Since stain removal matters to your customers, each stain is an opportunity to impress them.
InkGo is the effective and safe way to remove ink stains from all types of fabric - including acetates. Use it to remove adhesives, too.
It's eco-friendly... California compliant, chlorinated-solvent and NPE free, biodegradable and non-combustible. And since InkGo is user-friendly and odor-free, it's pleasant to work with.
Use InkGo to deliver stain-free cleaning. You'll build your reputation for quality – and keep customers coming back.
In an industry where time is money and quality is vital to success, having the right resources available can make all the di erence for your drycleaning company. Updated for 2024, our annual Distributors Directory is made to help connect you with the companies that can provide you with the equipment and supplies you need to do your best work and build for tomorrow.
If you need a little help finding this month’s hanger hidden on our cover, here’s a clue. Good luck!
• Automated assembly integrations with Metalprogetti and Quicksort
• Robust texting platform with Clean Notify text messaging
• Integrated Credit Cards
• Loaner computers/hardware to keep you up and running
• Best-in-class technical support
• Route management
In a fast-paced, ever-changing industry, dry cleaners need to be able to control what they can control, and one of the facets that they need to lock down is their own supply and equipment needs. Running out of crucial resources can cause a crisis that could have been averted.
To avoid this, American Drycleaner is once again providing our annual updated Distributor’s Directory, pointing you in the right direction for connecting with companies that can put the resources you need at your fingertips.
The directory is about more than just products, though. It’s about relationships. Every listing is a potential partner in your company’s growth and success. These distributors understand what it takes to succeed in this industry because they are focused on the unique needs of drycleaning owners and operators.
And, while these suppliers can help you meet your day-to-day needs, we challenge you to open your field of focus a bit. Could a new piece of equipment be the key in increasing your efficiency? Is there a cleaning chemical out there that you might not be aware of at this moment that can solve a problem you’ve been having with stubborn stains that have been frustrating your team? Sometimes, contacting a distributor and asking a question can lead to finding the perfect answer to a challenge.
This is an issue that you can keep handy throughout the year. Highlight it, make notes in the margins and refer to it when you have a need, want to think through a problem or take your business to the next level.
We also have an online version of this tool under the “Distributors Directory” tab at AmericanDrycleaner.com. Between these print and web offerings, we want to offer you all the options you need to find who you are looking for.
In an industry where time is money and quality is everything, having the right resources can make all the difference. We’re proud to provide our readership with a tool that can help them find the right partners.
Here’s to your continued success!
American Drycleaner (ISSN 0002-8258) is published monthly except Nov/Dec combined. Subscription prices, payment in advance: U.S., 1 year $50.00; 2 years $100.00. Single copies $10.00 for U.S. Published by American Trade Magazines LLC, 650 West Lake Street, Suite 320, Chicago, IL 60661. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER, Send changes of address and form 3579 to American Drycleaner, Subscription Dept., 125 Schelter Rd., #350, Lincolnshire, IL 60069-3666. Volume 91, number 6. Editorial, executive and advertising offices are at 650 West Lake Street, Suite 320, Chicago, IL 60661. Charles Thompson, President and Publisher. American Drycleaner is distributed selectively to: qualified dry cleaning plants and distributors in the United States. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason.
© Copyright AMERICAN TRADE MAGAZINES LLC, 2024. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher or his representative. American Drycleaner does not endorse, recommend or guarantee any article, product, service or information found within. Opinions expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of American Drycleaner or its staff. While precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the magazine’s contents at time of publication, neither the editors, publishers nor its agents can accept responsibility for damages or injury which may arise therefrom.
Charles Thompson
Editorial Director
Bruce Beggs
Dave Davis
Digital Media Director
Nathan Frerichs
Production Manager
Mathew Pawlak
Advisory Board
Jan Barlow
Kermit Engh
John-Claude Hallak
Monika Manter
Wesley Nelson
Kyle Nesbit
Fred Schwarzmann
Vic Williams
Wayne Wudyka
National Sales Manager
Linda Lee
Office Information Main: 312-361-1700
3120 W. Weldon Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85017
Phone: 602-248-0808
Toll Free: 877-835-5866
✉ sales@cpec-laundry.com
�� www.cpec-laundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service
3202 S. Richey Ave. Tucson, AZ 85713
Phone: 520-790-7377
✉ sales@cpec-laundry.com
�� www.cpec-laundry.com
Welcome to the American Drycleaner Distributors Directory for 2024. We have extended invitations to companies that provide cleaning equipment, supplies, parts and other vital services to the drycleaning industry to offer information about their business and the best ways to reach them. The results are in the pages that follow, listed alphabetically by city and state. No distributor information was received from states that have no listings.
Take advantage of this information to find those companies that can best service your company and allow you to serve your own clients.
A-1 Products Inc.
2020 Ave. F Birmingham, AL 35218
Contact: Alex Atwater
Phone: 205-787-1403
Toll-Free: 800-826-9347
✉ aatwater@a-1products.com
�� www.a-1products.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts; services
FabriClean Supply
1200 2nd Ave. North Birmingham, AL 35203
Contact: Trevor Hericks
Phone: 205-251-7272
Toll Free: 800-442-7021
✉ info@fabricleansupply.com
�� www.fabricleansupply.com
Packaging and supplies
Trademark Equipment Co.
1020 Warton Ave.
Tarrant, AL 35217
Contact: David Daniel Phone: 205-424-4221
✉ dd@deltadpxonline.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Automated Laundry Systems & Supply
360 E. 100th Ave.
Anchorage, AK 99515
Phone: 907-561-1752
✉ sales@autolaundrysystems.com
�� www.autolaundrysystems.com
Laundry and wetcleaning equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts; service
The Laundry Group LLC
300 E 5th Ave.
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: 907-519-0761
✉ Service@thelaundrygroup.com
�� thelaundrygroup.com
Laundry and wetcleaning equipment; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts; service
Astro Distributing & Leasing
4322 E. Winslow Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85040
Contact: Jay C. Snow Phone: 602-267-7072
✉ admin@astrodistributing.com
�� astrodistributing.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Laundry & Cleaners Equipment Co.
320 S. 25th St. Phoenix, AZ 85034
Phone: 602-244-0800
�� www.laundryandcleaners.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts; service
The Laundry Genie Supply Co. 5350 W. Bell Rd., Ste. C-122408
Glendale, AZ 85308
Contact: Scot Baker
Phone: 602-380-9837
✉ sudsbaker@gmail.com
�� www.laundrygeniesupply.com
drycleaning, laundry, finishing and wetcleaning equipment; parts; service
Laundry & Cleaners Supply
402 S. 50th St. Phoenix, AZ 85034
Contact: Dave Eckenrode/Nick Eckenrode
Phone: 602-244-0770
Toll Free: 800-258-9664
✉ dave@lcsupplyaz.com / nick@lcsupplyaz.com
�� www.LCSupplyAZ.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts; service
Wardlaw Equipment Consultants Inc.
Phoenix, AZ 85014
Contact: Kevin Wardlaw Phone: 520-791-2804
Toll Free: 877-927-3529
✉ wardequip@aol.com
�� www.wardlawequipment
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts; service
CLI Enterprises
3756 Salem Rd. (P.O. Box 468) Bryant, AR 72089
Contact: Steve Shepard
Phone: 501-794-0107
✉ steve@clienterprises.com
�� www.clienterprises.com
Laundry equipment; parts; services
FabriClean Supply of Arkansas
6600 Allied Way
Little Rock, AR 72209
Contact: Trevor Hericks
Phone: 501-565-5288
Toll Free: 800-442-7021
✉ info@fabricleansupply.com
�� www.fabricleansupply.com
Detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies
Justin Laundry Systems Inc.
5310 Baseline Rd.
Little Rock, AR 72209
Phone: 501-551-8600
Toll Free: 888-403-9600
✉ support@justinlaundry.com
�� www.justinlaundry.com
Laundry equipment
Alliance Laundry Systems
162 Harbor Ct. Pittsburg, CA 94565
Toll Free: 800-464-6866
✉ sales@taylorhouseman.com
�� www.taylorhouseman.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Corbett Equipment
1590 Adams Ave., Unit 4373
Costa Mesa, CA 92628
Contact: Jim Corbett
Phone: 949-500-1430
Toll Free: 855-591-1119
�� corbettequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts; service
DCL Mechanical Services
10524 La Morada Dr.
San Diego, CA 92124
Contact: Fran Bibby
Phone: 619-993-3726
✉ dclmechanical@att.net
Parts; service
Frimair USA West
4227 Carson Rd. Camino, CA 95709
Contact: Alan Yordy Phone: 209-649-4808
✉ yordyalan@yahoo.com
�� www.alanyordyequipment.com
drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
12955 Arroyo St. Sylmar, CA 91342
Contact: Tony Haddad Phone: 818-361-1066
Toll Free: 800-842-9661
✉ fujistar200@cs.com
�� www.fujistar.net
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Joven Sales & Service
10925 S. Broadway Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90061
Contact: Joven Lactaoen
Phone: 323-757-3161
✉ jovensinc@gmail.com
�� www.jovensconstructionandengineering.com
Drycleaning equipment; parts; service
Kelleher/Casares Equipment, LLC
9901 Paramount Blvd., Ste. 140 Downey, CA 90240
Contact: Kelly Kelleher Phone: 562-422-1257
Mobile: 562-857-4481
✉ contactus@kelleher equipment.com
�� www.kelleherequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
1700B S. Wall St.
