March 2010 - South Jersey Mom Magazine

Page 1


we’ve got your HAIR, MAKE-UP and




15 fun,

family-friendly VACATION SPOTS you GOTTA visit this summer

living with CEREBRAL PALSY

find a great summer camp for your child, pg. 32

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Table of Contents

Dear Readers,

pg. 26 FamilyFriendly Vacationing in the USA mom 2 mom 8 Strategies for Helping Your Kids Make Friends 10 What to do With a Mouthy Kid 11 Disbanding the Fight Club: Defuse Brotherly and Sisterly Bickering

moms R women 2 12 Women and Children’s Fashion Trends, Spring 2010 15 Why Your Annual OB Appointment is So Important

know 2 grow 20 Living with Cerebral Palsy 22 Dying to Be Thin: The Truth About Girls and Eating Disorders 24 Raising Boys vs. Girls

features 26 Family-Friendly Vacationing in the USA 32 Summer Camp Guide

also in this issue 3 5 6 16 17 21 29 30 31 39 40 41 42

publisher’s note nana’s 2 sense life sentences chick lit business spotlight ask the addvisor green mama just born thinking out loud learning 2 learn book review things 2 do resource guide

publisher’s note

March 2010

Photo by Lisa Ward Photography

just learned a valuable lesson. Never brag about your kids. Never. They will prove you wrong. Just last week, I was bragging about how Kayden never says any bad words. We try very hard not to curse in front of our children....actually, we try not to curse at all...ever. But I can’t say the same thing for other people in our extended family. The other day, a family member blurted, “S#@T!” as she was taking Kayden out of the car. (I wasn’t there, but other family members told on her.) He repeated it the second it came out of her mouth...then kept repeating it. He never said it in front of me, until just the right church! Yes, as people are standing in the hallway at church, Kayden comes running down the hall and yells, “SSSSSHHHHHHIIIIIIIITTTTTTT!!!!!!” Everyone turned and looked at me. I stood there with my mouth hanging open, looking for some place to go hide! Come on, of all the places he could have said this, it had to be in CHURCH! WHY?????!!!!!


So of course, I said the only thing I could say, “I wonder where he learned that from!?” ha, ha, ha! Isn’t that what all parents say when their children say some horrible thing? We act like they couldn’t possibly have learned that from us, their parents. Then I quickly blamed it on that other family member! I share this horribly embarrassing story with you, not because I want to air my dirty laundry, but because we sometimes forget how closely our children are watching us and the other adults in their lives. We have a responsibility to lead by example and show them the right way to behave. It’s not enough to just tell them what is right and wrong; we have to behave in a way that we would be proud of if they copied us, not put us to shame. I want my children to learn respectful, kind and caring words from me...AND MY FAMILY! I want to show them what it means to be a good citizen with a compassionate heart and respectful behavior. Now I know I can’t shield them from all the harsh words and actions of the world, but I can do my part to show them the right way, since parents have more of an influence over their children than any other person or thing. We should all work to be the best example for our children and maybe, along the way, we will become better people for it. And the world would then be a much better place. Your Friend and Fellow MOM,

March 2010 | 3

4 | March 2010

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MOM 2010

Publisher/Editor: Adrienne Richardson Editorial Associate: Jeanette Giza Advertising Inquiries: Orin Jespersen • 856.690.5565 Dianne Holland • 856.278.6119 Elaine Petrosino-Roehm • 856.404.3127 General Advertising Info: Copy Editor: Gaily Von Schlichting Production Manager: Lisa Celfo Communications Manager: Esther Donnelly Photographer: Lisa Ward Photography Contributing Writers: Terri Akman, Eileen Cassidy Bishop, Mary Pat Correro, Kate Hogan, Linda Karanzalis, Fran LoBiondo, Keri Mikulski, Renee Taylor Negin, Kathryn Ross, Judy M. Schneider, Valerie Tandoi, Sheila Taney Submit Calendar Listing: Letters to the Editor: For Any Other General Information: South Jersey MOM is published monthly and distributed throughout the region. The publication is available free of charge at select locations. Subscriptions $24.99 per year. TM

All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is not permitted without the authorization of the publisher. South Jersey MOM P.O. Box 2413 Vineland, NJ 08362-2413 856.692.MOMS Fax: 856.405.6794


nana’s 2 sense

South Jersey

Funny Daddy or the first time since I moved to my condo, my grandchildren spent the night. Kayden and Camille had a sleepover at Nana’s on a Friday night, complete with sleeping bags, flashlights and kitty cats. Well, one cat…the other was being her typical, I’ll come out when “I” want to self and hiding most of the time. Abigail is my sweet, old puffy, fluffy, puddy tat who loves attention. Nala is my adopted by default, bulimic, long haired, white prissy little princess who only likes attention when “she” wants it. The kids are always so much fun. We watched five minutes each of the three movies they brought, ate, played with mini stuffed farm animals, ate, hunted wild animals in the dark with flash lights and feather swords and…ate. During the hunt, Kayden ran into the living room to report, “Nana, Nala’s making a funny noise.” He leads me into the bedroom with the torch of the flashlight. Camille has Nala cornered behind the window blind and is poking her with the sword (feather on a stick). Nala is baring her teeth and hissing. Odd, I think, since this is the same feather she plays with in the daytime with no fear. Ok, I don’t attack her with it, but really miss prissy, it’s only a feather. I suggested we let the “wild cat” go and take a swim in the lake (bath time). They squeal with delight, run to the bathroom and strip before I even get there to turn the water on. The sleeping bags were fun, until it was actually time to sleep in them, so we


all ended up in Nana’s big bed. After a spurt of little arms and legs flinging here and there, switching places several times and a small wet accident in the middle of the night, we finally got to sleep. In the morning, the children break their night’s fast with a quick snack of dry cereal while I cook the real breakfast, pancakes. They are both munching away at some cinnamon granola; not the hoops, loops or stars they are used to, when Kayden asks, “Nana, is this cat food?” What? Cat food! “No, honey, it’s cinnamon granola cereal. Nana wouldn’t give you cat food. Cat food is for the kitties.” Why would this little boy think I would give him cat food? When I shared the story with Mom, she laughed and said Dad told Kayden, “You’re going to Nana’s and she’s going to feed you cat food.” Aghh! They believe everything you tell them. Real funny, dad.

Nana Jean Nana Jean is a South Jersey grandmother with two daughters and six grandchildren. Enjoy her stories about her 38+ years as a mom and 19 years as a grandmother as she shares her experiences and lessons learned with lots of laughs and tears along the way.

On the COVER

“Cutest Kid in Town” winner: Hunter is thirteen months old and lives in West Deptford. His favorite show is Sesame Street and he loves Elmo. Hunter enjoys spending time with his family, being outdoors and playing with his toys! Cover clothing supplied by The Yellow Cottage Boutique in Mullica Hill; Photo by Lisa Ward Photography.

March 2010 | 5

life sentences

Shrugging Off Lardaceousness After a Long, Cold Winter

y now I should be well along the path to new habits that I swore I would establish back when the New Year began. Then why do I still feel like I have hibernated all these weeks, piling on whale blubber to keep me warm in the damp, slushy days of winter? It seems to me that March is the longest month, because the promise of spring is here, but the mild weather is not. The one saving grace of March is that there are not many school days off. And usually, no snow days.


I say “usually” because we sometimes do have snow in March. I once postponed my daughter’s christening day from December until March so our guests would not have to drive in snow. Sure enough, it snowed. Some winters are like that. This year, winter started early with a snowstorm before Christmas and we got snowed in with our children before the school vacation officially started. Books and crossword puzzles got me through; two things I can do to keep my mind from turning to mush during the weeks of cold and hostile weather. I can do them while the kids are otherwise occupied, and Traditional soap has harsh chemicals such as while the television herbicides, dyes, pesticides, chemical keeps up a blue fertilizers and synthetic fragrances. annoying buzz in Our Soap: the family room. I · Alleviates certain skin allergies · Includes natural & organic ingredients have learned many · Reduces toxins and are chemically free new words from · Hydrates your skin these pastimes. For more information call 609.846.8666 For example, or visit did you know what

a caravansary is? It’s a large bare building surrounding a court where caravans rest at night. I came across the word, By Fran LoBiondo looked it up, and forgot it. Months later, I chose a library novel about a woman rug weaver in 17th century Iran, and they stopped overnight in caravansaries like we sleep at a Motel 6. So this is how I edify myself when I’m too cold or too lazy to go out and get some exercise. I also have developed a nose for pomposity in prose. One Sunday, I was reading a book review in the Wall Street Journal in which the writer shoehorned these words into a couple of paragraphs: Zeitgeist, aperçus, fin de siècle, crepuscular. Out of curiosity, I looked them up. Zeitgeist means the spirit of the times. Aperçus, is a first view or glance. Fin de siècle is French for “end of the century,” and crepuscular means of, relating to, or resembling twilight. Why the reviewer felt the need to hide his ideas under fifty-cent words I do not know. But sometimes, we all find it handy to have euphemisms when writing or talking about delicate subjects. Here are a few examples of not saying what you mean: • One bubble left of level = mentally abnormal • One o’clock at the waterworks = your fly’s open • Heavy of foot = pregnant • Logorrhea = excessive talkativeness • It’s snowing down south = your slip is showing • Too many yards between the goal posts = stupid • Assumed room temperature = died • Taking a dirt nap = dead Here’s hoping that March goes out like a lamb. I need to get walking if I don’t wish to remain abdominous. Fran LoBiondo of Vineland has children in grade school, high school and college. A Purdue University graduate with a degree in Journalism, she has written about parenting, food and fun for 25 yrs.

6 | March 2010

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March 2010 | 7

n a perfect world, living next door would be a family who has a best friend for each of your children with matching ages and compatibility. That scenario rarely happens. Some children make many friends easily and then there are other personalities who are shyer, more introverted, more reserved, less adept at making friends.


