on this month’s cover. Good luck!
“The support from CBS was great. Even before we signed up, they were responsive and flexible in their approach. They have helped our team become more efficient.”
The numbers from New Orleans are in and I’m not surprised they are down a little from the Las Vegas show of two years ago. I was pleased when exhibitors told me the crowd included many decisionmakers focused on acquiring tools to bolster their business.
Clean isn’t so much about making the sale on the spot. No, it’s more about making an impression, getting a foot in the door. And there was plenty of that this year.
Bruce Beggs
Attendance is the simplest indicator of a show’s “success” (from the exhibitor’s perspective, more people equals more chances to make a sale), but I believe the true value of the Clean Show may not be known for months or even years.
Publisher Charles Thompson 312-361-1680 cthompson@american trademagazines.com
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Also in this month’s issue, we feature our annual Distributors Directory, including listings for hundreds of companies that furnish dry cleaners like you with the tools needed to conduct business.
Distributor, if you discover that your office isn’t listed (we solicit information for the free listings solely by e-mail now), e-mail Digital Media Director Nathan Frerichs at nfrerichs@ americantrademagazines.com and he’ll show you how to remedy that. O
American Drycleaner (ISSN 0002-8258) is published monthly except Nov/Dec combined. Subscription prices, payment in advance: U.S. and Possessions, 1 year $39.00; 2 years $73.00. Foreign, 1 year $89.00; 2 years $166.00. Single copies $7.00 for U.S. and Possessions, $14.00 for all other countries. Published by American Trade Magazines LLC, 566 West Lake Street, Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661. Periodicals postage paid at Chi cago, IL and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER, Send changes of address and form 3579 to American Drycleaner, Subscription Dept., 440 Quadrangle Drive, Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Volume 80, number 5. Editorial, executive and advertising of fices are at 566 West Lake Street, Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661. Charles Thompson, President and Publisher. American Drycleaner is distributed selectively to: qualified dry cleaning plants and distributors in the United States. No material appearing in American Drycleaner may be reprinted without written permission. The pub lisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason. © Copyright AMERICAN TRADE MAGAZINES LLC, 2013. Printed in U.S.A.
American Drycleaner, August 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
CHICAGO – Many dry cleaners who attended Clean ’13 in New Orleans report they are more likely to do business with a certain company based on information they received there, according to July’s American Drycleaner Wire survey.
Eighty percent of respondents said they are more likely to do business with a certain manufacturer, distributor or supplier based on their show experience. Ten percent rejected that notion, and the remaining 10% were not sure.
Among survey respondents, 41% attended this year’s show and 59% did not. The majority of those who did not attend said they couldn’t work it into their schedule (41.7%), while one-third explained that their “budget didn’t allow it.” Roughly 17% of respondents had “no interest in attending,” while 8.3% had someone else from their staff make the trip. Among other reasons cited were the show’s location this year.
“(I have a) new business and couldn’t make it,” writes one dry cleaner. “Also, I would never go to (New Orleans) in the summer, (it is) too hot and humid.”
Among respondents, the show’s
second day proved busiest, with 90% attending. Seventy percent attended the opening day, while 60% were on hand for the final day of activities.
One dry cleaner said the show’s ex perimental three-day schedule wasn’t long enough for his/her liking, while another respondent said the shorter event enhanced his/her focus. “Three days forced me to make sure I stayed on the floor until close. I saved a night’s expense and feel I saw more than usual.”
Exhibit categories of interest to respon dents ranged from general dry cleaning and laundry supplies, to heavier machines such as finishing equipment and commer cial, retail equipment. Specific products of interest included solvents and a cleaning technology that uses beads.
Attendees also could attend various ed ucational sessions catered to their specific industry segment, but survey respondents showed little interest in doing so. Thirty percent report having attended two educa tional sessions, while the remaining 70% attended none.
Overall, half of respondents who at tended Clean were “fully satisfied” with their show experience as a whole (50%) and nearly a third felt “somewhat satis fied” (30%). The remainder were indiffer ent, saying they felt “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied” (20%).
While Amer ican Drycleaner’s Wire survey presents a snapshot of the audi ence’s viewpoints at a particular moment, it should not be considered scientific. Sub scribers to Wire e-mails—distributed twice weekly—are invited each month to par ticipate in a brief industry survey they can complete anonymously.
The entire Am erican Drycleaner au dience is encouraged to participate, as a greater number of responses will help to better define owner/operator opinions and industry trends. O
American Drycleaner, August 2013
Top stories @ AmericanDrycleaner.com for the 30 days ending July 15
1. Clean Show Bids Farewell to New Orleans
2. Numbers Are In: Clean 2013 Drew 10,300 to New Orleans
3. CD One Price Cleaners, Sankosha USA Host Japanese Delegation
4. Texas-Based Westbank Dry Cleaning Celebrates 20th Anniversary Top columNs & feATures
1. Making the Case for Pre-Spotting
2. Shelve That Not-Enough-Time Attitude and Get Things Done
3. Dry Cleaner Can Create ‘One-Stop Shop’ by Adding Coin Laundry
4. StatShot: Dry Cleaners Post Across-theBoard Sales Gains Again... Web eXCLUSIVe!
Top sTories @ our sisTer siTes
1. Clean Show Bids Farewell to New Orleans
2. Numbers Are In: Clean 2013 Drew 10,300 to New Orleans
3. Effectively Managing Multiple Coin Laundries
1. Crown Uniform & Linen Unveils Plan to Build New Facility
2. Need to Lower Costs? Try Increasing Linen Life
3. Clean Show Bids Farewell to New Orleans
4. Chicago Dryer Co. Files Patent Infringement Lawsuit vs. Jensen
WHILE EMPLOYMENT FIGURES INCREASED in June, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate remains the same at 7.6%. Many of the figures related to unemployment remain static as well: 11.8 million people are unemployed; the number of long-term unemployed is at 4.3 million, or 36.7% of the total of those unemployed; and 2.6 million people continue to be marginally attached to the labor force.
“(The) report reveals an economy continuing to recover at a promising rate,” says Acting Secretary of Labor Seth D. Harris. “With the addition of 202,000 private sector jobs in June, that makes 7.2 million private sector jobs over the last 40 consecutive months of growth. … Average hourly earnings are up as well, having risen 10 cents in June.”
REGARDING U.S. EXPORTS, newly appointed U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker offered some good news. Total services and
automotive exports hit a record high in May, she reports, although the overall export figure dropped slightly to $187.1 billion from April’s $187.6 billion. Imports also increased in May to $4.4 billion, led by petroleum products.
The Commerce Department also reported an increase of 1.3 million export-related jobs as a result of the National Export Initiative, which aims to double U.S. exports by the end of 2014.
REALTYTRAC REPORTED AN INCREASE in foreclosures sold in April, up 9.7% over March, and an increase in new foreclosures, which were up 2.25% in May over April figures. Those figures go along with the decrease in mortgage applications for the last week of June.
The Mortgage Bankers Association reported 11.7% fewer applications from the previous week. Mortgage rates also increased during that time frame, reaching the highest point in two years, resulting in 15% fewer refinance ap-
plications as well.
The National Association of Realtors reported a 6.7% increase in pending home sales in May, the highest level since 2006. The Pending Home Sales Index was at 112.3 in May, up from 105.2 in April, and 12.1% above the 2012 figure of 100.2.
THE LATEST SURVEYS OF CONSUMERS —conducted by Thomson Reuters and the University of Michigan—shows a higher level of consumer confidence in June. The increase comes from households with incomes above $75,000, mainly based on rising household wealth rather than on jobs or wages.
“Consumers now believe the recovery has achieved an upward momentum that will not be easily reversed,” says Surveys of Consumers Chief Economist Richard Curtin. “Few consumers expect the economy to post robust gains … (but they) anticipate continued slow economic progress.” O —Jean Teller
Our new generation of Point Of Sale system is designed for both small and larger cleaner stores. DryClean PRO Enterprise (DCPe) is even simpler to use than before. With user friendly screens and menus, DCPe will make your life easy. We offer, promise, and guarantee the best after sales support to our end users. Our excellent service commitment to you does not end with your purchase. We are always there to help you whenever you need us. Just pick up the phone and call us on our Technical Support line.
Call us about our new version of Uniform Tracker
The 2013 Clean Show officially drew 10,300 people from the United States and 83 foreign countries to New Orleans, reports show manager Riddle & Associates.
That’s down 8% from the 11,200 registrants who visited Clean in Las Vegas in 2011 but up 4% from the 9,902 attendance tallied in New Orleans in 2009.
New Orleans’ Morial Convention Center welcomed 422 exhibitors covering 195,140 net square feet of booth space — a 6% increase in exhibit space from the 2011 Las Vegas show.
Clean’s sponsoring associations introduced some firsts this year: they offered educational sessions each afternoon on the show floor, made available a smartphone app to help attendees navigate the event, and posted
Attendees pour onto the 2013 Clean
monitors depicting live Twitter feeds throughout the three-day show.
The next edition of Clean will convene in Atlanta’s Georgia World Congress Center in April 2015. The Clean Executive Committee is gathering feedback from exhibitors and attendees regarding this year’s “experimental” three-day show before deciding if the 2015 show will remain three days in length or shift back to the traditional four days.
Many companies took advantage of Clean ’13 to introduce brand-new products, roll out newly improved products or exhibit well-established product lines. Still others exhibited at
the biennial show for the first time.
American Drycleaner presents this report describing just some of the companies and the products they exhibited in New Orleans. With such a large number of companies having exhibited at the June show, this article isn’t intended to be all encompassing.
Readers are encouraged to follow American Drycleaner in print and online (AmericanDrycleaner.com) during the coming months for product announcements from these companies and others.
METALPROGETTI The company’s 24/7 dropoff kiosk, which has been installed in countries all over the world, has been adapted into a turnkey solution that substitutes for leasing space for drop stores, the company says. The Battista can function as an unmanned dry store, giving clients the ability to sign up, drop off and pick up their dry cleaning around the clock. Decals can be created to enhance aesthetics and assist in marketing.
Another new product is the Smart Locker (shown), designed for corporate buildings, campuses, and large apartment or condo buildings. The dynamic system gives customers the ability to sign up, drop off and pick up their dry cleaning unattended. It can hold 20 lockers to serve customers in under 40 square feet, according to Metalprogetti.
The company’s newest innovation is
the Giulietta Bagger, an integrated assembly system intended for customers producing from 800 to 1,800 pieces per day on an eight-hour shift. This compact bagger is designed to fit into “smaller spaces,” the company says.
PARKER BOILER Parker Boiler manufactures steam boilers, hot water boilers, thermal liquid heaters and indirect water heaters, and was eager to share its technology with Clean Show attendees.
“We have always been a popular boiler west of the Mississippi but have been making a significant impact in the laundry and dry cleaning market on the East Coast, mostly from stories from owners in this industry talking about their experience and satisfaction with our products,” says Michael Leeming, national sales manager.
A.L. WILSON CHEMICAL CO. The company reintroduced its reformulated RiteGo Laundry Spray Spotter, a high-performance, high-value laundry spray that delivers clean collars and cuffs. Its microemulsion technology enables it to penetrate quickly to absorb perspiration and collar and cuff stains, and to release groundin soil without the need to brush, the company says.
A.L. Wilson President Fred Schwarzmann says the show was better than he expected but that he prefers a four-day format. “It allows for more scheduling flexibility and for more interaction, both on the floor and after hours,” he says.
American Drycleaner, August 2013 13
Co L u M b IA /ILSA Dry CL e A n I ng Sy S te MS For more than 30 years, Columbia/ILSA has been providing innovative design, reliability and craftsmanship in its dry cleaning equipment. At Clean ’13, the company’s display presented “The Evolution of Clean,” represented by its Professional Series line, the TL HCS N2 with a solvent heating system, the IPURA, and the introduction of two new GreenEarth models.
domestic parts and technical support. PONY USA is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and can be reached at 202-7237618, sales@pony-usa.com.
Equipment maker PONY chose the Clean Show to launch its new venture, PONY USA, making available for the first time its entire line of finishing and pressing equipment with complete
PONY introduced its new EAGLE shirt finisher. It features the H.A.R.S. (Hot Air Recovery System), which recaptures air from the shoulder press and conveys it through a special channel into the fan to speed drying. As a result, PONY says, the machine is able to reduce energy consumption by 20-30%. Additional features include Teflon-coated press heads, an adjustable cuff clamp system, and a front horizontal sliding paddle. Another booth highlight was the ▲
Just prior to the open ing of the Clean Show, the Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI) presented its Meritorious Service Award to Kreussler, developer of SystemK4, a patent-pending environmentally friendly dry cleaning system anchored
by the halogen-free solvent SolvonK4.
Rich Fitzpatrick, Kreussler vice president, received the “Technology Trailblazer” award on behalf of Kreussler from DLI President David Machesney, Pratt Abbott Cleaners, Westbrook, Maine.
After the presentation, DLI CEO Mary Scalco updated attendees on her associa tion’s activities. DLI has long provided what Scalco believes is the industry’s best techno logical information but is now expanding into management and marketing resources.
The Institute is partnering with Methods for Management (managing director Diana Vollmer) and MarketWise Consulting Group (president Carolyn Nankervis) to provide new members-only programs. (Vollmer and Nankervis are regular contributors to American Drycleaner.)
Scalco also announced that DLI certification testing may now be done online; members no longer must travel to take the tests. Also, in response to member feedback, DLI has developed tests that are spe cific to solvents beyond perc because there is a wide selec tion of solvents now in use in the industry.
ANGEL single buck shirt press unit that included a hand-painted American flag on its front panel to represent PONY’s new U.S. partnership.
Fabricare Manage M ent Sy S te MS The software company exhibited its latest version of Fabricare Manager POS that includes new features for e-mail and text messaging, enhanced customer profile management, and new tracking reports. Attendees were shown a new customer profile screen with more employee security configuration options, easier training steps to collect customer information, and quicker access to customer data.
i rving Weber aSS ociate S Through its FabriCare Advantage program, IWA has offered insurance to dry cleaners, commercial launderers, linen suppliers and uniform rental firms since 1946. Representatives were on hand to promote its
broad insurance coverage, experienced risk control, as well as educational resources and responsive claims service. IWA works with a company’s current insurance agent to maintain continuity of service, the company says. bizzie Wayne Wudyka, founder and CEO of bizzie, the dry cleaning service concept that integrates personalized locker-based service and mobile technology, announced the first four new franchises for the national brand, hailing from New Orleans (Young’s Dry Cleaning); Oklahoma City (American Cleaners); Portland, Ore. (Mt. Hood Cleaners); and Birmingham, Ala. (Champion Cleaners). The brand is now approved to offer franchises in 48 states, Wudyka says.
The opportunity to join a national network has been attractive to dry cleaners who have seen his success with CRDN, the Certified Restoration Dryclean-
American Drycleaner, August 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
ing Network, an international franchise organization launched at Clean ’01, also in New Orleans. Today’s CRDN’s 140-plus franchises serve 94% of the U.S. population, along with all major cities in Canada as well as the United Kingdom.
Cleaver-Brooks Cleaver-Brooks introduced a new line of tubeless boilers made specifically for the laundry and dry cleaning industry. The CBT can achieve 80% efficiency and emit less than 20 ppm NOx. Features include a robust pressure vessel designed for long life, a standard integrated control with user-friendly interface, and a horizontal burner design that provides easy operation and maintenance.
Elizabeth Brown, the company’s marketing communications manager, says the line offering models in five sizes between 9.5 and 30HP will be released in the fall.
Cleaver-Brooks also highlighted its ClearFire®-H horizontal, gas-fired, steam boiler in its booth.
Fir B imati C The drycleaning machinery company introduced several new products at Clean, including the F series AS K, developed to maximize results utilizing all Class III alternative solvents; the F series TANDEM AS, offering modular solutions for use with all environmentally friendly and alternative solvents; and the optional FirbiNet, a full-access Remote Computer Controller that makes it possible to control a drycleaning machine’s computer from a PC or tablet.
ies IES kept things breezy, displaying several of its SonicAire fans, all of which clean with high velocity and high mass airflow to create an overhead barrier that prevents fugitive dust from accumulating on steel structures, pipes, ducts and process equipment. The newest model designed to keep areas clear of potentially combustible dust and lint is the SonicAire 1.c. The “C” stands for compact, because the company designed it for customers, particularly dry cleaners, that wanted a cleaning fan but had limited ceiling space.
President Brad Carr says the show exceeded his expectations and that his company set a new record for the amount of sales closed there.
Dow Chemi C al Co . Returning to the Clean Show floor was the Dow Chemical Co. and its DOWPER™ Dry Cleaning Solvent. Dow, which says it is the world’s largest perchloroethylene (perc) producer, promoted the solvent’s performance benefits, plus additional benefits such as company experience, a reliable distributor network, and sustainable closed-loop delivery.