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Phone: 213-749-6750
Toll Free: 800-873-7397
✉ sales@supsew.com
�� www.supsew.com
Packaging and supplies
3 Hanger Supply Co.
4334 E Washington Blvd. Commerce, CA 90023
Phone: 310-679-8800
✉ sales@3hangersupply.com
�� www.3hangersupply.com
Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts
United Cleaners Supply LLC
1676 Delta Ct. Hayward, CA 94544
Contact: William Whitford
Phone: 510-324-3330
✉ ww.whitford@gmail.com
drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts; service
United Fabricare Supply
1237 W. Walnut St. Compton, CA 90220
Phone: 310-537-2096
✉ info@unitedfabricaresupply.com
�� www.unitedfabricaresupply.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
U.S. Western Multitech Inc.
1261 N. Patt St. Anaheim, CA 92801
Phone: 714-525-8890
Toll Free: 800-864-2524
✉ uswm.inc@gmail.com
�� www.uswm.net
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Western State Design
2331 Tripaldi Way Hayward, CA 94545
Phone: 510-786-9271
Toll Free: 800-633-7153
✉ info@westernstatedesign.com
�� www.westernstatedesign.com
Laundry and finishing equipment; parts; service
Clean Designs Inc.
2800 S. Oak St. Lakewood, CO 80227
Phone: 303-969-8288
Toll Free: 800-444-4580
✉ info@cleandesigns.com
�� www.cleandesigns.com
Drycleaning, laundry and wetcleaning equipment; parts; service
Cowell Sales Co.
2220 N. Downing St. Denver, CO 80205
Phone: 303-861-8826
✉ cowellsales@aol.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Katzson Brothers Inc.
960 Vallejo St. Denver, CO 80204
Contact: Richard H. Right Phone: 303-893-3535
Toll Free: 800-322-2417
✉ richardr@katzson.com
�� www.katzson.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts; service
Martin-Ray Laundry Systems LLC
756 South Jason St, Unit 12. Denver, CO 80223
Phone: 720-359-8000
Toll Free: 800-279-6622
�� www.martinray.com
Laundry and wetcleaning equipment; packaging and supplies; parts; service
Real Clean Group, LLC 1630A 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 Phone: (303) 862-4939
✉ info@rcg-co.com
�� www.rcg-co.com
Misc. equipment
EDRO Corp. P.O. Box 308 East Berlin, CT 06023
Contact: Scott Kirejczyk Phone: 860-828-0311
✉ s.kirejczyk@edrocorp.com
�� www.edrocorp.com
Laundry and wetcleaning equipment; misc. equipment
United Suppliers Inc.
1286 Kossuth St. Bridgeport, CT 06608
Contact: Arnold Cohen
Phone: 203-333-3521
✉ unitedco@aol.com
�� www.drycleanerssupplier.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
District Cleaners Equipment Inc.
4424 Arkansas Ave. N.W. Washington, DC 20011
Phone: 202-723-7616
✉ districtcleaners@gmail.com
�� www.districtcleaners equipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Aaxon Laundry Systems
6100 N. Powerline Rd.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Phone: 954-772-7100
�� www.aaxon.com
Laundry equipment; parts; service
Alliance Laundry Systems
Distribution, LLC – Gulf Breeze
1626 Tradewinds Dr. Gulf Breeze, FL 32563
Toll Free: 800-366-4168
✉ sales@clecco.com
�� www.clecco.com
Drycleaning, laundry, finishing equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service;
A.M. Chevy Equipment Inc.
Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Contact: Joe or Tony Chevy Phone: 954-807-4415
Toll Free: 844-802-3247
✉ info@infochevyequipment.com
�� infochevyequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
B&C Technologies
17740 Ashley Dr., Ste. 109
Panama City Beach, FL 32413
Contact: Al Adcock
Phone: 850-249-2222
Mobile: 850-625-5842
✉ sales@bandctech.com
�� www.bandctech.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Bay Area Laundry Equipment
6515 Haines Rd. North
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Contact: Michael Stefani Phone: 727-526-6207
✉ blaundryequipment@ tampabay.rr.com
�� bacommerciallaundry.com
Laundry equipment
Cleaners Chemical Corp.
7644 Bella Verde Way
Delray Beach, FL 33446
Contact: Herschel Podgur
Phone: 561-499-3950
Toll Free: 866-307-0700
Mobile: 561-213-5633
✉ sales@cleaners chemicalcorp.com
�� cleanerschemicalcorp.com
Detergents and chemicals
Commercial Laundry Equipment
2054 Sprint Blvd. Apopka, FL 32703
Contact: Ian Fischer
Phone: 407-886-1722
✉ ian@clecusa.comt
�� www.commerciallaundry.net
Laundry equipment; parts; service
Commercial Laundry Equipment Co.
1114 53rd Ct. South West Palm Beach, FL 33407
Contact: Zach Staley
Phone: 561-848-0054
Toll Free: 800-638-1869
✉ zstaley@clecusa.com
�� www.commercial laundryequip.com
Laundry and finishing equipment; parts; service
Dry Cleaners & Laundry Supply Inc.
1924 N. Rio Grande Ave. Orlando, FL 32804
Contact: John Harrison
Phone: 407-648-7083
Toll Free: 800-486-9274
✉ Info@GetDryCleanSupplies.com
�� www.getdrycleansupplies.com
Detergents and chemicals; dryclea-
ing solvents; packaging and supplies
EzProducts International Inc.
612 North Florida Ave. Wauchula, FL 33873
Contact: Diana Rue
Phone: 863-767-0155
Toll Free: 877-906-1818
✉ diane@ezpi.us
�� www.ezpi.us
Misc. equipment
FabriClean Supply of Florida
11705 Industry Dr. Jacksonville, FL 32218
Contact: Dave LaPorte
Phone: 904-696-7685
Toll Free: 800-442-7021
✉ info@fabricleansupply.com
�� www.fabricleansupply.com
drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts; service
FabriClean Supply of Florida
6401 Badger Dr., Ste. 200 Tampa, FL 33610
Contact: Dave LaPorte
Phone: 813-623-3553
Toll Free: 800-442-7021
✉ info@fabricleansupply.com
�� www.fabricleansupply.com
Packaging and supplies
Florida Laundry Systems
4813 NE 10th Ave.
Oakland Park, FL 33334
Contact: Ira Gottlieb Phone: 954-928-0950
✉ fllaundry@fllaundry.com
�� www.fllaundry.com
Laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Gulf Coast Equipment Sales
4304 Wallace Rd. Lakeland, FL 33812
Contact: Elsie Jordan Phone: 813-253-3191 or 239-288-9386
✉ gcdeinc@yahoo.com
�� gcequipmentsales.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service
Industrial Equipment & Supplies
2201 NW 110 Ave. Miami, FL 33172
Phone: 305-324-0410
✉ info@getdrycleansupplies.com
�� www.getdrycleansupplies.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Machine Depot
10663 Monaco Dr., Ste. 103 Jacksonville, FL 32218
Contact: Ephraim Gottlieb Phone: 904-422-4925
✉ ephraim@vendorboy.com
�� vendorboy.com
Parts; service
OEM Laundry Parts LLC
4020 University Blvd. Ct. Jacksonville, FL 32217
Contact: Rebecca Sharpe
Phone: 904-240-0211
✉ rsharpe@oemlaundryparts.com
�� www.oemlaundryparts.com
Laundry equipment; parts; service
One Stop Drycleaning Machinery
31933 2nd Ave.
Deland, FL 32720
Contact: Daniel Echt
Phone: 386-532-3451
✉ decht3451@gmail.com
�� www.dechtinc.com
Drycleaning equipment; laundry detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies
Padon Laundry & Dry Cleaning Equipment
39 S.E. Kindred St. Stuart, FL 34994
Contact: Brent Padon Phone: 561-644-5517
✉ brentpadon@padon equipment.com
�� www.padonequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
R&R Steam, LLC.
