University Science Center STEAM Initiatives; Breadboard Branding Proposal from At Media

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for Rebranding the Science Center’s Breadboard

January 2014

U nive r sit y C it y S cie n ce Ce nte r ’s B rea db oa rd Progra m


This proposal is confidential and the contents are based on the needs requested by the Client. All prices and timelines listed in this proposal are not applicable to any other party and are valid for 60 days.

Company Information


D eliverables


E xamples of Work


Pricing & References



Who is At Media? • C o m p a ny Mi s s i o n, Hi s to r y & Pr o c e s s • Ser vices • A b o u t t h e C o - Fo u n d e r


courage to do more

Purpose, Mission & History

Connecting core values, for a better brand experience. Our Mission To disrupt the agency model and be rebels who do more with less. We connect core emotions to target communities for brands that want to make more than just a profit. A brand is not a logo or a stunning website. A

Founded in 2006, At Media stands for the merger

brand is the emotional response associated with a

of “Art” and “Technology,” and the two schools of

company that is depicted by the user. As storytellers,

thought run deep in our core values. We treat art

we help businesses become brands by evoking

and technology as though they are one in the same,

the feeling, the take-away, the moment of clarity,

because to us form is nothing without function. .

that is associated with their product or service. By

People love good design, but great design can change

discovering our clients’ core values, we can translate

perspectives and with the right technology, we can

them into an experience that is both memorable

reach them easier and engage them longer.

and engaging. It is our job to connect the right

High quality standards in art and technology give us

emotions to the right message, and deploy it to the

the freedom to break through business models and

proper target communities in a manner that inspires

connect to the core human experience that makes a


brand a super brand.




the process differentiates us

Our Process

Brandwich Artisans We’ve coined ourselves Brandwich Artisans. We know the proper ingredients to make a smashing brandwich. Yes, we have that secret sauce that makes it all come together. A brief outline of our branding process: 1


This is the bread and butter of our process. We clarify expectations, survey stakeholders, employee brand perceptions and target audiences, then conduct competitive analyses to gain insights and a first-hand perspectives on the brand position, messaging and naming.



Our planning process turns into a clear set of user insights, stakeholder goals, and business requirements. Our gathered information contributes to a strategic vision, defining the future of the organization, as well as messaging and brand positioning.



We top if off with creative solutions, enhancing and developing the overall brand experience. Creating identity, collateral, web and other digital or print assets to diversify your brand against others.


Secret Sauce

Our secret sauce comes in specific varieties to each client. We customize our clients’ brands to fully fit why they exist, not what they do. The special ingredients come to life in each end-user touch point so that their experience is memorable and shareable.



Wrap it up in a plan for managing the brand. We specialize in ongoing brand management for our clients, to keep them updated and ahead of their competition.

Our process is as follows: Discover, Plan, Create and Manage.


we deliver


Services Building a brand is a lot like constructing the perfect sandwich, then deploying it consistently in a chain of successful restaurants. With the right ingredients our artisans will create a tasty and authentic brand that not only satisfies audiences, but inspires loyalty and ambassadorship. We offer a wide variety of services to plan, create and manage a superbrand.



Web Presence

Social Media

• Stakeholder & Employee Surveys

• Logo Mark

• Custom Site Design & Development

• Strategy

• Content Management Systems

• Content Creation

• Customer Perception Surveys

• Personality/Voice • Messaging

• Core Value Discovery

• Overall Brand Aesthetic

• Brand & Target Persona Exercise

• Guidelines

• Competitive Analysis


• Target Market/Audience

• Print, Web

• Positioning

• Promotional

• Brand Strategy

• Product Design

• Content Plans

• Content Development

• Friend Seeding


• Social Graph Growth

• Newsletter Design & Development

• Advertising

• Strategy

• Reporting, Monitoring

• Advertising

• Advertising

• Management

= The services this proposal includes




young and thirsty. bright and ready.


“ “

“A ntoinet te Ma rie John son ha s a n a bilit y to lead b r a nd s to b e come more re cog niz a ble a nd leave a n eve r- la s ting i m pac t to Philad el phia’s e conomy.”