“We were able to promote the benefits of responsible perc use in modern equipment, demonstrate our closed-loop delivery system with a hands-on display and provide facts to counter misinformation on regulatory bans,” says Rich Brown, marketing manager. “We also dispelled rumors that perc is ‘going away’ and illustrated Dow’s market presence by highlighting Brenntag, our exclusive distributor, ▲ 20
American Drycleaner, August 2013
Ihave addressed blood stains previ ously, but the phone calls and e-mails keep coming. There is no reason to fear any stain, especially this protein stain that almost every formulator of chemi cal tools has given full attention.
Whether a small drop or a stain saturating half the garment, blood must be removed while causing the least disturbance to the fabric and dye. Various methods are available, and failure to fully remove a blood stain should be the rare exception. Those of you that have followed this column will remember the white linen dress: a gift to a young woman, the automobile accident that breaks her nose, the blood that pours down the front of a “Dry Clean Only” garment. I was happy that I had some enzyme digester and the confidence to use it.
Large amounts of blood will require hours of spotting at the board. The enzyme digester bath is the perfect blood-removal tool, if the garment will allow immersion in water.
Place warm water in a container large enough to allow the garment to move freely; using an insulated drink cooler dedicated to this purpose is an effective way to proceed.
Use approximately 1 oz. of powder
digester for every 2 gal. of warm (120 F) water; water that is too hot will ruin the effects of the digesting enzyme. Agitate the solution to dissolve the powder. Submerge the garment and allow it to soak, checking on its status from time to time, until the blood has been dissolved.
An enzyme digester can easily be used on smaller stains at the spotting board. It is especially effective to soften or remove “old” blood stains that have turned from red to dark brown. Flush the stain with steam to moisten and heat the area. Apply the enzyme digester to the stain, cover it with a warm, moist towel, then set the garment aside for at least 30 minutes. With time, new blood disappears, and aged blood loosens to enable removal with a protein chemical tool.
Follow standard protein protocol to remove blood stains. Place the stain over the vacuum nose and flush with steam, then pull over the solid part of the board and apply NSD and light mechanical action. Move back to the vacuum nose and flush again with steam, which should loosen the stain to some extent. Place the stain over the solid part and apply a protein chemical tool and light mechanical action, then move back to the vacuum nose and flush with steam.
If any traces remain, move the stain
back to the solid part and apply the protein formula, or a stronger version if the dye will allow, and light mechanical action. (Stronger protein formulations will usually have a hint of ammonia and should be used with a level of caution.) If traces of blood remain, it will be necessary to use spot bleaching.
Bleach is not a dirty word and should not cause you fear. After taking the precaution of testing on an inside seam, place a drop of 3% hydrogen peroxide (available at most drug stores or supermarkets) on the last traces of blood. If staining remains after about a minute, heat the area with a light fogging from the steam gun. Flush with steam and evaluate your progress.
If traces of blood remain, place the stain over the solid part of the spotting board. Place a small amount of sodium
perborate on top of the stain, then two or three drops of protein formula on top of that to saturate the powder. Fog the sodium perborate with steam so that the powder appears to “melt” through the stain, then place the area over the vacuum nose and flush away any powder that remains. Neutralize the bleach with a few drops of acetic acid and flush with steam.
Blood is not a difficult stain to remove if you proceed step by step from enzyme digester to protein chemical tools to bleach. Follow the protocol and you will find success. O
Martin L. Young Jr. has been an industry consultant and trainer for almost 20 years, and a member of various stakeholder groups on environmental issues. He grew up in his parents’ plant in Con cord, N.C., Young Cleaners, which he operates to this day. Contact him by phone at 704-786-3011, e-mail mayoung@vnet.net.
and its network of authorized resellers across the U.S.”
Maineline Co M puter Sy S te MS New for Clean 2013 was CompassMax version 5.0, including a major addition involving e-mailing. The software offers custom-designed e-mails as well as savable features for future e-mail blasts, including birth dates, anniversaries, new customers, top customers, “lost” customers, and messages designed specifically for routes. This new version has the option for database replication to help protect and secure important data.
r enn C o Rennco unveiled a new bagging system for the dry cleaning and uniform industry called the Garment Guard. It’s a wrapping/bagging machine that automatically packs single or multiple garments, sensing the incoming garment size to make the appropriate size bag around the item(s).
The system can be used as a standalone unit or integrates with upstream and downstream conveyance systems in a facility.
“We thought the show was great,” says Jeanne George, inside sales. “Attendees that were there were the correct people vs. just ‘lookers.’ … Three days was fine for the show length.”
Cleaner Bu S ine SS Sy S te MS Cleaner Business Systems once again demonstrated the benefits of its feature-rich Web-based software designed to assist a cleaner in gaining control of his or her pricing, maximizing up charges, eliminating employee theft and advertising effectively. Among the features are account management, route technol-
The Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI) and the Textile Care Allied Trades Association (TCATA), which co-sponsor the Clean Show with three other groups, co-hosted a “blockbuster” meet-and-greet networking party for their members and top industry suppliers in New Orleans.
Forty member companies of the two associations spon sored the June 21 event in the Grand Ballroom of the Royal Sonesta Hotel. The party was a “raving success” judging by the smiling faces and laughter that filled the room, according to DLI CEO Mary Scalco.
“The unity among the vari
ous aspects of the industry is what makes us strong,” she says. “The party was a fun way for us to thank all our DLI and TCATA members.”
It created an informal atmo sphere in which members of both groups could relax and relate on a personal level. “Bringing people together to learn from each other is what our associations do best. Many industry friendships last a lifetime,” Scalco says.
The first-ever joint reception was clearly a success, says David Cotter, TCATA CEO. “The room was crowded, members were renewing business relationships and
friendships, and forming new ones – what else could you ask for?”
The gathering builds on behind-the scenes relationship-building between the two groups, says Fred Schwarzmann, president of A.L. Wilson Chemical Co., DLI Allied Trades director, and a former TCATA board member. “This co-hosted membership party is a highly visible sign of the growing cooperation and alignment between these two organizations.”
DLI and TCATA plan to offer a similar networking opportunity at Clean 2015 in Atlanta.
American Drycleaner, August 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
ogy, employee communication, multi-store support, and more.
Trevil Americ A The company demonstrated its new Pantastar, which it says is the first machine able to finish an entire pair of pants, including the crease, without the need for a skilled, experienced worker. The Pantastar irons the top of the pants like a tensioning pants topper while finishing the creases like a legger press, Trevil adds.
It contains features such as electronic adjustment of tensioning, anti-stretching devices, an advanced clamping system for cuffs, and the exclusive TreviXpand system that adapts to the shape of the top of the pants.
e zProduc T s i n T ern AT ion A l The company introduced some new labeling products, including interchangeable platens for its Model-7® digital presses. The QuickChange™ Mini-9 Platen™ is designed to apply large labels to laundry bags. EzProducts says several dry cleaners are using small labels on their customers’ clothing and a larger label on laundry bags; it’s easy to switch platens for both purposes.
“Attendance was very good, and we have purchase orders and great leads to follow up,” says Vice President Diane Rue. “(It was) the best Clean Show in years for buyers.”
iTA lcle A n Introduced to the American and South American markets were the
company’s Drytech drycleaning machines utilizing hydrocarbon, GreenEarth and SolvonK4 without distillation. Company officials indicated they were disappointed with the total attendance but are considered returning in 2015.
c ommerci A l c oils Commercial Coils has attended at least 10 Clean Shows, and the 2013 event was a strong one for the company, says President Robert Andersen. The Missouri company has a number of new products on its HVAC side of the business, and remains committed to precision-built replacement coils for every aspect of the laundry and dry cleaning industry.
sA nkosh A us A The company presented a variety of pressing, bagging and spotting technologies. Bill Odorizzi, vice president of marketing, called the show Sankosha’s best since 2007.
“Clean 2013 was very special to us because we were celebrating our 20th anniversary of doing business in the U.S.,” Odorizzi says. “This gave us the opportunity to thank a lot of people who have played a special part in our overall success.”
He admits being skeptical about moving to a three-day format but notes his company was extremely busy even up to the close on the final day.
dA jisof T Since 1995, Dajisoft’s DryClean PRO software has enabled dry cleaners to meet today’s competitive markets. Its new generation of point-of-sale system is designed for both small and larger stores, and user-friendly screens and menus make DryClean PRO Enterprise (DCPe) simpler to use than before, the company says. O
www.americandrycleaner.com American Drycleaner, August 2013 21
WA 49 OR 44 CA 24
NV 38 UT 49
WY 50
MT 38 ND 42 SD 46 NE 38 KS 33 AK 24
CO 26
CANADA 50 MN 37 IA 33 MO 37 AR 24 LA 34
OK 44
Companies are listed alphabetical ly by state in the United States, in Puerto Rico and in Canada. Distribu tors often serve areas beyond the states and cities in which they’re located, however, so when looking for a source of equipment or supplies, always be sure to check the surrounding states and regions.
The map above displays postal codes of the states and the names of the outly ing territories covered in the Distribu tors Directory, with the page numbers on which their listings begin. To locate
IL 30
PA 44
WI 50 MI 36 IN 32 OH 42 WV 50 VA 49
KY 34
TN 46 SC 45
NY 40
ME 35 AZ 24 NM 40 TX 46
VT — DE —
NC 41
MS 37 AL 24 GA 30 FL 28
NH 39 MA 36 RI 45 CT 26 NJ 39 MD 35 DC 28 HI 30 PR 50
distributors near you, refer to the map and turn to the page number(s) shown.
The Distributors Directory offers up dated Internet contact information for companies that offer customers e-mail access (✉) and websites (c).
Also, t his year’s edition again fea tures expanded product listings to spec ify dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and ser vice; and additional information. Listings begin on page 24 and continue through page 51.
A-1 Products Inc.
2020 Ave. F
Birmingham, AL 35218
Contact: Shawn Hopkins Phone: 205-787-1403 Toll Free: 800-826-9347
✉ shopkins@a-1products.com c a-1products.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Boak Equipment Co.
P.O. Box 230339
Montgomery, AL 36123
Contact: Charles Persons Phone: 334-271-2533 Fax: 334-271-2534
✉ charlespersons@ bellsouth.net
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Phenix Supply Co. 1200 2nd Ave. North Birmingham, AL 35203
Phone: 205-251-7272 Toll Free: 800-626-8428 Fax: 205-328-8173
✉ sales@phenixsupply.com c phenixsupply.com Packaging and supplies
Quality Cleaners & Laundry Equipment Co.
1001 Jeremy Pl. S.E. Arab, AL 35106
Contact: Barron Latta Phone: 256-679-7574
✉ barronlatta@yahoo.com
Boilers, dry cleaning equipment, laundry equipment, plant installations, presses, vacuums
Trademark Equipment Co. 5690 Pine Lane Cir.
Bessemer, AL 35022
Contact: David Daniel Phone: 205-424-4221 Toll Free: 877-456-2515 Fax: 205-428-0389 ✉ dd@dpxonline.com c dpxonline.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
5020 Fairbanks St.
Anchorage, AK 99503
Contact: Dick Wells
Phone: 907-561-1752 Toll Free: 800-478-1752 Fax: 907-561-3178
✉ info@ autolaundrysystems.com c autolaundrysystems.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; dry cleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts and service; ozone equipment
4329 E. Magnolia St.
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Contact: Jay C. Snow
Phone: 602-267-7072 Toll Free: 800-362-7876 Fax: 602-267-4411
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
3120 W. Weldon Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85017
Contact: Dave Svancara Phone: 602-248-0808 Toll Free: 877-835-5866
Fax: 602-248-0941 ✉ sales@cpec-laundry.com c cpec-laundry.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service CPEC
3202 S. Richey Ave. Tucson, AZ 85713
Contact: Greg Svancara Phone: 520-790-7377 Toll Free: 877-835-5867 Fax: 520-747-5370 ✉ greg@cpec-laundry.com c cpec-laundry.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
D & T Industries
2732 W. McDowell Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85009
Contact: Scot Baker Phone: 602-793-9400 Toll Free: 800-434-2228 Mobile: 602-380-9837 Fax: 602-278-0633 ✉ sudsbaker@gmail.com Dry cleaning and laundry supplies; equipment; parts and service
Wardlaw Equipment Consultants Inc. 414 W. Colter St. Phoenix, AZ 85013
Contact: Kevin Wardlaw Phone: 520-791-2804 Toll Free: 877-927-3529 Mobile: 520-349-7494 Fax: 520-791-2807 ✉ wardequip@aol.com c wardlawequipment consultants.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; pads and covers
CLI Enterprises
P.O. Box 468 Bryant, AR 72089
Contact: Steve Shepard Phone: 501-794-0107 ✉ steve@clienterprises.com c clienterprises.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
6600 Allied Way
Little Rock, AR 72209
Contact: Gary Dunwoody Phone: 501-565-5288
Toll Free: 800-482-1283 Fax: 501-565-5289
✉ garyd@ fabricleansupply.com c fabricleansupply.com Packaging and supplies
5310 Baseline Rd. Little Rock, AR 72209
Contact: Mike Worthy Phone: 501-551-8600 Toll Free: 888-403-9600 Fax: 501-565-5030
✉ mworthy@justinlaundry.com c justinlaundry.com Laundry equipment
Nu-Way Products Co.
220 Garrison Cove West Memphis, AR 72301
Contact: Phillip Farmer Phone: 870-735-4291
Toll Free: 800-462-2089 Fax: 870-735-4321
✉ nuwayproducts@att.net c nu-wayproducts.com
Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; irons; coin-op and janitorial supplies
American Drycleaner, August 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
937 Lee Ln.
Concord, CA 95418
Contact: Lyman Caulk Phone: 510-815-2297 Fax: 925-609-9908
✉ lyman@ cleaners-laundry.com c cleaners-laundry.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; package plants
2129 Troy Ave. South El Monte, CA 91733
Contact: Arthur Kajiwara Phone: 323-686-0800 Fax: 626-444-4484 c arthurkajiwaraequipmentco. com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Brian Boiler Works Co.
P.O. Box 2581 Paso Robles, CA 93447
Contact: Brian Wick Phone/Fax: 805-541-5596
✉ brianboilerworks@ yahoo.com
Parts and service
1354 East Ave., Suite S Chico, CA 95926
Contact: Stuart Depper Phone: 650-291-4572 Fax: 530-899-0333
✉ cleantech@yahoo.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment
Camilleri Mechanical
45 Bay St.
San Rafael, CA 94901
Contact: James Camilleri Phone: 415-860-3785 Fax: 415-456-3785
✉ camillerimechanical@ yahoo.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Cleaning Concepts/ E.T. Distributors Inc. 78270 Willowrich Dr. Palm Desert, CA 92211
Contact: Gerald David Phone: 760-360-3917 Toll Free: 800-866-4742 Fax: 760-200-5940
✉ cleanstor@msn.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; package plants
Corbett Equipment 16402 Gothard St., Unit D Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Phone: 714-596-2224 Fax: 714-596-2231
✉ service@ corbettequipment.com c corbettequipment.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; consulting
DCL Mechanical Services
10524 La Morada Dr. San Diego, CA 92124
Contact: Fran Bibby Phone: 619-993-3726 Fax: 858-268-8827
✉ dclmechanical@att.net Parts and service
Elite Machinery Corp.
1363 E. Wilshire Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92705
Contact: Thomas Kim Phone: 714-541-2829 Fax: 714-541-2973
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet
cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Frimair USA West 3412 E. Miner Ave. Stockton, CA 95205
Contact: Alan Yordy Phone: 209-649-4808 ✉ yordyalan@yahoo.com c alanyordyequipment.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Fujistar 12955 Arroyo St. Sylmar, CA 91342
Contact: Tony Haddad Phone: 818-361-1066 Toll Free: 800-842-9661 Fax: 818-361-1002 ✉ fujistar200@cs.com c fujistar.net Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Golden State Laundry Systems 1984 East Gladwick St. Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220
Contact: Justin Ha Phone: 310-223-2240 Toll Free: 800-465-8300 Fax: 310-223-2499 ✉ justinh@gsls4laundry.com c gsls4laundry.com Laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
11689 Sorrento Valley Rd., Ste. A San Diego, CA 92121
Contact: John Taylor Phone: 858-792-9085 Toll Free: 800-587-7286 Fax: 858-792-9378 ✉ jtslaundrysystems@ yahoo.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Joven Sales & Service 10925 S. Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90061
Contact: Joven Lactaoen Phone: 323-757-3161 Fax: 323-757-1196
✉ jovensale@aol.com Dry cleaning equipment; parts and service
2121 Curry St.
Long Beach, CA 90805
Contact: John Kelleher Jr. Phone: 562-422-1257 Toll Free: 800-894-1555 Fax: 562-422-4390
✉ contactus@ kelleherequipment.com c kelleherequipment.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; Tonsil filtration supplies and equipment
Les Pringle Service Inc. 2635 E. Artesia Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90805 Phone: 562-531-0353 Fax: 562-531-0413
✉ lespringleserviceinc@ yahoo.com c lpsinc.org
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
McGregor Supply Co.