18672 Ives Dr. Estero, FL 33928
Contact: Robert Rosofsky Phone: 718-983-5767
✉ rrsteam1@gmail.com
�� www.rrsteam.com
Misc. equipment, parts, service
Steiner-AtlanticCorp. 1714 NW 215th St.
Miami Gardens, FL 33056
Phone: 305-754-4551
Toll Free: 800-333-8883
✉ sales@steineratlantic.com
�� www.steineratlantic.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; parts; service
Superior Sewing
Machine & Supply LLC
4851 N.W. 79th Ave., Ste. 12 Miami, FL 33166
Phone: 305-477-5585
Toll Free: 800-678-1777
✉ sales@supsew.com
�� www.supsew.com
Packaging and supplies
Tampa Bay Cleaners Supply
2302 E. 5th Ave.
Tampa, FL 33605
Phone: 813-247-6332
Toll Free: 800-966-7627
✉ info@getdrycleansupplies.com
�� www.getdrycleansupplies.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
W.P.S. Engineering
1239 SW Santa Barbara Pl., Apt. A. Cape Coral, FL 33991-2831
Contact: Winfried Sauter
Phone: 239-826-2862
✉ win64@aol.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
A-1 Products
1000 Williams Dr., Ste. 1028
Marietta, GA 30066
Contact: Alex Atwater
Phone: 770-428-5545
Toll-Free: 800-969-7659
✉ aatwater@a-1products.com
�� www.a-1products.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts; service
D & K Equipment
3715 Northcrest Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30340
Phone: 770-674-7188
Contact: Danny Kim
✉ sales@dnkequipment.com
Drycleaning and laundry equipment
FabriClean Supply of Atlanta
5330 Dividend Dr.
Decatur, GA 30035
Contact: Trevor Hericks
Phone: 770-981-2800
Toll Free: 800-442-7021
✉ info@fabricleansupply.com
�� www.fabricleansupply.com
Packaging and supplies
Gulf States Dry Cleaning Company
4035 Nine McFarland Dr. Alpharetta, GA 30004
Contact: Harish Parmar
Phone: 770-343-8455
Toll Free: 800-875-4756
✉ harish@gulfstatesdryclean.com
�� www.gulfstatesdryclean.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Rahmany Group Inc.
1800-F Macleod Dr. Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Contact: Mohammad Azhar
Phone: 678-701-5489
✉ rahmanygroup@att.net
�� rahmanygroup.com
Parts; service
TLC Tri-State Laundry Companies
Smyrna, GA 30080
Contact: Matt Stephenson
Toll Free: 866-278-0106
✉ mstephenson@tlctristate.com
�� www.tlctristate.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
TLC Tri-State Laundry Companies
1560 Old Clyattville Rd. Valdosta, GA 31601
Contact: Matt Stephenson
Toll Free: 866-278-0106
✉ mstephenson@tlctristate.com
�� www.tlctristate.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Associate Chemical & Supplies
810 Gulick Ave.
Honolulu, HI 96819
Contact: Clinton C.C. Lee
Phone: 808-841-2423
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts; service
Colburn Laundry & Dry Cleaning Supplies
1359 Colburn St. Honolulu, HI 96817
Contact: Michael C. Sadd
Phone: 808-841-3818
Drycleaning and laundry equipment; packaging and supplies; parts; service
Waltz Engineering Inc.
500 Alakawa St., Room 119 Honolulu, HI 96817
Phone: 808-842-7955
✉ info@waltzengineering.com
�� www.waltzengineering.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
WLSN Pacific
73-5580 Maiau St., Bay 7 Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
Phone: 808-896-6454
✉ wlsnpacific@gmail.com
�� www.wlsnpac.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts; service
Alliance Laundry Systems
Distribution, LLC – Midwest 175 Gaylord St. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Phone: 847-364-9274
�� distribution.alliancelaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Equipment International 8778 Ferris Ave.
Morton Grove, IL 60653
Contact: Steve Zabrin
Phone: 847-679-2211
✉ sales@equipmentinternational.com
�� www.equipmentinternational.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Foster-Stephens Inc.
1555 Greenleaf Ave.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Contact: Nancy Jones, Kevin Paz
Phone: 847-357-1100
Toll Free: 800-279-8269, ext. 201
✉ k.paz@foster-stephens.com
�� www.foster-stephens.com
Packaging and supplies
Haiges Machinery Inc.
11314 Main St.
Huntley, IL 60142
Contact: Rory Haiges Toll Free: 800-542-2828
✉ info@haigesmachinery.com
�� www.haigesmachinery.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts; service
Midwest Trim Inc.
4535 25th Ave.
Schiller Park, IL 60176
Phone: 773-594-0700
Toll Free: 800-222-8746
✉ sales@midwest-trim.com
�� www.midwest-trim.com
Misc. equipment
R.R. Street & Co.
215 Shuman Blvd., Ste. 150 Naperville, IL 60563
Toll Free: 800-478-7338
✉ info@4streets.com
�� www.4streets.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals
Suede Products LLC
18600 Graphics Ct. Tinley Park, IL 60477
Contact: John Conway Phone: 815-724-0360
Toll Free: 877-710-8200
✉ jconway@suedeproducts.com
�� www.suedeproducts.com
Detergents and chemicals
Tri-Supply Co.
955 Industrial Ct. Loves Park, IL 61111
Contact: John Kratz Toll Free: 833-798-6374
✉ trisupply@comcast.net
�� www.trisupply.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Washtown Equipment Co. Inc.
4034 W. Montrose Ave. Chicago, IL 60641
There’s more: We’re just two members of NIE’s team of experts. NIE has been handling fabricare insurance since 1915!
Contact: Alan Katz
Phone: 773-545-1353
Toll Free: 800-533-5036
✉ washtowneq@aol.com
�� www.washtownequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts;’ service
Western D.C. Computer
5307 N. Wayne Ave.
Chicago, IL 60640
Contact: Joel Kim
Phone: 773-878-0150
✉ info@westerndccomputer.com
Misc. equipment
Haiges Machinery Inc.
8527 Zionsville Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46268
Contact: Bryan J. Barca
Toll Free: 800-542-2828
✉ info@haigesmachinery.com
�� www.haigesmachinery.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Indy Hanger & Supply
1440 Brookville Way
Indianapolis, IN 46239
Contact: Lora Bradberry
Phone: 317-215-5988
✉ lbradberry@indyhanger.com
�� www.indyhanger.com
Packaging and supplies; detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents
Century Laundry Distributing
775 Kacena Rd.
Hiawatha, IA 52233
Contact: Rod Malcolm
Toll Free: 800-791-9321
✉ rmalcolm@centurylaundry.com
�� www.centurylaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts; service
Commercial Laundry Sales & Service
1228 S. Santa Fe St.
Wichita, KS 67211
Contact: Daniel Asher
Phone: 316-267-6650
✉ dasher@clsands.com
�� www.clsands.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts; service
FabriClean Supply of Kansas
14400 W. 97th Terr. Lenexa, KS 66215
Contact: Chris Young Phone: 913-492-1743
Toll Free: 800-442-7021
✉ info@fabricleansupply.com
�� www.fabricleansupply.com
Drycleaning equipment; packaging and supplies
Midwest Commercial Laundry Equipment Inc.
616 E. North St.
Salina, KS 67402
Contact: Doug Hoeffner Phone: 785-827-9017
Toll free: 800-533-6253
✉ doug@mcle-inc.com
�� www.mcle-inc.com
Laundry equipment; parts; service
Fabritec International (Sanitone & Stamford)
8145 Holton Dr., Ste. 110 Florence, KY 41042
Contact: Jeff Jordan
Phone: 859-781-8200
Toll Free: 800-543-0406
✉ jeffjordan@fabritec.com
�� www.fabritec.com
Detergents and chemicals
FabriClean Supply
Baton Rouge
8666 Kiowa Ave.
Baton Rouge, LA 70815
Contact: Trevor Hericks
Phone: 225-237-3045
Toll Free: 800-442-7021
✉ info@fabricleansupply.com
�� www.fabricleansupply.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning, finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts; service
Ideal Chemical & Supply
3848 Industrial Cir.
Bossier City, LA 71112
Contact: Sam Block Jr.
Toll Free: 800-231-6776
✉ sblock@idealchem.com
�� www.idealchemical.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Jim Welsh Inc.
1020 La Crete Ln.
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
Contact: Richard Welsh Phone: 225-766-8905
✉ welshinc@bellsouth.net
�� www.jimwelshlaundryeqpt.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Pellerin Laundry
Machinery Sales Co.