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8 | March 2010

Strategies for Helping Your Kids Make Friends By Judy M. Schneider Being a good friend is a life skill of a well-rounded, healthy individual. While school is a common place where friends are made, other potential friendship connections include neighbors, cousins and siblings, children of your friends, church and religious services, team sports, the pool, clubs, scouts and camp. Many kids benefit from friends outside of school. As in so many parenting issues, learning to be a good friend is often more caught than taught. So do an inventory of your own friendships. Are you modeling good friend behavior? Are you a reliable friend who is trustworthy, kind, compassionate, a good listener; one who enjoys spending time with friends? Or are you teaching toxic friendships by complaining about your friends, being annoyed by them, trying to control or being insulting to them? Teaching our kids about being a good friend, while evaluating our own friendships, may improve relationships for both you and your child. While being popular is often an envied position among a group, this social status may not completely satisfy the need to belong. Our kids need to know that it’s perfectly acceptable to be an individual and not necessarily follow the crowd. They need the strength to keep from going along when the group is planning on doing something wrong or harmful. Anyone who puts another child down in order to build him or herself up does not indicate a good potential friend. Kids should be encouraged to end friendships that are hurting them. Groups of two or four or more friends often work better than a triangle of three friends. Any friendship can become toxic, but a triangle of friends can easily slip into a toxic triangle causing Visit our website and sign up for our e-newsletter

hurt and pain. Being a good friend themselves will help your kids make and keep friends. It’s important for kids to stay true to their beliefs and family values. They need the courage to speak up and resist just going along with the crowd. To do something just because “everyone else is doing it� weakens individuality. Respecting other opinions and different cultures is part of being a good friend. Encourage your child to befriend a lonely shy child. Building Your Kids’ Friendships Model good friend etiquette. Cultivate your own friendships. Be an understanding, non-complaining friend who knows your own strengths and weaknesses. Make opportunities to meet new friends. Encourage greeting others by looking into their eyes, offering a warm smile and using appropriate humor. Include your children’s friends in family activities, parties, sleepovers and family gatherings. Discuss qualities of a good friend, such as kindness, compassion, loyalty, reliability and being a good listener. Encourage a broad spectrum of friends from a wide range of cultures, economic status, ethnicity and religious beliefs, as we live in a globally diverse world. Discuss choosing friends wisely and avoiding kids who insult, control, manipulate, bully or persuade others to do wrong. Teach how to start a conversation by asking the new friends about themselves. Read stories about good friendships.

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March 2010 | 9

What To Do With a Mouthy Kid??? By Kate Hogan ost of us have encountered a “mouthy” child at some point in time. It might have been your own child, or someone else’s; the child might have been aged 3 or 16 or somewhere in between. Mouthiness does not discriminate and it can happen even to the best of parents. But this “disease” should not be left untreated. When trying to curb a fresh-mouthed child, the first thing to remember is that kids are like sponges. They soak up everything around them. So, as parents, we need to remember that if we want polite children, we need to be polite adults. This includes the examples we set when we speak to other adults but, more importantly, how we speak to our own children. When we ask them to do chores around the house, do we say “please” and “thank you?” Unfortunately, parents are not the only influences on children. Other siblings, friends and pop culture – e.g., television, movies and video games – play a huge role in how our children behave, what they say and how they say it. Up until elementary school, parents can control many of their children’s outside influences. But as kids get older, control over these factors can wane and a fresh comment here and there seems to be inevitable. Parents walk a fine line between guiding children on the right path and stifling their personalities. When a child is “mouthy,” they are lacking respect at that moment in time. Remember respect is earned, as well as learned. My husband thought it was funny when he taught our 2-year-old to say, “you mess with the bull and you get the horns.” It was hilarious when she said it to her grandfather, who was teasing her somewhat mercilessly. However, when she repeated it to her teacher after a quick reprimand for not sharing… that would be classified as “mouthy” and disrespectful. So at age 2, we talked about respect and removed that saying from our vernacular.


10 | March 2010

any type of bad behavior is “scolding without real punishment,” says Matz. “Without discipline, the bad behavior becomes a game to children.” It’s then that parents become frustrated and lose their temper. “Once you lose your temper, you lose control of the situation. Over time, losing these little battles to your child teaches them that Mom and Dad are more bark than bite.”

If it’s something a bit simpler, such as a constant “no,” Dr. Paul Matz, of Advocare Haddon Pediatric Group, suggests ignoring the behavior, even though it may be hard to do. Children are looking for attention and, if you react to their bad behavior, they will repeat it in order to get that attention again. Matz also suggests trying to “catch them being good and go overboard with your praise of their good behavior so they feel less need to act out.” As for those pre-teen and teen years, Matz suggests instead of taking away privileges, “make your child earn privileges – it’s more of a positive approach.” Pick something your child really Private Early wants — a bicyChildhood Education For cle, a cell phone 6 Weeks To 8 Years or whatever speaks to them— ome let your child explore the and keep a chart wonder of learning, where they of their behavwill create, discover and make new ior. Once they have been able friends, nurtured by teachers to go a specified degreed in early childhood education amount of time and a curriculum designed for their (at least two age and their imagination. consecutive weeks) without the Enroll Today! bad behavior, then they have reached their goal and everybody wins! Once your child reaches an age of un® derstanding, the most common mistake parents make when tryLocations IN PA & NJ 1-877-MALVERN ing to restrain Visit for NAEYC accredited schools


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Disbanding the Fight Club:


House Rules that Will Defuse Brotherly and Sisterly Bickering Before it Gets Out of Hand Michele Borba, Ed.D.

o you feel as if you have traded in your parenting hat for referee stripes? Parenting expert Michele Borba says you can enforce a truce on sibling battles and bickering. Read on for five house rules that will stop the shouting and promote peace in your home.

No yelling. Establish what Borba calls a “vow of yellibacy” in your house and enforce it. When tempers flare and feelings are hurt, the volume decibel tends to rise, causing arguments to quickly escalate and get out of hand. Just remember: the “no yelling” rule is not only for the kids; it goes for you too. Parents have to set the example for staying calm and collected when they are upset or angry as well. “This should be rule number one,” asserts Borba. “All family members must use calm voices only—no yelling allowed. And if talks get heated, anyone can make a time-out hand sign, hinting he [or she] needs to cool down. When cooler heads prevail, arguments get resolved much more quickly and in a way that is less stressful for everyone.” No taking without asking. Property ownership can be a BIG deal to little ones and the time-honored “Mo-om, she’s touching my stuff!” complaint can be frequent in multi-child households. “Insist that permission of the owner must be granted before borrowing, using or taking any property,” Borba explains. “Not only will this cut down on the conflict, but it also makes it easier to resolve any arguments that may come up. If permission was not asked for and granted, then you know who broke the rule. Simple as that.” No hurtful behaviors. With bullies and mean girls running the schools, it’s important that you set the standard for your home to be a safe haven for your kids. It should be a place free from hurtful behaviors. Set a strict policy: name-calling and hitting will not be tolerated, under any circumstances, and they will result in a consequence. Tolerating hurtful behavior inside your home only encourages your kids to display it when you are not around—and that is not a character trait any parent wants to encourage.

No involvement without evidence. If you are the parent of siblings, you have probably spent a good deal of time playing referee. Kids are quick to run to a parent’s aid to help settle their disagreements and, if you were not a witness to the incident itself, then it can be hard to know exactly what to do. Borba says you should get involved in the conflict only if you actually saw or heard it occur. This will help keep you neutral and encourage your kids to adopt strategies that help them work things out for themselves. “Suggest they use Rock, Paper, Scissors to work out their problem,” Borba says. “This prevents you from having to choose sides or take one kid’s word over another.” No tattling. Siblings and tattling go hand in hand, so it’s inevitable that you will come across this parenting issue sooner rather than later. Not only is tattling an unattractive quality in kids, it can also breed resentment amongst siblings and can be central to continuing conflict in a household. Keeping a “no tattling” policy in your household can be crucial to cutting back on the squabbles. Of course, no matter what you do, sibling squabbles will happen on occasion. So do not drive yourself crazy with unrealistic expectations for non-stop harmony. “Your kids don’t get along every minute of the day and they might not even like each other all the time, but they do have to respect each other’s feelings and be considerate of the need for empathy and stability in the family,” says Borba. “After all, the benchmarks of any strong relationship are empathy and respect—and if you can help your kids learn how to co-exist more peacefully, you’ll have taught them a valuable life skill they’ll appreciate for years to come.” Michele Borba, Ed.D., is an educational psychologist, former teacher and mom. She is recognized for offering research-driven advice culled from a career of working with over one million parents, educators and children. A frequent Today show contributor and recipient of the National Educator Award, Borba is the author of 22 books, her latest being, The Big Book of Parenting Solutions: 101 Answers to Your Everyday Challenges and Wildest Worries. For more information, visit

March 2010 | 11

moms R women 2

By Valerie Tandoi


pring 2010 is just around the corner and this is a bold and bright season in fashion for both women and children. The new fashion scene takes key pieces from a variety of past decades and mixes and matches them to create fun and fresh looks for spring.

WOMEN’S FASHION TRENDS Printed Pants In recent years, pants have stayed pretty plain and women have used shirts, handbags and shoes to spice up their wardrobe. This spring, pants are taking back their place in the bold and daring world of dress up. Designers will bring our bottoms back to life using patterns such as checkers, swirls, dots, tie-dye, stripes and more. Knee High Socks Knee high socks are back. Avoid wearing this trend with a pleated skirt, unless you want to look like a school girl. The fashion industry is screaming for dresses and shorts to be worn with colorful knee highs and heels. At first thought, this trend may seem a little silly, but paired with the right pieces, women can look runway chic. The Boyfriend Blazer Cold on an early spring night? Stay warm with the boyfriend blazer: a blazer worn one size too big for your frame, giving the appearance that you borrowed the blazer from the man in your life. Make sure to choose pants and a blouse to go with the blazer that are on the tighter side so you do not look like you are drowning in your clothes. Keep the outfit feminine by adding sexy shoes. Zippers Excessive zippers may remind you of the 1980s, but they are gracing us with their presence again in 2010. You will start seeing funky zippers on all types of shoes, dresses, jackets and pants. Embrace this trend and zip up for a fresh and fashionable look.

5 Hair & Makeup Trends for Spring Spring hair is all about having fun and taking risks. Purposefully tossed hair with a 1. few loose waves is best this season. Perfectly straight, flat-ironed hair is not so perfect anymore. The perfection is the imperfection for spring ‘dos. Subtle, sexy, peach, pink and mauve lips are fun and flattering. Look for shades that 2. are sheer and natural looking. of purple nail polish are destined to become a modern classic. The more 3. Shades intense and bright, the better. eyeliner of all colors and eye shadows influenced by contrasts of rich and subtle 4. Bold hues of gold, rose and boysenberry as well as golden moss and sienna create a sun-cast look. Try swiping one shade over the entire eyelid and applying the other just beneath the brow bone to highlight. overall makeup trend for spring are daringly bare shades that give the 5. The “no makeup” makeup look. 12 | March 2010

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Spring 2010 CHILDREN’S FASHION TRENDS Vintage Frills Allow your little girl to go glam with a vintage dress. Frills and flowers will be all the rage on the playground. Teach your daughters to embrace their feminine side with ruffles, rhinestones and petals. A Touch Of The 80s 80s kids were decked out in bold colors such as turquoise, fuchsia and bright purple. We will all enjoy a flashback, looking at kids’ clothing from spring 2010. Loud patterns consisting of squares, triangles, lines and circles are back. Walk down memory lane and deck out your toddler in these colorful duds. Accessorize With A Hat Both straw and plaid fedora hats, which have already made their way into the adult fashion scene in 2009, will breach into the kids’ section for 2010. These hats, available in many colors and price ranges, are a fun addition to any outfit for both boys and girls. Fun and Funky Shoes The perfect pair of shoes makes any outfit shine! Check out Tsukihoshi, one of Japan’s oldest and most esteemed footwear companies. Combining modern & innovative design with centuries-old craftsmanship and artistry. Unsurpassed in quality and value, Tsukihoshi shoes are fashionable, functional and fun! ( The spring 2010 fashions offer a bunch of unique and funky pieces. It’s a great time to accessorize and match different pieces to create your own look.

