"G"Go quickly penetrates fabric to release ground-in soil, collar and cuff stains, perspiration, etc. Simply spray soiled areas before drycleaning. No brushing, flushing or waiting required. Stains and soil disappear right in the wheel. "G"Go works as a leveling agent, too!
And "G"Go is environmentally friendly. It’s soy-based, biodegradable, non-combustible and California VOC and Prop-65 compliant. Just spray it on and dryclean it out. With "G"Go, it’s as easy as 1-2-"G"!
To learn more, visit ALWilson.com or call 800-526-1188 A. L. Wilson Chemical Co.
"G"Go and the spot design are trademarks of A. L. Wilson Chemical Co. GreenEarth is a trademark of GreenEarth Cleaning, LLC.
“We’re moving faster. We’re moving better. We’re moving more efficiently. That means profitability”
I’ve never been an especially patient person, and I find myself becoming even more impatient the older I become. I admit it, when I’m shop ping for a product or service, I want what I want when I want it.
viding consistent, convenient service for its customers.
Beginning on page 32, drycleaning consultant (and regular columnist) Di ana Vollmer examines the many ways in which a dry cleaner can make things easier for the patrons it serves.
Bruce Beggs
And when it comes to a professional service, I like knowing that I can engage said service on my timetable (unless we’re talking about the cable TV company).
There is no more important way a dry cleaner can differentiate itself from its competition, I believe, than by pro
Charles Thompson 312-361-1680
cthompson@american trademagazines.com
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Bruce Beggs 312-361-1683
bbeggs@american trademagazines.com
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National Sales Director
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She suggests listing all the conve niences offered now—drive-thru, drop box, route service?—then adding the ones that could be included.
Many conveniences are hardly new, so the competitive advantage leans to the dry cleaners best at alerting the public to all the customer-friendly alternatives their business offers.
Just how can you make using your service easier for me? O
American Drycleaner (ISSN 0002-8258) is published monthly except Nov/Dec combined. Subscription prices, payment in advance: U.S. and Possessions, 1 year $39.00; 2 years $73.00. Foreign, 1 year $89.00; 2 years $166.00. Single copies $7.00 for U.S. and Possessions, $14.00 for all other countries. Published by American Trade Magazines LLC, 566 West Lake Street, Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661. Periodicals postage paid at Chi cago, IL and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER, Send changes of address and form 3579 to American Drycleaner, Subscription Dept., 440 Quadrangle Drive, Suite E, Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Volume 80, number 7. Editorial, executive and advertising of fices are at 566 West Lake Street, Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661. Charles Thompson, President and Publisher. American Drycleaner is distributed selectively to: qualified dry cleaning plants and distributors in the United States. No material appearing in American Drycleaner may be reprinted without written permission. The pub lisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason. © Copyright AMERICAN TRADE MAGAZINES LLC, 2013. Printed in U.S.A.
American Drycleaner, October 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
Dry cleaners use a variety of newmedia tools—including Facebook, Twitter and e-mail—to market their businesses, according to results from September’s American Drycleaner Your Views survey, and it seems many of them do so for multiple reasons.
Among those who use new-media tools, 15.7% utilize them to “attract new customers,” 13.5% to “educate customers about the business,” 9.0% to “increase customer loyalty,” and 6.7% to “publicize sales and promotions.”
More than half of respondents (55.1%) utilize new-media tools for all of those reasons.
Despite their new-media marketing efforts, the majority of dry cleaners report that such tactics work only “sometimes” (58.6%). While 22.2% believe new-media tools “satisfy [their] marketing goals,” 19.2% of respondents say new-media tools do not help them in marketing their business.
When asked what type of newmedia tools they use, the most frequently mentioned among those who took the poll was a company website (26.8%). E-mail (17.9%), Facebook (13.4%), text messaging (3.6%) and Twitter (0.9%) are also in use.
that were listed, 15.2% utilize some combination of all popular choices, as well as other new-media marketing tools, such as deal-of-the-day disTALK OF THE TRADE ▲
counter Groupon and “free Wi-Fi service with order discounts.”
Other respondents, however, stick to traditional marketing tools such as direct mail, billboards and TV and radio ads.
While American Drycleaner’s Your Views survey presents a snapshot of the trade audience’s viewpoints at a particular moment, it should not be considered scien tific. Subscribers to American Drycleaner e-mails are invited each month to partici pate in a brief industry survey they can complete anonymously.
Dry cleaner Hitendrafumar Patel has been sentenced to serve two years and six months in prison for hiring an undercover officer to burn down his drycleaning busi ness, Economy Cleaners, in Bremen, Ga., according to U.S. Attorney Sally Quillian Yates.
“This defendant’s plot to burn down his own failing business could have had hor rific consequences, possibly resulting in the destruction of property and loss of life to firefighters and innocent citizens,” says Yates.
“ATF (the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives), in partnership with our local law enforcement, arrested a potentially violent individual who was posing a significant danger to public safety personnel and the community,” says ATF Assistant Special Agent in Charge Ray Brown. “Through this cooperative effort, we were able to stop any further potential harm to the citizens of Bremen, Ga.”
Top stories @ AmericanDrycleaner.com for the 30 days ending Sept. 15
Top NewS STorieS
1. Georgia Dry Cleaner Sentenced for Solicitation to Torch Store
2. Clean Show 2015 to Return to Four-Day Format
3. EPA Proposes Cleanup Plan for Former NJ Drycleaning Sites
4. Illinois Governor Signs Law to Strengthen, Improve Drycleaner Fund
5. FTC to Host Public Roundtable on Care Labeling Rule
Top columNS & feATureS
1. The Right Way to Sell Your Drycleaning Business
2. Drycleaning Contamination & Cleanup 3. No Reason to Fear Blood 4. StatShot: July Drycleaning Sales Up, First-Half Costs Down... Web eXCLUSIVe!
Top STorieS @ our SiSTer SiTeS
1. Clean 2015 to Return to Four-Day Format 2. Li Opens Doors to San Fran. Laundromat 3. Switch to Dollar Coin Could Save Billions: Study
4. TheROCK Supplies Free Wash/Dry ...
1. Clean 2015 to Return to Four-Day Format 2. Standard Textile to Expand S.C. Manufacturing Facility 3. Ramadan Scheduling Not Supported by All 4. Panel of Experts: Clean Workplace Promotes Morale, Safety
American Drycleaner, October 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
According to Yates, the charges and other information detailed in court indicat ed that in April 2012, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) received a tip from a confidential informant that Patel, 44, had been making inquiries to find someone who would be willing to burn down his drycleaning business.
At the direction of law enforcement officers, the informant gave Patel the telephone number of an undercover GBI agent, who would pose as an arsonist. Pa tel called the undercover agent, whom he met June 12, 2012, at his store to discuss the intended arson. The agent recorded audio and video of the conversation.
Patel told the agent that the business was not making money and that he wanted it burned so that he could pay off the mort gage and debts with the insurance pro ceeds, according to Yates.
After agreeing on a price for the arson job, the undercover agent gave Patel a list of incendiary materials that the dry cleaner would need to supply the agent.
Patel also told the agent about another property he owned in Bowden, Ga., which Patel said he might hire the agent to burn after the Bremen arson was completed.
The dry cleaner and the agent met again June 30, 2012, at the Bremen store, where he gave the undercover agent the incendiary materials. Patel showed the agent where he hid the key to the business, and instructed the agent on how to unlock the door.
Patel paid the agent $250, promising to pay him an additional $750 after he had collected the insurance proceeds.
He was arrested immediately after the agent left the meeting, and pleaded guilty in April. His prison sentence is to be fol lowed by three years of supervised release.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agen cy (EPA) has proposed a plan to clean up contaminated soil and groundwater at the White Swan Cleaners/Sun Cleaners Superfund site in Wall Township, Manasquan Borough and Sea Girt, N.J., with cleanup costs estimated at $18.9 million.
White Swan Cleaners and Sun Clean ers operated in the area between 1960 and 1991, and are believed to have contrib uted to the contamination of the area’s soil and groundwater with volatile organic compounds, including perchloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE), accord ing to the Agency.
Under the proposed plan, about 5,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil at the former White Swan property will be “dug up and disposed of at a facility licensed to receive the waste,” with the excavated area to be filled with clean soil.
The former Sun Cleaners property will be treated with a process called soil vapor extraction, which removes the vaporized volatile organic compounds in the soil by using “a vacuum and then filtering the vapors through carbon filters to remove contaminants,” the EPA says.
In other areas, groundwater contami nated with volatile organic compounds will be pumped to a treatment facil ity where it will be cleaned using air strip ping and activated carbon, according to the EPA, as it will also require “periodic collection and analysis of groundwater samples to verify that the levels and extent of the contaminants are declining.” O
Our new generation of Point Of Sale system is designed for both small and larger cleaner stores. DryClean PRO Enterprise (DCPe) is even simpler to use than before. With user friendly screens and menus, DCPe will make your life easy. We offer, promise, and guarantee the best after sales support to our end users. Our excellent service commitment to you does not end with your purchase. We are always there to help you whenever you need us. Just pick up the phone and call us on our Technical Support line.
Call us about our new version of Uniform Tracker
THE NATION’S ECONOMIC GROWTH continued at last check, according to reports from the 12 Federal Reserve Districts for the July-August period. Among the dozen, eight reported moderate growth, three reported modest growth, and one showed improvement.
The reports reflected an increase in consumer spending, with a higher demand for vehicles and household goods, and also showed expanded activity in tourism and travel.
THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE for August remained steady at 7.3%, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment was up in retail trade and healthcare, but down in information sectors. The overall numbers remained virtually unchanged from July, with a total figure at 11.3 million of unemployed.
“We have now had 42 straight months of privatesector job growth, with nearly 7.5 million privatesector jobs created over that time,” says Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez.
“The unemployment rate continues to remain stable and has now been below 8% for 12 consecutive months.”
IN THE AREA OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE, Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker reported that U.S. exports were at an almost record level for the month of July. The overall amount, $189.4 billion, was down slightly from the record of $190.5 billion in goods and services set in June.
MORTGAGE APPLICATIONS were up slightly, by 1.3% for the last week in August, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. Pending home sales were down in July, according to the National Association of Realtors, which also issued support of the re-proposed Qualified Residential Mortgage rule.
“The (rule) is a victory for homebuyers and the future of homeownership in this country,” says NAR President Gary Thomas. “This version of the QRM will give creditworthy buyers access
to safe and affordable loan products without overly burdensome downpayment requirements.”
THE INSTITUTE FOR SUPPLY MANAGEMENT reports growing economic activity in its latest Non-Manufacturing Report On Business. It is the 44th straight month that the survey has shown an increase in positive responses from purchasing and supply executives.