Antoinet te Marie John son Co-Founder of At Media

Ph i l a d e l p h i a B u s i n e s s J o u r n a l ’s “ En t r e p r e n e u r s to Wa tc h i n 2012 ”

Antoinette has grown the client base from servicing small businesses in 2009, to working with Fortune 50-500 companies and national non-profits in 2014. She seeks out organizations that have missions she can get passionate about, and has built a team to help them visually communicate and inspire their core audiences. Recently Antoinette received an International Stevie Award for “Female Entrepreneur of the Year” in 2013, and “30 under 30 Entrepreneur to Watch” in the Philadelphia Business Journal for her reputation as results-driven leader.

“I n ju s t 7 yea r s, At M e d ia ha s “e s t a bli s he d a ve r y solid re pu t ation a s one of the mo s t for wa rd think i ng b r a nd i ng ag e ncie s in the reg ion.”

Co n c r e te C a ke s En t r e p r e n e u r b l o g , 2012




Deliverables • Brand Discovery • Create Brand Strategy and Plan • Create Brand Identity Suite • Implementation of Rebrand


discover, create, plan and manage

Strategic and Creative Approaches

Phase 1: Brand Discovery | (30 day process)

When developing a brand strategy our approach always begins with the Brand Discovery. We use this as an opportunity to dive completely into your organization’s brand and become as passionate about it as you are. Just like any project, the more time you spend in the beginning phase, the more successful the outcome. The Brand Discovery allows us to truly understand the messages that we need to convey to your audience; your differentiators, your values, what you do and who you are.

Day 1 - 30*

Discover the Organization & Brand Position

• Review of Organization

- A review of internal items such as Strategic business plans, business vision, program schedules, etc. We aim to get as excited and passionate as you are about Breadboard and where we will be taking the organization in the months to follow.

• Meet with Stakeholders

- Let’s hear from you and learn more about the goals of this project, work together to determine priorities and 2014 schedule(s) for production.

• Competitive Analysis

- Help us dive into your competitive market position; past, present and future. We will conduct research on how to position your name, message, etc., moving forward.

• One-on-one Interviews

- One-on-one interviews with key leadership staff and marketing team(s) that will help us gain ideas, perspective and hear about current challenges with the Breadboard, STEM and STEAM brands.

• Brand Perception Surveys with Employees and Target Audiences

- Before making any changes or recommendations, we need to learn the valuable perceptions of your employees and target audiences through our aunonymous online survey to parents, teachers, hobbyists, scientists and other STEM/STEAM community members.

• Naming & Messaging Exercises

- Our proprietary brand messaging and naming process begins with a workshop with several exercises designed to help us define the new name, ways to better connect to the core audiences and brainstorm updates to the brand’s message including mission and core values.

* The Brand Discovery process can take less than 30 days depending on the goals and size of your organization. The 30 day timeline is based on the size of a company or organization with 100 employees or larger.




discover, create, plan and manage

Strategic and Creative Approaches

Phase 2: Brand Strategy | (2 week process)

After fully discovering the Breadboard key value proposition, audience needs and all of the other items reviewed in Phase 1, we will follow our process to provide a Branding Strategy & Plan for 2014 that includes the new name, position and visual direction.

Day 30 - 45

Create Brand Strategy & Plan

• Strategy Book & Presentation will cover:

1. Name - Include highly educated recommendations on the new brand name including online positioning and treatment of naming in coordination with the University Science Center and the STEM/STEAM programs. 2. Position - Develop the brand vision, mission, promise, tagline(s) and core values. Include higher level goals around changes within the strategy presented. 3. Message - Develop key messaging updates that differentiate the brand and helps direct employees on how to better market the new message 4. Strategy - Create the 2014 Brand Strategy that highlights the brand goals, changes and plan of action around implementing the successful strategy. Include ways to monitor and measure performance, as well as a “rebranding plan” that outlines milestones. 5. Visuals - Include visual moodboard for inspiration on where we’re taking the brand’s visual communication materials and identity within the strategic framework. These are not the logo and identity design files for approval, this is just where we intend to take the visual communication elements after the strategy is approved.