8181 State St.
South Gate, CA 90280
Contact: Richard McGregor Phone: 323-566-0658
✉ mcgregorsupply@ yahoo.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Pride Laundry Systems
8321 De Celis Pl.
North Hills, CA 91343
Contact: Thomas or Mitch Toll Free: 800-660-7743 Fax: 818-920-2411
✉ info@pridelaundry.com c pridelaundry.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
P.O. Box 1415 Glendora, CA 91740
Contact: D. Hooper Phone: 626-963-7643 Fax: 626-963-3612
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; plant design and installation
Target Plastics
9614 Lucas Ranch Rd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Contact: Nishan Mark Ohanian Phone: 909-941-7778 Packaging and supplies
Taylor Houseman Inc.
162 Harbor Ct. Pittsburg, CA 94565 Phone: 925-432-0323 Toll Free: 800-464-6866 Fax: 925-432-0324
✉ info@taylorhouseman.com c taylorhouseman.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
3 Hanger Supply Co.
3355 W. El Segundo Blvd. Hawthorne, CA 90250
Contact: Mike Yadegar Phone: 310-679-8800 Toll Free: 877-342-6437
c 3hangersupply.com
Packaging and supplies; chemicals; machine parts
UC Tech/Sealion Americas
1943 N. Campus Ave. Upland, CA 91784
Phone: 909-985-8739 Fax: 909-985-8736
Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment
United Cleaners Supply
1676 Delta Court Hayward, CA 94544
Contact: Doug Rowell Phone: 510-324-3330 Fax: 510-324-3340
✉ united.doug@gmail.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; vending soaps and bags
United Fabricare Supply P.O. Box 01796 Los Angeles, CA 90001
Contact: Steve Hong Phone: 310-537-2096 Fax: 310-537-7096
✉ unitedfabricare@aol.com c unitedfabricaresupply.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
U.S. Western Multitech, Inc. 1261 N. Patt St. Anaheim, CA 92801
Phone: 714-525-8890 Fax: 714-525-3616
✉ uswm.inc@gmail.com c uswm.net
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Western State Design 2331 Tripaldi Way Hayward, CA 94545
Phone: 510-786-9271 Toll Free: 800-633-7153 Fax: 510-783-9748
✉ info@ westernstatedesign.com c westernstatedesign.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Wyatt-Bennett Equipment 15916 Blythe St. Van Nuys, CA 91406 Phone: 818-778-0550 Fax: 818-778-0555 ✉ info@wyattbennett.com c wyattbennett.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Clean Designs Inc. 2800 S. Oak St. Lakewood, CO 80227
Contact: Phil Krall Phone: 303-969-8288 Toll Free: 800-444-4580 Fax: 303-989-1202 c cleandesigns.com Dry cleaning, laundry and wet cleaning equipment
Cowell Sales Co. 2220 Downing St. Denver, CO 80205
Phone: 303-861-8826 Toll Free: 800-861-8826 Fax: 303-861-8008 ✉ cowellsales@aol.com Dry cleaning and laundry equipment; parts and service
Katzson Brothers Inc. 960 Vallejo St. Denver, CO 80204
Phone: 303-893-3535 Toll Free: 800-322-2417 Fax: 303-893-2287 ✉ sales@katzson.com
c katzson.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; dry cleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts and service
2050 W. 9th Ave.
Denver, CO 80204
Phone: 720-359-8000
Toll Free: 800-279-6622 Fax: 720-359-8252 c martinray.com
Laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service; plant design
Association of Wedding Gown Specialists (AWGS)
454 Old Cellar Rd. Orange, CT 06477
Phone: 203-878-3005 Toll Free: 800-501-5005 Fax: 203-882-1104 ✉ info@weddinggown specialists.com c weddinggown specialists.com Packaging and supplies
EDRO Corp.
P.O. Box 308 East Berlin, CT 06023
Contact: Ed Kays
Phone: 860-828-0311
Toll Free: 800-628-6434 Fax: 860-828-5984
✉ sales@edrodynawash.com c edrodynawash.com
Laundry, wet cleaning and ozone equipment
266 Prestige Park Rd. E. Hartford, CT 06108
Contact: Thomas Heffernan
Phone: 888-622-4729
✉ customercare@ macgray.com c macgray.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
Nu Tech Inc.
350 Fairfield Ave. Stamford, CT 06902
Contact: Harry Yang Phone: 203-325-8849 Fax: 203-325-8850 ✉ nutechmachine@yahoo.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Pro-Touch Equipment
44 Rachel Dr. Stratford, CT 06615-6411
Contact: Robert Garvin Phone: 203-612-7226 Mobile: 914-879-8939
✉ protouchequipment@ yahoo.com Dry cleaning equipment; parts and service
United Suppliers Inc.
1286 Kossuth St. Bridgeport, CT 06608
Contact: Arnold or David Cohen Phone: 203-333-3521 Fax: 203-371-6668 c drycleanerssupplier.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Williams Engineering Inc.
133 Cottage Rd. Enfield, CT 06082
Contact: Ed Williams
Phone: 860-749-4930 Toll Free: 800-862-2284
✉ willeng@sbcglobal.net
Dry cleaning, laundry,
wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
District of columbia
District Cleaners Equipment
4424 Arkansas Ave. N.W. Washington, DC 20011
Contact: Frank Emanuele Jr. Phone: 202-723-7616 Fax: 202-723-7639
✉ districtcleaners@aol.com c districtcleaners
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; design and installation
6100 N. Powerline Rd. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Contact: Linsly Luna-Allen Phone: 954-772-7100 Toll Free: 800-826-1012 Fax: 954-772-4125
✉ linslyl@aaxon.com c aaxon.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
A.M. Chevy Equipment
1230 S. Dixie Hwy. East Pompano Beach, FL 33060
Contact: Joe or Tony Chevy Phone: 954-946-9703 Toll Free: 800-946-9703 Fax: 954-946-0223
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Automated Laundry Systems
2849 Dawn Road Jacksonville, FL 32207
Contact: Walt Shay
Phone: 904-733-5500 Toll Free: 800-518-9274 Fax: 904-733-0898 ✉ wshay@alstoday.com c alstoday.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
1250 W. 17th St.
Panama City, FL 32405
Contact: Bengt Bruce Phone: 850-249-2222 Fax: 850-249-2226 ✉ sales@bandctech.com c bandctech.com Laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Bay Area Laundry Equipment
6515 Haines Rd. North St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Contact: Mike Stefani Phone: 727-526-6207 Fax: 727-209-1963
✉ blaundryequipment@ tampabay.rr.com Laundry equipment
Bernie’s Boiler & Cleaners Equipment Service Inc.
11313 Distribution Ave. West Jacksonville, FL 32256
Contact: Bernie Echt Phone: 904-262-6040 ✉ bernieecht@ berniesboiler.com c berniesboiler.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Cleaners Chemical Corp.
7652 Bella Verde Way Delray Beach, FL 33446 Contact: Herschel Podgur
Phone: 561-499-3949 Mobile: 561-213-5633
Toll Free: 866-307-0700 Fax: 561-499-3951
✉ info@ cleanerschemicalcorp.com c cleanerschemical.com
Detergents and chemicals
Commercial Coin & Laundry Equipment Co. 1626 Tradewinds Dr. Gulf Breeze, FL 32563
Phone: 850-932-8348
Toll Free: 800-366-4168 Fax: 850-932-6907 c clecco.com
Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service; ozone equipment
2054 Sprint Blvd. Apopka, FL 32703
Contact: Russ Harper
Phone: 407-886-1722 Toll Free: 800-226-9449 Fax: 407-886-1589
✉ russ@ commerciallaundry.net c commerciallaundry.net Laundry equipment; parts and service
Commercial Laundry Equipment 1114 53rd Ct. South West Palm Beach, FL 33407
Contact: Holly Hensel Phone: 561-848-0054
Toll Free: 800-638-1869 Fax: 561-842-4984
✉ hhensel@ commerciallaundryequip.com c commerciallaundry equip.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service
Commodity Control Corp.
2055 N.W. 7th Ave. Miami, FL 33127
Contact: David J. Pilger
Phone: 305-324-0410
Toll Free: 800-969-4766 Fax: 305-324-0029
✉ reneeindequip@aol.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals
Dry Cleaners & Laundry Supply Inc.
1924 N. Rio Grande Ave. Orlando, FL 32804
Contact: John Harrison Phone: 407-648-7083 Mobile: 321-945-4147 Fax: 407-648-7088
✉ johndrycleaners@ bellsouth.net Packaging and supplies
Dryclean USA
290 N.E. 68th St. Miami, FL 33138
Contact: Daniel Biggs Phone: 305-754-9966 Toll Free: 800-746-4583 Fax: 305-754-8010 c drycleanusa.com Dry cleaning, laundry and wet cleaning equipment; franchise stores
East Coast Laundry & Drycleaning Equipment
1965 W. 9th St. West Palm Beach, FL 33404
Contact: Steve Jennings Phone: 561-844-1511 Toll Free: 888-945-2259
✉ eastcoastdce@aol.com c eastcoastdrycleaning equipment.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Equipment Sales Corp. 2101 Morrison Ave. Tampa, FL 33606
Contact: Gary Nash
Phone: 813-253-3191 Fax: 813-254-5325
Dry cleaning equipment; parts and service
Fabricare Supply
10810 NW 138th St., D6 Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018
Contact: Luis Gonzalez Phone: 305-974-1370 Mobile: 954-655-3800 Fax: 954-621-3440
✉ sales@ fabricaresupply.com c fabricaresupply.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; press pads and cover
5149 N.E. 12th Ave. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334
Contact: Ira Gottlieb Phone: 954-928-0950 Toll-Free: 888-680-4329 Fax: 954-776-0478
✉ fllaundry@fllaundry.com c fllaundry.com
Laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
6641 Arching Branch Cir. Jacksonville, FL 32258
Contact: Greg Barber Phone: 904-252-2162
✉ gabarber@gabarber.com c gabarber.com
Dry cleaning and laundry equipment
Industrial Equipment & Supplies
115 Watts St.
Jacksonville, FL 32204
Contact: Jim Decker Phone: 904-354-5773 Toll Free: 800-918-2869 Fax: 904-354-6065
✉ info@ getdrycleansupplies.com c getdrycleansupplies.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Industrial Equipment & Supplies
2055 N.W. 7th Ave. Miami, FL 33127
Contact: Doug Levan Phone: 305-324-0410 Toll Free: 800-969-4766 Fax: 305-324-0029
✉ doug.levan@ getdrycleansupplies.com c getdrycleansupplies.com Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
J.W. Allen & Associates P.O. Box 3805 2403 Market St. Jacksonville, FL 32206
Contact: Jim Eppler Phone: 904-353-7341 Toll Free: 800-874-0548 Fax: 904-353-5608
✉ sales@steamsuppliers.com c steamshop.com c steamsuppliers.com Boilers; parts and service
One Stop Dryclean Machinery
2450 Haulover Blvd. Deltona, FL 32738
Contact: Dan Echt Phone: 386-532-3451 Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Phenix Supply Co.
11705 Industry Dr. Jacksonville, FL 32218
Contact: Elaine Sikes Phone: 904-696-7685 Toll Free: 800-553-9040
Fax: 904-696-7688 ✉ jcripps@phenixsupply.com c phenixsupply.com Packaging and supplies
Phenix Supply Co. 6401 Badger Dr. Tampa, FL 33610
Contact: Bill Murphy Phone: 813-623-3553 Toll Free: 800-282-2924 Fax: 813-623-3558
✉ bmurphy@ phenixsupply.com c phenixsupply.com Packaging and supplies
Steiner-Atlantic Corp.
290 N.E. 68 St. Miami, FL 33138
Contact: Jim Goulet Phone: 305-754-4551 Toll Free: 800-333-8883 Fax: 305-751-8390 ✉ info@steineratlantic.com c steineratlantic.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; dry cleaning solvents; parts and service
Sun State Supply
145 Lyman Rd. Casselberry, FL 32707
Contact: S.K. Robey Phone: 407-260-0684 Toll Free: 888-437-3156 Fax: 407-260-5515
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Tampa Bay Cleaners Supply
2302 E. 5th Ave. Tampa, FL 33605
Contact: Michael Dyke Jr. Phone: 813-247-6332 Fax: 813-247-6135 ✉ tampabaysupply@aol.com Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals
Worldwide Laundry/ D.J. Giancola Exports Inc.
3325 N.W. 97th Ave. Miami, FL 33172
Contact: Lee DaPra Phone: 305-418-4030
Toll Free: 877-953-9433 Fax: 305-418-4137
✉ sales@ worldwidelaundry.com c worldwidelaundry.com Laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
W.P.S. Engineering
315 N.W. 15th St. Cape Coral, FL 33993
Contact: Winfried Sauter Phone: 239-826-2862
✉ win64@aol.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
A-1 Products
1235 E Kennestone Cir. Marietta, GA 30066
Contact: Marc Joos Phone: 770-428-5545 Toll Free: 800-969-7659 Fax: 770-428-7535
✉ mjoos@a-1products.com c a-1products.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Gulf States Laundry Machinery Co.
4035 Nine McFarland Dr. Alpharetta, GA 30004
Contact: Ben Prema
Phone: 770-343-8455
Toll Free: 800-875-4756 Fax: 770-343-8456
✉ benprema@gslaundry.com
c gslaundry.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
McAllister Retail Services
120 Anglin Dr. Cumming, GA 30040
Contact: Todd McAllister Phone: 770-441-3000 Fax: 770-521-2239
✉ info@mcallisterinc.com c mcallisterretail.com Finishing equipment; parts and service
Phenix Supply Co.
5330 Dividend Dr. Decatur, GA 30035
Contact: Jo Cripps Phone: 770-981-2800 Toll Free: 800-688-3032 Fax: 770-981-6462
✉ sales@phenixsupply.com c phenixsupply.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Southeastern Laundry Equipment Sales Inc. 1105 Shana Court Marietta, GA 30066
Contacts: Ron Smith, Joe Cole Phone: 770-928-0080 Toll Free: 800-522-9274 Fax: 770-928-3263
✉ sales@selaundryequip.com c selaundry.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Star Distributing Co. 4938 S. Atlanta Rd. S.E., Suite 600 Smyrna, GA 30080
Contact: Richard Davis Phone: 678-412-0091 Toll Free: 800-642-9409
c stardistributing.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
Texchine Inc. 1691-F Enterprise Way Marietta, GA 30067-9210
Contacts: Paul Dixon, Jim Girone Phone: 770-956-1179 Toll Free: 800-476-4839 Fax: 770-956-1229 ✉ pauldixon@texchine.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Tri-State Technical Services/TLC Equipment 912 Francis St. Waycross, GA 31503
Contact: Chris Duffett Phone: 912-338-9110 Toll Free: 800-241-5459 Fax: 912-285-9073
✉ cduffett@ tristatetechnical.com c tristatetechnical.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Vaporpress/CSL Group 6305 Ashwood Ln. Hoschton, GA 30548
Contact: Philip Harber Phone: 678-352-9100 ✉ phil@cslgroup.us c vaporpress.us
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
810 Gulick Ave. Honolulu, HI 96819
Contact: Clinton C.C. Lee Phone: 808-841-2423
Mobile: 808-285-1600 Fax: 808-847-8778 ✉ ccclee@aol.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
1359 Colburn St. Honolulu, HI 96817
Contact: Michael C. Sadd Phone: 808-841-3818 Fax: 808-848-5088
✉ saddsupplies@yahoo.com
Dry cleaning and laundry equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Waltz Engineering Inc.
500 Alakawa St., Suite 119 Honolulu, HI 96817
Contact: Dick Waltz Phone: 808-842-7955 Fax: 808-842-3985 ✉ info@waltzengineering.com c waltzengineering.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
WLSN Pacific P.O. Box 1185 Kapauu, HI 96755
Contact: Francis Wilson Phone: 808-896-6454 c wlsnpac.com
Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service
Alan Surgal Co.
4552 Deer Trail Northbrook, IL 60062
Contact: Bari Surgal Phone: 847-564-2781
Alterations supplies
Colorex Chemical Co.
