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Focusing on personal injury, civil litigation, whistleblower claims and workers' compensation law, Siesky Law Firm strives to provide excellent legal services while remaining client and community centered. The Evansville-based trio of top attorneys - including Lane Siesky, Daniel Gearhart and Douglas Briody - boasts years of invaluable experience inside and outside the courtroom. Highly-respected with an impeccable track record, the firm's aggressive representation of its clients continues to benefit the community in myriad ways.


Q: My New Year's resolution for 2023 is to finally pursue a law degree - something I've always wanted to do but lacked the time and resources. While I'm excited about this next phase of my life, I've yet to decide what area of law I'd like to focus on. From your perspective, what are the challenges and rewards of being a personal injury attorney? Getting your thoughts might help to point me in the right direction.

A: As I look back, I am glad that I decided to pursue a law degree, but I would not want to go through law school again. People sometimes ask, would you recommend that one of your three kids pursue a law degree? I respond that I would not encourage nor discourage my children or anyone else from pursuing law. Rather, I would ask why?

If the answer is simply because he/she wanted to make money, then I would respond not to do it. If, however, there was some other purpose for pursuing a law degree, like helping people or an interest in some specific area of law, then I would say go for it.

This brings us to the question posed: How does one know what area of law to concentrate on? Contrary to common belief, most law schools do not focus too heavily on a particular area of law. Instead, in the final year of law school a student may take a few extra classes in a particular area.

Too often, law students graduate with debt and are forced to take a job that is offered versus a job that interests the student. After a couple of years in that area of law, it becomes more difficult to switch areas because the area of law practiced is what the lawyer knows and what his/her reputation is tied to.

So, my advice is to use law clerk positions and internships during law school and the summers to get a wide range of experiences. This would help the law student to figure out what area of law to pursue after graduating. Then upon graduation, try to get the right job in that area of law.

Law school and the practice of law are hard, but so are most things worth pursuing.

Disclaimer: The above information provided by Siesky Law Firm, PC, is not legal advice and should not be taken as legal advice. Application of the law is highly fact sensitive and readers should consult with an attorney on legal matters.

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