THE JULY SURVEYS OF CONSUMERS reported consumer confidence at its highest level in six years. The report, from Thomson Reuters and the University of Michigan, showed a third month of increasing confidence at higher levels since July 2007.
“The July survey suggests a growing resilience among consumers,” says Surveys of Consumers Chief Economist Richard Curtin, “that will enable them to more easily withstand the cross-current inevitable in a slow growth economy.” O
—Jean TellerConsidering the differences between drycleaning solvents and how each has specific requirements, Columbia/ILSA created a blueprint for Purpose Ready Ma chines. With machines designed for a specific solvent, cleaning performance goals can be met and the merits of each solvent can be optimized, the company says.
The Affiliate, for use with GreenEarth, is the first machine to include a one-step solvent separation system. It immediately separates wa ter trapped in solvent without the need for multiple separators or factional distillation. With one separator, the solvent and water will re main separate to produce a hydrated solvent, Columbia/ILSA says.
For hydrocarbon use, the company offers a complete mod el lineup starting with the Ipura, which features a pat ented non-immersion process. For conventional cleaning systems, the company offers systems for compact models with twosolvent tanks up to complete tandem systems. All hydrocarbon models, as well as the GreenEarth models, are equipped with solvent heating.
For SolvonK4, Columbia/ILSA offers machines ranging from compact to industrial 320-pound models. All K4 systems are equipped with complete and continuous button trap drying, variable speed fan and main drive, and a re newable absorption system, the company says. drycleaningmachine.com | 800-446-5634
Rennco, a brand of Pro Mach, has released the Gar ment Guard™ bagging system for the drycleaning and uniform Industry.
The wrapping/bagging machine automatically packs single or multiple garments into a poly bag. The system can be used as a standalone unit or integrate with upstream and downstream conveyance systems in drycleaning and laundry facilities, Rennco says.
The system automatically senses the incoming garment size to make the appropriate size bag around the laundered/ironed items. Once the bag is produced, the system releases the item to the operator or to an outfeed conveyance system, the company says. rennco.com | 800-409-5225
American Drycleaner, October 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
The new Renzacci Excellence Premium Range drycleaning machines use Class III-A solvents and are available in a wide choice of models and versions. The machines range in capacity from 30 pounds to 176 pounds, and all are equipped with the new Nature Care System, which helps reduce water and energy consumption, the company says.
Nebula is Renzacci’s first drycleaning machine to feature the Com biclean System, which allows the cleaner to choose the best combi nation of wash dynamic action using the solvent recommended for the type of garment to be treated.
Nebula also uses the new DSF™ (Dynamic Saving Flow) System, which Renzacci says helps to reduce energy use by more than 45% without reducing operation time of the cycle. renzacci.it | +39-075-862961
Likeable Local, a subsidiary of Likeable Media, in partnership with Kreussler Inc. is presenting a new social media marketing solution for dry cleaners.
Likeable Dry Cleaners is described as an “affordable solution for dry cleaners to reach their customers through word-of-mouth marketing on social media with Facebook and Twitter.”
Automation and customization make Likeable Dry Cleaners a valuable platform that is unparalleled in the social media marketing world, its developers say. Exclusive training and hands-on education round out the program’s benefits.
Founder Dave Kerpen created Likeable Local to enable small local businesses to compete in the social media world with big brands. Likeable Dentists, the first vertical of Likeable Local, launched in June 2012, and Likeable Dry Cleaners now follows.
“Dry cleaners are focused on running a complex, demanding business and finding the time to effectively manage social media is not easy,” says Richard Fitzpatrick, vice president of Kreussler. “We see so many of our clients wanting to take advantage of all the tools this tech nology offers but many simply cannot get the right mix of consent and consistency to make it work. … Being able to exclusively offer Likeable Dry Cleaners to our clients is just another example of why Kreussler is the right partner to be working with now and in the future.”
likeabledrycleaners.com | 212-359-4347
American Drycleaner, October 2013 15
IES recently introduced the SonicAire 1.c, the newest member of its line of cleaning fans. Like the SonicAire 2.0 (pictured), the SonicAire 1.c cleans with high velocity and high mass airflow to create an overhead barrier that prevents fugitive dust from accumulating on steel structures, pipes, ducts and process equipment.
The “C” stands for compact, because the company de signed it for customers, particularly dry cleaners, that want a fan to keep areas clear of potentially combustible dust and lint but have limited ceiling space.
In addition to its compact size, the SonicAire 1.c features a 1-hp fan motor; a sickle fan blade; totally enclosed drive system; integrated manual motor starter; self-lubricating and sealed bearings; and an extended, slim shroud that expands the effective cleaning area, the company says.
Mounting and control options are available to customize a fan to suit a facility’s needs, IES says. iesclean.com | 336-712-2437
A.L. Wilson Chemical Co. has reformulated and reintroduced its RiteGo Laundry Spray Spotter, a high-performance, highvalue laundry spray that delivers cleaner collars and cuffs, the company says.
RiteGo outperforms supposedly similar products without the labor expense and wear-and-tear that come from brush ing, A.L. Wilson says. Its microemulsion technology allows it to penetrate quickly to absorb perspiration and collar and cuff stains, and to release ground-in soil, the company adds.
Cleaners will save time and labor using the product, ac cording to A.L. Wilson, and because brushing can cause damage, customers’ garments last longer.
The product is biodegradable, non-combustible, and California 2013 VOC and Prop-65 compliant. alwilson.com | 800-526-1188
American Drycleaner, October 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
Plans are well under way for the Southern DryCleaners and Launderers Show, scheduled for June 20-22, 2014, at the Prime F. Os born III Convention Center in Jack sonville, Fla.
The Convention Center is lo cated in an old railway station, and many of the components have been built into the unique setting, com plete with a locomotive in the park ing area.
The South Eastern Fabricare Association (SEFA) has chosen the Hyatt Regency Riverfront as the host hotel. The property is centrally located and within walking distance of The Jacksonville Landing, the city’s well-known dining and enter tainment complex.
SEFA has hired BPS Commu nications of Willow Grove, Pa., to serve as its management company. BPS also manages the Pennsylvania and Delaware Cleaners Association (PDCA) and produces the Dryclean ing & Laundry Expo in Atlantic City.
Details about the Southern Dry Cleaners and Launderers Show will be posted on sefa.org as they be come available. O
Oct. 11-14 JET Expo 2013. To be held in Paris, France. Visit jet-expo.com.
Oct. 19-20 National Cleaners Association Texcare Trade Show & Exhibit. To be held in Secaucus, N.J. Call 212-967-3002.
Nov. 19-21 Texcare Asia. To be held in Shanghai, China. Visit texcare-asia.com.
Jan. 16-19, 2014 Drycleaning & Laundry Institute and National Cleaners Association Five-Star Brainstorming winter conference. To be held in Cancun, Mexico. Call 800638-2627 (DLI) or 800-888-1622 (NCA).
April 25-27, 2014 Southwest Dryclean ers Association Cleaners Showcase Trade Show. To be held in Fort Worth, Texas. Call 512-873-8195.
April 30-May 3, 2014 Textile Care Allied Trades Association Annual Management and Educational Conference. To be held in Naples, Fla. Call 973-244-1790 to learn more.
June 20-22, 2014 South Eastern Fabri care Association Southern Drycleaners and Launderers Show. To be held in Jackson ville, Fla. Call 877-707-7332.
August 22-24, 2014 California Cleaners Association Fabricare 2014 trade show and convention. To be held in Long Beach, Calif. Call 916-239-4070.
Oct. 3-6, 2014 EXPOdetergo Interna tional. To be held in Milan, Italy. Visit expo detergo.com
Oct. 18-19, 2014 Pennsylvania and Del aware Cleaners Association Drycleaning & Laundry EXPO. To be held in Atlantic City, N.J. Call 215-830-8495. O
Post notices of your organization’s events on AmericanDrycleaner.com
American Drycleaner, October 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
Asia’s biennial fair for textile care, Texcare Asia, will present the latest technologies and solutions for the ever-evolving industry on Nov. 19-21 at the Shanghai (China) New International Expo Centre.
Approximately 150 exhibitors (see page 23 for the list as of press time) are expected to utilize more than 11,500 square meters of exhibit space to present the latest in laundry, drycleaning, ironing and dyeing machinery as well as textile management systems. Some 8,000 visitors from China and around the world are expected to attend.
One of the biggest trends to be highlighted during this year’s show is the evolution of China’s laundry and
drycleaning industry from districtbased locations to central plants, says show organizer Messe Frankfurt (HK).
Like most other markets, operators of dry cleaners and laundries in China have traditionally tailored their businesses to district-based operations that included local drycleaning outlets and commercial laundries. This strategy allowed them to meet the immediate demands of their customers in rapid time. But this business model is quickly going out of fashion in China, as district-based facilities have oversaturated their local markets and the cost of operation has increased dramatically.
In addition, challenges brought upon by stricter energy and water
efficiency has made this traditional business model all but impossible for companies to maintain, Messe Frankfurt says.
To sustain their businesses, drycleaning outlets and laundry operators are looking into developing central plants, and this has led to a high level of capital investment into the latest machines that can utilize alternative energy, such as oil or gas instead of coal, as well as reduce wastewater.
State-of-the-art machines growing in demand in Asia include tunnel washers, finishers, spreaders/feeders, chest-type flatwork ironers, dosing systems, and RFID-equipped systems. Ozone washing systems have also become more in demand, as have non-steam laundry systems.
China but also the quality of professional buyers who attend this show,” says Jason Cao, senior general manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK), of the rising demand for booth space. “Domestic exhibitors understand that buyers are looking for their quality and cost-effective products. In fact, some of our returning exhibitors have made stronger commitments to the show with bigger booths..”
EQUAL ENTHUSIASM. Some of the industry’s most well-respected brands and associations will participate at Texcare Asia, aiming to address growing issues and demands of Chinese textile care suppliers, Messe Frankfurt says.
“Both international and domestic brands are starting to see not only the rise in demand for textile care products in
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Long-term exhibitor Jiangsu Sea-Lion Machinery Group will return this year with more than 300 square meters of space. www.americandrycleaner.com
Kunshan Yingelan Commercial Laundry Equipments has booked more than double the space it used in 2011.
Other returning exhibitors with bigger booth spaces include Alliance Laundry Sys tems, Castic-SMP, JENSEN Group, Kan negiesser, Primus, Sailstar and Sankosha.
“Our company has been present in Asia for decades, and has a very strong reputation among the region’s textile care professionals,” says Thomas Yin, country manager of JENSEN’s Shanghai regional office. “We’ve seen immense growth in demand for our heavy-duty laundry devices. ... Our goal is to meet our existing customers, and find new ones.”