834 Foster Ave. Bensenville, IL 60106
Contact: Yvonne Matsoukas Phone: 630-238-3124 Toll Free: 800-963-3762 Fax: 630-238-3125
✉ colorexchemical@ colorexchemical.com c colorexchemical.com
Detergents and chemicals for leathers, suedes and furs Custom Care Equipment
5422 N. Humboldt Ave. Peoria Heights, IL 61616 Contacts: Randy or Linda Owens Phone: 309-266-9122 Fax: 309-691-7434
✉ litlo1@sbcglobal.net
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Dolphin Laundry Services
1080 Entry Dr.
Bensenville, IL 60106
Contact: Kevin Meyer Phone: 630-350-8302 Fax: 630-521-1231 ✉ kmeyer@dolphinlaundry.net c dolphinlaundry.net Laundry equipment
Dry Clean Concepts Inc.
664 Milwaukee Ave., Suite 204 Prospect Heights, IL 60070
Contact: Aaron Kawer Phone: 847-419-9580 Mobile: 847-363-3444
✉ info@drycleanconcepts.com c drycleanconcepts.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; plant design
Equipment International
8237 N. Kimball Ave. Skokie, IL 60076
Contact: Steve Zabrin Phone: 847-679-2211 Toll Free: 800-364-0657 Fax: 847-679-2219
✉ sales@equipmentinternational.com c equipment-international.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Foster-Stephens Inc.
1341 Howard St. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Contact: Kathy Daniels Phone: 847-357-1100 Toll Free: 800-279-8269 Fax: 847-357-1101
✉ kdaniels@ foster-stephens.com c foster-stephens.com Packaging and supplies Haiges Machinery Inc. 11314 E. Main St. Huntley, IL 60142
Contact: Sheila Prince Phone: 847-669-3300 Toll Free: 800-542-2828 Fax: 847-669-1919
✉ info@haigesmachinery.com c haigesmachinery.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Lipke/Kentex/ Hesse Inc. 1201 W. 37th St. Chicago, IL 60609 Phone: 800-972-0817
✉ support@ walterhesse.com c walterhesse.com Packaging and supplies, specializing in tailoring and alterations
Midwest Trim Inc. 6625 N. Avondale Ave. Chicago, IL 60631
Phone: 773-594-0700 Toll Free: 800-222-TRIM Fax: 773-594-0701 ✉ sales@midwest-trim.com c midwest-trim.com Zippers and fasteners
Quality Cleaning Fluids & Manufacturing Co. 9216 W. Grand Ave. Franklin Park, IL 60131
Contact: Doris Dellegrazie Phone: 847-451-1190 Toll Free: 800-708-2070 Fax: 847-451-6654 ✉ ddellegraz@aol.com c galaxywastewater.com
Dry cleaning solvents; wastewater treatment and prefilter systems
R.R. Street & Co. 184 Shuman Blvd., Suite 403 Naperville, IL 60563
Toll Free: 800-478-7338 Fax: 630-416-4150 ✉ techsupport@4streets.com c 4streets.com Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Suede Products LLC 18600 Graphics Ct. Tinley Park, IL 60477
Contact: John Conway Phone: 708-614-0939 Toll Free: 877-710-8200 Fax: 708-444-8205 ✉ jconway@ suedeproducts.com c suedeproducts.com Detergents and chemicals for leather and suede processing
Tri-Supply Co. 955 Industrial Ct. Loves Park, IL 61111
Contact: John Kratz
Phone: 815-637-6374 Toll Free: 800-289-0653 Fax: 815-637-6472
✉ trisupply@comcast.net c trisupply.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; plant design
175 Gaylord St.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Contact: Jeff Fox
Phone: 847-364-9274
Toll Free: 800-245-8425 Fax: 847-364-8105
✉ info@ washburnmachinery.com c washburnmachinery.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Washtown Equipment Co.
4036 W. Montrose Ave. Chicago, IL 60641
Contact: Alan Katz Phone: 773-545-1353 Toll Free: 800-533-5036 Fax: 773-545-6891
✉ washtowneq@aol.com c washtownequipment.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
5757 N. Lincoln Ave. #10F Chicago, IL 60659
Contact: Joel Kim Phone: 773-878-0150
✉ info@ westerndccomputer.com c westerndccomputer.com Computer systems
The E.J. Thomas Co. 1445 Brookville Way
Indianapolis, IN 46239
Contact: Betty Blerod
Phone: 317-359-5018
Toll Free: 800-895-5018 Fax: 317-359-7035
Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Haiges Machinery Inc.
8527 Zionsville Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46268
Contact: Ted Cooley Phone: 317-876-8900 Toll Free: 800-382-4253 Fax: 317-876-8950
✉ info@haigesmachinery.com c haigesmachinery.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
604 N. Hill St. South Bend, IN 46617
Phone: 574-234-0171
Toll Free: 800-348-5257 Fax: 574-289-5932 c kayind.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
4456 Northwest Dr. Fort Wayne, IN 46835
Contact: Bill Davis Phone: 260-486-9235
Toll Free: 800-622-4480 Fax: 260-485-1784
✉ laundryfw@yahoo.com c superlaundry.com
Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
5001 J St. S.W.
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Contact: Rod Malcolm Phone: 319-364-1592 Toll Free: 800-791-9321 Fax: 319-364-6502
✉ rmalcolm@ centurylaundry.com c centurylaundry.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
5005 Blairs Forest Ln. N.E., Suite F
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Contacts: Todd Hingtgen, Dan Furman
Phone: 319-294-0044 Toll Free: 866-895-0044 Fax: 319-294-5495
✉ thingtgen@qwestoffice.net c washburnlaundry.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment
14400 W. 97th Terr. Lenexa, KS 66215
Contact: Bob Witcher
Phone: 913-492-1743
Toll Free: 800-832-0096 Fax: 913-492-1757
✉ bobw@ fabricleansupply.com c fabricleansupply.com
Detergents and chemicals; dry cleaning solvents; packaging and janitorial supplies
of Kansas
1040 E. MacArthur
Wichita, KS 67216
Contact: Doug Ayers
Phone: 316-529-8555
Toll Free: 888-432-0433 Fax: 316-529-8554
✉ belindah@ fabricleansupply.com c fabricleansupply.com
Packaging and supplies; detergents and chemicals; dry cleaning solvents
Jetz Companies
901 N.E. River Rd.
Topeka, KS 66616
Phone: 785-354-7588
Toll Free: 800-530-5719 Fax: 785-354-7069
✉ info@jetzservice.com c jetzservice.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service
Machinery Sales Co.
P.O. Box 3437
Shawnee, KS 66203
Contact: Frank Rock Phone: 913-248-1339
✉ frankmsc@sbcglobal.net c frankrockmsc.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Midwest Commercial Laundry Equipment Inc.
616 E. North St. Salina, KS 67401
Contact: Doug Hoeffner Phone: 785-827-9017
Toll Free: 800-533-6253 Fax: 785-827-9037
✉ mcle@tri.net c mcle-inc.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service
Fabritec International (Sanitone & Stamford)
1157 Industrial Rd. Cold Spring, KY 41076
Contact: Connie Kramer Phone: 859-781-8200 Toll Free: 800-543-0406 Fax: 859-781-8280
✉ ckramer@fabritec.com c fabritec.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; marketing support
7722 Third St. Rd.
Louisville, KY 40214
Contact: Ron Ubelhart Phone: 502-366-0219 Fax: 502-361-1450
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment
O’Dell Equipment Inc.
P.O. Box 3366
Louisville, KY 40201
Contact: David Doerr Phone: 502-584-6100 Toll Free: 800-333-0355 Fax: 812-285-5508
✉ sales@odellequipment.com c odellequipment.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Parts Emporium
P.O. Box 30220
Bowling Green, KY 42104
Contact: Tammy Vogler Phone: 270-796-3808 Toll Free: 800-468-3272 Fax: 270-796-9330
✉ partsemporium@ insightbb.com
Finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
REM Co. 129 Fieldview Dr.
Versailles, KY 40383
Contact: Jeff Sanders Phone: 859-873-8812 Toll Free: 800-292-5070 Fax: 859-873-9196
✉ jeff.sanders@ remlaundry.com c remlaundry.com Laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
The Sink Supply Co.
825 S. Floyd St. Louisville, KY 40203
Contact: Richard Gibson Phone: 502-584-9833 Toll Free: 800-999-9833 Packaging and supplies
Allyson Supply Inc. 247 Hord St. Harahan, LA 70123
Contact: Chris Eichhorn Phone: 504-734-1863 Mobile: 504-481-7410 Fax: 504-734-1864 ✉ chriseichhorn111075@ yahoo.com
Detergents and chemicals; dry cleaning solvents; packaging and supplies
FabriClean Supply 8666 Kiowa Ave. Baton Rouge, LA 70815
Contact: Steve Elledge Phone: 225-237-3045 Toll Free: 800-738-7380 Fax: 225-237-3048 ✉ stevee@ fabricleansupply.com c fabricleansupply.com Packaging and supplies
Ideal Chemical & Supply
3848 Industrial Cir. Bossier City, LA 71112
Contact: Sam Block Jr. Phone: 318-746-4358
Toll Free: 800-231-6776 Fax: 318-746-9905 ✉ sblock@idealchem.com c idealchemical.com Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
5800 Jefferson Hwy., Suite B Harahan, LA 70123
Contact: Sam Block Jr.
Phone: 504-733-3531
Toll Free: 800-233-6776 Fax: 504-733-3151
✉ sblock@idealchem.com c idealchemical.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Jim Welsh Inc.
7517 Townsouth Ave. Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Contact: Rick Welsh Phone: 225-766-8905 Toll Free: 800-348-8905 Fax: 225-766-9779
✉ welshinc@bellsouth.net c jimwelshlaundryeqpt.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
P.O. Box 1137 Kenner, LA 70063
Contact: Scott McClure
Phone: 504-467-9593
Toll Free: 800-535-8754 Fax: 504-467-9244
✉ sales@pellerinlaundry.com c pellerinlaundry.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
United Machinery Corp. 2530 Canal St.
New Orleans, LA 70119
Contact: Chris Rodick Phone: 504-486-5356
Toll Free: 800-486-5356 Fax: 504-486-5355
✉ umcldyequi@aol.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
5 Karen Dr., Suite 11-12
Westbrook, ME 04092
Contact: Thomas Heffernan Phone: 888-622-4729
✉ customercare@ macgray.com c macgray.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
Nelson & Small Inc.
P.O. Box 1420
Portland, ME 04104
Contact: Tom Tobiassen Phone: 207-775-5666
Toll Free: 800-341-0780 Fax: 207-775-4303
✉ info@nelsonsmall.com c nelsonsmall.com
Laundry and wet cleaning equipment; parts and service; ozone systems
The O’Neil Co.
P.O. Box 601 97 Shaker Rd. Gray, ME 04039
Contact: Ray Giandrea Jr. Phone: 207-657-3166
Toll Free: 800-660-7627 Fax: 207-657-2605
✉ rayg@oneilcompany.com c oneilcompany.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Allied Machinery & Superior Service Inc.
P.O. Box 128
Hunt Valley, MD 21030
Contact: Gary Little Phone: 410-382-4875 Fax: 410-472-4993
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service; boiler treatments
Amato Industries Inc.
9120 Talbot Ave.
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 301-565-3220 Toll Free: 800-998-6826 Fax: 301-565-9227 c amatoind.com Wet cleaning and finishing equipment; dry cleaning sol-
vents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
H&H International Inc. 5129 Powder Mill Rd. Beltsville, MD 20705 Phone: 301-345-0128 Fax: 301-345-0129
✉ info@satecinternational.com c satecinternational.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment
7901-L Beechcraft Ave. Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Contact: Ron Herson
Phone: 301-417-1300 Fax: 301-417-2441
✉ supplyguys@hotmail.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; laundry equipment;
packaging and supplies
Hynes & Waller Inc.
16000 Trade Zone Ave., #403
Upper Marlboro, MD 20774
Contact: Chris Meerman Phone: 301-249-9421
Toll Free: 800-776-9424 Fax: 301-249-9425
✉ chrisjr1@comcast.net c hynesandwaller.com
Laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
Stadham Corp.
3232 Frederick Ave. Baltimore, MD 21229
Contact: Eddie Weinstein Phone: 410-945-5700 Toll Free: 800-221-1414
✉ stadham@comcast.net c baltimoresewing.com Packaging and supplies; sewing machines
Aldrich Clean-Tech Equipment Corp.
59 Webster Pl. Worcester, MA 01603
Contact: Robert Aldrich Phone: 508-792-1007 Toll Free: 888-462-2832 Fax: 508-421-5229
✉ baldrich@ aldrichcleantech.com c aldrichcleantech.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment, parts and service; complete plants; preventive maintenance
American Equipment Sales Corp.
1345 Main St. Waltham, MA 02451
Toll Free: 800-747-7837 Fax: 781-647-4732
✉ sales@aclslaundry.com
c americanequipmentsales corp.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service
AristoCraft Supply
8 West Industrial Park Oxford, MA 05140
Contact: Richard Ross Phone: 508-987-6444 Toll Free: 800-875-0479 Fax: 508-987-6315
✉ rross@ aristocraftsupply.com c aristocraftsupply.com
Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; press pads and covers
Automatic Laundry
45 Border St. West Newton, MA 02465
Phone: 617-969-4340 Toll Free: 800-962-9274 Fax: 617-244-2587
✉ info@ automaticlaundry.com c automaticlaundry.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
Garment Machinery Co.
220-20 Reservoir St. Needham, MA 02494
Contact: Justin Oriel Phone: 781-559-4077 Toll Free: 800-238-6930 ✉ joriel@ garmentmachinery.com c garmentmachinery.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service H.W. Little Co. 28 Marine St. Quincy, MA 02169
Contact: Jeff Little Phone: 617-479-8768 Fax: 617-770-2886
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; installations M&R Machinery Corp. 505 Lynn St. Malden, MA 02148
Contact: John G. Carozza Phone: 781-324-3395 Fax: 781-321-2240 ✉ mrmachinerycorp@aol.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; dry cleaning solvents; parts and service
61 Holton St. Woburn, MA 01801
Contact: Thomas Heffernan Phone: 888-622-4729 ✉ customercare@ macgray.com c macgray.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
New England Dependable Equipment Inc. 86 Maple St. Waltham, MA 02453
Contact: Michael Chae Phone: 781-891-5676 Fax: 781-444-5863 ✉ jwmchae@aol.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service; credit-card processing
Package Supply Corp. 355 Bodwell St. Avon, MA 02322
Contact: Andrew O’Brien Phone: 508-583-8066 Toll Free: 800-336-8066 Fax: 508-583-8196
✉ info@packagesupply.net c packagesupply.net
Packaging and supplies
Parts Pros
251 Forge Rd. Westport, MA 02790
Phone: 508-636-8811 Toll Free: 800-343-9411 Dry cleaning equipment; parts and service
A&B Equipment & Sons 635 Wellington St. Saginaw, MI 48604
Contact: Scott Clark Phone: 989-753-4764 Toll Free: 800-369-4764 Fax: 989-753-5523
✉ sales@ab-equipment.com c ab-equipment.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; plant designs/ layouts; ozone equipment
Curtis Equipment Co. P.O. Box 209 1410 W. Main St. Lowell, MI 49331
Contact: John Curtis Phone: 616-897-9810 Toll Free: 800-594-9004 Fax: 616-897-9079
✉ curtiseg@sbcglobal.net c curtisequipmentco.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; consulting
918 E. 10 Mile Rd. Hazel Park, MI 48030
Contact: Tae Woo Kim Phone: 248-545-6820 Fax: 248-545-8131
✉ twkim50@hotmail.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equip-
ment; parts and service
E&N Equipment Co.
