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Focusing on personal injury, civil litigation, whistleblower claims and workers' compensation law, Siesky Law Firm strives to provide excellent legal services while remaining client and community centered. The Evansville-based trio of top attorneys - including Lane Siesky, Daniel Gearhart and Douglas Briody - boasts years of invaluable experience inside and outside the courtroom. Highly-respected with an impeccable track record, the firm's aggressive representation of its clients continues to benefit the community in myriad ways.

A:After more than 24 years of practicing law, I have received thousands of phone calls about all sorts of unfortunate situations including bad neighbor relations. When you purchase a home to live in, you are also going to be living next to the neighbors. So, when thinking about purchasing a home it is always a good idea to introduce yourself to the potential neighbors. You can also check on police runs to the addresses at the home and the neighbor addresses to see if there have been problems. These steps can help prevent moving into a home with bad neighbors.

In terms of a current situation involving serious problems with a current neighbor, it is best to move. I know that is not the answer someone may want to hear but it is best. Indeed, a bad relationship with a neighbor rarely improves and you calling the police or hiring a lawyer to make claims is not going to fix the situation. Now, such steps may be necessary to protect you or your family, but the neighbor is likely to resent such actions and hold a grudge.

Disclaimer: The above information provided by Siesky Law Firm, PC, is not legal advice and should not be taken as legal advice. Application of the law is highly fact sensitive and readers should consult with an attorney on legal matters.

A home is supposed to be a sanctuary that you can come to and rest and have peace. When you have a bad situation with a neighbor it really ruins your enjoyment of your own home and is stressful. Lawyers are sometimes called “counselors at law”. Lawyers have wisdom from dealing with situations on a repeat basis and therefore a lawyer can sometimes know what is likely to happen because the lawyer has seen the same or similar situation many times in the past. When, it comes to bad neighbors, you should avoid the situation at all costs.

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