March 2010 | 13

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14 | March 2010

We’ve Added Some Exciting New Features: · Photo Gallery: Share photos of your family with our community · Extra Articles: Read articles that we didn't have room for in the

magazine and also articles from previous issues · Win Great Prizes! · Become a Member and get access to even more! Visit our website and sign up for our e-newsletter

Why Your Annual OB Appointment is

So Important C

and do not cause cervical cancer. High risk HPV types may cause cervical cell abnormalities or cancer. More than 70 percent of cervical cancer cases can be attributed to two types of the virus, HPV-16 and HPV-18, often referred to as high risk HPV Types. HPV is estimated to be the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States. In fact, by age 50, approximately 80 percent of women have been infected with some type of HPV. The majority of women infected with the HPV virus Causes of Cervical Cancer do NOT develop cervical cancer. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is found in For most women the HPV infection is about 99 percent of cervical cancers. There transient and 90 percent of infections are over 100 different types of HPV, the resolve spontaneously within two years. majority of which are considered low risk A small percentage of women do not clear the HPV virus and are considered to have persistent infection. A woman with a perThe Center for Autism Who are we looking for? sistent HPV infecResearch at The Children’s • Infant siblings of tion is at greater risk Hospital of Philadelphia is typically developing of developing cervilooking for participants for children cal cell abnormalia research study focusing • Infant siblings of ties and cancer than on early brain development. children with autism a woman whose infection resolves on its own.

ervical cancer affects approximately 10,000 women in the United States each year. Cervical cancer is the second most common type of cancer for women worldwide, but because it develops over time, it’s also one of the most preventable types of cancer. Cancer of the cervix tends to occur during midlife. Half of women diagnosed with the disease are between 35 and 55 years of age. It rarely affects women under age 20 and approximately 20 percent of diagnoses are made in women older than 65. For this reason, it’s important for women to continue cervical cancer screening until at least the age of 70.

Signs and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer Precancerous cervical cell changes and early cancers of the cervix generally do not cause symptoms. Abnormal or irregular vaginal bleeding, pain during sex or vaginal discharge may be symptoms of more advanced disease.

Notify your healthcare provider if you experience: • Abnormal bleeding, such as: H Bleeding between regular menstrual periods H Bleeding after sexual intercourse H Bleeding after douching H Bleeding after a pelvic exam • Pelvic pain not related to your menstrual cycle • Heavy or unusual discharge that may be watery, thick and possibly have a foul odor • Increased urinary frequency • Pain during urination Detecting Cervical Cancer The best way to determine if precancerous or cancerous cells are present is with a Pap test. The Pap test can determine if cell changes have taken place that may indicate precancerous or cancerous development. In addition to a Pap test, your doctor may recommend an HPV test. The HPV test does not indicate the presence of precancerous or cancerous cells. It determines whether or not a woman has an HPV infection with any of the 13 high risk HPV types. The test cannot tell you whether your infection is new or if it’s persistent. This information will assist you and your doctor to determine appropriate follow-up and intervals for cervical cancer screening. Protecting Yourself from Cervical Cancer Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers today. If caught early, the 5-year survival rate is almost 100 percent. Regular Pap testing is the best method to protect against invasive cervical cancer. It’s most important to remember that cervical cancer takes many years to develop. Regular Pap tests help detect any precancerous or abnormal cells early enough so that cervical cancer can be prevented. March 2010 | 15

chick lit

March Chick Lit Pick By Keri Mikulski

NICE GIRLS CAN FINISH FIRST By Daylle Deanna Schwartz o you cringe at the thought of saying no? Do you find yourself wondering why you constantly feel so taken advantage of by friends, family or coworkers? Are you too nice? Author and recovering people pleaser, Daylle Deanna Schwartz, shows readers how to flip from a wimp to a woman on top with her self-help guide, Nice Girls Can Finish First. From romance to work to family to everyday life, Schwartz offers tips on everything from finding your inner tiger to baby-stepping new habits to stocking your self-empowerment toolbox. Packed full of notes to self, anecdotes and exercises, this guide has everything you need to wipe the “Welcome” sign off your back. Tired of people pleasing, but don’t want to be seen as mean? Do not miss Nice Girls Can Finish First. This book will change your life.


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Keri Mikulski is the young adult author of the upcoming Pretty Tough Series (Penguin/Razorbill), Screwball and its sequel, Change Up. Her first book in the Pretty Tough Series will be available in Winter 2011. Keri lives at the Jersey shore with her husband and daughter. Disclaimer: Occasionally, the columnist receives books from authors and publishers for the purpose of a review and/or recommendation. However, recommendations are based solely on South Jersey MOM’s intended audience and items sent directly to the columnist do not guarantee a recommendation.


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By Renee Taylor Negin he Malvern School, an educational facility for children ages 6 months through 8 years, focuses on the quality of their programs for all of its students. The school operates a total of eighteen schools, three in the South Jersey area. A fourth, in Medford, is scheduled to open this year. The Malvern School in Erial is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), as are four other locations. By the summer, that number will rise to eight. It’s the goal of The Malvern School to achieve accreditation for all of its locations. This process is very lengthy and detailed, but speaks to the commitment of the administrators and educators to provide the best possible programs for the students. Classes at The Malvern School are divided by age group, and each class has a teacher and an assistant teacher. But the program also provides two additional learning centers—the Discovery Room for preschoolers and the Fascination Station for infants and toddlers. These areas expose students to materials and experiences not available in their classrooms. They also provide the opportunity for students to interact with students and teachers from other classes, enhancing their social interaction skills and promoting a sense of community throughout the school. The School also has separate playgrounds for each age group, providing safe, age-appropriate apparatus for the physical development of the students. The teachers at The Malvern School are certified in early childhood education and/or elementary education. Assistants are pursuing a degree in the field and have prior experience in a licensed child care facility. Each facility


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has a curriculum coordinator who mentors and assists the teachers to develop their classroom curriculum. Each facility also has a Director of Education and an Executive Director, ensuring all aspects of each school meet or exceed national standards for childcare and education. Diane Morgan, the Director of Operations for The Malvern School, points out that the schools are always aspiring to go beyond the basics to provide an exceptional environment for students. The directors and teachers seek and encourage input from parents and staff to ensure each student’s needs are being met. The classrooms consist of a “Print Rich Environment,� meaning the students are continually exposed to printed matter. Reading and writing are incorporated into other activities, and books are present throughout the room. This type of environment builds early literacy skills. Students also experience both large and small group activities and are encouraged to learn through play. Morgan suggests parents research childcare centers in their area to ensure their child receives the best possible early education. When researching The Malvern School, Morgan says, “We encourage parents to come see the school.� According to the testimonials on The Malvern School’s website, that first look reaffirms to many parents The Malvern School is indeed the best choice for their child. The Malvern School has four locations in South Jersey: Erial, Voorhees and Washington Twp. and coming soon: Medford. They also have several locations in PA. Learn more at or call 1-877-MALVERN.

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You Don't Want to Miss Our Special Speakers! Karen Rogers, 6abc Action News Karen Rogers is the weekday traffic and weather anchor for Philadelphia's 6abc Action News Mornings. She earned a certificate in Broadcast Meteorology from Mississippi State University and also holds degrees in Communication and Sociology from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, where she was valedictorian of her communication class and the class speaker for commencement. In addition to her work at 6abc, Karen is active in supporting young people. One of her most rewarding experiences was working with the Child Assault Prevention Program teaching elementary school students empowerment skills for reporting and preventing abuse. Karen was born and raised in New Jersey along with her nine brothers and sisters. She drives to work every morning feeling blessed to work for a station which is committed to excellence and feels like family. Karen and her husband Kevin have three children and live in South Jersey. Karen, like most moms, has to balance a career and family. Karen went back to school for three years to become a meteorologist while working full time (getting up at 2:30 a.m., 5 days a week) and taking care of two young children – and she was pregnant. All moms will be able to relate to her experience and will be inspired by her story and drive.

Dena Blizzard, Comedienne Dena Blizzard first garnered attention in 1995 as Miss New Jersey in the Miss America Pageant, where she proudly ranked in the "Top 50." Since then she has worked as a television host, corporate spokesperson, mother and comedienne. Dena has enjoyed performing for audiences at Paula Deen’s cooking show “Paula’s Party� on the Food Network, as well as, for Emeril Lagasse. Dena’s comedic take on marriage, motherhood and Miss America has garnered her the title “One Funny Mother.� In 2008, Dena launched her one-woman show “One Funny Mother: I’m Not Crazy� to rave reviews and tours her show all around the country. Dena happily juggles the struggles of raising three young children while pursuing her comedy career. She and her husband reside in South Jersey. Learn more about Dena at

Vicki Glembocki, Author Vicki Glembocki, who appeared on Oprah as one of “the boldest moms in the country,� is the author of the memoir The Second Nine Months: One Woman Tells the Real Truth About Becoming a Mom. Finally. She’s an award-winning magazine writer and essayist, a writer-at-large for Philadelphia Magazine, a columnist for Reader’s Digest, and a blogger (a.k.a. “Blunt Force Mama� at Her articles have appeared in many publications including Playboy, Ladies Home Journal, Parents, Women’s Health, More and Fit Pregnancy. She lives in Westmont, NJ, with her very patient husband, Thad, and her daughters, Blair, 4 and Drew, 2. Learn more about Vicki at