30335 Stephenson Hwy. Madison Heights, MI 48071
Contact: Susie Casalou Phone: 248-866-5500 Fax: 248-588-1299
✉ susiecasalou@provide.net
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Eagle Star Equipment
2329 Alger Dr. Troy, MI 48083
Phone: 248-457-1140 Toll Free: 800-482-3400 Fax: 248-457-1556
✉ info@ eaglestarequipment.com c eaglestarequipment.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; plant design and consulting; ozone systems
Master Clean Equipment
4040 Atlas Rd. Davison, MI 48423
Contact: David Galloway Phone: 248-212-5270
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service P.B. Gast 355 Cottage Grove Ave. S.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Phone: 616-245-0574 Fax: 616-245-2632
✉ info@alliedeagle.com c alliedeagle.com
Dry cleaning and laundry equipment; parts and service
Quality Machine Works
36870 Hebel Rd. Richmond, MI 48062
Contact: Steve Porter Phone: 586-727-6006
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Universal Laundry Machinery 38700 Webb Dr. Westland, MI 48185
Contact: Mark Hubbard Phone: 734-727-0478 Toll Free: 800-825-7787 Fax: 734-727-0481
✉ mhubbard@ univlaundry.com c univlaundry.com
Laundry and wet cleaning equipment; parts and service
BDS Laundry Systems
2430 Enterprise Dr. St. Paul, MN 55120
Contact: Dave DeMarsh Phone: 651-688-8000 Toll Free: 800-688-0020 Fax: 651-688-8820 ✉ sales@bdslaundry.com c bdslaundry.com Laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
Darling’s Sales & Service
10007 Baltimore St. N.E. Blaine, MN 55449
Contact: Brad Darling Phone: 763-786-1803 Fax: 763-786-4902
✉ bdar@darlingsales.com
Laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
E. Weinberg Supply & Equipment
7434 W. 27th St. Minneapolis, MN 55426
Contact: David Weinberg Phone: 952-920-0888 Toll Free: 800-279-0888 Fax: 952-920-2911
✉ david@weinbergsupply.com
c weinbergsupply.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
The Minnesota Chemical Co. 2285 Hampden Ave. St. Paul, MN 55114
Contact: Michael F. Baker Phone: 651-646-7521, ext. 205 Toll Free: 800-328-5689 Fax: 651-649-1101
✉ mfbaker@ minnesotachemical.com c minnesotachemical.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; dry cleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts and service
PROS Parts
1630 91st Ave. N.E., Suite 107
Blaine, MN 55449
Contact: Barry Victor Toll Free: 800-950-7767 Fax: 763-231-7385
✉ barryv@prosparts.com c prosparts.com Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service; press pads and covers
Laundry Systems
2215 Hwy. 80 East, Suite B Pearl, MS 39208
Contact: Robert Harris
Phone: 601-420-9414 Toll Free: 800-880-2138 Fax: 601-420-0667
✉ rharris@ aadvantagelaundry.com c aadvantagelaundry.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Ideal Chemical & Supply 106 Ware St. Jackson, MS 39208
Contact: Sam Block Jr. Phone: 601-932-4920 Fax: 601-939-3874
✉ sblock@idealchem.com c idealchemical.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
4251 Lauderdale Rd. Hernando, MS 38632
Contact: Bob McKim Phone/Fax: 662-429-8338
Dry cleaning and laundry equipment
Dell’s Supply Co.
9641 Natural Bridge Rd. St. Louis, MO 63134
Contact: Brian Waddell Phone: 314-428-7161 Fax: 314-428-6923
Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
GreenEarth Cleaning
51 W. 135th St. Kansas City, MO 64145
Contact: Tim Maxwell Phone: 816-926-0895 Toll Free: 877-926-0895 Fax: 816-926-0754
✉ tmaxwell@ greenearthcleaning.com c greenearthcleaning.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals;
H.H. Coleman Co.
979 Portwest Dr., Suite 101 St. Charles, MO 63303
Contact: Mark Brockling Toll Free: 800-747-1247
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Ig. Weingaertner & Son
9641 Natural Bridge Rd. St. Louis, MO 63134
Contact: George Weingaertner Phone: 314-428-4220 Mobile: 314-973-4814 Fax: 314-831-8286
✉ dryclean1@sbcglobal.net
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
P.O. Box 10
Londell, MO 63060
Contact: Jerry Graves Phone: 314-753-6289 Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment
John Morris Equipment Co.
2023 S. Glenstone Springfield, MO 65804
Contact: Terry Gideon Phone: 417-881-1215 Toll Free: 800-725-5055 Mobile: 417-849-4821 Fax: 417-881-0036
✉ tara@ johnmorrisequipment.com c johnmorrisequipment.com
Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
KeeWes Equipment Co.
3509 N. Kimball Dr. Kansas City, MO 64161
Contact: Richard Gaar
Phone: 913-384-5200 Toll Free: 800-383-9274 Mobile: 417-818-4709 Fax: 816-453-5998
✉ rgaar@keewes.com c keewes.com
Laundry equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service
Komro Supply Co.
2600 S. 2nd St. St. Louis, MO 63118
Contact: Gary Thuro Phone: 314-772-4360 Fax: 314-772-4363
✉ mrkomro@sbcglobal.net c komrosupply.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; press pads and covers
Loomis Bros. Equipment 409 Biltmore Dr. Fenton, MO 63026
Contact: Karen Presson Phone: 636-343-8888 Toll Free: 800-783-6665 Fax: 636-343-1771
✉ kpresson@loomisbros.com c loomisbros.com
Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
Mach Distributors Inc.
10665 Baur Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63132
Contact: Robert Mach Phone: 314-993-4550 Fax: 314-993-0512
✉ machdistributors@brick.net
Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
MidAmerica Equipment & Supply Co.
1019 Liberty Industrial Dr. O’Fallon, MO 63366
Contact: Rick Sexton Phone: 636-978-6345 Toll Free: 866-440-2646 Fax: 636-978-5760
✉ midamerica@ midamericaequipment.com c midamericaequipment.com Dry cleaning, laundry and wet cleaning equipment; parts and service
R.J. Kool Co. 234 W. 12th Ave. North Kansas City, MO 64116
Contact: Bill Kimmel Phone: 816-474-9274 Toll Free: 800-345-4551 Fax: 816-474-2141
✉ sales@rjkool.com c rjkool.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Phone: 406-259-9816
Toll Free: 800-999-9816 Fax: 406-259-9816
✉ altimusd@aol.com c altimusdistributing.com Laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service; ozone systems
A.A. Horwath & Sons 1002 S. 13th St. Omaha, NE 68108
Contact: Jim Horwath Phone: 402-342-1299 Fax: 402-342-1926
✉ info@aahorwath.com c aahorwath.com
Dry cleaning and laundry equipment; parts and service
55 Millwell Ct. Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Contact: Jeff Seele Phone: 314-291-1910 Toll Free: 800-489-9274 Fax: 314-291-3888
✉ sales@sav-a-day.com c sav-a-day.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
J.H. Stuckey Distributing Inc. 8814 J St. Omaha, NE 68127
Contact: John Stuckey Phone: 402-342-8455 Toll Free: 800-405-8455 Fax: 402-344-4215
✉ sales-service@stuckey distributing.com c stuckeydistributing.com Laundry and finishing equipment
11811 Northport Dr. Florissant, MO 63033
Contact: Darrell Sewell Phone: 314-921-3980 Dry cleaning equipment; parts and service
Altimus Distributing
21 8th St. West Billings, MT 59101
Contact: Kevin Graf
Tri-Supply Co. 2510 S. 64th Ave. Omaha, NE 68106
Contact: Steve Walters Phone: 402-551-7272
Toll Free: 800-388-5330 Fax: 402-551-4083
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Centennial Distributing 3549 Spencer St. Las Vegas, NV 89169
Contact: Bill Link Phone: 702-838-5900
✉ centennial@drycleaners.net c drycleaners.net
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
305 W. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Phone: 702-631-7780 Fax: 702-646-7512
✉ info@desertboilers.com c desertboilers.com Dry cleaning, laundry and wet cleaning equipment; parts and service; boilers
3981 Argent Star Ct.
Las Vegas, NV 89147
Contact: Frank Giancola Phone: 702-256-7050
Fax: 702-256-7534
✉ fgianc1839@aol.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Daniels Equipment Co.
45 Priscilla Ln. Auburn, NH 03032
Phone: 603-641-9487 Toll Free: 800-258-3570 Fax: 603-644-0498
✉ sales@decequip.com c danielsequipment.com
Laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
15 Glass Ln.
Barrington, NH 03825
Contact: Ted Ristaino Phone: 603-868-6691
Toll Free: 800-239-9265 Fax: 603-868-2167
✉ info@yankeeequipment.com c yankeeequipment.com Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
28 Harrison Ave., Bldg. 2B, Suite 203
Englishtown, NJ 07726
Contact: Alfredo Vastola, Jr. Phone: 732-792-2380 Toll Free: 877-779-9759 Fax: 732-792-2381 ✉ info@bflsupplies.com c bflsupplies.com
Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
E. Weit Machinery Co. 759 Ramsey Ave.
Hillside, NJ 07205
Contact: Steve Osterman Phone: 908-964-1333 Fax: 908-964-3826
Laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
100 Melrose Ave.
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Contact: Robert LaMaina Phone: 856-428-3355
Toll Free: 800-223-1376 Fax: 856-428-5477 c equipmentmarketers.net Laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
81 Farnsworth Close Freehold, NJ 07728
Contact: Bob Garry Phone: 732-866-1616 Fax: 732-866-1918 ✉ ragbagten@aol.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Metropolitan Laundry Machinery Co.
979 Lehigh Ave. Union, NJ 07083
Contact: Cliff Ross Phone: 908-687-9400 Fax: 908-687-9252
✉ infonj@metropolitan machinery.com c metropolitan machinery.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Minda Supply
380 Franklin Turnpike Mahwah, NJ 07430
Toll Free: 800-892-3390 Fax: 201-684-1733 c mindasupply.com Packaging and supplies; parts and service
New York Machinery
609 Chancellor Ave. Irvington, NJ 07111
Phone: 973-375-1111 Fax: 973-375-0200 ✉ info@nymusa.com c nymusa.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
R&R Steam Inc. 4057 U.S. Hwy. 9, Suite 215 Howell, NJ 07331
Contact: Robert Rosofsky Phone: 718-983-5767
✉ robert@rrsteam.com c rrsteam.com Boiler equipment and supplies; plant design;
plant installations; parts and service
Seickel & Sons Inc.
360 Elizabeth Ave. Newark, NJ 07112
Contact: Joseph Sieckel Phone: 973-242-1948 Toll Free: 800-338-5044 Fax: 973-733-4956
✉ joes@seickel.com c seickel.com Finishing equipment; parts and service; boilers
D&M Equipment Co.
103 Rio Rancho Dr. NE, Suite C5
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Phone: 505-344-0554 Fax: 505-344-9056
✉ sales@dandmequip.com c dandmequip.com
Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
Katzson Brothers Inc. 8500 Los Volcanes Rd. NW, Unit H Albuquerque, NM 87121
Contact: Richard H. Right Phone: 505-884-8513 Toll Free: 888-884-8513 Fax: 505-884-5017
✉ richardr@katzson.com c katzson.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
A. Meyers & Sons Corp.
325 W. 38th St. New York, NY 10018
Contact: Jonathan Meyers
Phone: 212-279-6632 Toll Free: 800-666-5577 Fax: 800-839-7890 ✉ mey212@aol.com c safetypins.com Packaging and supplies
Bohunk Enterprises
10171 S. Street Rd. Leroy, NY 14482
Contact: Jim Griep Phone: 585-768-6177 ✉ bohunkent@aol.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Cleaner’s Supply Inc. 1059 Powers Rd. Conklin, NY 13748
Contact: Page Walker Toll Free: 800-388-5410 ✉ customerservice@ cleanersupply.com c cleanersupply.com Packaging and supplies
Cleaners Repair Service 4380 Weaver Rd. Altamont, NY 12009
Contact: Richard Hendrickson Phone: 518-376-4340 Fax: 518-861-5075
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
50 Commerce Pl. Hicksville, NY 11801
Contact: Ron Hirsch Phone: 516-938-4300 Fax: 516-982-8095 ✉ rhirsch@ directmachinery.com c directmachinery.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts
and service
D.J. Giancola Exports Inc.
4317 E. Genesee St. Syracuse, NY 13214
Contact: Charles Giancola Phone: 315-446-1002 Fax: 315-446-2431
✉ c.giancola@ djgexports.com c djgexports.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; dry cleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Empire Laundry Machinery
860 Linden Ave. Rochester, NY 14625-2718
Phone: 585-218-9810 Toll Free: 800-359-6262 Fax: 585-218-9822
✉ gerry@ empirelaundryny.com c empirelaundryny.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
FabriCare Industries
268 New Hackensack Rd. Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Phone: 845-463-1622 Toll-Free: 800-367-3575 Fax: 845-463-1629 ✉ info@fabricareind.com c fabricareind.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Hercules Machinery Inc.
21 Alabama Ave. Island Park, NY 11558
Contact: Joe Carlucci Phone: 516-889-0088 Fax: 516-889-7161 c herculesmachinery.net
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Laundry Professional Systems
198-03 33rd Ave., Ste. B Flushing, NY 11358
Contact: Stephen Chun Phone: 718-539-7700 Toll Free: 877-359-3226 Fax: 718-539-7711
✉ stephensangchun@ yahoo.com
Laundry equipment; boilers; parts and service; plant design
461 Doughty Blvd. Inwood, NY 11096
Toll Free: 800-645-2205 Fax: 516-371-4204
✉ sales@laundrylux.com c laundrylux.com
Laundry and wet cleaning equipment; parts and service Mac-Gray 27 Corporate Cir. #4 E. Syracuse, NY 13057
Contact: Thomas Heffernan Phone: 888-622-4729
✉ customercare@ macgray.com c macgray.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
Metropolitan Laundry Machinery Co.
127-19 101 Ave. South Richmond Hill, NY 11419
Contact: Phil Gebbia Phone: 718-441-4000 Fax: 718-849-6559
✉ info@ metropolitanmachinery.com c metropolitanmachinery.com Dry cleaning, laundry,
wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Morwhite Inc. 70 Tivoli St. Albany, NY 12207
Contact: Marc LeRoy Phone: 518-434-0141 Toll Free: 800-782-9952 Fax: 518-434-0144
✉ marc@morwhite.com
Detergents and chemicals; dry cleaning solvents; packaging and supplies
My Dry Cleaning Supplies Inc. 53-23 Nurge Ave. Maspeth, NY 11378
Contact: Mike Song Phone: 718-729-7291 Fax: 718-366-7227
✉ customerservice.mydcs@ gmail.com c mydrycleaningsupply.com
The Partsman
74 Cornflower Ln. East Northport, NY 11731
Contact: Jeff Freeman Phone: 631-266-1510 Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Professional Laundry Systems
100D Jefryn Blvd. Deer Park, NY 11729
Phone: 631-242-0020 Toll Free: 888-637-0600 Fax: 631-242-7724
✉ professionallaundry systems@yahoo.com c plslaundry.com
Laundry equipment
Professional Laundry Systems 3655 California Rd. Orchard Park, NY 14127
Contact: Bill Myers Phone: 716-662-6100 Fax: 716-662-7200
✉ windwz2@aol.com c plslaundry.com Laundry equipment
Statewide Machinery Inc. 4304 Cinnamon Path Liverpool, NY 13090
Contact: Robert C. Huberty Phone: 315-622-1791 Toll Free: 800-527-2219 Fax: 585-426-0317 ✉ rhuberty@ statewidemachinery.com c statewidemachinery.com Laundry equipment
Statewide Machinery Inc.
60 Pixley Industrial Pkwy. Rochester, NY 14624
Contact: Tony Longo Phone: 585-426-3870 Toll Free: 800-527-2219 Fax: 585-426-0317
✉ tlongo@ statewidemachinery.com c statewidemachinery.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Super Laundry Equipment
234 Crossways Park Dr. Woodbury, NY 11797
Contact: Michael Masterides Phone: 516-678-4404 Toll Free: 888-678-9274 Fax: 516-764-5325
✉ sales@superlaundry.com c superlaundry.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
Whitehouse Supplies Corp.
224 Pulaski Ave. Staten Island, NY 10303
Contact: Joseph Ferreri Phone/Fax: 718-442-0914 Toll Free: 877-268-0193
✉ whitehousesiny@aol.com
Dry cleaning solvents, detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
World Trade Exporters Inc.
1801 Cold Springs Rd. Liverpool, NY 13090
Contact: Joseph Giancola Jr. Phone: 315-453-3051, ext. 22
✉ wrldtrdex@aol.com Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
101 High Hope Lane Garner, NC 24529
Contact: Jason Napier Phone: 918-615-2834 Toll Free: 800-880-2138 Fax: 918-615-2835
✉ jnapier@ aadvantagelaundry.com c aadvantagelaundry.com Dry cleaning and laundry equipment; parts and service
B&G Lieberman Co. 2420 Distribution St. Charlotte, NC 28203
Contact: Larry Lieberman Phone: 704-376-0717
Toll Free: 800-438-0346 Fax: 704-333-1676
✉ bgl@bglieberman.com c bglieberman.com
Finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; press pads and covers; alterations equipment and supplies; zippers and fasteners; sewing machines; irons
American Drycleaner, August 2013 41
CM Cleaner Technologies
1375 S. Hwy. 16
Stanley , NC 28164
Contact: Chris Mabrey Phone: 704-491-5187 Fax: 704-827-4685
✉ chrismabrey@aol.com Conveyors and bagging machinery; parts and service
Consolidated Laundry Equipment Inc.
714F Montana Dr. Charlotte, NC 28216
Contact: Ben Royal Phone: 704-395-1234 Toll Free: 800-227-6149 Fax: 704-395-1247
✉ broyal@ consolidatedlaundry.com c consolidatedlaundry.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Consolidated Laundry Equipment Inc.
530 Maywood Ave. Raleigh, NC 27603
Contact: Billy Kincaid Phone: 919-832-4624 Toll Free: 800-227-6149 Fax: 919-833-3070
✉ bkincaid@ consolidatedlaundry.com c consolidatedlaundry.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Fuller Supply Co.