Castic-SMP cites Texcare Asia’s brand influence and professionalism as contributing factors to its participation. “Texcare Asia is the largest industry event in the region, and the most important show in China,” says Sales Director Johnson Fok. “The fair has a history of introducing the latest techniques and strategies to industry professionals. Our presence at the show has been particularly effective for publicizing our corporate identity, increasing brand recognition and expanding sales channels.”
BÖWE Textile Cleaning GmbH has been producing quality textile care products for buyers in Europe and the Americas for more than a half-century but is just gaining recognition in the Chinese market.
“We needed a platform to build exposure for our brand in China, and Texcare Asia seemed to be the best choice for us,” says Frank Ziermann, managing director of BÖWE. “We plan to showcase our stateof-the-art multi-solvent drycleaning machines and M series drycleaning machines at the fair and look forward to gaining new customers.”
“Texcare Asia offers the best platform for laundry equipment suppliers and manufacturers,” says Liao Ming, general manager of Shanghai Shenguang Laundry Machinery Group Co. “The show gathers the latest technology, products and creative concepts in the industry, providing a platform for great business opportunities.”
For each edition, Texcare Asia manages to gain the support of a number of industry associations, such as the Laundry Association of Hong Kong.
“As living standards rise in China, the laundry market has grown rapidly,” says Benson Li, the Association’s chairman. “Now, the industry’s development strongly relies on the adoption of advanced solutions such as automation technology. Texcare Asia offers an unparalleled platform in highlighting this technology.”
Away from the show floor, the Texcare Asia Forum will offer informative conferences. On the afternoon of Nov. 19, Business Development and Sustainable In novation of the Professional Textile Care Industry will present case studies, best practices and sustainable innovation in the professional textile care industry, including an analysis on recent market developments in China and showcase sustainable business models from China and abroad.
An all-day lecture on Nov. 20, Educa tion and Training in Professional Textile Care, will cover current business practices and the future of professional textile care, highlighting innovations in machine technology, detergent systems, ICTs and logistics.
To learn more about Texcare Asia 2013, or to register, visit texcare-asia.com or send an e-mail to texcareasia@china. messefrankfurt.com. O
ABC ABS Laundry Business Solutions • All Japan Laundry & Drycleaning Association • Alliance Laun dry Systems • American Dryer Corp. • Beijing For net Laundry Service Co. • Beijing Jingbaorun Paper Trade Center • Beijing JS Laundry Equipment Co. • Beijing Sagacity Technology Co. • BÖWE Textile Cleaning (Shanghai) Co. • BÜFA Reinigungssys teme GmbH & Co. • Castic-SMP Machinery Corp.
• Chengdu Jiacheng Fine Chemical Engineer ing Co. • Chengdu Lamoo Science & Technology Co. • China Laundry Products • ClearWater Tech (Guangzhou) Co. • Cliffton (H.K.) DEF D&S Exports
• Dexter Laundry • Diversey Trading (Shanghai) Co.
• Delta Pyramax Co. • Erie Environmental Products
• Everstrong Commercial Products • Fagor Industrial (Shanghai) Catering Equipment International Distri bution • Finove Networks Co. • Firbimatic • Forenta
• Foshan Goworld Laundry Equipment Co. GHI Guangzhou Weiershi Washing Machinery Co. • He bei Beiteli Detergents Co. • Herbert Kannegiesser GMBH • Hoffman/New Yorker • Hohenstein Textile Consulting (Shanghai) Co. • HRC China • Hydro Sys tems China • Innoway Ltd. JKL JENSEN Group • Jiangsu Jiezhong Machinery Manufacturing Co. • Jiangsu Sea-Lion Machinery Group • Jinan Oasis Washing Equipment Co. • Kreussler & Co. GmbH • Kunshan Yingelan Commercial Laundry Equipment Co. MNO Maxi Companies • MAXI-PRESS Elasto mertechnik • Metso Fabrics Portugal • Nanjing H&C Water Treatment Equipment Co. • Nanjing Laundry Trading Co. • Ngai Shing Development PQR Pony SPA • Primus CE • Primus Laundry Equipment (Guangzhou) • PSG (Shanghai) Co. ST San-Ai In dustries • Sanhe Tongfei Refrigeration Equipment Co. • Sankosha Manufacturing Co. • SEITZ GmbH • Shandong Penglai Little Duck Wash Equipment Co. • Shanghai AoHao Machinery Manufacturing
Co. • Shanghai Barrier Washer Equipment Co. • Shanghai Chuandao Aimei Machinery Equipment Co. • Shanghai Denwise Laundry Equipment Co. • Shanghai Dingjie Machinery Co. • Shanghai Fute Washing Machinery Co. • Shanghai Gamesail Wash ing Machine Co. • Shanghai Goldfist Machinery Co. • Shanghai Happiness Industrial Washing Machine Co. • Shanghai Hongda Pneumatic System Manu facturing Co. • Shanghai Inchun Spinning & Weaving Clothing Equipment Co. • Shanghai Kaiao Machinery Co. • Shanghai Linfei Machinery Factory • Shang hai Sailstar Machinery (Group) Co. • Shanghai Se caide Eco-Technologies Co. • Shanghai Shenguang Laundry Machinery Group Co. • Shanghai Via-trade Co. • Shanghai Weishi Laundry Equipment Co. • Shanghai Westyle Technology & Trading • Shanghai Xinghang Washing Equipment Co. • Shanghai Xinrui Enterprise Co. • Shanghai Xuanzhou Industry Co. • Shanghai Yasen Washing Equipment Co. • Shen zhen Top-Cleaning Laundry Equipment Co. • Sidi Mondial • Springpress • STAHL Laundry Machines • Taizhou Guoxin (Suxing) Machinery Manufacture Co. • Technische Textilien Lorrach GmbH & Co. • Ther mopatch • Tolkar Makina Sanayi ve Ticaret • Tolon Makina Tekstil Gida Sanayi ve Ticaret • Tongshuai Washing (Suzhou) Co. • Trevil UVW United Elec tric Co. • United Machines • Vega Systems China • Veit GmbH • Wenzhou Lucheng Jiangxin Garment Machinery Co. XYZ Zhangjiagang Dolphins Wash ing Manufacturing Co. • Zhangjiagang Jiangsan Shazhou Chemical Machinery Co. • Zhangjiagang Zhengxin Washing Machinery Centre • Zhongshan Vipla Electric Appliance Co. • Zhongshan Weiss Cleaning Supplies Co. O
Listings current as of Sept. 3. Visit texcare-asia.com for updates.
The season for gift-giving and holiday parties will soon be upon us. Although many dry cleaners clearly know how to celebrate and show their appreciation to both customers and employees, few are aware that Uncle Sam, in the form of our tax laws, is more than happy to pick up part of the cost.
While parties, business gifts and employee awards often qualify as tax-deductible, giving gifts, bonuses or awards to employees, clients or customers can have significant tax implications for both the business operation and the recipients.
YEAR-ROUND GIFTING. Small businesses, including dry cleaners, often give gifts to clients and customers, particularly around the holidays. What is often overlooked is that only a portion of the cost of certain gifts may be deducted as a business expense. Basically, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will let a business deduct only $25 or less for business gifts given to any one person during the tax year. This means that any number of employees, co-owners, or business partners may give a client business gifts although the deduction will be limited to $25 per recipient. So, if a client is given a $50 watch as a gift, only $25 may be deducted.
If key chains or pens with the business name on them are given to customers and clients, they are usually “exceptions” to the $25 limits for business gifts, and their cost is deductible without limitation. Also excepted are items that cost $4 or less, have the business name clearly and permanently imprinted on them, and are one of a number of identical items widely distributed.
ENTERTAINING GIFTS. It is not a secret that tax rules allow businesses to claim a deduction for only 50% of business meal entertainment expenses. In fact, in order to reach that level, those expenses need to be “ordinary and necessary” as well as closely related to the business. And, unfortunately, even if the expenses are considered related to the business, the sky is not the limit. The expenses must be reasonable considering the facts and circumstances.
But about those parties. Holiday parties, annual picnics, or summer outings may qualify for a unique 100% tax deduction. Even employee meetings can be turned into a party for a tax deduction.
HOLIDAY PARTYING. Under U.S. tax rules, entertainment expenses must be “primarily” for the benefit of employees other than those in a so-called “tainted group.” This group consists of any employee paid more than $110,000 a year, a 10% owner, or any family member of a 10% owner.
While the owner of a closely held drycleaning or laundry business belongs in the tainted group, it is often not a big deal so long as the partying with the employees is primarily (more than 50%) for the benefit of the employees. Going one step further, the cost of entertaining employees’ spouses is also 100% deductible.
Of course, it is still necessary to satisfy the “ordinary and necessary” business purpose test. Such an expense simply means it is “appropriate and helpful” to the business. Boosting the morale of workers and helping everyone feel appreciated makes that Christmas party 100% deductible.
Just as any entertainment must be documented, the 100% deductible employee entertainment expenses must substantiated.
EMPLOYEE BUSINESS GIFTS. Bonuses to employees are usually considered income and while obviously tax-deductible by the business, they are taxable to the employee. Income taxes and FICA taxes on employee bonuses (unless the employee is over the Social Security maximum for the year) must be withheld.
It’s a slightly different story when it comes to employee awards. In general, up to $400 of the cost for employee awards of tangible personal property (such as a watch) for each employee each year can be deducted. There are, unfortunately, limits on employee awards given by partnerships.
Service and safety awards are not tax able to employees if they are limited. There are limits on service awards (not during the first five years, and not more often than every five years) and safety awards (not to more than 10% of employees).
GIFT CARDS AND CERTIFICATES. Gift certificates and the newer gift cards are, for the most part, taxable to employees because they can be converted to cash. While there has been no official guidance regarding small-amount gift cards/certificates ($25 or less), they often qualify as de minimis fringe benefits. However, in general, if gift cards or gift certificates are given, taxes
American Drycleaner, October 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
must be withheld from the employee’s pay.
GROSSING UP BONUSES. Drycleaning business owners and managers considering employee holiday gifts should keep in mind not only what they’ll enjoy but also how taxes will come into play. Because a “gift” is often considered by the IRS to be compensation, it’s important to note the rules so that employees are not responsible for paying taxes on their gifts.
Employee gifts are usually small enough that the business does not need to worry about employees wanting to change their withholding allowances. For larger bonuses, however, employees should be given the options of changing their Form W-4 withholding deduction amount for that one paycheck.