731 Jackson St.
Kenner, LA 70063
Contact: Scott McClure Phone: 504-467-9593
✉ scott.mcclure@peller inlaundry.com
�� www.pellerinlaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Nelson & Small
Commercial Equipment 597 Riverside St. Portland, ME 04104
Contact: Tom Tobiassen Toll Free: 800-341-0780
✉ tomt@nelsonsmall.com
Laundry equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service
Alliance Laundry Systems
Distribution East 13015 Salem Ave. Hagerstown, MD 21740
Contact: Cameron Clark Phone: 301-790-0606
Toll Free: 800-866-6905
✉ sales@leslaundry.com
�� www.leslaundry.com
Laundry and wetcleaning equipment; parts; service
Hynes & Waller Inc.
16000 Trade Zone Ave., #403
Upper Marlboro, MD 20774
Contact: Chris Meerman
Phone: 301-249-9421
Toll Free: 800-776-9424
✉ chrisjr1@comcast.net
�� www.hynesandwaller.com
Laundry and finishing equipment; parts; service
Sewing Machines, Tailor
Trimmings & Laundromat
Soap & Supplies
3232 Frederick Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21229
Contact: Eddie Weinstein
Phone: 410-945-5700
Toll Free: 800-394-7627
✉ stadham@comcast.net
�� www.baltimoresewing.com
Finishing equipment; parts; service
US Machinery
5129 Powder Mill Rd. Beltsville, MD 20705 Phone: 301-345-8437
✉ usmachinery@gmail.com
�� www.usmachineryinc.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
AristoCraft Supply
8 West Industrial Park (P.O. Box 450) Oxford, MA 05140
Contact: Richard Ross
Phone: 508-987-6444
Toll Free: 800-875-0479
Mobile: 508-735-3405
✉ rross@aristocraftsupply.com
�� www.aristocraftsupply.com
Detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies
Garment Machinery Co.
10 Kearney Rd., Ste. 308
Needham, MA 02494
Phone: 781-559-4077
✉ info@garmentmachinery.com
�� drysmart.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts; service
M&R Machinery Corp.
505 Lynn St. Malden, MA 02148
(Continued from page 14)
Contact: Robert Carozza
Phone: 781-324-3395
✉ mrmachinerycorp@aol.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; parts; service
Merrow Sewing Machine Co.
502 Bedfort St. Ste. 7 Fall River, MA 02720
Phone: 508-689-4095
Toll Free: 800-431-6677
✉ info@merrow.com
�� www.merrow.com
Packaging and supplies
New England Dependable Equipment Inc.
88 Maple St. Waltham, MA 02453
Contact: Michael Chae
Phone: 781-891-5676
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts; service
Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
502 Bedford St. Fall River, MA 02720
Phone: 212-691-5900
Toll Free: 800-274-5800
✉ superior@supsew.com
�� www.supsew.com
Packaging and supplies
Allied Eagle Supply
1801 Howard St. Detroit, MI 48216
Phone: 616-245-0574
Toll Free: 800-211-6244
✉ nichols-orders@imperialdade. com
�� catalog.alliedeagle.com
Packaging and supplies
A&B Equipment & Sons
911 Veterans Memorial Pkwy. Saginaw, MI 48601
Contact: David Clark
Phone: 989-753-4764
Toll Free: 800-369-4764
✉ sales@ab-equipment.com
�� www.ab-equipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service
Curtis Equipment Co.
1410 W. Main St. (P.O. Box 209) Lowell, MI 49331
Contact: John Curtis
Phone: 616-897-9810
Phone: 651-688-8000
Toll Free: 800-688-0020
✉ info@bdslaundry.com
�� www.bdslaundry.com
✉ john@curtisequipmentco.com
�� www.curtisequipmentco.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; parts; service
E&N Equipment Co.
6492 Malvern Dr. Troy, MI 48098
Contact: Susie Casalou Phone: 248-866-5500
✉ susie@enequipment.com
�� www.enequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service
Eagle Star Equipment
2329 Alger Dr. Troy, MI 48083
Phone: 248-457-1140
Toll Free: 800-482-3400
✉ general@eaglestar equipment.com
�� www.eaglestarequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
E.J. Thomas Co.
12040 Beech Daly Rd. Taylor, MI 48180
Phone: 734-946-4132
Toll Free: 800-878-0880
✉ Fairfield_orders@ejthomas company.com
�� ejthomascompany.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Universal Laundry Machinery
38700 Webb Dr. Westland, MI 48185
Contact: Mark Hubbard
Toll Free: 800-825-7787
✉ mhubbard@univlaundry.com
�� www.univlaundry.com
Laundry and wetcleaning equipment; parts; service
BDS Laundry Systems
2430 Enterprise Dr. St. Paul, MN 55120
Laundry and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts; service
Darling’s Sales & Service
10007 Baltimore St. N.E. Blaine, MN 55449
Contact: Brad Darling Phone: 763-786-1803
✉ bdar@darlingsales.com
�� darlingsales.com
Laundry and finishing equipment; parts; service
E. Weinberg Supply Co.
7434 W. 27th St. Minneapolis, MN 55426
Contact: David Weinberg
Phone: 952-920-0888
Toll Free: 800-279-0888
✉ david@weinbergsupply.com
�� www.weinbergsupply.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts; service
The Minnesota Chemical Co.
3750 Dunlap St. North Arden Hills, MN 55112
Phone: 651-646-7521
Toll Free: 800-328-5689
Mobile: 612-670-0599
✉ info@minnesotachemcial.com
�� minnesotachemical.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts; service
PROS Parts
1630 91st Ave. N.E., Ste. 107 Blaine, MN 55449
Contact: Barry Victor Phone: 763-231-1579
Toll Free: 866-824-0013
✉ barryv@prosparts.com
�� www.prosparts.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equip.; misc. equipment; parts; service;
Jackson, MS 39208
Phone: 901-363-7720
Toll Free: (800) 824-0356
✉ sblock@idealchem.com
�� www.idealchemical.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Laundry South Systems and Repair
185 Country Place Pkwy. Pearl, MS 39208
Contact: Robert Harris
Phone: 601-420-9414
Mobile: 601-209-1020
✉ robert@laundrysouth.com
�� www.laundrysouth.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
John Morris Equipment & Supply Co.
2023 S. Glenstone
Springfield, MO 65804
Contact: Tim Chamberlain Phone: 417-881-1215
Toll Free: 800-725-5055, ext. 306 Mobile: 417-840-3265
✉ vi@johnmorrisequipment.com
�� www.johnmorrisequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts; service
Komro Supply Co.
2600 S. 2nd St. St. Louis, MO 63118
Contact: Gary Thuro Phone: 314-772-4360
✉ mrkomro@sbcglobal.net
�� www.komrosupplycompany.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; misc. equipment; packaging and supplies
Laundry Solutions Company
3509 N. Kimball Dr. Kansas City, MO 64161
Contact: Richard Gaar
Phone: 913-384-5200
Mobile: 417-818-4709
Fax: 816-453-5998
✉ rgaar@laundrysolutions company.com
Ideal Chemical & Supply 106 Ware St.
�� www.laundrysolutions company.com
Laundry and finishing equipment; parts; service
Laundry Solutions Company
1019 Liberty Industrial Dr. O’Fallon, MO 63366
Contact: Richard Gaar
Phone: 636-978-6345
✉ rgaar@laundrysolutions company.com
�� www.laundrysolutions company.com
Laundry and finishing equipment; parts; service
Laundry Solutions Company
4629 W. Calhoun St. Springfield, MO 65802
Contact: Richard Gaar
Toll Free: 800-383-9274
✉ rgaar@laundrysolutions company.com
�� www.laundrysolutions company.com
Laundry and finishing equipment; parts; service
Loomis Bros. Equipment
409 Biltmore Dr. Fenton, MO 63026
Contact: Karan Presson
Phone: 636-343-8888, ext. 4901
Toll Free: 800-783-6665
✉ kpresson@loomisbros.com
�� www.loomisbros.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Performance Laundry Equipment
4323 W. Chestnut Expy.
Springfield, MO 65802
Contact: Tara Pendergrass
Phone: 417-771-7711
Mobile: 417-766-1760
✉ tara@performance-laundry.com
�� www.performance-laundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service
R.J. Kool Co.
234 W. 12th Ave.
North Kansas City, MO 64116
Contact: Bill Kimmel
Phone: 816-474-9274
Toll Free: 800-345-4551
✉ bkimmel@rjkool.com
�� www.rjkool.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Sav-A-Day Laundry Machinery
55 Millwell Ct.
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Contact: Jeff Seele
Phone: 314-291-1910
✉ sales@sav-a-day.com
�� sav-a-daylaundry.com
Laundry equipment; parts; service
Altimus Distributing Inc.