Interested in sponsoring this event or being a vendor? Visit for more details or contact Adrienne Richardson at 856.692.MOMS or

know 2 grow

Living with

Cerebral Palsy

By Terri Akman


nthony Ambrose is a fun-loving 7year-old who enjoys playing t-ball and computer games. He looks up to his big brother Craig, Jr. and enjoys being in first grade at South Valley Elementary School in Moorestown. Seeing Anthony when he has long pants on, you probably would not even notice there is anything about him that is different from his peers. Yet, if you look closely, you might notice Anthony moves a little slower and has an unusual gait, all due to the leg brace he wears because he has Cerebral Palsy. Cerebral Palsy is a disorder that affects a person’s ability to move and maintain balance and posture. People suffering from this disease have damage to the part of the brain that controls muscle tone. Cerebral Palsy usually occurs during pregnancy or in infanthood. Anthony’s mother, Sue, recalls that her son was not officially diagnosed until the age of two, though they suspected something was wrong by his first birthday. “He was toe-walking on one side,” she says. “He had been meeting every milestone. He was cruising at nine months, just like all the other children, and at 1 year [of age,] he started walking more on his left toe and not putting his heel down.” After a half dozen doctor visits and misdiagnoses, the Ambroses were told their son had Cerebral Palsy. Children who are born prematurely or who are very low birth weight (less than 1,500 grams or about 3 1/3 pounds) are more likely to have problems that might lead to Cerebral Palsy, and Anthony was born premature. According to the CDC, about one in 278 children have Cerebral Palsy. The disease affects different people in different ways, depending on which areas of the brain have been damaged. Possible symptoms include muscle tightness or spasticity, 20 | March 2010

involuntary movement, disturbance in gait or mobility, speech, hearing and visual issues. Sue realizes many people have misconceptions about Cerebral Palsy. “People envision a person in a wheel chair who can’t walk or talk,” she explains. For Anthony, it means he cannot keep up physically with his peers. That includes activities such as running, walking up steps and sitting on the floor. He also has weaker fine motor skills, but he is able to use a laptop in school to compensate. Sue is most concerned about her son’s ability to participate in social settings as he gets older. “My biggest fear is socially because he can’t run and keep up with the other kids,” she says. “When they are on the playground, that’s a big social thing for kids.” The Ambroses have found great community support, especially from the Principal, Dr. Leisa Karanjia and the staff at South Valley. “If I could say one thing that is the most important part for Anthony and any other child with a developmental disability, it would be inclusion,” explains Sue. “For example, his Kindergarten teacher, Norma Wright, and his one-on-one paraprofessional, Kerri Morlino, worked hand in hand to make sure Anthony was either the line leader or the caboose everywhere they went, whether it be to the library, gym class or art class. This is absolutely the number one obstacle that people don’t realize. It’s the most important piece of being included.”

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Signs and Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy Symptoms of cerebral palsy vary for each child. Symptoms may change over time and may be affected by other medical conditions. Your child may experience the following: • Difficulty with fine motor tasks, such as writing, buttoning shirts and using scissors. • Earlier than usual development of hand preference, or the tendency to use either the right or left hand more often. • Hypertonia or increased muscle tone. Your baby may seem rigid or stiff. • Hypotonia or decreased muscle tone. Your baby may seem overly relaxed, flaccid or “floppy.” • Impaired motor development or developmental delay. Your baby may be slow to roll over, smile, sit, crawl or walk. • Involuntary movements, such as uncontrollable writhing motion of the hands or drooling. • Retention of Moro reflex after age 6 months. The Moro reflex occurs when a baby is held on its back and tilted with the legs above the head. The baby usually extends its arms in what looks like an embrace. • Trouble maintaining balance or walking. • Unusual posture or a tendency to favor one side of the body. Visit our website and sign up for our e-newsletter

ask the ADDvisor

Ask the Q.


What can I do to improve my child’s self-esteem? She struggles in school because of her AD/HD and often feels inferior to her classmates.


Children with AD/HD experience difficulty just getting through the school day. They must work much harder to achieve the same goals as their peers. Activities outside the school arena can greatly enhance self-esteem. Remember, depending on their symptoms, not all AD/HD children will excel in sports. To build self-esteem, it’s more important to find an activity that gives your child a sense of accomplishment, an activity your child enjoys. Teachers can really make a difference in this area by developing classroom systems designed to improve self-esteem. Here are some ideas you can share with your child’s teacher that will benefit the whole class. • Star Student of the Month – Each student writes a positive statement about the star student of the month and places it on the bulletin board inside a star. • Marbles in the Jar – Place a marble in the jar when students display positive behavior. When the jar is the filled, the whole class receives a reward. Students

learn the concept of teamwork by working together to achieve a goal. • Give out a weekly “Friendship Award” to a different student each week. • Have a “zero-tolerance” teasing program. Students who tease must apologize and will receive consequences. • Assign children specific leadership jobs in the classroom that he or she is responsible for. • Have the teacher set up a reading program which places students with children in the lower grades whom they can read aloud to.


My son is looking forward to getting his driver’s license. We are considering having him wait a year with hopes he will be more mature and better able to handle the responsibilities of driving. What are the risks associated with teen drivers who are AD/ HD?

indiA. Research cates teens with AD/HD receive four times more spe-

NOW HIRING! South Jersey MOM is looking for advertising sales reps who have: · Passion, commitment and energy to be the best · The ability to prospect, network and canvas on a daily basis · Exceptional verbal communication and written skills · A home office, dependable vehicle and willing to make cold calls · Knowledge of businesses and services in South Jersey that cater to families and children.

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By Linda Karanzalis, M.S. Learning Specialist/ ADD Coach

eding tickets than their non AD/HD peers. Their accident rate is four times higher than other drivers, both for causing and being involved in accidents. The rate for loss of license/suspension is only slightly higher for teens with AD/HD. To learn more, visit CHADD’s website at or read A Guide for Parents of Teens with AD/HD by J. Marlene Snyder, Ph.D. Linda Karanzalis, M.S., founder and owner of ADDvantages Learning Center in Cherry Hill is the coordinator of CHADD of South Jersey, a non-profit organization serving children and adults with attention deficit disorder. Listen to her “Ask the ADDvisor‚” radio show on 92.1 FM. For more info contact Linda Karanzalis at (856) 482-0756 or at

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t thirteen years old, bright, outgoing Katie had lost 20 pounds of her 100-pound frame. It was tough being in eighth grade with all the “drama,” Katie remembers. Diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder that involves severely limiting the amount of food a person allows themselves to eat, Katie needed therapy to help her gain the weight back. Sadly, two years later, she faced anorexia for the second time after breaking up with her boyfriend of two and a half years. “I just kind of stopped eating,” she explains. “I didn’t have any appetite because I was so sad. But then it got to the point where being able to not eat felt good, because it felt like I had control over that part of my life.” Control is the key to eating disorders, according to Lori Feldman-Winter, MD, MPH, Division Head of Adolescent Medicine at Cooper University Hospital. Eating disorders come from a combination of psychological issues, biological issues, such as a genetic predisposition, and social issues. There is a lot of pressure on kids today academically, socially and through the media. More than ever, parents today are extremely involved in the decisions their children must make. “Kids used to have a lot more freedom in the past and sometimes, with this sort of authoritarian parenting style, I think lack of freedom sends a very loud message to kids, which is that they’re not capable of making their own decisions,” explains Feldman-Winter. “Very often, kids will try to find something they can be in control of.” Eating disorders have increased by about 50 percent in the last ten years, she points out. The most common eating disorder today is ED-NOS, eating disorders not otherwise specified. Young girls can become preoccupied with eating and dieting as early as preschool, even though the behaviors may not show up until later. “This is difficult because, over time, the thought patterns become ingrained,” says FeldmanWinter. “We would like to identify

these thought patterns as early as possible because that’s going to lead to a more likely, complete resolution of the disorder.” Predominantly, girls are affected, with only 5-10 percent of boys having eating issues. Typically, these girls have a distorted body image. Doctors show a patient various illustrations of different body images, and ask the girl to circle the one she believes mostly resembles her own body. “Very often, there’s a big disparity between the girl she circles and where she actually falls in her own BMI (body mass index) percentile,” says Feldman-Winter. The most important thing parents can do is teach their children healthy eating and exercise habits. With an obesity epidemic in our country, there’s a lot of talk about weight and dieting. “We’re trying to shift that focus to proper nutrition and physical activity,” Feldman-Winter explains. “Proper nutrition starts from birth. Everybody thinks really fat babies are cute, but now we realize really fat babies may be at risk for having problems with obesity.” Parents and other adults must also be careful about making comments that may be harmful to a girl’s self-esteem. A mother complaining about her own appearance, or a coach pushing a dancer to hold her stomach in, can help trigger a girl’s distorted perception of her own body image. If you notice your child is restricting what she’s eating, there may be cause for concern. As a child grows, she must gain weight to maintain that growth. Getting taller but not gaining weight is also a red flag. Even comments suggesting disgust with fatness are often turned inward. If you have a concern, consult your family doctor and get help to get your child back on track before serious, irreversible damage is done.

“Control is the key to eating disorders”

Dying To Be THIN:

The Truth About Girls and Eating Disorders By Terri Akman

22 | March 2010

Terri Akman is a freelance writer and preschool teacher at M’Kor Shalom in Cherry Hill. She has three children and lives in Voorhees. Check out her blog at

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March 2010 | 23

Raising Boys vs.

Girls By Alice Langholt


s there a difference between raising boys and raising girls, or is it simply the way society expects them to behave? Do we put pressure on boys to hide their feelings and be “tough?” If left to their own devices, would boys be equally inclined to play with dolls as cars? Would girls be stronger and more selfconfident if we expected them to be more “like boys?” What can parents do to help raise boys to be emotionally healthy? How can parents help girls achieve their potential and not accept a subservient role to males? NATURE VS. NURTURE The answers to gender role differentiation are not cut and dry. While society does place different norms of behavior on girls than boys, there are also some inherent differences in the genders and how they each are “wired.” It’s true that boys are naturally more active as children than girls. Michael Thompson, PhD., co-author of the book Raising Cain, says, “Why are some young boys more aggressive than girls? We don’t know for sure. We think boys are predisposed to higher activity levels as a result of androgens (male hormones) in utero. However, it’s not, as many people believe, a result of testosterone in the blood, because before puberty, boys and girls have the same level [of testosterone]. What we know is that boys in all cultures around the world wrestle more, mock fight more and are drawn to themes of power and domination, but that’s not the same as hurting someone, so it’s not nec24 | March 2010

essarily a cause for worry.” Young girls are able to focus on a quiet project longer than boys. Boys and girls, each given the same set of Legos, will play with them differently. Boys will make the pieces into moving objects–cars, for example. Girls will build characters that play and interact. While there are inherent differences in the genders, there are also societal norms and expectations subconsciously enforced by many people. Boys are expected to hide their vulnerable feelings and “act like a big boy.” They are expected to be strong and tough and are frowned upon if they are interested in nurturing activities like playing with dolls. Girls are expected to be pretty and sweet and are frowned upon if they are interested in cars or super heroes rather than dolls. Boys are called “sissy,” and girls are called “tomboy.” EVERYONE HAS FEELINGS One of the best things parents can do to nurture emotional health in children of both genders is to teach them to talk about their feelings. Boys should not hide, disregard or stifle their vulnerable feelings. Girls have an easier time talking about feelings because they are generally accepted to be more emotional than boys. The truth is there is not a gender difference in terms of emotional vulnerability. Everyone has feelings, and it’s healthy to talk about them and deal with them appropriately. Boys who are encouraged to show their nurturing and loving emotions will

grow up to be loving fathers and do well in relationships with women. Girls who are encouraged to be assertive and selfconfident will have a greater chance for success in life. SUPPORT BOYS’ ACTIVE INCLINATIONS Boys’ affinity for action-packed activities can be supported and directed in appropriate and positive ways by providing them opportunities and space to be active. This means letting them burn off steam on the playground or on sports teams, and providing them with activities that encourage movement and competition. It’s important to offer both boys and girls a wide range of toys, such as clay, art materials and building toys, such as blocks. Creative expression should be nurtured in boys as well as girls. Teachers who understand that boys need more active opportunities to learn can structure their lessons to be activity-based, rather than expecting boys to sit quietly for extended periods. GIVE GIRLS CHANCES TO EXCEL Stereotypes of boys being better at math and science have caused lower expectations of girls that have carried into education and need to be flushed out. Parents should want girls to do their best and succeed in every subject, without predetermined expectations that undermine their efforts. Girls should also have opportunities to excel in sports and physical activity. Originally published by, A Mindspark Company.