While some employees will want to change their withholding so as to receive more of the bonus, in many cases, employers will “gross up” a bonus. That is, give the employee more to allow for withholding. For example, if an employee is given a $1,000 bonus, by the time taxes are taken out, the bonus check might be only, say, $750. Giving a higher amount for the bonus can result in a bonus check that shows the full $1,000.
TAX-FREE EMPLOYEE GIFTS. Whether for customers or employees, gifts under $25 are tax-exempt. Taxes are also a non-factor if the holiday gift is a reward for service (i.e. highest sales) or longevity (i.e. the employee has been with the company for 10 years).
If your gift to employees is a charitable contribution in their name, there is no worry about taxes, no matter the amount. Giving products or services as gifts
can mean not having to pay taxes on them. While an employee might not get too excited over office supplies, this might be a good opportunity to get creative.
But be mindful that merchandise given to either customers or employees may be subject to sales tax even though the merchandise is not for resale.
A drycleaning business taking a group of employees, such as the management team, to an event means the cost will usu ally be tax-free. The group can’t consist only of family members involved with the business if it is a tax-free business expense.
TAX-FREE AND TAX-DEDUCTIBLE. Dry cleaners considering a “small gift” for employees—fruit baskets, hams, turkeys, wine, flowers and occasional show or sporting event tickets—will find they are generally nontaxable de minimis fringes and taxdeductible by the business.
The cost of occasional parties is nontaxable to employees and their families as a de minimis fringe if they are infrequent and for the purpose of promoting employee health, good will, contentment, or efficiency. Thus, occasional holiday celebrations, cocktail parties and company picnics are fully tax-deductible by the dry cleaner or laundry and are not subject to the 50% limit on business meals. It is, however, always a good idea to consult a tax adviser. O
Information in this article is provided for education al and reference purposes only. It is not intended to provide specific advice or individual recommen dations. Consult a tax attorney for advice regard ing your particular situation.
Mark E. Battersby is a freelance writer specializing in finance and tax topics. He is based in Ardmore, Pa.
American Drycleaner, October 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) revised its Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) to align with the United Nations’ Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals. Any company that produces, distributes or uses chemicals must train their employees by Dec. 1 on the changes, reminds the Textile Care Allied Trades Association.
Two significant changes contained in the revised standard, according to OSHA, require the use of new labeling elements and a standardized format for Safety Data Sheets (SDS), formerly known as Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
There are minimum required topics for the training that must be completed. Training on label elements must include information on:
• Type of information the employee would expect to see, including the product identifier, signal word, pictogram, hazard statement(s), precautionary statement(s), and name, address and phone number of the chemical manufacturer, distributor, or importer.
• How an employee might use the labels in the workplace.
• A general understanding of how the elements work together on a label.
Training on the format of the SDS must include information on:
• Standardized 16-section format, including the type of information found in the various sections.
• How the information on the label is related to the SDS.
OSHA requires employers to present information in a manner and language that their employees can understand. If employers customarily need to communicate work instructions or other workplace information to employees in a language other than English, they will also need to provide safety and health training to employees in the same manner.
OSHA’s Hazard Communication website—osha.gov/dsg/hazcom/index.html— has resources available to assist employers with the required training.
To help companies comply with the revised standard, OSHA is phasing in specific requirements over several years. O
Consumers, especially drycleaning consumers, are busy people. They are pulled in a thousand directions and have little discretionary time. That’s why they outsource the maintenance of their wardrobes to us.
They also are bombarded with marketing messages every second of the day so it’s a challenge to grab their attention, even for information that’s important to them.
Concrete and convenient alternatives that make their lives easier will win their business and their loyalty.
One of the most inconvenient personal services has long been professional dry cleaning and laundry. Like buying gasoline for a car, it is a classic “nuisance” errand. Few, if any, other consumer services have such limited hours of access, such a delay in delivery of the final product, and, to make matters worse, such a long time to complete a transaction that traditionally takes at least two visits. Whatever
By Diana Vollmercan be done to overcome these hurdles can be a competitive advantage.
COMMUNICATION. Each new entrant into the cleaning and laundry market has touted its “new” and convenient approach to the business. The competitive advantage they claim is real, but the conveniences they offer are hardly new. Their real competitive advantage is letting consumers know of all the customer-friendly alternatives a business has to offer.
Have you let your customers and prospects know about all the convenient options you offer, or do you think they know about them already?
Behavioral studies indicate that it takes at least six exposures to a message for it to register with the average consumer. How many times have you “told” them about your route service? How prominent is your drive-thru signage? Is your 24-hour drop box boldly signed and lit at night? Does ▲
Did you know that, for more than a decade, American Drycleaner has hidden a small hanger on virtually every cover? The tradition began in February 2003 as nothing more than a simple, lighthearted way to challenge our readers. And we don’t make it easy, because where’s the fun in that? It can be caped, or plain wire, and size and color varies, but a hanger is always there. So, put on your reading glasses and spend a few extra moments searching this month’s cover. And if you can’t find it, don’t despair — we’ll give you a clue. Scanning the QR code below with your mobile device will open a web page that will show you a visual clue. If you don’t have a smart phone, visit americandrycleaner.com/hanger-clue . Happy hunting!
your counter staff promote the convenient options? Do staff members rush to take clothes to a car before the customer can open the car door? It is likely that the customer is not being automatically served in the most convenient way and may not be aware of the many available options.
A profitable use of management time is to create a plan to take the convenience message to customers and prospects.
For example: Kudos for creativity go to the Philadelphia cleaner that “delivers” clothing via drone. The business has enjoyed more free national media coverage for that not-yet-ready-for-primetime idea in the last three months than most companies receive in a decade.
LIST YOUR CONVENIENCES. A good start is to list all the conveniences you currently offer, then add the ones you could include. Most of the list is obvious.
Drive-Thru Service provides a huge advantage to the consumer. They are especially valuable to customers with children and/or pets in the car, with orders that are bulky or heavy, when parking is limited or inconvenient, when speed of service is important, and when mobility is an issue.
One thing: Consumer advantage must outweigh staff resistance. The customer’s inconvenience shifts to the staff and that’s why they are paid to provide the service.
In-Car Service is still available if a drive-thru is impossible in your location. Implement the carhop/valet concept through your front door.
Whether you provide drive-thru or valet service, it is critical to beat the customer to their car door to properly provide this service. Don’t wait for them to call or ring a bell.
Drop Boxes can provide partial service 24 hours seven days a week, and are great for the busy professional working long or odd hours.
Drive-By Express-Drop Buggies are a particularly welcome element for rush-hour drive-by drop-offs, allowing a customer to toss a full bag into a waiting buggy.
24-Hour Locker Access can provide the pickup half of the service equation. Such access does have limitations, but is less expensive than more automated systems.
24/7 Automated Kiosks provide full service for the consumer who wants roundthe-clock availability. These systems stand alone or can supplement store hours. It is surprising to witness the amount of activity that occurs on these units in the middle of the night.
VIP Bags with bar-coded customer identification and preferences make all of these options easier for both customer and staff. Ensure that the customer has multiple bags so he/she can have one or more at home to fill while dirty clothes are being processed.
Outlets in High-Frequency Errand Locations, such as grocery stores, gas stations and metro/commuter train stations, take your service to the places that customers frequently visit in the course of their daily lives, and remove the necessity of a separate trip to have any cleaning done.
Route Service (either at work or at home) eliminates the necessity to match preferred customer hours, even though it still has limitations or requirements that are hurdles for some customers. The more flexible the route alternatives, the broader the customer appeal, but acknowledging
34 American Drycleaner, October 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
that flexibility also adds expense.
Designated Closets in the workplace or in a condo/apartment complex can overcome some objections to route service, such as the need to leave clothing outdoors.
Concierge Service can provide a similar advantage to help make the prospect feel more comfortable about leaving his/ her clothing for a driver.
Agencies can provide convenient onsite locations such as a newsstand on a busy campus or at a tailor shop.
Cleaning Representatives serve the same purpose in group-living situations, such as in sororities, fraternities or dorms on a college campus.
Customer Communication is a convenience often overlooked in marketing, but it is appreciated by clientele when they know about it. Reminders, voice mail messages, texts, e-mails, websites, blogs, newsletters and promotional blasts all have value when the information is timely and focused on the customer.
24-Hour Customer Service (voice or electronic) is a rarity in the drycleaning industry, and our business is one of the last holdouts to provide this service. Consider how you can provide this service to your customers. Does outsourcing an off-hours answering service or instant chat make sense for you?
Joint Venture Partner Servicing is a lucrative alternative that is often overlooked by dry cleaners, but it can increase profit exponentially. The concept is to provide convenient and valuable services to potential referrers of business, which can include retailers and specialty providers such as wedding photographers, planners and caterers; event venues; costumers; and
restoration contractors.
Providing them with convenient service will keep your dry cleaner at the top of the list when they refer business. For example, you could help a local theater catalogue and bar-code its costume collection in exchange for making you its cleaner of choice.
The key to customer convenience is offering service when, where and how the customers want it. Be creative in your approach. Once you have identified your target list of conveniences, you can effectively promote them to your existing customers and prospects. O
Methods for Management Inc. has served the dry cleaning and laundry industry with affordable man agement expertise and improved profitability since 1953. For assistance with service convenience assessments, contact Diana Vollmer at dvollmer@ mfmi.com or call her at 415-577-6544.
American Drycleaner, October 2013
It was January 1962 when Tremont Cleaners, Upper Arlington, Ohio, received the Grand Prize in American Drycleaner’s very first Plant Design Awards. The plant was situated in a small shopping center, and the judges were impressed by its overall workflow and layout.
When the 20-by-170-foot plant could no longer keep up with business, the owners leased another 7,000 square feet, converting the original space into a shirt laundry and housing a 40-pound drycleaning machine in the rear. The store front featured large plate-glass windows and a stone veneer, with an 8-foot canopy suspended over the sidewalk.
Flash forward to 2013 and the announcement of the 52nd Grand Prize Winner, Rainbow Cleaners, Oxford,
Miss. Rainbow invested more than $1 million to build a bright, airy plant store that invites customers to see all the work that goes into cleaning their garments. Computerized LEDs that project colored lights up the face of the building and under the white canopy (shown) sometimes represent the shades of a rainbow.
Have you recently renovated your existing plant or built a new plant to have a fresh look and improved efficiency? You make your customers look good, so why shouldn’t you boast about the image your business projects?
Learn how to enter this year’s contest by following the directions on the next page. Perhaps you’ll soon join Tremont and Rainbow among our plant design champions! O
Making customers look good sometimes isn’t enough. The image your business projects has to be sharp, too—just to get them through the door. n If you recently renovated or built a new plant to have a fresh look and improved efficiency, we’d like to know about it. Enter it in our Annual Plant Design Awards, and get the recognition you deserve as one of the industry’s leading perform ers. n Entering is easy: Simply fax this page with your name, address and phone number, or e-mail your contact information to Editorial Director Bruce Beggs, and we’ll send you an official entry form. But hurry—the deadline for entries is Nov. 1, 2013.