21 8th St. West
Billings, MT 59101
Contact: Kevin Graf
Phone: 406-259-9816
Toll Free: 800-999-9816
✉ altimusd@aol.com
�� www.altimusdistributing.com
Laundry and finishing equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service
CleanWash Laundry Systems
4808 S. 26th St.
Omaha, NE 68107
Contact: Todd Santoro
Phone: 402-505-4956
Toll Free: 888-990-7191
✉ info@clslaundry.com
�� www.cleanwashlaundry.com
Drycleaning and laundry equipment; parts; service
Horwath Laundry Equipment
1002 S. 13th St. Omaha, NE 68108
Contact: Jim Horwath
Phone: 402-342-1299
✉ info@aahorwath.com
�� www.aahorwath.com
Drycleaning and laundry equipment; parts; service
J.H. Stuckey Distributing Inc.
8814 J St. Omaha, NE 68127
Contact: John Stuckey
Phone: 402-342-8455
Toll Free: 800-405-8455
✉ sales-service@ stuckeydistributing.com
�� www.stuckeydistributing.com
Laundry and finishing equipment
Desert Boilers & Controls
305 W. St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Phone: 702-631-7780
✉ rjohnson@desertboilers.com
�� www.desertboilers.com
Drycleaning, laundry and wetcleaning equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service
FJG Equipment Co.
3981 Argent Star Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89147
Contact: Frank Giancola
Phone: 702-256-7050
Fax: 702-256-7534
✉ fgianc1839@aol.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Daniels Equipment Co. Inc.
45 Priscilla Ln.
Auburn, NH 03032
Contact: Lisa Mahan
Phone: 603-641-9487
Toll Free: 800-258-3570
✉ sales@decequip.com
�� www.danielsequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts, service
Yankee Equipment Systems
15 Glass Ln. (P.O. Box 630)
Barrington, NH 03825
Toll Free: 800-239-9265
✉ info@yankeeequipment.com
�� www.yankeeequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Cleaners Outlet
380 Franklin Tpk. Mahwah, NJ 07430
Toll Free: 800-892-3390
�� www.cleanersoutlet.com
Packaging and supplies; parts; service
CleanEx Supply/ Need Parts Inc.
80 Bergen Tpk. Little Ferry, NJ 07643
Phone: 201-373-0089
Contact: Michael Yoo
�� www.cleanexsupply.com
Drycleaning, laundry and wetcleaning equipment; parts; service
Garment Cleaning Supply
1700 Palisade Ave.
Teaneck, NJ 7666
Contact: Mike Song
Phone: 973-777-7764
✉ info.GCSupply@gmail.com
�� www.garmentcleaning supply.com
Detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies
Metropolitan Laundry Machinery Sales Inc.
979 Lehigh Ave. Union, NJ 07083
Contact: Marc Katzman
Toll Free: 800-728-0001
✉ info@metropolitan machinery.com
�� www.metropolitan machinery.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts, service
New York Machinery
609 Chancellor Ave. Irvington, NJ 07111
Contact: Robert Lee Phone: 973-375-1111
Mobile: 551-200-3333
✉ info@nymusa.com
�� www.nymusa.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Seickel & Sons Inc.
201 Pond Ave. Middlesex, NJ 08846
Contact: Joseph Seickel Phone: 732-624-9070
Toll Free: 800-338-5044
✉ joes@seickel.com
�� www.seickel.com
Finishing equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service
Sussex Dry Cleaning & Laundry Equipment
94 Fulton St. Paterson, NJ 07501
Phone: 201-522-8756
Contact: Fred Hall
✉ sussexequipment@yahoo.com
�� www.sussexdrycleaning equipment.com
Drycleaning and laundry equipment
Katzson Brothers Inc.
8500 Los Volcanes Rd., Unit H
Albuquerque, NM 87121
Contact: Richard H. Right
Phone: 505-884-8513
Toll Free: 888-884-8513
✉ richardr@katzson.com
�� www.katzson.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts; service
LD Supply Co.
1503 12th St. N.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87104
Contact: Daniel Marchl
Phone: 505-247-2246
Toll Free: 800-795-2863
�� www.ld-supply.com
Detergents and chemicals
Alliance Laundry Systems
319 West Main St., Ste. 5
Batavia, NY 14020
Contact: Rob Kocjan
Phone: 585-426-3870
Toll Free: 800-527-2219
Mobile: 585-943-9897
✉ rkocjan@statewide machinery.com
�� www.statewidemachinery.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service
Cleaner’s Supply Inc.
1059 Powers Rd.
Conklin, NY 13748-1400
Contact: Rebecca Hardin
Toll Free: 800-388-5410
✉ customerservice@ cleanersupply.com
�� www.cleanersupply.com
Packaging and supplies
D.J. Giancola Exports Inc.
4317 E. Genesee St.
Syracuse, NY 13214
Contact: Charles Giancola
Phone: 315-446-1002
Fax: 315-446-2431
✉ c.giancola@djgexports.com
�� www.djgexports.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaningand finishing equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service
Empire Laundry Machinery
612 E. Main St.
Palmyra, NY 14522
Phone: 585-218-9810
✉ info@empiremachineryny.com
�� www.empirelaundryny.com
Laundry equipment; parts; service
Hercules Machinery Inc. 21 Alabama Ave.
Island Park, NY 11558
Contact: Joe Carlucci
Phone: 516-889-0088
✉ joepres21@aol.com
�� www.herculesmachinery.net
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
461 Doughty Blvd.
Inwood, NY 11096
Toll Free: 800-645-2204
✉ sales@laundrylux.com
�� www.laundrylux.com
Laundry and wetcleaning equipment; parts; service
The Maxi Companies
4317 E. Genesee St.
Dewitt, NY 13214
Contact: Dan Levy
Phone: 315-446-2180
✉ info@maxico.com
�� www.maxico.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts; service Metropolitan Laundry
Metropolitan Laundry Machinery Sales Inc.
127-19 101st Ave.
South Richmond Hill, NY 11419
Contact: Marc Katzman
Toll Free: 800-728-0001
✉ info@metropolitan machinery.com
�� www.metropolitan machinery.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts, service
Professional Laundry Systems
3655 California Rd.
Orchard Park NY 14127
Phone: 716-662-6100
Toll Free: 888-637-0600
✉ professionallaundrysystems @yahoo.com
�� www.plslaundry.com
Laundry equipment; parts; service
Superior Laundry Equipment Inc.
458 Cozine Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Contact: Esteban Austin Phone: 718-871-7545
✉ info@superior-laundry.com
�� www.superior-laundry.com
Drycleaning and laundry equipment
Whitehouse Supplies Corp.
224 Pulaski Ave.
Staten Island, NY 10303
Phone/Fax: 718-442-0914
Drycleaning solvents, detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
AAdvantage Laundry Systems
101 High Hope Ln.
Garner, NC 27529
Toll Free: 800-880-2138, ext. 128
Mobile: 919-710-3589
�� www.aadvantagelaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry and wetcleaning equipment; parts; service
B&G Lieberman Co.
2420 Distribution St. Charlotte, NC 28203
Contact: Larry Lieberman Phone: 704-376-0717
Toll Free: 800-438-0346
✉ bgl@bglieberman.com
�� www.bglieberman.com
Finishing equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service
CM Cleaner Technologies
1375 S. Hwy. 16 Stanley, NC 28164
Contact: Chris Mabrey Phone: 704-491-5187
✉ chrismabrey@aol.com
�� www.cmcleanerstech.com
Laundry and finishing equipment; parts; service
Consolidated Laundry Equipment Inc.
714F Montana Dr., #F Charlotte, NC 28216
Contact: Billy Kincaid
Toll Free: 888-253-5004
✉ bkincaid@consolidated laundry.com
�� www.consolidatedlaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts; service
Consolidated Laundry Equipment Inc.
530 Maywood Ave.
Raleigh, NC 27603
Contact: Billy Kincaid
Toll Free: 800-227-6149
✉ bkincaid@consolidated laundry.com
�� www.consolidatedlaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts; service
T&L Equipment Sales Company Inc.
1001A N. Church St.
Charlotte, NC 28206
Phone: 704-372-8615
Toll Free: 800-423-7937
✉ laundrycoach@washcycle.com
�� www.washcycle.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts; service
TLC Tri-State Laundry Companies
5257 Pit Rd. South Concord, NC 28027
Contact: Matt Stephenson
Toll Free: 866-278-0106
✉ mstephenson@tlctristate.com
�� www.tlctristate.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Tri-State Laundry Equipment
1049 E. Mountain St., Bldg. 315 Kernersville, NC 27284
Contact: Kevin Lawson
Phone: 336-992-5218
Toll Free: 866-885-5218
✉ kevin@tristatelaundry equipment.com
�� www.tristatelaundry equipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Quality Zipper & Supply
308 2nd Ave. North, Ste. 201 Grand Forks, ND 58206
Contact: Scott Kuntz
Phone: 701-772-2788
Toll Free: 800-245-9515
Mobile: 701-739-5623
✉ qualityzip@aol.com
�� /www.qualityzipper.com
Misc. Equipment
Advantage Equipment Inc.