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March 2010 | 25


Vacationing in the USA By Adrienne Richardson


t’s time to start thinking about where your family will vacation this summer. We scanned the United States and nearby areas for fun and educational locales...ok, some of them are just plain fun!

Monument Valley, Arizona Arizona Arizona is filled with iconic scenery, such as awesome Monument Valley, where you can also learn about the Navajo. Lake Powell is stunning too. Go house boating on this million-acre lake in a flooded canyon. Do an easy raft ride down the Colorado River in a red-rock canyon or a whitewater raft adventure in the famous Grand Canyon, which you can also explore by a mule ride or helicopter flight seeing. Take the Grand Canyon Railway from Williams, Arizona, where Route 66 still lives. Visit Petrified Forest National Park to see one of the world’s largest and most colorful concentrations of petrified wood and multi-hued badlands. Amelia Island, Florida Still relatively unknown, Amelia Island—in northern Florida near 26 | March 2010

Jacksonville—has lovely beaches, a historic fort complete with actors who play period characters, a quaint town with wonderful old buildings, delicious seafood and two fine resorts: the Amelia Island Plantation and the Ritz-Carlton, both of which welcome kids. Club Med Punta Cana, Dominican Republic The Petit Club and Mini Club have an entire building with separate rooms for different age groups. Outside is a big playground, choo-choo and pool. Older kids might do trapeze, or in-line skating or rehearse for the mini-club show (with costumes, lights and sound). Meanwhile, teens can try out The Ramp: with skateboard ramp on one surface, teen lounge tucked underneath, and on top, a space to hang out, topped by a canopy where movies can be shown. Plenty of adult activities too!

Six Flags Great Adventure, NJ

Six Flags Great Adventure, New Jersey Family fun is what Six Flags is all about. From the highest heights to the gentlest adventures, they’ve got plenty of rides your family can enjoy together. These rides spin, fly and promise to take kids on magical journeys that are perfect for their height and age. While you are there, visit the largest drive-thru safari outside of Africa. This 350-acre wildlife preserve is home to 1,200 animals. Their 4.5-mile auto trail lets the animals walk right up to your car for an up-close encounter. Don’t miss the Dolphin Discovery Show including Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins and California Sea Lions. Club Med Sandpiper, Florida Two hours from Miami or Orlando airports is an all-inclusive in the US, with terrific friendly ambiance. Baby Club Med has outstanding kid programs. Resort activities include waterskiing, wakeboarding, trapeze, in-line skating and golf. Guests can take excursions to Disney World or Kennedy Space Center. This resort is on the St. Lucie River, not the beach. Great Wolf Lodge Poconos, Pennsylvania Great Wolf Lodge has open, rustic-styled resorts with lavish indoor water parks in many locations. Signature features include Northern Lights Arcade, Aveda Concept Spa, Howl-O-Ween and “Snowland” (with indoor falling snow in the Lodges’ lobbies), storytime, animated show and more.

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii The Arizona was one of several mighty battleships attacked, losing 1,177 crewmen, most of whom are still entombed inside. Daily sightseeing cruises of Pearl Harbor and the Oahu coastline include whale watching and fantastic views of Diamond Head and Waikiki. Ride a 90-foot catamaran to a submarine; the submarine takes you to see exotic fish, coral reef formations and sea gardens. Rocking Horse Ranch, New York On 500 acres in the Shawangunk Mountains just 90 minutes from New York City, activities and meals are all-inclusive. Enjoy the indoor pool with geyser, horseback riding, water skiing, fishing, archery and boats. Nursery and day camp available for kids. Sandestin Gold and Beach Resort, Florida This giant 2,400-acre resort has a beach side on the Emerald Coast (Gulf of Mexico), as well as a bay side with many activities: kids’ sailing, kids’ tennis, kayaking, putting course, Jolee Island Nature Park with pirateship playground and a Kidzone with programs for ages 4-6 and 712. Water sports include complimentary body-surfing and Boogie boards. Kids might also enjoy the Junior Golf Academy with excellent instructors. San Francisco, California Explore the whole city riding cable cars. Make sure to hop off to ride a ferry at Fisherman’s Wharf, enjoy great food at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co., walk the mile at Alcatraz, shop in Chinatown and trek over the Golden Gate Bridge. Children of all ages can learn at The Exploratorium and parents and older children will delight in the vast shopping centers. Be sure to visit the six-story Old Navy store!

San Francisco, California

Tyler Place, Vermont Tyler Place Family Resort, Vermont On Lake Champlain, this family resort has 165 acres, cottages, a country inn and kids’ programs for many different age groups, including babies and toddlers. “Family retreats” are a specialty with many all-inclusive pricing options. Williamsburg, Virginia Combine educational fun at Colonial Williamsburg with just-plain-fun at the nearby Busch Gardens Europe theme park and Water Country USA giant water park. History comes to life in Colonial Williamsburg: actors and volunteers portray people from 230-odd years ago, bringing to life the 1770’s just before the American Revolution. Yorktown and other historical areas can be easily visited on the same trip. Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin With a population of just 4,000, this is the indoor water park capital of the world. Over twenty resorts offer an indoor water park to their guests and some sell passes to outsiders too. There is something for all ages: petting zoos, spas, live entertainment and theatre and museums. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming Established in 1872, Yellowstone National Park is America’s first national park. Located in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, it’s home to a large variety of wildlife, including grizzly bears, wolves, bison and elk. Visit “Old Faithful” and a

collection of the world’s most extraordinary geysers and hot springs and the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. “Family Adventures” are all-inclusive escorted tours that include hiking, rafting and horseback riding. Half Moon Resort, Jamaica This amazing luxury resort features an 18-hole Robert Trent Jones Sr. designed championship golf course, full equestrian centre, 13 tennis courts, fitness centre, superb cuisine, 54 swimming pools, water sports and Dolphin Lagoon. It recently added a new 5,000 sq. ft. club, called Hype Zone, exclusively for teens and young adults ages 13–20. It includes game room, cyber lounge, disco, movie theatre, and spa area and offers activities such as foosball, pool, air hockey, video games, mini-spa services and MORE! Not to be excluded, Half Moon also has Very Important Little Persons Services (VILPS) for children 3–12 years. Half Moon Resort in Jamaica

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Fraggle Rock: Wembley’s Egg Surprise DVD Wolverine and the X-Men: Fate of the Future DVD Sesame Street: Elmo Loves You DVD Post Grad DVD Philadelphia 76ers Tickets (Wachovia Center) Elmo’s Green Thumb Tickets (Susquehanna Bank Center) National Constitution Center Tickets (Philadelphia)

$50 gift card for Premier Designs Jewelry FREE ticket to the South Jersey MOM Conference for Parents on April 18, 2010 ($79 value) A Case of HINT Water

Visit to enter to win these prizes 28 | March 2010

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A Cinderella Story, A Theatrical Dance Production for All Ages Come dressed as any princess and go up on stage at intermission to receive a special gift from our Cinderella Princess! Meet-and-Greet!...Cinderella, The Prince, the Stepsisters & Stepmother and all their friends after the show.

10 tips for a

“GREEN� PARTY By Sheila Taney, RN, MSN

will be celebrating a milestone birthday this month. I love birthdays and birthday parties! And who does not love presents?!? But birthdays cost a lot of money and produce lots of waste. Birthday and classroom holiday parties use disposable everything! And that does not even include the party favors. Here are some ideas for throwing a “green� bash.


Rowan University, Pfleeger Concert Hall, Glassboro Saturday, March 13 @ 4pm & Sunday, March 14 @ 2pm

Wrap presents in recycled wrapping paper or on decorated recycled paper...or even wrap in a theme beach/bathroom towel or pillowcase as part of the gift.

Presented by the DANCE! Workshop Company - in residence at DANCE! by Debra DiNote

Serve 100 percent juice in biodegradable or BPA-free reusable plastic cups. Label the cups with each child’s name.

Reserved Seating Tickets 856.227.9414...Visa/MC accepted for phone orders Tickets available at the door

green mama

Buy plates, napkins, utensils, etc. made of recycled materials that are biodegradable if you need to use something disposable. Use washable cloth tablecloths. Purchase locally grown fruit/veggies to serve as a snack with homemade organic dips. Compost the remains. Make homemade cupcakes, using local and/or organic products. Bake without cupcake liners. Skip the plastic party bags filled with useless junk. Make homemade PlayDoh or give coloring books made from recycled paper and soy ink. Skip the balloons. Make pom-poms or confetti out of used wrapping paper or tissue paper. Older children can help make these. Make your own piĂąata out of recycled brown bags and tissue paper. Fill with natural/organic treats such as raisins and fruit leather. Look outside the box for gift giving. Coupons for the movies, miniature golf, cooking class or even adopting an animal require no wrapping paper. Make your own party games. No need to purchase pre-made games. Throwing a “greenâ€? birthday party requires a little extra time and effort, but is so worth it. Older children can help with the planning and preparation. You will have less mess/waste. Even if you cannot incorporate all of these ideas into your next party, just doing one or two will help save the environment. Happy celebrating! Sheila Taney has two children and resides in Cherry Hill. She is passionate about teaching her children and others how they can participate in saving the environment.

March 2010 | 29

just born

Looking for the latest gadgets, toys, books or family related products? Look no further! Each month, we highlight the latest and greatest just for you. Take a look at these “just born” products and add them to your list of must haves!




