3 minute read
Peter Broome, Director of Rako Controls, explains why this space is as equally important as the training itself.
We are an industry known for cutting edge technology and delivering the latest and most innovative solutions to our clients. The speed at which technology is developing is increasing all the time and the pace at which new products are being launched continues to quicken. This fast growth of innovation means integrators need to constantly adapt their skill set and increase their knowledge, whether they are new to the industry or not.
By keeping up to date with the latest technology, products and solutions on offer, integrators can help their customers make more informed decisions about how they control their homes. This can also open more business opportunities - but they do need the expert knowledge to take full advantage of where the market is heading. This is where high quality training becomes so important.
Although there are new digitally based training courses available, there is nothing that beats face-to-face courses, especially for programmes where practical skills are required. This is why the environment where training is offered is equally important. It needs to be a comfortable room where attendees will remain engaged throughout the training and be able to stay switched on for the duration of the course. A well-ventilated and appropriately lit space will minimise the risk of over-tiredness and a loss of attention.
We have recently completely renovated our training facility in Rochester, Kent to provide a high-quality learning environment, equipped with the latest Rako technology and innovations. The aesthetic is very close to what might actually be seen in a client’s property, complete with comfort; air-conditioning, soundproofing, hi-res in-wall loudspeakers, and, of course, premium quality lighting. It’s a great indicator of what can be achieved with a Rako system.
The training room is equipped with specially designed pods, allowing delegates to get hands on with Rako technology, software and programming. Each training pod features Orluna light fittings, RGBW and CCW LED tape, along with an automated blind which can be integrated and controlled using Rako controllers. Delegates can see demonstrations of Rako’s full product range, including wired and wireless systems, extensive keypad options and the feature rich Rako Hub.

Rako provides free one day Foundation and Advanced training courses in lighting control from the new experience centre. The Foundation Course allows delegates to get to grips with the topology of a Rako wired and wireless system, how the Rako equipment integrates together, and what’s needed for different lighting, curtain and blind control applications. The Advanced Course is specifically aimed at installers with previous Rako programming knowledge and enables delegates to get hands on with Rako products and software. The course looks at the ‘Theory’ of Rako as a modular system and goes into greater depth on Rako’s Wired, Wireless and hybrid systems, keypad mapping and the programming skills required. It also looks extensively at the Rako Hub, the features and benefits it provides and its role within a Rako system.
The Rako training room was built with the support of Cinema Build Systems, Meridian Audio, Orluna Illuma Lighting, Future Automation, HD Anywhere, Buster and Punch, Kordz Global, Sonos and Sony UK. The technology system was installed by CEDIA member, Louise Tarling Electrical. Rako offers several training courses per month.

Together For Cinema is an AV industry good cause enterprise with a focus on designing and installing home cinema rooms in children’s hospices and other deserving locations across the UK. These rooms not only benefit the children and young adults, but also their families, carers, staff and volunteers.

The recycling of second hand and B-stock is in plan and some items have already been donated and installed.
Together For Cinema has excellent support and backing from the AV industry, but more can be done. Please contact us to donate product, to assist with an installation or to consider becoming a sponsor of this AV industry good cause.
Spearheaded by founder Ian Morrish, Together For Cinema has so far completed 29 cinema rooms at a normal installation value of over £620,000. Our target of 50 rooms and £1m worth of installations is scheduled for completion by 2026.
Essential Install are proud to support this great cause and be a lead Media Partner.
“Together For Cinema – together for better”
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