1056 Home Ave.
Akron, OH 44310
Contact: Scott Vlahos
Phone: 330-475-8220
Toll Free: 888-676-5079
✉ scott@aeilaundry.com
�� www.aeilaundry.com
Laundry and wetcleaning equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts; service; packaging and supplies
Belenky Inc.
1601 Frederick Blvd. Akron, OH 44320
Contact: Emily Prioletti
Phone: 330-867-3333
✉ info@belenkyinc.com
�� www.belenkyinc.com
Laundry equipment; parts; service
E.J. Thomas Co.
10080 Commerce Park Dr. West Chester, OH 45246
Toll Free: 800-878-0880
✉ Fairfield_orders@ejthomas company.com
�� ejthomascompany.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Hudson Equipment Co.
266B Martinel Dr. Kent, OH 44240
Phone: 330-342-9900
Toll Free: 800-684-9838
✉ info@hudsonequipment.com
�� www.hudsonequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Lakeside Laundry Equipment
26851 Richmond Rd. Bedford Heights, OH 44146
Phone: 216-475-2040
Toll Free: 800-628-2588
✉ sales@lakesidelaundry.com
�� www.lakesidelaundry.com
Laundry equipment; parts; service
M & L Supply
987 E. Tallmadge Ave. (P.O. Box 4598) Akron, OH 44310
Contact: Steve Michalec
Phone: 330-633-6241
Toll Free: 800-328-6000
✉ sales@mlequipco.com
�� www.m-lsupply.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
7654 Production Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45237
Contact: Jeff Dunn
Phone: 513-771-4020
✉ machinex@machinexonline.com
�� www.machinexonline.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Miley’s Diversified Service
2324 Auberry Dr. Akron, OH 44312
Contact: Bill Miley
Phone: 330-644-1981
Toll Free: 800-831-8758
Mobile: 330-289-3520
✉ mileysdiversifiedservice @gmail.com
Drycleaning and laundry equipment; parts; service
Moore Services Inc.
29500 Aurora Rd., Ste. 4 Solon, OH 44139
Contact: Jerry Moore
Phone: 440-498-0200
Toll Free: 800-941-6673
✉ mooreservices@aol.com
�� www.mooreservices.info
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
AAdvantage Laundry Systems
7626 E. 46th Pl.
Tulsa, OK 74145
Contact: Daniel Kramer
Phone: 918-627-2138, ext. 121
Toll Free: 800-880-2138
Mobile: 918-638-0928
✉ dkramer@aadvantage laundry.com
�� www.aadvantagelaundry.com
Laundry and wetcleaning equipment
Elite Equipment Co.
4400 S.W. 134th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73173
Contact: Marty Jackson
Phone: 405-692-4800
Toll Free: 800-335-3600
✉ marty@eliteequipment.com
�� www.eliteequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts; service
FabriClean Supply of Oklahoma
201 N. Ann Arbor
Oklahoma City, OK 73127
Contact: Kenny Dillon
Phone: 405-232-9289
Toll Free: 800-442-7021
✉ info@fabricleansupply.com
�� www.fabricleansupply.com
Detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies
Laundry Solutions Company
713 S 8th St.
Broken Arrow, OK 72012
Contact: Richard Gaar
Phone: 918-251-0800
✉ rgaar@laundrysolutions company.com
�� www.laundrysolutions company.com
Laundry and finishing equipment; parts; services
Peterson Equipment Co.
151 Front St. Woodburn, OR 97071
Contact: Russell Peterson
Phone: 503-981-4032
✉ russell@peterson-eq.com
�� www.peterson-equipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and
When your pads get burned out, garment pressing becomes difficult and results suffer. With a simple change to Air World products, your pressing quality immediately goes up.
Air World Pads & Covers
finishing equipment; parts; service
Apparel Machinery & Supply
1836 E. Ontario St.
Philadelphia, PA 19134
Phone: 215-634-2626
Toll Free: 800-523-3331
✉ info@apparelmachinery.com
�� www.apparelmachinery.com
Finishing equipment; parts; service
FM Supply
400 Line Rd.
Kennett Square, PA 19348
Contact: Todd McKenna
Phone: 610-444-1412
✉ todd@fmsupply4u.com
�� www.fmsupply4u.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wet cleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts; service
Frankford Machinery Inc.
4500 Torresdale Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19124
Contact: Nick Kashkashian Jr.
Phone: 215-289-3434
✉ info@frankfordonline.com
�� www.frankfordonline.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
J.B. Equipment Corp.
25 W. Park Ave.
Sellersville, PA 18960
Contact: Jim Bukta
Phone: 215-257-5041
Mobile: 215-778-2485
✉ jbequipmentcorp@gmail.com
Drycleaning, laundry. wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
PAC Industries Inc.
950 River Rd.
Croydon, PA 19021
Phone: 215-638-1000
Toll Free: 800-972-2292
✉ info@pacindustries.com
�� www.pacindustries.com
Laundry equipment; parts; service
PAC Industries Inc.
5341 Jaycee Ave.
Harrisburg, PA 17112
Phone: 717-657-0407
Toll Free: 800-692-6214
✉ info@pacindustries.com
�� www.pacindustries.com
Laundry equipment; parts; service
Pittsburgh Laundry Systems
7500 Washington Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
Contact: Sonny Rogalla, Terry Connelly
Phone: 412-351-4500
✉ sonny@pittsburghlaundry.com, terry@pittsburghlaundry.com
�� www.pittsburghlaundry.com
Laundry and finishing equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service
Professional Laundry Systems
950 River Rd.
Croydon, PA 19053
Contact: Andy Walls
Phone: 215-354-0111
Toll Free: 888-637-0600
✉ prolaundrysys@comcast.net
�� www.plslaundry.com
Laundry equipment
Norton Supply Co.
4972 S County Trl.
Charlestown, RI 02813
Contact: Bill Mark
Toll Free: 800-869-7664
✉ sales@nortonsupply.com
�� www.nortonsupply.com
Finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts; service
Consolidated Laundry
127 B. Overland Dr., Ste. B West Columbia, SC 29172
Toll Free: 800-766-0926
✉ broyal@consolidated laundry.com
�� www.consolidatedlaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; services
FabriClean Supply of Carolina
1200 1st St. South Ext. Columbia, SC 29209
Contact: Debra Wilson
Phone: 803-776-7988
Toll Free: 800-442-7021
✉ info@fabricleansupply.com
�� www.fabricleansupply.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
S.G. Robinson Mechanical Inc.
219 Old Green Pond Rd. Anderson, SC 29625
Contact: Gail R. Horm
Phone: 864-225-2383
Toll Free: 800-948-3159
✉ sales@sgrobinson.com
�� www.sgrobinson.com
drycleaning, laundry equipment, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; misc. equipment; detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies; parts; service
Texchine Inc.
207 Beaufort St. Chapin, SC 29036
Contact: Jeff Voight
Phone: 803-345-5171
Toll Free: 800-768-8205
✉ jeffvoight@texchine.com
�� www.texchine.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts; service
Horwath Laundry Equipment
1880 Centre St. Rapid City, SD 57703
Contact: Ron Kramer
Phone: 605-343-3507
✉ origin@rushmore.com
�� www.aahorwath.com
Drycleaning and laundry equipment; parts; service
Richard-Ewing Equipment Co.
27121 S. Parklane Dr. Sioux Falls, SD 57106
Phone: 605-368-2528
Toll Free: 800-658-3368
Drycleaning and laundry equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts; service
Allied Boiler & Supply
419 S. Front St. Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Contact: D.J. Baughman
Toll Free: 800-858-0484
✉ dj@alliedboiler.com
�� www.alliedboiler.com
Drycleaning and laundry equipment; misc. equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts; service
Boiler Equipment Co. 1443 6th Ave.
Knoxville, TN 37917
Phone: 865-525-0771
✉ rkeesling@boilerequipment.com
�� www.boilerequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service
Cates Laundry Equpment 1846 Vanderhorn Dr. Memphis, TN 38134
Phone: 901-387-0023
Toll Free: 800-489-0023
✉ sales@catesequipment.com
�� www.catesequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment
FabriClean Supply of Tennessee
741 Massman Dr. Nashville, TN 37210
Contact: Trevor Hericks
Phone: 615-254-5192
Toll Free: 800-442-7021
✉ info@fabricleansupply.com
�� www.fabricleansupply.com
Packaging and supplies
Ideal Chemical & Supply
4025 Air Park St.
Memphis, TN 38118
Contact: Sam Block Jr. Toll Free: 800-232-6776
✉ sblock@idealchem.com
�� www.idealchemical.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Star Distributing Co. Inc.