4 8














30 | March 2010

Secrets Girls Keep by Carri Silver-Stock This book provides an honest approach for teenage girls and their parents with advice on overcoming low self-esteem. Each chapter tackles a separate issue that is relevant to teenage girls today along with tips on how to overcome them. $14.95, available where books are sold. Yield Clothing Co. A fashion forward company committed to providing resources to underprivileged people worldwide. Yield incorporates the latest fashion trends without pushing moral limits. Through Yield’s “Purchase with Purpose” campaign, for each pair of Yield jeans sold, a child, who may not eat otherwise, will be fed for three months; for every shirt and pair of shorts, a child will be fed for two months and every hat sold, a child will be fed for one month. Prices vary, Project Runway for Wii One day you’re in and the next day you’re out! Project Runway lets you play through a whole season of wild and wonderful fashion challenges. From creating a look for a rock star to designing the next high school uniform, the pressure is on to take your personal sense of style to the next level. There’s even a Wii Balance Board™ option to strut your design down the catwalk. Make it work! $39.99, available where video games are sold. Daddy Scrubs Dads at every stage of fatherhood - whether he’s an expectant dad, new dad or veteran father, will feel special and appreciated while wearing the “I’m The Daddy” scrubs. Super stylish medical scrubs are available in an assortment of colors, styles & sizes. Machine washable. Free shipping until 03/31/2010. $39.95, Baggino Learner’s Bib Stylish yet functional, these bibs are the perfect solution to practice self-feeding and can even double as an art smock. Extremely comfortable and incredibly easy to put on and take off. The bibs feature long sleeves and an extra long front for coverage where needed most. $15, Baby Zoo Nightlight Whatever scares your little one at night, the New Gus Nightlight from My Baby Zoo will help them feel safe and secure. The adorable lights are battery operated, low bulb wattage and safe enough to take to bed with kids. Also features display settings for extended light time. $21.99, Kidz Gear Headphones These headphones are the first adult-featured stereo headphones made especially for kids. They feature unique safety and comfort, including independent volume control and child friendly ergonomic design with soft padded child-sized ear cups. Available in wired and wireless. $19.99 & up, Fit2BMom A stylish maternity activewear line that both performs and pampers. The line was created to motivate women to exercise throughout pregnancy while making her feel beautiful inside and out. The innovative activewear line provides versatile, comfortable pieces that fit the body throughout all stages of pregnancy. Women can even continue to wear the pieces after pregnancy. Prices vary, HappyBaby: The Organic Guide to Baby’s First 24 Months This groundbreaking book offers a proactive, harmonious approach to parenting that’s easier, greener and just plain better for your infant and toddler. Learn how to develop healthy eating habits in children and find answers to critically important questions in the life of your baby. $16.99, or where books are sold.

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By Eileen Cassidy Bishop

ven if there is still some snow on the ground, there is that special smell; not snow, not rain. Well, maybe rain, but mostly just the sweet smell of new leaves and early buds. It’s spring in New Jersey, after all! The big thaw we think about all winter long helps us hang on while we wipe runny noses (our own included), scrape the ice off the windshield, and walk the kids to the bus stop in freezing temperatures. It’s not flip-flop weather yet, but the promise of a not-too-distant summer is in the air. It’s invigorating! My son was born on the Spring Equinox of 2004, my oldest brother’s 55th birthday. When asked about my brother’s birthday, my mom would always respond, “The first day of spring” and I never understood why it was such a big deal to her. Then my first son was born on the first day of spring (another scary similarity between my mom’s and my motherhood experiences) and I realized the big deal. Spring’s the universal symbol for new life, so of course it would be momentous! I mean, duh! My viewpoint is so different now. Fall was always my favorite season. I loved the clothes, the brisk air; Halloween was my all-time favorite holiday. Now that I’m older and a mom, spring to me is the best! I was married in the spring, I became a first-time mom in the spring; so many new things seem to happen in this season. I love watching the trees along I-295 change from dormant brown to baby pea green to the beautiful, lush deep green that New Jersey trees are famous for. By now, you may be waning a bit on your New Year’s resolutions. I know I am! The passion felt at the time is fading, right? I mean, that was ages ago! Well, freshen them up, make them New Season resolutions and start all over again! Polish off your determination and your resolve and revisit the promises you made to yourself oh-so-long ago (it really was only three months ago…it just feels a lot longer!). The trees on 295 are not the only things that get to start over…you have just as much right as they do, right? RIGHT! Look, I am a realist. I know I will be all gung-ho in March and still going strong in April, but by May…well, the waning will begin again. The resolutions I made in January that fizzled and renewed again in March may fizzle too, but if I look at each season’s start as a chance to renew my resolutions, then, maybe I’ll come out ahead by next year!


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thinking out loud

Spring is in the Air!

Eileen Cassidy Bishop is a National Sales Rep turned stay-at-home mom from Florence, NJ who, along with her husband Gene, is raising their two children, Leo and Catherine and doing whatever she can to keep her name from coming up at her children's therapy sessions twenty years from now!

Email ________________________________________________________________

March 2010 | 31

summer camp guide

Memories That Last a Lifetime


reat Times Day Camp is South Jersey’s perfect answer to your summer childcare needs. Our staff is made up of state certified teachers who provide a safe and caring environment for our campers.

Programs for All Ages Great Times serves campers aged 3 through 15. Campers are provided daily swim lessons in our two in-ground pools. Great Times programs include arts and crafts, music, horseback riding, gaga, cooking classes and a full sports program that includes basketball, soccer, baseball and more. Our older campers (over 9 years old) get to choose their activities from a list that includes

32 | March 2010

By Mike Kernan, Director

archery, woodworking, boating, tennis, lacrosse, street hockey and ropes course, as well as all of the creative activities listed earlier. Children are served a hot lunch daily at no extra charge. Also, weekly field trips to such exciting places as the Zoo, Pump It Up, ice skating, movies, etc. are included. Door to Door transportation plus extended hours are provided at no extra charge. Flexible Scheduling Available Scheduling is extremely flexible at Great Times. Parents can enroll their children for 3, 4 or 5 days per week. The summer session is ten weeks long with a minimum of two weeks required. Children may attend from two through ten weeks to accommodate any other family plans or vacations. Three Open Houses to Choose From: March 14, April 18 and May 16 all from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM Great Times is conveniently located in Waterford Works, NJ, just minutes from the Rt. 73 and Rt. 30 intersection (Old Berlin Circle).Visit or contact us at or (609) 567-2166.

Visit our website and sign up for our e-newsletter

Come Join in the FUN!

Offering a variety of sports and activities: • Soccer • Dodgeball • Movie Day • Air Hockey • Kickball • Slip ‘N Slide • Roller Skating

• • • • • • •

Basketball Volleyball Floor Hockey Wiffleball Flag Football Ultimate Frisbee Arts & Crafts

• Gaga • Board Games • Game Cube • Field Trips and Weekly Swimming Trips

$35 registration fee for all 3 locations-camps run from June 22-Sept. 4

$10 Off Registration Expires 5/1/10

MOUNT LAUREL: Open Houses: 2/25, 3/10, 3/24, 4/14 Boys & Girls 3 1/2 yrs-8th grade 7a-6p. Lunch, snack & extended care included.

CHERRY HILL: Open Houses: 3/3, 3/22, 4/7, 4/27 Boys & Girls PK-7th grade 7a-6p. Lunch, snack & extended care included.

DEPTFORD: Open Houses: 3/3, 3/23, 4/8, 4/27, 5/11, 5/25 Boys & Girls 4-12. 7a-6p. Lunch, snack & extended care included.

$45/day, $39/day sibling rate

$45/day, $39/day sibling rate

$39/day, $35/day sibling rate

1 Hovtech Blvd. • Mt. Laurel 856.273.2828 •

600 Kresson Road • Cherry Hill 856.428.8588 •

510 Deptford Avenue • Westville 856.845.7353 •

March 2010 | 33

Register R egister Your Your o Child for for the

BEST CA CAMP AMP AROUN AROUND! ND! The T he Kids Rule Rule Summer Summer Day Day C Camp amp at Rowan Rowan n University University pr ovides a variety variety of of recreational recreational experiences experriences provides for children child dren entering entering gr ades 17.. for grades 1-7. Camp Features: Features: Camp - Spor Sports ts & Games Games Eightt OneEigh One-Week Week k Sessions Sessions -T rips Trips Are Offered Offered June 22-August 22-August 14 Are Arts - Ar ts & Crafts Crafts - Fitness/Movement Fitness/Movement The camp runs from 8:00am-4:30pm, -S wimming Swimming with extended carre options. -W eekly Themes Themes Weekly Fridays - Funtastic Funtastic F ridays -T -Shirt, camp camp bag, bag, and d daily snack provided provided T-Shirt, appropriate activites. - Exposure Exposure to to a variety variety of of safe safe & fun, age appr opriate activit es. Pre- Pr e- and PostPost- camp camp ssupervision offered offered - Mat ure, well well trained, trained, cr c eative and energetic energetic staff staff Mature, creative

Celebrating C elebrating a 12 years years in operation! operatio on! For F or more more in information formation c call all 256-4908 256-4908 or visit us at



live. learn. PLAY! c ente r

Got plans for the summer? We do. Sports & More offers amazing opportunities for children ages 4-14 ALL SUMMER LONG!

CAMP SAM is a sports-oriented camp for boys and girls

ages 5-14, and focuses on weekly sports clinics, such as basketball, volleyball, and soccer. Campers also enjoy GAGA, nature trail, water slides, inflatable obstacle courses and rock climbing! Teamwork • Cooperation • Sportsmanship

is a GLAMorous alternative to sports camp for girls ages 4-12.Weekly girly clinics are offered, such as fashion shows, accessorizing, bedazzling, and cooking. Campers also enjoy scrapbooking, dancing, gardening, water slides and more! Grace • Glamour • Dignity Camp runs for 11 weeks. 9am–4pm, with before/after care available. Flexible scheduling: 3 or 5 days...Join us!

Open Houses: March 21 April 10 May 22

Stop Disc by for Reg ounted istra tion !