During a recent trip speaking to cleaners and CSRs, I was struck by the lack of thought given to items that are of questionable serviceability. Many cleaners give little or no thought to factors such as contact with bodily fluids, sentimental value, “one of a kind”/irreplaceable, and known to be contagious. These are all considerations in determining how aggressively we pursue stain removal or if we even accept an item for restoration. There are occasions and items that are beyond the technical limits of the industry, or that we cannot restore to the level of the customer’s expectations. There are items that contain staining matter which, because of volume or due to worker exposure, may prompt one to give consideration to passing up the opportunity to clean the item or items.
This column is intended to prompt readers to think about their policy on handling certain items. Any reference to regulatory documents is just that and is not intended to be a substitute for your own research and decision-making. Use them as a basis for comparison with your policies and procedures.
I recommend that every owner, operator and manager read the OSHA
(Occupational Safety & Health Administration) document 29 CFR 1910.1030. My interpretation of the document hinges on the phrase “reasonably anticipated” to be contaminated. It appears that special handling and employee immunization are only required when it is “reasonably anticipated” that you are receiving (maintaining contracts) from dental offices, medical labs, mortuaries, etc. working garments (such as scrubs) that contain blood and other bodily fluids.
As I understand it, garments that come in loose and over the counter from the general public do not require special handling precautions. Read the document and interpret it for yourself. I share my interpretation for the sole purpose of getting you started thinking about your own policies and protocol. There is a big difference between what is required and what is reasonable and prudent. Going beyond what is required to what is reasonable and prudent is the purpose of this writing.
Keep boxes of latex gloves at the front counter as well in the work area used by the cleaner/spotter. One spot of dried blood from a paper cut requires a different approach than a lap area soaked with semi-dried blood.
Approach with caution all garments that come into your plant in a plastic bag. Reject any item that is presented
for cleaning in a bag marked “Bio-hazard” if you have not put into place policies for handling such items and have not immunized your employees.
Blood is a common stain for cleaners, but it is not the only bodily fluid with which we have to deal. I seldom hear the term “albumin,” which is a “nice” term for a wide range of bodily fluids. All such stains qualify as protein stains, but any bodily fluid can spread a customer’s infection. Even if the stain has dried, the risk is lowered but not eliminated. The steam of a spotting gun will reduce the chance of transferring the infection, but it will not completely eliminate the risk.
The excretory system functions to remove impurities from the body, and there are times when these impurities can be potentially infectious. These stains are often called “human filth,” and contact is always to be avoided. These water-soluble stains are prime candidates for wet cleaning.
There are times when the customer will say they are bringing in something that contains contagious matter, such as a jacket containing vomit: “My son has the flu.” It is necessary to protect yourself with latex gloves when handling these types of items to prevent becoming infected or subjecting other employees to this risk.
While the examples I’ve cited are aimed at preventing physical harm to you and employees, there are some items that can damage your reputation and impact your bottom line.
Many times a customer will bring in a really old textile piece, things such as a tapestry, quilt, formal gown, cocktail dress, and especially wedding dresses. The piece can be filled with aged stains and operational “land mines.” You can
be sure that the customer has a highly defined mental picture of “like-new” results, even if the item was bought at a yard sale. Old, untreated stains; dark water circles; degradation of fiber; and improper storage should be taken into consideration before accepting the item for cleaning.
On occasion a customer will bring you an item such as a “family” christening gown. (I once received one that was 150 years old.) Not only does this type of item have sentimental value, it is irreplaceable. When you accept the item, you are implying that you can safely return the item in better condition than you received it.
Hand-painted velvet banners, vintage accent pieces, and religious artifacts are other items included in this category. You must think about all potential outcomes and the possibility of damage in handling. The first rule is “Do no harm.”
Condition yourself to think about the potential for unsatisfactory results. You must provide a safe work environment for your employees. You recondition textiles for the public for a fee. You must protect the medical health of your employees, as well as your reputation and bottom line, balanced against the potential for the profit of providing your service.
Stop and think about serviceability of items coming to you for restoration. Communicate to all employees the concerns involved in handling all these items. Provide training and protection for your employees. Be proactive in your approach. O
Martin L. Young Jr. has been an industry consultant and trainer for almost 20 years, and a member of various stakeholder groups on environmental issues. He grew up in his parents’ plant in Con cord, N.C., Young Cleaners, which he operates to this day. Contact him by phone at 704-786-3011, e-mail mayoung@vnet.net.
American Drycleaner, October 2013
In my many years of business, from time to time it was necessary to discharge an employee. I found it difficult the first time and equally hard the last. It is a safe assumption that if you must discharge a member of your staff, particularly one who has been with you for some time, it would be equally difficult.
When this person accepted a position in your drycleaning plant, both parties were optimistic. However, with
some, not everything works out as intended and there must be a parting of the ways. Some may go amicably, some will be fuming, while others threaten legal action for wrongful dismissal. No matter which, it always engenders intense emotions for all parties—you, the discharged employee, and those who remain.
The potential for litigation makes this situation still more onerous. If not handled with discretion, it could gen-
erate a costly-to-defend lawsuit. This could also apply to “constructive dismissal,” whereby the creation of an oppressive environment forces the employee to leave. Oversights made before, during the exit interview and after the discharge can significantly affect both employer and employee.
TERMINATING FOR JUST CAUSE. “Just cause” means that the employer has a valid reason to fire this person. The reasons are numerous and would include such infractions as unsatisfactory workmanship; incompetency; excessive absence/lateness; inappropriate behavior; sexual misconduct; usage of drugs or alcohol on the job; being belligerent to customers and other staff members; and so forth.
Too often, it is easy to assume that the problem(s), if sufficiently ignored, will just disappear. This is wishful thinking. Problems usually don’t go away. If anything, in most cases, they are exacerbated over time.
WRONGFUL DISMISSAL. Today’s labor laws appear to be structured in favor of the employee. One only has to read the multitude of advertisements by law firms to see that none are for the benefit of the employers. However, this does not limit your right to discharge an employee for a good reason or for no reason at all, such as dissatisfaction with this person. Just ensure that the discharge is not prejudicial or it could be classified as “wrongful dismissal.” This would include discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, age, nationality or sexual orientation. You cannot fire an employee who filed a discrimination claim, refused to commit an illegal act, or has a statutory right.
However, the law is not unfair. It pro
vides the employer the opportunity to prove that the dismissal was not wrongful or prejudicial. Still, be careful! Methodically document the reasons and the steps you have taken in bringing about this action.
If involving an older person or one who has been your employee for several years, it is wise to consult with your lawyer and lay out the plan. You may have to defend
With some employees, not everything works out and there must be a parting of the ways. ... it always engenders intense emotions for all parties—you, the discharged employee, and those who remain.
your action before a judge. You might not be guilty of wrongful dismissal but the cost of proving your innocence could be exorbitant.
If you are sued, never take with you into court any notes that could be construed as having even the slightest hint of prejudice. Better yet, don’t take any paper of any kind. Some years ago, when defending a major project foreclosure, opposing counsel snatched my sheath of notes and used some of the information therein against me. The worth of my testimony was somewhat reduced. Destroy any such data that may be in your files.
BEFORE TERMINATING. Discharging an employee should never be a “shoot from the hip” reaction to a specific situation. It should be a well-thought-out yet timely process. Still, don’t delay it unnecessarily.
When operating a real estate and business appraisal practice, an employee appraiser struggled with appraisals, and I ▲
struggled with him for about six months. Had this chap been discharged much earlier, I would have done both of us a favor. There was no way to correct his poor performance. He had the desire to be an appraiser but lacked the ability. Good at book learning but poor in practice! When in a similar situation, you must satisfy yourself that you have taken all steps to ensure that terminating this employee is the correct action and is best for all.
THE STEPS. I suggest following these steps:
• On a confidential basis, begin with a detailed investigation into the situation. Assess both cause and effect. Consider what action to take.
• Ensure that the problem or allegations are real and have been or can be substantiated.
• Have a “sit down” with the employee and discuss the problem or allegations in a non-prejudical manner.
• Give the employee every opportunity to respond.
• If the problem is rectifiable, seek
an alternative solution to dismissal.
• Most importantly, when you are certain that the problem(s) cannot be resolved, do not sweep it under the rug. Act with discretion and candor.
DOING THE DEED. Having concluded that there is no other alternative, take a day or three to plan the exit interview so that it creates a minimum of distress for both you and the employee.
Be certain to provide a detailed explanation of why you are taking this action. Be clear about the reasons, and document them. Avoid personal, degrading or vague statements, and saying anything that might suggest that the situation is reversible. Consider the possibility of an irrational, negative, combative reaction and perhaps an appeal.
Having reached this point, do it now, not tomorrow or next week. Never allow an employee a few days or weeks to get his/her things in order. This only permits this person to do nothing to further your business but to perhaps badmouth you. Resolve the concerns you or the employee have about confidentiality. Whether to provide the employee a termination letter setting out your reasons is argumentative.
AFTER THE TERMINATION. Some employees may think you have acted too harshly and prematurely. Others may wonder what took you so long. Saying “It’s not your concern” or something of this sort may not cut it. You must gauge yourself as to how
You must satisfy yourself that you have taken all steps to ensure that terminating this employee is the correct action and is best for all.
(Image licensed by Ingram Publishing)
much explanation is required and you are prepared to give. There is no definite rule as to how to deal with these situations. Play it by ear and hope for the best. Although not legally required, you may wish to provide a valid reason for the termination. Because of concern about being liable for defamation of character, or the reverse in which you give a non-factual “glowing” recommendation, it is probably best to provide only the date of the termination.
THE BOTTOM LINE. Discharging an employee, particularly one who has been with you for some time, will always be stressful for everyone involved in the act. Because of the possibility of the situation getting out of hand, be certain to go about it carefully,
methodically and with forethought.
Know and understand the protection given to employees by the laws of your state. You could be sued for a tort action, wrongful dismissal and prejudice, including punitive damage for pain, suffering and anything else that comes to some high-priced lawyer’s mind.
Be cautious. You can legally discharge an unsatisfactory employee but doing it hurriedly can too easily backfire. O
Information in this article is provided for edu cational and reference purposes only. It is not intended to provide specific advice or indi vidual recommendations. Consult an attorney for advice regarding your particular situation.
Lloyd R. Manning is a freelance writer based in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan.