P.O. Box 1261
Concord, NC 28026
Contacts: Tom Little, Alex Bethune Phone: 704-782-0214 Toll Free: 800-323-3699 Fax: 704-782-0231
✉ fullersupply@vnet.net
Detergents and chemicals; dry cleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; press pads and covers; irons N.S. Farrington & Co. 2355 Farrington Point Dr. Winston-Salem, NC 27107
Contact: David Farrington Phone: 336-788-7705 Toll Free: 800-722-0374 Fax: 336-788-7729
✉ kenf@nsfarrington.com c nsfarrington.com
Detergents and chemicals; dry cleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts and service
T&L Equipment Sales
# A 1001 N. Church St. Charlotte, NC 28206
Contact: Lamar Thomas Phone: 704-372-8615 Toll Free: 800-423-7937 Fax: 704-374-1004
✉ laundrycoach@ washcycle.com c washcycle.com Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
1031 E. Mountain St., Bldg. 315 Kernersville, NC 27284
Contact: Kevin Lawson Phone: 336-992-5218 Toll Free: 866-885-5218 Fax: 336-992-5215
✉ tristate@northstate.net c tristatelaundry equipment.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; plant design
Wade Johnson Corp. 6215 Swing Ct.
Greensboro, NC 27409
Contact: Joseph W. Johnson Toll Free: 800-833-1946 Fax: 336-299-6916
✉ wadejco@infionline.net c wadejohnsoncorp.com Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment
308 2nd Ave. North, Ste. 201
Grand Forks, ND 58206
Contact: Scott Kuntz Phone: 701-772-2788 Toll Free: 800-245-9515 Mobile: 701-739-5623 Fax: 701-772-2699 ✉ qualityzip@aol.com c qualityzipper.com Zippers and fasteners
3251 Riley Rd.
Johnstown, OH 43031
Contact: Ron Dean Phone: 614-572-5196
Dry cleaning, laundry and wet cleaning equipment; parts and service
Advantage Equipment
1660 Scenic Way Akron, OH 44310
Contact: Scott Vlahos Phone: 330-475-8220 Toll Free: 888-676-5079 Fax: 330-475-8218
✉ svlahos@ advantageequipment.net c advantageequipment.net Laundry equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service
Belenky Inc.
1601 Frederick Blvd.
Akron, OH 44320
Contact: Robert Minster Phone: 330-867-3333
Toll Free: 800-235-3659 Fax: 330-867-7798
✉ info@belenkyinc.com c belenkyinc.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Bernzweig Supply Inc.
2061 Gehring Ave. Cleveland, OH 44113
Contact: Barry Bernzweig Phone: 216-781-3720 Toll Free: 800-369-5475 Fax: 216-781-6721
✉ bernzweigsup@aol.com Packaging and supplies
C&W Equipmment/ Calsco Inc.
1114 Ferris Rd. Amelia, OH 45102
Contact: Matt Wright or Bob Folchi
Toll Free: 800-443-3573 Fax: 513-753-8750
✉ sales@candwcorp.com c candwcorp.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service; textiles
Carman Ohio Co. 11445 Rockfield Ct. Cincinnati, OH 45241
Contact: Pam Baker Phone: 513-721-1984 Toll Free: 888-721-1984 Fax: 513-345-6391
✉ carmanohio@fuse.net c drycleanerssupplies cincinnati.com
Steam-cleaning equipment
Cleveland Parts Specialists
P.O. Box 604
Willoughby, OH 44096
Phone: 440-942-2244 Fax: 440-942-1654
✉ sales@clevelandparts-specialists.com c cleveland-parts-specialists. com
Hackney & Sons
710 Colton Rd.
Columbus, OH 43207
Contact: Luke Hackney Phone: 614-491-0027 Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Hudson Equipment Co.
35 S. Oviatt St.
Hudson, OH 44236
Contact: Skip Wilke Phone: 330-342-9900 Toll Free: 800-684-9838 Fax: 330-342-0884
✉ skip@ hudsonequipment.com
c hudsonequipment.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
23103 Miles Rd., # C
Cleveland, OH 44128
Phone: 216-475-2040 Toll Free: 800-628-2588 Fax: 216-475-2624
✉ sales@ lakesidelaundry.com c lakesidelaundry.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
The M&L Supply Co.
P.O. Box 4598
Akron, OH 44310
Contact: John Berardi Phone: 330-633-6241 Toll Free: 800-328-6000 Fax: 330-633-3915
✉ john@m-lsupply.com c m-lsupply.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; dry cleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts and service Machinex
7654 Production Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45237
Contact: Jeff Dunn Phone: 513-771-4020 Fax: 513-771-0317
✉ machinex@ machinexonline.com c machinexonline.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; plant design
2324 Auberry Dr. Akron, OH 44312
Contact: Bill Miley
Phone: 330-644-1981 Toll Free: 800-831-8758 c mileysdiversifiedservice. com
Dry cleaning and laundry equipment; parts and service
Moore Services Inc.
29500 Aurora Rd., Suite 7 Solon, OH 44139
Contact: Jerry Moore
Phone: 440-498-0200
Toll Free: 800-941-MORE Fax: 440-498-2105 ✉ mooreservices@aol.com c mooreservices.info
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; plant layout and design
R.W. Martin & Sons Inc.
310 Park Ave.
Kent, OH 44240
Phone: 330-673-8712
Toll Free: 800-635-4363 Fax: 330-673-7467
✉ info@rwmartin.com c rwmartin.com Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service; pre-owned machinery
TP Tools & Equipment
7075 State Rt. 446
Canfield, OH 44406
Contact: Carmen Ferraro Phone: 330-533-3384 Toll Free: 800-321-9260 ✉ info@tptools.com c tptools.com
Air compressors
AAdvantage Laundry Systems
7626 E. 46th Pl.
Tulsa, OK 74145
Contact: Daniel Kramer Phone: 918-627-2138 Toll Free: 800-880-2138 Fax: 918-663-3359
✉ dkramer@ aadvantagelaundry.com c aadvantagelaundry.com Laundry and wet cleaning equipment
Commercial Equipment
801 S. Broadway Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73109
Contact: RueDonna Wilkins Phone: 405-232-3507 Fax: 405-232-5944
✉ cec801@aol.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Elite Equipment Co.
4404 S.W. 134th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73173
Contact: Marty Jackson Phone: 405-692-4800 Toll Free: 800-335-3600 Fax: 405-692-7337
✉ marty@ eliteequipment.com c eliteequipment.com Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
201 N. Ann Arbor
Oklahoma City, OK 73127
Contact: Brenda Cummings Phone: 405-232-9289 Toll Free: 800-654-4117 Fax: 405-272-1034
✉ belindah@ fabricleansupply.com c fabricleansupply.com Packaging and supplies
FabriClean Supply of Oklahoma
808 S. Yorktown Tulsa, OK 74104
Contact: Brenda Cummings Phone: 918-582-6846 Toll Free: 800-828-3481 Fax: 918-582-0353
✉ brendac@ fabricleansupply.com c fabricleansupply.com
Packaging and supplies
J.D. Thompson & Associates
300 S. Vermont Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73108
Contact: Sue Thompson
Phone: 405-947-8767
Toll Free: 877-241-2779 Fax: 405-947-8763
✉ jdtclean@sbcglobal.net
Packaging and supplies
Royaltone Co. 7211 N. Harrison Ave.
Shawnee, OK 74804
Contact: Carl Randall Phone: 405-878-0537 Toll Free: 800-331-5506 Fax: 405-878-0526
✉ royaltone@royaltone.com c royaltone.com
Detergents and chemicals for cleaning leathers and suedes
Arent Machinery Co. 15815 S.E. 135th Ave. Clackamas, OR 97015
Contact: Jay-Dee Arent Phone: 503-657-3000 Toll Free: 800-547-2527 Fax: 503-657-7792 ✉ jaydee.arent@ arentmachinery.com c arentmachinery.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Peterson Equipment Co. 151 Front St. Woodburn, OR 97071
Contact: Russell Peterson Phone: 503-981-4032 Toll Free: 800-981-4032 Fax: 503-981-0304 ✉ russell@peterson-eq.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
AC Power Co.
77 Steamwhistle Dr. Ivyland, PA 18974
Contact: George Gibbs Phone: 215-364-3430 Toll Free: 800-362-1900 Fax: 215-364-4699 ✉ info@acpowerco.com c acpowerco.com
Dry cleaning, laundry and wet cleaning equipment;
parts and service Apparel Machinery & Supply
1836 E. Ontario St. Philadelphia, PA 19134
Phone: 215-634-2626 Toll Free: 800-523-3331 Fax: 215-426-8060 ✉ info@ apparelmachinery.com c apparelmachinery.com
Finishing equipment; parts and service
Frankford Machinery Inc.
4500 Torresdale Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19124
Contact: Nick Kashkashian Jr. Phone: 215-289-3434 Fax: 215-289-4470
✉ info@ frankfordonline.com c frankfordonline.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; leasing and financing
Friedman Supply
4361 Lydia St. Pittsburgh, PA 15207
Contact: Jerome Friedman Phone: 412-521-3906 Fax: 412-421-7724
Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Gorman Distributors Inc.
1201 Manor St. Columbia, PA 17512
Phone: 717-299-6571
Toll Free: 800-336-6571 Fax: 717-449-5005
✉ info@gormandist.com c gormandist.com
Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; store fixtures
2121 Robinson Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Contact: Dr. Nathan Savitz Phone: 412-243-2121
Toll Free: 800-888-2121 Fax: 412-243-0564
✉ drsavitz@idealsoap.com c idealsoap.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
J.B. Equipment Corp.
25 W. Park Ave. Sellersville, PA 18960
Contact: Jim Bukta Phone: 215-257-5041
✉ jimb7111@verizon.net Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
The M&L Supply Co. 1515 William Flynn Hwy. Glenshaw, PA 15116
Contact: John Berardi Phone: 330-633-6241 Toll Free: 800-328-6000 Fax: 330-633-3915
✉ sales@m-lsupply.com c m-lsupply.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
NewTech Industries 2629 Belgrade St. Philadelphia, PA 19125
Contact: Je-Wan Oh
Phone: 215-423-2766 Fax: 215-423-9211 Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
PAC Industries Inc. 950 River Rd. Croydon, PA 19021
Phone: 215-638-1000 Toll Free: 800-972-2292 Fax: 215-638-1000
✉ sales@pacindustries.com c pacindustries.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
PAC Industries Inc.
5341 Jaycee Ave. Harrisburg, PA 17112
Contact: Joe Leo Phone: 717-657-0407
Toll Free: 800-692-6214 Mobile: 717-443-1083 Fax: 717-657-8678 ✉ sales@pacindustries.com c pacindustries.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Pittsburgh Laundry Systems
7500 Washington Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15218
Contact: Jeff Altman Phone: 412-351-4500 Fax: 412-351-4286
✉ jeff@ pittsburghlaundry.com c pittsburghlaundry.com Laundry and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service
Professional Laundry Systems
1741 Loretta Ave. Feasterville, PA 19053
Contact: Andy Walls Phone: 215-354-0111 Toll Free: 888-637-0600 Fax: 215-354-0144
✉ prolaundrysys@ comcast.net c plslaundry.com Laundry equipment
Sgrillo Inc. 23 W. Harvey St.
Philadelphia, PA 19144
Contact: Mike Sgrillo Phone: 215-848-0261 Fax: 215-848-4263
✉ sgrilloinc99@aol.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Super Laundry Equipment
1201A Brighton Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15233
Contact: Bob Guyer Phone: 412-697-9201 Fax: 412-697-9206 ✉ bob@ superlaundrypa.com c superlaundry.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
The Maxi Companies
152 Edmond Dr. Warwick, RI 02886
Contact: Dan Levy Phone: 401-885-3322 Fax: 401-885-2019 ✉ danl@ maxico.necoxmail.com c maxico.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Norton Supply Co. 65 Bath St. Providence, RI 02908
Contact: Bill Mark Phone: 401-454-8380 Toll Free: 800-869-7664 Fax: 401-421-8427 ✉ sales@nortonsupply.com c nortonsupply.com
Finishing equipment; dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging
and supplies; parts and service
The Bag Lady Inc.
1743 Hwy. 601 South Lugoff, SC 29078
Contact: Nancy Jeffers Phone: 803-438-6648 Toll Free: 800-224-5239 Fax: 888-329-5239
Packaging and supplies; laundry bags and screenprinting
Central Equipment Co.
127 Overland Dr. West Columbia, SC 29170
Contact: Ronnie Fulmer Phone: 803-779-2390 Toll Free: 800-766-0926 Fax: 803-252-0049
✉ sales@centralequip.com c centralequip.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and services
Central Supply Co.
3203 Old Pond Rd. John’s Island, SC 29455
Contact: Tommy Roof Phone: 843-327-9492
Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Phenix Supply Co.
1200 1st St. South Ext. Columbia, SC 29209
Contact: Scott Gribbin Phone: 803-776-7988
Toll Free: 800-272-0540 Fax: 803-776-8832
✉ sales@phenixsupply.com c phenixsupply.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
S.G. Robinson Mechanical Inc. 4920 Belton Hwy.
American Drycleaner, August 2013 45
Anderson, SC 29621
Contact: Gail Horn
Phone: 864-225-2383
Toll Free: 800-948-3159 Fax: 864-225-9004
✉ sales@sgrobinson.com c steamlady.com
Boilers; dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; dry cleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Texchine Inc.
207 Beaufort St. Chapin, SC 29036
Contact: Michelle McAlister Phone: 803-345-5171 Toll Free: 800-768-8205 Fax: 803-345-1409 c texchine.com
Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment
Tri-State Supply Co.
137 Calvin Dr. Columbia, SC 29223
Contact: Leonard Carroll Phone: 803-754-1790 Toll Free: 800-922-5213 Fax: 803-754-1791
✉ lcarroll@ tristatesupply.net c tri-supply.com Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
1880 Centre St.
Rapid City, SD 57703
Contact: Ron Kramer
Phone: 605-343-3507 Fax: 605-343-5929
✉ origin@rushmore.com c aahorwath.com
Dry cleaning and laundry equipment; parts and service
27121 Parklane Dr. Sioux Falls, SD 57106
Phone: 605-368-2528 Toll Free: 800-658-3368 Fax: 605-368-5580 c richard-ewingequipment. com
Dry cleaning and laundry equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service
Allied Boiler & Supply
419 S. Front St. Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Contact: D.J. Baughman Toll Free: 800-858-0484 Fax: 615-890-6607 ✉ dj@alliedboiler.com c alliedboiler.com
Dry cleaning and laundry equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service; boiler training Boiler Equipment Co. 1443 6th Ave. Knoxville, TN 37917
Contact: Joe Adcock Phone: 865-525-0771 Toll Free: 800-252-2345 Fax: 865-525-4164 ✉ info@ boilerequipment.com c boilerequipment.com
Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
Buchanan Equipment Co.
500 Willowbrook Dr. Manchester, TN 37355
Contact: Paul Buchanan Phone: 865-250-7390 Fax: 931-728-5773 ✉ paulbuchanan20@
bellsouth.net Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment
Cates Equipment Sales and Service
1846 Vanderhorn Dr. Memphis, TN 38134
Contact: Don Terrell Phone: 901-387-0023 Toll Free: 800-489-0023 Fax: 901-373-5340 ✉ info@ catesequipment.com c catesequipment.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment
Ideal Chemical & Supply
4025 Air Park St. Memphis, TN 38118
Contact: Sam Block Jr. Phone: 901-363-7720 Fax: 901-366-0864 ✉ sblock@idealchem.com c idealchemical.com Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Phenix Supply Co. 4123 Appalachian Way Knoxville, TN 37918
Contact: Dean Bentley Phone: 865-689-1221 Toll Free: 800-888-2234 Fax: 865-689-0552 ✉ dbentley@ phenixsupply.com c phenixsupply.com Packaging and supplies
Phenix Supply Co.
741 Massman Dr. Nashville, TN 37210
Contact: John Holt Phone: 615-254-5192 Toll Free: 800-622-3479 Fax: 615-244-3569
✉ jholt@phenixsupply.com c phenixsupply.com Packaging and supplies
3729 Charlotte Ave. Nashville, TN 37209
Contact: D. Michael Davis Phone: 615-298-5547 Toll Free: 800-897-7570 Fax: 615-298-1696 ✉ mdavis@ stardistributing.com c stardistributing.com
Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
598 Burnett Rd.
Mount Juliet, TN 37122
Contact: John Armstrong Phone: 615-830-5959 Fax: 615-754-8191
✉ wagnashville@ comcast.net c wagnashville.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; financing; plant design/ layouts; boilers
3836 Dividend Dr. Garland, TX 75042
Contact: Ryan Smith Phone: 972-278-2138 Toll Free: 800-880-2138 Fax: 972-272-0225
✉ rsmith@ aadvantagelaundry.com c aadvantagelaundry.com
Dry cleaning and laundry equipment; parts and service
1445 E. Belt Line Rd.
Carrollton, TX 75006
Contact: Moses Yoo Phone: 972-323-5064 Dry cleaning equipment; packaging and supplies
Atlas International
2663 Freewood Dr. Dallas, TX 75220
Contact: Avner Wolanow Phone: 214-350-1234 Toll Free: 800-727-9274 Fax: 214-350-1659
✉ 727wash@sbcglobal.net c atlaslaundry.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Best Wash Inc.