34 | March 2010





1855 Hurffville Road, Sewell, NJ 08080 856.401.8111 Visit our website and sign up for our e-newsletter


Beyond Tents and Campfires–

Camp Teaches Life Skills hen looking at the big picture, families want their children to become happy, balanced, successful, contributing adults. How can families provide the lessons needed for future success? By providing children with the opportunity to learn these life skills now — in an environment created just for them. That’s where camp comes in. Beyond the campfire and tents, a positive camp experience teaches a child critical life skills — important building blocks for the future. Through camp, children learn how to be independent, self-sufficient and self-assured. They learn a sense of community — learning how to live with others, overcome adversity and how to respect and appreciate those different from themselves. Camp provides children an opportunity to learn in an experiential classroom — a powerful learning environment that is a critical part of educating the whole child. In fact, camp is comprised almost entirely of “teachable moments� — moments when children are actively engaged and using creativity and cognitive skills. Because of the “hands on� nature of camp, often those children who may struggle in traditional educational settings excel. At camp, children gain an appreciation of the environment and a better understanding of the world around them. They grow by learning to take healthy risks, developing authentic relationships with peers and mentors and learning that “I can� is much more powerful than “I can’t.� The American Camp AssociationŽ (ACA) family resource site,, offers families information and guidance as they search for the perfect camp experience. ACA's “Find a Camp� search allows families to look for a camp based on region, activity, cultural focus, budget, session length and much more!


• Swimming • Miniature Golf • Arts & Crafts • 12,000 Sq. Ft. Gym “Theâ€? Gymnastics Academy 5 Larwin Road • Cherry Hill

• Picnic Area • Cheerleading • 30 Ft. Slip-n-Slide • Flexible Weeks


Classroom time includes a mix of teacher-directed as well as independent learning center activities.

Call for a tour today and see if our center is the right place for your child.

Full and half day programs for children ages 2 1/2 through 5 years

We offer Summer Camp and Camp Explorer for school age children through 6th grade!

Shining Lights Preschool and Daycare Center 1720 Springdale Road • Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 Open 5 days a week from 7am-6pm March 2010 | 35

PARENTS What are your kids doing this summer?

Send them to college! Monday through Friday June 28 through August 27 9 AM-noon and 1 PM-4 PM • Programs for children ages 5-16 • Before and After Care available • Professional instructors • Many enrollment options available New This Year Programs for teens 14-16!

For information please contact Cindi Gant at 856-691-8600 ext. 345

New experiences. New skills. New friendships.

Summer Academy for Kids at Cumberland County College 3322 College Drive Vineland, NJ 08362-1500

36 | March 2010

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Send Your Kids to Notre Dame Regional School Summer Camp #1

LIBERTY LAKE DAY CAMP Conveniently located off Routes 295, 206, and 130, Liberty Lake Camp is a high quality, elective-based program for ages 4-14. Tuition includes transportation, lunch, and the most dynamic program in camping! (609) 499-7820,

in Catholic Education

PERKINS CENTER FOR THE ARTS! Day Camp for children ages 5-11. Visual & Performance Arts Classes based on the theme of Heroes, Myths, and Legends! Voted Best Summer Camp in SJ Magazine’s Reader Poll, 2009! Extended camp day available through partnership with the YMCA. Call (856) 235-6488 or visit

ISC Summer DON’T MISS OUT ON THE FUN!! ISC SUMMER DAY CAMP Day Camp has exciting field trips, swimming trips, special guests, games & activities this summer. June 21-Sept 3; Ages 3 1/2-8th Grade; 7a-6p. Lunch included. $45/day (Siblings $39/day). Mt. Laurel, Cherry Hill and Deptford. or (856) 273-2828. SEND YOUR CHILD TO COLLEGE THIS SUMMER! Cumberland County College offers a 9-week summer camp for kids ages 5-16 yrs. Featuring: Theatre, Cooking, Robotics and much more! June 28 to August 27. Call (856) 691-8600 ext. 345 or visit UNIVERSAL SOCCER ACADEMY One of the best Soccer Academies in the United States, known for their work with Olympic Level students. Let our professional staff provide your child with a unique soccer experience. Taking Summer Camp applications now. Visit GREAT TIMES DAY CAMP Two in-ground pools, a 25 acre lake, tennis and swim lessons, arts & crafts, Great Times full sports program. Over 10,000 sq. Day Camp ft. of air-conditioned space. All State Certified teachers as counselors. Hot lunch, transportation and weekly trips are included - no extra charge. INTERACTIVE KIDS SUMMER CLASSES For All Kids: Drama/Theater Camp and Let's Get Ready for School. For Special Needs: Weekly Groups: Play, Social Skills, ADD/HD Specific, Teenage Young Adult & Adult Groups. Intensive Social Skills Group & Peer Buddie Pairings., (856) 810-7599.

• Weekly Theme Activities • 7:30 a.m. thru 5:30 p.m. • Loving and safe environment • Open to children 2 yrs- 8th grade

At the Landisville Campus

Contact Melissa Knapp at (856) 697-3456 ext.112 for more information

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• The Bug Lady Insect Museum • The Blue Rocks Game • The Gloucester County 4H Fair • Water Slide Fun • The Franklin Institute Serving • Mr. Softee Gloucester

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County for 29 years!

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270 Landing Road • Clarksboro, NJ Conveniently located o of Cohawkin Rd. and Rt. 295

Pat Zeck, Director

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Is your child the CUTEST KID IN TOWN? Every month, South Jersey MOM will feature a local child on the cover! If you think you have the cutest kid in town, send a 4x6 photo and a $15 entry fee to P.O. Box 2413, Vineland, NJ 08362-2413. If your child(ren) is/are selected, we will arrange a FREE professional photo shoot and they could be on our next cover for all your friends and family to see! Sorry, photos cannot be returned. Parent Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________Phone: ______________________________________________ Child(ren) Name(s) & Birthdates: ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

March 2010 | 37

38 | March 2010

Visit our website and sign up for our e-newsletter

Answers or Excuses? n recent months, two prominent South Jersey newspapers reported this year’s standardized testing results based on the criteria set by the federally mandated No Child Left Behind Law (commonly viewed by many educators as their worst nightmare). Approximately 135 schools in south central New Jersey were noted as having failed to meet the testing standards at some levels of their educational system. Standardized testing has traditionally been regarded as the hallmark for proving, albeit not scientifically, that children were learning. In reporters’ interviews with school administrators in some of these districts, excuses ranged from the test being too hard to finger pointing that scores of children with learning difficulties pulled the district’s scores down. This is not meant to indict the welleducated, committed teachers who do their best but feel their hands are tied by the pressure to “teach to the test.” There are many teachers who have sacrificed their professional integrity out of fear of backlash and for the sake of maintaining their employment. As a former public school employee, I know from whence I speak. Despite high property taxes, state and federal funding, fancy academic curriculum (which reportedly boggles the minds of teachers and parents alike) and specialized in-school tutoring programs, many of our children still struggle to “make the grade.” In the 1960s, the research of Drs. Mary and Robert Meeker proved that intelligence is not fixed; that learning disabili-


ties are undeveloped learning abilities and that children’s learning abilities can be developed at any age! This is not to be construed as a quick fix, for there is none. This research, called Structure of Intellect (SOI), is based on the research of Dr. JP Guilford who, in the 1950s, mapped out all the intellectual abilities of the brain. His research smacks in the face of the current day I.Q. tests, which are flawed in their ability to diagnose learning disabilities. The Structure Of Intellect System created by the Meekers, and introduced to public schools in America through former U.S. Senator Brock, is a research based, scientifically proven child centered approach to learning. It’s integrated into the curriculum of hundreds of schools and learning centers throughout the United States. What are the results? Standardized test scores of schools and thousands of children have gone up. Schools have seen reduced learning problems and fewer referrals for specialized testing and programs. Many children no longer need accommodations or silently struggle to learn. Children function at their potential and become independent learners (a skill, not a behavior). Most importantly, their self-esteem, confidence and family life improve! When we know better, we do better. Every year, conferences presenting the most current research on how to integrate the science of learning into the school curriculum are available to parents, teachers and school personnel, including administrators. Experts include devoted psycholo-

“When we know better, we do better”

By Mary Pat Correro, Ed.M.

learning 2 learn

Beyond No Child Left Behind...

gists, neurologists and professors from Harvard, Yale and UCLA. There are no excuses, just failure to seek real answers. Until our educational systems understand the real problems and employ real answers, more time, money and resources will be wasted. It’s not about the schools or the teachers or the curriculum. It’s the learning process that is the problem. To quote Dr. Mary Meeker, “Teaching the ability to learn should be considered equally as important a goal as is mastery of prescribed content.” Yes, there are answers and No Child Left Behind may become a thing of the past, but not until our educational systems embrace the current science of learning. This requires an open mind, thinking outside the box, passion and some humility that we do not “know it all.” Parents can be part of bringing this change to their schools. First, seek out the numerous licensed SOI learning specialists who will bring this research to your schools and create a state of the art program that will make the difference for your child! Second, go to your board meetings. Third, do your research. Fourth, demand accountability, not excuses. Ask the school board to start telling you what they will do differently that will result in real success for the children in New Jersey. Parents, you have the power. Mary Pat Correro is the founder of The Center For Learning Enhancement,LLC. The Center resolves learning disabilities through a comprehensive, developmental approach based on the most current research on the brain and learning. For more info call (856) 234-7337 or visit

March 2010 | 39

book review

Tale Spin Stories Read-to-Me Book Reviews By Kathryn Ross, a.k.a. “Miss Kathy”

always run late when I have to be somewhere early in the morning. I find it hard to get out of bed when it’s still dark outside. It’s not morning yet – I don’t see the sun. So, too, every June, I begin to wonder about my summer garden, but, alas! By June, it’s too late. I have overslept the season, since summer gardens should be on the list of things to prepare in the month of March. Well, I was never one to fuss much outside in the dirt. I am more the arts and crafts type – indoor beauty. That’s what I need: some sort of a gardening primer that shows me how to bring the glory of the garden, blooming year round, indoors. Enter Tina Davis, with the third in her enchanting series of “how-to” books for children, titled, Sow and Grow. In this functional, spiral-spine hardcover, Ms. Davis takes parent and child through twelve months of horticultural delights, illustrated with carefully chosen vintage illustrations from our vast history of children’s book drawings. Just poring through the stunning artwork and charming layout of the text and drawings is like a walk in the prettiest English garden. Step by step, the book seeks to build within the child a sense of art appreciation for the wonder of growing things. Marrying together the best of an elementary science book with an arts and crafts how-to, Davis begins with the simple seed and defines, in kid-friendly language, the biology of how things grow, the parts of a plant, and the various tools necessary for successful gardening – not outdoors – but, indoors! Once we have a basic understanding of our subject, the book includes twelve gardening projects for an indoor horticultural experience. For instance, in March, instructions to force branches to bloom indoors include an ingredient list of supplies necessary, suggestions of select branches, such as forsythia,


40 | March 2010

THEME: Wake Up, Spring!! BOOK: Sow and Grow AUTHOR/GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Tina Davis EAN: 9781584796732

apples, plum, and quince, and how to find them, plus all you need to know to make your branches bloom before their time, right on your dining room table. There is even a recipe for floral preservative that comes in handy keeping cut flowers blooming bright for longtime enjoyment. Follow-up Activity: This book IS the activity! Establish year round gardening traditions with your children – activities to look forward to each month, making memories and enjoying the miracle of beauty and growing things as a family. Kathryn Ross is a professional storyteller celebrating the love of learning and literacy with children of all ages. She hosts Tale Spin Stories every Tuesday for preschoolers at the Cumberland Mall in Vineland. To learn more about Miss Kathy programs from Pageant Wagon Productions, visit

Celebrating 15 Award-Winning Years!