Our Naming Process Competitive Analysis – Our process begins with a thorough competitive analysis, in which we quantify the tone and strength of competitive company names or product names. Positioning – The next step is to help you refine and define your brand positioning. The more specific and nuanced your positioning is, the more effective the name will be. Name/Brand Development – Product or company name development begins by applying the positioning strategy to figure out what you want your new name to do for your marketing, branding and advertising efforts. Trademark – We prescreen names under development through our trademark attorney to determine the likelihood that your company will be able to procure the names. URL/Domain Avail – A standard part of our naming process is to find the perfect domain name(s) and social media profiles to ensure digital presence.




Strategic and Creative Approaches

discover, create, plan and manage

Phase 3: Brand Identity Suite | (30 day process)

We want to align the STEM and STEAM community with the Science Center brand, while remaining distinctly recognizable. Let’s make the brand identity fresh and modern, yet sustainable for the lifetime of the brand.

Day 45 - 75

Create Brand Identity Suite

• Brand Identity Suite

Design new brand identity concept for approval: - New Logo - Secondary “icon” logo as Logo Badge - Fonts and Typefaces - Colors and Variations - Business Cards - Letterhead - Brand Identity Treatment such signage, totes, notebooks and other highly recommended items - Create Brand Guidelines for employee brand asset use and evolution




discover, create, plan and manage

Plan & Implement

Phase 4: Implement Rebrand

Your brand strategy acts as a play book for our creative team members, but now we need to create a plan for the organization to implement the newly branded look and message so that it reaches the target audiences. During this final phase of our rebranding process we help identify the most impactful and budget-friendly areas to refresh throughout the year. Digit al Rebrand We will work with STEM/STEAM to identify the ways the organization can

Day 75 - 90+

Rebrand Implementation

introduce their new look and message. We determine what effort can be made within your current budget and capacity. Is a “sneak peek”, a quick update of assets, or a new website most appropriate?

• Plan for Rebrand

1. Create a plan of action that can be added to the Brand Strategy for 2014 and act as a timeline for the organization to reference and follow. 2. Evaluate all existing materials and provide a recommended plan of action for refreshing these materials in a manner that the client’s budget and schedule can afford. 3. Assist with higher level goals and recommendations on newer items such as the website, social media, email marketing and other interactive items to be rebranded.




Examples of Work • Non-Profit:

American Diabetes Association

• Corporate:

Dynamic Energy


case study

Example Work: American Diabetes Association - Campaign Rebrand

Cure Step for the

A unique campaign with serious undertones

that force people to recognize the importance of education and research efforts for diabetes.

American Diabetes Association Cha ll e n ge:

S o l utio n:

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) needed to increase

At Media developed a unique campaign that was strategically-focused

registration for their largest annual fundraising event, while also

on the astounding statistics about diabetes for their local and national

improving the education of diabetes to a wide audience.

markets. We maximized engagement with interactive campaign placement.


Example Work: American Diabetes Association - Campaign Rebrand

American Diabetes Association

Interactive App that incorporated Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.




Example Work: American Diabetes Association - Campaign Rebrand

American Diabetes Association




Example Work: American Diabetes Association - Campaign Rebrand

American Diabetes Association

1 in 3

Americans will have Diabetes in 2050, unless we take steps to stop Diabetes.

Re s ult s: Through the course of our social media campaign, #SnapToStop" diabetes, the ADA Facebook page more than doubled its fan base. The contest netted 175 photo entries across Instagram and Twitter, showcasing photos from before, during, and after the Step Out event. Shared links from the contest were clicked over 21,000 times, generating a viral buzz about the contest and ADA's signature event. The campaign culminated with nearly 5,000 people attending the walk, and helped raise $400,000 toward the ADA’s fight against diabetes.




case study

Example Work: Dynamic Energy - National Rebrand

Signature Health Services A renovated medical center needed a new identity

indicative of its influence and impact on healthcare services in Philadelphia and beyond.