15012 Eddie Dr. Humble, TX 77396
Contact: James West
Phone/Fax: 281-441-2465
Toll Free: 800-456-2378
✉ sales@bestwashinc.com c bestwashinc.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service; detergents
Bobby Jones Service Co.
2205 W. Division, Suite G-5 Arlington, TX 76012
Contact: Bobby Jones Phone: 817-366-3705 Fax: 817-261-1808
✉ bjsc@att.net c bobbyjonesservice.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; turn-key plants
Franchise Group
406 W. Division St. Arlington, TX 76011
Contact: Jack Godfrey Jr. Phone: 817-461-3555 Toll Free: 888-461-3555 Fax: 817-861-4779 ✉ support@ cometcleaners.com c cometcleaners.com Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
925 W. Harris Rd. Arlington, TX 76001
Contact: Jim Laleman Phone: 817-467-5030 Toll Free: 800-451-6593 Fax: 800-888-6613 ✉ jim@coversetc.com c coversetc.com
Packaging and supplies; press pads and covers
Ed Brown Distributors 2705 Hawes Ave.
Dallas, TX 75235
Contact: Ed Blair Phone: 214-352-9494 Toll Free: 800-929-5520 Fax: 214-358-5873 ✉ ed@ edbrowndistributors.com c edbrowndistributors.com
Laundry and wet cleaning equipment
3602 Clancy Ln. Horizon City, TX 79928
Contact: Kem Muncie Phone: 915-852-9509 ✉ eqsales360@aol.com Dry cleaning and laundry equipment
3412 W. Amarillo Blvd. Amarillo, TX 79106
Contact: Gary Mohon
Phone: 806-648-9665
Toll Free: 800-648-9665 Fax: 806-374-2755
✉ belindah@ fabricleansupply.com c fabricleansupply.com Detergents and chemicals; dry cleaning solvents; packaging and supplies
FabriClean Supply of Austin/San Antonio
2089 Main St. Buda, TX 78610
Contact: Ash Bond Phone: 512-295-5550 Toll Free: 888-301-4555 Fax: 512-295-5522
✉ info@ fabricleansupply.com c fabricleansupply.com Detergents and chemicals; dry cleaning solvents; packaging and janitorial supplies
FabriClean Supply of Dallas
8301 Ambassador Row Dallas, TX 75247
Contact: Trevor Hericks Toll Free: 800-442-7021 ✉ trevorh@ fabricleansupply.com c fabricleansupply.com Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
FabriClean Supply of Houston
9770 Wingfoot Dr. Houston, TX 77041
Contact: Chris Barnett Phone: 713-864-6373 Toll Free: 800-233-4240 Fax: 713-864-5742
✉ belindah@ fabricleansupply.com c fabricleansupply.com
Dry cleaning equipment; packaging and supplies
Gary Belk Equipment Inc.
P.O. Box 852380 Richardson, TX 75085
Contact: Gary Belk Phone: 972-682-7979
✉ james.belk@ sbcglobal.net Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Gulf States Laundry Machinery
12647 Memorial Dr. Houston, TX 77024
Contacts: Pravin Parmar, Harish Parmar Phone: 713-984-8833
Toll Free: 800-289-4756 Fax: 713-984-1005
✉ info@gslaundry.com c gslaundry.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Intex Distributing Co. 1624 E. 4th St. Austin, TX 78702
Contact: Gerald Henke Phone: 512-474-6075 Toll Free: 800-322-7131 Fax: 512-474-6570
✉ intex123@swbell.net c intexdistco.com
Packaging and supplies
Intex Distributing Co.
1179 109th St. Grand Prairie, TX 75050
Contact: Ben Henke Phone: 972-660-1900 Toll Free: 877-649-9904 Fax: 972-660-1904
✉ intexdallas@ intexdistco.com c intexdistco.com
Packaging and supplies
Iowa Techniques Inc. 524 Tradesman Park Dr. Hutto, TX 78634
Contact: Matt Kool Phone: 512-846-2403 Toll Free: 800-727-1592 Fax: 512-846-2411
✉ mkool@ iowatechniques.com c iowatechniques.com Dry cleaning, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; conveyors
It’s Yours 4 Less
P.O. Box 934 Hurst, TX 76053
Contact: Chris Hoover Phone: 214-659-3030 Fax: 888-269-9138 ✉ info@itsyours4less.com c itsyours4less.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; equipment service and installation.
Kelly Equipment Sales
2907 Arrowhead Dr. Sugar Land, TX 77479
Contact: Kevin Kelly Phone: 281-687-6835 Toll Free: 877-535-5937 Fax: 281-313-1686 ✉ kevin@kellyeqsales.com c kellyeqsales.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Memories Gown Preservation
5795 Woodway Houston, TX 77057
Contact: Kyle E. Nesbit Phone: 713-780-4600 Toll Free: 866-492-4696 Fax: 713-266-2457 ✉ info@ gownspreservations.com
c gownspreservations.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment
Mustang Enterprises Ltd.
1238 W. Laurel San Antonio, TX 78201
Contact: Steven Dubinski Phone: 210-734-3644 Toll Free: 800-929-5870 Fax: 210-734-0046
✉ info@ mustangenterprises.com c mustangenterprises.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment
Roberts Maintenance Engineering
P.O. Box 270171 Dallas, TX 75227
Contact: John S. Roberts Phone: 214-542-1790 Fax: 972-276-3990
✉ robertsmaintenance.john@ gmail.com
Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
Rosenberg Supply Co. 1608 N. Flores St. San Antonio, TX 78212
Contact: Reuben Briseño Phone: 210-736-1873 Toll Free: 800-777-1873 Fax: 210-732-1941
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Scott Equipment Inc. 5612 Mitchelldale Houston, TX 77092
Contact: Scott Martin
Toll Free: 800-321-SCOTT
✉ sales@scottequipment.com c scott-equipment.com
Laundry equipment
Southwest Laundry & Cleaning Supply Inc.
4603 Southwest Freeway Houston, TX 77027
Contact: Shakil Momin Phone: 713-626-2211 Toll Free: 800-242-6501 Fax: 713-626-4088
✉ customerservice@ southwestclean.com c southwest-supply.com Dry cleaning solvent; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
USA Distributors Inc.
209 Julian St. Dallas, TX 75203
Contact: Kenneth Stearns Phone: 214-942-3766 Toll Free: 800-354-3789 Fax: 214-948-4864 c usadistributorsinc.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
A.E.C./Ally Equipment Co.
6657 S. State St., Unit 7 Murray, UT 84107
Contact: Gregg Townsend Phone: 801-255-9646 Fax: 801-255-9647
✉ sales@ allyequipment.com c allyequipment.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Katzson Brothers Inc.
3943 W. 1500 South Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Contact: Richard H. Right Phone: 801-322-5757 Fax: 801-977-8517
✉ richardr@katzson.com
c katzson.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; dry cleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts and service Mendenhall Equipment Co. 880 W. 100 North North Salt Lake, UT 84054
Contact: Dana Jeppson Phone: 801-298-1133 Toll Free: 800-537-0438 Fax: 801-298-0500 ✉ office@ mendenhallequip.com c mendenhallequip.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment
Consolidated Laundry Equipment Inc.
209 Research Dr., Suite 102 Chesapeake, VA 23320
Contact: Sam de Silva Phone: 757-547-5350 Toll Free: 800-227-6149 c consolidatedlaundry.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Neighborhood Cleaners (Madbrook Inc.)
912 S. Main St. Woodstock, VA 22664
Contact: Tim Nichols Phone: 540-975-0705
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment
Phenix Supply Co.
4311 November Ave. Richmond, VA 23231
Contact: Dwayne Gwaltney Phone: 804-232-6703
Toll Free: 800-448-3006 Fax: 804-233-0842 ✉ dwgwaltney@ phenixsupply.com c phenixsupply.com Packaging and supplies
2810 Ackley Ave. Richmond, VA 23228
Contact: Barry Gilman Phone: 804-262-7433 Toll Free: 800-237-5825 Fax: 804-262-2437 ✉ supplies@richclean.com c richclean.com
Detergents and chemicals, dry cleaning solvents, packaging and supplies
Valley Washers Inc.
18 W. Johnson St. Harrisonburg, VA 22802
Contact: Gene Nemo Phone: 540-434-8086 Toll Free: 800-433-0506 Fax: 540-434-9877
✉ nemo@ valleywashers.com c valleywashers.com Laundry equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service
CESCO 20830 International Blvd. Seattle, WA 98198
Contact: Rich Boyd Phone: 206-824-9055 Fax: 206-878-2658
✉ rich@cescoequipment.com c cescoweb.net
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Hyundai Supply
22428 72nd Ave. South Kent, WA 98032
Contact: Tim Hong Phone: 253-437-1077 Fax: 253-437-1076
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
LMT Distributors
5108 N.E. 39th Ave. Vancouver, WA 98861
Contacts: Lisa Thornton, Ken Bittke
Phone: 503-595-5897 Fax: 360-859-3263
✉ kb0223@comcast.net, lmtdistributors@vpweb.com Detergents and chemicals; parts and service
2617 Egee Dr. Richmond, VA 23237
Contact: Chip Fletcher Phone: 804-271-4401 Toll Free: 800-767-1946 Fax: 804-271-4464
✉ chip@vadrycleaning.com c vadrycleaning.com Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service; press pads
Phoenix Equipment Co.
1411 108th Ave. S.E. Bellevue, WA 98004
Contact: Brad Heilman Phone: 425-417-4263 Fax: 425-637-4865
✉ bfheilman@msn.com
Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts and service
Western State Design
14241 NE Woodinville Duvall Rd. Woodinville, WA 98072
Contact: Rick Hall Phone: 425-483-5642 Toll Free: 800-633-7153
Fax: 360-668-4747
✉ rhall@ westernstatedesign.com c westernstatedesign.com
Laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Westport Supply Co.
22239 76th Ave. South Kent, WA 98032
Contact: Gene Rhome Phone: 253-872-2027 Toll Free: 800-275-3954 Fax: 253-872-9048
✉ westport2000@aol.com
Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Char-Ann Equipment Co.
2505 Elizabeth Pike Mineral Wells, WV 26150
Contact: Ed Boice
Phone: 304-489-9355
Toll Free: 800-679-9350 Fax: 304-489-0011
✉ charann@wirefire.com Laundry equipment
Laundry Equipment Services
141 Business Park Cir. Berkeley Springs, WV 25411
Contact: Steve Clark Phone: 304-258-9023 Toll Free: 800-866-6905 Fax: 304-258-9064
✉ sales@leslaundry.com c leslaundry.com
Laundry equipment; parts and service
Commercial Laundry Sales
1130 Elizabeth St. Green Bay, WI 54302
Contact: Wayne Kuhn Phone: 920-437-0947
Toll Free: 800-662-8356 Fax: 920-437-1078
✉ sales@claundrysales.com c claundrysales.com Laundry equipment; parts and service
Haiges Machinery Inc.
131 E. Wisconsin Ave.
Pewaukee, WI 53072
Contact: John Kubczak Phone: 262-523-4105 Toll Free: 800-236-1144 Fax: 262-691-1307
✉ info@ haigesmachinery.com c haigesmachinery.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Herb Fitzgerald Co.
P.O. Box 465 Butler, WI 53007
Contact: Jim Fitzgerald Phone: 262-783-5808 Toll Free: 800-686-3489 Fax: 262-783-5553 ✉ jim@herbfitzgerald.com c herbfitzgerald.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; ozone systems
Luetzow Industries
1105 Davis Ave.
South Milwaukee, WI 53172
Contact: Bruce Luetzow Phone: 414-762-0410 Toll Free: 800-558-6055 Fax: 414-762-0943
✉ luetzow.poly@gmail.com c luetzowind.com
Packaging and supplies
Washburn Machinery Inc.
S95W32875 Hickorywood Trail
Mukwonago, WI 53149
Contact: Rick Brown Toll Free: 800-245-8425 Fax: 847-364-8105
✉ sales@ washburnmachinery.com c washburnmachinery.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Wausau Chemical Corp.
13137 W. Glendale Ave. Butler, WI 53007
Contact: Wayne Koeppe Phone: 262-783-4500 Toll Free: 800-236-2200 Fax: 262-783-4979 ✉ wkoeppe@ wausauchemical.com c wausauchemical.com Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Central Laundry Supply 908 Clarion Dr. Gillette, WY 82718
Contact: Tom Degnan Phone: 307-687-7131 Toll Free: 800-750-7131 Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Manuel Gomez Esteves
P.O. Box 11380
San Juan, PR 00922
Contact: Freddie DeJesus Phone: 787-251-4560 Fax: 787-251-4540
✉ mpereyo@coqui.net
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts
and service
Calle 13 S.O., #903
Caparra Terrace, PR 00921
Contact: Felix Montequin Phone: 787-781-6390 Mobile: 787-781-6370 Fax: 787-792-0697
✉ office@montequin.com c montequin.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Besteam Boilers Inc. 5025 Rue Francois Cusson Lachine, QC H8T 3K1
Contact: Matthew Newpol Phone: 514-636-3656, ext. 17 Fax: 514-636-3328
✉ mattnewpol@gmail.com
Boilers; dry cleaning equipment; irons; return tanks and pumps; parts and service
Cal-Tech Services Ltd. 393 Herring Cove Rd. Halifax, NS B3R 1W3
Contact: Deborah Kerr Phone: 902-477-1020 Toll Free: 800-588-2258 Fax: 902-477-8256
✉ caltech@ns.aliantzinc.ca
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Cleaner’s Supply Inc.
5694 Hwy. 7 East, Suite 127
Markham, ON L3P 1B4
Contact: Trudy Adams
Toll Free: 800-568-7768 French: 866-274-7768 Fax: 800-457-8746 c cleanersupply.com Packaging and supplies
No. 6, 7355 72nd St.
Delta, BC V4G 1L5
Contact: Ralph Acheson Phone: 604-946-3188
Toll Free: 800-668-3779 Fax: 604-946-3161
✉ dyer@axion.net
Laundry equipment; parts and service
519 Herring Cove Rd. Halifax, NS B3R 1X3
Contact: Peter Blunden Phone: 902-477-7722
Toll Free: 800-565-1281 Fax: 902-477-3926
✉ peterb@eclaundry.ca c eclaundry.ca
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; plant design
Envirogreen Canada
9279 Shaughnessy St. Vancouver, BC V6P 6R4
Contact: Graham Gilley Phone: 604-324-9400 Toll Free: 800-663-9295 Fax: 604-324-4998
✉ sales@ envirogreencanada.com c envirogreencanada.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
111-3000 Pembina Hwy.
Winnipeg, MB R3T 3Z2
Contact: Les Brown Phone/Fax: 204-269-1982
✉ lesbrown@mts.net
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service
Groulx & Robertson
190 Oneida Dr. Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 1A8
Contact: Denis Lamarre Phone: 514-715-6981 Toll Free: 800-363-7760 Fax: 514-697-9838
✉ dlamarre@ groulxrobertson.ca Packaging and supplies
Image Distributors (Canada) Ltd.
P.O. Box 180 Calmar, AB T0C 0V0
Contact: Les Krzywy Phone: 403-271-1449 Toll Free: 866-771-1449 Fax: 403-271-1209
✉ imagelaundry@shaw.ca c imagelaundry.ca
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service Integrity Mechanical Inc. 6519 40 Street S.E. Calgary, AB T2C 2J9
Contact: Kevin Marois Phone: 403-236-2873 Fax: 403-236-2878 ✉ imi@telus.net
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; padding for finishing equipment
Metromec Equipment Inc.
865 Hodge St. Montreal, QC H4N 2B1
Contact: Matthew Newpol Phone: 514-747-7771 Fax: 514-747-6677
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Neifer Installations (1968) Ltd.
10113 173 St. Surrey, BC V4N 4H6
Contact: Sharon Carras Phone: 604-588-6030 ✉ neifer@shaw.ca Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service; ozone equipment; press pads and covers; boilers Nicholson Mechanical Ltd.