Play and Learn Adventure for Kids 5 and Under

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For a complete list of events, log onto

To submit your event, send an email to Entries are due six weeks prior to the event and are filled on a first come first serve basis. Space is limited. ATLANTIC COUNTY Baseball Registration for Impaired Children The South Jersey Field of Dreams is registering players for 2010 season. The South Jersey Field of Dreams is a specially constructed baseball facility designed to meet the needs of physically or cognitively impaired children. Jonathon Pitney Recreational Park, Absecon. Participation is free. Call Heidi Hackett at (609) 272-0431 or visit Atlantic City Antiques and Collectibles Show March 28 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. March 29 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Billed as the largest indoor art, antique and collectibles show in the world, exhibitors from more than 40 states plus Canada, Great Britain, Europe and the Orient gather at the Atlantic City Convention Center. $10 & $15. (800) 526-2724.

BURLINGTON COUNTY First Biannual Fashion Show March 23 at 6 p.m. Resurrection Catholic School of the Catholic Community of Christ Our Light is hosting its first biannual Fashion Show. Be entertained by talented models as they sing, dance and strut the latest fashion down the catwalk. Attendees can bid on fantastic prizes like a new elliptical machine and a voucher for a 2 week summer camp. All proceeds benefit students of the school. $50, must be purchased by March 12. Call Julianne Schnell at (856) 755-1187. Kitchen Kapers Culinary Academy: Breakfast for Dinner March 14 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. As you spring forward, remember some great comfort foods you can eat any time of the day or night. Wonderful Maple-Bacon Waffles, Eggs In A Hole and Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice. 1341 Nixon Dr, Moorestown. Ages 6-12.

$35. (856) 778-7705 or South Jersey Mothers of Multiples Clothing Sale March 21 from 12 to 3 p.m. New and Gently used clothing, outdoor equipment, strollers, pack-n-plays, cribs, bedding, bath items, book, games, toys & more. Open to the public - free admission. Bake Sale also on site. Evesham Recreational Complex (aka The Blue Barn), 1004 Tuckerton Rd, Marlton. for more info.

CAMDEN COUNTY Easter Family Fun March 28 from 12:20 to 2:20p MOPS of Holy Eucharist Presents Easter Family Fun! Egg hunt, moon bounce, face painting, crafts, food and more. Holy Eucharist Catholic Church. 344 Kresson Rd, Cherry Hill. $6/person or $5 in advance. (855) 429-1330. A Family Extravaganza March 13 from 7:15 to 10:30p March 14 from 1 to 4 p.m. Two holiday-themed events featuring dozens of workshops, hands-on activities, concerts and more. Katz Jewish Community Center, Kresson and Springdale Roads, Cherry Hill. $15 before March 13. Penina Hoffnung at (856) 673-2508 or or Discovery Winter Olympics March 20 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Celebrate the ultimate international event with some familyfriendly, fun-filled activities throughout the Garden State Discovery Museum. Sack races, ring tosses, diaper derbies, hockey shoot-outs and more. Plus, kids get to make their own Olympic torches. The Garden State Discovery Museum, 2040 Springdale Rd, Cherry Hill. $9.95. (856) 424-1233 or

CAPE MAY COUNTY Under the Cherry Tree March 29 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Create beautiful cherry blossom trees after reading a story from Japan. Children are invited to the Winter/Spring 2010 Art at the Library Program at the Woodbine Public Library. 800 Monroe St, Woodbine. (609) 861-2501 or

CUMBERLAND COUNTY Jerry Blavat Dance Party March 20 from 7 p.m. to 12a.m. Dancing, dinner buffet, cash bar and silent auction. $35. Located at NJ Motorsport Park, Officers’ Club Ballroom, 8000 Dividing Creek Rd., Millville. 1-800-887-4957 or or United States Air Force Liberty Big Band March 5 from 7 to 9 p.m. An unforgettable evening of musical entertainment. Expect an exciting program ranging from the traditions of Glenn Miller, Count Basie and Duke Ellington, to the contemporary jazz-pop sounds of today. Lakeside Middle School Performing Art Center, 2 N. Sharp St, Millville. FREE. 1-800-887-4957. Jazz Under the Stars March 20 from 6 to 10 p.m. The Barn Studio of Art’s gala and silent arts auction at Cumberland County College. $75/person, includes appetizers and dinner (cash bar). Tickets: (856) 8252626 or

GLOUCESTER COUNTY Powerful You! Women's Network presents Making Peace With Your Money by Linda Lane March 11 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Learn to approach finances in a meaningful way and build your financial confidence. Practical steps guide you toward more bal-

things 2 do

March Calendar

anced approach with current and future goals. Powerful You! open to all women with interest in networking & connecting with other women on a business/professional level. Adelphia's, 1750 Clements Bridge Rd, Deptford. $25/members & new attendees; $35 nonmembers. Contact Shaun Stephenson @ (609) 560-8370 or or for more info.

Delaware County Kennel Club March 5 from 7 a.m to 7 p.m. AKC agility trial. Gloucester County Dream Park, 400 Rte 130 South, Logan Twp. Free admission! Bill Barcus (856) 423-3679, or

SALEM COUNTY Jungle Puppet Workshop March 27 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Using your favorite jungle inhabitant as inspiration, transform felt and appliqué into a fun puppet! A roaring good time for all! Ages 6 & up. Appel Farm Arts and Music Center, 457 Shirley Rd., Elmer. WHATCHAGONNADO Diner Tour March 19 – 21 Kindred Souls and the NJ Federation of Food Banks are working together to raise money for the NJ Food Banks. Kindred Souls will perform a 20 minute acoustic set at a diner in each of New Jersey’s 21 counties in a 72 hour period with the goal of raising at least $250/diner. Diners participating in South Jersey are Dino’s Seaville Diner in Cape May County, Elmer Diner in Salem County, Five Points Diner in Gloucester County, Philly Diner in Camden County, Mastori‘s Diner in Burlington County. For full list of diners participating and performance times go to dinertour.htm. March 2010 | 41

resource guide


SWEET SISTERS CATERING Custom catering in your home. Baby and bridal showers, birthday parties, graduations, religious celebrations. Hand decorated cookies, special occasion cakes and personalized party favors. Vegan and Allergen Free menus available. Email for your custom menu, sweetsisterscatering@ See our work at

CLASSES SAVE MONEY BY LEARNING TO SEW! Sewing is always a valuable skill, especially in the current economy. Hand sewing (age 5+), and machine sewing (age 8-adult and motherdaughter), small day and evening classes; machines available. Contact Lori at (856) 358-8553 or for further details. Trained sewing educator. TUMBLIN’ TOTS – REGISTER NOW FOR SPRING CLASSES! Classes include movement, music, sports activities, games, listening and cooperation. For children 18 months-5 years. Visit for class locations. Questions, contact Jenn @ (856) 912-3079. Reasonable rates to fit in your budget.

FOR THE HOME BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME FOR SPRING! Let Lori’s Stitching Studio help you prepare your home for spring after a dull winter, with new window treatments, bedding, slipcovers and light upholstery. For in-home consultation and fabric selection, contact Lori at (856) 358-8553, or Also offering clothing alterations.

42 | March 2010

CAN'T GET THE TOYS, LAUNDRY AND OTHER KID STUFF UNDER CONTROL? If you're feeling overwhelmed by all the "stuff" consuming your house, let BB’s Clutter Solutions reduce your stress, create order and help you find a place for everything...for good. Contact Barbara Berman at (856) 912-0077 or and get your house back today!

FITNESS OVERWEIGHT? TIRED? OUT OF SHAPE? With BREAKTHRU’s unique training approach lose weight, feel better and look better in less time. One-on-one, semi-private and group training available. BREAKTHRU is a complete wellness and fitness center, voted best in Burlington County two years in a row! (856) 396-2250, MYBREAKTHRUMOMENT.COM.

GIFT IDEAS GREAT PERSONALIZED GIFTS FOR ALL AGES At JUST FOR LITTLE PEOPLE (and others, too!) we specialize in new baby gifts both hand-painted or embroidered. Beautifully wrapped and available for pick-up at our new Gibbsboro location, or we can ship it for you. Call (856) 627-8901 or check out

PARTIES—ADULT NOOKIE PARTIES Host a Nookie Party & earn FREE romance products! Cash-n-carry available! Free 2- night vacation for party hostesses! Book your party today! (856) 397-2234 or www.NookieParties. com. Check out our New Boutique on Wheels. We bring the store to you! COME H.O.M.E. TO TUPPERWARE! Get Healthier, Organized, Make & Save Money, while saving our Environment! Save Time, Space and Waste! In home Parties, Catalog Sales or join our winning team! No experience necessary, FUN Guaranteed! Ed Maher at (856) 616-1515, or

PARTIES— CHILDREN CELEBRATE YOUR SPECIAL DAY WITH CARVEL Order your party cakes today. Custom flavors and designs. Gluten & egg free available. Made fresh daily. Open year round. Mention this ad and receive a 15% discount for March. Have your next Party at Carvel! (856) 478-4599.

PEDIATRIC OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY NEED HELP GUIDING YOUR CHILD’S DEVELOPMENTAL JOURNEY? At The Schlinic, happy childhoods are our specialty. Kids come for awesome motor equipment, fun sensory experiences and developmental play. Parents come for answers, professionals who listen, assessments and research-supported intervention. Learn more at or call Dr. Jodi at (856) 692-9292.

TRAVEL TRAVEL AGENCY SPECIALIZING IN DISNEY DESTINATIONS Meet ‘N Mickey Travel offers vacation packages at Walt Disney World, Disneyland, Adventures by Disney and Disney Cruise Line. Also offering complimentary planning services including dining reservations & recommended itineraries. Visit or call Tara, (856) 547-3565, for no obligation quote today!

WILLS/ESTATE PLANNING WHO WILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHILDREN? Appointing Guardians for your minor children is one of the most important aspects of Estate Planning. Complimentary initial consultation. Mention this ad and receive 15% discount for March. Contact James F Fahy, Esq., LLC to learn more. Call (856) 287-3107 or email

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March 2010 | 43

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