3729 Charlotte Ave.
Nashville, TN 37209
Contact: Michael Davis
Toll Free: 800-897-7570
✉ Michael@stardistributing.com
�� www.stardistributing.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts; service
W.A.G. Equipment
598 Burnett Rd.
Mount Juliet, TN 37122
Contact: John Armstrong
Phone: 615-830-5959
✉ wagnashville@comcast.net
�� www.wagnashville.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service
AAdvantage Laundry Systems
2510 National Dr. Garland, TX 75041
Contact: Marcela Veloz
Phone: 972-278-2138
Toll Free: 800-880-2138
✉ mveloz@aadvantage laundry.com
�� www.aadvantagelaundry.com
Drycleaning and laundry equipment; parts; service
Alliance Laundry Systems
Distribution, LLC – Dallas
631 Southwestern Blvd., Ste. 140 Coppel, TX 75019
Toll Free: 833-288-5700
✉ sales@clecco.com
�� www.clecco.com
Laundry, equipment; misc. equipment; parts, service
Alliance Laundry Systems
Distribution, LLC – Houston
603 E. Sam Houston
Pkwy. South, Ste. 100 Pasadena, TX 77503
Toll Free: 800-888-0074
✉ sales@clecco.com
�� www.clecco.com
Laundry equipment; misc. equipment; parts, service
Atlas International
2663 Freewood Dr. Dallas, TX 75220
Contact: Oren Mandalbaum Phone: 214-350-1234
✉ sales@atlaslaundry.com
�� www.atlaslaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
B.K. Dry Cleaning Supply
10643 Haddington Dr., Ste B 150 Houston, TX 77043
Contact: Barry (Bhadresh) Kalyanji Phone: 713-870-4994
✉ bkdrycleaningsupply @gmail.com
Packaging and supplies
Best Wash Inc.
15012 Eddie Dr. Humble, TX 77396
Contact: James West
Phone/Fax: 281-441-2465
Toll Free: 800-456-2378
✉ sales@bestwashinc.com
�� www.bestwashinc.com
Laundry equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts; service
Bobby Jones Service Co. 5012 Sugar Lake Rd. Fort Worth, TX 76103
Contact: Bobby Jones Phone: 817-366-3705
✉ bjsc@att.net
�� www.bobbyjonesservice.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts and service; turn-key plants
Covers Etc. Inc. 925 W. Harris Rd. Arlington, TX 76001
Contact: Joe “Junior” Zanti
Phone: 817-467-5030
Toll Free: 800-451-6593
✉ jr@coversetc.com
�� www.coversetc.com
Finishing equipment; misc. equipment
FabriClean Supply Amarillo
3412 W. Amarillo Blvd. W Amarillo, TX 79106
Contact: Gary Mohon
Phone: 806-374-2851
Toll Free: 800-442-7021
✉ info@fabricleansupply.com
�� www.fabricleansupply.com
Packaging and supplies
FabriClean Supply Austin/San Antonio 2089 Main St.
Buda, TX 78610
Contact: Trevor Hericks
Phone: 512-295-5550
Toll Free: 800-442-7021
✉ info@fabricleansupply.com
�� www.fabricleansupply.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
FabriClean Supply Dallas
8301 Ambassador Row
Dallas, TX 75247
Contact: Cindy Wright
Phone: 214-826-4161
Toll Free: 800-442-7021
✉ cindyw@fabricleansupply.com
�� www.fabricleansupply.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
FabriClean Supply of Houston
9770 W. Wingfoot Dr. Houston, TX 77041
Contact: Christopher Barnett
Phone: 713-864-6373
Toll Free: 800-442-7021
✉ info@fabricleansupply.com
�� www.fabricleansupply.com
Packaging and supplies
Gary Belk Equipment Inc.
P.O. Box 852380
Richardson, TX 75085
Contact: Gary Belk
Phone: 972-768-3008
✉ james.belk@sbcglobal.net
�� garybelkequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts; service
Gulf States Dry Cleaning Company
12647 Memorial Dr. Houston, TX 77024
Contacts: Harish Parmar
Phone: 713-984-8867
Toll Free: 800-289-4756
✉ harish@gulfstatesdryclean.com
�� www.gulfstatesdryclean.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning, finishing equipment; parts; service
Intex Distributing Co.
1173 109th St.
Grand Prairie, TX 75050
Contact: Perry Lykins
Phone: 972-660-1900
Toll Free: 877-649-9904
✉ intexdallas@intexdistco.com
�� www.intexdistco.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; ackaging and supplies
Intex Distributing Co.
411 Tradesmens Park Dr. Hutto, TX 78634
Contact: Cliff Fitch
Phone: 512-474-6075
Toll Free: 800-322-7131
✉ intexaustin@intexdistco.com
�� www.intexdistco.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; ackaging and supplies
LD Supply Co.
3800 Durazno Ave.
El Paso, TX 79905
Phone: 915-533-8217
Toll Free: 800-995-2863
�� www.ld-supply.com
Detergents and chemicals
Memories Gown Preservation
5747 Glenmont Dr. Houston, TX 77081
Contact: Kyle E. Nesbit Phone: 713-592-0592
Toll Free: 866-492-4696
✉ gowns@tdc-edittx.com
�� www.gownspreservations.com
Packaging and supplies
Mustang Enterprises Ltd.
1238 W. Laurel
San Antonio, TX 78201
Contact: Steven Dubinski
Phone: 210-734-3644
Toll Free: 866-734-3644
✉ info@mustangenterprises.com
�� www.mustangenterprises.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Roberts Maintenance
P.O. Box 462473
Garland, TX 75046-2473
Contact: John S. Roberts
Phone: 214-542-1790
✉ robertsmaintenance.john @gmail.com
Drycleaning, laundry wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Rosenberg Supply Co.
1608 N. Flores St.
San Antonio, TX 78212
Contact: Reuben Briseño
Phone: 210-736-1873
Toll Free: 800-777-1873
✉ email@rosenbergsupplyco.com
Drycleaning solvents; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
USA Distributors Inc.
209 Julian St. Dallas, TX 75203
Contact: Kenneth Stearns
Phone: 214-942-3766
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
A.E.C./Ally Equipment Co.
6657 S. State St., Unit 7
Murray, UT 84107
Contact: Gregg Townsend Phone: 801-255-9646
✉ sales@allyequipment.com
�� www.allyequipment.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Katzson Brothers Inc.
3943 W. 1500 South Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Contact: Richard H. Right Phone: 801-322-5757
✉ richardr@katzson.com
�� www.katzson.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning, finishing equip.; detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging, supplies; parts; service
Caldwell & Gregory
129 Broad Street Rd., Ste A. Manakin-Sabot, VA 23103
Toll Free: 877-704-6601
✉ info@caldwellandgregory.com
�� www.caldwellandgregory.co
Drycleaning equipment; laundry equipment; finishing equipment; parts; service
Consolidated Laundry Equipment Inc.
4104 Holland Blvd., Ste. 108 Chesapeake, VA 23323
Contact: Billy Kincaid
Toll Free: 800-227-6149
✉ bkincaid@consolidated laundry.com
�� www.consolidatedlaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning
and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts; service
FabriClean Supply of the Mid Atlantic 4311 November Ave. Henrico, VA 23231
Contact: Dwayne Gwaltney
Phone: 804-232-6703
Toll Free: 800-442-7021
✉ info@fabricleansupply.com
�� www.fabricleansupply.com
Packaging and supplies
2810 Ackley Ave.
Richmond, VA 23228
Contact: Barry Gilman Phone: 804-262-7433
Toll Free: 800-237-5825
✉ supplies@richclean.com
�� www.richclean.com
Detergents and chemicals; drycleaning solvents; packaging and supplies
Valley Washers Inc.
18 W. Johnson St. Harrisonburg, VA 22803
Phone: 540-434-8086
Toll Free: 800-433-0506
✉ valleywasher@ntelos.net
�� www.valleywashers.com
Laundry equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts; service
Virginia Dry Cleaning & Laundry Equipment Inc.
1565 Oakbridge Terr., Unit H Powhatan, VA 23139
Contact: Chip Fletcher Phone: 804-271-4401
Toll Free: 800-767-1946
✉ chip@vadrycleaning.com
�� www.vadrycleaning.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; misc. equipment; packaging and supplies; parts, service
S.K.Y. & Company
8124 S. 208th St., Unit 105 Kent, WA 98032
Contact: James Yoon
Phone: 253-833-9525
✉ info@skyncompany.com
�� theskynw.com
drycleaning equipment, laundry
equipment, wetcleaning equipment, finishing equipment, parts, service
Haiges Machinery Inc.