American Drycleaner, October 2013
ry cleaners are busy people. I was reminded of this when I attended the Clean Show in New Orleans. I met Sharon Dutcher of Fay’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning in Layton, Utah. We talked about the many hats that an owner wears, and she said something that is so true of our times: “If your hair is not on fire, don’t talk to me!”
How did things get so crazy? And when did bodily harm become the catalyst to respond? I know she was just making a point, but I started thinking. It has taken a long time for us to reach this disorganized and chaotic world in which we do business.
NankervisI’m going to blame some of the current craziness on Just in Time Manufacturing (JIT). While its roots go back to the cotton gin, Japanese car manufacturer Toyota made a splash by introducing and then advocating JIT manufacturing during the 1950s. The move was hugely beneficial to the fledgling Japanese auto industry. Inventory was slashed, and costs were realized closer to the point of sale; it was an organized and structured method to reduce overhead.
JIT is standard today in manufacturing, and it has seeped into the way everyone conducts business. However, this method isn’t easy, and requires
discipline to systematically identify what to change, then work on a process to get it right. Obviously, I don’t want a car with only a “pretty good” set of brakes.
INSTANT GRATIFICATION. Some things— like drycleaning and laundry service— can’t be obtained instantly. Many clients have an eight-hour (or less) turnaround. While the customer loves the convenience, her level of satisfaction with stain removal, replacement of buttons, and minor repair work can drop rapidly. Giving the customer what she wants when she wants it is a good idea in theory; however, not every item can be cleaned quickly. (That’s not exactly true. Any item can be cleaned quickly, but the results may not be so delightful.)
A lot of drycleaner/customer angst can be eliminated simply by stating the obvious: We need more time. If a customer service representative can’t or doesn’t explain the reasons that cleaning an item will take longer, you can predict the results.
Here are two additional timewarping benchmarks:
The drastic drop in the number of people participating in bowling leagues over the past decade. A friend of mine has bowled in leagues for years. He told me not too long ago that
his league had disbanded because few people wanted to commit to a 32-week-long season. It now seems that even recreation is a candidate for speediness. Texting. One of my staff members has a daughter who is attending college in another state. Each morning when she comes to work, she puts her cell phone on her desk. Five to six times a day, she receives text messages from her 20-year-old updating her status during the day. Quick communication about the most minor events is now a way of life. So is her rapid response.
TOO RAPID A RESPONSE? Several clients use texts or e-mail to notify their customers when items are ready. I like the idea of using multiple communication channels (particularly with younger customers). However, in some cases, speedy communication is a hindrance.
Just last month, a mystery shopper thought her clothing was ready to be picked up. Here’s what she wrote: “Originally I was told my order would be ready after 5 p.m. on Friday. But Friday morning I received an e-mail from XX Cleaners. The e-mail read: Even though the e-mail specified three
pieces were ready, she thought it meant her entire order was ready. She picked up three items just before 2 p.m. and had to return at 5 to pick up the final piece. Without the additional communication, the customer would have arrived at 5 that Friday to find all of her clothing ready.
If you use this process, be sure your system is set up to notify the customer only when the entire order is ready.
Gary Maloney from Nu-Yale Glacier Cleaners, Jeffersonville, Ind., e-mailed me: “If your customer is using SPOT POS, there is a setting to keep this from happening. The e-mail will not go out until the entire order (is ready) when there are multiple invoices.”
Even the most well-intentioned dry cleaner will need to get items cleaned and ready first. Rapid response just because it’s available can be costly to a dry cleaner’s reputation. In most cases, drycleaning delivery is not a “hair on fire” moment. O
Carolyn B. Nankervis is president of MarketWise Consulting Group, Appleton, Wis. A former director of marketing, sports writer, radio announcer and TV producer, she is a frequent speaker on customer service and marketing topics. She can be reached at carolyn.nankervis@marketwi.com, 920-735-4970.
hat is your work attitude?
Do you come in each day with a gloomy outlook? Are you often sighing?
Are you bent over most of the day, as if the world’s burdens are on your shoulders? Is your voice mostly resigned, as if you are just waiting for a catastrophe to happen? Is your face clenched in a defensive mode, making you appear fearful, resigned and tired?
I once observed the following encounter between a dry cleaner and a customer. When the customer asked a few questions, the dry cleaner turned his back on her and looked up at the ceiling. His shoulders rose and fell. His sigh sounded desperate. Then he turned and faced the woman, uttering, “What do you want from me? I can’t perform miracles.” I’m sure the customer quickly determined to take her business elsewhere.
Attitude matters. It affects employees. It encourages prospects to do business with you. Vendors like the air of confidence. It colors the spirit of the business. With a positive attitude, there is an air of quiet competence and of accomplishment. With a negative
To find past columns from Howard Scott or share this month’s with your colleagues, visit AmericanDrycleaner.com.
attitude, everything feels like it is too much trouble. Everything feels forced.
A TELEVISION EXAMPLE. A recent PBS Masterpiece Theater television series, Mr. Selfridge, was about a real-life London department store, Selfridge’s, back in the early part of the 20th century. The business lasted 50 years. The owner was an American named Harry Selfridge, one of the pioneers of modern department-store merchandising. If you watched the show (and I recommend that you do), you know that Selfridge was an explosion of optimism.
He exuded confidence. He had the courage to build the store in an unfashionable part of town, insisting that the store would pull in people. Before the store was even built, the main backer pulled out. Yet even though he private ly had reservations, Selfridge publicly went forward as if nothing could stop him. And in fact, he pursued contacts until he found a satisfactory investor.
He greeted his staff each morning with a robust “Good morning” and constantly preached, “We are creating something special here,” “We are in this together,” and “I need you just as much as you need me.” It gave staffers pride in their work and elevated their sense of self-worth.
Always an innovator, Selfridge chose a popular entertainer to be the
public representative of his product lines. When he discovered that an airplane had just flown over the English Channel, he approached the pilot, Louis Blériot, and convinced him to let the store display his airplane and to make a personal appear ance. Standing alongside the plane, the aviator answered questions. These strate gies brought droves of people into the store.
Selfridge set up perfume and makeup counters at the store’s entrance, in part to counteract the bad smells of the street.
Now this is a TV show, to be sure, and there is some exaggeration. But in fact, Selfridge was a larger-than-life character who boasted he would change the experience of shopping – transforming it from a necessary task to an enjoyable experience.
He learned his retail savvy as a 20-year
executive with Montgomery Ward in Chicago. By the end of his life, his retailing exploits were legendary. He was called the “Showman of Shipping.” He single-handedly developed or perfected selling concepts such as selling by using the senses, perfecting merchandise displays to entice customers, creating bargain basements, and installing main-floor beauty. He began the use of celebrity endorsements. He created event marketing.
But, in the beginning of his career, his optimistic attitude paved the way for success.
IT’S ALL IN THE ATTITUDE. So what does a TV show have to do with you and your drycleaning business? Only that your attitude—the combination of values, beliefs, energy, ambition, enthusiasm and
confidence that makes up your personality—has a major effect on your business.
Sure, business is tough. Every day, you must solve problems. Of course, you’re not in a glamorous industry like high-end department store retailing. But you can be up to the challenge, energetic in solving problems, positive about the future, and resolute in your determination to succeed. And you needn’t be over-the-top like the Richard Selfridge TV portrayal.
You can be up to the challenge, energetic in solving problems, positive about the future, and resolute in your determination to succeed.
Here are a few examples. You start the day in your office and come out when the first customer appears. Contrast this with you walking through the plant first thing, saying good morning to each staffer and talking to a few individuals about matters that occurred yesterday. Then you give the cleaner a head’s-up about what to expect during the day. As you’re walking back to the front counter, you turn to your staff and, with a positive voice, say, “Let’s do it.”
A different attitude will help your workers face their day more positively. It will show that you are in touch. It will give them a boost to start their day.
FACING CHANGES. A vendor comes in with a suggestion that could make your operation more efficient. He leaves the information. A few weeks later, you get to the material to implement his suggestion, but just can’t face making a change. After all, you’re
getting the work done, so why rock the boat?
Contrast this with you looking over the material and determining that you will try a version of the suggestion out in the plant. You call a meeting to tell staffers about the idea and ask them to think about it. You do a bit more research, but ultimately decide that the suggestion won’t prove too helpful.
In both cases, you arrive at the same place. But, in the second version, you show you are up for changes. You give your staff the feeling the company wants to improve, and you’ve done your research, which gives you more insight into the production process.
A machine breaks down. You go into the plant and explode in frustration, accusing your staffer of disabling the piece of equipment. The employee denies that it is his fault and the two of you get into a yelling match. This creates bad feelings that are not easy to erase.
The other way of handling that situation is going in back, examining the problem, and consulting with a few staffers as to how to fix the problem and how to get production up to snuff. Remaining calm and cool demonstrates your steely confidence that a solution will be found. Which approach do you think will inspire confidence?
Attitude. Attitude. Attitude. It matters … a lot. What can you do to infuse your attitude with enthusiasm? Watching the Selfridge series might be a good start. O
Howard Scott is a longtime industry writer and dry cleaning consultant, and an H&R Block tax prepar er specializing in small businesses. He welcomes questions and comments, and can be reached by writing Howard Scott, Dancing Hill, Pembroke, MA 02359, by calling 781-293-9027 or via e-mail at dancinghill@gmail.com.
American Drycleaner, October 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
In its original form, the 401(k) retire ment plan was only for employees of corporations. Nowadays, business owners and professionals who are selfemployed, operating as sole proprietors, or as partnerships may open a 401(k), provided that the business has no em ployees other than owner and spouse.
If a business falls into that category, this is important news. The so-called in dividual or solo 401(k) means the owner may shelter thousands more dollars per year than in other kinds of non-corporate retire ment accounts.
Congress authorized the solo 401(k) in 2001 to become effective in 2002. Surprisingly, many eligible workers have yet to take advantage of it. The solo 401(k) not only allows a self-employed individual, for instance, to shelter much higher amounts of income from current taxes, it also allows that person to invest money in an account in a wider range of investment alternatives, including real estate. The individual may even borrow money from the 401(k) without a penalty.
“The solo 401(k) is a gift to the selfemployed from Congress. This is the greatest invention since sliced bread. I’m not kidding,” says Eva Rosenberg, enrolled agent, sole proprietor, and pub lisher of the website, taxmama.com.
HOW IT WORKS. With a solo 401(k), a person may participate to the same extent as someone who participates in a corporate-sponsored plan.
As an employee (even though the person may be the only employee in the business), an individual may contribute up to 100% of the first $17,500 of annu al net income for tax year 2013. This is a deferred-salary contribution. That means that a person will not owe income taxes on contributions until withdrawals begin upon retirement. Understand, however, that if a business is incorporated, the in dividual must calculate contributions on wages, not on the business’ profit.