2B - 33790 Industrial Ave. Abbotsford, BC V2S 7T9
Contact: Doug Nicholson Phone: 604-853-3053 Toll Free: 877-432-7286 Fax: 604-850-5062 c nmlonline.ca
Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts and service
Ontario Laundry Systems
7475 Kimbel St., Unit 5 Mississauga, ON L5S 1E7
Contact: Ian Gibson Phone: 905-673-1308 Toll Free: 888-669-4837 Fax: 905-677-7163 ✉ info@ontariolaundry.com c ontariolaundry.com
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Prairie Distributors
#160, 6651 Elmbridge Way Richmond, BC V7C 5C2
Contact: Amir Ladha Phone: 604-231-9334 Fax: 604-231-9335
Dry cleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equip-
ment; dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service
Royal-McGoun Inc. 3495 Thimens Blvd. St. Laurent, PQ H4R 1V5
Contact: Rami Naccache Phone: 514-331-6621 Fax: 514-334-5120 ✉ info@royalmcgoun.ca c royalmcgoun.com Dry cleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals
Twin-Industry Sales & Service Ltd.
85 Sutherland Ave. Winnipeg, MB R2W 3C6
Contact: Emil Solypa Phone: 204-942-2489 Toll Free: 800-665-0747 Fax: 204-949-9196 ✉ tissl@mts.net
Dry cleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts and service; plant layouts. O
E-mail Digital Media Director Nathan Frerichs, nfrerichs@ americantrademagazines.com, to learn how your distributor ship can be added to our free online Distributors Directory at AmericanDrycleaner.com and to next year’s print edition!
Radical Drycleaning/Stain Removal. NCA course, to be held Aug. 5 through Aug. 9 in Northvale, N.J. Call 212-967-3002 or e-mail ncaiclean@aol.com.
Advanced Stain Removal and Intensive Bleaching. NCA course, to be held Aug. 25 in Bronx, N.Y. Call 212-967-3002 or e-mail ncaiclean@aol.com.
Avoiding Claims: What You Need to Know About Fabrics & Stain Removal. NCA course, to be held Sept. 8 in Nanuet, N.Y. Call 212-967-3002 or e-mail ncaiclean@aol.com.
DEC Certification. Two-day NCA course, to be held Sept. 8 and Sept. 13 at a location to be announced. Call 212-967-3002 or e-mail ncaiclean@aol.com.
Cleaning & Stain Removal. DLI course, to be held Sept. 9-13 in Laurel, Md. Call 800638-2627 or visit dlionline.org.
Basic Pressing & Finishing. NCA course, to be held Sept. 21-22 in Bronx, N.Y. Call 212-967-3002 or e-mail ncaiclean@aol.com.
Post your organization’s education and training course announcements on AmericanDrycleaner.com!
Feature: Contamination and Cleanup Should your dry cleaning site have some chemical contamination, there are strategies for pursuing cleanup—and doing it without going bankrupt.
Editorial Submission Deadline — July 15
Contact Bruce Beggs, editorial director,
Phone: 312-361-1683 E-mail: bbeggs@ americantrademagazines.com
Feature: Texcare Asia Preview The popular every-other-year exhibition returns to Shanghai to reach the world’s hottest markets for textile care services. Customer Convenience Attract more on-the-go customers by using drop boxes, 24/7 kiosks, route service, and more.
Editorial Submission Deadline — August 15
Feature: Fashion vs. Fabricare The annual year-end issue visits haute couture’s runways to help dry cleaners determine what challenges may lie ahead.
Editorial Submission Deadline — September 15
American Drycleaner, August 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
Making customers look good sometimes isn’t enough. The image your business projects has to be sharp, too—just to get them through the door. n If you recently renovated or built a new plant to have a fresh look and improved efficiency, we’d like to know about it. Enter it in our Annual Plant Design Awards, and get the recognition you deserve as one of the industry’s leading perform ers. n Entering is easy: Simply fax this page with your name, address and phone number, or e-mail your contact information to Editorial Director Bruce Beggs, and we’ll send you an official entry form. But hurry—the deadline for entries is Oct. 15, 2013.
Fill out and fax this page to 312-361-1685 or e-mail bbeggs@americantrademagazines.com to request an official entry form. Or mail your request to American Trade Magazines, Attn: Plant Design Awards, 566 West Lake Street, Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661.
The full membership of North Ameri can Restoration Dry Cleaners (NARD) recently convened for an all-day meet ing here during the National Contractor Connection conference.
Members of the elite organization specialize in remediation of clothes that have been damaged by fire, smoke, water or exposure to mold or other con taminants.
At the Texas gathering, the mem bers hip interviewed three “new and well qualified prospective members” that hail from different West Coast markets. Each of the candidates showed favorably, NARD reports, and are in the final stages of the vetting process.
The group also granted full mem bership status to Western New York member Urban Valet of Buffalo, N.Y., for surpassing the organization’s ser vice and volume benchmarks.
NARD’s annual meeting is sched uled for Sept. 19 in Kansas City, Mo.
Irving Weber Associates (IWA) has added Sharon Handel to its staff as account executive in its Fabricare
Advantage™ Insurance Programs De partment, working with programs for dry cleaners and commercial launder ers, the company reports.
Handel, who brings six years of experience in the commercial in surance industry to IWA, will be handling several Fabricare ac counts in the Eastern United States, plus will have sole responsibility for IWA’s Fabricare Pollution coverage for dry cleaners.
“We here at IWA are very pleased to welcome Sharon Handel to IWA’s staff,” says Adam Weber, IWA president. “We have already realized the many benefits Sharon brings to the Fabricare Advantage Department working on dry cleaner insurance, with her bright personality and helpful demeanor.”
Franchisor OneClick Cleaners, based in Brooklyn, N.Y., has just entered into a territory development agreement for California, adding to a growing number of states being serviced by its Master Franchisees.
OneClick Cleaners franchises have already been launched in Florida, Colo
rado, Washington, Idaho, Oregon and New Mexico, according to the company.
Its concept focuses on maintaining lean operational costs and outsourcing expensive portions (labor, lease costs, and equipment) to allow the business owner to concentrate on growing the customer base.
“Our franchise concept enhances the leading factors that capture uniqueness in our market that has led to rapid growth – strong branding, proven business mod el, industry differentiators and edge over competitors and innovations,” says One Click Cleaners CEO Joseph Albert. “The dry cleaning industry has been successful for many years; we just applied our model and unique twist. We are growing rapidly because of it.”
French Cleaners, a family-owned member of the Hartford, Conn., business commu nity for more than a century, calls itself the place “Where Miracles Happen.” Producers of Gordon Ramsey’s new show, Hotel Hell, needed just such a miracle in May when they invited French Cleaners to participate in a makeover of the Curtis House Inn in Woodbury, Conn.
French Cleaners worked with the de signer to create window treatments for Connecticut’s oldest inn. “We got a call on Monday morning asking us if we were available to help Monday night,” says French Cleaners owner Phil Cote.
The company’s expertise was a definite draw for producers, he believes. “Not too many businesses can offer services like
alterations and on-site embroidery. The pro ducers were impressed that we were able to bring our sewing machines, embroidery machines, and computer to the site to create the custom designs.”
Joining Cote at the inn was seamstress Wilma DaRocha. The two used a bedroom as a workshop, creating bespoke draperies for the inn’s waiting area and two guest rooms.
“It was a lot of fun,” Cote says. “We went in with the crew and worked into the night while the owner wasn’t there. Every thing had to be done by 10 o’clock the next morning.”
The episode featuring Curtis House Inn and French Cleaners’ work is scheduled to air this fall on FOX.
More 350 people gathered recently at the UMASS Lowell Inn & Conference Center for Hearts Warmed, a celebration of Anton’s Cleaners’ 100 years in business.
The gathering collected money for Car ing Partners Inc., a charity organization that develops and implements programs to col lect and distribute good-quality clothing to children, individuals and families in need. Through individual ticket sales, sponsor ships, and donations, the event raised nearly $210,000.
Hearts Warmed honored Arthur C. An ton Sr. for his vision, compassion and devo tion to giving back to the community. He became president of Anton Cleaners in the 1960s and with brothers Socrates and Alex ander guided the company’s growth. ▲
American Drycleaner, August 2013 55
“What better way to celebrate our 100th anniversary than to both honor my father [Arthur Anton Sr.] and raise funds for a nonprofit organization that we at Anton’s hold close to our hearts,” says Arthur Anton Jr., COO of Anton’s Cleaners.
During tough economic times, the number of people turning to Anton’s for help is outpacing its ability to ensure that each person in surrounding communities who need a winter coat or a prom dress gets one. The funds raised from Hearts Warmed will allow Caring Partners to ex pand its efforts and reach more individuals than ever before.
“We weren’t really sure what to expect when these programs [Coats for Kids and Belle of the Ball] began,” says President and CEO Charles Anton. “We knew it was important to give back where able, how ever, they have grown beyond our wildest dreams – collecting nearly 60,000 coats a year and outfitting nearly 500 girls a year for prom.”
Anton’s Cleaners owns and operates 42 stores in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
During the summer, the San Antonio Food Bank is pressed even more than usual since it distributes more than 3,800 meals per day to children at 127 feeding sites. So, Five Star Cleaners is lending a hand to the Food Bank with its third annual summer food drive titled “Five for 5.”
Owners Richard Thum, Sharlene Thum and Bryan Newbold are urging all Five Star Cleaners customers and local residents to
support the outreach campaign that runs through Aug. 12.
“Texas recorded six of the 10 counties in the country with the highest rate of childhood food insecurity in 2011, according to Feeding America,” Sharlene Thum says. “Never in my wildest dreams would I put the word ‘insecurity’ with the word ‘food.’ Childhood hunger should not happen in America, and that is why Five Star Clean ers is eager to kick off this year’s Five for 5 food drive.”
Those who bring in five cans of food to any of Five Star’s 18 locations will receive a $5 off coupon for any future dry cleaning order, and two San Antonio Scorpions soc cer tickets for $20.
This year’s donors also have the oppor tunity to donate through PayPal by using a special Five for 5 QR code, available on all Five Star coupons, dry cleaning bags and in-store signage.
“Being able to leverage a relation ship with a business partner in the com munity that helps feed children is a great benefit to all,” says Eric Cooper, presi dent and CEO of the San Antonio Food Bank. “We appreciate Five Star Clean ers stepping up and creating a robust and creative summer food drive to help us in our mission to feed children while help ing customers maximize their dollars.”
The Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI) has partnered with Methods for Manage ment (MfM) to offer management groups for members in non-competing areas. The
American Drycleaner, August 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
new program forms peer groups of DLI members to create the competitive advan tage of information and strategy sharing with an eye on sustained prosperity and growth.
“We are very happy to announce we are working with Diana Vollmer and her com pany, Methods for Management, an inde pendent consulting business with specialties in the dry cleaning industry,” says DLI CEO Mary Scalco. “This new program is specifi cally designed for DLI members. Some key areas of focus will be improving processing efficiency, profit, and cash flow.”
Members join a group of up to 12 DLI members. Group members will be selected so as to minimize the need for travel. To encourage the open sharing of information and mutual support, participation is limited to one member from any market.
Each peer management group will meet quarterly, and with the help of MfM discuss, design and imple ment incentive pay plans; profit im provement and strategic planning; plant processing efficiency and engineering designs; financial and cash flow improvements; branding; growth strategies; and more. O
Graduates of the Drycleaning and Laundry Institute’s June Wetcleaning Course are (front row, from left) Shirley Timpano and Tina Barker, Fabricare Cleaning Center, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada; Elizabeth Rutkowski, Superior Cleaners, Boca Raton, Fla.; Denise Lebeau, Fabricare Cleaning Center, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada; Heather Short, Our Family Cleaners, Chico,
Calif.; Lee Lacy, Valley Cleaners, Roanoke, Va.; Brian Johnson, DLI director of Education & Analysis; and (back row, from left) Donald Palumbo, Triple S Inc., Norwalk, Conn.; Dora Castro, Superior Cleaners, Boca Raton, Fla.; Don Saccol, Monarch Drycleaners/EDE Inc., Altoona, Pa.; Darren Dole, Puritan Cleaners, Richmond, Va.; and Walter Lacy, Valley Cleaners, Roanoke, Va.
American Drycleaner, August 2013 57
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50 YEARS AGO. Bonded, two-faced fabrics may become the norm in many outfits as “coining” has been introduced as a new way to make double-faced fabrics. Instead of manually weaving, the process involves bonding two different types of fabric together back-to-back using a polyurethane adhesive. Coining is done without the use of heat, plastic or a polyurethane sandwich, and even withstands solvents used in dry cleaning. The new process may bode well for lining in clothing, particularly those that become too tight, shrink, ride up, or twist and turn during wear … Looking for ways to canvass for sales, but don’t have the manpower? Let your counter person’s fingers do the walking by having her promote sales via telephone. According to this month’s Over the Counter, the practice will “provide an interesting variance for the counter girl from her routine counter service.” The column lists housewives as a target demographic, but cautions against being pushy in selling service. “In talking to your customer, it is very important to be concise and clear … then proceed to point out what value there is in using your available services.” … Cleanamation Inc. has acquired Detroit-based Excelsior Machinery Corp. Founded in 1946 by William B. Caplan, Excelsior manufactured an extensive line of finishing equipment,
including manual and air-operated offset presses, puffers, hat-finishing, blocking equipment and spotting boards … Romaine Fielding Jr., president of Romaine Fielding & Associates Inc., is set to jet off to Moscow in October to provide a demonstration of American coin-operated dry cleaners and laundries. Fielding partnered with the All-Union Soviet Chamber of Commerce to sponsor the exhibit.
75 YEARS AGO. How should dry cleaners approach advertising their fall promotions? Dry Cleaner columnist John Maxwell has one tip: “start early and stay late.” Maxwell advises dry cleaners’ advertising to focus on heavy route selling, direct mail, and newspaper advertising to ensure successful fall business. “Don’t wait until after Labor Day,” he adds. “Begin at least a week before. You may not get much business during that week, but you’re bound to encourage customers to get their fall cleaning to you early.” … Wally Doe of Billings, Mont., has developed an “eraser” for ink stains. Doe mixes 5 oz. of glycerine with 2 oz. acetic ether, ½ oz. oxalic acid, 2 oz. alcohol, 2 oz. acetic acid, 1 oz. hydrochloric acid, and six drops of rust remover. Though complex, all the spotter has to do is apply the solution with a spotting stick, rinse, neutralize with 10% ammonia, feather out and dry … Berta C. De Leuschner of Argentina is considered one of the National Association Institute’s “fartraveled students” for its summer class. De Leuschner, whose husband owns Tintoreria Nevalet, one of 10 plants handling the dry cleaning for their city’s population of 3 million, traveled 18 days aboard a ship en route from Buenos Aires to New York. O — Compiled by Carlo Calma
10 YEARS AGO. Use of perchloroethylene amongst dry cleaners continues to drop, according to an annual survey conducted by the Textile Care Allied Trades Association (TCATA). Demand for the drycleaning solvent dropped nearly 10%, from 52 million pounds in 2001 to 47 million in 2002. TCATA CEO David Cotter acknowledged the efforts of dry cleaners across the country in becoming more environmentally conscious. … Donald C. Fawcett Jr. will assume the presidency of the International Fabricare Institute (IFI) this month at Clean ’03 in Las Vegas. Fawcett has 40 years of industry experience, currently serving as CEO of Massachusetts-based Dependable Cleaners. He has served on IFI’s board of directors for four years, and plans on utilizing his vast industry experience in directing the organization. “Success for each member means success for our industry as a whole,” he says. … A slice of Hollywood will make its way to the Clean Show, as Cleaner’s Supply will host The Jeffersons star Sherman Hemsley at its booth. The TV show debuted in 1975 and featured Hemsley’s character “moving on up” in the dry cleaning business, running for 10 seasons. Cleaner’s Supply President Jeff Schapiro explains that the company had always wanted to feature Hemsley in its
promotions. In addition to appearing live at Clean, Hemsley will also appear in the company’s August catalog.
25 YEARS AGO. Dr. Manfred Wentz, professor and chairman of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro’s Department of Clothing and Textiles, is calling R.R. Street & Co. his new home, as the company has appointed him as its newly created vice president of technology and environmental affairs. Wentz is well-known in the industry, having published research on the effects of dry cleaning on wool fibers in 1987, which struck down the notion that “excessive” dry cleaning is harmful. … Gresham, Ore. native, and Centennial High School senior, Michael O’Dierno, has been awarded the 1988 TCATA educational grant. O’Dierno, whose father works for Arent Machinery Co., was selected by a panel of professors, and will receive the $1,000 annual grant. O’Dierno plans to study electrical engineering … Passaic, N.J.-based HARDOmatic is now the exclusive distributor and licensee of HARDO, the German manufacturer of shoe repair and machinery. The agreement allows the company to set up a manufacturing facility and full support capabilities to stock parts, train personnel, and finance purchases of complete shoe-repair facilities.