131 E. Wisconsin Ave. Pewaukee, WI 53072
Contact: Rory Haiges
Toll Free: 800-542-2828
✉ info@haigesmachinery.com
�� www.haigesmachinery.com
Drycleaning, laundry and finishing equipment; parts; service
Herb Fitzgerald Co.
13150 W. Glendale Ave. (P.O. Box 465) Butler, WI 53007-0465
Contact: John Janz
Phone: 262-783-5808
Toll Free: 800-686-3489
✉ john@herbfitzgerald.com
�� www.herbfitzgerald.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service
Luetzow Industries
1105 Davis Ave.
South Milwaukee, WI 53172
Contact: Ryan Luetzow
Phone: 414-762-0410
Toll Free: 800-558-6055
✉ luetzow.poly@gmail.com
�� www.luetzowind.com
Packaging and supplies
Wausau Chemical 9919 Inovation Way Wausau, WI 54403
Phone: 262-783-4500
Toll Free: 800-236-2200
�� www.wausauchemical.com
Detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies
Montequin Distributors
Calle 13 S.O., #903
Caparra Terrace, PR 00921
Contact: Felix Montequin Phone: 787-781-6390
Mobile: 787-781-6370
✉ office@montequin.com
�� www.montequin.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; packaging and supplies; parts; service
Besteam Boilers Inc.
421 Rue Locke
St. Laurent, QC H4T 1X7
Contact: Matthew Newpol
Phone: 514-636-3656, ext. 117
Toll Free: 800-363-8771
Mobile: 514-862-9691
✉ support@wausauchemical.com
✉ mattnewpol@gmail.com
Misc. equipment; parts; service
East Coast Laundry Systems
519 Herring Cove Rd. Halifax, NS B3R 1X3
Contact: Peter Blunden
Phone: 902-477-7722
Toll Free: 800-565-1281
✉ peterb@eclaundry.ca
�� www.eclaundry.ca
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service
Global Dry Cleaning Systems 111-3000 Pembina Hwy. Winnipeg, MB R3T 3Z2
Contact: Les Brown
Phone/Fax: 204-470-9898
✉ lesbrown@mts.net
Drycleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Groulx Robertson-Venus Inc.
190 Av. Oneida
Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 1A8
Contact: Denis Lamarre
Phone: 514-697-7760
Toll Free: 800-363-7760
✉ dlamarre@groulxrobertson.ca
�� solutionsgtr.ca
Packaging and supplies
Image Distributors Ltd.
P.O. Box 180
Calmar, AB T0C 0V0
Contact: Rick Geldart
Phone: 403-271-1449
Toll Free: 866-771-1449
Mobile: 403-852-0096
✉ rickg@imagelaundry.ca
�� www.imagelaundry.ca
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; parts; service
Integrity Mechanical Inc.
6519 40 St. S.E.
Calgary, AB T2C 2J9
Contact: Kevin Marois
Phone: 403-236-2873
✉ imi@telus.net
�� www.imicanada.ca
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; drycleaning solvents, detergents and chemicals
Neifer Installations (1968) Ltd.
3542 256 St.
Langley, BC V4W 2A3
Contact: Nick Carras
Phone: 604-625-0117
✉ neifer@shaw.ca
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; misc. equipment; parts; service
Nicholson Mechanical Ltd.
2076 Townline Rd. #6
Abbotsford, BC V2S 7T9
Contact: Doug Nicholson
Phone: 604-853-3053
Toll Free: 877-432-7286
✉ info@nmlonline.ca
�� www.nmlonline.ca
Drycleaning, laundry, finishing and
wetcleaning equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts; service
Ontario Laundry Systems
5-7475 Kimbel St. Mississauga, ON L5S 1E7
Toll Free: 888-669-4837
✉ info@ontariolaundry.com
�� www.ontariolaundry.com
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; parts; service
Twin-Industry Sales & Service
103-2476 Wenzel St.
East St. Paul, MB R2E 1E8
Contact: Brent Solypa
Phone: 204-942-2489
Toll Free: 800-665-0747
✉ tissl@mts.net
�� www.twinindustrysales.ca
Drycleaning, laundry, wetcleaning and finishing equipment; detergents and chemicals; packaging and supplies; parts; service
Event highlighted approaches needed for vintage care and restoration
OWINGS MILLS, Md. — America’s Best Cleaners (ABC) recently held a WorkFlow Live event, “Bridal — Couture & Vintage Cleaning and Restoration,” in collaboration with industry experts.
Held in Owings Mills, Maryland, this event featured a mix of classroom presentations and group collaboration on fibers, fabrics, finishes and the unique approach to working on the res toration and conservation of the latest couture fashion and vintage apparel.
Instructors for the event included Bob Edwards from A.L. Wilson Chemical Co., ABC Senior Consultant Liz Davies, ABC Executive Director Chris White, and host Affiliate Janet Garman of Glyndon Lord Baltimore Cleaners.
Technicians from across the country learned and shared experiences and techniques on cleaning, restoring, and preserving some of the world’s most unique designs.
“The unique skill sets required to maintain and restore the world’s elite fashions are continually evolving,” White says, “and programs like this allow our technicians to sharpen their ability to safely and effectively keep these investment pieces in top shape. With the growth of the circular fash ion economy, we are seeing more high-fashion and couture-level gar ments that require a unique approach and bespoke level of care. We are proud of our Affiliate’s continuous work to ensure that the best brands
are cared for by the best hands.”
During the event, guest speaker Francesca Ripple, representing the Luxury Bridal House - Francesca Bridal & Atelier, shared updates on the current trends in bridal fashion
her recent visit to luxury bridal shows in Barcelona, Spain. With a rich family history deeply rooted in fashion and bespoke craftsmanship, ABC reports that Ripple’s personal journey added an extra layer of in-
2024 RATES: One- to five-time rate: $2.35 per word, boldface $2.40 per word. Minimum charge: $50.00 per ad. Call or write for our threeand 11-time rates. If box number is
used, add cost of 5 words. Display classified rates are available on request. All major credit cards are accepted.
DEADLINE: Ads must be received by the 1st of the preceding month. For example, for a August ad, the closing date is July 1st.
PAYMENT FOR CLASSIFIED ADS: Must accompany order.
10 YEARS AGO. Seeing Red — There are enough challenges in the day-today operation of a drycleaning company without employees adding to the problems. The majority (43.1%) of those responding to the American Drycleaner Your Views survey reported that being “unreliable” was the most undesirable trait for employees to have, followed by “not following rules” (13.9%), “doesn’t work well with others” (12.5%), “unmotivated” (9.7%), “disloyal” (6.9%), “lacks initiative” (5.6%) and “fails to meet goals/deadlines” (1.4%).
“In our area,” one respondent said, “it is difficult to find workers. At $10 per hour for non-skilled entry-level job, it is hard to draw applicants, so we let a little more go in terms of what workers can get away with. Can’t afford to lose anyone.”
Introduced — Rep. Joe Barton (RTexas) introduced a new version of his namesake bill, otherwise known as the Small Business Remediation Act, in Congress in August 1999. Like the 1997 version, the new bill, H.R. 2726, was designed to help dry cleaners cope with environmental cleanup problems related to the use of perc and other solvents. However, changes had been made in the bill’s wording to establish a federal default standard for cleanup, based on guidelines issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). “The bill is a ‘win-win,’” Barton said. “It will provide certainty
to dry cleaners, their neighbors, surrounding businesses, banks and the entire community, and it will lead to prompt and efficient improvement of the environment.”
The California Fabricare Institute received a check for $59,713 from its insurance company, representing a 50% dividend on its workmen’s compensation insurance group for the 1972-73 year. This was reportedly the largest dividend in terms of percentage ever received by a similar group, and American Drycleaner wrote that it represented the result of diligent work by the CFI insurance committee in reducing losses through better plant practices and improved safety measures. The previous high was 43%, and the
average dividend for the 28 years of existence of this group is 20%.
on TV — Enterprise Cleaning Co. of St. Louis developed a series of oneminute television spots designed to sell their fur storage service. While television availabilities were scarce, Enterprise was able to get an excellent spot on KSD-TV immediately following the Arthur Godfrey show, and had scheduled another near the Fred Waring show. The animated ad featured a slide with the large Enterprise sign, with live narration introducing the story of “The Dangerous Mr. Moth.” The ending of the ad was a happy one, with the coat escaping into Enterprise’s storage vault.
— Compiled by Dave Davis, Editor
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