Constitutional Health Plaza Cha ll e n ge:

S o l utio n:

Once known as the St. Agnes hospital, the medical center is home to

We created Constitution Health Plaza: a new brand, name, identity,

440,000 sf of complementary healthcare services on South Broad

messaging, interior and exterior signage, and a complete web presence

Street. The new ownership needed a new name, brand position and

to establish the property as a South Philadelphia landmark, ready to

messaging to attract National tenants to move to their location.

serve the community. The new brand attracted and is now home to CHOP, Thomas Jefferson, Kindred Hospital and more.


Example Work: Dynamic Energy - National Rebrand

Dynamic Energy

Th e N ew N a m e The name Constitution Health Plaza has an exciting background story. The former hospital needed a name that would represent a National, Class-A facility, while not competing with traditional healthcare providers who were their tenants. Our Naming Process helped us determine that Constitution stood for a Philadelphia and National reference, as a foundation for the people; a body of complementary care networks in one easy location. When we learned that 3 of the surrounding South Philadelphia streets were signers of the Constitution; Morris, Mifflin & Jackson - the new name was it!




Example Work: Dynamic Energy - National Rebrand

Dynamic Energy




Example Work: Dynamic Energy - National Rebrand

Dynamic Energy

Re s ult s: The new name, identity, and brand elements position Constitution Health Plaza for success as a new hub for medicine, commerce, technology, and innovation in South Philadelphia. While building upon the strong foundation established by the original St. Agnes Hospital, Constitution Health Plaza offers a fresh take on a community of care.




Pricing & References Pr i c i n g s h o w n by p e r s o n n e l o n p r oj e c t a n d a li s t of r e f e r e n c e s of c u r r e n t c li e n t s .


cost of deliverables.

Pricing & Referrals

Project Pricing







(30% non-profit discounted)

Copywriter / Messaging Content




Project Manager; Jr.




Creative Director




Senior Identity Designer




Project Manager, Snr




IP Attorney, Access to DB of Names







Payments: 4 Month Agreement at $5,269.00/mo.




discover, create, plan and manage



Here is a summary of the project timeline. For illustration purposes, this timeline assumes a start date of March 1.

Day 1

Day 30


Day 45

Day 75

Day 90

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

Brand Discovery Completed

Brand Strategy Completed

Brand Visuals (Identity) Completed

Rebrand Implementation Starts



Day 120





Pricing & Referrals



Duane Morris LLP - rebrand, new website, marketing collateral, social media management (in-progress) Jonathan Segal, Partner 215.979.1869

Dynamic Energy - rebrand, new website, marketing collateral, PR and social media Brett Thibodeau, Chief Operating Officer 484.323.1157

CSS Inc. - rebrand, new website, marketing collateral, PR and social media Michael A. Chalenski, President/CEO 856 344-7000




where do I sign?

Pricing & Referrals

Payment The project payment is divided into monthly installments at the rate of $5,269.00 per month for the duration of this project, which is a total of 4 payments. This project will require the first month’s payment to start work. The Client will be billed on the first of every month with a Net 15 day payment term. Payments should be made in USD, addressed to At Media - 222B Race St. Philadelphia PA 19106. All credit card purchases will require a 3% processing fee. Vendor or media buying costs are not included (such as printing or ad space). Cancellation of this agreement requires 30 days notice.

Timeline & Client Communic ation The timeline for this project is 90-120 days to complete the deliverables from the start of this agreement. Time reporting will be communicated to the Client in a Project Worksheet during Client meetings, to communicate the status of all tasks, deadlines and metrics associated with each project. Timelines are subject to change according to approvals and the Client’s budget/payments.

A greement The undersigned hereby agree to the terms, conditions and stipulations of this agreement on behalf of his or her organization or business. This Agreement secures the pricing and start date of the scope described, but will not go into effect until payment is received.

Bea dB oard, Universit y Cit y S cience Center

At M e dia LLC









Thank You.

Q ue s tions , Comme nt s , Conce rns? A nto i n et te M a ri e J o h n s o n 267.519.3592 222B Race Street, Philadelphia PA 19106

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