The benefit is two-sided. A person defers income taxes until retirement when income will undoubtedly be in a lower tax bracket, and the money in an account grows tax-deferred.
In the years that follow, there are cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) to the solo 401(k) maximum contribu tion limit that potentially increase the limit beyond the current level. In yet another benefit, participants who are age 50 or older may contribute an additional $3,500 per year. This amount will increase each year for cost-of-living adjustments.
Now, let’s add the “company” com ponent. A self-employed worker also may contribute up to an additional 20% of the net self-employment income.
(If a business is incorporated, the owner may contribute up to 25% of the corporate compensation.)
In total, the maximum contribution al lowable in a solo 401(k) is $51,000-$56,500 if a person is age 50 or older.
If a spouse provides some services to a sole proprietorship for which the spouse is paid, or if a spouse is employed by an incor porated business, each of the spouses may open their own 401(k).
INVESTMENT ALTERNATIVES. For some partici pants, one of the most important benefits of the 401(k) is the expanded list of investment alternatives.
Real estate is one of the most popular, and just about any form of real estate in vestment is permitted under the law. Note, however, that neither an individual, spouse, children nor parents may live on the proper ty. The real estate purchased must be treated strictly as a business investment within the 401(k). All operating costs must be paid from the account, and all profits must revert to the account.
Of course, not everyone will have enough money in a 401(k) to support real estate in vestments. If this is a goal, other retirement accounts may be rolled over into an individu al 401(k). This includes SEP accounts, IRAs, Keoghs, and even money in other 401(k)s with former employers.
The 401(k) allows an individual to bor row money from the plan. Up to 50% of the total account value ($50,000 maximum) may be borrowed. An exception applies if the ac count value is less than $20,000; in this case, a person may borrow up to $10,000, even if this is the entire balance. While federal law permits this option, not all account manage ment companies permit it.
Any loans made from a 401(k) must be repaid within five years, with interest deter mined by the applicable federal rate (0.25% at this writing). Interest payments as well as principal loan repayments must all be depos ited in the account quarterly.
Should a person be unable to repay a loan from a 401(k), the IRS will treat it as an early distribution (unless the person reaches age 591/2 before the loan comes due) and the person will be assessed taxes and penalties.
Whether a business is incorporated or the person is self-employed, each individual has until Dec. 31 to set up a 401(k) plan in time to shield business income for 2013. How ever, the holder isn’t required to fund it until tax filing time in 2014.
The application is relatively easy to fill out, but if a person plans to take advantage of the alternative investment option, it’s a good idea to work with an accountant and the company that will manage the account.
Individual 401(k) plans have so many advantages over other self-employment plans that they have become one of the most popu lar. Virtually all mutual fund and investment management companies, including the major brokerage houses, are already offering the plans or will be in the near future.
Additional information and a list of 401(k) retirement plan providers are avail able at 401khelpcenter.com. Another helpful website is irafinancialgroup.com. O
Information in this article is provided for educational and reference purposes only. It is not intended to provide specific advice or individual recommenda tions. Consult an accountant or tax adviser for advice regarding your particular situation.
Bill Lynott is a freelance writer whose work appears regularly in leading trade publications and news papers, as well as consumer magazines including Reader’s Digest and Family Circle. Visit his website at blynott.com or e-mail blynott@comcast.net.
American Drycleaner, October 2013
Introduction to Drycleaning. DLI course, to be held Oct. 14-18 in Laurel, Md. Call 800-638-2627 or visit dlionline.org.
Advanced Drycleaning. DLI course, to be held Oct. 21 through Nov. 1 in Laurel, Md. Call 800-638-2627 or visit dlionline.org.
Spot Right Stain Removal. WFI seminar, to be held Oct. 26 in Butler, Wis. Call 414-529-4707.
Wet Cleaning. NCA course, to be held Oct. 27 in Bronx, N.Y. Call 212-9673002 or e-mail ncaiclean@aol.com.
Intermediate Stain Removal and Bleaching. NCA course, to be held Oct. 27 at a location to be announced. Call 212-967-3002 or e-mail ncaiclean@aol. com.
DEC Certification. Two-day NCA course, to be held Oct. 27 and Nov. 3 in Nanuet, N.Y. Call 212-967-3002 or e-mail ncaiclean@aol.com.
Technical Training at Counter for Customer Service Reps. NCA course, to be held Nov. 24 in Nanuet, N.Y. Call 212-967-3002 or e-mail ncaiclean@ aol.com. O
Melvin “Mel” Shapiro, a retired veteran of the drycleaning industry, died Aug. 26 at the age of 83.
He was born April 26, 1930, in New York City. Growing up in Brighton Beach, in Brooklyn, Shapiro spent much of his youth perfecting his standup comedy. In 1947, he won the cov eted Arthur Godfrey Talent Scouts Award, propelling him to tour the coun try’s comedy clubs. He enlisted in the Army and became part of USO shows, doing TV and live shows for troops during the Korean War.
Later, Shapiro and his brother, Phillip, decided to move west to build a business for their new families. They settled on buying a small, single Las Ve gas dry cleaner called Al Phillips The Cleaner and moved their families to the city in 1964.
Over the next 36 years, the Shapiros developed the company into a dryclean ing legend, creating the first “car hop drive-thru” that then became the busiest cleaners in the world, servicing 75% of the Las Vegas community, with numer ous locations throughout the city. The company’s commercials featuring the
Shapiros and various Las Vegas ce lebrities made them local celebrities in their own right.
The Shapiros sold Al Phillips The Cleaner in 1984 to a public company, but stayed on to run it for many years. Phil Shapiro died in 1999. Mel retired from the business in 2000.
Also preceding him in death were his parents and another brother, Milton.
Surviving him are his wife, Flor ence; three children, David Shapiro, Barbara Owens and Daniel Shapiro; a sister, Florence Sokoloff; a brother, Patrick; two grandchildren; and many more family members.
Memorial donations made payable to “Keep Memory Alive” and noted “in memory of Mel Shapiro” may be made to the Cleveland Clinic in Las Vegas.
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn recently signed a new law creating a task force that will strengthen and improve the state’s Drycleaner Environmental Response Trust Fund.
House Bill 3349, sponsored by state Rep. Mike Tyron (R-Crystal Lake) and state Sen. Pam Althoff (R-Crystal Lake), “gives dry cleaners greater flex ibility in making their required insurance payments by requiring the Trust Fund to provide policyholders addi
tional notices and a 30-day grace period before their coverage expires in the event of a missed payment.”
The new law is effective immediately.
The Drycleaner Environmental Re sponse Trust Fund Task Force’s mission is to make recommendations to the governor and the General Assembly, increasing the Fund’s efficiency and effectiveness in sup porting the needs of business owners, and cleaning up past environmental damage caused by dry cleaning. A report by the Task Force will be due Dec. 31, 2014.
The Trust Fund contains three primary programs: a licensing program, an insur ance program and a remedial program.
The licensing program is mandatory for all retail drycleaning facilities in Illinois, with license fees ranging from $1,500 to $5,000, based on the amount of solvent pur chased at the facility.
The insurance program provides up to $500,000 in pollution liability insurance to pay for contamination cleanup caused by a future spill or leak, while the remedial program pays for the cleanup of existing contamination caused by the spillage of drycleaning solvents.
Rick Rome, owner of Wash Club NYC, a Manhattan-based delivery drycleaning and wash-and-fold services company, recently received the Helping Hand Award for his volunteer efforts following Hurricane San dy from New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the Department of Small Business Services and Citi Community Development.
Hurricane Sandy, which hit the East ern Seaboard in October 2012, “was the deadliest and most destructive hurricane of the 2012 hurricane season,” becoming the second costliest storm in U.S. history, ac cording to the company.
Rome was presented with the award for “voluntarily washing and delivering lin ens belonging to Brooklyn Hospitals, the National Guard, and Breezy Point storm victims.”
He received the award alongside a handful of other New York small busi nesses at the Citi Executive Conference Center Aug. 8.
“Giving back to the people and city I love in a time of need was just a natural reaction,” says Rome. “I am truly fortunate to live and work in such an incredible city as New York.”
The Clean Show will return to a four-day format for its 2015 show, scheduled for Thursday through Sunday, April 16-19, 2015, at the Georgia World Congress Cen ter in Atlanta, reports Riddle & Associates, the show’s longtime management firm.
“The positive feedback we’ve received on Clean 2013 has been overwhelming. In visiting with exhibitors, attendees and the show partners, it was clear that the best way to build upon that success was to add a day to the schedule,” says Clean Execu tive Committee Chairman Brian Wallace. “Clean 2015 will run four days, which will give all involved even more opportunity to gain the most value from our industry’s ▲
American Drycleaner, October 2013 55
premier trade show event.”
“People are going to be pleasantly sur prised at how much Atlanta has changed since the Clean Show was last held in the city in 1987,” says John Riddle, show man ager. “It is a major destination with so much to see and do.”
The 2013 Clean Show in New Orleans drew a total of 10,300 people from all 50 states, including 1,663 attendees from 83 other countries, according to show manage ment.
Formally known as the World Educa tional Congress for Laundering and Dry cleaning, the Clean Show covers every facet of the textile care industry, and is considered “the world’s largest exhibition of textile care products, featuring working equipment,” ac cording to Riddle & Associates.
Show sponsors are the Association for Linen Management (ALM), the Coin Laun dry Association (CLA), the Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI), the Textile Care Allied Trades Association (TCATA) and the Textile Rental Services Association of America (TRSA).
The Textile Care Allied Trades Associ ation (TCATA) recently announced the results of elections for officers and mem bers of the board of directors, with Steve Mathews of M&B Hangers named presi dent-elect.
Mathews, who will assume the post in April, has been an active member of TCATA, having served on its Business Program Committee for the 2013 TCATA Annual Management & Educational Con
ference; as a board member from 2008 to 2010; Thursday Party Chair for the 2007 Annual Conference; and as Golf Chair for the 2006 Conference, the association says. “ TCATA has always been a special organization to me,” says Mathews. “As a child, I remember my dad (Stan Mathews) being very involved in the association, even serving as president. He always spoke of the value of the organization, including the business relationships and friendships that he formed. This has been the same for me since I became part of TCATA, and I am truly honored for the opportunity to serve as president.”
Kevin Lawson of Tri-State Laundry Equipment Co. is treasurer-elect and will assume that post in April, according to TCATA.
Vice presidents elected to one-year terms were David Tingue of Tingue, Brown & Co. (Supply Manufacturer Group), Gerald Henke of Intex Distribut ing Co. (Distributors Group), and Tony Regan of ADC (American Dryer Corp.) (Machinery Manufacturers Group).
