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The Wine Vault

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Under new ownership, popular destination for adult beverages continuing tradition of great selection and service

About seven or eight years ago, Holly Edmond and her husband Scott decided it would make


good financial sense to start investing in property. After all, the couple routinely dealt with money in their day jobs - particularly Scott, who, after two decades in commercial lending made the transition to commercial brokerage, a field that is very cyclical by nature. Which meant that the Edmonds needed a fall-back of sorts, a just-in-case plan B. "So to smooth out the ebbs and flows we

started investing in property - hoping that it's passive income," Holly notes. "We like to buy one to two things a year; we have two storage facilities, a trailer park, several apartment complexes." And now they can add an adult beverage business to that impressive list.

Cut to August of this year and the Edmonds had yet to purchase any property, nor was there much on the horizon. But unexpectedly, two possibilities suddenly materialized - one of them being the Wine Vault, a popular destination for area wine lovers who appreciate great selection and service. "We thought it might be a really cool venture and decided it was a decent investment," Holly explains. "It's kind of been a rollercoaster, a lot of learning, but it's been really fun." The Edmonds took the business over on October 1 - and quickly discovered just how lucky they were to inherit such a loyal, knowledgeable staff with years of experience. "The employees here are phenomenal - they all stayed on and I love them all," Holly gushes. "They've truly helped to guide me along."

And the help has been greatly appreciated, because even with an accounting degree and an MBA, Holly has found that learning to run a business is "very intense" - not to mention she had to get up to speed on all things wine-related. "I'm learning that there's millions of different kinds of grapes, not just green and red - and if you grow one in a region versus another it's going to taste totally different," she says. "The science behind it all is very interesting." Now two months into the gig, Holly is loving the process of running the Wine Vault and is ready to kick up the marketing to put the store more front and center. To that end, she's eager to promote several popular offers for the holidays and beyond, including gift baskets which can be made for any occasion or price point, with any mixand-match of food, accessories, wine or beer (the store also carries a great selection of local/regional craft brews). In addition, WV's popular wine club is expanding this month to include a double white option. And starting in January, monthly wine dinners will return.



To find out more about all these exciting developments, be sure to come in and chat with the Wine Vault's expert staff and do a little Christmas shopping while you're there!

For more info, visit thewinevaultevansville. com or follow The Wine Vault on Facebook.

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