2 minute read
from ECN April 2023
Can you tell us more about how you decarbonised your HQ?
Firstly, we needed to understand what the carbon emissions for our headquarters were – we did this in partnership with Tunley Engineering, a leading decarbonisation consultancy. We then looked at where carbon reduction improvements could be made in the building, and the best way to go about achieving them. Finally, we commissioned our engineers to undertake the work, bringing in specialist contractors where needed.
Why did you do this?
As a business we’re committed to decarbonising our operations as soon as possible – we’ve set ourselves the target of becoming a net zero organisation by 2035 at the latest.
In addition, as well as supporting our ongoing net zero efforts, the project provided a great opportunity to implement new technologies which will be of benefit to our clients as they continue their own decarbonisation journeys.
What new technology did you install?
To help transform our headquarters into a net zero building, BGEN engineers undertook the following:
• Replaced the HVAC system – an aged twin gas boiler heating system was replaced with a new Hybrid VRF system.
• Fitted solar panels – a 21kW peak solar array was installed on the office roof. This feeds an inverter that injects additional energy into the power distribution system when available.
• Installed water reduction technologies – simple measures such as reducing water flow at hand basins and installing push taps and split flush systems on toilets have reduced water consumption by several hundred litres per day.
• Transferred the electricity supply to an Ofgem certified eco-tariff
• Fitted LED lighting – upgraded the building’s entire lighting system to an intelligent LED system. The light fittings all communicate with a central controller, and an occupancy detection system ensures that lights are not left on when they do not need to be.
• Installed electric vehicle charging points providing 12 EV charge points
• Developed control and energy monitoring systems – designed and installed a new monitoring system that collects real time energy consumption data from each circuit, allowing the organisation to target future improvements. Water usage and building occupancy is also monitored.
What was the biggest challenge?
Given works were taking place at our head office, the biggest challenge was maintaining business as usual.
To achieve this, we offered more flexible working in addition to what employees now utilise following a change in working practices post COVID-19. For example, while installing the HVAC system (which took approximately two weeks), we needed to close off one floor at a time.
What will deliver the biggest carbon/energy saving?
The new Hybrid VRF HVAC system. The system uses air source heat pumps to extract thermal energy from the ambient air and release thermal energy from cooling into the air. This is up to four times more efficient than directly heating the air in a conventional system.
Our new digital monitoring system indicated that the new HVAC system delivered a 4,500-6,000kg carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) saving over a like-for-like three-month period.
What role did digitalisation play?
Digitalisation played a key role and will continue to do so as we look to make further carbon reduction saving across the business.
We see the innovative digital solutions, such as resource (e.g. energy/water/ material) monitoring and live carbon (CO2e) calculations, installed at our headquarters as a real game changer. We’re currently rolling these out at some of our other sites, including a manufacturing facility in Warrington.
We also see real potential in optimising the monitoring in our head office building further. Examples include building in alarms to flag unexplained energy spikes, and automatically altering lighting and heating requirements for when meetings are scheduled in the building.
How did you get net zero status?
The works carried out enabled BGEN to eliminate all scope one and two emissions associated with the building. We offset all remaining scope three emissions (which in reality can only be addressed and lowered as new technologies become available) by supporting verified carbon reduction projects and planting 207 trees in the north west. The net zero status of the building was independently verified.
BGEN, b-gen.co.uk