Elected to the board for the first time were Tim Grandy of Softrol Systems (Machinery Manufacturers Group), Pe ter Limoncelli of Yankee Equipment Systems (Machinery Distributors Group), and Gerard O’Neill of American Laundry Sys tems (Related Trades Group).
Members re-elected to the board were Jeff Allen of E.J. Thomas Co. (Supply Distributors Group), Ed Kirejczyk III of EDRO Corp. (Machinery Manufacturers Group), Lawson (Machinery Distributors Group), Steve Pedelty of M&B Hangers (Supply Manufacturers Group), and Alex ander Seitz of Seitz Inc. (Supply Manufac turers Group). O
American Drycleaner, October 2013 www.americandrycleaner.com
DLI Introduction to Drycleaning students, July 15-19 class: (front row, from left) Narendra Magar, Clothe Spa, Hadapsar, Maharastra, Pune, India; Reshma Magar, Clothe Spa, Hadapsar, Maharastra, Pune, India; Tasha Crump, Puritan Cleaners, Richmond, Va.; Bernadette Solomon, Fluff-N-Fold, Georgetown, Grand Cayman; Cheryl Price, Rick’s Cleaners, Austin, Texas; Stephen Nwulu, Sonul Drycleaning Services, Portharcourt, Umuahia P.O., Nigeria; Kim Tran, El Monte, Calif.; Taehwan Oh, Covington Cleaners, Covington, La.; (middle row, from left) Brian Johnson, DLI director of education & analysis; Barbara Dickson, Puritan Cleaners, Richmond, Va.; Diony Paz, Frank Saliba, Garfield, N.J.; Tavia Robinson, Lyons Cleaners, Memphis, Tenn.; Jose de la Serna, Tintorerias Cleanexpress, Quinta Ave., Las Americas Aguascalientes, Mexico; Jay Lee, Prestige Cleaners, Bloomingdale, Ill.; Sam Cardenas, Laundry Locker, San Francisco; Rajbir Parhar, Parhar & Parmar, LLC., Vineland, N.J.; Anthony Dang, El Monte, Calif.; Olumide Temilola, Dayspring Associates, Victoria Island, Lagos,
Nigeria; Ali Condah, VDA-Zips, Greenbelt, Md.; (back row, from left) Joseph Claypole, VDA-Zips, Greenbelt, Md.; Syed Zaidi, ZAIDI’s Enterprise, Frederick, Md.; Justin Ledbetter, Superior Cleaners, Medina, Ohio; Moronke Agboola, BTL Signature Dry Cleaning, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria; Jamal Yahia, Fabricare House Cleaners, Norwell, Mass.; Lance Leclair, Greers Drycleaning, South Burlington, Vt.; Adekemi Adejumo, Culmen Dry Cleaners, Harmony Estate, Aja, Lagos, Nigeria; Jeremy Ebanks, Fluff-N-Fold, Georgetown, Grand Cayman; Donte Bowie, VDA-Zips, Greenbelt, Md.; Jason Feldman, The Clean Store, Malvern, Pa.; and Stephen Rockenbaugh, Keans The Cleaner, Baton Rouge, La.
DLI Advanced Drycleaning students, July 22-Aug. 2 class: (front row, from left) Stephen Nwulu, Sonul Drycleaning Services, Umuahia P.O. Nigeria; Narendra Magar, Clothe Spa, Hadapsar, Maharastra, Pune, India; Reshma Magar, Clothe Spa, Hadapsar, Maharastra, Pune, India; Cheryl Price, Ricks Cleaners, Austin, Texas; Kim Tran, El Monte, Calif.; Anthony Dang, El Monte,
Calif.; middle row (from left) Temilola Olumide, Dayspring Associates, Baltimore, Md.; Jose de la Serna, Tintorerias Cleanexpress, Las Americas Aguascalientes Mexico; Jay Lee, Prestige Cleaners, Bloomingdale, Ill.; Greg Gunderson, Gunderson Cleaners, Menasha, Wis.; Taehwan Oh, Covington Cleaners, Covington, La.; Daniel Oduro, Durok, Columbus, Ohio; Moronke Agboola, BTL Signature Dry Cleaning, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria; Brian Johnson, DLI director of education & analysis; (back row, from left) Cliff Robinson, MW Cleaners, Spring, Texas; Justin Ledbetter, Superior Cleaners, Medina, Ohio; Melanie Massiah, Sal’s Clothing & Fabric Restoration, Everett, Mass.; and Olukunle Iyanda, BTL Signature Dry Cleaning, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria.
American Drycleaner, October 2013
2013 RATES: One- to five-time rate: $2.40 per word, boldface $2.50 per word. Minimum charge: $25.00 per ad. Call or write for our three- and 12-time rates. If box number is used, add cost of 5 words. Display classified rates are available on request. All major credit cards are accepted.
PAYMENT FOR CLASSIFIED ADS: Must accompany order. DEADLINE: Ads must be received by the 1st of the preceding month. For example, for a June ad, the closing date is May 1st.
Most ads contain a phone number, street address or a U.S. Post Office Box number for reply. However, some advertisers choose an American Drycleaner confidential reply number. For these ads, address your reply to the box number printed in the ad, c/o American Drycleaner, 566 W. Lake St., Suite 420, Chicago, IL 60661, or fax replies to 312-361-1685. For more information, please contact us at 312-3611700.
Brandon, Tampa, FL location plant. Must have min. 5 years experience operating a large volume, quality drycleaning and shirt laundering plantcleaner/spotter, ability to train and manage 25 employees and take control of all phases of plant operations. Equipment knowledge and repair a plus, 6-day week. Fax resume to 813-653-3756 or email to admin@majiktouchcleaners.com or call 813-654-2323
W ITHOUT-A-TRACE WEAVERS— More than 50 years’ experience. We are the experts in silks, knits, French weaving and piece weaving. Reasonable prices. Send garments for estimate to: 3344 W. Bryn Mawr, Chicago, IL 60659; 800-475-4922; www.withoutatrace.com.
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hood Cleaners Association (NCA) says this is often due to sulphur-dyed fabrics that are not rinsed and neutralized during the manufacturing process, causing sulphuric acid to form over time. Cleaners can learn to spot such fabrics by detecting its unusual odor, especially when a steam gun is applied. The NCA advises cleaners to give customers an explanation of possible problems before cleaning.
50 YEARS AGO. Cleaners may see lessauthentic fur garments this fall, as fake fur will not only make an appearance in outerwear, but in dresses, skirts, shirts, hats, and slacks. Faux fur manufacturers report business is three times what it was last year, while a buying organization for 185 retailers throughout the country is reporting that faux fur garments are becoming the biggest re-order items for the season. Faux fur manufacturers attribute the trend to consumers no longer comparing the fabric to garments made with authentic pelts. Cleaners who handle fur need not worry, however, as furriers are saying, “Few women who buy fake furs are potential buyers of real fur coats.” … Sanitone can chalk up two more big-name supporters to its list, as ladies fine-quality knitwear maker Dalton and sportswear clothier Catalina Inc. have endorsed the Sanitone process for the care of their clothing. The additional endorsements boost Sanitone’s fall and winter promotion program. … While many consumers are outfitting their wardrobe with fall fashion must-haves, the National Institute of Drycleaning (NID) is already looking ahead to spring, as it has
designated April 19-25 as “Good Grooming Week.” NID will sponsor the event in hopes of not only encouraging the need for good clothing appearance, but to also point out the professional dry cleaner’s role in the grooming process. NID will seek out the cooperation of allied trades firms, retail clothing outfitters and others to make the event successful.
75 YEARS AGO. It’s a given that after 52 years, Coca-Cola can be considered the “King of the Colas.” But how, then, can spotters treat a garment that has a royal stain from the beverage? Frank Neumann, spotter at Chicago’s Liberty Cleaners, has created the perfect combo to knock out Coca-Cola stains. Neumann first applies ammonia to the stain—if it stays the same brown color, it’s Coca-Cola. He then applies glycerine to soften the stain, then steams the stained area. At the spotting board, he then applies straight ammonia, sponges it out, and then applies rust remover. After sponging out the solvent, the stain should be out. … With fall comes the start of a new football season, and Walkers Cleaners and Tailors of Green Bay, Wis., has kicked off a new ad campaign featuring the city’s beloved team, the Green Bay Packers. The cleaning firm took out a double-page spread in a recent Packers issue of the Green Bay Press-Gazette, featuring an official team photo exclusive to the company with the heading for the ad saying “Supercleaning—Choice of Champions.” … Mullaire Co. of Cleveland has completed a two-story addition to its main plant. Estimated cost of construction is $18,000, as the company is set to add $20,000 worth of new equipment. O — Compiled by Carlo Calma
10 YEARS AGO. The official attendance numbers are in for Clean ’03, as show manager Riddle & Associates is reporting that 16,526 people attended the show in Las Vegas, just 20 fewer than the total attendance recorded at Clean ’01 in New Orleans. This year’s show saw 8% less exhibit space due to tighter budgets and mergers in the industry, and booth personnel also dropped from Clean ’01, to 5,475. There were 538 exhibitors this year. … Texcare International is gearing up for its 2004 trade show in Frankfurt, Germany, as Messe Frankfurt GmbH has chosen Dirk John to be event manager for its World Market for Modern Textile Care. John managed the show in 1996 and 2000, and developed and staged the first Texcare Asia in Singapore in 1998. … The board of the FabriCare Foundation (FCF) has announced it will fund a study to determine effective practices in cleaning fabrics damaged by mold. The University of South Florida’s Institute of Environmental Studies will conduct the first stage of the research.
25 YEARS AGO. Looking for more of a “rifle medium” instead of a “shotgun” approach in the hunt for drycleaning customers? Try direct mail marketing. Shelly Meinhardt talks about the approach in American Drycleaner’s advertising column, writing that the medium ranks third in popularity behind newspaper and television advertising. One tip on how to beef up your direct mail marketing: “Don’t be afraid of long copy.” The article features Herman Holtz, a Wheaton, Md.based direct marketing consultant who says, “The more you tell, the more you sell.” … Class is in session for Leather Val’s Suede & Leather Cleaning and Refinishing schools, held at its new research and training center in Willowbrook, Ill. Industry professionals attended the school’s first two-day workshop to obtain practical, hands-on skills and training, as well as answers to their common cleaning problems. Skin identification and classification, pre-spotting tips and professional cleaning techniques to suede were among other topics covered. Rick Collins, Kirk’s Suede-Life sales manager, and Lisa Martino, general manager for The Leather Cleaner, served as classroom instructors. … Black linen fabrics falling apart after dry cleaning has been a problem many cleaners have come across. The Neighbor-
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